1975 NFC Playoffs Dallas at Minnesota Hail Mary
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Channel: Virgil Moody
Views: 326,667
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Length: 129min 42sec (7782 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
A few observations:
1) A lot of Hall of Famers in this game. On both teams.
2) The Cowboys faced a 4th and 17 on that drive--right before Roger threw a 25 yard completion to Drew Pearson (who STILL is the only offensive player on the all 70s team not in the Hall of Fame); and
3) This gem: they've had a tough time getting the ball to Drew Pearson today, who's been a big performer for them.
Didn't watch it but listened to it on the radio while driving from Lubbock to Walnut Springs, Texas. I'll never forget it. That was the year of the Dirty Dozen.