Anna Kendrick being a natural comedian for 3 minutes straight

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so um i got an email saying hey do you want to meet the president naturally i said of what and they were like the country you idiot um am i on your list [Music] it's good to know i've got options i can't be a disney princess ever oh muffin it's so hard being used never have i ever drunk dialed an x [Laughter] oh that's the strong side of the couch yeah yeah i remember meeting um henry and being like your face is so symmetrical you're gonna be mean um um but i was the first person there and i walk into this room and it's just the secret service agent and he's like you're the first one here he's like cool good to know i'm the loser of the group like did he know like did he know how to get her to call and they're gonna end up like married with kids and it's like the greatest magic trick of all well either way it's great does she like him is she going to go out with no she's good can you do maybe kristen stewart like explaining what pitch perfect three is about um um you know there's like the bellas are out of college and um you know uh they go on a uso tour and there's like you know hilarity ensues so never have i ever been in handcuffs what anna like in a movie no no being arrested that wasn't the question people have made me aware that i'm on lists but they don't consult you at all i don't have to sleep with them trevor he looks right at me and he goes oh my gosh um he's talking about the economy and jobs and stuff and he goes oh my gosh actually anna was in one of my favorite movies up in the air which talked about the economy in the recession and i was like oh this is such an inconvenient time to be having a full stroke which is obviously what's happening um my hotel caught on fire yeah um not my room although i am that so if you thought that that's fine um totally obsessed with beyonce and uh i walked past beyonce at one point and because i'm not worthy i did not look at her and um how close were you like backstage we did like make a detour down the front just to walk past beyonce um see you and your friends spot her and thought yeah yeah we'll just walk past her just to get some of the aura she was so nice and she points to jaycee and was like oh we just watched you on the kennedy center honors you were so great you're so cute in your little red dress and she said that i had a little red dress which means that she actually watched it or it means that i was having a stroke and i imagined the entire thing you instagrammed a picture of you with beyonce and you did you you put this heart around it no that was just there i understand was pretty uncomfortable you guys were in the shower together uncomfortable was the best day of my life then um we get to shake his hand and take a photo um so you know i shake his hand and he says i hope i didn't embarrass you earlier and i was like yeah you're such an ass [Music]
Channel: Wasted Youth
Views: 3,440,895
Rating: 4.9055591 out of 5
Id: zkFZWqB4zic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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