American Rancher October 2018

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[Music] coming up ranchers in the Southwest desert shared their success stories of galbi and balancer cattle next on the American Rancher some years we get rain some year we don't we want them to be gentle we want them to be just a big good quality product and we want to take care of the land while we're doing it here we'll have 300 heifers bred and we won't see those efforts until they come in with the calf in the spring so the calves have got to got to get out and hustle make a living and take take the right time the cow to do that [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich from the Ponderosa pine covered mountains in the north to the cactus filled Sonoran Desert in the South Arizona is a state where del V and balancer cattle thrive today we're going to hear from ranchers all across the state that have been raising del V and balance our cattle for years these ranchers have a lot of rough ground to cover to manage their ranch so they need a cow that can do it all take care of herself and her calf this whole ranch is all of our ranching operation in southern Arizona and the climate is tough it's all arid semi-arid for sure always arid and some years we get rain some years we don't a lot of years we might go for ten or twelve months and not have a ring so with the feed I mean it's sparse we can run on a good year eighty acres to the cow and usually 100 acres to the cow we get our summer rains out of the months in out of the south and the southeast come up from Mexico and that's where we grow the majority of our grass the diamond a rent consists of about three-quarters of a million acre the only thing that goes on here is just the ranch operation we've got six camps I've got five locations for shipping I've got over 400 miles of pipeline probably got close to a hundred and ten drinkers on that pipeline 120 dirt tanks but even with that amount of water sometimes the distance gets so anywhere from two to eight miles between waters so the cows have got a got to get out and hustle make a living and take take the right kind of cow to do that tough unforgiving and vast land is what these ranchers face every day fortunately the strengths of the gal VCAL like fertility and longevity make them an ideal fit for the Arizona desert there isn't always an abundant amount of rain each year so it takes an efficient Hardy cow to make an Arizona ranch work they give me genetics and it's up to our weaning weights and we keep our cow size small and you know a cow the way 9 to 950 is all we need here to be able to take this environment but having that Gilby in there it gives those cows more milking ability and you still got something to sell in the end and most years if we get rain like we're supposed to and the monsoons come then we'll wean our big end of our calves away 750 775 off the cows and it's it sure helped our business having the Gilby genetics in there the first Bulls I bought were all guilty and that particular time I wanted to introduce the gelt v and into the end of these cows because I had bought a lot of cows and stock the ranch when I first started with some cows from Arizona which don't have a lot of high fertility just started praying and getting rid of the coals and using Galvin and beginning and I started taking those daughters and using balance there on those and that's worked out real well the GAVI influence on our cows I think has been a good one they are good milkers even under tough conditions they they do pretty well the calves do much better I mean they're really uniform which is nice you don't have you don't have tall ones and short ones they say they seem to make a real uniform bunch of calves so we like them every year we will keep depends on the year how much old feed we have but we will usually keep between two and three hundred heifers that we keep off of our cows and there again since the Gilbey's are in the deal now we've seen a heck of a difference and keeping the heifers is not a problem our situation is different here and most people put their heifers up to get them out and watch them 24 hours a day which they have to here we'll have 300 heifers bred and we won't see those efforts until they come in with the calf in the spring and we'll have a 95% that'll come in with the baby and you don't have to pull them you don't have to do any of that we really like the way the cows they stay in the cow herd forever they're not something that doesn't breed back they breed back easy the effort and breed easy we have no Kevin problems and for our operation it's it's worked well we like the crossbred cow immensely she has got the hybrid vigor got a little more longevity than a straight bred it's very important to us to try and keep our cows in the herds as long as we can down the line we just want to keep making our cattle better and I have been on this ranch right here for 16 years and we have upgraded this child so much said if you saw him from the beginning to now you would be able to see what I'm talking about you know we went from probably having kids when I first came here that we're averaging 400 pounds to what we have now just because of the genetics that we put in them if you want increased fertility in your herd and more pounds at weaning Jud ranch kinetics can help you achieve your goals family-owned and family run Judd Ranch offers you three breeds Kelby balancer and red yes Judd range females and bulls give you the complete package calving ease growth carcass and fertility Judd ranch is also the galbi breeds most honored dam of merit program 246 female cells Saturday October 13th in Judd ranches 28th annual cow power female sale at the ranch in Pomona Kansas building exceptional cattle is much more than simply breeding for ATVs we believe performance in the pasture leads to profit on the rail and if a cow can't drive on her own we don't want her around we know the right kind of bulls come from the right kind of cows Bulls that are born and raised on fescue with no pain free and strict expectations BF cattle company your source for maternal focus deli and balancer genetics our entire program involves around the female we believe is a breed we truly are the most maternal of all continental breeds today stocking dominant females and the pedigrees for multiple generations provides us with a consistency we think necessary to become genetic providers and not genetic multipliers because of our beliefs even our bull sale catalog is divided and sold by cow families visit our website at TJ b g lv dot-com to request the sale catalogue or view for future sale updates for the past decade c cross cattle company has produced high quality deli balancer and angus genetics will again be offering high marbling my carcass cattle for our twelfth annual fall bull and female sale at the ranch in visco north carolina will be selling a hundred of our top bulls and females and be sure to go check out the breed leading EPDs on these elite Lots that we'll be selling on November 10th visit our website at si cross cattle comm to request a catalog C cross cattle your source for performance carcass and I appeal [Music] welcome back to the American Rancher to have a successful operation in this region one must be very particular about the Bulls they buy and these Arizona cattle producers are doing just that they need Bulls that are sound have a moderate amount of body condition and have the right genetics to make good cows and then put more pounds on the truck on sale day we started with balancer balls 20 years ago really worked good for us we had cross bred cows at the time it made them a lot smoother with a lot better quality carcass and at the same time we picked up some fertility and a lot of things that we liked about the balances we've been with them ever since all of our cows are raised here so they know what to do but bringing a bull here is totally different so our situation is different we can't have a bull that's fat and had been fed up because they can't make it in our climate but we Bible that can come he's younger he comes he doesn't get sore foot it he doesn't fall apart and will still give us a quality and that's what the guilty bulls that we use have done that number one thing that we have to have in this country are calving you get too big a calf we can't ride hard enough and far enough to make sure we get all our cows looked at so we we watch our heifers close and knock on wood we've always gotten along really good with them we don't have any having problems with our cows and that is number one the next thing that we look for in our bull good feet and legs don't want them overly fat it seems like whenever you get an over fat bull usually he's short on age and a lot of extra weight they seem to go to pieces a lot faster than the moderate collection bull we'd like our cowherd to be kind of a medium-sized cow herd that's about all we can raise here so we're kind of looking for bulls little supplies with a 1050 to 1100 pound cow little wean half her weight every year and we're also looking since we develop our own heifers we're also looking for you know a coward good maternal traits in that and then cattle they can make it on the range with no supplemental feeding they just get some supplemental protein as a block or something but there's we don't feed any hay so the cattle need to be adapted to the country and so that's what when we go pick bulls we kind of look for bulls it'll work in our country and then really starting to pay attention to the efficiency test since we've had two guilty bulls here and and people can see what the quality is how the Bulls can take the environment then now just this year we've got two neighbors that are have bought several guilty bulls and they're going to have you'll be calves this year will be next year they'll breed their cows to them this time so they're gonna try them out and and so far they like what they see and they know what we get done at superior livestock we recognize the benefits value added programs bring the commercial producer and as always the American galbi Association is committed to the modern beef industry and has partnered with IMI global the beef industry's leader in independent verification to release balancer edge balancer edge is the new feeder calf program that gives ranchers who are raising calves sired by galbi and balancer bulls the opportunity to market their calves with a source and age verification balancer edge is a new program offered by the American glv association in conjunction with IMI global it's agent source verification for feeder cattle sired by guilty and balancer bulls and the breed requirement is for 75% of the sires used to be registered guilty and balancer bulls and the additionally those Bulls have to be a minimum of 25% galbi so AGA is working in conjunction with IMI global to offer this program IMI global does the agent source verification they do the breed requirements they verify those by the registration papers and the programs available to all producers regardless of size for $3.00 head enrollment which covers the verification services and an e ID tag if a producer would like to purchase dangle tags for visuals for management purposes those pairs are four and a quarter per head so in addition to participate in an Asian source and having their cattle breed identified producers have the option to participate in other value-added programs such as NH t C's all Naturals and and the gap programs we're excited to be able to offer this program to producers who are utilizing Delvian balance or genetics to obtain some breed recognition and to be able to add value to their cattle by creating more marketing options for potential buyers [Music] we want a trust relationship with our customers we want them to know that we care about them that our products work and will stand behind it to come back and purchase to bidden by their customers cattle they're very very dedicated to a customer's product and I think that creates a lot of longevity if you're in the stalker business you know exceptional care and good nutrition are the keys to healthy profitable cattle the game smart stalker program provides all the tools you need to minimize stress at receiving stimulate appetite quickly and create efficient gains on forage or feed plus feeding gain smart makes your cattle eligible for superiors first-ever value-added nutrition program learn more about the gain smart stalker program and find a dealer near you at gain smart comm if your marketing feeder camp sired by guilty and balancer bulls give your cattle to balance or edge balancer edge is the new source and age verification program from the American Delpy Association for calves sired by registered gal P imbalance or bulls and is backed by the industry's leading verification company I am I global if you market feeder cattle then you know that value added programs can put more money in your pocket give your calves the balancer edge for more information visit Galvin org welcome back to the American Rancher a ranchers reputation in the feeder cattle market impacts a buyers decision quite a bit the balance our influence feeder calves these ranchers are raising have been attracting repeat buyers and performing in the feed yard their post weaning gain and quality have made these calves sought-after and they're boosting the reputation of these Arizona ranchers [Music] we will wean our kids in the fall and we put a 45 day weaned on them and then most all the time we sell them on superior and superior sales our kids and we get along great and we have repeat buyers every year and we have no problem getting them sold and our cattle are in southern Arizona but they look like northern cattle and that helps a bunch and they're again you know having yogi influence has helped that situation and you know the feedlots know those cattle will grade they know that they will perform when they get there and so we can sell them wherever and it's easy to wean them whenever they're like they are because we don't have a whole lot of health problems or any of that stuff weaning weights vary with the feed conditions if we've got a good spring good summer you get some really big calves you know that way that way on the sick someplace if we have a crummy spring they won't weigh as much if we have a firmly summer they won't weigh as much so that's anybody's guess it's been done what the weather does for us but we've got the genetics the potential to go ahead and make a big calf if we've got the depth of nutrition and whenever we put them in the waning pan a lot of times you have the calf that loses weight not these calves we always get a gain on these calves during wienie and we don't have an extended weaning period it's we try and get these calves on 21 25 days so we feel real comfortable that that that's a good thing whenever we're able to get out I didn't crease and wait for such a short amount of time we wean our calves at about 7 months of age we bring them down and they do a 45 day pre conditioning so now I mean it's great I mean it's it feels good when your buyer doesn't even show up he just says way I'm put them on a truck so you know that makes you feel good that you you're trusted enough to do that and the cattle are good enough to do that and they keep coming back so that makes feel good that maybe you're on the right track without a doubt you know the shots and the weaning and the programs are bringing you know bringing me premium I I figured out this last year that I over you know what was sold in this area you know going to the sale barn and just without the wean and processing without the shots that I was gaining 125 hours ahead and I would basically it cost me 25 dollars I had to do that what I was pleased with really last year is that the gentleman I sold him to bought one load of mine another load of really nice steers that I had from a rancher north here and then he had another load come out of Idaho and they were all averaged within ten pounds those three loads coming in he's somewhere around 565 when I went to ship him I was pleased because when I looked in the corral the steers that I raised we're about this much bigger than everything else in there and I go you know I'm doing the right thing so I was real pleased with that the year before that I ran him myself and it was a good it was a good grass here in California they went in first part of December they came out in May they gained the gain on him was 338 pounds on grass and it was just I you know and I knew then and I was doing the right thing you know without a doubt we have a natural program plus age verification and other credentials that go along with these calves like Gap and NH DCM so these calves whether we retain ownership or sell them they've got all of the paperwork behind them and we feel very comfortable with with what we're producing we've got a cast that we feel like we can we can ship at the end of our background the and we can either own him or sell them to somebody and everybody that has that deals with things happy it pays off we retain ownership in a lot of our calves we sell a lot of them but we obtain ownership the big thing is whenever we ship them and we get reports back to tow your calves are doing great they're doing nothing but gaining and we don't have any sickness we don't have any death loss and that's the important part to me then whenever the closeouts come within that gives us more verification what we're doing right or what we might do wrong you got to keep on introducing some you know good new genetics in there to keep that hybrid bigger in there and if you don't you'll start losing losing the weight of your calves I've seen it happen many times being in the market of business like I have even out on the cows we see it you know out we'll see out here on the ranch that you know being able to utilize that dry grass and whatever the grass is even efficiency for them they don't have to eat as much to to get the job done so you know that's that's the biggest thing right there and then those those calves are the race hats can go into you know on grass like I say and and gain real well or go to wheat pasture and then in the feedlot percent performance you know they're there they're using less feed to produce a pound so that's that's usually important and I think it's going to be more important as time goes along in the world population gets gets larger you know we're going to have to have more efficient cattle job now everything that makes sense in the cattle business will we grab hold of it all of these programs that have come along in the last few years we have been able to get certified and made it work so if we can whatever it's around the corner and there's a lot of things that are happening now in the cattle business it's just a new world all the time so yeah we'll be will be part of it for more information about Dell B and balance or cattle and the commercial programs offered by the American Gilby Association visit Galvin org that's all the time we have today thanks for joining us for more information about us visit our website the American Rancher calm or connect with us on Facebook I'm Pam Minich for the entire American Rancher team thanks for joining us we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: American Gelbvieh Association
Views: 3,420
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: RTmS8xME2m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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