The American Rancher featuring Genex 2018

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[Music] my name is ty Jones area rep for southeastern Montana with genex we're headed to eco lock of Montana which is pretty remote in the southeast corner right kind of where Wyoming in South Dakota and Montana meet it's called a cross W ranch felonies wife Bret and Kim leche are the owners and they've got four sons ranging in age from Levi Lee the oldest is like 25 or so and then guys the youngest at 12 so they all help out on the operation and doing the daily tasks that need to be done we enjoy coming down here it's quite an adventure agriculture is such a close-knit family especially in Montana and Wyoming Dakota's you know in the West maybe don't know people personally but you know of them from friends of friends or however it works in and I think it's those relationships that really make a company like Gen X really survive you know we're out here to to try to help ranchers develop a better product in their cow herd and the calves they sell and if I were just gonna be used car salesmen and go there and make the sale whatever it took to make it and then move on you know next year when I come back or two or three years from now if if the product didn't work for them and I may felt like they've got suckered in on something it doesn't take long for that to get around a small tight-knit industry and so we at Gen X have always tried to be there for the long haul you know which we may not have the most extreme Bulls in the industry from a numbers standpoint or the flashiest looking stuff but I think in the end we try to bring genetics for these guys that that will keep me in business long term that they'll be proud to go out six seven eight years from now and look at a set of cows and be happy with what they've got rather than you know the first half crop looks great and then after that you've got Rex and that's not what we want to do we want to be here for you know the long term and try to provide a product that helps them rather than steers them down the wrong road Brett feeds out a fair amount of his own cattle some to finish some just to yearling weight sends them on but we talked about you know kind of where he was going and what he wanted to do and so we flying some bulls that would fit his criteria and so he wants some cattle that will perform in the feedlot but he also wants a functional cow for his operation to graze these sometimes pretty good-sized pastures in this part of the world I've been with the company quite a while now I think 1819 years so I'm getting to be one of the old guys in the outfit but I really enjoyed cattle genetics and looking at good cattle and trying to make good cattle I really enjoyed working with genex is the commitment to traits in cattle that there aren't necessarily numbers for at this point yet now maybe they'll get numbers for them but things like foot quality and leg structures those are things that while you can't necessarily see it on paper that it affects you it's a big issue especially the structure part to that you know cattle in my part of the world may have to travel you know many miles I guess I mean to water and to grass and to whatnot and so the cattle have to stand up from a structure standpoint you know there's nothing worse on a bottom line of a rancher to have a cow that goes into the herd and you put out all the expense to get her into you know the cab and to be a productive female in the herd and then at six years old she's shot from a foot stand pointer or whatever breaks down from hips or things because you know your your cow doesn't really start paying you back and tell about five years old and so the more longevity we can have in these cattle the more profitable will be because you know if you can get a cow that into her double digits as far as age before she's out of the herd you've got several years there that she can be paying you money rather than you paying her much you know we've built up the trust to know that hey we're watching this stuff and we're not gonna get you into it a spot where we're bringing you genetics that that are not going to help you in those areas so those are things that I think help us stand out we can be one of those areas of of information for people at hey what does this number mean is it something I need to be looking at them and I and and all the reps are fortunate that the company has done a lot of training for us in those areas so that we can stay current on the new stuff and what the numbers mean and where they fit into an operation so we feel like and hopefully that our customers feel like we're a resource they can turn to we're gonna take a look at everything not just one or two things for you when you make a breathing decision it's something that will impact you potentially for 10 years down the road and so the less mistakes you can make or the less wrong directions you can go in the further you'll be at the end of that 10 years and and so instead of just buying a bull that is gonna have a couple calf drops you know it from the daughters and the things it's a lasting impression on a cow turd and so it's it's a big deal and guys are looking for the best solutions that they can find to their breeding programs now with time day I you know like this program here even though we're breeding for three days we can do a big group of say two or three hundred in a day they can get them hauled out in the afternoon out to pasture and have them where they want them rather than you know coming down here setting up for a week and breeding three the first day and ten the second day and you know logistically it just makes these big projects a lot more attractive to guys because when a guy's got a lot of cat a lot of stuff going on it just fits with their schedules a lot better if we can go in this is the day we're doing it knock him out and then go on so it works really well for all on most of my projects especially you know one of this size I pretty much tell him you know you you bring him to the back door of the barn and I'll take it care of everything in front of that normally guys you know would like to handle their own cattle and they know how that how to handle them and and know how that their facilities work then we can concentrate on what we do and what we do best and that's a I in Catalan and getting the bread so it works out it's a good relationship especially on this outfit there are cowboy crew and they do things horseback and and they've got the hands to do it and so we'll just crack the door and go to it [Music] hello and welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich today on the show we talked about Gen X a company known across the industry that's providing producers with world-class animal genetics progressive reproductive solutions value-added products and innovative service to members and customers stay tuned you don't want to miss this episode of the American Rancher you you [Music] we want a trust relationship with our customers we want them to know that we care about them that our products work and will stand behind it to come back and purchase to bid and by their customers cattle they're very very dedicated to a customer's product and I think that creates a lot of longevity 98 at 63,000 thank you [Music] the American Shorthorn Association is America's oldest beef breed association Shorthorn cattle have been documented to produce high-quality carcasses of out yield other British breeds the added docility and maternal advantage of short ones make them an outstanding choice to add heterosis to your commercial cattle operation short horns truly are a breed focused on performance with purpose for more information visit our newly renovated website at Shorthorn org or call eight one six five nine nine seven seven seven seven welcome back to the American Rancher with customizable genetic and reproductive service plans Gen X meets the needs and goals of individual cattle producers here's the Gen X story for today we're breeding in a to stall AI barn I've got two of us actually arming the cattle we got a guy in the back that's loading guns and thawing semen furnace the cowboy crew is of course bringing them up through there they're set up and we're just kind of one big happy family in this take quarters born but little humor gets us through or anybody gets to on each other's nerves right pal hey I barns work really nice for these projects especially these bigger ones basically dark up in front of this cow where she's seeing and so they stand a lot nicer then trying to do them through a squeeze chute or just out kind of in the open and you can cycle through a lot of cattle in them in a big hurry with two stalls and a good crew will do about 270 heifers this morning now these projects a lot of times involved early mornings and you got to have guys that want to get out of bed in the morning and go to work and and we've certainly got that in these chute side service programs and the guy that we're working for they were probably out before we were saddling horses and going at a pretty good clip and it allows this the operator to load these heifers on a truck and all hot to grass today and that way they've got time to do what they need to do and we've gotten in and got the job done if we're not willing to put the time and effort in to help them out and do a good job for them then we're not worth our salt and so I think that's one of the things that helps us is it as a company is we try to work with the rancher and he schedule and and would you need stuff done we got to get it done and and that's the way it is cuz ranching's of time is money business and certainly uh we're of the same opinion so it works out good combination I feel like my customers depend on me to to be their eyes and ears a lot of times to get the training that requires is required to keep up on people DS and information on this day and age and and also to see cattle and you know I've worked with Brett for four or five years now and so I know the count of cattle he likes and he wants he's not afraid of a little extra frame than some guys he feeds a lot of his own cattle so he wants something with some girls to him got some you know enough carcass merit to make it to the end and so we've got a pretty good idea of what he's looking for and what he's you know I'll give him a recommendation of you know these three or four or five bulls that I think will feed his program and with AI we can use a bull that's been tested and tried in lots of different programs and so the guess works taken out of him and and that helps when you're trying to make these difficult decisions that will impact your herd for a long time you know what the Bulls gonna do and worries out and what he's you're capable of so that's another very ability to be taken out of the mix when you're using an any ice on the biggest question I get as the wrap is hey what do you know about this bull have you seen the cattle have you seen progeny what can you tell me about them and so one of the things that we try to do is as the company is take our reps on tours and and see some different cattle in different parts of the country and maybe different ways of doing things that there could help an operation in our area and so we try to be more than just a Salesman we know we're there to help them with their breeding decisions I send out a lot of calendars to my guys in hey this is the day you need to give this shot or you got to start the mga or this is a day we're breeding so that they can put it on their calendar and timing is essential in these protocols and without that there's no use doing them so if we can make it easier for them and their schedules and say hey this is when we're coming this is what we need to do it all works smooth these Astrotech patches are a very inexpensive product they're easy to apply and easy to use put them on at time of prostaglandin injection it doesn't slow the process up at all it's a heat detection aid today's a day we're doing the green patch heifers and that way we know where they're going and the guy can keep him sorted to tomorrow we'll be there yesterday excuse me was the pink patches so it's a way that he's been able to keep those cattle separate and sorted I like him and I use them for most all my customers because it tells you right away nor are we getting a good heat response or are we not on this project and so it just gives us one more assurance that hey I'm gonna have a good successful program so how it works it's like a scratch off lottery ticket it's got this gray layer that scratches off easily when the heifers mounted and written and so you can tell just to the class you know it is she cycling is she not it's a product like I said it's easy to use it's easy to put on the more scratched off it is the more she's being ridden and more in heat she is what like say I don't got a glass you can tell one way or the other are we looking at one that's in and we're looking at one that's not yeah it saves a lot of time and effort from a guy have to stand out there right tag numbers all day to walk it out in the pan and in 30 seconds I know that hey we're doing a good job we've got response it's just a great product it's easy to apply inexpensive but worth its weight in gold [Music] from corrective mating - sire recommendations - AI and much much more Gen X professionals develop unique programs to best fit each specific beef operation stay tuned there's more on our Gen X story when the American Rancher returns [Music] you so the cattle business is a wonderful business to be in I mean we're just very fortunate but you know besides trying to make the best cattle you can and making the genetics as good as you can you know one of the great things is you get to deal with people in my mind cut and I really enjoy dealing with both new customers and current customers and you know it's just great to be able to deal with them on a daily basis and and find out how our genetics are working for them and as long as the commercial ranchers are are looking for the Brecker Charlet genetics we want to do what we can to supply them join Deborah Kerr charlet Saturday April 7th for their annual bull sale on Saturday March 17th baccarat will host this 25th annual V gathering when 55 short-arm bulls and 30 fancy Shorthorn based replacements females will be offered let the power of complete heterosis drive your profit by using short form genetics from Walker ooh all the Bulls have been performance tested on the farm including ultrasound data and genomically enhanced EPDs additionally Bulls will sell with the industry first dollar fescue index helping identify cattle better tolerant of in doe fight infected fescue Walker Rio is located in Northwest Indiana and has been registering short run cattle since 1902 collecting growth and carcass status since the 1960s and is the leader of documented data-driven Shorthorn genetics in north america today Walker ooh is owned by multiple generations of the Jordan family including Varian Aneta mark and Heidi and Toby and Jody Jordan to learn more visit wa Karuna or email us to request your catalog [Music] welcome back to the American Rancher gen-x continually strives to lead the way with science-based cattle and innovative services that you can trust with their hands-on approach cattle producers across the country are putting their trust and the services gen-x provides and here's why my name is Dallas Lawton Heiser this is my wife Megan and my mother Renee we're all part of lots and Iser a cattle company here in Flagler Colorado where we have a commercial herd of Angus Angus cross cows that we've been a eye in here for a few years and starting to get pretty proud of what we're building up in addition to everything that Dahl's does here at the ranch as the ranch manager we also have our own AI business where we can take what we've kind of learned the experiences we've gained on our own cows and help other people kind of go along the same path whether that's you know helping them with a sing protocol or both selection you know it's really important to us that our customers are successful and part of that is we try to help them near things that we've done that have found make us successful and just been really fortunate to have customers that like what we do for them and are willing to tell other people how we've helped them and it's really just grown out of word-of-mouth whatever we can do to help them that's that's what we're here for variety of things we can do for people we can be anything from a sounding board bounce ideas off of or we can do the the whole kit caboodle where we walk in and synchronize everything and then breed everything so the options are just about endless we can do as much or as little as anybody requires of us I'm Marian Brauer north of Flagler my brother and I farm together just got back in the cattle couple three years ago raised cattle when was a kid with my dad I'm also the fire chief of the local fire department so having Megan in my cellphone my back pocket helps a lot to keep the cows straight and on track whenever a is before the full services is great I really don't have to think about it they you know keep me on schedule and when we raised cattle before we just bought yearlings and fatten them up so you know advocating for Corral's a little bit so changes that they made definitely made AI easier but it was nothing like a major overhaul I mean we just needed an alleyway and a place to back up our breeding barn and those two things pretty much were something they had on their vision anyway so it all worked together Dallas and I really pride ourselves and trying to keep an eye on new upcoming bowls and genetics that we really feel like our region-specific and Gen X makes that really easy for us because you know they they are out there looking for the Bulls that the cows sense in science which in our world where these cows are on short grass they may be grazing some residue whether that's Milo or corn you know we need we have to find those cows that are gonna be efficient and Hardy you know good structure good disposition you know we're gonna know which one's fit his environment he trusts us to make those decisions he sees that in action and were able to to find cows that work for him we're really fortunate to have customers like Mariann because they they trust us they trust our ability to match cows to them match bulls to them and you know I love getting snapchats for marrying with his cows and his calves or you know he posts Facebook videos of you know when things are calving and hey you know number 27 you know just calves door we're waiting on the last one and just staying involved through that whole process is part of the reason my Dallas and I don't really consider it's a it's not a job for us it's just we're really excited to see people excited about their cattle and the results that they're seeing one of our one of the biggest goals that we have is we don't like to show up one day and just breed we do a lot of pre-planning for each of our customers and then on the backside it's very important to us to see what happened you know where we're there to get your cows pregnant and so when you preg tech we want to know how that goes and definitely following up with them and saying you know hey how do we do what are you thinking and AI is not a silver bullet it's it's not going to change your life in one instance to progression it's a building project it's every year we're gonna have better and better females every year we're gonna have access to bowls that we have more genetic information on and every year we're gonna be able to work out a protocol and match that to your facilities in your timeline and that's really what we want we we we want to build with the customer we want to make sure that they're set up to be successful and just that that's where we where we see we us fitting is is helping Alison Meghan have a passion for the cattle industry and a passion for cattle and they love what they do and you can tell and they love to share with other people and they're progressive and they've done a lot you know for Greg and I just to encourage us and it's nice to have him around my name is Douglas Cody jolly ranch is known as RJ jolly cattle but Ridgely you know kind of had idea about AI in 2014 when the cattle market was really good it's not like everybody else why not keep all my heifers back and breed them and so I thought if I was gonna do it I was gonna do it right so I decided to a I for the first time on this place set up the sync protocol forum and then we talked about where do you need us where don't you need us where you got it handled and we have a really good relationship as far as figuring out you know what what schedules are gonna work and how to mesh them together and you know what everybody needs to to get their job done and it's been really successful I think this year out of 105 bred heifers I would had 70 70 on the ground in like 15 days so I mean you know that's how you make a uniform set of calves so I was going through dad's files and I he's been marketing on speared livestock since 1987 or 88 and it's worked really well for us all the buyer knowing the genetics and their potential and what bloodlines I'm using you know I think that's just as big a key as anything is absolutely we've been using superior for several years now in a row and just the expanded audience that you're getting when you're marketing on that platform is just amazing and it's a lot of fun when you see your calves come on that screen and you see the Gen X genetics ticker come on just kind of makes it all come together our generation I guess you wouldn't call it you know we're really trying to find our place and where we fit in the industry and being able to help each other out and share experiences is I think it's invaluable I mean it's priceless and we're all fortunate enough to have a generation before us that is affording us these opportunities and I think that AI and progressive herd health and animal handling those are all those are all things that are on the forefront of our brains and having a group of people that you can talk to about that and is just awesome for us if people need help breeding their cows or if they're interested in semen I mean we Eastern Colorado is our home and anything that we can do to help people in this area make their homes and their ranches more successful we want to do that you know whether you just have a bold question you know give us a call send us an email send us a text I mean message us on Facebook where or try to be existing accessible as possible because we're I mean we're real people it's Gen X and AI process it's not a it's not a myth or magical thing it's you know it's just real people trying to help other people gen-x is dedicated to providing customers with proven genetics and proven results through practices designed with the rancher in mind Gen X works closely with their customers to determine the most profitable and productive program to fit their needs to find out more about Gen X contact them at eight eight eight three three three one seven eight three or visit them online at genic shoot side service dot-com that's all the time we have today to find out more about us visit our website the American Rancher calm or connect with us on Facebook we'd love to hear from you I'm Pam Minich for the entire American Rancher team thanks for joining us we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 7,291
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Id: -gPSzV0psRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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