LIVE: Salt Lake City, USA | 2019 Vans Park Series World Championships

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a whirlwind tour across the globe spanning four countries in five months and countless memorable moments official grand finale the 2019 vans park series world championships in Salt Lake City Utah the state of sport the Vans Park series Pro Tour is the premier competitive series for park terrain skateboarding the fastest growing discipline in skateboarding today combining all aspects of skate culture extreme and transition the park series is home to the most exciting shown skateboarding hosted in the United States for the first time this year's VPS world championships be held at the brand new permanent vans Utah Sports Commission skate park the Legacy Park terrain skateboarding facility designed and built for the Utah community the competition to the women is tougher than ever before as skaters Lizzie our motto Sakura Yoshizumi and Kaukauna hockey have all elevated their skating this season it hopes to take home first series championship title and with defending world champion right due to injury world champion will be found today the Utah Sun is beaming down on the brand new permanent skatepark and the best park skaters in the world are about to show us how it's done the 2019 Vans Park series world championship starts right now boys are throwing down out here welcome skateboarders from around the world the time is now we're gonna crown some world champions today this is the Vans Park series world championships live from a brand-new legacy skate park filled in partnership with fans and the Utah Sports Commission a brand-new perfect skate park for today's world championships I'm Chris Cote this is Tony Hawk and we are fired up world championships this is huge this is what we've been after the whole time traveling around the globe ready for this moment right now and it's going off already we are going to go into the Women's World Championships first but before we get to where we're at today let's find out where we started we're gonna go way back to Shanghai China where it was the high-tech skateboarding of Sakura Yoshizumi who got the win down in Shanghai an incredible display of skateboarding from Sakura she'll be in the finals today from Shanghai we went down to South Paulo Brazil for a purpose-built legacy skatepark battle in dr.azz from florianópolis got the wind down in Sao Paulo and Tony after that we went to Paris what didn't you do there Montreal she she was riding high went up that we had Brazilian takeover in Brazil obviously it was her and Pedro they both won the Montreal event as well and they just had to support the crowd they had the lines they had the tricks and she killed it and then we were off to Paris Sao Paulo Montreal Paris Paris was a big one Paris was huge ko Kona really came into her own she's the nosegrind master we saw her coming from Shanghai where she was a little timid not really so sure of herself and then through those other events found her confidence and killed it in Paris and then she was the winner and now we're here in Salt Lake to the finals it all comes down to this the world championships of Park skateboarding for the women today and everybody's been pretty unanimous in their love for this new Park Tony I know you skated this morning this park looks real fun yeah it's real good and it's got some vert walls which I'm a big fan here so I think it's got the kind of a best of everything here and we're gonna see some the most variety well we got the best Park skaters in the war here today and legends on legends on the deck we got two of them right here the Alex white and Chris dune pastures what's up Thank You boys yes it's an honor to have Alex join us here on the deck and Alex I know you've been watching practice we got the world championships on the line who's skating well and wide oh my god they're all skating so good ripping up this world championship Park series Park mamita zookas ripping braces ripping I am excited to see what they're gonna throw down and what is the vibe on the park is it a favorite of the skaters this year yeah we're hearing everybody giving it rave reviews this is a great legacy series Park and it's just gonna be here for the rest of time for Salt Lake City do enjoy it all right and we are getting fired up for the competition we're watching the Birdman earlier ripping props to you Tony back to you guys right on thank you Alex and Chris they'll be with us all day today to talk us through the action well yesterday was an incredible day of skateboarding a lot of carnage but also a lot of brilliant skateboarding by some of the world's best females let's take a look at the qualifying rounds from yesterday the video part right there state of women's skateboarding alive and well here in Utah that was insane it wasn't yesterday was just non-stop madness there was there a few injuries but also a lot of really good skating people are stepping it up for the finals well I feel like the level has been raised everybody knows this is the world championship so you got to go extra hard speaking of going hard in dr.azz went incredibly well yesterday until one vicious slam took her out of the competition but before that happened we're lucky enough to get a follow from the one and only Chris Gregson who followed in Diarra around this park Tony I know you were here for the opening of this park I mean Utah came correct Salt Lake City the Sports Commission everybody came together and this park right here I mean this is a park that is among the world's best it is yeah actually I came for the ribbon-cutting and it was already a full session happening no one could wait for us to cut the wrists and Matt was barely dressed ya know but it was really good you could tell it's got a little bit everything he's got some Bank and of course the the wall plant famous in dietrich there but it's got a little bit everything he's got some vert walls got some balls really good hips volcano and then some of those Bank wedges we call those the boneless banks but I think it shows how versatile everyone is absolutely and we want to say get well soon to in dr.azz but now Tony we've been having fun with this throughout this you know entire season here on the vans Park series but now it's serious it used to be who to watch who we want to see skate now it's who's gonna win no pressure bird man make your pick Wow well I think my pick is obvious it would be miss Lizzie Armond toe because she's better it's crazy because I think of her as being so young but she is truly a veteran of these events so and she's comfortable on every transition size even the big vert walls she's got something even small ones mini ramp tricks she uses her strategy where she will build on each run that she makes where a lot of these a lot of skiers a little bit green they don't really understand that strategy and she understands that she's gonna get better and better and also I have a lot of peer pressure from the birdhouse team so I come to peer pressure what can I say Lizzie hey you know you have you got to make the pixie yeah and that's a solid pick Lizzie would be a great world champion well first I say I don't want to get taking out the group text and you would if he didn't make that pick but that's a good one well for my pick I'm going with an 11 year old I know that sounds crazy but the way Konoha Rocky skates is well beyond her years and she showed us her grit her toughness yesterday literally smashed her face got right back up and kept skating even qualifying in first place she won Paris she's full of confidence and of course we all know kikuna as the nosegrind master so she is going to be fun to watch and we have a potential for an 11 year old world championship park skater which is very exciting now let's go back to the deck where the Alex White is waiting Alex who's gonna win the World Championship today well my pick for the world championship winner here is mommy to Zuka she's 17 years old from Japan she's got style she's got power she's been improving all year and fun fact she's a classically trained pianist so you know she's got that composure and flow all right well playing piano practice makes perfect you're not gonna get hurt practicing piano but I like the clever segue though I like the thread we go in there way to bring it in all right well those are our picks and we'll see if any of those come true we know we have eight solid skaters in the final now let's talk about the format we're gonna stick with what works we've been doing this all year long so here's what we got for the finals format coming into the World Championships today in Salt Lake City Utah top eight skaters from a cut of 24 runs each 40 seconds max you skate until you fall and Tony that first wall rebate is in full effect fourth run only but everything resets yeah I like that it's kind of your own little best trick event but also the best run counts is is unique in that some people just have to go all out they just want that one up just to make one run and that's the one that could win it instead of being more conservative but we'll see what happens because some people it's all or nothing for them anyway love it well we're getting fired up here we got a packed house the stands are absolutely full and here are your finalists we got a high percentage of a chance of a Japanese skater to get the win here as we have four of eight finalists representing Japan Kahana Ogawa kodiak Tommen AHA Grace Tamar Hoffer Sakura yosuzume poppy start Olsen Lizzy our Monto mommy Tezuka and Kakuna Nawrocki our eleven-year-old skater out of Hokkaido Japan coming through as our top qualifier so we're gonna fit we're gonna start with our eighth qualifier and go all the way up to number one so Tony mean what more can we say let's skate game on we're gonna start the World Championships here in Salt Lake City Utah with Quijano Ogawa she's 18 years old representing Japan one of our four Japanese skaters in the finals here which is a huge statement to the advance with the level that Japan is showing us here in female skateboarding yeah they have definitely stepped it up just from this season oh look at that Smith grind the lip slide I'd say that's one of her more risky moves and doing the first run Oh missing that backside blunt alright so 40 seconds Tony describe for those watching what it's like to skate this park for a full 40 seconds it's exhausting especially at my age I'd say around the 25 to 30 second mark is where you start to really dig deep and go do I have the energy to finish this and it's hard especially it like right there she's gonna do one of her harder tricks near the end that requires the most focus the most energy and that's a challenge poppy star olson representing Newcastle Australia she's 19 years old she's run everything in Australia and she's off to a good start in her first run here she's got 30 seconds left oh no miss nut boardslide poppy just won the Red Bull bull rippers event in Marseilles so she's got to have some confidence momentum coming in here to the World Championships here at the van's Park series the final event so for a lot of these skaters and we saw it yesterday in the semifinals and prelims I mean it's all or nothing right I mean your season could effectively be over for Park skating today what you can see that these girls are not holding back like even in their first moment their turn their hardest tricks so so much for the strategy of building upon each run mililani town on oahu this is Cody Timon aha no doubt skates a lot at the Banzai skate park she is coach and sponsored by Hosoi Christian Hosoi he's on the deck right now no doubt giving her the hosoi vibes as she's flying around the park she's got some of the harder tricks here especially with this one backside lipslide you don't see too many of the competitors doing that especially on the big wall I just want to see you do your tricks far long slide them far grind them far do high errors you got to travel in each and every trick oh nice air to fakie up the hip into a little crooks all right I saw grunt the first first full pull run here full forty second run from Cody Tom and aha Mililani a small town on Oahu Hawaiian Islands I bet she surfs good too you can just tell the style there she's got a lot of good flow you know let's go stop staying in Hawaii but alright so that was a quick look back as scores come through seventy three point two zero for Cody that's enough to get her in the top spot for now a lot of skateboarding left come but a great start you can get yourself on top of the board gonna be looking good here we go Tony Hawk's pick four world champion Lizzy Armand toe from Santa Monica California 26 years old a vet in the skate game France Edinburgh on the big vert Waldheim like I said she's comfortable on those big transitions she's got the meeting round tricks - here we go is she gonna do it blunt and not hold back she is right into that corner so doing tricks into corners and through corners like that pretty much doubles the difficulty of the trick yeah just the the risk factor the idea that your feet your feet are gonna move regardless but once you're in that corner to push through it it's really sticky and I'm I am honestly surprised I feel like that that set the tone that Lizzie is not going to be conservative at all she's just gonna do all or nothing here so you gotta do she want to win the win the title so Lizzie our motto out for now grace Maher Hoffer from Cocoa Beach Florida 16 years old coming back from a pretty brutal injury but she is looking like she has 100% absolute Ripper she she didn't actually know she didn't get to skate in 2018 due to that injury and she did make the finals in Paris she finished 12th place but grace usually very consistent but unfortunately yeah you gotta know that there's nerves got a first-run jitters air so we're gonna get through this first one second one is what people gonna start get in the groove all right from hey Coney she got Japan 17 years old mommy Tezuka owner of probably the best Smith grinds of the entire field Oh big hand plant there - oh no nerves everyone's got that first-run jitters the World Championships I get it they get four runs by design so four runs we we will see mommy again three more times so mommy - Zuka fans don't worry you're gonna get more mommy coming up up next 17 years old from Wakayama Japan Sakura yosuzume she's been skating contest too much every weekend all year every contest I've seen her learn a brand new very difficult trick - and this one's no exception she's got a frontside blunt now which I assume she's gonna try at the end here missa 360 she is definitely considered a takács sorceress he's got every mini-ramp trick in the books but then you see her gone in the deep end she's got good airs - it's a power skater yeah I think good she has a strategy in that she wants to she wants to strengthen her weaker points in terms of like she's got these really technical tricks but didn't necessarily have the virtue X and now she's got the ver tricks and now she's stepping up the difficulty of remaining ramp tricks her number one qualifier from yesterday from Hokkaido Japan 11 years old Kaukauna kuraki just wait for the nose grind you know it's coming there's there's one yep there it is perfect every time here comes another one pretty soon see that bandage on her face she had a vicious slam yesterday there we go front side nose grind in the corner oh man I can't stress how hard that is going through a corner like that did I mention she's 11 years old that's shocking oh no now if she can finish that run like that we're looking at a potential world championship run from kou Konoha rocky so seldom do you see anyone trying to slow down during the run but you can see right there she went into that Crale slide and she had two deep hump to lose speed for the kickflip on the hip which is it just shows how dialed in she is that she's got so much speed she actually just slowed down her and Pedro bar yeah I mean that Pedro is the only other one I can say does that right there that frontside nosegrind and then to come out of that and turn in the backside direction is very risky we have a new leader women with seven seconds left on the clock kakuna Hiraki as expected comes through blazing multiple nose grinds got a beautiful Smith grind in the mix there almost got the kickflip at the end of that run 74 5/7 so we're tight up in the first and second spot Cody salmon AHA in second key Hana Ogawa third Lizzy right there in fourth so some 40s couple you know low scores there in the bottom line but we've got three more runs from each skater so big scores yet here's what the judges are looking for they are the best in the business they're looking for you just commit to your tricks do hard tricks be creative use the whole park you got to do a combination mover you can't do the same trick over and over you got to go fast you got a this line right here Tony emphasis on distance traveled to me that's the key line of this judging criteria yeah I think you could do a backside lipslide but if you don't truly slide it they're gonna count you down from it they don't see mini-ramp tricks per se they want to see Park tricks long rides around corners over gaps Kahana Ogawa back in the park for her second run we got equal prize purse for men and women 20 grand if you win this contest and then you'll be able to say I am the world champion of parks gated I like that little combo right there out of the bowl wow that was a was that a blood it was almost like a salad grind too blunt I think that kind of killed her speed and that's what that's what made her miss that frontside feeble afterwards so I like the setup that kahana's got right now and of course the judges they're gonna be sticklers about getting that full forty second run you see a fifty seven point seven seven drop on the score line for ki Hana that's enough for third place for now get a lot more skateboarding left come she goes and talks to Christian Hosoi papi star Olsen vans team rider from Australia an incredible deep Bowl skater and she is definitely I mean every contest she just gets better and better and more consistent yeah you can tell papi is more comfortable on the bigger walls that was solid though transfer to boardslide Ilia backside air showing her vert technique gotta give a shout-out to Papi's mom she's at every event with papi cheering a lot of side of anyone in the crowd supportive pero but for supporters she's gonna do it right here what is the last trick fastplant how big is that vert wall right there it's it's big but it's also on the uphill so you actually have to sort of work your way up just to get speed there which makes it extra hard and I'm surprised that she would want to do something on that wall for her last trick when you're the most exhausted and you have to struggle the most for speed but she pulled it off the crowd went wild all the skaters on the decks slapping their tail against the coping great run for poppy star Olson look at this right here it's solid I call that an empire plant and I was surprising that lean to tail slide right there that is not a wall conducive to that trick score comes through a 78 9 7 we've got a skate contest on our hands poppy star Olson your new leader now that is the score to beat 78 9 7 second place score for now 74 5 7 now we go back to Cody Tom and aha she got 40 seconds on the clock nice frontside air I don't want to be cliche but that was truly Hawaiian style inside air yeah and unfortunately right there just kind of one of those transitional Falls maybe thinking about the next trick coming up I'm not paying close attention to the trick at hand it happens we see it even with the veterans of skateboarding Cody will have two more runs that score comes through in 11 5 3 love to the start of that run but just one of those unforced errors I think sometimes your think that they're thinking so far ahead they don't consider at the moment Ryan may be a basic trick just falls apart because it's like wait I this was point A to point B this is not the thing ups us to fall on so when you see people falling on fronts hanging around or 450 50s that's the kiss of death Lizzie are Monto from Santa Monica California a pro 14 birdhouse since 2017 super fast skateboarder obviously that trademark Lizzie style here we go one right here around the corner and missing it again alright so with two more runs for Lizzie you keep going back to that trick do you stay focused and stay in that zone of trying to get your run that you planned out um are you asking if I'm as II would imagine you know I'd want it I'd want to make a run first okay but I was more I was more of a competitor where I had I had a bit of a strategy I applaud anyone that just says I'm doing it all or nothing and I think that Lizzie can still make it cuz she has that focus see what happened up and over to the backside 5050 grace maar Hoffer Cocoa Beach Florida 16 years old regular footer she's got a solid line here that eggplant on the deep end I like her style too you see those kind of like quiet arms down to her down to her hips beautiful smooth going through the corner she could use a few more tricks here like through those corners but everything else she does is solid and difficult final track invert just get a little bit everything there all right a full run for grace Mart offer her previous run of 583 so no doubt improving on that I think the judge is gonna like this they'd like to see not only combination of maneuvers around the park but when you actually do two tricks in one you star get the crab disaster quick things like that that get the judges psyched well it mixes up too because there's a chance that if you do a lipslide you don't want to repeat anything so doing a frontside air jet disaster is a little bit of a version of that but still a different trick 70 307 you think grace needs more tricks in that run um yeah it was just spending a lot of time getting from point A to point B so if she could do a couple of little moves on those smaller walls that would help her out mamita Zuka 17 years old from he coney she got japan vans team rider one of our van guards and I just I just hold my breath because I just want to see this piece Smith grinds from mommy they're just so perfect mixing it up here whoa frontside people around the corner that's kind of risky this is a good run stiletto hip back Smith nice 10-second stay on mommy oh my god that is creativity that's part of the judging criteria be creative mommy did just that that was an epic run from mommy to Zuka that was exactly what she wanted to do you see well that smile is always on her face but it's just a little bigger after a run like that what a run for mommy so that trick we saw kind of a sideways disaster up the extension very few people do it it's weird to sort of shift your thinking into a different plane right there and it can go bad that can be very dangerous and to have that at the end of the run was like probably gonna put her in first place yes you're right 81 83 for mommy to Zuka and I love it that's a classic mini ranked mini ramp trick that you do honey attention but she actually had to travel into it so it oh yeah all kinds of things to go wrong there all right so we have a new leader with mommy at Tezuka Sakura iOS's Umi has to be fired up from what she just saw so Sakura one of the most technical skaters in the field today now right there that seems like oh no yeah everyone is sort of everyone is pushing the limits of how far they can turn to get their line through here and even though this course is somewhat sticky cuz it's new you can only push it so far and so right there she was she was so focused on the line that she was turning too sharply and she slid out a harsh slam for Sakura Josas Umi medical crew on hand has been BAM on it I mean when the skaters hit the pavement they're standing on them are you okay right there they saw Sakura get right back up Konoha rocky she knows what this pavement feels like to see the bandage on her face she is a warrior a tough skater at age 11 and a master at that trick right they're so comfortable now right here she's got a trick on every wall even read there's Lina Lina tail it still counts for a lot and this frontside nosegrind around the corner and then to come out and go back side over this hip as simple as that looks that is a difficult routine like I said she's where you want it the crowd wants it she's got that Crale slide into the kickflip like she's already set herself up for one of the hardest lines she has to slow down to do it but I think she's gonna make this probably the next drawing let such a textbook nosegrind Jolyon have that trick can I somehow borrow it or buy it how do I get that nose grind you got to learn to pop in like that that's it that's the whole trick she makes it look so easy and again you see the 73 5 3 that's a proper score for an unfinished run so if she gets that kickflip and potentially gets one more trick you could be looking at a new leader let's go down to the deck Chris dune pastures and the Alex White on the call Thank You boys yes so Alex we have two runs in the books thoughts on what we've seen so far it's been a great exchange and we're expecting kikuna to take it out but right now we got a mommy in the lead my pick is in the lead right now with an 83 followed up by poppy star Olson what do you think it takes with mommy's skating why is her spy she's scoring so high she's got an 81 she's grinding block block block block block around the coping and she's doing super technical tricks and she's getting air and she's just nailing it and what adjustments is that does the rest of the field need to make to catch up to mommy they're gonna have to watch what she's doing in there got to grind farther and go higher amazing in that speaking of which we are gonna get right back into the action Kahana Ogawa is in for the third run let's call it Alex all right kahana's over there with the invert on the big wall transferring it over stakes so high with this being our world championships Kiana Shane smooth oh I love that one like a curb trick and gap option there slide as your nails the blunt slide in again that's been cursing her so far in this contest yeah scores she's gonna want to work to beat right now fifty-seven point seven seven and a forty nine so kahana's definitely gonna try to put it all together for a fourth run yeah the crowd is pumped she's giving it her all Nikki Honda's only seven years old too so a lot of these skaters are so young here we're all teenagers except for Lizzy Armando who's 26 is it strange that busy is a bet she's fairly new to my generation so faces another teenager here at poppy star Olson who's 19 years old she nailed her first run she looks like she's doing the same thing right now with the judo yeah right into the Smith grind she's stepping up a little bit yeah and poppy nice board setup the extension has a seventy eight point nine seven from her second run she's trying to best that yeah mommy Poppy's really stepping up a notch that invert kick-out that was amazing poppy is having a day out there she's getting really good stalefish transfer yes the fact be homeless I love how she's mixing old school for such a young skater poppy is really nailing it today she's on wow that was so quick on the fastplant love it yeah poppy another a perfect run from poppy star Olson the crowd is going wild out here for poppy all the way from Newcastle Australia and her mom up there so excited to Tama yeah yeah her mom is at almost every event here supporting poppy so props to the Olson family for coming out supporting skateboarding yes and we are awaiting scores and we're gonna watch Cody Tom and aha drop in all the way from Hawaii got the insight on Cody Cody's got that real smooth surfs down she's only 15 years old I mean this field is so young and they come from all over and Cody's getting coached by the one and only Christian Hosoi so you know he's giving her some good tips yes we're so stoked Cody is here ripping and has his soy on the deck here joining us rooting her on get him Cody cardi coming around big frontside air on the vert wall ah man her feet were just hanging on there five Oh can't emphasize how smooth she looks on the board seriously she makes it look too easy Chris love it board side through the corner house with Brian River this is an amazing run from Cody at 15 years old that she has all these tricks under her belt so unbelievable oh right before the buzzer but still put it all together there before that fall nice work from Cody Tom and aha we're seeing like Cody and Kaukauna at the last 10 seconds it's on those like little transition tricks that they keep bailing so if they can just put it together at the end they're gonna nail it yes and we are gonna throw it back up to the booth so thank you Alex where you enjoyed all your insights we appreciate you and yeah take it over Chris and Tony thanks guys right on thank you dude and the Alex white here we go Lizzy our Monto she needs an 81 8 for if she wants to get up into the top spot she finished second place in Paris she's got momentum but she's got this one trick right here Tony not yet front Center vert I'm just gonna watch you walk talking what happened all right ooh nice little nose block there and here we go she's got it it is a blunt slide oh that was a good setup see she will not hold back little frustrated right there I'm gonna give her credit though for just not holding back at all she was not playing conservative I thought that she would try to get one run like in the beginning just to have something to put her on the board she's not gonna hold back and now that I think about it I don't know if I've ever seen Lizzie not go for it in these events she's the first woman ever to do the loop on a skateboard correct that is correct she's she's gnarly and she's got one more run we'll see what happens grace marha for now 16 years old from Cocoa Beach Florida currently in fifth place with at 70 307 and she goes down she was trying to do a 5 oh she's trying to mix up her run so you got to give her credit that usually is a 50/50 right up there and this time she was trying to go only on her back truck and it's a little bit more risky all right after making her debut here on the Vans park series in 2018 at 17 years old our current leader here at the Vans Park series world championships of Park skateboarding this is mommy Tezuka currently sitting on an 81 83 go this is the same run we've seen but I have a feeling she's gonna mix it up a little bit so precise I mean every trick is done so proper that feeble she's staying on the edges there oh nice backside Smith grind feeble kinda over the hip that do I even say again how much oh here we go this was though that was gonna be how she stepped it up just trying to do a axis all up on that logo crowds loving it mamita Zuka right there currently your leader with an 81 83 her run before pretty much flawless this one just had a well that was it she was building on that last run she was doing pretty much the same routine but saving the hardest trick for last which is risky because you're already so tired and a trick like that requires a lot of energy a lot of speed and as you can see she just couldn't get her back truck on it and I think it's just because she was tired well for those of you watching at home next time you go skate your local park set your timer for 40 seconds and skate hard for 40 seconds and see what it feels like and then try your hardest trick at the end try your hardest tricks yeah do what Mommy just did you see it's not easy this is Sakura yosuzume Wakayama Japan one of four skaters representing Japan out of eight finalists here today now right there just that backside ollie on the vert wall looks like a basic trick that is low nice 360 holding on to its squatting it out that's the spirit the judges notice they have a sugar cane is beautiful front sight blood there we go that Sakura ghost assuming the difficulty factor is way higher now that's not gonna count last Rose right at the end of time so as you're coming up for your last trick if time stops as you're going up towards the coping they will count that trick but if you're in the flat the runs over so what do you think here Sakura Yoshizumi I think that that's gonna put her on the podium at the very least that could be the top scoring run right now although having to do a recovery like that is is gonna mark you down but then these two tricks sugar cane a frontside blunt up one after another that's the highest difficulty fact we've seen this whole this whole contest the judges agree eighty five six seven sakura yosuzume is your new leader Wow what a run to the judges loving that high-tech approach you know and mixing all her tricks up now it's up to our youngster 11 years old COO Konoha rocky he's currently in fourth place now she needs an 85 6 7 or better she's capable of getting it especially if she can put this entire run together and do the kickflip at the end it's almost like she's on autopilot until she gets to that last trick at this point because she's done this run twice already to the end but missed the kickflip over the hip frontside nosegrind here we go make it and then trail slide into kickflip OH heartbreaker so close he's got one try left so now what do you do with your fourth run you get that first trick rebate do you just try that kickflip on your first trick or does that kind of set you up for some weirdness going into the final 35 seconds I feel like that's just not her flow is to go straight into a kickflip so do you think she's gonna stick nice predict that she's gonna just stick for that same run but who knows maybe someone will convince her otherwise alright skateboarders skate fans from around the world it comes down to this fourth and final runs who will be our world champion for women's Park skating take a look at the leaderboard as it stands now Sakura Yoshizumi mamita Zuka and poppy star olson will make up the podium with Sakura in the top spot 85 6 7 Toni will we see a leader change right now 4th and final run no press we see the act clip ok maybe I don't know that's tough I don't even know if the Cape it would still put her above Sakura because Sakura just got those two bangers at the end all right we're gonna go back to the top of the order eighth place qualifier from yesterday key Hana Ogawa from Kanagawa Japan 18 years old will she be our world champion here we go she's got 30 seconds to prove it whoa of that SmithGroup little slide it's good cuz it mixes her up when she oh I was gonna say when she does the lip slide right there it's not like she's repeating tricks well that was the one we want and see but unfortunately for Kiana Oh gah whaa that's it after about 20 seconds in she goes down but a solid effort tejana her highest score of 57 7 7 it's enough for 7th place for now congratulations just making the finals of the World Championships that is huge talk to the best Park skaters in the world here's one of them poppy star Olson currently in third place with an 86 7 you can see poppy I was gonna say poppy is trying to go higher on this run you could just see the way she pumped on that first wall was laughs I am NOT holding back so that was that a first of all rebate that wasn't the first wall first trick rebate so the pump on the wall I don't really count that as the quote unquote wall so it's really that first trick so she will get that was a 50-50 though so oh you're right questionable so now it's up to the judges we've never seen this discussion be really bending the rules here no I would expect that she doesn't think that was the first wall rebate it's almost they're gonna give it to her all right so that the judges had the conversation they're gonna put for 40 seconds on the clock so that will be a setup for this first big trick she gets it it's a World Championships not a little bit of controversy Tony right I guess yeah sure I like that boardslide transfer landing a little low but sticking her tail out Oh 1 foot an ember with very little speed lipslide to hang up she is just forcing these tricks that and even the backside boneless 10 seconds for poppy star Oh missing the tail lean to tail she is not going to get off her skateboard nice everything about that last part of the run was a compliment it wasn't it was scheduled she didn't have the speed to do those tricks but she was forcing them out and that was admirable sometimes sketchiness is good it makes it exciting poppy star did just that that's my favorite trick right there right here are the stalefish and then the bonus one barely had enough speed to get her foot on there she just did it anyway that's a scary trip there's a lot that can happen with your feet there we go poppy star all since she will remain in third place for now than 80 six seven there's the career right there Jordan Barrett yeah she's he they're not even skating today but they're here to support you like to see that Cody humming AHA currently sitting in fifth place with a 73 to 0 no need for that first wall rebei here we go 30 seconds left so far so good so this is the same run we've seen Cody do already nice boardslide around the corner Oh Smith grind reverb big fan switching things up a little bit adding some difficulty ten seconds left people to fakie wow this is a nice one switch crook of sorts finished strong a clip on the end here and then air to fakie well good run into a shove it bonus on the crowd the Salt Lake City skate fans going wild for our skater representing Hawaii Cody Tom and aha that last track is probably not gonna count sort of a fakie shove disaster how's it but the wrestling Khalid yes absolutely it's gonna be your best score by far we'll see if Cody can get herself up in that top three with that run was it better than a 74 5/7 I think so yeah wait that Smith grind revert is no joke into back lip on that uh that big wall it's Christian Hosoi right there and she does improve but just not enough to get in the top three a solid effort though seventy seven eight three four Cody Timon AHA so that plays are up from fifth to fourth you know what fourth place in the world is pretty good that is pretty good so congrats to Cody Tom and odd here we go final chance for Lizzie Armando so Lizzie is going to go first wall rebate of I'm not sure if they're gonna count it oh my goodness invert up the hip right stay on your board Lizzie thirty seconds left I was an insane start I'm nervous 20 seconds she was working this out in practice I saw her working some of these tricks Wow front side never with no speed up there on top nose bonk she's gonna get that blunt here it's gonna happen create weight do it here it is but at least she made it to the end of her run this time so she only had three seconds left that's gonna be your best scoring run and there was some solid part of tetrode tricks wild there's India ASP right there no one went home I tell you even if you weren't entered in this contest you're here represent women's skateboarding at its best what a way to start was yeah that one of the tricks of the day so far I did I haven't even seen her attempt that or I it up yet so oh wow silent as we wait for the scores Lizzy wait for it a 68 3-0 seventh place for Lizzy our Monto the judges that really want to see that full song is hinging on that once on that uh bluntslide alright well hey again seventh place in the world that's huge this is the world championships were talking about grace marhaba right here currently in sixth place with a 73 zero seven forty seconds on the clock let's go it's like grace is setting us up for something here first of all rebate Oh slob plan on the logo oh that's scary those logos that we've been seeing around at a contest a really cool to look at its incredible to watch people try to skate him but when you walk up and look at them they're scary they're sharp they're slippery there's there's not a lot of area I got my foot stuck in the one in Paris rolled my ankle yeah you tell us first hand sketch of those things are but again thank you to vans and thank you to the Utah Sports Commission coming together to build this incredible skate park and guess what in three two hours it's it's it's for you Salt Lake City and for the world make a trip to Salt Lake I mean it's not just about skiing and snowboarding it's also about skateboarding so grace mountain biking climb grace is going back for more get it wants that slob plant on the logo Oh almost had it there okay you know what I'd like to see that all or nothing right there from grace Mar Hoffer she represented Cocoa Beach Florida well 73 0 7 oh no this is skateboarding she's going back in for more fill it up pop it up four runs over this will not count except for all of us watching and all the fans here I wanna see this trick made why not be that this is it this is skateboarding right here oh so close I don't think you're gonna see someone jump into the ball after time is up in the Olympics I've just projected maybe right now so grace Mara hopper that's gonna be at 4.13 she did have that one solid run the 73 0-7 that was enough to get her in sixth place congratulations to grace I'm just making the finals Willie Santos is here all the legends came out it is awesome all right here we go no pressure mamita Zuka currently in second place with an 81 83 here we go Tony is this a world championship run Oh going first of all rebate well that was terrifying accessed all up on the Vans like she did that in Paris almost every time what do you think's gonna I think she's going again yeah I think she's going back for it for Cano but he's also hold back her conscious results have just gotten better and better she got eighth place in Shanghai sixth place and Montreal third place in Paris there's not you know from third place it's not much room above that second first right now she's sitting in second three skater two skaters after her so uh I'm no coach and I could not do this trick but if I have my say I'm saying go go back to the logo use that vans 50/50 grind right there I think she heard you making there we go mommy to Zuka Wow the hard work was done Wow one more crowd knows what they want they want exactly what we all want to see this trick made they like a bit of Anarchy they like for the determination this is unscored unscripted 100% that she had that one she just drew Adelaide squat on the last part the transition I love mommy to Zuka she is so awesome make it yes so granter psyched the crowd site cats and dogs commingling together that's exactly what we wanted to see she doesn't she just wants to run just keep going this is a mummy - just hit that my run that's all we can't do a rule change just give her score this one it's our only fair maybe next year we do a second second wall second first wall rebate or something where does it end Chris all I know is mommy Tezuka is an amazing skateboarder and as it stands right now she is the second-place skater in the world they're in vans Park series one of the best female Park skaters on the planet right there mommy - Zuka and now your current leader here we go 17 years old from Wakayama Japan representing hard this is Sakura yosuzume here we go Tony oh wow big spin disaster no problem it was easy for Sakura I was gonna say it's it doesn't look like she was caring about the first of all rebate but that was a pretty risky move so she was using strategy there so far she's beating that eighty five six seven go nice 360 last time she bobbled a bit on that landing nossek her looking good 14 seconds left Oh sugar cane here we go frontside blunt how does she stop there to do the Hat is so frightening the longer you wait the hard way more frightening and the more likely you're gonna fall Oh backside nose might revert goodnight we're looking at 90s that would be the best scoring run I'm by far throwing my paperwork into the air that's it because that wasn't World Championship run right there and only one skateboarder has anything to say about that and she's coming up next but before we get there Tony this was just technical prowess all day long this 360 was only a way to get speed right there and the sugarcane grind into the front slight blunt stall that just shows a level of confidence that we're not seeing out here right now I was probably the best run i've seen of the of the year from sakura the judges agreed 90 to 83 it could be looking a world champion right there wow starting it off with big spin disaster don't crown her yet though we got an 11 year old also representing Japan cook Kona Iraqi if anybody can do it it's Kaukauna here we go cacoa is going to stick with her old run not using that first of all rebate all right 30 seconds left if you wind it up stay on go fast hack these tricks in that frontside nosegrind getting way in the corner there I think she's gonna make the kickflip here calling it find out what's good oh nice five seconds left that's what you came here for right there backside air at the end well she made her run but was it enough no good not to beat Sakura the fireworks from Sakura was just out of control it was great to see her sick without run on all four attempts and finally good last one they'd lost him because she got to the kickflip every time and let's not forget she slammed from the top of the coping into the flat yesterday and came back to skate like this that is a true warrior age 11 look at that foot adjustment caught it not ideally with her feet but moved it on her landing like that's the market of someone that's that's got it dialed well she's locked herself in second place with an eighty three nine zero that means you're world champion of park skateboarding is Sakura yosuzume or 2019 vans Park Sears world champion and just does it effortlessly packed in the most high-tech tricks flying on backside airs securly osuzu me soaking it all in it's almost as if the crowds in shock of what they just saw let's go down to Chris pastors on the deck thank you guys and Sakura such amazing skateboarding thank you and congratulations our 2019 women's world champion I want you to describe what this win means to you and we have a translator here a minute that was a month yeah I don't come on katsu gonna cut you need him you know you can Jesus go let's get any Oni dissing us get my stuff okay I don't sorry she said she's really excited about even though coming up to this point having been able to win this time and going forward she's really excited about all that and she has been progressing every single event tell us about that my mother no event oh it's monk eyes instead so they need a total estimate even though then you called us today Leone yeah so she's she's doing her best to just put forth her best foot and just keep trying every time amazing and let's put our hands together for our 2019 women's world champion Sakura yo so sue me congratulations Sakura yes you killed it an incredible display of tech sorcery from Sakura yosuzume and get this you top three all representing Japan an incredible finish for our Japanese skateboarders and what a way to wrap up vans Park series for our women Tony as we look back as to what we just witnessed I mean mamita Zucca kakuna Hiraki sakura isuzu me through three skateboarders that have been pushing hard each and every event and getting better and better at every stop where do we go from here well you women skating you've seen each of them make a podium almost throughout throughout the entire series but we'd never saw a full Japanese takeover like we did tonight and it just shows how focused they are I mean they've been improving their skills the whole time the sky's the limit like they just keep getting better and the tricks keep getting harder I mean that that was ramped up to the finals to the very last run and that's what we saw the best skating when it shows you too you know for anyone representing any other country around the world when you get behind your athletes when you get behind your skateboarders results follow that's what we just saw here's a recap of just an incredible display of skateboarding starting with mommy - Zuko what a ripper she is absolutely you can't teach the passion either the fact that these girls were getting up and going after their runs after it's not gonna count and trying their hardest tricks again and again that's the kind of heart that you can't just pluck someone say you're gonna be a skateboarder that that's way more internal this right here that sugar cane into the front side blonde it's awesome when I really shows you mean this one shows you while we're looking for do your heirs big do your grinds long fit technical tricks in there mix old school new school that's what all three of these skaters did to get themselves in those top three spots you can't talk about the corner without talking about the nose grind first what Kokoda lacks in speed and strength she makes up for it technical with the nose grinds with the kickflips and she was trying that every single run finally got on the last one and that was a celebration and forget the future I mean it's happening now women's skateboarding has reached a level that is it's unprecedented we're seeing it happen right in front of her eyes here are your results quijano Ogawa 8 Lizzie Romano 7 grace Mon hopper sick Cody atomic AHA in fifth poppy star Olsen right there in 4th place but in the top three spots mommy Tezuka Coco Nawrocki and your world champion Sakura Yoshizumi and you just you see it on her face she lives and breathes skateboarding she loves it and she puts that passion in every run she takes and that last run that was just everything we wanted to see that's a week she came here for absolutely and and to add the little flavor in with the big spin disaster for starting it off which was the first wall rebate but then just annihilating and after that her on her best Iran I mean that was undeniable that was the best room by far was a clinical approach to we saw I mean the strategy to do your first line get that one in the books and then start adding tricks you know she's playing at a trick with herself and it worked you saw her have multiplying tricks and then doing different combinations throughout so for full 40 seconds right there I mean she was doing a trick a second basically rapid you're skateboarding I mean the backside noseblunt revert but that was the cherry on top that was just that in Iran itself is gonna place you high well we want to thank of course the Utah Sports Commission in partnership with Vans creating and leaving this incredible skate park that will be here for hundreds of years so we're very excited and let's not forget vans Park series comes from a DIY background it's all about skaters who did it themselves to create these incredible skate parks we took that at those and we put it into play here so for more on that I'm gonna take a quick break but we're gonna leave you with a love letters to skateboarding from Jeff Cross oh and after that we're gonna have an epic round table here myself Tony Hawk Jeff draw so in the Alex White don't go anywhere more skateboarding to come they have not dug a hole or poured some cement up against a pillar at Burnside then that entire skatepark building revolution probably would have looked a lot different or not gone on at all once we knew that somebody put something there then Carlos stepped in and said let's make this thing better teamwork makes the dream work if everybody chips in something then we could pour something yard just didn't start with a couple dudes it was like three crews the dudes came together they just like everybody else they're sure that actions going down shit's happening this is where the sessions going down dudes are building shit and boom there they were ready to skate ready to build ready to park taken at all FDR is freedom at its finest and just like that we have a new Vance Park series world champion in Sakura yosuzume I'm Chris Cote this is Alex white Jeff Grasso Tony Hawk this is time out with Jeff Grasso and being that we're gonna start with Jeff I know you've been a huge supporter of women's skateboarding since the jump tell us about what you just saw what excites you about the finals we just watched mommy was rad and mom I like mom I like mommy's skating did the Japanese girls are coming on strong there's a little changing of the guard this season seems like I really wanted grace to do good and it's unfortunate she fell and I really really liked Poppy's performance she put in a lot of heart Coco's awesome especially the big mark on her face I see you light up we talked about women's skating and throughout this entire season you've been cheering from the sidelines louder than anybody from the deck when the women drop in was it but what is it about this crew that we have advanced Park series that get you so fired up and I see it every contest it's just been a long time coming you know we like to think that we're so progressive in skateboarding and you know we were a little late to the show with the girls and so it's nice to see them catching up and getting their due yeah you know it wasn't more than a handful of years ago that we couldn't even get them float boards and shoes and stuff let alone something like having a whole ecosystem for them to flourishing yeah you know so it's it's rad to see you know the original set of them and what they've done it's it's cool to see the younger ones coming up and what they're bringing to the table I'd like to see the format change a little bit and let them off the hook a little so that they could just skate rather than performing a routine a set routine I think that would probably do everybody a little bit of justice but it's exciting they're exciting they got a lot of passion and they rip now Alex you have your name on escape or you're a professional skateboarder I seen you getting chased down this tree getting tackled by security guards we come a long way and what we just saw I know you're fired up I see it on your face you're excited so tell us where we're at in the state of women's skateboarding right now I said it before I'll say it again women's skateboarding has arrived we're here we came out everybody shows up they give it their all I mean poppy put everything she had into that mommy wanting another chance to hit the van sign the girls want it and I love seeing it Tony we just watched you know four runs each from eight of the best park skaters on the planet where do we go from here what's next for women's park skating sky's the limit I think that that they keep getting better they're getting more strategy and there's no I just we're so far beyond the novelty it's just like they're here they've arrived they're doing the hardest tricks and they're only getting better and they're getting more well-rounded in terms of skating all kinds of terrain and that was really exciting I love seeing the heart especially if the Japanese girls trying tricks after time with no with just for themselves and for the crowd that was the best part it wasn't about the points it was about it shows that they have the passion the passion that we that we've all had well we just witnessed incredible raw skateboarder sort of the best Park skaters somebody should say Sakura Sakura in the world chattering yeah Sakura the Eddie Elgar of female skateboard ruled text go for it an epic show and of course so much more skateboarding to come going to take a quick break but we'll be back with more from Salt Lake City Utah here at the Vance Park series world championships of Park skateboarding stay tuned thank you to this epic panel we'll see more of them later on in the show we'll be right back stay tuned a whirlwind tour across the globe spanning four countries in five months and countless memorable moments culminates with an official grand finale the 2019 fans Park Series World Championships in Salt Lake City Utah the state of sport the van's Park series Pro Tour is the premier competitive series for Park terrain skateboarding the fastest growing disciplined in skateboarding today combining all aspects of skate culture stream and transition the park series is home to the most exciting showed skateboarding hosted in the United States for the first time this year's VPS world championships will be held at the brand new permanent bans Utah Sports Commission skate park in Legacy Park terrain skateboarding facility designed and built for the Utah community Alex or gentei will be looking to defend his world championship title against an intimidating field of powerhouse Park skaters like Oscar Rose Burke Albert Roman cleavage and Luis Francisco can sort gentei play the impossible and get through this incredible field to get the unprecedented third van's Park series World Championship title or will newcomer Jake wouldn't steal his thunder and win the title for himself the Utah Sun is beaming down on the brand new permanent skatepark and the best park skaters in the world are about to show us how it's done the 2019 Vans Park series world championship starts right now all right skate fans it all comes down to this you're about to witness the VINs Park series world championships live from Salt Lake City Utah here at this legacy skate park built by fans and the Utah Sports Commission a beautiful skate park that in about 45 minutes will belong to the Salt Lake City locals we built this park it will stay on Chris Cote this is Tony Hawk we're about to watch the men's World Championships of parks heating here at the Vance Park series I'm ready are you ready yeah it's been leading up to this moment right now we've hit five other stops and or four other stops it's gonna be crazy the this parks best one by far but we tell you from experience I saw you this morning ripping this Park we got a stacked house behind us there is a the crowd is just raging right now the men are practicing but before we get to the finals let's talk about how we got here we're gonna go way back to the beginning of the year where we started our vans Park series for 2019 in Shanghai China so Shanghai was a surprise for a lot of us when we saw teenager Roman Pabich absolutely blitzed through the field he got his maiden victory and did it in a big way this skateboarding was next-level from Roman it was we saw him putting pieces of this run together during practice but never the whole thing and the woods once the contest started it was like oh he's here to win and it was a big surprise he was you know one of the younger guys relatively unknown but has made a name for himself throughout this whole series look at that wall ride to quote fast a kickflip that should not be almost touching us that was an incredible victory you saw an all teenager final right there Shanghai from Shanghai we went down to the skate city of Sao Paulo Brazil where a legacy skate park was built two years ago and as you can see good as new right here and the Pedro show started and it didn't finish till Pedro was on top Pedro got the convincing victory there and I think the crowd was kind of behind him yeah you can say that I'd say the entire crowd wanted him to win he had the advantage of being able to escape this part for a couple years but also he's Pedro so he's gonna find lines no one else does and speed from nowhere like that with a 540 into a squat I mean it was undeniable he definitely won that event yeah Pedro burrows definitely one of the winningest Park skaters in the history of this thing we do call parks skateboarding and he went ahead and went back to back from Sao Paulo Brazil we went up to Montreal Canada and yet another incredible bands legacy skatepark built right there by the Olympic Stadium this park was tricky for a lot of these skateboarders except for Pedro burrows he was riding high from his wind but you got to know that this was his last run he didn't make a full run until this one right here and then it's 540 into a varial flip indy sealed a deal that was it I mean to be able to get speed out of the landings like that in a squad it was like he's here to win once again Pedro borrows show yeah he he has the ability somehow we raise it to new levels in the last second of his run so from Montreal Canada we made the trip to Harris forget another vans Park series the legacy skate park filled this park set in the hills and the outskirts of beautiful Paris France became an instant classic and courage you know we were expecting a win from quarry a long time ago and but this was his first one I mean this is just how Corey skates day in day out perfect every trick done his time especially some of the hardest tricks going sliding along just like that front board around the corner backside noseblunt back live around the corner to revert I mean these are all just standard Corre tricks but he took them to the hardest places well Cory on a heavy slam yesterday and we wish the best get well soon Cory's no doubt watching probably from the deck and a big shocker as we make our way to the advanced Park series world championships here in Salt Lake City no page oh no Cory so the field is wide open again this Park built together in partnership with vans in the Utah Sports Commission so we thank you guys for creating this Park which is a pretty unanimous everybody loves this park including this guy he's on the deck he is doon AKA chris pastors what's up buddy yeah what's up brother thank you so much and you nailed it the best course yet the skaters are feeling it the crowd is on fire here in Salt Lake City super intense energy and from what I'm seeing the skaters are either excelling with power like our leading semi-finalists Alex or Jenn take Lake reiner Luis Francisco going high or they're using creativity and unique obstacle unique obstacles on the course and we're seeing that from guys like Roman Pabich and Oscar Rosenberg so yeah the energy is high we're ready to get this thing underway so thank you guys stay tuned men's finals coming up I'm envious of pastors his spot on the deck they're right in there amongst the crowd we've got thousands of skate fans here standing-room-only Salt Lake City I mean this is a skate town and they are well deserved to have a park like this now in their backyard yeah there been a few parks sprinkled throughout Salt Lake kind of off the beaten path and to have this one front and center it's probably the state of the art best one that's what we've seen on this whole series and best one they probably seen in the city it's a great addition to the skate scene here yeah and as you can see behind us of course everybody is ready for this to start we've got legends on the deck I mean Willy Santos a soy they're all here including two of my favorite skateboarders on the planet I'm so excited to introduce to you John Cardiel Grayson Fletcher what up hey what's up everybody I'm here with John cardial every pro skaters favorite skater the all-terrain vehicle what do you think about this new park John oh it's insane man and the fact that they're leaving it here for the people of Salt Lake City to bat fucking insane man red and I also want to know everybody likes DIY skate parks you saw Pedro borrows and Ronnie Sandoval and Jeff rallies take it back part what do you think about that how they killed it and amazing man and even the work that they did at the old dinosaur parks all that shit was so fucking amazing man it's like I love seeing because you go through the generations of skating and seeing how its progressed and especially with the DIY parks and all that shit you're like damn man like this place is crazy like the fact that every the whole community got behind it has a place to chill and I all go to go drink a beer and kick back like that's fucking awesome I love it so there was a lot of DIY like I said huge impact in skateboarding and on these vans Park events what do you feel is the DIY approach here like really like the hips and everything like a lot of hips yeah man I mean well this is pretty skatepark out so I mean but real real talk I mean you you could add extensions and add and make it DIY you know what I mean but as far as skate park vibes go this places in saying I'm just tripping out seeing Pedro and like asking him to maybe do a gap or some it's just amazing who do you thinks gonna win oh I don't even want to say man everybody wins how about that Salt Lake City wins yep there we go Salt Lake City wins thanks guys back to you at the booth - yeah John yo hey I got chills that's John Carr - yo John Carr do Hale that was that was epic and basically how you gonna win this contest well channel your inner cardio and you could potentially win that's not gonna be an easy thing to do but we had some of the best Park skaters on the planet here yesterday for the prelims and the semifinals and I'll tell you it was a brutal afternoon there were some heavy Slams but there was also some incredible skateboarding that went down so let's take a look back at what transpired here in Salt Lake City yesterday leading up to the finals today the beds so you want to be a Vance Park series world champion you're gonna have to skate like that again some brutal Slams went down yesterday you saw Jake Wooten there slammed came back advanced into the finals unfortunately we did lose Cory Juneau who had a vicious slam and then right after that Pedro burrows had to go so you know how tough that's gonna be to follow up and try to stick your run after seeing your friend slam right in front of you the good news is we have a course preview so we will get to see some Pedro Barrios today and like we've been saying all day long this park is perfect don't take our word for it take Pedro boss word here we goes around the outside to turn off the logo no one's really using these back banks that's my favorite part yeah you can see Pedro has to slow down he always gets so much speed that it's it can't contain him nice big alley-oop it's got a little bit of hurt it's got some banks she's got some mini ramps and it's got some balls but it's it's you got a you got to get everything if you're gonna win this thing yeah it's not gonna be easy when you're competing against the best parks heaters on the planet and that's what we will have for you today well throughout this entire vans parks series we've been making our picks who do we want to see skate it's been really fun we've made some really entertaining picks but today it's all business who's gonna win starting with Tony Hawk oh wow it's just so much pressure throwing it right at you there I'm gonna go with clay Kriner I feel like he's a bit of an underdog he's podium in a couple times but he's so fun to watch and he has the absolute hardest ver tricks he's got the hardest mega ramp tricks but he can do them on these walls somehow magically and he goes too fast through every section so he covers the whole park in a very short time that way he they know that he's got a lot of variety and he's hit every single piece of the park and he's got the best energy I mean at one point in one of the previous events the best trick was over and he wanted to see people keep going so he started throwing money out of his wallet own money like let's keep it going I love it that's contagious and I think the judges love it you can just see how much fun he's having I could see clay crying as a world champion he's earned it alright so Tony Hawk's picked to win clay Kriner now let's go to my pick to win of course mold this over for some time but after yesterday's display of 100% raw skateboarding I'm gonna go with Jake Wooten I am in the wu-tang clan okay Tony he's possessed to skate literally nothing can stop him try to stop him see what happens his signature tricks are otherworldly he's got cab variations he does things no one else can do and if he can stay on his board that's gonna be the difference Jake Wooten is going to be your 2019 world championship world champion of Park Skating Tony there you go okay let's go down to the deck Chris pastors who's gonna win what's up boys my pick is the one and only Oscar Rosenberg for a few reasons he came through with the creative last run under the gun in semis was so fun to watch I call him the jazz man because his lines are fun and improvisational and lastly he's our 2017 men's champion he's missed the 2019 VPS podium oski is due for another win the park during practice and I'm gonna you don't know we're a little torn yeah it was very impressive to see what he can do in this thing well we've got eight of the world's best Park skaters on hand for our finals here we will be crowning a world champion today and here's how we're gonna do it so eight skaters came from the semi-finals they're gonna get four runs each 40 seconds max you skate until you fall and on your fourth run you got your first wall or first trick rebate everything starts over if you don't make it if you do make it you could be going on to glory I feel like with this field it very few people are gonna take advantage of it they are just going all-out no one is holding back anything no one is being conservative or even feet using strategy they're just they're just going in and if they make it they make it if they don't it's over but we'll see with that first wall rebate it could be an advantage a little bit every wall will be destroyed but don't worry this Park was built well by fans in the Utah Sports Commission it will last here's your men's finals Tristen Rennie, Kreinerm Roman Pabich Oscar Rozenberg Hallberg CJ Collins Luis Francisco alone representative from Brazil Jake Wooten and Alex or gentei this is an awesome group of skateboarders and we're very excited to see what these guys get to do here at this purpose-built Bands legacy skatepark we're gonna start it off with the man from Rialto California 21 years old Tristan running what a huge disaster what a way to start Oh kickflip Indy over the hip even these small you know these tricks on the smaller walls count for a lot that back Smith and nose grind oh there we go the van's logo getting some love wow that's just another trick in his run usually that would be the highlight of someone else's run she's coming out firing nine seconds there I go Valon five a crazy finisher there only left five seconds on the clock so that was a solid 35 seconds of skating come Tristan Rennie 21 years old from Rialto California he got third place in Brazil third place in Montreal a fifth in Paris he knows what it's like he knows what it takes to make the podium does he know what it takes to get the win Tony he makes that run he could all right so part of the teenage contingent coming through here vans Park Series World Championships you got second place in Shanghai China score comes through 70 point one seven four Tristan Rennie coming up next from Anaheim California Pro for Toy Machine vans team rider just chillin in the shade right here no pressure on CJ Collins come out Anton here we go 40 seconds on the clock oh that's one way to start nice lot of speed big stalefish into the corner CJ has incredible bag of tricks o nosegrind kind of overturning it their backside noseblunt on the biggest wall Wow no comply tailslide that's the CJ signature move ten seconds for CJ's frontside flip wow we got him we got a run here from CJ Collins this will be the best run so far good call one second lap last trick here nice okay did you see where he pivoted right there on the tip of the V for each square piece of real estate right there that's a difficult aim that that was I mean that could be a world championship run right there to start us off throw out of number Tony what do you think for his score we're gonna go mid to high eighties I agree I mean look at that was a risky move at the end tonight I just don't even I can't even explain you have to come to this park and go look at that thing and see what he just accomplished right there I was wild in 8307 for CJ Collins that's a solid score what can he do to improve on that huh - sure - higher faster longer unless we see a 540 in there all right clay Kriner coming up next 22 years old Tony Hawk's a pic for potential world champion because the tricks like that giant stalefish - a Smith grind around the corner kick clipping Oh missing that grab he's got a 540 varial in his bag of tricks yes several several ya get several bags of tricks he's got a bunch of 540 variations body varial regular varial alley oop varial 20 feet out on the mega ramp he's so good he's pretty comfortable way a high more comfortable about 8 to 10 feet in the air than thing else all right so from clay Kriner we go to Luis Francisco who's been an absolute standout and his rookie seasons here on vans parks here's here we go 40 seconds on the clock from some Paulo Brazil little Tweaker it there kickflip Indy dropping the tail down his kid does his old school tricks so proper like he grew up as a baby being just spoon fed Tony Hawk videos 60 no time to think there or setup I was just rapid-fire skateboarding over the front feeble you know I'm sensing urgency right out the gates here three seconds slap for Luiz Francisco needs something else here nice beautiful you'll flip nd frontside 5 o to fakie that's not gonna count but I think that's one of the best runs we've seen I'm not like when I like when skaters pop out like that just total control right showing the judges they have great command and control also then he just kept going beyond time still doing hard tricks just to show that he's got it look I love that how he drops the tail and then this varial flip combo it's like you know you've got to land with your feet perfectly setup and then this heel flip ending it was so solid even to smack the tail a little bit showing some 90s flair on that come to there's Pedro burrows Pedro doesn't have to be here but you know what he wants to be here you can help coach Luis Francisco if you're gonna listen to anyone about how to skate a park listen to Pedro burrows all right here we go Roman Pabich started his year with a win in China got third place in France and here we go again Roman Pabich solid start here look at that you can see that little D pump we had to lose speed to go over the to go over the volcano volcano just that is it that's a technique in itself losing speed is not easy nice now the lipslide 10 seconds left he's already done 40 tricks we're gonna see a 540 here saw him have trouble with that in once he saw Paulo as well now that wall is deceiving it looks like it's flat when you're approaching it but there is a very distinct corner in it and if you don't hit the right spot especially on a 540 you're you're gonna land in the corner by accident you know this which is what he did that that volcano just it's like a projectile right or when you land in the proper spot it just launches you doubling your speed a little bit too much speed for that wall maybe Roman payments comes through the 7177 as it stands right now it's gonna be CJ Collins in the lead with an eighty three point zero seven here we go join the wu-tang clan this guy is a maniac love how he skates always a crowd favorite Jake Wooten is in see right there the the way that you land on that volcano gives you a little bit too much speed to go into a grind unless you're gonna slow it down and you can see there he was his body was almost too high up well just for it for Jake I mean he's already accomplished something major this is his first final on van's Park series so already congratulations we got more to come from Jake Wooten all these skaters get four runs remember your best one run counts you can fall on three runs in a row but if you nail that fourth run you could be a world champion there you go get it oski fan support coming through for Malmo Sweden zone Oscar Rosenberg Hallberg nickname is oski he has the Vans Park series world champion from 2017 nobody knows what a skis gonna do oh right there and then he goes that that's how you start a run right there representing polar skate company pastures calls him a free jazz skater Oh disaster to revert I'm claiming he is the Aleut king he is just stream-of-consciousness style skating right here 7 seconds left back tail the Vance logo ending my don't think he wanted to slide but he slid any Wow Oscar Rosenberg ah backside 360 Wow that was right there in the edge of time if that trick made it in time we're definitely looking at your new leader oski came through this season didn't make a final and now he skated like this that's a good start right there pushing the needle on the difficulty factor I mean this this runs gonna take a minute to sink in what he just did right here otherworldly skateboarding from Oscar Rosenberg Hallberg Wow some of the hardest fur tricks - and then that tail just clutch I mean talk about silky smooth that style right there that is just so the last trick did not count but doesn't matter all the tricks he did leading up to that counter for an 87 1 7 a massive score from your 2017 vans park series world champ Oscar Rosenberg Hallberg right back in the driver's seat watch out we got champs on champs with 2016 2018 world champ Alex Sergent a here we go bindis Wow way up there - whoa thank you all a nosegrind 360 is that does everyone have to lose their hat everything you know you have to at least wanna Tory yeah mandatory hat fly Wow sir gent a 15 seconds in our hands logo oh all the way over to switch crook well sir gent a is a two-time world champion for good reason runs like this Oh al you caballerial using his bird skills there to their fullest now that trick right there in and of itself is not the most difficult on a vert ramp but with that wall it doesn't have much vert it's super risky and he was going way higher than I would recommend he was carving around that corner yes it I mean sergeant a he just has a different gear he can kick it into he I mean his consistency is I love this right here that's kind of a sugar cane but it's really like a 270 switch crooks I mean talk about board control it almost appears his boards just stuck - yeah sir gent a comes through a 79 3-0 if he gets that last trick I mean this guy is a he is that he is a skate savant when it comes to being able to put runs together and replace and add tricks so he'll be coming through with three more runs Oscar Rosenberg Hallberg currently in the lead with an 87 one 7cj collins in second Luiz Francisco but oscar has that big lead so the judges basically are looking for what Oscar just did creativity is key go fast do your tricks big do your grinds far that fourth line emphasis on distance travel is coming in key for our potential world champions here go fast have a good style skate with power use flow easy right Tony you do all this stuff it's yeah not today not today no no this morning maybe I had one or two of those that's about it I think you all come on you got all four of those let's go here we go Tristan running back to the top of the lineup Tristan has been quietly dominating the podium throughout the year every event almost flipping it too far double flipping me Tristan ready we talk about control his trucks are finger tightened they are wobbly Wow and you can see he's he redirects himself very quickly at 45 seconds left still has time and this would be the last trick right here back lip that's that's a good way to end it that's a hard one that was a hell of a run from Tristan Rennie is that a world championship run no that's a tough call did make you think about it though yes it forced you to think about that but I mean this is where you just you don't want to be a judge you know all the tricks are hard everything he's doing is with full speed yeah that 540 might have put him over the edge so the score to beat for now 87 1 7 put up by oski and score for Tristan Randy comes through 80 to 1 3 that's enough to get him in third place so ah skis run a full 5 points above that why what's the difference there I think it's the way oski uses that the course it's not just your typical this quarter pipe this quarter pipe is actually going around the outside of it as well do big transfers now CJ Collins starts off with a heavy grant Taylor asked boneless you're gonna do a Bowman o-ring real high on that stalefish almost hanging up Oh Ollie out roll out kickflip in that's what the judges want to see especially tricks like that after we're it's backside noseblunt and he is just hammering his tricks no missing the front of all the things in that run I didn't think he'd missed that one CJ Collins that signature ollie out onto the deck kickflip in he's done that in some of the most precarious positions we've in this place you know in this case he had no time to do it because right there was a he had won 5050 yeah it all out I mean even though he didn't finish this run it's gonna be a huge score I was wild from CJ Collins a teenager 16 years old barely have his driver's license he's already pro skate like that 70 point four zero he's still in second place sitting on that 8307 he's ready for more it will get two more runs from CJ Collins here we go coming up next Clay Kriner from Simpsonville South Carolina clay needs to channel his inner vert demon here like that stalefish most massive it's Smith crying around the corner kickflip Indy he missed the last time now we're on our way Oh frontside ollie a good landing on that those are hard to land hi-c he's hitting every wall of the park look at this setup for his feet then he's gonna speed back over to the deep end no walls wasted for clay Kriner here we go big finish something here big 540 oh I told you body burial 540 he's got it in the bag I jumped out of my seat and turned away yeah I get it I can't stress how much harder it is in a bowl like that than it is on a vert ramp or even one of the big air mega ramps you have no you don't have the air time to do all that stuff to switch up your stance clay doesn't care he launches it up and he makes it happen and I think we're gonna see him do that we're gonna see him do that run in the final in one of his last two runs for sure I love the crowd reaction to clay Kriner right there I mean that is just pure power skating I'm surprised he went for the body varial five instead of just a standard five it's just to get one in the bag you know that's just how he is I mean all the all these skaters know what's on the line here as we go to 19 year old from Sao Paulo Brazil Luis Francisco nice it's like blood he's switching up already and a great start to his year third place in Shanghai second place Malo fourth place in Montreal least knows that the judges were a little bit critical of his last run so he's mixing this one up in a big way you're watching at home and you're you're seeing these tricks done so easily make no mistake about it this whole park is big this is this is a proper skatepark I don't think that five is gonna count if he could have gotten to that 540 in time and made it it would have it would have increased the score quite a bit but I don't think the judges are going to be kind but a couple these tricks were solid that keep up Indy and then into the frontside blunt he just lands his tricks bolts every time this kid is automatic louise francisco comes through seventy three point three three still gonna sit on that eighty point five three so far enough for a fourth place we're not yet halfway through here the finals for the vans park series world championships coming up next Roman Pabich from Ocean City Maryland seventeen years old he has a van select Pro for the first time in 2019 on his first VPS championship in China earlier this year probably has the deepest bag of old school tricks of anyone in the field I love that Indy 360 over the volcano now right there that kickflip Indy he caught his board on the wrong side we call that dark side and still tried to roll it in but that is the kind of trick that only ever happens in competition no one is rolling their board in when they catch at the wrong side in practice or in a regular jump off right yeah it's the only time you see it in competition and people try to make it and sometimes they do Bob Burnquist is notorious for making those no matter what 46:40 score comes through for roman payments now we go to Jake Wooten from Gallatin Tennessee oh wow missed the truck there and in a desperate move grabbed it and pulled it that was not what he intended for that trick right there he will not give up on any trick oh here we go there's that frontside alley-oop it's 50 that trick is may not look like much but it is difficult and very scary oh this trick ollie frontside 360 to rock to fakie to swing whatever you want to call disaster I don't know that was I mean and that's Jake Wharton right there he just tricks no one else even tries he had probably the most vicious slam yesterday cuz that would put him in first right there those tricks and again there's a there's a documentary about Jake Wooten that the homies at Santa Cruz skateboarding made and it is I mean it is just a really beautiful picture of this kid who went through a lot as a youngster and he's come through it all would be one of the come through as one of the best Park skaters in the world definitely the people's champion I mean crowd favorite wherever we go finals are not the kid has a following around the globe now he hasn't made the finals and in the events but what he does in the best-trick after the event is usually what people are talking about was he's the people's champ that's it yeah Oscar Rosenberg Hauberg your current leader with an 87 1/7 and definitely has the hardest scariest as a start that was way more speed than he's had every time you know that logos only so long he needs to realize that he was grinding into the void on that last attempt auskey is uh I mean a skater skater this is a guy that everybody looks at as you know how would I dream of one day skating well who do I want to skate like most people's will say Oscar Rosenberg Hauberg sickest style our current leader so good here we go if anybody can take out aa ski it's this guy right here two-time bands Park series world champ Alex Sergent a big star keep the bindi just like a bird better oh nice crooks to fakie and that's what the judges want to see I mean all this right here it requires such a quick setup to have those three tricks go down right there over out cruising high detail right there all you switch crooks backside disaster revert what are we doing with the switch zone here caballerial alley-oop that's it's the last time we got it that's the whole run Alex or gentei so this is going to be cool to see because now we're gonna see what the judges think about right so he didn't get that last trick on his first run which was a 79 3-0 so now we're gonna really see what kind of weight the judges will throw on that last trick he had the well that was crazy all that the makings of a veteran vert skater but then all this stuff is where he really shines on the ball tricks like that on the logo and then this sugar cane for lack of a better explanation alright so that was a look back at that run we wait for the score to come through 85 5-7 for Alex tour gent a2 enough for second place what do you do to jump up three points how do you add three points to that run I don't know he's got to add another trick somehow one more trick could do it he's to bend the time-space continuum and get himself more time in the ball all right you can hear the crowd going wild that means we go back to the top of the lineup Tristen Randy coming up next for the call let's go down to Chris Posterous with Grace and Fletcher yeah boys thank you so much and Grayson were stoked to have you here I know you've been following the action via twitch describe what you're seeing so far here in Salt Lake yeah I've been seeing everybody kill it and everybody had some big Slams yesterday which sucked but they're all good so that's cool and to see him come back today and kill it even harder is amazing and we saw coconut do those big back nose grind and then another big front nose drying right after she slammed and it's been rad man everyone's killing it right on and I hear from everyone that it's a favorite park this park is her favorite are you hearing the same feedback on your end yeah you know I've been hearing it and I was like okay you know usually you hear people talking about the market they're like oh I don't know if I like this though I let in low fight like that but you can really tell everybody's ripping so they must be like in the parking lot and everyone's finishing their runs speaking of ripping Tristan Reni is in ball in the park and let's call the action ah we jinxed them haha right put the pressure on him yeah he's going far we've got a ski in the lead what's what's your thoughts on that and what's it gonna take to top a ski you know it's really hard because Oscar comes with a different approach he's random while I'm still having fun and uh he gotta watch out he hits the deck a lot Manuel's across everything hits all the obstacle men have no idea where he's going no I did jazz man it's awesome and then we have Alex or gentei on his heels with a closeout alex is power yeah so Alex goes fast and goes big he grew up skating from Florida now he lives in LA but skated all the big parks in San Diego and there's a lot of big training there so he's going big beginning going big CJ Collins is in nice backside tailslide go ahead and help us call the action gracious Dale fish looks like he's keeping his speed pretty good coming in for the kickflip that is so difficult I can't stress that enough it's so crazy to kickflip on it into a big transition like that CJ makes it look just seamless the know complied tail saw a technical trick but smooth big wall Wow how you like seeing that one Chris man dude CJ it's like magnets it's crazy so what would you say CJ's skates compared to like Oscar kind of similar very studying creative you never know what they're gonna do kind of have a street style approach so some of my favorites to watch really helps their creativity in their street style yeah I really like how the hip and the thrash wall are a little bit mellower than usual quarter pipes lets you get extra technical on those walls and allows a little bit of forgiveness as you're coming in yeah and you got the rainbow rail and the band's thing that ever go that everyone's flying out hitting it's super fun course yeah that thing's gonna take a beating today I already know it that's what we want to see and CJ Collins currently in third place with all that creativity had an 80 3.07 on his second run his first run excuse me saw this guy goes wah big clay Greiner used to skating mega rams as we see right there huge selfish on the burn wall massive kickflip Indy looking to avoid the ski job no looked like he's trying to skip that was coming a little too fast towards that thing and a bump you awesome well Grayson I'm so stoked you're out here follow him on the twitch app he's been killing it all weekend long you're a legend Grayson much respect back to the boys in the booth thanks Chris to legends right there I don't throw that word around willy-nilly either Tony Chris Posterous Grayson Fletcher I mean not only do we have some incredible skate fans from Salt Lake City in attendance but also just the the Vans team is here cardio skier Hosoi yeah everyone all out for the finals yeah have to will the responses go be our world child no it's not yet on the heel flip indy there not yet so he will have one more run as a quick in-and-out hey there's Mike grind for life check out grind for life an awesome organization that helps people with cancer get around here's Roman Pabich 35 seconds on the clock Roman payments currently sitting in sixth place with a 71 77 oh nice 83 only see that in competition he caught that on the wrong side of the board and then rolled it under his feet no shock and a wing in a prayer that was shocking only Roman Pabich and there's that 540's got it what the how caught his hat in the squat I mean those things aren't going to count for extra points the fact that he squatted out and caught us out she lied okay yep but I give props props from hawk that's worth more than points who's Ronnie sand of all ten for bands nobody's out here look at this backside tailslide in d3 such a good landing there too and this was the trick keep up in Econ the wrong way doesn't care that is miraculous looks like that 540 did not count towards the run is that correct well the score comes through and it's an 82 7-0 cooling down there for Roman Pabich one thing we haven't mentioned it's hot out here it's about 80 85 Plus here at Salt Lake City it's good skate whether it's a nice breeze Jake Wooten right now Jake wouldn't sitting in eighth he can stay on his board and do all his signature tricks he'll be in the top three got that front side people they're only late shoved body burial did not disaster and then this one oh no that's his signature move right there I did not see that trick coming it puts awesome Jake wooden I mean this kid is a battling through a year's worth of Slams when you skate like that you're kind of slamming that's just that that's a given he's a warrior and this has got to be one of my favorite tricks of the right there it's almost a backside disaster and then does late shove a lot that can go wrong in that trick Jake wood a lot of faith nobody skates like Jake wouldn't a lot of faith in that trick but it's all gonna work out when your feet land on the board the Oskie fan club is fired up get it oski here we go Oscar rosemary Hallberg your current leader with 87 1 7 she's his third run crowds got his back I think we got a new fan favor here and Oscar go that fit 50 oh man he's just pushing it to the edge of the logo - OH 50/50 - drop down disaster is that possible right back into the nose blood did that really just happen yes force it right there that back lip low to high oh this manual is so brilliant is whack approved the hotel touch who might have our winning run right here 8 seconds left finish strong Oskie cocktail looks good his crowd is just eating it up a clip that's gonna do it he's gonna do it backside 360 was not going to matter a deafening roar from the skaters and fans in Salt Lake City Oscar Rosenberg Harvard I think that was the championship run of 90 plus run here oh I don't know about 90 but I think yeah sure why not crowds chanting oski for good reason he's just on a different level right now yeah considering that would let's let's put him in the 90s just for that one right there the drop-off yeah that's such a great idea ray look at any of these spots so narrow that deck is to makes it extra extra difficult you know it's like when this is why we invite the world's best parks wow I didn't see that back foot on the first angle this shows you what is possible here there you go 93 Oscar Rosenberg Hauberg improving rocketing himself higher further into the lead at the 98 applying the pressure to two-time Vans Park series world champion Alex Sergent Amy will be coming up next this guy's a terminator do not do not doubt what Alex Sergent a is capable of 40 seconds on the clock here we go third run force or Genting kickflip Indy up on the vert wall this is the same room we saw Alex two before so far big body jar so he sets up for that trick almost kind of makes it an al you that's just using the corners Oh what is going on there 272 nose picture switch switch pivot and we're seeing Envy piece I wonder what the exit strategy was on that trick that's what I'm more concerned with all right not that he tried it but just how he's gonna get out of it if he makes that I mean that is that's an impossible trick made possible by probably one of the only people in the world that can do that trick Alex or gent a score comes to it to 51 to 7 and that means as it stands for now going into your fourth and final runs here at the van's Park series world championships Oscar Rosenberg Hallberg from Malmo Sweden with a 98 3 sir gent a 85 5 7 CJ Collins 8307 Roman pave it's Tristan Rennie Luis Francisco clay Kriner and Jake Wooten to follow but it all comes down to this Chris Cote here with Tony Hawk on the call for the fourth and final run here at this legacy skatepark built in partnership with vans and the Utah Sports Commission this is our grand opening party for this Park that's gonna be here forever we're gonna start from the top of the lineup this is Tristan ready start to that back Smith wow that is a sir his is beautiful in frightening Oh mixing it up bluntslide nosegrind yeah this is like a it's a lot of faith that you're gonna land with speed on the blunt slide into this stuff right here totally different second half of this run the Abba Tristan knew we had to mix it up by forwarding that's it still has five seconds left it's gonna do it right here Oh backside three and that's that's probably gonna be his best scoring run I don't know if he's gonna break him into top three yeah I remember I was gonna be close I remember a mode and Tony Hawk pro skater we had to paint the walls right there Tristan Randy just painted every wall of this Park and the judges of course barely want to see you use the entire park just like Tristan did here that's a good run right there the the bluntslide into the nose grind I think this is gonna break him to the top three do you have to hit that Vance logo to win this I don't think so you don't have to actually not contractually I don't know nice that backside three was that's no joke to that pocket the the round wall creeps up on you it's hard to navigate that last trick counted and here we go 83-73 for Tristan Rennie that's enough to get him up into third place for now we've got seven skaters left to go on their fourth and final runs here's one of them CJ Collins 16 years old from Anaheim California CJ always gets the crowd fired up one of the few actually just ollie over the volcano solid landing - oh here we go that kickflip in oh my goodness he landed so low 17 seconds for CJ not the way he wanted to end his season with a slam but the damage had been done on previous run CJ Collins at 83 point zero seven for his highest score he gets up walks it off crowd goes wild for CJ Collins no matter how you slice it CJ one of the best park skaters in the world already at the young age of 16 years old this right here is so scary look at that Oh barely catching it with his front foot I talked to watch that sketch I do not understand how all these guys can have their truck still loose well so far the highest score of the entire season Pedro borrows in Montreal with a 91.5 records are meant to be broken Tony all right cliff still Chander here play Kriner stalefish like he's an overt contest in 1985 picture perfect every time Mindy over here I mean his setup tricks are gnarly powerful all right stay on reserve some energy for the last five seconds of this run once that once that body Baro five I can tell it's the same run they did before they clear it is body Baro five yes play Crowder the bone is tail side to finish oh well the Salt Lake crowd going wild for South Carolina's play Kriner sure don't know if is gonna put him in to podium contention because there were a few setups there that you probably didn't need but all of these tricks were solid and this body varial 540 look how far out he has to pull so he doesn't hang up that's the trick right there that's the hardest part of it is trying to snap it off the wall because there's not much vert the mechanics of that trick are out of control a sixth place run for clay Kriner 81 point three three hey not bad as it stands right now he's the six best Park skater on the planet there you go according to us here at Vance Park series haha hey that holds weight Luiz Francisco from Sao Paulo Brazil or lone Brazilian in the finals which is rare oh go to fakie that was using the first of all rebei he's 19 years old spins it's so fast one foot came into this advantage your top Tour challenger whoa he'll flip with not much speed Oh perfect landing there he's got the fastest spin on his 540 in the 360 over that Oh No yeah he got the round he wanted right there but was it the run the judges wanted it's it is so tight between third and seventh is less than three points that is wild I mean that and that's exactly what we want to see we want to see this the battle from beginning to end that was your fourth and final run for Luis Francisco these kids already a household name now in parks skating I never heard his name a 20-17 now he's one of the big dogs yeah he's definitely been honing it through all this series to realizing what it takes how to use the course and the score comes through it's an 81 seventh place for Luis Francisco India ASP right there it looks like it's a low placing but he's only two points away from third place yeah this is it this is a crazies hopping night crew oh not sure what was roman trend disaster that trying to do something scary roman pay which uses that first wall AKA first trick rebate I don't know if he was intending to use it I think that just went awry he's lucky roman Pabich or widows shanghai it was a disaster i take that back it's hard to aim for all of these spots especially when you do an alley you because you can't see your landing zone and you just have to have faith that you're going to be pointing in the right direction when you land whoa how do you clip slide ten seconds for roman payments currently in fifth is high score in 82 7-0 Oh little off-kilter there hold it together usually we see it fly off that's important yeah Roman Babbage comes through a complete run for his fourth and final run here in the van sparks series world championships head dunks straight into the ice bucket every run from this kid is like a highlight reel to get the best tricks judges are taking a close look at what Roman just did this is 540 it looks like he got a little access as a little off axis but he saw the landing and he made it work all right the score comes through an 82 83 that's an upper fifth place for Roman Pabich he has made his mark on the world of skateboarding with what he's done here on the van's Park series he won the first stop there you go coming up next Jake wooden who told told us between runs he told us between runs who thinks he's got a broken wrist that's what he said that's his word so that's unofficial but that's what he says I believe him I believe him too and if anybody could skate while broke off it's Jake Wooten I love this kid so that was a massive kickflip disaster using the first ball rebate and guess what snitch right again Jake wouldn't fan-favorite or does kickflip disaster of missing it that's it well the good news is is he's safe okay anytime Jackie comes through just a little worried but that's why we love him so much we love to see him escape and guess what Jake Wooten will be back for the Thrasher best trick you know this all right eighth place for Jake Wooten a 51 to 7 bad for his first Finals and he's just gonna go ahead give one more for the crowd it looked like I was gonna say that looked like an intentional board break maybe he will not be in the crasher best if you watch if you replay that that disaster you can tell that he landed with his feet way far apart trying to break his board it's a secret I used to use in demos that were going on - I used to I used to do like disaster and just my brats demo maria oscar rosenberg Hallberg will he be our 2019 bands Park series world champion yes I'm gonna I'm gonna call it right now well it's between him and a guy who's done it twice Alex Sergent a true so Oscar will use his first wall rebate stoked to have Gary here from skate line Brasher magazine what up Gary on the deck with Tim O'Connor getting the crowd fired up Gary Rogers always gets the crowd sparked here we go Oscar Rosenberg Halep our fourth and final run uses first wall rebate going back at it perfect perfect that's how I started every run so far and it's scary every time and now what where do we go from here nobody knows there we go we go to the probably the first place podium ending what Alex does alright here come the sports cliches Tony hail-mary buzzer-beater whatever you want to say it comes down to this we're to put 40 seconds on the clock we're gonna leave it up to a guy who's done it twice a two-time world champion Alex Sorge Entei has one more opportunity don't crowd him yet guy coming up next is pretty good at skateboarding he's your 2016 and 2018 Vance Park series world champion for good reason here we go Alex Sergent a is this a world championship run Alex does not know how to keep it mellow that was his first full rebate okay don't panic yet do you see where that was heading it was going somewhere crazy no it was going to go Accra all the way across and then he was gonna have to ollie into the deep end with the vert like it gives me shivers to think that that's what he was trying guess what he's going to do it it gives progress right he's Alex urgentiy were talking about him Alex Sergent a fourth and final run 40 seconds back on the clock 50/50 across and then into the deep end you can't do that is just that is the drop of doom there is no transition to land on he basically gave up his opportunity to be the first place finisher just to chase that trick and I believe that that is the core of skateboarding right there it's more about doing it for yourself about the passion not about the winning it's more about just having fun and Oscar what a great ending here he hasn't he hasn't won one of these events since last year when he eat when he's on he's on stop will your champion Oscar Rosenberg Hauberg with the one I like Chris pass just take it away down yes Oski Rosenberg first off congratulations put your hands together for Oscar ladies and gentlemen 2013 best part series winner then oski I call you the Jazz man because that you're just so fun to watch it's improvisational or those lines all plan thank you a little bit I try to plan it but try to mix it up you're coming all the way from Sweden you won this crown in 2017 what's it mean to you to win it again here in 2019 just feels so good it's just like winning a contest feels insane yeah anything we'll go celebrate with the crew Oscar Rosenberg our 2013 Vance Clark Series men's winner congratulations brother you will buy who to watch yeah well he's a gentleman the low-key soft-spoken skater from Malmo Sweden comes through again it's magical when Oscar Rosenberg Hallberg is on he's unstoppable he showed us that in Malmo a few years back and he showed us again here in Salt Lake City at this legacy skate park built in partnership with vans and the Utah Sports Commission there's your look how tight that field is and he's five points above it so it was obvious that he was the clear winner and everyone else was killing it they were all vying just for a second and third at this point and he was amazing I mean that that was that was the way to use the course it's unique it's not anything you'd expect and it's solid well think back to the judging criteria all right what what did the judges see in Oscars run that was just that much above the level of everybody else I think it said he used the whole space but also when he does do any of the like lip tricks he grinds it as far as he can he pushes it too I mean he's right on the edge of that of the logo he's right on the edge of of dropping debt in fact one point he ran out of room and just landed disaster that shows exactly what the judges want yeah and it's just pure creativity talk about just the the mind of Oscar Rosenberg Hauberg you have no idea what's going on in there until you see his full run we're gonna take a look at that right now this is your world championship run from the one and only Oscar Rosenberg Hallberg from Malmo Sweden grew up at the brewery at skate school and uh that education pays off now a two-time Vans Park Series world champion just the beginning there is so frightening and solid and something no one else is doing and this right here 50/50 just drop down to the deck disaster into a backside noseblunt like nothing slows him down he sees something different in in any part that you skates than anybody else in the field Yeah right there I've got to lipslide it wasn't you did back to the lips laid it low to high and then the manual around the pocket with just narrow narrow deck well you know and when you look at this runner you just see the speed the style everything shining through and the tricks were dangerous right there that is scary into the backside 360 that didn't even count towards his final score imagine if he could have snuck that in during time oh how high the score would have been well that that kid stopped right there get it oski and he got it you're world champion here at the van's Park series is Oskar Rosenberg Hallberg along with Sakura Yoshizumi so a history-making day today skater from Japan taking the win for the women and a skater from Sweden taking the win for the men it just shows how far skating is coming here nationally that it's people are coming you know it used to be so I mean skating was born in the USA obviously mostly on the west coast and now it's just international and the playing field is even parks like this are cropping up we've left a couple behind on this series including Montreal Sao Paulo Paris and now there's one in Salt Lake City and it shows you world and Tony you know this full well the more skate parks you build the better the skateboarding is going to be on a global scale Oscar Rosenberg Hallberg comes from a school called bryggeriet in Malmo Sweden a school that has a skate park on campus so part of that education is through skateboarding it's paid off in a huge way here we have a world champion from Malmo Sweden a skate city in Sweden and then you look at Sakura yosuzume from Japan comes you know from a place that is supporting skateboarding from the very roots of it all and again for skaters in the field of eight for the women came from Japan so there you have it anybody out there watching on city council local government build a skate park in your town taking help he's got the Tony Hawk foundation call Tony he can help build a park in Europe we can give you the resources and the direction yes absolutely but we want to help people help themselves we want you to take the initiative and then we will give you the tools you need teach a skater to fish and yes yeah it's something like great let's watch more awesome skateboarding here we go some highlights of the finals day today so as we lead up to the World Championships this Park I mean and basically this is how you want to open it up hit the best park skaters in the world to cut the ribbon if you will and that's what happened here so Louise Francisco came through San Paulo Brazil Roman payments always fun to watch I mean fun is the keyword here what a fun contest to watch I can't believe how quickly these guys can set up to four tricks just one out to the other and the danger factor I mean right their backside 360 and these guys are skated like it's their own program but the backside noseblunt give it up to our top eight everybody threw down if you looked at first through eighth place just a couple of points separating the entire field types we took it just took it the last trick in under time yeah fitting that last tray put you on the podium but another epic event in the books a world championship just went down Oscar Rosenberg Harvard gets it we will have more skateboarding to come you're tuning out here we thank you for watching but if you want to stay tuned for the Thrasher Magazine fest trick timeout with Jeff Rosso go to thrash magazine calm or Vance Park series the show will go on there's a lot more skateboarding to come stay tuned buzzer beater winners are timeless winners that was Vincent math around and in dr.azz and now it's time for timeout with graça with special guests Christian Hosoi Tony Hawk I'm Chris Cote and we just saw creative skateboarding at its finest our champion Oscar Rosenberg Hallberg basically using the park inside and out I mean it was wizardry from beginning to end started off with Jeff draw so I'm excited to hear what you have to say the look on your face I can't quite read it yet you tell us what you just saw what you think about it oski won that contest with a manual seriously wrap your fucking heads around that he won that contest with a wheelie that's how fucking brilliant the kid is Yeah right there he said it Jeff cross I just said it brilliant skateboarding and right now we're gonna talk to this kid from Malmo Sweden who is now a two-time world champion here for vans Park Series Oscar Rosenberg Hauberg you did it again that was a magical run congratulations you're our world champion two times over and it looks like you're feeling just very calm and you know the party hasn't started yet what's going on auskey what's up thank you so much I'm feel fucking insane right now but I'm super happy I don't know why maybe I look calm but I'm really happy thanks to Oscars you have your entire run planned out on that last one or it did anything end up being a little improvisation I had yeah I had most of it planned out but since I already did one run I was like I want to do something more so I ended up doing the manual because I I don't know the crowd liked it so I was like I would be nice to make it in the contest too I did it before and like when you filmed yeah yeah it would be sick the crowd would be hyped if I do it in the concert wait so I feel like I kind of participated in his run I'm filming with Tony Hawk right now like shit insane okay I better like fire up this manual right here and then it was the first time I made it and then I ok let's do it again so ah see I love how you make it look so spontaneous and not planned and it's it's beautiful to watch and then you you you tend to feed off the crowd does the crowd helped you in your skateboarding when you're in your runs and in your head yeah for sure because the crowd helps you like get into that zone where you like just it's all about getting into that zone cuz it's like a mind game and then when a crowd gets hype when you skate you just like in like you don't think about anything you just hear the sound of the crowd and it's like okay let's go next one I got this like you do skate like fired up I could definitely feel it and I love looking at that because that's the adrenaline that's the spontaneousness that you connect with the crowd and of course you're skating obviously does the talkin so thank you so much hey man if I if I pack my bags and I move over to yours like neck of the woods can you guys get like a scholarship to get my kid into that school you went to okay yeah I'll hook you up I got some connections in there yes sure man everybody that comes out of that school is insane yeah like you got you know about like hate or yeah and like villa villa Wester hatred ah Silva a bunch of homies Fernando Bram's mark we all went to that school and I don't know it's pretty it's a pretty insane school every time I talk about it people trip out but yeah it's you guys all fucking rip so you guys are doing something right you kids should definitely go to this night some Swedish it just like every kid should go to that school thank you so much Oscar Rosenberg Hauberg did two-time Vans Park series world champion Yeah right I'm soaked in you're the bastard year-old Val Victorian hi and you know what I mean that's a skateboarders skateboarder i watch oski skate and I just please could can I skate like that even in a dream I would love to skate like Oscar nobody doesn't like you got a point no one else could have done a manual and won it with that I know like the fact he chose to do it there and put it in the middle of everything else yeah like anybody who actually knows and I know there's a bunch of people that good people to watch this know like the fact that he would inject that yeah and and then it would work and it out like it was man yeah it's dumbfounding it's so it's that brilliant it's really cool I think it's something that you know you have to like choreograph in your head that this is what like he said the crowd fed off of it he realized it you were filming him earlier I watched it and just the the the adrenaline that he was having transpired to the crowd and obviously the judges caught it and I think that's where skateboarding is so brilliant in its uniqueness of its how it affects you and even in skateboarding contest you know I mean obviously we're in a course that's you know what we used to skate we would consider this kind of like a mini ramp contest but these kids are actually really starting to take it to another level with the technicality bringing street into it and then you know obviously bringing their own personality flair to it and so it's cool to see I'd love to see some some more vert added and maybe some more technical Street stuff added for next year but uh you know that's my my take on like what we should do for future you know what I mean because I want to see let's talk about the few really their wings you don't mean because I know there's more in them yeah I know they got a lot more to give and they're doing an amazing job with what we have and it's beautiful to watch and it's pretty cool park syriza's has really changed the the culture of skateboarding because it brought transition skateboarding back to a place of popularity where street was everything we felt that when vert kind of like died me and all of us here and it's like now kind of like trannies back Bert's back and I want to see Bert skateboarding come back as well so it's it's pretty cool what's happening in one box and one thing that vans has done along with the Utah Sports Commission by building this part and leaving it so now we've made an indelible mark on the Salt Lake City skate scene and that is something that obviously I mean we all know Vance has gone hard this year in making these parks permanent so what do you think in terms of what we've left this year we left Sal Paulo 2 years ago Montreal Paris now Salt Lake I mean it might be too much to say but do you think we've changed skateboarding as a whole by building these parks showing what's possible and then unleashing them on the public know maybe I don't know that's a heavy question man this is a fucking circus man and the circus comes to town and the best the best thing about the park series and the best thing about his foundation is that there that that we're trying to they're trying to spread the word by by building skate parks and leaving them for kids to grow up in and that can't possibly be a bad thing right like giving kids a place to skateboard I'd personally like to see the parks in in regards to the park series if you're gonna build a park this is one run at a park I'd like to see them build the whole park and leave the whole park and just have our little contests in the one section or whatever but not that harks back to the skate park days right like we had a lot of variety in the skate parks there was there was the keyhole there was the clover yeah it was the bank one yeah there's the street nowadays there's the street Plaza and there's the 60-foot long curb and and all the things that you need to make a complete skatepark and this is just one facet of that of that whole thing you know and I personally really like the fact that they brought Deluxe and Thrasher in and and that they they were trying to support local skate shops because the mom-and-pop skate shop is dangerously close to being extinct and so two for each stop we go to deluxe and everybody that you know they'd support the local shop in the local shop could could get a bunch of eyes on it and so thanks to deluxe and Thrasher for like participating in that that's super cool and with this I mean this this series though this series you're right it's it's inspired by DIY skate parks and by that DIY ethos and we received some incredible news as part you know like you said it's a circus so everyone's talking there's stuff happening all over got a call earlier that Channel Street I know a park that's near and dear to your heart Ronnie sound of all grew up there I mean that is a park that built him personally I hate channel screen it broke my hand there well is that that Park you know and this is one DIY Park in the world that is very important rub my hands they are getting clearance from the local government so it's happening and by putting on events like this by having you guys representing skateboarding it's it's helping it's spreading the word so for better for worse these type of events are telling local governments hey skateboarding is fun it's cool yeah the skateboarders skate yeah yeah don't get me wrong like I love Andy and and all in everybody that that built channel Street and all the kids that came out of it hey Robbie you should come enter these things yes please you make a couple bucks you look great anyway like it's it's fantastic that they got it I would have bet my I would have bet the mortgage that Channel street wouldn't reopen and and they saved the place and now bands is stepping in to help them out financially and it looks like that it'll be open much quicker than they thought it provided everybody pitches in they need help work but it's also these televised events are validating all that in the city councils are seeing that seeing how it's on the rise and seeing the popularity and they go oh well we have this park we just haven't been allowing people to use it so yeah that's going to open up and probably going to make room for brand new parks down the line yeah totally I mean they clean they clean the giy people they clean up really really ugly dirty zones that you know and they make them livable again it you know in areas that you did not want to go to repurpose so sound like repurpose yeah whatever there's drugs there's there's lots of drug addicts there's lots of prostitution and they come down there and they clean it up and and they make it worth something other than something negative so these events serve as multiple levels of inspiration we inspire you to go skateboarding we inspire your local community to support DIY parks to support your local skate park clean the place up don't graffiti up your local park keep these spots open for skaters of the future so it's all about inspiration when you watch what these guys do what these men and women have done out here today take all of that and apply it to your local scene apply it to your own skateboarding have fun I love what Jeff Grosso says at the end of every episode of love letters now you go skate go fucking skate turn the shit off check it out I stood this morning it's amazing Tony Hawk ripped it these guys killed it I didn't it's amazing thank you to vans for like you know really stepping up to build the park and leave it like to me I've wanted everyone to be left but you know what I understand sometimes we need to put it in places that it needs to be for for showcasing but this is amazing what's happening now we're gonna leave parks and that's the future right there you know some people to skateboard through it and more inspiration coming at you right now the Thrasher Magazine best trick is going on behind us here are a couple of tricks that we've picked out that have just happened so far some highlights from our best trick these Thrasher edits at the end of these things are always insane there's Luis Francisco double flip so Genting here whoa that's what he was trying to just run there Pedro's back thought he thought he wouldn't be now this is where things get a real buck jiggles he came back guys Wow Pedro makes tricks just look good clay is just throwing The Verge tricks out there yeah cuz there's nothing better than the vert trick talk about I rest my case yeah personally like Lizzie had to go catch a plane because she had to get back to South Paulo for the Olympic bullshit but I wish the girls had come out and ride the best trick they never I think they feel a little intimidated or whatever but they could make a couple bucks SOI SOI is going down to the deck right now you grab some of those women get them out there we want to thank all of you for watching congratulations to our multiple world champions Oscar Rosenberg Hallberg and Sakura Yoshizumi it's been another epic event here in the van's Park series a world championship so for any of you out there watching find your local skate park and go skateboarding fire it up go do it Charlie you guys at home man thanks for wasting your time with us we know you love it and I hope we put on a good show for you guys to like waste your morning or your night or whatever so thanks for watching man it really means a lot to us way better I promise Chris past respess trick is on Chris she go to work what's up crowd yes and viewers that was amazing I loved tuning in and getting perspective from the legendary Jeff cross out Christian Hosoi thank you guys and we are in our best trick there are seven minutes left on the clock it's a 20 minute Jam as the guys would say has said it's open to all competitors both men and women we've got Norah vasconcelos out there we had pedro burrows through the hugest frontside air i've ever seen in my life I'm gonna let you guys watch this thing the entire park is in play $5,000 cash being handed out by Tim O'Connor Gary Rogers and the one and only Christian Hosoi I'm gonna let those dudes take it away Big Love watch this action yeah yeah Effie Wow get a Dora oh my never never in a thousand years never yeah go for that back blonde oh my god xscape las' be sue give 20 bucks for getting out of that yeah oh my the back does blondie di Ken we got money for you five minutes you want to do it again we still got money for you Oh dodge support Oh jakey echo that is gnarly right there back I think no speak see the sideways yes CJ called that varial flip over the hip yeah Curren keep foot back tail slide attempt that's gonna be the one for me what he does at that nose Mayo is ridiculous Christian Hosoi anybody that gives me a no grab nose one on the band sign and that knows we are just gonna be the cake right there what are you thinking what do you feel in Christian no stall of fakie off the sign Pedro borrows one of my favorite skaters in the world every my favorite to hate rotors so make no sense sometime which I bother weirdo Cash Giveaway Thrasher Cash Giveaway tricks Oh Tricia wanted that one for tricks go ahead Tristan stoked to be down here I know we just did the little last call upstairs right here Nora you got that I thought the adrenaline was going during the finals this is a little bit height knows blue a soldier sign by bad girl you got to make that Pedro Pedro he's got to go down this is messed up rainy with a backline amazing no-handed Tristan come on over here we got money for you you were prepared oh wait why we're my met ya slob fastplant off the ferry under the v come on over here Cedric yeah Cawood 540 attempt to jog a minute 50 left, yeah Alex, I will take the money it's Pedro got Owens going dumb fast yeah yeah come on Nora yeah I know yeah go blackie putback tailslide a couple seconds winded down on the clock all right time is up right there yo you can speed skating but we want to keep Nora won't police five tries we want to keep Nora at least five tries for that key flip if she's up to it if you're feeling it we're gonna give you at least five tries to Nora so we got 800 bucks we got 1,800 still to get out yeah that's one right there I just want to see her land one like that gap it up to eggplant you seen them put em on fading oh yeah if you get that will give you a thousand bucks Nora what was it smackeroos Oh that's not your board that's why I don't look at the board like what's going on you don't know it yeah hey the front nosegrind revert attempt all the money put his fate only one plays about it get that clays body whoa smack nose blowing slide on that who's not just a speech Acker gymnasts parkour over the pommel horse Josh we got money for you about Josh it's been back tail on the big wall doors got three tries left Wow Louise Louise Louise keep with body down 540 clang-clang clang-clang 540 you know that was absolute lunacy clean get on over here I'm too high that's not supposed to be done without pads that big wow it's really more dangerous if he Wow I'll come for the eggplant on the inside No two more for Nora I'm confused keep without downside current cables we got money for you Curran who is that current cook get over here buddy Oh Archy Oh safe Romy's shipping yeah Roman whoa Danny Way my son Oh jealousy the capelet we just go for wine that was amazing kickflip go she squirts oh my Jake I love that he's not even riding on his own board he not riding on his own nothing but give it Nora one more key game popper where we got money wise guys Nora Nora Nora Nora Nora 400 tap one more door we got one more one more yeah no no I like I always just put all that pressure on her she's like the deciding factor for the best trick every day she just wants to concentrate yo I was sick capelet knows it he's got it pulled all the way in that was really sick ah yes Cedric yeah eggplant on the van side so close yeah Norah you're speaking up Nora if you want alright we're gonna keep going until Kyle runs out of money but speaking of Nora if you want to go meet Nora after this she's gonna be doing a signing over at the swatch booth going over and see you're up close and personal not too personal Oh CJ missed it camp it up to that nose bluntslide get on up here CJ we got money to your right to your right don't act a few what's wrong with your other right what's wrong you still cover it CJ we got money we got money boys a little money CJ we got money for you what uh is that a 1280 oh good going blind in my eye we got 260 left o P V front does Dr Weber get out of here yeah JB 140 bucks left for one last trick whatever the next big trick is that gets 100 and that's it well it depends who whatever the last big trick is yeah and I gap up the tail side from the all the way from the low no close he tried it would be well worth that last chunk of money yeah Nora she did that the other day amazing popped it so high Nora one more Oh all right we gonna give Nora one last try this is so screwed yeah Roman what's wrong with him what's wrong with him you don't just do that we have public Randolph oh you'll make some noise for Nora we're shutting it down right now that's gonna be it for the Brassard best trick get on up here Jake get on up here Jake nobody even knows what you did you didn't hear the trampoline move I was waiting for the nollie up big spin Jake will we get up again also picture bars get out over here we got a thousand bucks for you for the overall thousand bucks right there yeah pity true a cheek would we get out of it we got money for you that is it we are shutting it down Thank You Salt Lake City for coming out thank you Vance for an amazing year once again wow what an amazing event we've had here first off we would like to thank you our loyal fans and our viewers for your continued support thank you for helping us grow the participation of skateboarding and the Vans Park series mission statement which is growing the participation and promoting creativity and skateboarding and leaving behind legacy parks like this one we'd also like to thank all our skaters forgiven it a hundred and ten percent and of course our broadcast hosts including a legendary Tony Hawk we'd like to thank Thrasher Magazine DLX SF of course vans for your continued support to deliver this mission and this quality programming and we'd also like to thank our partners of vans Park series who have made this all possible that is the Utah State Sports Commission the Utah State fairground California skate parks swatch watch flex fit the border you TMG Adobe and all of you viewers for making the 2019 season our best one yet thank you for watching congratulations to our champions Oscar Rosenberg and Sakura yosuzume big love we will see you next year peace you you
Channel: Park Series
Views: 81,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skateboarding, vans, vans park series, montreal, canada, womens skateboarding, tony hawk, chris cote
Id: O1WxtDuxdBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 30sec (11010 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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