2012 Wild Card Seahawks @ Redskins

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Thanks but no thanks

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Parlett316 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

nah i'm good

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BobbyThreeSticks πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

That game was the end of the dream called The 2012 Redskins.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Said it then and I'll say it again now, we should have been happy Griffin was able to stay in and get the 2nd TD and gone to Kirk right away on the next drive.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just watched most of RGlll snaps that game. Griffin played his heart out, even in the first quarter he could barley jog. It could've been a totally different game if Cousins was in. The 2012 Redskins were amazing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PhillysportsFanatic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow.... He was limping even more than it felt at the time. There's no way anybody should've let him on the field.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rhino-fight πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Everybody, vid ends at 26:30 your welcome

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JoeyBrickz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

:( why

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/higashi_miyagi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HesSoPringles πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
the Texans Packers and ravens have moved on to the next round who joins in Seattle or Washington Joba leaves the crew live with the call Joe hey Curt they are ready for their first home playoff game here at Landover Maryland since 1999 as the winners of the NFC East the Redskins take on the wild-card Seattle Seahawks and now welcome inside the broadcast news everybody I'm Joe Buck that story aiklen Pam Oliver Erin Andrews are both coming up all right these are two hot teams coming into this game both are rolling in and for the Seahawks they're not the same Seahawks you may remember in the past couple of years they're dynamic at quarterback with Russell Wilson they've got a great running back and Marshawn Lynch they're big on defense they're punishing hitters they've got speed on the edges and it is a big challenge here in this game for the rooking rg3 in this redskins often I think the real key for Washington is how healthy is that need for rg3 he says it's better this week than it was last week we know last week he was not all that effective running the football as a result Alfred Morris brilliant [Applause] with Pete Carril he said we want rg3 to beat us and what that means is they want to see if that knee is capable of rushing for over 800 yards as he did throughout this season and if he's not able to run like we know we can it's going to be a long day for the Washington residents yeah that explosion that he has to the quarterback position unlike any other quarterback in the NFL our comparison to the two quarterbacks brought to you by Nationwide Insurance nationwide is on your side let's go down to the field and start with that grace you will reluctantly wear [Applause] we we'll be watching him like a hawk to make sure he doesn't take it off please don't take it off now for more info at OU the silver the hair ma'am Jane's Russell Wilson has won over the critics and said he wasn't big enough he wasn't a high enough graphic they've helped you out a win five straight here into the playoffs his offensive coordinator Gerald bevel has said nothing is too big for him he's the biggest reason why we're here Russell pulled up he hasn't shied away from high expectations his latest one win a playoff road game from Seattle for the first time since 83 he was wasn't even born yet Joe he told us his reaction to that ignore the noise hello noise yes there's plenty of it here in Maryland where over 80,000 are packed in to watch the Redskins and the Seahawks back after the break as you look at the Jefferson Memorial before this playoff game on wildcard weekend we give you a look at our Windows 8 simplify the game notes for Seattle be very physical with the wide receivers in the dynamic RG 3 and for Washington pound the NFL's number one rushing attack that's how they got here winning their first division since 1999 take a break come back playoff game right around the corner on Fox [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] first out writing for this wildcard game between the Seahawks in the and you look at the temperature and is unseasonally warm on the 6th January 2013 and that bottom line the field condition Messi kickers are already changed their shoes it is a sloppy track and almost a slip by hosh cos he kicks it away and this now ball on the return out to the 20 in that disc if not for paint we would be looking at completely round field with not a lot of blades of grass and so the footing will be important to check as we go forward and obviously for a guy with a bad knee that's a big deal you see Robert Griffin and watching him warm up Joe initially he came out he just had a protective sleeve on his knee and he didn't look like he was moving around all that well during that time and then when he came out with the rest of the team he put on the big bulky knee braids as you see here he claims he's healthier than he was last week we'll see [Applause] starting at the toy to the man who ran and more on first down than anybody in the NSF the rookie Alfred Morris a gain of eight and this team does that better than any other run it run it on first down and a big reason why the group up close and they are healthy there were questions about Lincoln staggered left guard he's playing with a bad ankle Brent Williams Mike Shanahan told you he's our best player and that's saying something he's a pro bowler at left tackle and there's Alfred Morris number 46 the sixth rounder Florida Atlantic number two in the NFL with over 1,600 rushing yards timeout Washington first team diamond will be a 3700 you saw those players shoving each other this figures Troy to be a physical game they got into it last year up in Seattle and so the first play from scrimmage they were shoving one another and with all that action the play clock started to wind down and rg3 had to spend a timeout this is last year week 12 and the primary players if you see Leon Washington in fall but it was DeAngelo Hall and Michael Robinson the full-back getting into it and this is after plenty number one I think you look at these two teams Joe and clearly it's going to be a physical game here this afternoon and with offensive line which defensive line is going to be able to dominate in the trenches but I got segments masses talk like our song and creer gets not and now the defense which is big up front speed on the edges and they've got defensive backs that are tall and very physical Brandon browner coming off the four-game suspension he is back in the starting lineup across from Richard Petty [Applause] by Alfred Morris to start his day victory we came into this game show talking about Pete Carroll and what he said to us as far as wanting to make rg3 beat them now they've given the ball a couple times to outfit Morris and he's run the ball well on that first down carry nine yards and so here in the early going at least you want a nice job mixing it up offensively and not having rg3 having to do much at all and already physical on the outside is real you will exact throughout this game and second down [Applause] and Paulson and picks up the first down game two three I thought that was a chance we're going to see Robert Griffin as he comes off this play fake he extends it all the way to the sidelines there was a nice Lane inside that block by Logan Paulson and we've seen enough of him throughout this season that went healthy he would have taken that and picked up a nice chunk of yardage he looks like he's running about like he was last week so that's active - three - down and I've had walls women Griffin keeps it and to the side and a former Colts got a first down inside the 25 rg3 off play-action so much of what they do is with that action in the backfield they protected up nicely gives Pierre Garcon a great opportunity on the outside for a little bit of a double move he gets Brandon browner running and that then creates the separation now remember browner who missed the last four games is back today but Pete Carroll said he was going to be watching to see how healthy he is right Morris back inside the five the senile Paul and Tyler Columbus the job that they do securing the edge and the running length that's afforded Alfred Morris it's a heck of a hole right there for anybody [Applause] Russell Wilson watching it as the Redskins are trying to cram it right down the Seahawks throat on the first possession [Applause] first timing carriages to the left side a loss of one Earl Thomas the safety came up to make the stop this offensive line is really doing a nice job and I think Pete Carroll got to be very surprised because he seemed to come across pretty confidently the other day in saying that you think we can control Alfred Morris if rg3 gets going that remain problem they had to rely much on art III as a runner he's made a couple nice throws but Alfred Morris right now doing the damage Lichtenstein is down he's been bothered by a sprained ankle he needs help to get off the field so while he walks away will step away for just a minute second Bowl when we come back today's game is sponsored by Southwest Airlines find our fares online only at Southwest comm the history of this great franchise a history that dates back to the late thirties 1937 that's what the Redskins accomplished on the ground it's your franchise record in rushing yardage and Loretta stinks over a house guard four Liechtenstein and with Morgan making the cat's butt out of the back ends are [Applause] this is if he's able to get his speed down good call right there he gets his left foot down Joe before he gets knocked out you see they sprint there's Bryn rg3 out to the right and somewhat of a risky throw you always got to be a little bit worried when you come to the backside like that but it opened up nicely just unable to get it on to him soon enough where he could get both feet inbounds now third down and goal Griffin for the touchdown Alvin royster [Applause] for the great job by heaven Royster as he comes off on the option route he sees the linebacker run out he just hooks up and they put the ball right on good read there between roister and RG three [Applause] with touchdown reception all season long nine play drive 80 yards five minutes off the clock so far so good for number ten RG three up wide seven today's game is sponsored by Bud Light sports fan app download the app today first career receiving touchdown as rg3 found heaven royster and what a great statement here to open the game for the Redskins offensive ly and only to opening drive touchdown this season the Seahawks gave up two all year take the line drive at Washington the two in the NFL returning pit while he's on the roster out across the 25 knock down with the 28 you can see kam chancellor the safety here he runs out and then it's just a hookup here it's an option Ralph I royster and he's just going to find the hole in the defense its own coverage he gets across the goal line hooks it up and then rg3 just puts it right on them and where the rest has had everything going there a lot of Alfred Morris and then for Robert Griffin he did a nice job throughout that series the football third round draft pick Russell Wilson good pick overall v-hawks hat there man music he keeps it and wants to go deep ever throw gently intended receiver Dell Baldwin and I liked it offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell said about Russell Wilson he said I have to play call or fight the urge to ease him in I've got to let him play he's earned it and he really has what an unbelievable almost out of nowhere story for number three they learned that throughout the season they tried to ease them in early in the year they were inconsistent offensively and once they kind of cut him loose he has played exceptionally well they did not want to hold him back coming into this game second down and ten Wilson has a receiver passes caught the tight end Zach Miller and with Williams on his back being evasive Burton - coming offensively up front have gotten a couple of Pro Bowlers with junior Sweezy and right guard a guy who was drafted as a defensive lineman now he's a starting guard the final game and then Marshawn Lynch is a piece in every point for we'll get in trouble London Fletcher with help from Stephen Bowen it's three no London fete Fletcher here off the edge you see the discipline that this defensive front has and they just keep playing and as we know Russell Wilson once he tries to break contain he becomes awfully dangerous an outstanding job defensively after the offense goes down as for forcing a three and out [Applause] offered slides down and control good field position for the Breschel downfield to make the stop the defense for the a good start on that side of the ball they have it up something today's game is sponsored by Nissan innovation that excites by Burger King come celebrate 55 years of the whopper sandwich a Burger King with a return of the angry whopper and by Liberty Mutual Insurance responsibility what's your policy this crowd is charged up this organization has been revitalized by number 10 and number 46 the running back out for Morris behind them what I thought whoa [Applause] and we'll turn it into a positive play a gain of 1 we go down to the field and family well Griffin led that Redskins scoring drive he had problems with that communications radio and his helmet again remember last week they had a terrible time with that problem too they're working feverishly to get the backup sticks right now and meanwhile Corey lifting cider he is questionable he re-aggravated pick out of SMU we got a lot of work don't wait he's in unless hard second down to nine [Applause] right on the stop for the Seahawks like there might have been a little bit of confusion there in the backfield with our d3 as far as how he came out with severe cards all now going out of the game as we know he's been battling through that toe injury that cost him six of the first nine games and people thought maybe his season was going to end he came back and he's really been productive and has helped his football team grab his ankle that's a huge blow to this offense now third down and three [Applause] [Music] got a first down with mom a gain of two and the pats antenna moss and his 12th year as the first out in a month he's been working that slide position you know really throughout this season and Mike Shanahan had a talk with him at the start of the year he needed to lose some weight wasn't making some of the plays that year ago that they felt he should have made and he's had an outstanding season and it's been a great compliment to these other receivers throughout the year now it's Lockett and anchors head on the outside on first down right there trying to hit his pull back young fast too low Griffin had almost that sleight of hand kind of magicians mentality where he makes the defense play where's the football and as he told you on Friday once he does give it up he raises his arms to let the defense know he doesn't matter so he doesn't get pasted this one here you see the fall through that right hand it looked like he might have gotten his thumb on a helmet [Applause] [Music] it's going to be against Seattle [Applause] neutral [Applause] first time starting the wild card round it's an all-star crew and it's led by Pete Morelli who is the referee and so it's an interesting formula they have in the NSL guys work all year long with one crew then they get into the big game and they're working a claim field all these guys running around with people that are not used to working with that seems a bit counterintuitive doesn't second down and five times the offside good at that a little bit like what we saw last week you know I mean clearly Robert Griffin then we're accustomed to see from him but yet he's having some success still running the football even here now I've got a leak blocker but he's still running away from people [Applause] this season but lost only two [Applause] Oh with more success in Morris gets poor Bobby Wagner stripping on that previous plays he'll knock it out he was able to corral it and was down with the football [Applause] turned it over 14 times a franchise-record really these teams did a great job protecting the football especially considering that they both have rookie quarterback more hence its way the 15 third down in one coming up this offensive line is really just beat up this defensive front and you don't see that very often against the Seattle defense it's a big physical and active group but the Washington Redskins are taken Coleman Alfred Morris who last week had a season high 33 carries you wonder how is he going to bounce back from that and he jiong he said hey I feel fine I'm not any sores and I've been at any other time during the season and he comes right out of the gates and whistle and running well to find his time at Boston Logan and for case [Applause] 5:11 the concern on Pete Carroll's base and a great finish by Logan Paulson he's protecting the football as well Joe and as good as these offenses it's been protecting the ball that defenses have been just as opportunistic taking it away and the real point of emphasis throughout this week [Applause] playoff games it's who protects the ball the best that typically goes on to win one hey when I touch [Applause] was looking for Hankerson comebacker sweet regards all Griffin is really slow back to the huddle yeah see the lamp you know sometimes having worn a break sometimes that brave slides and so it creates some problems but it looked to me Joe just by the way that he went to the ground that it's more than just a shipping of the brace that he's clearly in some discomfort [Applause] in that pistol formation second girl okay Chancellor first guy there well Griffin sprained his knee in gateway 14 against the rapist he came back into the game after coming out initially played four more plays and Kirk Cousins at fellow wookie got him into the endzone they won that game in overtime and cousin clay to start at Cleveland the next week one mr. on a seven-game winning story [Applause] that sidelines going to be often concerned what they're seeing body language wise out of person well what I thought flying at the end of it for again on Griffin is play see them hit there but Logan Paulson who is lined up at the tight end position off the ball and kam chancellor after the foul 4747 in detail and every a touchdown is going to be in force on the kickoff it's preserved and who hit him has been 47 concern now is how healthy is that name [Applause] the Seattle defense students are playing a little bit better and he's not going to have to do much anyway I mean without remorse in the way that he's been able to throw the ball Griffin with two touchdown passes both on third down wondering sir this one - Logan Paulson and Russell Wilson's got to get to work what an impressive start for the Redskins offensive Lee and Logan Paulson who had only one touchdown reception all year his into the endzone both touchdown passes on third down third and goal 14 to nothing [Applause] read ins on top and Seahawks will start at the 20 mike shanahan head coach talking to RG 3 who exited the field moments ago Seahawks have it down 14 Pete Carroll in that Seahawks dad line trying to figure out some way to loading this train the Redskins up 14 to nothing [Applause] with Marshawn Lynch just there for you play from scrimmage free passes now Iran and Lynch gets poor [Applause] so I think Pete Carril definitely stunned by what happened here in this first quarter I don't think he anticipated for a moment that the rest came together to run the ball effectively in this game they did last we against doubt second down and six Wilson goes back and it was Riley off the edge good coverage across the board and you see that Riley comes off yes they try to come off it with Russell Kuhn the left tackle but he's late getting there and here you've got russell wilson believing he's going to be protected but the cover is down the field was outstanding by the rescue back twice now third and 12 [Music] and what an effort by Zack Miller finding his way to the marker and it's a first down for the Seahawks a big play when they needed it what sure was I mean they needed to get something going offensively and just an outstanding text by Zack Miller and then even after making the catch being able to pick up that first down Russell Wilson once again under pressure look at the four-man rush visiting with that there's less right done kendrick Goulston underneath to make that plug [Applause] that'll be in the quarter number one [Music] start could not have been any better for the Washington Redskins they had it twice they scored twice they looked good defensively Seattle needs something to happen if we head into quarter number two back after this from your local Fox station stats are little lopsided as the Redskins dominated that opening quarter in the Seahawks on a second and nine to start the second quarter trying to get some momentum something rolling no hand off is Wilson keeps it and Russell's out to midfield showing a little bit of what a healthy art III can do as they have that read option and Russell Wilson captain picked up 19 well yeah you're going to see Russell Wilson it looks like he's reading it and really kind of mystery - because Perry Riley he scrapes at the linebacker position he's waiting for Russell Wilson but he wisely gets right in behind Marshawn Lynch and they're essentially elite blocker for throughout the midfield again it keeps it looking to throw it Lynch we faked it to see you Williams can't bring him down and Alain on the other side the wrench is going to pick up about nine as Lorenzo Alexander is out there to make the play we see some of the read option tight stuff from Seattle but it's very different from what Washington does offensively but early in the season this is not what they were doing and he Carroll thought with Washington he's gone with our g3 he liked it he went to the offensive coordinator bevel and the implemented some of it it's been very successful for them he could be on second and one turbine carries it and another piece of this very good rookie class for the Seattle Seahawks has two yards in a first down Fox UFC Saturday returns January 26 championship fight his Demetrius Johnson puts his title on the line against John Dodson Rampage Jackson returns to take on Glover Teixeira not on pay-per-view it's live it's free and it's only on Fox January 26 Wilson good protection that ball comes out for right incomplete Griffin was back there with the Angelo Hall and Cedric Griffin who's back and now they're going to overturn the call and they got it right that's an excellent job by Sidney Rice in getting his feet inbounds one making the reception but knowing exactly where he was on the field and a heckuva throw by Russell Wilson as well and now everything's laid because initially they sit incomplete one official came back and overruled the other overview turbine carries it against three that looked like a good cats in the proper chain to the call on the field well this is a nice drive right here by Seattle during the way this game began to be down 14 points and just trying to settle in you see the cats and the officials get together this all-star crew that you talk about though they do a nice job to get the call right ten play this drive down by 14 second and seven Wilson off the jacket picked off my County and Doug Baldwin hit County in the back and helped Russell Wilson avoid we could have been a big pick this Redskins secondary they've latched onto these receivers and they've been good and protector and coverage and you see across the board and almost a huge mistake by Russell Wilson something that he really had not done he's trying to get into Baldwin but this is where he was initially trying to go with the ball what makes an ill-advised throw at the end of the middle the ball win and all excellent job of breaking that up a third down and it's going to be made a little tougher after a delay of game [Applause] party staff the wave game I was close but it looked like a good call and something that the league is called much tighter here in 2012 than in the last few years go on that last play Joe defensive coordinator Jim Haslett he was bringing an all-out blitz with no health on any receiver see what he does here now his third law guidance using timeout so we'll use one take a break come back third down and 12 when we return [Music] today's game is sponsored by t-mobile nationwide 4G coverage from coast-to-coast by DIRECTV if you call yourself a sports fan you've got to get DIRECTV and buy Subway restaurants power up with a surprisingly low fat turkey melted a third down and 12 for the Seahawks down by 14 back of the end zone incomplete it's going down and the Seahawks will attempt a field goal Sydney right the closest one to it yeah once they got to third long Jose and be awfully difficult knowing that you essentially had to score a touchdown to pick up a first down the rest is say Jim Haslett coming into this game what they have done defensively over the second half of this season has has really been good the yards that they've given up throughout the year really do not tell the story about this defense good from 32 Seahawks at their first points of the day 14 3 all eyes will get back to RG 3 as Redskins we'll take it up by 11 a [Music] look at first to integrate Lake quarterback history this organization slingin Sammy Baugh 37 at 52 Sonny Jurgensen mid 60's to the mid seventies will leave an out summer our favorite player friend Joe Theismann that we typically see every time we do a game here then RG 3 who is a rookie this year and there's a good friend mr. Jorgenson who holds court outside this booth watching games too hot every time we visit though here is Niles Paul on a couple of pots seasonless turnout across the 20 and we'll go down to the field and check in with Pam Oliver well Gerald air was naturally a flurry of activity down here when Griffin lifts off the field he was taken to a small room behind the bench by team trainer Larry Hess then dr. James Andrews the noted dr. and Ruthie flip back there but quickly accident Preston say there was no injury information to report but it would be ignoring a story that broke today we didn't talk about an article that came out USA Today regarding rg3 and his injury on December 9th when he was hit that leg was exposed and he strained the knee in a game here again a lot more Ravens Griffen Kingston and has it knock out of the pan penalty flag is down on the play it's recovered by Chester knocked out by Clemens there's a flag down field [Applause] we'll try and sort that out as Chris Clemens who was with the Redskins he'll ago contact the 39 first down here is on the outside with Brandon browner and that's where they got the flag is when he got fooled and here's the strip on the back end with Chris Clemons but Brandon browner as I said he's been out of month and Mike Shanahan is well aware of that now he's susceptible to some double moves we've already seen Garcon gave one completion on him because he is such a big physical corner and they're testing them out to see if in fact he is a little rusty and so far he has shown that he is but it was an automatic first down it's Alfred whoa carrying it up to the 35 so the story breaks today and there's some discrepancy as to who actually cleared rg3 on December 9th to come back into the ball game and return for four plays before Griffin checked out of the game Mike Shanahan his head coach said he let rip and returned with a blessing of dr. James Andrews meanwhile Andrews said he never cleared Griffin to go back into the game because he never even examined him and then later in the article says on the one that shut him down that day finally he's been a wreck letting him come back as quick as he had I mean we don't know exactly what transpired there on that sidelines at the time of the injuries I have a hard time believing that head coach Mike Shanahan would put the franchise at risk unnecessarily [Music] stirred down in two and here is what the Seahawks do Pascal's Arizona and Grammy rauner game well even right there you can see the size of Brandon browner this guy is 6 4 and 220 pounds and the physical player that we're down to late and low for Logan Paulson for town good stop then by Seattle even though offensively they were disappointed with a nice Drive having to settle for a field goal the defense had shown no ability to be able to stop this Redskins off and so a good stop for them and forcing a punt punt from staff rocket with Leon Washington waiting for the first half hauled in by Washington on a crime his own 25 38-yard fun Seahawks wolf habit now eleven cities game is sponsored by Cadillac the standard of the world about 125 miles south from here in Richmond Virginia his collegiate prep school where Russell Wilson attended two standout player on both our football field and the baseball field drafted by the Rockies in the fourth round the 2010 draft with 61 games and a ball was invited to big-league campus email when he wanted to put that baseball career on hold to go play one more here in Wisconsin this was his first love Seahawks are glad he did and glad they got break loose ooze out to the 35 again Baker Lila's game up to this window Seattle has not really been able to get the running game gone best run so far with Marshawn Lynch and as we know Seattle both these teams really they run the ball more than anybody else in all of football and everything that they do is get that defense the are you second down and two links again very good a 40 and a first down for Seattle brought down by Peregrine it's offense throughout the year his has run the ball well but you look at what they've done over the last five games it really is remarkable averaging over 210 yards a game rushing during that time and they're about the Delta [Applause] they have running the football and then also the things that Russell will conduct for a while penalty flags fly Wilson is going to duck out a bow for avoiding a snap do you Williams with pressure gain of four will check the flags [Applause] Morelli getting extreme outside number 50 he been 5 yard penalty remains first step get Rob Jackson who had one of the three interceptions week 17 against the Cowboys to win the division Rob Jackson even he was the one who would fall awry I mean he's playing the position of Brian Orosco who essentially missed the entire season and he said we'll play here on the second half of the year first down and five loose and picked up by Lynch Lynch is going to be out of bounds just outside the 35 and what a break is number 24 was there to pick up the loose ball which sure is Marshawn lassie he's been faking it to him here and as he tries to pull it out Russell Wilson that's when the ball comes loose but Marshawn Lynch even after going through the line of scrimmage he's able to keep the play alive and recover that bumble expresses this nice game okay Naveen baby Christine first down at the 36 turbine [Applause] at turbine rookie Russell Wilson their rookie quarterback a rookie starting at right guard and that defensively their middle linebacker Bobby Wagner looking record for tackles a crew servant who had eight sacks and this is not just a great rookie class turnout but this should propel this Seattle to be good for years to come Debbie Carol said if they have the run that they expect to have in future years it will be because of it look at we three there finds his man and the catch made by Robinson the full-backs a nice play on second down and nine down he on the stop at a 19 yard catch and run Washington on the back end is doing such a good job in coverage and Russell Wilson with pressure he's able to get outside the pocket but then they turn Michael Robinson loose and he wisely comes underneath but the Redskins have been very good recovery the receivers down the field and not good look Wilkin teams in get the block repaid and sets up first and goal at the five again and twelve by Russell Wilson this is the Seattle person of how they run the read option and they're going to be keen on Ryan Kerrigan right out here and that's whom Russell Wilson is looking at if he collapses as he did you pull it out and you've got yourself a nice run on the edge with those contain hominid you William by first and goal of the spot review through neglect [Applause] and off the edge to play was made by Gaudi let's go down to Erin Andrews Joey got a situation down here with the Seahawks kickers see how Scott was getting picked up during that drive his left ankle now he does kick with his right he came over here trying to warm up and he ripped off the tape cutter John Ryan and practicing house is warming up again well she was both out here executive goal Wilson Robin [Applause] two touchdown catches during the regular season for Robinson that was a big one from Russell Wilson Vista busted coverage by the Washington Redskins you can see Reed dowdy who made the play on the previous down he again comes on the Blitz but they turn Michael Robinson loose Josh Wilson on the outside he goes with the tight end nobody comes off of that and covers Robinson and maybe touchdown the answer to Erin Andrews question is how sook with the monsoon attempt the extra point according off along this field in [Applause] [Music] House cannot get through keep going up to the wood ball a break on that bumble Lynch picked it up picked up 18 and later Michael Robinson the full-back into the end zone Carroll's fired up so are the Seahawks now down four place kicker for the Seahawks Stephen Houska is still out there on the wheel he was getting taped up and we heard from Erin Andrews earlier twisted his left ankle and so John Ryan the punter the third time in his NFL career it stays inbounds it's returned by now home across the 25 so while the offense for the Redskins goes back on at field NAR g3 we're now seeing what Seattle can do and the pressure and stress that Russell Wilson can put on a defense yeah I think you look at Seattle coming into this game I mean they're a young football team and they found themselves down 14 points and really scrambling I think it caught everybody by surprise what Washington was able to do there that the first couple of possessions but they settled in in the last two offensive drives we've really been huge for the Seattle team to come away with ten points I know but I can't tract importantly right now for down near the 29 brought down by wagon a lot of our III and rightfully so but you kind of wonder where this team would be also if they didn't have Alfred Morris and you talk about the rookie player that cial has in their contributions we need two guys both NFL Rookie of the Year candidate six Brown pick really been askable good Mike Shanahan and out garçon and off intercepted by our old common bargain on the tackle but the first takeaway for this DLC fence and it's Earl Thomas apropos safety is that law was up for grabs and fluttered out of the hand of our g3 [Applause] Earl Thomas known as a great deep ball hawk and he went back there and took it away to the Interceptor Oh Thomas is going back to the pole vault for a reason you see I mean he reads it the entire way there's nobody on the other side of the field to hold him and a ball that was thrown late that was easy for Thomas to get over the top and make a play on that rg3 who held it just a tick longer and you need to get that ball out towards the sideline thrown too far to the inside unable to hold comments in the middle and a relatively easy play for the Pro Bowl safety right back on offense down by four Wilson keeps it flings it over the middle right moment lost it incomplete Russell Wilson when a few times in this first half that there was actually some separation in a place for the Wilson to go with the football ball is high with Sidney Rice he makes those catches and he's trying to come it down with it [Applause] total switch from the opening quarter which was dominated by Washington yeah Wilson keeps it down by London Fletcher after gain of five talked a little bit earlier about pushing and shoving in DeAngelo Hall he's been a good cover corner throughout his career takes a lot of chances one of the things that I've been impressed with over with him over the years is ability to put his head in there make a tackle but he won't back the hunt from a scuffle either I'm afraid to start going either that's been showing Flint they come Wilson for the first down he got Baldwin and just able to get it away his em flinch was right in his face Doug Baldwin does a nice job of just getting off the ball getting to where the first down is turn it around and picking up the first down and duck balls on an undrafted free agent a year ago led the team in the that battle through some injuries this year but he's making more contribution to this team every week Josh Wilson got there as a first down Seattle good protect you're wide open left alone over the middle there he is again Baldwin makes the move and slides down at the 30 and we are at the two-minute warning and then 33 yard completion from Russell Wilson to just Baldwin get them to the adil down by four [Music] comparison of the two quarterbacks Griffin had the only interception the two touchdowns after a 14 to nothing lead Seattle put up ten and a first down at the 30 two minutes left they can run it debut with less parry decouple chakras well generally what happens you come out your running team and the defense is cranked up and hard to get those yards and then things start to loosen up a little bit start to see that a little bit more and they're having a little more success throwing the football saw the big plate of duck balls when right before the two-minute warning to completely turn him loose the middle field [Applause] Bin's down inside the 20 he's got another Seattle first down Marshawn Lynch was traded Suseo four games into the 2010 according to pink Carroll was the persistence of gentle manager John Schneider that got him the good Buffalo says no five times we finally said yes play Pete Carroll and John Schneider made a pretty good team here over the last three years now he is the Prophet from the nineteen Wilson Pizza fyren's at for asylum [Applause] and big-body had some room to run and a full head of steam didn't make the catch smelly did in Russel Wilson had some room to run as well I thought that's what he was going to do but McCoy flashes out in front of him so he gives him an easy ball it is unable to catch it but and runs a Wilkins had tucked it he had a whole lot open field also because on the outside they were in back ii himself Lynch making the most of it flicker wrap them up at a timeout taken by Seattle after a gain of three here's Curt to tell us what's coming up at half-time all right thanks Joe coming up on the besa halftime Terry Howie Michael and Jimmy will break down this wild card matchup at her own Jaime Maggio talks with Ray Lewis as the Ravens win in his last home game we'll see you on the VESA halftime show go Troy I couldn't read the sign a good nail it allow a try so Terry they're weighing a spoon that's what he does half that weight and spoon even ice cream sandwiches oh how he changed his pick we didn't pick Washington he said I really meant the big Washington well Seattle after that getting off to a tough start date they have really settled in and it's starting to resemble a little bit more the team that we saw throughout that regular season third and Jeff [Applause] Cooper just got it away Wilson fires he's got golden tape in short of the first down but now the question is how healthy is house good you don't think enough to try for a field goal they're going to let the clock wind down spend their final timeout before down into and the 29-yard field goal trial for Houska or john ryan who by the way has never attempted a field goal in the NFL he kicked off moments ago for just the third time in his NFL career he's also the holder so plenty of drama here for a 29 yard field goal to make it a one point game plenty of drama here and then plenty of drama as we move in and through the second half it hasn't been the case in the other walk card games but oftentimes these playoff games come down to a kick and wonder exactly what his range maybe some on the extra point is basically take one step and boot it through his plant leg the bad left ankle that he twisted earlier and it's a one-point game at the half the Redskins put up the game's first 14 points all coming in the first quarter Seahawks have answered with 13 of their own all in the second quarter Pete Carroll's crew on the road that closed it to a one-point game it's a half done coming up after this from your local Fox station - quick touchdown passes from RG 3 before he started living around with that knee injury put the left end up 14 nothing the Seahawks can come back to 13 on answer it is a good game here as we wrap up the wild card we did Curt Menefee along with Terry Howie Michael and Jimmy and let's break down the first half so far here starting with you Holly yeah they'll tell you read Brian's playing at defensive end at 330 pounds really geared to stop the inside who gets the edge big pickup once again they feel him inside with tight in they get the edge once again now they bring in Bruce herb get more speed at the defensive end position how do you play to read option you take the dodge you take the quarterback Bruce Irvin tries to take full and on enviable position obviously Seattle's gotten a bet more deer particularly since their offense had sustained Drive that helped their defense Howie and in the opening drive rg3 randa dive option setting up the very next play they end up stars the dive option play-action there's absolutely no pad strikes on our d3 year cards on one's the sideline stop route and our deep freeze got all day long to throw the football the problem is now he has been respecting our g3 on the dive option he can't run right now so they should be bringing their outside pass rush well yeah I mean that would be the normal thing to do Jimmy but with him being hurt like he has been in the red though earlier they couldn't run man because of his ability to run the ball as you see here when they have their hands hesitating the rest is waiting to see what he can do make sure he doesn't get out of the pocket but now that he's injured you can run man he's done more pocket passing than we've seen him do basically all season in the last quarter you cast a rush our d3 is run is not a threat anymore and that's a big advantage for the Seattle see that see how about score you get those opportunities on the road you got to score touchdowns nice comeback yeah they are 15 unanswered to make this a ballgame we talked about it being a good one it has been so far 1413 Washington with the lead here at halftime when we come back the AFC wild card game today Ray Lewis is final holding as a raven will top of him on the other side as we continue to the besa halftime a good one on this wildcard weekend as the Redskins lead by one as we start the second half back to the interception you go back and you take a look at Earl Thomas on the interception in the ground that he's able to cover one of the reasons is because Josh Morgan was on a crossing route really somewhat of a mystery there by rt3 but the question really is Joe how is the knee affecting RG threes ability to throw the football see he pushes off with the right foot or the right leg but he doesn't follow all the way through with it now last week he struggled against the Cowboys thrown the ball how much of the factor wasn't he he doesn't love it but certainly his left as a question as we move into the second half you can follow your favorite team all season long just go to itunes.com slash NFL we watched Griffin warm up before the start to the second half and his backup fellow rookie Kirk Cousins running out to add some urgency kickoff for that has picked up by Washington always a threat Washington is out across the 30 for a report down field let's go down to Erin Andrew so you and Troy mentioned at the beginning the game team Carroll tools up yesterday they planned on just going after RG three I asked coach Carroll coming out of that half does that change now that we see RG three struggling out there with the knees and let's keep getting after and he also feels like they've really met Washington speed and we just saw even house can't I do I get off here and he did make some 45 yard kick he still is limping no on that left leg guys yeah noticeably not moving around well at all but two for two right field goal Department today Queen 83 there's that started the second let's try the left side now comes back to the right side he's got Russell Wilson out in front of him blocking and Wilson allowing a little more room for Marshawn Lynch who carried it for 26 yards well first of all it's a great job by Marshawn Lynch being able to traverse field here and get on the corner but look at Russell Wilson and a job that he does now last week in that game against the Rams I mean he led the way very similar to that play right there and knock the guy right on his back I mean he can you say the guy's done it all my live in 206 beautiful turbine in the backfield Wilson finds turban he's inside the 40 and for report from the other side threats inside his panel well Joseph learn faces of the West and headed into the locker room life Nanak and he told me as they came out that he felt like the defense especially lost his composure he said we also have to get off the field on defense Stephanie well the defense has been playing much better obviously during this seven-game winning streak with the Redskins bring in rock stars the first nine games of the year please the series is coded out the game well but in the second quarter his turban carries knocked down right at the marker depends on spot Terry Riley on the tackle when this game started showing defensively they've done a pretty nice job you know they're able to slow down Seattle of course offensively which has really been the case throughout the year their ability to control the clock and then get points has helped out this defense but the way that Seattle has some office and now to start this house moving the balls got to be real concerning to my can hands third down and one Lynch's on the sidelines limped off a moment ago after that is set up here in this opportunity it's the effect Robyn Fenty he's got first cups then check back into the game last three possessions much better with a Seahawks and started bring it out the first two times they happen they just settled in and I relaxed it Russell Wilson was in his top we experience what this environment is like play on that fear but he is settled in here yeah Wilson keeps his eyeline dangerous Roenick Golden Tate for the first down jump inside this 17 you're right Joe it was a dangerous throw he's on the opposite hash mark and he's throwing that all the way across the field and if he doesn't get that out on the sideline and away from the defender the chance that things could be intercepted by John Wilson great job by Golden Tate hall that in fourth red zone possession for the Seahawks we can to the red zone during the right the trouble with a snap no trouble with a handoff and Lynch is down to the pill Russell will barely be on it to Marshawn Lynch good for 15 yards there he's able to get it just in time whether or not that was a week hard to know Rob Jackson he comes up the field so it was good that it was banded off the mark John Lance Russell of boom the left tackle will fix long fifties come down to the one [Applause] second down and goal London Fletcher came up they stopped the story is old but no less impressive election supporting worse consecutive can the guy who's never missed a game as he went to st. Louis out of tiny John Carroll I played again back in 1988 they're gonna go Washington has it that's what this reskin scheme has been about all season long is being able to create takeaways when they've had to and they needed one at that moment London Fletcher in on it Funko violin Redskins have it up one today's game on Fox is sponsored by Southwest Airlines find our fares online only at southwest.com by Ram trucks guts glory Ram by Domino's oh yes we did and by frost brewed Coors Light the world's most refreshing beer pretty remarkable that the Seahawks who were led by a rookie quarterback did not turn it over in 54 red zone possessions during the regular season they do here their 4th time in the red zone that hack recovered by Jarvis Jenkins his office too young let's go back to the fumble that very coal field he gets pressure right in the interior part of this line and you see the helmet on the ball comes loose Jarvis Jenkins is the one who's able to recover it now Marshawn Lynch bumbled the ball five times during the regular season he had only lost two of those but he has been a guy who put the ball on the ground now you get a helmet on the ball like that that's hard to hang on to now second down and seven what this is our first look at our tre after the break ready so big body of Allen branch in the back that pledge oh it's about second time I've seen it that our g3 comes out it goes to his left the backs everybody else went the other way the play didn't have much of a chance right from the start right now with it being third and five the Redskins they just want to pick up this first down try to recapture build position and special teams coordinator Danny Smith talking to mike shanahan and back and either on tap their dad [Applause] with a big catch on third down and five the first down for Washington so a little breathing room one of the things that Washington has done is you see the splits and how they stack the receivers and as we know Seattle likes to get physical with these receivers and that kind of allows them to get a better release off the line one of the Seahawks is down that's Chris Clement to look at him take a break with like the left knee of Chris Clemons just gave out able to get up and walk off the field Bruce Irvin and let all NFL and IMAX that I was their kind of West Virginia in the line Jim Morris running left Alfred Morris picks up five knockdown by me being that offensive line just against that defense moving and Alfred Morris he finds himself a little late and we said one of the things that he had to learn the NFL was that you don't have a lot of time to make many moves you know because of the speed of the game he said it's a good thing for him because he didn't have many moves to begin with Redskins line is held up really well even with Joshua Reeve mr. Broder you left your Lichtenstein second down and five [Applause] I know you believe this is a quarterback believe it certainly is but when you have a running game that you can rely on to pick up yards at this time of year with the lead second half there's nothing like it in this game well I've benefited from a guy that could run the football for a new file and Emmitt Smith so I know what you're talking about they've been able to do a lot of different ways in Robert Griffin certainly is a big part why why this offense leads the league in rushing but I think with Mike Shanahan across and have done burying the old system that he has but this new one is round a block of Logan Paulson was out there in a way receiver sent wide to the left and no gain on first down now there's Kyle Shanahan there and he's the one who's calling the play so he brings this zone blocking scheme in the running game that we saw run so effectively in Denver with Mike Shanahan and then you include the read off some of the things that Robert Griffin did there in college at Baylor and it's been really something to watch [Applause] Chris Chester right into the paddy and Allen ranch boy lost one they dry the middlee works through his gesture looked like he might have got tripped alfred more to seize his branch is trying to get through Chester and the cut back there and Alfred Morris just wasn't able to avoid the leg but a good play nonetheless [Applause] [Music] let the field as he and browner got into it I've got a reaction to the crowd and then Garside we go to the sideline hit by Sherman was behind Morgan it looked like the pass was intended for Morgan and that throw got away from rg3 that sure did because Josh Morgan was lied open across the field and a throw that well you know just wasn't even close but that should have been an easy completion and then they pick up the first down instead at the punt from Sam Rocca [Applause] leon washington from in job in 25 [Applause] that play was made by now fall six yards on the return and the two teams start to push and shove yet again ready timeout Seahawks will have it down by water that dust Pleasant night and Landover Maryland this Redskins deep bass to go on the 20 points per game nice tree changing bar this wildcard playoff game Seahawks down bar one Wilson looking for somewhere to go with it I'm golden paint on the sidelines former Notre Dame star is good for eight when every play matters turn to NFL Mobile for coverage of every NFL game called star star NFL to get it for just $5 all month long second Hey we'll sit again has to scramble Dowdy's the one that made that play I'm trying to get back to the line of scrimmage lost one third and short coming up you know second in - it's a pretty good down to try to take a shot you don't see if you can run play that's exactly what Seattle decides to do but once again Washington they cover up pretty good there back end of it that one just got to get the ball out of your hands quick third down and three flagons down and a sick Kent Washington for an automatic first day in here number 43 Jesus Cindy arrived here he's going to come out now Russell Wilson because of the pressure not able to hang on to the ball they've got to get it out Josh Wilson knows it but he grabs them and gets called it's only the second Washington penalty of the game they called it on Paul Wilson was guilty of it as well Jim hazard who flits 48 times against the Cowboys in week 17 brought a blade and handily kids the Seahawks AFER's down [Applause] Wilson keeps it again right up the middle Russell Wilson into Redskins territory is down inside the 30 dog Chris Wilson trying to calm the Angelo Hall down Angela walls anticipate a little bit of help but Sidney Rice runs right by him Russell Wilson just does not see it but you see how much room he did see in the middle of the field he takes it he's up 28 yards first down at the 30 right you can see his suit one member on the Seahawks trail by one and they're theoretically inside field goal range already a man injured Peter and Steve in toshka will whip it around with a bad left ankle well we heard Erin Andrews report that there at halftime Houska was making 45-yard bill both which was really somewhat surprising for me to hear because it's what you walk off the do what that movie 39 [Music] third down and nine and you're looking at a field goal drive about 48 yards from here but that will block that up nicely and you see one on one in just a lot of field there and as we've seen throughout the year you know Jim has it with bring pressure at times he'll leave his Island the Seattle just unable to convert Wilson was in the grasp and eliminate the catch by turban Josh Wilson was there to bring down Russell Wilson coming on another blip this time they bring Josh Wilson inside the Jordan Q he takes it outside and then they bring Wilson in the middle he's the one who's able to get home and get to Russell Wilson so a nice call by Jim Haslett with once again their pressure package in forcing Seattle to punt the football a loss of 9 on that big stack by Wilson one during the regular season [Applause] clearly out of field goal range the way of his offense last week Jim has brought more pressure than he had brought throughout the entire year against the Dallas Cowboys he challenged those defensive back in particular DeAngelo Hall on Dez Bryant and he's challenged them again here in this game and for the most part they have done a beautiful job proper wait for it decline the galette game [Applause] flag flies almost kicked Crawford but he wasn't alone during the clear holding number 53 the receiving team have to disappear the goal first down time they get Brian keel for a hold so the Redskins are backed up awfully close to touching Griffin it missed him skinned Cabot up one [Music] drive for the Seahawks dolls on the penalty mark - just outside the five redskins offense which couldn't be stopped the first few times have had it has been almost entirely stop by this good Seahawks defense which ended the season ranked fourth in the NFL first in points swallowed up back in the to Allen branch is here for Seattle we mentioned earlier this defensive front house big day or and really they've just got the speed rushes Chris Clements who we saw go down and then Bruce Irvin but for such big guys they're pretty Affleck that's letting and they're able to move the pocket a little bit and they're able to then we get to RG three and really outside of fifteen down the field earlier to our small they've just not really been able to get anything in the passing game back for the first time stick it in fourth Dan Griffin comes to the side underneath it as intended the forged and complete go down to Erin Andrews Troy was just talking about that big defensive front for Seattle they will be without Chris Clemons use doubtful to return we saw him getting tests on them that left knee and then he went back into the law like it just gave out on so eleven and a half stack during the regular season looks like as long for the rest of the day it's third and 14 well anything's kids can do here just to give their Potter some room to work good [Music] he's down to the 10 good work by the Seattle defense as we are under half a minute to play in the third quarter the last two offensive possessions for Washington has started inside the 5-yard line the last one at least the Redskins were able to move the ball and reestablish some field position but this time Seattle defensively forces the green out rocket gets rid of it hits a booming punt by raka George III as rolling this game for just 84 yards that was a 53-yard punt by staff rocket Seahawks have it yet again or seconds left in the quarter as they trailed by walk left third quarter first down Seattle down can according and that'll do it for quarter number three one point separating the Redskins and the Seahawks off to the fourth we go here in Maryland [Music] little different looking Pete Calvin the first two times the Redskins had he Hawks have been able to move the football 385 times dispossessed it to the ceiling one touchdown deep in Redskins territory now Wilson picks his way through the defense and spins out to the 45 Kanan 5/3 down come out I think the point that you make Jo is is very good that you know the Seattle Seahawks have been able to move the ball offensively but they haven't been able to capitalize and that's really kind of an a story for the Redskins defensively throughout this season so rg3 there on the side [Applause] the game third down and two right kanessa they fake the pause gaudí can come down and they're going to rule [Applause] Reed dowdy one of those guys who had to play a lot this year because of the injuries at the safety position and a real active guy around the line of scrimmage does an excellent job of chasing Russell Wilson down the backside that's the fifth redskins sack of the game and Jim Haslett has got to be thrilled with the way his group is playing defensively they get the feeling if they're going to win these games can be on the strength of their defense instead of our take on him Jeremie laid at the body of Richard Crawford the same time football is how you hang on hit like that laying on the outside go ahead on it the crowd is chanting rg3 me he just said it so far Griffin's been a non-factor and nothing like he was prior to the injury against the rig a couple decent runs early in this game but 12 yards on the night and then only we are back here limping all the way don't you have to think about her cousins coming into this ball game because this first of all he's vulnerable Brisbane secondly he's not able to do what makes him great which is run the football or pull it out and throw it downfield well when he strings this one out he has no ability to really plant then get going up the field this is what we saw earlier in the game that same kind of run you see some lanes there where he's just trying to get as much as he can get to the sideline but yeah I mean Kirk Cousins he's shown limited playing time he's been excellent coming off the bench his ability to throw the ball and it's a big Rondo he's playing look at the day for our cheese fries early he hit his throwing hand on a helmet that's where he injured the knee lifting since that didn't grow too early touchdown got that extra hit from urban but he is a compromise player right now who is not able to run not the threat if the Redskins relied on all seams in the win the entity is number four on the football and we just don't know the knees affecting that part of his game [Applause] Griffin throws the Morgan [Applause] we came into this game no Pete Carril really wanted rg3 to have to beat them and he wanted to be able to stop Alfred Morris especially Moore's coming off of the game he had last week and they really a believer Morrison has been effective running the football in this game and rg3 just has not been able to be the complementary player to help with more rock group only one nation for Griffin over 11 yards on second 10 the third any decision obviously would be that at that man mike shanahan two-time Super Bowl champion head go to the Denver Broncos on sixty-year-old can revitalize here with the Redskins thanks to Griffin Morris in the play of this defense during their seven game win streak for healthcare third and seven if v lemons is not on the field [Applause] Britta complete for bank receipt he had a Hankerson could not make the connection Accord down later haters ain't got the square in it he's open up all that's out in front of us wasn't a great growth certainly put it on his body a little bit better but Hankerson I thought could have been able to make that play Redskins now won for their last five washing can avoid the tackle takes it out near the 21:52 yard punt 11 yard return again Russell Wilson to the field by one today's game on Fox is sponsored by Nationwide Insurance nationwide is on your side by but life sports fan app download the app today and by Pizza Hut make it great Kyle Shanahan offensive coordinator talking it over with our great per Kelvin Christian a day Russell Wilson from the 21 he's got taste very good after the catch is Golden Tate a gain of seven later on dowdy and they've been a couple of missed opportunities for the seahawks down by one a fumble by the Lynch this point is the difference in the game and [Applause] that said the Seahawks have been able to move it did not score on either of those two just opportunities down by one and lift and lift 245 doing when Marshawn Lynch does in the playoffs carrying tacklers good for 18 max Unger the center he does a really good job of sealing that giving Marshawn Lynch at the place to run the football and you mentioned earlier Joe how much a running game really helped [Applause] having a veteran center come as well Bishop Opel senator max Unger for the nice job of calling a frataxin complain want fresh off his jump quarterback under ten to go [Applause] Oh awesome one this delay defensively that you brought up Brian Kerrigan he's going to take the dive man but then you see dreamed out even he scrapes and he's there for Russell Wilson naughty-naughty to do for Reed Doughty you see all the space that Russell Wilson had is being able to make a tackle against an athletic quarterback we could really run a bike club ten tackles 2 sacks [Applause] that Miller the intended receiver now it's third down this was a Seattle walk through the ball 75 first five games and they open it up the Russell Wilson it's in his hand [Applause] once again Seahawks pick it up Miller - Miller's got a first down inside the 35 brought to the ground by Alexander but 22 yards on third and 10 here's that Miller you're going to see the pressure Madea Williams he hits it and now they believe that Zack Miller could have stayed in protection but when he leaks out there's nobody there that at the picture gothic version for good job by turban to pick up the Blitz [Applause] second intent this January Kevin Bacon comes to Fox in a groundbreaking new series one man stopped the serial killer and his deadly followers the following premieres Monday January 21st around the corner here on Fox another Seattle Seahawks are getting into that range where you start to say okay do they attempt a longer field goal in out they're just what exactly is the thinking over there by Pete Carroll and off the list [Applause] fielding takes it down in size of 36 m5 there's house before the games in his reign is 55 yards even with no handle everyone knows how comfortably field my ankle maybe to balance to get five yards the residents are hoping they'll find out we're down inside go get the blocks on his back and pretty up [Applause] quarterbacks grinning downfield to get in front of Marshawn Lynch they help get him into the endzone really a great run by Marshawn Lynch as well you're going to see the move that he makes once he moved through the line of scrimmage right there get to the outside then Russell Wilson once again this guy is not just a spectator even with Marshawn Lynch that far down the field Russell Wilson and now going for two this would be their first two pointed film all year they're looking at the scoring play upstairs to make sure Lynch got in take a look before we go to break looks like he's clearly got in but in a proof review to call when we come back after reviewing the play the ruling on the field is confirmed the touchdown and out of the replays they're going to see DeAngelo Hall he comes in to make a play on Marshawn Lynch Lynch just gives him the leg and takes it away Angelo Hall he's an excellent tackle but what's the laundry on the field two-point try first of the year for the few hearts [Applause] Wilson that Miller working on the GU Williams made the tough catch it's a seven-point game does he hawk on top today's game on Fox is sponsored by the all-new Ford Fusion go further [Music] Seahawks now put a 21 unanswered points into the first quarter and more specifically for the Redskins they have done virtually nothing offensively since RG three three injured that name I'll call on the return out across the 20 knocked down across the 23 so now Robert Griffin the third comes out he has been totally shut down by the Seahawk defendant really isn't himself this is an RG 3 with a bad knee it's gotten worse within this game well there's no question that it has I mean there's a guy who obviously is an explosive player and they're able to use those things along with with Alfred Morris but he's just not been a factor in this game we talked about Kirk Cousins I don't think for a minute that anyone's thinking about making that move on the sidelines but he's not been very any football either and I thought keeps it here one down Griffin is sacked in a loss of 12 you're going to see the play-action when Robert Griffin gets to the outside you've seen it all year he would take this right here you see all that field out in front of them and then he goes down so even for a guy who's been able to do so much with his leg it's changing the way he's thinking about playing the game as well because he would never see a guy make a play on him like that in the okay 22 [Applause] it belongs to Seattle now Robert Griffin's of bird is down on the ground and can't get up [Applause] stunned silence here at FedEx Field is on the brightest stars to come into this league in a long time has not been himself the bulk of the day now can't get up let's take another look you're going to see the snap of the ball it's low and then as he goes down but as he's trying to get it here you need that knee go Joe kind of goes back to the point that you made earlier as far as the conversation or lack thereof that occurred when the injury happened four weeks ago between him and doctor between Mike Shanahan and dr. James Andrews and whether or not rg3 was at risk playing this game with that injury the later part of that article we talked about earlier dr. Andrews was saying I'm the one that shut him down that day of haughtily I've been a nervous wreck letting him come back as quick as he had he's doing a lot better this week but he's still recovering and I'm holding my breath because of it that's dr. Andrews right there in the trench coat and the stocking cap and simply put he was talking about Robert Griffin the third saying that he's a compromise player out there and he is still in the process of healing while this Redskins organization for the most part this season has been long on his back they tried to get themselves on his back one more time and that right he finally gave up rg3 saluted the band as he limped his way off the field put his arm around head coach then exited through the door again her presence is getting looser right now that's on the Redskins defense to the Seahawk offense is after the turnover on that snap I will Montgomery the Seahawks have it first and goal at the five up by step they run it with Lynch Jackson makes the plant is back again of water right now Joe for this defense of Washington's and down seven point and they have got to be able to come up and stop here some houses like [Applause] by Garth Donlan Seattle up by seven big day for less thirty yards and Wilson fires it through the hands of his tight end Zach Miller and now it's third and goal had a chance on Zach Miller as well a little better throw may have been able to put it on him he'll cross the goal line and Wallace sailed on big opportunity for the Seahawks already up 70 [Applause] to watch rg3 lifts off the field [Applause] [Music] like there was some contact there on gold and paid another ball that sails definitely contact I don't think it was penalty was warranted but he got inside leverage and you seated a lower ball all thrown down on the body that's a pretty easy play to make but it sails on Wilson just a little more than extra point Hauschka three for three so now let's use for game and Mike Shanin man is without his playmaker Robert Griffin the third we look ahead to next week and it's the divisional round going to see playoffs continue right here on Fox beginning Saturday the Packers taking on the 49ers in San Francisco coverage begins at 7:30 Eastern the next Sunday at noon Eastern it will be the winner of this game in Atlanta to take on the number one seeded Falcons so now the attention shifts to Kirk Cousins when you talk about the year that Kyle Shanahan and his father Mike Shanahan of that putting an offense together I think what makes it even that much more impressive is once the focus shifted away from rg3 for the end of the one game against the Ravens to start against Cleveland they went to a different land and cousins was so effective against the Browns in a win during the seven games three well it's actually a different playbook you know I mean they still have the same pass routes and things of that nature but the read option is taken out you do run more of the boots and he's more of your classic drop-back passer more so than than rt3 [Applause] five and a half to go almost lost the football I can't make the 22-yard return and here comes cut yeah and a guy who you know obviously a young player doesn't get much work during the week but he's been in this situation before you say coming off the bench the game they had to win D put himself into the playoff against Baltimore and he played exceptionally well Griffin back out to watch the rest of this belongs to Cousins a fourth round pick out of Michigan State [Applause] No what are they [Applause] fifteen yard [Music] anytime you come off the bench and you haven't thrown a ball in a while you want to get that first completion and they're able to get it with her cuts now he's wanting to know how and again just something that he doesn't get a lot of reps on during the week and it's an incomplete pass meanwhile rex grossman Bruce Irvin got the arm with cousins who ruled and complained Rex Grossman is inactive so cousins were to go down the Redskins are out of quarterback second down off the bench what a spot [Applause] what are you [Applause] grow some cousins to start his night and angrist is being covered by Marcus Trufant and you get into this situation against these corners and Brandon browner and we've seen him have a few troubles in this ball game tonight then Richard Sherman on the opposite side the tough group to throw the football again they're the cheap corners physical quarterback is keralites don't be a loss on the play will Montgomery isn't rumbling at center with the snapshot gun rg3 he's got a big body in front of them and he's trying to hit the ball snap to make a block in his acting class after he made the Robert Griffin [Music] [Applause] get it on coupon looked like got ahold of it down long before the ball got there it certainly was closed but he was beat on the play and that the play that says Santa Monica's Hatfield cap out there bad [Applause] what I know [Applause] onto the grass like a tree its fourth down and looks like they're going to lead the offense out on the field and hope for a conversion her cousins a nice dog Steven that play alive there actually was enough blockers in they brought presser largest group on being one of the Blitzers on that play but the Redskins just unable to give cousins the time that he needed fourth down and 14 that you incomplete [Applause] we couldn't block it Geron Johnson came through complete drug Johnson's with a big part of me Terrell Willis package throughout the season they bring it all third and long and something that we care has been known for throughout his career when you've got long down yard and heck the quarterback gets a hand hit the ball out quick and an excellent job there by the Seattle Seahawks defensively Gus Bradley is the defensive coordinator he was inherited by Pete Carroll was recommended by peeps longtime confidant Monte Kiffin sign one beer can regatta kappa back as turbine very therefore just Bradley high on the list of potential head coaching candidates you have to go back to 1983 the last time the Seahawks won a road playoff game they were in the AFC and they beat Miami the I quarterback dick Craig and running back through Warner 27 2002 the AFC Championship game for head coach Chuck Knox second and six all right Seahawks have lost their last eight road playoff game [Applause] along sideline I didn't see why either just her look like Barry Cole just came across earlier yeah it did he got across and look like prior to snapping there's no flag just a timeout taken by the let's give you a recap into what happened today it started out great for the Redskins we had a couple of early touchdown events Seattle went to work [Applause] with Russell Wilson a quarterback blocking Foreman Anthony gave out finally for our three two possessions ago for the Redskins it has been all Seattle it's a 14 point first quarter for Washington what do you think about the Seattle Seahawks even in that wind that they had in overtime on the road at Chicago and what they did what that game did with teams confidence and knowing that they could go on the road and come from behind and win a game for the Washington Redskins but Seahawk hung in there night they play well third down and two in exhale back [Applause] I'm out as taken by the Redskins meanwhile if you talk defense to Seattle Troy their defense has allowed just 70 yards since a lot of touchdowns in the opening drive and then the next one by Washington and they allowed 129 yards and 50 Carroll's defense and he knows what he wants big up Plus seed on the edges big secondary they led the league in points against averaging just over 15 points you're going to win a lot of games when you hold the opposition number one scoring defense in all of football is set at 15 points and what sure looks like Washington was gonna blow that out of the water when they scored on their first you know I did nothing after that point what Pete Carril John Schneider assembling this roster 284 transaction first year long has been really something a lot right we're days in a long one field goal try Wilson float fit passport and a first down to Zack Miller it's 9:30 and while there's been so much sin about 33 by Russell Wilson he is what three minutes away from a road playoff victory an impressive guide we had a chance yesterday to sit down and visit with him Pete Carroll said the day he was drafted when he showed up he carried himself as though he was the star right and he earned that job three C's and what a story he is [Applause] I stepped up field and ice pick up on first down chanting on the alligator floor and this would be the biggest comeback whether the season for Seattle and their biggest postseason come back whenever franchise history we were there week one when the Green Bay Packers hosted the San Francisco 49ers with the 49ers of different got Colin Kaepernick and a quarterback Green Bay Packers impressive last night he heard the close team interview games on Fox Saturday night 7:30 Eastern to be a great matchup you can hear the concern Aaron Rodgers had yet again for injuries they suffered on Mexico against the Vikings that wild current us a game where defensively they they did some really nice things certainly welcome Charles Woodson back but had some more guys get banged up kind of in a story of the Packers but he said a little different looking team they're out left at Colin Kaepernick second down six links back in the game [Music] Riley on the stop Washington out of timeouts they'll take us to the two-minute warning and so Pete Carril a head coach in his third year with the Seahawks his third try at it at the NFL level he's got this organization of it and on their way to a win two minutes left in what appears to be a road playoff win for the Seattle Seahawks team that came in having won five straight seven of their last day right there defense clamped down their offense Road Russell Wilson and Marshawn Lynch places back to the line of scrimmage and so now as we look ahead we know that it'll be Green Bay at San Francisco we also found melted flooring the ridiculous it will be the Seahawks at the Atlanta Falcons I know nobody wants to play the Seahawks game right now well they're red hot I mean to come in here and win a game on the road and now playing David for confidence having won a playoff game is go on the road against the number one seed Atlanta Falcons hard place to play when your team doesn't create a lot of mistakes and you play defense like Seattle does for a good formula this is a fourth down play fourth and four take it to list Wilson [Music] along the sideline that can complete fullback Michael Robinson we know the three other winners Houston reading the Bengals last night Packers took care of the Vikings earlier today the Ravens beat the Colts Ray Lewis and that great career will continue and now the Seahawks are a minute eight away the win here in Maryland I've always believed to Joe that those teams that do win in the wild-card round they're able to play a lot looser in that divisional game then the seams that had to buy and so this Seattle team having guts the jitters out of them in this one I think they'll go into Atlanta and quite pretty loose was there to save the day for Seahawks fans in Seattle and secure the deal in 1997 and while they were a division winner a couple of years ago this team is on the upswing and at the beginning of what you have to believe Wilson and Lynch in the good draft last they had it being good for years to come yeah I think both these Kings really I mean they're so similar and what they have and how they play the game and completes the morning seattle mike shanahan his third season here in washington the realty this year as we know is that both of those coaches found their franchise quarterback so Seattle obviously goes on next week and this Redskins organization has a lot to be proud of and a lot to build on with our d3 and Alfred Morris interestingly both head coaches took over in 2010 whatever here's draft picks for left tackles both of the Pro Bowlers this year is caught a third down by boss for Washington but life's good as a head coach when you have a franchise quarterback you just have to hope for the Redskins but that is not his lingering serious issue to the right knee of rg3 after what we saw earlier in this quarter fourth down and five Canton will get repulsive and the Seahawks will take over with 35 seconds left in Carroll who gave it a try with the Jets gave it a try with New England two times in the playoffs of the Patriots is going to get a win here I get that skying upset at home over the state couple of years ago but this has a different feel to it at least in my opinion they have every reason to believe they can get all the way to New Orleans in the Super Bowl well Pete Carroll even said of it back in 2010 even when they wanted home in the wild-card round against the sancti knew that they were a long way from being a good football team the lockout he feels really hurt them last year but this year a young team a great draft plan phenomenal season by Russell Wilson Seattle Seahawks can be around dr. Wilson yesterday said I'm not nervous at all I'm never nervous when I'm prepared and he said ignore the noise and Erin Andrews said at the beginning of the day two good friends Carol on Mike Shanahan come together in his field there's plenty of noise here early but it's Russell Wilson and the Seahawks that come on the road and get the win over the Redskins we'll take a break come back here for more as the Seahawks are moving on next up the Falcons next back after this the players came together in midfield at the end of this game Richard Sherman of the Seahawks at Trent William to the Redskins got into it and that's the way this game and this day ends in Maryland Sherman and the Seahawks are moving on here's today's player of the game brought to you by KFC Marshawn Lynch 19 carries 131 yards a touchdown his 11th 100 yard day of the season the Seahawks their biggest comeback this season and their biggest in their playoff history if you don't bring KFC to your couch gate you're not showing up you're showing down studio coming up ten point when 24 unanswered points Seahawks headed to Atlanta
Channel: Bart Simpson
Views: 255,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 127min 2sec (7622 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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