Supernatural Nashville 2019 Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles Main Panel

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] first things first ladies and gentlemen clout and swing yeah but clearly this is the band dates are special because for the first time the weekend my night to my card base mistake like wall band was playing he's like he's really had a attitude cuz he brought anything else to stings like it changed for Nashville and nicely those biggest official it's a big one [Applause] it is good to be back a Abdullah Mesa management I deserve a good luck guys [Applause] it's been I feel like this may be the longest we've ever gone without Santa Monica's best rated family so it's December announced you've ever gone for months without without babies freedom [Applause] let us say that this see coming here to see you guys and interacting with you all and talking about the show we're talking about like whatever it is gives us fuel it fuels us to continue doing this show that we have filled up maybe if we're using the metaphor properly we have filled up in December that we were going to get ice cream yeah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] there was like I was 2 when you guys started so - what is January 1 2000 [Applause] does a human being second talk they were born so you can so do the freshman or sophomore nitrate your freshman you're a freshman in high school in high school maybe in two years under you [Music] oh he's driving [Applause] once all that road well thank you for coming to all those who've never been here this is how it goes they're like wow maybe we'll wait another 40 [Applause] it was a monster short kind of be a bit of talent and then we get a hug our assistant camera first they see meta Titian was like what is this the Expendables 3 [Music] [Applause] what do you Justin to do today we I thought I want to do it but you're done you're not your 20s anymore and I was like yeah you United major like man remember those days I could get hit by a car get out I feel fine now just wake up and feel like they've gotten hit by [Music] see fair enough all right we've had some very patient people waiting so let's go ahead like if this was a human so far it's just been hey [Music] too much TV [Applause] but my question is when you're packing for you mentioned what's one item always [Applause] tell us what you forget some might know I posted a picture while on my social media about I guess sport is all I traveled with close close this what Brandis know like I think he's pulled a tag off of my shirt so thanks reminding me and everybody my space is negative it just needs a shower in this month so but usually one so you say one thing that we pack or everyone that we don't forget you know one thing I always advocate forget everything but this is seriously something that you packed that you always end up forgetting yes something important to pack but forgetting that that was key word that was something important always a good forget out of the equation I don't know to be honest Parker on target no you always have like the 13 phone chargers well you lose stuff all the time though but he also loses comebacks [Applause] lecture staples the only wares yes I don't know that I would say we probably rarely forget things because I keep just a bag packed because we travel so much respect I was something like that it was like because I can you get enough sleep about my gigs I get it stop all this travel cuz I am becoming strong playing that's like how many got probably four times a week I want a plank that's average and so yeah he and I both have bags that just stayed packed constantly it never so I have like you know official toothbrush socks and underwear you know ask for all that stuff is right [Applause] I keep up over apparently I failed this the trip eat too many times and so there's all that stuff when dinero suck up like you need to be 45 seconds away from leaving wherever you live and so I feel embarrassingly impatience of my apartment given a teapot [Applause] [Applause] so in my apartment and or house all times from reading just blow as we go in so I was packing for this trip obviously it was like sweet got myself a see when I close it I don't let go and then I just do this suitcase to the airport do you use suitcase the shelf no I need a shower I do mr. Schuyler becomes isn't something that you forgot this trip or live here you probably have everything you forgot your yes I did thank you [Laughter] an estimate family as a whole has including you guys everybody else's that milestone season earth this season where you had to endure episode which was figuratively in my hometown of Michigan to survive I felt such a connection and then you came out of hell on my birthday where are we worried 202 where we are now at 300 what did you take on the progression we're 100 [Applause] Cynthiana Michigan I will say that one of my favorite words of today was here you see a hundred other times more effective rings true in the next I feel like one of the crazy things and my experience was gradual and this is being too perfect so I used to talk about baseball and I love baseball playing on the watch but often times it seems like nothing's happening but those who know baseball and to use know that something's happening all the time if a casual watcher watches make sweet ball for so large I mean the guys just throw on it and know the grass attachment and then those are the catches but people who really are part of that developing family or fans of the team alright this is like a lot of times nothing really happens all the times to outsiders that you like it's necessarily you know Real Housewives really oh my god I am in this business sorry you like supernatural hopefully [Applause] there's other pieces together [Music] Oh [Applause] baseball the battery is locked now I'm saying like you're watching stop walking baseball because [Music] so Oh [Music] result results in baseball [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] - sorry Marcel and earlier I'm Makenna there's she gets higher my underwear sauce 100 episodes for [Applause] [Music] [Music] turn around actually which every morning all the Seas became a little bit more emotional and we sort of intended watch baseball [Applause] [Applause] I don't think there has been I in all honesty I said no I'm serious other way the torture and House of salads no she's saying of the scene that we shot that didn't make the cut that we wish would have baby that I thought you saying is there something that stuck [Music] I promise I will never forget your suitcase [Applause] I blame the creep over the pants where was that for you deserve nobody spots [Applause] all right again I don't think we've shot anything that was really if there was something that I really liked I see usually there's a really important sees they don't they don't they don't think there's a plus we don't unlike a movie or miniseries or something we don't shoot extra stuff cuz we have so little time to shoot what we have in a script that we get us back on track here yeah we only shoot only with the description and we that script is whittled down to such a concentrated story that therefore we're not shooting a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't be used everything that we shoot we use so this is why I Drive [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so I feel like my favorite book of all time but all the teachers willing but there's so much I just recently reread in the Panera junghwa it's a really impressive book it's nonfiction and I feel like that should pictures book because my wife and my mother are both inveterate natures [Music] it's a my castle [Applause] thank you okay about 510 and on 12 [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I told your face responses woman okay is wondering where do you manage to find pants on a woman of your legs slightly never [Applause] every day I didn't it was a joke it's a very good question I walked into the mall and just found somebody instead of healthy it's to be to be fair this is this is our blood he died actually where to say sighs pants it's just or so that happens to be oddly long [Music] [Applause] for you how old is your father that's the point huzzah galactose yeah he's finally a famous part of it it's in the it's in the t-shirt remarkable gentle notice most of his t-shirts barely touches them which drives me nuts in a bad way drives them nuts in a good way [Applause] you say ago that's giving us a pirate walks into a bar or the serial attempts to his pants heosu go test your bench he was driving me nuts [Applause] so sorry so sorry thank you I just walked through them all and he said hey help me on these pants to the yeah they're in the blue shirt [Applause] it's fair question it's kind of like baseball [Applause] to be fair I have three different denim shirts with pockets that kind of western-style they're all three different brands and one of them is probably 15 years old older I I don't know if Misha the one that he has if it is the st. brand is one of the ones that I know but yes I'm aware that he has one that looks very similar and we try we try to coordinate let's be honest let's be honest and humor right Oliver Twist some Visha is like visual show on random days on set working for like three weeks but doing extra water thanks a lot so he you know giving Alana stuff like you know probably make it mostly [Applause] stuff those haven't been the sleepover yes [Applause] all my ladies [Applause] two summers shirts miss the saber and give a is all part of the one that I have thanks Sarah Washington my question I'm watching users like okay these on these questions for me with which X going right now defeating his so every company's in six hours and knowing the consequences of it because damn it Vincent list would Santa team be able to complete this whole of they were exact position and what would Jeremy Johnson would we be able to maintain our so would you be willing to complete yourself to feel like I do it feel like Sam and both and that's almost story-wise it's almost blindly it's also one of the reasons why Jack is so much part of the family because he's also seemingly willing to give everything for what he pursues to be the government of the world of its earthly family whatever so it's a great question and we actually kind of dance around this for the next several episodes in this season so when I what happened but yeah Jack doing everything he can to to do it to make makes his family safer it's exactly the same in you all the time and Sam I don't feel like Santa necessary to speak on words like so I feel like it's a source told us before a field like D I mean this is one of the this is one of the traits of both of these characters that I've been attracted Reese's Unitas their their selflessness and their willingness to lead and put themselves in danger for for people that they love and I think it's a very honorable characteristic better they all you know maybe hope that we have that and as some of us certainly do I don't think that I don't think I shared that tracing with as much as I'd like to personally until I had children it also filters it to other aspects of my life 12 so you know of course it like you know do anything for their children but that's now bleeding over it to be wanting to help a stranger or that I normally would have in the past and so uh so I don't know if that's a product of playing this character for 14 years or or the combination of that and having children is really kind of changed that money personally [Applause] I my question is for both y'all as actors as well as your characters on the show so for your characters who do you think was the hardest character for them to loose and who was the hardest actor to lose on set the hardest character for Dean who loses Sammy's got back so the show continued but that was that was certainly a difficult one and there's also one coming up that's pretty difficult it really is and as far as losing an actor we've had such openings I mean there's there's a long in fact just recently Andrew our showrunner was talking about you know the next season and what kind of story I don't think she really meant it but he was like you know if there's characters or you guys one of you know maybe they visit let me down he's gonna do what everyone wants I can't stress but that got me thinking and I actually went through and literally compiled a list of of actors that that we worked with on the show and it was unbelievably long and it just got me thinking like wow we have been so fortunate to have this many amazing amazingly talented people but also people that we consider friends and we're you know made us better as actors working with them I mean I just got a a wonderful voicemail front of a birthday from Tim Amundson and [Applause] and again the list goes on and on it would be very difficult to pick yeah I feel like the obvious answer Samus is losing the family I think again so that was difficult and this characters been one episode but this was visible for Jared and Sam to lose it has been that solely to show sort of you know since literally benevolent that it's been Lucifer's then Gabrielle has been disabilities is that he's been a lot of them solace and opportunity to kind of be able to be vulnerable and open with somebody who's not family possess so for Sam and here trying to get across [Applause] Ruby but she forgot hello hi Ashley I failed on social media but my question was what was it like filming that scene in profit and loss that scene at the end where to the face thank you there are few people who would know this early today I've done my attacks so I've done like 360 episodes of television I have never gone home and cried myself to sleep from machine and decent working until that for some reason the words wouldn't it's never happened on the past and I'm very proud of my professionalism I would press around have fun but I never had a moment where thousand days right so it's like you got and I knew that I was kind of messing around Tom right literally ran off set when the season's over yeah he couldn't the words and the actions just one season up and I get like he said I've worked with this guy more than anyone in my life and I've never seen a moment like this with hence I've seen another people but areas have never not been able to get the work done and he could he could do it like something wasn't connected in his brain and so much nowhere I was like did you take something I mean did you take some like iron medicine or did something to eat are you having a reaction it was that weird and he couldn't he couldn't make the connection to the words and so we get into the scene and it was supposed to be an emotional scene obviously and he wasn't able to a find emotion the connect the words the emotion and then see connect all that to the action that he was supposed to be doing like the shoving me and stuff like that and it was all just and I just watched watched him and he was just spiraling and I tried to grab would be like hey take it easy you got this what's happening here for my knee go walk off and and nothing was happening and at that point I do nothing that I could say it's going to help this situation it was just kind of like it's whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen so everybody even the crew my walk back to crews like what's happening because he's like Pacey you know in the parking lot looking at his script and like trying to go over the line I'm like out of whatever it is just you know let him let him work through this process get on his life you know are you there's something going on at home that I don't know about and he's like no nothing you don't think is that he's like I just can't do it and it was awful for not just for him but for everybody there to watch somebody who's so solid every day day in and day out the guys machine again never not able to do the work and he just couldn't do it it was I felt the same way I did when I saw Rob in the hospital after struggling and he couldn't speak and it was just like you know we can but it couldn't have been if it was just it's heartbreaking luckily I think some of that frustration or a lot of that frustration made its way into the performance and he finally put in an amazing performance I thought [Applause] and that that hug at the end was a little more Jenson hugging Jared today was the exam so I was didn't ever happen sex base I don't know it was just a it was just a fluke it was a yeah excited I'll say this this is an e-blast medicine box and I can't really like how I can't properly put in the word to go ahead feel about y'all about these guys and gals that was the lowest point in my career awesome it has never in the work and then like I knew the words I think I felt totally the cosmos was like just in the just wrote the words were now you did say Bruce a sincerely this is a bad dream I'm adding my soul I'm living a bad dream right now absolutely hours to go to shoot the scene like in front of for the crew they don't want to go home it's midnight we have like we shoot that by 1:00 a.m. but I can't say my lines so there it gets a really important waiting for me to do my job it's never happened before we never ever ever ever and it has to have a sense it was but the sheer fact that you're coming up here for the first time some sailor which is like compliment us on the scene it's just the sign of why they are a family this is why this is where we come here [Applause] community [Music] [Applause] [Music] they hunt and I didn't with the fishing expedition thank you so much yeah get your explains everything what other celebrity you can speed playing your characters Peter delish [Applause] uma Thurman [Applause] I sense before on maybe social media what I think's turn around or a great sound a lot more compassionate but he has all the characteristics that Sam character would have and this my dad said is an interview so this made us like there's a weekly so that was a bad talk about it but when I first found out about special Eric Richter I've never met was like like they said Oh some taters me as girls [Applause] [Music] and killing a guy - the first response was like yeah we want like you want an intellectual one somebody who's intelligent really really strong in this on that one [Applause] you know I was coming here this morning I got to the elevator yeah I forgot I'm looking for a rib shop bear grylls Winchester [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hi Teresa Sarah want we bring you up there dry - is mr. Petrov and can we have some Alex let's just get your burden it's a circle to me is Teresa's birthday [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] opportunist and I could really see how that would have been awkward but is well well [Applause] say goodbye but instead of say goodbye I'm gonna say mr. Eckles you my friend reason and birthday [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well it's it's cozy oh yeah [Applause] so you're gonna show you so that's freedom and that's stretched the minibar my makeup artist song be on the show so this is Bruce does Derek nice makeup and free to those so true strip my phone in one of the episodes I was acting in last season and took a million photos this is from the photos she took that I then turned into four posters of seven box and coasters in various stages it'd be like one week they did one thing they all arts are all over the guy so this is called payback hi it's really this is my favorite juices birthday ever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Cosi
Channel: Gayled_it
Views: 132,687
Rating: 4.9663429 out of 5
Id: OJ_z8lfQht0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 26sec (4106 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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