2015 American Rancher Featuring Red Angus Association

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hello and welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich our focus today is Red Angus cattle and we're going to visit with a number of Stockman who know the performance and value of these cattle throughout the beef production cycle it is a breed that has become the fourth largest in the nation and we're going to hear what beef producers that use them have to say about Red Angus in this episode we've got a good show for you today we're glad you joined us stay tuned we'll be right back it's a historic for Six's legacy female sale offering 1800 come in three-year-old red commercial female these Northern origin females sell bred to express River Bend krebs STS ranch and Bradley 3 ranch growth Bulls here's your chance to restock with superior genetics on Thursday November the 12th this is a video only sale broadcast live on superior click to bid calm and rural TV rethink restock rebuild with the 4 sixes legacy female sale superior livestock has taken the guesswork out of bringing select genetics into your cow herd through the superior select replacement female auctions these replacement females are solid and ready to go to work for you be sure and register for these upcoming superior select replacement female auctions yeah Baltimore are you doing superior way Red Angus influence feeder cattle now have an exciting opportunity to garner premiums that have never before been available for red hided cattle cow-calf producers and feeders utilizing Red Angus feeder calf certification program where the FCC P are continuing to find more price discovery their cattle in today's competitive market just after the grids' one-year anniversary the Red Angus Association of America and Tyson fresh meats incorporated have released all new enhancements with choice plus performance-based grid which is designed exclusively to pay premiums for cattle enrolled in the FCC P or yellow tag program the program still revolves around incentives equivalent to angus premiums for cattle that grade upper two-thirds choice as well additional incentives for load lots of cattle rating a high percentage of choice and prime what adds even more value to the program is the fact the FCC P yellow tag is the admission to get from the choice plus grid which is only offered by Tyson one of the nation's premier beef packing company the biggest thing to remember is keep the tag keep the premium for more information contact the Red Angus marketing team member at nine for zero three eight seven three five zero two for Lucas F at Red Angus org welcome back to the American Rancher Red Angus cattle are balanced cattle that excel in reproduction growth maintenance and carcass they are becoming increasingly known for delivering economically relevant traits is there a Fed cattle market outlet for FCC p tag cattle of course Red Angus cattle have been successful in many formulated pricing structures evident by the number of grid master winners Red Angus Association of America has recognized in recent years Red Angus offers the industry's first genetic source and age verification program the feeder calf certification program or FCC P yellow tag ranchers utilizing registered Red Angus bulls should take part in this process verified program now more than ever with a rancher friendly enrollment the process to enroll is easy call the Red Angus office and go through a quick question and answer session over the phone once enrolled the tags will be shipped directly to the producer where they'll be applied to calves prior to leaving the ranch of origin fill out one form on tags used and the date of the first calf born and send it in with a copy of your calving record the Red Angus Association will create your certificate of compliance which is what feeders and Packers will be looking for to verify your cattle in the FCC P we really use that program since the late 90s early 2000 I could go back and look and see when we started exactly but you know if I was to explain the ease-of-use of the feeder calf certification program I'd have to say that it's as simple as using Red Angus genetics and then making a phone call and so it's extremely easy to utilize and that's one of the reasons why it works so well for commercial cattlemen life community producers that utilize Red Angus genetics now have a new exciting opportunity to garner premiums that never before have been available to red hided cattle Packers know and trust the quality and consistency that Red Angus genetics bring to the table Red Angus and our partners at Tyson fresh meats incorporated have revealed the new choice plus Premium Red Angus grit the program revolves around incentives equivalent to angus premiums for cattle that grade upper two-thirds choice as well as additional incentive for load lots of cattle grading a high percentage of choice and prime the program is for FCC P enrolled cattle only and offered through Tyson fresh meats incorporated so a little background on the beef marketing group is that we are a cattle marketing cooperative so we consist of 19 feed yards mainly in the state of Kansas and in Nebraska and we were a part of an align system where we harvest our cattle to one processor primarily that being Tyson fresh meats and and so be through that alignment we're able to understand really what the customer on the other side of the packing plant is looking for and what we can do then to from a raw product standpoint deliver that product produce those kind of cattle consistently year and in year out the the Red Angus initiative has been a really exciting initiative for us to be involved in over the last two and a half three years and really what we've what we've tried to do is partner up with the Red Angus Association they've got they've got a program a yellow tag program where they identify the the producers of the Red Angus cattle identify those with a yellow tag and that verifies that they have Red Angus genetics and that they they comply with the Red Angus Association specifications to qualify for those feeder cattle we are excited about that because that's a very predictable product they're high quality animals they've got known genetics in many cases we know the weaning and preconditioning practices that that are involved or entailed before we have a chance to bring those cattle or purchase those cattle into our system in the last two years we've in our feed yards we've probably fed between L 1,500 and 2,000 of these cattle and we've got a number of the leadership within the Red Angus Association that have partnered with us on on the on the feeder cattle and we feed them and then we actually harvest them through Tyson and we utilize the grid of the Red Angus Plus grid that has been developed and now in place and it's been very exciting because these cattle that are of high quality actually generate more value for the producer and if we partnered on the cattle for us as partners then they would have anywhere else so it's really working and the Red Angus Association is created an opportunity for producers that are willing to make the extra step and use the right genetics and stand behind those genetics to receive more value for their feeder cattle the good thing about that is that you instantly have agent source verification and then it also gives the buyers if we're selling feeder cattle it gives the buyers of the confidence that those cattle are at least 50% red Angus and it's also just another way for us and we talked about putting bells and whistles on our cattle and doing everything we can to add value to them it's just another one of those things it's for us it's just like you know it's just like free conditioning it's just like p.i testing it's all those little things that we do that we think maybe add some value to our Katalin and and we're always going to do that if we can I'm just thankful that the Red Angus Association has given us one of those pieces of the puzzle that we can use and one of those tools that we can use to add value those cattle through the feeder calf certification program we took that philosophy to the Red Angus Association is they wanted to further develop this opportunity for the cattle that their that their producers are responsible for and so we we work closely with Tyson and looked at a number of different options in terms of how we could reward the cattle that would produce these high-quality carcasses and so that so then we produced a grid and we actually fed some cattle aghh harvested them against that grid to make sure that it was achieving the objective is you really don't understand you really don't know how the grid is going to perform the cattle are going to perform against a grid until you actually harvest some against it so then we're able to find to fine-tune it to make sure that it's achieving everybody's objective the end user the packer the feeder and the Red Angus producer I think it's a very extremely competitive and and really rewards those specific animals that have the yellow tag if I could pinpoint one thing in terms of a strength of the Red Angus grid it would be that we're actually rewarding Red Angus cattle that fall into the upper choice quality grade so previous to the Red Angus grid if a red against animal fell into choice it received a choice value well what we were able to do is to break that down so that they receive that choice value if if the animal falls into the lower part of the choice quality great because there's a number of degrees that are in the choice quality grade if they fall into the upper two-thirds of that choice quality grade now the animal is eligible for additional premium so that it is competitive with other programs that are out there so now then if you have a red animal just because they are not of a different color if they're not black they can still receive an added premium for falling into the upper two-thirds that's what we call it in our in our lingo upper two-thirds quality grade which is really interesting so the it in sense the the producer the production side the live side to get as many as possible into upper two-thirds so it's really brought Red Angus up to a competitive level with any other color breed that is out there and and and reward them specifically for delivering what the consumers expecting and that's a high quality product so that's probably the one thing I put my finger on in terms of what we've what we collectively have built that allows Red Angus to be competitive with any other breed specify grid that's out there how we utilize the yellow tag program is that we look at those feeder cattle and we know that now they have a special added value when compared to any other feeder cattle we might get because now they qualify for this red angus plus choice grid and so that's how we look at it so they're not a commodity they're actually a special kind of a program and if we can if we can agree on the value of those cattle coming in we know that we've got a special target for them to go to there is no question that Red Angus producers now have all the tools they need to succeed in the feeder cattle market reap the rewards of your genetic inputs by enrolling your cattle and the FCC P and allow buyers the extra option of marketing those cattle on the choice plus premium Red Angus grid you're watching the American Rancher we'll be right back hey Cowboys superior livestock oxen comes to Stillwater pistols firing for a superior video auction broadcast live on superior livestock calm October 16th 9 a.m. from the OSU Alumni Center on the campus of Oklahoma State superior will donate $1 for a head of cattle soul to support the OSU animal science scholarship fund here's an excellent opportunity to buy and sell blood lots and like loads of cattle while taking advantage of superiors comprehensive network of buyers and sellers across the u.s. to consign your cattle contact your superior rep or visit superior livestock calm Speirs country page the go-to marketplace if you're in need of buying or selling cattle right now the country page offers feeders calves bread stock and more cattle ranchers like the country page because it's easy to use cattle have a set asking price and then you have the ability to bid at your own pace superiors country page also has 24/7 customer service to help you find what you're looking for call Sapir today and see how the country page can help you it is a great time to be in the cattle business with calf prices soaring to an all-time high so with financial resources being favorable what better time to focus on the future and start building your cow herd for sustainability hi I'm Harold Birds the director of business development with the Red Angus Association of America here at Red Angus we focus on capitalizing on traits that can create a female bass that has the ability to serve as the foundation for any commercial operation in the United States no matter what your environment is having those sound footed females that breed on time calves easy efficiently convert forage and raise a healthy calf will always be in demand Red Angus females don't only fulfill the basics but they do it with extra efficiency all while staying in the cow herd longer we have focused on creating the tools and technology necessary to build your confidence that Red Angus females do just that for instance next time you open up a catalog from your favorite bull source pay attention to things like the calving east direct kevin eastman ternal maintenance energy and stay ability EPDs to help further assist you in your genetic and cowherd improvement these are just a few examples of traits to apply selection pressure to ensure that your female bass is there for you driving the bottom line if you have any questions surrounding these tools do not hesitate to contact us the contact info and more details pertaining to those tools and EPDs mentioned can be found on our website at Red Angus org welcome back to the American Rancher when you talk with producers from all parts of the country it is apparent that Red Angus bulls and females have brought both economically relevant and convenience traits to many programs you need a female that's capable of low maintenance at certain times a year she has to have the ability to take care of her calf she has to have a building that cabin assistant and you have to have an input male product that has the ability to regenerate a cavity's quotient that so that you don't have to spend X amount of hours taking care of 2530 calves a day whereas you can just not have to take care of those calves they're self-sufficient those mothers know how to mother those others know how to milk they have the right other quality they have all those components and obviously Angus red or black is the component factory that everybody desires and if you're in the industry any amount of time that's where you see here labor saving device red becomes popular to me because you get heterosis you get more efficiency with your cow you still have the temperament if you're still looking for other quality temperament female sighs all those quantitative factors that maybe keep your color the same yet still getting more production out of your collar and so red becomes the new popular black you know it's it's red is the new black angus is what it is it's Red Angus versus a Black Angus sin and that's the more popular one right now the big thing that I think about the red Angus especially going back to whenever I first started with them is they was a unique herd in the fact that their gene pool is so small that those cattle were always very consistent I just really never had a bad penny Red Angus with other breeds whatever they may be you'll get a very big variation in color and within the within the marbling traits and within everything else as far as feeding performance and consistency and conversions and or grading and the Red Angus has always been very consistent because the gene pool has been very tight I think that leads into the mother and ability that right I guess is that's that's one reason why that they've took on a recent storm is the motor ability and the fact that they're very efficient cattle and of course everybody across the country has been if you're out for 3 to 5 years some of them longer and so they really went to these more efficient cows maybe a little bit of a smaller cow but very good mothers and very good milking abilities the other side of the Red Angus that is really taking on strong and I think we're seeing this especially in the feed yards and on the marketing side of it is the the younger generation that we've got now they want pay they still want steak that tastes really good but they're very health conscious to me the Red Angus animal has always been a very lean animal with still good marbling ability and good tasting good dinners so there are several things that that are setting them apart and and it's pretty obviously not just by me but it's pretty obviously across the industry that that they are kind of really taking on a good storm right now liter drive through the countryside and you'll see a growing number of Red Angus influence cattle the numbers of calves are climbing in the auction market and while the trend may have been casually observed it's now backed up by research demand for Red Angus calves is red-hot this summer at the American Society of animal science annual meeting research presented pointed to the value that buyers place on calves sired by Red Angus bulls commercial cattlemen using Red Angus bulls have long suspected this to be true but now these figures quantified that knowledge as fact the title of abstract the effect of breed description on sale price of beef calves sold through 116 superior livestock auctions video sales from 2010 through 2014 came out in mid-july at the society's meeting in Orlando Florida the study which involved over three million head of calves sold through superior sales found that price is paid for calves sired by Red Angus bulls brought an average of a hundred and sixty six dollars and sixteen cents per hundredweight significantly more than other breed types measured diving deeper into research kam sired by Red Angus bulls brought a dollar ninety two more per hundredweight than Black Angus sired calves three dollars and sixty one cents more than English continental cross calves three dollars and thirty cents more per hundredweight than English English Cross cattle and seven dollars and 38 cents per hundredweight more than Brahma influence cast all these prices Vantage's were significant what that means to ranchers and feeders is the values are real and ultimately reliable those seeking value in heifer calves as a possible replacements down the road to recognize the economical relevant traits present in Red Angus heifers reading as females are known for their docility cavities and moderate frame size so whether the heifers are fed for harvest or retained for the cow herd the positive attributes of the genetics are realized in the marketplace the Red Angus Association of America is taking charge and continuing to be a leader in keeping up with industry trends important to the commercial rancher whether you're rebuilding your cow herd and need females that have bred and maternal traits or a commercial Rancher looking for bulls to add value to your calf crop Red Angus has a program for you for more information contact the Red Angus Association of America at nine four OH three eight seven three five zero two or find out more on the web at Red Angus org that's all the time we have today to learn more about us visit our website the American Rancher calm or find us on Facebook I'm Pam medic thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time you we want a trust relationship with our customers we want them to know that we care about them that our products work and will stand behind it to come back and purchase to bid and buy their customers cattle they're very very dedicated to a customer's product and I think that creates a lot of longevity 98 at 63,000 thank you 44 farms annual bull sale Saturday March 21st in Abilene Texas what's in a name superior livestock auction reputation integrity creativity you what's in our name superior livestock auction the industry-leading livestock marketing company that focuses on its roots serving the cattle industry for over 25 years we grew out of a need and blossomed into a leader we understand that a name means far more than just some words on a page it's character and history its lifelong endeavors it's your identity what's in a name superior livestock auction market your cattle the superior way tune in to the rural way of life on the American Rancher go with us as we visit the people and places and follow the stories that make ranching an American lifestyle it's both the heritage and enterprise of livestock production across our nation each week from the people that do it check rfd-tv the magazine four times and listings in your area and visit our website the American Rancher dot-com
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 25,591
Rating: 4.7606835 out of 5
Id: ZkO3adAaXTg
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Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2015
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