15 Random Acts Of Vandalism That Are PURE GENIUS

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[Music] who said that vandals were bad people some of them are there to make things change and those we love the most are here to make us smile just wait until you see what happened when pac-man invaded the streets if this is your first time visiting this channel don't forget to subscribe and please give this video a big thumbs up today we're showing you 15 random acts of genius vandalism aliens you might think that crossing the street is safe when there are no cars around but you shouldn't only look to the right and to the left to see if there are any cars you should also look up at the sky to make sure that a spaceship is not there to get you this kind of alien invasion doesn't happen every day but these extraterrestrials seem to always be hanging around the same places that's why someone is here to warn us against alien abduction if you ever cross the street in this city you might be transported into another universe you might think that extraterrestrials don't exist but there are actually five traits that could get you abducted by aliens according to Graham CL Devi it's sleep paralysis a tendency to recall false memories high levels of absorption New Age beliefs and a familiarity with the cultural narrative of alien abduction so you were right to think that we don't have any proof that aliens exist those who think that they've seen one are not crazy minions when there is a fire you can count on fire fighters to save you they will quickly come to your place and use a fire hydrant to allow water to flow into their hoses fire hydrants are usually red to make sure that they will be able to quickly find them but with so many red things around us it can be hard for the fire hydrant to stand out this is why someone decided to make sure that everyone would see it by transforming it into a minion not only will it save us from a fire but it will also save us from having a bad day how can anyone not smile when they see this and if you want to laugh even more you have to watch Despicable Me remember the fire alarm scene in the second movie these yellow creatures quickly tried to save the situation in the worst way possible by smashing the wall screaming and trying to use a hose this was probably one of the most memorable scenes of the movie bTW we all remember the popular 1982 movie et the extra-terrestrial and one funny vandal made sure that all the men would never forget it however women might not have the chance to see this and you know why that's because he recreated one of the final scenes in the men's bathroom any of us would think that it was just a normal light but someone actually saw the moon this is why they decided to put a sticker of our favorite extraterrestrial on the light going to the bathroom has never been so entertaining but did you know that everything in the famous scene was real except Eliot mu T visual effects supervisor Dennis Muren and his team were asked to create special effects for the movie but surprisingly for the final scene he barely used any it took him weeks to find the right spot to film the scene and use maps and charts to coordinate it then he just had to add the two characters and that's how he got that beautiful result that is still iconic nowadays jellyfish we're so used to seeing these signs and bathrooms that we didn't even take time to take a closer look at it but when you stare at them for too long while washing your hands you notice that they don't make sense at all take a look at this one for example you might think that it's just about drying your hands but one animal lover saw a jellyfish that we should applaud instead sure we would applaud this weird creature if we could but none of them came out of this hand dryer and this is probably a good thing because jellyfish probably won't dry your hands that's because they are 85% to 98% water they even squirt water from their mouths to be propelled forward but what is more impressive is that with all this water they don't even have enough place for a brain a heart or lungs now that's one unique creature that we should applaud pothole flowers we all hate potholes and if you're a Canadian you hate them even more because they are just everywhere you can't drive in a straight line in Canada because there are always many holes on the road that you need to avoid and when you think that you finally found a way to avoid them you find out that the street is blocked because they're trying to repair those potholes once again this is why one nice person decided to make them more enjoyable by putting flowers in them and we couldn't be happier when driving to work but do you know why there are so many potholes in Canada it's because of winter when snow or rain seeps into the soil below the road it freezes causing the ground to expand and pushing the pavement up then when the temperature rises the ground returns to normal but it creates a gap that a car will soon drive over and that's how potholes are created cars there are still some things that we can enjoy during winter in Canada no one likes when their car is covered with snow and they have to wake up earlier in the morning to make sure that they'll be able to go to work on time but someone made sure that they would be starting their day in the best way they drove funny faces on the snow in their cars and they even shared a picture to make sure that everyone would be able to see this this is what we call Canadian vandalism even the Vandals are too polite to do anything that people won't like however these people will have to clear the snow off their car even if it looks good and you know why it's because you can receive it or even the accuse of criminal negligence if you drive with too much snow on your car so unfortunately these funny faces will have to go away but we'll have a picture to remember it forever stairway to heaven when you wake up early in the morning to go to school the last thing you want to do is take the stairs to go to the fifth floor you're just never ready to be exhausted just before spending a long day in class this is why someone decided to make things more interesting for everyone on his way to class as they walked by the second floor they simply wrote one word on the wall and we bet that it made everyone laugh that day this is how stairway 2 was transformed into the famous song stairway to heaven by Led Zeppelin but did you know that the rock band was actually accused of copying the song the group spirit thought that it was too similar to their song torus and filed a lawsuit against them fortunately they were able to prove that the two songs were not really similar and Led Zeppelin won speed limit we're all in a love-hate relationship with speed limits we all wish that we could go just a little faster when we're going to be late but at the same time we understand that it is here to protect us usually these signs are pretty simple after all when you're driving 80 miles an hour you want to make sure that you can easily see the speed limit in a second but someone decided to make things more complicated by adding one of the most terrible things in the world to this sign mathematics just imagine everyone stopping by the side of the street to try to solve this problem it could be really dangerous and you know what is more dangerous driving just a little faster if we increase traffic speeds of just 3 miles per hour there would be 25 more fatal accidents every year and more than a hundred serious injuries if we can avoid it by driving just a little slower we should do it no unit browse skateboards are cool not only do they give us the chance to travel faster but we can also impress our friends with impressive tricks unfortunately it seems like many haters are jealous of some skateboarders talent because they decided to ban them people knew that they couldn't break the rules so they decided to change them instead and this is how they transform the sign into something that no one likes unibrow x' if you have one on your face you won't have the chance to go anywhere near this place until you wax it tom winter will be happy to hear about this because he loves to skateboard and can't go anywhere without it the professor who was then 69 years old was seen skateboarding on the University of Nebraska campus he was so popular that he even became a meme now that's one good reason to go to college we want to meet this funny man do not touch when someone tells us not to do something it just makes us want to do it even more for example when we see sign that reads fresh paint we want to touch the wall just to make sure that it is true sometimes the problem is also that these signs are there for nothing and we don't mind breaking the rules that shouldn't be there in the first place but this time we totally understand why we shouldn't touch something no matter how bad you might be it is always important to respect nature and this little vandal did it in the best way unfortunately if we can't touch this dandelion it won't be able to make our wishes come true but do you know where this strange belief comes from in the 1800s young girls believe that if they blew on it and all the seeds flew away their loved one would return their feelings if any seeds remained it probably wouldn't work with them this makes us want to touch the standing lion anyway to see what will happen snakes most people are terrified of snakes and we would all wish to see a sign to warn us that there is one nearby but maybe people have been trying to tell you this for decades and you just didn't understand what they meant when you look at this sign you think that someone just slipped on a wet floor but there is a person who saw something else this is why they decided to warn everyone by telling them that one in every three snakes would make you fall actually we'd rather think that this is just water on the floor because it's less terrifying but snakes aren't always mean after all you know that their venom could have terrible consequences but scientists also found out that it could be used in medicine to save lives so even though one in three snakes can make you fall the two others could help you go back on your feet right after the superheroes we often see broken things on the street and we just keep wondering how someone even managed to do that these things are meant to stay there for a long time and it would take someone really strong to make them move this is why a funny vandal decided to recreate the scene that could explain what happened and we love their theory according to them there was a fight between ant-man and yellowjacket right in the middle of the street that could explain a lot of weird things that are happening there at night but you might not like this superhero anymore once you know who he truly was at the beginning the film was meant to focus on the original ant-man Pym who developed several personalities and was violent with people he loved rejecting this idea and turning him into a supporting character was probably one of the best things that they ever did we want to see a hero that we can all love rainforests sometimes it is sad to walk around the city everything around you is grey and sad including the buildings the sky and the ground even when there are trees they look like they don't even want to be here this is why any plant that is still beautiful and green easily stands out this is how someone found a tiny rainforest on the pavement where they were walking it we made them smile and this is why they wanted to make sure that everyone would have a good day to they wrote on the ground that it was a tiny rainforest and turned these little plants into something magic but did you know that there is one good reason why rainforests are actually much more amazing than you would think they make up 6% of the Earth's land surface but produce 40 percent of its oxygen we wouldn't be there without them so we need to give rainforests the attention they deserve Cookie Monster if there is one thing that our dog would like to become it's a trash can you're probably wondering why but it's because they notice that it's where all the food that we don't eat goes and our furry friends are jealous when they see that we don't give them the last bite of our steak and put it in the trash can instead Cookie Monster is one funny character who decided to make this dream come true to make sure that we wouldn't waste any cookies he transformed himself into a trash can but he won't be happy to hear that he's just a recycle bin so he'll just be eating paper instead did you know that Cookie Monster is also a Carly Rae Jepsen fan he actually sang a song about cookies inspired by the hit single called share it maybe the female singer sounds way better but we think that Cookie Monster is really funnier pac-man when we were kids we could turn anything into a game and when we cross the street we made sure that we stepped on every line if we didn't we believed that something terrible would happen however it will be difficult to do it this time because pac-man is eating them you better hurry up if you want to cross the street in safety we don't know what inspired this person but they decided to paint over the lines and paint the famous yellow character instead but did you know that the game was originally made to attract email players with food it was supposed to be more violent but creators thought it would be better to make pac-man eat yellow dots because women like to have dessert after eating dinner we understand why this game was so popular not only women but everyone loves food did you ever see any act of genius vandalism don't be shy to tell us what it was in the comment section down below we love to know what you think and that's it for 15 random acts of genius vandalism for more stories like this make sure to watch 10 weird things all kids do thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: TheThings
Views: 4,409,652
Rating: 4.5588999 out of 5
Keywords: TheThings, Vandalism, Vandal, Genius Vandalism, Aliens, E.T., Minions, Superheroes, Ant-Man, Pac-Man, Cookie Monster, Art, Signs
Id: wWo-GdbEmhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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