2019 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Gateway to the Supernatural (10:30 a.m.)

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we have an announcement here we need to make yeah this is really important you know brother Kenneth of course I've been with you since 1976 so the ministry is nine years old when I began and being here since that time and looking over the history of our ministry I believe we are in the most pivotal place the most exciting place that we've ever been in the history of this ministry because the outreach is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and I wanted to do something really quick before we show this to you but how many of the believers voiced victory Network broadcasters do we have in service here would you please stand all of the broadcasters that are with us all of our broadcasters really there's barely over there yeah there's Gloria Copeland over there the kissies are over here butch Bruton over here and what what an amazing thing the Lord spoke to the execs is here yeah Dean is here with us as well when I was thinking about this the other day when did the Lord first started talking to you about a network it seemed to me it was a long time ago well yeah I had to wait going I had this this dream I became interested in Total Immersion because I wanted to study Spanish like that and the language school World War 2 the that you didn't you weren't allowed to speak any of the language but the language in which you were being trained that in six weeks time you were conversationally fluent and in a year you were an interpreter you know so and I thought then I'd do this with the word again and so I went into total immersion on brother Hagins tapes and I was traveling with brother Roberts and we turned the television off and and everything else so and Georgia my faith grew so rapidly that I would have to be in the study hall while we've gone a week with brother Robertson I would come back and I'd be in the study hall catching up on the lectures and so forth that were that were taped and I had professors that been in the ministry longer than I was old cuz I wasn't but thirty and they would come in and say brother Copeland could you agree with me about something I mean it got out that my faith worked it'll get out on you you know so I wanted to go Total Immersion I wanted Radio stakes anything I could get your hands on that you could put the word of faith out 24 hours a day so that somebody that never heard of it before could just lock in on it and watch it over and over and over and over and over and over and just grow praise God with with with speed there you man how many of you watch the believers voice to victory Network look at look at all the hands how many of you keep it on even when you're not at home yeah yeah so in a moment we have something we want to you but take a look at your screens and watch this and then Kenneth and I'll be right back since the beginning of Kenneth Copeland ministries in 1967 the Lord used brother Copeland as a leader in advancing Christian media the Lord told him he was to preach the uncompromised Word of Faith from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle on every available was as he set out on this mission God revealed new ways and steps to take as technology advanced throughout the years the media ministry of Casey have started with reel-to-reel tapes and books radio came next and the believers voice of victory radio broadcast quickly grew a 700 station KCM also launched the globally distributed believers voice of victory magazine in 1979 KCM officially began the award-winning believers voice of victory television broadcasts which has become a staple in Christian television around the world in 2015 the largest of of all was taken as the believers voice of victory network was launched the mission of the network is to preach the uncompromised Word of Faith twenty-four hours a day seven days a week all 29 broadcasters and ministries are committed to one purpose for you to experience your victory in Christ from reel-to-reel tapes to TV networks in beyond Kenneth Copeland ministries will continue to be a leader in Christian media as new voices become available to preach the uncompromised Word of Faith and now as the next step into the future of k-ci media there are several big changes coming to the beliefe source of victory network with the first one being revealed well let me say this too when when did the Lord first start talking to you about preaching victory oh the beginning in a little little country town just south about less than 50 miles south of Amarillo called Hereford Texas and anybody here from horrific and not many people had her pretty even yeah and we were meeting there and an old abandoned store and and you know as a small meeting and and I had my outlines all laid out on my bed and I was praying about what should what should I do this first and and well yeah oh oh yes thank you Jesus I can do that he said you began by preaching victory in the new birth so I took that outline and wrote victory and I put it over here then he said then we were there 21 days and he said then you preach victory in righteousness victory over death victory in their in the financial realm and the Lord had already talked to me about preaching the Foursquare Gospel which is Jesus Saves jesus heals jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit knees are soon coming King and I began to say that in the very very very beginning days because I learned mark 11:23 I began to say I'll preach this gospel that Jesus Saves Jesus heels Jesus baptized in the Holy Spirit and he's are soon coming King and he is our financier and and years later I changed that he is our Melchizedek praise God yeah he is ahead over our finances glory to God amen and I'll preach it from the top of the world to the bottom and I'll preach it all the way around the middle and by the help in the grace of God have done it amen thank you lord preach victory began back there than preaching victory and so one of our foundation scriptures first John 5:4 this is the victory is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith so first of all one of the announcements we have for you we're changing the name the believers voice of victory to simply victory victory network victory victory Edward victory network guru thank God so that's going to raise your hand if you need an offering envelope this morning please and all of this offering goes into our speakers glory to God I'm glory and I are not included in this Georgia's not included in this I mean we're well taken care of and the other thing we're paying more and more you man but this is gonna be the biggest speakers offering that we've ever received glory that's God amen amen so let me okay go ahead and Usher's go ahead and receive the offering after you pass out your envelope please all right so let me let me have them see first of all the change from the BB o V to victory so take a look at your screen you'll see this is now victory G's in more there so will be this this will be really in its finality by September 30th and I wanted to do this for you and then I'll let you go ahead and preach but we it's amazing that the network that we have has expanded and enlarged and we're going to continue to do that because that word from 1976 every available voice we are still operating off of that word right now the network BB o VN which is now victory it is on roku amazon firetv fire tablets Apple TV Android mobile iPhone BVO Viacom which will be victory KCM org slash watch live Facebook live streaming YouTube live streaming radio tune in audio stream I Heart Radio and we're starting to buy up a bunch of local stations Orlando W AC x over Turkey K xdq Delaware Ohio Columbus Ohio Kent Ohio Marion Ohio we're taking over Ohio Philadelphia Atlantic City Palatka Florida Comcast were now on glory star the glory star Network now you all know that we're on Dish TV and Dish TV right now has nine million six hundred and thirty nine thousand subscribers well very quickly and we're working on this right now direct DirecTV DirecTV has twenty two point four million subscribers how praise God blow rate so the world it's going out from the top of the world to the bottom all the way around and we're multiplying victory victory victory in Christ amen amen thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you Lord Jesus Oh glory be to God glory glory glory glory glory father we thank you this morning in the name of Jesus we give you praise and honor for your presence and to you and for you and bless you we minister to you this morning Lord with our praise and worship and we thank you for your word in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ amen glory to God I'll come down there with you thank you Lord are you enjoying the convention so far you're not having to have as much fun as I am [Laughter] hallelujah great broadcast yesterday by the way that that was worth watching again and again and you notice when brother Copeland why do you have so many that you just rerun over and over again because you don't get it the first time you don't really pick up but a very small percentage of it the first time you see or hear something amen it will always be doing that amen and it's part of the implanting faith cometh by hearing it also comes by seeing how do you get that well you put it in your eyes you put it in your ears and it gets down in your heart coming out your mouth but then the preached word is specifically what the Apostle Paul by the Spirit of God was referring when he said that in Romans 10:17 so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing he was talking about the preached word called all your faculties are involved amen and so I'm Gloria I mean I'm still listening I'm still listening to brother Hagin I listen to I listen to Keith Moore and and and the other guys but predominantly brother Hagin he fathered the word of faith in me amen and then when when he when he went on to glory then I heard the Lord say this to me he said now the reason Keith Moore ministers to you the way he does is because brother Hagins anointing is on him amen but I got a telephone full I think that time watch TV unless I'm watching the Metra Network one more I'm in Africa all right I mean I'm in Nigeria several years ago and that morning I'd had something from the Lord and about I just it was just something that just just just just that's what is it Lord what what is it you're trying to get over to me I'm in Oh gah Canaan land Nigeria flip the TV on and arrows Andrew wall mark this is long time it's back before the network and he said when I flipped it on he said what I needed to be here I said thank you Andrew now I know what I'm gonna do this morning dr. Avery good to see you sir amen hi gorgeous I know who this I haven't met this lady yet you know I've been talking to you about the neurosurgeon talking about laughter this is the man right here stand up sir great the people amen then in a Word of Faith Church Bishop Keith Butler's church to be exact since he was eight years old and now one of the renowned neurosurgeons of the world glory to God and I'm just blessed and honored to call him my friend and my mentor in that area ha ha ha maybe you to lead us in the lab later did I get it right sure that science has proven that the body doesn't recognize the difference between a belly laugh and a put-on yes sir he said for all of you that's correct yes sir he called me sir do you understand that yeah thank you mother Jackson for raising this boy and thank you for straightening millet boy you got you're so special one of my heroes praise God thank you Lord so ha ha ha it releases endorphins I call them my dolphins and I'm actually get on that treadmill come on dolphins and one way to do it is ha ha ha ha you can't do that very long without just breaking out in a way laughs at what the devil our Heavenly Father the old mighty God sits in the heaven and laughs him and lasts him too the reason you want me to tell you something funny the devil said you're not gonna get your healing let me tell you something more hilarious than that he said you were never gonna get out of debt [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] thank you dr. Jackson brave thank you Lord Jesus Oh Lord where was a thank you Lord thank you Lord Jesus open your Bibles with me this morning to first Corinthians chapter two please 1st Corinthians chapter two in the sessions that I am honored to conduct we are developing a god inside consciousness becoming very very very aware at all times that he's in here thank God the spirit of the Living God the Mighty One himself Jesus said it's the father that dwelleth within he does the works when you sum up Jesus earthly ministry you can sum it up like this I only say what I hear my father say I only do what I see my father do well he didn't see him with his natural eyes any more than you do get that off of your mind he didn't minister as the son of God he ministered as a man baptized in the Holy Spirit hallelujah thank you Jesus now that's that's a concept that's because of past religious ideas and so forth and our and our own lack of mental spiritual capacity to get hold of eternal things it takes time and it takes faith and it takes a love for the Word of God which is a manifestation of God in the earth amen your Bible is just as much a manifestation of God as the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen and it's them in some ways the most important and the most effective now let me let me refer now to what creflo preached last night the two covenants had to be complete the Mosaic law to the longtime for the Spirit of God to get all of it in here because once anything comes from heaven into the earth you can't get it out the devil will try but he can't stop it once it's in here and now but now listen why was Cain not executed when he murdered his brother it wasn't against the law he did not commit a crime that isn't amazing she where are people that have the come in on the tail into this thing so looking back there it becomes strange looking to us because we try to we try to apply two days rules to the Garden of Eden and you cannot do that now the only reason I said that is because well main reason I said that is the word the written word of God must become final authority in our lives no more yeah but what if no more yeah but just yes amen hallelujah and then we do our very best by the Spirit of God to understand it to work with it but it's true whether you feel like it or not it's true it is the truth whatever kind of rash or so forth might be on your physical body that's not truth that's fact oh not true I've got this thing Oh mom that's not truth what is the truth about that by His stripes you were healed yes that's the truth and if you will get on the truth the truth will change that fact yeah now that's that's basic fundamental of faith yeah all right first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 1 through 5 I brethren when I came to you came not with excellency of speech or wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified I was with you in weakness and in fear or timidness and in much trembling my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God all right speaking with other tongues is the gateway to the supernatural the Gateway to the supernatural Acts chapter one please it is the gateway to power Acts chapter one verse 1 the former treaties have our Maido Theophilus all of all that Jesus began both to do and to teach until the day in which he was taken up after he through the Holy Ghost had given Commandments under the apostles whom he has chosen to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs being seen of them forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God and being a symbol together with them commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father which saith he you have heard of me for John truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence alright Acts chapter two verse one and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven now read these words carefully don't just assume things it didn't say there was a wind it didn't say there wasn't a wind but watch what it and look what it says that's the way people get religious problems just assuming something said something and you maybe read that write for a few times and it just kind of morphed over into this other thing and you started quoting it without reading it you build up our castles and they'll come crashing down there can it the sound filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it know No he he sat upon each of them I've seen those ridiculous forgive me somebody's artistic idea of what that said and there's this this little flame sitting here the Spirit of the Living God hallelujah yeah Tracy he remember in the first covenant you couldn't handle you couldn't handle that box in which the spirit of power lived it kill you unless you were anointed to handle it in certain specific ways you come in contact with that kind of power Peter it's just if God had run up and grabbed Adam and held him close to him absolute complete and total holiness come in contact with sinful flesh into burned him to a crisp and in the Old Covenant he had to he had shroud himself in a cloud nobody was born again but now these people were amen the cream of the crop including Jesus mother glory to God Mary got baptized in the Holy Ghost speaking other other tongues and showing you that's to read one of the reasons why there's such a massive massive charismatic renewal among the catholic people god love them hallelu and I'm glad to say praise God this ministry is right in the middle of his health I had the wonderful privilege and honor beyond privilege and honor to have prayed with and this may come as a shock to those of you that are Catholic I laid my hands on Pope Francis and have proof of camera he asked me I laid my hands on him he blessed me and I got to bless him oh oh God thank you for jeez what a man he's one of my heroes thank you Lord Jesus cole my work what's it and there appeared unto them cloven tongues lack of fire like what I started to say it's it's like like this Tracy where he sat on this and instead of and the fire the Holy Ghost and fire see that's that's what those flames were the Holy Ghost and fire the fire he said you gonna be baptized the Holy Ghost and fire not many days here well this was the day and he sat on him mm-hmm and he just absorbed into the and filled them to overflowing with himself oh they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began they began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews devout men out of every nation under heaven now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language and they were all amazed in marble saying one to another behold are not all these which speak galilaeans and now we hear every man in our own tongue wherein we were born now wait a minute it did not say they spoke in all of those languages it said they heard it in those languages I was preaching in Manila number years ago I had of course Manila english-speaking country and particularly the young people speak English but the older ones speak Tagalog and and and man I you know I'm preaching faith glory and said brother copra don't you teach anything else but about all I know but anyway but that's what the Lord told me to do and when I don't know what to preach I just go preach faith that just what he gave me first so I'm preaching and just enjoying it and this young woman is in sitting there next to her mother we spoke no English and she's interpreting for her and and she turned around and she said will you quit interrupting him she said mother he doesn't speak to garlic she said well I guess he does I'm understanding every word he says I was just pretty in English she heard me said that's why this is so yeah she turned me in to gawk [Applause] now this doesn't happen all that that often but it did in this case argue our kids at EMI see a young people were down in Central America and and ministering and they got separated somehow another from from the interpreter and a couple of the guys spoke no Spanish the woman spoke no English I really don't I I didn't have the haven't had the privilege of talking to him personally but I don't know how they ever got it over to her what they were talk about what I do is its peer to God to help and and she accepted Jesus as her Lord and began to praise him and they're there talking to her and kept talking to her about receiving the Holy Spirit and and she just began to praise God in fluent English she wasn't speaking English another friend of mine well an acquaintance a month and he put it that way and Japan and he had never preached in Japan before and and of course he had an interpreter and just had a lot of people a lot of people got born again that night and then he went on into the baptism of the Holy Spirit and so forth and and and taught that and and then had a prayer line and he's laying hands on him and this guy's an American you know I mean his first time he's ever been to Japan and of course you know habit takes over and he walking up and walked down and laid hands on this little Japanese woman and she's saying praise oh praise you praise you thank you Father something like this in English and he said now that's enough English now I would just just go to yeah thank you lord thank you now that's enough English news interpreter says brother she don't speak English she's Japanese always said oh are you listening to me what do you do you just let your tongue do the talking amen and let it say whatever it wants to say now then Acts chapter 8 verse 14 we're talking about developing a god inside consciousness and praying speaking praising in a language you haven't learned being the Gateway to the supernatural Acts chapter 8 let's go to verse 14 now when the Apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the Word of God they sent unto them Peter and John who when they were come down prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost for as yet he was fallen upon none of them only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus or in other words they were baptized in water then laid there they hand their hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost when Simon saw that through the laying on of the Apostles hands the Holy Ghost was given he offered them money he doesn't he wasn't offering them money to get the Holy Spirit he that this man had was a sorcerer and and he did and he did signs and wonders by the hands of the devil but then he got mourn again and when he saw when they laid their hands on them that they received the holy spirit now I want to ask you how did he know all right because this is people who said well now here's one incident that they didn't speak in tongues beg you puddin the people one Accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake hearing and seeing the miracles which he did I want to but I want to back up verse four therefore they were scattered abroad whenever were preaching the word then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ unto them now what did he preach well they preach Christ I know I know I read what did Jesus preach the Spirit of the Lord upon me because he has anointed me to preach from 61st chapter of Isaiah Jesus preached that everywhere he went and then he preached his message I can prove it by the written word and then I have brother Hagins testimony in 1950 in Rockwall Texas when Jesus took him into heaven and the Lord told him in that time that he spent there with him he told him he said I preached that everywhere I went and then I preached my message we'll call it and he would tell them brother Hagin he said now you're gonna have to tell the people that you saw me and you're gonna have to tell the people that I laid them a finger in the palm of your of your hands and gave you a special anointing to lay hands on the sick because if they don't hear it how can they have any faith in it and he said I preached that message everywhere I went well here in the 10th chapter of the book of Acts the Apostle Peter preached that he did so that's what that's what Philip was preaching how God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power who went about doing good healing all that were oppressed to the death amen that's all they knew why would you preach anything and they preached in the name they preached in the name how they knew it thank you Lord Jesus unclean spirits crying out with loud voice came out of many that were possessed with them and many taken with palsies and they're lame what were healed and there was great joy in the city there was a certain man called Simon which before time in the same city who saw Surrey and bewitched the people of Samaria giving out that himself was some great one to whom they all gave heed from the least of the greatest saying this man is the great power of God and to him that had regard because of long time he had bewitched them a sorceries but when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ they were baptized both men and women then Simon himself believed also and when he was baptized so he baptized water this man this a born-again man now but he hadn't been born again law and he still kind of fouled up now when the apostles were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria received the word of God they sent unto them Peter and John who when they were come down prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost for as yet he was fallen upon none of them only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus then laid their their hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost when Simon saw that through the laying on sea he saw it he saw something when he saw that through the laying on of the Apostles hands the Holy Ghost was given he offered their money saying give me also this power that on whomsoever I lay hands he might receive the Holy Ghost Peter said unto Him your money perish with you because you have thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money thou hast neither par nor lot in this matter for the the heart is not right in the sight of God matter Greek word translated matter here his logos utterance utterance he saw and heard them speak in tongues so that just slaves this argument that these people were baptized in the Holy Spirit but did not speak in tongues Amen that just does away with that so somebody say hallelujah Shama Shama glory to God praise ya amen so you hear you mark out one off your list praise God they spoke with other tongues he saw and heard it and he wanted that he wanted the gift of the laying on of hands glory to God I don't blame him now then let's go to Acts chapter 9 verse 10 chapter 9 verse 10 let's back up here Saul yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord went unto the high priests and desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogue's that he found in any this way whether there were men and women he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem now you know what happened in the third verse suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven he fell to the earth and heard a voice saying and to him Saul Saul why persecutest thou me he didn't say why are you persecuting my people he said you're persecuting me yeah now listen that's enough all of you in this room all of you watching on the victory Network praise God listen up Jesus said when you've done it to the least of my brethren you've done it unto me now keep your gossiping mouth shut keep your judging mouth shut your persecuting Jesus well I didn't mean to I know you didn't mean to but quit it just stop it you may find out it's a habit that needs to be broken yeah well brother Copeland I didn't judge really you mean to tell me that you have never said well I find him in him I wouldn't have done that that's exactly what you two done that's a stupid statement in the beginning meathead no that's judgmental it's critical this judgmental you get into that stuff by habit and so forth and you know particularly watching the news and you get mad at politicians when mr. Obama was president I did not agree with his politics but a pray for him pray for him hold him up before God glory to God hallelujah I'm obligated to do that I pray for all men kings and all that are in authority pray for him with with in the spirit because yeah I don't know how to pray for him personally I don't know him I don't I don't I walked into my hotel room one night and we used to go and leave the television tones and you know because back there then you didn't have electronic locks and so forth and sounded like somebody's in there and I walked in I wasn't paying attention the president johnson was what was on the screen and and and i that's what and the lord jerked me up he said do you know him I said no sir do you know anybody that knows him I said no sir he said sounds to me like you don't know very much I suggest sir you're right he said now you pray for him you hold him up you just pray in tongues he said I'll take care of the content but you pray for the man you pray for you're obligated as a believer you're obligated Amy you don't have any right to hate any man I don't care who he is or what he is or where he came from you may not like Donald Trump well that's between you and God now in this case there's a difference here because I do know anything I met him more than once it's prayed over him supernaturally in the primaries I was a Ted Cruz guy and I thought you know this guy I got a chance anyway look then Paul or white the woman that led demand of the law had been involved with that family now for twenty years still calls glory and me her spiritual parents well she invited us to come up and to you know just a little gathering there of about 20-25 people there and and just here to meet him hear what he has so I went and the shock of all shocks he walks in I'm going our sitting right on the right here when he walked past us that was the end of the road and he walked up here like this was just in his boardroom there in Manhattan and he won't pass glory and meet and then read where he stood there next to Paul and turn around and face the group he won't buy here and he said Kenneth and Gloria Copeland I watch you on TV all the time [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] uh-oh mr. Obama may have to I don't know I don't have any way of knowing that but then she called everybody come up and you can YouTube this and I understand it right behind him she said brother Copeland would you would you lead us in prayer and I began praying they know they'd begun praying around him I was standing right behind him and on purpose I laid my hands on him and I'm just checking my spirit to see what happens in here I laid hands on him and I began to pray and I prayed in the spirit and then I just begin I realize now I was interpreting I didn't know it back there then my brother and sister I prayed like he was already president I said something like this father I'm asking you to give this man your wisdom for no man can be successful as president of the United States without the wisdom of God so I knew right then that God was in the business of giving written a new birth to this nation boy [Music] so see here's the thing you have to get beyond the politics and you have to get beyond what the news media is reporting because they they don't tell the whole story none of them do none of them tell the whole story and it could be they might lie to you just let me well I don't watch anybody but Fox oh really you're still grossly uninformed cuz you're still only watching the content they want you to see ah but we've got news before it happens amen hallelujah thank God for it hallelu so we're beyond politics and that's the power and that is the reason why praying in other tongues is so vitally important it is the gateway to stepping out of your mind somebody said Cullen you're out of your mind yes I've been out of my mind for a long time and I'm not trying to get back in it I have the mind of Christ and that's the mind of the Anointed One and that's what I'm seeking that's what I'm yearning for that's what I'm driving for that's sort of looking after praise God and that's what I am Gloria said it the other day she said Kenneth it's like this ministry has gotten a second wind it has it has praise God our ministry dolphins are working dolphins what is that second wind that I've never experienced it but long-distance runners have when when the mind yields particularly Olympic athletes the people that just won't quit and you just keep going through you get in the zone everything slows down what's happening here something other than your natural five senses has taken over and you've stepped over into a place where your body has said this fool is not going to quit so we got to do something here 40 kills us no God created us that way you can do that in the spirit you can step over into that place where you are literally out of your mind yes and into that place with God where there's no time there's no distance there's no physical feelings you're just over in that spot glory to God now praying in the spirit is the first step into that timeless place and you first started out like creflo said last night you first start out whole glory to God I'm gonna pray for an hour and you pray for what had to be 30 minutes and you look at your watching it was three yeah well that's cause you're working at it it's not doing anything but when you just give yourself to your master yeah I yield I'm yours to command and I yield my spirit my soul my body all the faculties of life to you got a hundred Malou and i enter into your rest and i thank you whether I pray 15 minutes or whether I pray for an hour or well there uh pray for an hour and a half it matters not I'm gonna spend it worshiping you and praising you and praying from a president and praying for the nation and praying glory to God for the leaders of both parties praise this nation's being reborn yes and I'm a part of it close thank you Lord Jesus now then let's get right back into this yeah okay now then trembling and astonished saul of tarsus said what wilt thou have meat he said Lord that did it that got him born again right there because he believed in his heart he said it himself in the tenth chapter the book of Romans he said it himself for any man that believes in his heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess him as Lord with his mouth he shall be saved or made sound whole delivered healed hallelujah so now now we step down here and there was a certain disciple that verse 10 at Damascus named Ananias now where was Saul heading to start with answer me Damascus well now isn't that strange he just thought he was going through Damascus on his own accord no Jesus needed him over there in the first place because that's where in a nice little glory to God that's what I call going widescreen and see the little thing that bless yourself so now arise Ananias and go into the street which is called straight inquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus for behold he prays and hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hands on him that he might receive His sight now he he wasn't blind by sickness or disease or anything like that his eyes didn't get injured there there was a he was blinded by that light and the glory and he he was still blinded by the light Ananias answered lord I've heard many of our many of this man how much evil he have done to the Saints of Jerusalem and here he have authority from that year he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on your name but the Lord said unto him go your way he is a chosen vessel unto me to hear my name to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel I will show him how many great things he must suffer for my namesake Ananias went his way and entered into the house putting his hands on him said brother Saul the Lord even Jesus that appeared unto the end the way as though James has sent me that thou might receive thy sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost well now wait a minute the Lord didn't say anything about him being filled with the Holy Ghost yes he did when on the way he didn't quit talking to him just cause he left his house and went over there worried he's still talking with him yeah now that's what Jesus said to him when he saw it in the vision and a nice butt on the way he obviously said now I won't him baptized in my spirit so he carried out the mission but it didn't say anything about him speaking with tongues well 1st Corinthians 14 18 first Corinthians 18 fourteens get not 18 chapters and 1418 i thank my god I speak with tongues more than you all this Corinthian bunch of tongue talking bunch of people the classic amplified says I speak with tongues more than all of you put together well you know when he spoke in tongues he put spoke in tongues when Ananias put his hands on him cuz he received the Holy Ghost when he put his hands on it yeah he got born again out there on that road he put his hands on him and he spoke with other tongues amen man somebody needs to say Amen with more gusto than their thank you Lord Jesus Acts chapter 10 thank you Lord you get anything out of this night Acts chapter 10 verse 44 while Peter let's let's back up oh I don't want to just start there let's go this is what Peter came to Ananias his house now this is 10 years after the day of Pentecost and up to that time it was strictly a Jewish Church they either had not thought about it or ad did not believe that a Gentile could be born again I just I don't think had actually really occurred they are they really busy here they've had 10 years of a lot of action and then you know the story Peter was hungry he's up on the housetop and fell in a trance and he saw the sheep let down three times and and then he then he sent him to Ananias his house verse 34 Peter opened his mouth and said of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons but in every nation he that feareth righteousness is accepted with him now here it is that Jesus preached this message from Isaiah 60:1 the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for you is anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor the word which God sent unto the children of Israel preaching peace by Jesus Christ he is Lord of all that word I say you know which was published throughout all Judea and began from Galilee after the baptism which John preached how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good what was the good he went about doing Matthew chapter 9 he went about teaching preaching and healing he went about preaching teaching and healing he did more teaching than he did anything else amen in Nazareth there he could do no mighty works didn't say wouldn't say could except he laid his hands on a few people you know they had minor ailments which proved man and that healing was his will he did he really tried amen so what do you do it said that was because of their unbelief what do you do you went about all of their villages and teaching preaching now I am of the opinion and it's a it's an educated opinion and you'll see what I'm saying I don't believe that whole bunch stay down amen dan I believe Jesus went about their villages teaching preaching and healing I believe there's some of that bus says you know I don't care who he is I like this I believe this I was mad at him over there that day but I didn't understand I've better look what he's doing in there all these other places I'm gonna go ahead and get my healing glory to go what do you think mine yes yeah cause faith cometh and he just stayed with it he just kept teaching just kept teaching just kept teaching that's the cure for unbelief glory to God can you say Amen yeah hallelujah that is the cure that is the remedy for unbelief that's what drives it out all you have to do is make yourself available to it just get this listen to it just be there be ready all the time you can school yourself into faith by saying it yourself you can just take your Bible and say just start reading it by His stripes I was healed yes I believe that I believe that I believe that and just stay with it and just stay with it and just stay with it well how long brother Copeland eternally when you're ready to stay there forever you won't be there very long amen amen praise go what's your name Greg James Greg James Greg James it's a pleasure sir glory be to Jesus and by the power of invested in me as a prophet of God I set my hands upon you by the direction of the head of the church Jesus Christ himself and I announced to you that today is your day safe well that's not of no private interpretation today's your day today's your day today's your day your day your day going to go today's your day gorgeous I'm telling you today is your day amen today is your day sir I can see it in your eyes [Laughter] today is your day today is your day today said today is my day this is my is my days I'm a faith talker I'm a faith talker I'm in faith school Holley healing school faith school God in me conscious school glory to God thank you Lord Jesus and now then let's come on down here verse 43 to him give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sin while Peter yet spoke these words the Holy Ghost fell on them which heard the word and they of the circumcision of the Jews which believed were astonished as many as came with Peter because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost for they heard them speak with tongues and magnified huh hallelu whoa glory be to Jesus Acts chapter 19 praise God Acts chapter 19 verse 1 it came to pass that while Apollo's was at Corinth Paul having passed through the upper coast came to Ephesus finding certain disciples and he said unto them have you received the Holy Ghost since you believe and they said unto Him we've not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost and he said unto them - what then were you baptized and they said under John's baptism so here's a group of Baptists in if in Ephesus well yeah amen yeah that's what they were Oh John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on christ jesus when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus so here they now they were baptized in water in the name of Jesus when Paul laid his hands upon them the Holy Ghost came on them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied glory be to God they spoke with tongues and and they spoke edification exhortation and comfort that's simple prophecy now that leads us then into first Corinthians shall we go there please in the 12th 13th and 14th chapters now in the twelfth chapter we're introduced to what is referred to as the gifts of the Spirit actually maybe maybe a more a better expression would be manifestations of the Holy Spirit this is the way he manifests himself a person that's born-again but has not yet received being baptized with the spirit but don't hey don't you or anybody else ever say that a person like that does not have the Holy Spirit cuz you do there are nine fruit of the Spirit and without the nine fruit of the Spirit you're not going to get into the manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit the fruit comes first love joy peace starting with love always let's go who has joy and the joy of the Lord is your strength if you're if you're having physical weakness and all of that check out your joy check out your joy you don't have to feel good to have joy the joy is in there if you're born again now develop it develop it glory to God thank you God glory to God I counted all joy when I fall into different tests and temptations and trials because I have access to the wisdom of God in this thing and I have victory over it I have victory blow any God and this is the victory that overcometh the world even my faith I have victory over death I'm a victory believer I have victory in the new birth I have victory in the baptism the Holy Ghost I have victory and speaking in other time I have victory and everything I do every word I speak Gloria and I have victory words in my heart hallelujah I am the victory of Jesus going somewhere to manifest hallelujah as long as this book says by His stripes you were healed I'm not gonna quit and I'm not gonna be too sick to go to the healing service now my goodness I remember I remember back in early days that attacked so many different ways at one time I got my big toe so infected I could hardly get my shoe off oh man I didn't want to go preach and walk around on that foot come on put them shoes on and go and one cause I was so tough because I cried all the way to the cover but you get over in the spirit while your body don't count shut the thing down go anyway he got so sick in Oklahoma City I couldn't get out of bed just woke up all the flu symptoms a bet I could not get up I could not get out of bed I had a morning service and I said I couldn't I could step out on the floor just this room just go around some bed and just fall over so we were staying in the home of a widow woman that was a boy I'm telling you Lavinia James you talk about a warhorse for God this woman was just dynamite she was so powerful she had been healed of cancer in oil Roberts meeting and she just she she just started going to all over brother Roberts meeting taking everything every sick person she can find and getting them into those meetings praise God well we were staying in Lavinia is home I was preaching in a church there and the heart filled Oh I said glory you have to help me so and just just lying in the bed I she helped me and got me undressed and and I sit out I'm either gonna have to go on shaving her you're gonna have to shave me well I know we're gonna trust her in that blade so she said Lavinia do you have an electric shaver she said yes I do so Gloria caught me by the hair and held my head up like that and shaved my face I have no idea what it looked like hey but every day did pretty good so Lavinia drove and got over there to the church and I walked up to the to the pulpit and I'm telling you I walked up there and caught a hold of that and the room started spinning and I was about I was about to fall on the floor and I said it's just I'll be right back well the choir practice room was right behind the platform there and I just went around went in that choir room and I want you to know with a loud voice a loud voice I've learned there are times when you have to speak with a loud yeah most especially in other tongues other tongues look at this let's look at this right here verse in chapter 13 though I speak with the tongues of men and angels and how I'm not alone while I was walking in love glory to God and I intend to speak of the tongues of men and angels glory to go particularly talking to the devil bird says don't bow reeking daleks gonna take some filthy hands off my body this body belongs to Jesus and Gloria not you then I went after it with everything and just went went walk back out there glory to God and then caught a hold of that pulpit and it started trying to wave around a little bit go into God so I just preached on healing a couple hours praise God walked out of there completely well that has happened to me over the last 52 years over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again over to God in Christ Jesus and as you go and you stay in the word praise God it becomes less and less and less and less and less and less and less and less and then a get to where you don't even have to pull that sword out just rattle it a little bit I'm telling you it hurts it hurts it it hurts him it is dangerous it hurts the tough that word hurts him that name hurts him that blood destroyed him Jesus punished him in health he defeated in an awesome combat with words and power you just take that word praise God pull that sword out and say here Satan homeless and let the word fight it's over and there's coming that day there's coming that hallelu when having done all the stands you just you've got that Bulldog never turned the loose back god I'll never quit fight then you just don't quit and you just keep then you just keep on and you just keep on and you just keep and you keep and you keep on and you keep on and hickey and it'll come to that place where he's like know what John Osteen Joel's dad said amen scuse me he said all the devil's walking down the street you got all these little devils falling him and he said now you go in that house there as long as I said you go in that house there you're going that how don't go in that one there no no oh don't go in there don't go in there that woman will beat the daylights out I was diagnosed with liver cancer stage four and John and Dodie coal or Ian mean we set ourselves in agreement with them and I mean they told Dodie Osteen that there's no weight she couldn't live she took the word put her eyes on it read all of her healing scriptures every morning every night out loud to herself and never did quit her duties she said there were some days she felt like she was gonna die and fall in the floor but she would not quit she wouldn't let anybody come in and make up her beds for her she wouldn't she wouldn't quit she absolutely refused to quit she flat wouldn't quit she wouldn't quit she wouldn't quit she wouldn't quit she wouldn't quit she wouldn't quit she wouldn't quit she wasn't quit she wouldn't quit she wasn't quit she's still alive today [Applause] you see these tabs in my Bible those are the healing scriptures that I got out of her book put your eyes on these feed hallelujah talk about Michael a saying earlier scoot yourself into it hallelujah you just you just start see see faith automatically comes you don't have to feel something it comes it knows what to do with the word this word these words are filled with faith of God that faith is in here that victory is already in this book this is the victor book faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God and when you're hearing the word faith is coming right now faith is coming right now it's coming it's been coming all week I'm telling you by Saturday night you're gonna be drinking gunpowder soup pray Hey hallelujah eating tiger me chewing nails oh listen to Bill whistling long enough you pull your shirt back nurse super bill oh don't ever listen to Bill Winston right before you go to bed I made a mistake I've never done that again well I can't say I'm done again but I'm telling you one night I got so thrilled listen to him you know I got him on them on the DVR and I guess I jumped up I'm stomping up down in the middle of the bed and then I gotta lay down go to sleep or you can know you watch bill in the morning [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] can I can I can I can I give you just a little word about watching the Reverend there's a deep now sometimes a mustache is there sometime to my station not down I'll say Gloria the mustache is there tonight there you go like she said this wish to live smaller today know what yes hey well now bill is in the very same position that I am in as a prophet of God he married way above himself that Veronica Winston is the reason that man is a success the reason that Gloria Copeland is the reason that I'm a success same thank you to Tom amen hallelu because it's these praying women Veronica Winston can absolutely pray heaven and earth together come on she reminds me of my mother she's another don't quit don't give up tongue talking woman it just stays there like Darlie amen where's your head stand up but nobody I've seen you without your hat on the cowboy preacher thank you lord thank you Jesus do you get anything out of this go away to God thank you lord [Applause] our time has come I want to go back over there and I will close with this sixteenth chapter John I want to get I want to look at this again look again at verse 13 now we've stepped into a place where we can touch this now be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak he will show you things to come he shall glorify me for he shall receive a mind and shall show it unto you all things that the father has are mine therefore I said he'll take what's mine and he'll show it to you by praying in the spirit by listening to the spirit by walking in the spirit by walking in the love of God I want you to know we can find out anything God knows that has but that pertains to our life in our future and now you can understand what I'm saying when I say praise God you pray in tongues long enough you can find out anything you need to know [Applause] the only reason you haven't spoken in tongues is because you haven't if you're born again well I was afraid I might get the wrong big well that word key word there is afraid what kind of a God do you think you serve come on leaven chapter of the Book of Luke that's absurd verse nine I say under you ask it shall be given you seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you do you believe that you're agreeing with it but do you really believe it then get on there get over there own mark 11 23 24 and 25 and don't let get off of it until you do this is written in red you understand this is the master himself speaking if a son you have to be born again before you begin to seek the baptism with the Holy Spirit if a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father will he give him a stone or if he ask a fish will he for a fish give him a demon a serpent or if he shall ask an egg will he offer him a scorpion that is a biblical impossibility with God your fears are unfounded if you then being evil or being natural know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask it oh and it's don't feel like how do you know you never hey you know how you're supposed to feel you can understand now that all of that is just carnal minded junk that the devil doing his best to keep you from ever talking like that cuz though you want you say that first word he's at it he has had it he has had glory and I got baptized in the Holy Spirit six months after we born-again we were both not scriptural illiterate you know and and they gave an invitation that night and I turned around to my mother I said that's something we all to have she said yeah well we jump ran well you know us dumber no sack of rocks and I know all the men gathered over here and they're all praying for me in they're hauling hang on let go help him God you know no instruction at all I mean I've already I'd have done anything anybody don't mean to and they were all the women gathered up your own round glow and they gave up on me I just stood there while they rubbed on my head so they all quit dr. bill rears his conferences very renowned surgeon and he the thing he was Pisgah period and a little little little child died under his hand on the table and he just said god I can't do this I can't give that I can't tell this woman heard the baby's dead help me help me help me raised that little baby had changed bill Reed's life and he became a very William Standish read very close close friends here until he went to blow reality he had a big booming voice and the bill could really shake you up brother if he decided to holler at you who so they all quit and set out and he said let's go pray for glory I said okay so and we walked up I'm behind her he said lay hands on her I'm standing here like this my daddy's a deacon in the First Baptist Church and this is the way he stood till after he got baptized in the Holy Ghost in anyone like this you know but I'm still hung up I never laid hands on anybody he said lay hands on our house no Oh lay hands on again no lay hands on oh jesus oh jesus oh whoa Jesus oh Jesus hold on hold on oh god I just won't back up on the platform just said I'm on charity oh god oh god oh god oh god he said that's enough game this boy Kroenke I didn't have anything unlearn I never heard of a scorpion and a serpent my stone in a fish I didn't know he's in the Bible thank God I didn't know anything at least I didn't have anything to unlearn I was a heathen God born again managers rolled out of me well cold January night I got to fly back to Little Rock I got to be a bit the work in the morning Gloria stayed overnight with some other women that I became lifelong friends and she received the next day after some instruction so she started off knowing more and I did it's Chris she'd been smarter and I was they she bought it but anyway I've gotten that airplane and it was just cold and clear that little ol airplane just almost flying itself calm calm air I'm sitting there thinking about what happened I said Lord now I'm not really sure what happened feedback I don't have any idea where I even heard the word anointed somehow I've heard it in that meeting or something I said now see yeah I didn't have any fear I've not been taught to be afraid I said I'm gonna say one of those words again I won the least bit afraid God is gonna knock me in the head because I did something in the flesh well dear Lord sweetheart I'm you have to start in the flesh you're in the flesh do you understand it's this tongue that needs to be tamed with the word the scripture didn't say no man contain the tongue it said no man contained the tongue with natural power but the wisdom the Word of God from above will taint the only thing entertainment so how does said if there's anything to it anointed died out I just tried my best to remember something that had come out of my mouth it only took one syllable uh-huh and the moment I yielded to it glory to God here it came again and I'm just sitting there enjoying myself and God and I got a little uh and got on the ground of course and I could see the lights of the city I'm gonna have to call the ropes come for coal and then talk to the tower and I'm talking in tongues and thinking at the same time that that's a miracle see but that's the miracle of toes and I said Lord I'm gonna have to talk to these people now I don't know where it's gonna come out in English or not I really don't care but you go ahead and do something with the ears cuz I gotta talk to somebody I was shocked when I said a little wrong approach and it came out in English although hey that's good got on the ground I want you to know I jumped out of that little Cherokee Arab Piper airplane and I danced around that ramp on junk I blessed that airplane I blessed the ramp the hangers I blessed everything I could find I bless the concrete on spec Kritika just shouting at the top of my boy dancing around out there that cold January night in 1963 and I've been talking in tongue every day stance stand on your feet and let's give God the praise and the honor and the glory this morning for his word for his strength for his power for his mercy for his goodness for his holy spirit lift your voice lift your voice la Laguna now grab that bar chi-x cannery let's Souter that's a lot of money but a bass skillet Mizuki Nebraska Dan Akaka not I'm gladder like I'm gladder dusty look bro code scanner boo boo ha ha ha ha ha ha ha no more no more no more those of you that those of you that have that need to expand your tongue just let your tongue talk turn your mind out of it get out of your mind don't even try to think Vito gardino darn I know Tony Cordoba ha told god I love beef taco for those of you online watching on the victory Network do it right now Mardan Gordo laughs deep dodoka Holly Holly Holly all right now listen listen to me the Apostle Paul said right there in that 14th chapter I will speak with my spirit that's when other times I will I will it's an act of my will I will sing with my spirit the classic amplified says I will sing with my spirit by the Holy Spirit within me I will pray I will sing I will I will no man I'm a robobone 800 out of our dado well cut about an automatic a Tierra de colon or Doha like Haram be a man is he who ha go time a turnover or motorcade Harlem all right all right hahaha in the spirit ha ha ha ha hi Oh funny oh that's funny oh that's funny oh yeah oh that's funny oh Jesus I think anybody go to now we're going to enter into intercession it's an act of your will and we're going to pray for this nation and we're gonna pray for every nation that's represented here we're gonna pray perseveringly for All Saints in the spirit in the spirit so put your helmet on put your blessed plate on but your shoes that are shot with the power of the gospel get your armor belt on [Music] got your sword Braves gun [Music] [Applause] roko roko roko beans guinea pig a Red Lobster don't look that Y angular - that stop congregation congregation congregation congregation T Hut say it I am a soldier in the army of the law I am fully equipped now that I speak with the tongues of men and angels and I keep the commandment order of law I am a soldier I am well armed with supernatural armor and now I am fit to pray sir yes sir [Applause] you you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 31,580
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Keywords: kenneth copeland
Id: jSQX_3jIsI4
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Length: 106min 55sec (6415 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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