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hello and welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich our focus today is Red Angus cattle and we're going to visit with a number of Stockman who know that performance and value of these cattle throughout the beef production cycle we talked with producers from all parts of the country it is apparent that Red Angus bulls and females have brought both economically relevant and convenience traits to many programs it is a breed that has become the fourth largest in the nation and we're going to hear what beef producers that use them have to say about them in this episode later we'll talk about how and why Red Angus females are restocking cow herds across the u.s. the Red Angus Association of America is motivated to rebuild the nation's cow herd with females that make economic sense and are proven in production we've got a good show for you today we're glad you joined us so stay tuned we'll be back with our Red Angus story cross Diamond Cattle Company is your source for aged advantaged Red Angus cattle Scott and Kim Ford have established one of the nation's most respected operations that delivers the balanced traits you need join cross town and again this December for another outstanding offering including two hundred coming two-year-old Red Angus holds three hundred commercial bred heifers and forty Red Angus commercial heifer calves cross time and Cattle Company range developer Red Angus for soundness and longevity our family has been in the red hang gets business for over four decades and obviously the red cattle offer all the Angus traits and they offer it with a tremendous amount of performance we're going to be offering about a hundred Red Angus bulls for sale this fall and they will all be coming eighteen month old a two-year-old bulls so if you're interested in the Red Angus bull call us at Leachman cattle of Colorado nine seven oh five six eight three nine eight three or visit our website at welcome back to the American Rancher Red Angus cattle are balanced cattle that excel in reproduction growth maintenance and carcass they're becoming increasingly known for delivering economically relevant traits for the mchale calf producer to the feeder Red Angus are working well at Silver Spur ranch we utilize Red Angus both as a maternal and a terminal cross we enjoy feeding our Red Angus sired cattle from a conversion standpoint those cattle work when they're used with our terminal crosses and then from a great gain grade standpoint those cattle have worked well for us in terms have been able to hang them up hitting quality targets has worked well for us most important just from a cattle that hit the mark both in the feed yard and on the rail Red Angus cattle for us have been really consistent and we appreciate that about the breed as a whole convenience traits are no longer an option but rather the foundation for today's profitable cow herds these include calm dispositions calving ease mothering ability consistent calf crops and crossbreeding programs and added heat tolerance in the pasture and the feed yard you know the Red Angus breed has a great genetic pool and define the illness are important to us for carcass marbling and for dis real consistency the carcass progeny test has really helped us personally at Riverbend Ranch and solid rock to see would they the potential that we have and the potential across the breed we have sires from across the the country that are tested there and they do real well we send all our cattle through the National packing plant get back all the data and of course we turn in all the data from birth weight all the weights weights heifer pregnancy and up to all the carcass information so it's a great deal for us to be able to be involved in that and I do know that it's helped out the breeders themselves as they see the information commune to stay profitable ranchers today must balance traits in their cattle for input efficiency as well as have the genetics that will produce carcasses that will grade we feed out personally in a feed yard in southwest Kansas that also feeds out some of the top black genetics and they come in a little smaller and they come out the same weight and most black people are always asking us how do you do that you know they just have great growth potential they take on to feed quick and even though they come off of pastures and so they work real well for the feed yard there and it's been a win-win situation for all of us the performance in the feedlot is great but what's really important to us is that when we get done that we have a higher number of choice prime cattle and we do we average somewhere over 80 percent we also appreciate the fact that they they perform well and yet we don't get the high yield four and five grades in the in the program they just they're easy for our feed yards operator to manage who knows they can put them in there and we'll get a great product and of course you'll get the great premiums because of that red anguses red hides are more heat tolerant than their black counterparts and have bred in convenience traits like being pulled having pigmented eyes and udders quiet dispositions and carry tremendous maternal carcass and performance traits for ranchers in any environment one of the main reasons we like him is is for their fertility we like the disposition mostly and we always have a pretty good Prague checking rate on them they seem to be adaptable to our grasses where we run them and stuff and so they do very well we've been using Ruud Angus since 1993 oh I like the lower birth weight and then I like the good growth and the lower maintenance energy feedlot operators where we send cattle say that the redheaded cattle take on the heat a lot better than the black cattle that's one thing that we hear a lot about when with our red cattle go to a feedlot some of the things I think what they like is that the conformation of the calf heard that I sell they're all uniform in size and weight we got started in Red Angus primarily a friend I worked with raised some red angus bulls we were looking for a bull and he had one he we just had to go look at and his disposition conformation was just super and we took him home and we've been red Angus ever since Red Angus really focuses on that profitability on our commercial side and I think we truly believe that if we can make it more profitable in the system we actually increase the overall profitability of the beef industry when we look at things of threating association is done with the multi breed EPDs that we've just come out with that enhances the information that we give that follows all the girl traits presently and we're working on the cow building traits and and all the carcass traits that go into that and that adds more accuracy to the numbers that we give to our stakeholders there's been a base change and so education is the forefront of what we've been doing to get our commercial stakeholders used we have new numbers in the past cattlemen buying different breeds of bulls we're faced with a different set of EPDs from each breed Association this is a challenging way of selecting bulls similar to having to learn a new language for each breed today red angus is partnership with the American Seminole Association along with the Canadian Angus Association has produced the beef industry's first set of multi breed EPDs presented on a common base the same EPD language is used to describe animals registered in these associations Red Angus bull buyers are now faced with using new EPD numbers to simplify this change seed stock producers are also including percentile rank values along side each epd within their sale catalog percentile ranks are easy to understand similar to high school some graduates finished in the top 10% others in the middle and some in the bottom percentage using percentile rank cattlemen can easily understand where an individual animals EPDs fall at Silver Spur ranch we use Red Angus genetics in a diverse environmental situation from Wyoming and Colorado to Nebraska to New Mexico and really the Red Angus cattle our expectations are high for those cattle from the standpoint of indart environmental adaptability altitude adaptability and we expect our cattle survive anywhere from high desert country all the way into some lower plains but more importantly our cattle have to survive they have to work and they have to hit targets both in the pasture in the feed yard and on the rail so for us Red Angus cattle has been the breed that hits the most targets the most consistently and I think just for real-world cattlemen the Red Angus breed as a whole has been the breed that hits the targets for us it is important for bull buyers to focus on the value of balanced right selection single trait selection quickly leads to a program that is rigid and has few options cattlemen who focus on economically relevant traits in a balanced fashion ensure profitability in their cow herd with fewer problems cattlemen buying Red Angus bulls can rely on Red Angus marketing programs to deliver solutions for nearly two decades Red Angus bull customers have relied on the feeder calf certification program or FCC P to add value to their calves by satisfying requirements of USDA verified genetic source and age programs as the beef industry's original added value program the FCC peas yellow tag provides access for Red Angus sired cattle to premium Angus product lines regardless of hide color all while satisfying export market requirements for source and age verification in one user-friendly package but the FCC peas real value lies in its ability to build solid reputations for their bold customers ensuring repeat buyers for years to come feeders throughout the US are aggressively searching for quality cattle and depend on the FCC P to help identify Red Angus tired cattle with superior genetics they trust that F CCP tag caps consistently deliver the bread and traits of added heat tolerance calm quiet dispositions improved conversion reducing their days on feed and increase carcass quality grades in 2012 Red Angus announced a second option to its added value programs allied access allied access provides their customers with source and age verification without the genetic restriction designed for ranchers using Red Angus and crossbreeding programs the Allied access green tag delivers marketing solutions with the built-in ease and value enjoyed by the FCC P customers both the FCC P and Allied access are the beef industry's best value in added value marketing priced at only $0.99 with no enrollment fees and for cattlemen using a ID technology both programs offer the dangled tag plus e ID combo sets built on a tradition of nearly two decades the Red Angus FCC P and the new allied access continue to deliver solutions for Red Angus bull customers to learn more visit Red Angus org or call for more details one of the big bonuses for going through a great program with the Red Angus Association of course is that the premiums of not only the cattle performed well so you have a excellent product to sell but then you've got all the grid prompt possibilities it's a great situation win-win for us all and recognizable that feeder tag is recognized and easy to get the folks at the packing plant to assist us in gathering information so it's definitely a great program the thread Angus people have Red Angus delivers to commercial cattleman a tremendously consistent package of convenience traits in the feed yard Red Angus feeder calf certification program cattle and the allied access green tag program bring marketing solutions with industry experience and commercial focus this is the american rancher don't go away our family invites you to the RA Brown ranch complete and total dispersal of our entire cow herd this October at the ranch near Throckmorton Texas come join us for this historic event held in conjunction with our 39th annual 600 bull sale selling all 1400 head of Angus Red Angus semi Angus females take advantage of this opportunity October 9th 10th and 11th for more information visit our a brown ranch calm hi this is Craig beaver at Bieber at Angus we offer more proven tools to help you make profitable selection decisions mark your calendar for beaver fever 5 on December 5th the offering includes 600 Red Angus red females both registered in commercial and 75 50 K tested and feed efficiency tested two year old Red Angus bulls the quality of this offering will help you take advantage of the beef industry strong position in the coming years video of all the cattle will be online we've been a leading red angus supplier for 45 years for more information contact us through our website at beaver at angus calm welcome back to the American Rancher severe drought extreme feed commodity prices and an aging agricultural population have resulted in a beef cow inventory that closely resembles pre-1950 totals currently the number of mother cows in the United States are just over 29 million head and according to cattle facts down over 800,000 head from the previous year so doesn't it stand to reason that we would notice the same trends in Red Angus as we do in the rest of the US cow herd population on the contrary one might say Red Angus is breaking the trend Red Angus has experienced a 7 percent increase in total recorded calf crop from one year ago the nation is restocking its cow herd red and with good reason Red Angus cattle deliver consistent quality cow herd building traits and ranchers all across the country are paying attention profit is the ultimate goal and it begins with reproduction let's take a look at the cow herd building traits built into a Red Angus female I had a lot of cows it was weighing out at 1450 1500 pounds which was too large to be efficient 15 years ago we started using the Red Angus bulls and I found that the traits of the Red Angus cattle of maternal ability the calving ease the stay ability of the cattle of staying in the herd and working for many years the utter quality of them has been a great asset to us with that they also brought muscle producers who can count on a higher percentage of pregnant heifers will have a larger number of replacements that they can cash crop the Red Angus heifer pregnancy HPG EPD predicts the probability of heifers conceiving two calves at two years of age calving ease is a trait of major economic impact heifers that experience calving problems require additional labor and are less likely to rebreathe Red Angus completely describes calving ease with direct CED and maternal CEM EPDs annual cow herd feed costs represent producers largest expense and simply maintaining the cow herds body weight and condition accounts for 65 to 70 percent of that total Red Angus mature cow maintenance energy EPD arms producers with a tool to help keep feed costs in check efficient easy fleshing Red Angus replacements help you get a handle of feed expenses and make the most of available forage we had a lot of problems with the cavities it got to where we had cavities coming from both sides it was the wrong thing and then it got to where we had the calves our cows just like we did effers so anyway when the Red Angus started coming along why they're up running around about before the cow gets up and the disposition on the things are great so we love them to death the the Red Angus good mother's gentle cows we have everything pretty much through its root cabin barn and mostly in early February so we've got to have cows that we can work with and be in close quarters with pretty much everything goes through that cabin barn and so we need gentle cows and they've been good with that very rarely do we have trouble with with cows not mother and calves and stuff so they're very good mothers they're lower maintenance they're I think that also translates into that they breed back better and that's just better economically for us to females that stay in the herd reduce replacement rates and provide more valuable heifers to sell a huge economic driver for cow-calf producers Red Angus customers have the advantage of a stay ability epd which predicts a Bulls ability to sire daughters that remain productive past the age of six calm dispositions of Red Angus increased profit through easier handling better conception rates faster gains higher USDA quality grade and fewer dark cutters red hide color improves heat tolerance for both southern cow herds and summer feed Lots additionally Red Angus have no deluder genes so you never get gray when you use Red Angus bulls on black cows polled and pigmented come as standard equipment on Red Angus and translate to profit by eliminating dehorning stress and greatly reducing sunburned udders and cancer I the traits that I pay a lot of attention to would be the stay ability how long that Bulls daughters would work and stay in the herd the heifer pregnancy rate is important I also look at the carcass value I'm looking for a bull that's that's balanced in his traits I like to stay in the middle of the road I don't like to breed for extremes to stay profitable ranchers today must balance traits in their cattle for input efficiency as well as have the genetics that will produce carcasses that will grade maintenance energy is a very important trait in my cattle operation especially with the fall calving herd we want to build that that body condition score on that cow before she goes into the calving season having the most marketable calves is the goal of every Stockman the value of good replacement females is another profitability factor that cannot be overlooked I'm using those Red Angus bulls to produce that moderate efficient female my goal is to keep building my reputation of healthy cattle and cattle that are going to perform when they get to the feed line and I'm working to try to build into my cow herd ability of that cow as well as the sire to produce that superior carcass the Red Angus Association of America is taking charge and continuing to be a leader in keeping up with industry trends important to the commercial rancher whether you're rebuilding your cow herd need females that have bred and maternal traits or a commercial Rancher looking for bulls to add value to your calf crop Red Angus has a program for you for more information contact a Red Angus Association of America at nine 403 873 502 or find out more on the web at Red Angus org that's about all the time we have today to find out more about us visit our website the American rancher calm or keep up with us on Facebook I'm Pam Minich thanks for joining us I'll see you next time you
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 17,755
Rating: 4.9101124 out of 5
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Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2013
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