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beautiful day on this first December Sunday 61 degrees hardly any wind at all the Raiders hit the final month of the year looking to make this a December to remember and qualify for the playoffs for the first time since 2002 and break that 13-year drought the Bills have the longest drought in football they've not made the playoffs in mm a less made him in at 1999 a team went to four straight Super Bowls lost the ball in the early 90s Buffalo wearing their traveling white jerseys with their blue pants and a charging Buffalo on the side with the red blood coming out we're underway from the black hole where the Bills have not won since Jack Kemp was the quarterback in 66 good kickoff by Dan carpenter Jalen Rashard will take the right knees and the Raiders will start on their own 25 yard line Raiders are gonna open with Bedell Alexander in the role as the Jumbo lineman so Donald pins the left tackle Alexi assembly left guard the center is rodney hudson the right guard is Gabe Jackson the right tackle is Austin Howard all Alexander who has been inactive the last couple of weeks does open the game as the Raiders sixth lineman on the right side the outside of Austin Hollywood Clive wall for the outside of him Derek in the shotgun has Murray behind him in a pistol look crabtree comes in motion gun run pistol straight ahead latavius Murray hit it around the 27 pushes forward for a couple more make it a gain of five so we have not seen this link from this Raiders team you Jackson's Raiders would put Derek McFadden in the pistol but we're talking about the volume of the run so right away Derek in the shotgun and he had latavius Murray behind him in a pistol formation so obviously we're going to make a little change the look wrinkle for them to be effectively worked out for a first time for better gain five second and five Raiders on their 30-yard line they go to a slot formation ride Cooper inside a Crabtree Walford at the left a a wham block him a trap balk coming across and he gets stopped in the backfield but xavius Murray got the runner that's Marcel Darius was just a game wrecker in the front there Pro Bowler made the hit their last time they were here two years ago he completely stuffed the Raider run game and then he got hurt late in the first quarter the Raiders were able to run he's the nose tackle flanked by Kyle Williams also a beast on their front of Dolphus Washington as the other end the two backers are Zac Brown and Preston brown inside third down and five Michael Rivera comes in Derrick in the shotgun pre-snap movement on the line to the bills jump offsides it could having a problem with Lynx microphone here bill vinovich getting his crew together I think the bills jumped in the neutral zone here's bill and it turned his microphone on here will it be enough for a Raider first down neutral zone in practicing keeps us number 95 dial William my drug penalty results in a first down it's easy to see time because a kickoff was a touch back he had to get exactly to the 35 yard line in the balls on that 35 so Derrick able to get Kyle Williams their four-time Pro Bowl defensive tackle that jump in the neutral zone well they're very aggressive group bulls on offense and defense that front that front line anyway and I'm sure that was working on all week long trying to get them to do that first in 10 Raiders they have three goal right now they empty the Bakula Tagus Murray goes out left to Cooper's side Derek looks left comes middle throws dropped by Michael Rivera on a sit down rot at the 39 yard line he and a lot of Buffalo Bills they're their middle linebacker Preston Brown was there there Nichol corner Nickell Roby Coleman was also their time but Derrick looked at over he wanted to go back side in cut to Amari Cooper the bills took that away and then he went middle and Rivera just dropped the ball yeah where I think slipped before that he was kind of slipping and sliding and trying to get back up when he brought when that ball arrived second down ten for the Raiders Derrick in the shotgun has three receivers right four actually Rivera and Cooper on the outside Derrick straight drop from the gun looks left chased out now rolling right will throw one down the sideline for Rivera bumped off the ball by their nickel cornered nikhyl Roby Coleman who picked up lets identical wide receiver and that will face a bring up a third down in ten length and one thing you don't want to get into against Rex riot of the swin brother Rob a longtime Raider defensive coordinator joins him on this step as an assistant head coaches it third and long so they have 33 quarterback sacks and you like to call them the Joker from how the exotics were guys walking around you don't know who's coming well you generally know the big guys that standing up but sometimes we have all linebackers is hard to see and right now we're seeing a blitz look out of it one guy is down like everybody else is standing up he got to assume Kyle Williams is coming and Darius is down it's third down in Chen who's coming and who's dropping they're going to rush five a flag goes down Derek Carr got hit by an examiner Claire's family Cooper 40 the Sun right 30 20 he stepped up inside the bulk about 15 yard line by the golden but a safety program to save but touchdown I think we might have one of guys there's a flag on the ground the flag came down at the Stampede bump it'll jump offsides well Buffalo thinks it's on the Raiders I'm sure they're they're good they're going back to the line of scrimmage we'll still vanovech our referee today is coming back their illegal formation on the Raiders offense after warning number 77 we're not on the line of scrimmage Austin Howard down wow they call that early I'm telling you that the thing is they're saying Austin Howard's lined up too for the backfield to fall at the line of scrimmage he had a warning obviously but we're a 501 lat it'll miss back though time he's way behind is Gabe Jackson it's a helmet length right link he's way behind Gabe usually if you put your helmet the rule was for me as it's time to put your helmet on the center's belt yeah that's as far as you can go back he was further back maybe he was warned earlier but what you're saying is they typically warned you one play before they flag you yeah an enemy where we play five play six already and they already threw that so I mean it's got this guys want to call it close and it's a big penalty not just a five yards the Raiders would have been inside their 15-yard line now it's third down and 15 they bring pressure they splits the safety Graham check down the table summary makes mr. Lorenzo gets up and tackles his former teammate well shy of the first down again Rex Ryan in Rob Ryan of course the twin sons of a the great defensive coordinator buddy Ryan and he'd loved a blitz here and he did bring that safety Corey Graham from depth time and forced the the quick screen out to latavius Murray the bills were able to swarm right behind that yeah they're gonna give you all kinds of exotic looks to like like we've seen already there everybody's standing up except one guy down in a three-point stance and it kind of looks kind of goofy but usually you can work it out you figure it out beforehand the Raiders are motioning Andre Holmes he's playing with a bad shoulder and neck today to get down the sideline towering punt by Marquette King Brandon Tate the former Patriot in it vengo will call for a fair catch inside their 20-yard line it's a five-second hang time by Marquette King Justin Hunter the big wide receiver former Titan dolphin goes in motion left blinds up let's lock play-action Tyrod Taylor looking that left now chased out and he will roll left and throw when it's cut by Sammy Watkins on Sean Smith for a buffalo first down at around the 35 yard line by Rod Taylor forced out to flushed out to his left to get Sammy Watkins for a gain of 16 Sammy Watkins roasted Shawn Smith last year when Shawn Smith was a chief at Arrowhead he at 150 yards receiving against him in the first half alone that's a matchup the Buffalo coaching staff wants Taylor in the gun looking left now throws middle and it's incomplete not covered there by TJ carry the rest of play time in the slot now with DJ Haven growing on season-ending higher with the hamstring injury after last week he had the big wide receiver Justin Hunter on the end cut and he didn't cross his face there had made a very nice play on the ball yeah played it very well made a nice cut on the play was going to be interesting to see what happens when they go for wine keeps me have to bring in another corner edge extra McDonald with either nikola Funko does that they dark - today Robert words in Percy Harvin's who the best receiver second in 10 shady McCoy lines up to the right a Tyrod Taylor in the shotgun slot formation at left and a single receiver Watkins right taylor check down shady McCoy so good in space runs right by Malkin snip the knell command the angle item and erase some of the bonds at around the Buffalo 43 that'll bring up a third down and two courti Glennon this buffaloes left tackle Richie incognito back and playing well after that texting scandal Messi in Miami a few years ago with Jonathan Bartman left guard Brian Roy at center for Eric waters down the year Jared John Miller is there right guard in Jordan Hills the Buffalo right tackle third down and two for the bills on their 43 yard line Tyrod Taylor again in the gun three receivers go left Sammy Watkins singled upright against David Anderson here's the snap from center Taylor back looks like for Watkins got it catch first down makes a Mersenne miss and then spins out of it fast enriches the Raider 41 yard line link he was chosen one spot ahead of Kelly old man in the 2014 draft for the Raiders got Mack in cars he has been bothered by injuries playing with a foot problem but he is a talented player and you got to give Buffalo credit that time because the Raiders brought a blitz and know it's high rod Taylor had a completely clean pocket in order to find Sammy Watkins as you mentioned so the Buffalo Bills did good at picking up a blitz first in 10 Buffalo on the Raider 41 yard line shady McCoy good emotion out of the right attire I Taylor in the gun Watkins goes out wide right watch by Emerson Taylor checked down nice ball placement on Mac who dropped into coverage there against the Sean shady McCoy what a great ball by Taylor he's not a great thrower the football time but he is relatively accurate on the alkoxy 61 he's small so it's hard for him to see over the middle but on the out cut he placed that ball beautifully Tony Womack dropped into coverage there and he threw it outside shoulder does changing McCoy for a gain of change well the Ritter's are doing so cluttered they've got guys standing up UMAX tentatively have two or three line was standing up at the same time and backdrop of it but coverage of this it's not their usual be friends guys right now that you're trying to figure out there's a measurement it's the first down or not but right now I will tell you this they're looking to see who McCoy is they want to be isolated on in his defense and the advantage of versus him or any linebackers especially Khalil max they're gonna try to get the ball to him bill vinovich watch I think the chain gang to come out is he asking for it from the Raiders sideline to some fellow sideline we do want to welcome all of you as they stretch the chain out and the bills they have enough first down Buffalo those of you listening to the Baltimore Miami game shocking result they're the Ravens all over Miami thirty-eight just sinks that loss drops Miami to seven and five in the AFC East the win win one to get to ten and two and the bills the playoff hopes are not great the probably would have to win for their last five but they got a shot at six and five in Miami now falls to seven and five first and ten Buffalo on the Raider 31 yard line does four and a half minutes into the opening quarter Tyrod Taylor in a shotgun fakes the gun run to McCoy backcourt he hits throws and it's juggled and caught by Justin Hunter inside the Raider 10-yard line TJ carrying coverage there again crossed his face time trying to make a play on the ball and Hunter who's so big at six four juggled the ball up in the air and caught it for a 22-yard gain on that crossing around yeah there right now there's no pass whatsoever so there's no pressure on the quarterback I'm Taylor and he just sitting back in man and making making his choice and and delivering the ball well if the bills run the ball one time yet I haven't seen it they even get coming out and throwing what you so unusual Jerome felt Malik walking fullback lines up left they get the shady McCoy straight ahead their first one of the game and he gets stacked up outside of the 5-yard line by Dan Williams and Perry Riley jr. only a three yard gain Buffalo is number one in the NFL in rushing the football almost caught in 260 yards of game they're dead last in throwing the ball but they come out town and flip the tendencies and they throw early now we'll see if they can power in there a very good red zone scoring team fifth in the NFL did they get into about 2/3 of the time because they run it and the quarterback will run it now he's under Senate rule I they play action the right flat JD McCoy and he's tackled by Perry Wiley jr. then they're trying to isolate McCoy out in space and ferry rally jr. the middle linebacker diagnosed it made a nice open field tackle to keep him out he's out on the Raider 3 yard line nothing to hurt down and goal from their time nothing fancy there they just lined up with the slot left with my information and play pass to the right side and went to the back of the flat yeah and Rowley did a good job of fighting through that pick to get on McCoy as quickly as possible they bring in Justin Hunter look out for hunter he has caught seven passes this year four have been touchdowns he is 6 foot 4 inches tall he lines up tight left outside the coverage of Shawn Smith there's a play-action a roll left Tyrod Taylor now got to get a hit from behind and set by preserving back on the 9 yard line he held the ball too long he was looking left array the way if he was going to 100 time and it looked like he may have had an avenue to run then he spun around and simply held the ball from eternity a lot of Bruce Irvin sex or coverage sex he got another and he is now set the opponent quarterback in three straight games yeah when it when it came time to decide to run it was too late he had no no crease but yet if he had run earlier he might have had a little Running Room 26-yard field goal here for day in carpenter the most accurate kicker and Bill's history even better than Ryan Lyndell or Steve Christie bearson Sanborn will snap Fulton Smith O'Connor will hold and a short field goal a 26 yard right footed kicker right hash he splits the uprights and a very impressive pass happy opening drive for the Buffalo Bills bill scoring drive they go 10 plays 72 yards what's amazing is the run pass ratio they ran the ball only one time that's when they got inside the 10 and they had the drawn under the eye is shady McCoy Tyrod Taylor 6 for 70 on that opening drive and he had 75 yards he went to Sammy Watkins a coupla tax code where they clearly want to isolate but Shaw shady McCoy against any of the radar linebackers yeah that's pretty obvious that was what their game plan was especially on their first drive and they were successful so they're probably not going to stop Sam carpenter will kickoff for the bills towards the north end zone Jalen Rashard will take a knee right in the a in Oakland in the end zone the Raiders will come out right there 25 yard line to begin their second series again all the principals in the Raiders race for the AFC West championship and the number one overall record of the AFC they won today New England a win today over the Rams Kansas City on that Eric Berry interception the two-point conversion beat Atlanta by a point in Atlanta and a Denver with Trevor Simeon out today and Paxton Lynch the quarterback they also won today in Jacksonville so the Raiders need this game to stay in first place they are going to Arrowhead for the showdown game on Thursday night again a pistol formation car sawed-off shotgun as latavius Murray behind him with all that it's ander again going jump ball with Alford right and it's a gun run coming left big hole 3035 stiff arm on a big run there he had ago finally pushes out latavius Murray blank on just a simple cutback run they went jumbo right he started middle it all got lost to the right he just cut it back left a tag a big hole there for 23 yards that's why I think he prefers to work out of the eye it gives him better vision rather than being in the gun snap and when you saw him he saw the left side completely caved down right at the snap of the ball without any hesitation he took it to that open area one of the keys the center Rodney Hudson single block Marcell Darius and he completely stood him up normally you have to double that big man but he singled him and he won big time firing the gun slot right gun run Murray stops in the hole then comes forward it's time to build front they able to stack it up interesting link they are using Vidale Alexander that jumbo six lineman third tackle role today not metalic Watson well you know what I think it is is I think you want to get everybody ready because you know that you really don't practice and pads as much this time so in order to gives full game full speed actually for all of your tackles I think they'll have a rotation in that and also you know you have a game on Thursday time so vitto they get the snaps today and then on Thursday and Arrowhead you may run mental it is to save a fresh body only a gain of a yard their second down and nine a traitor's they go slot formation left now they motioned michael crabtree away from Amari Cooper ma resembled up left on Gilmore is a high throwing him complaint Jarek threw that high he got a little pressure again they blitzed the nickel corner nikhyl Roby coal minute and it was one-on-one Amari Cooper against their best corners to fajn Gilmore Garret threw that ball high where Mauri just barely got his fingertips on it reaching up jumping up high above his helmet there might have been a little action there if he'd got that ball down low but he had to throw it like in the end somebody tell me oh they're down nine Raiders go squat left set Roberts inside of Amari Cooper Bill's are showing a brownout we're bringing both their inside linebackers Zac Brown and Preston brown mugging up in the a gap Michael Crabtree singled up right there comes Jeremy's around the edge car throws wide open Marco Rivera inside the Buffalo 30 been dropped by the safety gram on the bump about 26 yard line a gain of 26 yards he beat the safety Corey white will play more like a safety where the Raiders are going to the tight end today time Michael Rivera detached from the line just ran a seam route and got wide open in the middle of a palpable zone that's what you got to do he said Jerry probably saw the two deep zone guys are really lined up deep before the priest amp so knew that it was going to be soft in the middle and that's why he was they would be favored the middle bills were getting their defensive play calling the late a little confusion on their front Derrick goes into the shotgun Jalen resharper snap from scrimmage gun run coming to right boxes at left gets the edge 20 fly came down very late it'll hold on the Raiders there yeah I think it's gonna be a hold on Alexander yes yeah he was the extra lineman link that started on that side and he got a late flag here's Bill vinovich with their new Imola holding the holder office there were 74 10-yard penalty compute first out Raiders are the most penalized team in football they average about nine and a half penalties per game Buffalo averages almost eight penalties the game they are ranked sixth that's a damaging hole not just in the yardage but jaylen Rashard had a nice run you'd have been inside the red zone there yeah that's just here that's that's too bad because that's too good runs and too good results from runs whether one that the other was a pass to Amari Cooper earlier and both fall back by penalties first in 20 now now they're trying to get this right they don't know if they don't know where their spot they have to mark it off on the spot of the hold not they're not from the line of scrimmage right 36 yard line they put the ball Bailey Rashard stays in vinovich winds the clock well the Raiders have to get to the Buffalo 16 yard line so it is first in 20 again they jump offsides here before the ball was stamped this will be unusable and folks go down the village is going to practice defense number 55 you know they got to use it's really smart by Derek Carr to do it because here's the thing when the defense comes into got a penalty they're starting to tied back their ears and they know that you're going to pass the ball those defensive ends come in here really amped up it's a great call and he is Lorenzo Alexander has 10 sacks an amazing year for him after this night his first nine years in the NFL the cherry Hoosiers their most accomplished edge rusher former Indianapolis Colt and now for year Buffalo Bill Alexander back in so it the first of 20 now becomes 1st in 15 gun Rhonda was tired coming middle and he got sledge-hammered by the Buffalo middle backer Pleasant Brown usable also in on the tackle as a deuce a bullet will play on their front and will bring up a second down and long Raiders are into a field goal range the Ryan brothers run this defense Rob Ryan the assistant head coach /d French Dennis Thurmond maintains the title of defensive coordinator they also have Edie read that staff the assistant DB coach was actually up in the press box with us watching the game and their coaching it Derek in the gun three receivers go left five Walford from inside you apply Wofford said Roberts Michael Crabtree Amari Cooper singled up the right they faked the gun run Derek at a roll walk like been chased by Kyle Williamson huge drug rocks way Amari Cooper on the comeback route there against Kevon at SEMA that time he got heated up William some very good interior pass rusher and Jerry huge a great edge guy time flushed him out to the right and a bar he came back on that ball got both hands on the ball and just to drop get into his face master ball guy yeah that's unusual for him to drop the ball like that did that legends have actually hit him in the face they're down in 13 the Raiders bring in Jimmy's al owal a as a fullback now for Derrick's in the gun then of the gun the entire day al owal Edie was left in Murray to his right and re Cooper off live ride slot left Robertson Crabtree third down and long check down right flat and complete good coverage there by the factor Zac Brown rolling out on the back into flat butts ABS Murray that was not going to get 13 yards though as again the pressure on Derek Carr forced a quick check down there to latavius Murray right bladder the bills were able to take that away then you know it was just a simple four-man rush but they ran some games upfront and though the bills were going to pay zone behind it the game especially on the right side collapsed Austin Howard and gave Jackson and really got into Derek's face where the early say have to get rid of the ball 47-yard field goal for janakowski jack double snap mark big will hold right hash mark left footed kicker has plenty of distance it's right down the middle of the Raiders they have tied the game and carpenter a field goal for Buffalo and Janikowski a 47-yard field goal for the raiders Manukau ski will kick off here game tied at 3 Brandon shade as Buffaloes number one return guy one of the best in all of the pro football former Bengal and Patriot janakowski will bring him out he's going to be about 2 yards in the field of play right side of the field across the numbers hit around the head and grab down side of the 20 yard line only an 18-yard return there for Brandon Tate Andre Holmes grabbed him around the head and neck to drop her but again Andre was a game-time decision he has it negative injury HR apartment watch them warm up before the game they weren't certain ivory could go he actually warmed up with Derek and Matt McGloin before the game at his helmet at is to get a feel how the helmet would fit and would he be able to go and he that in fact were on special teams first intent for the Buffalo Bills inside their 20 yard line with tie rod say to the former Virginia Tech start with emotion brain did tape behind now they've got it back to each side and tape behind they give a show you before in a slant run coming the right when he crosses the 20 up to around the 21 yard line now there's the volume of the Buffalo running game they had taped lined up behind in a kind of a pistol action they had a back to the other side of fullback and they ran shady McCoy and a gun run at the table they were giving the ghost motion the jet sweep motion all day this is the most complicated running game the entire NFL yeah that does it there's a lot of activity back there and you have to be disciplined for that front that defense in front seven really hands will be disciplined Brandon Jackson playing for his first time in the NFL a rookie free agent defensive lineman from Texas Tech who was elevated off the practice squad with the injuries up now a quick throw lot right and it's caught by a buffalo tight end they just signed it for a first down across the 30 up to around the 33 yard line goes Gerald and Christian they just signed him up from the practice squad before the game today is Charles play and the former Miami Dolphin Turnbill his wife gave birth to a child last night he's not even on the trip so they had to bring up Christian and there's a gain of about 13 yards Tyrod Taylor off to a hot start we typically will throw the ball deep downfield they've not done that inaccurate short first intent Buffalo on here 35 Taylor there's a gunrunner shady McCoy will change direction he started coming right and then jump cut left looking like Barry Sanders and the Raiders had him completely surrounded there and he was dropped by jihad Ward link after a gain of only a yard but this guy as far as a change of direction in short space there's no one better in the NFL than shaking the boy you're absolutely one of the best and when they were trying to set up by formation with sports Bruce urban to line up a little bit more on the type in he respected his space and of course is able set down that power we moved on by taking on there at the pulling tackle 240 to go in the opening quarter were tied at three second and nine for Buffalo Taylor out of the shotgun pressure middle throws it is caught for the first down out to midfield it's Brandon Tate as he uncovered in the middle of the field pick it out in the nickel corner TJ carry for a gain of 13 yards the Raiders did get a little pressure there from Corey James they actually buzzed out dropped back into coverage but it was TJ care who was bumped off the route time by their tight end Nick O'Leary and they're going at two TJ a little bit now with GJ Hayden out he's going to be the Raiders nickel corner inside the slot first and ten Buffalo on the 48 yard line right of a chinstrap and the logo at midfield wide gun run but sean mccoy gets the edge and inter-rater territory dropped on the 45 yard line that's just an outside run there but such a good play fake by Tyrod Taylor to hold the backside himself time if he pulls that he can run it off the left side but they gave it a shady McCoy sweeping right for a gain of 8 yards well they have to respect you Taylor and is the option of him pulling that ball back and take it off whether themselves so they have to respect though well guys that time was EJ Manuel Tyrod Taylor was lined up as a wide receiver so he didn't know came in and did that actually went to the Emmanuel was yes yes they will you Manuel is a big strong guy Tyrod Taylor now back that quarterback will hand off to Mike Gillis Lee big hole off the right side breaks a tackle he has breakaway speed 20 Hammerson has the angle and he will push him out of bounds inside the Raider on the 14 yard line where shady McCoy is shifty in space Gillis Lee a big guy at 219 pounds has breakaway speed he broke that tackle and the Buffalo Bills now her back inside the Raider 20-yard line is reggie nelson missed that tackle nelson came up from a safety spot and hit him right helmet to helmet could not get him down when the Bills have been moving the ball very effectively this is a high scoring offensive team Buffalo they averaged over 25 points a game tied at 3 late first quarter Taylor get a gun run Gillis Lee straight ahead just a power play straight ahead behind their big offensive front and he's inside the Raider 10 dropped on the Raider 9 by the rookie jihad Lord after a gain of five the Buffalo Bills have reached the Buffalo Wild Wings red zone for the most only getting better and to Buffalo Wild Wings will they do it for you with a new menu that includes all new juicy handcrafted burgers Buffalo Wild Wings wings beer sports where was the anchor bar in downtown Buffalo that invented the chicken wing the buffalo wing now second down for the bills inside the Raider Janet down the line option a pitch forward his JD McCoy he gets the edge did he get the first down right at the sticks where he closed inside the five linked out of the round the Fighting's gonna be shy it's hard for my angle to see but their I think they're saying it's uh it's it's shortly and it looked like that was a forward pass it wasn't down the line option they'll give to the old school triple option Tabata looked like shady McCoy got out in front of Tyrod Taylor and he pitched that ball forward so that would be a pass completion and not a run now they're going to line up the Taylor under center something they do seldom it's third down and one they bring in Jerome felt in the lead blocker and a pre-snap penalty before the ball or they have a stoppage here the quarters over there flip sides the first quarter is ended here and they'll come down and try to get inside the black hole end zone now Buffalo will face a third down and short less than a yard from right around the Raider 5-yard line as they will now go towards the south end zone here the infamous black hole end zone the Buffalo Bills 147 yards of total offense 91 passing and 51 rushing out game there 47 to 61 of the opening quarter later rookie crowd Joseph was over on the trainer's table being attended to by H rod Martin mate Alan and as check gainer he was in earlier Jeter carries out their necessary Jay cares waning as a safety position they put Taylor in the gun Gillis leader was right Reggie Bush's now when they give it a Gillis Lee straight ahead on third and wanted and he's pushing the pile its first and goal to go low staying him up just on the shadow of the goal line they brought in Reggie Bush for him a great USC star began his career with an Orleans variety have changed lately so any idea what's wrong with Carroll Joseph the Raider rookie safety link now they're checking out his left knee but I haven't got official word Geragos all right Nate Allen was in the defensive huddle of any left TJ Carey was gonna play as the nickel Raiders go to the goal line defense now Buffalo has a first and goal to go from the war now they're gonna put Taylor under center Mike Gillis late to backup the shady McCoy with a big bleep blocking pull back to Rome Felton a former pro bowler for Adrian Peterson in Minnesota they also go to a jumbo formation and give it to the full-back Felton on the blast did he get in though he got stacked up right on the Gold Line they will give it to him off did and he will run right over unlock defenders whether it's a lineman or a linebacker he is a big strong guy when Adrian Peterson arrest for 2000 97 yards in 2012 Felton was his League blocker and he made the Pro Bowl that year not quite in Buffalo Bills do lead the NFL in rushing touchdowns 20 out of the year they could not be closer Tom Taylor may just sneak this himself they are inches away same formations rely behind Taylor Felton and Gilles Lee they give it a Gilles Lee greatly blocked by Felton touchdown Buffalo just off the left sideline gets a power to play there absolutely it's an attitude who put it's an attitude plays when you put into the hands of your offense one and that's exactly what you did great lead block great whole point felts in the lead blocking fullback tom is 248 pounds they pulled Richie incognito to knock out the edge did Bruce serve and it was really just Gillis Lee going right behind his fullback and he just caved a crater on the goal on great block there and ferry Riley jr. the Raider Mike linebacker to get Gillis laid a touchdown yeah so far this game the the Buffalo Bill offenses having their way with the Raider defense I took they they will score the bills average over 25 points a game fifth in the AFC the Raiders averaged nearly 28 points a game has been carpenters extra point is good he did miss six of these new 33 yard extra points a year ago Dan the Raiders need this game to stay first place in the AFC West at Kansas City winning their nine and three narrators not in turn trying to get to ten and two out of Kansas City did beat the Raiders earlier in the year the last time I let his lost we need to City here that game on Thursday will be a showdown that Buffalo Drive 11 plays 80 yards this time they ran the ball 9 rushes 2 passes their first drive for the field goal they only had one draw the rest of all passes here's the kickoff and James Burchard was taken 20 yards deep in the end zone out 1015 shy of the 20 running the 20 yard line is he's definitely approach the 20 yard line it's a pistol we'll check it out to Taiwan it's wide open down the sideline 30 but since Aden Stephon Gilmore trying to make a move that you can have Spacely slips out he picks up good guys run ten yards they check down there that was just a Buffalo playing Maine time and running their corners off they dropped with their linebackers back to get Taiwan alone in space and he was able to pick up ten yards there on the check down checked out but then it made such a good bloom he fell down yeah just trying to give a little shake move there and he lost his footing first and 10 Raiders out there 30 yard line a lot of pistol today card the gun of the Tabas hurry behind him they both came to chill and he gets hit hard as they never blocked the rookie Shaq Lawson buffaloes number one draft pick number 19 overall at a Clemson who had shoulder surgery in May and a lost his spot - Lorenzo Alexander link but he is a tremendous player the Raiders did not block him at all on that well he slipped inside the block and wasn't sure who was on him but one thing that stood out to me guys is that check out that ball I mean Lawson got didn't handle in that football and he almost pulled it free but the saviour's party was able to regain he was going down both these change very high in the plus/minus the Raiders have crossed eight on the year Buffalo a plus 10 second and nine Raiders 31 yard-line Derrick shotgun steps up in the pocket throws caught right at the 40 yard line by Michael Crabtree with the corner slash safety Laurie white all over in Eric had a lot of pressure that time for Lorenzo Alexander table but he stepped up there and threw that right in the middle of the field where Crabtree picked up nine yards yeah just a little short of the first down let me third down and about a foot Crabtree running across across sat down right in the middle of field this is the kind of down a distance you'd like the quarterback to get under center but he just could not take the snap with their top hand so he's in the gun Andre Holmes goes in long motion in front of the formation lines up left they run blitz spikes they give it a Murray gets tacked up he spins forward did he get it I think so there was a run blitz from Brandon Spikes the former to integrate Devon suffer well good did not give him a good spot he got turned around a little bit he got off the first hit it's fourth down the Raiders are gonna have to punt the ball but right there length we would like to be able to put the quarterback under center higher and run a short yardage glass play and with a quarterback in the gun it's just not the same yeah because everyone knows the more distance you have to get the ball to the running back to before he gets a line of scrimmage the greater chance the defenses and close that gap and that's exactly what happened there and even though the bills were predominantly shotgun and short yardage they will put Tyrod Taylor under center again the Raiders motion Andre Holmes to get him off the chamber the Raider gunner Marquette came with a blast here the ball land on the goal line to go into the end zone for a touchback play hit that so far it's a 60-yard punt but it is a touch back I'm gonna start on the 20-yard line Buffalo Tyrod Taylor well going to the shotgun he as Mike Gillis later was right Nick O'Leary the tight end goes in motion right gonna roll the pocket right designed roll catch by the tight-end O'Leary and his push to the bounce by Shawn Smith but he's up to around the 28 yard line they just rolled the entire pock at that time and Tyrod Taylor hit O'Leary the second year inside in from Florida State it will be their starting today with Charles plate not even in the Bay Area after his wife gave birth last night he didn't make the trip second down Buffalo has really had a nice play calling game Anthony Dillon is their new offensive coordinator the former running back coach of the place regular litter and after the bills lost their first two games they fired Roman and went to Lin now they complicated back heel they had three backs around Taylor it's a gunrunner shady McCoy runs into his own line and reverses the field comes right 30 shake move on a Mersenne 40 out of bounds on the Buffalo 42 yard line that is vintage LeSean McCoy play was designed to come left and like Barry Sanders completely reversed field ran into his own lineman there ran in the right tackle Jordan Mills linka was pulling left wound up coming the other way right with a 14 yard gain well as he said that's classic shady I mean that's what he's done so well and that's why he was such a prize for the Buffalo Bills gift because he adds that complexity to their offense well he reminds you a lot of Barry Sanders but also a lot of the former Raider great running back Charlie garner there's a gun run a pistol run McCoy right in the middle and he's up across the 45 up to around the 47 yard line Carl Joseph by the way back in the Raider deep secondary made the tackle along there with what Dan Williams you see any Charlie garner and shady McCoy know without a doubt the sickness and enforced and of course when you're trying to get him isolator and linebackers that's one thing that Charlie did so well he got him in space and he would make a number of people miss and that's what they're trying to do today and they're doing it quite successfully just give him one on one on linebacker or or out in space in the that time the ring first one there was a with a dumbbell McCoy takes a playoff Gillis Lee in straight drop by Taylor looks left now chased out hit by James Couser Couser will second sunshine with his first set in the NFL the Raiders just brought him up last week with all the injuries on their defensive line James cows of the rookie free agent from southern Utah with great energy in a motor Tom eventually uncovered there against their right tackle Jordan Mills threw him aside and SEC Tyrod Taylor for a 10 yards with the help of the coverage down the field there was nobody there for him to throw so he had to try it trying to scramble a little bit cows rules they're very active guy Couser is raiders are seven people in and out Lake Powell runs off the field along with Justin Ellis they bring in Bruce Urban late substitution third down 14 and outside Rod Taylor goes under center area they're going to fake a counter run Urban comes around the edge Mac the other end Taylor flushed out left this quarterback in Iran pull run by Mac and run for the first down hinder Raider territory a flag is down Don holding in the buffalo interior line I think it's coming back here's Bill vinovich to save the day holding office 364 10-yard penalty compute their downs on their nasty mauling left guard Richie incognito but you've got to be concerned about your pass rush you got to come even you can't allow an escape hatch for Tyrod Taylor to get out they came around the edge Mac and Ervin link what the middle was not there Autry got stood up by incognito and that's where the hole was and also jihad warden and he danique job for a long run yeah but what still concerns me is why such a late substitution you mentioned Towser got that sack but they ran Bruce over to cool him back out there Lake why such a light substitution third down and 20 for now Sammy Watkins goes in the left slot watched by TJ Carey they put Taylor in the gun the rookie running back Jonathan Williams is in Taylor back on third down in the corner of the field crushed up crushed out by urban rolling Dillards left throws a bouncing ball well shy trying to hit marques Goodwin it was not close he that was a tough play on third and 24 so at last time the Raider defense finally gets a hold of the game here with the sack by Couser to hold on incognito and now to force a buffalo punt yeah I'm not sure if I'm missing something or not but there it seems that they're not rushing to Khalil back as much as they normally do he's dropping the coverage a lot more today than I've seen a brothel walk back coach that last play he was spying Tyra I tell her from the right the left side Colton Schmitt Buffalo hunter and a punt and he will pick it - Jalen Rashard he's gonna angle James left he has picked the ball out of bounds and where did that ball go out of bounds that is not a very good punt side judges walking 3540 still walking 45 while he shanked that one badly tried to kick it off the side of the foot that's the respect of Jalen Rashard but such a margin for error there he missed the ball the Raider augments their carriages for 4/9 to open the game for 51 yards the running game has not been great either 7 rushes 30 yards Derek he handed a shotgun the whole game at that twice dislocated like pinky from last weight potatoes Murray moves left to him in the gun Amari Cooper comes in tight motion they flip it into Rhonda Cooper here they're out to block and nobody block Stephane Gilmore the corner Shaq lost in their rookie he was not fooled and that got the Raiders nothing it looked like they were going to get the edge but nobody blocked the cornerback Stephon Gilmore and then less I lost and ran it down well Crabtree was in charge of the Gilmore that corner who just beat him on a simple you know arm / move but Lawson never went for the fake he just kept his outside of integrity and then of course took a good angle to cut off right at the wanted - scrimmage yeah that was a pretty slow hitting reversal Raiders go into a shotgun impressive rookie did not chase that down he stayed home on the backside here's a pistol run to Murray straight ahead breaks into the secondary good run that should be a rate of first to midfield as the Raiders have made a big change here in the running game doing it out of a pistol formation with Derek Carr unable to go under center great lead block there by Jame Zama wali let's explain is this closer to having Derek under center having Murray still behind him in a pistol formation yes it's exactly right now the full-back is the place of a fullback is taking place by the quarterback but it still gives you that natural I feel as am i running back the savviest likes the I he's a natural i runner dial Williams flinch did not jump off side so he gets back Derek now gonna step up brings Clive Wofford him tight over Williams side Crabtree out wide right a slot left it's a gun run latavius Murray that may have been a check with me language exactly Buffalo box and a check from a pass to a run it off the left side of the bill still held that to a negligible two yard game that's exactly what it was the problem is is that when you bring in Clive wolf or from an outside slot into the most of now the defense knows they're going to run the ball they tighten down the box in his less whole second down eight there's a quick throw out - Crabtree a quick pie screen and he's pushed out of bounds Devon Seymour made the tackle shoving him out of the wide receiver screen across the 45 down to the Buffalo 44 to be third down in for Raiders from there's we cause 10 seconds for station identification you're listening to compass media networks this is the NFL [Applause] third and four Raiders one of four on third downs shotgun fire off his back went for the LOB one left well cover nice Amari Cooper Clarke a minute we're going to get a pass interference call on Stephon Gilmore a little bit of an armbar time there on that Amari Cooper I'm not sure that ball was catchable but he did bump Amari off his route a big penalty here's vinovich best interference defense number 24 right now automatic first down you know put it down on the Buffalo 20-yard line yeah they are Bari just dis allows the receiver to get down the field I think that since it was a Mario Cooper trying to that was inaudible to ensue they saw man-to-man coverage you had his arms all over them yeah you're right coach says the bills were coming with an all-out blitz there was no coverage safety was down low he knew he had one-on-one coverage on the outside took a shot 23 I pass interference call on Stephon Gilmore metalic Watson comes in for his first snap of the day as the Raiders third tackle six linemen that examined out in this play he's outside a pin left car and the gun Murray to his side straight drop by Derek and a fluoroscein bulk it up sack Roberts headed on the goal line for a Raider touchdown and it was broken up by Cory Graham tremendous play by Cory Graham Lewis from Buffalo he's a converted corner to safety he just arrived right on time they had Jerry Hughes dropped back in the middle there on Seth Robertson Corey grant came over and knocked that ball away at the right moment a great play save the touchdown they had that seemed route in Buffalo and Jerry Hughes did a drop into coverage there the rabies can attack that second down tan just outside the 20 it's a draw gun grande was shut off the right side and he gets hit and drop by he had a bow it was been with Rex Ryan and a couple of different spots makes the tackle across the 15 and around the 14 yard line ladies have reached the Buffalo Wild Wings red zone Buffalo Wild Wings Wayne's beer sports the bills were a terrific red zone defense for the beginning of the year but they have allowed the opponents now to score touchdowns 13 of the last 16 trips inside the red zone laterz have Michael Rivera in 3rd down and 2 on the Buffalo 15-yard line now they go empty set three receivers left the end of the motion was shard the bat to Derek's left nobody follows his Buffalo playing his own laverre now lines up tight it's a gun run to Rashard and he's got the first down inside the 10 yard line Jalen which were very close to it did he get it see where they spotted I kind of lost him there in the mess and see he had to get inside the Elevens got the first half present on Ravens link to us that all Derek is Rashard was outside wide they typically will motion like the Packers do to see if it's a man or zone but then he called a gunrunner notice the backers notice how many backers he had in the hole that was all a check with me right - Derek kept on laterz going fast they're going to get right back up on the ball quick snap on play-action throw for the end zone drop Michael Crabtree had the ball he flat out dropped a touchdown well you'll never see him do that on the Quick Reaction you're Rashard and Crabtree ran an inner out on the goal line the coverage was loose there by Seymour e the ball right Reddick into his body yeah you sure do you don't see that happen and Derick running with a quick quick huddle and caught Buffalo off off palette I have this whole Drive he's been doing that loop with off bells they had him play very loosely Kevon Seymour the rookie around six at a USC on the coverage Bradley all his hands catches everything he let that ball get into his body dropped it they faked the gun run they run Derek Carr and he's not going to be able to get the edge there nickel corner and a nickel Roby Coleman that was a little design full-option dream and he told it and ran it wasn't a busted play no was his design he read the he read the end and decided to keep it I thought he kept at the corner but of course as you mentioned recovers by the cornerback that got him out on the sideline or will be Coleman was just too fast Derek didn't run a read option a full option read lasts a week even after he hurt his finger that was a play that bothered it Buffalo last week in there their win a home win over Jacksonville Blake bortles burned him a lot on that so they may have put that play in on the goal line now third down coming up they're denied for the Raiders and the 9 yard line Derek looking left plenty of time to throw high too high in the back of the end zone he overthrew michael crabtree gets up and gets right in the face master fly came in they may get a talk a personal foul here on son Crabtree for going after Stephon Gilmore a ovaries fart to be the field goal is going to be short but it's going to be 15 yards further out now and as Crabtree will take the personal foul penalty for taunting his drop of Gilmore probably lumps it from dropping the ball on the previous Gilmore pointed that out to him now the officials are going to conference here know they're calling on - here comes well they did have a conference for now Bale vinovich will go to the the numeral here should be a personal foul on cracker play was over taunting office number 15 15-yard penalty in the downtown fort down well Gil were also hit him the ball was thrown high with regard to rejection he's got one more of those he's ejected the ball was thrown out Derek had a great pocket e at eternity and Crabtree uncovered in the base of the end zone end zone right underneath the uprights and Derek throw it a little bit higher a lower ball he may catch that and Gilmore hit Crabtree after Crabtree extend the crowd reacting the Gilmore push well in French we got up he put his face masks right into Gilmore's facemask so now the field goal which would have been 26 yards away is 41 yards away right hash Macondo to king Janikowski plenty a distance in it is good again the Raiders have to settle for a pair of field goals here and the Buffalo lead is down to four but 256 to go a sputter up so far in this game it's kind of blah you really when you looked at their offices that time that last Drive though their cards and he did go on a faster pace and I think that picked up to the momentum hello but don't you think that Blake well that is a little bit true you know I guess he had a little bit more control over his play selection what's really added to the momentum yeah there's the kickoff by Janikowski it is high and it is deep brain of tape will backed up and he's coming out about a very deep in the end zone right number 10 15 it's a pile throat sit here's the ball and makes it across the 20 up to where he would have gotten it he just stayed in the end zone close to it but drop shy of it at around the 24 yard line Spanish in the rough of attack they've passed 11 times for 94 yards and they've run 12 times for 76 yards Tyrod Taylor's been on point so far and have a 30 million-dollar option on him in the offseason I'm sure they're gonna pick it up long turn they go to an offset I Taylor with an outside stretch handoff led by the full-back Felton a good block on through serving junior McCoy gets the edge boy in space he makes Malcolm Smith miss just down a little shake move and then he scoots down the sideline for six that was the full-back kicking out urban for one time and then shady McCoy is being Shady to make Malcolm Smith miss and he got six yards out of a play that should have got nothing yeah I should have got about maybe at the max 1 yard but was shiftiness he picked up this and it was six yard was it's a bad job boy especially after wonder why Philadelphia every diver initiating the boys second and four Tyrod Taylor going to roll the pocket to the right get a plank and throw one down his sideline on the bounce he was going to mark he's good one in the hole of the greater coverage almost a cover to the way they traded that off from Amerson to Carl Joseph but there's where Tyrod Taylor link is just simply at times inaccurate clever play and [Music] we just throw the ball wide to the sideline well he had good one he had good one on the next level but he could not complete the pass in accuracy down the field jihad Ward okay he got up very slurry slow I don't know his name banner in the middle the later Franck James cow sir is in rushing out with a Raider left side over the right tackle Jordan Mills Khalil Mac not in loose Ervin is rushing over the other side off the later right defense over the left tackle for T Glen Buffalo has double sights in on third down and four to way of getting there now we have a fly coming in they didn't snap it lay there did not fire funnily they'll forget also what it allows the Raiders to do is sub in Khalil Mack for the third down they'll take Couser off they'll bring in ferry Riley junior also and take the middle backer the rookie Corey James off so the Raiders picked up five yards the third and four goes to third and nine and now he got Mack on the field nice exchange there a damaging delay game on Tyrod Taylor Nick Justin Hunter comes in for Buffalo as a third receiver they have three to the right runner outside the numbers Watkins in the slot Matt comes around the edge they forced Taylor out he can run they blocked Perry Riley inside right and it runs for the first down that is really gonna mark a mountain very close to it on the 34 yard line you know that time they even have Bruce Irvin somewhat spying on Tyrod Taylor he still was managed they got the first down first down Buffalo well he's like your old teammate rich gainin where if it's third and 11 he's going to get you 11 yards in a foot he just got past blue serve in there see where he stepped out of bounds with the ball looked like it's the right spot on the 34 yard line is we have reached the two-minute warning first and ten of their 34 they put Tyrod Taylor in the shotgun he has shady McCoy behind him and they pulled a fullback over and he gets tripped up and stuck for a loss there by Kelly oh man playing complicated slow developing run play as they had the full-back pull off to the right time in Delino max has got upfield penetration and got low on shady McCoy and spilled in that's a two-yard loss yeah they had a coming this way of trying to get the the defense the Raider defense to widen out a little bit but they didn't wide out and Khalil math he had too much penetration too did not make a play boy that was an all-pro play by Matt cuz he even saved it there was nobody left to pick up Aston Raiders have three timeouts as well neither coach stopping it after the last play once wanted to go on the half third a second down and 12 it's a shotgun run shady McCoy coming right me across the 40 up to around the 41 yard line good game there on second and 12 he picked up about nine of it it'll bring up a third down and short again this league blocking fullback Jerome Felton is just a special player fifth round pick of the Ryans Inouye three years Carolina happy three years in Minnesota was a Pro Bowler bleep blocker for aging now second year in Buffalo we have under a minutes ago 48 seconds to go play clock at 15 picked right here at further than three bills on there 41 shady lines up to the right of Taylor they'll drop and throw on third down throws wide of Sammy Watkins missed him badly Sammy Watkins had a sit down we're out there against Amory City just missed him to the wrong side Thomas about the quarterback throw on third and three and he was errant and the Raiders will get a punt here in the ball back before half-time yeah usually that ball is thrown low and outside just away from the defender with that time he threw it in the inside as if he expected Watkins to be coming in completely missed he sat down there on amber sitting also Sammy Watkins put his finger up saying he wants to come off the field anyway it was third down but he's playing with a that quite broken bone the Buffalo coaching staff told me but then metatarsal is not good Colton Schmidt well caught his first one was a shank it's this one better it's trying to push the shard to the left he kicked it out of bounds again he wants no part of Jalen Rashad returning punts they purposely are kicking it why this one a better punt out on the Raider 15-yard line a 44-yard punt by Colton Schmidt so the raiders are backed up 30 seconds to go in the half you are going towards the less to at least favorable uprights the northern uprights or the more favorable I should say away from the black hole but and you get a lot of ground to cover here and only have 30 seconds to do it in so we'll see but the Raiders do here maybe to put Derrick in the shotgun of course where he's been all day with the bad pinky latavius Murray lines up to his left they go slot right Seth Roberts inside a Crabtree Amari Cooper singled up by Gilmore safety helped over the top on that side Carville his own notes a column on the 37 yard line there nickel corner Roby Coleman and now the ringers will call the timeout and as they just found a soft spot of his own there to pick up 22 yards to Amari lights are on and inside the Coliseum but no wind at all and he is going towards the opposite side of the black hole uprights his preferred north uprights would be the target derrick in the shotgun not a lot like it was right Murray left Cooper singled up left slot right Derrick back on first and ten plenty of time steps up throws middle and Crabtree made the catch in double coverage in the Buffalo territory dropped onto Buffalo 47 yard line and Jack Del Rio will call a timeout with 15 seconds to go in the half so big shot down the middle to Cooper followed by a big shot down the middle to Crabtree for 16 more and the Raiders timer on the Buffalo 46 yard line that time a buffalo played a little tighter a little squeezed a little bit more not to give that much room and Derek finally found Crabtree coming across the middle now another play like that with a timeout there already yeah but do you also remember guys when buffalo horn says it's a little bit of a prevent defense not going to get much rushed yeah so the guys up front gets a double team they're only rushed in three and you have them back in the back Hill so that means there's two on each defender which gave Derek that extra time to allow those routes to clear up and that underneath there to come across yeah they rushed three and dropped eight on those two pass plays that may change now as the Raiders are approaching a field goal shot one thing that Rex Ryan loves to do is to blitz when you get inside his 40-yard line and knock you out of field goal range Oh Jenna Cox's legged let's see if they bring pressure they argued a blintz they bring five quick throw out to Murray they hit him down the sideline he's bumped out of bounds inside the Buffalo 40 out on the 36 yard line so they're in field goal range now that time they did blitz link a deep safety and they brought four in the front so they brought five and Murray uncovered fast for a gain of 10 yard less who stopped the clock with 10 seconds to go in the half Michael Vera did a good job of clearing out the old bat that side to allow Murray to get that ball and make some extra yards here in field goal range right now time it be a 54 yarder from this spot you'd like to pick up more here you have 10 seconds you have a timeout as well okay and then cold tire Derrick's in the gun out of wallet he was right murid left oh he's gonna throw over very huge pressure flow out left to Murray and a hurdle Gilmore the Gilmore backed away from him he jumps out of bounds inside the Buffalo 30 out on the buff of our 28 and a half and they'll bring in janakowski right now with five seconds to go in the half so nicely done Buffalo did play a prevent rushed three drop eight in a couple of downs but he got close enough where you could dump it out to Murray twice in a row this will be a 47-yard field goal by Janikowski it is from the left hash mark Kondo will snap King will hold and he normally aims this right for that left upright and see if he can just bend it inside the up right here and now a timeout has been called assumably by the bills and Rex Ryan and he's trying to ice Sebastian Janikowski we've told you he's laughing over on the sideline one of the great personalities in pro football Rex Ryan is six-year head coach of the New York Jets took up to the AFC title game Mark Sanchez and his quarterback in oh wait don't I mean what a to think last year in Buffalo at 6:00 at 5:00 when he called that timeout he flashed a big smile on his face towards the middle of the field in that Sebastian Janikowski there's a lot of members of the Buffalo coaching staff linked know Janikowski be mentioned Rafa Ryan the his own brothers runs the defense in concert with in the San jo you know at the rate is for number of years as wide receiver coach and Aaron Cromer when Janikowski was a baby when Jacqueline was the head coach here's their offensive line coach yep that's right he's coaching meals often salami merrin's lost a lot of weight didn't hardly even notice on the Sun Also is here here's the snap by conducting has it down Janikowski from 47 plenty the distance and it is good nicely executed by the raiders their time they may have 30 seconds to go and they took that ball over to the net territory that they get a third janakowski field goal and buffaloes halftime lead is down to one perfect perfect type of Drive where you can get points with no time left on the clock that's perfect bills will get the ball to start the second half with the Raiders on three janakowski field goals have made this a one-point game the Raiders it has not been able to Det pain without a penalty flag as they've been held that three janakowski field goals in the first half they just gotta be more consistent we know we got a to penalties brought back two big plays for the Raiders dead first a Manukau ski a short kick off rain and tape will take it far outside the numbers right Tim that I reversed the field 2025 being chased by Johnny holding that out of bounds but what a return there by Brandon tape former New England Patriots to years there that he went to the Bengals that's a 24 yard kickoff return top of the day an actuality probably rain about 45 yards he caught it in the field to play outside the numbers right and reversed that return all the way to left and Buffalo will start on their 34 yard line you got to be pretty neat to be able to reverse your field and go all the way across the field you're as usual you get caught before you get halfway there Buffalo goes first in 10 but Tyrod Taylor who spent his first four years in the NFL backing up Joe Flacco in Baltimore he has shady McCoy who was right they're talking to each other big Justin hunter performer Titan goes and ghost motion behind it it's a counter run too shady in the middle of big ol midfield over 40 later 30 later 20 Sean Smith will finally drop him on the radar 11 yard line a gaping hole there but a little misdirection with ghost motion behind Richie incognito the left guard the puller on the play and they popped the Raiders for a 54 yard run right in the middle of their defensive front boy that was that that was a huge hole you and I couldn't run through there though jism good blocking by that offensive line and also a good block by Nick O'Leary that side n but it was shady McCoy he is so fast as far as change of direction quick but he straight line fast now they bring in Gillis Lee look at a gun run and the quarterback is going to keep it for a walk in touchdown to tie rod Taylor they completely lost kid contain they attacked a lil mac on that side his play-action fake was so good the Leo thought he gave it to Gillis Lee he came slanting down from the end and they had no contain on that side the quarterback pulled it and he just ran around the edge he's so good the design quarterback running around the edge and Buffalo was in the end zone for a touchdown to stretch their lead to 16 to 9 with the extra point coming does it's not something that two Raiders weren't anticipating that's one of the plays that they like to use and when you have a running quarterback like this boy you got a peak patient you've got to play that play for also nice Khalil was singled up and he took the cheese and the fake to Gilles Lee with a fullback there here's the point after by day and carpenter getting missed six extra points a year ago but he's only missed a couple of this year he makes this one right down the middle pretty impressive by Buffalo but but you know Buffalo strength against though not really the Raiders strength or be great here's carpenters kickoff what a blast this is by Jane carpenter he made a 60 yard field goal when he was a younger man back in 2010 when he was in Miami Dolphin that won't be a touchback he kicked that right to the back wall of the northern end zone a very impressive kick off there by Dan carpenter so the Raiders are a bit numb right now that run by shady McCoy the lead block there by Richie incognito Lee blocked by the left guard it just popped up and a great speed there just a little bit of a counter action as he started right and came back left Raiders will have Derek Carr keep it at a full option read it and he's going to get hit and dropped after a short gain right Kevon seymour they've done that twice now today blank where he has pulled it and running if it's once you think maybe they did it he's designed holes by Derek Carr well it looks like it and he wants to keep it because it's a soft corner to solve an edge but Buffalo's got dirt in perimeter speed they're closing the pocket and if I'm Derek look I don't want to take a chance with that finger so I don't know why you want to do those things well Blake bortles did it against him last week now play actually a circle out latavius Murray the PAC's against pocket gets pushed by Darius and Derek will throw it away by Marcel Derry has just pushed the whole pocket back there and Derek got off that hit he was chased off by Kyle Williams their defensive tackle after a little play-action but again going back to why Derek is pulling it and running at Blake bortles just gashed him on that play repeatedly but Blake's a big strong guy but we'll run a little bit time and Derek has the bad thing key finger on his throwing hand curious the Raiders would use that play twice today and put him into a harm's way you got to do what you do best and that's not one that's not one of the things that the Raiders third down and nine they're showing a blitz from the safety why do they go and cover zero no they're gonna roll back just showing it now they're going to two safeties high on third down and nine there's pressure in the middle cart throws dropped it was touched there but good coverage there set Roberts on the crossing route and buzzing with him as Cory Graham their safety as a converted corner recovers very well so the Raiders go three and out they did blitz the middle backer Brown came right in the middle of the front Zac Brown Lincoln a Roberts got both hands on that ball but he was well covered by the safety right on his head yeah but as you mentioned got both hands on the ball should have called it the Raiders that time picked up the Blitz they didn't have a little linebacker blitz but they did a good job at cynllun at the middle and giving our car solid pocket yeah he sure did solid pocket it wasn't a very you know it was a good bliss but not a difficult bliss and the Raiders you see have to make to put their radios just aren't making plays again they motion on great homes are doing it repeatedly bad punt by Marquette it'll take a buffalo bounce they finally down it there Cory James does he twirled that ball around and they're just off today [Music] defensively like - there rookie rot one pick Harold Jonas Joseph who was hobbling over on the Raiders sideline God official report guys it's a foot injury and his question for response diagnoses a foot injury question from clinics my TJ Kerry is in playing in kind of a hybrid safety corner role Tyrod Taylor out of the shotgun plenty of time for those middle dropped right brain had say the flag came in and very late at the end of the play here over on the Buffalo sideline is going to be a defensive hold on their Raiders I think on David Amerson against Sammy Watkins here's Bill vinovich prior to the path holding defense number 29 five-yard penalty automatic first down Sammy Watkins Dan the first half was targeted three times caught two for just 32 yards they were each 16 yards and lengths early in the game he is playing with a not quite a fractured foot maybe a Liz Frank a Jones fracture on that foot but in any event he's a little compromise but still dangerous they play action two killers late Tyrod Taylor throws an out truck left nice pitch and catch easy one to marquise good one he's got speed up the field Thomas range Sean Smith out there off that router and on the comeback he picks up 12 more and another Buffalo first down inside the Raider 40-yard line Goodwin listed is probably their fastest guy fastest a wide receiver one of the fastest guys on the team only 5 9 but you gotta respect that speed now the Raiders do bring in Nate Allen he's playing single high and it's a play-action Taylor to shady McCoy looking left and a throw a bomb he just throws the ball away as he was looking to go to good when he got bumped off his rock by Sean Smith Nick O'Leary the tight end also ran a deep over there but an excited hour Taylor just threw it away one thing Tyrod will do he's not very accurate around 62% out of the year but he will throw the ball down the field with all the play-action faking they get separation they don't have Robert woods today nor Percy Harvin but as Tom mentioned they they have good run as fast they have Sammy Watkins who's fast they've got some ways to get down to feel that they want to pop on there's a second at 10 on the Raider 38 yard they surround him with facts of tight ends they run McCoy strung the hand breaks a tackle and again jump cutting he's very close to another Buffalo first down inside the Raider 30-yard line boy he's just froze Riley jr. in a hole guys he shows it and just shy of the first down though all the 29 he gained now it'll be third down at warden he froze them in the hole Lincoln and the offensive line no Buffalo is dismantling yeah at the middle of the line they're having their way and even on the pass plays the Tyrod Taylor's been trying to complete he's at plenty of time now they go into a true eye Gillis lead a tale league play by felt a phone Sharan kick-out block what a block there on Bruce Irvin and Gillis Lee as the Buffalo first down as they're on the Raider 25-yard line this is a lot of the college stuff with Taylor and the shotgun they're not running the Jets sweet motion as much today - Percy Harvin but then on top of that length this quarterback will get under center they will give the unbalanced line they'll counter and trap you and pull you and run a very sophisticated NFL power running game with all the College motion when he's under center they're running the classic short yardage offense matter of fact we ran it when we arrow moves with us under Bill Callahan and Jon Gruden that was the Gillis Lee touchdown there's a play-action Saylor throws left Watkins stop this route John Smith drove on it and the ball is wide as Sammy Watkins ran a slant time on Sean Smith and the ball was delivered they're in a bad spot John Smith drove on that one and then quite play the ball well but he took the route away could have intercepted that ball the ball been thrown better he might have intercepted it with that time you just took it away and all of a sudden family Walker's just stop second and ten Buffalo on the Raider 24 yard line 1122 plate third quarter Buffalo up 17 to 9 with an emotion felt a bit full back to the left of a Tyrod Taylor shady McCoy behind they pulled a fullback another big block and shady McCoy powers down to the Raider 15 yard line Felton is getting fired up what a lead blocking fullback performance were singing today length he pulled around that time he was to the left of the quarterback in the gun he came around to the right and just had another tremendously block there yeah had a KO block right to know he you know I like the pancake blocks I have to give him credit credit do you Malcolm Smith I can submit the unmount Smith hit him hard this fullback Savitz just laying people out today where he laying them up but also there was with JP the older than a breakthrough after the fan after the ball there to chill quick throw out right marques Goodwin a little outfit there on a Merced first down by Buffalo offensively is just humming Anthony Lind their offensive coordinator dialing it up and smiling is to quit little out cut to good one who has the speed on Amherst sidon picks up five on third and two and the bills are again inside the red zone I'm at 10:30 to play in a third quarter that Buffalo has just dominated the stat sheet is tight the first half score was 10 to 9 but it just feels like Buffalo is dominating this game more than showing on the scoreboard or the box warriors tigereye Taylor looking left throws cut Sammy Watkins hadn't cut tackled by TJ carry on the rate of 5 yard line and he Watkins jumps up after a six-yard gang again he was the buffalos number-one pick - fourth overall selection of 2014 right before the Raiders took Kali olmac the Buffalo Bills could have chosen back right in their back field backyard in Buffalo at the University of Buffalo but they went with the Watkins a great receiver on a Clemson Sanson injury issues but he would commend his player second and four from the five Nate Allen his back in on the goal line defense here they put Tyrod Taylor in the gum of his surround him Brandon Tate the reserve back by the receiver behind negative Achilles late on a draw he will power down to the goal line he did not score but he may have picked up the first down he's got breakaway speed length but he's also 220 pounds 40 Glen their left tackle with a nice block there boy they've got it going on the ground right now power running and his JD McCoy they they're doing whatever they want he ran right over Perry Riley jr. and push that forward right to these not quite get to get the first down well they're going to measure the find out but you know what they're actually able to dial up anything they want to do I think success be it run or pass and then went into the passing game even though it's higher I tellers not exactly as accurate to some other quarterbacks he's got plenty of time to sit back here and do everything so Buffalo's having their way with the defense right now we're bringing the chain gang out from the Raider sideline vinovich could look it over they're going to be short but I have about a half of a football length it'll be third down and about a foot so what are the bills do now they look over to their sideline Anthony Lin their offensive coordinators call the game so the first box level turned the whole year around red Roman a good coach but he got fired after the oh and to start in Buffalo one coal in a row after that they lost three but then coming out of there by they've won two in a row at Cincinnati in last Sunday they beat Jacksonville in Orchard Park flared down in one they're going to put Taylor under center or in the gut looks like the gun he's got felt until was right to pull back he has Gillis Lee behind him in a pistol they go slot left rein and tape inside a hunter punters the big jump ball guy four touchdown catches on the year now look at emotion tape again behind they give it a Gillis Lee it'll call her to the goal line and no indication now now it is touchdown Buffalo Mike Gillis Lee with his second rushing touchdown here and the Buffalo Mills with three rushing touchdowns to by Gillis Lee won by the quarterback Tyrod Taylor they have 23 rushing touchdowns on the year will bring in carpenter but try to stretch this lead out to 24 to nine good ole 14 blast none supplamine nothing fancy about it just 14 blasts where you don't crack it wait you notice you notice how many plays yeah exactly right you know how many Raiders lung but linemen there were in the end zone that shows you one that pledged a jihad or got stood up on the goal line when you catch you're gonna end up in the end zone you can't jet you got to get your shoulders up as low as theirs and go forward that backwards Matt Maclaurin is warming up on the Raiders sideline there's Dan carpenter with the point after and it is good now the second play of the third quarter they were outscored 18 in nothing in Caroline at mature score three touchdown did not convert after a single touchdown and the Raiders have been badly outplayed again in the third quarter today there was a tenth play 15 the coal yard drive Buffalo's second drive for a touchdown in this quarter to stretch their lead to twenty fourteen nine they've outscored the Raiders 14 nothing in the quarter here's the kickoff by carpenter again a strong leg and that'll be a touchback the Raiders in Derek Carr continuing a quarterback will take over on their 25-yard line as we pause ten seconds for station identification you're listening to compass media networks this is the NFL [Applause] Rick Papa Tom Flores in Oakland Lincoln Kennedy on the Raiders sideline they put Derek Carr into a pistol and they're going to empty it out to end the shot goes out left buffaloes playing zone nobody follows him they widen out their secondary here's tire looking left time throws middle caught by Clive Walford they dropped Kyle Williams back to cover him and the big deep check master when I'm down from behind Clive Wofford across the 40 up to around the 43 44 yard line good running air by Clyde will had his best game as a pro last week big conversion on third down and a touchdown catch right after and it'll bring the Raiders to the 43 yard line first down in ten they're 43 Mile Williams left the field after that play gun run to his chard coming right there all around it Jerry Hughes linka backfield penetration the inside linebacker Preston Brown pushed it back inside Lorenzo Alexander there was ten sacks on the year the former Raider they were all over that with their line backing core Austin Howard took a terrible set when he tried to set up like the draw almost action but he invited inside and it just disrupt the play it's a vyas Murray is back in as jaylen Rashard got only a yard out of that play second and nine Derek in the gun Murray who was right Michael Crabtree nor offered her right Robertson Cooper are left Derek back throws middle talk except Roberts gets pounded it the linebacker exact round hit him and the safety story Graham finished him off but he held the ball top and he found the soft spot in their zone between the linebacker and the safety level and he picks up the first down a gain of 14 yards that's been the sauce pot all day long in the middle of the field and Derrick signature management now all those Buffalo playing a lot of zone coverage today they faked the gun run they bubbled it to set Robertson Amari Cooper with us if he blocked there on Stephon Gilmore CEO Lee Coleman there Nichol came over to make the tackle to hold that to a short game Kyle Williams who left a few plays earlier comes back into the Buffalo front as the Raiders are gonna quick snap the bills or at least they're muddling up the bass no huddle and they're up on the line second and six Raiders on the Buffalo 38 yard line seven minutes to go third quarter bills lead 24 9 and Oakland gun run Murray coming the right cuts inside first down all the way inside the buff about 25-yard line link they finally were able to pop a gun run there in the middle of the Buffalo front and the takes rain latavius Murray with a 14 yard gallop again it was it was reading the line back as the linebackers were shifted over to the offenses left she had a natural hole in the right side degree lost it high with a much better block on that fly here staring out of the gun gonna throw a see Rob Lowe but cut by Michael Crabtree on the 5-yard line sound the fact that he could law was probably a good thing because the safety Tory Graham was sitting there but Michael had to go way behind him and down to the ground to take that right off the top of the grass secure the catch a 19 yard game they're going fast laters back up on the ball first and goal to go five Mary's uncovered Murray Zonk American a clap fans gonna throw a lot for Murray brought to him out because I was called like hold on and held up the latavius Murray motioned out right the linebacker did get out on him Zac Brown and and Buffalo called the timeout as they were scrambling as the Raiders often at least they did early in the year then they kind of stopped doing it time they get up on the ball fast trying to get Buffalo to not aligned properly and one thing the Bills have had a hard time with not just this year but last year and they have brought in a Rex his twin brother Rob Ryan the former rated offensive coordinators sing all the plays in it the miscommunication a lot from their sideline to the huddle but that was just the Raider temple now as they went to latavius Murray against Zac Brown the linebacker now they're gonna bring in now link metalic Watson so they went to an empty set that time at a spread formation and now at least look at a show of formation of jumbo mental it will be announced as a eligible here touch on right now is what they're looking for a field goal is not it's an option but it's not really the option they're looking for they want they want Annie to score a touchdown they need to go into the floor side town all day yeah we're touching all day they need to get some momentum to go into the fourth quarter where they have been they're at their best all year and they are down 15 points Derrick asking for the play call to come in again from bill Musgrave the play clock has not restarted they are huddled up and now vinovich will wind the clock so the play clock will start now first and goal to go ladies trying to get in their black hole in zone there on the Buffalo 5 they have Cooper and Crabtree left they have Roberts right Murray to the left of Derrick in the shotgun the van emotion Crabtree buffaloes are sliding over with line back there's a designed roll and Garrett gonna throw the ball away now as it was a sprint right to the right side and have got rolled up on and he had nowhere to go as he tried to throw it to the front pylon and Michael Crabtree the Buffalo heard that well covered the half the team over there Ramon Humber came in former Indianapolis Colt in New Orleans st. to a cover on the goal line second and goal Raiders on the Buffalo 5 Raiders need a touchdown here there doc 24 9 with 606 to go third corner again Derek in the gun murder he was right to buy to wall from Radley right Roberts and Cooper left Derek looks it over he brings him Walford now tight right Ruffalo comes down the gun run Murray off the left side a cutback and he'll get stood up and dropped down the two yard line blank was then again a check with me where he counted the like Buffalo box and brought Walford in and ran to slant off the left side that's exactly right and that's why Murray the moment he got the ball went outside because he saw was this very soft edge and there were protecting the inside I think you saw the soft edge and that's why he ran outside you know he's mentioned this earlier though that was a 2x2 and then when he checked to the run he brought Walford in and that's a clear indicator to Buffalo it's going to be a run flat third down and goal to go three yard line now they go empty Derek in the gun slot left Robertson that Amari Cooper right Andre Holmes the big target in the middle of Rivera and Crabtree right third and goal three yard line Derek takes the snap looks right nothing open now going to throw back the end zone by Michael Crabtree Raiders boy lengthy and a long time to look that over on the goal line so unusual no pressure from Rex Ryan's team on the goal line they play coverage and ultimately Derrick must have had a good three or four seconds there to hit Michael Crabtree in the back of the end zone guys they actually had Darius their nose guard playing spy he didn't rush he backed off but what they did today is bracketed the inside receivers both Andre Holmes and Rivera theanine trying to try to take the way that seemed rounded something side to him they manned on the outside and the Crabtree ran a nice brow it just took his time and and the protection was excellent Andrew right there which actually whatever month it was a two-man rush yeah and the extra point is made by Janikowski to make it a ten-point game now one score 24 16 Darius just stood up trying to obstruct Derek's vision he almost deflected that pass he may have gotten a fingernail on the ball but Derek was able to squeeze it in there foot was in a boot so they started Paxton Lynch the rookie and they still won in Jacksonville 22 10 Kansas City's a crazy ending Eric Berry going for 2-point conversion Matt Ryan was to stretch Atlanta's leap from one to three Barry intercepted ranted back in Kansas City won by a point on that play and also New England one today here's the kickoff by janakowski gran and Kate will take it under the end zone nice tackle by andre hands bad neck and shoulder and all tape has dropped on the buffalo 14 yard line very nicely done New England beat the Rams 26 to 10 so New England has gone to ten and two Raiders need to get there with a win today at tenet to Kansas City wandered nine and three and Denver wanted to get to eight and four so the Raiders need to win this game to get to ten and two before their Vic show down game and Arrowhead coming up on Thursday at less way to drive was 75 yards the best drive of the day to cut the deficit to one scored eight points it comes Tyrod Taylor and the Buffalo Bills now actually they go Wildcat shady McCoy will take the direct snap off the left side and they're holding Shawn Smith there blatantly and as the young receiver Lewis don't call this twice Buffalo's gone to a a different formation they had earlier in the game EJ Manuel azaña late link in that time shady McCoy took a direct snap and he's down guys he's still down on the turf where sean mccoy is hurt he is down after that wildcat ronnie has been plagued by injuries all year one of the great running backs in football is riding over on Payne up against the Raiders sideline the bills were all taking a knee and he will take a break here 457 to play third quarter kid Mike Gillis Lee will come in shooting McCoy 14 carries today 127 yards of Buffaloes 197 but Gillis Lea's scored two touchdowns seven carries 49 look at a direct snap but again this time it's time to Gillis lake has Buffalo has done that repeatedly setting Taylor out twice in a row they've done that and their raters are ready for it and they stack it up on second down a short gain it'll bring up a third down and four big Dan Williams on the tackle one thing we should know the Raiders are -2 of their interior lineman today we mentioned it earlier we got to repeat it Stacy McGee missing his third game out of four with an ankle and Darius Latham also with an ankle injury last way to the Raider interior front has have certainly been compromised in personnel with the injuries to those two players Jonathan Williams our look Iran five running back out of Arkansas in for the bills Taylor get a fluffa to them roll right and throw off the hand of Sammy Watkins incomplete nice coverage there by TJ carry Sam as they faked the Reuter left to the rookie Williams rolled the quarterback right Sammy Watkins got open Tyrod throw it a bit errantly got him out of one hand and good coverage there good tight coverage by TJ Carey and also some pressure first serve it in his face yeah Tyrod has somebody write history that was up Bruce Irvin a so he had to throw for him and he had the Russians know they didn't block him blank they just rolled him to the backside end and he kind of put heat on sailor there's Colton Schmidt in to punt the Raiders look at the ball back here Goldschmidt and they're in a short punt return the ball the charge takes it out of the air in the buffalo territory and dropped on the Buffalo 38 yard line don't miss hit that ball bad lane only at 35 yard corner that was very low Bowie Graham made the tackle but not a good effort not a good day for Colton Schmitt 20-yard returned by Jalen Rashard because the ball was hit solo by Colton Schmidt his franchise has had a history of great putters your buddy Paul McGuire in the 60s and Brian Moore minute throughout the decade of the 2000s one of the best in football coach Schmidt is having a struggle today Raiders now take over on the Buffalo 38 yard line what a drive start Derrick goes in the gun Raiders are down a score 24:16 Robertson Cooper go right Brad tree outside the numbers net Walford tight left now they emptied the battle I want Jones goes right Todd crossing rock nice kept by Crabtree and he's tackled and had his helmet take it on again by Sandy Brown this one was pried off by Brown and several times four or five maybe caught the preseason Michael assail his helmet dislodged but he caught that ball Tommy that was a hard catch either fully extend over the middle to pluck that one for a four yard game yeah though just a short crossing around underneath all the others in the bills plan his own taking away everything down the field so that was a good safe throw sean mccoy is riding a stationary bike over on the buffalo sideline so it's probably a legged problem and they were there trying to get his heart rate up to see if we can pass a concussion test his Derrick tire Bashar goo was right done run big hole 30 25 20 bricks attack off 15 20 minutes jaelyn rashard the pocket rocket lengths right through the middle of the buffalo front for 22 yards great run great guy but I'm watching Donald pin guys something's going on with the LEM taco pin he's a strong guy tough guy I'm watching right now he's limping going back to the huddle he's limping Raiders have reached the Buffalo Wild Wings red zone Buffalo Wild Wings wings beer sports they're trying to tie Buffalo they're gonna go jumbo the dog Alexander comes in first in 10 Raiders on the Buffalo 13 yard line now Penn gets down at left tackle Barracuda moveset Robertson tighter right he as the charger was left gun run coming right to block light set Roberts breaks a tackle and he's dropped down the 10 yard line Roberts a good blocking slot receiver Tommy ray proposes a man just enough to help secure that edge not a big gain but Roberts sealing that edge was able to pop him for a three yard run yeah I got a 3 yard run good running and keep the ball moving keep the ball movement don't spend a lot of time in Arlen and that's what they're doing second down 7 Raiders on the Buffalo 10 they go slot left Roberts inside of Crabtree with Michael Rivera tight left so clear left the end and back fields empty the Tagus Murray in the right slot inside of Amari Cooper through your left or two or ripens second and seven 10 yard line snapped from Hudson the car car throws cut Marco Rivera first and oh the door rate is on the one yard line they pushed him back with his progress should be at the 1 or 2 yard line Zach Brown the middle linebacker Lin shoved him back but Buffalo was playing so much zone here and air dropping and even on the goal line they're giving the raiders some big areas in the middle of their defense well you remember that two men rest they had the last time the Raiders were down here they did that again again the nose guard stood up stood in the middle was watching their size trying to follow and try to Doug knock down the center passes but you're right rush to dropped 9 playing a whole lot of zone Raiders ago a jumbo here Badal Alexander is in he lines up the left to pen Prevert outside of him they put Derrick in the gun al owal a gets low as a lead blocker offset right they give it to Murray [Applause] Raiders they are not going for - to tie the game they're going to bringing Janikowski here with 57 seconds to go in the third quarter to cut Buffaloes lead to 24 23 they're not going to go for two even though the Raiders are four for five this year timeout two-point conversions well they're probably confident they're going to get the ball back anyway and they're gonna be and they're gonna score that was a nice hole in the well you're right about that coast that time the offensive line on the Buffalo Bills defense and scored with their men and that's why that hole was so big that time the che train got off the tracks a little bit he got airborne to jump over the top of the pile to get the Raiders to touchdown Janikowski with the point after and it is good Janikowski makes the point after he hit it off the right upright and it ricocheted in though the Raiders do get the point and make a 2423 Carr played his first game the NFL in New Jersey event mesh stadium against the Jets Rex Ryan blitzed him all day that day as your water young quarterback time I think it's a great statement to Derek and his ability to see the field and be well-prepared and execute throws bad pinky at all that Rex Ryan is not blitzing him today he's worried about it worried about Derek he's also worried of what all is array of receivers they're all equal make it play when Rex plays time grading he's played him a lot as the head coach of the New York Jets and now the Buffalo Bills he does not blitz lately he knows he'll take a slow death as opposed to a quick one against Brady's using the same thing against Derek Carr here's the kickoff by janakowski it goes to the back edge of the black hole south end zone for a touchback it's interesting changing McCoy blank is coming back into the game for Buffalo so he was on the exercise bike the stationary bike got it again his heart rate up but maybe just wasn't sure if there was a concussion we may have district trying to loosen up as lo-fi you know when he was down on the ground he was talking to the doctors he big they weren't checking him out any specific you know that's why I thought he was a little bit sleep near my bill mostly because of protocol but he's back we'll see how he is now he's had an assortment of injuries throughout his career need a dislocated thumb and it's surgery just came back and also he said a hamstring problem bursted ten buffalo on their 25-yard line up before entire ox head of the quarterback did it take the shotgun snap look right step up and throw it has pop it up he went to Sammy Watkins bit coverage there by TJ Carey who wasn't wearing a strong game that very difficult inside at the nickel corner slot position time for DJ Hayden DJ's gonna have to play the rest of the year in that spot with DJ going on IR yesterday with a hamstring he played that well on Sammy Watkins there he closed well that right up his left hip in with the left hand reached in there cleanly and knocked the ball away they Dalit continues to play in the later group secondary Reggie Nelson the cow Joseph out with a foot injury now they put him in an epistle Tyrod Taylor he has shady behind it's a draw he's hopping in trumpet introduction aerators heaven and in that time nowhere to run and nowhere to hide Bruce Irvin lengths very nicely kept him inside would not let him jump cut outside and then they all jumped on them led by koneko Autry that's exactly the way you're supposed to play that defense Bruce Irvin has got force he's got containment and that's exactly what he did when said he went to look to go outside there was no word from the goal listen turned it back into arrest of the Raiders corral de 20 seconds to go third quarter Buffalo six for ten on third down today they face a challenging one here doc they're down in ten they have three receivers felt like they sing about Sammy walked over I'm George Smith left and a false start false tried Coughlin all Bart office number 77 they've lined their left tackle still clear down the lawyers level just one open grig it's gonna get louder as we start this fourth quarter we're going to have another pulsating fourth quarter the Raiders with five comebacks in the fourth quarter this year including last Sunday against Carolina and Derek Carr is the best fourth quarter quarterback in football and now they're going to line the clock and that'll be the last play of the third quarter after the false start they'll pick up the clock and that's it we are going to the fourth quarter the Raiders time to win football games as they try to get to ten and to first play of the fourth quarter third and 15 Buffalo Tyrod Taylor to Sammy well kids broken up here to play David Anderson play man like a safety able to come down hill time he was deeper than rock kids TJ Carey may have had the initial coverage but he played that like a safety downhill played it late in the route and time to beautifully Taylor to pop him I'll tell you Tyra up there just laid that in there very softly that was not a very well cold ball not at all and he guided that woman into power it mean Jay Manuel much better than showing at this draft fix this has not been able to play quote skip nada the lower layers almost blocked that punch they almost got it Andre hands almost blocked the front then Colton Smith punts it out of bounds in the buffalo sideline Leandre Holmes bad shoulder neck at all they've been motioning him all day as a gunner top still being very effective he almost blocked that punt whoa just missed it 35 yard by Colton Schmidt it was there the jitters today later in the game we will name the Geico Drive of the game what does it mean when Geico says just 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance it means you probably should have gone to Geico calm 15 minutes ago the final 15 minutes has been the Raiders time I guess George blame head snake Stabler back in the 70s all over again the Raiders about spoiler opponents 109 290 in the fourth quarter Derek Carr the best fourth-quarter quarterback in football and they have five come-from-behind fourth-quarter wins pistol formation car play action here we go let's check lost in his face he grounds the ball and yet Seth Roberts they're in the right flat but Buffalo took that away Lawson an impressive player the way he's maintained contain on the edges they've tried to get him to fight a couple of times he was their first-round draft pick out of Clemson again a shoulder operation in maze derailed his rookie year job but he looks like a good player yeah he does he's got to be very agile and gurney he doesn't go for the fake so he's out there with good leverage by watching a replay of that last Colton Schmitt punt Andre Holmes just missed blocking their second and 10 Raiders on their 41 car back steps up Cox how close a high rainbow Michael Crabtree 'trust but dropped the ball oh he made a nice in-flight adjustment to the ball went up and won the battle of Kevon Seymour the rookie time and then he just dropped the ball yes those are the kinds that he using the time that he use he catches it he comes off the field I think you heard it too look man maybe a finger link but he made such a great adjustment on the flight of the ball he did not push off either but then the ball was back towards the middle and his safety he had a bow was there to knock it away Crabtree okay as far as I know guys I think it might have just that's as literally tape in his left hand a little bit there down in 10 Raiders on there 41 car in the gun Robertson Cooper slotted left Rivera and Holmes go right our steps up throws ha I want to catch my Michael Crabtree my back shoulder seen what's a flag that's going to be hitting the defenseless receiver knows 15 extra yards what a great catch by Michael Rivera as the ball time was a seam route but Derek threw it back shoulder on the seam away from the coverage excellent kitchen catch there by car and Rivera was wobbly another 15 yards I think so they are they are huddling here but that looked like a helmet to helmet and they should add 15 more which would put the ball and around the 20-yard line bill vinovich really there's no foul for contacting the helmet the hit was leading shoulder-to-shoulder first they'll have to see a replay as they did conference he got his entire crew together to look it over and they decided that the hit was not illegal but Rivera ran a seam right on Cory White and the ball was so beautifully placed outside he had a bow hit him and I have to agree with that time he did lead with his shoulder he also got him low enough it was shoulder to shoulder not helmet to helmet yeah you agree you're agree leaders will take it on to 37 is where they mocked that mark that down 37 yard line they go jumbo but Alexander lines up at Donald Campbell left Walford left of that quick 360 spin around after a play-action a lot to I it almost intercepted but Gareth miss dr. Holmes there on a sit-down route interesting plan not certainly we've seen that action before darica play-actin a complete 360 spin came back left and he had the big target Holmes and he overthrew him right in the area where Stephon Gilmore was lurking and he has four interceptions this year well you know what would be running so successfully out of the pistol this is just a little changeup action to keep him honest a little play action and that's exactly what you saw Adam wide open with just a high throw in the derrick out of the rock fast 360 spin ball out quick second at 10 37 yard line a buffalo ladies are down to one point the chard lines up to Derek's roided grab three times Hudson pointing out the Blitzers here they come from all different levels car gonna throw water Cooper's down fine [Applause] 37-year over-the-top territory cooker as they pick out the rookie from USC Kevon seymour and the Rangers at last and the lead guys if you remember that last play if you remembered that that was a check with me again we're Buffalo loaded the Box Jalen Rashard the running back pointed out the safety coming down and that's when Derrick decided to go on top of the double mode logo they slant and gautama Mary Cooper where the great slant got the rookie Seymour to bite and then went right behind him on the go the slow go slant and go they are waiting to confirm the touchdown of Amari won the tackle down his knee went oh it's a touch though it's a good job of the watching through right now he's across the day the best of Norwood as he is easily across the goal line well his body control touchdown Raiders in his 29 to 24 they're still not going to go for two here to make it 7 at extra point here would still the Buffalo with a touchdown of the mere extra point to go ahead they're not going for - hi Stanford condo hold on by Ken Janikowski with the extra point somehow the Raiders have gotten to 30 30 how do they do this they had three field goals in the first half and now they just go boat boat boat and they've got three touchdowns here quickly and they've taken the lead back they have to get to burlington time before we go to Kansas City and Thursday was a bit chilly in Kansas City today Janikowski will kick away Chiefs were on the road and he wore on a wild game in the development there's the kickoff at a touchback rain the tape will take it Ning in the Buffalo Enzo there you go the black hole coming to liar this is Derek Carr Derek are in the fourth quarters of games this year quarterback rating over a hundred and twenty one is now thrown ten touchdowns in fourth quarters this year this one IMT Badfinger and all he comes alive when he needs to 14 minutes and eight seconds to go Raiders up thirty twenty four Buffalo starts on their 25 Dustin hunter the big receiver goes in ghost motion left they give it a shady McCoy he breaks the tackle spins off of that hip and picks up him a couple more can he'd go actually slow to get up is he alright his arm kind of got caught in there and he was involved in the tackle member he hurt his hand early in the year and was playing with a club on his hand when he didn't able to force that back inside Lincoln hold that - only 2 yard gain by the elusive shady McCoy always got to keep retain always got to know that you got outside force because JD's left before any area can get out in the space and make people miss throwing out lines up to the left of Tyrod Taylor in the buffalo shotgun second 1/8 Buffalo there's a fake gun run Taylor back Taylor looking middle crossed out to us right now this quarterback couldn't run out we get a chase he throws mid only over through the tight end Christian who got wide open that's just a bad throw there by 10 it's hard if you're being chased by de Nikko Audrey but he lobbed that one a little bit too much time had he hit a Christian Gerald Christian really just elevated off the practice squad so they have not had a lot of reps together that would have been a big game for Buffalo yeah but the other throw we're one of the Raider defenders a nerve to do it there and I don't think I think that's why he was overthrown box rate one thing about Taylor he is not a big quarterback he's less than at six on time and you think he's even shorter their dad in a Bill's on their 27 Sammy Watkins Belgian motion followed by TJ Carey in the slot TJ he's all yours give me handle sandy left slot on 13 a Mac a bull run pushes the pocket back taylor throws it away and he got hit in the pocket and just threw it out weakly there to the tight end nick O'Leary so nice coverage there TJ carry leg picked up Sammy Watkins but the Leo Mac from the University of Buffalo pulls out the Mack truck bulrush moved there and just overpowered their right tackle alert Mills yeah you're right and this is where you thankful as a Raider that Tyrod Taylor has some of the warhorse accuracy because he had time but he just couldn't find a completion got him on the elbow tap and all he saw was Gordon Mills back coming right at him Khalil just grabbed his elbow as he was coming forward with the ball and for that ball to be a wobbler to the ground here's the punt and it's taken by jailing the Shah gonna come wide left it's the edge 40 gets it locked him hold him down the sideline Colton strengthen Potter will shove him on special teams have been a big part of this comeback today guys we've got a flag on the other side of the field guys and it's on the Buffalo 45 yard line bill vinovich and his crew is huddling together here is Bill our referee today they're in the kik holding receiving Reno's 56 ten-yard penalty from the end of the kick birth down well the key thing is is from the end of the kick from where he held initially which is going to be advantageous the drive starts not going to be as good welcome the way the drive start is linked note it will be on the 15-yard line Dylan her shark caught that ball on the 25 the Raiders would have had the ball at midfield but the Daren Bates block in the back and that's much more than histor 10 yard block in the back ladies five penalties for 45 yards it appears like more buffalo six penalties 53 yards gareth in the john run for Jalen Bouchard it's toppled on that side cuts it back inside makes the tackle among others a Nicaraguan their inside linebackers Preston Brown made the tackle but the dragon picked up six yards there and they're blocked by Michael Crabtree later setting up the second and three Raiders backed up on the ball they're playing with more tempo now try gonna throw a quick one cut by crack great speech by Brown breaks a tackle and he's all the way up to the 40 yard line go back-to-back plays the run by Rashard the quick intentful past time they got that out before Buffalo got aligned to gain 18 yards to Crabtree Buffalo middle-aged you all day quick we sustained Lisa call that guy's uncovered new territory was uncovered off the line of scrimmage the linebacker was looking inside it was easy pitcher catch luckily those a lot of things defensively and they just weren't ready for that snap 1510 Buffalo then rushed for here showing a gap blitz from Preston Brown their wide gun run to the shard he comes right back into the middle of the front or Brown the middle linebacker makes the tackle rounds right in the middle of the Buffalo defense question ground and Zac Brown behind their hulking nose tackle myself dari isn't daya Williams as well Buffalo got a sub out their entire front going to more of a sleeker look they're gonna bring in Jerry Hughes great rush and former Baltimore her Indianapolis Colts and then Lorenzo Alexander with 10 quarterback sacks on the year second down and nine they go empty now Murray good emotion out right outside of a Amari Cooper vibe offer to strike left Derek now audible izing at the line we had Robertson Crabtree left Cooper and Murray right and now timeout Derek audible eyes one time the play clock was getting down to zero and he stopped the game with a greater time out on the Levin 17 to play in the game Buffalo with two timeouts remaining and now likewise for the Raiders with two timeouts a lot of them checking their check their link they went to the fast rushing group refused and Alexander the Raiders went empty and that Derek called an audible event we wound up burning a timeout there no he ran out of time when after he did that last check the play clock got down he called that timeout right before it hits zero but one thing I noticed that he was looking at there are a lot of teams that like to blintz empty looks and he wanted to see if Buffalo was going to do that but the moment they sent latavius Murray he far out right they checked off they went vanilla and they backed up so Derek will be handed a little bit of a decision time and of course the play clock ran out on him whether they're known as Blitzers the Ryan brothers table of course their dad buddy but that same 46 defensive Chicago and the Jets defense that went to the Super Bowl some of the others was known for blitzing but they're not let's see today they're playing here Derek Carr with coverage there ladies go empty again they flip it now to go right Walter and Marie and three left and his super tight left Michael Rivera in between Cooper and Crabtree there's Derek I second and I'm going to be flushed out right by Jerry booze and ourselves our guest wants to decide when he throws it away when scramble drill one of the guys to go deep there was shallow and vice-versa but nothing ever uncovered just got outside of the tackle box up against the Buffalo sideline and throw it away but yeah Buffalo new rush three that time you know one thing that's used for for Buffalo collapse a little bit given on Austin power of bull wrestle which is going to help a little bit firmer maintain their pocket might not a forced air cap that's what rush out of it and the early - he's a plank covered this year she goes to a blitz package here and throwing directs a drop Brian that jokah front leg going to or down three or four standing up and walking around how Lawson gets up very Hughes's down Williams is up here they come they're going to bring five dollars flushed out right close the ball on the ground to Murray that time they brought pressure and they brought it from that Joker two-point stance and he came quickly and Derrick just threw the ball away Tory Graham is the guy they came they've been lit seing him a lot today they're deep safety and the Raiders on the Blitz package there must bunt the ball now they brought Lorenzo Alexander over the middle a little in front they walk guys around there's not usually you kind of have an idea who's coming they're not sure they're coming from different spots Buffalo's going for a punt block now they have eight in the middle look out for Jerry Hughes in this situation he blocked one against Seattle on a Monday night or a couple of weeks ago they're going for a block in the middle Marquette King does get it away though and tape will go back to he'll let it go it'll bounce on the five the rain is tie rod Jones will down it hi boy Holmes will scramble the tie rod touch that ball around the two yard line what work there like Taiwan Jones that's a tough part to get away from our kick King as they were trying to block it and he nailed it 55 yards for the black hole to be it's known to be Buffalo we'll start on their 4 yard line right up against the North endzone question Sam 10:53 to play in the game the Raiders lead by six Tyrod Taylor has felt knew his right shady McCoy to his left will drop and throw from the end zone holds and fall down hit it's up in the year it's intercepted by Nate Allen on the Buffalo 16 yard line he gets up and runs back urban touched it down the ball got hit by Khalil man as Tyrod Taylor Thomas was standing in the end zone for eternity and just waited in the way to the Whalen coming back like he did last time just got in there and tipped his arm and the ball went straight up in the air intercepted it what a break the first turnover the game's a big one as Khalil Mack just got him from behind did he tipped the ball I think he just touched the ball man how often have we seen Khalil come through with some clutch plays that's why he's going to be all-pro definitely coming up and he'll he doing that that interception right there from a talent he may be the Defensive Player of the Year after what he did last week against Carolina birch Tyrod Taylor waited a long time in Khalil ran the loop Rankin I couldn't quite see if we got the ball or his arm I've lifted off the ball with him replay us all went straight up in the air time he got he got the ball we got the ball got the back of the ball and it was better he didn't block it he just tipped the back of the ball and as he spluttered straight up in the air and Allen plucked it now out of a pistol dareth with Murray behinds they give it a Murray straight ahead let him block the front at all Lorenzo Alexander Lincoln normally is on the outside of their defenses last couple of times been lining up over the over the middle in the a and B gaps and he just came unblocked there to stuff that bad well you know what again now they were starting to read the pistol the fact that the Raiders have done this consistently all day and I saw both ends kind of pinch in there was nowhere for latavius to go once he got the football he lost a yard check at 11 Raiders on the buffalo 17 at yard line Eric in the gun set Roberts Michael Crabtree slotted right Amari Cooper singled up left again staphon Gilmore was shard to Derrick's left they draw him out of the garage straight ahead tan hit by we had a bow and runs right over him for the pocket rocket is tough he hit him right at the 10-yard line he head of always a tough run playing type safety and Rashard was able to push him back that time they ran in the middle behind Rodney Hudson link and got you now at the 11 back to set up a third guy - you know Gary Glen coach no that was that was just a standard drawl but everything we got bodies on bodies and let the little guy run and the little guy is powerful because they're playing so much zone coverage is actually a good call because they were backing up a plane soft Derrick recognized that the middle zone in the middle of that zone was very soft nice block there by Rodney Hudson Kyle Williams it was - gapping here on that flight big flight timeout again will be called by derrick karr Blakelock was getting dab where they were in the huddle a long time and after that second down play so it's third down and two and the Raiders and have used two of their three second-half timeouts yeah Derrick a little frustrated there that the play got in so late I guess Denis Musgrave again called it plays this entire year at the press box level something he's had to get used to he did call plays at the press box level a couple of different times with George Seifert when he was the offensive coordinator for Georgia Carolina and also in college football for alcohol when L was the head coach at the University of Virginia is a big buy a field goal here would give you a two score lead at 33 to 24 you're set up for that you feel going but a touchdown here make it tough on Tyrod Taylor and the buff about seem to come back time because they're just not built for him to drop back at all they need to have the running game and the play-action throws off the running game raters in the huddle now bill Musgrave gets the call ended Derek Carr bill vinovich will begin to wind the 25 second play clock and here we go 9 minutes and 20 seconds to play great is trying to get to 10 and 2 and stay on top in the AFC West going to Kansas City Chris O'Dowd on Thursday they go pistol Murray's behind car super singled up right on Cemal or the rookie Derek looks it over and it's a gun run straight ahead pistol run Murray first down Raiders waving a flower straight ahead inside the five first and goal to go Raiders on the Buffalo 3 yard line link they may be predictable on the pistol but they just ran straight ahead behind the middle of their front Hudson flanked by those two big guards go separately in Jackson and they move that Buffalo front backwards oh there's no mistake about it that time guys that's just a simple dive and that's when you come over I have a timeout I'm gonna put it in your hands and he got behind that big offensive line they moved the entire bills front back they may do it again now they bring in a low wall a murid lines up behind Derrick and apisto Allah wale to his side Derrick takes the snap they give it a Murray cutting the ride he walks into the end zone touchdown Raiders another rushing touchdown for latavius Murray he has two today 11 on the year Wow did that open up wide leg just a power play off the right side they barely laid a finger on him guys that into that place called 18g with where the play side guard pulls out and supposed to kick out the end man on line of scrimmage but Buffalo was so soft Gabe Jack Gabe actually turned up in the hole Raiders had 9 points at halftime now they have 36 and they are going for 2 now to try to make this a 14-point lead Raiders one of the best two-point converting teams in football they are 4 out of 5 he have jump haulers and Cooper and Crabtree you can run it again this will be from the 2 yard line Derek in the gun this time but sanity is to his right Michael Crabtree goes out wide right Cooper goes inside the slot now the emotion Roberts away so Mary is outside left they faked it they rolled Derek he throws for Roberts give the Raiders two more easy that's his play design Derek are fake Mary coming left side rolled out right he drags set Roberts with him and the Buffalo defense completely dropped him they didn't expect him there that expected him down the field using he's over the middle of the ball when they throw him the ball all Sunday into the flight in the back Hill I'm wearing a little flat row the Raiders going 16 yards in four plays that's a V another touchdown and the Rangers have 38 24 Khalil Mack right Derek Carr plays his best football when your best football is required and as the kicked off by Janikowski it will be a touchback Tulio Mack Tom just takes over in the fourth quarter he seems to get stronger in the fourth quarter and you've been told you men are conducted in boy if you're that tackle of whatever inside he lines up and now with a 14-point lead he can finish back Tyrod Taylor better be on his toes let's pause ten seconds for station identification dear Leslie the compass media networks this is the NFL [Applause] first attend buffalo on their 25 has pleaded out to shady McCoy makes a man miss in space Malcolm Smith carry around his junior will hit him actually it was no screen length there were no blockers out and more on Justin checked out trying to get to Shady to be Shady he was able to shake one but not the second he picks up five yards get him free in space get him on linebacker where he's going to have the advantage and and of course once he gets going he's hard to spring down this is hard for Buffalo Todd they're not built for this quarterback to drop and throw and bring them back we servin got such a rolling start looked like he was offsides and a flag does come down he was offsides Mike he's Goodman it will slip down on the catch he yards shy but Bruce Irvin and jumped offsides they let that play go clearly in the neutral zone and see if Rex Ryan takes the gain or the offsides probably the offsides and take the down over the side defense number 51 five-yard penalty and being second out it'll take the penalty time and keep it at second down here being second about Wharton for a first down you gotta be leery of Sammy Watkins here mark he's good when it's also very fast arguably their fastest but Sammy Watkins has size and speed he's going out wide right he got behind Jalen Ramsey but for the last wake the Jaguars great work three corner big play down the sideline Ambersons got him singled up second down in Laurel Buffalo take a shot here they're down to touchdown don't look at a gun run JD McCoy we got hit by Malcolm Smith but he even get the first down I think he did you know they'd be sure to get much but he got just the yard they needed for the first down right on the 35 yard line after sun's back it's easy to see first on Buffalo Brock will roll the middle seven two timeouts remaining and they're down two touchdowns was 725 to go Taylor in the gun slot right Sammy Watkins outside the numbers Taylor door gonna check it down to shady McCoy down the sideline again he holds the ball in one hand often his big hands he has fumbled three times this year but not lost any he was pushed out of bounds there on the Buffalo 41 yard line a gain of five JD will take a playoff second down coming up for the bills they bring in Gillis Lee they go slot right Justin Hunter the big huge wide receiver formerly at Tennessee Vienna had cutter Buffalo picked him up in the Watkins outside of him they run vertical stop now in the out cut Raiders give it in the short stuff they don't want to let him get on top Shawn Smith flake Bale stayed on top mark he's good with time on the comeback rot will pick up the Buffalo first down on their 48 yard line gain of 7 ladies are keeping two safeties deep reggie nelson and nate allen again fell joseph left with a foot injury has not come back in looks like he most assuredly will not first and ten buffaloes shotgun tie-rocks hey the looking back not coming right now to the run he goes down they will cover him up it will not be a sack the Niko Autry will tackle him all right there's the yard who sold me on their license remix there no sack at the cop pocket did collapse on him now as we approach six minutes to play in the game Sammy Watkins is running off the field for Buffalo and he's bothered by a foot injury he could have been surgery on that court at the end of the year so he can't play every snap he played over 25 of their 55 snap bastard when they win over Jacksonville slot right grid when the fast guy goes left Taylor back steps up throws and it's caught juggled is over did he catch that boss he went in a bounce never getting the catch marques Goodwin link did not catch that ball cleanly and then as he approached the boundary they're gonna say he did regather and catch it and step out on the Raider 40-yard line well the way that referenda pan signal catch he said it decisively but I don't know yeah they're not gonna challenge the clock will continue at five minutes unless they will stop the clock wouldn't go out of bounds in the game that now Taylor shotgun they hooked it up any why Lincoln played he went to the tight end a nickel lyric salmon a little hook route from his right inside slot positions against Iraq Taylor just did not not a great thrower of the football he will take a little less with his running ability for that time he was just wide and a simple a little out cut for a plus in fluid or it will be too a little fuel they're gonna have to make a call on him again they have a 30 million-dollar guarantee they have to give him after this year that's highly unlikely BJ Manuel the backup quarterback the former number one pick as at the end of his contract buffalo needs a quarterback there shady McCoy in this defense they could be a player in the AFC East here's Taylor now flush drop that comes middle he'll run 35 puts a move on Sean Smith and goes down very close to a first down in the Raider 30-yard line I know you're not thrilled with the Raiders giving up yards like this but they're gonna give them yards as long as they keep going down the field and 10 yard chunks and right now the clock is at five ten to play the Raiders are up two touchdowns Buffalo also as flippin receivers taking the time to snap the ball they knew Brandon takes lot left inside a Goodwin Sammy Watkins his back in look out for him Nelson coming over on his hash they run Reggie Bush up the gun runs straight ahead gonna take a shot here time to Sammy Watkins they're not going to do it the buffalo and is trying to isolate him but the Raiders are rolling safety help over the top you know I really don't think the tie rod feels comfortable enough to throw that ball even if he even if he sees it he's taking the short stuff and he's very conservative although they do lead the lead he get end up balls in the air 22 more yards that are completed they don't throw it well often but when they do they like to go deep at times there's Taylor now pressured by Mack that a loved one right he had seven walk you to the overthrown flat-out miss Sammy Watkins time on the double move he got behind David Amerson the safety Allen came over but there was a window there through an NFL quarterback has got to hit that throw and Tyrod Taylor missed him yeah that's gotta be a Ferb throw can't be a lob throw because you give the safety a chance to get over that time it was a lob throw but it was too far anyway and also guys Nate Allen was more concerned with the tight end running down the scene than Emerson expected him play cover to and be in that box he was the Emerson was looking him he gotta be boy they got there a little bit late Lorena's got lucky is a bathro second intent for the rate of 28 it looks left looks middle looks like not chased that by audrey the hard ward reserve intros sidelined no catch Justin Hunter came back on the ball and tried to make that tough catch up against the Raiders sideline but he could not get folk she in bounds incomplete that'll stop the clock with 411 to play third down and 10 for the Buffalo Bills who have not won in this Stadium since Jack Kim was the quarterback and it was the first year this place ever looked at 1966 they have lost here 8 straight chest where is you on the quarter berg you know if you had to bring it over 31:10 buffalo and now traded to the next year for lamonica Tyrod Taylor and I third down steps up throws I think we got a flag down Paul startled to a plane every County they hit O'Leary for the first time but Buffalo and his deafening roar of the black hole false started length false start on tape prior to the snap false start offense level 15 five-yard penalty still third downs the wide receiver Brandon shade it was wearing jack camp's old number 15 yeah I got a 1 wide receiver that was a 14 another that where's a 15 so that'll push him back on the 33 yard line the black hole can sense it now trying to get to 10 and to keep pace with New England atop the AFC and set it up for a Thursday night showdown with the ancient rival Chiefs at Arrowhead third and 15 Buffalo on the rate of 33 they're running out of time they're running out of downs they got a slot right Goodwin left Tyrod Taylor pressured by Mack steps up checks down through high what a catch by saving a boy 20 he's got the first down a right at it what a catch that rush Tyrod Taylor threw it up with all his helmet time the little guy LeSean McCoy so he's 511 with one arm he reached right over the top of his helmet support that ball one-handed and then run for a first down he's quite a player use nano Jay Simpson obviously Thurman Thomas some of the great running backs in the history of this league looky looky here comes cookie cookie Gilchrist to the bills back in the sixties and shady McCoy don't have any Buffalo for two years but he has his skill set there are parts of all of them and the gun goes Taylor slot right or even around the ends they push them upfield late Matt got it behind the balls free who's got it to Leo's got it again he did it again but now they're stripped sack to take the game for the Raiders 3:20 to play he and Derek Carr know when it's time to win the game did it last week against Cam Newton link he came around this time rushing over the right tackle Jordan Mills he got him from behind and pulled that ball out that he recovered his whale yeah he did and fell right into his lap Gus how about Bruce Irvin realizing that he's got a Titan who glided him and RAM right around him the strip sack recovery Kaleo got one at the end of the game last week boy what a game what a fourth quarter he got Tyrod Taylor on the arm on third down he got him on the arm and the ball out of the end zone to force the interception by Nate Allen and now he has taken the game into the Raiders niche here just looking to run the clock out Murray in the pistol gar takes the snap straight ahead a two-hand handoff and it goes straight ahead to the SUV where latavius Murray picks up a couple shaq lost in their rookie outside linebacker makes the tackle Rex Ryan has two timeouts two years Tom he's not going to use one yet Raiders will take this play clock down as far as they can right now the play clock is at 20 right now and 255 to play in the game or just a couple of more first downs in this game will be over and the Raiders will head you Arrowhead and at 10:00 and 2:00 with a showdown with a KC Chiefs who got to nine and three the game but a game that's going to be on Thursday pistol formation Derek takes it again a two-hand handoff to Murray gonna power off the right side nine out Rex Ryan now as latavius was dropped on the Raider 30-yard line will bring up a third down at 3 to 31 to play in the game Kyle Williams a four-time Pro Bowl tackle the bills made is at angle therefore ranks that's okay he can make the tackle with his five yards down the field so I do it mean there's nothing fancy about a coach go mano-a-mano football you got your big guys is like they're coming off the ball there's no trick block give it to you running back and hand hit by the free supplement on what the best part is they know what's going now you know what to cover now you're gonna stop us in this right now member we had that dating with Jack Del Rio before the year and he said if we want to have the kind of running game or just what you said where they know what's coming we know it's coming the whole stadium knows it's coming and they still can't stop it all those are the best feelings you know what link you have to be impressed with the rate is the way they modified their run game but Derek having the bad right thinking to do it out of the pistol today this is not a big pistol team and they've done it out of the pistol today and for them to do it at this time the season really shows that with the wherewithal integrity just on the fly late the year hurry the gun lines up in the pistol like the high Derrick tire Buffalo loading the box Brandon Spikes the great run flavor from New England that have come in the a gap they gave him Murray we heard his hi he's very close to a first down this forward to me Buffalo will take their last timeout now with 227 the plague link he moved it after but we never very close to him his close-up flaw he was he's gotten so much better as a shirt yardage they are gonna be pumped up all the way here my Kennel Club in he's not so much but a member fingers title I asked you in delays have a show Marie's got 11 touchdowns and just that run right there with a way he's been able to leave every man upright too much room get know he can get on that forward link that's what we're worried about that he ran to hide with us but he's learned to jump over leap over and learn his slide including for powerful but you think yeah that's right coach you know probably you have mentioned throughout the time that he doesn't jump he generally tries to run through hope but now he's so little more patience just in that last play he leans forward quite get the first down but he picked up an extra yard by the lead for Marquette King needs a big pot here Buffalo's got to go for a block they have no jammers at all so they've got ten guys on the line they're going for the block in the middle Marquette got hit they throw the flag where's do they throw the flag this will go to the end zone for a touchback it won't matter they have a run in to Marquette kick he picks the flag op zoek don't take the personal foul I got one he's got one he just took one did you stop you can't grab the flag my kick kick kicked up the flag he can't do that personal foul roughing the kicker roughing receiving team number 30 15-yard penalty automatic first down I think even if they call him emotional like conduct delay game kicking team number seven the penalty would be enforced after the first national first Thurston 25 he'll never do that again but he he gets a little excited it's going to your dance don't grab a prop like a flag but the lucky thing is the Ruffman they called it roughing not just running into but roughing yeah you choose 15 yards okay this leg was in the air when the markers like hit a peasant growing up yet he's still a kid he's got a lot of energy but in any it's kind of a wash because they they would have moved in 15 yards forward the bottom line is the Raiders get the ball back they'll never make that mistake again but you cannot pick up the yellow hankies look how the field so now Buffalo's out of timeouts the game is not quite over yet but it's close one more first down here then this will be over 220 to play I know you love this length oh yeah just be able to run it out here they're gonna get mad pistol one of the few more time bill been a bit still conferencing with his crew I think they want to see where they're exactly gonna spot the ball well they don't they move it up 15 and then move it back now let's just kind of the same yeah look at a budget 15 then March it back 15 yesterday were you worried that's exactly what I know what also link I got a look go back and look at all the runs today and it seems like also going into pistol Derek has been able to hand off with two hands today and not extend like if you're gonna run wide left he'd have to just do it with a right or the right hand so I wonder how many those handoffs he had today were two handed hand off to secure the ball more well you know out of the pistol I've seen dive runs and I've seen not necessarily stretch runs off tackle runs ant in that see gap and of course the Tagus Murray using this is his vision to find those holes but Jalen were started out of the gun the actual gun formation has been a little bit better with his running style and them able to pull in a tackle for track play Raiders will take over on their 32 yard line the yardage really is immaterial here they just want to make one more first down you could do it on this play or any play after the two-minute warning and it'll be it they just kneel down but they've got to make one more first down let's hope you don't debate the first job because he's not in 25 oh yeah it is 25 didn't it here handoff to Murray off the right side so it'll take us to the two-minute warning down below let's go more timeout so unless you do unless you throw the ball or pop a run here for a long runner that's going to be hard because Russians gonna load the box Buffalo will get the ball back but they're not going to have a lot of time as they're out of timeouts and second down will be snapped when we come back we have reached the two-minute warning here and Oakland the Raiders are on their way to 10 and 2 and a showdown Thursday night at Arrowhead they lead the bills 38 to 24 last week they did throw and Bill Musgrave had him throw on an early third down it was incomplete and then jack went forward on fourth down so with foundation of Musgrave and Del Rio and the Raider offensive nine you never quite know how aggressive they're gonna get here and get a pistol fire Murray behind them they give it to him off the right side across the 35 up to around the 30 60 and on the Raiders exhaust the entire 40 second play clock Eden few and he'll run a third down play it's they're down at 21 the play clock right now is it 30 with 143 to play so you'll snap it here at about 114 115 be able to run 40 seconds more before you front the ball on fourth down and that can't happen around on the Raider sideline he wants to point one more time today Reiter stay in the huddle for a long time we break it now with ten cleared down in 21 again a pistol heavy formation to the right they give it a Murray off the right side stops in the hole where the spin forward they tackle them with 1:10 to play play clock just starts now at 1:07 to play so they're gonna have to punt with less than 30 seconds to go in the game he'll run a timeout I think they're worried about the one Center the Goldberg was talking to Bill vinovich I think what he's saying Marquette has not come out yet yeah if they're just going to take this right down to one of the flight paths again call timeout yeah that's the way suit yeah I know you say that Melissa saveco good when is a head coach I oh boy I want so many I lost half up good today Derek's getting the crowd fired up they come over to the sideline three on the play clock to warn me they're just going to take it away again maybe they fell dark all the time not me get her jack yeah he called it one more time got two more left shoulder the one so upfront with 28 seconds to go Buffett ball is going to go for a block here and they'd like to use some of their great pass rushers as punt blockers in particular Gerry views he's really good at it [Applause] now I don't think they're going for the block because they don't want it over and they got a double both both go underneath they're doubling on great homes doubling Taiwan the Raiders have been moving Andre in motion all day today he's got a bad shoulder net but see if they motion him before the punt nope and stay still Marquette gets it away on the rate of 29 yard line and then granted Saints get after on the speck they just stay away from it it'll take the Buffalo role but they down that Nate Allen does on the Buffalo 28 yard line now they got 18 seconds to score 14 points good luck the Raiders are going to go to 10 and 2 and this will be for the Raiders now a six-game winning streak their longest winning string sits a lynx team got to 12 and forward and they hosted the AFC title game here against Baltimore and the Raiders will be 10 and 2 for the first time since that same year and John Gurdon was the head coach and Ford hosted everything all the way through the AFC playoffs or a Thursday night of arrowheads gonna be fun Chiefs did beat the Raiders last time the Raiders lost a game the ANZUS sitibi them here October the 16th so if Kansas City does win that game on Thursday they would beat the Raiders twice they would move in the first place all the way to have the same record by Rod Taylor at see how strong here are me they twist the front Mac comes middle guy rocketed chased out to his left running around just throws the ball the way he did not send the tackle box there bill vinovich will run over and check and see Taylor got him on his left hand if he got hurt shoulders slump in that shoulder his left shoulder pretty low Liam he's checking the play call Shane a huge sheet tire that flips up he's got like 200 plays he can call me at one wisp and play cause she they're down to their last couple of place here 10 seconds to go in the game Kaneko archery may have heard of shamed on that last play as well he's been playing with a bad hand since August until he'll Mac and Bruce Irvin want a sack here before it so look at pulling else get off time he's all over Taylor throws high and get played in the crossing route to Justin Hunter the lil Mac link is look at the pad his stats here well whenever you're defensive inland speed Russia and there's Bruce Irvin Orca lil Mac you see number 84 O'Leary or any tight end set to block you you know you take the unfilled rush as quickly as possible because they're not good at Bass Pro and Mac has it at least one sack today and a couple of major tips with one sack to give him 10 sacks on the year and he now has at least one in the last seven games and his nine of his sacks during the seven-game stretch have to see what the other pass rushers did but the 10 sacks been put up just behind von Miller at 12 and a half with Lorenzo Alexander D Ford and cliff April also had 10 come over to play today less chance for Buffalo Taylor will check it down JD McCoy's gonna have to break about 23 tackles here he's not urban we'll get him it's over the Raiders are 10 and 2 and they went off Buffalo scored early and a quick couple touchdowns to go up 24 tonight and then the Raiders just exploded two touchdowns before the end of the third quarter two more in the fourth quarter and the Raiders get to 38 and beat the bills by two touchdowns the Raiders are ten and two
Channel: Raider Classics
Views: 13,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raiders, Bills, Papa Classics, Raider Classics
Id: NHLk5qNRIqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 25sec (8485 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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