Colts at Ravens 2012 AFC Wild Card

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I was so happy to win and have the road to tbe super bowl but I remember walking away from that game going, we are going to see a lot of Luck in the coming decade. Sucks injuries derailed it all.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CCRedBK πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

McPhee FR in the 1st quarter! He's a great acquisition, last guy to play with the "Big 4" other than Jimmy Smith

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/beyondwithinitself πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
for these AFC wild card matchup Indianapolis and Baltimore with the hopes to receive the kick from Justin Tucker [Applause] and there is Kareem dodgy career the last week and that kickoff return for a touchdown of a hugger and Tucker takes advantage and they'll bring out luck to the 20-yard line Andrew Luck shattering a number of NFL rookie records including most yards by repeat in a season four thousand three hundred and seventy four six three hundred yard games protected by this bunch that includes a philan Lincoln bought in for right she's out with the concussion injury and Reggie Wayne off his eight one thousand yard seasons reports winners five of the last six [Applause] in the round right away up ahead 4:15 and how about that play call right off the top his game yeah it's a good way to start the game I'm sure this is planned all week you've got a crowd that's emotional raid Lewis coming back for the defense so what are you going to do take advantage of it that is slowing down and the big thing for this Colts offense they talked about it all week let's don't lose it here in the opening drive don't let the crowd and the emotion get to us - after a 15-yard gain from the 35 they go spread on the second snap I have clean roll cannot hold on this is a Ravens defense that has the big four together on the field for the first time all season long that includes top five on the field at the same time as Suggs and Lewis and Ray back for the first time since October the 14th and Ed Reid the big for the Ravens defense their 17th in the league this year but again the real personality of this defensive units never been together until today all season come down in ten we're gonna help me we stand out has just a short game give him one well that was as expected some arrival by Ray Lewis but you've been focusing in on having that whole defensive unit back today for the first time yeah it's a big deal you said where they were ranked Jim this defensive unit started out awful at the start of the year they have been different the last six weeks I thought Ray Lewis in practice this week I got to see some of the work I thought he was really he of course has fresh legs I think he can make an impact in today's game [Applause] 9 pass is deflected and incomplete tipped at the line of scrimmage this is what they do this is why this defense the double get or the double blitz inside they either do that look to you or they send a bunch of people from way outside and the timing of that blitz was absolutely perfect head read was the one we were deflected him and now McAfee will take the snap in overtime 14 five it's a 31-yard run back the wealthy more violently brought it to an end 50-yard punt reads deflection force the punt and the Ravens have excellent deal positions on their first play coming up hidden from the 48 trying to first up the middle and half anger holds them to a three yard game ten career playoff game for Flacco but only the second time has been a whole game he beat the Texans here last year in the divisional round rest a bit on the road just the second time here's this line and this is completely reworked McKinney on the left side gets the start and they move Mike over to the right side second down and seven rolling yard pass play black o2f Dixon what you have to be careful when you're the Colts defense don't put all your energy saying oh we just got to stop Ray Rice you watch this offense Joe Flacco is is a dangerous floor as it is in the NFL and what they've been doing a little more of the last couple weeks moving him around the pocket and giving him some easy easier throw away he's happy about that - first time in ten four maybe five again it's anger who wrapped him up the Indianapolis team they have not forced that many takeaways when you compare him to other playoff teams reading a former Raven there's free knee and Mathis at dangerous pare Mathis going to a fifth straight Pro Bowl and in secondary instant pounce become it over with Coach Pagano the Baltimore as well second down and five this one why is drawn trying to hit Torrey Smith and Cassius Bond collided with him Mike Carey pass interference defense to the 32 this now this would be a little wake-up call for this Ravens offense knowing that Cassius Vaughn is not afraid and he is just going for the football they're their time and they run in together the catch is Vaughn Vontae Davis on the other side they are I don't want say risk takers but they'll challenge anybody that's outside jump cut getting it near the 10 and a gain of for Flacco directing this team to the highest scoring team in Ravens history throwing through a career-high 38 hundred-plus this season Joe Flacco likes what they're doing moving him around he changed he changed where he's at that makes it hard on Robert Mathis and Dwight Freeney and he loves you know Hahnel know how the offense was if it goes into second and say that's done that if this is a signaling the other direction the room in the field is a fumble recovered by Indiana look I have the prize in my hand reading scripted pling on the field was that screamin recovered it for the cults here's the ball squirting out but the treatment ever have full possession of it well you know Jim review you can't reviewed possession of a fumble like this so they call in the field is going to stand or ditch them so the Colts take over at the 11th and the game before just when you think every turnover and take away is automatically subject to a review there's a new little extra footnote to that yeah I think we knew it when it's down to growl like that you can't roll you can't go and say well we don't know who had possession you can clearly say Oh if you saw it and the Colts didn't fall on it they only the Raven players are there that you could switch the college possession negative hell second down and six Lloris come up to make the stick on dick down awesome - I know a lot of people and I was one of those guys that said Ray Lewis there's no way he can't be ready to play and be a factor in this game but after practice everything he's he's hip he's basically scrimmaged he can lift the weights and that good example he understands offenses and he's able to take chances calculating the ones and make a tackle behind the line of scrimmage after missing 10 games did that third and seven first down just when you thought Baltimore might have him for a sack now this is I we were talking to the players yesterday its Andrew Luck it's such a big guy when you see him in person and he has played strong all year long and I know be the Ravens they give him good protection nobody's open they said we're going to keep him in the pocket but when it takes that long he has good foot movement and that's a big first down they is hard to get down Roethlisberger s that's a good it that's a good comparison needed seven he kicked off a and the first down at the 22 Rory Graham it's excellent coverage on them ray Lewis's day areas we'll talk to the Dean and then the introduction I'm actually sawing or expecting the place of different position today not all these right now second lieutenant [Applause] one deep again the flags at about the 40 yard line he might have been held up to why Alton we had that game breaker last hat deep this number 23 five-yard kill the automatic first down hold on Brown shocky Brown 23 when he's on the field with the extra wide receivers a lot of teams go well I don't want to throw against Kerry Williams or Graham in a pic on Schottky brown so he's going to see a lot of footballs come his way John Harbaugh taking his team to the playoffs first five years the record is six Bill Cowher [Applause] likes where his team is in rugby gym emotionally he thinks they're right they'd been through some tough times Lucy games [Applause] and it puts the football at the tourist side the state and some of the Colts owning a face mask for yards gained on that one big gallon how about this run he told us weeks ago Jim like I'm a between two tackles runner but when you make him force him to go outside he does it doesn't look like a face mask to me not it was not planned somebody took us to football for this if you say he's a rookie the offensive side second down and six [Applause] first down at the 38 a lot of ways to get it done T Y Hilton we saw a breeze they're good reverse rudders and we saw this with the Steelers so much when Bruce Arians was the offensive coordinator there for many years wide receiver screams get guys out in space Santana's qui Christensen the coats coordinator has two previous years the middle we're about six four complete NFL coverage including everything you need to know from wildcard weekend all the way through Super Bowl xlvii visit CBS slash NFL well the Colts very worried about it Chuck Pagano Senate Bruce Arians when I talked to him they withstood the opening serves the offense was shaky the first series they got the recovered fumble and now in rhythm [Applause] Edie Reid looking for another playoff pick he's had three and two playoff games against Indianapolis boy you see this a lot Andrew Luck is so strong can stand in there are as people are hitting him and that is wonderful but we see a lot of this too that once he gets rid of the football they see where he's going to throw it he can't throw it with the same power while Kruger says I couldn't get the guy down [Applause] laughs that was some defensive players I said I hope I get to talk to you when you hit everyone now hard-boiled the big ego over-the-shoulder graph for the first down by Reggie Wayne a gain of nine and that puts the football on the Baltimore side of the field coverage is awesome on the outside the old stop back shoulder throw to Reggie Wayne he's only caught about 4,000 of those in his career a lot this year from Andrew Luck but of course hundreds in games from Peyton Manning saunders comes in is an extra tight end shifting back to the left side the wing [Applause] by elevator Epis honors her through an ice block helps bring him 4/7 they did Wesley Saunders comes from the Pittsburgh Steelers tight in but how about this offensive line they were just hoping to be able to run the ball just enough to keep the rhythm of the game the right way in other words let's just don't drop Andrew Luck back 35 times in his game dr2 started back at the after a Ray Rice fumble a second untrue he's been moving the rookie has the first down in a gain of five they've been working him a lot in the last month he's have been averaging about 21 rushes a game the last four weeks a lot of confidence in the rookie from Mississippi State well once you see and we see it all the time we talk about Ridley up in New England but Vic Talib they wear all year long when once you get some knowledge in the didn't even let your talent show and his talent as a running back keeps coming out more and more as weeks as the week's go by that pie is rushing today from the wookie class they put on a fifth round burst in ten they say in complaints - scoop it off the ground where he Graham was back defending for Baltimore this is what they do well top of your screen they love the cross receivers deep that time it was Reggie Wayne and Fleener the tight in they do in every single game the nose of the football does hit the ground before he secures possession of it [Applause] that one right there was not so conclusive 14th day of the drive wisdom over six minutes second and ten that's the welding more getting his first handle nine-year veteran out at Tulane and with the Steelers the Vikings methodically moving down the field while this takes care of Dean I said there do mrs. sweetened stay hippie well the folks should say the Ravens a took care of that pretty quick third and five need to get right to the 25 for the first may have been the one that jarred loose was that McPhee fell on it go right back to the Ravens Evan minute and 10 seconds ride comes up empty for Indianapolis yep it was a fun who was getting ready to throw into some open receivers on first a little bit was Monta Davis a stone in the direction of uncle Anquan Boldin let's just watch real quick here comes the receiver across the field you're going to see him cross and you just watched your home this is why the Andrew Luck took his hands off of it look at both of them as a cross they're both open four first downs and Paul Kruger he used to Sahlin guy that nobody talks about the Raven I think he's a myth has much second down and 10 nice for war while Kruger he believed he's his best their best pass rusher he's had now eight and a half sacks over the last nine games china says it yeah well the second half of the season to Kruger style high-energy guy Jim he's a great hand fighter so that's what you I hear guys taking karate lessons and all the things they do in the off season defensive linemen he can hand fight with these offensive linemen great that's why he gets to the quarterback and there's another guy knows how to do that Dwight Freeney seven-time Pro Bowler Dante Davis juggled it for a moment and then Tory Smith trying to get it on the rebound incomplete gets away from it it's these moments sometimes I say it's when the quarterback panics but I don't mean it in the sense that it says it's that you've got a little decide right now you're getting hit do I let go of the football and Joe Flacco does and gets away from from it gets away with it I should say pounds and let's see how far forward they spot this one at the 22 37 yard punt no score first and here's a look at our Nationwide Insurance Skycam M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore [Applause] ever be there as well Chuck Pagano we talked in it last night at the hotel and having fun in just from the airport and he says you know that's the first time I've been on a plane since week one come again thought of handle so all these things feel so new to me again I think it is chat with him or she gets emotional just being back in the game he made at Stanford of Andrew Luck's for six during the pregame there is with John Harbaugh hired by John back in 2008 joined the staff here secondary coach for three years and then the defensive coordinator last season said today he's gonna stick with the game plan the process that they have used all year long just because it's a playoff game against his old team that he coached not gonna do anything new first down just yesterday in the Indianapolis Star Coach Pagano wrote a letter to the fans of Indianapolis a beautiful letter on behalf of the family thanking everyone for showing the country Indianapolis has the best fans in the entire world the answers love for the coaches and players extends way beyond the football field second at seven watch it in the direction of Hilton well you know Jim you know the last thing you know we talked to coach a long time last night Chuck Pagano and he said that he was sick the first game he watched on TV of his team his wife Tina is sitting in the room with him and she's going come on Andrew for the baldness and what did he say to her he just he goes really that's what you're good I gotta watch this all these tryout think he said he walked out the other room to watch the game watched every game had a deaf girl on the wall there on the hospital this is what I get stuff against this raven defense third and seven Fisher first remember bean and then Lewis subs are all in on it we talked about it so they show the inside pressure they got there and here comes LOV we've talked about him boy has he been under the radar terrific player for this raven defense this year twenty seconds of the first quarter low punt living down there by McAfee Lana takeoff and he's tripped up pile of fed and the 30 41 yard boot 12 yard run back closing seconds of a scoreless first quarter playing on the place today's the quarterback coach now today Galip of six for the rookie from temple taken to the third round Bernard Pierce scorer of us after one will return the Baltimore after these messages you're watching the NFL on CBS home of super hide in that opening quarter stopping possible scoring drives second and four for back go to the radar continue with Pierce he's had some really bright moments this year picks up five in the first down oh yeah the bright moments might be an understatement of late getting the big ones and we were told and you can see when you watch him in person that he's a lot faster than he appears probably even on TV so when guys come up the tackling they go oh he's quicker so he gets by defenders who take the wrong angle Marie Smith great separation from canisters gone and it goes for 22 well the good play-action fake you've got the extra back Vontae leads giving joe flacco more time Torrey Smith speed can get down the field and cashes Vaughn Knowles once seen he sees that speed going you've got to turn and run Torrey Smith those hands has worked on them tremendously in the two years that he's been here and he attacks the head back from the Gulf 38 laying up the middle in another one of the subplots here Jim Caldwell taking over for Cam Cameron here in the last month is the offensive coordinator and the former head coach of the Colts up to last season yeah I talked to him about taking over as a coordinator and he just said the EPP it's as difficult as and you can imagine it's all there so there's only so much he can do this is camp Cameron's office and I want to get into that this machine then these offensive coordinators are given let go once they build the team and put the system into teams get Antoine Bethea pick up another first time de tomates I think that's a good example what they're trying to do Jim Caldwell and the Ravens just want to give Joe Flacco some easy throws or more easy throws throwing it inside trying to get Anquan Boldin going across the middle short and the tight ends they have done it somewhat successful the last couple weeks that I had a 61 catch season your man Hanna Brigham Young University [Applause] well Marci onto the right guard 73 one of blocky kids but always when you watch runners that dip in and then they dip it out go back outside and it's just tremendous 18 picks up here Phil yep it is and then you saw Michael or Jim you talked about it now at right tackle his best position the Ravens think this is their best starting palette offensive line this clowns ahead to the five and it will be second and goal from a spot get this offensive line for the Ravens they've not had this configuration all season long right Bryan McKinney the left tackle John Harbaugh said show me so four weeks in practice he kept working hard they liked the production they saw in practice so they've given him a chance to start [Applause] shift around each other which is back in second and goal looking for Tandon Dawson Indianapolis kid my way of Bloomington Indiana Indiana University coverage on the outside Vontae Davis excellent all over Joe Flacco has to protect the tone / and everything so he closed in a little bit inside now third and goal have played the Colts in the playoffs never scored a touchdown toss this time the now will fall on Tucker the rookie kicker for a field goal well they tried to create some deception and confusion putting three receivers together on the left side but you know what there is nobody open the coverage down the field once again aggressive and all over the receivers Justin Tucker beat out Billy Cundiff and camp rookie from Texas a 30 of 33 season including two game winners at the end never miss we're inside he drills it so the Ravens now for two trips inside the Colts 15-yard line one a fumble Dublin leads to a field goal first points of the game belong the Baltimore Ozzie Newsome gentle manages it dull I Army will be back for the playoffs marine takes a knee Wednesday on CBS catch live performances from your favorite musical acts and super star performers it's the People's Choice Awards and it's live this Wednesday on America's number one network right before the game Commissioner Goodell was there to deliver a big bear huh - hey Lois [Applause] why the footballs give tips because the pocket gets pushed backwards a little bit really not that much that time my lovely not ah Andrew what kind of striding into the throw and holy knots I've just reached up and hit it Ray Lewis well there's some rust in he did everything he did the studying we got to work on the pass catch you got the work on those hainan on interception play second down and ten [Applause] Speight ahead there to the 28 was interesting as he drops his sure interception and you know what it wasn't what we usually see he looked it in but he hasn't I didn't know if he played the true villain sad or play the weakside linebacker son by the heat up he's back in his four layers now third and two [Applause] Motors trying to catch it and somehow make a move on Pollard at the same time and the ball is jarred loose well I was really well done by the defense - sweet receivers to the right who's going to take you and taller drives on the short throw the T y Hilton I don't blame him you've got to protect yourself and try to get the football at the same time not even good and again thirty-six Virgil brown ends the return at 17 yards fit some night pickup with the Raven Teddy Jacoby Jones will the Texan is a flag just came out on the far side oh there it is it's in her get hold but I think my eyes were that bad where I couldn't see cross the field let me rephrase it I'm not getting sure yeah I'm sure the war never ends man you keep fighting during the returns holding receiving team number 23 10-yard Hilary a retain possession first down second penalty thrown against Jackie Brown backing up there only a combined eight out of 20 at the head for about five and you telling me on the break up on Flacco it just needs to get in rhythm has it so far yeah no I think it's it's always tough you know everybody on TV only got a run to ball they're gonna run the ball yeah that's great but you kind of remember this quarterbacks pretty important too can you keep him in rhythm keeping part of the game his confidence all that is out there I think the Colts they thought they were going to beat this Ravens offense maybe with their pass rush but so far they're coming and the Ravens attack footballs been very good near the 40 laughs edge was the one who tripped them up after 13 yeah when you talk about a run defense that's one of the worst in the NFL to go down the line everybody overruns the play and Ray Rice he of course is not a tall name to begin with but he can get down there solo and just make those cutbacks look so easy and it's allowed over five yards of carry this year something worse than a live girl has to as Malthus was pinching the edge and Antonio Johnson was bursting straight-ahead spoke too soon Robert Malthus how about this against Michael or just made joe flacco step up and there's nowhere to step up to cuz Johnson is right there in the inside good throw away by Joe Cocker and Robert Matthews how fast was that I'd be the right sack well I'd say Joe James to snap counts second and ten and rice has got two maybe three thing comes up Thursday on CBS Sherlock Holmes will meet his greatest enemy the battle begins Thursday on TVs number-one news show Elementary only CBS third and eight that bring in Jacoby Jones is an extra receiver they had completed one pass so far to the White House boy the Jones and it was with Cardinal Matthew so you think very highly of the defensive lineman we had pressure on the quarterback yeah I'll tell you why here comes Antoine to faith from the outside Jim and it's a good thing this is a timing Ralph Joe Flacco never sees him it's going to be a hit the strip and a fumble so the Colts Greg mineski pretty clever himself with the blitzes cy Hilton back there deep waiting for the scent of his way chapter 2 there is a flag on the field that lets see main negate that brilliant Punk by cook yeah did he go out of bounds 58 yard punt to the two he was legally pushed out of bounds cannot be the first one to come in and touch it [Applause] illegal touching by the kicking team number 16 when out of bounds came back in was the first to touch the five-yard penalty for viewports actually touch back because it happened inside the 5-yard line another special teams totally unpopular Lenny findell was pushed out of bounds and it is inside the five-yard line that's get into about the 22 and a key are gained through our gain and Ray Lewis we talked to Amy Watson in practice used his brain line of scrimmage that be reactive some massive grace he's wearing on that right arm we accepted the parents rights of injury - October of the game against Davos 7/8 as well as Kari Williams in afraid they have you talked so much it read we forget about Haloti Ngata and he's healthy he's able to push offensive lineman towards the quarterback but Linda's tremendous run stopper here in the first half of 2009 yeah well you know what this defense what scene getting free to the this one reminds me of the people 33 in a gain of 10 right call that time by Christmas in the office call today it was a blitz the quick look inside [Applause] in the force around big out of Clemson well like you said we talked about rookies they're everywhere in the offensive side 83 I like what they do bunch up the receivers so they don't get chucked at the line of scrimmage they can get down the field and let Andrew Luck get through the football a little quicker but Allen is a big guy who can block at the end of the line of scrimmage he is a has turned out to be a really good program in the early up here scholar in there shut down as Louis isn't on that tackle Quemoy yatta as well pass to Alan and then he hit his hand on the player you know we talked about jimmy-boy he said it Andrew all the taken this year but he told us I've gotten a lot better here 14 in here second of escape in vixx up there Dean and a burst of a clock purchases trying to get them the rhythm of this game it's a good aggressive defense they're not getting enough time so they're beat them with screams and underneath throws how about those moves for the big guy down the field one shift that right past LOD is pretty yes to see my Christiansen here the quarter coach again stepping in today with loose aliens at the last man home [Applause] battle-ax this is long as the Colts have gone all season long without putting the points on the board as we approach four minutes to go in the first half what makes his this Colts offense so dangerous as Clyde Christensen is called today you just keep picking away but back in the back of their minds it's always about their young receivers the speed and trying to go deep please so I go to oh he looks I don't care you just got to worry about he could hit three passes and those three could be enough to beat second and eight is that coming in from the secondary was poori Graham and all further there to help out it's just these go to blitz Rory Graham comes off the slot we've seen Pollard use it with everybody on this defensive side can be a Blitzer and what makes it so difficult they look at your formation and defenders all look at each other and determine out puts his time in you cover and they switch up it's a complicated defense and it's amazing they make it work before that sack of loss of six starts pushing and as far as a military field with that country the cleaner and lewis brings him down immediately but it'll call now Adam Vinatieri from about 47 yards he was five of five here in a playoff game back in 2006 the year that Colts went on to win the Super Bowl had tied a postseason record perfect five of five including his longest ever and postseason 51 yards again that was hero 6 the vigilant's this is 47 military ties the game at 3 the all-time leading scorer in the NFL postseason ties the game Jacoby Jones [Applause] return to kickoffs for touchdowns this 37 yards Josh Gordy was able to finally in the return nobody knows the game like the quarterback break down the road to Super Bowl xlvii on NFL Monday QB tomorrow 6:30 Eastern only on CBS Sports Network only four hour Home of CBS Sports you'll be talking the quarterbacks tomorrow there you see Flacco on a day when of the four quarterbacks party on this Sunday three rookies Bronco the elder statesmen of 27 how about that and all the success of Joe Flacco has had the playoff but didn't today so far opportunities have not been in a joke like that the Java hold it on to him by jor-el Freeman or your run will bring us to the two-minute warning here a field goal that's all we have so far let's see what happens in the last two minutes and a half Ravens come little line with two minutes to go in the first half full allotment of timeouts on each side second at six and that's rice there in about for the big story lines here so far Ravens haven't really tried to open it up much but the wide receivers you know get away from the codes defensive backs Jones on a slant near the 50 and a gain of 8 Jacoby Jones brought in here really to be a return guy he's been really good at that but he just gives the wide receiving core depth and a guy that can do a little bit of everything and throws it in and out of the hands of Ray Rice it was Malthus again in there quickly on the back on the quarterback coming up the Verizon half time before JB Dan Shannon Boomer coach Cowher then take on the first half here plus all the latest playoff news coming up on the horizon at times and I know you think you can run the ball the Colts defense they've done that but I guess the big thing is Jim respecting the defensive ends for the Colts white srini Robert Mathis you have to be careful but that's a 47-yard hookup flat load or ice watch 27 what's the throw they actually have to throw it backwards Robert Mathis had it he smelled the screen out he was going to cover it Ray Rice moved in Joe Flacco you know go ahead it forces it in there and Ray Rice does the rest I thought I was looking at that old flashback of the fourth and twenty nine play against San Diego this year got blocked by Torrey Smith by the way downfield Pierce's the tailback here were first in [Applause] you always follow Vontae leads they always run behind him that looks like he breaks the plane with the football from even for that angle but they change it up get the football to him Pat angers an excellent run linebacker is all over it trying to stand them up but look at the surge by leaps no question he breaks the plane yes he's the pull ball fullback for the AFC and leach comes up with the game's first touchdown off the 47 yard catch and run by Rice and he has happened an excellent day in the one game - we haven't talked about it yet suddenly hits linebackers [Applause] 10 to 3 Tucker adds the extra point leech mobile starter for the third straight year got a chance to handle it he takes it across 6 min that day at the Holts on the way one of the Superbowl field goals but after a exchange of field goals in the first 28 minutes the raid was put together our return about that key playful well let's go back and look at it here is Robert Malthus years Ray Rice you're gonna see a meet Robert Malthus right away goes all they see the screen what a little adjustment by Ray Rice he made an adjustment he's going outside he cuts back inside and Torrey Smith the bottom of the screen how about that block by him unselfish play that's what it was that time by the Torrey Smith walking down but a good excellent adjustment by Ray Rice holds the shotgun pick it up on the floor here's a little split screen look bobtail eats goes one way pierce the other didn't fall him boy I'll tell you Jim you naΓ­vi you don't laugh at me chuckle when we watch Fontaine weeks sometimes getting ready for the games because he can make NFL all-pro run back there's kind of go uh-oh here he comes again yeah he's coming after me second and six completion Richie Wayne that's good for 13 timeout Colts with 38 setting their way here shortly first-half highlights and all the latest playoff news on the horizon halftime report maybe not talking to us last night about mascara Ravens it's a long week for these guys as multiple as they are so he didn't really get comfortable until about play later than usual [Applause] tried to defend that one that one goes for 2113 one for 20 and now a second timeout call by nd spinning Reggie went into the game plan he had two catches for 17 yards before these last two snaps which got him now on to the Ravens side of the field that catches ya by Kruger it has a sack and a half already in this game at this time of past defense well you said it this is why he Andrew Luck never felt comfortable till Friday here's the defensive end your best pass rusher dropping back in coverage you don't expect it the job though by eager he is open that's Luck's first inclination on the game clock 29 fresh 7 on the game straight hookups and they just at the clock - 29 seconds this little Drive you know it used to be 50 seconds ago you desire let's deal on and go in not today's NFL spread it out and attack and this is a big confidence booster I think for this boats offense going into second regardless of what happens manages to throw away they didn't get it past the line of scrimmage no flag it's coming out intentional grounding another blitz Danelle ellaby from the outside you think he's fast enough for a linebacker well I do Andrew Luck cannot even get himself in position quick enough to get rid of the football or to get it far enough down the field I should say that was a good job by the officiating crew they immediately ran and marked the spot where the football hit the ground determined in the short to be able to like Kari explains to Chuck Pagano the it was set down from the field that would be second on coming up but lost sit down [Music] but not on you think about that AFC championship game last year big dick he's outside the pocket the ball doesn't get there but there could be a runoff in the clock which Baltimore has decided to take Indianapolis could have let the ten seconds run up and save their time out so please set the clock to twelve seconds in the wine [Applause] joining today's after that but lynching was for the Raiders are on when he gets the ball at bay the Ravens he told us last Hanan over with the Annapolis approach it's amazing how it works not fair but that's just assistant a lot of law teams do not want to wait timeout call by Baltimore both approach to get out of the playoffs before the interview all the candidates well since it was a tension of grounding inside of one minute the the Ravens had the opportunity to take it back or to run the ten seconds off the clock so they said let's run the ten seconds off the clock back to this remarkable year for Indianapolis plus nine to win seasonable worst team in the league last year course they had the big first pick [Music] but beyond that you look at Ryan bricks and their general manager 35 new players on the roster and what they did to build something so fast and Chuck pagano's leadership though we talked about a gym what they did especially like his on the offensive side was just tremendous six rookie offensive players huge part of what they're doing and again how gracefully Bruce Arians stepped in for the bulk of the season for Chuck Pagano if you're just joining us Bruce Arians is not here at the stadium today this morning at the team hotel there is some sort of episode he had been sitting in the week of mr. practice as the plaintiff this morning of nausea and headaches and he was taken to the local hospital his duties for the game as the offensive rider and play call to have been turned back over him that Christiansen right there defense fire on the fouls of 41 yard-line courts are telling us that these aliens is quotes official statement he's in a local hospital all sorts of tests and recording that is going on well that of course is great news what they've done here to gain the 10-second winner if they want to use the time and Ava son got there 26 [Applause] how about the rookie out of Florida International I'm the presence of mind to turn it around buttonhook and put them in play for a field goal well the big problem that started for the Ravens they allowed Andrew Luck to step up into the pocket like that and he found T Y Hilton wide open who made a they that was a tremendous move by him to get out of bounds five military to be a friend if he makes it in the postseason 50 children military with his longest postseason kick of his career bettering the 51-yard re-adhere back in the o6 season playoffs it's a just inside the upright his time expires on the first half don't want to wait for the cold see in the first half like I said regardless but getting the three points what a confidence builder came into the league undrafted back in 1996 the same year Ray Lewis entered the NFL so he had three points six points total the first 27 minutes and 30 seconds and he get some action here in the last turday in the divisional round about Ray Louis's first half of action again first time back on the field since October the 14th yeah I think was pretty solid really we've watched him a lot we had a lot of uh of course shots of Ray Lewis making plays misses the interception and not surprised because John Harbaugh said he's going to do it in practice full-speed with pads taken up he's done all that and he had a solid first down empathy boots it to the NFL's number-one kick returner this year maybe Jones robbed at the 17 yard line each team's on pace for about 400 yards of total offense but it's a 10-6 game and really didn't see a lot of offensive firepower until the last couple of minutes of the first half what do you expect now well you know I will say this for the Indianapolis Colts I think the big problem is the plate calling you're going to have to keep on a sequence in other words don't get in third downs because third down the Ravens it's impossible they've got all these different kinds of blitzes and it worked against the Colts offense in the first half Joe Flacco he just needs some opportunities come out with the wookie of running back this time for the second half Pierce gets the handle for for 43 yards and that completion to Hilton someone for 25 them for the last place at the half did it set up the military field goal seven tackles for Lewis and one pass defense could have had the interception Monta leach by the way Byrne on that last play he scored the game's only touchdown and we'll take a break in the action here in Baltimore three rice is all covered up then the boy looks like he's a good spirits just resting up second down and six a little play action here he's not down at the nine by Robert Mathis trying to find some ways to get this offense going they got the extra tight in Billy Baz Luhrmann number 86 and Robert Mathis up the field doesn't get full the thing is he just has to speed to recover nice little kick by the right foot take Joe Flacco down watch his right foot oh yeah it's not just any ordinary said that's a loss of 13 I'm surprised so far the games Oh Jim you talk about this past a game of the Ravens they are not I thought they could get it done and pay the ball the sidelines any time they wanted today it's 19 Mabel to launch it deep countess pardon getting his hands on a football today and posing comes down with it we'll check the flag he had teamed the daus's teammate in the area as well pass interference this gonna play in a 50-yard game the longest of the day on the other side three-man rush look at all the space and Joe Flacco does the right thing just heave it up there I actually think he was sorted outside to Tandon Dawson but when you talk about Antwon Bolden this is a big receiver with strong hands an all-american high school quarterback can catch it in traffic the perfect guy to make a catching up in a situation that believes his back at fullback that's Alana's pass play and that is pierced for a couple inside 48 Oh Jim in today's world in this league written down just even out there because really nothing bad can you just a half a beat off when it comes to the snap or Andrew Luck calling out the snap count [Applause] the catch Payet Krueger Z making plays or what in the face of luck yet again we're back after luck in the Colts forced off the field by another play by Paul Kruger there comes Franco and the rail [Applause] first pushed out by Jerry Hughes they'd like to see if they can five more ways Anquan Boldin how about that thanks like he's going all the way across the formation and the snap of the ball they bring him back good job that time by Joe Flacco going to his lap get in good positioning and making the easy completion just the seventh completion of the game for Flacco [Applause] near the 40 Lawrence guy got to him first and we remind you to say on CBS Dennis Quaid stars in a new episode of the hit drama Vegas Tuesday only CBS America's number one network second at six cassius born three catches by folding coming in this happened two of them long balls this is what Joe Flacco does as well or maybe better than anybody the NFL they give outside technique the cause of the formation on Cassius lawn and watch how far he throws this up in the air and this gets very tough for defensive backs team played the football because so few quarterbacks in the NFL can throw it far and extremely high bed time Joe Flacco minute 46 yards to Bolden Flacco going to the end zone catches made out of bounds by Smith boy that cash by Bolden he's got a 50-yarder a 46 yarder and another 10 yarder in this corner 106 yards and catches in the third quarter how about this one yeah it's just uh it's all over the shoulder and really just get over the top of this his head yeah I told you he's a high school quarterback and it's just easy and natural to Anquan Boldin I'll tell you this too before the game he's had to pee anymore this is first and it's going to be on the Ravens Paul start off in the 74 by a second out you know when you look at this game it's just about ready to say when you watch the Ravens play and sometimes you got to be careful how you judge it then run the football it's about the defense but Joe Flacco almost every game is gonna have three or four big throws that you just go Bob that was special I saw the giant game I've seen that many games this year we have not seen it here today that one to Anquan Boldin was special second and 15 for the touchdown [Applause] really no matter who the quarterback is in the NFL if you let them escape the pocket and move forward that extra time if the defense breaks down wide receivers come open this time it's a tight end Pitta or was that a nice need and how about Taurus Manny set up the first touchdown with a great block and looking and holding his block right there 82 once again pushing cash is gone aside and creating the avenue competitor to the extra point is good Dennis get up won a yard touchdown he's given them great production all season long the day nine for 250 drives it right over the head of Daisy Kareem the Pepsi Super Bowl halftime show on CBS hey you submit your photo at CBS slash Pepsi for a chance to be seen Millions [Applause] there is a to the sixteenth chapel Suhel in for winston justice injure the shoulder couple snaps ago questionable to return [Applause] by Kari Williams luck is under pressure now personal everytime he drops back well now you got the right tackle heard that time the coach did a nice job of helping out school there and using the running back to get a little extra protection but when you get into obvious passing situations like third down or being behind then they get a lot of different combinations of what ii attend back after 6:00 like he was ready to come a little earlier than the postseason but his daughter diamond he urged him to wait until the playoffs they also said all these kids are here today at the game watch and good job by Ray Lewis said time Costanzo gift around him and making the tackle third and four for applause [Applause] three out of ten on the day on third with the first down catch while beautiful throw we net had a focus to at that time answer log gets a little space to throw it weights and stays back and when you stay back like that as a quarterback that football is going to come out there with some power [Applause] have a sixth-round her out of the but Athens Ohio Ohio University and that's Avery at an opening game into round 415 and has been quiet until that patch to five yards I like this little no huddle they had just trying to keep the pace going generally what's the no-huddle do you're trying to tire out of defense but you're trying to keep it simplified so they don't have time to communicate and butcher all former office there was 74 [Applause] again there's Mike Christensen 11 years in the Colts organization joined the same years of back Jim Caldwell did offensive coordinator for two years quarterback coach now and again stepping in today Bruce Arians who's been taken to the local hospital well he's been a court dated before our thinking was the coordinator for the courts at Caldwell ravemon surround him to finish off the run well you can tell every time there's a situation second of 10 or second and long they like running the football because they want to give themselves a chance here and third down so now you could steal one the ball [Applause] the pocket when you ball a lot quicker in the pass game folks face another third down bird and to sliding to a stop at the 42 will hop out that nice patience by Angela oh my gosh Kruger's austin there was yes he you know you're worried about his speed nice job by anton look stepping up in the pocket they said they wanted to keep him in there but sole expecting his speed rush make hoover just runs him under and they'll hover here for Indianapolis [Applause] wideout by Arthur Jones Act - have you thought your fantasy season was over it's not NFL playoff challenge is back better than ever you can win a trip to next year's Super Bowl xlviii 2014 played today about backslash magazine [Applause] haven't so far made that play of course I mean the store play Ravens they we give up the big play over the top of our heads we can't eight of six in the setup another 30 short for the poles got it short don't want to give so 30 shorts him but also you could be thinking as an offensive coordinator Chuck Pagano finished said this could be photo the cause of that Hilton out Brazil in this is the third third and short on this drive converting the first two times got it by a yard like this little sweep fake here he comes fake it there and the back comes across this is just another version of a play that everybody in the NFL runs Bill Walsh started [Applause] just as quick as he knocks back Ballard with an assist for marine and a loss of two you've talked about vanellope and when Ray Lewis is a linebacker it's hard to get a lot of credit but he's athletic and you can tell even in these replays out fast he is an aggressive perfect we watch a lot backer to be second drive Lewis was trying to reach up and get a hand on it pass a laser for 21:52 Ray Lewis what anticipation there by Andrew Luck and throws it right past Ray Lewis yeah reaching out with his injured arm that catch Reggie Wayne becomes the second all-time receiver in the postseason behind Jerry Rice the wealthy more is the linebacker first down from the 14 [Applause] picking up good yardage inside the ten way down that will keep tight in who's made sin plays help spring him for six I thought for sure I didn't know they were going to run to that side let Reggie Wayne 87 a wide receiver be kind of the lead blocker at the point of attack even though he didn't get anybody good running by Moore breaking it outside quite a drive being put together here by the Colts a minute ability to go in the third quarter convert here it's a second floor [Applause] away by Arthur Jones that was the exact same play they ran the play before the Colts flag christeson being just like Bruce Arians if it works why not willing to give a lot of teams are they running they got okayed you called that plane let's move on to the next one I never understand that philosophy but the Colts don't buy into it even though that second one didn't work as well as the first third down of four [Applause] [Applause] Reggie Wayne and will bring out military a field goal would still make it a one score game they try to create a little confusion that time by stacking the receivers and really having like a lead blocker watch t y hilt he's blocking inside but it's not good enough the defense is running in there aggressive going to the wall though this is a closed team that has 28 players in uniform who have never played in a playoff game military from 26 who addressed the playoff rookies this week for Chuck Pagano and sanitary two years back was five out of five today's three out of three 79 written in the end go with another military field goal the punter Gamble's the kickoff chores and this is a good one you can get away from Jacoby Jones later today it's time to turn it over to comets basketball temple and the house and Lawrence right here on CBS sports any Brando but couple of Lyon to call later today again the winner will be taking on the one seed in the AFC will be taking on the Denver Broncos who have that long win streak going into the postseason he Houston a New England all set for next Sunday on CBS [Applause] one already down that side Seattle against Washington later today with the winner of that one facing Atlanta next Sunday and Green Bay and San Francisco be playing next Saturday night I think football fans this weekend the next weekend of their favorite yet weekend's of the year I've always said division or weekend oh okay you get two games each day playoffs where is my couch well we got a little break an action right now it'll take the rest into three they are considered by many to be the best team in the world how did they get there the answer may surprise you 65 17 years and they told them it's my last ride I'm gonna give it everything a bag that evens is the second at nine who will start before who continues his huge and a first down out across the 40 big-time throw by Joe Flacco stands in the pocket there is pressure you can there in front of him and he just gets on top of the football and I'll tell you he gets every ounce of energy into it and ant qualm Bolden how about that when he turns around 25 yards down the field there was the football and 21 yard play that time and Indianapolis has recovered its anger with the recovery rice bubbling for the second time today or you get them down there and feel position where if you nothing else happens you're going to kick a field goal and make it tough goats love fish love edge number 35 knocks it out yeah rice fumbles on the opening drive for the Ravens today one looked like they were gonna drive down and score no but your buddy you need these games this lady gets a runner I'm sure they know it great whites will taste you from behind they are going to the Ravens team that over only 16 times on the year second fewest in the lead Houston Ravens history but two by race today lower the shoulder not our be back three or four yards and then Arthur Jones help finish him off Arthur Jones whose kid brother will be in the playoffs next week Chandler Jones in the New England Patriots Day Houston pretty good play of this Arthur Jones he just gets he's really become a force for but ego gets our shot just like that the coats on the other side of the field I don't know if he keep any official stance with Andrew look moves it's completed seems like he sees a little bit of a rule place to go to slides it makes a good for right past Ray Lewis his outstretched arms weighing over a hundred yards on the day the seven catches [Applause] that rhymes just shove the Ravens back and there was no one near of 24 yards these inside was but why just watch it we're the running back it looks like you take it straight up the middle but maybe he sees Collard coming in at safety if he does at some pier yeah the flag out this was across quickly a Balor goat for a guy that told us oh I'm a between the tackles guy well today he's outside the tackles could be 12 men on the field I think by the Ravens I'm just guessing [Applause] 12 men on the field defense five-yard penalty still first down five yards goes doesn't get off at the bottom of the screen Terrence Kobe I think it is yes [Applause] let's if it fall into the red zone the 18 [Applause] seventy five five yards Julius [Applause] let's mic McGlinn I do like what the Colts are doing they realize ok pass pressure a little bit of a problem so what they're doing they're giving some of these tight formations and it takes the ED rush edge rusher to that side kind of outplay and that guy there the rifle the most problems 99 those to the left side third false start of this half against the Colts first and ten [Applause] I think you don't we talked about all these rookie quarterbacks Jim and then who's going to be the Rookie of the Year look at all of them deserve it but the Andrew Luck that just another good example standing tall strong where's the football down takes another here I know he leads to leave and being hit by defenders [Applause] there's no way just a 1-yard game look at that Paul Kruger once again throwing it with people at his feet and two defenders hit hitting him so but SIF going to football with power down the field bill weighs 238 pounds a lot of times you take a lot of hits especially as a rookie quarterback it wears you down third down third and nine [Applause] because I off of it that might have had enough room to make a move for that first down marker now we'll be on the Blitz he saw Bernard call or coming he has nicknamed the enforcer for a reason brings out yet again military last time you know it made from 52 to close out the half this from 40 wide rights and off the takeaway haven't had any takeaway points on either side today pays to stretch out for the first probably just a shade short it was the fumble by rice a moment ago all upset but did you see that great shot the relief oh yeah after the missed field goal Mike Arnold directing Lance barrel producing here as we begin our run to Super Bowl xlvii in New Orleans on CBS February the 3rd 2nd and 1 his Pierce and he has stopped short of it Matheson Freeney how many times do you call those two names together through the years I like one time when Dwight Freeney told us they both come from different sides and they rush the quarterback and early in their career they used to run into each other all the time but he goes now it's like a sixth sense I can tell as I'm coming up the field where he is and wonder what angles to take then so they don't run into each other almost a shoe has to come out third one Heather inseparable the homes are about five houses apart - I'm out Paul here by the Ravens ten and a half ago still one school at timeout by the Ravens could backfire against them it gives up the Colts a chance to bring Freeney back into the lost his shoe now he's back in three so 31-foot Baltimore running right astonish me to the 18 yard line 43 yard run by Pierce how about the blocking to the right daily CH goes through the whole and there is no body there to block they couldn't get lined up right on the cold side there you go the shifting by the tight in Bosma confusing the confuses of your right gym just enough and the Ravens hurry the long sit down for no game here's who had the longest play from scrimmage in a year for the Ravens a 78-yard touchdown run against the Giants a couple of weeks back that's why you shift you put people in motion you give unique formations because you hope that causes confusion and if nothing else you hope it takes the aggressiveness away from defenders make them think they don't react as fast when you're thinking out there and they've been Rice back in or would he like to atone for those mistakes flacco here second at 10 about that catch number 81 a little separation [Applause] the arm is in there and darius but when you think most the time this will be broken up but those strong hands he just rips it down in there gets it to his body what a huge half for Anquan Boldin they're just verifying the touchdown upstairs we asked John Harbaugh who went player by player through his roster said Anquan Boldin he said superstar superstar didn't hesitate contestant catches that's what the Ravens have done more this year than in the past they can go up there when their cover and still bring down the football we need four to nine Ravens five catches in this half by Bouldin a hundred and forty five yards and this touchdown [Applause] the game so far without question these catches he is making [Applause] refresh Lewis's and shovel for the touchback yes Butler had the arm in there the whole time take it all to buy Subway restaurants the chipotle chicken and cheese is the featured five dollar footlong of January aim by Honda things can always be better introducing the best Honda Civic yet [Music] just nine minutes to go here in T Bank Stadium crowd surfing react and they saw Lewis out on the field dancing and they have it's in all games guys we face masks yeah I don't know so there's a reason that is Luis immediately knocking him down after nine Ray Lewis his first career sack by the way came against the Colts back in 96 and the guy he took down Jim Harbaugh Reyes memory though he told us before today was the first game at the old memorial state in against Oakland he had an interception the Selah victory and the Ravens home debut second and one and zipped up by Corey grant for seven [Applause] I'm not a sucker [Applause] super down it was Hilton that's shaken up earlier in this app but was able to return to the game yeah looked like he was shaken up than it was a lower body injury safety in the middle of the field office gets his feet out in front that's why he slips he's open it was a blitz it was picked up well by the Colts here this season teams lamenting the fact they had passed in the draft on Hilton he was taken at the third round by the Colts oh yes Miami Dolphins last week I heard that from a lot of people up there so Newtonian crashing defense in the 99 five-yard finished a second Wednesday primetime maybe building Cris Collinsworth showcase America's game inside the NFL Wednesday on Showtime who won the season-long picks it's not over yet oh so what up regular season title then there's no such Stampa going to Super Bowl second at five [Applause] the Ravens defense read comes out that would be as well holds of the two with eight minutes to play this is a valuable part of this Ravens defense you've been talking to my ball season never be shaken up and we're not too much of a lemon maybe a third down coming up for Indianapolis [Music] ever be replaced by Brendan I am today's young [Applause] [Applause] for a new set of downs of the 50 excellent throw good protection just a four-man rush talked about Locke he's ever been a six foot forward just stands tall and he fired that one in there [Applause] picks up about for a lot of this this is not real aggressive defense by the Ravens they're playing the clock John Harbaugh managing the game that's what he built he's looking up there John decide where do you take a chance and right now at the pace this offense is going they will not have to take their games second and five they take it all the way knavery it was a little bit of the Blitz inside looks like he the wall is an incomplete pass it took a while to sort of out rightfully so and the opinion of the officials incomplete well here's what it is all yes he's taken to the ground Jim so and that football came out before he was laying on the ground the plate or time he last so the fact that he was being taken to the ground you gotta hold that football through the process and he did not [Applause] that wipes out a pig down would have been good for 22 that would be by the way they were ankle injury questionable return we got the challenge flag coming out from the Colts I don't know we see this all the time and we see officials they have over and discuss it with the coaches the coaches seldom win this argument about a catch taking it to the ground with the ball squirts out on the field isn't anything pretty pass is being challenged by Indianapolis so risking what might be a very key timeout later on Mike Carey we'll take another look at us my guess is he's not gonna win this challenge [Applause] so here again is what the sting challenge bregman husky comes over and says something to the head coach [Applause] the channels right just before the ball was snapped [Applause] in Houston called incomplete on the field you see the contact going to the ground [Applause] possession but then a period of time has to elapse that's the way I've always tried to explain a gym and it's bang bang as he hits the ground that's why I think it will be ruled incomplete [Applause] after revealing demeaning indicators confirmed the receiver incomplete pass Indianapolis's charged in the first team and ciao though two timeouts remaining was 635 to play influenced the coaches upstairs or whoever I know Craig the Husky the defensive coordinator Bobby was told go over in time to challenge it walks with a rifle see why he'll help shield assignment mine so he can pick up an extra four or five yards uh you know I got some notes every once awhile right down while coaches tell me and number one and I put a big one in circled it Andrew Luck we're gonna keep him in the pocket good see why Hilton here excellent job of blocking outside but we've said it Jim and everybody knows that when you play the bolts the Andrew Luck waits to pocket of course he can run at most the time he's looked at before a deep down the fields third time today he's run for a first in a third down situation [Applause] the area of Wayne coming up the subway postgame show JB Dan Shannon boomer coach Cowher they'll have the highlights and the recap of this game we'll hear from the winners and we'll have all the latest playoff news coming up on the subway postgame show well two things no doubt this is going to be four down territory now for the Colts so you know that I you have to tell the quarterback look we need four downs here don't take a chance don't take a sack and put us in position where we can get it done leaping forward within the yard of a first what are you talking about Andrew Luck - I kidded him last night well let's see next year at stay in heaven instead of a - besides you they're like second gear it's going to be three because eight graduated him fast he's all the things all the pressure has been put on him all bird and to try to pick up the yard from the gun and a receiver slipped and it was d'Alene Alan its fourth downs coming up [Applause] this gets Lina feet get off of them in a position where there's bound up cleats in the ground and that's when you slip and fall forth and one they've had trouble of course when you looked at the scoreboard scoring touchdown so you try to heal them with the fake wellit's no doubt about it now nobody in the backfield [Applause] is worthless theft and defense may have just locked up this wildcard game they played the situation look how tight all the Raven defenders are they were going to Wayne it was Cory Graham who steps in front deflected it and Williams was there as well what a double effort by these two corners of the Ravens you said it it was fourth and short so they played it aggressively played for the short throw and what a job by Cory Graham what a store he is plains corner comes into place a slap defender on third and fourth downs he has had a terrific year [Applause] he's inside the 40 but with his first interception in his last 150 throws word with Allen who had slipped on third down yes the little things young football team Dwayne Allen just working the run throughout the proper way all the time tried to make his cut so fast before he was ready that's why he slipped and fell lucky did not throw a pic the last three weeks at the regular season [Applause] trying to dive under mice with just about a yard and we were talking earlier a lot about Tori Smith making the effort to set up the two touchdowns watching this and wide receiver position how long these days on the block is set up the leach touchdown from a yard out and then on the touchdown throw to pit up we're gonna hear how fast you turn around right away boom well that's Torrey Smith this worked so hard good team play very physical in other words at OE he really is a tough guy that wide receiver not surprised names a good run block or two third and four for the Ravens incomplete on the Baltimore side near that football so Pagano side will get the football back I'm going a lot quicker than they thought they would it's gonna be a long way to go so the Kowski is back at the 10-yard line waiting for good point to go near the ten yard line by Josh finds [Applause] Lewis and that Ravens defense will come back out here a lot of people question how much would he play today would he be just like a third of the distance listen I thought what he heard he was going to play today I said ah this is not going to work then he came down and saw practice of course we get the information that he had been practicing on the scout team for three weeks trying to make life miserable for Joe Flacco which I'm sure he did but all the hitting what did John Harbaugh tell us about a month ago I got a seam lift weights I got to see him take on blockers make tackles and of course they saw it that's why he's in the line [Applause] now there's a flag out the hit by Pollard do you have a penalty I don't from here I'm telling you this look good for me all for me does he hit him at the numbers he hits him with the side of his body he doesn't even leave with his head Wow fifteen yards well the helmets look like they could have hit here yeah they did yeah they did so uh it's a good be wrong Oh Larry that's a great shot it looked like he threw his body in sideways but down on the field what a perspective and it's a good boy [Applause] so now able to get up off that hit luck is down and he comes right back up Kruger sound like if you've guess who knocks it down somebody told me oh my gosh how about did you see the hands the little stutter step and he went inside tonight told me all Paul heard where all he is is just a high up for God very close he's got talent ten here he is again so how love was able door and throw it down the field my hands a Hilton how to play on that catch you know all season long Bruce Arians stepped in so capably such a commendable performance by errands for his pal Pagano had incredible praise for him last night about Bruce little did we though we'd show up today and the Bruce Arians the story would be as of 9:30 this morning rushed her to a local hospital after some sort of episode there is a flag down on the field people are gonna ask after this game how much would factor was it without Aryans taunting defense number 31 first down that's a second big flag against power let's drive before ing question john harbaugh this will make him as mad as you can get but cause he says get those type of penalties his second at the Senate planning playoff football don't make those type of mistakes to catch for Hilton but to answer your question Jim is i watch this game today I never felt like oh wow they're just not doing what I usually see the Colts offense do so Clyde Christiansen we can always second-guess play call him but I have it today because I never thought he did something out of the ordinary I thought he stayed with the team of what this Colts offense is hollered out he had a bow in sup short with not one of course Bruce Arians has been all week the talk of one of the strong candidates to take over one of the vacancies in the NFL ranks and we asked Pagano about that he said obviously don't want to lose in but I wish them nothing but the best he's a great man of the great kind if you watch a quarterback to play better and have a good offense it fits about most teams to this NFL then I'd say Bruce Arians is your guy what loading it up for today Coby Fleener takes it to the Baltimore 42 one thing I've noticed about Andrew Luck this game that I didn't see in earlier games he looks one way and throws the other a lot so he knows where he's going to go with the football but he looks it off before looked away and read defending on Reggie Wayne his old college roommates never forget what Bruce Arians said to us when we did the jet game early in the year with the Colts I said something about a em girl off he goes yeah my guys not afraid to chuck it in there itself and that's how they taught him it's not like oh don't make the mistake it's be aggressive and it's worth for I just want to say one last thing on that we don't have any more fresh information the Colts assure us they tell us that Aryans is fine his wife christine has flown and she's here at the local hospital with her husband right now and down 10 followed us back onto the field to stop winning from the dancing it passed five yards das moving with 225 to play [Applause] for the big ball ants Brazil Darryl Williams tried to jump up get a hand onto two games not over yet but the Ravens a huge part don't let them get behind a state for those touchdowns and they have not done that what couple opportunities they had were really early and they would have been very contested in tight clothes but they had been perfect than they were as holes to put up 419 yards total offense 25 first downs that have not been able to find the endzone it's four and five and that will do it [Applause] well somebody back out in the flat and this football it's it's a good throw the ballard fatigue whatever you want to call not able to make the catch Louis coming off very possibly the very last time [Applause] identified together so often with another week to go at least one week to go and read Louis's career as the Ravens are now earmarked for a trip to the Mile High City to take on Denver next Saturday [Applause] yes Malthus and a timeout called three seconds in front of the two-minute warning even after the play sucks and again these Ravens they've been staying in touch texting communicating with Pagano they loved him here when he was an assistant his last four years in the coordinator of that defensive unit last season ed Reid said this would be the one of the most emotional games he'd ever play in but cause a brain Louis of course but all the players and coaches from both teams that know each other ray Louis's first ever playoff game was in 2000 a wild card game here against the Denver Broncos they'll be going out to play the Broncos who they already played this season just a few weeks back then for beat him here 34 to 17 yeah it was a quietly I thought a pretty good game contestant remember it was the interception right before half-time that book the game open until apocalypse second and seven Pierce takes us to the two-minute warning 157 to go the last dance at home and then the Ravens will take it to the road next week packed with a third and six for the Ravens Colts can only stop the clock one time pick up a first down here pounds away from this going in the books and the first down coming up the subway postgame show jb dan shannon boomer coach power analysis of this game we're gonna hear from the Ravens and we'll have all the latest playoff he is coming up on the subway postgame show well this is the Ravens Jim you said it the defense the four guys together they played well given up notes but the football and the big pass plays and exactly the way they wanted to play this game and it worked now the Colts have son taking the last timeout it can put up the brackets now Baltimore and Denver Houston New England the top four seeds the divisional winners all set for next weekend and CBS [Applause] right greenie he came across Ray Lewis one time on a Pro Bowl kneel down by plateau readings at the globe on the plateless right before the game Ray Lewis gave him this speech because then I'm ready to go out there and get my 50% in the game and I'm getting this rousing speech from Ray Lewis but kind of sums up his career rayless now past it and real quickly as I look at the coats what a year yes the adversity but does not take away from these players to what they've done with a restricted football team and of course you can't say anything without saying andrew luck just a tremendous tremendous rookie year how many people were inspired by Indianapolis specifically Coach Pagano came back last week and Willis Ray Lewis to the field for this last meal valve how about that [Applause] one last Huey Lewis dance the original ravemon [Applause] [Applause] to coaches great friends [Applause] [Applause] one after another the Ravens come over to pay their deep respects from Chuck Pagano No told us last night take anything for every day what a blessing what a blessing he goals and Ray Lewis saw himself to his son great junior he said he had passion and joy in his heart he knew it was time to step aside but his career will ask at least one more week as the Ravens move on to Denver and the divisional round Baltimore wins it here twenty four to nine even watching the NFL on CBS will join James Bradley New York after this
Channel: BW52
Views: 91,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fXCDg9A49mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 24sec (7584 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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