10 Editing Fails You Missed in THE EMOJI MOVIE!

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you are smooth just doing my beauty this booby was on a cm estate I mean it had a lot of mistakes that's what I meant to say make sure to leave a like and don't forget to subscribe to space down for more top 10 videos every day turn on notifications so you never miss a video leave a friendly comment and I'll make sure to reply to every single one of you hi and welcome to another space bound video where today we'll be looking at 10 editing fills you probably missed in the emoji movie member 10 Giants Bruce the losers lounge you know it's the place where all two uncommonly used emojis hang out and apparently high five is pretty popular down there so if I can't seem to grasp why the eggplant emoji would be hanging with them you'll get that been a couple of years it honestly looks like a cool place to hang out though I mean they've got poker Pizza and even a game of pong going on but a giant broom - I don't know let me explain so in the first show when high five and gene first enter the room we can see a close-up of the broomstick whoa the opposite side of the losers lounge but we pan over to Jean and high fives perspective the broom not only moved instantly across the room but is now much smaller um whoa at least the room stays pretty clean so you can't complain too much number 9 the devil shadow they just show up and they're good to go this next mistake is basically just for several frames but shows the laziness of the animators while making this movie guess they didn't have much confidence in it either anyway so as Jean is introducing us to the world of emojis and text appleís we get to see the good amount of them and we learned a lot about their roles in what their roles actually are but we get a little surprise from our friend the devil emoji as he pops out of the sewer or metaphorically hell as viewers would like to believe it's only for a couple of frames but just as he lands on the sidewalk from a sewer he has no visible shadow at first which obviously is weird since this is a three-dimensional form of I don't know it's interesting in right before he decides to ruin the poop emoji is already crappy days see what I did there huh the devil emoji jumps one more time and we can see again that he has no shadow it's not like you moved up the sidewalk or anything it just literally vanishes and we see him poke at the poop emoji and it's I don't get it it's weird animators are crazy number eight fly high five candy crush was undoubtedly one of if not the most popular mobile games ever created why though well for one the way play it is unbelievably simple and contains hundreds of levels for hours of fun as many times as you play it just really doesn't get old people also love candy so that's an obvious no-brainer so why wouldn't so to use this movie as an opportunity for useless product I mean for a creative way to add more fun to this movie anyways before the scene Joe brick used the candy crush app as a means of getting hi-5 a gene to their destination the firewall in a shorter amount of time unfortunately things didn't go as planned when gene got mixed up with the game's code it is now stuck in candy crush the good thing though is that the game thought gene was a special candy transporting him into the batch with other candies now are the mistaken this really happens in the scene is that we clearly see hi-5 behind jailbreak throughout this entire thing but then in an instance we see them in the batch of candy trying to eat gene yeah I don't think that's entirely too practical because how does that happen you had to go for the same process that he did I don't know again it's a mistake number 7 monkey business business to attend to like most people the monkey emojis seem to enjoyed living a professional life while also having tons of fun that's pretty obvious which might explain their level of popularity amongst a ton of people all age groups and the emoji movie we're introduced to the three of them when gene is walking about and stops to compliment their looks and how nicely dressed they are but they clearly have some business to attend to monkey business some monkey business yeah the setup of this joke was just terrible anyways moving on but the monkeys seem to have really enjoyed that joke considering how ballistic they went afterwards but here's the mistake with this scene speaking from a logical standpoint here there's no way this could actually even happen we know monkeys of course have long armed and are reasonably strong but there's no way one could jump whilst on a briefcase not even I could do that believe me it's weird but I tried number six binary code the binary code which is also referred to as the matrix code is a way to represent texts computer instructions or other sorts of data in a matter of zeros and ones programmed in a certain format to give an example the binary code for just the letter A would be zero one zero zero zero zero zero one believe me as you can tell maybe it's a very complex language which I don't want to delve into now anyways at this point in the emoji movie we've already been introduced to Jailbreak who is also showing the film's hero's gene and high five and a shortcut to their destination of the phones firewall in order to save everyone but in this shortcut we're introduced to the hundreds of strands of binary code what does that all mean well that's the mistake literally means nothing I guess the film's programmers and animators thought no one really really cared to notice the fail of a mistake in their movie but they thought wrong because I have no life no I'm just kidding really I don't understand much of it but obviously there's a ton of different sources that have said otherwise it would have been difficult to just copy and paste a few lines of coding off Google what it number-5 lighting now we have a second mistake from the losers lounge scene but this time it's about how the room is getting its source of lighting so we've all had our fair share of moments in a dark room you know either the power went out lightbulb burnt out someone flipped off the switch whatever it be the point is that the same could be said for the emojis in the losers lounge but the lights are on in the scene right well that's where this mistake comes in we're given a pretty good showing of the losers lounge however we don't see any light switches on the walls aside from that normally large one besides the entrance but universally any lights which flip down would indicate that the lights are off unless there's a second switch in the room but sadly it doesn't appear that one is here so that would evidently mean there's only one source of light to be switched on and off and it's currently switched off but it's on again I don't get it number four layering layering to make it simple as a method used in animation when placing people or objects in front of or behind different people or objects you can easily notice it when the characters mini text message boxes keep popping up in front of another in this scene and sometimes scenes like this are improvised meaning that layers will be added in at the last minute to give it more detail and to make it look more appealing to viewers I guess this one they might have added too much and lost track of this mistake to happen but you know what I'll give it to the animators I mean it's pretty minor but still too noticeable mistake as we get a glimpse into the real world in the emoji movie we see the students as they're texting we can clearly see that their text boxes as they're moving around but notice this won't get in the background with his alien emoji in the last couple of frames again it's minor I know but in this scene you'll notice how the layers overlap one another and parts of the aliens head goes through his face it's weird but again layering it's just what it is number three transition it Tina you'll often see editors include effects when transitioning to another scene to make it flow just a little bit better and feel more natural if you're seasonal editor you probably might have noticed this mistake anyways and felt that it was smooth but other times you might notice something off a little bit with the scene the same could be said for emoji movie viewers in this scene because it did not exactly run too smoothly and again you editors out there probably caught this almost immediately while hi-5 is giving random answers to Jailbreak about Alex they're humans security question we could hear them see names like Tina and Karen and I guess the time when hi-5 was feeling uncertain about the name Lupita the animators for the scene were feeling the same way what I mean is that behind hi-5 we can see bits of fire pixels smoothly transitioning across the screen for the first few minutes they begin to skip a few frames meaning that the animators would instead copy and paste these pixels making several layers of them and placing them in separate spots a little bit lazy but again you know I can completely sympathize with that sometimes number two dust is one a lot only the crying emoji could cry about winning the lottery but aside from the crying emoji receiving bad news outside of the 24-hour store in text appleís we can also see the other emojis like money eyes the burrito and hotdogs emoji which is kind of making me little bit hungry right now the laughing emoji and well plenty of others so it's a normal scene right well you would think so but if you also notice the sweeper emoji in the shop you can also tell of course that he's dusting off the small cloud of dirt on the floor however as we pan more and more to the left we can see the clouds of dust are nowhere to be seen any more so either he's really good at doing his job or the animators thought they could be lazy again and not really include another small detail for several more frames so think the last part is probably the case number one when sparks fly and finally comes a mistake from the scene and the popular emoji lounge I guess you could say but this time focus on the rocket as it first appears in the scene we can tell it has a flame then suddenly goes wild as it's looking to party and it's going pretty wild you know having fun and flying around and stuff but it's pretty clear that the rocket emoji could light up at any party and not just because yes flames and sparks coming out of them but with the flames and sparks coming out things could get pretty dangerous so it's surprising to see that the crying emoji up on the second floor didn't get any burns because of how close he flew by although maybe we just couldn't tell cuz he's crying all the time but still a little bit interesting and with that being said and done that concludes 10 editing fails you missed in the emoji movie if you've enjoyed the video make sure you leave a like comment and subscribe for better content to come in the future on screen now is gonna be various annotations to other videos that I've made so if you've enjoyed this one check those out you'll probably like them too but before you do that check the description down below at the very bottom is gonna be a link to a good foundation for a good cause but besides that have all of yourselves a great day
Channel: Spacebound
Views: 9,234,405
Rating: 4.4676719 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, family friendly, spacebound, the emoji movie, emoji movie, the emoji movie secrets, editing fails in the emoji movie, editing mistakes, mistakes, cartoons, the emoji movie trailer, the emoji movie mistakes, movie mistakes, 2017, movie mistakes 2017, the emoji movie 2017, emoji, movie, emoji movie 2017
Id: 1CbEAiaEDMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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