SESSION 3 - 20 Things You Should Know About The Kruptos Man

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halleluja cryptos man lost contact with God now was the greatest evidence that the main man was a spirit man are you still here you are alive you okay everything okay you all right what the main evidence at the hit the main man was a spirit man fellowship with God in the Garden of Eden is that also man was talking with God and our going to heaven will be directly related to how much we are able to restore that relationship that is why people will come and work for God and say we cut our Devil's in your name we did this in your name we did this in your name and he will say but I don't know you we don't talk we don't commune we are not close are you understanding I understand what I'm saying so it's not going to be based on you know I didn't do these things I did four things I didn't do 15 things and so on but how you have been able to restore your relationship with the Lord and that is why the new book that I have written which will be published soon which is about quiet time it's probably the most important book that I have ever written because if you don't if you don't respond the relationship between you and God you never do well let me let me show you something you see in the Church of the ministry where there are many ways than which you can let it become a pasta or even a Reverend can I show you the way I'll just show you the trick you get it all you have to do is to be around for a long time because I've taught that's what the Bible says you know be around for the road a long time who somebody wants competed with that and so on who went in and out amongst us when the Lord Jesus was with that so you'd be around after some time I thought I would like not every person likes peaceful people you get it then you just do one or two things in church to just be around and to do your best you get what I'm saying I'm show you how to become a pastor you go out and they very soon the pasta is going to call you and he'll be impressed with your faith what most people are not faithful you understand and then before you realize they'll be appointing you as a pastor or a shepherd or something and then after you've been around for a long time is like if you are not being upon as a passive where you can be easily be appointed as a faster by mistake whereas in reality you are look at that level of relationship with the Lord are you listening to what I'm saying and so it is very very very important for you not to be deceived by you know human appointments human commissions and human approval you must look for God and you must and you must not be concerned about what people think whether you are Reverend whether you are pasta whether you are whatever some years ago of invited to Japan by jung haecheol the pastor of the largest church in the whole wide world and he invited me to preach so when I got there I look at the program and I realized that on the main day you know there's morning program afternoon program evening program and I realized that you know the afternoon programs it was so hot and everybody was tired and nobody wanted to go so that afternoon prayers are you not be asked to preach in the afternoon because nobody goes all the important people don't go are you this so I realized and I was originally the afternoon in Japan I realized that I was preaching not also in the morning the money was also not bad because you know he tore himself also preach sometimes once also in the morning but the main event was the evening event and you could chose the one who speaks the two evenings with somebody else and I thought that I was a person who was preaching with younger children two of us whether maybe four in the evening and everybody was there no no he's not understood a message please and this is what ss-sorry please but what I want you to know is I remember as I was sitting on stage you like this and this is yoga - and this is myself and I was reaching up to preach for about an hour and a yoga to also summon preach as I was pouring out you know when we do not ask me for my ordination certificate he didn't ask me for my ordination City or my ID card or for my Shepards camp certificate or my appointment or a letter of introduction from anyway nothing because it's none of these human things that in real ministry we look for we don't look for any of these things nobody ever looks for a human evidence of a call but for the divine evidence of a call and he had not I don't have you been to Ghana then I don't think so no I don't think he I didn't be together but you see just another reliable man of God tells me what happened I have preached there before I preached they gave me some others and I preached and ended with the report that he was given made him asked me to come and preach again you know and later he sent me he was writing about something else and he said oh he always remembers what I preached and he mentioned something that I preached so I'm just trying to tell you that you know it is nice for human beings to appoint you to say you're a pastor you are the other but at the end of the day you have to get a real appointment from God a real fellowship with God real intimate you and God that is what must be restored yes all our problems you see if you are close to God he would tell you about what is this on his hand that's what to make you an evangelist if you're close to God you it to you you know when you are close to somebody the person tells you what he's thinking is it not true is it not true when you're close to what he would tell you is it that is what to make you an evangelist you will be allowed minister you will be whatever because in your close moment he would tell you how he feels the way you not close to somebody better tell you how he feels not just official things but they're feeling that the peasant hands you know the feeling the peasant help you get it so being close to God will expose you to God hat and God hat will show you what to do but he says you can be an evangelist or a pasta because it's also when you I pass around evangelists you are famous and it you're popular and people tell you people acknowledge you you may be played nicely well are you there yeah so there are other politically you can do the work of God but you not really have a close relationship with God I don't know if you understand what I'm saying you know and that's the most important thing unfortunately many of us are missing that particular thing you see ever ever ever ever ever ever for a long time doesn't mean you are close to God let's face it if I come to you you see that thing ever for a long time is part of the waiting there's a waiting but when you wait for a lot of the doctors they're coming it's your turn when you come in then you also it changes you don't just see their way then you know to have expectant communion begins deeper so the buyer a buyer is is the waiting time to break through the barrier of the outward natural are you listening to me all through the Bible you know something you will see God trying to restore the original fellowship that we had with Adam by creating dwelling places the tabernacle of Moses another place where he could commune with man and come and dwell amongst us then the Temple of Solomon Solomon temple and the tabernacle of David these were all attempts to forgot you have accepted interaction with human beings and then you see Emanuel himself came God with us Christ the Savior again trying to restore the communion and the fellowship and the interaction that is Emmanuel God with us this is God aim is God's aim is not trying to do that job to anybody it's not trying to give money to anybody it is not trying to make anybody big or anybody famous but if you can work for God but you don't know him either you can work for God but you don't know him right heart is big HR will come where and there is a timeline where people come with you what a lot of our elders don't know is that people also come to the church because of the name not even you and if you want to know whether the economy because of the name of the church or because of your particular anointing step aside and start a church just around and let's see whether people are coming because of you or because of the church and it's right all the churches have members and they are awful and they've been growing because the name Methodist I sell ribbon without anointing without courage without power that name and that institution alone commands a certain groups and commence a certain maintenance what you call it so a lot of us are operating under a maintenance arrangement without any personal relationship with God where is Lord Lord Lord which church is this the active cool or somewhere well yeah that's Lord and who is the other fellow that came well for man the other guy you came together Lord them somebody else you came to sing huh titi sydney's you know you are a person with church I think oh ha ha a lot is where Coco became Sydney and Lord say one day I was nervous when they brought these two young men to me and they introduced them I say who are these they say you are Lord this Sydney past train attic oh that's why I don't know Sydney and I don't know a teku these two places I don't know then here is Lord also pastoring cuckoo bTW I don't know Lord having seen him before yet these two guys are fastest or eldest working in under the name of Lighthouse Theresa Messner and on behalf of me some of one of the house of our 70 members and otherwise about 50 members sitting there on Sunday morning we are promised to the message in order for data you are clapping at the wrong moment disease but the final time to make is that me the pastor of the check the bishop of the church I don't know him I mean I don't know them I know that I know their name and let them to some extent now so I've learnt when I saw them in mouth I realized that in fact you can work for God and on his behalf on the gap of Jesus and Jesus as in it doesn't know you at all at all doesn't know that how come that thing can happen that you see in thy name I did this in there so if this guy's Sydney he just say in diner my work is that ethical it's true but I do know you if students are working in my name I think oh they're brittle lighthouse if you have a banner please we have Bernauer of a puppet we have everything love everything we have instruments you have PA system PA system he appears accept this money everything yet me I don't know I met him recently and I was told that this man is one of your people and I said I also I don't know you I wish I knew but I don't I can't lie that I know you how can I say I know you when I don't know you doesn't mean software is working exactly well I for instance very well happen is very well but I still don't know them messy could it be that you do very well but when they say you know I don't wish you know you a lighthouse this display they say that I don't know you me and you we don't talk you've never come to me you see they when other words about they were brought to me they were brought to me it's very serious oppositional brother Don is very very dangerous very very serious Sidney a lot I remember that too upset me a lot akiko and Co crudité they work for me on my behalf they use my name they love me they listen to my tape but I don't know them I don't know they are my book but I don't know them personally I don't know them I have heard of something happening but I don't know them so ladies and gentlemen the thing that God is trying to restore is that walking in the garden that solution is his cause attempt God with us back me and you that's what he's trying to do and we are missing the whole point and that's that that star shows by the way Christians born-again Christians can live with South prayer oh it's almost no prayer everybody close your eyes are many realize that sometimes there's almost zero prayer you close your eyes and raise your hand if you are included nobody I've seen nobody is not watching you okay put on your health bar we come the system seems to be working and overcome is like what we have in freaking decay doesn't grow the way we don't pray it seems to grow how many have seen that before when you don't pray growth really doesn't grow we have a crusade know that that is the way you don't have a crusade and lenders come are you fast they sweat huh messy I understand what I'm talk talk is trying very very hard to restore this relationship and you see I can even tell in my own way I can tell when people have restored that relationship and you have that personal relations you people talk differently is it they will they would tell you themselves what the lot I mean what day if you went win when you lose somebody personally you get it you don't have just second hand information you can say what else with Bishop at this place we said this and then we were together at this place we talked about this he said it and I said that you can say that but when it's not there you know a lot about him but you don't know him and the sign I'll tell you that somebody is spiritual it's beginning to know God you were here when he speaks and what he sees you will find out how he talks about his personal interaction whether he had to know with the Lord new name economically as here when he talked to the Lord what the Lord said what he had in this quiet time and what the Lord said to him Oh if you if you listen to music most of my preaching is my quiet time people don't know I do I listen to tapes a lot most of my pitches on my quiet time my personal terms with the Lord mostly mostly I share mostly but the reason I be efficient about delusions was my comedy my quiet time in look so I'm just sharing my quiet time oh yes just personal out doodle on the little shelf semana I become a current let me go say visually those wonders life in it because the Lord told me about it because I'm from my personal discussions with him I came to share with you about this fo the prodigal son it's different from the cemil's that have been arranged Tuesday 24th this what you face says this is this what you preach and if you are close to the Lord I'm telling you he will tell you certain things and unity will change nobody will come and talk to you you will change yourself and you will tell me what you are doing because the Lord told you and you will find out that the Lord will be telling you what I have been telling you if I am also in tune with the Lord it will not be a different thing you see that we all say the same thing you get to know the Lord for yourself God with us God with us so close to us God with us Emmanuel God with us so close to us God with us Emmanuel II walk where I walk he where I stand he felt what I feel he understands [Music] he knows my frailties shared my humanity can turn in every way nothing God with us don't close me what God with us he my god so close to us God is not Imani where he walked where I walked and I walked he stood where I stand he felt what I feel he he understand he knows my frailties shed my humanities [Music] tear in every way yet without sin [Music] come with us so close to God Jesus imani well if you wanna see a God with us God with us so close to us God with us Emmanuel Oh God with us so close to us ha ha ha oh so close walking with us [Music] this is what God is trying to restore I tell you let me let me let me show you something where you live even to be hundred and you have full time in ministry to the age of 100 but I tell you at 9:00 there will be more sinners in the world than when you kill your contribution is very little it's almost insignificant my contribution is almost negligible Syria in the sea of things my contribution is the assess I thought I would do a lot I could say busy by right now I can see that my time is finishing and I can see the wealth - and saved and so I realized that we see the most important service is my own salvation me I also want to go to heaven if you when you're on a plane when you're on a plane what happens this of you how many have not been on a plane before 27 people are going to go on planes very soon receive it enables easy alright ok do you believe in such things I'm going to share with you ok now listen when you're on the plane you remember the 27 of you will be going soon remember when you are there do you hear me loud and clear you believe your property estas Holy counterpart the Lord said when they were going to set there is a Monday somewhere other he said surely coming to pass it's actually come to pass in Jesus rate when you only play they give you an instruction which initially you will be surprised about and the instruction is that when the oxygen you know if the oxygen pressure or the pressure and a cabin cabin pressure drops that means that there will be no oxygen or whatever oxygen masks will appear now they say if you are with a child first put the oxygen mask on yourself leave your child put the oxygen mask on yourself and after that put the oxygen mask on your child initially you look at that and say how would a child you are being selfish that that is going to die so but you realize that that's why I posit take heed to thyself Messier mercy take it to thyself and to die doctrine because after all that we've done we could find ourselves a place that we don't want that's what God is trying to help us now so you have to look after yourself and ensure that you are there and then once you are in his presence it will breathe enough energy to put on the channel but aren't you putting on that child and you don't have enough energy before I realize that it is dropping off and after that oxygen has been put on there may be something else that you need to do and still you don't have enough oxygen to carry on that's why I said take heed to thyself that's why this come even God is trying to redirect the other look for all these souls that you are looking at look inward now and look at yourself and see whether you have restored your relationship with God and whether you are really where you ought to be and whether the hidden cryptos man is become in what he's supposed to be less on that day you come like Lord Lord and Sydney stand up like these two gentlemen who came to my office you see whenever something happens a prophecy God was prophesying to me and showing me something real that there can be people just like this who will come and say I did it in your name Bishop article branch I did it in your name I traveled as far is a lord where do you say move ah she not travels from Assad's boudoir see to Kokura BTW every week how many times four times a week on his own no transport money that should tell you the kind of person lobbies yes I don't know him I say yes I don't know him scary and and that the condition for coming into heaven is but I never knew you depart from me I said depart from me you workers of iniquity you know I never talked with me before you always came to chide me you never talked we are not deep of course you don't have time to wait waiting on you waiting on you rather you're waiting on exam waiting or less there is no waiting on sylvania waiting for a job waiting for this waiting for your boyfriend wait before your beloved with your husband I'm not waiting for the Lord now which is a way to 5,000 things when they said the Lord you are not ready for the Lord you don't have time to wait on me because you are too big and too important you are too busy to pray I used to have a pasta in my house and the writing on the poster said if you are too busy to pray then you are too busy and you are too busy to pray then you are too busy if you are too busy to pray then you are too busy if you are too busy to pray during are too busy if you're too busy to pray you are too busy how many people you have in your church if you don't know contrast knowledge as things gonna come when you are going to regret it with all your might and all your heart and you realize that you have missed the most important thing let me tell you in that day of judgment and a day of analysis things are very different never has a diamond on the hospital bed call for his papers bring me my land documents bring me my rings bring me my papers bring me my hoodie car let me look at my car for the last time no it doesn't happen that way in that day different things matter and on that day different things are going to matter so God is trying too hard to restore his friendship with you in the cool of the day it's trying to come to us talk to us be his friend know him when you read the Bible you can hear God speaking to you when you pray you can hear God speaking to you when you are sitting there you can hear go likely when these two gentlemen came to mouth I had the Lord Street talking to me have you listened to that if spoken without words one day said ah my dear friends I had two pastors one a fornicator and the other perfect the other guy was a called him correct - perfect - correct - my father is another horse called correct - perfecto and I had another pastor called incorrect - imperfect - this incorrect Oh imperfect - had so many fault with his life including fault that are so obvious but I remember one day I caught four correct Oh perfecto and I said collective effort - please come for a meeting and corrected after - they didn't come it was here when I spoke to correct Oh perfecto as a lesson correct - I need you for a meeting you know what he told me he said you know you are the one who told us to do visitation to do this to do this to do all these things when we are doing them then you also come and call this is also common color to come for meetings correcto and this esthetically is perfect in all regards you are the one who tells us to do this is where we are doing them so then you also be calling us to come for meeting you see then I looked and I mean this was business or something that happened then time went by as time went by I realized within myself that you know if I have to choose to between these two whom to work with I'll choose the in percent - incorrect - because he is both because of his all his probably is far more humble no I learned something from it is it deputy you must use yourself tool and I realized from that that you know the will a person is humble sometimes our sins so that even advantages that you have been bad before because you are very cool very humble because it's like you've been bad no so when people are you know like I'm defective you know that you are not effective I learned from that and I could see how the other battle be that they will never do a party but they will never bring the Rope they would never even a good we won't kill it we let us all work we all see rose before he awakens that's why everybody should work everybody do what is right but this boy when he came they brought other rooms and the rings and never eaten the cows and the parties and the music and dancing and you see the father he self has come another one I see himself has come you'd understand such expressions God I mean God is the father music not just a ring or if there was a ring there was a rope there were shoes there were kebab doors cow there was music there was dancing there was playing I mean that God is showing you something that he's asked him he himself inside it kept out his HAP's what's revealed I'm telling you that I lent it you can have a correcto perfecto guy by the the imperfecto incorrect oh guy he's so cool because he is conscious of himself and how problems and how he has been shown may see and he is quite malleable you see to him come he cometh when I say so I know I wanna call for incorrectly effect to to come to see me he was so happy to come he was so happy then came correct or imperfecto said to me that sometimes when I spent 10 minutes with you he didn't even tell me he told somebody else what I'll spend just 10 minutes with Bishop I'm so happy it just makes me so happy and I'm so blessed in my life that's what he said in correcto intersection was happy to be with me but correct Oh perfecto he's working very hard and he knew what I've said in the past I know what is right I know my rights it's a very wonderful team it's not a lot anything as I meet people and I go through these experiences I learned from them Lord and Sidney stand up look at that guy four times a week how many of you go four times a week travel outside the barrier fire Goku BT to the beach to work among the poor into the central region Wow guys but I don't know a banner do I know you do I know you I know about you drag talk with you have to have even though I see you around that stuff with you have to heart look I'm showing you something that will help you to go to heaven I'm talking about it don't forget forget about souls who think of your cloud so and so now so soon photos we forget away our souls with you you forgotten that you I so I used to pray for people or the and I so prefer people but I used to say me I'm always praying for people I don't have time with you for my own I don't even think of myself because I've always prayed for people these days I'm always pray for myself good I realized that I need salvation a motor and soul I also need to make it with authority so it's a soul and it's precious to God you may be a bit of a so little soul and his precious to God maybe a couple time maybe Reverend maybe a path I may be a shepherd so is a soul and it's precious to go [Applause] how close are you so now I can't be close to God because that's when people say that the currency that gospel to me there's nothing on this planet hold is that how is that our God is speaking to you come close to the Lord so I don't know how it is sick you shall find discover I saw many of us you have have sex before but there's always SSD I don't know how to do you go you do it you will find out how to do it that's it intimate relationship I don't know how to do what I do so there was a nest happen you don't find out how to do that I don't know how to be close to the Lord because opening they test for some time but I don't know how to be close to them otakus the Lord's other son deposit to the same sum to that something something God has spoken to me that's an Athens in one before you can also be very close to it and after you get into it you'll find although this is it this is it and sometimes by experimentation how can I know the Lord's voice because when I say there are certain thoughts and other cells are comes which one is from the law experience when you figure for said hello who is that what Oh God is there for hey I'll call you back their essence and when a body cell phone calls you you know are above and under one obvious OPP answer if you know obedience call me back you get it so after a while you begin to know this is a voice of this particular person after you've talked to the Lord and work with the Lord you begin to know at this Porter you know like there are some dreams you have them you know this one is an ALICE is the type of dream that is God speaking and the other when you wake up you know this dream is a foolish dream it's only by experience the same way that you know the voice that's how you know the voice of the Lord oh yeah okay Lord and Sydney for God bless you now you make your way to heaven very soon amen hallelujah all right so God is trying very hard to restore the what do you call it the relationship now the next point before salvation before salvation have you got that I hope you ever want to read this note you are writing before salvation the crypt of man is in harmony with the flesh and the mind now we all know that the flesh and the mind are sinful is that also the flesh and the mind are full of evil before salvation you will find out that what your flesh wants to do your heart wants to do harmonii how many means they are working together so before salvation your spirit is bad your soul is that your body is bad everything is bad and all you want to do is bad now so before salvation the Kryptos man or the hidden man is in harmony works in concert with the flesh but after salvation the part of you that is born again or that is new is now the hidden man and now he does not agree with the flesh anymore in this life and does not like what the flesh lies anymore the next point the voice of the Kryptos man is a quiet private hidden secret voice which we call the conscience quiet private hidden secret voice which we commonly call the conscience when if my conscience was pricking me you know that the voice of the Kryptos man amen are you there now I have you got it know the voice the voice you see when your natural man speaks how does it sound speak with your natural malasiya hallelujah hallelujah amen amen Amos glory to God now let's hear the voice of the hidden man we are here we came here but we know the voice of the natural man but the voice of the hidden man the spirits voice your spirit has a voice and our voice you will hear it in heaven and the hell's very clearly no matter Richmond and he cried and said father Abraham is his voice is there but you got here because he can't make contact with physical things he cried and said today Bob unless you're me I'm tormented in this flame i prithee fellow lodgers that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my turn after the voice is there funda we can hear God is the only that we can't break into him unless God gives us a special experience to come out of this body and see him and that's what people like Kenneth Hagins you know and so the people prophets have Hardware they come out of their body are taken to heaven and they are make you see spiritual things and Realty is a special gift you know like like dollars that I Bella whose eyes are open you know it's a special thing and not all of us have it very few people really have it it's a special gift as the Prophet but normally oh you never hear it I tell you and God has to show you different ways on how to know what you say that's why that's why people come and ask so how can I know the voice of God that's why I wrote a book all day of hearing asked me said like how many have not yet got that book most of us do you have it in our mobile bookshop the act of hearing how to hear it's one of the most important things to hear the voice of God so when you are not born again I mean the voice after the kryptos now what I are born again are not born again it's called the conscience unbelievers have a conscience Christians have conscience but when you are a believer your conscience flows with your body and flows with your mind and so the Apostle Paul you see he had a cause and he said he said to the people when they were examining him in court he said all my life I have kept a good conscience before but even when he was an unbeliever he always had a good cause Allah whatever the hidden voice of his Spirit says he tries to do it you get it he's always done it and Paul was a Medra so was a murderer and when he was standing there consenting and organizing the killings of Christian his spirit was agreeing with it and he and that's why I could say I've always always kept a good conscience because given as an unbeliever his spirit he Allah he followed watches spirit said and it was always bad when you are non-believer when you get saved your spirit changes and that's not like certain things anymore and so Paul could say always I've kept that good conscience but when we got saved we all knew he was a murderer for use to hunt for people in towns cities let me show you us chapter 26 you know except eight let's look at acts of 8 verse 1 then they cried with a loud voice and stop there is and run upon him with one Accord and they cast him out of the city and stone him and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet whose name was Saul and they stoned Stephen calling upon God and say Lord Jesus receive my spirit and a meal tonight ride to the lab resort lay not this sin to their charge and when he had said this he fell asleep and so was Wes chapter 8 verse 1 was consenting unto his death I am listening to me so was consenting in a Greek it means gladly consenting or being pleased with this matter he was very happy about it in Acts chapter 23 look at that he said and Paul endlessly be holding a counsel said man I have a burden I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day I'm so today I have always had a good conscience that means that when that little voice within speak I've always followed it you get it and when he was committing murder that little voice did not say no it's not good that little voice said it is good till he got saved when he got saved he turn around and he said I'm a blasphemer and I've been a sinner and I'm the cheapest of sinners injurious to the church hallelujah are you listening Apostle Paul he was great look at chapter 26 I want you to see his life then I give up said verse 1 and 2 Paul now I'm permitted to speak for ourselves and Paul stressed for this hand and unsaid for himself I think myself happy King Agrippa because I shall answer for myself this day before the touching all the things were of am accused of the Jews especially because I know thee to be an expert in all customs and questions which are among the Jews wherefore I beseech thee to hear me patiently my manner of life from my youth which was at the first among mine own nation at Jerusalem though all the Jews which knew me from the beginning if they would testify that after the most straight effects of our religion I lived a Pharisee the Pharisees were the strictest sect they were the most religious most rigid most observant of the laws are you there are you interested in what we are talking around okay and now I stand then I am judged for the hope of the promise made of God unto our fathers and to which promise trust Christ instantly 7 God day and I hope to come for which hopes taking as if I am accused of the Jews why should it be thought as thing incredible with you that God should raise the dead I have any thought with myself that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth wisten I also did in Jerusalem and mainly of the sins did I shut up in prison in prison a lot of Christians and his conscious was always good having received authority from the chief priests and when they were put to death I gave my voice against them he was killing people and his conscience was happy as a Pharisee verse 11 I punished them often in every synagogue and I compelled them to blaspheme and penis the mud against them I persecuted that kept it on two straight cities I told you one day our preacher my Pharisees it is a Pharisee abrir piracy I tell you very religious and very righteous I chased them because I felt they were wrong you feel somebody's wrong just leave it to God you're chasing this thing is not going to change anything what about after I went to Damascus with authority and commissions on the high priest at midday okay I saw in the way a light from heaven above the brightness of the sun shining round about me and then with Jenny with me and when we were all falling to the earth I had a voice speaking unto me in the Hebrew tongue Saul Saul why persecutest thou me it is hard for thee to kick against the priest and I said who are down Lord and he said I am Jesus whom thou persecutest amen an amazing stories and also listen to me God is showing us here that there is a voice the voice of the hidden man when you an unbeliever it is totally in harmony and that is why they do the things they do and we carry on and on and on and on into hell but when you get born again no other part of you changes other than the hidden man can with me to bon-aire as he born again to John chapter 3 John chapter 3 Jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 the Bible says the heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked that is the nature of the heart when you are not saved but when you are saved you have a new heart and we have a new heart you have a new life we have a new life you have a new way of doing things hallelujah in John chapter 3 and there was a man of the pharisees another Pharisee that's one named Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews the same came to Jesus at night and said unto him rabbi we know that thou art a teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles that thou doest except God be with him jesus answered and said verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God Nicodemus said unto him how can a man be born when he is old can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born and jesus answered verily I say unto you except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is another spirit not all not or do not be surprised that I say unto thee you must be born again the wind blows where it listed and now here is a sound thereof but canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth so is every one that is born of the Spirit amen Nicodemus person is said unto him how can these things be jesus answered and said of the art our master of Israel and knowest not dc's hallelujah now listen when you get born again when you are saved you experience the greatest experience a man can experience on this earth for him to be transformed in his heart God gives you a new spirit the hidden man is reborn recreated second corinthians of the five verse 17 when a man is in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things have become new he's not talking about the physical because if it means that obvious I become new when you are Blackmon after you're born again you're still a black man if you have fought yourself as if you spend your hair the day after you're born again your head still pen if you are tall before you're born again you are tall after you are born again if you are skinny before you are born again you are skinny after your bondages if you are not married before you're born again you are not married after you're born again if you are sick and you are born again usually you are sick after you are born again so the outward learn is not born again but the Spirit of the man is reborn rebirth the Bible causes regeneration rebirth salvation born again different times are used to explain this experience this is the experience with differentiate Christianity from every other religion this particular face because in this particular thing we find the foundation of Christianity that a man can be changed from his heart no other religion claims to change the man Islam does not change anybody Buddhism does not change anybody paganism does not change anybody but Christianity claims to make a change in the heart of the person the holy man is in Christ he is new a new not an old renovated person or an old one with new roots but he himself is a new creation the new creation is born since God created heaven unless he has not made any other creations except the new creation the news and I said I would pick out your old hat in the Old Testament he prophesized I will remove the old hat the heart of stone and I will put in a new heart and a new spirit and I'll give you a new heart and give you a change inside and that's what God is doing it changes the hearts of people and he controls the people through their heart and not through a book of rules jesus knew that is not what is outside that can change a man they saw what you drink that makes you good or bad it's not what you eat that makes you good or bad but it is what is in your heart that makes you who you are you are doing what is in your hand you will do in the future what is in your heart you will become what is in your heart what your heart is is what is the most important thing and that is what God looks at the heart and it changes the heart and you leave the body and we now have to struggle with the body to control the body are you listening to me yeah so how many realize that even though you are born again you still struggle and you to control this animal the Beast there is a beast in every man I think there is a beast in every man you better keep that beast on a chain don't think that it's only men who are the Beast women also have the Beast and if you don't keep your beast on a chain that is going to break out and go to fight the visitors so when you are born again you are changed in your heart when you are saved there's a change in there and that's all that we are preaching about all of the operation and our salvation is not to bring about new rules don't do this don't do this from today don't do this don't do this don't if you think smoking will make you go to I can bring five five five cigrip right now and smoke it in front of you so you see that and I will continue preaching with anointing cigarette is what you take once we are all breathing in bad things now it's not cigarette that makes you this we are always breathing bad things anytime you say how did you pass by setting toilette or setting you smell that inverted is when you smell it me that mean is dissolving in your nostrils that's how you smell it so it's not only cigarette that makes you smell bad things but is not what can make you go to hell if your heart that is not saved and regenerate spirit so god regenerates your heart makes you a new person a new person born again born again as a born again again born born again and Nicodemus said how can we go back into our mother's womb and you say you see now natural man you are thinking about physical things you get it you are thinking about physical things it's a spiritual thing is the hidden man who is being read best look with television look 16 there was a certain rich man in verse 19 there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day huh are you there to be clothed in purple purple is the same as color of riches anybody who wears purple is a rich person all those wearing purple lifts of your hand you are all rich a man receiveth those who believe receiveth those who don't believe is passed you by and he fed some justly every day some of us are faring some chocolate every day but our spirit is not faring sumptuously every day when they say you first unjustly fair means that you live well and eat a lot some justly he felt unjustly when we went for the break some people went to eat sumptuously they fared sumptuously today how many of you felt some justly today you think you did you did your best to fare sumptuously one day how you fed on this earth will have no bearing at all at all the Bible says the rich man was clothed in purple and fine linen and he fact sumptuously every day now just let me make a quick light some people think that the rich man went to hell because he was rich and the poor man went to heaven because as hell but that is not this because at the end of the story the rich man asked them to send Lazarus to go to his father's house to preach and Moses Abraham said let them hear the prophets the Moses and therefore they have the mood to hear them they will not come to this place so it is the hearing of the gospel in the hearing of the word of God that saves you from going up because even a ma does not accept beggars so ma if a man knows that begging is not good how much more God he is not endorsing begging that if you are a beggar you go to heaven amen are you listening to me so he fared sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus now this is the one of the only parables if it is a parable at all where Jesus mentioned the name in fact in some other Bible they mention the name of the rich man and dives mr. dives and then the rich the poor man was last row so he was trying to let them know somebody you know this person who died this was happening to him I tell you this one is a video I said this is a video phat sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sauce dear friends Jesus is trying to explain and show in classic detail that is not how you live here that will determine I'm also tired it's not how you live here that will determine yeah that will determine how things will be you may be poor here you may live in a nasty house here it may be full of sauce it may be smelly he was laid at the gate that means that even his relatives people just put a man at the rich man's gate just like how people stand at the traffic lights they are brought to the like come and stand here it's a vantage point the Richmond will be coming out of his ass every day and if you can't throw him in the rubbish and give him some coins you know he will be very happy with them so I just want you people to lend that is not where you live that matters because if we believe what if you believe what I'm saying after this come meeting and in the years ahead many of you will follow change say you know what matters is dead we are pilgrims and strangers in this land what matters is dead look at this in this formal look at where he was look at this Richmond look at where he went ended up what matters is there and that is really what man and that's what I'm going to weapon and you will not be fighting sometimes you see people who become full time ministers and then they start quarreling over money houses cars this that power whatever you wonder why did you become a full time pastor is it because of money do you want man anyone money why don't you can get money from wherever you came from why'd you come to the church to come and clear with that about money making a big fuss of Asuma over money this and that and this and that and you are getting this and I'm getting this and why should you get this and when I came this happen and why do you do this and how do you get this and so what am i views or what is your desert what about this person so when you compare me with this president what I look that is done you do that i Standard Chartered Bank and Barclays Bank and other but not in the church if you want to work for God don't bring those things here at all we are allergic to that place if you bring it will react to it because that is not why we are here we are here to do the work of God for a reason and all of us as you see si we have paid a price I paid a price to be where I am if you don't want to pay the price you cannot be there and if the prices been they don't look at somebody you see if you want to look at me look at me 20 years ago you get what I said that's where many of you are where I was 20 years ago don't compare us up to where I am today you are down now starting the ministry with 20 people and 10 people do you know what I have 20 people and said before how many years ago in automotive school don't compare yourself with what you should not compare us up with I always enjoy watching Benny Hinn but I don't watch Benny Hinn of today I won't been a hint hint of 20 years ago those are the ones that I enjoy because I can relate more with that when you used to go to churches and preach and when it was not known by anybody those are the ones that I enjoy no that is that is who I can relate more with that not on this high level where he is now so if you look at us or you look at me anyone comparing yourself with something you should know compare yourself with determine you want to brown hair when we came in and they said that is now they have changed now they said that is enough always expect a change but God is always moving us forward amen always expect improvements changes God is a God of change he said go without food without money without dress without whatever did you like you didn't like okay now take two passes and two coats and two shoes the same God so let us why don't we decide to love the poor who went to heaven the rich man of the poor man who went to hell the rich one of the poor man that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination to God one day would seem practically made many of the stars and the famous people you'll be surprised and where they are going to be the Bible says he was laid at his gate full of sores just as people are put at the traffic light Lord if you can just touch me are we going to fail god when it's our 10 today white people don't believe in God there was a time that black people didn't believe in Christ and white people came and died here and brother church now it's our time to go into the whole world sacrificially to die I said to become poor there are many of us who God wants to become poor for classic that prosperity gospel of the gospel Paul said I know how to abyss I also know how to Amanda - I know there is never in the gospel and in Christ after to sin never is one thing - usually several things are true but we are Pharisees and we want one thing to be true only this is true the only theta prospect you read the Bible you can have for the key message Paul Vitti her the message of Christ what did he have nothing what is Paul half nothing why did Paul rap to support himself what did he have in prison where was he nothing why do we want to change the gospel and say that this place is not there and this bridge is not there all of them are there there is a time when God will be rich be prosperous as another type of concept for you now is poverty is what I designed for you now why do you fight with God why do we want to be Pharisees and take a second line I said this is it is the same thing with food time passes and lay passes for time ministry so there are people who are in levels who are higher than those in full time in the eyes of God the final graph Putin does not mean I win the ultimate don't be deceived at all some of us when we were lepers as we are doing more for God and decided to pay you in the church but we want it to be the full time is right ladies row yes not too late correct full time is also correct depending on the time they're both true they are both correct God works with both but you want to make it work why why do you want to be a Pharisee and bring some new rules God has not made a rule you are making the roof in your mind we mention krishma mention increase there are many places that t that women should in stand here at all ever never see the woman calendar I can show you where process if anybody thing that he spiritual or he's a prophet you should know that what I'm saying is from the Lord there is no stronger command and that a woman should not come an exercise of authority in the catalog you should be sad as other women should be upset men should be nearer amen are you listening to me one day it won't matter who you are what your name is but I have money but I don't have money just as now it doesn't matter in fact me it may matter in a negative way the things we used to do in secondary school my boyfriend is coming for me well which was them for the last one I'm going to one has come don't you have a boyfriend such as a boyfriend everybody has a boyfriend my boyfriend comes from France on your bicycle so I decided college and an my and her boyfriend comes from Everson and sensor castles and our veterans are taking us out to where where do you think our people in keep good friends solid love your nose all these things it doesn't matter now what do you have a girlfriend you don't have a girlfriend maybe it's much it there was a time that if you have you are a macho man is it Taekwondo black belt they will teach you in the house with our black belt and our red belt that they can teach everybody they can do this they can do that by the time comes when you may have all this judo by you don't have Spencer [Applause] oh my god he just knows I wanna see you may do all that but you don't have a job I met one of these son of people somewhere as I look at him like a poverty-stricken chicken that's moving around my in those days from to and from - boy he was the man moving around blood fell red belt blue belt the last time ahead of you was at the mental hospital I don't have any bearing on life today that's why Jesus was explaining and he he lowered the Messiah he was look at it he was full of sauce late at the gate of the rich man late at the gate full of sores desiring to be fast on the transistor from the rich man's table desiring nada he was giving you a desiring whenever the crumbs fall please bring them we are outside the case and he went to heaven and there was a rich man which fared sumptuously every day who went to heaven who went to hell there are professors in this great institution who will be burning in hell one day they'll be fire all around the body liner they'll be screaming Oh and there'll be beggars who nobody respected bread sellers who go to church of Pentecost and people who carry on the other on their head and the courage that brother che by all of this a dilatory I order this in here fresh tea grandma home pressure with maybe a ball resti bread maybe a bone Kali boo Bravo che by Emily I get it they're going to check windows open to charge of practical they don't speak English they speak in the speaker and already are regarded in society they're gonna sell it em I didn't exactly hear them coming by suicide they are going to have in many of them you don't expect them out one day the coop postman will they will come out and you go to another place when this whole body energy whether you are rich or you're poor you will die Princess Diana was in a what do you call it I'm not related Mercedes Benz how many of you your casa I'm just last week somebody was in a cuckoo acuario Kodaka economy kakizou naka and she was in the car and then the car with no brakes well she went and crash and his hit her head but Princess Diana was not in a tegu is it Tico is very small bread I will not be inside one in case of something because it's a very small car idea a princess Donna was in an s-class I'm up late especially prepared car with airbags on the front of the science everywhere everywhere all around and you know where she was she was driving on that crack Oh Marcy Ruth no no no no no you're driving the kamati soon honey route Oh chill down on the track of course today she had an accident head-on collision oh she met a best bus and had an accident oh she was driving in Paris and you know one day I went to Paris and I told that driver where did I asked I was taking a taxi from one place to another as a driver can you when we are going you know can you pass through the place where this is diner and the accident I want to see that place another okay no problem of dried out faster so take me out I'll pay I want to see that place so I'm sat in the car and you see the road is like this asphalt road then when it gets that place that the road changes into cobblestone you know when I say cobblestone is like it's like like pave like paper blocks a kind of old cup of paper blah so it's like I saw that place where you drive fast it's just like you know two rays come around and you just move romance and you don't have your restaurants and you're just driving to duty tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu so when we caught the fish the kayak the Sun in the cottage go go go go it's like an old city a place of romance and love love brood in Paris port in the French fort so I said where's the place he said away I just come down to prison somewhere.i is it's a gesture and I was expecting a tunnel for there are many tunnels are Binion in Ghana we haven't made one yet but tunnels is that unaware [Applause] a sermon underbridge forgive me the creativity that has been deleted misery said I was expecting a tunnel I was expecting a tunnel but it wasn't a tunnel it was an underpass there were about 4 columns 1 2 3 4 so when you are doing this where you see the car that I can maybe see Jessa and I pass the columns holding the slab so he just like the road is good and it goes down and comes up that's where she had accident what kind of accident in a place where you just coolly - she died a rich man poor man even if you try used to go you can hold on to a treat I won't go but you have to go you can stop I don't want to die but you have to die because I don't want to leave UFC value leave you will bubbles easily came to pass at the poor man died he died first any time we are trying to remember the story remember the poor people die before rich people died so the four Monday before the rich Monday if you don't remember the order just remember Africa don't we die before Japan and Switzerland and all these places far quicker one day people that you don't respect so we when I see a baby dying or dead know that I'm not saying baby should die but although it's very sad you also see somebody who didn't have the chance to come in suffer here number one and then be comes up we and go to hell some of you have been pregnant you have mascara crying cry cry cry cry cry those were children that would have maybe dude I'm going to help God have a natural will say look this child shouldn't come at all the bad boy is coming to Google so what I'm saying is you know true yeah the very bad boy I prosecuted in your womb she shouldn't come at all and it came to pass that the beggar died and he was carried who was carried who the beggar he was carried but I thought he died where was he he died and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom and the rich man also died and was buried the beggar died and he was carried by angels one day I went to cucurbit is it Cucurbita mile 7-eleven mile 11 what it used to be a semi crippled have build their houses in a dimensional and we were going to bury a young man who had died in the church and also we are going we have to go forward and turn left others were just about to tell if I saw a pickup like the pickup outside here and then I saw two men standing his either pick up and lift something up and threw it and they would lift something that again threw it down so as people were filing back I was wondering because I use of the cemetery that what is going on here is it are they burying somebody or something so when everybody went that I'll just walk alone to the car to see and you know who I saw there Lazarus Lazarus was in the pickup so I said who are these so these are nobodies the nobodies of society when they die after a certain number of months they keep them in the Moche no one knows who they are how did that nobody has come to address some people when you die nobody will come and ask of you at all because they become a million instead of asking a few the bills for the Matsuri and so many things they will not come and ask so I saw them throwing people in and immediately remembered Lazarus he died no human being carried him it was angels and here they are describing the hidden man the real man was carried you see that is the time when the encrypt asian goes away and the real person is now liberated to come out and be who you are by then I hope that your outward natural man would not have led you into hell and the Bible says and also it came to pass that the rich man died and was buried after him he was very mentioned because we want to mention his funeral I'm sending a pastor to Jamaica soon whenever I think of Jamaica I always remember Bob Marley and he died at the age of 36 and I always remember his funeral they said that the line the queue to see was how many miles long to come and pass file by 36 year old man died the longest was the longest ever queue to see a dead person Bob Marley Richmond died and was buried half attended criminals where they made invitation cards I used to think it was only for weddings that they do invitations about this one is to know that women haven't attended weddings at funerals where they make roads they fire the roads of attended funerals where they change the clothes of the dead person it's like a fashion beauty contest he changes after some hours he change to another clothes another one another one different shoes large cloth this that whatever kids dress he died and was buried and in hell read it he lifted up his eyes I hi Alyssa love is what I I thought his eye to a Barrett but you see what I only receive that the hidden man has I the hidden man can see and the middle man is seen now cuz I'm talking the hidden man is seen that's why when I see with having you recognize me and I recognize you because the same eyes are seen in case within this natural body and it is that man that is born again the outward man is never saved he just goes into the ground and in the early listen up his eyes being in common and see if bill was in common that means our example come when your spirit man the hidden man will be tormented you default on your body is there to the spherical of you the spirit can feel this is also when your spirit is easy your spirit is very difficult to know the connection by there's a connection because when the spirit goes out of the body or body dies the rabbit is our substrate without works is is that the body without the spirit is also dead that means when the spirit goes out it makes the heart and the mind and everything stopped working that explains why when your spirit is build the Bible says a merry heart is Miss good like good medicine but a broken spirit it is advised the bones it makes you sick that's why sometimes when people are broken inside they don't get well outside because there is a connection between the spirit hidden man and then the body that's why when it goes our the body stops altogether and when it's also down the body is also down how did you realize that sometimes you have you know you are sound I don't even know how you are known anything I even you are even not like an like somebody who is not well because that the broken spirit dries the booth your bones are affected doctors and medical people will do well to take note of this reality that a broken spirit of the patient you know helps to dry up their bones and finish them off quickly and the thing that wouldn't have finished them off is not finishing them off it is Captain kuma when she was dying it was at the end that the doctor said that she seems she wants to die that's why she died she was that she wants to go sometimes people will not die until they want to die until he stops fighting there's a connection this has been in comments the spirit is tormented sometimes on earth that times I've been tormented in my heart I've been in anguish in my spirit like a breathing soul I've experienced anguish in my heart and in my soul and some other how do you know it's your heart and how do you so maybe with experience as you become conscious of the inner man most of our not conscious of it that's like you are not conscious of your liver are you conscious of your little waist where is it eventually going over her eyes there but people who I do cater like doctors they are conscious of the liver if I press you here I didn't know whether how you live ice what is there is no day if you are living or dead so sometimes as you become more spiritual and you grew you become conscious of the spirit so where's the spear the spirit is in the belly out of your belly shall flow master it is here out of your belly shall flow the inner part of the man rivers of living water being in common that's why God gives us joy I know the fruits of the born-again kryptos man it's joy joy is a very important thing happiness is a it was the father who organized merriness dancing and music I tell you sadness is one of the killers sadness depression moodiness quietness not a good thing happiness is very important it's from God joy joy let a killer have joy in the Holy Ghost you keep crying you see how else will you die keep killing yourself with sadness and moodiness because you are not seeing in the way God sees them even your troubles you should now know that everybody has a time limit it's not forever nothing is forever I said nothing is forever I said nothing is forever even as part of your broken heart has an end your disappointment has an end everything has its closing bit billion in common the spirit also is in torment sometimes and sometimes is full of joy and your spirit must be full of joy bubbling that's what happens when we go to church sometimes you go to church you are does down but as I said they didn't even preach about your problem your problem was a problem to do with money or something like series we preach about money the prism are even sacrificing and dying for God and we are still happy we don't know why you are happy because it's what we call the joy of the whole the peace that passes understanding is not in the mind so beyond the mind is the mine is called beyond the mind into the heart presumably relevant you are happy and you see it to say to two people a world of good to recognize the power and the reality of that type of a man the spirit of the man the hidden Monday another the real month the man who lives forever he said he also needs to be to be said he also needs to be looked after huge the main man he's the one who Willis you can shut off the absent you everybody still there here's the man who need to continue living being in Poland and then if the next one says and see as Abraham he can see so right now my spirit is looking at you from within and what I hope the video but a prince that they have the blind woman on it you know I don't know if it's the Ultron video that I've not had the time to look at it but they say that's a you see the thermal I'm going to show you is of some somebody who died people who died under medical conditions they were monitoring them and they died maybe they have to do surgery or they have to do something clinically brought them to death lower their body temperature another one the lower the body temperature there's a woman in the thing either the low and her body temperature till she was hurt and I was like 10 degrees your body tells about 38 so you're the Pretender was brought to like 10 degrees you get it and their brain stopped work in the haps of bloods of everything stopped and they kept out up temperature so that they could pick something from the brain for a period of time and the person died because actually that's how we diagnose that no heart no breathing no pupils the brain goes everything and everything happened and now you see what's happening to her when she came back tell you what happened to him that's what I'm going to show you he said that he see us but there's one I don't know if it is on this one there was a lady she got blind from her best but she got married and when she came out of her body when she died in the operation or the emergency room she came out of her body and she saw people for the page I had not seen anybody she described her ring she described the things that she had never seen before what she was seeing the coupe toast man was seen but the outward man was nothing because it was there never seen before so she discussion so hers is that my ring she said is that man never seen before and the people she described all of them a blind person from death is that the reality of the man inside who is going to wake up and continue in heaven in a good place or in a bad place and all the things we are doing it as all that's going to matter one day what you do for that in a manner hidden man you know when you win souls and you do God's work and you get close to him and the hidden man grows and develops and proceed you how to develop the kryptos man how to develop the kryptos man how to develop the spirit are you listening to me he fears Abraham after and who that's right the opposite things have changed things have checked my brother where are you from a Simon do you have a job no job you're a student Oh see they are professors one day they may be burning in flames this boy from assignment and the path bridge may be somewhere as a king in heaven nobody come Mara doesn't where did you get your Bible from a friend give it to you you can you have for the Bible you have a Bible let me read your Bible but we are selling dicks how much is dicks 360 thousand who paid your bus fare to come here I pay some and the chess or something yourself yes you couldn't pay all isn't it yeah you see if you see this man you see president giveaways if I said before you see what was your name God's will God's will I said look man [Applause] God's will God's will God's will look at his Bible it's a gift he does but cannot afford Thompson came Bible on S or Dick's Bible because not even afford to pay his bus to come here somebody paid for him you get it you get it baby surprise in heaven when you see this guy in glory God's will see God's will Sally will remember you for talked with her God's will is coming Italy I tell you it's all so different that you can't believe it Richmond Ferry sumptuously epic occluding pepper day despite his clothes as he shed some to sleep and you see him eating rice chicken meat what what does we eat fish pork salad Kabir what that is - it's a Bushido copy oh there is no was very happy and the promo was just hoping for some crumbs Lord I don't work for my custom crumbs just a few drops can I have the bowls Lord can I have the soapy please can I be under of the right how many enjoy the and all the right [Applause] los God's will God's will God's will you'll be there I tell you are you happy I tell you oh and when you come you with it where you from them I'm from Colorado from Colorado Springs I'm from North Carolina South Carolina I'm from Martin Luther boulevard number so 2 so 3 no no Simon always well aware as I'm aware how do you fire your heart or shut down official town at wear how do you find your house the other eternal God judge who's it opposite and what do this I mean how do we locate the after house body back body back what ba bada ba God did God do back [Applause] and hello the way you get to God there bother whether you go if you ask my name and if you utter your name how do they call you in area course we do they have any other name in the area wedding moon that I reach that array [Applause] battery I don't like this on your ear that is on is lucid as of gold is on its way [Applause] and you becoming a said my name is Shawanda Jefferson Wilson Thompson Anderson rotten Dalton Tristan listen Tintin [Applause] nearby a Sherman go under the bridge go to cut the back and ask for Dada rich as for data rich area official town my name is swanda Smithson Jefferson Bilson Wilson stagger son Jackson rotten Tristan Jackson listen listen Robertson Thompson by cool Johnson Johnson Johnson Branson [Applause] you'll be mentioning your name that yes all I just came from Martin Luther Boulevard my name is Shawanda Jefferson she checked from your computer whether I'm there they introduced from Singapore or the head your head we are not sure where you are from now please whether we will check it and then so one now be waiting time oh yeah sorry there is no deceive a please here for you and data rachel committee please our mother is from a simon God's will God's will is in the name God's will it shows you the patinas god-fearing or even the family is god-fearing we have got any thousand near God daebak [Applause] I tell you and that's why we sometimes when I is there when I pass and I see a beggar coming to the door I said that this mistake is Jesus ooh between the window I give him something it may be Jesus I tell you can easily be Jesus was come to the dog I was hungry I was hungry and I came to knock on your glass and you look at me like this go away in your air conditions go away I was hungry I was happy when I came to us I was a refugee I was a stranger I was a stranger and gonna see born-again Christians get out come find a job you're strong [Applause] one final job item house is faster precise l wrote on the window I give them an something maybe Jesus was knocking at the door quickly and the problem he was they see a branson mother's love the rose and respected guy that's why we must we must run like an army all of us we must run into the poverty-stricken cos we must run with our Hazama for run away run away we must run to it where the source are where God will will remove and not run away from them we must run to them when I stop running away from the people God has chosen we must stop running away from the people God has faded blessed are the poor blessed we must not run away from them we must run to them knowing that God has chosen them I'm telling you something sometimes when we see people giving their life because we look at the music these are not proper so may God clean your mouth with the blood of Jesus may or not be closed with the blood of Jesus these are not prophets what is a proper soul these are not any main members or real proper members of the church what are they unemployed small boy you are certain God the people he has chosen the modulus is in the countess be prepared is pretty business side in heaven well it is causes very consciousness they are preparing it great inhale [Applause] we must learn to the field we must arrive to the field not running away from them why are you running a little Google Scholar student why don't we get to the pleasure with a lot I like what you like and I choose what you choose if you like these people when I like them if you want it because when I want them if you are choosing these people then I have chosen them we must be connected we must be corrected and we brought a right to the right way two cops tries to cut way it came from heaven to this earth most depraved group of people like even those of us we are born we know we are sick we know we are animals we know we are beasts we know it how many know it you know it so please on the daily basis you will never sleep before knowing thy by beasts and yet he came came for us to ask them for us so he said Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and he cried you see this is that thing you see that he had a voice and a voice still there those eyes are bad now that voice is what you hear as the conscience the conscience is there but if the sound is very low now because it's encrypted it's buried under in a coffin the coffin of this prison of this body so when the third Christ yeah yeah no it's like a very small little feet almost insignificant voice and that's what the Bible says if your heart condemn you know then you have confidence with God because you have sometimes is speaking and the only way you fill it is condemnation from within condemnation from inside and that alone is checking you all the time so the Kryptos - kinase initiative an anchor he kept Anderson because he was out of there - the his versus Ola it was able to cross a great gulf from hell and he behaved in heaven afar off a nice other driver Adam Thomas he only so I am tormented in this flame I'm dying here he's crazy and he saw he recognized look what we are seen in your hidden manner he looks something and I don't know about the fat belly but the hidden man will be look just like look look at the people this he will recognize that the man is that when you see him in a spirit of possible the hidden man is exactly like this because you see that it's like a mummy you need an exact shape spirit vessel to encrypt the Kryptos man so that's how you recognize him you recognize cluster Tina nakum you recognize him when you see my sweet remember when Jesus came they recognized him when he walked through a wall the recognizing soils Jesus Sears Abraham far and Lazarus in his bosom he cry mention I need to love you well my measurement it imagine I live you know what to say mention my name he knows me I'm kidding chicken bones many times my legs [Music] if you want their Christmastime I gave him extra extra booze mention my name tell him that I'm the one calling him tell him you tell him mention my name tell him that I say he should come I'm sending him somewhere I pray thee send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger the hidden man has fingers fingers and a finger is not just in the edge connected to the arm the arm is connected the hand is connected to death and the arm is connected to the upper arm low and upper arm the advanced connected to the shoulder so the finger alone tells you the shape the whole body's death the spirit looks as the sum of all T line spirit is like a balloon like a plastic bag you know that is moving you have any plastic bag here have any plastic bag here plastic bag yeah give me pour out your tongue gimme ah huh see when you see the spirit people think of something like this now he's like this it's like a little piece of air that is moving like this where we all die there would be something like this yes is moving in the world and then another one will come and meet spinning yeah bring that one too this is a flight master right Matt met a black man old Etonian bring this and where's the big one a fat guy there's a big Daddy this house with this what we think and then a Chinese man [Applause] I guess how will be like in heaven he said that tell him to dip his finger remember they buried him but he still had a finger finger finger is attached to the hand hand is attached to the lower arm low hands up to the upper arm around to the shoulder [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so you see me how when I see me I see you so like you think that I said whether this another no no no no no no that's more this is finger in water and they'll call my son Tom Tom - Tom is where you did as well that song is in the mouth the hidden man has a mouth and a tongue and the tongue is in a mother Marty's in the head describing the man describing a man they make cool dip singer and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame and it says son remember now you begin to remember this message you remember if you go to hell outta this message I don't know what to say to you the memory is there so you are thinking so many other things you remember it's actually your spirit which is remembering your spirit is remembering the Sun remember the body is said by the memories there so the memory is from the spirit son remember there are I when I talk to you remember you not forget it in hell or heaven I mean in heaven I hope [Music] remember remember remember remember remember remember remember remember is that son remember that thou in thy lifetime you remember your whole lifetime in that lifetime receivest by good things and likewise lazarus evil things and besides all this that is between asking you a great kind of fix so that data will pass from hence to dance cannot now that can be passed to ask that would come from dance you cannot cross after that there will be no more movement no more transfer where you guys where you are your BMW will not be useful at home in such a day we calling all your bank account is will not be useful nothing would be important look this one if Jesus himself is Jesus what he told I said there was a man real like the red letter there was a real man called Lazarus it's not a parable is real person and it happened so ladies and gentlemen there's a real hidden man and when you are born again it is that man who is changed but for this man is not the same one day I went to witness to somebody I said give your life to Jesus he said yes I do I do want to give your lives and said yes I said let's pray father I give my life to the Lord I accept Jesus as my savior he did all that after that the Spirit of the Lord came upon me and I became bold you are just a friend but many years ago I was second b-school and I said what about the Holy Spirit would you like to receive the Holy Spirit I was in his house in his bedroom he said yeah I like it I said okay stand up as I'm putting layers just the two of us in the room so good relations on you do you believe and these guys older than me I was ministering to him in the room I was just said do beliefs I believe I lead her to him receive in Jesus name after ballet dance had not lived in vain handsome people and I've never seen anybody for another Papa daddy I said later ah he fell down on his bed in his bedroom just the two of us were there for about two hours daddy when I went about what's so happy I said Lord I've led somebody to Christ I pray for the person to receive illegal yes booking interns I was following another path things are happening so I said I'm going to give our ourselves we'll come and see him tomorrow night to see whether our father salvation was working so for the next day I came to his house this is a real person when I came to the house I said a waste so so and then they laugh so he's there so no you can go there said ok because I need a house there are different parts of the house when I went to that the outward Ottoman spot so when I go to his room there's a room before the room so just as I was going through my I post I said and I welcome a idea I mean I just taught them you just wait so I just today and as I stood there in fact my person that I've led to Christ yesterday who was slain in the spirit and speaking it all for mother went on as I stood outside that though I had the sound no I don't know whether to call it the son what are you thinking about what I think that I had [Applause] what are you thinking about I had him plain in tone well I'm telling you I the present I led him to Christ I had head at leading to Christ I had prayed for him here falling under the power he had spoken in tongues candle away I received the Holy Ghost there was a girl in the room and he was fornicating life so that are about to enter neither so I went back and I was so sad and I thought about that so I asked somebody that is it is it possible that salvation just now just now substation that has just happened we do 24 hours somebody can lose this our vision but I thought I did not know that you are not lost your salvation the outfit not Amanda he's very well do is that beast I tell you he will lead you all and all and all and that's why crystals mariondemers are also experiencing tomorrow they are all born again by everybody's beast interactive it's not easy to be forgive so the outside man and the inner man so when you are born again and especially if you have pasta or become how many want to be shepherds family want to be pastors if you want to be you must now focus on the inside on the kryptos man and you must understand he is dead and is encased with a very bad flesh and man and I'm man enough flesh will lead you astray over and over and over and over and over and over turn with me to Romans chapter 7 verse 21 says I find then a law that when I would do good evil is present with me are you there when I would do good what evil is what present I mean I realize that evil is always present with you wickedness is present with you lies are present with you jealousy is present with you parylene is present with you lust is present with you unforgiveness is present with you anytime you want to do good all these things are still there anytime I want to do good evil is present with me as 22 for I delight in the law of God after the inward man the inward man loves the law of God verse 23 but I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into the captivity of them to the law of sin which is in my members was 24 Oh wretched man that I am Who Shall deliver me from the body of this death I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord so then with the mind I serve myself the law of God but with the flesh the law of sin stand to your feet everybody listen put your hands down have you seen why when the devil tells you you're a bad person you tend to believe it or anybody who accuses you you immediately tend to believe it even if it's not true because those things are in you in you anyway let your hands to the Lord thank him you are going higher further deeper into the law of the Lord now the next question that we have to ask ourself is who controls who controls who is in charge who is going to control the hidden man or the seen man the natural man or the spiritual man you see the church is basically made up of two groups of people people who are controlled by the hidden man and people who are controlled by the natural man please all these are the you can classify the whole church into two more controlled by the spirits from man and others more controlled by the natural man in every area of your life from your business your work what'd you do what'd you say what'd you do in church what you don't do in church is just those who are controlled by the spiritual and those are controlled by the natural so after you are born again you get it the hidden man must gain control otherwise there will be no difference between you and an unbeliever the hidden man must gain control you must otherwise your life will be just like an unbeliever because they when the natural man controls you know it has how it was anyway when you an unbeliever the mind and the body weight just but they were all in harmony with the spirit but not that you are born again the spirit of the man you get it that born-again spirit of the peasant must now dominate so Romans chapter eight verse six what does it say for to be carnally minded yeah but to be what the ritually minded is life and peace you get it a person who is controlled by the inner man is a spiritual man the spiritually minded person so actually we want people to become spiritual when he says somebody is spiritual then it means that his inner man is grown and dominates and controls but when you are colonel if you have only get okay but the Spirit of the man does not control the understand and that's why Paul roots the Corinthian said I could not write to you as to spiritual but I had to write unto you as unto Connor because where are they are yet Christ and envies amongst you are you not yet Cana and work as mere men are you there as soon as the spirit does not gain ascendancy and gain control you are just like an ordinary unsaved person and that is why people criticize us so much it also see the difference between born-again Christians and unborn again Christians or born-again sees and you can find sometimes they will say look this guy she married an unbeliever by have marriages far more peaceful that my marriage where I have married a deliverer how many have seen son before people who are unbelievers they are mine and they are married looks peaceful who are seen some before yes whereas Christians are we can be mind and our marriages are not peaceful I'm not happy and in fact sometimes you cannot marry that I'm very bad even though we are all born again because maybe when you were born into this world you you have brought with a certain kind of makeup with coral in makeup everybody has a different problem God gives everybody a different kind of mechanism you know some things are natural you know a lot of things that we criticize you know you are born with it it's true now born with it some people are more quarrelsome than others some people are more lustful than others they can't stop easily some people are more moody naturally so everybody was came around with something and when you ask a ritual although that thing is dead the spiritual man is able to dominate and suppress that behavior it says that I brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual even though you're born again now he says brethren I brethren have talking to my brother's I could not speak to you as I speak to a spiritual person but I spoke to you us all to kernel even as unto babes in Christ I have fed you with milk and not with meat for hitherto you are not able to bear it that I guess now are you able and then how do we know you eternal he explains for are you nocturnal for your yet Conner whereas there is amongst you ng strife and division are you not Connor and walk us then or another version says as we're been destroyed that you're born again he did learn has little effect on you is not that you speak in terms for a long time but the presence of jealousy is strife and envy and divisions and disloyalty disloyalty we've mentioned it we can go to tunnel here you can be here to the end of the account those are the signs are you listening to me that is kind of people who are at work and a more spiritual you become unless you'll be trying to divide the church and spoil the church I told a pastor who was living at it as I just leave the church as you see it now don't spoil it you get it if you are spiritual you will not try to spoil a change amen if you are spiritual you'll never try to destroy a man of God I'm telling you never no matter who the man of God is if you a spiritual you will never like to cause the fishing confusions drive and be no matter the amount of God is it don't have to be your man of God a man of God if you a spiritual if you have no spiritual with those things they are in us jealousy see party politics if you want to see hatred envy jealousy drive the fishes just look at party politics look at MVC and MVP and CPP and you understand jealousy hatred party spirit division is there and those are the things are coming to the church and you notice in light house God has blessed us we have been preaching about loyalty and God has had mercy on us so far we have had as little of this kind of thing as possible I tell you when it comes into the church so not be easy cause you see we are made to self destroy self-destruct we destroy ourselves all the time the way we are we are self-destructing I'm preaches as I am preaching as soon as those things come in who preach this one is better than this is what is better than that this is good I like it when this person pitch this is my favorite pasta why is this and that why darling all those things canal aqui and our flesh likes to fight a church in one country they took an offering and after chess the fastest foot over the offering basket and divided the basket into two and share them and idly forth in the service and that was the end of that church if the MU are the pastor's claim to be we possess claim to be the most spiritual when I was talking to a pastor out that you don't forgive why don't you forgive forget the issues you are persecuting the issue to the last point it's not a signer you are preaching everybody knows you as a great man of God you don't have to follow this issue to the last fight is not a sign of spiritual so actually that's all that we pastors we are come out so where are there is Envy among us and strife and we've not Cana and work as mere politicians among the churches just like politics in the church it's not MBC whatever by this action central lighthouse briar house red miracle politics we might as well just change the name to NDC MVP CPP d DC and in the same thing and we are the presidential candidate the pastor's of parliamentary candidates fightin amongst our so it's a sign of caen allottee a spiritual person doesn't be reality horrible horrible brother some of the most come out people speak in tongues I'm going to show you spirituality what it means to be spiritual if you are spiritual there is a way you behave and posit I love color division disloyalty this one big train this this one big train another save this about this going to say that causing deficient save this forever this pastor has come it is I look at his car he thinks that is this he's chopping the money his this and that does the story of the church in Ghana it's just a sign of turn reality until we can recognize each other and laugh every other church you see as I have grown in the Lord I appreciate Catholics I appreciate Methodists Anglicans when I see that making gay pastors gave somebody was ask me what I think as I can't I don't think I can't think I can't even think i convincing Sudha Sudha is it right for a gay person to be able as I don't know I can't think about it don't ask me such questions I don't know how this church would be like in 400 years time I don't know some time ago I you see my fingers oh yeah so they are all falling pieces dead churches we call them dead churches as I'm pointing the dead look the three fingers are coming but are you also dying you can't see they also die but God is bringing us to a place where the hidden man would dominate affair so when people come to see associate certain current certain kind of behavior the spirituality if you want to know that spirituality when we preach the message of loyalty people thought it was a message of weakness but not knowing that is actually driving at the root and the foundation of the evil that Satan exploit in us all the time he knows that we like divisions then we like such things so he uses them and he raises us up to current fight by God has given us spirituality sometimes I go if I see I know ramble around GU lysing I will just in my heart I have not cast anybody before by God's grace because I've decided that I would I don't know why I thought I will catch them in case I won't catch anybody and I will not pray for judgment I will pray for mercy maybe one day I will meet mercy blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy this is when I see people doing things just look at brother I just pray that in the day that you understand things it will not be too fine too difficult for you that's all I just pray because nobody here can do anything to remove my crown I am the only one who can do some little movement crown you can't if you do or whatever you do even if you do if you do something against Mary succeeds or it seems to be succeeded because God has allowed it and maybe there is something good for me this is that is helping me that's why I was working but you can't take my reward you could take three churches it doesn't remove God hasn't sent me - you can have thousand and two hundred churches or three hundred and forty churches or whatever I'm just doing my best to like lay off the scene if you want to fight I don't want to fight if you want to fight I don't I'm not interested want to take the church if that is where the fight is coming to take but we have pastors and Christians who are ready to fight physically and to quarrel and to be angry and to be khana are you not just mere men you want to fight with me you want to criticize me what have I done to you you want to criticize a church what have you done you know in a host cell something's that are it when you have done 150th of what I have done then you open your mother and criticize he was talking he said I start one touch every day and I build a jet every week something like that then you are criticizing him before you finish speaking be careful amen and I'm telling you for that temptation this body and this mind the way it works in unless God hasn't called you but if God has called you as I was telling somebody the other day when you get to a certain round what Jesus met you will meet by if they are not there you will meet it for instance what we call accusations if you have not reached that level you will never be accused when you catch a second round you will be accused very strongly to quench you if you don't take a because that's how Jesus was quenched there's a very strong spirit if you have been pastor detectors that for you never understand it loyalty you will never understand see that you see that but when your ministry capture set in place you hey if you don't see the young you are not cold but if you are called by God you will see real I mean you have people criticizing be very surprised that a nice person like you is being criticized only that you haven't reached them it's part of the work and God wants us to get to the point where we are controlled one day there was a young man he lived in my house I said him and looked after him one day he was out there testing all sorts of things you know and you know sometimes when you have done something for somebody in the shop somebody else you just you know something you know what I was with a certain person I said these days when I see that things people do in certain days I'm not going to say it in a woman place please you wanna sound like a plague he said I'm now praying for plagues flies and locals and other things will come Phineas OHS but as you become more spiritual as you become more spiritual this nature to divide it will bit if it will you feel but you control it no group to look at I said no we won you are not doing that okay I will refuse it with no snow coming on flesh who says we are going to cast and Kryptos who say we are going to laugh shut up flash you say we are going to revenge and Kryptos malice a vengeance is the Lord's required don't say anything leave it to God to time when they I had it fishes a dream and I saw somebody who was there is some way to me and I was very bored in fact that dream and I felt my hair was I did and then the Lord woke man I said I'm wondering you never be angry with him I thought was other day I was afraid to be angry I felt that a judgment will come upon my life if I'm angry with that fellow and I am I saw that i was probably guilty of the same thing and God didn't want to punish me so he would have been forced to also deal with me if I had dealt with that guy I mean just in my heart I was a good Trinity I couldn't do anything anyway chronologies some of us are followed in the outward manners even into marriage all that glitters is not gold you said God spoke but here you haven't had God before but on that particular issue you were very strong right or just the outward man who has seen something nice idea one day I saw certain brother come to marry a very busy person so I was asking myself this banner at all fine did you clear mind this beastly person because although we are obviously we have the extremes so one day I was looking through the album and then I saw the wedding picture and I said I now see why he married this dislocation because when you see the picture beauty queen par excellence beautiful specialist I mean you know what I'm saying beautiful fresh exciting so now the student said oh that's way outward man signals and then they were moving you cannot marry with flesh already the business abyss then two beasts are coming to stay together it's not going to be easy as it's not gonna be easy at all so when I look through the album I said oh I now see five he married this one sometimes you because you look through your albums you may understand some of your decisions so let's get away so how did I come to this place look in the album you see that the outward man was following something I've seen on the outward but you didn't look within if you want to know a person you have to know the heart of the person is if you don't know my heart you don't know me you know that if you don't know my heart you don't know me some of you will know me closely you didn't think I was how I am from afar is it true is not true these are do you know you know me closely to a point but from afar how do I look like I look very hard some people say I look proud is it if you are tall one of your common accusations that you will be proud so people are often accused of pride you can be a very humble person by sea at all potential has escaped but you want a soft person was that I he looks arrogant a boom oh but I may be the most respectful and the most humble but I would look proud maybe if you came close to me you may find out that I'm not what you thought until you lose somebody in this hat you don't know the patient so how do you got married somebody whose heart you don't know how can you lose somebody's half if you don't talk to the patient how can you know somebody's heart unless you go through certain things and you know the patient's heart huh huh are you there we are looking for people who are controlled sometimes you see people they look like picture for a long time that when it gets to something a clue that spirituality has gone our God wants to make us controlled from the spirit point of view passes natural Gavi is not going to give us judge code we need pointing spiritual things amen I said amen natural human effort is different from anointing we need genuine anointing screaming is not anointing speaking quietly is what I'm going being a man is not anointing being a woman is not anointing crying is not I know it's none of these things are knowing and anointing is anointing it can be in any form I am a Cana when you want to jump out of your marriage at any day and any time are you not coming when there is no peace in your life are you not coming when you go and propose every week every month we are proposing to a new pair I am NOT Anna are you not Connor when you cannot flow with your geo when you cannot flow with your pasta when you cannot take instructions are you not turn up are you not coming are you not kind of well you don't pray at all the only thing you do is natural things are you not colonel are you not coming to be Colonel in mind that is dead to be spiritually minded is life and peace I say this committee is to take you into real deepness god this surface whatever these are the service service at a twenty look you better come into the reality spirituality spirituality spirituality is to be spiritually minded I was once asking does the culture whether he was heavenly minded and you may ask why would I ask a prophet weather is heaven in my cause you can be a prophet by I'm eleven Amanda you can be a pasta are not readily minded and you are not spiritually minded I was talking to one pasta it's a well-known pasta he's full of bitterness he's bitter with this person bitter with this person he was angry with me at the point as I looked I'm sorry for what I have done deal God wants to make us spiritual you are coming when you cannot forgive I'm telling you spirit opposite forgiveness his spiritual if you look when one day somebody did something is very painful to me and then one day I was dead and then I started to pray for the person and I knew that I had become spiritual because the prayer was killing have you know those type of bread are not Jenny Lord forgive him Jesus they might beg charges might tell the Lord Lord I give everything to you I'm not talking about that kind of prayer I'm talking about genuine pressure for gifts don't let anything bad happen to the person when you become a spiritual person are you listening to me receive spiritual we don't receive it oh you are little and we don't receive it Lana you have to develop it receive us unreasonable to take spirituality does it take fatness you don't just become fact you have to eat for some time and then the fastness to come can I have an image can I have an email so God wants us to be spiritual spiritual spiritual spiritual am tired of unspiritual shepherds and spiritual passes and spiritual church members and spiritual of everything we are so unspiritual as earthly minded and God want to make us spiritual he was rather heavenly minded eternal and eternity cultures and he wants us to be spirit control control not by the flesh but controlled by the spirit and when that in is there I don't have to preach to you reality and display nobody preach to me loyalty I despise that there are some things that I knew many years ago hours hours hours hours at there and meeting you know and I tell you to be spiritually it's come the spirit I was at a meeting and the - can offering look many many many years ago I was rich at the old church building we're having a cover road meeting the best a leader to can offer when it took off him after he took another office when he took the offering I just said to the person next to me the person was did enough to me Bayless dollar to you know her she just thinks Venice know she could do what she called Bennett affair yeah she was sitting by me at tennis oh then she just found that winners and I immediately knew that there was something wrong that I was doing after I felt so bad nobody has pitched to me about disloyalty about this Ababa you see the script Osmond was controlling I felt bad and I knew that it wasn't right and some of us we can feel bad for a million years we will never say anything about it but after the meeting I went to the pastor and I said to him as I have submitted challenge I'm busy wait I have to see so I'm coming away so after he killed he took me outside like this he came outside and it was wondering what it was and I said I just want to tell you something you know when you were taking the offering I said something bad about it it was a prayer and I just want to say I'm sorry because I don't even have to even tell him what I said Lord forgive me but I felt so badly that I thought I should tell him look if it is on my soul I said God is going to use you that's all [Applause] thank you see where the conscience guides see some of you cannot wrangle there are some of you here you criticize me when you see me you smile I don't want to swear while you are here and if you lie our prayer setting prayer that can easily happen yeah not everybody here loves me no no I'm not I wasn't born last week if I was born last week I would think that everybody had awesome back I was born in the 60s so I know that everybody here doesn't love me I know many before you I love them but not everybody and other people who stay nicely but real you are so canna when you grew up a bit you shut your mouth I hope you don't die before you learn to shut your mouth may you live and not die carnality to become Allah - death and we killed people are getting pimples out of jealousy people are getting sick out of envy you are not satisfied with what God has given to you we are never content with whatever God places in your hand always looking over the fence and always saying that somebody else's pain is nicer than what you have there's nothing we are because of your community are you not gonna when there are divisions and a church is divided as I don't do elections if I stand for elections I'm not sure what I will in a church first if you like let me open it this is whether we should close at seven over they should close at eight whether you close at nine or one secret ballot you'll be very very very surprised carnality can you believe that some people come to the carbon from the kids here and be here with us funny cases I should call your name I shall call your name I shall call your name [Applause] look at I in Okinawa don't pay time you all look at me look straight at me I'm talking to you you don't pay tight you don't pay if I sum this that kind of a spiritual man who never struggled overnight as soon as you are dominated I'll speed up man is never it will never be a question never your carnality makes you steal from God and smile happily in the church and we have pastors who don't pay attention best shepherds who don't pay first a mess we are all in the church may God help us God wants us to be spiritual spiritual look I say Methodist Church they don't pray maybe the way we do Catholic and vehicle by their churches are growing so an existing care that is growing should not deceive you into thinking that we are spiritual don't let it deceive you at all we need to rise up into real spirituality God wants spiritual people heavenly mind that people who are influenced by the spirit and not influenced by the flesh to go ahead and to take the nation may there be people from this congregation who will go into the nation people watching by television who will go into the nations and who is packed in their spirit who controls you what controls you is it a spirit or the flesh anytime you are manifesting at home or manifesting in this house manifesting in school ask yourself who is controlling this one cryptos or natural man when yourself comes and your things are coming I say your things are coming do you know your things lift your hands thank the Lord I shall be controlled by the spirit and the spiritual in the name of Jesus father we bless your name we thank you for your great opportunity that is given to us Lord in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and everybody said amen
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 9,920
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Keywords: DAG HEWARD-MILLS, BISHOP DAG, DAG HEWARD MILLS, EVANGELIST DAG, ANOINTING, TEACHING CAMPS, MACHANEH, FIRSTLOVE CHURCH, LIGHTHOUSE CHAPEL INTERNATIONAL, KUMASI, GHANA, KRUPTOS MAN, evangelists in africa, evangelism in africa, pastors in africa, Christain authors in africa, african christian authors
Id: d4L8hogBDq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 6sec (9906 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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