20 Most Dangerous Kids Toys Ever Sold

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what he winds do from hand cannons creating fire balls to wood burning and glassblowing kit sets with temperatures exceeding 1000 degrees we count 20 of the most dangerous kids toys ever sold number 20 Austin magic pistol this is a perfect example of how toys safety has changed over the years an actual hand cannon somehow made it onto the store shelves and was sold to kids in the late 1940s this toy included a supply of calcium carbide which explodes when mixed with water it fired ping-pong balls out of the gun at high speeds which would create a dangerous fireball in the process burning children's hands number 19 splash water rockets in the late 1990s a company made a toy rocket that could explode the splash water rockets used water pressure from a hose to build up energy until kids would stomp on the launcher and send the Rockets flying but sadly at least 38 cases were reported of the rocket exploding from the pressure or otherwise flying off and unpredictable directions this caused two lacerations to children's hands and face number 18 snap bracelets in case you haven't seen these before snap bracelets are spring-loaded metal bands wrapped in colorful design plastic or cloth they can be straightened out until rigid and then slept against a wrist causing the bracelet to curl back into place unfortunately it didn't take much for the more cheaply made versions of the toy to start causing major problems they would slice into children's tender flesh when the metal band wore through its covering with some schools even banning the bracelets number 17 aqua leisure baby boats babies love water so parents and tink on sitting their babies adrift the air quality baby boat was an adorable godsend too bad the cheaply made and fleet of boats tended to tear rather easily causing dozens of babies to plunge right through aqua Lygia were ultimately far and six hundred and fifty thousand dollars but knowing about the problem for six years number sixteen Skyranger remote control airplanes you would probably think a radio-controlled airplane would be dangerous because it could hit someone but that's not why the sky rangers pack fly a radio control airplanes make it on this list the reason is that these planes actually tend to explode nearly 50 injury reports were received around the world mentioning results like hearing loss minor burns and even eye injuries number thirteen bucky balls bucky balls were super strong magnetic ball bearings that could be used to construct creative discs sculptures unfortunately these round magnets slid easily down young children's throats and when multiple magnets was swallowed they had the nasty tendency to clamp together through the intestinal walls and not let go this could lead to tears and organs and blood poisoning bowel blockages and possible death number fourteen Stretch Armstrong let's look past the fact that this toy was filled with gelled corn syrup any toy that could potentially send a child to the hospital for head Stables due to a game of tug O'War was bound to be dangerous and that is exactly what this toy did to a lot of young ones when it came out in North America so basically try to imagine a game of tug of war ending and spilled jug corn syrup cuz that's exactly what the stretchy toy was filled with leaving parents not too happy number thirteen yo-yo water ball as of December 13 2007 the CPSC has received four hundred and nine reported injuries related to this toy two hundred and ninety four of those injuries were classified as suffocation or strangulation one child passed out and had his head so hard that he sustained a skull fracture while another child was found bleeding from his mouth and nose requiring CPR and even two children have had limbs in one surgery because of severe eye trauma when the core of the toys snap back and hit them with such force that it shattered their eyeball number 12 Polly Pockets in 2006 Mattel record more than 4 million Polly Pocket place its miniature plastic dolls with magnetized clothes after children swallowed loose magnets while the kids may have mistakenly believed that the magnets to be candy some teens even use the magnets to imitate nose or lip piercings and accidentally ingested them as well in either case they set off a potentially fatal chain of their limbs when multiple magnets are ingested they can connect inside the body and potentially tear through the lining of the stomach or intestinal walls which may result in death number 11 magnetics the magnetic series of toys were actually a coupe series of building toys that snap together using magnets the problem is that the magnets contained in the plastic connector pieces could easily fall out and children could easily swallow these tiny magnets that actually snap together inside of their stomachs and many young kids were injured and one even died I'm starting to think that toys with magnets are probably a bad idea number 10 the slip and slide since whammo first started selling it in 1961 more than 30 million slip-and-slide toys have been sold the aim of the game is for the player to slide down the wet sheet on his or her stomach and joint hours of cool fun on a hot day but the fun is meant for kids only in 1993 the Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a warning about slip and slide use by teenagers and adults it turns out that the slide wasn't long enough to accommodate their size and weight and the abrupt stop at the end in some cases even resulted in permanent spinal damage at the time of the warning one teenager and seven adults had become paralyzed by receiving neck injuries after playing on the slides number nine moon shoes these were marketed as many trampolines for your feet and of course the company didn't think of broken ankles when they created them instead they said hey here's an idea let's add Springs to our shoes the size of cement blocks and encourage kids to jump in them it's just like jumping on the moon except you're not on the moon and you're most probably going to get ankle fractures parents suggested that the slogan for the product should have been now your kids can break their ankles faster than ever before number eight the swing wing this was a toy similar to the hula hoop although worn on the head and twirled around by moving the neck and/or body in a back and forth motion that was developed by tránsito graham games and introduced in 1965 the company had been producing mainstream toys such as tiddlywinks and dr. kids since 1959 and since then kids all around the world began causing injury to themselves so the swing wing was eventually pulled from the market leaving kids searching for a new fun way to get their spinal injuries on number 7 monster science colossal water balls remember those little capsules they promised to magically grow into giant dinosaurs like the ones on the package when dunked in water those capsules would only transform into lumpy vaguely dinosaur shaped disappointments now what if we told the child version of you that there was a marble sized ball that when wet could literally grow 400 times its original size fun right now imagine these colorful marble sized balls somehow made it down into your small intestine such a scenario happened with kids all around the world and from there they caused life-threatening episodes of vomiting and dehydration and to top it all off these things were impossible to x-ray and even required surgery to remove number six kite tube the kite tube or tube which was three meters or 10 foot wide allowed a boat pulled rider to yank a cord in order to glide into the air unfortunately once riders went airborne they were given little control over the flame tube admittedly the Paracel mixed with an inner tube sounds pretty amazing but unfortunately with only stirrups and hand grips to keep you from falling flying to the height of a three-story building probably wasn't the best idea and kids weren't the only ones impacted by this incredibly dangerous toy and even three young adults were actually killed using one number five toy guns in October 2013 a sheriff's deputy in Santa Rosa California shot and killed a thirteen-year-old boy walking down the street carrying a replica of an ak-47 the policeman thought it was the real thing and feared for his own life whether BB guns airsoft paint guns or simple toys imitation firearms can play into a dangerous police matter US federal law since 1989 has required most toy guns to be outfitted with a bright orange tip of the muzzle or to have a brightly colored body unfortunately this young boy's gun did not have these distinctive markings number four creepy crawlers this particular toy came with the plastic goop the consistency of syrup and by adding an electric-powered mold that heats to 300 degrees Fahrenheit you could basically create your own toys this may seem like a dangerous mix but these were the primary ingredients and creepy crawlers a toy sold in 1964 the idea was to let kids mold their own spiders and bugs out of plastic all the while breathing potentially toxic and deadly fumes and burning their fingers on the sizzling hot plate number three Gilbert chemistry set this may look like a pretty safe and some boring science kit but among the 56 chemicals included in the Gilbert chemistry set was some potentially deadly stuff like potassium permanganate which besides being poisonous has been known to make things catch fire or ammonium nitrate the same chemical the US wants to regulate because it's used in homemade bombs all that stuff came in the same box and being a young nerd in the 1960s and 70s had never been so dangerous number two children's wood burning kids this is a combination of itching and branding wood burning is also known by its more hardcore name of pyrography as the technique of using a hot handheld iron to burn designs into a plank of wood usually an electric iron plugged into the wall makes more of a hobby for a trained adult than a younger crowd however this did not stop wood burning kits from being sold to children not only in the past but in the prison as well for just 141 Canadian or $24 American parents can buy this dangerous toy for their young child the product description notes that leather gloves which the manufacturer recommends should be worn while using the kits although that are actually sold separately number one d'hubert glass blowing sits if you've ever seen a glassblowing demonstration you know it's a blistering hot molten glass and a hollow tube used to blow air into a volcanic globe and it's almost always demonstrated by an adult unless of course you were a child of the 1950s who was given one of these deal with glassblowing suits luckily thus it contained the detailed instruction manual although the downside is that they spelled out different ways to heat the glass to a mountable state which if you didn't know is a thousand degrees Fahrenheit or five hundred degrees Plus Celsius then encourage children to come dangerous experiments without the use of safety equipment and for this reason the Gilbert glassblowing set is one of the most dangerous kids toys ever sold [Music] [Music]
Channel: TheWacky
Views: 9,470,870
Rating: 4.4156489 out of 5
Keywords: Dangerous, kids, toys, most dangerous, worst, children’s, ever made, ever sold, top 10, top 20, 20 Most Dangerous Kids toys Ever Sold, recalled, toy, worst toys ever
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 18 2014
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