20 Hidden Secrets In Resident Evil Games

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are you try to kill me me [ __ ] Leon welcome to Mojo plays and today we're taking a look at 20 Secrets Easter eggs references cheats and More in Resident Evil games great before we begin we publish new videos all week long so be sure to subscribe to Mojo plays and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos signing [Music] off with there being just as many Resident Evil spin-offs just as there are main games it is totally understandable for some characters to be forgotten by most of the fan base for example many may not remember Alyssa Ashcroft as she only appeared Ed in Resident Evil Outbreak and Outbreak file number two the journalist hasn't had much of a role in the story since then however re7 shows that Capcom hasn't forgotten the famed reporter's place in the [Music] franchise one document you can find is titled over 20 missing where Alyssa writes about the increase in missing person cases occurring in Louisiana I'll escape this damn Town alive and spread the truth about what happened Fit For A King the throne room is one of the more famous goofy moments in Resident Evil 4 but you kind of have to go out of your way to appreciate the small cut scene yes you can sit on Salazar's throne and soak in a few moments of looking like a real badass of course there are more pressing matters to attend to like you know saving the president's daughter from a deranged cult leader but hey at least these few moments of resting did get you a shiny trophy or achievement thanks that should keep me company cuz boredom kills me tell me who's watching as much as we love the original games especially re2 the fixed camera angle is the only thing that keeps us from wanting to replay them there were plenty of times where we just wanted to turn around and shoot at the screen if you tried doing this yourself you found yourself a funny little gag you could do whenever you wanted to waste some bullets in a fit of [Music] rage sad that no other re games after this would include this but shooting the camera is kind of hard to do when your character can't always look at it traitor hey are you trying to kill me what the hell are you doing okay we love Lewis who doesn't yeah he can be annoying in the middle of a fight sometimes and get in the way too much but he's no cheva for some this was simply intolerable if you ever decided to take your rage out on Lewis and start shooting him you got to witness a little cut scene where Lon meets his end way sooner than expected [ __ ] Leon sadly this was taken out of the 2023 remake and lwis is now a god able to withstand every weapon in Your Arsenal what the hell are you doing the Louisiana secret if you were one of those players who didn't scour every corner of the map chances are you missed this special Easter egg that provides a connection between the baker's residence the village and the mega mice seat in one of the very last areas of Village there is a cave hidden near the pond with the golden fish go inside and you'll find a laptop as well as the heart of the mega my seat on the other side is a coin from dolvi Louisiana and a computer containing some sweet sweet lore comedy gold you are nothing if not I'm yeling Mr Kennedy one of the best parts about the original re4 is how Leon constantly dunks on Salazar in the dumbest ways even when it doesn't make sense seriously we will never forget how he says no thanks bro in the most sophisticated tone no thanks bro many were upset that this line was not repeated in the remake but it was referenced another way simply defeat Salazar and you shall earn a trophy or achievement called no thanks bro toss a grenade into his mouth and you'll get a trophy or achievement called you talk too much [Music] help R zombie slayers re5 holds a couple of references to capcom's other more comedic horror series Dead Rising one newspaper you can find in one of the campaigns is a copy of the willamet park Journal which is the same paper Frank West works for but what strikes our curiosity more is that there is a list in re5 of deceased people in a document where's the rest of the team [ __ ] two names are written on there Frank E and Isabella C we know that Frank's last name is West and Isabella's his keys but there's a good chance Capcom was just being cheeky here maybe Frank East was Frank West's bff or something umbrella what a perfect way to pass the time mhm okay this one may not be as interesting as the other entries but it was just a really amusing detail in re for's remake that Capcom didn't need to put in sometimes as you were browsing his Wares the merchant will make remarks about what you're looking at or say something about your health other times he will hum a little tune to himself mhm the tune is unrecognizable but to think the merchant is humming little diddies while infected murderous villagers are running around is just way too funny king would be [Music] proud [Music] for the most part Resident Evil will make references mainly to other Capcom games like Mega Man and Street Fighter however we were able to spot a rare movie reference back in the original version of re2 in one of the hallways of Raccoon City Police Department you'll find red lettering on the wall that reads Red Rum this is a clear reference to the classic Stephen King novel The Shining which features the character Danny holding up his finger and saying Red Rum red rum Red Rum dny what's the matter huny Red Rum you having a bad dream for some reason the remake for re2 did not make the same reference a i [Music] Skipper one of the strangest yet fun aspects of re4 is finding out all the different methods to skip specific sections of the game indeed you can find all sorts of crazy methods to completely bypass T fights for instance you can shoot the Bell during the mob fight in chapter 1 to end it immediately you can end the fight against the chainsaw sisters just as quickly as it starts by simply attaching mines to a light bulb sorry didn't realize it was yours one of our favorites though is tossing a grenade near the lever for the goat head to kill the enemy that triggers an ambush [Applause] so much cheese that it make Lon constipated and that's only scratching the surface there are plenty more for you to find growing up is optional Resident Evil 6 whether you're at Raccoon City Western Europe or Louisiana Resident Evil is a world filled with viscera and grit however the series isn't a afraid to get a bit Goofy and how could it not with some of the campy dialogue one example of this lies within Resident Evil 6 during your various campaigns you may come across a level that hides a playground yes you can walk around this area and yes you can totally ride the panda and go down the slide enjoy this brief moment of Innocence while the zombie apocalyptic world Burns all around you Dino Crisis in theaters Friday Resident Evil 3 Nemesis the third Mainline Resident Evil game features a wide Buffet of references and Easter eggs to not just the series itself but also other Capcom games many of these nods you'll most likely find throughout your time on the surface of Raccoon City one of these is a movie poster for a certain dinosaur themed game we've been craving to see come back for some time now yep that would be a Dino Crisis poster in the hospital Lobby and by God if this isn't a tease for the franchise's comeback we don't know what else is going to get us to Hype ourselves up again come on Capcom you gave Mega Man a nod and comeback too it's time for Dino Crisis [Music] now Zombie Friends Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 what are you doing here don't shoot I'm a human though this isn't a common feature the first Resident Evil as well as re2 have one cool detail that can be experienced under specific circumstances it is possible to encounter zombified versions of Albert Wesker in re1 and Brad in re2 in the Sega Saturn version of re1 all you have to do is access the battle game side mode and get far enough to encounter zombie Wesker who takes full four magnum bullets worth of damage to down as for zombie Brad and re2 get to the rcpd without picking up any weapons or items while under scenario a on normal difficulty he also takes quite a bit of damage before dying but if you manage to beat him you'll receive a key that unlocks a new costume resident Street Fighter Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 7 yeah some of the Capcom references can be painfully obvious but they're still Pleasant to spot when playing along with Dino Crisis and Mega Man Street Fighter has made its way into Resident Evil on a couple of occasions in re7 you can find a book called fighting Street in a few different spots you can also find the same book in re3 as well another cool nod to the fighting franchise is in re2 while you're running through the city one of the bigger buildings is named arukas which is a reference to Street Fighters local butt kicking school girl [Music] Sakura someone's making these Resident Evil 7 it isn't uncommon for folks to get a tad frustrated with resident Evil's more obtuse puzzles in re7 protagonist Ethan Winters is in that group of people sure fighing items and remembering where inaccessible areas are located can be tedious but item manipulation can be annoying too Ethan shares the resentment with players while solving one of r7's Shadow puzzles after solving one of them he'll ask who is even making these stupid things well one note can be found in the Attic that reveals who really is making these and it's the same company behind Spencer Mansion secret corridors damn you Trevor and Chamberlain construction who builds this [ __ ] shut up he's fishing Resident Evil 4 some of the coolest moments in gaming come when players discover ways to off bosses before their initial Encounters this is one of those moments just before you venture out into the lake to face the Monstrous delago do yourself a favor and shoot the water a few times use whatever you feel like a magnum shotgun pistol even go right ahead ha I lied delago jumps from the water and eats you whole nah man you got to put on your big boy pants and face this monstrous fish head on there there aren't any shortcuts here you're Brody he's Jaws come back with the head tail the whole damn thing Merchants talk Resident Evil Village welcome speaking of re4 Village shows the 2005 hit a ton of Love through various references and nods of them all there's one that has hit fans the hardest in a good way of course whenever you're browsing the Dukes Wares he'll make some light commentary on your purchases or say something completely unprovoked one of these lines is a direct shout out to re for's Shady looking Merchant character what are you buying it makes you wonder if the Duke and Merchant have some sort of hidden agenda between resident Evil's heroes and villains they just seem to appear at incredibly convenient times and the fact they know each other makes it all seem suspicious what are you buying just something an old friend of mine used to say film D AKA Rising rookie Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 2 this is an oldie but a goodie and Wesker would certainly agree with that sentiment after all he's the one in possession of this in the original ra2 you'll have to search wesker's desk 50 times to obtain a photo of Rebecca in her basketball uniform as for the Remake all you have to do is develop the film hiding place in in order to retrieve a box from wesker's desk drawer at first it's really just a box but check the drawer again for the photo so it appears our Edge Lord has some splaining to do a sequel tease Resident Evil 3 Nemesis before we cap off the list with our last entry let's revisit re3 for one more sneaky reference most hardcore re fans have probably spotted it already but it's pretty easy to overlook one modest looking movie theater advertises a film supposedly called biohazard 4 this is actually an advertisement in te's for Resident Evil 4 biohazard being the franchise's name in Japan indeed re4 was in development when re3 launched but the build that was being worked on at this time would become Devil May Cry re4 wouldn't launch until 2005 6 years after this tease was made public well I really don't don't give a damn rain or shine you're going down a letter from Shinji Mami Resident Evil we had to save the best for last and it's probably the one secret that's the most difficult to witness it's no easy task to reach this as you'll have to beat the game under invisible mode which makes every enemy in the game well invisible do this and you'll unlock a heartfelt letter from series creator Shi Mami thanking you for playing the game and congratulating you on your efforts it's a message that says more than just thanks for playing and you can really hear the Gratitude in his words therefore on behalf of the entire staff please allow me to express our gratitude and congratulate you on a job well done thank you very much for playing Shinji Mami Dev team representative thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video there's more where that came from
Channel: MojoPlays
Views: 76,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Horror, Single Player, Video Games, action, biohazard, capcom, dino crisis, hidden secrets and easter eggs in resident evil games, mojo, mojoplays, resident evil, resident evil 2, resident evil 3, resident evil 4, resident evil 6, resident evil 7, resident evil easter eggs, resident evil secrets, resident evil village, shinji mikami, shooter, street fighter, survival, top 10, umbrella corporation, undead, watch mojo, watchmojo, zombies, resident evil 4 remake, re4 remake, easter eggs
Id: P4qVU6_jpRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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