2017 Southwest Believers’ Convention: A Higher Level of Hearing (10:30 a.m.)

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all we're so blessed we're so blessed the blessed people call us blessed it's how blessed we are and there'll never be another meeting just like this meeting there will never be another service exactly like this service it's unique this time this group of people what the Spirit of God is saying and doing we are hallelujah in the right place at the right time do you believe it thank you lord well open in the scriptures if you would please to Luke the eighth chapter and just agree with me and what brother Kenneth just prayed and for utterance and ears to hear eyes that see said out loud I will hear from the Lord I'll hear from him not not just a man you'll hear from him in praying about my part in the meeting I was impressed with this Luke 8 and 17 he said for nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad this is a very big statement spoken by the master himself look at it again how much is going to remain covered up how much is going to remain hid remain secret nothing no thing there's not anything that is secret now that's not going to eventually be made manifest and shown and made known there's not anything hid there shall not you made known and come abroad the Lord is not interested in keeping things from us he's the revealer hallelujah not to confuse her he's not hiding truth from us he's not hiding Revelation from us and everything that he has said and everything that he has done he intends to reveal it hallelujah is this good news now look at the next verse though which goes with it the very next verse says take heed therefore now therefore connects you to what he just said since there's nothing that's going to be remain hidden and everything is going to be made manifest and disclosed therefore take heed what how you hear all hearing is not the same hearing there are different degrees of hearing there are different levels of hearing and it's not predetermined by God it's connected with our heart with our insides I know tell my levels of hearing I had the privilege of working in brother Kenneth Hagin seniors ministry who's in heaven now for a number of years and I had the privilege of working in the the prayer school healing school and I had been there for years and I was monitoring some of his teaching tapes video tapes this was back when they had the big ones what was it the beta or whatever you know and I was looking at one of those and it was of healing school and as I'm listening to it now at this point I've been there for 10 years I was listening to it watching it and I begin to think glory to God as he was bringing out the Spirit of God is bringing out some things I thought I've never heard that before that is amazing that's glory to God and I was getting all stirred up and the camera panned and I was sitting on the front row I wasn't four feet from him as he was teaching this and I was sitting there with my eyes open not in my head even taking notes and I had just got to exclaiming I've never heard this before cuz I hadn't I was there when it was ministered but that doesn't mean you heard it and I even enjoyed the service and I heard some things but I didn't hear that and so I inquired of the Lord I said Lord what what is this he said you've grown you've grown well you you would you should have in the last 10 years you've grown and now you're hearing at a different level so you're hearing things that were there before but you didn't hear it before or somebody say glory to God glory to God there are different levels of hearing hallelujah and before we go further I'm going to proclaim that in this meeting will be a higher level of hearing Oh hallelujah an elevation a raising up a higher level of hearing of the revelation of the Word of God somebody said out loud like you mean it I have ears that hear whoo I have ears that hear in all probability you have already heard the answer to every difficulty you're facing and yet you didn't hear it you were there when it was preached you were there when it was taught you watched it you heard it it bounced off your eardrums but doesn't mean you heard it read this phrase there's there's nothing secret that's not going to be shown there's nothing hid that's not going to be made known but take heed how you hear they're different ways of hearing and different results from hearing different ways for whosoever has to him shall be given and whoever has not from him shall be taken even that which he seems to have now this is King James but if you put this with other scriptures you see he's talking about how you reference how you esteem how you respect how you value something hallelujah how you value it I know some of the very first faith teaching that fellows my life and I ever got was from this ministry and we heard brother Copeland and miss Gloria teach own faith and on being redeemed from the curse of the law who hadn't got over that yet redeemed from the curse of the law and we saw that you know poverty and mental anguish and every kind of sickness and disease and calamity and destruction and all those things are part of the curse of the law according to Leviticus and 26 and Deuteronomy 28 in other places and but according to Galatians 3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law whoo because he became a curse in our place and force man I heard that we saw that we got so excited we thought ain't gotta be PO no more hey gotta be sick no more cuz I gotta be confused and distracted no more don't have to lose no more oh we got so excited so excited the Lord allowed us to hear it and faith came from hearing that well our friends that we had there in the little country town where we grew up we thought well you know many other people need to hear this right so we got on some of the tapes not see these tapes got him some of the tape we took the tapes we didn't how many but we took the ones we had over and said oh man you got to hear this you got to hear that this will change your life they said what is it is it music we said no it's preaching preaching I mean it was a foreign concept to where we were wrecked to listen to preaching on a tight people barely listen to it when they went to church I know you it's you in the middle of the week you would listen to a tape on preaching on purpose we said yeah oh man you need to you need to okay I guess and and so we saw him a couple of weeks later what do you think what do you think well I hadn't had time to to listen to what oh come on man you got to hear this got here so encourage them saw him another week or so later so what about what about it and they said well I listened to part of it part of it and so what do you mean all I just don't know about all that seems like this to me or seems like that and and I didn't really realize it at the time but looking back they didn't hear what we heard they didn't hear what we heard at all and yet they heard the same tape same preacher teacher same teaching and preaching and yet they didn't hear it all the same thing we heard take someone say take heed how you hear hallelujah look with me in first corinthians the third chapter some twenty years later the lord reminded me of that and i looked back and the lord had done so much for Phyllis and I in that length of time and that was 15 years ago now we've been in the ministry 35 and looking back how far the Lord his brother promised the Lord has allowed us to be a part of things do things we would have never dreamed of back then to give and to do and just exceeding abundantly above what we ever thought but some of the folks we shared that with they're right where they were nothing you know about where they were and I'm thinking Lord of what what you know there's people on the planet that never heard one good faith message and we've been privileged to hear I don't know thousands upon thousands of the best there is on the planet is that right and I think Lord why have we been allowed to hear so much did you just read the verse to him that has will more be given why why and I was asking the Lord that I said Lord who Who am I who's Phil Isana that we've gotten to be a part of what we've gotten to be a part of the fellowship with people like the Copeland's and others don't take that light and we're thinking why are something we're just little country bumpkins from yeah nobody knew us we didn't know anybody in class and the Lord spoke to my heart a day or so after that he said because I knew you would value it why did he wanted to give it to you why did he give you more than he than some other people have received he said I knew you would value it and in the day or so later he said and I knew you'd do something with it glory to God said out loud value it and what else do something with it and to him or her that values it and does something with it what's going to happen he's going to give you more he's gonna give you more if he gives you a seed to sow you want to value that seed and you want to do what he tells you to do with it if he gives you revelation you want to value that revelation and you want to do what to do with it if he gives you an opportunity to do something for his people for his ministries for his church for his kingdom you want to value that people say we have to go to church now you get to go to church do we have to tie know you know if you get to time right but see if you're if you're dragging your feet and you're complaining you don't value it you don't value it and so not only are you not gonna get more you're in danger of losing what you got hallelujah one of the evidences that you're hearing right and perceiving right is continual Thanksgiving you're just thinking God all the time how many thanking God that you in these chairs in here this morning come on you somebody else could be in your chair is that right somehow how many thankful that you you got the strength and the health to be here you got the prosperity to be here you got the time to be here hallelujah you're alive under God you got eyes that can see ears that can hear a heart and a mind that can understand somebody say thank you lord [Applause] thank you thank you what a privilege what an honor it is to hear the Holy Word of God to be under the holy anointing of God to experience the moving and manifestation of the Holy Spirit of our holy God what a privilege [Applause] but if you listen to the wrong thing you can you start grumbling don't have this have to do that don't want to do this your your heart is changing and that changes your hearing when it comes to hearing your heart your hear hearing is directly connected to your heart any changes in your heart changes how you hear now proverbs says this I notice that first Corinthians I'm having to pick and choose let's go to proverbs probably you don't have to go to profit in fact you do this I'll read that to you you go to John eight please yeah laughs Oh John and you're believing with me right for utterance and float John eight you're going to but listen that you be familiar with this proverbs 1:7 says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction what's according to the Lord what is the beginning of knowing things huh come on let me read it again the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge it's where knowing anything true and worth knowing begins it begins with what the fear of the Lord probably you see this other places proverbs nine nine and ten it says give instruction to a wise man he'll be yet wiser teach a just man he'll increase in learning and then it says in verse ten the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding so he mitches two things the beginning of knowledge is the fear of the Lord the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord now knowledge is knowing something being aware of it but wisdom is the ability to use knowledge and understanding and wisdom has to do with perceiving the outcome of a thing and knowing the right steps to get there all of this begins with what the fear of the Lord then that didn't just mean that you you're just afraid of him and want to run away it includes the idea of reverence and respect and esteem we're talking here about honor honor means how much weight you give something how much respect and the further I go the more I see this that it truly is you don't know anything of God you won't learn anything of God unless and until you show some respect are y'all with me that's why people who don't respect the things of God they can't get anything out of reading the Bible they can't get anything out of going to meetings they'll read it it goes right over them they'll hear it and they don't see it do you know there were people in Paul's meetings that got nothing out of his preaching to my Paul the Apostle do you know there were people in Jesus meetings that got nothing out of the meeting that got nothing out of history now I'm gonna prove it to you a scripture in just a moment but they were there in the meeting with Jesus with Jesus who had the spirit without measure you talk about anointed to teach you talking about anointed to preach this is Jesus we're talking about and they said right there and we're bored unimpressed and left I got nothing out of it why because the beginning so my say the beginning this is where it starts if you're gonna learn anything and know anything and understand anything about God and about reality and about truth it starts with showing some respect hallelujah acknowledging who he is acknowledging what he is acknowledging how dependent you are on him every millisecond every breath it's his oxygen we're breathing come on in HoN listen it says gravity that's holding our feet on the ground come on are you with me it's his life that enables our brain to function I mean we are completely dependent on his power that upholds all things every millisecond he ought to be reverenced he great great we don't know how to say how great he is what kind of power does it take to hold all of the solar systems and galaxies planets in their orbits and keep all of the billions and billions and billions of stars burning what kind of power does it take it emanates from him from his throne and he says you are his child and he is your father he's your daddy and you can come boldly you can say I'm a father in the comfort of the Holy Spirit but but don't fail to show the respect come on are y'all with me the respect that ought to be shown to the Most High God creator of heavens and are hallelujah and the moment the moment okoma sharra if it des Missa the moment you come up in your reverence for him your ears open up you start hearing things you never heard before the moment you start showing him greater respect and reverence your eyes clear up and open your understanding brightens and show you begin to understand things you didn't understand the full hallelujah students I don't care if it's grammar high school college advanced I was recently sharing this with somebody who is doing some some Advanced Studies the Lord showed me from Isaiah where he said Yumi makes him of quick understanding what's the next phrase in the fear of the Lord and I saw how to do it if you're in a cloud I mean we go to flight school and and we have continuing education of course you're always looking in the Word of God for more and the Lord showed me you get to something that and you're not catching on and it seems hard and complex to you instead of just pushing in the flesh stop don't take long but just pause and if you're in a room full of people you didn't have to say that loud but just close your eyes and reference the Lord just close your eyes and inside you if you said out loud said out loud but inside your out loud you say Oh father I reference you you are the brightness of my understanding you are the light and life of my life and as you begin to worship and go ahead and confess you make me of quick understanding hallelujah in notice it's in the environment it's in the atmosphere of the reverence of the Lord that's where the quick on standing occurs you start acting like you so smart and so smart and you're so great and and you don't even check it in and asking you're gonna get duller and duller but when you just pause and acknowledge man I couldn't get this at all unless you unless you helped me but I'm not by myself you're helping me and you make me some money to say that laughs you make me of quick understanding but but what atmosphere does that happen in in the fear and reverence of the Lord so anytime you're having some difficulty getting something learning it understanding it doing it stop it only takes a few moments but just pause and acknowledge him and show him respect hallelujah and in his presence and in his light you will see light you begin to be enlightened hallelujah and he'll make you quick understanding and you won't just judge after the singing of your eyes or the hearing of years but you'll judge right judgement that means you pass the test right you get it right hallelujah now are you in John eight praise God at Johnny you thought I forgot Jesus is speaking to the scribes the Pharisees the doctors of the law some of the most educated people of the day many people in this day and time could not read and write and these guys could and they transcribe Scriptures the Old Testament and he says to them in John eight nights worth reading the whole chapter real carefully but for times sake verse 43 Jesus makes this Proclamation he says why do you not understand my speech even because you can't hear my words now this is Jesus and he's endeavoring to communicate to them and he finally just stopped and said you can't understand me can you with all your degrees huh with all your higher education with all your this and that you you just you can't understand me why cuz you you can't hear what I'm saying why would that be how would that be why why would that be you see it well let me let me read other translations of this play he said amplified says why do you not understand what do you misunderstand what I say it's because you're unable to hear what I'm saying the BBE says why are my words not clear to you it's because your ears are shut to my teaching you you can't get it and verse 45 if you skip down to there he said because I tell you the truth you believe me not he that is of God hears God's words you therefore hear them not because you're not of God these are the leaders of the synagogue I'd be like telling a bunch of pastors and preachers you are not of God who oh it made a man oh it made a man before the chapters over they are looking for rocks this is how man this is how mad it made him which is another evidence that they are not hearing what he's saying at all because if they if they heard and understood what he was saying they wouldn't be looking for rocks they'd be shouting about the salvation of God that has come so he exactly what Jesus said they did there didn't not hearing him they're not hearing him and notice whine verse 48 is everybody awake then answered the Jews and they said to him say we not well that you are a Samaritan and you have a devil then we're laughing but it ain't funny because this is the opposite of respect can you see this you're a Samaritan that's racist they were writing a prejudice against Samaritans they figured that's one of the lowest things you could call him and maybe a little bit worse would be devil they called Jesus a devil you have a devil this is why they couldn't hear Oh everybody away this is fly they couldn't understand a thing that was coming out of his mouth this how they're hearing because they don't see him right they're not treating him right they're not receiving him right take heed how you hear Jesus is hearing there's many different levels of hearing many different ways and it's not based on your supposed intelligence this where many have missed it but you know I I've got all this higher education I'm brilliant undo this and I read that and I don't get a thing out of it well that's no reflection on the book its reflection on you as a minister you know Jesus said if you receive the one I send you receive me if you receive me you receive the one who sent me come he's the mighty father who sent him how many found out the looks very big on delegation he's big on it and over these past 35 years I've gone to a lot of different places and didn't didn't see it in the beginning but the further you go the more you see how utterance is affected by how you received there's been places I've gone thank God not too many and not here where I was there for three days and never could get out what I had on my heart you might say what do you mean didn't you didn't know what to preach I did why didn't you just say it well there's a number of reasons number one don't cast your pearls before swine [Applause] what does that mean don't give precious things to those who don't appreciate it the Lord told you nothing who don't value them but then also unless the utterance is there you can't you just can't you can try but you can't without the utterance and the anointing and unless folks won't it the Lord won't give it he gives it to the point that people want to receive you know when the woman borrowed the bottles and and shut up and poured the oil in the the miraculous flow of oil stopped when they ran out of room to receive it if there's no room to receive it the miraculous manifestation stops but there's been other places I mean I've been to places where they forgot you were coming before we had our own airplane I've been to a place before and then after sitting at the airport for four hours and then like oh yeah right yeah how do you imagine the meetings work on the ground dull and flat and they might have thought I was just a lousy preacher but I don't think it was all my fault I've been to other places where you could tell I mean them the moment she stepped off the plane you looked in there I respect not just making a big deal out of you as a man of flesh but making a big deal out of the one hallelujah who calls who anoints you know if the Lord chooses some my friends that the Lord chose the Copeland's for this great ministry this worldwide influence if he chose them that ought to mean something to us is that right he saw something in them before anybody knew them that he could use to this level and degree you know Peter used that in talking to the Jewish leaders about how God used them to minister to the Gentiles he said this I started he said God made choice that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the Word of God when he sent like that he's saying don't just get you eyes on me right and the fact that God picked me to do it means I got a right to say something about this come on can you see that we live in a world that is so irreverent so disrespectful some things were lost two generations ago and people don't even realize how rude and how crude and how disrespectful they're being because they just weren't they didn't learn it they didn't learn it as a child their parents didn't know it and people say well I think it's just niceties no it affects how much you get from God it affects how much he does in your life didn't he say them that honor me come on them that honor me I will honor hosts somebody say glory to God glory to God glory to God when they said didn't we well say you're a Samaritan verse 48 and you have a devil jesus said I have not a devil but I honor my father and you do dishonor to me old friends can you see this is why even as educated as they were as high a place as they held in the synagogue they were completely deaf spiritually couldn't understand a thing and the greatest minister of all time is standing in front of them the most anointed teacher and preacher that's ever walked the earth and they get nothing except mad and upset can you I see the cause the beginning of knowing anything the beginning of understanding and wisdom the beginning is a respect or somebody say a respect it's not something that can be faked because God sees right through everything he sees right down in your heart is it it's not something it's either there it's not and it's a choice it's a choice you know we ought to refer to the Lord and His things in the right terms we ought to treat them in a way that befits what they are I know brother Kenneth Hagin as I mentioned earlier I served under him for a number of years and a lot of students at and a lot of REM students that that are wonderful I've been out I was at a place one time though and and a guy asked me he said well uh you you still after school and I was at that time and he said well well how's the old man well I pulled my hand back because because my first reaction was POW not too hard just to wake up you know no I don't do that both why the old man the old man near my saw what's the big deal of that first of all it's just not right but secondly it determines what you get can you see this while these people were so closed off it's inseparable from their disrespecting and dishonouring him you know and you hear it in people's language you hear it in the way they refer to things and how they treat things Oh friendly you want to come up to a higher level huh have you ever had your ears stopped up for some reason you know Oh y'all lookin at me like you never done anything I'm talk about physically naturally maybe you went swimming huh douve in the wrong way got some water in your ear huh and everything people are saying is muddled you know you're leaning huh say that loud and they say you're talking loud Oh am i which is another message when you can't hear you talk too much and too loud and wrong you're talking instead of listening anyway isn't it wonderful when your ear as we say pops open isn't it wonderful and everything gets louder and clears up that can happen to you spiritually that can happen to you spiritually how many would like for your ears to pop during this meeting huh I'm talking about your spiritual ears your spiritual ears pop and you go whoa I'm hearing now I'm hearing now glory to God and everything gets so much stronger and louder and clearer Oh hallelujah it's not up to God it's not up to him it's up to us it has to do with our heart praise God Oh somebody say praise praise the Lord praise You Lord go to Hebrews five please Hebrews five hole thanks be to God there's an adjustment and there's much to learn about respect and honor much to learn I don't care if you've been walking with the Lord for decades you don't know half that there is to know about the honor of God you tell might the insides of the Almighty that's what he is on the inside you touch it it's awesome I'm not that much of a crybaby but when I touch the honor of God I tend to cry because it's something so deep about something so powerful about it and most of the world is clueless and calloused and just so blatant and disrespectful and we must not let that rub off on us and and contaminate us in the midst of all this darkness we must be light in the midst of all this disrespect we must show honor and if you have it for God you have it for people it's inseparable if you don't show it to people you don't show it to God don't don't think that you do it's just like love it's just like love if you say I love God but you hate your brother the Bible said you're lying about it you lie about it because if you love God you're gonna love your brother too this is that same way if you honor God you will show respect and honor to people how many think come into a convention like this it'll be the most polite people you will ever encounter no running over anybody I spin Carles being unspiritual no pushing no shoving [Music] that's disrespectful right showing respect no hard sharp responses kind ma'am and sir is good thank you is wonderful is that right with a smile with a smile is this just a good idea these are just social niceties there's so much more they survey affect the environment they affect the atmosphere they affect the utterance of the speakers like I was saying earlier you know not too many places but a place or two that I've been that you know you could tell they they they're like you know we've had five big guest speakers in the last two months and and they're there worldwide known you know who are you and it's like even if they don't say it you can feel it it's like wow us show us something we've heard the best who are you what can you do and the answer to that is not much in that environment Jesus himself couldn't do much in his own hometown couldn't heal people why isn't it the same thing what did they say who is this right carpenters boy saying he's annoying what was the problem why didn't the anointing flow and blind eyes open and the lame walk why why lack of respect lack of honor that's it but I've also been to places there's a lot of places outside the US that show greater respect I know you may not like to hear that but I travel some enough I've been to some places I was recently at a place and and some we had a police escort and and and some military too and and after being there for several days I told the pastors with I said I'd like to pray for these men they were over on the side while we did something else and and he told them man they ran over there they whipped off their hats they knelt down the police and the military guys it was the regular army they were over there they saw what they were doing they ran over the army guys and they whipped off their hats and they knelt down and as I mentioned to Mike that something I said you know there's a lot of places in our own country would this have happened this way you know somebody say reference I'm not talking about making a big deal out of a man I'm not talking about making a big deal out of flesh I'm not talking about that I am talking about making a very big deal out of God and I I'll do I'll say this I believe I can say it publicly I I watch people that God uses and I want to know why why why is God used them away he has I've watched the Copeland summit and my thought is you know man he has used them right to touch the world why i lured him you know how have you been able to use them fly them the way you have and one of the things the Lord pointed out to me they treat the things of God as important they treat the thing I mean if it's a meeting you spend whatever you have to spend to make it right if it's a broad Kent coming out with me if it's a broadcast whatever it is you go as far as you need to go you do everything you need to do and other people are so concerned about keeping it small and not spending too much and saving on this and saving on that in that case you're honoring money more than you're honoring the Word of God and more than you're honoring the anointing they treat the things of God as important which is saying they honor the things of God they show respect for what has the Lord done he keeps adding and he keeps adding and he keeps adding and he keeps increasing and he will do the same for you and me is that right the more we respect the more we honor there's been other places like I was just mentioning uh you're not there five minutes I think I was at one place and the fella came and picked us up the pastor and he's a pastor for large work and well-known but man so kind so respectful and I'm not with him ten minutes revelation starts coming out of me things I didn't even know for him and he's just sitting there drinking it up he's aceton it up he did up and I'm thinking glory to God why does this come up in you like this why does it come out of you like this or other places I can sit for an hour not say a word why what's the difference come on help me help me I will sit what's the difference not honoring a man honoring God honoring the word honoring the anointing hallelujah and those that honor him he'll honor you with opportunities with being able to fellowship with being around it with seeing it and hearing it with getting to handle it hallelujah glory to God Oh glory to God glory to God glory to God somebody say glory to God just lift up your hands let's just act on this for just a moment lift up your hands said out loud I reference you I I reverence you I reverence your things I reverence your word I reverence your spirit I value your people your ministries your churches your family I value you I honor you I reverence you I'll just say thank you just in your own words are we praise oh we glorify your holy holy name thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you praise you praise you praise you praise you pray I'll just stand up on your feet and really praise the Lord Lord we worship you O we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we reverence you we adore you we magnify your Holy Name we glorify and lift up on high or we magnify magnified magnified in our own hearts and minds we we magnify you oh praise praise you praise you praise you praise you praise you Lord we praise you we honor you we glorify you we magnify you praise be to your holy name hallelujah yes yes yes Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes hallelujah praise You Lord praise you Lord listen [Applause] listen to me just a moment we're not we're not done but listen to me just a moment one of the most beautiful scenes to me along this line is King David he understood honor and it's one of the things that made him a man after God's own heart and at the height of his kingdom success he looked out and he said - he told the Prophet he said I live in a mansion and the Ark's out there in a tent I can't have it like that we got to do something about this and the Prophet said King do whatever do whatever you think so immediately he's thinking about building a magnificent temple but the Lord told the Prophet now you turn around and go back and tell him that he's not the one to build it it was good that he had it in his heart I was everybody listening with with God it's always about the heart always about the heart it was good that he had it in his heart but I'm not gonna let him build imma let his son build it and N Eso to the Prophet he said you tell him you wanted to build me a house the Lord says I'm gonna build you a house hallelujah I'm gonna build your house and it had to do with Christ is the seed of David who and the Bible tells that when David heard those words he got off his throne he went up to the house of God he fell down in the floor and he said God Who am I and what did my house that you would do this for me and take me from following the sheep herd to this hallelujah and you can hear the reverence you can hear the honor you can hear the gratitude you can hear the heart I believe it pleased the Lord to hear that out of us this morning coming here with me set out loud Lord Who am I and who what is my house and who are we that you have blessed us so that you have given us what you have given us and you have used us in all that you have who are we what are we thank you for your great grace thank you for your marvelous loving-kindnesses tender mercies for your goodness Oh lift your hands come on worship Him well shut the Lord thank you for taking us from where we were take taking us from the bottom taking us from nothing oh thank you somebody say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you we worship you I worship you I worship you thank you for every message you've let me hear thank you for every move of the Spirit you let me experience thank you for every blessing thank you for every protection thank you for every healing thank you for every provision thank you thank you thank you thank you oh I treasure every word that comes out of your mouth I treasure every manifestation of your Holy Spirit and I covet earnestly your manifestations oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you hallelujah now put your hands on your midsection whatever change happens in your heart it instantly affects your hearing set out loud a purpose in my heart to show greater respect greater reverence for you O Lord and all your things and all your people set a watch at the door of my lips and my mind and check me before I sail restiess respectful thing before I do a disrespectful thing arrest me check me and our purpose to honor you hallelujah praise God please stop praise God thank you Lord hallelujah you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 25,606
Rating: 4.8602619 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore
Id: uHB2Vh4zWwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 54sec (3654 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2017
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