2019 American Gelbvieh Association | American Rancher

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coming up hybrid vigor is very important it's a it's a free gift since I've gotten more galbanum I've definitely put more muscle on oh and you can take a calf of 15 months in and put it on the rail and dude 95 percent choice Prime and pretty fun to see I guess branches shared their success stories of raising galbi and balancer travelled from birth to finish next on the American Rancher [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich today we're going to hear from ranchers located across the United States that have been raising del V and balancer cattle for years but what makes them different from the rest these producers are there every step of the way from birth to finish they are constantly reminded of why they chose geld the imbalance or genetics year after year the group of producers raise their cattle with genetics that predict performance both in the feed yard and on the rail starting from the foundation they need a bull and a cow that can produce an outstanding calf we run Kelby balancer cattle then using del V Bulls since about 11 12 years ago it really made a difference in my kids I believe and every year I can see a difference we've been buying galva bulls for six years now I think the disposition of the the balancer and gell vaq cattle is extremely good you know we don't have problems with the bulls that we run you know leaving the pasture or being an issue and we got together we've purchased our first galva bull which was a purebred bull in 1995 at that time we had two other breeds of bulls and about two years when we got to see indented growth and the performance of those purebred bulls we were in the market to buy more purebred guilty bulls at that time we were able to purchase three more bulls and we were able to phase out limousine and Scimitar cattle and we were really excited about the growth and the amount of pounds of beef that we could sell having the del V influence into my cow herd has it's been a great great deal we've been able to see a big difference from when I first started where I had straight Angus cows to where now we've got balanced or influenced cows and the disposition on those cows is just so much better I mean a lot of times you know if I got a couple twins pastula they're usually mothering both of them or if I have one lose one I can take a twin almost out there in the middle of pasture throw it up to her and she might sniff it and if it's hungry enough it'll go sucking I've had that happen several times and sure makes it a lot easier and having to drag him to the barn and do all that they are great mothers they milk well their disposition is so much better more gentle than an Angus cow and that's I really like that balancer crossing my cows and I kind of what I do is I kind of go with more of a gyal V bull and crossing my balance or cows and that seems to be what what I get the best return on the fertility is really good you know you get that extra boost of heterosis in there plus the del V is known to be a you know a good fertile animal the way that it is helps them breed up pretty darn good last year it seemed like they were real tight and I don't ever pull my bulls you know I hardly ever have any they're late the fertility has been great as well and every year it gets better on everything the performance and you know the fertility the cows themselves and it's pretty exciting to see it I've really tried to keep the size of my cows down like I said when I first started we had mostly Angus and my cows size was much larger than it is now we've really shrink it down we probably shrink it 3 to 400 pounds and has made a huge difference not only on your pasture but on your feed bill as well and makes a heck of a lot more room in the trailer for them as well we started in the galbi business late 80s 90s we really liked the functionality of the maternal side of the cow's there moderate-sized the good milkers very high fertility and those characteristics carry over into our carcass merit programs the LV has really helped our herd expanding when we first started I want to say there was a bit of mixture of all sorts of things when when I first first married and slowly it's just sort of evolved that Delvian balancers had just emerged and really increased our profitability definitely within our heard and our mothering ability so it's been a good good fit for us the gal V we had an opportunity to retain heifers and put those back in the herd and we realized at that time that the half gal be influence heifers were just an asset to our operation prior to that we had just always went to the sale barn and purchase mix commercial cows whatever that we felt like that looked like it would perform or milk and grow a calf when we realized the potential that we had with the balance or female we made a commitment to provide us a balance or cow herd does it matter what their conditions are if we have a dry year those cows still perform and they breed back and they calves again the next year when we have new extra nutrition available they are very efficient with nutrition those calves will bloom and grow and expand and express their genetic potential the female side of these cattle are just phenomenal the fertility that they have the milking ability that they have the balancer female is a superior female that we've been able to capitalize on the female side and to market these balancer females and created a demand for any extra heifers that we don't need in our operation we have a the ability to market all of those females to go into other commercial operations [Music] the f cattle company weary back and mothering ability we never take a backseat to EB bees making us best you country's leader in dama merit females check out our latest AI sire bf tender 10 or join us April 6th for our maternal integrity bull sale and select from one hundred eighteen month old Gilby and balancer bulls bf cattle company real world genetics to keep you in business much like keeping one's body in shape is important cattle must also maintain good health all of this starts with good nutrition sweet pros unique because it's a it's a fiber supplement to a fiber digester there's no waste in the product they're getting all the raw materials and all the raw nutrients right where they need them for more information on all suite pro distillers grain based rangeland and bunk fed products with pro bio team or to find a dealer near you visit WWE pro calm back by the best guarantee in the business Riverbend Ranch is offering over 500 head Saturday March 9th at 11 a.m. mountain it's your chance to purchase from a program that is recognized in every segment of the industry from commercial cow-calf to high-end steak houses don't miss this opportunity to add Riverbend genetics to your her visit superior livestock comm for more information and get a buyers number today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the American Ranchers crossbreeding has been utilized in the cattle industry for many years and for a good reason using del V and balancer genetics in a cross breeding program can increase profitability through heavier weaning weights feed bunk efficiency as well as heavier faster gaining feeder cattle and these producers have honed in on just that we keV usually in late February through March we have a branding a second week in April we do it the old-school way we rope and drag everything to the fire we vaccinate them then random then they go to grass and we wean usually about the 20th to 22nd 2015 right in there at September and talked about performance this year we've been really wet so the grass has been washy which you usually will kind of see maybe a little bit lighter on the weaning weights but not so this year I'm guessing that our steers are probably about 50 pounds bigger than last year's they did super good and so when we wean them we bring them home we'll run them all through the chute give them their shots do their implants and then I'll background them til they're you know they're gonna be 850 which they will hit here in about a month from now be about the end of November and then they go on to my buyer that's bought from me here the last couple years and they seem to really like them they do good in a girl and I tell you I'm pretty excited about this group this year because I can see it already they've only been weaned here for about a month and I mean they're getting it there they're gonna be a good looking set our heifers and cows they they start calving first part of February and welcome through through the middle of April then well we have a big rope and drag branding or giving an implant in and all the vaccines cutting the bolt kids then will run on summer grass you know through the middle of September 1st October those kids are getting creep feed from about June on I'll bring them to the yard and wean them we're not preconditioning these kids we just bring them in and we all run through a chute giving us set up vaccinations well background these cattle until middle of December and then they'll get put off full feed I'm trying to hit that April market there's stuff to do on that shorter days of feed but we're really trying to push them out as fast as we can but not lose the performance of these cattle you know we want to keep these cattle in good shape and we don't want to push them too far that we lose the structural integrity on the cattle bit but we'll generally feed 120 to 150 days we'll sort sort off the top end if we think they're ready and sell them so we could hit 2 or 3 different markets and the kids also these you know we don't have pulls because they're they're running after a wean no way we wean is a pretty high stress wean environment but I think the docility these cattle is is it's so good that you know we're not having the poles on these wing kids you know and that really affects the performance on the top of it - and you're not losing weight because the kids are sick and and it's not losing money having to give give more antibiotics and than what they already have at superior livestock we recognize the benefits value added programs bring to the commercial producer and as always the American Gale V Association is committed to the modern beef industry and is partnered with IMI global the beef industry's leader in independent verification to release balancer edge balancer edge as a feeder calf program that gives ranchers who are raising calves sired by galbi and balancer Bulls the opportunity to market their calves with the source and age verification balancer edge is a new program offered by the American galbi association in conjunction with IMI global it's agent source verification for feeder cattle sired by Gail B and balancer Bulls and the breed requirement is for 75% of the sires used to be registered guilty and balanced or Bulls and the additionally those Bulls have to be a minimum of 25 percent guilty so a ga is working in conjunction with IMI global offer this program IMI global does the agent source verification they do the breed requirements they verify those by the registration papers and the programs available to all producers regardless of size for $3.00 head enrollment which covers the verification services and an e ID tag if a producer would like to purchase dangled tags for visuals for management purposes those pairs are four and a quarter per head so in addition to participating an agent source and having their cattle breed identified producers have the option to participate in other value-added programs such as n HTC's all Naturals and and the gap programs we're excited to be able to offer this program to producers who are utilizing Delvian balance or genetics to obtain some breed recognition and to be able to add value to their cattle by creating more marketing options for potential buyers if your marketing feeder calves sired by guilty and balancer bulls give your cattle to balancer edge balancer edge is the new source and age verification program from the American guilty association for calves sired by registered gyal P imbalance or bulls and is backed by the industry's leading verification company i am i global if you market feeder cattle then you know that value-added programs can put more money in your pocket give your calves the balancer edge for more information visit guilty org family-owned commercially focused corner beef genetics offers the most complete set of del v ballots are an Angus cattle we take pride in the success of our customers and with our extensive AI and ET programs you won't be disappointed in this year's sales join us in October and November for our fall bull and female sales in the first Tuesday of March for our annual spring bull sale for more information contact us in the office or visit warner beef table hilltop farms located in Asbury Missouri focuses on creating a Calvert that is developed by using only the top AI and embryo transfer matings that are known through the Galvin doing so they give their customers a wide range of high-quality sire groups to choose from that are stout made easy fleshing and will add great maternal strengths don't miss hilltop farms annual bull and female sales Saturday March 2nd at the Joplin Regional stockyards in Carthage Missouri for more information visit them online at hilltop farms comm international genetic solutions feeder profit calculator what is it simply put it's a tool to assist in determining feeder calf value of the largest genetic group within the industry and that's the crossbred feeder calf the feeder profit calculator incorporates genetic knowledge of mainstream sires regardless of the breed preconditioning and vaccination information weaning management and responsible health programs to evaluate the value on a set of calves the finished product is a certificate that highlights the genetic and management predictions on those calves along with certain carcass and growth traits producers have three things to sell when it comes to their feeder calves and that's genetics health and the management those cattle are under the feeder profit calculator wraps all this information together but the cost can a rancher even afford it how about this it costs nothing head the International genetic solutions.com you can either know or guess choose no international genetic solutions feeder profit calculator the elements can be relentless make sure they have respiratory protection to match [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the American Rancher these cattlemen feed out their own calves because they've seen and experienced the success of balance or influence feeder calves that so many are talking about their post weaning gain and quality have made these producers enjoy the process from start to finish and the numbers they get back never disappoint I got a backgrounding yard and then I've started see I feed some of mine out it depends on the year and so I've kind of really focused on the growth traits and trying to keep cows eyes down and I've noticed since I've gotten more Delvian him I definitely put more muscle on that's what pays so that's what we're after and they I when I started feeding them I want to know how they were yielding and grading and they did really well I did it my first year by myself so it was a learning curve from me to got along real well they did really well pretty excited about that the first year was like probably about a ninety ninety one-percent choice are better of course that was my learning year they went to us premium beef so we got them all graded after talking to some of the marketing guys and some of the guys that do the grading I probably could have fed him a little bit longer so then the next year I did that the next year we had probably I think is like 93 percent where choice are better and that's pretty darn good that's and that probably could even been a little bit better than that after I got the data back up I could have fed him another week or so and done a little bit better on we don't give anything up on the feed yard side these steers that come out of these these balance our stairs they grow they gain weight well they finish well the carcass data that we have received back we're in the 97 percentile rating on choice no your grade fours and and I have a few your grade twos so we are very pleased and very excited to be able to use the gal we influence and the balancer cattle in our operation we feed all our loyal kids it started as a way to market our corn but now it's kind of evolved that's something that we enjoy doing now it's a way to track the performance of our Bulls and our cows there's no better way that doing it taking clear to the end I would try to shoot for a 3/8 at quarter quarter balance or calf you know we're looking for a calf crop it's really uniform something I can feed out and they're all ready at the same time you know I try to shoot for the April market it's it's tough when you Kevin February you know your your calves are only you know 15 months old you know and you can take a cap of 15 months and and put it on the rail and dude ninety-five percent choice priming and no no yield grade forward that's that's pretty pretty fun to see I guess and then the premiums help too bringing the galva cattle into our operation has really improved the feedlot side of things just from a calf performance standard I guess you save ya the Gil mikela really improved our our uniformity consistency you know and when when these kids kill we don't have a wide range of carcass weights they don't frame sizes and everything else is all you know pretty consistent we just pick out the top end stuff and it's in it down the road when we when we're shortened we're a cow calf to be feed light operation so we're from birth to finish hybrid vigor is very important it's a it's a free gift and did not take advantage of it is very foolish especially in the cattle industry the hybrid vigor is a provided extended growth curve for us so we can take a balancer steer to sixteen hundred ninety pounds push them to the max with a two percent shrink a sixty two three yield will come in at a thousand forty nine pound carcass it'll be 15 to 20 percent prime 1 percent select and like I mentioned earlier minimal fours and fives can I continue that well I'm going to try I individually weigh every animal I individually collect carcass data we benchmark it we database it and then we benchmark it and we'll look at see what our numbers are we'll use those numbers to decide what bulls are in breeding stock we're going to purchase a couple things we do do we do ultrasound or replacement heifers for ribeye the live weight ratio and for quality grade we also have used DNA to do some selection on betterment or maternal traits and and carcass traits we're producing 15 to 20 percent prime about one to five percent selects and you know under the threshold and force which is usually around 15% less fours and fives we've been collecting carcass status and since 2003 and following that data through we did one study a few years ago in about 2015 where we took 10 years of carcass data stacked it all together and put it on the same grid and in that 10 year period of time we had increased the value of our cattle three hundred dollars a head which to me is exceptional we did that through two ways increasing our pounds of market Oh bleep plus increasing the quality and those two attributes really work good with galva cattle we extend our growth curve and which thus gives us more pounds and we don't get the discounts of fours and fives or heavies for more information about del V and balance or cattle and the commercial programs offered by the American galbi Association visit Gil V dot org that's all the time we have today we hope you enjoyed the show for more information about us visit our website the American Rancher calm or connect with us on Facebook I'm Tim MINIX for the entire American Rancher team thanks for joining us we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was superior
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 5,518
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 1_hQWkHjbCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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