The Way the Spirit Realm Functions

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right when you got born again you stepped across the life line you stepped into the glory your inner man you're you're the real you the the born-again you the Holy Ghost baptized you you the kernel you are a lifetime go Riddick are you function in the glory [Music] nature operates according to physical laws like the law of gravity but how does the spiritual realm function learn more about this exciting yet practical subject on today's believers voice of victory here's Kenneth Copeland last night we looked at several scriptures that said the just shall live by faith we looked at Hebrews 11:6 that says it's impossible to please God without faith so now let's find out who has this kind of faith that Jesus talked about when he said whosoever shall say unto this mountain well let's back up one verse twenty second verse he said have faith in the King James cross-reference says how the faith of God another translation says how the god-kind of faith the god-kind of faith calls things that be not as though they were amen and then what and then they are they become so now who has that it's so thrilling to understand this in Romans 12 yeah let's look at that first and then um then we go back to Romans 3 in Romans chapter 12 look at this verse two or excuse me verse 3 for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you who D write this - he wrote this to the believers in Rome so he's writing this letter to born-again Holy Spirit baptized tongue talking healing believing Christians to every man among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as God has dealt to every man among you the measure of faith now natural faith every man has natural faith every human being has natural faith there's no such thing as a conscious human being that didn't believe in something you have to believe something if you get out of bed in the morning you have to believe that there's a floor there I mean come on you just Europe you're believing all the time you came in here today and you sat down on that seat sit down on that that chair on that pew you sat down there without any thought about it would have surprised you if the chair hadn't held you up or if that P hadn't held you up wouldn't it have been a surprise why you believed you could sit in that you but that's believing what you see you've been trained and educated to believe that there are certain parameters I have to do with it you need to have natural thing you better believe that if you violate the traffic laws you can't just ignore that thing coming down the road at you Amen you see it you better believe it but that won't work in the spiritual realm see because that's natural faith and it is generated from the soul the soulish party is made up in your mind your will and your emotions now let's I'm gonna prove this at this point we're coming back to some other scriptures here but thank you lord oh yeah okay I'll do that thank you sir so every men a God has dealt to every man among you look not a measure V major I keep going back to this and I'm gonna continue to go back to it because this is part of the Covenant we were born again not of corruptible seed but incorruptible seed by the Word of God which lives and abides forever the measure of faith was in that seed and if you got a little small measure and everybody else got more than you've got a corruptible seed there is no corruptible seed in the Word of God now what brought Jesus into the earth got me here he was born to the spirit wasn't he he was born from above right that word thank you that I the Word of God so the faith in him came from where the seed he didn't get born of a great big word seed you got born again a little bitty words he no no same one yeah for have you got it it's the same measure that he used when he was ministering on the earth when I wanted his work so good and well you know the difference in that is your development that's the difference he knew more than when he was 12 years old probably you and I know now study the word for 50 years just trying to catch up with him in time he was 12 amen but you noticed there were no miracles performed not a one not a one until when until after he was baptized in the Holy Ghost and power that's good information now every man among you thank you now let's go back to Romans 3 verse 26 to declare I say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believes in Jesus where is boasting then it is excluded by what law of works no but by the law of faith read it out loud with me no but by the law of faith the law of faith I want you to get that now flip over to the eighth chapter of Romans verse 1 there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death see everything in the spiritual realm functions by law there are certain elements of these laws and when they are combined correctly they produce certain things for anyone that will do it we understand in the physical world the law of gravity and we we live here we function here we deal with it all the time every day day and night we have to deal with that law but we have certain understanding of it and we know there's certain things you don't want to do where the law of gravity is concerned you know the laws of sin and death you know those law there are certain things I don't care I'm born again you are there are certain things that if you indulge in it it'll mess your life up amen somebody has creflo teaching on grace you know people get the idea that well we're on the grace we can do anything you wanna do well you can but it'll kill you and somebody asked him said well did will that unravel my salvation he said no but it'll unravel your life you go to heaven a whole lot sooner than you should have with a whole lot less results while you're here on the earth and a whole lot less in heaven then you would have had people don't talk about that much but I'm telling their rewards of heaven are worth talking about they're worth talking about amen because we're a group of people she asked after this after this is over after the catching away of the church they're never gonna be no more like us we're the glorified ones will be walking the streets with with with identification that that nobody else has throughout eternity will stand in ranks because we fought the good fight of faith we stood we opened we overcame all of this hell here on this earth with a word of God hallelujah this is worth thinking about it's it's it's it's real and it's powerful but thank God I mean there's advantages to it right here now I remember when I first got a hold of the word to faith or glory to God I can finally do something other than look forward to the sweet mind I can do something about the rotten here and now ready to go but we have victory now in this world now why because we find out we found out about the law of the spirit of life in the anointed Jesus powered by his anointing that made us free from the law of sin and so now faith and victory in every area of life spirit soul body finance and social victory in every area of life is a function of learning and applying the laws of faith and walking by them because there's no there's no well what if he doesn't know that no that's out the door oh these are laws do you think God's gonna have to get up in the morning and turn the law of gravity back on no no he only turned it on once hey and it'll be that he turns it off amen and I'll tell you something else human beings you're not gonna destroy the planet now we can make it awful uncomfortable on ourselves but we we're not gonna destroy this this planet no that's not in our authority we don't have authority to do this now it's gonna get destroyed amen and I Cortana and according to the Word of God and my household have made arrangements not to be here when that happens we will watch from somewhere yonder but we will have to do with the recreation that excuse me not recreate we will have something to do with God our Father in the creating of the new heavens and the new earth because it's our home just as much as it is his Amen because it's always been his desire to move heaven to the earth and that's coming glory to God glory I'll preach me happy glow ready to go now I wanted you to see that because that makes faith available to like Gloria said the Sun Shine on anybody get out in it amen and the scripture says that very plainly even the unrighteous walk in the blessings of God some of them know it some of them don't but if it wasn't for the blessings of God nobody'd be alive I mean you know if God just kind of turn to look the other way the grass had all died the trees are all died everything just come apart do that Oh glory to God where'd you get that breath you've got it from God and if you're not breathing all that good change it right now the author of your breath will heal you breath you say what I need help with my breathing here thank you that's better now the force the spiritual force all of these are spiritual forces they're not natural forces spiritual forces function at the speed of light and beyond all natural force is the speed of light below every physical thing your body everything you can see everything's perceptible is moving its molecular structure is moving all the time if you can feel it if you can touch it then it is below the speed of light you ready for this now we are born of the light we are children of the light God is light I'm not talking about like like the Senate I'm talking about light energy it is so massive it's hard for the human mind to can conceive of what that would what light energy really is and we wear the armor of light when you got born again you stepped across the life line you stepped into the glory your inner man you're you're the real you the them the born-again you the Holy Ghost baptized you you the eternal you are a light child glow Riddick are you function in the glory and when you rise up in the Word of God and the stronger your faith becomes and and you you begin to do what what happens when you've when faith just begins to grow in the Word of God there comes a time when fear just has to take a high amen perfected love casts it out and love filled faith this is reason why it's vitally important you can't function the law of faith and operate in the laws of sin and death and that's primarily in unforgiveness because that the New Testament law is love right faith worketh by love no love no faith no faith no grace it is a faith so that it might be by grace no love no faith no faith no grace no grace I don't even want to go there that's a bad place to be amen but now when you when you are living walking talking thinking in violation of the New Testament law of love what's the only thing left the law of sinning it I mean is there anything in between and when you're doing that how many of you have any of you watched dr. Caroline leaf with Gloria and Mia on a rope as she so ably brought out the human brain was not created I mean it's just not wired up to handle sin it's not wired up to handle fear it's not wired up to handle unbelief it anytime you engage in that it causes chaos in your brain and in a very short time you are you are bringing about brain damage now you can change it but until you do you're physically gonna suffer from it so now now now think about you you've got a collision of laws here hey on one side I go to the Word of God and I find scriptures on healing and I need healing and I must have healing I'm in pain I've got a disease functioning in my body and it's not supposed to be there so I go to the Covenant of God and I take his promise and I stand on it in faith and so faith cometh faith cometh I'm hearing the word preached faith cometh turn to Romans 10 and faith is coming faith is coming but then I turn around and put in motion another law by flying off the handle and getting mad at somebody and and sometimes absolutely meant nothing you might have just got mad at somebody on television and they don't even know you're mad at them hope it wasn't me but it's happened because I get the letters to prove it I don't read them so don't bother writing them I've got better sense than to read that anyway can you see the collision of those two laws what happens the pushy one will negate the other one and God is never pushy the only time faith begins to be pushy is when you push it otherwise it is let you have what you decided you wanted which was a mad fit and all of that sphere based ben Carson said when he was a young man the doll met dr. ben Carson he said I was angry I was mad and I spent all of my time just about fighting for my rights I have rights and he said I was fighting for my rights but he said I found out about living a life of love and he said suddenly I wasn't so upset about my rights anymore and he said it's amazing what it did for my own life he said I no longer had just yet most of the trouble that I had enduring all that fussy angry time he said it just went away what he put aside the law of sin and death and put in motion law of love spiritual law governs all of human existence and the primary the primary thing with God His grace his his biggest deal is come on baby come on baby get over there and particularly in the book of Isaiah when he said he he he sees this little cast out woman little oh just a little beat up no good has been thrown away and he says come on baby come on home and when you see it he's calling his bride the woman of his choice you know why because he wants to give her everything he has his plan is bigger than your past but the connector is faith and it's not just because he's hard-nosed about it no no it's because that's the way the system functions and the ways in the system functions that way is because that's the way he is he is a faith God he is a love God he is a healthy God that's a reason he he he is a wealthy God that's a reason he blesses are you are you throwing can you see why it is so so important to get your face in that book [Music] jesus said with faith you could tell a mountain to move and it would obey you if obstacles stand in your way it may be time to wake up your faith the ten days spiritual action plan for faith that can move mountains the newest installment of the Kenneth Copeland ministries lifeline series is here to help you grow your faith with 10 video lessons with Kenneth or Gloria fresh new worship songs and all you faith scriptures CD by Kenneth scripture cards for you to confess daily and easy-to-follow written lessons renew your mind with God's Word and become strong and confident in the faith you have move the mountains of debt sickness bondage or fear out of your life take 10 days and develop the unbeatable spirit of faith that can move mountains [Music] request your 10-day spiritual action plan for faith that can move mountains lifeline kit absolutely free take advantage of this free TV offered today by calling may 27 through 28 Kenneth Copeland invites you to the 2016 Perot victory campaign at a vaudeville DeVos Coliseum in Lima Peru July 4th through 9th joined Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their special guests for the 2016 Southwest believers convention in Fort Worth Texas this week's believers voice of victory is available free on DVD CD mp4 or mp3 at KCMG org call or go online and request your FREE copy [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 89,123
Rating: 4.784049 out of 5
Keywords: christian walk, youtube, holy spirit, truth, kenneth copeland ministries, 4846315905001, ken copeland, kenneth copeland, word of god, spiritual growth
Id: T0SvNMx_vZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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