1990 Divisional Round Dolphins @ Bills

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Oh god the pain....

To hell with our draft position we gotta win for Dan.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/bobby_hill_swag 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2018 🗫︎ replies
season series this the first time the bills and dolphins have met in the playoffs at one point Miami beat Buffalo 20 straight times that carried right through the 70s and the 80s it has been a different story the Bills have won seven of the last eight and they won the last four here at Richard Stadium the Buffalo Bills won the toss they won't receive Don Smith number 30 Edwards keep score getting sent [Applause] most it and then able to recover and brings up near the 25-yard line and here comes Jim Kelly [Applause] there is an injured player on the field it is barf just patent but was shaken up number 53 and he just gets dropped [Music] Marcus Patton a rookie out of UCLA an eighth round draft pick who has been use for the most part on special teams by the Buffalo Bills took a shot you know we saw this the last three weeks ago in a game what Don Beebe was here the Miami Buffalo game and B he was out blocking and he got hit on his side by another player not the one he was blocking and here's Marcus Patton doing the same thing blocking downfield and he gets hit from the side freak accidents question is now will the Buffalo Bills barb come out in her hurry up ovens because Jim Kelly has not played for a while he yesterday talking to Kelly says he has not missed a beat now that remains to be seen who things are happening here they go they have the ball first off and they're going right into this wind kind of look at the offensive alignment and this offensive line has been outstanding Wolford Richard Paul Davis and Ballard big bounce back year for a Howard house Ballard Thurman Thomas and Jamie Mueller are the running backs Thomas with 154 yards on the ground of that last meeting and when they go to the passing situation Don Smith and al Edwards check in head coach Marv levy was asked as you see Marcus Patton being taken back to the locker room levy was asked about Kelly's scrambling ability in light of the knee lady was asked under the circumstances could he beat Jim Kelly in a foot race and the 62 year old levy said he could have beaten Kelly before he was hurt yeah we got a stance up now Marv he walks and jogs like five miles every I Drive [Applause] and as a first down [Music] [Applause] Kelly looking to throw on first I could not find a catch by Thurman Thomas covered by [Applause] is on 20 yard pickup and Kelly look to go to the no-huddle I would like to go because to see if there's a replay they have control of the ball before he goes [Music] Brennen Thomas [Music] and it appears that the Bills have recovered [Music] it just didn't look like thermo Thomas had control of the football now Kelly has taken the majority of the snaps all week long in and hand off now here is break right from the center get off now does he have control the ball he never gets the ball in his hands and it Kelly put it in his gut [Music] [Applause] it's the key to the Miami defense of Miami winning this football game if they cannot stop Thurman Thomas running the ball he catching the ball he's done both in the last three plays they're not gonna win the ballgame [Applause] [Music] it's Thomas off the draw stop by the dose tackle charlie [Music] crowd reacts to the late hit well extracurricular activity I think a point that has to be made here is when you see the Buffalo Bills in the hurry-up offense with Jim Kelly he loves it because he thinks this is his element he calls every single play he does not look to the bench for any kind of signal and as you saw the bills frequently been able to get off to the quick start [Applause] a 40-yard pass play Andre Reed from Jim Kelly has read split between the safety man Jarvis Williams Lewis Oliver here is Scott going right what [Applause] quick start fire the bills plus the two minutes gone by in Miami here you're looking at man-to-man coverage here's JB brown he's man-to-man here here is Oliver he is man-to-man and also up here as Jarvis waves man to man on a tight end and watch what happens Oliver can't stay with Reed there's the play the test sound he splits both safeties and it's touchdown Andre Reed so good after he makes the catch went 30 yards after the reception Jim Kelly enjoying that a spectacular return to action for Jim Kelly the bill seven the Dolphins nothing Norwood getting sent to kick it on Andre Reed is that a sensational season it's taken by one of the bills have been superb and kickoff coverage pallet gunner leading the assault and Dan Marino on the Dolphins hear it from the crowd as they step on Denis at the takos Keith sins and Harry dull breath at the guards and the center Jeff UNH Tony page and Santi Smith while the loading backs spent playing with however has refused to go to the black jacket and when they go for why Jenson Martin come on hurry starts out [Music] [Applause] emotion a short pick up for sale e Smith and he fairly fumbled it the bills claiming that they recovered and officials are saying he was down referee is Bob Michel we and Miami does maintain possession now the bills are taken out rate Bentley and her putting in a fifth defensive backs James Williams alright here it is there's both going up inside and the ball is out he's still up that is fumble [Applause] throughout the season facing the pressure was looking for Clayton a penalty Locker is thrown know if it's thrown off for holding big because look we're right on the line on a 30 yard line here and it looked like Bruce Smith lined up offside but they're gonna call holding on Buffalo which will be a first down but Bruce Smith's arm is up is our side and I sat there watching sitting here watcher Richmond wimpy and aloof number 31 defense five-yard automatic first now they just put Williams into the game and he's on Tony Martin that's holding now that is holy James Williams the rookie from Fresno State has been the starter in the [Applause] it is Logan he's turned back by the combination of the strong safety Leonard Smith and the left defensive and Leon seals sales a question mark coming in because of an injured D but he is out there as the starter Jeff Wright Bruce Smith upfront outstanding group of linebackers Bennett Tottenham Bentley and Talley Bennett and common our Pro Bowlers and when they go to the dime of the passing the situation white green the normal secondary with Jackson back [Applause] the way of staff [Applause] to the whole on time they had Tony page number 49 he going in and making the blocks the blocks were there but Smith never got there you'll see 49 come from the right of your screen he's blocking now watch right here Smith goes the wrong way the blocking is to his left he goes to his right page had a block on Bentley and the hole was there he didn't get to detection involved and the tack Jim Kinnison has [Applause] able to complete out of the 45 - Clayton every Jackson on the stop that's Leonard Smith involved with Mark Clayton but a flag has been thrown it's been a lot it's been a long year Smith first of all has been outside but did that ball bounce to Clayton I mean it looked like it hit the turf and bounced into Clayton's hand [Music] turf being rug yes good all right here's the throw Smith is outside now watch this ball does it hit the ground [Music] I thought I'd hit the road eyes Paul very nice that would have been a 13-yard pass play but it was short hop [Music] Rose Smith maybe on the bottom left of your screen you'll see bro Smith he comes across and you know the one thing that you're taught once you come across the Rio sees that he sees the flag go he sees Bruce now if the if the whistle blows that's office if the whistle doesn't blow then he knows his defense he has a free play and I think real smart enough to know that Bruce Smith the 1990 AFC Defensive Player of the Year however statistically in games against the Miami Dolphins he has not come up with big stats that does not necessarily mean that he has not played well but he has been held in check in particular this year by the rookie left tackle Richmond Webb all right now first of all Marino gets his arm hit but it looks it is being reviewed now he what are you looking at that way yes his hands under and it comes into his chest they make all this good because the play was called good on the field and there's not enough there to overturn it mark plate made his return against the Buffalo Bills three weeks ago a return from a knee injury it looks like he caught it it looks like he does now because his his hands are underneath the ball and that's the first thing that they have to look at if his hands are underneath the ball they'll give him the catch I was talking with plate in the practice yesterday he says he suffered a similar injury to the one but Jim Kelly sustained and he said he doesn't understand how Kelly can be ready to play today plotting the braces it is tough incomplete we're gonna use his stakes because the ball will be a few inches short of the line to game we're gonna have to start we're gonna have to start scripting Bob Bob with a very precise interpretation how they get a big old scoreboard up here they can put like a teleprompter up there for me to read it off for they're nice got Bobby but the ruling on the replay is that it was inconclusive certainly had the proper angles it appeared and I take it you agree it appear that he did catch it well after looking at it it did and I thought the play was ruled a completion on the field because I didn't see an official one up in wave his hands away for the Dolphins from their 46 actually entry an official timeout taken and now we're set to resume [Applause] for $15 give us Passport the bill seven padarthas nothing [Applause] Stein is collected by a surging Sammy Smith Sammy Smith was over the top you know and if he could keep his feet and come down he can still run because he's not on the ground there's not a part of his body that touches watch what Sammy Smith goes up over the top he's following page up in the middle now see right here if he comes down on the ground with his feet he can start running because they'll move his body touched the ground Sammy Smith had a good one in the victory over the Kansas City Chiefs last week despite extremely Gribbs [Music] problems with the fumbles and that would make it even worse in terms of gripping the ball Smith yes across the 50 compliments Conlan and Leonard Smith combined on the tackle you know what you're talking about Savage Smith barb one thing about a playoff game because you know the losers go home it's all over nothing hurts nothing hurts anymore when the game starts I mean we know that John Offerdahl is not playing and I had a chance to talk to John yesterday and he's sick to his stomach he said if there's any way possible that I can Offerdahl out with that barely walk around psych eval [Applause] [Music] on the slant gets in Sun in the 45 Jackson combining on that stuff the last time that Miami played here which is three weeks ago Tony page was not a hundred percent didn't play very well and Smith loves to follow Paige here comes number 49 into your picture Tony page he loves the block you see Smith just looking at Tony page he's right in the hole right behind Paige Dan Marino telling us that Tony page is the best blocking fullback that he's ever played with he says Tony even put slicks on the inside linebackers even hits his own people yes he did you know that was about eight or nine games or ten games into the season they took it's a first down they took a pole down in San Diego in Sandy in Miami and Tony Paige was the most valuable player voted by the fans the most valuable player on his team he's got it both as blocker and also as a very fast catcher out of the backfield Miami with six plays [Music] looking to throw complete nearly picked off ping Gautam's had a shot at it - for the antenna receiver [Applause] the Dolphins looking for the call there's a a flag thrown marv this ball first of all is thrown late number two it's thrown behind take a look at here comes duper inside now the state hit him yes before the ball gets here you cannot do that you can't go through the man to the ball Moreno is looking for a flag you're gonna get it hold on Erika you have as much right to the ball but you can't lock off the offensive man to get [Music] possible [Music] his last 10 passes egghead Sammy Smith and in the Bruce Smith greeting Sammy Smith actually again a flag actually Jeff Wright had a shot at him in the back he'll invested but they'll take the penalty here [Applause] faculty wait a minute damn I'll get to you in a minute let me get this straight down over here first that was not off the teleprompter [Music] [Applause] very active start for the referee of Bob McElwee [Music] at Sims number 69 at this [Music] [Applause] from the 32 [Applause] stop by Cumberland and Smith Bruce Smith got across the line nice place are a little late and if you're gonna run a play away from Bruce Smith and he sees to run you've got a block back on him to make sure that he doesn't get down into the flow of things he did that time we've got Logan before he got started didn't tackle him but slowed him down Paul we are just about midway through the first quarter bills with a seven nothing lead Dan Marino officially has yet to throw pass recall before Kansas City last week it was pass attacks by becoming three deficit sixteen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but Cornelius Bennett able to cut it off [Applause] it will be a fir down and 14 and I detect some snowflakes dropping they said snow showers more rain throughout the day Leon seals out now and Mike rodents number 73 consider the defensive end goes across the field and that was a I was caught by the center Jeff you'll make who did not want it instinctively he went for the reception of interrupted well the problem is that Cornelius Bennett number 97 grabbed Jenson as the ball was getting there now he's not the other on the line is to me [Applause] Worcester downtown 63 touch the ball they get ululate touching the ball but watch this here comes Jensen now here's Cornelius Bennett he just knocks him down great defensive play and that's where Moreno was going we're told that the left guard Keith Sims was downfield and here's the field-goal unit each toy out of it you connected from 58 NFL playoff record last week against Kansas City attempting from [Applause] Scott secures [Music] and a putz Android a 49-yard field goal by stay out of it seven minutes remaining in this first quarter it's the Buffalo Bell 7 and the Miami Dolphins 3 beats toy elvish who hit from 49 yards away to get the Dolphins on the board getting set to kick it to Don Smith and how Edwards [Music] Buffalo seven Miami three the winner today advances to the AFC Championship Game [Applause] he Foster he's down he's down is down the ball is Buffalo's ball down by contact is the call you see Edwards coming up and the ball down by contact I don't know why they say that the ground cannot cause a fumble here it is he's down the ball comes out the ground cannot cause a fumble sure he's down by contact when he get hit that's consequence contact here comes Edwards he's spinning the balls not coming out only when he hits the ground as the ball come out good call I'm waiting for the call the air does not call does not cause the the interception boys I'm looking for that one off the swing to the 44-yard line we were talking with people stay out of it and practice yesterday he said the most difficult aspect about the field today is kicking on a slick turf but he still was able to hit from 49 yards away by getting the time James laughter the reception [Applause] laughter you talk about internal concentration i watch his feet mr. venture he's in bounds he gets it down three times but the thing about what's happening is the offensive line you're giving Kelly all day to throw the football and Miami they're just not putting any heat on it 44 yard pass play Thomas he's not by the inside linebacker cliff Odum Jim Kelly is for four for a hundred 11 yards including one touchdown to Andre Reed and a dolphin player is down it is the nose tackle Shawn Lee who has been bothered by back problems at a sore back last couple of weeks and has emerged as the starting nose tackle of quiet Atlantic just before the start of the season second down and seven Kelly throwing has broken out Mike and I can bond man Scottie replacing the injured John Alford all getting a piece of it it was intended for Andre Reed that time Reich Franken Bach is the guy that saved the touchdown because Andre Reed again was one-on-one on the outside on Oliver number 52 watch what he does right here he gets his hand on the ball he's reading read he is the guy to the inside third and seven Thailand stomped out the six by odom autumn had to tight-end all away the advantage here is the offense because the arguments of receivers and running backs know exactly where they're going defense doesn't quit photo able to put the clamps on Keith McKellar to stop McKeller four yards short of the first down so Scott Norwood will attempt a 24 yard field goal oh it's second and AFC scoring a hundred and ten points behind Hicks Lowrey the Kansas City Chiefs [Music] [Applause] so the bells extend to a check three lean alpha dolphins the most important thing about this is have protected the Jim Kelly are keeping Thurman Thomas in a four-man rush is not getting there and Kelly has all the time in the world I watch what Lofton does total concentration on the ball over the outstretched hands of a car but the presence of mind to get your feet down and stay in bounds at super play I'm bad for a 34 year-old wide receiver James Lofton 14th year in the NFL he's got the legs of a 33 year old it was so time try to hell name's lost it [Music] Green Bay to the Raiders this is second season with the Buffalo Bills Norwood and some difficulty the win a factor light snow is fall thirty-two degrees Logan [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] able to accelerate across the 30-yard line [Music] well three possessions all resulting in points Kelly to read for 40 yards on the touchdown score 49 yard field goal by stoy animage and then a 24 yard field goal by Norwood amazing about story honor is is is his field goal for 49 yards he actually slipped before he hit the ball that's incredible he claims he has kicked 71 yard [Music] [Applause] Oh screeches stop he's for two [Applause] he goes short intended for mark duper covered by nate odomes also covered by Ray Bentley the inside linebacker number 50 if that ball would have been on target that man right there ray Bentley might have had it yes ray the avid Alice Cooper fan you'll notice the I black in Alice Cooper style that he proudly wears I always thought he just was crying before the ballgame is his a second 32 for in this first quarter just stop they have able to get the running game going [Applause] Bobby Jackson combined to make photography chain Collin closed so fast on Logan that Logan didn't have a chance I mean that's a pickup about a yard it could have been a lot more and number 58 Shane Colin just makes a tremendous play right here he's in his face makes the tackle Jackson was just there Colin did it all forced chuckle of the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] trying to avoid seals reflection [Applause] Odom's hands Reno just tried to drill a ball you're trying to force it the rush was on and here comes Clayton across now watch what happens here here's where the ball is forced in tally is there and it just pops right into NATO to go to his hands here's burrito this ball is fired it goes right off of Clayton's chest [Applause] turnovers we're in a session for the Reno other times regular season with the straight ahead gets inside the 35 yard line stop by TJ Turner I look back at the earlier games in week 2 in Miami with the Dolphins defeating the bills you see three turnovers by Buffalo and three weeks ago here the 1/4 gin P Brown probably bears the Jim Kelly on that play tried to try to just drop the ball over the defensive back JV Brown and the wind is blowing directly into his face watch this the bulb basically stops because you see Lofton coming back to the ball Brown is in perfect position to make the play but the wind just stopped the ball is dropped it right in front of him such a third and six toss it up [Applause] Buffalo [Applause] break Don Shula walking that one off as the center can't pull was able to get the rafts on it well if you're wondering if Jim County's leg isn't perfect and how tough he really is and I said at the beginning I didn't think they should start him obviously I was wrong all right here comes Kelly now he knows that he has to run with the ball and he goes with the first end of mercury but the ball is stripped away the way can't haul the center is right down there pickup of sixteen a first down at the 17 yard line Thomas Alex to stop by Jeff Ross Jeff Kelly is playing with a brace fitted for his D injury a new knee brace that provides more support and protection than the one a used to be used to use he had been working strenuously on the treadmill lateral movement still difficult Jim told us yesterday when he took the first couple of snaps when he began practice throwing in the week he was so awkward teammates were laughing i skiving catch at a flag thrown Lofton what the reception and throttle Micaiah Your Honor I found out his D was all right quickly you're gonna laughing you don't think there's a strange folks but it's true Wednesday Jim Kelly went in and had his brace put on defense [Applause] if you take a look inside you're going to see the holy I'll get back to the gym Kelly Gill but there is the holding and if a 29s livered Hobley but it is the first time let me just taste that Jim Kelly they put the brace on in any a burlesque you the trainer taped his right leg and it's his left ladies hurt they didn't realize until after practice that they taped the wrong way but the place was on Trinity was all right and it's a first and goal from the seven and Kelly just closed it away Lofton was well-covered covered by Makai er she secret lost two digit Makar he faked Makai out but fire had his back to him the James lost him he's in the end zone he knew that Kelly was throwing the ball away but he fakes him watch this here goes Lofton now makaras got his back to watch this watch he'll often does the bullets that he would near it such a goal from the 7 with 141 this open quarter Kelly bluffing it intended for Ares covered by a free safety Lois Oliver and Reed is shaken up [Applause] Andre turned all the way around to get the ball watch us and the way he turned is is absolutely perfect but when he comes down Oliver lands on him and it looks like you don't guess even in a situation like this but the thing about Reed that made the play almost a touchdown is that when Reed you see how to read turns he didn't turn his back to the ball he turned into the ball always keeping a ball in flight in line with his eyes timeout is taken with a minute and thirty seven remaining in this first quarter we'll be right back ball wide receiver Andre Reed who apparently is alright following this sequence in the end zone well Oliver fell on it more than anything because he wasn't whipping not moving his shoulders or anything there's a third ago 137 life [Music] direct snap to Thurman Thomas well we asked Marv levy expect to anything different any trickery said no God they they run this play quite a bit as Jim Kelly gets back there with Thurman Thomas they direction after him if it works fine if it doesn't a situation you're already in field goal range but the Marv accepting some chicanery here down at the at the goal line and here is Scott Norwood with a 20 our Lee of this first quarter he connected from 24 the regular season 24:29 a quarterback like what [Music] with 51 seconds and his first corner 13 Miami 3 time our valve is Paul McGuire from Buffalo New York where the snow is falling the temperature at 32 degrees over the winter will eventually be a factor but on the tippy side advantage effects well Scott Norwood apparently not having the same kind of difficulty with the slippery turf Peet's Toei animation earlier we saw snow out of a chip from 49 yards away now watch what's the follow-through well it's amazing he kicked at 49 yards because his left foot which is the plant foot was slipping before even hit the ball but his leg is so strong and he made the connection they made a 49-yard field seconds left one Hall [Applause] [Music] and takes a hard hit out of 23-yard [Music] dan Marino only one four four four two yards that has been hit Miami with just 21 total yards Buffalo with a hundred and sixty-seven in contrast Jim Kelly [Music] open strong again to the nothing marv these place are taking too long to get back to the line of scrimmage the offensive lineman cannot hold their blocks that long because they're slipping and sliding you've got to hit something a little quicker where the defense can't get set and holds your offensive line and then make the play Marino's going all the way back about six yards to the halfback to hand him the ball sometimes seven yards and it just takes too long to get back that is the end of one the fells hear it from the home crowd they leave the Dolphins by the score of 13 380 thousand on had at rich Stadium and Buffalo on a very cool and crisp afternoon second [Applause] the second quarter [Applause] [Music] a slippery footing a factor and it certainly has been affecting Dan Marino letteth Smith made the stop on mark Logan it affects Dan Marino but take on the left of the screen is Bruce Smith you're not going to see me come in a picture except for right there you know why because they had three guys out of including Logan who slips out of the backfield nice touch by Moreno Leon seals is forcing Reno to throw the ball but Logan still cannot keep his footing his head goes down they'd only have the first outing a third about three and a half the ball inside the 30 the Pels 14 it's three AFC Championship game facing cold water Bengals and the Raiders almost picked off by Kirby Jackson the pass intended for mark late for the first time but often putting in a checks in Brito is totally upset because he's saying it crash Jensen number 11 that's what he's upset that was what happened down fit where is almost intercepted by Jackson but crash Jensen number 11 is the man who was looking at he's on the ground you see was knocked down by Darryl Talley and that's what marina was upset about Reggie Roby back at his 15 he had the Chiefs [Applause] go after Robi gets this one away Edwards idiot Lee Terry Glenn outstanding special teams player making the stop it is a 37-yard punt Buffalo gets the ball back Dan Marino very upset his club trailing 14 320 mark you saw Moreno being upset a little bit watch this this is why what's tally on Jensen now that's that's mugging right there except this illegal and that's what Moreno is complaining about hey you're absolutely right then that is the second time he has been upset that that Jensen has been in a fairway just block animus Uzi comes out of the backfield Buffalo first down from there 33 front of Thomas for the breaking tackle with second effort on outside typicai er I asked him attire yesterday if the coaching staff had requested that he low-key it this week and light of his unusual strong statements about the opposition and Paulie said no he said the bills are wonderful competitors remarkable human beings and he has only great respect for the City of Buffalo he said no one had taught them to temper his thoughts off the drugs Thomas he also a complaint about James Lofton of course Lofton had similar thoughts about a tire and some of the other members of the dolphin secondary mkhaya said that Lofton is amazing because he grabs his facemask and pushes off he was rather outspoken last week concerning secondary Thomas with the first stop by Cliff Odom Oh about the dollar combining the tires said that the Kansas City quarterbacks now have an extra week to prepare for the for the Pro Bowl very very gentle thoughts he was he was generous with everybody I mean and he he is outspoken any anyone doesn't care the crates are very [Applause] Andre Regis was life by Lewis Oliver I don't know love loss Oliver's thinks he's going to get some help or not I think he was depending on some help on the inside by Jarvis waves number 26 but he did not get it and Andre Reed just let the scene 43 yard pass play the Bills have it at the six very good take it up in the four tell us for the touchdown [Applause] Thomas going five yards for the score here is Darwin Thomas during regular season bells to make it 20 to 3 [Applause] in the second quarter [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Buffalo Levi 17 Thurman Thomas now this on a third down play what the Miami Dolphins are trying to do is cover Thurman Thomas with a linebacker and that's cliff Odom 93 that's a 10 yard pickup now that's impossible that's not working [Applause] [Music] [Applause] by Steve Tasker [Applause] all right learn now we saw Thurmond being covered by a linebacker that's not working now let me show you something else here is Oliver and wait back here in this corner you'll see a minute committed a picture is Jarvis Winn they are trying to cover Andre Reed with the safety with help from the strong safety and that isn't working [Applause] touchdown pass in the first quarter [Applause] only two four six four eight yard [Applause] put it up he goes and it's almost picked off by Bruce Smith intended on the screen for Sammy Smith I know it's snowing and all the wonders bad and I know you're frustrated then but if you can't find if you can't see this guy when first of all you come the line of scrimmage and you know where he is you always do and I watch this here's Bruce that ball hit him right in the gun who's riding at sandy Smith who's almost [Applause] Smith and pay box off the draw it Smith gets out to the 25 met by Cornelius Bennett Sammy Smith in his second season at a Florida State and we have reached the point where we barely can read the yard line numbers we are losing the field fall right before our eyes [Applause] [Music] but Cooper has the first down of costs the 35-yard line Odom's and telly combined on the stop now that went for 11 nate open late autumn serious does not feel burger he gets down in that position he feels that he can come up and get his hands on that duper just running a just two hits trying to get five yards make sure the catch first nato's comes in let her Smith comes in Darryl Talley comes in but he got the first down and the first catch of the day for hawk duper 4:36 second quarter [Music] dolphins 3-play action arena with the time and complete stupor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in that instance we saw perhaps the slippery field hurting the bills they could not get the grass mark Cooper who went 464 yards for the score the most important thing here is as Nate orbs is on duper again but the thing about his Reno had all the time to throw the ball now look at this where this past is perfect pass over the middle now they don't make any place first of all nate odomes tries to go for the ball that is his first mistake instead of making the tackle Cooper out runs them for the touchdown make the tackle if you can't make the play on the ball you make the tackle it has been a bounce-back season for mark Cooper 52 receptors [Applause] [Music] [Applause] puts it right through so with nine before remaining in this first half the bells dolly the Dolphins by the score of twenty to ten actor Richard Stadium Fanta than 80,000 on hand the bills let the NFL in attendance this season for the third straight year however they were silenced by that 64 yard pass combination between burrito [Music] forget all with silky Thank You salut slip and Edwards [Music] [Applause] across 30 yard line Mike Mike a bot making the stop all right let's look at the touchdown - duper now here's Richard a couple things happened here first of all Leonard Smith misses the tackle that's gonna happen right here now hold it right there watch state autumn's he reaches for the ball duper is so good he moves the ball over to his left hand now here comes Kelso he in turn misses the tackle but Nader was trying to go for the ball cost the bills the touchdown for Miami and [Applause] the others have been able to slow down the bills from there the time often Jarvis playoffs up from a strong safety position to make the stop third catch four games left and it went for 17 yards now the Bills have had full possessions all four have resulted in scores couple of touchdowns and the two field goals Kelly is now 9 for 13 a very impressive first half able to stand right in and it is incomplete intended for Lofton well the last time we did the game we asked for I believe you about this hurry up offense and how long do you stay in it that when you should get in and get out of it they've been in it the entire game so far and but it's been successful now they played another games where they've gotten into it and given the ball back right away that's the problem with it if you start throwing like they just did there and you drop the ball the clock stops hurry up second down and ten and his for the second time and slides for the first down [Applause] where he slides - he doesn't get the first down because he had to be [Applause] they're gonna market at the 40 scheanette for under all right just short height on the top access Stila for what eyes it'll be covered in a moment the first out is picked up five Thurman Thomas David Griggs on the tackle [Applause] girls telecast my lady tells us that yes the Bills have succeeded with the hurry up but he points out the downside of the system is that at times it takes you out of the running game and you must be able to run or what a championship shortage Odom and Briggs combine on the stop and here are the bills if they win today moving on to the AFC Championship game which will be here here comes Thurman Thomas and this is just a handoff to Thurman this is a direct running play it's not a draw and Jim Kelly again with the hurry-up offense he calls all the place nothing from the bench second down [Applause] [Music] I don't think going into today's Jim Kelly had the thought he would be running this frequently da he did and what's happening is they're trying to collapse everything to the inside because what the thinking of Miami is the Jim Kelly will not run outside well he's not running outside he's running up the middle once again it's a third down less today are step back behind you green making the star [Applause] now Jim Comey's single dad lies he want something over there Hugh green nobody block you here a third to the outside and he lost two and a half yards on the play what do you do you gonna go for it barb in he is six yard field goal notice the long distance kicking [Applause] here we go again now this is not working you've got to put somebody else in the ballgame you're going to take one of these Safety's out either Oliver or Williams because what you which you have now Andres lip lipping off the field but you've got Oliver and Williams trying to cover read and they're not doing a good job because Kelly knows that underneath Reid is going to be open for at least six yards the first time doesn't wait for Reid [Applause] Jarvis Williams made the stop [Applause] the biggest problem here in Miami Dolphins defense they have not even slowed the Buffalo Bills down at all I mean you're talking about big chunks you're a fourth down in three yards to go they pick up 12 first to 10 you pick up nine second and walk again Thomas looking to throw [Applause] we can get back up I've seen a lot of a lot of things happen and I know this man as important currently to tour language Jim Kelly I'm talking about but Thurman Thomas this was a handoff to throw back to Jim Kelly I guess he is well they've been lying to us he's a hundred percent look at this there goes Thurman - what's killing now he sees to play on he's going out number 12 was in the past pattern and Thurman looked at him I don't buy that was wait a minute I know he's healthy and he's tough but he's not that tough [Music] and Shawn Lee the Miami nose tackle is shaken up once again good start for Thurman Thomas 15 carries 49 yards and was looking to toss one he's also caught three balls the only time isocitrate the only time to think about dermatomes that he's been for a lossless you green one time and this time here when he went to throw the ball he fall down nobody hit him timeout is taken 524 remaining and the first half Buffalo Marv Albert with Paul McGuire Buffalo leading Miami by the score of 22 10th 5:24 remaining and the first half the winner today moves on to the AFC Championship game to go against the winner of the Bengals and the Raiders at buffalo wings is white here play at while Santos or Cincinnati it's a third down and pull the 11th play of the drive [Applause] a chance to get their nickel defense in finally [Applause] [Music] [Applause] reception of the 82 yards for the 34 year-old out of Stanford and us now Buffalo 26 and Miami 10 Lofton and Reid have just killed [Applause] Marvis lewis Oliver so Scott going that's the extra point pills now with a 27:10 advantage all right what do you see coming across now laughs that just pushes off any and hears all over 25 coming in supposed to be helping on the inside misses the tackle but he is the guy that has inside cover so karate Thomas number 24 is a guy and let him go inside now the big play of the drive was that Andre Reed against and now you're sitting looking at Andre Reed and he is here here's Oliver his driver swings back here I'll get to that in just a moment so when you take a look at it here comes Oliver taking the slot man again a safety on Andre Reed Kelly reads it right off the bat he's waiting on it coming up right there is Jarvis Williams he's actually useless back there but the problem is his job I would imagine is if somebody falls down he's going to cover deep and he's over they cover in a short which they have not been able to do so they better get a fifth defensive back in there they sacrifice up to somewhere else or they better start blitzing Jim Kelly and not given that much time to throw the football the Bills have had five possessions and they're five four five five scores the two field goals by Norwood plus three touchdowns [Applause] [Music] those know what 2:22 and Calvin the Scott Norwood Logan returned his punch mark Pike leading a group of tacklers coming up at half-time and Bob Costas well McDonough OJ Simpson gal Gardner will preview the 49er playoff matchup and Todd Christensen will have a close-up look at the Bengals and the Raiders that will be seen tomorrow right here on NBC five minutes two seconds to go [Applause] and the Reno hearing it on the crowd sets the screen and the tight end ferrule eopns the catch stop by Cornelius Bennett it's just in the way Farrell Edmonds is the tight end and watch he's going to sit up for just a second right here on Cornelius Bennett just to draw him out let him go Leon seals makes it almost makes a silver plate but look how far away Kearney is bennett was only a couple of yards he knew that you know federal evidence does not block anybody he saw as a chance to come out stay with him they second down and [Applause] sanity stands well I keep his footing and pick on the first down just keep your legs moving because all the offensive linemen are trying to do is get a push on a defensive lineman because the footing is really bad most of us shake it is it that is either one or two things either he can't get footing or he's being held I'll go with the fie and he'll deal but the guy will you take a look at at Richmond Webb he does a super job and he's done a good job on [Music] Venice at the tackle Sims Volvo the center is play-action try to hide the ball but could not find anyone how does Smith his Collard burritos run down by Shane Conlan Richmond Webb is obtained the guide the lump belongs to the Pro Bowl there's no question what's this blocking on Bruce Smith 78 on 78 he first of all he takes him to the inside watch this now he's got him he pushes him back now watch what he does he stays in front of him here comes a burry Novak Bruce Smith has no chance Shea Collins makes a super play on Sammy Smith get his second down at about one Chrisman web telling us yesterday as long as he can get his hands on Bruce Smith he's in good shape and he has those long nature's overthrown by a burrito covered by countless I'm sorry Mar but I just thought Darryl Talley go airborne late next thing to him was just back he tried to jump up in burritos face and they dropped him here he comes to the left of the screen there he is up near watch this point he's up [Applause] Paul you've lost control and we're still on it's football season is no 56 were evading and the first half we are [Music] Smith that's the first down the bills for the 27 tent lead on the Dolphins touchdown passes from Kelly to Reed Kelly to Lofton Thomas went for five yards for the score and two field goals by nor with the Miami scoring story on ovitch hitting on a 49-yard field goal and marina super hooked up on a 64-yard pathway the bills down until they do that the tight-end infants made the catch and then lost it but he lost it out of ours and his rollin completes Kirby Jackson on the cupboard Kirby Jackson back in the lineup even out with a pulled hamstring that was suffered in the game at Indianapolis back in early December he actually had the best day of his career last season against Miami couple of interceptions cackles think of the Jets also sawsan [Music] McFee pores of the lawyers [Applause] Grossman [Applause] Bruce Smith is double covered her double block first here he comes so what's with their Sims inside the watch Bruce when the wise all-pro the best defensive player he never stops he is at Marino's face burritos throwing the ball away the intentional grounding the flag is down at his hustle that's why he is the best defensive player in a national football game and you know that Bruce Smith wants to have a stand out game against a club that he has not been able to put the numbers up against during his six years in the NFL he is seventy six sacks but 11 games against Miami he's been held to only two and have sex the last one [Music] [Applause] 87 against the dollar [Applause] utilized by Marino a hard hit on Cooper he was [Applause] looking at the silent County she was Ringo doesn't now the center sets up and what's he yelling once he sees that leg move he snaps of all the offensive line looks down now here's the worst part about this duper goes up Leonard Smith drills him but he's four yards short of the first down anyway Bennet 56 to go and the first half welcome back to Buffalo was just under two minutes remaining in the first half and the bills lead the Dolphins by the score of 27 to 10 and at halftime the star attraction will be the sweeper and he will go for it there are a couple of them he's not going to do this alone he will have they have a backup sweeper [Applause] [Music] here some of the snow off the field let's see if they go after [Music] good kick nobody had a 64-yard pot last week tossed it up [Applause] but dolphins say they have it all Edwards on the buff off the punt return a 44-yard fun and a 26-yard return and Miami has recovered all right here comes Edwards with the ball he moved the ball from his right hand to his left hand we're comfortable there but the ball is stripped away and Miami comes up with the ball I just think about something bar there's a minute 41 Miami has the ball here it comes again the ball is stripped away Miami ends up with it that's Roby putters out they're tough big - let me tell you something here's the thing think about a 141 remain Miami right if they score a touchdown they will did 10 they get the ball back in the second half for fourteen points to be strip leading to the mouth [Applause] he loses it my contact [Applause] by having maintaining possession ball belongs to the office all right here comes Logan he comes in tackle here Jay Carlin he hits the ground ball comes out down by contact excellent call let's get on with it the first half Ricardo his seventh second down and five [Applause] he hit the official well Bruce Smith on will say the second interception Rex Stewart the umpire number 95 okay think a shot here it comes again now is this Bruce Bruce almost has the second interception here goes Rex way to get sandwiched Rex is up he's looking good limping but good that was it that's the old sandwich playing looking but good they've got extras [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and again a deflection and it goes incomplete that antenna for Tony Martin well that ball was thrown behind now here's the piers the problem you get a fourth down and do you take the chance here in 56 seconds to go because the Buffalo Bills have their Deveny was slowed down offensively the bills still have three timeouts remaining and its fourth down the bow is actually [Applause] Thank You Pablo it's a fourth and five the Dolphins ask for the timeout the clock was down to zero that's why the bells looking for a delay of game Bruce Smith complaining but the officials say that the timeout was called I'm out looking you mangas Turner how look at Bruce Smith moves over Marino knows he doesn't have a chance to audible eyes he doesn't have enough time first of all you can't hear anything because the crowds going nuts Bruce is in a position he's been there before but they have to make an adjustment there was not enough time for Ewing to make any kind of a call so they call timeout [Applause] 56 seconds remaining [Music] this time Arena was able to call [Applause] Gooper hooking up with Dan Marino want to know why first of all the offensive line block very well is are a flag dinner Bruce sweat the saying flag number 78 defense and on bruising get the Rangers effect was against you for being offside but what happened is the Bills had a blitz on and Marino read the Blitz beautifully had duper one-on-one on the outside on a toner first one he goes by indeed Holmes I mean that's this just it's the dental stuff there but watch where this ball is thrown doper makes the catch Smith comes over and knocks him out of bounds they have the ball about the four yard line and versus the way there's a flag against him for being offside [Applause] bass play bird catch fur duper it sets a furnace before Moreno went deep to the end zone Kirby Jensen on the coverage from Mark Clayton and it will be a second and goal at the four with 45 seconds remaining in the first half now Richmond Webb just went back and said something to Marino whether he could block Bruce Smith inside or outside wherever he's talking about but he actually went to Marino when he was come up off the ground to say something too [Applause] and Smith but second effort refusing to go down we'll have to wait to see where the market clock is running the cool we're down to 30 seconds and that's really one of the keys to running we're talking about continuous effort by Smith Miami takes a timeout it which is their second timeout they still have one remaining but the continuous effort of Smith because what's happening is the defensive offensive linemen are trying to get positioned they really can't get any footing and as long as he can keep moving he can bust the tackle so we watch Thurman Thomas do it going up and down the field and he's a master at it paying a Sammy Smith doing the same thing when we resume it is a third and goal from the two I we have those over at the Country Club where I belong when you get done playing golf you get you need the golf shoes uh-huh that's it's the whole thing the ground is covered I mean I don't understand what that really does because by the time you clean them off on the sidelines and you get back on the field you have snow fill up again we have one of those up here a linear booth for you to fold not with the boots I have on today these are wonderful [Applause] urging the buffalo defensive unit on with 27 seconds remaining of a half the Dolphins have one timeout remaining you hear what ma graça we just said he said president courteous again [Applause] [Laughter] Buffalo calling for the timeout barb levy perhaps so looking to check out what Miami had in store well it's true by a me took a timeout because they wanted to regroup down here that they want to at least come away with three that's something that's apparent then Buffalo goes out and they show them kind of a defense that they have a look at the personnel that Miami has out there and they take a timeout now what does Miami they're going to come back with somebody else they are coming with Roy Foster now he's reporting so he's going to be on the line of scrimmage he'll be playing one of the tight end slots who's a card number 61 yes he is used as a second tight end but [Applause] now yesterday we were watching and they threw the ball in Foster [Applause] [Music] [Applause] burrito stand by dan Marino with a gorgeous fake paint autumns was totally fooled chincana was totally fooled everybody nobody expected dan Marino to keep the ball he the fake inside the river when I said they had a minute and 41 if they score to go to 17 now and if they get the ball here comes to Reno the outside look at everybody's jammed on the inside they were real nobody there the walk home they thought it was his job as he's got the outside man and outside responsibilities his job that's number 37 NATO who played a super game so far is it supposed to stay right there he did not when he didn't bring a seconds what's it through despite the fact that Buffalo statistically has dominated Miami the Dolphins managed to hang in because Marino I mean would you take a look at what happens here everybody's looking at run they bring in an offensive guard right here on the end of the line this is the man number 37 a totaled his job is to come up upfield if you're gonna do anything first job is this guy here but you have a safety help here so if he's blocking you've got the come up field this way because you can't help out in here anyway let's take a look at what happens he goes down the line of scrimmage he's out of the play it's over boom and head coach Marv Levy talking to himself off that last play the big play of that drive moreno connecting with duper on a fourth down play it went for 38 yards it set up the first end goals so 21 seconds remaining in the first half coming up on halftime edition of NFL live with Bob will and a toge a Kristensen drawing some studio chores and we'll take a look at tomorrow's AFC divisional matchup between the Cincinnati Bengals and the LA Raiders at the Coliseum in Los Angeles [Applause] we're told that votes of the ID and both Jackson brought up there's the returned by John Smith that is now an official sell out so that game will be shown in Los Angeles Bo obviously looking for the extra exposure of the LA area he and the people from buy keep buying up the tickets Ono's tickets Bono's tickets he knows everything so Jim Kelly 11 416 222 yards two touchdowns he was a question mark going into today because of the knee injury suffered cartilage and ligaments in his left knee during that mid-december game against the Giants at the New Jersey Meadowlands I'm just gonna take it and get out of here but the thing about it is the Miami dollars gear in mind they will get the ball back the start of the second half [Applause] so that is the end of the first half in the rain and snow here in Buffalo it's the bills 27 and the dolphins 17 coming up Bob Costas will McDonough at OJ's Simpson dot NFL I let's go back to our New York studios as we get set for the start of play in the third quarter and Marino 7 419 135 yards and Jim Kelly 11 416 222 yards burrito at Miami accounting for only a hundred 81 yards total Buffalo 300 yards in all where the Thomas has run 449 on 15 attempts is bhakti as Stefan Adams as Scott Norwood gets set to kickoff we had talked about the importance of the second half all right here's Miami they've got the touchdown at the end of the second quarter one into the half here they are with the ball back again if they score they can get within three points but the problem is defensively can they stop the Buffalo goes until they do that it will [Music] as a short kick [Music] so Logan on the return across the 30-yard line puts roll on the tackle and once again you can wipe out with a snout of time of possession means nothing turnovers game when I may the chance to get the touchdown [Applause] Buffalo also scored off the turnover there's one time and at half when the score was 20 to 3 would have intercepted the pass [Applause] Miami came back with Marino Malena has the time and has the open receiver Mark Clayton plate his first catch of the day he's hauled out by Kirby Jackson Marv I don't care how good a quarter you are here's Jackson there's Clayton where the plates that is covered short by Jackson but watch what happens Clayton spent all the time in the world now to just get in front of Leonard Smith number 46 behind Kirby Jackson behind the linebacker Bentley number 50 Marino has all that time to throw the ball he's going to find an open receiver and OJ was absolutely right he's going to throw the ball team [Applause] [Music] thirty-six [Applause] Smith playing despite the injured ribs stop by ray Bentley we are just underway and the third quarter Sammy Smith was asked about playing with a flak jacket since his college days at Florida State he had been labeled as a guy who would not play with nagging injuries perhaps a player a little bit soft on a good fun the Kansas City Chiefs found out last Saturday [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes please professional athletes who assault it's a second honor to complained through the hands of mark duper play with guys who you felt were we're soft I'm sure that was in the 60s yes now they're solid here it comes take a look at duper now your NATO December 37 is on them dopers going to go inside now NATO's is releasing them to the safety but look at this past it's just too high Leonard Smith is not there Kelso wipes out clayton number 83 after the play but if it's [Applause] just sick [Music] it's a third out of Smith what the face [Applause] and Smith has the first out on some more mark Kelso made the stuff Sammy Smith ripping off 18 wool all right remember the first day I was talking about that burrito was going back in handing the ball to sammy Smith and a play took too long to get to the line of scrimmage watch how fast this one gets there he turns here Smith he's in the hole once again all the first down is berries next day is Trostle is a safety man [Applause] your group top of your screen [Applause] brought down by Bruce Smith [Music] Sammy Smith Bruce Smith is going to make this plate you know why because Sammy Smith goes back out to him Richmond Webb doses Sammy's run to the inside and he looks inside to try to help out on Darryl Talley who's number 56 trying to make the tackle but Sammy Smith bounced right into Bruce it'll be a second out of nine at the 11th Richmond Webb mark Dennis at the tackles deep sense regard the center organ in the back [Applause] emotion off the wall Farrow FM's brought down by Leonard Smith this was almost a tremendous play by Cornelius Bennett number 97 Marino is going to fake here and come out on a bootleg he's got Sims the only man out blocking but look at 97 Cornelius Bennett is in his face number 58 Shane Conlan was also there and Marino did a great job just getting the ball off to Farrell Evans who makes a catch and holds on to the football now you're in a third in one situation Gort down by 10 I don't think they want the three I think they want the seven they reported now here comes Foster number 61 in the game [Applause] [Music] and Smith will stop he's short of the first down balding er and cuddlin combining to make the tackle is Gary balding er a four year player out of Wake Forest coming up with a key play I don't like the call first of all it's a toss a lot of things can happen on a toss you know you're running white you're not effective unless you're going straight up the field what you've got Sammy Smith going to his right here's Bob Iger and Jake Allen 92 and 58 they make the play because the footing is not there now they're going to kick the field goal I thought they might go for it but they lost a yard on the play yeah so fourth down on - it's a 21 yard attempt [Applause] [Music] for the first quarter hit [Music] and again stoy yana lost his footing but put it through they call it a 22 yard field goal we'll be back in a moment a 22 yard field goal by pete sky out of it and he has brought Miami within seven at one point it was 22 3 Buffalo it was twenty seven to ten Buffalo five minutes gone by and the third quarter Don Smith [Applause] harbor defense took a shot as he hit the 25-yard line paid the tackle and Jim Kelly and the Buffalo Bills go back to the offense they're going they're staying with their base defense except for one change in the backfill they have instead of Lewis Oliver they all right long time starter in fact good haul for Thomas and it has recovered by Buffalo [Applause] [Music] they call it down by contact will Wolford was right on the football they got to change the expression down by contact here comes Thurman Thomas in right now is the ball coming out know when he hits the ground the ball comes out and that is Paul Langford man we're talking about and eight more for Thomas setting a second down and two at the 34 Thomas again and has the first down [Music] so apparently what is going to happen now is if they go out to three wideouts and they put here comes the hurry up offense again the F three wideouts enter with Edwards Reid and Lofton Lankford is going to be the inside guy and he's now in on Lofton on the inside see if Kelly goes there first down at the 42 they go sign at his office intercepted and standoff last instant to come up with it [Applause] mark here we go here's Lofton here's Lankford and he's going to get help up here in the back and watch what happens and come down in this area and his pass is thrown between two defenders and James Lofton what a great catch he makes right here take a look there's actually three defenders Davey brown got over instead of hitting Lofton for the ball pick up ground appear to have the better crack out of Thurman Thomas the ball carrier you know but it's here we are here we are looking at again Miami gets the kickoff goes down and get three points to go with it seventh and the defense says there's still not slowing Buffalo down change something go to a nickel package somewhere along the line the only guys carrying the ball is Thurman second out of eight laughing it put it up for grabs and it's intercepted by Jarvis Williams the pass intended for the tight end Keith McKellar here's the situation where you put Jarvis Williams on a tight end this is the first pass actually thrown by Kelly to the tight end McKellar today and Jarvis Williams is waiting this ball was thrown up for grabs watch how high the ball is number one now the wind is in his face look at drivers Williams has got all the time in the world to come down with the ball but Keller should have turned into a defensive back at that point and tried to strip the ball away and he didn't do it instead my a be off the interception by Williams will take over at their 2 yard line first interception gave 55 you brain timber from the outside nobody walked him Kelly gets the ball away it's up in the air and it he just goes back with the floor green the worst part about this is you let the defensive man fall on you Jarvis Williams who had five interceptions during the regular season picked it off the Bills have been stopped the sample [Music] a play-action Moreno psyops the page Tony page with his first reception and it goes for 8 Moreno runs a play-action pass you know I was talking to wall Corey yesterday and so are you you're ready for this on play action this play action what's this you know to every time they run a play-action pass that the ball is thrown outside of the numbers and air it is to tony page and every time Perino drops straight back who throws the ball the boss spot about the 8th so it's a second down and four and it's Smith again with the good second effort Bills have been having difficulty bringing him down well when you keep moving your feet like like Sammy Smith did there and it's a continuous motion his effort is continuously moving forward his legs are going but the defense are looking at standing up and trying to hold the office take a look at it here comes Tony page on Shane column he turns Shane calling out Sammy Smith this goes right up over the center he gets the first down the 13 to the dolphin [Music] the regular season came for the hind beat Kansas City in the wild-card last week Smith short pickup and by cutlet and Bentley 6:20 remaining and the third quarter the Buffalo Bills at one point led 22 three they led 27 to 10 and it is now a 27-20 lead for the bills it'll be a second down a knee at the 15 [Applause] and the slot to the left [Music] it's worth now put that Logan Ruth Smith may now begin to burrito he forced him to dump the ball one time but he's playing a run pretty well here comes Rose Smith now Webb was on the outside he thinks he has the block what Smith he goes back to the inside he's down watch who makes the tackle here comes Bruce back Logan you're down it has a loss on the play [Applause] and burrito flowing deep in his owner simplify mark Kelso [Applause] and the starting lineup replacing John Hey [Music] [Applause] interception he's trying to throw the ball excuse me sir Tony Martin number 89 watch this part goes to the outside then follow the stroke to the inside Kelso's here makes the play timeout taken for 52 remaining Furka snow continues to fill here in Buffalo Marv Albert with Paul McGuire for 52 to go in the third quarter the Bills take over off the interception by Mark Kelso the bill is 27th and the Dolphins 20 some people will say that was just as good as the punt on third down except for one thing now when you have Roby in there roba can rock it a ball in [Music] first down off the draw stop by the inside linebacker cliff Oda how they're going to the hurry up again and here's the situation now we're going to see you've got Reed and Lofton on the same side they're on the top side but what they're doing now is they're putting David Griggs a linebacker inside short on Andre Reed second down [Applause] [Music] and college basketball player Jacksonville State he was hit by Cliff Odom that's the second catch of the day by McKellar okay now you have read and Lofton on this side and here comes green out inside [Music] 4:36 and it is Thomas on the rug stop by Jeff Ross we have not heard Jeff cross his name throughout they got off to the fast start as tailed off toward the end of the season in his third year out of Missouri a very pleasant surprise a year ago came up with with ten sacks they're confused they don't have anybody on reading right pass intended for McKellar it was covered by Odom was unbelievable they didn't have anybody Jarvis Williams did Paul Lankford argue who has Andre Rickey 100 Reid for a second we're standing her by herself there was nobody on him it'll be a third down and seven from the Miami 33 [Applause] putting too often forty yard laughing with his sixth catch that's just one-on-one coverage by makar on the outside and often just beaten to the inside with no help here comes Lofton down inside but tires turned he's already beaten him right here watch what Kelly puts the ball in the numbers going down Jarvis Williams 26 no chance to get over there back to the hurry up first out of the 20-yard line Thomas we're down to 250 to go and the third quarter got to think of it ain't broke don't fix it they're running on hurry up off let's think of it running to the entire ballgame and it's working for him now you've got on the top side you want to point it out because we're gonna try and show you when they slowed us down a little bit who's carrying Andre Reed but nobody short second down and six attempting to make his way outside maybe around the right corner able to force them out and that stops the clock with 228 to go in the third on the topside I want to show you something where here's Andre Reed right here take a look there's nobody inside the cover they run a play here watch this it's open I like a new store to read third and two and Thomas running for the first down he's right at the locker Odom a little saw the tackle they're gonna be about a half a yard short on this play and they're going to kick a field goal and I don't blame him you want to go up by ten and not just be down by seven against Dan Marino's arm ildo unit is checking in Scott Norwood as hit two for two from 24 and from 22 it is a fourth down and one Ksenia right some trickery died I don't see trickery here I honestly see indicative because Norwood is very effective here this is his field he's kicked all week long all winter long here and to go up ten you don't want to be down by seven against by any with Marino it's a 28 yard attempt right we'll put it down [Applause] able to drill it through he is 3 for 3 the bells expand to a ten-point we're back to Buffalo minute 38 to go in the third quarter NBC News is standing by to we'll bring you up to date on a congressional debate regarding the vote being taken [Music] as soon as something breaks Marty Logan on the kickoff return so we will switch back to NBC News as as soon as developments warrant a report from Garrick Utley excellent kickoff return by Logan for 43 yards and Miami will start out from the Buffalo 44 say you know what here comes Logan and Norwood is the guy who makes the play but what happens on the kickoff first of all to keep these short and the guys going down because there's no footing being very careful I have to do smooth Cooper laughs flaky right I can the play action and Clayton with the reception and did well to hang on to the football and that goes for twenty four Bentley and Smith combined to make the stop all right Kirby Jackson here he is on Clayton watch with this ball so and I keep saying that but when they hit him in two numbers you must catch it now there's ray Bentley he's knocked down once a Bentley does back up on his feet or on his knees and makes the stuff because Clayton was on his way to the endzone super play by the linebacker [Music] [Applause] mm first down [Music] with a big hole Sammy Smith stop by the strong safety Leonard Smith you know you can't you just don't you don't know the importance of Tony Paige you caught a pass coming out of the end zone Tony Paige is an excellent blocker here he is again watch this page into whole family got the linebacker on the ground that enables Swift to pick up side second down and three Smith again with the hole has the first down and some additional yardage you know what makes the play again easy on Tony Paige I mean all you do is follow him Sammy gets it it's nothing mind your mental watch 49 he's going in on 50 Bentley damn Bentley is turned Farrell Edmonds turns out and there is the hole another 10 yard pickup the good block by Paige that's the end of 3 we'll be back after this from your local station it is a first and goal down at the 2 as we get underway in the fourth quarter and that is a key man sandusky assistant Walker a finesse man Paige and then went out for the pass not able to hang on Lenna smith on the coverage moreno almost held on to the ball too long because Darryl Talley was right on his backside he never could see him coming and watch Moreno he's rolling to his right he's looking at page here comes 56 Talley what's it almost there and again offensive lineman dr foster reports in as the ex trip tight end [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] exploits [Applause] that full week ago and slim with a surge they stopped cheers babe see I don't understand the first call the pass they tried it once before when they were down there on first sound it didn't work you read Sammy Smith going in the end of the third quarter on this drive for two first and 10 yard runs with Tony page blocking what makes it so different down here the defense they don't have the footing just send those two guys up in in their face again now you're facing a third down and two be surprised to see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there is the point I can't [Music] yesterday it's a lucky call leave us alone no no Louie was wide open he's keeping the ball he's taking the ball they can't play anymore they forgot all about him didn't even pay any attention to him that's the third time he had checked in as the second tight end he's a two-time Pro Bowl player Roy Foster in his ninth season out of USC played well as the starter last year bouncing back from a couple of all seasons looking to trim it to a three-point margin and he does with 55 seconds gone by in the fourth on a touchdown reception by the guard Raya Foster it's now a three-point game see this guy right here watch what happened here's nate odomes out here and here's a linebacker sitting in here and no one pays any attention to him go for it Roy it's your time one more time look at dat ellipses rushing nobody even covers it the only thing Foster's thinking about please don't drop this ball sure where we're checking to do we're checking to see if that is his first ever touched out right now let's go to NBC News for this update well join with Garrick Utley Thank You Garrett as you see 55 seconds have gone by in the fourth quarter and Buffalo now clinging to a three point lead you know foster us out here he knows look at him dan go dan throw the ball but the problem afterwards he used to know what to do with it watch this I mean now what do you do I knew I'd know now I got to get it back later that's my big goof this package gets the ball back where's the ball where's my ball give me the ball remember over the course of dat burritos eight-year career he has brought the Dolphins back from fourth-quarter deficits of total 15 times a remarkable record whoa able to hold on 37 yard line mark Logan Ava stop crowd looking to earn the buffalo offense on they will start out from the 36 they're the amazing part of this game we're in the fourth quarter with fork to buy 14 minutes left to go the Bills have not punted the Dolphins have only punted twice [Applause] first down from the 36 and the snow and rain and Buffalo [Music] [Applause] first 21 yard pass played seven catches a hundred 49 yards for James Lofton makar releases inside Jarvis Williams are their 92 is breaks as a linebacker I mean you're covering Lofton the inside guys with a safety it can't be done back to the hurry up that was 12 behind Reed and Reichenbach had a shot at the interception this is one of those passes where you we almost guided instead of throwing the ball in there Andre Reed is coming across Franken box job is to get a piece of andre runs into the into the official clicker Reichenbach right off the tips of his fingers and this pass was instead of throwing it right at Reed kind of guided [Applause] we on the lawn here's hit out of bounds crowd reacting to that hit by hue green you know Jim I really do I admire your guts man but you know this is a game where you get down right here you see hue green there you're not going to outrun you green and all you do is take a shot right here get down once you get down greens going to leave you alone Paul our staff checked out the scoring prowess of Roy Foster and that cats turned out to be his first career receptions well now we know why your this and his incomplete intended for read was covered by electric read was not covered by anybody I'm sorry we're still back in that same situation here comes Andre Reed if he doesn't fall down it's a completion look at there's nobody near him I'm sorry Lankford finally comes in but I understand the fuel conditions are bad and you cannot let him get the big one they're going for our fourth and the fourth at about two out of the Miami's 34 [Applause] [Music] for the first time started early in the game just take a look at it what Kelly is trying to do is get the guy that's one-on-one coverage you're going to see mckellar right there he has got one-on-one coverage would Odom with Odom Odom can't stay with him it is slippery the defensive backs are having a terrible time the office receivers know exactly [Music] I'll Edwards stop by JB brown picked up nine on the fly so Kelly was going Marvin just stepping back and he's sitting there now he's got plenty of time because the offensive line is doing the job that defensive line cannot get any traction but the worst part about it now is the defensive secondary if they try to make a quick cut they're going down they call it a first down on the 17 and complain antenna for Thurman Thomas Mike Reichenbach Paulo coverage Reichenbach replacing the injured John Alford outside live with that that arch problem and Kelly with the bad knee 17 for 27 and has also won in principle yes he had Thomas dancin which is not an easy task with the problem with the footing Jarvis Williams the strong safety I am to stop and I'm the guy that said I didn't agree with him starting Kelly it's only pulling for 300 yards would probably run for another hundred I went along with your logic though I like my logic great observation on my part [Applause] and third down at eight from the 15 and with Kelly going over the 300 mark that is the first time that anyone has thrown for over 300 yards this season against Miami here's the forward to see where they spot a fool attack oh I don't think he has the first round because here's a situation where replay shoot them into effect where I'm saying is because of the snow in the way the guys are sliding this game is so crucial because he should they're gonna say hey wait it doesn't belong there maybe it does maybe you should take an adjustment on it field like this and say hey when he's down here he slid [Applause] holy pail on the car [Applause] Buffalo with the first down at the 15 the winner today advancing to the AFC Championship game facing the winner of tomorrow's matchup between the Bengals and the readers the Coliseum [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's Thomas that ball was spotted at the 10 so now they are inside the 10 yard line to about the 5 and I'm guessing while the sweeper did a nice job at the halftime snow has been falling late for the wild here's Thomas Thomas letting it in from six yards away and buffalo lead 36:27 and you wonder how many times the Dan Marino and why they can come back this represents the most points the Bills have ever scored in a playoff game through the aside 31 against the fence [Applause] in the summer and my role extends to a 10-point buffalo lead with 10:28 remaining and the fourth quarter Thurman Thomas slithering his way through at the cold of Buffalo along with Paul McGuire I'm Marv Albert the snow continues to fall we have 10:28 remaining in the fourth quarter and the bills now lead the Dolphins 47 27th and they're working on Thurman Thomas over at the buffalo sideline Kermit came off and seemed to be alright he sat down and they started screaming for the trainer to get over there but I remember the last time we did again they had him on decided to work on his hamstrings his hamstrings have a tendency to tighten up on him that was three weeks ago when he ran for 154 yards against Miami another solid day for Thomas under difficult conditions 95 yards two touchdowns Sammy Smith is also unwell today well that was that's the key to this this game was to stop Thurman Thomas he made a key fourth down reception kept the drive alive into a touchdown and Don Smith providing some help for Scott Norwood [Applause] good stuff on while the deep end goodbye Logan in a bubble and it's full of a recovering saw the kicker's Scott : [Applause] this could be the backbreaker - Alicia number 99 is hella burner and Logan is trying to make something happen watch he's going to move out here he sees an opening and he'll gardeners helmet hit him right in the head they're better now that's Hagee 22 reaching for the ball instead of falling on it Norwood does the smart thing number 11 falls on a football and the bills halan so daughter with that solid hit it's a first down at the 29 right back to the action and he is brought out of bounds by David Griggs [Applause] we're down in 10 minutes and 12 seconds remaining and the fourth quarter the Buffalo Bills won the AFC East for the third straight season is al goner backup linebacker fourth year out of Utah State the man will fly the hit on Logan's second down and seven Carrie competes for the touchdown it's a 26-yard pass play for the second touchdown and he just beat JB brownie I know on the outside Kelly just read the defense perfectly the country coming right across the middle is touchdown Buffalo Bills taking advantage quick order [Applause] by Logan on the kickoff the bells now lead but by the score of 44 27 now here's the situation look at Jamie Brown is trying to stay with Andre Reed it's just the short pass across the middle but he is so dangerous once he gets the ball there you see Jarvis way is number 26 and when you take a look at it drivers way is just so deep Andre Reed said this is so easy all right here's the reason I want to show it to you look at this look what jarvis leaves is here's Brown here's Reed Reed goes down across Jarvis Williams cannot even make the play [Music] Jarvis is backing up for its the Enzo can't stop anybody back there he can't even get to read it's over Andre read the bills waiting receiver Jim Kelly enjoying the moment for catchers 122 yards towns bereaved [Applause] once again whoa going on animus Rd and Bray read Provo player in a six-tier Adam puts down I honestly think honoraries the best receiver in pro football today very legendary even Jerry Rice old minute [Music] [Applause] [Music] back out of the field Mike Pyke making the stop mark Logan 942 remaining in the fourth quarter and the 44 points by Buffalo represents the most points ever allowed by the dolphins and playoff competition you know you're looking at a situation now that Dan Marino in the Miami Dolphins even early again you never want to be in with the Buffalo Bills we're here you just take your defensive linemen and linebackers and you just tee off and go forward the 22 Smith [Applause] Talley and Conlan combining on the tackle it'll be a second down at 8:00 at the 24 that chilly it's not it's you know been an up-and-down day for him they got within three points then the walls came down remember buffalo has not punted the football they have every there's no reason to be trying to step up and completes for the first down mark Clayton on a 22 yard pass play that is his third catch of the day we're just under nine minutes to go in this fourth quarter again when you see plate look at how much room they're giving him on the outside that's Kirby Jackson all right you got it you can have it you want to catch a short pass go ahead we'll let you have it great Bentley the linebacker never put this back there they're gonna give all that stuff [Music] [Applause] teach this fight over the hill phal eopns Bentley and Smith combined on the stop kind of a nifty spin move when you consider the footing out there all right there goes there goes Marino not only with the hurry up it's a second [Music] [Applause] pass intended for mark duper it sets it to a third down into the ball at the miami 46 what Moreno has to do is if he's passing the ball now in this situation I know you'd like to get a long ball down the field and score a touchdown but take a look at number 33 coming out of the backfield Sammy Smith nobody's covering him the last two plays Sammy Smith has been wide open what you need now is third and short you need a first down don't be afraid to go to Sammy Smith [Applause] is a [Music] savy spin first down picked up by Smith Bennett and let it spit Thank You a stop I happen to be talking about a pass play but they ran a running play that's okay but now take a look at sandwiches we got somebody injured on the Buffalo side on the defense but here comes Sammy Smith work Pike number 94 goes to the inside Ferrell Edelman gets a block a Leonard Smith he makes the tackle on top of it but somebody is down and I don't know if it's looks to be Bennett yes it's Cornelius Bennett who was hurt Paul you have been on County though this afternoon sure I would I'd go that far we'll be right back all right here's Courtney has been it right here and here's Leonard Smith i watch when it goes down his back is going to Dan but corneas Bennett is up who's on a side and at the first down from a buffalo 34 Marino almost picked off James Williams had it and dropped it the pass intended for Mark Cooper this ball just gets away from Dan Marino I mean there's no other excuse for it and when the receiver Cooper goes down Moreno instead of I would hope he was trying to throw the ball away and I think he gets out of his hands here comes to for trying to make it think he comes back he slips and here's the ball is is just overthrown I got to believe that got out of the hand of Marino James Williams almost came up with the interception Wales Buffaloes number one granted the Fresno State second of 10 [Applause] [Music] phil's $44 27 [Music] [Applause] and it has incomplete Kelso and Williams vying for the interception a pass intended for duper oh they're talking to each other Kelso said and NATO said that's okay Kelso's doing his job he's going for the interception along with Williams he's not sure who's back there Williams has the interception this ball is his all the way and Kelso knocks it out of his hands here comes look at Williams is there but Kelso look at him he's looking at the ball he doesn't care about Williams he wants to make the interception good play by the defense both of them Kelso vicodin [Applause] the back of a starting line [Music] 34 Reno stepping up and complete difficult series for Dan Marino Jeff Wright was in his face and Jeff Wright just drove the offensive lineman back into Moreno and hit him before he threw the ball got a fourth down situation you have to go for it we're down to 7:14 remaining in the fourth quarter I mentioned a moment ago the 44 points by Buffalo the most ever allowed prior to today a classic overtime back f ck off this may well be and ten good point intended for Kings point [Applause] breno is a little bit upset I mean there's some other things there's two other passes and kind of throw away but why that play their fruit was open he hit through it in the hands it's the only time today he's thrown the ball abroad and he dropped it bro it had come along during the course of the season and the past he had had problems with dropped passes but he turned it around this year and as you say that the first time that he's looked for him areas who steps up and look at the ball is on target here it is put you've got to make this catch so buffalo takes over at their 35 I was going to say this may be the first time in this game we see the Buffalo Bills punt but the way they're moving to ball on offense Thurman Thomas 28 carries a hundred of one yards second down and eight at the 37 [Applause] these two clubs have combined 471 points most points ever in a postseason game 79 that was that overtime between San Diego and Miami [Applause] [Music] a short advance stop by Hugh green those who may be wondering though this was on your mind most points ever scored by one team in a playoff game postseason T NFL 73 Chicago Bears 73 nothing back in 1942 recalled after contest yes I do Thomas was headed off whipping off you know when we saw the last time on the bench they were working on the bills were only up by 10 points and thermos stayed in the ballgame now they're up by 17 with the ball back the clock is running Thurman has no business being in the ballgame unless he wants to be this is it for him for the day again it looks like back problem here comes Thurman he's going to try to cut back hugh green coming down the line of scrimmage hits him and [Music] what his knee is twisted their new green is still has it here it comes again what's the D again his own man fell on Kenneth Davis replacing Thurman Thomas they crush on Kelly and he's off to Davis Reichenbach on the tackle of Kenneth Davis do you reach a point here where you think of pulling Jeff Kelley you have the the good leave 44:27 down to five ten remaining the only problem is you know you think about that Alright thermoses I have you got runners Jim Kelly has started this ball game we talked about when do you take about I don't take him out yet for the simple reason that you've got Marino on the other side and you know after if they don't do anything and they get the ball right back then I wouldn't put Kelly back in the ball game it's all over but that series hair was all right next series you don't want to see him Buffalo will punt for the first time rick tooten has checked in and Mark Clayton will return to punt last week actually made a fair catch his one opportunity against Kansas City talking about this with mark yesterday he said he was very nervous about his punt return opportunity has not done it in several years by having said problems in that department early on the year they were going with Tony mark but he coughed it up a couple of times so here is Clayton awaiting the punt from brick booty tootin written group - yeah he's got to be careful of his footing [Applause] flag is down [Applause] bali-ba vertical of bark late in a 48 yard punt by tootin they're also going to be a clip downfield illegal block in the back number 37 on the return JB brown on Steve Tasker here it is on the outside here's Tasker and that's look at his hints in the back he can't block them there then that problems get that problem baby brow a right corner for Miami last year a 12th round graphics surprise he's the first dolphin player to earn a starting shot after joining the league as a last round draft pick down of 428 remaining and the fourth quarter and a timeout cause Paulo we say this was a balmy day I believe Bob Costas use the word tropical day in Buffalo it is for Buffalo yeah get on the chilly side I would have to say on leashes [Applause] stop short of a first down Darryl Talley and Leon seals make the tackle clock is running we're coming up on four minutes remaining in the fourth quarter the Bills 44 and the Dolphins 27 they're gonna measure here I think not I say it's first and on second a second about one [Applause] let's drop again by through it it has ruled incomplete that'll be the last time he mad and throws it over there the hit by Clifford Hicks a totems picked it up and attempted to run it in but they bring it back it'll be a third down and less than they are [Applause] oops there they are they were here last time we're here Marv and several words little extra security here because I have 15 of the only f9 now and again incomplete intended for Clayton covered by Kirby Jackson [Applause] it is a fourth and about a half yard with 353 remaining in the fourth quarter don't forget Bob will and OJ on the NFL I've postgame following the dolphins and the bills at one point the Buffalo Bills let 22:3 Emmett 27:10 many people would come back a six yard touchdown run by Thomas a sorry passed on really opening things up Jim Jensen picks up but first out Reppert Hicks on the stop it's kind of unusual call you hit 14 inches and even if you complete the pass the clocks keeps moving right why not go for it right running the ball with inches and pick up the puck still open anyway Marino off the wall nearly picked off the intended receiver was Pruitt and Jackson had a shot at it Herbie Jackson and was the only one who was close to it breno is written to me all right you're down 17 he's frustrated he's been frustrated all day he's made some big plays but not enough of the defense did not do a thing they couldn't stop anyone no and you can't you know you just can't win International Football League unless you play solid defense and here's the defense of Miami Dolphins who they were number one through the first least the first part of the season the cosmetics side tom Alamo dotty has done a nice job but he is the first to admit they've had a number of conversations about that with him broken up intended for Cooper James Williams with a with a good play but there's no question what was Miami getting more balanced this season and with Dan Marino keeping the defense off the field that that has contributed to it well let's take a look at the Prudential a beige key play of the game the kickoff return by mark Logan he cost it up big hit by Hal garner and it gave Buffalo the ball an excellent field condition position and they were able to take it in immediately and that extended to a 17-point margin the bills overall with 481 total yards we're down to three 17 remaining it's a forgotten 10 Jim the last plane to play before this Bruce Smith Smith cut by Richmond Webb and Jensen cut him down and this time this Jessa went by Bruce Smith kind of looked at it he's pretty gonna be in or not and he did pick up the first down out of the 37 yard line [Applause] kenneth jensen quite catch now with Moreno Leonard Smith well it is a 17 point lead so we let me explain just one thing in the second half in the first half inside two minutes if the guy goes out of bounds the clock stops to stay stop until it's snapped again in the second half that's inside five minutes so there 247 the clock will stay stopped until the ball is snapped again whoops hello the additional security obviously intoxicated fans will not be let move near the horse stay yeah big dog bites and there are canine dogs patrolling the edges of the playing field Tony Horton on the catch and he was stopped by Clifford Hicks another Miami first down the clock is running without of two and a half remaining the the local sheriff made the statement the goal posts are not coming down today Buffalo we're not coming shouting emphasized well Miami could have used those two guys on defense today you see their gang I mean he's hungry timeout has been taken several officials have also I don't know if they have pulled us off all but they they considered a suggestion to grease the goalposts why don't you check that out we'll be right back it was down there they did actually are greasing the goal post let's go be the test job between but I'll tell you one thing though there'll be a guy being able to get up there if they have those dogs at his heels yeah I mean you eating it on that pole in a heartbeat never quite thought of it that way the canine dogs are ready why you sweet huge sweet little baby they did not want a repeat of the scene that took place after a buffalo clinched the AFC East with that victory over Miami three weeks ago [Music] it was chaos and dangerous here whoops it's a Rottweiler the guy's got a 27 inch neck you know in Germany years ago that vendors like guys were bakery business because they don't want to hear those okay they used to tie their money pouches around the necks of a rot wall yeah and defy you to take the money excessively there were a lot of guys running around with some nuts as a first down at the 30 age with 228 any in this fourth quarter and murió fires one so Dan Williams on the coverage with both dooper and Freud in the area isn't it amazing though that in three games this year against the Miami Dolphins Bruce Smith no sacks but he was effective massage - oh sure he's effective see when you have to put two people on Bruce Smith that frees up somebody somewhere along the line and that's what Bruce is saying somebody else better be making some plays his last sack against Miami was back in October of 1987 we almost had one today when he forced Marino to throw the ball away got him with a penalty for intentional grounding and that's as good as a sack as far as I'm concerned second down second turn on the screen [Applause] show them the first down Bennet and Hicks goodbye Don the stop clock is running as we approach two minutes to go it's a third down and three the ball at the Buffalo 31 the bills 40 for the Dolphins 27 two minutes to go [Applause] senator mitch bharat as the spuds Mackenzie looks to be a wrestler his nickname is the pit bull also says the NFL Paul is actually a stepping-stone to what he really wants to do and that is make it in the World Wrestling Federation give you an idea about this guy on the press guide his hobby is listed as post Phoenix [Applause] and 2/3 out and from the 31 [Applause] Tony Martin while the reception now to 153 to go in this fourth quarter the executive producer of NBC Sports is Terry O'Neill the coordinating producer of NBC's football John Francis today's game produced by Glenn Gamboa directed by John McDonough our videotape producer Terry or associate director Doug Gruber production associates Jenny Huber and Jerome Ingram technical manager bill parallel production managers can Dustin back I'm in touch with the director console all the folks mark on the reception also like to thank you our statistician mr. stats Eliot Cal along with our statistician consultant Barry ha causa who carry Haller Larry Pollock also helping with the statistical duties and our spotters Michael cluck and Steve Sullivan and Thank You Marv Albert for a great year I've really enjoyed it and most of us enjoy working with you also home [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one of them is Harry Gilbreth that's one Danah 120 remaining in this fourth quarter look to be Jeff Wright who was involved with Miami's right guard Harry Galbreath there it is well they got their face mask on face mask and they're going down and it you know let's look at this everybody's in it don't get too close look at Cornelius Bennett he doesn't get too close just you know the final stats are going to certainly raise some eyebrows when people check it out around the country in tomorrow's newspapers for example in we're not finished yet but Marino has thrown 48 passes 22 for 48 315 yards two touchdowns two interceptions but by a me not able to stop the Buffalo Bills both men are disqualified for punching objection uncle we really are Galbraith Jeff right right Buffalo starting nose tackle a man who took over for Fred's merliss with rookie year in 88 his play fell off last season he's had a good one this year and the starting right guard Harry Dahl breath and his third year out of Tennessee both do you part Jim Kelly playing well despite the knee injury guiding the bills to the victory [Applause] - advancement to face the winner of the pickles and the Raiders and next week's 8fc championship game that will take place here in Buffalo we know at the time a data by any touchdown Tony Martin first-year player from Mesa in Colorado richly a fifth round draft pick of the of the New York Jets able to get on the board with 115 remaining in the fourth quarter and we're going to see I think is one of the most exciting plays in football stick around for it let's go beyond side kick and especially in this snow and ice that's gonna be fun that's flying all the little place on the adventurous side [Applause] while Cincinnati of the LA Raiders starting at 3:30 Eastern Time right here on NBC ladies have won 5-straight Cincinnati with a couple of entry 5 one three in a row stay out of it what's it through there's Tony mark the man who caught the touchdown and again Moreno on target here he comes down they got Clayton going to the outside 20 Martin coming under inside the bills are really not much of a concern here that was Darryl Talley studying in the end zone as a linebacker playing deep safety so the bills now leave the Dolphins 44:34 a throwback to the old AFL days with the point total 78 points in all that is now one short of the NFL postseason record we mentioned that 41:38 San Diego Miami overtime day back in 81 so there one point away in terms of combined points 115 remaining and the fourth quarter and following this game we will either go to Bob Costas and NFL live or arrogantly perhaps for an update from NBC News later tonight on NBC it is the all new Saturday Night Live with host Joe Mantegna from Godfather three and musical guest Vanilla Ice plus a close-up look at the fans of the Chicago Bears don't miss it tonight Saturday Night Live you know barb if the Buffalo Bills pick this ball up run for a touchdown they're gonna run smack dab into a horse's rear end there in the end zone downer there in the his home Bing it knock that down there Paul says a twisted view of the world of sports life in general it should be Anna that's right why not we're not here for a long time only a good time we may get those horses out temp is the on side covered up and held by Andre Reed they put the good hands people up flawed and Andre Reed was able to hold on now the crowd is counting it down beneth 13 remaining Thurman temple Jim Kelly are in the game to take a knee for the Miami Dolphins despite the loss here today certainly a satisfying bounce-back season for Don Shula and his club they've come a long way from last year's record of eight eight six and ten the previous season their first win campaign since back in 1987 and their first trip to the playoffs since back in 1985 well Thomas running it as we work down to one minute remaining in this fourth quarter the bills with a 44 34 lead right now let's go to NBC News thank you very much remaining in this it is a second down and six at the 41 I can't imagine what Marv's looking at there they try it not enough I go into the parking lot and I take this map and I go left I get out of here Oh Thurman Thomas okay see how do you say all right now let's say I take this if I take the road out of here I can get out within an hour out of the see that he's got that's a thing that's a map for this in what's you know look in here he says if I go down follow that van right I'm out of here in about four minutes time buddy down 35 seconds whether [Music] last year Buffalo lost to the AFC divisional playoff to Cleveland following a nine and seventh season winning the AFC East it's been a glorious run for the Bills regular season 13 and the home-field advantage in the playoffs and they will host the AFC championship game next week here on NBC against the winner of the Cincinnati Bengals and the Raiders [Applause] final scores 44 having dolphins 44 and let's see how they handle their security to this point no one they won't go on the field because and the championship game next week why would they want to go on now oh I see clear thinking is that what you're saying there's the final Marv Albert father why are saying so long from Buffalo we'll be back with Bob Costas right after these words
Channel: Bart Simpson
Views: 75,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 151min 19sec (9079 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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