Who is HUNK Anyway? Resident Evil Lore

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over the decades that umbrella was active they've hired and worked with many different deadly individuals but there's one in particular that's always been clouded in mystery not much is known about them other than that on nearly every Mission he's been on he's often the only one to return alive he has no name and thus is known by many different monikers but how did this man come to work for umbrella in the first place what is known about him and where is he now but first we need to go back to see how he fit into umbrella's plans in the first place the year 1968 three University students Oswald Spencer James Marcus and Edward Ashford came together to form umbrella Pharmaceuticals in the public eye it was a simple medicine manufacturer but behind the scenes this Corporation had a different goal in mind Eugenics Oswald Spencer specifically was obsessed with creating a new race of superhumans through a family of viruses known as the progenitor Research into this would obviously take a lot of money to fund so umbrella Pharmaceuticals dabbled in many different areas of trade as in included creating and selling bio weapons as umbrella Pharmaceuticals grew and their research became more valuable Invaders became a more serious threat needing to protect themselves but also their secrets from the public they started employing their own paramilitary this included the umbrella biohazard countermeasure service or the ubcs and also the umbrella security service or USS USS specialized in defending key umbrella facilities like the arclay laboratory but they also did covert operations these missions could end with the USS detaining or outright killing any individual that the leaders of umbrella thought were a threat to them and their research when the USS actually formed an umbrella is unknown with the first record of an assassination mission from the USS happened in 1988 just over 20 years after the creation of umbrella Pharmaceuticals this Mission came from none other than Oswald Spencer who was the unfortunate Target James Marcus one of the original founders of umbrella and dear friend to Oswald Spencer or so we thought there was a lot of paranoia between Spencer and Marcus when he came to their respective research and when Spencer finally snapped and let his Warriors get to him he ordered two USS operatives those being Albert Wesker and William Birkin to kill Marcus and steal his research on the t-virus fast forwarding now to 1993 and Rockford Island this island was owned by the Ashford family and it became the new home base for paramilitary training for umbrella this included both the USS and the ubcs training programs it took one year to implement these and in 1994 the training programs had officially started the conditions were absolutely extreme and bows were produced on-site at the Island's facilities in order to give the operatives Practical real-life experience against fighting bows meaning would die in this process but those who survived would be the most elite even though those who underwent and survived the brutal training were highly dangerous and lethal operatives in their own right it wasn't until 1996 that Rockford Island would receive one of its most talented and dangerous new recruits the Grim Reaper no one knows his true name so he's known by many different aliases these include Mr death the Grim Reaper the god of death and of course His official USS code name hunk but why all the names regarding death he was such a Cut Above the Rest that he would often be the only operative to return alive from missions was seemingly impossible odds earningham his many monikers with death in its name while it's never been outright confirmed there is speculation that the codename honk is actually an acronym for human unit never killed just two years later in 1998 he was promoted to leader of the USS Alpha Team his cold and always business attitude caused him to have very little relationships with his peers on Rockford he was a soldier with a mission and nothing else mattered it is rumored though that he had a rivalry with the ubsc operative silver wolf AKA Nikolai xenoviv how this rivalry came to be and what it actually looked like no one really knows the only other relationship to speak of that hunk had on Rockford Island was with the Protege from the newly formed USS Delta team his code name Vector hunk trained Vector in martial arts and other forms of fighting feder's ability with knife combat was especially good most likely taught to him by hunk who also had his strong preference for knife combat even being equipped with a hidden blade in his arm no other kind of relationship is known with honk and his peers on Rockford everything else after this was just business as usual going back now to William Birkin in the early 90s he was making a great progress on the g-virus so much so that Oswald Spencer took notice and decided a promotion was in order a new research facility was built Under the Umbrella chemical plant there's new research facility was called nest and here Birkin was the chief researcher and continued to work on the g-virus with his wife Annette despite the research going very well all through the 90s Birkin started to become resentful towards umbrella because it was looking less and less likely that he was going to receive the big promotion that he always wanted corporate executive in 1998 the t-virus broke out in the arkley mountains and infected many people in places in the surrounding area including the umbrella training school that Birkin was in charge of reopening realizing that they've lost complete control of the facility Burke and Wesker made the drastic decision to have the place destroyed umbrella wasn't too happy about this they were upset that the entire facility is now gone and they blamed both Birkin and Wesker for losing control of the facility in the first place this caused bad relations with Birkin and Wesker with umbrella Wesker made a decision to leave umbrella altogether and while Birkin wanted to leave as well he was too devoted to his G virus research and didn't want to give up when he was so close to completing it so instead he decided to stay with umbrella for the time being and sabotage their facilities from the inside knowing he would need to go somewhere safe after he left Birkin made a deal with the US military behind umbrella's back Birkin offered to sell in the G virus after its completion for them to make their very own bio weapons with in return he and his family can get protection from them to keep them safe from umbrella this was a big mistake unknown to Birkin umbrella had spies within the US Military and caught wind of his plan to run away with the G virus once it was complete this was when umbrellas and Alpha team leader hung and his Squad to retrieve the g-virus samples from Birkin before he could take it to the US Military and thus began operation Nest Wrecker eyes on the G virus Dr Birkin you'll come along with us quietly you think I didn't know you were coming this is my life's work I'm not handing over anything we have our orders what the [ __ ] were you thinking our orders would have freedom and alive we're inside but we have a snafu Target resisted if we had to take him on that's correct sir Roger that thank you let's move hunk and two of hisquatimate Jay Martinez and a Kirkpatrick were able to catch up to Birkin they were to detain Birkin and the samples peacefully but if he resisted the non-lethal force was allowed because they needed to bring him back alive during the confrontation of Burkin refused to comply and pulled out a gun this prompted Martinez to panic and open fire shooting Birkin and presumably killing him this caused tongue to lash out a Martinez for his mistake in Hasty action despite this mistake though when reporting back to command Hank leaves out the information that Martinez was the one who shot Birkin instead he takes the blame for the mistake the shows that hunk really cares for his team despite his code demeanor accepting what's done is done Kirkpatrick retrieves birkin's suitcase contained the G virus samples and they head towards the extraction Point unknown to Alpha team though Birkin was still alive though dying he still had a sample of the G virus that they had failed to recover from him and he knew it was now or never Burkin injects himself with the G virus hoping his his body would accept it and save his life unfortunately his body didn't take too Kyle into the G virus and mutated him into the massive G Monster bummer hell bet on Revenge on Alpha Team for stealing his samples he pursued after them in the sewers on their way to the extraction point please stop the word all members of Alpha Team were killed or severely injured by Birkin and then he consumed the G samples that they had the suitcases didn't just have the G samples though it also had the t-virus samples as well the same virus that James Marcus was researching when Wesker and Birkin killed him and stole his research rats in the sewers consumed the destroyed samples of T virus and spread the disease through raccoon City's water system in just one short week over 100 000 citizens of raccoon city were either killed or turned to zombies the US military blockaded the city keeping anyone from getting in or out they claimed this was to protect the rest of the world but in reality it was to cover any evidence that they had and what their involvement with birkin's G virus and their goal of making their own bio weapons during this one week period only one member of Alpha Team survived the Grim Reaper how exactly you survived for a week in Raccoon City isn't known but given his extreme combat prowess and experience with fighting bows is not too surprising that he'd be able to survive in the chaos the operation may have seemed to be a failure but the mission objective is always a top priority for hunk he was able to save a small sample of the G virus from Birkin after the attack all he needed to do was find a way out of the Raccoon City blockade and return it back to Umbrella HQ that opportunity would come sooner than he thought but with strings attached after that one week period of survival in Raccoon City hunk was laying low in the sewers beneath RPD it was most likely safer down there than the chaos happening above ground that's when hunk pursued a very important call the only other surviving member of Alpha Team the extraction pilot codename Nighthawk he was finally able to patch through to hunk and explain to him that he's here to extract him he tells him that meanwhile the front gate of RPD for extraction with one little catch the outbreak in Raccoon City caused an emergency meeting in Congress where the president decided to launch an experimental thermobaric missile at the city wiping clean everything in Raccoon City as well as any evidence that the US military had involvement with umbrella this plane was already set in a motion and hunk had roughly 15 minutes to make his way from the sewers to the front gate of RPD the race began both for completing his mission as well as for his life there we go foreign [Music] [Music] gotta find another way out Punk time's up get out I'm not gonna just leave God damn it [Music] Why'd You Come Back I wanted to meet the Grim Reaper after finding his way through a horde of zombies and bows and even facing off with the t-00 Tyrant hunk was able to escape aboard nighthawk's Chopper thus making operation Nest wrecker a success there was something interesting that happened during these moments of Escape though at one point when things aren't looking too good hunk tells Nighthawk to live without him this is another moment of selflessness from hunk where he shows genuine care for his team above the mission maybe he felt responsible for the events that led to the outbreak in the first place and felt no more of his team should die for his failure to lead the mission whatever the reason may be it was a rare moment of concern from hunk to his surprise Nighthawk didn't leave him behind despite his orders and rescued hunk and not a second too soon and they were both able to escape before the inevitable bombing of Raccoon City after escaping with the g-sample hunk had one more task to do he had to deliver it to a small village in France called Loire Village he had to hand it off to Christine Henry the umbrella France Branch facility director this delivery went without a hitch and the mission was finally complete sometime afterwards hunk was assigned his next mission a very simple delivery job hunk and his new team were to transport a container from umbrella's transport terminal in the Antarctic to Rockford Island the contest of the container were never made known to hunk though or any of his team members and this race of concerns after the mission was complete and hunk's report he explicitly mentioned that he didn't like how he and his team were left in the dark about the contents of the container he was saying that if it was something potentially dangerous that they needed to know so that they can be prepared in case things took a turn for the worse hunk mentioned that this lack of communication risked the safety of his team again another moment where hunk showed concern for his team even going as far as to be confrontational with his umbrella superiors when it came to their safety this is the last record of any operation that hunk did for umbrella falling umbrella's bankruptcy in 2003 hunk's whereabouts and activity is a mystery however he did seem to have some involvement with the paramilitary group umbrella Corps umbrella Corps was a PMC specializing in fighting bows they used a unique form of fighting known as close quarters quarantine Battle Zone or cqbz for short they also use special gear specifically designed for fighting bows such as the zombie Jammer and the bite guard tactical Shield both the equipment and the cqbz fighting style were invented by honk himself whether he was just contracted for a Time by Umbrella Corps to help with these things or he's still rooted in their group is still unclear at the end of the day hunk is a mercenary he goes where he feels it benefits him the most he was never with umbrella in the first place because he agreed with their views and wanted to support their mission umbrella was simply a means to an end and what that end is we don't know it could have been something material such as money that he after or could have been something more philosophical such as fulfilling a purpose in life whatever it was that hunk was after it wasn't something specific to umbrella and he could seek out those same means from somewhere else in the world his current activity and whereabouts is still unknown but we know one thing for a fact death cannot die [Music]
Channel: ZeroRedox
Views: 11,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iOaLs6c7W0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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