25 SpongeBob Deleted Scenes Nickelodeon Couldn't Show

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welcome back to Screen Rant SpongeBob SquarePants is a show constantly pushing the limits putting the characters in crazy situations and is often known for some of their close-up gag drawings while viewers may often be shocked at some of the stuff that makes the air just imagine how much has been cut from the actual show thanks to storyboards DVD commentaries tracks and released extra content we can bundle these scenes together and see exactly what didn't make it to television if mr. Krabs listed the milestones in his life they probably wouldn't involve any of pearls accomplishments or how many times he actually stopped plankton from stealing the secret formula they would naturally all involve money you got buddy right and the episode clams mr. Krabs reached one of his biggest accomplishments yet making his one millionth dollar naturally mr. Krabs wants to celebrate by calling his parents but a deleted scene reveals the call was a little more morbid than we thought why because his parents are both dead and the shot would have cut to their tombstones in a cemetery we're guessing the show's dark humor may have upset viewers a little too much in season 3 bikini bottom went through a weather phenomenon no one ever expected on the ocean floor they were treated to a full-fledged snowstorm naturally instead of exploring the scientific ramifications of snowflakes in the ocean Patrick and SpongeBob decided to engage in a good old-fashioned snowball fight one Squidward gets involved he gets obsessed with taking out SpongeBob and Patrick so much so that he builds his own snowball attack fortress in a deleted scene we were supposed to see the dungeon of the fortress which would have included all types of torture devices for snowmen including a guillotine Flynn the stretching machines and a hanging hook for snowman heads teaching spongebob squarepants how to drive is apparently so challenging and frustrating that mrs. puff would rather live out her days behind bars than deal with the real world well that's the premise behind the episode doing time anyway once locked away SpongeBob and Patrick become frequent visitors all in an attempt to remove mrs. puff from prison but they weren't supposed to be her only visitors supposedly mrs. Puff's dad was going to make an appearance in the episode while no storyboards have popped up of the puff fish father the clear evidence of this comes from the shows credits Tom Kenny the voice of Spongebob was also credited as mrs. Puff's dad in the credits but we never actually see him on screen who hasn't had a conversation about Sponge Bob Squarepants without bringing up the classic episode just one bite in where Squidward tries out his first ever krabby patty well for those old-school fans out there you may remember the original airing a lot different than others a Squidward tries to sneak into the Krusty Krab and guiness hands or rather mouth on a coveted krabby patty the security at the front door includes a bucket of what Squidward assumes is water it turns out the liquid substance was actually gasoline and Squidward ends up blowing himself up well it makes sense the Nick wouldn't want children attempting the whole gasoline bucket trick so the scene has been removed from every airing of the episode after it initially aired after the sailor mouth episode aired we all pretty much wished curse words on television would get replaced with dolphin noises SpongeBob and Patrick made it seem like so much fun and in the initial script there were even more dolphin noises we missed out on according to commentary from SpongeBob writers there was supposed to be a scene where SpongeBob and Patrick are playing a board game spongebob gets angry at Patrick and exclaims go dolphin noise yourself yeah we're pretty sure what they meant by the dolphin noise and in an even worse moment Patrick was supposed to respond with dolphin noise you to promise me you never use that word in 2020 spongebob fans will get to enjoy the third theatrical film entitled it's a wonderful sponge over the years the movie has gone through many developmental changes including a lot of different story ideas currently the movie will follow the story of spongebob trying to get Gary back and feature flashbacks to when Patrick and SpongeBob first became friends while the current story sounds great some of the original plans were a little bonkers instead of great flashbacks or a journey to rescue Gary storyboards were created featuring a group of alien cats flying in on spaceships to invade the Keeney bottom we may not have liked that idea just about as cats enjoying water the show is quirky enough as it is Adam the alien space cats may have been a bit too much even for a big-budget movie there are a lot of bizarre episodes of Spongebob Squarepants and one that ranks right up there is known as sleepy time somehow spongebob gets the ability to invade the dreams of his friends and co-workers and spends the whole night doing so not only to spongebob invade their head space and see some pretty deep personal thoughts but things may have been pushed one step further in an unused colored storyboard for the scene we see spongebob climbing onto pearls bed and pulling the sheets up towards his body after invading dreams why would he decide to randomly sleep in the bed of a teenage girl the screenshot has no context so it's kind of confusing but we're pretty sure there's no good reason for spongebob to sleep in the bed if there's any one plankton has actually gotten along with over the years well besides his computer wife Karen that person would be spongebob spongebob is open to friendships with everyone and anyone often letting naive side getting the best of him we see one part of their blossoming friendship in the episode bun Minh while spongebob goes to befriend plankton the small Chum Bucket owner uses their friendship as a way to try and steal the secret Krabby Patty secret formula on their friendship outing spongebob shows plankton the fun side of going jellyfishing but a deleted scene showcased how little plankton knew about the new swinging sport holding the rod side of the jellyfish net plankton talks about killing the jellyfish and even makes gun shooting sounds as he holds the net up and pretends to have it recoil Langton those things aren't what fun is all about probably a smart cut considering their young viewing audience spongebob took a lot of crazy risks early on including their first ever Halloween episode entitled scaredy pants and the short spongebob wants to scare his friends at a Halloween party and has a desire to shave off his square face so no one knows who's under his ghost costume well it turns out spongebob took a little too much off the top as he literally removes all of the sponge so just as brain is exposed we got to see this revelation in all its glory but almost had an even more detailed close-up in one of their classic hand-drawn detailed images the close up of SpongeBob's brain head was made but never used in the episode it would make a great haunted house decoration though sandy is like a fish out of water on SpongeBob as she is the squirrel underwater and often has trouble fitting in with her the fish pals who live around her in the episode Texas a homesick sandy decides to return back to her home state and her departure has made spongebob pretty upset we see how upset he is in the final cut of the episode but a deleted scene and animatic revealed his inner emotions making a physical appearance his anxiety and upset nature all culminated in the sponge turning completely red and looking ready to explode no clear reason why the scene was removed maybe Nick sensors thought the red looks like blood who knows Gary may often get ignored by spongebob but the guy really does love his pet and they have gone on a lot of adventures together in the episode have you seen this snail Gary goes missing setting spongebob off on an emotional journey to find his pal once again in the original story Gary ended up with a lady named granny whose ultimate goal was to flatten the snail up and presumably eat him well the episode features dark moments like a closet full of empty snail shells it was almost even darker near the end when the old lady chases Gary with a plate of cookies she was originally supposed to be carrying a large ax yikes we've seen plenty of humans attempt some spongebob and patrick cosplay but if you wanted to see what the characters would like as humans then check out some of the deleted storyboards and animatics from the time-traveling episode entitled dunces and Dragons in the episode SpongeBob and Patrick find their way to medieval times where they must escape danger and save the day towards the end the characters all celebrate and walk away only to pass two pretty familiar looking characters the Patrick character looks more human-like than the spongebob doppelganger but it would have still been great to see both characters in full-color designs what's it like to live with a ghost well just let spongebob tell you in the episode ghost host on this short SpongeBob moves in with the Flying Dutchman and the two have a lot of met adventures together the episode obviously went through a lot of ideas as there were nearly a dozen deleted scenes but one stands out a lot more than the others after a party hosted by the Dutchman Susie fishbowl approaches the ghost and asks when she'll see him again and in a truly creepy moment there's a of innuendo when the Dutchman replies with when you least expect it baby have you been keeping track of the long history of the krusty krab well then you must have seen the episode Friend or Foe which goes over the history of the krabby patty and the relationship between mr. Krabs and plankton the episode had a number of little changes when compared to the original animatics but there were some that definitely stood out among others one of these changes comes really early in the episode when plankton tries to capture the krabby patty recipe after Sponge Bob sports plankton with some ketchup and mustard plankton spins out of control and screams curses considering how Mr Krabs continues the onslaught by flipping on the ceiling fan switch right after the extra moment of an upset plankton obviously wasn't made in the world of Sponge Bob is filled with some pretty big family trees we met Patrick's real parents SpongeBob's parents and a lot of extended family members and beyond that we've even met a lot of Karen's extended family yep we're talking about talking computers who were related to each other we almost got to know even more of Karen's family in the episode spy buddy's listed as either a mother mother-in-law or possibly even a grandmother a plankton would complain about the character because she was nothing more than an annoying car alarm before the world of digital downloads and streaming services took over television and movies one of the best highlights of purchasing a new DVD was having the ability to listen to commentary from actors directors and producers this also applied to SpongeBob SquarePants and through the commentary there is a ton of information to get revealed in the episode new digs spongebob moves into the Krusty Krab and at one point we see a quick shot of some snail milk well at one point we were supposed to see Gary get milked or have a spongebob mentioned him being milk well the whole disturbing idea would have been a sight to see especially considering that Gary is actually a mail snail spongebob doesn't get romantic feelings often but when he does he seems to go all in just like the episode where he falls in love with a krabby patty yeah it sounds wrong but we've all been the just picture the perfectly cooked cheese pizza you'll know what we're talking about anyway the episode is full of love montages touching moments and some pretty gross close-ups of the rotting patty there was one cutscene that took the patty and sponge relationship a little too far a cutscene features spongebob in bed and just underwear laying with the patty there were just many buns showing in that scene imagine a real life visit to mr. Krabs house and all of the crazy ways the greedy crustacean has hidden money around the home in the few glimpses we've had of his house there's money hidden in mattresses hung on wall and placed in secret safes and money talks we even see mr. Krabs has hidden an extra nickel in his bellybutton in the original storyboard concepts for the episode the nickel was supposed to be hidden somewhere there was a lot more risque yep it was supposed to be in his backside that would have taken a lot of tricky angles and caught a ways to pull that one off out of all the places to find deleted spongebob scenes can you imagine reading about them in the official Nickelodeon magazine well this was the case in a 2009 episode that featured script pages of the episode pineapple fever if you watch the episode with these pages you may notice some pretty big differences including the end of the episode in the script the tornado was going to disappear and Squidward's house was supposed to fall on him the violin scene was cut as the show was probably looking for a slightly more uplifting way to end the episode one of the more unique spongebob episodes in recent years was frozen face off the episode follows spongebob in the gang in an epic sleigh race to try and win a million dollar prize similar to movies like rat race and Cannonball Run the episode has a lot of great moments makes you wonder who was going to win the whole time and some promo art created for the episode Squidward wears his winter outfit clearly inspired by Russian fashion the large furs aren't enough for him as the art showcases the characters showing a little more skin than usual and really taken a liking as he poses in his winter outfits the sly look on his face really says it all we've seen spongebob in 3d CG as a real sponge and thanks to the TV special it's a spongebob Christmas in a stop-motion form taking a page from holiday classics like Rudolph the red-nosed rain dear the Christmas special has songs good messages and airs every year around the holidays one of the more popular parts of the episode is the song don't be a jerk it's Christmas during a line about friends and family you were supposed to see SpongeBob's parents pop up in stop-motion form but they were replaced with his friends for the final version Megan the extra clay puppets probably would have eaten up a good chunk of the budget and requires a lot more resources than traditional animation Larry the lobster is one of the more intense characters on SpongeBob and maybe that's the reason we don't see him as much as we do in the episode Larry's Jim we get a little closer to the character as he opens a bikini bottom Jim and showcase just how hard he'll work to keep his toast but maybe just maybe he pushes things a little too far in a deleted scene Larry shows a fish how bad doughnuts can be for you and compares it to chewing glass literally he placed a glass bottle in the guy's mouth and shattered it and then forces the man to chew just visualize that the next time you're craving out a Boston cream the episode snail-mail introduces younger spongebob fans the actual idea of writing a letter and showcases some crazy circumstances when some slime from Gary turns the word fryer and to flyer while Gary was involved with this incident he was supposed to be featured in even more of the episode taking the idea of snail mail literally one of the cutscenes was supposed to feature Gary manually dragging mail through Bikini Bottom animal cruelty into working without pay obviously wasn't the best idea to present or maybe the pun wasn't too funny and dragged the whole point of the episode down a little bit in the world of a Keeney bottom there's a strange event that occurs every 100 years Neptune's moon appears and turned everyone into wild animals while we get unique looks at pearl spongebob and other main characters one you may wonder about his plankton himself well in a cutscene the animators originally wanted to include a quick plankton scene but it never made it past the storyboard stage plankton gets turned into what looks like a small pile of slime when Karen rolls in with his lunch she uses her spatula hand to flatten him and flick his lifeless body away plankton has gone through plenty of violence but maybe this one was a little too much mr. krabs must have an incredible insurance policy for all the crazy stuff that happens at the krusty krab the place has been destroyed multiple times Anton's stuck on the roof a crazy krabby patty incident causes a fire and restaurant full of smoke as spongebob tries to reach inside of the chimney vent he steps on Squidward's head and literally burns his face on the griddle in the episode we see the pretty gory shot of Squidward with his face peeled off but according to some deleted scenes we were going to see a ton more not only would he have placed the skin back on his face but a shot of an ambulance would have shown a bikini bottom EMT stitching the skin back to his face more than a few seconds of his face injury probably would have far too much there you have it what deleted seems truly shot yeah which ones do you wish actually were in the episodes any great ones we missed let us know in the comments and don't forget to subscribe to Screen Rant for more great content
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 1,942,891
Rating: 4.6576657 out of 5
Keywords: SpongeBob Squarepants, full episodes, Sandy Cheeks, Squidward clarinet, Deleted Scenes, Cut episodes, Cartoon storyboards, nicktoons, Patrick Star, Nickelodeon shows, SpongeBob secrets, Gary the Snail, Krabby Patty, Mr. Krabs scenes, Pearl and SpongeBob, screen rant, screenrant
Id: Iku58T4fj4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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