2021 Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach

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right this season number 39 car though it's nice it's not really a potential probably to win but you know it's fairly well placed in the points table and i wonder why they didn't go out yesterday well the reason they didn't go out yesterday in the second second for which points are paid uh was because they only put enough fuel in the car uh pro for the for the initial session you can't refuel between the two sessions so all right whether it's fully put in has to last you two sessions and they they wanted to minimize the amount of fuel on that board on also richard heinstein who qualifies as best as possible so welcome along if you have just joined us on im's tv or via the video on aims radio.com good to have your company our michelin countdown to green just wrapping up here in the hagerty global broadcast center it's john hindoff and jeremy short we're just going through our porsche keys to the race there and you can get in touch with us here at imsa radio hello to those of you trackside as well it's good to have your company relatively short circuits here at jeremy's head in practice earlier on 11 action areas because there's 11 corners but most particularly down at the hairpin we see a bit of bump and grind down there have done down through the years but also watch down at the bottom of the hill uh from pine avenue one to the right turn on a seaside way uh the inside curve has uh been taken away and uh that's uh i i would have won my bet because we have seen a couple of people raise the inside ball and then get bounced into the outside wall there but i'm i'm very interested to see who is the bravest down there and who might stick a nose in to see if they could make some kind of opportunity well we're live across the world bringing the community of endurance racing together it's been a busy day across the bridge you'll show a limited network of channels with the four-hour race at the nurburgring this morning for the nurburgring series and thanks to our colleagues over on rs1 for the sound and video for that now we settle in this saturday evening for the shortest distance of race we do with the amazing weathertech sports car championship both here and on the streets of belle isle detroit it's 100 minutes and that's what we have this evening should be two formation laps according to the driver briefings but given the spaces that are being left on seaside where at the moment i will reserve judgment on that they qualified with three cadillacs in the top three for the acura grand prix here on the streets of long beach it's the number 31 philippe nasa in the red white cadillac that will be on the pool position the zero one the lighter colored cadillac with kevin magnussen at the wheel we'll start on the outside of the front row and then the number five the dark great and gold colored cadillac is like daval for the third place alongside him the first of the acuras is damn covering the number 60 that's the pink and black uh acura excuse me on point on position four on the grid and rounding up the dpi field uh the second of the app acuras is the black and blue conic a minolta uh sponsored acura with philippe albakirk uh on board he's got the mazda dpi the white red and blue of ollie jarvis the number 55 alongside him there will be a second lap no split start here saw the gt le cars which are corvette corvette borgia three with jordan taylor at taking his 11th ball position tommy milner in the four and cooper mcneil starting the weathertech private porsche in third place that there will be right on the tails of the on right on the tails of the dpi and that means that madison snow in the pool sitting gt dear torna the lamborghini urakan the number one probably enough from paul miller racing will actually be alongside the porsche of cooper mcneil now whether that's a help or a hindrance i'm not sure but in fairness he put a time in in qualifying that was good enough for third anyway so pretty good now the most important things that this is the people don't break ranks too early we have seen plenty of penalties this season for that they should be forming up now and we should see the gold accurate pace car as it is now dive right into the pit lane and the field will come under the control of the red white cadillac of felipe nasa he slowed them up kevin magnussen former formula one driver is there the great flag is in the air we're racing on the street to long beach pretty even start a little bit more spotty further down and here comes the acura of philippe albakirk making it one two three four prototypes across the track and albuquerque tries to go over there's a touch between albuquerque and magnuson and madison says no thanks man you're not coming through here try the hip and shoulder on me i'm just gonna lean on your back as they go through round the fountain for the first time a very aggressive move by philippe albert who've got a great run down the inside right up against the left-hand side wall that has a leg felipe nasa to pull away the 31 brilliant start to the race through into second position that looks like albuquerque has got through noise in the third excuse me he's still magnuson in second position as they go down seaside for the first time well jeremy if there ever was a statement of intent there by both kevin magnussen who held onto second and a philippe albuquerque who tried to take it from him that was right there at turn one it certainly was a brilliant start two episodes in the front row the f1 drivers there philippe national kennedy magnusson but uh that was a great effort by ufc to jump up a couple of positions he nearly made he briefly made it into the second place didn't he but as you say came in magazine i mean absolutely none of that thank you very much for doing it yeah for the championship leader to be that forceful early in this race that's a bold move so yes that's a very good point jeremy so much for being careful with the championship leading car as we were hearing from philly in our vp racing field uh interviews earlier on i mean it was three for a moment four across the track and the black shiny nose was ahead for a moment but on the wrong side of that little kink my goodness how close was that championship leading car too uh disaster as the he came siding up the inside turn one is the right-hander there's a little there's a left hand excuse me there's a little right hand kick jeremy before turn two and that's where it all got a little bit close together well actually looks like albuquerque jumped across the curb there as well and there's a bit of carbon fiber come off the front of albuquerque's iconic imminent there cadillac as well as one of the dive planes we've seen those moves end in absolute disaster early on in races before we have and uh it was uh he was recently out on a bit of a limb there was a phillip albuquerque but uh super aggressive move and he made gets back up into second place and uh i think the number 10 team gonna hope there's no damage in front of that car because there's certainly a bit of contact uh with the hip check to magazine coming out of turn one and then magazine very apparently replayed the favor didn't he as they headed towards turn two but they they both survived and uh they were in the same positions as they were kind of going in to turn one but uh a great start there by so the opening stanza then of this 100 minute race down to already had what three and a half minutes of it let's check the other classes and already in fact we've got a pick caller and it looks like a michelin tire change at least for one of them adam is our vp racing fuel pit and panic reporter shane this is frankie montecabo who's brought the number 12 lexus into the pit lane it was a very brief stoppage for the lexus only that front left tire that needed to be changed frankly who qualified ninth in this car has now dropped all the way back to last in class or at least he will be last class when he comes out of the pit lane once again not a good start that 12 lexus now they need to be careful on drive time because frankly has just spent 57 seconds in the pit lane that does not count towards the strike time so if he comes in as soon as the minute mark has elapsed well you'll need to be in a 36 minute mark just a quick note for you too john i've heard from our friend from our insta radio friend greg creamer there's a good headwind out of the hairpin final corner that becomes a breeze from drivers left as you go along shoreline drive perhaps that will unsettle the dps as it continues to wane yeah very good very good indeed um i i i'm still aghast at how many how many chances were being taken by the championship leading car it is the pulsating chevy corvette that leads to gt lamont jordan taylor with about three quarters per second from his teammate tommy milner in the number four car and uh at the front of the gt dear tornerfield madison snow has held on and converted his ball position into a lead ahead of the bmw of robbie fawley in second by about half a second richard heistand has the number 39 audi and third fastest on the track at the moment zapping rubbish on jeremy in the number nine the plaid porsche as sitting in fourth position yeah that car has been just super strong these last few races one's already won two in a row coming into this weekend and uh they are very much now into championship contention in that number nine car from canada just 20 points behind the leader the third pole position in a row coming into this round and running up front uh or towards the front again now fourth position at the moment when i say the third fourth position about the third maximum point so maximum points in qualifying in each of the last three races uh plus the last two wins so it's good maximum points and looking to keep that streak alive here today currently running in the fourth position with zach ruby sure but he running nose to tail at the moment around the world at insert radio via imageradio.com rs2 the home of imsa radio every hour of every day of the week and every month of the uh himself content on himself.com also of course outside of the us we're streaming the video as well our colleagues at nbcsn looking after those of you here in north america and uh plenty of plenty of downloadable content as well from insertridgeo.com that's your home for everything imsa as part of the radio show limited network of channels at himself if you want to get in touch with us on the socials and as we've already only got 93 minutes to go don't forget uh additional programs michelin countdown to green we have done michigan post race tech still to come anything you want us to talk about in the wrap-up of the show that's mission and post race tech use the hashtag michelin prt and get your questions queries point to rising or if you just want to say hello actually i don't mind that either it is at imperial michelin prt two corvettes making that bid for freedom down to the bottom of the hill at pine heading on to seaside and for the moment at least jordan taylor holding swift by about a second jeremy indeed indeed so and in the magno he's for the last three laps in a row is magnusson in second position he's set the fastest lap overall in this race he's a whittle down that gap 1.7 seconds at the end of the first lap between first and second on the road no doubt about a second uh in gtd though there's still this big long train of cars the top what is this seven positions isn't it eight positions pretty much knows to tell them that i would expect to continue most of the way through this race it's uh it's really interesting to see daniel mancini great to see that ferrari back in the fray here for the first time since they turn around gtd running currently in the fifth position and mancinelli has said earlier on already a winner here on the streets of long beach uh he he won here in a world challenge race in 2018 very impressively then so he's doing a good job now holding in there top four at the moment in the middle of that big group of cars let's just recap our porsche keys to the race for those who joined us when the live video came up we're talking about flexible strategy a little wrinkle since uh we saw some really clever strategy a few years ago is that if there is a yellow flag in the first 15 minutes of the race the pits will not open and therefore you can't make a sneaky pit stop but other than that jeremy a little bit of fast thinking here might make the difference we'll come back to that at the moment because we've had a pass for the lead and kevin magnussen has gone through and relegated felipe nasa to second position it looked like the wheel and cadillac the bright red white car was very close to the wall as well coming through turn number four madison takes his opportunity they're in traffic now gt tournament traffic coming up with the hardpoint porsche the light blue and white cars they come through to the end of the lap and turns 9 10 and 11 side by side for the lead behind that porsche who's gonna get the best run out of it there is really only one line there even if you stuck behind one of the slower categories of cars multi-class racing on the streets of long beach this is racing imsa style brilliant stuff from all of the drivers concerned there jeremy yeah great stuff and uh opportunist move there for uh kevin maintenance and uh yeah took advantage of a slower car there wow the magnus racing car in the fountain just held up the leader jeremy that was an amazing move from magnuson yeah it really was uh i think you know taking part in experience there he sees an opportunity because he's going to go for it and we already made a bold pass to regain second play from the opening lap of the race so he knows that uh there is there is grip through that fountain section and he used it there he just uh by surprise but clearly jeremy he's not been here before so he doesn't know that that pass is actually physically impossible to do nobody told him that so he just gave it a good war my point exactly yeah it's a great move though there's going to be much more opportunities you can see now he's going to have to kind of defend at the inside line because he's got a trainer gcp spitting into the hairpin he can't pass there and he's wide enough to realize that just kind of blocks out now so there's no way being able to sleep down the inside and then gets to run on to shoreline drive so that's jeremy shaw i'm john hindof we're in the hacking global broadcast center and we're already over 11 minutes into this race and in the wall at turn one that looked to me like the mazda of oh was it madison there's damage to the back yeah it's it was the mazda i think i was right the first time no it was magnuson i was right the second time i thought they were further back in the traffic so jeremy there we go the bald moves from magnuson hasn't paired off that time there's damage to the right rear corner of that zero one cadillac he was defending into turn one super late how late on the brakes well too late because he brushes the side wall and the uh and the tyre wall on the exit of turn one and that's a change of lead and a full course yellow with only 12 minutes a lap so at this point the pits may not open no they weren't less than 50 bits to ratio right they won't so uh it will be uh presumably let's pull the tires out onto the racetrack because it will certainly left and debris as much as anything yeah and whereas on that uh you know that the past before um he's inexperienced it perhaps paid off that this time it didn't because he just tried to carry a little bit too much speed into turn one he was on the tighter line going into turn one trying to defend that position from nasa who clearly wanted the lead back again and as a result of that he just carried a little bit too much speed through the apex ran wide missed the apex completely and those tires are very inviting and waiting for the slightest mistake which is exactly what kevin magnussen made there in turn one adam's half ap fuel racing field pitt and paddock report to share what you're hearing are the teams expecting our race director paul barfield to open the pits in what a minute and a half's time uh no no short yellow has been called it was not for the the tires being moved in turn one but rather the large chunks of cadillac debris that have been left in turn one so they wanted to get that carbon fiber cleared away as quickly as possible so that's why we have gone to a short yellow but when the green comes back out that is an opportunity for the pro classes i dpi and gtlm to pit and make their driver changes what is the driver time for the gt lemon this weekend share because it does change depending on the length of the race obviously it is cinco minutos for the dpi category and the gtlm five minutes has already passed and uh for the gta daytona sorry 35 minutes for gtv thank you the porsche cayenne emr safety intervention vehicle didn't have to come very far there is one stationed in the runoff at turn number one that is now back behind the wall just waiting for everybody to pack up there's a long gap behind the two corvettes back to the next car in line which is the frankie monte carlo number 12 which has been lapped of course now they're not going to be able to get their lap back from there anywhere to quickly yellow so we won't go through all of the processes so waiting to see who has benefited for anybody i don't think other than frankly he dropped off the laid lap with that left front tire change early on jeremy i don't think anybody else has either been benef has had benefit or detriment out of this no and had frankie been lapped by the uh duty not quite no quite so he should be able to get the wave around except it's a quicker yellow yeah no no i did exactly the same and um that's the only reason i knew because i'd already corrected um my myself safety car is coming through and well ah well we are getting a weird buy at least that yeah we've had a whole load of uh gt tournament cars that have been released there's damage to the right front and the right rear we reset the field so the gtd cars can make their way round to the back of the pack yeah there were the cars that were stuck in behind the safety car and in front of the overall leader just i mean we talked about a game of inches jeremy um really stout defense we said before at the start and it that's actually cost kevin there now the only thing i would say is if the car's alright he hasn't damaged the front suspension or the steering arm or maybe one of the tall links the air around here i mean there's a couple of fast straights but what are you gonna what what is it gonna think about that rear aerofoil not attached on the right rear um disadvantage is probably not going to be that bad for kevin but do you think himself might take a view about the bria aerofoil not being attached on the right hand side they'll take a look at it for sure if it's if it if they deem it unsafe then yes but you know this is it's not the same as let's say the world endurance championship where if that part of the car is missing you have to come in and replace it that's not the case here in if it's if it's if it's safe or deemed safe then that then they can they can continue but if it starts flapping around too much then yes they will definitely bring that car in for uh i have to bring that car in for for a change adam watch the word down on the pit lane any chat that from the zero one chip ganassi cadillac team hello get that in so go ahead go ahead sorry they have called ranker vandazanda into action john uh he is my best source of information for them he's put his helmet on and is getting ready they expect having to come into the pit lane when the pits do open up when we go back to green they will assess the damage they have a new tailpiece out on the wall ready to go so they can fix it if he does make it back around into the pit lane in a timely fashion they are prepared for that they are more worried about a tire getting cut down than imsa yelling at them for pieces splaying across the track and i honestly do have good news from the faf camp we've told you about their gear box work that they did overnight it appears to be successful zachary robichaun reporting all good with the car yeah well he did nick the fastest lap in class for a moment but that's now going back to madison snow at the front of gtd the cars are packing back up here from race control if we are ready to go green again i think we are because i don't see a safety car on the front stretch and there is the green back in the air doing her usual enthusiastic waving of the green flag thanks to all of that officials and volunteers and the flaggers marshals risk control also our medical and track services without whom we can't call racing of course back under green with 80 minutes to go and the distinctive red and white wheel and cadillac from poor position philippe has it that leads and you were just joining us now you might think oh well it's just nothing's really happened then in the first 20 minutes oh think again dear viewer and listener massive start the zero one knowing the cadillac number zero one at chip ganassi run car kevin magnussen knowing that they have to win this race to stay in the championship hunt the championship leaders the 10 car sitting in me behind them now that's the acura the philippe albacre getting involved very early on and trying to go for a gap that was getting smaller and smaller it's been a boisterous opening few laps for kevin magnussen and that rear end body work does not look good on the back of that car jeremy short he's gone round he he's obviously feeling no ill effects and his piece is all right he's got public appears but it's it's moving around they build those cadillacs tough they have and you know the good news is there is a center stay on that really to to help it help its location it's not just the outer mounting point so that is keeping it relatively stable it certainly isn't ideal uh and uh if it's already super fast corners here he would definitely be at a major disadvantage but they really aren't so he isn't and he's able to continue i mean it's not flapping around too much i don't think it's any in a danger of failing there so i i i believe that they will allow that car to continue the question is are they going to take the trouble to repair it when they make their they hope one pit stop or perhaps two during this race later on now porsche case to the race flexible strategy for your pit stop you saw there that we had an early yellow but nobody could take any advantage because the pit simply did not open also stay away from the penalty box it's uh a minute or so to come down the pit lane in terms of lost lap time and then what's your tyre strategy the team's been telling shay adam our vp racing field panic reporter that the tire strategy is really not the determining factor here it's how quick you can change the drivers that is how long the car will be stationary very interesting very different look to the imps of weathertech sports car championship when we come to the street circuit because it has to be almost jeremy a different mentality this is a proper sprint race with yeah endurance overtones in terms of pit stops and driver changes tire changes um and a wee bit of strategy but ultimately particularly here track position is key it is because you know the cars are are close to impressions we've seen already it's difficult to overtake but it can be done so particularly when uh when there's traffic involved slower cars or faster cars depending on which class you're talking about are involved in front of the field of gtd madison so he's doing a really nice job and once again he's extended himself a little bit of advantage well there's one before heavily though turned eight yeah it's the bottom of the hill again the action areas that is the championship leader liquid molly bmw m6 now he's managed to get the bmw's nose out of the tire stack at the bottom of the hill at pine avenue turning right on the seaside way and you know what for the speed he went in there that's not that much damage at all wow now did he jump or was he pushed he'd had no one in front of him he turns in just didn't turn in that was the problem you know tires branded tires oh hang on well the car barn audi was right there beside him that was the number 39 the green and yellow card with richard high stand but it was impossible to tell whether he was um ushered off there jeremy um those tire stacks don't look particularly high tech but my goodness they've they've defended the front of the car and well i'm not sure i'm not sure there was a touch there from richard high stand well he certainly missed the apex by a long way and he was turning into the corner number 39 car was trying to sneak along so i'd like to have another look at that one uh because i'm sure the skewers will be and uh whether there was any contact or not it was difficult to say for that angle certainly through the previous corner they weren't particularly close but by the time they got to the breaky area four turn eight and it's it's very slightly very slightly downhill yeah into into that uh into that corner leading on to seaside way um and the there's some kind of funky campers there it's a tricky corner if you turn in a little bit too late for whatever reason you're going to miss the apex and then you're going to run into the danger of exactly what role huge piece of debris on the front straight which i think is just a piece of advertising from the concrete at the sides of the track yeah that's exactly what it is either being rubbed off by a very close car or the aerial dynamics of these cars they do move quite a bit of air has ripped it off and for a moment it was caught on the front of like defaults cadillac the mustang sampling car it's off the racing line now just beyond the entry to pit lane don't think it's done any damage to likes it looks quite substantial actually not just paper looks like it may be vinyl but we continue to race piece of plastic or vinyl in the middle of the track we are continuing the race for the time being race control assessing the situation and not going to yellows for the robbie faley incident in that bmw and he's dropped down jeremy to 20th position and that has dropped him a lot of positions in class and in fact that's dropped it down to 10th 11th position make that behind richard goickberg in the grasa lamborghini in class and that's the championship later yeah that's true but uh incredibly uh despite you know it's a pretty quick corner there and he went into those times pretty hard didn't he able to continue in the 11th space is absolutely amazing really and his last lap time was a 23-1 we'll see what time he can do this time around several several of the other contenders in gtd are setting their fastest laps on this lap including the car that went past him initially richard i stand right behind him zachary robinshaw and trent all turning their bear slaps on this lap got a pick caller adam looked like dan cameron was in and out of the pits in the 60 acura it was a very very quick stop fuel and tires only for the meyer shank racing acura this car has been through the wars this weekend and in the practice session olivier block overshot turned nine and unfortunately missed the tire barrier straight into the concrete with the left hand side it was a big hit the crew worked entirely to get the car back out before the second practice session had expired unfortunately they never got that much running but they did get a few laps enough for dane to put the part fourth in qualifying he's now back out on the track with a fresh set of michelin let's see what dane can do that vinyl on the front straight dislodged by the robbie foley incident then picked up by the number five caddy good eyes from nigel toby who's tweeted us here at insert radio battle for third position at the moment it's accurate versus cadillac accurate down the inside protecting that third position this is the championship leader in the number 10 coming round to the end of the lap the mustang sampling number five right there for life duval and they'll go down the front street now there will be a slight aerodynamic advantage for the cadillac but mine that accurate gets off the corner very well indeed this must be very frustrating jeremy shaw for like jabal maybe a chance in traffic as they come past the heart of racing aston martin through turns one and two and ahead of that i think that is robbie fawley in the bmw yeah it is indeed who's uh who's losing ground is he's around 25 23 he's the leader in gtd turning uh actually low 20 mid 20 now the fastest lap race on that last time around for zachary is struggling to stay ahead of me and james and falling back from the rest of the pack in gtd but yeah super frustrating for duval he got kind of dive bombed at the start didn't he and he's clearly a lot quicker than philip albakur but he cannot find a way past at least not yet yes jeremy absolutely right more traffic now beautiful over and under maneuver at the final corner by the number five of like to val use the number 88 hard points porsche has a bit of a pick there and that was a classic street circuit maneuver saw the opportunity wondered if there was going to be a compromise for the car he was racing that car being the number 10 conning of another accurate of philippe albakirk and just got up the inside on the exit and the pass was made and like default now clearing off jeremy yeah clearly he was being held up by uh by albuquerque the anchors just don't have the pace of the cadillac since we can and now he's throwing back into the clutches of oliver jarvis the master similarly struggling with being kept long a little bit heavier than it had it has here in the past uh and uh it's certainly being uh yeah more handicapped than they would like here the car's been competitive on the other tracks but not here this weekend on the streets it's always been a struggle for heroes it's a very aerodependent car that uh that mazda um as is the the acura perhaps as well but it struggles here on the streets of long beach but now this is in the battle with albuquerque interesting though you talked about a few minutes ago dave cameron elected to come onto the pit lane in carnival 60 once again for the third race in a row pursuing a different strategy to all of the other dpi contenders and he's able to make that pitfall and stay on the lead so if there is a caution at this stage he'd be looking good but he is certainly committed now uh to a two-stop strategy maybe some of these other dpi cars possibly can make it on on one so but i think that's a really good call by that number 60 team on this occasion to bring him in and make that stop and now run hard he hopes uh for the rest of the race irrespective of whether there's another full course caution and he's going to need that one more for sure in any case but maybe he can run hard enough to make up some rounds as this race goes along yeah and if the other guys were saying yes exactly exactly so i've been impressed with their willingness to go and pursue alternative strategies it hasn't always played out for them in the last few races but they're continuing to i suppose use that old racing adage if you do what everybody else does then the situation is going to remain basically uh the same brilliant maneuver for the pass a couple of laps ago down at the hairpin third place being taken by log deval ahead of philippe alba kirk and philippe will be kicking himself went down the inside of the number 88 porsche the hardpoint cut with rob furriol behind the wheel and that just pushed him out couldn't get on the throttle early enough great reading of the situation by like duval and i didn't think there was enough room around there jeremy for two dpis what's surprising about that is albuquerque when you go into that super tight line without taking somebody else it's it's a struggle to get around that corner on you know with the lock that they have steering up they have these cars in any case so he's always going to push on wide there you know for the guy who's won this race in the last two times he won it in 2018 and 2019 all that up to the uh the action express team but he's now up against that number 31 one team well did you turn the car to a five car on the two cars ahead of him and certainly it's it's really good clean sailing at the moment for me before philippe nasa in that number 31 team and that the team of course back in 19 that the number five of 31 was still running under the actual express banner now number five car is run by jtc miller motorsports the uh 31 wheeling engine car is still run by action express so that team is looking for its third in a row here on the streets of long beach which at the moment our race is with about 66 minutes to go is still being laid by felipe nasser who started on the pool position he's three seconds ahead of cable magnussen at the zero one the lightning colored cadillac and it's a cadillac one two three again as they started with the number five of like dubai now up into third place as we reported jordan taylor leads the battle of the corvettes three from four by half a second now so that has closed down after the restart uh then in the gtt tournament madison snow leads in the lamborghini that's the number one car for pulse that paul miller racing from richard high standing second in that great and bright green of the 39 carbon audi r8 and the top three made up by zach rovershaw the number nine plaid porsche track hitman trying to close down on him at the moment in the light blue 16 number porsche uh let's just go back to that incident earlier on which saw robbie fawley in the wall adam a race control were looking at it what if they decided they decided no further action they will not play a part in the carbon with peregrine racing audi having a bad day at least not yet richard heisting continues to run in second although his headache isn't over because zachary robertson is right on his tail and has been for quite a few laps now but we have just passed the minimum drive time for the gtd category should be getting pits soon and it is going to be interesting because we're getting in the fuel window for the dpi cars as well could get busy thank you share adam with that update from our vp racing fuel and a problem for the grt grasa lamborghini whilst cheer was giving us that note and he's been in the wall exit a turn four or five is my my guess and the grt car is going to have to come back in it's misha goykberg behind the wheel and we've got a slew of pit stops as well that's because we have just gone by the time that you must do to be classified share adam with his vp racing fuel pit and paddock report as the gtd field comes in starting with the leader and this is working out perfectly for the gtd leader of the field because they were going to have busy hitboxes number one paul miller racing lamborghini fuel tires and the driver change madison snow putting in brian sellers the tire change is done the driver change is done waiting on fuel it should be about 23 seconds worth away goes to lamborghini the faf motorsport porsche also coming in lawrence van tour super quick around this track the winner in 2019 first car back off the pit lane though by the way is brian sellers then is lauren's fanta four new michelin tires for both of them third out jeff westfall is now behind the wheel of the carbon with peregrine racing audi this car which crossed the finish line first on the streets of belle isle later losing the race due to a technical infraction they are very good on street forces also into the pit lane but out of the pit lane i should say till pech tulsheimer great start for till with the gradient racing acura mark miller is now aboard that car with the new set of michelins and they have another new set should they need it a bit later in the race we've got robbie foley in the pit lane he'll be staying there it is build time bill power bill auberlin for the turner motorsport bmw car number 96. daniel macinelli in the ferrari the scoot area course ferrari has come in he's handing over to colin brown who is driving another car in a different class for the motel petite mall where he's trying to go for a championship this weekend all about fun and try and get a win we've also got roman d'angelis in the heart of racing aston martin handing over to ross gunn the guys who benefited from the uh issues that we saw with the audi at the streets of al isle giving them their first win they're looking for another win on a street course and the sister card now coming into the pit lane as well that's ian james handing over to alex rivera's in the 27. uh misha goyford showing as in the pit lane so he must have made it back in but i would not be expecting frank ferreira to take the car back out given how badly it was crabbing sideways yeah it's a lot of work and not sure they'll even bother trying to fix that you can't get back behind the wall here jeremy um and that means there's only so much you can do to actually get a car fixed and it's a short race as well so that just adds to the conundrum and the issues of the teams trying to get damaged cars back out on the circuit yeah that's right the the paddock here is on the outside of the hairpin effectively between the outside turns after nine ten and eleven actually so yeah there's no way you can get to the car back to the paddock and then back out again so anything you're gonna use during a race spares whatever you have to take with you into the pit box you see the 16 car coming into the pits this is the leader now in gtd number 14 and 26 the 14 stays out aaron t lets he stays out so we'll lead the class but both hidman in number 16 and stephen argha carney making his debut the youngster just 18 years of age in canon 26 he's into the bits in second place as well adam watch that stop that was a phenomenal stop by the right motorsport crew now patrick long behind the wheel of the 16 porsche train him and having done the starting gambit patrick has his wife lauren and his kids here today because he is a local boy to this track two wins previously in the long beach grand prix but then both coming more than a decade ago so patrick looking to try and improve upon that record uh one other thing of note it was a very long stop for turner motorsport as they did some work to that number 96 bmw they spent three minutes in the pit lane whereas their championship rivals spent just over one that is a bad bad day for turner motorsport so far yeah that remember the championship leading car coming in down to an hour jeremy so we have had 44 zero minutes albeit with a bit of safety car intervention it won't be too long i wouldn't have thought before we start seeing some green flag pit stops from the front of the dpi field yeah that's right it's another yeah any minute now basically uh i'm sure yeah they've been trying to save fuel they could probably stay out another three or four laps uh reasonably comfortable i'm sure they've been you're running a reasonably conservative place um i'm kind of surprised that some of them are pushing a bit harder and going to that same strategy number 60 car has already uh run here with with making that stop out of sequence with everybody else but uh you know still a long way to go in this race up 31 car running out front 30 laps completed now i mean it's 16 last time right here some traffic to deal with the fastest lap of the race was a 12.66 in actual factor nasa returned his best lap at least just five laps to go on that 25 that was the one with 12.6 last time is 16.7 so four seconds cost in uh making the move past traffic on that last lap and the number 31k he's got number 60 in his sights ahead of him dave cameron now back up into the sixth position overall ahead of the two gtlm leading corvettes uh and still on the lead lap nasa by almost six seconds so he is moving away in that red white car more pit stops more gt le man runners and it's lexus adam is watching it this was aaron thielitz's first ever start during the long beach grand prix and he was enjoying it so much he wanted to stay out for a little bit longer but finally aaron t let's in they waited on fuel for that stop that was the determining feature it was 21 seconds worth of fuel so not that much but considering they stayed out a couple of extra blackhawks work to turn it up to full rich and go go go also into the pit lane we had john paul magnus with archangel racing acura it's now andy loudly behind that one and cooper mcnail finally bringing weathertech porsche into the pit lane stayed out there a lot longer than the minimum drive time handing over to matthew jamine who can now take it to the end of the race so it is just a one stop for all of our gt competitors and and the fact that they came in under green actually helped the pit lane shea and be you know if if that had been yellow and they'd all come in together they would have been all pitted together if they'd all come in under yellow it would have been mass chaos john the pit boxes are 24 feet long for this race because we have so many cars and the only gt cars that had a clean in and a clean out were the weathertech racing porsche the turner motorsport bmw and the fact porsche every other car either had a blocked entrance or exit or a tv so we should not expect to see any of those gt daytona cars back in the pit lane brian sellers has cycled through as a sideways moment for the right porsche that's the blue and black and white car the number 16. that looked like it was helped possibly by the carbon audi jeff westfall in that car he's got the ferrari right up his tailpipes there that's color brown for scadarria corsa so pat long uh very much in california at native very proud of his heritage this one is going to be a barnstormer settle back put your feet up get out your favorite adult beverage westfall down the inside tried to do two porsches in one go vanto gave him room but he did nail the back of patrick long now didn't really disadvantage pat that much there it will be looked at but that might be seen as a bit of rough and tumble because he didn't turn the 16 car around frankly i think that's a penalty if i'm honest and i think it should be called as a penalty i like jeff but that's contact you you call the action not the not what happens afterwards not the uh aftermath that's why i'll never be in race control or have any friends left if i was 55 minutes to go jeremy and this is heating up rather nicely brian sellers with a little bit of a gap to hawks with and then this battle passes sullivan right motorsports carbon carbon uh skidaria corsa faf motorsport and ross gunn just trying to close in in the heart of racing aston martin this is going to be a cracker all the way to the end well it is and uh what a great battle going on at gtd that's at that late stop by aaron c that's a couple of really good laps i think uh as an angle jacket to come out now he was running in the one two three four fifth position he's running it's second now just ahead of patrick before just ahead of the problem got noticed in the hairpin there by by jeff westball it was a trailer cast behind him with patrick long jeff wesley brown and lawrence van tour as well in carnival 9. so uh it's uh it's been a really good first stick for uh for aaron t let's uh they weren't particularly quick in in practice or the first qualifying session guarantee this was back in the grid uh seventh position but uh jack hawks who's third quickest in the pro session and he's now up into second place so jack walters now in second place in gtd problem weighs about eight seconds behind brian sellers and now he's gonna look after the tires on that lexus yeah one full second ahead of the battle we were talking to you about a moment or two ago we are coming down to half distance four minutes to half distance still no standard normal strategy stops at the front of the field and that's impressing me i suspect that there's a bit of lifting and costing going on the engines have been turned down a wee bit and the philippe nasa kevin magnussen like deval philippe albuquerque and ollie jarvis are doing their best to save a bit of fuel just got this in to interracial from turner motorsport thanks guys said it might not look a lot but those dive planes on our car are hyper critical we need all the grip on the nose with this car as it already has a little bit of trouble turning so it's not a noisy car and adam has news from wrist control which will affect the team i was just talking about yeah car 96 penalty drive through working under the car without a huge so far yeah yeah so safety that is a safety call by imsa when the car goes up on the jack stands the hydraulic jack stands on the lane anybody who gets under that car at that point it's fine if you just change the wheels and change the driver and fuel it up but if there's any of the work with the mechanics going under the car then they have to have the uh blocks that go underneath it in case the car drops down now here's the first of the leaders from dpi in kevin magnussen with most of his zero one chip ganashi cadillac here adam well let's keep an eye on this stuff john because they might be changing some bodywork features now what is one thing that the rest of the paddock does not want kevin magnafin out of the car wrangler vandazanda in it who has been sitting on the pit box committed ready to go thinking angry thoughts and pumping himself up for about the last 30 minutes finally getting an opportunity to drive this is going to be one heck of a charge from ranger he doesn't care that the car isn't perfect he just knows he's in a race car he's at long beach he's finished twice here twice before now potentially to win they were doing a little bit of work on the back of the car wrenger says nah just give it to me let me go let me go yeah it didn't do much at all there plugged the computer in that was about all but that was only for a quick download and data dump goes across the orange line and comes out without losing the lap there jeremy crucial stuff so we've got to keep an eye now on reika vanderzander how his speed goes sheer was that four tires for for that zero one cadillac ship jeremy i don't know if you know this whether it was four tires but this is a crucial moment as renga gets up to speed the leader of the race is about to put a lap on him and does put a lot on him and rengar will do the over and under it to turn number eight and on the seaside this is just getting tires back up to temp and pressure remember no tyre warmers allowed in ibs competition jeremy so this first lap out it's always gonna be a bit difficult yeah it is uh it is tricky at this stage uh but the interesting part of this is that uh i think ranger bender xander has come to come out behind dane cameron in the number 60 car they both made now one stop the number 60 car committed very early in this race to making two pit stops i think we're seeing some of these other contenders they're gonna try and make it on one yeah uh particularly certainly i'm pretty sure that the number 10 car the 55 i think they're going to try and make it on on one it's going to be a struggle now for number zero one car because they came in with 52 minutes uh remaining in this race so only 48 minutes gone we've already had some yellow so they're gonna kind of need some yellow i think to make it to the end but believe me naturally that leading car at the moment you've stayed out now we're just over halfway through this race and yeah that this uh 31 car they got everybody handled this weekend yeah it was four tires by the way four brand new michelin or four uh new to that car michelin tires share adam uh with more pittling callers we've got phillip albakirk in the championship leading number ten connie minolta and ollie jarvis in the white red and blue number 55 mazda the smallest engine car in the field four cylinder two liter and they're on this long long run past the indy carpet before they appeal into their own pit boxes seems a bit cruel doesn't it they have to go down to cut lane on the pit speed limiter for such a long time it's roughly 30 seconds before they even get close to the ends into boxes changes just lost chair for a moment there we'll keep an eye on it ourselves as set scrub tires going on to the number 10 cunning uh minolta cadillac it looked like a set of scrubs as well going on the master get back to share in a moment they are leaving the same way as they came in and rejoined across the orange line yes there was certainly tires across the orange line for both of them so jeremy just under 48 minutes to go then when those two cars rolled out um it's it's less than they did to start with but they did have a couple of laps a safety car to help them out in that uh that first stint we had four laps of safety car which actually um amounted to what seven minutes of safety car early on and here's the leader coming in the pit lane let's see if we can get share back with us it is going to be a driver change for the 31 whalen engineering cadillac felipe nasser getting out people durrani getting in and four new michelin tires up on the wall they will need a full tank of fuel and then they will be able to go to the end of this one 47 minutes to go in this race is the top end of their window but the whalen engineering crew knows what they need to do and ironically their former sister card the mustang sampling car also into the link lloyd cuball brought that car in tristan voutier will take it out again for new michelin tires gotta watch now for the pink my shank racing number 60 car coming by there with the first car in the pit lane remember jeremy was telling us they went off strategy waiting for the fuel the drive change is done on the 31 wheel and cadillac and still waiting wow they're getting every last drop of vp racing fuel and here comes dixie on the front straight now on shoreline drive it's gonna be a race to the end of the pit lane and here comes the 60 it's gonna be very close indeed the 60 with tyres up to temperature and pressure through the fountain section is right there with the erstwhile leader this is the battle for the lead side by side and throw goes cameron a turn four that was a superb maneuver did not need a second invitation and again those cold tires coming out of the pit lane now that's the pass for the lead but of course cameron jeremy has to make another stop that's exactly right and the question is now does everybody else need to make a stop as well and i think if this number 60 team they realized early on in the game there's no we could make it we might be able to make it on one stop but uh let's let's roll the dice commit to two run as hard as we can even running as hard as they can they can't go as fast as the cadillacs even when they're saving fuel so the only way they can win is if the cadillacs need to make a second stop and i don't think the number 31 car certainly has the best opportunity 31 and number five both came in on the same lap same lap with the 47 minutes remaining in this race uh it's certainly a stretch um but it's gonna be very interesting to see what's in pace those cadillacs run once they get back back up to speed get these these michelin tires up to temperature again uh but uh camera now he's just gonna run as hard as he possibly can and see what should we get margin he can pull out for the number i think it's looking good for them i don't think they're going to beat those catalogs they're coming to the end as i say but the the number 10 car and the number 55 they were running so much slower the number 10 car having been passed remember it was overtaken by the number five car that was on that 20 by lap 36 it was 18 seconds behind the number five so pulling out your uh a big margin all the way through there and if there's no more full course cautions in this race then uh yeah the 60 car has a chance still but um that's it's uh that's its best chance if it goes green to the end of here uh if there's any sort yellow at all then the number 31 car and number five are in the in the uh very much in the pound seats in gt le man the only card who have made the stop is the number 79 porsche for weathertech racing cooper mcneil out matthew chamonix the frenchman in for his first shot at long beach for the weathertech racing porsche still waiting for tommy milner and jordan taylor in the two corvettes four and three which are leading at the moment to come in there are there is only one of the car that's not made to stop at the moment that's the gmg racing car that is the number 34 in uh gt dear torna uh and that guy shulie will have to come in uh shortly while we're talking about gt lemon let's have uh a little update on corvettes from sheer adam as part of our vp racing field hit panic reports many thanks to ryan smith for listening in on the corvette racing radios he said jordan taylor has burned off a lot more of his rear tires trying to work his way through traffic than tommy milner had and tommy was able to pass him quite easily now the fourth car needs to win this race to keep their championship dreams well and truly alive given that we don't know how many cards are going to come to motif yet in that category with the easiest way to make sure you still have a shot at the championship go out there and win we're waiting for nick tandy and for antonio garcia to come in and then be able to take over the cards to the end of this race thank you uh jeremy shaw at the front of the field we were speculating about what jane cameron has to do he knows what he's got to do he's going to get his foot down and build up a gap and my goodness he's doing that right now he is he's just turned his best lap of the race and what would be 12.8 eight one zero to take camera on that last laptop and he is running exactly what he needs to do at this stage a great strategy about this team they didn't quite get it right in the last two races we have to see whether it works for them now but they are certainly committed you know to make it they will make for sure one more pit stop during this race the question is will the other ones as well i think even the pace he's going to run it should be enough potentially to get him on the podium in this race or or certainly fourth place which is uh which is very qualified of course but he they've lost the position at the start as a result of that to bold move by philip alberta in carnival 10. so it's a really interesting race at this stage number 31 and the zero one seem to be very very closely matched the gap between them stayed here pretty constant through that uh first stitch it was about four and a half seconds when they came into the pits and uh it's about the same now between number 31 and the zero one stop two corvettes announcing a number three car into midnight the number three car was running ahead number four when did they change positions did we see that did i i missed that uh no i can't tell you jeremy i'll look that up for you in a moment adam could talk us through the uh the stop share go ahead i believe that uh pass happened about 12 minutes ago out on the racetrack but we do have two kids officer taylor brought the number three corvette in antonio garcia will be taking it back up four new michelin tires and a lot of fuel and dame cameron who has done a fantastic job so far in today's race well his job is done it's now up to olivier's law the fuel is still going on the four tires have been changed those look like sticker michelin that went on the pink and black autonation and sirius xm sponsored car and away goes that accurate we also have the final gtd pit stopper in that's james spronus and the gmg racing now they were getting close to the minimum drive time being met for james so they had to pull kyle washington in defense point very good point indeed so durrani is the leader as he goes through as the 60 came in for that pitstop so now jeremy that number 60 my shank racing car will be able to go to the end uh with ollie pla from from here so what we see now as it's come back out in fourth position as you confidently predicted that is its true position and it can race full speed to the end indeed and that's going to be really really interesting to see whether the the other contenders can make it to the end without needing a splash of fuel we'll have to see where uh olly clark resumes we're still waiting for the three phase five to come across the line to complete its 45th lap and here comes now the there is number 60. where is the number 10 number 55 okay they've already gone through so cameron is olivia oliver clarden is behind ricky taylor and uh in carnival 55. you fastest lap of the race uh a 112 oh sorry you fastest lap of the raid no sorry the fastest at the race let's try and get my head on at one twelve six six one um how does that compare to when we were last here jeremy some thirty three zero months ago the fastest the race lap records are 11.9 right uh by that was up by people durrani in 2019 so we're not close to that yet the qualifying mark was at 11.3 set by castroneves in 2019 up all time yesterday for fully pronounced it was 11 11.6 so three takes off that's the whole record it's jeremy shaw who's alongside major handoff in the hagerty global broadcast center porsche versus lexus at the end of seaside we're going into turn number nine this is the sequence at the end of the lap that is pat long trying to put a lap on one of the lexus and he's trying to stay ahead of a whole group of cars behind sorry go ahead that's for position john that's jack hogsworth up into second oh yes you're absolutely right yeah sorry my timing screen just taking a little bit of time to update there as they were going through all the information that we normally have in the hagerty global broadcast center this week so my apologies we can't quite give you the analysis we normally do but it is one of the shorter races in behind them the fast porsche so that is second third and fourth colin brown's just dropped away a little bit in the bright red skidarion quarter number 63 ferrari then the carbon audi then ross good for heart race in seventh jake edson for agara motorsport the number 26 in eighth ninth mark miller for gradient racing he's taken up from until bechtelsheimer and tenth is alex roberts for heart of racing in the second of their cars nice to see both of the cars back out again for heart of racing and you talked about to jacob ed they're running in the eighth position really good debut for that team there's steve barton carney a good first hit uh edison at the wheel of the car right now jacob uh who is a former champion in the porsche gt3 cup series in himself and also in lamborghini he won the pro-am uh category there as well so a lot of success in sports class open world as well before that but running in a very good eighth position quite some way behind the top seven uh well actually yeah behind top seven but the the leader right ryan sellers just checked out the gap was eight seconds now actually fourteen over as uh just talked about the fact that uh uh uh jack alters is remaining in that second place after that round of pitfalls but falling back from the race leader brian sellers so 36 minutes still to go and just checking to make sure everybody stopped now yes they have let's see who can stretch the fuel the vp racing fuel to the end of the last rengar van der zander seven seconds behind the leader what that time did renga do last time around jeremy that's not on my alcamel screen this week for some reason we just did six teams last time around right now he's coming across mine now to complete that 49 yet for 13 and six there for people driving if you're always got everybody handled in this race uh number 31 car is very much the class of the field uh rig about nintendo's gonna do the best he possibly can in fact does that that car does have the fastest lap of the race except by magnus kevin it has to happen had that happen don't worry back on that seven but i think the number 31 car has been certainly in control uh but trusted votier he's got that gap down to just three and a half seconds then between second and third three cadillacs then separating about 10 seconds at the moment with 49 laps in the books they're a long long way ahead of ricky taylor 26 seconds is the gap back to fourth position uh and ricky taylor kind of maintaining that gap over harry tinkle in the mazda got another split event coming up next time out as the gt categories take center stage at vir go to imsa.com for all the details and try and join us trackside for that if you can second third and fourth going through turn one in gt detour at the moment towards the fountain the brights highlighted yellow and black lexus rcf committing to the new gtd pro category next year and that remember we'll start at the raw before the rolex 24. news on i think we've got a fabulous cat uh calendar already announced for insert next year a lot of people tuning in in europe where it's coming up to what quarter past midnight in central europe quarter past 11 in the uk uh side by side again for the two porsches and it's a change of position great run by lawrence van tor vanto and patrick long two porsche works drivers they know each other very well they know these cars very well jeremy what a great maneuver a little love tap in the hairpin from long onto the back of the plaid porsche but vancouver got a great run out of turn eight coming off pine and down on the sea sideway yeah and though he's now going to set sail and try to catch a jack hawks with who i think as a result of those two portions exchanging positions has eaten out just a little bit of breathing space ahead of as you say it's another red car the plaid car head of the teal and black number 16 from white motorsports and that number nine car i mean they've been a tour de force these last two races they've scored maximum points uh fastest in the points scoring qualifying session and then went on to win the race despite the fact not starting on pole position for either of those races uh and this afternoon they got another maximum point scored yesterday qualifying 35 points and they're looking for another 350 in this race currently running though in the third position and brancella is still a long long way ahead 14 seconds to the good in the poor middle racing lamborghini and brian not long ago set a new fastest lap in that category one twenty point one three eight so ricky taylor now trying to chase down the family car that have wayne taylor racing ahead of him tristan fortier excuse me ricky taylor in the family car and uh trying to pull away from harry tincknell and trace down tristan fortier in the cadillac number five 30 and a half minutes to go still plenty of action to come here uh porsche keys to the race it's all about flexible strategy and we've seen a variety of different thinking in terms of when the pit stops have been called for in the dpis particularly it's not really cleared up for oliver they've got to be thinking that everybody needs a splash in the next half an hour or so jeremy in that uh 60 msr car yeah that's certainly the hope there and i think particularly the number the first cars to come into the pits on the dpi ranks other than the number 60 which could be did early to a true stopper after 36 laps which was about 52 minutes to 50 odd minutes to go 52 minutes to go was the number zero one car with the 1055 came in two laps after that according to kind two and a half minutes after that and then number 31 and number five and currently running in the first and third positions came in two laps later as well so number zero one car i i i've got to believe he's gonna be struggling to get to the end from here although you know i'm sure that perhaps the cars that were committed to trying to make it a one-stop came in as early as they could thinking they could reach the finish from there i don't know we'll have to wait and see whether that pans out or not but certainly the number zero one car is the most vulnerable in terms of having to make a second stop during this race well with the addition of what we what did we say it was seven minutes of yellow flag for four laps the number 31 did 59 minutes or there about if you prefer that in laps it was about 40 laps uh people has he's on his 15th clap in that number 31 will and cadillac and the prediction is that there are 22 laps to go so we should finish somewhere around lap 76 when time uh elapses uh so that would give him 36 laps so that that would be 45 this the four behind the safety car share adam it's been an awful day for the gtd class championship leaders turnabout has bought the liquid body car involved in an accident called for a pit lane infraction and the deer is not getting any better but no they had reported intermediate abs issues earlier on now it is completely gone for bill auberlin it's just gone from bad to worse they came in the championship leaders they're gonna leave with 16 place points unless something changes oh do ya uh jeremy will be doing the arithmetic later on michelin four space tech hashtag michigan prt please get involved and now there's debris on the circuit going into the fountain turns the yellow and red flag being displayed there it looked like it might have been lexa's shared of highlight the yellow but it's off the racing line meantime catherine leg moving up in the 88 hardpoint porsche went by a couple of cars last time around as people durrani 27 minutes to go he's showing no signs of easing his pace 13-5 last time around that's just on a second away from the very best lap that that car has done which is about the same time as the fastest lap of the race which was cleared by the zero one one twelve six six one how's the number 60 running eight so around about that that pace but not closing in on the latest no but he is closing on the cars ahead of me he's he's about a second a lap quicker at least a second a lot quicker than both ricky taylor in the number 10 car running in fourth position and the harry tinkle in number 55 mazda the gap but he's still 13 seconds behind them but uh he is closing at about a second the lap but uh he's certainly i think going to be reliant upon the fact i think i think it's well i've said this all the way yeah seven last few races i i don't think they can reach the end uh and they have you know cars have been able to but i i really think it's very unlikely that the number 10 or number 55 can make it without a splash of fuel i think it's pretty unlikely for number zero one car as well even more so in fact they stopped first yes correct yeah um so the zero one start a car stopped first uh and then then it was the acura number 10 and the 55 mazda that was more than one laptop and one further lap later two more laps oh yeah that was right 31.5 yeah absolutely so that's a four lap swing to the cadillac of chip ganassi racing wow so yeah that is that is a big ass and the thing is that we've seen sorry joe go ahead excuse me the the number tristan voce number five car is certainly making ground towards rigger van der zander that gap coming down you know little by little it was 6.4 seconds just 10 laps to go it's now well it's actually less than a second on this as a complete that 57 so number 55 car of excuse me number five card tristan voce is now right with rengar van der zander in that number zero one beat performance academy uh ganassi car uh antonio garcia has just reset the fastest lap of the race in gt le man and has pulled within a second of his teammate nick tandy they are about a minute ahead now of matthew and looks like a corvette one two strange things have happened to corvettes here down through the years and getting to the last corner in the lead is no guarantee of standing on the top step of the podium that's all i'm going to say about that jeremy and i have seen some interesting uh runs to the line shall we say under 24 minutes to go and the battling corvettes then and now within a second of each other just going down the front straight meantime playing vandazander eight seconds away from the late where is our lady on course at the moment just coming through turn six and down the hill to seven and eight here he comes down to turn right onto seaside where we've got a few gt d'atornas to pass as he goes down there and they're in their own battle at the moment so this is a another danger time the beauty of mixed category racing jeremy is that even when you've got an eight and a half second leaders and people to ronnie has now he's got three gtd cards to have it who are having their own very personal very important battle and don't want to lose ground to each other so even on the the classes that aren't that you aren't fighting with every pass has to be done correctly and and done with care it does and as you say the faster cars negotiate slower traffic is absolutely as critical as in the slower cars making sure you don't lose time when you are being overtaken yes there is there is a as much of a knack to being overtaken by a faster clap cathy because there is to doing the overtaking is what jeremy's saying then he's absolutely correct so now durrani has caught that battle for second third and fourth with the lexus and the two porsches right at the end of the lap so he's not lost too much ground there at all now on to the front straight with a little bit of a flash of the headlights and he's cleared before he's got through the light so that actually worked out quite nicely he lost a couple of tenths maybe half a second to pakistan the last time around but this time he has restored an eight-second lead and as jeremy was saying earlier he's got things covered just to finish the point i was to make earlier on about fuel saving no point with 20 minutes to go in any of the teams bringing up their drivers on the radio in those dpis at the front of the field saying oh yeah sorry man you're gonna dude man you're gonna be a full lap short because you said four laps of fuel in the next 20 minutes that's not how it works it is incremental and it has to be planned in advance and normally jeremy that would start from the moment that you left a bit late you'd be given a fuel number and you'd be trying to reach that this is a short lap you might find some advantage with a bit of lift and cost here but it's not going to be multiples of laps um yeah you can certainly save a few laps worth of fuel if you if you judicious about it you can certainly lift off going down shoreline drive you can lift off pretty early slightly downhill into turn one um and you can lift off fairly early there you go i mean you when your foot is full on the gas that's where you're using the most fuel so the lighter your right foot the better chance to say of not using as much fuel as you otherwise do so and there's various parts on this racetrack uh so if it's a terminate the undersea sideway that's another place where you can lift off fairly early and just break super deep deep into the corners try not to lose too much lap time it's very much an art some drivers have it down better than others but uh yeah we've seen i mean olivier clark in the last round last time out at weathertech raceway laguna sega he went a ridiculous amount of time on his last steps into fuel they confounded a lot of people on pit lane uh i'm told that was capacity was checked on that car after the race so no shenanigans there but uh he went probably four or five laps longer than any than some of the other contenders were anticipating certainly there were a couple of cars behind him and they didn't expect it to be actually there was no waves so they did bother trying to chase him down turns out he did make it to the end so they stayed behind him slaughter a couple of laps to call that 57 for colin brown and dropped away from what he's been doing he's been doing in 20s 21s and he did a 22-2 so he lost a second or so i'm not sure what all that was about adam has a vp racing fuel pit and panic report of a penalty that she's described to me as interesting what is this what we've not seen before here i i don't remember seeing this before it's a warning a penalty for instant responsibility i don't understand how that's a warning um no car was cited as the car the car that was the victim of this incident but it's for car 26 jacob edson in the mercedes uh clearly race control keeping one eye on the 26 mercedes closest car to him is a couple of seconds behind him and that's mark miller um who was a couple of seconds slower than him last time around in 0.5 so i don't know if they were a bit closer together and there's been a little bit of rg and bhaji there jeremy they were yeah a couple they were pretty much nose to tail so to see whether we'll see what happened between those two i don't know but yeah they were close and now they're not quite so close together but certainly in the uh there's all sorts of battles all without first great battle going on for the 12th position actually in their gtd as well with zach beach and mario farback are going at it and chasing the the second of the heart of gracie aston martin's two so those three are very very close together uh colin brown and jeff westfall they continuing their battle for fifth and sixth that's number 63 ferrari ahead of number 39 audi of uh of jeff westfall that's a good battle going on as well and that battle for second place at gtt with jack hawks was in the in the acura kind of a 14 just ahead of the two porsches uh lawrencevantor having got past patrick long number nine ahead of number 16 but it's a super three-car battle for second position in gtd i just uh build the excitement a little bit towards the end of the race reggae van der zander is closing in on people to ronnie now people's had traffic the last couple of laps but of course frankie's had to work his way through it um we were seeing that it was sort of hovering around the eight second mark it's now round about six and a half seconds so we're not talking about huge margins here so not hand over fist not potential problems for people certainly not the moment and the lap times every time i've looked have been within a few tenths of each of the half a second last time around though for renga vanderzander so certainly something there for jeremy with 16 minutes to go to keep an eye on at the front of the field rengar and people are fierce competitors and if there's a sniff of it from frankie vanderzander in that damaged zero one cadillac he he will be going for it yeah i mean i think number one car is just managing his pace so he's he's definitely saving fuel out there trying to get to the end without leaving a splash he's got four laps in hand over number zero one car but what's interesting to me is that the zero one of rick abandoned center he stretched out that lead to tristan gautier we talked about a few laps ago those two were pretty much nose to tail and not only though there was four seconds that regulator has pulled out over the number five car so uh either the uh the number zero one team have said to ranked vans and said okay you've saved enough fuel you could push a bit harder now or uh he's realized he's not going to get to the end he's going to be splashing fuel so he wants to run hard and see here attempting fair says greg higgins on amazon radio on twitter apart from that little bit of madness at the start everyone seems to be very well behaved just pushing on proper endurance race weather is much nicer than hearing wet old cork he says well i hope you're sitting down um with something pleasant to sin of a what is it saturday evening past eleven it will be in ireland thank you greg gregory higgins there and at them submerged your hashtag michigan prt if you would like to take part in the original user-defined show uh you ask you put up the points and we'll talk about them as we wrap up the weekend another two fast laps in gt le man tonio garcia went down with seven in 405 but nick tandy responding he said that they'd got close together and nick's found some more pace jeremy yeah d both of those two cars sent you their best laps for the most last time around 117 315 for nick tandy in the lead looking for his second win in a row in that color before sharing with tommy milner uh they went to they won the non-championship exhibition race at detroit but last time out at weathertech raceway just 300 miles north of here was their first official win on the season for the number four team they're looking to do the same again but they've certainly been pushed hard by antonia garcia another three-quarter second place his best lap last time 17 405. the lap record by the way in gtlm starts on the gamut in the c7r corvette 17-2 so their he will be desperate to break that particularly as it's helped by look at olly gavin who leaves barely a corvette lugnut throw away from the tandy household right in the center of england and bedfordshire ollie just lives across the border in northamptonshire to nearby candies there twelve and three quarter minutes to go the battle continues for second third and fourth in the gtt tourney category with the nexus of jack hawks with looking at the back of lawrencevanta having disposed of pat long so pat long just uh dropping back a little bit and a big hello to everybody who's listening to us either on sirius xm this weekend except two or two again as usual and of course at the track and our thanks to tyler and the rest of the tylenolic and the rest of the technical crew for making sure that we're hooked up to the public address around long beach good to have you this afternoon of course around the world on rs2 into radio by insert radio.com oh and that's it that's enough for the msr touched into a spin down at turn one the acura has gone around and ollie players got damage to the left rear and that looked to me as though there was side by side contact he was already well over the right hand side close to the pit lane entrance the emr safety crew don't even have to move they've just stepped out of their porsche cayenne to have a look there's left three of damage almost identical to what we saw with kevin magnussen except on the other side now class got the car going again remember this was the car that was on the alternative strategy and trying to push towards the end of the race without another pit stop but that strategy has just gone up in smoke was going across and got a tap ah squeezed the corvette number three into the skidaria corsa ferrari and came off the worst now i i actually thought that that uh that acura was on the other side of the track it came across all the way from the left-hand side and started squeezing into the two gtd's that's on plot for me yeah well yeah that what what olivia part did not know is that there was a card was it the corvette that was next to the right-hand side of the religion correct yes yes what did what he didn't know is there was another car on the outside of him uh i would imagine going into that call although he should have seen him as he came up behind he wasn't coming out the pit so yeah they were running together three different categories in fairness coming out of the pizza we just no no that's what i've said he wasn't coming out the pitch that was three different categories just running at their speeds down this front stretch that's exactly right and there is that double yellow light separating the racetrack from the pit lane and the car on the extreme right of the racetrack isn't allowed to go over that double line so he was just doing he was just minding his own business being overtaken by the corvette which in turn has been overtaken by olivier clark so i think the o'clock probably assumed that the corvette was already past the gtt car on the outside and therefore was kind of moving over leaving himself one car with to his right by your corvette with between himself and those double lines it was next to the wall because that's where the pit lane exit is uh so uh he just uh got caught out there that's a shame because the car that needed a full course course didn't actually cause one because he's he's applied now into the pits uh adam that's already been looked at we're under 10 minutes now that's already been looked at by race control and the uh verbiage of this is a little bit comedic so bear with me incident involving car 60 reviewed no action incidental so the incident was incidental okay i'm glad that race control saw it that way incidental contact yeah i suppose so i mean again we always say this uh dear listener and viewer um it it's not about apportioning blim and nobody is saying that anyone has done anything deliberately um contact causing an incident uh it is it is all just about the what what is going on on the track it's not been a good weekend for mike shank and i don't think that car is going any further looks like they hit to the wall jeremy has caused some suspension damage to the rear so once again the alternative strategy hasn't worked bald strategy and at least this time they did lead the race scant scanned comfort i would think for the msrt no we're really disappointed for that team because they were certainly relying on the other cars to come into the pits that they were catching 55 he's only five seconds behind actually on that previous lap behind the 55 but we'll have to wait and see whether the other dpi cars are going to need to special fuel before the end of this race i would probably have to guess not at this stage uh but uh it's a moot point now for number 60 car so most unfortunately i've had no luck at all these last few races they were hoping for cautions in each of the last two it didn't come but uh that car at least has been fast again today a change by the way in gtd lawrencevantor now up into second place ahead of jack hawksworth uh and um he's the gap from first to second is around about the same 13 yeah good points the lexus achilles heel has tended to be retired but they've got their heads around that in the last season and a half or so but um they don't have a lot of data here gtd's uh did he used to always come here and of course we've not been here full stop for uh over two years nearly two and a half years in fact so maybe just a slight bit of an issue with the setup on that car but it does seem as though jack portsmouth is losing a bit of pace and pat long now is right with the lexus and within a couple of tenths of a second of each other and that is the third step on the box for gt dear tournament as at the front of the field people to running sleeve he's been down on the six seconds he's managing this that was the word that jeremy used and actually as he turns left down uh pine avenue the battle for third is just behind him coming to the top of that hill now about third in gt dear torna the very bright blue porsche of patrick long easy to spot and coming towards the end of the lap now our leader will keep an eye on that battle for third position in gt dear torna still 12 and a half seconds between first and second brian sellers and laurence van tor in respectively the number one all by the race of lamborghini and the faf number nine porsche just uh watching uh i now it's gonna be very close going down into turn one between the porsche and the lexus they're just being passed at the moment by tristan forgia who's in third position in the cadillac number five the dark career car with the gold lettering on it and that might just be an opportunity for pat long to squeeze through as they come through turn five long still sitting in behind battle for the lead has gone back out to 7.7 seconds so that's going away of people durrani with only four and a half minutes to go and still that cracking battle now on to seaside for the third spot on the podium in gt dear torna can pat long find a way through we are talking tenths of seconds here and there's more traffic coming as well behind them there's another gaggle of cars which is colin brown in the ferrari the skidaria corsa car the 63 jeff westfall in the 39 dark grey audi with the very bright green highlights and ross guns right with them as well so still plenty of gtd action going on there at the moment hawks with and in fact he's gone through so he has gone through pat long has made the pass coming into the final portion of the circuit jeremy shorts so that's uh lamborghini then two porsches now in second and third in gtd then another great scrap led by colin brown that is uh closing up rather quickly on jack hawks with he may yet lose more positions in that lexus yeah he's still about eight seconds ahead of them and uh the gap back it was about ten so but i think horses will be okay there's only one three afternoons remaining in this race so i'm sure being a hard to force but frustrating for the lexus driver they've done a really good race great first they just know that the past few races and so it was kind of inevitable really i think did a great job to hang on ahead of those two guys as long as did yeah i'm struggling getting into and out from the corners a moment or two ago just hearing from chip ganassi that rengar vanderzander has been trying to steer to fuel he's the one at most risk of having stopped as many as four laps before anyone else and colin brown into the pitch here adam for a splash in the skidaria ferrari ferrari i don't know if this is a splash john um they were not expecting the colin to come back in before the end of this race he had been good on phil his pit time was nearly identical to everyone else around him the ferrari running for the first time since daytona with a slightly different vop i'll watch the pit time and let you know what service they do right well they're picking up a puncture or something of course that would be cruel look because we've had such a good run and that means ross good will go up into fifth position and uh sixth position thank you jeremy he's right behind jeff westfall in the audi they're having a cracking battle for that fifth position and that has led the points to the gt races and robbie foley and then last time just by the eagles number nine photoshop and with the problems for 96 today uh finishing way way back down the order that's going to move that very short admirals mentor into the championship lead if uh if they finish in second place right now so it's been a tremendous run by that team they've had fourth first and first last three races and it's looking like another opponent is on a massive fuel save at the at the moment um we will get the white flag for the leader now he he was one of the latina gtd's to stop so um we've seen people run out of fuel here before trying to do the one stop strategy in all of the classes through ghost the wheel and engineering cadillac white flag is out one further lap for that car to do really they've never been threatened at all the action was behind them at the start and it's still behind them other than when they were in the pit lane and the pit cycle went around and that uh alternative strategy by the bear shack racing team in the number 60 acura allowed them to lead a little bit but other than that jeremy short this has been hang on a second i'm looking up siri show me how to win a race oh yeah there's a picture of the 31. it's been perfect and a spin for the gmg he's at the gmg karthik it is it's got a round at the top of the hill at pine avenue turn seven jeremy shaw what a race for the wheel of engineering perfect absolutely perfect performance by both brazilian drivers in this race and through to win the accurate grand prix that she is audible in the background goes the wheel in engineering cadillac the philippe nasa and people durrani combo have taken the overall victory by a margin of 10 seconds it will be nick tandy and tommy milner who go two for two in victories just ahead of their teammates in gt lemon that's two in a row for tandy and tommy milner and in gt deiter madison snow qualified on paul started the number one lamborghini huracan for paul miller racing and brian sellers will bring that car home with around about a 12 second 11 second and 12 seconds gap and everyone had their slippers on towards the end of their run there and they've run vanda zander has done a cracking job for the pace that he's done 52 minutes jeremy in that zero one the damaged cadillac as well to come in seconds it just shows you the margin that the cadillac had uh this weekend and everybody else i mean they're able to uh save an enormous amount of fuel and still get to the end they had everybody covered here at long beach uh again you know this is this is the track that suits the cadillac i mean that's one of the great things about this series is different cars are suited to different tracks places like road america or or watkins glenn for example definitely the favor of the the turbo cars uh the masters uh and and and the acuras but here at long beach that that torque and that big v8 that's that's the the thing they have here this is you know this this is the uh fourth win in a row for for cadillac here on the streets uh and before that it was uh the coyote corvettes back in the tp days so cadillac in a dpi era undefeated here on the streets of long beach uh sure adam uh wins for uh tandy and milner nick tani and tommy milner in the corvettes they've just gone back-to-back victories that's put their season back on track and madison snow and brain cell is converting from poor position in gtd and i didn't want to say anything before the race was over because i didn't want to jinx them we do have a habit of doing that 608 days since paul miller racing's last win that was the 2020 rolex 24 hours of daytona but brian and madison had this track on their records as an anomaly the only one where neither one of them had ever stood on the podium well now they've not only stood on the podium of every single track on the into schedule they won at long beach yeah so it will be the top step of the box for them ah and there's the only mistake that wheel and cadillac people durrani and philip nasa have made all day he missed the turn into the victory circle area and he's having to be pushed back by his team crew and now he can make the run onto the chequered area the bender the michelin man already down there the formalities will start taking place and people durrani has done his job and managed to get the fuel numbers required and keep the speed up extraordinary run well that is that is interesting as well for the championship jeremy's doing the arithmetic at the moment with the championship leaders coming in uh the acura of winter racing the cunning of an altar car only finishing down in fourth position jeremy what does that do at the top of the championship for dpi the dpi uh the the lead is now much reduced came into the weekend with it with a pretty handy marge you know updated quotes last night so i can't tell you what that was actually would have been it would be 80 would have been 80 odd points uh 79 like it was uh leaving however ricky taylor and phil about the kirk i reckon that's 370 points to the 3052 of nasa and dorado so just 19 points between the leaders going into the final race of the season at petit le mans well that and that is a big point pierre as well of course they've been the longer race durrani being congratulated by philippe nazar who's run across from the pit box the uh the victory lane is just a little ways away from where the infrastructure teams are working milner and tandy winning another corvette 1-2 in gt le mans jeremy and those points gaps then just coming down a wee bit just coming down a little bit yeah but it was a 190 point advantage uh coming into this race uh it'll be uh reduced therefore by 30 350 points four times and just stop you there for a second because tommy milner is uh with adam for our vp racing field pitt and paddock report tommy milner now four times a winner at the long beach grand prix this one wasn't with the drama still just as sweet though for you and nick tandy yeah i mean it's not easy for sure racing is on the surface it looks maybe easier than normal having to raise our teammates heads up like that is very hard and uh just the the corvette today was really really good we we don't normally do this but we kind of went in a little bit in different directions all set up so it's a little bit uh sort of different uh from each other uh so jordan was quite a bit better than i was off the hairpin but i was better on the spot so i think it kind of made for a better rate for us to make part of them part of the racetrack but super happy smith and the four-car guys um you know we've had some string of bad luck for for a while at times sometimes uh self-inflicted sometimes not um so happy for all the guys uh to get uh he had another one and the back-to-back wins obviously is fantastic yeah you knew coming into this one that you were going to need to put together a good performance to get a shot at the championship it it feels like the dream might actually be possible now doesn't it it's still a long ways off it i'm pretty sure but um uh you know for nick and i we kind of said this was a couple events ago now but he basically said we just need to win out from here that's that's our goal um if we can win a championship that's fantastic um but i think you know i think for us just not so much morale in this key but just to give you know give up specifically but also all of our crew guys our engineer chuck you have ryan holy our crew chiefs because they work as hard as they possibly can no matter what the result is but you kind of need this validation sometimes to really reinforce all that work so those guys have worked so hard in the last couple years now with but building these these new c8r race cars um and they share in the excitement of the team winning but um it is still a team forward and a competitive board and the guys from the fourth car want to win pretty bad too so happy to have you thanks tommy happy you could finally get it done thank you thank you well done tommy from everybody and say hi to tandy for us as well won't you uh that is the winners in the gt le mans category tommy milner and nick tandy let's go to jeremy shaw for the point in gt dear torna after another bad day no not a bad day an awful day for the championship leaders coming in that was the 96 bmw squad from turner motorsport the liquid molly car indeed so just just before i do that uh just go back to gtlm while we're having talked to tommy uh the number four two they are still alive in the championship mainly because we are expecting the bmw's to be at uh at petit le mans uh so uh other than that if they weren't it was just the three cars for the rest of the season then it'd be pretty much tied up for garcia and taylor in gtd john yes you're absolutely right we do indeed have now new points leaders in the season-long championship uh zack robinshaw and lawrence rancho came in 20 points behind bill auburn and robbie foley they will leave with a 150 point advantage but between them now in second place will be roman de andres and ross gunn in the aston martin so it'll be 25 70 i reckon for ruby short on van tour they will be leading in actually in second position now would be branson madison snow with that uh with that win today that team's first win of the season to go along with their five podium finishes they will now have 25 32 in third position on 2466 with the aston martin team roman d'antos and ross gunn and fourth place now all the way to first to fourth then for that tournament bmw on 24-20 so 150 points covering the top four in gtd going to the final two races of course of the season with vir and petite le mans if we've got time i'll move on to the sprint cup as well go ahead if we get an interview i'll interrupt don't worry great in in in the manufacturer's championship porsche already had taken the lead a couple of races ago so they extend their lead in the gtd manufacturer's championship for the overall overall title in the sprint cup uh roman d anderson ross gun will still lead uh 22-44 points with one race to go with the win today last year's sprint cup champion team madison snow and brian sellers will have 21.70 so a 74 point deficit which isn't much uh in uh with the new point system at all into third place will now go aaron tilitz and jack hawks with on 2017 and all the way down from second to fourth robbie foley and billabolin on 1978 so 166 points covering the top four in the sprint cup championship with just one race to go in the manufacturer championship i think aston martin will hang on to their lead as well going into the final rest of the season in a sprint cup manufacturers job yeah great stuff jeremy short race big excitement uh lots of intrigue as well stay tuned on rs2 imsa radio for our michelin post race tech thank you to all of our colleagues at tv particularly at nascar productions are both on site here at long beach and over at charlotte also to our tech and producer up in london rob thank you very much indeed coming next post race tech stay tuned and we'll be back of course on wednesday for midweek motorsport we've got plenty of endurance racing action to come including the hungarian ring 12 hours next weekend and then we're at vir for the next installment of imsa 2021 we'll see you after we've taken just a little breath for paul's first day you
Channel: IMSA Official
Views: 269,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IMSA, International Motor Sports Association, WeatherTech Championship, Long Beach Street Circuit, Audi, Acura, Aston Martin, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lexus, Mazda, McLaren, Mercedes, Porsche
Id: 9Cwup3UjGBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 31sec (7171 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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