2012 Redskins @ Rams

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rg3 you are the man wait for a year for something like this it is fun who would have thought getting knocked on your butt and throw a touchdown would start a phenomenon like [Music] Robert Griffin the third his coach said it's only one game but he has set the bar high hey whoever you are get out of the way everybody wants to see rg3 but the Rams have won the toss and they will receive so Sam Bradford also a Heisman Trophy winner will leave the Rams and you look at him up front Chris they you know they get their running backs and Steven Jackson's the bell cow for sure but I think the big story is up front when you look at their offensive line and Roger Southold who had a significant neck injury last week against the Detroit Lions is playing today and don't need him against those outside linebackers and all the pressure they're going to see from the Washington Redskins one on the rock emotional boost to have Roger sample back Billy Cundiff will kick off 9 kickoff six were touch backs last week in the win over New Orleans down at the Superdome where Mike Shanahan won his third consecutive opening game as head coach of the Redskins at Jeff Fischer 13 and 6 against first-year quarterbacks and a tough loss on the road in Detroit they led all but eight minutes of that game we were talking to Jeff the other day and he said he was getting all these texts from friends after the Detroit game and say hey great job man way to battle get he said no it's not it wasn't a great job we lost we had an opportunity to win the game and we gave it up with ten seconds to go so he will that's he raced he hit the delete button these guys cranked up focus ready to go today and Kris Givens the rookie back to return so Game two Redskins rampant here in st. Louis and the condom chick goes through the end zone Rams come out on offense from the 20-yard line and his defense up front Steven ballin X cowboy Co field annex giant and character and X Rams and that's where it all starts with those three guys inside defending the run and they really want to you know set the point at the line of scrimmage and let those outside linebackers set the edge and force it all back inside to a great player and don't minimize it a great player in London Fletcher on the backend DeAngelo Hall playing some nickel corner we'll see him get into the slot today when they get into their three corners threat skins defense was terrific last week against New Orleans San Francisco is completed and that is Danny Amendola the football picking up a little running for the Redskins who's Josh Wilson Washington with the defensive touchdown a takeaway in school on the first play from scrimmage they knocked it out twice last week here's Danny Amendola he's going to cut back inside oh and that ball Perry Riley with his right hand as Danny Amendola was getting tackled from his legs watch Perry Riley 56 coming here with his right hand right there and punch that football out that's a clear fumble and it's going to end up being a touchdown defense was all over the field last week against Drew Brees in the Saints did a couple of interceptions of fumbling run back for Josh Wilson and the extra point makes it seven to nothing and they wanted to get dammit Danny Amendola the ball in space let him get out there early make a play and he's doing it all the way till the end looks like London Fletcher was down on his legs top on them and then Perry Riley just perfect with the right hand punching the ball out Josh Wilson picks it up and walks into the end zone basically Rams have lost their last five home openers and Washington remember last year started to an L a fast start in Game two Jim Haslett once the coordinator and interim head coach for the Rams running the show on the defense and we were talking to Haslett yesterday and I covered a lot of games Chris where he's the defensive coordinator collectively I I don't think I've ever seen the defense OnPoint as a group as they were last week against the New Orleans Saints they were 61 for 61 in terms of tackling the game still about blocking and tackling they defended the blockers and they made all the tackles didn't miss one Josh Wilson his first career fumble returned for a touchdown his sixth career touchdown and picked up the loose football ran 30 yards Robert Griffin the third hasn't taken the field yet and his team has assembled a nothing lead Isaiah feed now back to try and return a Billy Cundiff kick fall off the tee so they'll reset it there is the Heisman Trophy winner from Baylor and ready for his second NFL game [Music] what a crusher for the st. Louis Rams emotionally to start the game lights out and nobody feels worse than Danny Amendola [Music] [Applause] excellent special teams play by Denny Smith Redskins bottling them up as DeAngelo Hall who was all over the field in the slot from his corner position last week also playing special teams and making the big play here's what I anticipate seeing from the st. Louis Rams today against that lethal defense you're going to see a lot of the spread attack which means hit near tight end and the regular person out routines out away from the line of scrimmage hit one of those linebackers walking out on him we see right there with Brian Paragon [Music] complete there's a flag on the play Azam Mandela gets across the 16-yard look and character is down on the goal the former RAM first-round draft pick of the Redskins in pain catch made no first down flag down and checking the injury it's already a lot going on here with just two plays from scrimmage and what we just saw it early first down throws is what we're going to see in this game we've already seen two of them boulders down defense number 23 [Applause] look like his knee gave out on him as he was trying to push the offensive guard back the right knee just gave way for Adam character holding on the Redskins so the Rams will have a first down would we continue Southwest Airlines Thunder fares online-only as Southwest calm 28 year-old Adam character on the defensive line helped off the field so Kendrick gulstan number 64 takes his spot up front Rams get a first down on the hole from the Angelo Hall the defensive home they spot the ball 13 yard line stephen jackson death Salmonella in motion [Applause] once he was out back to head touch the flag wonder Fletcher just really then Amador three plays three plat passes from the Rams and here comes London Fletcher Danny Amendola actually was had not stepped out of bounds for so foul he was in the air for 59 when London Suns are hit Emily goes down and when London Fletcher left his feet to hit Danny Amendola Danny Amendola was still in bounds jumping in the air he had never touched anything out of bounds by the time London Fletcher made contact with him at age 37 we all play like the 27 year old youth do you think he would know and after the 12 yard pick up the penalty of 15 it's a 27 yard gain for the Rams up to the 41 yard line first in time trailing seven Oklahoma turtle another quick draw before you might lose a half a yard as a rock whoa steps out together for fast passes from the st. Louis Rams clearly trying to get Sam Bradford into a rhythm get those defensive linemen for the Washington Redskins running a little bit and here it's Brian Iraq Bowen that's what I was talking about about the spread sets getting that outside linebacker out in coverage and this is just outstanding from Brian Orosco one on one with a guy in Danny Amendola that becomes a punt returner in space no chance why Gibbons to the right leads the speedball fingertip ring inside the 45 in the Redskins for a first down a gain of 16 would have throw and would a catch right in between two defenders and Danny Amendola who already lost the fumble and I know is sick over it mentally and emotionally makes a big play and a very nice catch to cross midfield pick up the first down Bradford four for four as along you can understand why they're going with the five seven Siamese last year from the Washington and played these ramps here they faked the run again Radford floats it Jimmy's away at the last moment an excellent defensive way by de John gone starting at safety for Brandon Meriweather who the Redskins hope we'll be back next week and that's another way Chris that you try to protect yourself from the pass rushers as you move to pocket you get Sam Bradford using his legs moving out on the edge and he just took a chance to give it to Sarah who is well covered by to John go though some sucks in their last career high for Sandra Furness Brian Schottenheimer calling the offensive closes the fifth straight year these two teams are biting each other they split so far why Canada [Music] complete sit down at his meetings miss daddy [Music] it'll be Thursday Sam Bradford is not happy to have Danny amico back has his security blanket he was injured in the opener last year with the elbow missed the entire season nice job by Sam seeing the inside pressure come London but Fletcher came up inside so Sam's got to get on his horse and use his legs get out to the edge let's see there's that in character in some ice on that right man third down and three up from the 37 Sam Bradford but in the affirmative oxygen they've hit the run spell default control passing game and crossing routes versus this man coverage is outstanding as he said Rick Griffin who just has no chance at the line of scrimmage Danny Amendola as quick as a hiccup and I'm telling you don't get your hands on a net the line of scrimmage on those shallow crossing routes there's no way you're going to be able to keep up with his quickness six catches for 52 yards a graph of life he's riding monsters on Hayes in a ball by Steven Jackson first one of the day for the lands that Jackson down the sideline to the 50 [Applause] the first run of the game it's all clogged up at the point of attack down Steven Jackson's got a bouncing look at him run right through that tackle attempt by London Fletcher we're tight as Jimmy Haslett said they they didn't miss a tackle against New Orleans clearly and they've already missed one in this game very good game plan and in terms of play not the same arm by Brian shot not walkest run for Jack City at 29 carries last week that was a 14 yard tobacco for the end zone Brendan Jepsen [Applause] [Music] Wilson who picked up the fumble ran ahead for a touchdown was back there covering with Brandon Gibson Gibson's going to work it in and then go to the corner that's a nice throw by Sam Bradford there's one foot down hard to tell if the right tone was able to tap and bounce left foot down right toe tap might be worth a shower that's definitely got to be a challenge and as you know if it's not called a touchdown the head coach he's got to throw his challenge flag they can slow it down freeze frame it in HD but no challenge yeah come to flag and second oh well and maybe an opportunity with the flag to get a better look if you're Jeff Fisher Hall start offense number 79 five yard penalty remains second half you got to pick about challenging this no challenge it is on the big screen and the fence here in st. Louis want a challenge see if any part of the left foot is on the stripe it's in now the right toe then look like it tapped in is now that would have been worth the challenge for sure hums Island return if you take a closer look second and 50 top running in Santa's warning ran second possession on the opening kickoff the captain fumbles Amendola run back by Josh Wilson and that's how Washington has the seven to nothing lead in five minutes got here in the first quarter and Robert Griffin the third has yet to get on the food ten plays two runs from Brian Schottenheimer as you see the play selection right there you know what this team the Redskins they weren't even touched it last week by the Saints in the whole game Chris it was ten runs in the football game from the world from the 1410 and Lance Kendricks which way up to the hut record the ballot solution the rounds recovered Rogers sample picks it up got it and forced the fumble on Bradford and Saffold who was taken away on a stretcher last week and suffered a neck injury and had a miraculous recovery to be at practice he is down on the field that it looks like a rock bo is hurting as well an Iraq beau if you remember had a shoulder injury in training camp oh I feel bad for Roger Southall oh my goodness Iraq pose first sack of the season Rams facing a fourth down here in st. Louis answered by Bud Light the official beer of NFL fans here we go first quarter in st. Louis Rogers saffle being helped off the field limping number the neck injury last week last year a pectoral injury and Brian Iraq beau who had his first sack of the year over on the Redskins sideline got to feel offer fawful for Roger South home I mean he can't get a break that's his buzzards lucknow field goal try 39 yards on fourth and 16 Greg Searle I'm the rookie from missouri western state it's about five hours west of here will line up and 5 to get the Rams on the board I still think no touchdown a dancer is where the challenge last week and this kid he's local [Applause] and put up three 905 remaining here in the opening quarter and we're gonna see Robert Griffin the third with a seven three event introducing a stunning work of technology the entirely new lexus d s by AT&T the nation's largest 4G network AT&T rethink possible and by Geico 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance [Music] Rodgers sampled injured one of the three offensive lineman for the Rams who were hurt last week and that's Brian Iraq whoa checking his shoulder his pads are off and you see Adam character sitting next to him who went out with the right knee injury on the defensive line so so with the Redskins ending 73 in the speedy Brandon banks [Applause] and here is the second pick in the overall draft he will not have the air Garson who is inactive today with a foot injury he will have his big boys up front no question about that mean you live Alfred Morris 28 carries last week Joshua Morgan now stepping in alderic Robinson I can see Fred Davis having a big day the offensive line though Chris really makes these guys go talk about Trent Williams who's a fantastic town of Wilma great at center last week Nikki when James Laurinaitis brings him down once he gets across the 25 yard line RAM defense still without their number one pick Michael Crocker's the tackle from LSU huge challenge for this group up from the defensive tackles with all the combinations own blocks are gonna have to stay on their feet and penetrate the defensive ends trying to contain Robert Griffin the third much upgraded at the linebacker position back in the secondary Jinora Jenkins I gotta tell you from [Applause] again it's out with Morris and this time a lot of Skrillex jinora's Jenkins the rookie coming from his former spot he's an outstanding cover man but when I noticed it and watch engine auras Jenkins in the preseason and then last week is this tech will hit you now he would come up in you in love and anytime your plan that's really trying to get out on the they're stretched playing the running back [Applause] the game is popular we'll check two on the side he hold on a midfield Albert Robinson making the grab and going to the turf first down Albrecht Robinson the start for pierre garcon had a touchdown in short inches last week and a good throw will beat good coverage in that throw was better than the cupboards hit that ball hit the ground and whoa possession that's the [Applause] after a gain of 12 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in space is wrong well we know Joel on Dunbar 10 run here he is 58 this is a plan run by Robert Griffin the third let's watch number 58 the outside linebacker don't go far just have enough juice to run with a guy who's a world-class athlete you can get acapella not a set the [Applause] second and four defects he flips and completes [Applause] the Giants of bucket Eric Patrick O'Neal well we have another miracle at the Meadowlands Andre Brown filling in for an injured Ahmad Bradshaw will the Bucks let him score 2 yard touchdown last chance for Josh Freeman trying to hit Dallas Park bad pass picked off by Michael Boley Giants out school the Bucks in the fourth twenty five to seven this attend incredible game it's there rg3 in the arms of Robert Wayne I want you to watch the hand worth of Robert Quinn as he comes around the corner on Trent Williams watch number 94 hit the hands down wet right there did the ability to dip that shoulder and turn the corner and get on Robert Griffin basically by the time he hit the last step in his drop really impressive and they'll need that speed out on the [Applause] look what last week that was close Daniel Anana toward the center [Applause] 54-yard punt at a 21-yard return and Robert win his second sector the season loss for that young man as he gets Brian Iraq beau getting his pants back on but out of the game for the moment as Rob Jackson number 50 comes in at that outside linebackers spot and Wayne hunter the former jet slips in at left tackle to replace Roger sample hunter 72 a Steven Jackson is the back Rams with excellent field position from the 30 like what why do you Sam Bradford [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's check in again with Patrick O'Neil part of the rope all right thanks Ashley fourth-quarter comeback to beat Cleveland caps off a nine play 80-yard Drive 1:43 remaining in a fourth in thanks Patrick Carolina the Saints he sung as the Giants over Tampa Bay and how about the Arizona carpals option again Patriots in doing when incredible at seven papads their starting quarterback today Patrick's 12 and guess here shorter the first with Danny Amendola are just a short of the 45-yard line it will bring up San Fran firt knows they've got to be in the third manageable today you get into the third and Long's and we'll consider third longer third and 6 plus that's when guys like Brian Iraq Poe who's coming back in the game can pin their ears back and really rush the passer you get in the third manageable third and six our last year whole play books over they were in 36 bucks last week press seven times against the Detroit Lions L and converted now only two rushing attempts tied Darren Richardson number 26 the rookie from Abilene Christian checks into the game Hut forty-two for the sunbonnets that does not look like a favorable spot and I thought at first glance that he had enough to get the first it looked like the ball was where the ball is when he goes out of Bounce and it looked like he had the ball up over the first down marker no hesitation here on northen short the punting team for Jeff Fisher his rookie place kicker Greg Suhr line has been terrific so his rookie putter whose first snap in the NFL II a difficult handling but got the kickoff but a nice job last week Becker a quarterback in high school capable of Troy [Applause] random banks what is it well into the end zone Robert Griffin the third after the 53-yard punt will take over it but one spot there Richardson clearly before anything touch that bounds that ball Joshua Morgan across the 32-yard line Robert Flynn who was in on the plan dimension after the sack a terrific story Tim that the Robert wit was a was the first round traffic on a North Carolina last year as a teenager was having blackouts found out he was suffering from a brain tumor yeah and and finally when he blacked out for the umpteenth time he said it was time to check out go check it out and he was in surgery the next today [Applause] about story Meister part of that tumor in his brain Travis Alfred Morris carries Chris long on the planned and Robert Quinn the doctors told forget about playing football you could be brain dead it's that serious but after surgery in the proper medical attention and alert parents he is healthy and thankfully said I know an account my blessing every day that somebody up there is looking out for me yeah really a medical miracle as you said from sip in Brandon he'll never play sports to getting cleared and going back to Russell this guy was an upstanding wrestler you can see nudes part of his men but second down seven purchase order for 35 Robert Griffin his arm and has to get rid of it excellent question Joe does and is doing some talking up to well and they're keeping him in the pocket we've already seen one sack by Robert Quinn giving a little chippy out there where Robert Griffin was in the pocket minimun there as well and Chris lon watch the bulrush the power rush by Chris long to get push so now as the head pressure comes there's nowhere for Robin everybody to step up the flags wrong that's its water intentional grounding 10-yard penalty glancing down Rams were arguing on that last row that he was not out well if you're going to throw the ball away inside the pocket which he is here in the pockets tackle the tackle there's got to be a receiver in the vicinity it doesn't have to get back to the line of scrimmage like it does when you're outside the pocket but there's got to be a white out in the vicinity there's nobody nobody there and then yeah nobody even close so Jeff Fisher's defensive game plan on third and 17 seems to have rg3 a bit off his game early I think we've seen a little bit of everything from Jeff alyssachris we've seen three-man lines dropping eight guys back we've seen pressure 75 76 coverage keep it up and plumbing and make the top over for the first down forever Griffin the third on the Diekman go on the lines across the 35 yard line falling and sliding and here comes a flat and there's a pushin and shovin going on Flagg is unbelievably late [Applause] mike shanahan in the middle of that at 860 he some sure said respect your elders [Applause] and they could be throwing the flag on Robert Griffin because he was i bouncing sweat on his own it came unbelievably late and Jeff Fisher knows I mean Robert Griffin was already down on the sidelines the scrum started and then the official came from way back on the defensive threw the flag [Applause] pension file defense laid out of bounds he did not give a number that Sims that hits him from behind that a Robert Griffin is going to go down he actually hits someone on the stripes over there the flag still has not come out he's not out of 102 that's a terrible call after a run of ten yards at a 15 yard penalty its first down with a let's go [Applause] inside the 35 [Music] the waffle things from the referees I mean clearly that was a bad spot on the sideline for Darrell Richards questionable call in the cold very questionable I thought it was a questionable call on London Fletcher's late hit on Danny Amendola who am I still in bounds when London left his feet to hit him and that one never she's not a better kind of so in a Citroen traffic picked up six [Applause] the $25 [Applause] Alfred Louis from flora and linic the Owls all-time leading rusher a 27-yard and once the lame they get for him to get the kick out block here and then get the offensive linemen up on James Laurinaitis you see there's the kick-out on Chris law then you get your offensive guard Chris Chester number seven sixty six keys me on James Laurinaitis and there's a big [Applause] Morris who started forth on [Applause] has moved on up as the starter Rangi six arts and a couple of touchdowns last week here's our team three [Applause] who is able to race with us [Applause] language got on the air but Hashanah ends it may be a white light midnight news here Robert Griffin say he's leading with his helmet I thought I heard Robert Griffin say that Robert when you cross the line of scrimmage as a runner players can lead with their helmets now they can't launch they can't spear they can't put their head down but when you become a runner crossing the line of scrimmage you're going to get hit with with the defense's helmet second down six Alfred Morris remains the bat Hankerson and wide receivers morris carries [Applause] turn yahwah all coming out at the end there Craig go but it was whistled down but feisty first quarter injuries guys getting after each other the fun will run back for a touchdown by Josh Wilson Greg Suhr line field goal Danny Amendola has been all over the field with seven catches for Jeff fish's team but he also had the public three receivers on the left side on third and two [Applause] jinora's Jenkins with excellent coverage on Leonard Hankerson and there's a flag back at the 16 yard line [Applause] personal foul unnecessary roughness on the defense in the 94 [Applause] the call is on Robert Quinn Ram defensive end I'd like to see the national families we got the number this time from referee Wayne Eliot and Jeff Fisher's probably wondering the same thing Jeff's looking up on that the jumbotron here and getting a look at the play but the Redskins have been able to take advantage its first and goal from the five splits up to the right Thank You Celeste this is where the speed of robbery misdirection stuffin him out on with two titles that's a touchdown for RTT [Applause] his first career rushing touchdown after he had such a spectacular debut last week throwing a couple of touchdown pass and his speed just kills you on the edge and in Portland Finnegan gets help big time their bike Niles Paul but the speed of Robert Griffin the third once he gets you outflanked and create any type of leverage for himself he just got too much juice you're not going to stay with a very good play ball with the extra points rg3 as good as advertised when it came time to get it into the endzone Ram fans upset with the penalties on this drive as the rookie from Baylor 6 to 215 takes it in you know it's funny he was telling us the ball he likes to run with the ball travels faster and farther through the air actually his favorite play and as you said he loves to run but he loves to play action stuff and you got to get your run game going you got to get the defense thinking run and then he's very good with those face and then loves and turn around and and pop it to his wide receivers with his arm you like the RAM offensive approach so far I do I think it's the way you do it I think you got to keep the Redskins off-balance I think you got to spread them out I think you got to go fast pass with Sam Bradford you got to keep him upright and healthy especially now Chris with Roger Sapp hold out of the game if there's one thing we know the Redskins can do is they can send pressure from everywhere with those outside linebackers and those inside linebackers so I expect more of the same it's going to be run run spread him out fast pass to Sam Bradford to keep him out of harm's way and the Rams trailing by 11 points that had happened at a hurry obviously the touchdown after the fumble but then Robert Griffin the third being able to add to that well I think the Rams are playing hard for sure and the wave of emotion has not kept them down like historically it would have but I also think they've missed some opportunities the challenge in the end zone that I thought they should have challenged in certainly the bad spot by the official Billy Cundiff boots [Applause] analysis so the RAM office at the 20 that was an 80-yard Drive pumping ten plays in just over four minutes and they're so push it and shove them down there and two personal fouls kept it going on the drive the late hit on Robert Griffin the third and then the personal foul on Robert Quinn down near the goal line the new AP rankings coming out Saturday college football on Fox we hope you join us kick it off at the Fox College Saturday pregame show then the couple of unbeaten teams clash 15 ranked Kansas State in Norman to take on the Oklahoma Sooners were Sam Bradford East deployed 6th ranked it's the big 12 opener for both teams 70s during for Pacific on Fox 19 seconds to go here but in Portland Stephen Jackson Karen's fighting Bob for a ram first down and that should bring an end to the opening quarter a quarter lit up with penalty flags and a touchdown run from Robert Griffin the third following a Josh Wilson return of a fumble for a score the end of the opening quarter in st. Louis the Redskins lead the Rams 14 to 3 starting the second quarter the Rams trailing 14 three first and ten from their own 32 yard line stephen jackson with a caravan into his old man another push down over the web at the 42-yard line each team by the way with three penalties called on both the Rams and yeah and each team trying to add a little insult to injury when they get it down what's this on Robert Griffin the third Johan Dunbar Jim and his head and ground a little bit Rams our goals in its quick hurry up no huddle as they get to the line even Illinois opportunity attempts against the Mexico here comes a flag and that kills you on second and all start offense number 62 five-yard penalty remains second down one of the dangers of trying to run the no-huddle when you have an offensive line it's been reshuffled that was on the veteran Barbie doll [Applause] don't see the what makes Scott wells the pro-bowl Center injured last week was my rock Turner the 17s tonight 600 [Applause] [Music] Pinterest to those skins fans without Dallas would play at Seattle not a great start until this Tony Romo ladies it up Miles Austin that would be confirmed that touchdown right now the score Seattle ten Eggs Benedict and Lido home to the line something Sam Bradford said he thought they would have more of last week against Detroit on first and ten Jackson there may be a 1-yard loss Ryan Kerrigan making the time I love the no-huddle for a variety of reasons to be honest with you number one it gets the quarterback into a rhythm number two it really sterilizes the defensive coordinator on all of his scheme calls and we know there's a lot of scheme with the Washington Redskins and thirdly it gets these pass rushers breathing pardon get some tired second at 11 she was finishing release it incomplete and Stephen Bolin applying the pressure and that's about the longest Sam Bradford went in the pocket has held the ball we nutballs been coming out in about two seconds and Stephen Bowen dish destroys Quinto Janaka here number 72 look at that power oh my goodness he just fakes outside now Quinto Janaka just got back to his cutting training camp and he just got bulldozed by Stephen Bowen a third down tester Bradford who said we've got answers for every defensive gravity they draw it is Shady [Applause] that's a first down inside the holy and if you're gonna play zone against Sam Bradford who can stand in the pocket and stand tall at 6'5 those zones are going to break down if you don't get pass rocks and they are just picking apart these zone defenses being deployed by Jim Haslett defensively for the Redskins Gibson was the star last week with four catches of a touchdown after again a naughty why not [Music] and London Fletcher had a shot at the deflection that he was zeroing it the receiver well you just knew it was a matter of time as I was just talking about all the zone defenses and just rushing for guys that Jim has it was going to dial up some pressure in that time I think it was just great anticipation thinking that Sam Bradford was been trying to move out of the pocket and they sent the safety off via to Jean don't get rid of the ball keeping it away from the rich good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 17 of what kristef talked about the pressure for the Redskins they also like to run Flint's and then get caught here look at the left here screen 59 London Fletcher coming on a blitz runs the right side Stephen Jackson there's a gaping hole because of the Blitz for Stephen to pick up another big chunky yard and when you said it was a 20 yard game would you told Jeff Fisher you know Jim hassel he's gonna bring it Fisher smiled said luring it bring it bring it we got answers so far they've had some answers Darrell Richards so the rookie checks in waiting lucky lucky blue any luck and complete that was for the rookie Brian quick six-foot-three the second round draft choice from Appalachian State a big target for Bradford this is the area of the field Jimmy has that will bring pressure all over the place but especially when they get their backs to the wall you know down in their own territory in the red zone pressures to make not water back get rid of the ball quick tenth play of this Drive [Applause] why McGee you Williams you let they come up from the safety spot get that offensive line some credit and it doesn't matter if it's been Steven Jackson or Darrell Richards in there with his first carry their run in about eight or nine yards a clip and the Rams Brian Schottenheimer the offensive coordinator said when Steven Jackson needs a break that's when we want to go to Richardson he reminds us a little bit of a Stephens absolutely pristine Chris about it as Isaiah need was their second round pick and getting the lady back there Richardson basically beat about training camp for playing time would rapid words pop girl first got inside the five Danny [Music] ix catch of the game I just don't know how do you cover Danny haven't going ashore he is a Wes Welker clone D'Angelo has got his eyes peeking in the backfield because they're in a former zone defense but Danny Amendola when he sticks that foot in the ground and makes his break first engulfed in the Steven Jackson Van Halen ranch let's get city motion - an odd Steven Jackson so their goal on the but for the safety spot to make sure that six to frame of Jackson didn't watch forward anymore well you got to give the rounds a lot of credit mentally and emotionally the blocking up front seating Jackson this one's over the Sun zone that ball looked like it may across the plains before his knee was actually done very close but Jeff Fisher has got these guys cranked up now and you know over the last couple of years if they get into this position start of the game the way they did mentally may be in trouble not anymore with Jeff Fisher calling the shots the Rams have called a timeout our Chevy runs deep by Burger King in our delicious new line of salad wraps and by taken 2 starring Liam Neeson the man with a particular set of skills is back t play on his drive for the ran six runs six Rhodes trailing by 11 here in the second quarter Lance Kendrick for tight end has not been targeted yet when wound up at the left side Stephen Jackson scandal roll [Applause] as he left over Rams have already lost one fumble in this game that would return for a touchdown but Josh Wilson Kerrigan came up with the football and abducts belong to the Redskins Ryan Kerrigan with the recovery for Mike Shanahan Steve look at London Fletcher just flying over the top oh no his left elbow is down that's not a fumble left elbow is down by Stephen Jackson that is not a fumble Jeff Fisher hesitant to challenge he still got that ball in his off the flag from Jeff Fisher you got a challenge down absolutely Jeff Fisher did just challenge the balls in his right arm possess secure when that whole left elbow and left arms down on the ground Stephen Jackson had it right he said he was down it was second and goal after Jackson ran it inside the one now he was clearly down before that ball started to move and come loose ruled a fumble on the field recovery Ryan Kerrigan biggest play is under review it's worth pointing out that there are opportunities for the Rams to challenge here though but every turnover is reviewed automatically efficient well really a bunch of errors here by the head coach Jeff Fisher which is uncommon number one you said it turnovers are automatically reviewed so he wasted a challenge throwing the challenge flag but on top of that in reality by the NFL rule book he should have been penalized for throwing a challenge flag on a play that's automatically reviewed upstair that would be a 15 yarder and these guys are already going out each other even during a review Rams and Redskins they're not the same division but for the fifth straight year they have played each other and there is some carryover let's take another look at the boy he hooks down the arm is is clearly down he still got possession of the ball this is not a fumble but now do you might call the fumble it automatically goes upstairs for review but they weren't reviewing it so Fisher does he get penalized either way for he throws the challenge one like I said I think it's a multitude of errors both from the officials in and from coach Fisher which is very unusual for him you got a fired-up crown you got two hungry teams and you got an official let his have his hands full not only throw on the flag but summer weather view the player was down by contact at the one whether we sit around well if the goal is to get it right and you know what these guys these replacement guys are doing the best that they can but that's how complicated the nfo rules can be in trying to make decisions in a matter of seconds I don't think they got any chance consistently to get it right like they need to so it is third and goal Rams keep the football and Mike Shanahan doesn't like that after he's so Ryan Kerrigan come out of there with a football he might be arguing what you said that you challenged something that's not challengeable you get a 15-yard penalty and that would take the rest back to the 16 yard line and I think that's what they're talking about right now the referees are huddling up and there are folks here that are consulting with these guys to make sure they get it right on the sidelines guys that know the rulebook in and out Howard Sliven the replay made them you know and that's what mike shanahan Gellin he threw his flag but if it's an error by the official or at least it incorrect on the 16 at the corner eligible so tie and sucky puts it back up we all saw it that's the bikes and 14 play of this Drive and a little lot of drama we got the official signal in time not down here on the sidelines the crowd was antsy they're making shorts third down we had a play on the Arizona Seattle game last week where they lost track of downs none of that would have ever happened if they would have just immediately gone upstairs to Revere like they're supposed to on the side [Applause] no signal Exodus another example and despite the football in frustration [Applause] hello man where's my condo office on the 39:15 [Applause] Jackson thought he had scored wasn't called a touchdown and spiked the ball in frustration well he up under London Fletcher again and he's driving himself into the endzone let's look at the bottom of the pile and there's no way you can tell at least from this angle whether or not Stephen Jackson crossed the plate or not now there the ball is across the plane and his knees were not down and I think the last search by the Redskins look at the ball but if you're Stephen Jackson spiking the football is the last thing you want to do cost your team yardage not just yardage the opportunity first you know points now they got to settle for Greene I'm along we've been talking about the Rams where it seems like years now they got to get touchdowns not field goals when they get down in scoring position 33 yard field goal try the rookie Brett sirloin who was not missed this year once again is upset and so is Steven Jackson Rams only get three on a hoax call it to go on the Redskins leading in st. Louis 14 to 6 a Chevrolet from kickoff to the last yard Chevy runs deep a lot with tip ryuk chrismyers and hope you're enjoying the NFL on Fox Jeff Fischer and Mike Shanahan have had their hands full with some feisty teams and some officiate five penalties on the land straight on the Redskins Cup the turnovers by the Rams from a trail 14 six Robert Griffin the third has attempted four passes in these run field times the Rams have got the football pick some random pants now let's kids come out til it's one of yardline we welcome in our Fox rules analyst from the command center Mike Pereira and Mike you help us with some clarification I'll tell you here's clarification you really need to get the regular reps back on the field because the the things are not getting enforced properly Jeff Fischer cannot throw the challenge flag on that play because it's automatically looked at by the replay official upstairs that's the new rule that all plays that are ruled the turnover a fumble recovered by the defense automatically becomes reviewable so they somehow let him get away with that and a spike in the in-zone with that ball 20 things are happening in this game that are just not good first and 10 Robert - Santana boys like go ahead if you wanted to finish your degree with your mic on everything he just said by the way you know I mean it's it's really I mean I am I understand what's going on here but you have to look at some of the games and some of the things today and say you know we just need to make some progress here on both sides and get this thing closer to a resolution because that first quarter that we've had in your game just was not good like I want to ask you if Fisher doesn't see them reviewing the turnover does he have an option but let's run this on second down as the pitch goes to Alfred Mass he is brought down by Courtland Finnegan so what about it Mike he has no option the fact that it was ruled to turn over ruled a fumble ruled recovered by the defense means he has no option whatsoever it's just like a scoring play if it's ruled the score you cannot challenge that I mean that's that's where the official upstairs to the side and it's a 15-yard penalty no matter where you throw it thank you Mike for clarifying as best you put one on this on third and seven we Robert Griffin the third floats one short underneath the Joshua Morgan it does a nice job to get the first down the athleticism of Robert Griffin the third just so nonchalantly Chris long was right behind him I mean reaching wrapping cloth by his fingernail trying to get on Robert Griffin the third as you watch here long is going to run the corner and does a great job they're trying to keep Griffin in the pocket but watch as he reaches out it looks like he just britain's got a finger ottoman and Robert because he's got such outstanding skills and quickness doesn't even think about the guy behind him trying to bring him down first time he has a touchdown the one in this game he's set to throw and going deep down the middle of the field and he's gotten Leonard Hankerson for a touchdown no Griffin but he threw a beautiful pass for 68 yards in a store there is a flag in the end zone he beats jinora's Jenkins like the drum and a little stutter and stop and look at the the gap of separation perfect throw by Robert Griffin the third and did he go down on his own in the end zone that's going to be the question and what the penalty was what a great throw to a wide open Leonard Hankerson looks like he just picked up his flag because it looked like the the actual hit by generous Jenkins knocked Hankerson to the ground and automatically scoring plays confirm as Billy conduct comes on many extra point [Applause] and now it's 21 to 6 Washington for Hankerson his first career touchdown reception that's the third career touchdown toss for Griffin the third [Music] no receiver that caught a pass and ran it into the end zone for a touchdown they had to last week and Leonard Hankerson on another one but the flag thrown and then picked up he clearly scored but there was a bit more celebration than normal body and he went down at first and I don't think it was on his own so he picked the plaque up but they said it ended up calling Aflac later when he celebrated with his teammate went to the ground Chris Gibbons watches the back of the end zone the Rams come out to the 20-yard line it's been an eventful first half and while the Redskins get touchdowns the Rams wind up with field goals this week baseball's postseason battle continues the National League wild card will crazy Braves and Phillies among the teams you'll see the Dodgers in the mix particles are in the hunt as well Fox saturday baseball this week at 3:30 Eastern 12:30 Pacific and in Washington gather buzzing about Robert Griffin the third but not only Stephen Strasburg but Bryce Harper first place Washington Nationals will see them on the postseason when they pin back in in Washington what eight years first opportunity for a little postseason baseball play Darrell Richards on the back grab food fetch to him his door and he stuck some of the 25 of Washington he already has ten captions and that of 56-yard catching Karen what did he tell us the other day that he was agitated the whole team was agitated at having lost to the Detroit Lions and the fire was burning out on the practice field all week long Danny Amendola is showing up big time Jim hasn't got to find an answer for him you cannot play zone coverage it appears in this game against Danny Amendola because he's going to window-shop when I say that he's going to find the open windows he's going to be right there for his quarterback Sam Brannan Richardson carries Riskin to write their form Rob Jackson who came in for a PO who was out for a while and then came back Redskins playing without Adam character upfront who suffered the knee injury in the Rams on the offensive line or missing Rodgers saffle who went down with an injury well I got to give the offensive line some credit I thought they played well last week against the Lions this is a whole different animal with this three down four linebacker front they're playing against 69 they're Quinto Janaka he was just brought back he's having a heck of a game in the run blocking look almond ala with his first 100-yard receiving game in his career on second and ten Richardson comes out to the left as a receiver a spread amount breath which throw that's another catch and Amendola very much like wes welker you mentioned they went to Texas Tech the same College but not at the same time and they communicate to each other and he told us Walker I studied his videotape when he was at Tech and then I watched him closely and we meet up in the offseason and often discuss this position he still watches him now even Wes Welker as a pro a lot of similarities with those two guys and it turns to their quickness and out of their shortage to intermediate rocks back at way through the name for Sam Bradford the first doc kept inside the 10 Lance Kendricks with his first grant would again I sent an earlier Chris he had not even been targeted in this game Lance Hendrix and they get no hands-on I mean nothing on the tight end you get it tied in lose on the line of scrimmage of free release which means you don't hit him at all he just ran right to the middle part of that open zone that boy in Sam Bradford found the pitch and catch 14 yard and first and goal for the Rams at the 8 yard line - dothis road before Richardson carrots it's inside the five you said Steven Jackson spiked the football in anger and had the Rams penalized he has not been back to run this book oh well they've got to get touchdowns here now and they've been down here already a few times red zone they were brutal last year they only penetrated it once last week in terms of being down inside the 20 he's got ended up being the touchdown for that but not sure the Washington Redskins ago she's gonna leave somebody else coconut gel gun gun that's down what's it sir cut down the lands territory D'Angela Wolfman fight with everybody in the first two quarters of his game see that's what happens when you get moved into you play forward you get closer to the line of scrimmage with all the big fellows in there mixing it up trailing 21 to 6 [Applause] but plenty of this everyone Enzo clawed and yes touchdown it's dead [Applause] [Music] [Applause] minute ago about getting hands on guys when they release it from the line of scrimmage you're on the 3-yard line and you don't get your hands on Danny Amendola get HIPAA free release into the end zone you got no chance they career-high 12 catches now 133 total receiving yards that 12 equals his career-high member he lost that fumble that Josh Wilson ran back on the first play from scrimmage for the Rams that gave Washington the seven to nothing lead I loved the way after that fall on the first play they just kept feeding kept giving him the ball he's one of those guys who wants it every time so Sam Bradford with the touchdown toss and Jeff Fisher's Rams trail 2113 Danny Amendola equaling his career-high with 13 catches getting into the end zone an undrafted free agent from Texas Tech who had to fight his way through it is briefly with the Dallas Cowboys I'll tell you this if Jim Haslett doesn't change his approach and how they're gonna defend him and get some hands on and maybe play a little more man coverage with some help behind it Danny Amendola they had 25 catches in this game and his catches a case you're wondering the RAM record Tom fears and sir Lana kicks off Brandon Marshall the NFL record with 21 recessions in one game we haven't hit that half yet were under the two-minute warning and Alma Delma already has a dozen catches coming up on the beats a halftime report the guys will have all the highlights from around the league the Giants and Buccaneers in a wild one the Cargill is upset the Patriots in New England about Carolina the Saints are Owen too and I'll update you on the Cowboys and Seahawks it's coming up on the VESA halftime report while your fantasy stats and highlights we mentioned Tom fears and his 18 catches in one game a ram record you know there's always a fire there's a flag down burning and Danny Amendola but after that fumble I think that fire got stoked and Sam Bradford having a smooth game 15 of 21 as you said kept getting the ball to him I love the plant and I mean it is all about Fast Pass getting it out in about two and a half seconds for Sam Bradford and it's being executed perfectly versus all the zone coverage he's seen so with the penalty offsides against the Rams they're gonna make him kick it again rather than tack on five the hole that Brandon banks will bust work and I gotta tell you a bit surprised with all the zone coverage typically you're gonna see more man coverage against quarterbacks that don't have real good mobility skills that are you think you're worried about crossing the line of scrimmage as a runner I know the Redskins aren't worried about that with Sam Bradford I think they're making it easy on him by sitting back plains of generic zone coverages that may be what they're discussing Sam Bradford meanwhile with Stephen Jackson who has eight carries for 58 yards including a 20-yard run but has not been back in since that spiking penalty and they're all Richardson is carry below Chris Hey other than the scoreboard they have dominated this game in total yards in terms of time of possession and they've had a twice as long as the and that was the story in the Redskins last week had almost 40 minutes against the New Orleans Saints the the script is flipped today on Washington after the penalty backs him up this time backs will have a chance to adjourn and specialties just across the 20 everyone it was a good move by a breadhead Fletcher to keep things from getting any more yardage all three timeouts for Washington they gave out mustaches Jeff Fischer has been nominated by the American mustache Institute against him they're really another for the Robert Goulet award because it he said he Jeff Fischer told us he hadn't shaved since my school that mustache so all the fans got a free Jeff Fischer mustache to learn in the game peppered with a little gray he said I'm here to talk about the Redskins I think he was a bit embarrassed by that actual [Applause] the packs to Hankerson who have the touchdown catch 68 yards moments ago Robert grip of the 30 where's that sleep night sent the glove he always wanted love because in the seventh grade on one hand he was a fan of Michael Jackson the the Entertainer but he had an injury and wore that sleeve and even after the injury healed he liked the one sleeve look that's isn't spoken now it's cooking because my son's is no football player the west coast in every Friday night at least I don't know eight to ten kids in around on second attempt there on the screen he's not [Applause] still come back whose but everywhere for the lives in the first time makes the point well what acquisition in the offseason in free agency coming up from the New Orleans Saints and they knew any time this guy gets in the backfield early screen alert screen alert what's Jolla nutbar get into his drop and then just accelerate go get it before the offensive line - get out - really impressive it's third and ten defend the play Chris if you anticipate what's coming at you the screen and a timeout was called before timeout Washington before the clock ran out so the Redskins will have two timeouts remaining as will the Rams [Music] [Applause] lonoa with a touchdown catch but a third down welcome to terror he's going to run it [Applause] grunts the 35-yard line Robert Griffin the third told us as the Redskins use another timeout part of the sleeve and the glove was he remembered what Deion Sanders said about if you look good you feel good you feel good you play good if you play good you get paid good you know would you talk to it but he has style in a natural he's got a winning smile anyway but he just has style naturally to about now there's an aura about him for sure and you can sense that right when he walks in the room I talked about it in the open in terms of his confidence he's unbelievably intelligent this guy's a thesis away from getting his master's degree in college that he wants to do it on digital media and film which is kind of a virtual reality so you could go to a video game and play football through just a headset he's the only guy I think whoever used plethora in a production meeting with us and according to the records every labora plethora plethora this is a tomato tomahto what Rose the correct [Music] [Laughter] graduated three years from high school three and a half years with a degree in college he's doing what election Pass is intercepted by Courtland Senegal great pitch by Courtland Finnegan but I'm going to tell you right now I'm going to give the credit to Chris long Chris long is having a whale of a game with his power he's just not pressing the edge watch the power on Tyler Columbus the right tackle which is going to affect the throw of Robert Griffin the third bag right under his pads Griffin's got a float to the side try to unload it never saw Portland Finnegan he's a looks like they had some form of double coverage on on Fred Davis but that all started with the power rush of Chris Logan left behind tonight that's the first career interception thrown by Robert Griffin the third for Finnegan his second pick of the year in this the second day graphics thrown wide open the sticks look at 8:33 are one [Applause] Washington no timeouts Rams have soothed our Washington with one timeout the ramps have two remaining in there like to see under there maybe team sucker down too that's a first down zips I've explained [Applause] first and ten Rams let's get an update with Patrick odier hi Chris let's go to Heinz Field and Ben Roethlisberger hitting his old friend Heath Miller one-yard touchdown and Steelers up on the Jets 13 to 10 44 seconds until halftime Kristen thanks Patrick one timeout for each of these teams and that turnover by the Redskins by the way last week they were turnover free and their win against the Saints and that snapped a string of 30 consecutive games in which Washington and turned the ball over at least once or more and it puts the Rams in excellent position here is Brian Schottenheimer has a fresh set of downs and 18 seconds to work with watch the timeout how much do they love the acquisition of Cortland Finnegan ten tackles a pick a touchdown last week so much in coverage is a guy who can you know go make plays on the ball he is outstanding and runs the floor great burger and the officers I'm a have another suggestion that Steve Smith we're going to use their last timeout see now Danny Amendola is going to end up being a decoy in some situations where you send him vertical he's going to end up taking a couple defenders with him and then he'd just run a little slant route underneath after a pickup of six you have 11 seconds but no timeouts so you either take a shot at the end zone here make sure you don't get sacked as Sir line who has yet to misses a brawl now that that's the big thing now it is taking a sack you you take a sack there you're gonna lose the opportunity to get points you can't run it I think you take two shots at the end zone it's second down take two here and then come in and take the field goal but the ball has got to travel over the goal line you cannot risk anything up in front of the plants have trailed from the star touch whoops in a fumble return for a touchdown Robert Griffin the third a touchdown run and a 68 yard touchdown throw and I'll reach the end zone for the rounds unless Goods know exactly that is they got everybody sitting in the end zone he's getting rid of them [Applause] and after the throw it shed the 24-yard went bowling on first in the 72 Wayne hunter reagent pickup who was run out of New York now you just kicked it you don't even take a another risk here the seven seconds you don't want to make this a longer field goal than you have to for the rookies Earl I'm on Mike Shanahan has flustered yeah there's the hole he's got his hands outside the frame of Rob Jackson that's actually a good call you can start outside with your hand back inside Wayne hunter never did that a 42-yard try he was three of three last week including a couple of 40 yarders rigs are on the rookie two of two today mrs. Shanahan freeze fine by me he was also asking about a runoff timeout Washington 30 second time now there's the Shanahan freeze he'll look at the official timeout timeout right before he's going to kick it seven seconds remains their line a terrific story that Jeff Fisher said he'll set an NFL record one day if we get a chance to try a 65 yarder somewhere down the line we will with him he made a 60 yarder in pregame warm-ups with ease like guarantee and that'll be all about game situation if they're down in the game and it's late then you're not given that kind of field position but in a situation Chris where it doesn't matter them to them that's that good don't let that guy go for it a 42-yard tribe after the timeout to get the Rams a little bit closer the entire first time it was gonna hook to the left and it just like had a paper trail right between the uprights two seconds remain we are told that the sound when he kicks the football the sound is so different than what you hear for most kickers how strong his leg is and how violently his foot sounded like you hit the one wood Chris and he usually goes way to the left look at this thing as it was starting to hook to the lab digits that decide almost straight back out and slam right inside the upright so in a first half build with some officiating inconsistency I'll be polite they've been awful okay they've been awful really and and even the penalty on Stephen Jackson should not been a penalty as he spiked it in the end zone it really played a part in taking points off the board for the st. Louis Rams but I got to tell you how impressed I am with st. Louis with all the adversity all the issues on the field with an injury to their left tackle with the way the game started they get down by a touchdown right away on the first play with a fumble that's picked up by the Redskins and they have done nothing but battle themselves right back into this game and Robert Griffith the third despite the interception has been impressive as well having Jeff Fisher's role on fences up run for a touchdown and throttle walk and this should in the half Spanx picks it up and down Redskins will get the football to start the second half Tim Ryan Chris Myers enjoying the Rams and Redskins let's go to Curt Menefee for the VESA halftime report [Applause] it's time to get back to football with NFL on Fox a couple of RAM legends Jeff Fischer wants to get this franchise back to winning not they had one in their opener on the road the home opener now getting ready for the second half you can follow your favorite team all season long go to iTunes comm slash Jenna Phil I think that's the beauty of Jeff Fisher and he's just not gonna let his team get down despite the circumstances hey I mean whether it was a referee's whether it was bad execution whether it was Robert Griffith make it out stand these plays Jeff just it's not gonna happen and I love that because it's a refuse to lose than power he said on the plane ride back last week don't let anybody tell you it was okay I thought we didn't win the game and that's what this is about second half sir line trucks it in there at the 15-yard line Niles Paul pizza special teams player hazel Atkins at the 15 rec ball got there first [Applause] chrismyers hope you're joining me NFL on Fox we certainly are a lot of excitement your impressions and I think that was the question with Robert Griffin the third what does he do for an encore after the big one in New Orleans first-half assessment I think he's everything he's advertised to be and I talked about trying to contain him keep him in the pocket make him throw from the pocket he's been brilliant out of the pocket in this game 8 for 11 yards per attempt his way up he's also rushed five times four for 30 yards of pop so he's impressive and he will give these guys problems and he's maintained his cool when heads were they suffered more Robert quit running Nimba let's check in on the field with Jaime Maggio thanks Chris you know you're just talking about Washington's offensive efforts in New Orleans last week I asked Jeff Fisher how will you contain them in the second half he said don't forget we gave them their first seven points all we need to do is eliminate the big plays and force them into third down situations Christian that got to bay thanks very much Jim in second out seven remember no Pierre Garcon inactive a touchdown catch last week there's a play false start offense number 78 five-year-old penalty replay center now call on Cory Lichtenstein so that's the fourth penalty for Washington the Rams seven penalties for 60 yards now look at the time of possession advantage for the st. Louis Rams and almost doubling up with the Washington Redskins Washington 24 plays in the first half unable to get their running game Robert Griffin the third on [Applause] Evon Royster checks in at run back a weird snack to the tight end fred davis that was the every third though I can't imagine that was supposed to happen this especially by the reaction of Robert Griffin after he saw Fred get Kyle Shanahan calling the signals for Mike Shanahan and there's 83 Fred Davis you'll see him come in motion behind the line of scrimmage he doesn't know whether to stop or keep going that looked like a mental error by Fred Davis he was lucky he was able to corral back on third and 11 equipment sir that waits the night to punish the attachment you take and you know what Chris that's where he's gonna bring something to the table and selling the message to the rest of the defense and really the entire st. Louis Rams I'm just talking about Jeff Fischer's the refuse to lose mentality Finnegan's got those same traits went outside them right away as a free agent South Walker's hunt [Music] across the 36-yard line he has tied his career-high with 12 catches in this game and he set a new career-high with the Artic 133 yards receiving for Danny Amendola but Jeff Fisher and the underdog Rams battling back West Airlines find our fares online only at southwest.com by the all-new Dodge Dart dodge new rules and by the Samsung Galaxy s3 the next big thing is here we welcome you back to st. Louis Rams with the football it's scored on their last three possessions mister first of the second half go touchdown feeling great they trail by five lady Louie hot for an asset and the basket with like stephen bowen got his hands up I'll tell you something that's interesting is every since Stephen Jackson got that family for spike in it he hasn't been back in the game and there they have gone with Darryl Richardson the late pick at running back right there number 26 since that penalty by Steven John 20 - flight sweatshirt on him for the tackle let's check the flag I cannot believe they're not getting out of that soft zone coverage defensively both sides New Testament [Applause] the call is of Brian Iraq who was injured earlier came back in Redskins still going without Adam character for Jim has its defenses Iraq those steps over to the bench and there is Steven Jackson looking on to see if there is an injury or that is just a cooling the check removed [Music] officials trying to sort something out as going crazy with the whistle down there would it would it difference in philosophy in terms of the game plan this week for the Redskins versus last week and what they did to Drew Brees I got to reset the ball here respond sucking down the front something as basic as that we have that issues with today you know what I mean last week it was man coverage pressure pressure pressure pressure set in at least five guys most of the time they have elected to go with Saab same coverage now where the old line happens to man let's see how they did pressure coming picked up quick passes [Applause] [Music] Stan Smith it's at the 30 [Applause] the next China that seagull with a 25 yard gate well in Sam Bradford how perfect can you be of finding the mismatch they were locked up at man across-the-board with defensive backs on wide receivers and Sam Bradford looks out there and sees the linebacker parry Riley trying to cover Steve Smith and knew right away pre-snap that's where he was going with the ball Steve course breaks the tackle and picks up a bunch of extra York red defensive players James Laurinaitis and brush long told us how confident a Sam Bradford was uncomfortable this year he's looking like it today Richardson quickly wrapped up by D'Angelo ball it's gonna go break and check in with Patrick O'Neil well from one rookie quarterback showing poisoned skill to another here in Seattle Russell Wilson 22 yards to Anthony McCoy for his first career touchdown and perhaps a shocker Seattle leads Dallas 22 7 Chris and Tim Thank You Patrick on second and 11 in fact 15 of the starting quarterbacks this weekend in the NFL are aged 26 or under and 2 of them in this game including Bradford ha [Music] get some pasta [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 34 yards Sam Bradford to Brandon Gibson they hooked up last week in Detroit for a touchdown this may be the best I've ever seen [Applause] samia's right 63 our drive for plays and the rams have their first lead of the day in their home opener when he thinks is when he knows is a slant route but it turns into a slant and go and Senator Griffin just took the cheese big time in the corner he bit on the slant was a slant and go little pump fake from Sam Bradford and Griffin had no chance to play ketchup once Brandon Gibson turned it up the field Greg Suhr line last time pin them inside the 15 and now the Redskins have come out till the 25 trailing after the Gibson touchdown Washington is behind but has the football [Applause] next week the NFL on Fox the Buccaneers and Cowboys the Rams will take on the Bears in Chicago the later games Eagles Cardinals or the Falcons against the Chargers San Diego leading Tennessee 17 three in the third quarter [Applause] from what's funny the formation to get the touchdown of last and he completes it to officer who could play doll trying to run him down and eventually gets him out of bounds near the 49 yard line Washington Bridge sells the same exact formation they got the long touchdown on last week stacking the two tight ends to the right and running a double post with the two line receivers that are out on the edge jinora's jenkins a bad angle they're trying to bake this will allow other krobinson to pick up the extra yard a 28 yard game [Applause] around by two Morris into an territory down to the 46 yard line it was columnist Irving necklace of the st. Louis post-dispatch who said on the Hall of Fame voter I'm going to suspend the rules and put Robert Griffin the third in right now and then he said seriously folks calm down it's one game so the same day on second down five Laura's nine carries so far 52 yards on the he gets it again [Music] for members inside this one around Shanahan described him as a back who hits the hole quickly and has great lateral movement well and he's got a great block here by Corey Lincoln's Tiger watch him reach the defensive tackle I mean you can't have that as a defensive lineman I mean that is his gaffer responsibility tellin Hurd has got to keep his outside shoulder free to be in that running bland [Applause] Wiccans tiger a lot the sixth round draft pick from Florida Atlantic [Applause] call star NFL to download NFL mobile mouth and get coverage of every NFL game Robert Griffin the third told us he was a Bronco fan growing up the irony with Mike Shanahan but he is a fan of John Elway and Terrell Davis and Davis a sixth round draft pick like Alfred Morris who has starred for Shannon [Applause] there was Alfred Morris Sagat 10-yard line top runner before James Laurinaitis brought a little and they are working the right side of that defensive line for the st. Louis Rams and I don't blame them I mean if you look at if the Redskins up fuss clearly they're trying to establish their run game here a little bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep the change but they're running late [Applause] Edvin oyster is it on third and one Shanahan wants a timeout and gets it first timeout in the second half they have two remaining Robert Griffin the third and the Redskins on the move trail timeout on third and one the RAM defense digging in a very different game for the rookie Robert Griffin the third and last week trailing here he fixed the Royster throws down there the goal line the catch is made by Fred Davis but not in the endzone [Applause] and the rookie look calm and cool on that boy Shanahan well anytime he's outside of the pocket Chris he-he's calm and cool here's Freddie Davis here he's going to get in front of going Griffin's gonna get outside the pocket just got such great skills and mobility worried about the guys up in his face keeps his eyes down the field see-cret catches this ball he's got possession is he touched he's touched there before he cross [Applause] Alfred Morris the back [Applause] on first and goal here's a flag as Robert Griffin the third falls down he didn't fall down to about cut Joe pulled the vest on Niles Paul bought for the penalty in a big one when you're within a yard or less of the goal line I love surmount Cudjoe watch watch he's here he's right over the ball watch it reach his right arm through and he's been read to grab the footy Robert artiguez footstep on nature well it's one way to slow down but first and goal Nakamura name is Barry Laurinaitis led the charge he was in multiple tackle territory last week and that tough loss to the Lions let me tell you the adjustment that the Rams just made they were getting worked over there on the side on the right side of their defensive line so that time they just slammed at the front which means they took Robert Quinn from his defensive end position and crashed him down inside which kind of closed that boy off that hole that they've been running through and allowed the linebackers to to slide over and make the time son of Greg waves they suspended coach indefinitely Blake Williams helping Jeff Fisher work the defensive sigmaz rg3 straight ahead touchdown there's second running touchdown of the day [Applause] boy I don't know if I would ever show a split six look which means what is why defensive tackles and giving up the middle of the field to Robert Griffin I mean look outside shade in the guard outside shade in the guard look at that natural running lane for Robert Griffin the third that's too easy that's too easy for a guy like that that close to the goal line you talked about how smart he is even for a rookie recognizing the opportunity and taking advantage so he's run for two and thrown for one an eight-way ATR drive and that's how Robert Griffin the third responds to a ram score it's Russia he's thrown for 150 did suffer his first interception as an NFL quarterback but calmly has put the Redskins back into the lead here in the third quarter in st. Luke he's so dynamic and talented that those defensive players he you've got to play him a little different than he do other quarterbacks you get down there the goal you better make sure you have all the gaps covered up inside or he's gonna have easy running lanes and he's got athletic skill Billy Cundiff that Gibbons cannot return so the RAM offense will get it up at 20 and here's what I'm talking about I mean there are beads the st. Louis Rams by alignment I mean look at there's nobody in the middle that's a huge hole for James Laurinaitis to try to fill against an elite athlete like Robert Griffin he looks left he knew he was running the whole time Chris when he saw those defensive tackles split out on the guards with nobody really covering up the center in the middle part of that offensive line meanwhile Sam Bradford has said as Laurinaitis going over the place Sam Bradford said after last week that there was a different spark about this football to when they struggled in the second and third quarter in Detroit they responded in the fourth quarter and they're going to have to do that late in the film here as they don't respond well here comes the flag as he goes down in the arms of Bolin and Rob Jackson now they're gonna get holding I think holding offense number 72 he'll be fine second out Wayne hunter and declined because of the sack it'll be second and long for Bradford there's Wayne hunter here on Rob Jackson he's got his arm across his chest plate which means the front of his shoulder pads and restricting him from getting to the quarterback and still no Stephen Jack and he is okay and the RAM bench saying physically there's no injury but he has not been in the game since the unsportsmanlike conduct call against him had pushed them back away from the goal line passes complete run away to be third down Washington by the way two sacks today compared to seven last year in this game when they got the breath what kind of message is Jeff Fisher sent into the rest of his team when he sets down the best player off the team for we think all the other cats are thinking we pointed out there which aims at 25 Steven Jackson the Darwin who's played hard every doubt of every minute and never been on a winning team Richards on the bag that Louie call is slight the protection I have left as time flies and completes 13 capsule again [Applause] a 17-yard so its first and ten hitting career highs for the rams and they hurried to the line there's no favorite curmudgeon Anna [Applause] Richardson [Applause] inside-the-park [Applause] John's wits have saved the touchdown 53 [Music] Miller Mary Riley and then it's all about Darrell Richardson there's the block and then there's the juice and the ability to accelerate get through the hole and then run away from everybody until the corner comes and hits him with an angle on and that's the one thing they talked about Darrell Richardson this guy put his foot on the gas pack and accelerate there is no side-to-side movement he is going straight down the hill it was a great example of it right there the seventh round draft pick you mentioned Isiah feed the rookie from Cincinnati take it in the second round but Darrell Richardson gives them a first and goal opportunity and Josh Wilson who saved the touchdown his big check Tom and what has been a very physical game mentally training as well as physically yeah and that was a vicious collision hitting Darrell Richardson over there on the sidelines some got up and Josh Wilson squeezed in his hand typically means he had some type of a stinger in your neck and you're trying to feel your hand to see if you got numbness or you got strengthened in your hand this really sends a message because Isaiah pede comes in the rookie we just mentioned for Richardson as Jackson continues to look out at first and go rounds wait [Applause] where's my hat septic looping in the end zone is what Fletcher the West gram flag in the NFL from their Super Bowl 20 15-year veteran with an end zone Sam never saw Sam never saw honey I can tell you why he never saw it there's London Fletcher and I want you to watch the vision point Mike I want you to stop it here right I let it go let it go a little bit more and you're going to see Sam never sees him his vision point is clocked by these two players he never sees London Fletcher in front of Steve Smith never sees him and that is the 19th career interception for London Fletcher Sam Morris with I should say Alfred Morris in the backfield and gets the pitch he wants it back for his first interception Walter he did not have one in the opener upgrade of a player is London Fletcher started his career with the st. Louis Rams throwing the ball up in the stands as a college free agent he's told us many times he just wanted to make the practice squad and he's never missed a game in a 15-year career and I'll say it right now he can talk Ray Lewis and Brian Urlacher and all those greats and race certainly going to the Hall of Fame reflector is worthy status nope [Applause] is our balloon quickly tackle those knives pole when Michael with London plunger a free agent from John Carroll Division three school 226 consecutive game making the big one Hiba Jeff mister said you could talk about Ray Lewis and Brian right there is a whole family model and he can still run she's super smart miss foot the bottom line [Applause] on third and six most victim Robert Griffin threw it behind the intended receiver and Bradley Fletcher the Nickelback for the Rams had a shot right there was miscommunication between Robert Griffin the third and Desmond Brisco the Briscoes playing because Pierre Garcon is out and in my mind Robert Griffin was throwing right to the numbers there on a landmark expecting Desmond Brisco just to sit down to the second straight week inside the 20 thank you before Matthew Mulligan this is a great game that's it for both ways say it's going to come from this side right up the gut from the other side Matthew Mulligan is the line step down and that was picture-perfect really taking it right off the foot of Soraka the blocking tight end in on the special teams play and the Rams are back in business Darrell Richardson the back for Sam Radford [Applause] Richard's held up a been trying to set him up inside the town before the London watch or interception ruin the last ram drive and he spent the special teams coach and even mike shanahan said I know they'll be coming after us because we had some problems last week that we need to correct well in two blocks in the first two games I can guarantee you people are gonna come after them from now till the end of the season second down seven for the rounds field goal again within a couple seven yet Richardson goes all the way to the left as a wide receiver in the bottom of your screen goes the other way who can't slip attack it's a nice tackle made by the last week had his first solo sack in his career coming from the slot pressure on New Orleans evident least that time and he did send the extra guy in terms of the pressure player but they were playing man coverage and when you play tight coverage tackled right away you minimize the opportunity for a game versus Danny Amendola running free through the zones like he's been doing the entire third third and fourth wines down Steve Smith all over on the left side Radford goes way and that's not by Richardson endeavor Richardson is just a get stuck short of the end tough tackle from cedric Griffith got everybody out to the left in terms of the receiver Sam is quickly going to go right back to the right the dental Richardson and I'm not so sure he's down here as said the Grimpen tries to make the tackle I'm not so sure at name was Bella that is the end of the third quarter Sam Bradford Lawrence giving Robert Griffin the third and the Redskins the real battle here st. Louis on the move Sam Bradford has thrown for 288 yards and a couple of touchdowns the Rams trailed much of the game took the lead here in the second half Washington responded behind Robert Griffin the third and now the Rams knocking on the door from the one-yard line first and goal the rookie Darryl Richardson has replaced Steven Jackson [Music] Richardson has run for seventy yards and caught a couple of passes for 19 yards he has been explosive he is fake to Bradford and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the ramps are going to go for two nobody covers matthew mulligan but it's the plate should watch the linebackers bite up mulligan with a clever little move to slip behind him Sam with the patience in the pocket uncovered in the back of the endzone for a touchdown but I'm telling you it was all set up by Daryl Richardson and his ability to run the ball in this game he's running for 10 yards to carry that sucked up the linebackers in the play-action Mulligan his first NFL touchdown he's a 27 year old tight end for a Maine was with Brian Schottenheimer in the Jets brought over to help lock and obviously catch so they gotta go for the two-point conversion here they start the fourth quarter Bradford's third touchdown pass of the game [Applause] Richardson turn Chris I can tell you that's a half a dozen times he'll leave we've seen saffron forget leave the beatbox take his time in the pill call was the play that we called this off we're going as the other fly and he turns around and handles it hands it to general Richardson for the two points then riddles fighting hard so the rookie gets in for the conversion mulligan gets the touchdown make it great and by Bud Light the official beer of NFL fans here we go in sold-out st. Louis Tim Ryan Chris Myers Rams and Redskins and st. Louis taking a three-point lead but the officials are confirming the two-point conversion run by a rookie Darryl Richardson where it was ruled good on the field so while they confirm we'll confirm we're glad you're watching the NFL on Fox there's an official review of Richardson's two-point conversion rule good on the field and it'll stay good you see the ball right there Darryl Richardson as he crosses the goal line his hip was not down yet the ball crosses that'll be a good two-point conversion and extend the lead to three as you said the following field stands that's the point is good I mean he got a love Darryl Richardson as the seventh round pick Chris out of Abilene Christian and we talked about it worse than an explosion in the big runs but a great example right there of his power and his determination and desire to get into the end zone and a Steven Jackson said with the young running backs they've asked me a lot of questions they'd worked hard and observed and they have not wanted to disappoint me when they got the opportunity and I think with Isaiah pede who was their second round pick he didn't lose the job as the backup to Stephen Jackson in training camp Darryl Richardson wanted that's how good he was Greg Suhr line who's been perfect next report Department kicking off for 31 points for the Rams today for a three-point lead at the moment thanks we'll watch it sail and the Redskins come out to the 20 the new AP rankings are out this Saturday college football is back on Fox kick off the weekend with the pregame show two unbeaten teams clash Kansas State 15th ranked will be a Norman Oklahoma to take on the 6th ranked Sooners coverage of cucked of the college football broadcast at 7:00 Eastern for the sipping and Oklahoma Sooners Sam Bradford equalling an NFL career best three touchdown passes Griffin the third with time [Applause] gets rid of another one [Applause] it'll be second and ten for Washington I would have loved have been a great athlete like Robert Griffin the third who doesn't panic and he's standing back there he's getting new his second read his third read his fourth read back to his first read and by in time he had about seven seconds back they're just extending the play with his legs and then finally [Applause] dr. Morris [Applause] it'll be third down it's good an update for penetrability Chris Tennessee at San Diego and Antonio Gates has hit active tight end for the charger so if he picked up Dante Rosario Virginia's three catches three touchdowns from Philip Rivers all Chargers 24 210 Christmas Day turkmen so that settlers [Applause] [Music] Chris long complete Joshua Morgan makes the catch but it's not good enough for a first down [Applause] but Michel from the safety spot since Roberts roughly the third to the sidewalk san roque ahooo had his last punt block by mulligan who ended up catching his first career touchdown Danny Amendola inside his one [Applause] runs out of barn at the 16 Lorenzo Alexander here the hand doesn't have to be in the collar he's not going to like this there was anywhere near the collar and it actually breaks down the runner and his legs collapse you're not taking all the way to the ground they're gonna call it I'll be curious to see where the placement of Alexander's hands are on the past postal file boss collar tackle 90 1715 here yeah that's a clear horse collar that's a good call each team with seven penalties 2013 Ford f-150 with EcoBoost 1325 to go we were in regulation Rams with the football protecting the three-point lead and carries again Sam Radford faced Robert Griffin the third once in college when an Oklahoman took on Baylor and he mentioned how Bob Stoops kept telling everybody in the defensive means how terrific this young fella was and of course Oklahoma held the upper hand that's all Sam said yeah I remember that but I do we want we want that's all that matters and in this game he said we have an answer for everything the Redskins defense does and so far they have responded there's been two great plays by the Redskins return for a touchdown early the interception in the end zone by sides that it was huge harvested so far four wide receivers passes incomplete for Steve Smith it'll bring a third down checking some of the early games and there were a few surprises and the individual performances Eli Manning leading a comeback against Tampa Bay 510 yards incredible they were way down in that game against Tampa Reggie Bush helping the Dolphins until filled into their first victory I'll remember last year they ran roughshod all over the Raiders when Reggie Bush looks like they did it again today Rams are seven for ten one Smith goes to the left and we're going to get a timeout called by the Rams they will have two remaining [Music] Shanahan Jeff Fischer defensive-minded leader of the ranch on third down Rams have been super lien third down here Vegas when we got black is always a good third wall defects in the Redskins any man coverage [Applause] she's brought down by Richard Crawford they're working from SMU so it will be a punting situation Sam proposing in on his fourth four-year 300 yard game at 15 catches for Danny Amendola as the rookie Johnny Hecker ready to booted Brandon banks back to return he's out of bounds inside the 20 yard line Redskins trail by three week two for Robert Griffin the third [Music] - touchdown below a touchdown pass of 68 yard lighten it up here brought some get from the story he just had five children for the ball to snap false start offense 89 the noise here has had an effect now let me correct that one test only three yards for Santana boss but he is the helm in check by Courtland vinegar two turnovers here [Applause] sets the floor and computes right Joshua Morgan sandwiched in between a couple of defendants that was a heck of a job hanging onto the ball by Joshua Joshua Morgan who just got slammed by Quentin Michael you can see him flash into your screen to the left [Music] it's a sandwich between Laurinaitis [Applause] do you see native from the Nixon price school Joshua Varga and suck it in with his knockdown that's just that really is assignment football and talking to chuck Cecil you in for the Rams on defenses this is like defending the college option Chris long has got a title to die player and there's Chris he's going to come flying into your screen no matter what he sees he's got to make that tackle not where's the guy for the quarterback I mean James over - late getting over exactly what Chuck sees we'll talk about a side [Applause] he's little bro [Applause] gravity [Applause] another terrific deep ball throw by Robert Griffin the third it comes off the play-action he loves doing this he's going to turn and fake it actually a double fake and then he unloads it got the eyes of ultra krobinson because that ball hit him break the hands this is not a game now suck it attend boy stur checks in leaving his name to the 45 you talk about an option quarterback his head coach Mike Shanahan was a wishbone quarterback in high school first went on to college at Eastern Illinois big grin ear to ear when he thought about having a quarterback who can do the things then Robert Griffin the third can do yeah Mike was so good they switched him to wide receiver when he got the Eastern Illinois remember he wanted to drive Sam Bradford back with a ram selected him but couldn't move up in the draft and they made the deal with the rash they get Robert and you know what they have nothing [Music] [Applause] this game has the football he's going to keep it inside the 47 his ninth rushing attempt today I just don't know what you do different if you're Courtland Finnegan he was absolutely perfect and you attack the throwing shoulder after Courtland Finnegan coming off the edge so you attack the upfield shoulder just like that so he doesn't spin out the backside rg3 with the athleticism is able to spin inside and then really make something out of nothing impressive second down one 46 of st. Louis Evan moisture Reister many thought would be the starter or Roy Helu a junior member Tim Hightower last year that the injury was before the season started a man allowed Alfred Morris the sixth round draft pick to move up to start hit 75 yards in the second half last week against New Orleans number 46 off the Morris is in the game now [Applause] that's really good by William Hayes we talked about when you're defending that zone whether it be the inside zone play or the outside zone play you got to get push as the defensive lineman you've got to establish on their side of the line of scrimmage and look at him knock back time to pull up this and do exactly what I talked about and then disengage [Applause] at second 14 complete the laser laughs gets out the 43 by Dunbar top hitting Robert Griffith the third set after last week my body feels okay I took the hits in New Orleans I can handle them [Applause] there does rg3 but no first time [Music] and now you know why that play by William Hayes which was the tackle for loss ended up being so big forcing him into the third and extra long defensive line there got terrific penetration and Robert saw a little running lane but it was just too much distance for him to make up to get the first down Soraka for Amendola [Applause] just over the 10-yard line [Applause] Ramzan taking over trying to protect the three-point lead just over seven minutes to go here in the fourth quarter Rams will be at Chicago Karl the NFL on Fox next weekend the Bucs of the Cowboys on Sunday 49ers Vikings Lions and Titans and in the late games Eagles and Cardinals and the Falcons who play Monday night against the Chargers who are winning 31 to 10 on the fourth quarter San Diego on its way to going to two-and-oh and all begins with the vote for Tom Fox NFL Sunday pregame show at noon eastern 9 a.m. Pacific you know what I love it's only week two we got a long way to go baby we got a lot of Paula that's what Robert Griffin the third was telling us yesterday like Mira this is the rocky Richardson Toula junior college and then it's the Abilene Christian became a two-year starter before he was the second seventh round draft pick will this Rams team now the no huddle and hurry up which one so well as we have an injured way now of course trying to protect the lead a different approach this is the second left tackle injured today Roger Saffold early this looks like Wayne hunter his replacement down this time tie and Seki would have to go in to take his spot already Scott wells on the injured list Rock atheist Watkins with an ankle injury another injury here in st. Louis I'm a very likable Paul Boudreau with his hands full Matt Swain hunter lived off who was already in as the backup left tackle coach boudreaux's got to be awfully proud of his guys up front and not just the backups look we know Janaka was cutting training camp just brought back this week he started at left guard now he's lost his second left tackle and tying sekiz out there who they picked up off waivers at the end of training camp and they have really done what they wanted to do offensively today both running and protecting up Sam Bradford very good job up front like Winnie the quick fits to Darryl Richardson Nitin going on down to my rock Jackson and Perry Riley bringing up a third down for the Rams and they're going to want to continue just to milk this play clock take it all the way down so that they can chew this and hopefully get themselves a first down here if you're the Rams to keep having the opportunity to chew that clock and keep that offense over on the sideline Sam Bradford has thrown for 297 yards and three touchdowns Richardson has taken over for Steven Jackson [Music] becomes the president Richardson defensive play Redskins inside the ten led by Senator Griffin Chris coming off the edge and here he is and they're thinking it's going to be a pass so they're bringing the heat right away and look at him just bouncing off offensive linemen keeping its outside arm free and not giving Darrell Richards in the corner that is well done an unusual call on third and seven so now among situation and there's Bradley bass that's funny thanks try to turn the corner the 22 [Applause] 65-yard booth let's get a game break with metric O'Neil Chris thanks a lot we go to San Diego all Chargers versus the Tennessee Titans captain Alf an 11-play 80-yard Drive Jackie battle with the plunge it's 31 to 10 Chargers closing in on a Cheeto start Krys and Ted Thank You Patrick where the Redskins get a break because this looks like a clip of the Fletcher done [Applause] two timeouts remaining just under five minutes to play the Robert Griffin the third [Applause] yet the ball comes out Davis and jacket comes up with it Fred Davis got right jinora's Jenkins took the ball of the endzone [Applause] when guys are defenseless you can't lay the hammer down on the plate second just get right there no flag ruled incomplete well then the receiver was defenseless look Fred Davis has got to be able to possess the ball get both feet down and have an opportunity to protect himself before he gets rocked in the head jinora's Jenkins put the shoulder right on his chin I told you early in the game he will absolutely blast you as a hitter Redskins want a timeout the left one remaining and I think Mike Shanahan is making that argument Rams have two timeouts remaining it's been a physical game there have been unsportsmanlike conduct calls [Applause] the Rams have worked themselves into the lead I'll tell you these coaches have got to be out of their minds with the way the officiating is gone in this game mike shanahan showing it a lot more in terms of the frustration on his face versus Jeff Fisher but they have both been in my mind victimized by bat calls or note ball he also is arguing that the plate clock needs to be reset that it was not and Jeff Fisher knows all about clock mismanagement by the people running it after last week because that's why he wanted to use the timeout [Applause] was not [Applause] and that's what I was trying to he didn't want to have to use a timeout because they had to set the plank nine o'clock and they did so still two timeouts and that's important little rat well boss dinner checkbook rocky Macintosh the X if there's a flag down back where Robert Griffin the third one down and Robert Quinn looked like he was getting held as he was trying to jump on the back of our t3 [Applause] and that is on the left tackle Trent Williams Robert Quinn has been terrific today is he's going to run the corner and then work back to the inside Trent wheezes Reid says grab his leg trying to protect the franchise quarterback resounding just wrapped up the right leg of Robert Quinn that was a good call by the official they haven't rg3 the runaround it could wait they have been cleared into you got nothing again the reason I say with the doubted distance as long at it as it is they're really playing off coverage which is an opportunity for rg3 to run [Applause] takes a shot to the shoulder from the it'll be fourth down [Applause] Robert Griffin's got designs down the field but watch aldrig Robin slide I mean he does what you call taking the cap off the defense brick doll and his eyes in the backfield altered Robinson ran right by Robert Griffin didn't see satlok is [Music] Niles bottles right there while the quarterbacks been much of the story of Danny Amendola with 15 receptions for a hundred 60 yards and a touchdown inching in on a Tom fierce ram record that has stood since 1950 the beauty of his days he just saw how it started he he fumbled after his first catch was lose the first play in the game the Redskins picked it up ran it in for a touchdown and Danny Amendola says you know what the windshields a lot bigger than the rearview bear I'm gonna look forward and they have been feeding the football he's been super [Music] here's has the ran record of 18 catches in one game we were [Music] - is complete across the ferret oh my god the inline blocking tight end the safety valve for Sam Bradford outside the POC in the 14 Matthew Bullock escape from the opposite side of the field just random crossing Rob stayed with Sam Bradford Sam's bit terrific I got to tell you a guy that was sacked like crazy his first two years in the NFL sack seven conjugacy Redskins whether it's inside the cockpit or outside the pocket at the pass today for $300 gain for Sam Bradford and Darrell Richards he came in Steven Jackson had been running the football Redskins are going to use the time but didn't get into the endzone and spike the football got it unsportsmanlike conduct penalty timeout Washington 30-second timeout and since then Steven Jackson has not been in the game but the rookie seventh rounder Darryl Richardson has done a an excellent job of handling things on the ground for st. Louis while the ramp man saw this last week on the road in Detroit they let all but eight minutes in that game Detroit drove late beat the Rams now they have the football on a three point event well it's time to finish and I think if you look at the way the game has gone so far today with the offensive line upfront the ability to open up the running lanes not only Steven Jackson early but for Darrell Richardson really since about midway through the second quarter that's what they got to do they got to rely on those guys and then rely on Sam Bradford in his arm which has been tremendously accurate a little short dump offs fast pass and move to change to the clock make the Redskins use those final timeouts they've got one left and walk out pick one of home opener believe Redskins scored 40 last week that was the most in the Shanahan era they're going to need to score more if we're gonna rally here but they've got to stop Sam Bradford the rail office why do [Applause] always like the way the defensive lines pointing at the old line and vice versa outside Jim has with the defensive coordinator with Raheem Morris the secondary coach and they are both upset at the call by Stephen Bowman they found on the get-go with the officiating member state last time the Rams boy home opener 2006 when they beat the Broncos 18 to 10 Jim Haslett was the Rams defensive work [Music] [Applause] it's last time out how about the way Jeff Fisher started the program here when he got that coaching job came in said we're gonna start with the four-minute controlled slide win the game drill because if you don't start there you'll never finish there and in the first two weeks the first two games of the season it's the exact situation that he prepared for from day one and you can say all you want is players and Jeff Fisher's got great track record he's been around and he knows it all Chris it until you've been in a locker room at halftime of that first game and you hear the adjustments and you hear the plan you really don't know well I know one thing after last week and wouldn't they've got out of their coach in terms of the intelligence and handling the situations and what they've gotten today from Jeff Fisher they're all believers the first thing Ram player is said to a man was when Jeff Fisher came in his experience of running an operation from the top all the way down and it has had an effect as he said though will only really matter when we get a win I always love the he's gonna come in and change the culture great the only thing that changes the culture is execution on by the players and be a big catalyst to that but until they get it done on the field the culture will not check winning Christians around time it's a first in any boy Hutton origin [Applause] - stuff to get to cool see the novices performance like this in the land and quite some time [Applause] now the second advice is because after that plague widow Janaka teach options great from the official yeah listen to Mike Shanahan watch this watch this I mean is unacceptable [Applause] and I think it's London Fletcher it looked like there's a guy who ripped it up it started with a fumble that the Redskins scored on with Josh Wilson ran it in and that's where we get back to here we're covering the loose football a bit scrapping with each other these two teams during timeouts that's about as he asked for DeAngelo Hall in this game you do not get London Fletcher riled up watch his left arm punched the bowl out there bub Darrell Richardson who's just flying downhill London Fletcher goes backdoor on the block lays out knocks the ball out with for the let's gift what we can recover we're not Robert the third could Activision when a screen and moisture whose head across the 42 yard line two-minute warning coming up Redskins around a time out yeah they'll get to stop the clock at the two-minute warning but then they're gonna have to start working the sidelines a little bit in the last five minutes of a game you get the ball out of bounds the clock stops up until the next snap complete first down in red territories Santana Moss who's been quiet today quiet not from the verbal sense but in the catching the football sense and you're gonna see the ramp every time they make the tackle in the field of play they're gonna lay on the the offensive player as long as they can keep that clock moving Mike Shanahan he's a field goal the time his career long field goal 56 yards that red stripe is where the Redskins have to get to to get to that [Applause] we set the tempo and it wisely gets out of bounds inside the 40 inching a little bit closer how about that wicked stiff arm he just put on Eugene Sims Cundiff this year has made a 45 yarder he actually has five kicks over 50 yards in his career he does an 11 yard run for Griffin the throat so first and ten I am very curious to see how Robert in a second enough of game handles his situation no timeouts [Music] Montclair Davis building second down Griffin 18 of 26 196 yards a touchdown at an interception but he has also run 11 times for 82 yards and two touchdowns no Fisher already went heart pulsating finished in Detroit that's part the [Applause] Santana Moss with a grab it's third down in a war Joshua Morgan yet cycle funding they threw the football that's a car get the gallery tell his 20 verse can be Courtland Finnegan who put his hand in there and puts on the helmet of Joshua Morgan and then Morgan turned around and threw the ball [Applause] a major miscue when you are in field going yeah unexcusable and here's it here it is right here Finnegan trying to rip it out from behind and watch it Josh when Morgan gets up Finnegan pushes him in the helmet in the Joshua Morgan reacts that is and what a huge error it's fourth down now oh my goodness they were an easy field goal range before but because it was a dead ball foul it Shaya 62 or 63 are they need to get to the 29 for a first down but this is one at a time out [Applause] I'm out st. Louis 30 seconds on now what an awful awful penalty I mean you said it at least in position to kick a field goal and tie it it would have been a 48-yard field goal before the unsportsmanlike conduct death ball foul on Joshua Morgan and now looks like they may try yeah I think they aren't going for a field goal looks like mike shanin just talking to Robert Griffin the third said we're gonna try to kick it just take another look at the penalty on Morgan and what happened after he made such a nice catch in an effort to get forward well they always get the guy who retaliates look but Oh Courtland Finnegan started it with a push in the helmet which is also inexcusable but the way Josh Morgan look at his play look at Brian Iraq close reaction to what his teammate Josh what Morgan just did a 62 yard field goal try the NFL record is 63 it's been done four times his career all 56 okay [Applause] I'll say this both teams on both side lines it's got to be running on empty emotionally this has been an unbelievable football game with drama anyway you wanted that rocker the holder fund his nap good hole to get no chance Chris he pushed it right right from the get-go and he knew [Applause] Jeff Fischer again week two after a year sixteen seasons in Tennessee and for Sam Bradford a different line is the best I've seen him play he had the one error in the end zone we threw the interception where I think his vision point was was clogged up he couldn't see London Fletcher sitting in the back of the end zone other than that he's been brilliant including the setback last week Ramzan lost eight Noro and for DC native Joshua Morgan the frustration dad I'm in trouble let's get out of here Zolo makeup away look at that the Rams had to battle back trailing from the start taking on [Music] the third buddies from their coaching games when they were in San Francisco and snow good friends Jeff Fisher I would love to heard that I think it would go something like this my great job we have got to get the real officials battle each team has a 1 in 1 record the Rams they gain two of the season 31 to 28
Channel: Bart Simpson
Views: 47,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 151min 0sec (9060 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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