2000 AFC Divisional Playoff - MIA @ OAK [FULL GAME]

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remember how that music used to make me see smiles returned to the Bay Area as john bruton has the readers back in the playoff for the first time since 93 Rich Gannon directs a well-balanced high-octane offensive attack that helped the silver and black run to the top of the AFC West Miami is also reliving its postseason glory days seeing shades of Larry Csonka in this year's workhorse running back Lamar Smith in sold-out Auckland emotions are running high who will be dancing after today who will be one step closer to the Super Bowl [Applause] [Music] but their favorite today and work associates Coliseum they are Raiders fans as we'll call it as one yes there is most certainly be heard today at this KFC divisible here in Oakland it's AFC champion Miami versus the AFC West champion Oakland Raiders on with Phil Simms the Raiders roll into this game off of a 12 and 4 regular season the league's best rushing attack and a quarterback playing his best football in his 13th year you're right Greg a lot of people ask me this year what is the difference in the Raiders why did they go 12 and 4 well Rich Gannon is the answer starting for the second straight year making better decisions throwing the football better but the biggest thing is and Miami's very concerned that he is running the football at the appropriate times and hurting defenses now the Dolphins are here thanks to an overtime win last week over the Colts and thanks to 209 yards and two touchdowns rushing from Lamar Smith yeah Lamar Smith what a game last week look at it though 40 rushes and NFL playoff record what do running backs do once they carry the football that many times in the playoffs what do they do the following week look at these runners look at the following week what they did the production is not there ken Lamar Smith be a physical presence in a game again this week what we gotta wait and see and the Miami Dolphins were a terrific 6 & 2 on the road during the regular season the Raiders were an even better 7 & 1 what happens here today we'll find out next playoff atmosphere it exists along with Mardi Gras and Halloween here in Oakland California it is a beautiful afternoon here in Oakland sunny sky 58 degree temperatures a perfect day for football down on the sidelines Armand Kitaen is with Oakland wide receiver Tim Brown Tim a sense of this atmosphere and what Jon Gruden told you guys just moments ago in the locker room well all these Salmons go out and play hard you know we know we're a good football team we've had a week off we all rested but we got to come out early and play good football would be alright alright Tim good luck Gregg Armen thank you the Oakland Raiders have won the toss they will receive the kick from Miami zoeland Omari I think the Raiders come to this game they were hoping for a special atmosphere Jon Gruden told his players during the week when you go out there you're going to feel the difference Gregg there's no doubt you and I steam here we can feel the difference in the stadium what David Dunn is the deep man for the Oakland Raiders Mara we are underway [Music] [Applause] 225 Falls Bryan Walker makes the stop after a 28 yard return Oakland's quarterback Rich Gannon on his way to a second straight Pro Bowl without standing season more than 3400 yards and 28 touchdowns passing more than 500 yards and four touchdowns on the ground hey Greg making his first playoff start in his career and I said this in a pregame show we asked him about it he looked at me and says hey Bill I'm not some wide-eyed dad that's going to go out here and be awed by this experience first down from the 29 and tyronn week and may have got a yard just across the 30-yard line we'll call it two and make it second in Asia you look at the Raiders their offensive line it's big they like to come straight at you and try to knock you over in the backfield John Ritchie's bad ankle keeps him sidelined Zack Crockett starts at fullback the ever-present Tim Brown with Jana jeddak wide receiver and Ricky Duffy is the tight end there is John broody if he is excited about this playoff game he didn't show it two days ago double tight end set up now on second down [Music] is forward to the 35-yard line look at the Miami Dolphin defense ready to take on the Raiders top rated rushing game mixin Bowens Gardner and Taylor the Miami front floor look at the linebackers you have bra jurors Thomas and Jones exact comments you got to find a way to block him the outstanding Dolphins secondary pets retain in Sam Madison on the corner Brian Walker and Rock Marion are the safety the ball at the 35 yard line is Dave Wannstedt looks on Randy Jordan is in the game for motion to the far side incomplete Jordan on the backfield had it go right through his hands and the Raiders a ticket away well the one thing these two teams played last year Miami wanted 16 to 9 rich skin and said we were absolutely terrible on third down that time they moved people around the receivers open Rich Gannon was a little bit off target it was the same mantra' that you hear all the time you said when when players look at me as they've lost [Music] Jeff Hawkins [Music] five-thirty has running room [Applause] raise em out of bounds inside the 45 yard line a 43-yard punt return by Jeff Ogden and the Miami Dolphins will have terrific field position Jay Fiedler the quarterback three first-half interceptions last week he rallied the Dolphins to the tune of 23 second-half points as Miami eliminated Indianapolis well one thing good field position is going to make Jade people feel good but the thing about him is torn rotator cuff Annette left shoulder when you watch him play it seems like once he gets beat up a little gets pushed around which thinking about that Soler he plays a lot better line of scrimmage was the 41 yard line Fiedler then throw down the sideline [Music] Tony Martin had it go off his fingertips but Dave Wannstedt told us yesterday he wants to help his football team out so what does he do Tony Martin Eric Allen I watched three game shows today and they were saying the Dolphins are going to come out he's double who's on the outside trying to get big plays apparently the Raiders didn't watch the pregame show second and ten [Applause] movement on the offense and whistle blows the play did help locating our referee today is Phil Luckett [Applause] offside against the Oakland Raiders neutral zone in faction defense on the left and which caused the offense to move five-yard penalty repeat that fall is against Tony Brian look at Miami's offensive line Tim ruddy and Mark Dixon both had outstanding ears the question today how Alomar Smith perform off of last week's 40 carry 209 yard performance Gadsden and Martin outside hunter Goodwin site in [Applause] play fake people throws over the middle bump inside 20 yard line by number 81 Oh Jay McDuffie well the one thing when you play against the Raiders the Miami Dolphins they want to come out you attack the weakness of a team the weakness is is the pass defense the Raiders 25th in the league a nice formation three players bunched in together do you see Tony Martin breaks it out motivate dunk I say should say nobody there to cover him first down Miami at the Oakland 17 yard line Jose McDuffie four catches for 57 yards and we could go against the Colts [Applause] straight ahead Lamar Smith and not much they're rigging up Shaw with the stuff the old one defense Raiders with a rugged front for Tony Bryant Grady Jackson Darryl Russell Regan Upshaw look at the linebackers Greg beaker in the middle William Thomas Elijah Alexander on the outside on the corners three-time Pro Bowler Charles Woodson and six-time Pro Bowler Eric Allen Marquez Pope and Anthony Gore set the safety [Applause] for the Raiders Chuck Bresnahan Lesley Shepherd Tony Martin all point to the top of the screen [Applause] with time souls intercept entertain Tori Jane in front of it 90 yards on the return Jay Fiedler afflicted with three first-half intercepts we throws a big one right here I was just about ready to say Dave Wannstedt has got to be so happy about the start of the game what's the out of the flat here he is look at he read the quarterback Tory James he baited Jay Fiedler made him think he was going outside he didn't go Fiedler trying to anticipate he anticipated wrong Tory James had two interceptions during the regular season four years at Denver Bronco this is his first year with the Oakland Raiders and just returned an interception 90 yards officially 91 yards now for the touchdown the extra point is good 11:36 to play first quarter raiders capitalize on a mistake and pleaded 7 nothing Raiders have made a habit of returning mistakes for touchdowns the eighth time this year that they have done that and that 90-yard officially now in 90 yard return is the longest against the Dolphins in Miami playoff history Denson and JJ Johnson deep with Garrett Gauss Koosh Koosh Denson inside the five to 2025 and that card at the 30 yard line by Darien Gordon after a 26-yard return and let's go back to the Tuck to the interception well let me show you what happens watch Tori James all he's going to do is drop back he has to make a decision to go outside or inside who to cover he fakes just a little bit to the outside Jay Fiedler watching he thinks he goes outside he loses sight of Tori James he pulls the quarterbacks hips back in and makes the interception and Tori James down the sideline headed to the place that they love here in Oakland that end of the field the black hole and defensive coordinator chuck Bresnahan says we got one Smith and Conrad in the backfield Lamar Smith singing outside trying to turn the corner [Applause] marques poke Elijah Alexander closed on him a loss of six that play illustrates this Oakland Raider defense it is powerful up inside the defensive lines can overpower your offensive line and that's why they watch that today we gonna have to probably win the game throwing the football and making big plays in the passing game [Applause] [Music] Fiedler in the belphins looking at a second 1/16 quick flip out of the backfield is Lamar Smith outside [Applause] [Music] pick up a four on the play and it'll be third and 12 now look at this you say you want things to go your way early in the game think about the Miami Dolphins they get tremendous field position the very first play of the game they run a double move on Eric Allen it's a touchdown if the ball is thrown there but still they get it down inside everything is going good for them they make the big mistake Dave we know the one thing they did not want to do to get the emotion of the crowd in the alternator players going 12 for wide receivers and fiedler from the shotgun out of the backfield is density thirty-five now at about the 37 yard line Eric gallon ran him out of bounds along with break be Curt after a 10-yard game and Miami will be forced to kick it away you know you talk to the Raiders Greg and the one thing they want to do against its miami offense today they watched the game last week against against the Indianapolis Colts hostile to the football they break tackles we need as many as we can get used to the football that stops big play there is Darian Gordon he is back at his own 22 yard line to receive the punt [Music] short shy of the 30-yard line Rich Gannon in the Oakland offense will have some decent field position to work with when we come back to Oakland right after this [Music] part of the crowd here we have to share with you that on our way to the stadium this morning we passed one fan who was cruising along in his Mercedes on his cell phone and how was he dressed bill doll he paint it to the max whatever you think we got like some bankers and lawyers that are putting this gear on coming to the games and on the throw on first down across midfield into Miami territory [Music] this Miami defense the number one thing they must do today stop Tim Brown from coming short across the middle and being wide open I did not expect the scene be so wide open what Tim Brown as he comes across number 81 no defender is there they cleaned the middle out Ricky Dudley the tightening goes up the middle of the field nobody inside in you can't give that away [Applause] first down Gannon play fake steps up this is Zack Crockett and Crockett to the 40-yard line of the Dolphins and let's go down to our drag down here on the Miami sideline it's easy to see this reversal of fortune has really stunned the Dolphins almost like a punch to the stomach just moments ago tres Armstrong sat down and next to Zack Thomas just shaking his head both them realizing it seems they got a very big hole to dig out of right now back to you and Zack Thomas is just walking over toward the sideline looks a little shaken up [Applause] we heard nothing but platitude from the Oakland Raiders regarding Zack Thomas they said simply he's the smartest middle linebacker in the NFL listen that is that you know he's it we don't talk too much about this guy because he is a productive player on the field and Greg you're right the Raiders talked about him the thing that bothers the Raiders are that Zack Thomas when you come up the line of scrimmage he calls out two plays and they go oh my gosh he's right so Quan Russell has replaced him in the little Thomas pocket better for the first down [Applause] they continue to look exact on the sidelines let's go back and see what happened to it [Music] [Applause] well he leads get you you can see why he was dig his helmet hits the leg of the runner but you know what he's not gonna be on the sidelines for long line of scrimmage the 37 yard line first down for the Raiders neatly and Crockett line up behind Gannon [Applause] this side it is down on the near side of the field Wow if you hear that then audible he called red 22 fully fried so must be a new play for this week a face mask Paul against my era now that was the Miami defense I expect the scene they crowd the line of scrimmage dared Raiders played real close man-to-man coverage their legal hands to the face defense number 79 and he mix it you see the dolphins 115 penalties this season more than they have ever committed as a team in their franchise history you know talking about we saw that pass rush on Rich Gannon the Dolphins want to keep gaining in the pocket and all cost they want to see can he beat a throw in the football from the pocket brought down the first down from the 32 Wheatly just across the 30 and the ball is loose but no it's blown dead at about 29 yard line Jon Gruden draws up the place he fits a place against his team during the week and he put on to the corners hold our wide receivers hold on because that's what they're known for gets kicked from behind and goes down at the 38 yard line [Applause] and Jason Taylor in on the quarterback again well Jason Taylor he's showing no favorites he went up against the the first plate holding against the Dolphins this time he's going against Richmond Webb on the left side just runs right around him makes the tack I'm sorry Barry Simms not Richmond Webb he plays for the Dolphins well what's happening here is Dave Wannstedt defense number 25 this is a five-yard penalty fennely is on Brian Walker number 45 the safety but Dave Wannstedt made it definite that we have to start fast against the Raiders and can't let them get the jump on us he had his opportunity we [Applause] inside five about the 23 yard line it's a one-yard gain an exact Thomas in on the stop at second and nine you know the other thing is to Greg is just we see Zach Thomas but is the Dolphins defense they commit so many penalties and when you commit penalties in football games especially against good teams I sent it all year long when you give the other team three more plays it's an unbelievable how many times that leads to school they've created two penalties on this drive alone second and nine play fake Anna was [Applause] [Music] we'll never see a softer and easier toss in his life bedtime as he watched rich gain and make the fake Lorenzo Bernal makes the hit on him again and Ricky Dudley trying to run with it before he gets the football and that's almost always the mistake all receivers make trying to get something they make they want to make a big play instead of just taking the shore five or six yards [Music] third and nine Zack Crockett in the backfield will show facets team yard lines torque well that was a good audio see what's that play did you hear much first crossing watch the first crossing so that tells you what's on the mind of the Miami Dolphins but looks like a pass Gannon drops back shovel pass inside oh my gosh Zach Thomas upended what sack Thomas fly up in the air Steve was due ski gets him I'd give him about a 6 on this became difficult easy freeze a 36-yard field goal attempt by Sebastian Janikowski is away long enough to be about 56 didn't 452 to play in the first nothing over Bastian Janikowski capped it with a 36-yard field goal and helped immensely by the penalty Laden dolphins 10 nothing Oakland Raider lead Janikowski tees it up [Applause] the readers first-round draft pick out of Florida State he will kick it to ultra-dense and infinity [Music] [Applause] from the aid Denson [Applause] five two about the 27-yard line and that's where that off until put it in play as we take a break and we'll come back to open right after this [Music] Greg Gumbel fill soon army to tan back in Oakland and with epi Phil that's not your number let's be Daryle Lamonica [Applause] you know my wife gets really bad and you make you know that would you say you don't care for 43 to play in the first quarter [Applause] here comes the Blitz Smith out to the 27 28 yard line marques cope with the stop [Applause] Jay Johnson shoving in the middle of everything it's a four yard pickup and B third and five we were talking at the top of the day about how Lamar Smith would perform off of that tremendous performance he had he said the next morning more of his niece or he talks like he could not get out of bed on Sunday morning he said I laid in bed and had to rock back and forth until I get enough momentum to get up and get out after 40 carries in an NFL playoff game even if you're an NFL running back you're gonna hurt the next day there's the right side of the offensive line in coachman defense number 96 five-yard penalty remains Darrell Russell gets the evil eye from Jon Gruden well if you play for the Raiders you go get the evil eye at least once a day we had a meeting with John Bruton on Thursday I got to remember these days because we're doing a Saturday game and he gave me the evil eye about four times we're in Armenia and of course I lose my train of thought once he gives me the evil eye I said something wrong fern inches [Applause] ben'll a marker is down appeared from here the roads that have jumped offside but you appeared right this sharp today offside defense number 37 the five yard Johnny Harris yeah Johnny Harris number 37 he's just trying to get inside to make the play knows his third and short he goes hey they're gonna run the football so he's trying to get on the edge to get in the backfield to make that play now you almost could expect these type of penalties against the Raiders early in the game they're excited they want to make plays the defense having a hard time sitting there waiting forty-two [Applause] [Music] the intended receiver around a gas I couldn't tell if Jay Fiedler if he could have held that football for about a half a second war he is going to have a Ronda gets and open but it looked like pressure was coming and it and again if you make the quarterback throw the football before he's ready he's not going to be as accurate at times a FEMA overthrow overthrew a wide open Iran de guess second in terrible [Applause] the outside that's completed hot amount to Tony Martin and that's a first down [Applause] nice throw by Jay Fiedler the Dolphins I think are one of the few teams left in this league I even talked to Jay Fiedler about it last night well if you're going to quarterback for Chang Gailey you're gonna have to throw some footballs to the sideline and watch Tony Martin nice move sells the play down the field gets Rod Woodson guessing inside it hooked the field that's why he gets open on the [Applause] - coordinator the is to Smith [Applause] Darryl Russell for a loss of one you know I don't know even if Lamar Smith would have carried the football just ten times last week if he was going to have a big game against his greater defensive line you know again to beat the Raiders throw the football there holes in the secondary the Dolphins think that and so far today only success when they do throw the football none when they're running it up inside now Smith from JJ johnson in the second I'm 11 straight ahead Johnson & Johnson to the 40 it'll be 36 you know just we told you early jet Fiedler watch his hand off right hand you know all quarterbacks would make that to the left but he has a torn rotator cuff on his left shoulder and it really looks difficult but as he said last night I'm getting a lot of practice at it panel it's cool man five wide receivers on third and six even with time is incomplete through the hands of OJ McDuffie just inside the Reno 30-yard line boy nice design again by the Dolphins OJ McDuffie that is wide open and Jay Fiedler let's the football get away from me throws it a little high and that is if I could if you want to say one thing bad about Jay Fiedler the football does get away from him sometimes and he always misses high which results in some interceptions as you don't want Darian Gordon deep Terk which is sky-high [Applause] and it is down and right around the 5-yard line the trend Gamble got down there and killed it at about the 5-yard line and Fiedler's passed just a little too high for Jane McDuffie to handle details hoping to make some sort of a stay out here the hole up the middle line across the 10-yard line is tyrol the weekly head coach Jon Gruden we have rich Gannon what time was he getting in here he's at about 6:00 in the morning a couple hours after John Bruton whose teams have been magnificent here at home seven and one and out scoring everybody he is Indiana Jenna they have been awfully tough here he looks good in that hat second and five [Music] close to the 15-yard line is Tyrone Wheatley then pickup for its third and one and with that the first quarter will expire and the first quarter below to the Oakland Raiders [Applause] in Crockett we play gets the handoff across the 15 to the 16 yard line that's enough for a first down Rich Gannon still may be feeling the effect this was a couple of moments ago during the timeout and he was being tended to on the sidelines perhaps we don't know but perhaps from that hit he took from Jason Taylor and I saw him before that shot to Craig he looked like they were rubbing something on his back and you know just got to watch him and see if it if it does bother him or you know a lot of times you guys hurt the backs it starts that they tightens up as time goes long so Napoleon Kaufman is in the lineup you is to weekly and there is not much there Miami Dolphins very confident that that interior line Tim bones and Darryl Gartner could help put the clamps on this top rated running game of the Raiders yeah it's hard to move on they're going to get some you know maybe one of the biggest offensive lines in a national football league when you said instead of saying Wheatley you just got to get the nickname the slammer the way more whatever because Jon Gruden says that's my slammer and when the man stops landed up in there I'll get somebody else to slam it up in there he breaks free [Applause] the territory 32 yards something they could not do last year against this Miami Dolphins defense two things rich gaining couldn't get the mobility in the pocket to buy the extra time and they couldn't do this they couldn't get away from the rest' defenders to get some open space to run down the field to make those big plays and we we heard you know we talked to rich Gannon and I've said it already he says look I got to make some plays this game and because he looked at that film from last year and realized he did nothing against the Miami Dolphins deep in he said we were terrible on third down gave up sacks couldn't make plays [Music] [Applause] took another shot in the backfield well there keep them in the pocket pretty well but he's complete and passes down the field watch Rich Gannon as he moves around the pocket and the big thing is once the miami defensive lineman the good thing and they got two guys inside the don't move a lot and then he delivers the pass Kenny Mixon keeps hustling and gets a good hit on Rich Gannon the ball is a 43 yard line of the Miami Dolphins it'll be second and three Nixon on the sidelines as the Dolphins rotate their D line on the reverse and that one is bottled up big-time by Jason Taylor you know I never thought they would have his ball to Tim Brown coming around on every verse for for this reason and if you're gonna do it don't ever think about going to Jason Taylor side watch Jason Taylor's it comes up the field its James if they give the reverse to I'm sorry he comes up the field he's always up the field I said to Jason Taylor once what do you decide on each play what to do he looks at because he looked every play to me is rush to pass her so that means up the field going deep and walks right into the reverse like sam madison talked about that at length with us last night he said hey you just kind of expect it but you never expect them to give that to the guy coming around because that won't work against us finally it's going to be an offensive or [Applause] you're kidding remains let's that's another one it's just thing did saying once Jason Taylor saw somebody moves or he thought trying to get a jump but the difference between you know having third 73rd to or ill of course it's tremendous you know it actually puts the Raiders into the thought okay if we run it and it's inside one yard we can go for it on fourth down - that's the third penalty on the Miami defense [Applause] third and teeth [Music] a fakie week [Applause] inside the 30 to the 25 is the problem with that on third to gritsky and couldn't make his mind up who to throw the football to because everybody was open Rikki Dudley's wide open the cross is open and then finally he finds Brigham on the inside nobody covered him the Dolphins were playing run all the way in Rich Gannon I always think he's a better thrower sidearm than he is over him he throws so many footballs off-balance sidearm the death become his normal way of delivering Wheatland to the 21 yard line Robert Jones cut him down pick up a four it'll be second in six that's canons sixth completion of the day to a sixth different receiver and he will do that he will all you have to do is show yourself show your face on the field Rich Gannon will find you he's yeah he's not prejudiced get open and I'll throw it to you you know here's receivers with the catch Wow would you have a game look at that nine different guys and a couple of those games three of them catch football passes that shows you it's hard to lock in on one person when you get ready for Oakland's defense Napoleon Kaufman on second and six inside the 22 about the 16 yard line Robert Jones again with the tackle now a couple things if that was the Miami Dolphins I would get in the huddle right now there's Jim Bates the defensive quarter is hey guys this is the game we got to do something the defense might have to make some big plays to give their team a chance to win today Napoleon Kaufman has been bothered by nagging injuries and he just came limping off after that carry so he comes to the sidelines it is Wheatley and Crockett third and one this is the 11th play of this Drive we to the 15-yard line and this will be very very close to a first down I heard a yelled some people yelling ball so it must have could have been a fumble I don't know which Gannon says we have this much coach well what did Jon Gruden tell us he's already got the field Co unit coming in he's not even gonna wait I would wait to see the measurement here if I was the coach make them measure it see how close it is [Music] boy isn't very much you know if it's a if it's less than a foot I think you got to go for it you got a chance to end the game almost you've got the Dolphins one mistake away if you scored from being Alice football game half a yard he said thickening goal but one beat Ellis Greg on Thursday he goes in this game I am generally a conservative coach I take the this this illustrate said not going for it gonna kick the field goal and try to get up 13 to nothing Janikowski out of lek lers hold will try this one from 33 yards out [Applause] [Music] lifted by misses and uncertainty during the Year Janikowski has become a pretty skinny kicker these Oakland Raiders and that one is right down the chute 836 to play in the first half it's the Raider 13 to nothing on the Miami Dolphins on the scoring drive by the Oakland Raiders you know they say well the Dolphins were down 14 nothing a week ago to Indianapolis at halftime but they were at home this time they're on the in zone and gets hammered at the 12 yard line [Applause] lenz the charge 15-yard return and the Dolphins will pretty much start in the hole we come back as they are so adept at doing the Raider fan he goes to work from their own 12 yard line lamar smith JJ johnson line up behind feeble who's gonna throw outside Johnson here 15 and fights his way close to the 20-yard line and that's a pretty decent pickup on first down from deep in their own territory for Miami eight yards it'll be second and two you know Craig you look at this and you made a comment before we went to commercial the Dolphins are not at home when you think about this playoff weekend just remember the four teams at our home they did not play last week think of it like a fight the Raiders are in the first round of fights they're fresh the Dolphins they went into overtime they traveled it's like round 10 you know they're exhausted they got a they got to come up with a way to try to win this game Lamar Smith takes the pitch drives left side not there and it's not going to be the way they're going to win this game today there if they come back it's gonna have to be even the defense makes a big place but I think it's going to be Jay Fiedler you know all year long I heard this statement from everybody the Dolphins they don't ask feeler to win the games they just ask you not to lose it and of course you can imagine my reaction to that you've never played quarterback the National Football League to say that but today they need him to throw the ball accurately make good decisions to win to have a chance to win he has four wide receivers on third and four here comes the Blitz throws it back the other way completes its offensive first down yardage and more across the 30 to the 32 yard line Marquez Pope finally drags him down and that's a pretty good job of eluding trouble by Jay Fiedler what a call now this you know this is this is the coaches making this first down it's a nice play action fake Fiedler runs all the way the right oh shoot it's the throwback screen the defense says they get over they make good reactions to stop it but Chan Gailey the offensive coordinator you're playing against him you're going to see about five different screens you're probably going to see a reverse and then maybe wanted to trick plays somewhere in the course of this game [Applause] football picked off by Charles Woodson [Applause] well you finally get the football moving you got the Raiders guessing Lamar Smith finally gets a hole and he doesn't hold on - oh look at that honey Wayne any space today I couldn't see who reached in he grabs it remember Lamar Smith did not practice much this week he spent most of his week in recovery I think Darryl Russell reached in and grabbed his arm but I'm not sure they caused a bumbler looked like the ball it just slipped 43 yard line of the Miami Dolphins Gannon goes back to work [Applause] we could inside the 40 to the 38 yard line let's watch lamar smith on the fumble you tell me if you think this football is ripped down Darryl Russell's big hand gets him on the bicep oh there's another hand oh yes that's what it is Darryl Russell's the second hand that reaches I didn't even see that that's what pulled his hand away from the football you know replays a great our booth only takes me about three times before I notice it second and five Gannon the throw [Music] and throwing the ball behind his tight ends it would be 35 well that's nice play calling to second and five you've just mushed it for five the defense is digging in you throw a play-action in again Rickey Dudley wide open on the outside you know the other thing that I've seen so far T you talked about Bowens and Gardner they're big they're hard to move but they got three guys on the inside of this radar offensive line Moe Colin Steve with whiskey and beer Robbins who can match him [Applause] anin steps up looking for a first down and he got it one thing that the Miami Dolphins don't want Rich Gannon to do is to feed him beat them with his feet well here's how you stopped you know your two inside rushers cannot be stars they got to stay back look at the lane they created once upfield one gets washed the other way and it makes it too easy for Rich Gannon and run out of the pocket we're going to measure you know Greg the Miami Dolphins pass rush they makes the first down the sacks come from the outside rushers traits Armstrong and Jason Taylor let them do the work make him make Richie and step up and then you're inside rushers should clean it up now the inside guys Tim Bowens and Daryl Gardner each had two and a half sacks this year on the outside Jason Taylor had 14 and a half tres Armstrong 16 and a half somebody has got to stay back and wait for the quarterback to move up first down okay [Music] twenty-five show on his feet [Applause] to the 25-yard line I'll pick up of mine you know what we're seeing we're seeing one team that didn't have any contact last week and another one that had a lot of it so the Raiders are fresh and looking Jordan just fighting breaking tackles you know the Dolphins they are terrific tackling team and look at this Jason Taylor misses linebacker mrs. Brock Marion misses and Robert Jones the almost let me get him down Jim Brown in motion now the give is to Terry Kirby Kirby looking not playing in games like this when we had two week off and the physical part you cannot underestimate the difference and what did Steve was new ski say to us on Thursday oh he goes man I can't wait to hit somebody you know it's so that's the feeling of football players between every Sunday it's like hey I need some contact today and you missed that one Sunday you really want it I know you can't relate to that great but they like the contact not holding yes in the gameplay fake and [Music] [Applause] [Music] another first down [Applause] well I'm not going to say Rich Gannon it's like one of the best rollers in the NFL I know it's not his coach even knows that but when you take his decision-making and his ability to know when to move to get those yards you put it all together look at dad Kevin Donovan McNabb you know there are some running backs in the National Football League or envious of those numbers first down Oakland Bay rich gain a lot of people drafted him when he was drafted they thought he might be a running back lately it's close to the 10-yard line picked up two on the play and it'll be second and eight you know we these this radar team too is you see them pass run it is an old-school team and by that I mean we talked so much nowadays smaller faster boy the Raiders if they got off the school bus before game you go wow they got to be good is they got the biggest most impressive looking people of any team we covered this drive a 33 yard drive and all of them on the ground [Applause] run trip top and forward to the 5-yard line Tim Bowens reached out and got a hand on him pick up a five and it'll be third and three but first we will get the two-minute warning two minutes to play here in the first half which has belonged to the Raiders and they look to stretch their lead will he come back on third and three [Applause] it is a touchdown [Music] but the quick slant zone and the Raiders were on the board again [Applause] James did on the outside Tim ground was doubled on the inside Richie and a good decision and he just stuffed it in there watch it just fires it right to the body of James JIT he makes intentions and we got a little hold up here no cover though I'm gonna say are you sure he crossed that into the line Jankowski for the extra point a minute 53 to play here in the first half we rich get it on the mark to James jet and the Raiders are in charge it is party time as they approach halftime here at Network associates Coliseum the Raiders with a 20 to nothing lead in janakowski to kick it away to Denson and JJ Johnson [Applause] [Music] Denson two yards deep in the end zone fifteen mm 21 or 22 yard line David Dunn makes the tackle after a 24 yard return been at 47 to play in the first half hold your heads up oh I don't think it's over I think that the opportunities down the field throwing the football have been there and they will be there in the second half and even in this Drive can you protect the quarterback to let him throw the oftens have all of their timeouts remaining Pedro pulls it down roll roll incomplete there's an opportunity lost right there is Audrey Vinson just had it interrupted well when you played last week you're coming out here you're playing a team that's rested you know you almost have to do everything perfectly and we've documented it Greg they've had those chances they didn't take advantage of them they had some penalties on defense that led to a field goal and now just like then drop pass could have been a first down get things going five wide receivers and everybody jumping outside no plane [Applause] defense in the neutral zone prior to the snap your two sorted fashion defense number 91 which caused the office see it's being up here in the booth that was the same when I was a player I always do the penalty was on the other guys yeah that's right the ball moves out to the 27 yard line [Applause] some of the Blitz the handoff is to Timson attention to the 30 knocked down before he can get to the first down marker whoo Darien Gordon Anthony Dorsett stop him after a four yard pickup and the Dolphins will look at a third and one yes still plenty of time for the Dolphins I like this don't call a timeout make the Raiders at just feeble with time [Applause] Austrade ensign had it had the first down all he had to do was hold on and he did I was almost for sure that the Raiders would move the ball I mean the Dolphins would move this football down the field and give themselves at least a chance to kick the field goal but Autry Denson with two big drops in that drive you know I can almost imagine Dave Wannstedt at halftime saying okay have we made just about every mistake we can possibly make [Music] awaits the party Bearcats call for 30 yard line the breeders owning the football in time jordan carry and the clock has one minute remaining now here in the first half loss of one it'll be second in 11 Jon Gruden run the football and what you do you find out immediately what the Dolphins are going to do they're gonna let the clock run so Johnny you're up 20 nothing he's very happy going and halftime looking looking good with this score he's very happy he just won't show it yeah Armen is going to talk to him before he goes into the locker room and I can't wait to see the look on his face brace yourself on to get a longer Mike Gannon that's a first down the Andre Rison 14-yard pickup and the Raiders stopped the clock with 26 seconds to play a [Music] little surprised that they do throw the football but good protection Andre Rison wide open down the field and the one thing I've kind of seen today this dolphin defense it is very good and it's been solid all year long but they're going up against a big powerful offense in the raiders how about the receivers Rich Gannon has to throw to Tim Brown comes into this game number 6 all-time in receptions in the NFL Andre Rison number 12 yeah that's pretty strong stuff Andre Rison of course was a pickup for the raiders this year from Kansas City he was waived by them and Jon Gruden couldn't be happier another like you say great an experienced receiver who knows how to make plays especially in these type of games 44 yard line [Applause] the warden in the rocket in the backfield cannon steps up [Music] marker flew on this side of the field now three Miami defenders turned around when they saw the flag and looked at the official and said not me [Applause] holy defence number 29 it's a five-yard penalty Sam Madison Sandman said why they all turn around and look it's because they use their hands so much but you know what Sam Madison made a good point to us last night and even that play might illustrate it a little he says I do all that contact inside that five yard zone you know you're allowed to chuck a little but you can't reach up and grab with both hands outside the shoulders which is going to be called so pass again Randy Jordan Jordan fighting for first down yardage and comes up about a yard or two shy Jerry Wilson with the tackle after a nine yard gain and the Raiders used their second timeout to stop the clock with 13 seconds left well Jerry Wilson comes on a blitz and force the Raiders they don't care here he comes on a blitz you know why they don't care they don't even have to pick him up they got the shovel pass and a good ball nice hustle by Jerry Wilson makes the tackle and tries to call as a fumble from behind so that's the thing never give up you know always keep hustling you can work yourself back into the play sometimes only five times this year the Miami Dolphins have given up 20 or more points and here are the Raiders with 20 in the first half now you know if the Raiders did not gain a yard I think they would try the field goal I watch the band Sebastian Janikowski before the game make them with ease from 60 yards now of course that's practice football's not these game balls what's going to be a little harder and tougher to kick it would be about 64 mirror at the first down and time out is called with six seconds left on the clock here comes Sebastian Janikowski see this is going to be about a fifty six or seven yard field goal Janikowski kick 22 of 32 on the year and his long for the season was 54 see Jon Gruden says now Sebastian go out there and put your rump into it because this is the biggest kicker in the NFL by Paul Sebastian is listed at 6 1 to 55 that's a lot of leg into their football yeah 255 Hey look at it you know sometimes in these NFL rosters they lied they don't do it like college college they give you more weight in the pros they go the other way this one will be 57 yards [Applause] [Music] Shayne LeClair will hold it's straight enough but it comes up short that underneath they could the sound too much spin on the football you could tell right away it was short Dave Wannstedt thinking about what he's going to tell us Miami Dolphins in the locker room my guess is he'll have a lot to say then turnovers have made a huge difference in this game it was Jay Fiedler being intercepted and returned 90 yards by Tory James and then a touchdown pass to James jet 20 to nothing Raiders back after this word from your local station [Music] [Applause] Jensen from the goal line shakes a tackle across the 20/20 still on its feet and now out of bounds just over the 30-yard line 31 yard return as we take a look at the halftime numbers time of possession heavily favoring the Raiders and of course the 14 points off the turnovers everything the score not misleading 20 to nothing Raiders dominate in every category the good thing for the Dolphins you got the football good field position [Applause] line of scrimmage the 32 yard line [Applause] lamar smith starts the second half six carries five fumbles on or pulls it down and slides down at the 37-yard line break beaker making the stop and let's check in with Armen Gregg I talked to Dave Wannstedt about the turnovers he said obviously they were critical he said we wanted to strike first but then we started to fall behind we give up two touchdowns off the turnovers and asked him about the fact that he told us yesterday he said he was concerned six tough games was there any gas left in the tank he said we got gas he said we're just not making any plays back to you all right Armen they did have the opportunity to jump on top early before the interception second and five [Applause] left side not much there Elijah Alexander and Darryl Russell gang up on lamar smith after a one-yard gain it will be third and four told you that the Dolphins trailed Indianapolis a week ago about December 24th in New England they were down 21 17 came back to win so there is some come-from-behind in his team well that gives you hope and listen it lets the players know they got didn't a member they said look we've been down before so they should still have some confidence knowing they got a chance to come back and win the game five wide receivers on third and four pulls it down tries to run for it not going to get there Darryl Russell grab him and wouldn't let go now Darryl Russell told us about Jay Fiedler he says he scares me a little bit because he sees a little of Rich Gannon in him yeah he does Darryl relson number 96 this is a big guy this is not like the typical inside defensive lineman who stands there and just stops a run he is one of the best pass rushers in the National Football League from the inside position and you can see what a good athlete he was just that last play kicks it away Darien bored the sideline 40 and knock down at the 46 yard line by turf Matt Kirk the punter makes the stop after a 24 yard return more good for the reader timeout and open you know kickers get a lot of grief sometimes for the way they play but look at him step up and deliver they hit to Darian Gordon what I liked his entry makes the hit look at it and we're not going to get a chance to see if he walks over to him and kind of like hey what do you think about that yeah I'm upon Earth Day Rich Gannon holds on and goes down behind his 40-yard line Robert Jones with a stop to town army you know Greg mentioned Matt Turk and this day obviously brings very many mixed emotions for him and college he stood on the sidelines here and watched his older brother Dan who was a punter and a long snapper for the Raiders and then this summer Dan was diagnosed with cancer and he passed away at Christmastime at the age of 38 I spoke to Matt before the game and gave him our condolences and he said you know Dan was a Raider at heart he said I'm always be thinking about my brothers especially today on this field back to you thanks Harmon our sympathies to the Turk family over midfield Andre Rison and what a bullet from Rich Gannon that's a couple of yards short of a first down 14 yard pickup makes its third and 2 it's a really nice play the Raiders have designed Andre Rison is going down the middle of the field and he stops and he goes back to the outside and that's the first time I've kind of seen that this year and I'm sure Terry Wilson who's covered he was going I haven't seen that so it's different you know a little a new wrinkle and a game like this the playoffs and the Raiders have gotten two big plays out of it so far greater spread the field again on third and two toward he's out on the pattern in pulls it down slides now inside the 40 first down Oakland Raider well you know the one thing Greg is I'm sorry to interrupt you here but you when you see you here defence is talking about we're going to stop the quarterback and all that well and what if one coach say to us yeah that stuff is always nice to hear during a week but once that whistle blows what a defensive linemen think of I'm gonna sack that quarterback so again wide open lanes Rich Gannon he's quick easy for him to get out make him first down four carries for 26 yards for Rich Gannon Wheatly pulls his way across the 39 yard line Derrick Rodgers pulled him down 6 yard gain second and four play you saw where they ran in football that time right up the middle against those two big guys inside Zach Thomas number 54 well he gets in and gets a hand on the tackle but mo Collins the right guard is able to get past those bones and garner the two big guys inside and get the sack Thomas and they make the tackle 6 yards down the field [Applause] second of four we back to the side across the 32 about the 28 yard line in the first down you know the reason why they think of reverse all the time is because it makes it easier for your offense sometimes you get outnumbered watch nobody's going to block Jason Taylor and then Wheatley is going to cut it back because look Jason Taylor has to honor the reverse but he's going to go up the field we've always said anyway but most teams they send the guy there so now hey don't even block him pretty smart huh Greg it's like throwing a block without a block around we place the right side 25 to the 22 and Zach Thomas says boy I've known whenever Tyrone Wheatley gets the football more often than not he's running to his right in my left yeah you're right and if he watched this game so far Zach Thomas says they have a big tendency going to the right and OH Tyrone Wheatley big gets low takes it and drives Zach Thomas backwards for another yard Oakland with the NFL's number-one rushing offense during the year averaged 154 and a half yards a game they're up to 90 so far today right side Zach Thomas is waiting for him Zach Thomas had his playbook he goes hold on a second I'll tell you exactly how often he documented and it was great we had to laugh because he had enough notes in this playbook there's not enough time to read those notes much less write them all that he had written down so you know he during the week he said I think he seven to eight games he studied from start to finish on the Oakland Raiders and he told us and tremendous things about the game a dolphin dolphin on the ground third and five [Applause] Hammond pumps pulls it down and his slides down for a first down [Music] for a little bit of offense that Rich Gannon brings to a football game you know rich he's doing a good job of standing in the pocket looking down the field trying to find out for Zico watch how quick he is he's gotten really quick feet but I don't know about this slide though it's just so casual in but look at you can see he's looking to the sideline as he were the first yard mark first down marker is and he got there Terry Kirby gets the handoff this time now punch up the middle as he gets to about 15 I pick up a three and Zach Thomas was slow getting up now I remember he missed four games toward the tail end of the season with a high ankle sprain yeah he even told us last night did it it's been a tough year physically point and the frustration that he shows there may be an indication that he re-injured that ankle toin Russell goes in to replace that Thomas and middle linebacker seven straight rushing plays to the Oakland Raiders Crockett and Kirby in the backfield sweet rocket wasn't looking for the football not soon enough anyway well the Miami Dolphin defense you got to take chances you got to make a play you know you got to get the football back for your offense that's what you really the pressure is now it's not only stopping the Raiders but doing it quickly so you can give your offense at least four or five possessions here in the second half the way we're going now they're gonna get about three [Music] continue to talk to Zack Thomas on the sidelines he continues to live Oakland six out of nine on a third and seven [Applause] you know it's Jim Brennan it's like Where's Waldo he's always moving this time he comes all the way across James Jeff goes up the field and the longer rich Kenan held the football the farther the defense ran away from Tim Brown now the one thing I think the Raiders are very good at a lot of different looks a lot of motion so that makes the defense thinking the point the ball is getting ready to be stamped and you're thinking oh here's a different look what am I going to do and now they can't react quick enough to the football Zach Thomas back into the game [Applause] [Music] that was an impressive Drive by the Raiders you think the game of footballs changed a lot let's all keep here at all the games different nowadays it is huh it's the big and the strong that's who's winning that's what we're seeing so far in the playoffs and the Raiders have really demonstrated that today fine lead block by Zack Crockett Janikowski extra point is good 5:56 to play in the third quarter the Raider faithful out and forth and smilin it's a twenty seven nothing lead graders in there fans looking for a berth in the AFC championship game the first third quarter touchdown allowed by the Dolphins all season they had not allowed a second half touchdown in their last four games will not run this one the Dolphins will start from their own 20-yard line Tyrone Wheatley behind sack Crockett boosting the reader lead to 27 points first down dolphins from their own 20-yard line 550 to play himself down Keibler eludes the rice throws over the middle it is complete [Applause] Oh J McDuffie took the hit from Anthony Dorsett 17 yards on a first down Dave Wannstedt is going May and finally somebody made a plague but OJ McDuffie good job by Jay Fiedler buying some time in you might as well catch it because they're going to hit you anyway [Applause] to the 37 first [Applause] nowhere to go charles woodson an Anthony Dorsett for a loss of two to make it second and 12 Lamar Smith it just you gotta throw the football you handed off to him just to break the monotony after all but it's just nowhere to go the Raiders defense against to rush one of the best in the league and you got a running back that's physically beat up so just it's tough to make good yards oh we told you about lamar smith who said he had never before carried 40 times in one game before last week [Applause] Johnson to about 39 yard line no getting back to Lamar Smith you know it's interesting that he said he told us no other team gave me a chance they told me I'll have to go out there and fight for the job and his aim was to come in and win the starting running back job in Miami and he did just that he did it and you know it was interesting I saw a & gailey being interviewed this morning he talked about it he says when you see him out of pads and we practice you know we kind of in your underwear that type of stuff he's not that impressive but when you go out there and put the shoulder pads on Lamar Smith is very impressive Bieber weights throws incomplete intended for gadsden charles woodson was right along with him where the Raiders they put the pressure on their corners Charles Woodson and Eric gallon Fiedler was only going one place with that football waited waited waited and couldn't complete it Gaston could not get away from Charles Watson [Music] Gordon back at his own 20-yard line through Turkey bounces dies in about 30 yard line that's worse down by the Dolphins 30 yard punt Pro Bowl cornerback Charles Woodson sticks with his man breaks up the past Raider ball when we come back back in Oakland 339 to play in the 3rd graders from their own 30 yard line with a 27 to nothing lead [Applause] right side for a couple Haley and Jason Taylor with the stop after a one yard pickup it'll be second and nine Lamar Smith on the sidelines eight carries four yards and his only good run of the day ended in that fumble [Music] this has been Lamar Smith's afternoon nowhere to go blocking crumbling in front of him [Music] and after you pick up 209 yards you got a figure you're going to be in the gun sights of the opposition that's in the complete Vegas not only that the Raiders are good against the run you know we've documented that fifth best in the NFL and we can see it's not a mirage they're good up front and the other thing is it's just too much to ask if any player 40 carries he won the game for him last week he wanted and I think Dave wants that said and we said it early to game to win today they were going to have to throw the football make big plays and I thought they had to be spectacular on defense and we have not seen that back at the 20-yard line there's tres Armstrong in charge well that was good all four defensive guys collapsed around Rich Gannon because he was looking for somewhere to run all the time he could find that place tres Armstrong ran him over second Miami sack of the day and Shayne LeClair will kick it away well if you are a dolphin fan and you're wondering when would be a good time to kick things into gear now is at times any that kickflip slips and falls down as a 35 yard line treyvion Smith will give a credit for the tackle and we have a penalty marker down and this is going to be against the Dolphins running into the kicker mr. DeLong five yard please decline first on Tommy Hendrix is the offending player they'll refuse the penalty and it'll be Miami ball right after this john bruton twelve and four regular season looking for next week people hold it down goes down at the 27 yard line Rodrick Coleman Reagan Upshaw first Oakland Raider sack of the day well everything's going wrong for the Dolphins Jay Fiedler is going to look outside watching looks to his right the receivers going to be open what does he do he slips and falls down Fiedler has to hold on the football and take a set loss of seven second and 17 down the far sideline pass is hot oh what a catch by a Ronde get Stan inside the 40-yard line that's a 34 yard gain and I can't believe he caught it you said it's no surprise it is hot I know what's this one-handed oh ha he hold one in one-handed a week ago against the Colts that is listen we've talked about before a raw egg Anton has the pair of the biggest pair of hands I've ever seen under the sea that is wrong and that was a live ball it has not been rolled Tory James has the football [Applause] no hustle you saw Dave Wannstedt already reaching for the replay button it's not going to matter he was hit as he was trying to throw it Tony Bryant number 94 maids made the hit and Leslie Shepard did not have to hustle after the football he didn't know it was a backward pass or a fumble let's watch Fiedler the arm is hit the ball goes backwards and it's not we saw it it was almost right in front of us Jay Fiedler does not does not have a chance the football goes backward and Tory James look at that he realizes he hadn't heard the whistle picks it up too late now for Lesley Shepherd to make the play and Dave wants that first went to the button on his belt and had the red flag in his hand to challenge this the question is whether or not the ball went backwards from where he threw the football he's at the 47 and let's see where the ball comes down Gregan absolutely goes backwards from that angle when could the other angle you could see [Applause] see if we can tell from this spot he's at the 47 yard line watch where it hits the ruling on the field down at the 48 is that the quarterbacks arms started forward for a forward pass therefore it is by definition a forward pass even though the ball goes backwards therefore it's incomplete pass incomplete that what they're saying it in there right break his arm is going forward he's trying to throw it forward and even though it does land backwards because it's knocked backwards by the hand of Tony Bryan while Dave Wannstedt seems okay with it well of course he does well john bruton still pressing his case [Applause] so I believe Phil Luckett says that the challenge is that it was a forward past well it certainly wasn't played wasn't Phil lucky who ruled it incomplete because he ran downfield after reviewing the play the ruling on the field stands this is an incomplete pass [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you know on this play Phil Luckett ran the length of the field with Tory James and signal touchdown so he certainly didn't blow the play did he did not rule an incomplete pass Greg you're right somebody else must have but once it was ruled an incomplete pass on the field I've seen this happen a couple of times even if it was deemed to be not a forward pass it would still be the Miami Dolphins football all they would lose was the yardage where it went just number a minute and a half to play here in the third quarter Fiedler from the shotgun whoopee grows this side it is incomplete out of bounds Leslie Shepard rolling out of bounds without establishing an inbounds presence it'll be third and 10 [Applause] well it's so hard in this situation if you're the Miami Dolphins it's even where do you find the energy to go on that's what happens you send over to thinking I can't believe we're in this situation down 27 to nothing divisional playoff game [Applause] knocked to the ground my lorry king who has had a heck of a game here today well it's fourth down Dave Wannstedt said we're going to go for it Jay Fiedler just trying to find an open receiver Torrey James this fifth year out of LSU signing the yard return of the interception in the first quarter for a touchdown fourth and eight for Fiedler in the Dolphins in complete knockdown Laurie James it's almost like the Dolphins came into this game today and said hey we like our man's help we get one of our receivers against Tory James but he has made numerous plays and that's another good play [Applause] so the Raiders take over at their own 37 yard line with 31 seconds to play here in the third quarter just terrific position by Tori James [Applause] Jordan and Crockett in the backfield mr. George and not much there darrel gardeners Zach Thomas converged and that likely will be the last play of the third quarter yeah put Rainey Jordan there let him get some carries and tell Tyrone Wheatley start resting up you're going to plug it up in there again next week course final seconds of the third quarter wind down the Oakland Raiders change ends of the field that is the end of the third quarter with the score the Raiders 27 in the Dolphins nothing 38 yard line the Miami Dolphins down 27 nothing as we start the fourth quarter Terrier be on the ground for a yard to make it third and eight Oleg's one stat just left to wonder quite look back I've never been shutout in the postseason well they've been in so many those playoff games with some guy quarterback named Dan Marino so it's kind of tough to shout him out no matter how good your defenses and before that a guy named greasy [Music] tres pons long covered the loose football and the Raiders turn it over in their own territory their first turnover of the day well and he sees the sack is going to come in Lorenzo bro mail just keeps after him and I can oh he felt the pressure it looks like hey he's gonna wrap it up take the sack nobody's open down the field once Gannon as he moves up in the pocket does a good job and before he can secure the football away Romell knocks it out so Miami takes over now the Oakland 42 yard line full activity on the Miami sideline you look at the turnover battle today [Applause] either quick past this side another drop fast this one by audrey benson who just not just does not had a terrific day catching the football and Roderick Coleman number 57 I have noticed watching come around the inside oh man that's a big hit watch number 57 fight his way through gets around mark Dixon and feeder lanes on that remember that left shoulder he has a torn rotator cuff so those shots gotta hurt [Applause] second down path to the outside and this time McGuffey holds on and is out of bounds just short of the 35 yard line I'm sure Dave Wannstedt is sitting over to the sidelines what to know well it's an initial burst over with the Raiders tired yet it you know all the things he was worried about the Raiders came out the Dolphins they helped them they put him in position to start to run but the Raiders size over the course of this game has been the difference I think going against up against both lines of the Miami Dolphins [Applause] see look gets rid of it downside is incomplete intercepted by Eric Allen [Music] and it'll be fourth and four and for the best playoff coverage on the net the battle-tested then the readers were because every week has been a crisis and a come-from-behind situation for the Dolphins he thought they were better prepared mentally coming into this game yeah he was hoping for a close game in the fourth quarter great that has not happened but the Dolphins for the past six weeks have been playing tough games trying to get the playoffs on fourth down the pass pulled down inside the 25 yard line by Tony Martin and that's a first down for Miami but but an arm and Kitaen said it earlier the big if the big it is my team is the gas tank empty and he did worry a little bit a bit about that and that's why they practice he had easy practice this week trying to rest why and a McDuffie on the sidelines will be second and ten plus as you mentioned that that that opening surge by the raiders it's tough when that surge last three quarters you know that's right the NFL the one thing you know you can talk about all the sports but the NFL they sent this playoff scenario yup it favors the teams that have the best seasons so the Raiders all the teams that are sitting home get that week off get get rested to get hungry to play the other teams are tired they come to your place it's a tremendous advantage for the home team's second and ten [Applause] Ribbit's attention dancing across the 20 and a loose ball is blown dead eight yards on the play it'll be third and two big darrell russell comes trotting back on the field and they're going to go hurry up Raiders just barely get off the field in time wide open in the end zone touchdown Tony Martin and markers are down in the backfield holding against the Dolphins we'll bring that one back well Jay Fiedler has a look on his face like well that's about par for the course today yeah Dave once said he didn't get up set it down 27 to nothing [Applause] there were two fives on the offense ineligible downfield number 61 is declined holding number 71 is accepted in your opinion repeat the holding is on rookie right tackle Todd Wade number 71 Todd Wade you're right Greg the rookie Ted is solid year for the Miami Dolphins look to the right side of your screen he's on Dara Russell got ahold of that jerk good pretty good grip Dara Russell fell down so when the officials solve an made it easy for the flag third and 12 Fiedler to reach the 14 yard line for horse down in a loft this one toward yeah them down there along with Charles Woodson [Music] well you know we were talking earlier you know talk about the players what a feeling but think about Dave once said all the emotion in the work he put in during the offseason get this team from Jimmie Johnson Hillary who retired and what a feeling it must be for a coach all the long hours they put in that office and the whirring and everything that goes with it and know that it's it's over your season and your hopes are going the Super Bowl or over going for the endzone this basket instant Tony Martin along with Aaron gallon in the corner of the endzone and the ball goes over to the Oakland Raiders with 12 32 to play in the fourth quarter you got to have a Knick to wear a turtle bed Wheatly for a couple of yards have you forgotten all right have you forgotten how big Mike dick is well he's the look he's a long way away he's a hummin Oakland he's in New York if he's upset about the comment just reach over and take it out on Jim yeah this imagine ends me he knows where you live at the 29-yard line 2nd and 8th [Applause] Randy Jordan Zack Crockett in the backfield [Applause] [Music] number 31 Rock merrier you know every once in a while we've gotten we've gotten a look at Jon Gruden over there on the sideline he is he is a man of many faces and they pretty much all look the same Darryl Russell was filling us in like the players love to have nicknames for him and one was Ricky Schrader Ricky Schroder another is Doogie Howser but I think the fan favorite is Chucky is Chucky so we have formed and I said what do you think about all those nicknames the players give you here we go there's Chucky and he goes hey aren't these players here something aren't they he goes I got nickname for them to you know just can't say them in public Randy Jordan and what a hit from Bryan Walker after a five-yard gain and you know what she's not it's something that's been picked up by the fans take a look at the Chucky dolls around the stadium here to take but it's you know what it's it's really a sense of affection boy look at that one that's a typical now there it shows you the communication in the relationship he does have with this players of the little give-and-take there which I like but there's a tremendous tremendous amount of respect they have today Jeff Hawkins oh boy at the hip hit on from Eric Johnson the rookie out of Nebraska Miami Dolphins this side Lesley Shepherd out of bounds and that should be enough for a first down well lots of things for Dave Wannstedt to think about during the off season no well there is I think the one thing he'd like to see right here and Jay Fiedler would to just find away throw the short passes whatever it takes to get down and store trips down before the he lurks learning will boyd the sack can't get out of there goes down at the 30-yard line courtesy of Tony Bryan [Applause] Ragan up Charles to one and made a fever step up and now this this Raider defensive line you don't hear a lot about it but Darrell Russell Grady Jackson inside Reagan Upshaw on the outside along with Tony Bryant they get size speed [Music] and it's not like a lot of defensive lines around the league all of them can rush the pass or they can do both pulling offense number 78 10-yard can you repeat that's the veteran left tackle Richmond Webb I'd say to the other thing is look at Darryl Russell he is so big and so athletic in the rap on him is is that he just can't play every play of the game all out him but every coach every time we've done a Raider game we bring his name up to the opposing coach and they said boy he plays all out he's unblockable you just cannot handle Darryl Russell inside when he's going 100 percent second and 25 kids are thrown it is charles woodson almost head at Tony Martin looking for a call that he was bumped but there appears to be a roughing the passer call against the Raiders personal foul roughing the passer defense number 58 15 yards better not that's Elijah Alexander and that's an automatic first down oh absolutely you know one step he took three steps and then went hi again Steve Fiedler you saw Jon Gruden on the sidelines and you know he's sitting there thinking we'll be doing guys well look he'll have plenty of things to talk about when he shows his film his players who they've made some big penalty mistakes things they shouldn't have done turnover Rich Gannon fumble Fiedler stepping up when a run 40 slides the 43-yard line pickup of six it'll be second in four boiling you look at Jay Fiedler to get the starting job been looking for one you know journeyman quarterback around the league and got in here this year intercepted Tory James again James to the two yard line [Applause] torie James maybe picking his way to Defensive Player of the Week [Music] the last interception Jay peeler does a good job he looks it off turns his right makes up a good throw it's just a terrific play by Tori Jane club left hand keeps it alive then makes the catch from the 42 yard line Crockett and Kirby behind Kirby Romel with the stop as these graders and we along with them we're going to start to begin to think about the results of tomorrow's game here on CBS pitting Baltimore against Tennessee if Baltimore wins it the Ravens will come here to Oakland next Sunday if Tennessee wins that the Raiders will travel to Nashville and as I watch this game today and I saw that shot of Jon Gruden what he preached his players during the weekend well I'll tell you what the plays on what his message was to them how to prepare and come about what they want to accomplish in the game 45 yard line go ahead Phil play they said great players are defined in the playoffs and the sameness to your stars I think more anything step up and change your lives and that's really what the playoffs are you know when this football season is over you know all the great individual things that people do during the season the fans and the media we're going to remember what guys did in the playoffs and nobody cares if certain quarterbacks threw for 4,000 yards during the season which quarterback got hot during the playoffs the throw that big pass to make that run whatever it is to help his team win Torrey James is a good example they'll be talking everybody here in the Bay Area will be talking about him Rich Gannon sidearms it incomplete ended for Jeremy Brigham it'll be fourth down you saw Tori James smiling there on the sidelines well such a vital role that a guy like Tori James plays for his football team nowadays so many teams play three wide receivers if you can have three or four defensive bags that are capable of coming into the game and playing a wide receiver and covered him like Torrey James has done today well you can see why they're with it [Music] Leclerc the 14 is dumpy-dumpy track down at about the 24 yard line Tory James with Andre Rison on the sideline and number 20 has had himself one afternoon party for the Oakland Raiders fans Rich Gannon been happy to be a part of a 12 1843 in the touchdown and he appears to be done for the day Bobby Moines were me up on the sideline as the Dolphins start from there 24 popped up into the air incomplete Josh caves appeared to get a hand on it [Music] Baba's Jay Fiedler I'd say hey how about a running play you know this hits you almost need one too the Oakland Raiders their defensive line it is just raring Bank and coming at the quarterback in the Dolphins offensive line it's having a hard time just slowing them down there is Tory James [Applause] No [Applause] speed look in the shotgun across the 25 to 27 [Music] and they're gonna call this play from the line of scrimmage third and eight [Music] [Applause] Denson and ensign has been run out of bounds well short of the first down here we talking about that day the Tory James has had it started in the first quarter started magnificently in the first quarter and back in the last playoff game played here in Oakland it was lester hayes who had two interceptions for the raiders returning one of them for a touchdown and Tory James decided that's a pretty good page out of the history book to use he's had two picks today and has returned 190 yards for a touchdown [Applause] turn kicks it away to Darian Gordon boarding at the 33 [Music] and down at the 35 yard line courtesy of Larry is oh the fifth year quarterback out of Ohio State comes on to replace that scan in the quarterback [Applause] three years at Philadelphia Eagle this is a second year here at Oakland handoff goes nowhere Jason Taylor and Lorenzo bro Mel with the tackle loss of two will make it second and 12 they look at Bobby Hawaiian he did have the opportunity last week though when the Raiders had that week off something that all these teams can do they had a chance to give him a lot of work they rested Rich Gannon just in case it's just another plus for a team that has a good gear gets to rest you get a chance to work your backup quarterback in with the starter unit just in case you need him somewhere down the line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Kirby - about the 35 and it'll be third and 10 you know Greg you look at this you see the Oakland Raiders what they've done all the positive the positives they had during the season the quarterback plays well he played well again today they ran the football with power their defense it it was solid they didn't give up any running game to the Miami Dolphins so that allows their pass rush to become a factor it helped to make plays they basically did that all year they did it today here in the playoffs [Applause] across midfield and into Miami territory [Applause] brach Marian made the stop after an 18 yard pickup and you can't help but wonder as you watch Derby goes in the other fake reverse it opens up the backside for the running game we saw another nice block there from Zack Crockett he's been doing that all day in a filling role for John Ritchie and John Ritchie to fall back they expect him we saw him and practice on Thursday he expects to be back next week for the AFC Championship game [Music] he's down at the 45 yard line and the clock continues to move up on 4:15 to play well you and I had a chance last week to see the Baltimore Ravens I think we came Ayers John Ritchey on the sidelines hey that's a good hair day for John Ritchey and I'm not kidding either but we saw the Baltimore Ravens last weekend their defense is well it's outstanding so as Tennessee's and you just got to start thinking wow the match up next week the Raiders against either one of those teams is I think it's going to be special one two three four penalty markers down mo Collins may have been the one of the first five yard you know Gregg to thinking about all the playoff games and we talked about what an advantage this week is to the teams are at home against the visiting teams but I think the least margin of all the games are going to be played this weekend we'll be down to Tennessee Baltimore is physically able to match up with Tennessee the fact that they didn't get that week rest is they are one team I think of the full day work traveling this week has the best chance of not get dominated physical on second of 12 - the 45 is groovy you know we mentioned that Tennessee well we know about the Baltimore offense you know about the Tennessee offense the Oakland Raiders whoever they face gonna be a pretty big tired football team next week your things go as expected between those two yeah you know what's good about tomorrow's game I say this all the time about NFL football there's a little bit of what I wanna say hatred Ted a good word we're a Baltimore in Tennessee and when you get those emotions like that going for a game it usually translates to saying oh man this is fun to watch watch on TV [Applause] the pitchfork Irving Brian Walker came up from the secondary to make the hip I'm a really again it makes me think remember last year it was Jacksonville and Tennessee but had that little thing going and this year you know Baltimore took Jacksonville's place Jon Gruden is he is he the most active coach on the sideline [Music] he's pretty excited Steve was new ski coming off the field and just to back to these congratulating minor hey we took it to them physically today we ran the ball at a team that people say you can't run against [Music] let the sky high kick öktem election [Music] line and tit for a dormouse the officials say it did not go in the endzone went out of bounds at about the four and a half yard line and the rookie Shane LeClair did his job little backspin it's just short of the goal line the ball it was a perfect spiral it went up it turned completely over and that's the reason why it bounced back words want to remind you coming up on the subway postgame show join jim mike and craig fected it but this was the one thing you youth they could happen the raiders would come out the crowd the emotion they play off of it their big physical and they took advantage of all I'll say adolfo their own poor fever throwing out of the end zone Denson [Applause] 9 yard line Elijah Alexander wraps him up there and with that we reached the two-minute warning two minutes remaining here at Network associates Coliseum everybody says Tennessee Titans they got nothing I know Titans around here the crew took a vote Phil and we vote you can tell him he's read whether he's right or wrong he needs to drink the water he spit so much as he was talking gotta be a little dry [Applause] second and five for Fiedler over the middle that's complete to Lesley Shepard and Shepard Audubon's postal it Martin down appears to be just a few inches short the Zack Thomas the end of a long year Nang get rested up and get healthy but the guy there is rich Kenan talk to the trainer ride Martin Morehead State graduate just had drilled it in there but gay they making his first start in the playoffs and you know he performed today just like he did all year long steady his running was timely hip drives going that was enough to keep the Miami defense off guard Denson has the first down bounds at about the 19 yard line I talked about rod Bart be the Morehead State you know there's Olie I was I was going to be I was I was going to be a smart aleck and say we knew the other one was somewhere around I knew that was coming well who's the other one besides Ron Martin thank you okay good but really it you know it's a big hurdle I think for Rich Gannon across this is a quarterback is all these years he waited so long and he he finally found a team and a coach that runs an offense it's very conducive to let him be you know that past incomplete and almost intercepted in the penalty marker down in the backfield and it's holding Richmond Webb John group is trolling the sidelines as the readers have earned their first AFC championship shot since 1990 and I remember the last time they were in the championship game penalty is on Richmond Webb you know that man is happy to be headed back to the AFC title game yeah he's happy but I've heard out David speak many times you know he'd be happy when he holds up the Super Bowl trophy don't tell me about anything else there's no accomplishment unless you win the Super Bowl [Applause] people roll through Lesley Shepherd outbound [Music] that's Darryl gardener just hey it was a terrific year they did a lot of good things and he's just going up and down the team and especially to those defensive players lot of effort in think about Miami's defense it was it was not up and down this year they had one hand against or maybe one quarter against the New York Jets where it fell apart but besides that they're the reason why this team made it this far rock-solid [Applause] Jennsen can't get away from Johnny Harris he's number 37 it'll be a third in 14 and Dave Wannstedt you mentioned earlier some big shoes of Jimmie Johnson's to come in to Miami and step into yeah I think the thing that's really impressed me about Dave Wannstedt they just told you more about field now not worry about what people think that passes out of bounds and completely you know he told us he says hey when I was in Chicago if it was Friday and I had this on me what we're gonna do in the agenda we did it he goes now if it comes up to Friday and I think our team needs rest I change everything around and just whatever feels right I just do I'm not married to nothing and his team really responded very well to it this year fourth and 14 and the Raider fans are beginning to celebrate play park is down to six five and Fiedler is going to have to hurry I don't think he got it off he didn't now they gave them about a two-second grace period there they didn't want to call the delay a game [Applause] [Music] - 1 0 0 0 and then G's gonna get rid of the football just so he doesn't get clocked one more time today eight Miami penalties on the day Dave Wannstedt had a plan he said we don't want Rich Gannon to beat us throwing the football he didn't count on all the penalties he didn't count on the turnovers making such a difference here today boy 27 to nothing listen to the crown [Applause] fourth and nineteen dolphins need to get the 30-yard line push down [Applause] walking it it is intercepted by Eric Allen [Applause] six interceptions for Eric Allen in his last six games and it doesn't matter right now but they just lost a ton of yardage from field position [Applause] well that's all that Miami Dolphins could do so the line of scrimmage is now the 46 yard line of the Oakland Raiders and that's a testament to the way the Miami Dolphins have played close and what a job the Raiders have done here today one minute to play well you know the good thing about doing the Saturday game we get to sit around and watch the game tomorrow it's just a tremendous thing this weekend I think is the best weekend and in football for the fans where we go will action Miami needed the sky learned on the field 2010 scores when I could join the course first time the Miami Dolphins have ever been shutout in the postseason and it's the Raiders first shutout ever in the playoffs that'll do it John Bruton and the Oakland Raiders on their way tomorrow's Baltimore Tennessee matchup once again our final score Oakland 27 the Miami Dolphins nothing
Channel: Raider Classics
Views: 13,612
Rating: 4.7305698 out of 5
Keywords: Raiders, Dolphins, Classic NFL
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 18sec (7098 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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