15 Things I Am NOT Using For My Baby | MINIMALISM

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hola muchachos welcome here my name is sarah therese and i already have three kids earthside and one kid in utero at this point i am 21 weeks pregnant by the time you're watching this i'm more like 22 quick story that's gonna just make all of this seem a lot more interesting and like intentional so after having my third we really thought we were done having kids via my body we tried adoption it didn't work and then from that i got rid of seriously all of our baby stuff i gave it away to friends i donated it and i was just like i'm done let's let's get rid of this now being pregnant with baby number four i have to kind of restart i'm starting from scratch again and in so many ways i'm absolutely thrilled about this this means that when i go out and get items for baby i know exactly what i will use and exactly what i will not use and that is the inspiration for today's video i'm gonna share with you guys as someone who has had three kids gotten rid of everything and having to restart what i am not buying for baby this time around i've used some of these items i could kind of live without them and then the items that i've never really used i've never really desired or felt like i really needed to get them so i hope you guys like this video i don't want to come off as being judgmental if you love some of these items for your baby this is obviously a personal point of view i also am very minimal with the stuff that i use for myself my family my kids we adopt a more minimalistic lifestyle in a lot of different ways and i feel like it is so important when it comes to a baby just because it's easier on you to have less stuff for them but then in the same way have stuff that is maybe a smaller amount of stuff but it's just way better it's more intentional it's more beneficial and yes i would love to do a video after this talking about some things i'm actually using for baby but i won't get to that video until like i've bought in some of those things and stuff so i hope you guys liked today's video let's go ahead and get started okay let's get started number one the pacifier my son and my daughter elizabeth my last two were not huge soother like babies they would use it here and there but it wasn't really needed i used it because i had soothers but i was like i'm not even using these so in about two months i just kind of was like you don't need soothers they were happy they weren't colicky with my first baby ivy very colicky she needed a soother for those first couple months at about month three or four i took it away and i was like i just i don't need you anymore she got corrected at the chiropractor and she turned to a happy baby as soon as an extra thing that i have to take an extra thing i have to remember an extra thing i have to clean the whole soother clip thing just honestly for me it's very very inconvenient and i don't want to have a child that really heavily relies on a soother um for me if my baby is sad like dude i just latched them onto my boob right away i really love breastfeeding but i understand how a soother can be really nice as someone who has a colicky kid it's really nice to have a soother at some point so for this one i'm not planning on doing a soother though because my previous kids really didn't need it or hugely benefit from it um if this child ends up having colic or other issues and i'm really thinking that a soother could hugely benefit them then like awesome but i'm going into this being like i'm not buying a soother i'm not going to be intentional about using a soother i know a lot of people use a soother so their kids don't suck their thumbs i had one thumb sucker and then the other two never sucked their thumbs and my one thumb sucker didn't suck her thumb for an extremely long amount of time so it wasn't a big deal but yeah i'm just i'm not a huge soother mom and i'm actually really glad that i don't have really huge soother kids so far okay next is your regular bassinet your basket bassinet your clay pen bassinet i don't want to do that anymore i've had like a rock and play for my kids for a bassinet i have had the moses basket for my kids i've had the bassinet kind of like add-on attachment bassinet for like a playpen and this is what i've realized if i'm going to invest my money in anything and i'm so legit in anything when baby is born it is a proper bassinet that is going to be beside my bed that is height adjustable that has sides that easily bend down it's going to be something that will actually be hugely beneficial to me during nighttime feeds all of my other bassinets during the night i just found myself i had to lean over i had to grab this is a king size vest we're up really high i want something that comes up high that's very adjustable i'm kind of eyeing out the halo bassinet because it'll come up high and it'll even swizzle a little bit onto your bed but baby is still in their bassinet so you can have them close but i've seen it the moms will like have the bassinet on their bed baby starts crying at night you're like oh don't worry you whip out your boob you pull the little side down you just stick your boob on to the bassinet and they just start fee you can lay down you can feel safe baby is safe you guys can feed you just put that thing back up go to sleep i will invest countless amounts of dollars into a better night's sleep when i am nursing a baby at night and i think a bassinet is the way to go i'm not against the moses basket or any other type of bassinet i think they work fine maybe especially if you have a low bed but we're pretty high up and i need something that's going to be high up with me and just caters to my needs when i am sleeping and awake so that's like the bedside bassinet that's what i'm looking for i know lots of people like the moses basket because they can kind of put baby around the house and put them in the moses basket for me i'll put my baby on the couch i'll put my baby on like a pillow on the ground i don't find it extremely needed in that sense so no regular basket bassinets even though they're beautiful and they're really really cute i just think they're not as hugely beneficial as something like what i already described and hold on we're running out of air okay next this might shock you if you know me this was huge for me with all my kids i cloth diapered all my kids i saved so much money from cloth diapering and this time around i have decided not to cloth diaper there's a couple reasons why i would say the first reason is that i gave all my cloth diapers away so i would have to repurchase a whole new stash of cloth diapers which almost defeats the purpose of cloth diapering and like saving money because you would you will spend a lot of money on cloth diapers i spend a lot of money on them with ivy but then i use them through all my kids so it made sense but i mean you could spend five six hundred dollars on cloth diapers to last your child their entire cloth diaper like journey but then if you have multiple kids it makes sense so there's that but like honestly the main thing is just i'm a homeschooling mom i'm a stay-at-home mom i'm a working mom i am so busy i don't have time to cloth diaper and honestly with kieran staying at home as well he just really doesn't like the cloth diaper he would do it but it is kind of gross it's gross it's a ton a ton of extra work so we're not going to cloth diaper this baby now i've never been like a huge huggies or pampers person so i lean more towards like the organic diapers i know on them they'll say like composes faster than other diapers but who really knows all i know is that i'm giving myself that point of grace with baby number four because i've never been so busy and i bet you when this baby comes i will never be so busy like that kind of busy so that's my grace no cloth diapers this time around i'm actually really excited about that number four is a sound machine in our previous house it was a one bedroom mobile so it was very loud it was very small so when we put the kids down we heavily relied on the sound machine to just kind of buffer the noise that we would be making in the kitchen like kids would literally wake up from us pouring like a bowl of cereal they'd wake up and be like and i was like no this is not okay so then we introduced the sound machine really loved it but when we moved to this space we stopped using sound machines they still worked but they were just unnecessary and you will realize the more kids you have your last kid will be more used to sound like ivy wasn't that good with sound calvin started doing great with some elizabeth like you could put her asleep to like hard rock loud music like she would be totally fine it's just they're used to sound so i just don't find the need for a sound machine here because we have a bigger space and because i mean as time goes on your child just gets used to sound and i think it's good for them to naturally get used to sudden sounds and movements and to work through them okay next is a baby monitor so this is something i've actually never owned um i have had probably 40 plus brands of baby monitor message me and be like can we work together i want to send you something and i think they look at me and go like she's a mom she'd love a baby monitor i have never had a desire for a baby monitor i know a lot of parents will use it as like a safety precaution but where i put my child down to sleep or whatever it's always safe i always feel safe about putting them to sleep i'm very careful with how i put my kids down to sleep especially when they're just little little little but even as time goes on i just think your child deserves some privacy like and if you have a baby monitor for like your five-year-old like i'm not judging you but just personally for me i think that sense of privacy for your child is just really important later on but in the beginning guys i have a lot of peace coming into my bedroom putting baby down in a bassinet and just being like i'll see you when nap time's done and kind of create like a healthy disconnect because if you're just surrounded by your baby and then you're watching your baby nap for me it would really be a lot so it's kind of like a healthy disconnect put them down you can check on them like here and there but i've never really seen a benefit to me or kieran and having a baby monitor for our children and it's honestly it's not it's an extra thing we don't have to worry about it's really nice so oh it's so out of breath okay next is baby chairs baby rockers the mama roo the swizzle things i don't like them i'm a huge baby wearer i love wearing babies i will either wear my babies or just put my babies down on the ground to let them just do their thing putting them in something that just kind of rocks them or a swing or the mamaroo thing they're expensive and i just i'm just not here for it there's also some wooden ones that are literally like 500 dollars they look cute sure they look cute you're an instagram mom you like taking pictures of your kid in that holding your coffee and your bible out so people can see that you do that stuff it's so it's so expensive and i think i just need to tell someone this your baby doesn't care your baby will not care about the price of what you're putting them in what it looks like they won't care and if other people care tell them to like go take a hike because it's your baby and it's your money anyway so instead of like if i notice my babies just kind of sad whiny instead of putting them in something that just kind of rocks them or like swings them around i'm huge into grabbing them and just baby wearing them i love that i can also baby wear and like feed at the same time i just find it to be cheaper a really sweet way to be close with my baby and it's one less thing i have to have just hanging out on the floor that i bet you my other kids will use more than the baby next is a excessive baby gym so there's like the baby gyms that are like the huge saucers with the big toys like bending over or there's the baby gyms with like the huge crisscross toys hanging out over them guys they're just they're really really really big they're they're so huge and even though we have a bigger space we're still very careful about what we bring into the house because anything too big will clutter our space because we're in a skinnier type of layout i know it may not always look like that online but it is i use a wide-angle lens we're just tricking everyone hold on i'm gonna breathe and take a sip of coffee okay that'll get us through i like just the baby gym that just kind of goes like this over top but i'm even kind of thinking if i want to do that i probably will and i like that one because it's smaller but i just don't like these big kids saucer move around noisy overly colorful stimulating vibrating things that's where i'm i draw the line and i'm like you better stay over there because i don't want you in my house it's just too big it's too much is too loud and for me it just is unnecessary i think one of the greatest things you can do for your kids is just lay down a blanket lay them down and like put them near a window or put them where you are and they can watch you like make dinner or something from the ground letting your baby see their surroundings is really really great letting your baby even get bored is good it's not a bad thing i don't want my kids to feel like i need to fully entertain them all the time for them to be happy i want to teach them that sometimes there's there's a lot of beauty and joy in just laying down and looking around so yeah that's my thought on that next is newborn clothes that are not onesies or sleepers i feel like when they get to more of like the three to six months that's when you really want to do clothes that are more like clothes you know you want the the little pants and the sweaters but when they're like the zero or like newborn to three months you know what firstly do yourself a favor onesies and sleepers they're stinking cute and they're really awesome this is my first baby that i'm having in a warm month in maybe july but most likely august that's my due date actually not my due dates in august but i bet you i'm having this baby in july my babies always come early my baby's just gonna be hanging out in a onesie it's cool it's one piece if they poop everywhere it's just one item that i have to clean versus the shorts and the onesie and the sweater or the tank top you know and it's just more comfortable for them for my other kids they lived in sleepers in the winter and fall time and it was comfy it was cute it was easy it was fantastic so that's really just what i'm going for for the first few months just let them be comfy let my life be a little bit easier and then on that same topic newborn shoes now for my kids that were born in winter and fall time they had little booties which kept their feet warm but i'm talking about like structured shoes with like rubber on the bottom like like people expecting my three month old to to walk like those kind of shoes i don't i don't i don't understand i i think they're kind of cute but there's nothing as great as just like that little wool booty you know what i mean or like the little cotton booty with the ties is so cute i never bought a super structured shoe for my newborn i'm very glad i didn't just little soft cotton booties wool booties those are the way to go but i'm not gonna do that this time around because my baby's gonna be born in the summertime but little socks and stuff because they still need to keep warm uh will be obviously a good idea next a changing table i used a changing table for my daughter ivy and i didn't like it it it just i found it so much easier to change them on the ground or change them on the bed but usually on the ground a changing table was not necessary for me i had a basket that would have wipes and diapers maybe a few onesies because we had blowouts not we the children had blowouts so that was kind of like my little caddy that i would take with me around the house like if i needed to suddenly change a diaper but i found the whole changing table thing with the accessories with the thing that goes on top it was expensive and it just really didn't serve me as much as i thought it would it's just so much easier just to change them somewhere else or on the ground or even just like on your lap i found it very easy to change my child on my lap so no to a changing table i understand like for storage and stuff maybe you're a changing table mom maybe you just love that you have one area in your house that you change your child's diaper but for me i have to be very very versatile like no matter where i am we need to change this diaper and i just find that it works really well next is a baby bathtub guys when you have a baby i think the nicest thing for me to do is to bathe with them whenever i've had to bathe one of my babies i bathe with them i sit in the bathtub with them and i wash them and it's just sometimes they scream sometimes they don't but it's just that that warm skin against warm skin i think it's good for you it's good for baby you can wash them and it's also more secure for them i feel like if you're just putting them into water it's kind of like for them but if you're there in the water with them different it's a little more secure so no to a baby bathtub no to the snuggle me snuggle roo dockatot things you know those things that kind of go like this that are like the idea behind them is somewhere you can put your baby where maybe your baby won't roll off of something or i know some parents will use it for co-sleeping we don't co-sleep so that's kind of out of the question some parents will use it because their child will sometimes go like this like they're looking for something to hold on to and it's something that will kind of hug the baby a little bit more again i'm a baby wearer i wear my babies and if i'm not wearing my babies they are just on a comfy little blanket on the ground again broken records an extra thing i don't have to store i don't have to buy and i don't have to just use i love you guys can tell i love relying on the baby carrier and it's an item you just use it for such a short amount of time so i'm i'm here for the baby carrot that i'm a baby carrier mom that's what i am and i'm apparently a blanket mom because i just lay down a blanket and just have my baby stay there okay we have a few more car seat attachments for the stroller um i love my phil and ted stroller and they're always nice enough to be like do you want us to send you some car seat attachments so you can take the baby car seat out from the car and just put it right onto the stroller i always say no i find it really really important for me to unbuckle baby take baby out and put baby in the stroller uh it's good to help baby stretch a little bit it's good for baby to know that sometimes they're going to be moved and taken to different places and it's fine and they're still okay i know it's so much easier just to take the baby thing out and just clip i want to be intentional with what i'm doing with my kids even from a young age so i really like taking my baby out letting them stretch a little bit sometimes just like go like this for a bit and then i put them into the stroller and just bundle them up i just want them to be in different places and feel secure and comfortable being in those different places and but still being able to like see me and stuff because i'm the foundation of their security as their mom so as long as they see me doing all this stuff for them they're gonna find it as comfortable as normal and they're still secure because i'm still there next the diaper genie i i know there's a cool group of moms that love the diaper genie this is coming from a mom who is never diaper genie most houses that i go into where a mom diaper genies i'm sorry mom it still smells like poop it does you are changing poopy diapers all the time your house is still going to smell like poop diaper genie no diaper genie i think it's just expensive again it's an extra thing to have and then i know this sounds simple but like we as soon as our kid does a nasty poop all of our kids are potty trained right now so we're not even diapering but whenever our kid did a nasty poop in their diaper we just put it outside like we had an outside garbage and that's just where we would put it so all the stinkiness would stay outside in the fresh air and it just wouldn't get stinky out there anyways therefore we didn't need a diaper genie nor did i want a diaper genie we just put the diapers outside like if you don't want your house to smell bad just put the thing that smells bad outside that's what worked for us last one the bottle warmer so i'm sure you're looking at me being like she probably breast fed to her kids were like two i didn't i really really wanted to breastfeed for at least a year like that was my goal but my milk dried up with both of my daughters and then with my son my milk supply was insane it was incredible but he got teeth at two months and he was just slicing me like crazy like he was still so brand new he was just slicing me and i was like i have to stop because i'm bleeding and i'm in pain all the time so i breastfed in the beginning for like a handful of months and then i switched over to formula slash breast milk that i had frozen in the freezer i found that and i've used bottle warmers before i just found that i was able to bottle warm just like in a cup with hot water or if i'm going through a drive-through i'd be like hey can i just have a cup just put like two inches of hot water in and they'd be like yeah sure and i could stick my bottle in there it's a convenient device but again it's an extra device and it's an extra device that's specifically in my kitchen and i love for my kitchen to be very minimal clean counter space whether it's a little item or a big item i don't want it sitting on my counter if it doesn't have to so no to the bottle warmer for me there's just other ways of doing it that work just fine that's it guys those are things that i'm not going to be using with this baby i think what is so cool is that when i get together with other moms they talk about some of the things i just listed here as like they're must have items and then i talk about some of my must-have items and they're like no we're all very different and that's what makes us so cool but if you're a first-time mom i why can't i talk but if you're a first-time mom i encourage you to start out small start out minimally and then build from there versus being just kind of like overloaded with all this stuff and it's like too much and it's clutter to start slow babies are so simple they need to be fed anyway breast milk formula fed given good sleeps and just love dawn that's what baby needs so thank you for watching i hope you guys like this video now that i had a successful 20 week ultrasound everything is looking good baby's feeling good um i'm going to start purchasing some things for babies so that will be later on but i'm going to share with you guys my ultimate essentials for baby um after just kind of getting rid of everything and starting all over again so thank you for watching i really truly love you guys and i will see you in my next video bye
Channel: Sarah Therese
Views: 328,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sarah therese, minimalism, baby minimalism, baby, pregnant, things i do not buy, for my baby, minimal, baby items
Id: hrRqzIi14jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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