The American Rancher featuring Cross Diamond Cattle Company

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[Music] you know Kim and I have been so blessed to be involved with a great breed and there's a lot of great breeders all across this nation that raised wonderful Red Angus genetics but sometimes I do have people asked why should I invest in cross diamond cattle versus something else and I think if you want to just sum up maybe three I three things that I think we do well I think the fact that we had a large arch group of come in two year old bulls you know I think it's one of the largest bull sales in the nation that you can offer as many true age advantage bulls and go out and fit customers needs from that standpoint I feel like another thing is our guarantee I feel like we have as good as guarantee as anybody out there in the industry you know I tell people all the time that we're dealing with something that's living and breathing and sometimes things don't always go right but we always want to make sure that we stand behind our product and stand behind our customers and make sure they're happy with it and if they're something goes wrong and they need somebody to call they just make one call Nesta Kim and I and we're gonna take care of that problem so I think that's something that sets us apart and another thing I think sets us apart is that when we sell the bulls we take them right to your door if that's where you need them so at free delivery is very very important and and we want to take that opportunity to make sure the cattle get to your place in good shape that everything went well get the opportunity to to meet you and and see how our genetics can best serve you and your your ranching operation let's face it what we're doing answers is turn wonderful forage like this green grass that we're standing on into high-quality protein to feed the Lord's people and we're so blessed to get the opportunity to do that and so blessed to work with a great breed and and I'll tell you it's allowed us to meet some of the best people in the world and that's the American rancher [Music] welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich today on the show is cross diamond Cattle Company it's a well known name in the beef business and as the nation's cow herd numbers continue to expand across diamond stays on the forefront of Red Angus genetics we'll hear how this top Nebraska outfit continues to be successful year after year you're watching the American Rancher stay with us welcome back to the American rancher in the Nebraska plains cross diamond Cattle Company is a customer service driven Red Angus seedstock operation Scott and Kim Ford are among the best beef cattle producers in the nation and they have been for years there's not a better time to be involved in the Red Angus breed and Cross Diamond continues to be an excellent source of Red Angus genetics for today's beef producer the cross diamond program that Scott and Kim have devised is all about range developing their cattle and selling their bulls as coming two-year-olds Scott and Kim calves their cows in mid-april they hold them through the next year before selling them with the age advantage cross diamond Cattle Company is located outside Bertrand Nebraska this south-central part of the state has productive farm ground and wide expanses of prairie grassland that is ideal for raising beef cattle right now we're up at Elwood Nebraska at the Swanson ranch and this is the ranch that we developed the yearling bulls for the summertime and just kind of tell you a little bit about how we developed these bulls obviously these Bulls were born in April May and early June of a year ago we weaned those Bulls off their moms first part of October we do this so that we can get the cows put out in corn stocks we want to take advantage of those corn stocks for not only the cows but the calves and we understand that one of those strong strengths of their area is the fact that we do not only have wonderful grasslands but we also have such exceptional corn ground that that surrounds us also so we take advantage of those corn stocks we turn the cows out on corn stalks we get those calves weaned we get those calves trained due to a dried distillers pickup because we know that's that's what we're going to put them on for a protein source for the rest of the winter get those calves trained to a dry distillers pickup and then we get them turned out on corn stalks as well this allows us to really train those animals to go out there and forage all their lives that it really it trains them to go out there and and look for food instead of wait for the feed wagon so that's very important to us once they come off corn stalks they basically move them here into the Swanson ranch and what we really like about this ranch it is really rough hills it makes these Bulls really get out there and work in a nice area for them to forage it's a good environment for them to get underneath these cedar trees and fight cedar trees and get the flies off and stuff like that and they'll remain up here at this ranch till about September 1st September 1st then we'll take them home and then we put them on a dry distillers ground corn stalks type a ration and that's the ration that they're on until the bull sale we really enjoy the fact that with these older aged bulls we just don't simply have to push them quite so hard and so we can take advantage of the good Lords green grass here and develop these Bulls this way obviously we if we were selling your Lynx we would have to probably push them a little harder and get them big enough to breed but we really like this approach to things we think that it's important you know to develop in this way so that our customers can take them that first year and use them a little bit harder you know they're gonna be a come coming two-year-old by the time we deliver them most people by the time they turn out they are truly - so this is something that we really feel aids and and our customers are being able to get more longevity out of those both long-term we also think that this act aids in the structural correctness of the Bulls obviously their feet and legs are going to stay better they're not going to have quite as much fat lay down in their scrotum so that we feel like that they're gonna hopefully be sound breeders for a lot longer also so this is something that we think sets us apart but I'll tell you one thing it's kind of a pain having this many I think in this group there's over two hundred and twenty yearling bulls obviously they aren't all going to make the cut it gives us a lot longer time to evaluate those bulls as well but it's not fun to have 220 yearling Bulls that you got to keep away from everything let me tell you that but we think that it's that important to make that sacrifice for our customers so that that they can go in and and they can be profitable in their operations now is really an amazing time to be in the seed stock business from the standpoint of the amount of tools and the amount of information we have to make decisions we've got everything from all of the measurements we take birth weights weaning weights mature cow weights all the way to genetic data the DNA testing that we do with a low density testing parentage testing and genetic defect testing that really makes a difference in in the complete genetic package that we provide at the same time while we have all these tools at hand that are new and different I don't think we can ever pass by the importance of of the genetic selection pressure that the good Lord places on the cattle the good Lord can can colle animals based on to fertility and flushing ability and foraging and ability they need to go out and perform and do the things that they were designed to do by the good Lord and even though we think we know a lot we don't always so we think that's been very important here at Cross Diamond too to keep everything in balance and everything in perspective that let's keep the cattle doing the things they were designed to do at the same time utilizing the great genetic tools that that have been designed and developed in and use all the tools at hand Kim and I have talked about some of the uses of technology that have really benefited us here at the cross diamond cattle company and one of the things that's been a huge benefit to us is is the DNA technology this is really exciting in the beef industry we really think this is really going to add some value to to the whole industry but it has already added a lot of value to how Kim and I run our operation we run a lot of multi bull pastures and this includes not only our commercial herd but also our registered herd and what this has allowed us to do is that those bulls turned out with our register cows the most aggressive bulls the most aggressive herd bulls the most aggressive breeders hopefully those herd bulls are gonna pass that longevity and live it on to those daughters and we can add more fertile fertility back into the herd so multiple pastures have been a has been a huge advantage to how we operate our business here in 2016 obviously we're looking at the yearling bulls these Bulls are out in 320 acres there in large pastures they can get underneath these cedar trees and and these climb these big hills and spread out and and just really be really be athletes is what we're trying to do we're trying to train them and and make them hard we don't want to make them fleshy but we want to make them go out and get exercising and also just make sure that they can go out and forage that they can that they can get the job done they can be easy easy fleshing and and be structurally correct because to climb these hills everyday and and forage they're gonna have to get the job done basically the culmination of our all year of work is our production sale the second Monday in December if you've never been able to join us for our production sale in December we would just like to give you the most sincere welcome to our sales facility come down to Bertrand look at the Bulls look at the cattle meet the people behind you behind the operation get to see what we can offer input into your program to help you out in your genetic selection we would just love to have you join us and become part of the cross diamond family because that's what it's truly all about is it's people helping people it's family helping family so please come down and join us the second Monday of December south of Bertrand Nebraska built on the basics of fertility structural soundness disposition and fleshing ability the Ford's continue to push the limits and excel in the industry as their program continues to develop Scott and Kim still strive to provide the best customer service available you're watching the American Rancher stay with us welcome back to the American Rancher being involved in the commercial and registered parts of the business cross Diamond Cattle Company has steadily work to raise Red Angus cattle that will work for Stockman across the nation as a family-owned and operated business durability and longevity play a large role in why customers continue to come back year after year there are a lot of choices in raising cattle and we understand that and we feel though that Red Angus is clearly an easy choice for a cow herd in terms of of all the things that they can do well in terms of carcass quality fertility the maternal side and any enough enough power to go on and perform in the feedlot in addition to all their breed complementarity in the crossbreeding system if producers so choose or or in a straight breeding system they work very well the other nice thing about Red Angus cattle is are so adaptable to many different environments they can go and perform all the way from from the harsh climates of Florida all the way out to Oregon and every place in between so we just see that as a really a big benefit that the heat tolerance Red Angus perform well really wherever they might be expected to go so I think that's important in a breed of cattle when we're looking at we want to be we want Red Angus to be America's cow herd and and I think they have every ability to do that the folks here across town and Scott and cam and their crew they are just great to work with they personable aware of all details and really concerned about all those details the Crestron the cattle are just real functional for our weird little higher altitude and we'd like the ruggedness of them we like the just the ability for them to get out there and function at work we've got great numbers great they have a great assortment of sires and genetics that they use so it's just a great place for the cow man commercial cow man to be we bought cost diamond bills for all the time they've ever been here and before that even with the and they listed Panhandle we've known kim forever and scott we we like their bulls the way they're developed and they last at our place where the kind of guys who can pull cares but we don't like to don't want to so we hardly ever pull a calf and we'd like to have a cow of it if she has a heifer calf it's as good as the mother make another cow so you're sustainable things we've bought Bulls from Scott and Kim for for ten plus years they have all been very structurally sound we had one issue years and years ago and Scott caught it right away when he unloaded it and he said that that bowl gets worth you let me know and he did and we got our full refund back on him I mean very very trustworthy good honest people and they want they want a good product that they're selling you feel really proud to own these cows because you know you people come and work with us and they're just fascinating this house how quiet they are and how easily they're moved and um you know we raised our kids around these cattle and as a mother I don't have to worry about anything horrible happening to them I mean I know the Bulls are really quiet and if they're just they work with us they behave themselves they're just really nice cattle to have a known and we get a lot of compliments on them the calving is of the Bulls we pay attention to we have some Bulls that get some birth weight to them but as a whole we rarely ever touch a calf out of a cow even with bulls that have larger birth weight they have a very interesting way that they measure the heads of the calves and I believe that it works because we can have some large calves but smaller heads and they still calves on their own we like and appreciate the Red Angus breed as a whole for the maternal traits and the focus they've maintained on that then over the other breeds and we really appreciate the females that we get out of it the Red Angus bulls so sometimes people asked why to come to cross time and invest in cross time and genetics and I guess some of the things that I think about that cross time and does well is the fact that with the older age Bowl I think that we're one of the largest bull suppliers in the nation that brings this many older aged bulls to the marketplace I feel like our guarantee is second to none I feel like we stand behind the Bulls as good as anybody in the industry we want to make sure that you get along good with your purchases and if you don't we're gonna be there and you make one phone call and that's - Kim and I and we're gonna stand right behind that product and make sure that you're happy and also the fact that you know we take it very seriously when we talk about free delivery we mean free delivery and we're gonna take that bull right to your doorstep if that's where you want it we want to make sure that that bull gets there in good shape and you don't have any problems in in the delivery process so all those things combined I think make the fact that coming across time and we want to make it easy for you to do business with us we truly enjoy the fact that we've been blessed to get to meet people from all over the country whether it's Oregon or Virginia or Upper Peninsula of Michigan or South Texas and the nice thing is with developing the Bulls the way we do it they can go into those they can go into those climates those different environments and really get handle handle the diversity very very well at the fact that we haven't taken these bulls and we haven't pushed them hard we put them out on green grass would expect them to go out there and work we've except expected them to forage it's really worked very very well so all these things is we want customers to come to our place and be happy with the purchases and we we want to stand behind those 100% make sure that people are happy we're very fortunate to have a great group of co-operators who bring bowls to consign in our sale this this is a great opportunity for us to have some different programs involved everyone has a little bit different emphasis and so that's a great opportunity for our good customers to go in and see some other production styles into to further customize their bowl selection process another great thing that this does is is it allows allows our customers to find a little bit different genetics if that's what they're looking for and I think it's a great benefit to us all at the end of the day though our co-operators are all selling with us as cross diamond so so they're all under the same guarantee all delivered the same bye bye Scott right to the door and so everything's the same on buying a cooperator bull versus a cross diamond bowl and and they're guaranteed just by making one phone call the Scott and I and and will stand behind them and make sure that everything is taken care of so buy with confidence with from our co-operators or for cross diamond to like we want to stand behind those purchases and make sure that it all works out it's almost hard to believe that it's been over 10 years since Kim and I have had the opportunity to start cross time and cattle company and I'll tell you we have been so blessed to have the opportunity to meet such wonderful people from all across the country and this has been one of the best things that Kim and I have had the opportunity to do along with our two girls Johanna and Marie it's fun the fact that they're able to join us every day in the ranching way of life and I'll tell you I wouldn't trade it for anything it's not always easiest life it's not always short hours but I'll tell you it will test you mentally and physically but there's nothing more rewarding than get to see a brand-new baby calf nurse its mom for the first time and we're so blessed to get the opportunity to see see the miracles of the good Lord performs every day for each and every one of us and to anybody that's ever bought cattle from us here at cost I'm a cattle company we just want to say a sincere thank you for your business and trust me we want to earn that business back year after year after year we don't take that business for granted either we know that we've got to earn that business back every year and we want you to give us the opportunity give us the opportunity to make sure that we can perform our jobs produce cattle they're going to perform on your ranches make your herd better and follow it up with the greatest customer service that we possibly know how to do we also know that we're gonna prove everything that we say we're gonna give you the utmost in honesty all the records all the weights all the measurements we're going to perform all those with the utmost honesty and we want to make sure that what we're doing more Phi's the Lord because I do everything glory be to God [Music] the sale will begin at 1 p.m. central with a preview starting at 12:30 central broadcast through superior productions don't miss out on this outstanding offering for more information or to get a buyers number visit superior we want to thank the Ford family for allowing us to take an in-depth look at their program for more information on them visit their website at crosse diamond cattle dot-com and to find out more about us visit our website at the American ranch or calm or become our friend on Facebook I'm Pam Minich for the entire American Rancher team thanks for joining us we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 34,047
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: The American Rancher, Superior Livestock Auction, Cattle, Cross Diamond Cattle Company
Id: RmKactP1nJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2016
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