25 Fortnite Secrets FOUND BY HACKERS!

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from an unfindable message to an R-rated Easter egg these are 25 fortnite Secrets found by hackers and I don't know who was hacking during the chapter 2nd event but a secret was discovered about the rock that you'll never be able to unhear Oh I oh yeah you might have noticed he sounds a little off and you'd be correct this bothered a hackers so much that they searched through the voice files and realized it was a completely different actor I don't tell The Rock about all this because let's just say this other guy took things a little too far it's breaking down I need to start the containment process now if there's an unanswered question on everyone's mind rest assured hackers will find the answer and that's exactly what happened with the Colombo myth it was said to be immortal and everybody tested it but nothing worked well that's when a hacker took things to the next level creating a modded weapon that does so much damage Colombo disappeared with no death animation it's obvious we were never meant to kill him but a secret that nobody found is hiding in the Mr Beast map when playing it's very easy to ignore the version number at the top of your screen but this got people thinking could you go back in time well if you type the island code into a search bar and then add V1 to it you'll see that fortnite locked access to every single version except for 89. we were never supposed to find the name survival challenge and those Mr B statues we're all used to well they're Jonesy now the best part is the placeholder video instead of Jimmy telling us what to do it's an epic games employee I think at this point fortnite would hate hackers but there was actually a time he left a secret message in the files for them 2018 leakers discovered an upcoming item called the porter Bridge so while it already sounds ridiculous all they had to do was look at the description you shouldn't be seeing this text how you find this are you magic of course the whole thing was a troll with the name poking fun at the unofficial fortnite guide which taught us how to build a bridge but a secret that nobody talks about is carved into the mask of the visitor using free cam mode you could peek inside his helmet and find nothing but hackers ripped his model from the files and they discovered a bombshell the layers of the Mask you could find a hidden Josie face without eyes it's terrifying the same can be said for PS2 Jonesy when hackers found a way to download old versions of fortnite they unlocked the secret Alpha from 2016. in this build tilted Towers looked like this and the default skins were just straight up nightmare fuel there's one thing that has tons of hidden details it's a live event but sadly we only get to play them once before replays are deleted forever I didn't stop Hackers from accessing these and showing all kinds of Secrets we were never supposed to find and the chapter 2 finale there's hidden rooms like this where you can see foundation and Jones fighting IO guards there's also two caretakers walking around and three zero points at once I mean I feel like I should get in trouble watching this still not as weird as what hackers found in the device event and one of the cut scenes we sit in Jones's office and watched Silhouettes Panic through the wall all it took was a few mods and suddenly the camera revealed everything showing John Wick running around of course these are placed on their skins we were never meant to see but eventually getting out of bounds did unlock some storyline secrets and the build up to this same event we can see midas's office and it was full of details but something was missing there was a book that was too far away to read and that's when hacker stepped in revealing a secret drawing of a pickaxe may cause the community to explode trying to find a hidden connection between Midas and Oro and the Mystery still continues to this day not everything was meant for us though some messages are personal and when people glitch through Indiana Jones's hat they found a secret left by a developer it said Liam and Finn love Dad which is pretty wholesome but after it was discovered the Easter egg got deleted without any explanation just like the hidden ending of this month's live event data miners were able to track down a deleted scene from fracture which revealed the mothership abducting the zero point the date is marked as September 2022 and it shows that fighting back and blowing up the ship to make it worse they also found sketches of the live event while it was still in development speaking of things that never made it to the game months after Travis Scott's astronomical broke the internet a mysterious Insider posted this image on music forums they claimed it was the original design of the Travis Scott outfit which is way different to the Skins we're still using to this day but if you remember the lobby from chapter 1 season 8 it had the volcano palm trees pretty distinct right well hackers were able to find an unused version which was more tropical and had a pirate ship sailing around I mean it's pretty nutty how we were never meant to see this and it gets even crazier in Chapter 2 leakers discovered the model of a soldier but no head with only an outfit to work with they somehow realized this belonged to Tyler rake from the Netflix movie extraction which explained the missing head as everyone got excited for the reveal of Chris Hemsworth and fortnite nothing happened and it was deleted rumor has it the Thor's kid is still crying to this day that's not the only time hackers got her hopes up after finding a way to glitch combo into creative mode they discovered an exclusive feature that was never there before for some reason he could dance at least there was an adorable emote unlike fortnite's biggest troll that targeted hackers directly a season 3 came to an end people spotted a huge meteor in the sky and the community exploded trying to learn more about the mystery if you aimed up at the meteor you could hear these really strange noises which some people investigated but when they put it into a spectrogram all they got back was take the luckily they got reported years later when epic did the same thing in chapter 2. instead of trolling hackers they decided to give them an exclusive look at the end event months before it even happened you can see the pyramid firing lightning into the sky just like the cube Queen did and this next event also had some mind-blowing Secrets during Collision people noticed two characters falling into the zero point nobody was able to figure out their identity until hackers came along and solved everything after going into free cam mode they exposed the imagined fighting Gunner we weren't supposed to see this until months later when the zero war comics revealed it was jenno instead so it turns out epic didn't want to leak his face and use Gunner as a replacement but a secret TV show in the files has a scratching her heads to this day chapter 2 an entire scene from Family Guy was put in the files and it was impossible to call this a placeholder because the developers specifically edited blood out of the fight it's been years since this appeared so consider this the last time I bring it up because it's gotta be one big troll by now we're also waiting for a feature that first showed up over two years ago as he entered Jones's office during the device event you go into first person mode and for a small amount of players this was never turned off they could play the rest of the match in this View and it works seamlessly with every weapon so since then people have found ways to enable it and save the world and through various glitches so I'm guessing we're getting pretty close now but there's one secret that hackers found which won't be revealed for years they somehow found unreleased pieces of an image and put them together like a jigsaw puzzle the finished product looks like this so while there's still some chunks missing you can clearly see some kind of RPG mode that fortnite's working on but it looks like a mobile game and years later no one knows what it's for but you don't need to be an elite hacker just to find Secrets sometimes all you gotta do is save an image in fortnite's news feed people have downloaded the images and discovered some hilarious titles like the release of Mecca Morty where the developers named it cranking 90s Morty as a reference to this Morty Frick where are you I'm in fortnite Morty I'm cranky 90s Morty I'm cranky 90s sometimes they even use it to tease upcoming skins turns was seen in the 2019 Community Choice and even though he lost the vote players waited forever to get the skin he stayed on release for over a year and we began to assume he was never gonna come out until one day the news feed image was secretly called just wait until you see what comes tomorrow everyone was so excited to see what epic had in store and when the Shoppers said turns actually arrived with his own message for hackers reading it's finally here we did it but did you know that epic almost completely ruined one of the biggest surprises of the chapter a mysterious Rift appeared at the end of season 3 which had a secret message everyone missed after extracting the rift audio and running it through a spectrogram leakers found a giant figure of Galactus towering over the island months before the event still not as funny as a Time forde designed a secret area that was supposed to last for weeks until hackers ruined everything this cave literally had 10 trillion HP the most we have ever seen and the idea was to work together destroy the rocks and reveal the inside died hackers tried everything to get an early look and at the end of the day all it took was a single cow catcher that completely opened the cave on day one ruining weeks of build up it's been Tommy cupid here top five gaming [Music]
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 61,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite chapter 4, 25 FORTNITE Secrets FOUND BY HACKERS!, fortnite, fortnite secrets, fortnite updates, fortnite new, fortnite chapter 4 secrets, fortnite new secrets, fortnite easter eggs, fortnite new update, new fortnite, new fortnite update, fortnite update, update fortnite, secrets fortnite, easter eggs fortnite, chapter 4 secrets, chapter 4 easter eggs, secrets, easter eggs, fort, nite, battle royale, new, update, video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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