20 Life Changing Habits To Start NOW For 2020

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oh yes we are finding so much determination today I have just determined or so much today all of you dropped out welcome here I haven't determined to not feel sick anymore sickness has recently just become my good friend and I don't want it to me and I've determined to just get a bunch of house stuff done as well as film edit and upload this video for you guys Karen was a sweetheart and decided to take the kids for the day so I could sit down and actually re film this video because truth be told I filmed it yesterday audio issues were just bugging me like crazy and I wanted to give you guys some good quality and content so I'm sitting back down I hope the audience okay Road microphone please please don't don't tell me now I hope you guys are all doing very well happy 2020 I love the new year and I love everything that the new year brings it is that fresh start that clean slate that really motivates a lot of us to go out and do things and change things in our lives but if you are a usual viewer you know and I've talked about this on my channel before that motivation doesn't last so much time we feel motivated to do something and then over time if not very quickly it dwindles away so in this video I don't want to talk about motivation and motivating you guys to do stuff I want to talk about disciplining yourself and getting into habits that I would say are quite life-changing are very beneficial to you and then also beneficial to everybody around you so that again is what we're talking about I'm gonna go through a list of 20 things that I encourage you maybe try to implement into your daily life or weekly life or just usual habits if you feel motivated to do these things I'm not saying that's a bad thing but in motivation you also need a good amount of discipline to keep up with these things and continually do them and practice them a habit is something you do so often you do it without even thinking about it and I think that is a beautiful quality to have just really good habits so thank you for being here and thank you for joining me for today's video question of the video what are you drinking right now or what is the last thing you drank let me don't want to comment down below hearin has made me some coffee that a friend gifted us Thank You Delilah very much I love this blend and it has a little bit of vanilla almond milk creamer in here I love you guys so much let's go ahead and get started give these things quite quickly just because there's a lot of them and just a disclaimer I'm not saying you need to do all these things in order to be a great an awesome person even just kind of implementing one of these things and working on it consistently is beautiful and awesome and I would say a job well done and don't feel intimidated by this list it's gonna really work for some people and for other people it may not be so much the thing that's totally fine number one is to be purposeful and more specifically intentional every single day I love looking at people's 20 19 new year's resolutions obviously from last year for the year 2019 because I like literally everybody they all talked about being intentional instead of just kind of riding the wave of life and letting things come to you and just kind of sitting back and letting it all happen people actually stepping out and going out of their comfort zones and being intentional with their time being intentional with their money being intentional with relationships I highly encourage you and there's so many different ways in someone's life that they can be intentional find a way that really benefits you and obviously benefits other people and do it and be intentional with what you have and have a more intentional mindset number two whether it's a little or a lot move your body so many people honestly are not able to a lot of people aren't able to walk or just move at all in general and we take our body's movements for granted and we're always just going about our day and living our lives and you know what I think moving your body is extremely beneficial for your health extremely beneficial for just your mental state and this is not me talking about like the physical look of your body like to work out in order to make yourself look a certain way but just take care of yourself and to love on yourself this is a huge area of self-care and we'll talk about that later that you can implement into your life just by removing that can be a walk a run that can just be stretching warming your muscles up and moving is hugely beneficial number three is to drink good stuff a lot of people obviously drink water yes but I want to encourage you all the more so to not drink things like sodas and high sugary drinks lots of alcohols things that just don't benefit your body not to say to wipe your slate clean of all those type of drinks because I think everything in moderation is okay but not overboard thanks too much of something that you really enjoy will not be good things like water nut milks cold-pressed juices so beneficial for you so so good for you a great habit to get into number four go to sleep early and wake up early this is something that I was really intense about in 2019 I've done this for a few years now but all the more so in 2019 I really made this a huge part of my life slipping into bed at 8:00 8:30 and just reading and reading going to sleep early and then waking up at 5:00 a.m. I felt much more accomplished and productive in my day I actually did have more energy believe it or not through my day I had a great night's sleep and I also think as a mom it is so nice to wake up really early before your kids wake up I have three kids if you don't know waking up before them getting things done preparing myself preparing the house and putting things in order before the kids wake up that is how all my days have been very accomplished and productive and honestly beautiful just by me going to sleep early waking up early getting things done this is one of the best habits that I can recommend for someone number five is to stop reaching for your phone just cure boredom or to cure like that ants enos that you have a lot of people it's like they're bored and what do they do they pick up their phone and they start scrolling and doing things almost like mindlessly it's something that we can naturally gravitate towards it's an awkward situation we're gonna look on our phone we're bored we're gonna look on our phone there's nothing to watch we look on our phone or we're watching something and it's not stimulating enough and we go onto our phone kind of going back to our first point be intentional if you're picking up your phone think why you are picking up your phone am I doing this to check an email to do a text message to post something or am I just bored and I want pick up my phone and veg oh and relax and try to find something to further stimulate me through my day number six and I would say this is one of the best things that you can do in the year of 2020 and throughout the rest of your life is to work to be debt-free the amount of people that have loan debt like student loans or like credit card debt is really sad and ways as a burden on a lot of people I think financial freedom is great I've never had loans or credit card debts or anything I'm very very thankful for but we do obviously have a mortgage for our house and that is something that through 2020 we want to put a lot of money aside and just continually put money onto the house into the house yes this is just like a huge savings ground for us I just encourage you pay off your debts pay off your loans put money aside don't just let it sit there and be a burden but find financial freedom I will link Dave Ramsey his YouTube channel down below super smart money guy very helpful and I think you could learn a lot from him I always do number 7 food is fuel do not find guilt here too many of us find guilt in our food and whether it's really good food or maybe not so good food food is just associated with guilt way too much of the time again don't annihilate cookies and certain drinks from your diet it's just everything in moderation and eating things that may be high in sugar or people say is bad for you or is actually bad for you and having just a bit and enjoying it so then also realizing what your body needs because food is fuel for our bodies our bodies need specific things to work properly and well it's giving your body the things that it needs and then also in some portions giving yourself just what you would like and not finding guilt over it and not dwelling over it and not chugging four liters of water to make yourself feel better about that one cookie that you had number eight is to be a better listener so like seriously all my life I'm more of a listener than a talker for the most part I'm much rather listen to a conversation and actually be a part of it that's maybe a little bit of like my introverted self coming out and I remember so much time even now people being like sorry you're so class are you okay it's like yeah I'm just listening I just enjoy listening but for me when I'm in a one-on-one conversation that's kind of when I can struggle and that's when I want to get the last word in and that's when I want to say more and give more of my input and I'm learning to be quiet and let the other person talk start talking when it makes the most sense and when it's really respectful for that other person number nine be productive by making lists when I go out to do errands whatever I have a list of places I'm gonna go people I'm gonna see what I'm gonna do in those certain places what I'm gonna pick up make lists it just encourages so much productivity there's so much going on in our brain and to be able to put it down onto paper and have a visual is very beneficial and helpful especially if you're very busy you have a lot of jobs you have a lot of areas in your life that you need a lot of attention making list is so practical and beneficial and kind of going on with that last one number ten start planning by yourself a bladder and plant now some people love plant if you're like me like this video I love planning planning for me is awesome I'm able to open up my planner and see through the entire year what I'm doing what I'm up to I write down anniversaries birthdays special dates places to go people to meet work that needs to be done work that should not be done why stuff mom stuff appointments everything is written down in my planner so like on a Friday or Saturday I sit down and I look towards the next week and I write everything including food to buy and dinner plans and things that I can again take from my brain put out onto paper and have a vision we are very visual people a lot of us are we live visually and when things are just kind of in our head to get jumbled them around and mixed up and unless you're like my grandma who has a photographic memory you're probably like me who's like just I use the rifle paper and co-planner I've used it for three four years now and I can link it down below it's my favorite number eleven is to get consistent with a routine I am a routine per I have a morning afternoon and evening routine and I need to make more routine videos because a lot of people are like where do I start how do I begin a routine what does a routine look like like a five a morning routine a work routine throughout my day an evening routine with my husband my kids some people their whole day as a routine some people it's just the morning some people they have like a small slot of time in their day where there is a routine fire routine stick with it be consistent with it this is something that again is very productive this is something that you can look towards and know this is my routine this is what goes down we have a lot of security in knowing what is to come which is why your teens are so awesome they form into a habit very quickly and they actually keep us accountable without anyone else having to just our routine in itself number twelve give more 2020 is the year where you are to be a servant to people give more can be income giving more could be giving people food giving more can be taking in kids so a mom can have a break for a bit and at the same time you can give more just in your house and in your own space as well we are such selfish creatures and so much at the time it's like me me me and we should be focusing on other people and everything else think about yourself second think about others first the amount of impact and also just the full-on satisfaction that you will get is way more and way more precious and way more deep than when you serve yourself versus when you serve other people number 13 is to read every single day is I always have one or two sometimes three books going at a single time and Janene reaiiy mean opening a book not audible or like even your Kindle like actually have a actual book that you can open and flip the pages on the act of holding a book and flipping pages and reading and going through and seeing how much you have left and how much you've gone through is extremely good for you it's good for your brain it's very therapeutic reading is also something that is very relaxing so when I say go to bed at like 8:00 8:30 I'm in bed by 8:00 8:30 and I am reading for another half an hour sometimes to like two hours I love reading reading is a great way that you can wind down process thoughts then also feel like as adults we lose our imagination and imaginations are beautiful awesome things to have and reading can just really really impressed me even as an adult an imagination is so fabulous and important to have even as an adult number fourteen find a hobby find a niche what do you like what are you good at what would you like to put more time into what would you like to excel at when you were like eight nine or ten years old what did you like what were you into what is something that you've kind of given up because of other things maybe you should get back into it maybe you should try it again there's so many people where I talk to them I'm like what do you like doing what do you do and they're like nothing it's like really you really just you don't have anything that you pour your heart and soul into something that you really like to do reading is a hobby artistry is a hobby working out is a hobby talking actually talking can be a hobby there's so much creativity like running through people's veins these days and they don't realize that it's there and they don't know what to do with it once they find that it's there nor do they make time to just use it and enjoy it what we like what do you enjoy what would you like to be able to do do it do I'm your mom I'm telling you do it number 15 set your focus on what is good I'm over it guys I'm over this really sad depressed negative not positive kind of realm I feel like there's a lot of it going on YouTube it's these sad people as these depressed people and I know that these things are actual issues and these are things that people go through but I feel like the last thing a really depressed negative type of thinking person needs is more of it or assurance that it's normal I don't need when I'm feeling sad or like not too cool I don't need assurance that it's cool and that's okay that I feel like that I need the opposite of that I need positivity I need goodness I honestly as a Christian woman I need the Lord because he is what is defined as good people that are stuck in depression and sadness Mia stopped running towards that and be almost consumed by that but in that world taken out of it and introduced to what is good and what is awesome I realized not everyone is a Christian a lot of people watching this video you probably not Christians but know that even still the Lord has given us so many good things in his world that we can love and appreciate all the same and to go out and find those things set your focus on what is good and let that deepness and darkness just have it let go of you that is freedom that is freedom when you go the doctor and you're not feeling well the doctor doesn't stick you with a bunch of other people that aren't feeling well he brings you towards a space and a place where you will feel so much better that's what we need to do in order to combat evil and horrible feelings and just sunken sulkiness and everyone just going to sadness and oppression and hardships I love you God loves you you got this number 16 is to fix long and short term goals I can't get over the amount of people that don't have a bucket list that don't have a list of like things that they want to do or get to or places that they want to check like people don't have this start yourself a bucket list to find out some long-term some short-term goals that you can work through and check there is nothing like writing something down later finishing it and checking that off your list that's actually what a awesome awesome good good feeling and to also make sure you don't feel your list with all these super intense long goals that will take you like 20 years to get through but also some short-term goals that may even just take a month ding doesn't ever feel good to cross that off it feels so fantastic number 17 figure out what is wrong with you physically I think everyone has something that's just that it feels wrong with their body this isn't how it's supposed to be this doesn't feel right figure out what's wrong and stop putting it on the back burner for me in 2019 I just felt like my pelvis after 3 kids my pelvis didn't feel good my body was just falling apart my back mostly also I was really struggling with acne and it was really painful 20:19 was the year where I tried a lot of different like elimination diets I went to my chiropractor more often I started doing massage I was taking care of myself I was like I don't want to live with this anymore I don't want to just go throughout my life like this I want to figure out what is wrong with me and I want to take care of myself here I feel way better than I have in like my whole life I said you know what actually when I was 9 I felt like flipping fire when I was nine I was flexible I could like pull myself up on thick I could leap like I was an amazing nine-year-old let's just say that I'm not as amazing as it was back then but still feeling pretty flippin fantastic and you should have seen it guys my skin was so clear I finally figured out what's going off my skin and look forward to doing a video on that soon ish because now that I'm sick I broke out again because I always break out what I'm saying I get on my chest my back ohh find out what's physically wrong with you and take time to take care of yourself and that brings us into our next one which is self-care God gave us bodies to take care of them too many people even with them being super selfish they forget about their physical selves and even just their mental selves and what they need I'm huge into self-care I take care of my family way more when I also take care of myself as well self-care different for a lot of people sometimes self-care is just getting out of the house and being in silence for a bit sometimes self-care is actually surrounding yourself with other people for some people's self-care is food for some people self-care is like the actual physical Katelyn get their nails done or like and their legs waxed sometimes self-care is just a cup of coffee to get you through your day take care of your body that God has given you and address the needs that you have and fulfill them for your benefit and even for his glory we're almost done invest in relationships some people have so many friends and they almost feel overwhelmed investing in all those relationships and I encourage you to find the relationships that are very important that are very awesome that are very beautiful and invest in those and take time for those and then also look at some relationships that maybe you're looking at you're going to know what I don't like actually be with this person and I feel small around this person and I feel like this person is either toxic or too controlling or they just make me feel like dirt maybe letting go of some relationships as well for your benefit I am literally just talking about like friendships this isn't me talking about marriage because marriage is a vowed covenant relationship that isn't something that I am encouraging you to walk from but I feel like we just have some friendships that don't do us so good that we need to let go of and then we have some friendships that do us so good but sometimes we forget about them and I encourage you to invest in those and take time for those and honestly to find so much happiness and joy in those because you know what there's a lot of people that don't have a lot of friends and don't have a lot of close friends and it is heartbreaking and absolutely sad and I'm losing my voice I am losing my voice love on your really awesome friends just love on them lastly is the acceptance of things that are not easily changed and to not dwell on them there are so many things in our lives that will bug us and there sometimes just you and just one thing that just it's here all the time throughout the day that one thing is gonna be so much more intense and annoying and burdensome when you look at it without ceptin so when you look at something and you can be like you know what I've accepted this I've accepted that it's here it is no longer like this and in your face and just such a worrisome type of issue it's something that's kind of like pushed back and still there but the acceptance of it has made it so much easier to kind of allow into your life and to also not dwell on such things we dwell on the negative too often again just that negative sadness to press and lonesome kind of sulking feeling we can really sit on it and we can stay there for long periods of time when we need to push ourselves off of that chair and we need to be elsewhere and to let those negative depress selfish whatever things no I don't want to hang out with you I'm not cool being there I want to move on from this and taking charge and control over that things in your life are gonna be hard and that's normal human life stuff they're accepting it and moving on and not dwelling on those things completely changes your outlook on everything and really beautifies even the hard stuff that's going on in your life and through all those things in prayer let your requests be made known to God and talk to God and share just with him your heart and how you're feeling that's another way of just you showing your acceptance and then just laying everything on the Lord and giving it to him thank you guys very much for being here and for watching today's video I hope just this video was cool and interesting to listen to I know this may resonate with a lot of people and maybe not so much other people but all the same thank you for being here I wish you an awesome 20 20 thank you for watching for sticking around for my videos I have some sweet stuff coming up in 2020 and I'm very excited to have you guys along with me for this awesome journey so Cheers I'll see you all in the next video bye
Channel: Sarah Therèse
Views: 658,284
Rating: 4.8791428 out of 5
Id: IGDuFywgJJw
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Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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