Resident Evil 2 Developers React to 49 Minute Speedrun

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It's always flattering when players break the game you designed in such interesting ways.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/shamoke 📅︎︎ Feb 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

I thought the video was going to be Orchlon.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Kamuiiiii 📅︎︎ Feb 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

For all the hate IGN is always getting this series has been one of my absolute favorites to watch of all of YouTube. Great idea!

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/ActualFrozenPizza 📅︎︎ Feb 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

This speedrun was insane! Thats some skills!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/siralbertwhisker 📅︎︎ Feb 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

I can't wait to see this dudes speedrun of the all new upcoming edition of RE3.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/braddahkepz 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Really awesome to watch, but I wish they would have also gotten the runner, or someone knowledgeable about speedrunning the game to give them insight into why certain things were done. Like shooting randomly they thought was to get rid of bullets and not to manipulate the automatic difficulty, or how the knife damage is tied to framerate.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/slicer4ever 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is amazing this is crazy what Wow look at that with no idea had we known that would have been a bug hi my name is Pete Fabiano I'm producer on resident evil 3 I also worked on Resident Evil 2 and today I am joined by the two directors on Resident Evil 2 to my right and unfortunately can't see him is this your humble and to my left we have Cosmo Ricardo please introduce yourself alright that was the director mr. Carew and hi konnichiwa I told you already know you need time for this and the other director mr. Oppo so without further ado we'll just get right into it they were so we're start with the cutscene yep started it's a photo real hamburger which they actually captured in studio they actually did buy hamburger and scan it in the photo scan they needed to make it look as delish as possible I don't get so you're saying he was trying to make it look as inedible as possible but I think it looks delicious yeah this is right in the beginning where you get to the convenience store he's just going right through when you compare what you know America would be like a deli or like one of those convenience store places attached to a gas station they're much larger than what you'd experience necessarily in Japan so the first first thing that they made they built out was actually quite small so that to make it bigger he's already he's already been hey you sure you're gonna be able to speedrun this look at that he's actually done that on purpose so he can actually make himself move faster he's gonna limp a bit there up the stairs look at that I'm Busan didn't even realize that was even possible it's the first time he's seen anything like that he didn't he knows exactly where to go he's not even watching that the cutscenes for a second he's gone right through I was gonna say yeah it's probably a 40 Sami apocalypse hits you gotta get you a 40 this place shouldn't be a problem why cut right through that what's going on Cairo is on saw aware of all the little tricks to make things appear quicker Abu sounds a bit surprised man yeah that's student fast quitea well let's go ahead yeah so he's going through his Claire I wonder if there's like a little secret there in terms of getting fat through faster them as opposed to playing with Leon no he's probably got already got both registered in the game both characters that is already clear time let's see Madonn kickball or nosy motion it's got their yeah look at that he's got this crazy way to get up the stairs we're trying to figure out what it is there's something obviously something there to make that the character move up faster like a like a mix of quick turn or something yeah look at that he's even he's even arranged the camera so you just fall right through just just kind of get ready I'll swing just one right right I didn't realize he wasn't right in there not picking up anything he's just going straight through he not even paid attention of Marvins Oh what was that it's okay reaction to the helicopter with the exception being he's got no time for a break he's yawning there but he's going right through the door I love how fast it just kind of throws everything in place no flying through yeah really curious to see how he's gonna get through this part oh right through can't even keep up what's going on on-screen alright getting through okay coal's and she's a name that doesn't need the map for any reason at all just getting right through switching the camera turn so we could see Claire clearly getting through already knows the solution he's getting that out of the way this guy's got everything memorized it's pretty impressive listen to beat turning the dials see if he gets through this [Music] just waiting for him and look at that yeah he's got all three all three coins going right in head down my eyes can't even keep up tolls man yeah isn't it hasn't even touched an item box Coley's sherry behind her this is amazing that was fast so uh mr. Carter's saying that he made it so that actually the knife is quite useful in this section to take a break here automated chat how's it gonna get through this I'm really curious you don't come to just garnet yeah he's got this like technique where he's just using the 90-degree turn in subtle ways it's pretty impressive they just do the way that you can use the knife and PC versions different yeah he gets through these items so quick hey guys no no it's not doing the underdog he's got something else planned combo kustom what might pre good it turn turn the camera to his advantage yup that didn't take much to get through nice headshot gone through loving the knife knife is pretty important too I would say probably like 50 people would stick around so not a snake can you name Elsa yeah how's it gonna get is gonna get passed tyrant let's see oh why run when you just go through skipping right through staircases I don't know I put ok so you combine items all in that one little stint look like he shot at something you would have to be subscribed yeah tyrants not even shown and good point I'm Poisson saying it you know he's pretty lucky too you never know where he's gonna show up what kind of step up says maybe he knows I don't know so random so this name yeah cutter sounds saying that you know the position or the location of zombies too is is somewhat random so there is a level of luck going on here this is impressive one Wow okay that was impressive put that puzzle together pretty quick all right he's taking a breath mother cute kid isn't it wonder why I didn't see guess who's waiting okay cause there [ __ ] he do all that I see technically he's gonna show something new using sharing what okay Wow okay that line was really [ __ ] though Alton how's it going all right we're not gonna let this shelf get the best of us today fam it's not happening I'm gonna run an ad break as soon as I get on the Shelf though first soon as I start climbing through the window cd1 the tongs right yeah hey is that doing the same turns with sure as he's doing with Claire she doesn't have much of a stance we're gonna get the sub 19 now we're not gonna be close though I'm so close I bet you if that line hadn't been absolutely [ __ ] earlier it probably would have worked I've been want a sub 19 there for a long time a long long time I've wanted a sub 19 there yeah that's right we looking at this you don't even know who she's being chased by just not ducking what's going on she's not kneeling okay what's what's what's happening here she's gonna find you what's the technique here how's this going oh look at that look at this little shimmy Oh impressive she's right look at that didn't even have to duck to hide that's pretty impressive that he knows exactly where his line of vision is this is crazy Wow look at that with no idea hi get through that without being discovered like that yeah yeah had we known that would have been a bug a little bit I've been more so paying attention to the messages and not specifically the name go right to the light switch yeah true huh huh there's a long pause okay I just gone right through with glare I didn't even do the special event which I probably showed us Italy slogged in for a couple days alright time to save sherry yeah just got by that nice hit the ones obviously get past gotta get 750 750 is more important than we're all just sitting back taking it in don't know I was gonna get through all the stuff it's pretty impressive Legion actually was really good Legion was really good PFA was okay for at the beginning but it got boring really faster there wasn't enough content when I first came out it got boring in like the first like two weeks kidding by all the dogs with ease all right let's see picked up name so this man just getting head shots and rolling right through but I may just play it safe and grab the extra ammo Wow yeah I may play it safe a little bit here with the with the whole ammo situation is it's only like one second and I don't both in what I'm used to Muslim and looking forward to seeing what's gonna happen with boss battle I really can't do this man yeah because a lot of that the play time is gonna be taken up by walking you can see that he's actually calculating how to get through certain areas and it cut in and calculate the steps to make it as short as possible impressive it's funny cuz it's been like a year since we last looked at the game as you know the full game through like this and it feels bit nostalgic oh yeah what was that okay he's good with headshots Mike I had the soul is now I want to see how he's getting a fast G there's nothing over long time did you go to war with you yeah how's it gonna get through this in the next areas especially where there are concentrated enemies you know we're speculating here that perhaps he's trying to use some items so he'll have some room left in his item box or his slots yeah I'm doing well ro hope you are - mm-hmm there we go it's gonna get rough let's see how you can get through these look at that one hit just slight turn - he's just powering right through the little little G guys nice he's a crawler yeah okay say got that weapon go boy demos now he's got a pretty good member here throwing this Lots quick alright let's see it's it's easier to get through on the way back okay okay [Laughter] even the directors themselves get caught on that spot and I just cruising through Lake so its name yeah look he's probably gonna make short work all the rest of the enemies I'm the boss curious to see the technique oh here we go droppin some bombs some grenades there's what oh look at that okay it's much breakthrough and they just run through notice the engine after - soon isn't it got that knife there we go the knife he's going red for the eye okay oh wow okay Wow one hit okay all right good Sherry's back guys I'm hoping this is the run I hope so it's got a chance it's got a good chance I'm not gonna say too much more though because we are we already know how that goes he's already towards the end here use the spark gun just once running in place it's being pretty patient trying to get through as quick as possible okay all right let's hope that this new thing works here and I get this time save let's hope it works but she's more know then it's super dinosaur no I didn't hide it about simple cure Christine and it's a keyhole or shut down yeah dying do they work about you know garden he knows it's kind of where all the items are how to get through everything the fastest bathroom through yeah it's pretty awesome thing you can you can get through like this you know someone who can look through all the details I understand they got me that's pretty we're happy that someone loved the game that much to take all that time and effort I'm gonna grab the safety Wow yeah I'm gonna grab the health there's no point in trying to live dangerously here so yeah should be hard to kind of just slip by all of what's coming up but let's take a look okay put in the codes like that a little safer than I normally would but it's it's good I'm Poisson colorism oh no speedrun as the guys here if they were attempted a speedrun on their own and it doesn't sound like they've actually attempted a real one just kind of playing around doing stuff this canal in so this name more item of the coo coo karma no hero and I thought Ankara he's throwing stuff away because he knows he's gonna need to make space so this name yeah it's faster to just throw stuff away hey we're actually use it then it is to open up your inventory and right by the liquor okay that was fast okay that was clever so this is knowing when to throw and exactly what's gonna happen and then that was clever no okay I just timely take some damage okay using that to get to go there one likes to get through him but I just kind of using the knife and getting through their Court and right through so six get through as it wasn't even their focus a -3 which I've this is easily my best pace I got a switch I can't forget to I can't forget to switch my graphic settings around when I get to this part yeah that is that is pretty amazing he can set line that up so quick all coming down to this fam these two fights I think I might lose a little time on this what he's a Cheston the image quality what's happening here oh he's changing the frame rate right okay there you go using that knife Wow okay okay and down with the knife and changing the image quality back to a hundred okay cannot lose time I've gotta have a clean fight here nice really clean menu there we're basically minus four by the time we get down there as long as these lines are super clean she's in a stance he was a mover waiting for Shari show up okay I don't have an extra smart shot oh yeah it's probably facing so he's ready to just run as soon as it gets down yep another knife what's going on here we're used to him getting right through guys now what's going on and the knife at work and again sherry wouldn't show up and that would make things really hard when they were playing getting through the game there she is I thought you didn't call per second yeah let's go I'm gonna lose like what 10 maybe maybe a we've got time I've got more than enough time here even if I make some small mistakes this is still more than enough time yeah we're gonna get through this iteration of J let's see let's see yeah Gatling guy at work let's see no knife nice nice yeah I love this conversation they're like it's the knife that's strong like well maybe on the PC version when you consider how you can adjust things but yeah we'll keep we'll keep that quiet [ __ ] finally holy [ __ ] and he's done so this NIM will go do come on [ __ ] tonight Wow under an hour under fifty minutes impressive this part this party's sitting down watching enjoying a nice little cup of whatever's in that mug he's got there this is this is great stuff which I'm to me he's gonna watch the credits for us that sections autoscroller whiskey uh uh no my did the muscle we got their names up there there you see cuz I saw an anomalous on oh okay he's gonna oh and I'll skip pursuit moves and s plus na hey awesome that was pretty crazy yeah I mean it's amazing that somebody would take go through these lengths to you know understand the game so fully so that's that's amazing you know the techniques you use to get through all that that's not something that we we would have predicted so awesome yeah thanks so thanks again for having us be a part of this and you know we'd really enjoyed watching it was pretty pretty impressive I know we we got so involved we stayed silent for a few moments there just trying to take in how he's going to get through stuff but thank you very much and I'll let these guys say a few words thanks a lot and you know we're happy that you enjoyed the residence series I was resonable to and hopefully hopefully you'll of resonable three just as much thanks a lot we invite you to ride along with the developers as they react to question and enjoy some of the most skilled players exploiting and speeding through a game it took years of their life to create that's exactly what happens in every episode of game devs react to speedruns join us every Saturday for a new episode
Channel: IGN
Views: 4,114,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PC, IGN, PS4, games, Action, Feature, speedrun, Adventure, Xbox One, Resident Evil, speedrun reacts, Resident Evil 2, speedrun reaction, devs react to speedrun, resident evil speedrun, resident evil 2 speedrun, developers react to speedrun, resident evil 2 remake speedrun
Id: ZhwYKxLPim8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 11sec (3431 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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