The Forces Within Us

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[Music] hallelujah i said hallelujah are you excited to be here wow what a night i'm very excited to be standing here to [Music] introduce the speaker for she has done what she could amen um i'm doing this on behalf of the presiding bishop who is the speaker's pastor direct pastor what do you think we want to thank god for our first lady who has been such a great blessing he's very precious to us in this ministry a man very precious she's very gifted she's very anointed if you see her walking around don't look at her finger you think that a second-year um lego student who's looking for a who doesn't have a beloved what a shock she's very very beautiful outstandingly beautiful [Applause] are you in the church and um she's beautiful inside and outside he has a beautiful character amen and we are grateful to god for god blessing us in lara's chaplain leicestershire international ministry with this wonderful wonderful gift she's very precious to me because i got to know the bishop through her amen she was who introduced me to the bishop you know how it tastes she was my classmate for many years and you remember i always remember i taught her in class so she passed an exam so she asked me offering what do you think about that yeah so that's how it is but i'm so grateful to god for the grace upon her life amen god has blessed us with such an anointed woman and every time i'm sometimes driving saturday morning i hear her preach and i want to call her and tell her how how blessed i am to hear her preach over and over again and she's so down to it and practical and she also can speak english are you in the church let's welcome the lady who sleeps by our bishop so we share the same bread with our bishop [Music] let it reverend come on give the lord [Music] hallelujah i believe that club was for me but i want you to give a resounding applause to the one who really matters who is the reason for our gathering and to him shall the gathering of the people be give him praise he is worthy the lion of the tribe of judah the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world jesus give him praise give him praise give him praise christ in you the hope of glory christ in you amen amen shall we pray father thank you for the privilege of meeting in your presence and to you shall the gathering of the people be and to no man and unto no woman this evening let your purposes be established father i yield myself to you as a willing vessel i pray in the name of jesus that you will cleanse this vessel of clay and use it for your glory i pray o god that the words that i speak there shall be spirit and life to your people i pray that lives will be touched oh send your word to heal us and to deliver us from all our distractions thank you for life and thank you for light that your word brings in jesus name amen hallelujah please take your seats praise the lord i'm not going to comment further on the things bishop saki has said the bible says the lord will fight for you amen so i've learned not to fight my own battles but it's a privilege to be here this evening and it's a bit to speak the word of god amen i spoke to bishop this morning he's well he's just rounding up his camp in zambia and will soon be with us over the weekend and he sends his love and his blessing to us on this occasion amen and i also want to thank him for the privilege of standing behind this sacred desk and i want to salute bishop adi and bishop sakhi for always being there amen and i want to welcome every one of you those who are visiting us you're welcome and i pray that your expectation will not be cut off because the holy ghost is here amen this evening i intend to be brief turn to the nearest sister and say why are you wearing mufti this evening are you keeping your clothes for sunday you could have won it anyway amen well this evening we have met because we have been rebranded as a ministry and we are known as she has done what she could amen now last year we shared about the extravagant lifestyle of the godly woman and this woman had brought an alabaster box to jesus in the midst of a lot of enmity and trouble but she still prevailed and she still did what she could amen and i just want us to read that passage again if you will amen um let's read the [Music] version from mark chapter 14 reading from verse three and being in bethany in the house of simon the leper as he sat at meat there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spike nut very precious and she break the box and poured it on his head and there were some that had indignation within themselves and said why was this waste of the ointment made for it might have been sold for more than 300 pence and have been given to the poor and jesus said let her alone why trouble ye hair for she had wrath a good work on me amen now when you look at the verse four and there were some that had indignation within themselves and said why was this waste of the ointment made amen and jesus said let's help verse 7 for you have the poor with you always and whensoever you will you may do them good but me you have not always she has done what she could that's where the verse is from she has come a forehead to anoint my body to the burying amen and so on and so forth but i want to concentrate on the verse four and there were some that had indignation within themselves amen it's very interesting the things that are within us and that don't always show amen if you remember the sketch of the two lady pastors it's actually based on scripture in philippians 4 verse 2 i believe paul says help me to en and treat uedia and cintique that they get along because they have labored with me in the gospel so as for laboring in the gospel they were well able as you could see but for the two of them to agree it was a problem amen but some of these things are within and you may not know so this evening i want to speak to you about the forces within us the forces within us and in the narration of the woman with the alabaster box the bible says that they were filled with indignation indignation so we can be filled with various things and because when it's within it's not seen we may not think that we have an issue or we have things that we knew we need to deal with but when we read matthew chapter 15 verse 11 jesus said it's not that which goeth into the mouth that defileth a man but that which cometh out of the mouth that defileth a man amen what was jesus saying he was saying that contrary to what some people think some people say i don't eat pork because jesus cast demons out in the pork in the in the pigs yeah that's what my father said so because of that my father never ate pork because he said jesus cast out the demons into pigs so when he eats it the demons will have an effect and he said to me that you look carefully at people who eat pork look carefully you see their features that they begin to develop poc-like features but i think he just had an aversion for big meet amen but in this narration the people who were around they were filled with indignation and indignation is a form of extreme anger you know but i believe that because jesus was around they were trying not to show it just like many of us and that indignation after a while may play out but not always so i believe that jesus was operating one of the gifts of the spirit which is the gift of discernment of spirits to really know what was going on in the hearts of the people because in another place where he went to the house of simon the pharisee the bible says he just started to give him a parable without asking any questions so jesus already descend what was in the heart of simon the pharisee but we can be filled with so many things and this passage teaches us that we can be filled with indignation extreme anger if you like in modern palace you may say extreme boredom i was so bored with her i was so bored with him and you would think that the indignation would be based on something real or something what it would be for a worthy cause but it was just because a woman had brought an expensive box containing expensive ointment which none of the disciples had contributed to it hadn't affected their bank account it hadn't reduced anything about them it hadn't cost them anything and they were not doing it so many times people will not do certain things but if you step out to do it for the master it just brings indignation amen and the indignation is often so buried inside they cannot be seen but the bible says man judges by the outward but god judges from the inside and sometimes we are stopped from becoming all that we can become because of the indignation in the hearts of men and sometimes they don't give the real reason for the indignation the real reason is that you the ball number one the second reason is that you are doing something that sets the bar higher that makes us have to extend ourselves and that makes all of us look bad and so because of that we are filled with indignation and we must face you and we must kill the gift or the initiative or that worship in you so we say that in ghana let's pull him down but in the church also let's pull him down amen and the bible said and then we look for scriptural reasons you know judah said that it would have been better if this was sold and given to the poor other than wasting it on one person and not even on any noble path but on his feet i mean how and the bible is such a truthful book it tells us that judas did not say that because he cared about the poor but because he kept the bag and he was a thief so we all have different motives and different reasons but it all comes out in one reaction indignation a man somebody and for this woman to do what she could do she had to overcome indignation amen and i see that this indignation was common in many other areas of the bible if you look at acts chapter 5 verse 17 reading from verse 16 there came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto jerusalem bringing sick folks and them which were vexed with unclean spirits and they were healed everyone then the high priest rose up and all that were with him which is the sect of the sadducees and were filled with indignation and laid their hands on their apostles and put them in the common prison by the angel of the lord by night opened the prison doors and brought them forth and said go stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life and when they had that they entered into the temple early in the morning and taught but the high priest came and they that were with him and called the council together and all the senate of the children of israel and sent to the prison to have them brought but when the officers came and found them not in prison they returned and told saying the prison truly found we shot with all safety and the keepers standing without before the doors but when we had opened we found no man within now when the high priest and the captain of the temple and the chief priest said these things they doubted of them where unto this would grow amen you would think that when they go to a multitude of cities round about and to jerusalem and people are bringing sick folks unto them and they're also bringing people vexed with unclean spirits and they heal everyone the bible says and still the high priest gets up and they are filled with indignation amen i think that when we want to obey god when we want to do what his word says one of the things that fill people and one of the things that we should expect to fight us is indignation amen i mean when if if somebody were to walk in and go to calibur discharge everybody 37 discharge everybody would rather i hope we are supposed to applaud the person and be very happy about what the person has done but rather we are filled with indignation when we see somebody serving god with all her heart instead of saying oh sister the way you serve god it touches my heart the way you serve god it challenges me the way you have brought everything to just worship the master it challenges me to go higher no we are filled with indignation i want to ask you this evening what are the forces operating within you in the church what are the unseen things that eat us up and that take absolute control that we don't deal with if the disciples and the pharisees can be filled with indignation so can we amen and that force is a form of destruction because it takes us away from the main purpose and drops us of what we should really be amen so this evening i will speak to you about four things we should not be filled with four forces within that we must overcome and then for that we should embrace now to be filled with something is to to have that thing to its fullest extent to occupy the whole to pervade to engage or occupy completely to spread and to be saturated with so when you are filled with something you are saturated with it you associated with it it is pervasive amen proverbs 14 verse 14. proverbs 14 verse 14. the backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways and a good man shall be satisfied from himself amen another of the forces at work in us is to be filled with our own ways and that is why even though we say that we have given our lives to christ we do not allow him to direct our paths the bible says in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy part but that's not happening because even though on the outward we may be seen to be busy you know when i was young we'd wake up on saturday morning and there was so much work to do and some of us did not feel so physically up to whatever had to you have to scrub clean windows wash do this so up to now i don't i don't do that on saturdays because it's it's not a nice reminder i think that it was overdone in my house anyway so then some of us will be walking up and down then my mother will stop and say hey this one is washing this one is you what are you doing you understand it's empty busy empty busy you are just going back and forth by your business does not bring anything and sometimes that's how we are empty busy in the church looking so officious and so bad no fruits because in our hearts we are filled with our own ways when the word of god says do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever you say oh that's the word but i have my own way and my own way is that even though i'm with him and even though it's saturday night and even though i'm sleeping in the same bed with him on sunday morning i will wake up wash myself clean not by the blood but by geisha soap and then i'll go into the presence of god the backslider in hearts is filled with his own ways we never ask what would jesus do we never ask what is god's mind about what i'm going to do we never ask what is the word saying you know i always say that we don't have a referee in our lives every christian must have a nevertheless in your life but many of us have known nevertheless you know sometimes you are filled with something you feel like manifesting but peter said i've told all night and i have caught nothing nevertheless at your word he's saying that you jesus you are not a fisherman when i look at my expertise and things you are the least person who should be advising me besides that i've had a very rough night and i'm tired and i've been through the whole sea as far as i can go and i caught nothing nevertheless i recognize that there's something higher than my ways nevertheless i recognize that there's a higher wisdom a higher knowledge a higher insight that i don't have and so i will tell you where i'm at but when i hear you i will introduce a nevertheless so that your will will be done amen somebody the backslider is filled with his own ways when you look at jesus in the garden of gethsemane he said father if it be possible let this cup pass you know i'm very surprised at this prayer because jesus had set his face towards jerusalem and even when peter tried to dissuade him he rebuked him and said get thee behind me so i was surprised when he arrived in the garden to be asking that this cup should pass and it's very comforting to me because it makes me know that i have a high priest who is touched with the feeling of my infirmity amen but he said you know if it's possible let this cup pass but again he had a nevertheless he said nevertheless not my will not my will it's time for christians to have a nevertheless it's time for us to have a referee in our lives who blows a whistle and says extra time injury time time out and then we obey but we are filled with our own ways and we are filled with our own ways because we go according to our feelings lady reverend you don't know how much i love that boy now you say is love later on you say i wonder if it was love it wasn't love in the first place amen somebody some of us instead of believing god to supply our needs when we go to the universities and everywhere we say that mr mensah shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory by christ jesus amen somebody and so we are just filled with our ways when the word of god says forgive many people sit in front of me and they tell me about auntie bomb is not easy and i said but he didn't promise that it will be easy he never said it will be easy so when we say it's not easy yes like jesus maybe we are saying if it's possible but we must move beyond that and not to be filled with our own ways amen if i was to go by my own ways if the grace of god had not helped me not to go by my own ways i don't think i'll be standing here this evening there are many things and many parents that want to lead you your feelings even your rationalization that when you when you when you rationalize it doesn't make sense so you say i mean why i mean why why should i go through this i mean why why should i come and serve god and have all these challenges yes people have challenges but some people say that when is it when it's in the church then they are shocked because they feel that the church is christians this christian is filled with christians if it's the world they understand but when is the church they don't understand so sometimes you are in the choir and you are filled with your own ways so 10 of you don't talk to the other 10 and yes we sing and we say let the anointing fall we sing and we say that but we are filled with our own ways amen somebody unless a christian learns to go beyond her senses learns to go beyond what she feels learns to go beyond what she thinks is her right or justice she's likely to be filled with her own ways and when you are filled with your own ways god cannot go far with you the forces within our own ways amen when you get up on sunday you say hey my brother papa then you decide oh and then messiah mercy no church you are filled with your own ways when you are marrying there's a manual called the bible but you are filled with your own ways so in spite of all the chapters in the marriage manual we can't get you to obey god and that's why you are a christian but things are going a certain way because the fact is we don't go according to his ways we go according to our own ways amen somebody it is my prayer that god will deliver us from our own ways amen you see a lot i was telling the children last weekend the lot was filled with his own ways when abraham brought him and abraham said okay there's strife between our workers you choose and then after you i will choose instead of saying you know i wasn't really part of the vision and if you hadn't brought me i would not be here and besides you have brought me and i have also prospered it was not like that when i was leaving so uncle you choose where you want and i'll choose after but no he looked the bible says he saw that the grass was well watered so what looks well water to the eye may not be well watered in the realm of a spirit because he pitched his tent towards sodom not knowing that sodom and gomorrah will be destroyed soon amen so we cannot afford to live by our own ways if i went by my own ways i'll not be here this evening because i get unsettled when i know that i have to preach and i'm very happy when i have to listen to somebody else it's much easier but when i have to preach myself oh why even when people have invited me i said why did i say i'll come why why did i tell them that i will come but you can't be filled with your own ways because the bible says we will give an account of our lives before god so i always think if i were to do what i want to do i don't think i'll be here this evening and so you too must not be filled with your ways amen and another thing that we can be filled with as women is envy acts chapter 13 acts chapter 13 verse 45 but when the jews saw the multitudes they were filled with envy and speak against those things which were spoken by paul contradicting and blaspheming contradicting and blaspheming what made them do this when the jews saw the multitudes they saw that paul is preaching people are coming people are hungry for the word is working and then they were filled with envy that's an expression green with envy green amen you won't preach you won't reach out to the lost just like the people with that the woman with the around the woman with the alabaster box paul is preaching multitudes are coming and instead of you if you won't preach do not destroy what the person is doing but as he's speaking you are contradicting when he says it's not true he says oh is he sure when he said oh check the scripture oh i wonder what he's saying oh this is a false doctrine oh are you sure what is it and it's not based on anything they were filled with envy turn to the sister next to you and say what are you filled with it may be a secret you know but it's a force within amen we saw in the drama you know the two women that solomon had to judge between the bible says that they both gave birth around the same time they both lived in the same house and there was no one else with them the bible added that which shows that they were very close and intimate they had an intimate friendship but then one slept in a haphazard way and slept over the baby and then the baby died and then she woke up in the middle of the night and saw that her baby was not breathing so she decided that well then i would take my friend's own and put the dead one by hair and then they took the matter to solomon and the woman was saying the woman would say no this was not my child it has been exchanged then solomon said okay bring a sword like we saw in the drama so that i will share the baby i will cut the baby into two and the lady whose child had died the bible says she said let it neither be yours no mine let it neither be yours nor mine if i don't have it fine but you too you won't have it amen ladies and that's how we are sometimes you see recently my mother employed somebody no she had employed somebody for some time and then the person got married i missed a lot of pump but they were all happy my mother attended the wedding less than a year into the marriage a lot of turbulence they hadn't even finished and unwrapping their wedding presents but somehow the marriage began to go downhill and so the lady left but in the meantime she had this very precious friend that she had been sharing everything with oh my husband said this and my husband said that and i even made this food because he likes this and i did this and i did that so then the friend would advise her oh do this oh don't mind him such nonsense how could he do that it's not a nigerian movie it's a real story and then one day this lady decided to go back to the house during the day because she felt her husband wasn't there so she'll go through the kitchen to collect a few things she had left and when she was going through the kitchen there was her friend in hot pants you know hot pants hot pants with some top stare in the stew and she couldn't believe it what are you doing here the friend said me i just came to help and then when she looked into the soup all the things she had said her husband likes united nations they were in the ship so then my mother was very heartbroken i don't even want to tell you the position of a person because then people would know and she she called the lady and she said you know i think you must leave the city because this is too much for you and the effect is happening on you is too bad and i think you must just leave so she left and she came to occur you know so my mother was telling me the story and asking me can i believe it i think that from day one the friend was probably filled with envy so the way you come with problems oh my husband said this my husband said that and he did that and you are insulting him to this friend who like the jews is filled with envy the person can use that ammunition against you we are supposed to be each other's keeper the bible says older women teach younger women to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet but that's not what you are doing you are teaching her to teach her husband a lesson and it's all based on envy but it is veiled when the jews saw that the multitudes were coming they were filled with envy amen but when they are active put them in prison they are subverting the religion there you see we have the real reason on top and within no we have that fake reason on top and within is the real reason amen sometimes maybe in the choir i don't know why today is the choir you are not a lead singer somebody is a lead singer and because of envy say did you see when she sang she was almost failing did you see the voice couldn't come properly did you see it's because multitudes are listening to her sing and the force within you is envy you are filled with envy amen sometimes we don't speak it but when we hear that something has gone wrong with somebody we rejoice inside and that's why the bible says in first corinthians 13 love does not rejoice at evil because there's a tendency you rejoice and such that we feel that when this person doesn't have like the woman who said let it neither be mine nor you and we all come to this level that we all become at power but not really somebody's failure doesn't make you successful immense somebody we come to the place where we will be like elizabeth and mary when mary can come with you with all her insecurities and her problems and stay with you for three months without a issues somebody the bible says about elizabeth that she was filled with the holy spirit amen so when the salutation of mary reached their ears she was filled with the holy spirit and then she started to speak and to bless mary what are you filled with if we allow the holy spirit to fill us some of these things will not have a place because to be filled is to be saturated so when you are saturated you will not have room for other things amen and sometimes it is a work of the flesh to be a bit envious or a bit jealous because you feel that the train is going and you've been left behind but i'm saying that the way to attract god's blessing or god's remembrance is not to be filled with envy amen ladies the room is quiet and reflective especially with marriage we say i'm more beautiful than her how come he saw her ah he didn't see me early if he had seen me before her he would have preferred me amen ladies so as the pastor always calling the sister i must also make myself known and they were filled with envy and they contradicted and blasphemed the things that paul was saying amen we are moving on you can be filled with fear luke 5 26. and sometimes fear sounds more dignified than envy but i think that in the sight of god that there's a parallel i don't think that in the sight of god fear is better than envy amen so you can be filled with fear which is one of the common things that women are filled with luke 5 26 and they were all amazed and they glorified god this is the proper type of fear and they were filled with fear saying we have seen strange things today amen they were filled with fear say we have seen strange things today sometimes fear means respect but in this context i realized as i read on that the people were always in shock and all when jesus preached but they never changed and they were filled with fear but they never repented they will even say oh who is this even the winds and the seas obey him say hey what man taught with such authority you know then they say oh but don't we know him is he not the child of joseph and mary and his brothers and sisters are joseph and all these people around us so you may be filled with fear amazement whatever and still not come close to the master amen as bishop would say sometimes it's over respect and it may not even help you to build relationships they were filled with they said that oh what strange things are these but to follow on to know the lord they did not amen so sometimes you know it's like i have the holy fear of god a reverence for god you can be filled with all that but your life is not affected and changed because you don't go on to know the lord like josiah says amen one thing that amazes me is when the shepherds were told that jesus had been born the bible says they said let us go and see this thing which the lord has made known to us so when god makes something known to you you take a further step beyond just getting to know amen and that is what we should be doing in our lives finally heaviness is something that you can be filled with heaviness it's just touch and go touch him reproach has broken my heart and i'm full of heaviness i looked for some to take pity but there was none and for comforters but i found none amen you are full of heaviness when you look for pity and you don't find it it leads to heaviness when you look for comforters and you don't find any it can also lead you to heaviness amen somebody but the bible says put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness so there may be times in your work with god you will be filled with heaviness heaviness is sadness a heavy spirit as opposed to a light spirit and in the state that you are in nobody in the church may seem to understand you or show pity nobody around you may seem to show comfort and so that you see he says that somebody says my heart is broken within me and i am full of heaviness what do you do when you get to a place like that i think in the same psalm verse 29 he blessed out a prayer but i'm poor and sorrowful let thy salvation o god set me up on high i will praise the name of god with a song and will magnify him with thanksgiving this also shall please the lord better than an ox or bullock that hath horns amen says i'm poor i'm sorrowful but let thy salvation set me on high amen maybe the bible will say put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness the garment is there but unless you decide to put it on the spirit of heaviness will linger amen somebody i am full of heaviness maybe somebody broke your heart somebody said my heart is broken within me relationships are investments and so when things go alright it's a problem for you you are not planning for that to happen and it leads to heaviness but you can depend on god to be your salvation and you can decide i'm not going to sit in that depression this year i've been counseling quite a number of people and sometimes people who know god but they battle with depression and they are filled with heaviness and when i say no you have to you have to rise up you have to come to church because when you come into the fellowship of the saints it will lift your spirit i don't have any strength to get up somebody was telling me i don't have any strength to even dress up i don't have any strength to walk a lady told me her children she just used to work because without the work she can live but beyond that her children would say mommy put yourself together try get up but she she was full of heaviness and she didn't see what she was living for amen and we have more tender hearts as ladies and so the being full of heaviness is something that easily comes our way amen ladies but we must put on the garment of praise the bible is saying that that is the medicine you see ko atem is to malaria as government of praise is to heaviness and unless we learn to take the medicine according to what the physician has said we will not go far amen i said i will talk about at least one positive thing that you can be filled with okay so acts chapter six verse three to eight will continue tomorrow acts chapter six verse three to eight wherefore brethren look out among you seven men of honest report full of the holy ghost and of wisdom whom we may appoint over this business amen full of the holy ghost and of wisdom there are many ways to be filled with the holy ghost one of them is waiting in the presence of god like the disciples did in acts chapter one the bible says they turret they went to the upper room and then they turn it and as they were there just waiting on god praying and all that the holy ghost fell and they were all filled with the holy ghost amen so when you stay in the presence of god an infilling of the holy spirit comes into you amen and then you get to that junction where you can say i'm not filled with indignation i'm not filled with envy i'm not filled with heaviness amen but i'm filled with the holy ghost i get surprised that they were just choosing people to share food and they said they need people full of the holy ghost and of wisdom amen how can you be filled with wisdom in a nutshell the word of god is wisdom and it's not the wisdom of this world so you see sometimes that things look ordinary when people ask me so in this situation what do you do in this situation and i said the bible says oh i know the bible says but i'm saying what do you really do and then i say to them but that is what i do not because not because i feel i'm so what different or superior about because i don't have any other answer you see ask me i'm a christian because i'm not very wise and i'm not very strong and i don't know so many things so i really need the light of god's word i can't walk on my own i'm just so incapable of doing that amen so one of my favorite verses is apart from me you can do nothing i said god how did you know it's so true but tonight i want us to decide to be filled with the holy spirit and with wisdom when you wait in the presence of god you will be filled with the holy spirit amen it says and you beloved building up yourselves in your most holy faith praying in the spirit i believe that when you pray in the spirit the holy ghost will fill you and when the holy ghost fills you there will be no room for other things and then you will rise up and do what you could and what you can in jesus name stand to your feet please [Applause] so with every eye closed and every head bowed fill my cup lord ask him to fill you i lift it up lord come and quench this testing of my soul bread of heaven bread of heaven fill me [Music] fill my cup fill my cup lord [Music] lift up your hands fill my cap oh jesus take away all the things and fill our hearts with the holy spirit oh every spirit of heaviness is giving way to the spirit of joy in jesus name fill my blood may we not be filled with may we not be filled with indignation may we be filled with our holy spirit [Music] you're here tonight you don't know jesus as your savior you don't even know what you are filled with but tonight christ can come into your life and you can be filled with a new life in jesus christ you want to say lady reverend pray for me i'm not sure whether i'll go to heaven or hell when i die lady reverend i am not sure whether i'm ready to meet jesus please pray for me tonight i want to make a quality decision i want jesus to come into my life and fill every area of my life you are like that here tonight just lift up your hands high above your shoulder and i'll pray with you forget about who is on your left who is on your right we are in the presence of god lift up your hands every eye closed and every head bowed lift up your hands high above your shoulder so that i can see it lady reverend pray for me i need to be serious with god i need to give my life to christ god bless you i can see your hand i believe there are many more hands just lift up your hands you mean business with god give me the privilege of leading you if you've lifted up your hands do one more thing for me just walk to me and give me the privilege of leading you to the master lifted up your hands just [Music] let there be a new beginning let that be a new thing in his presence [Music] [Music] water [Music] fill it up i just want you to say this prayer after me and mean it with all your heart let it be a prayer from your heart to god say heavenly father tonight i come to you just as i am jesus come into my life [Music] and be the lord of my life cleanse me from all my sin give me a new life in you thank you for coming into my life for filling me with your light thank you for coming to die on the cross so that i may be saved thank you for rising from the dead so that i may have eternal life thank you that i'm born again by this prayer in jesus name amen hallelujah god bless you happy birthday today is more important than any birthday that you have had i pray that you will listen to all that we have to say and you will begin a new life in christ amen please follow our lady pastor and she will just talk to you and you come back quickly to join us god bless you please give her a hand give them a hand every eye closed every headphone i hear tonight and you want to say you know lady reverend i'm filled with heaviness and i want the god who lifts up that spirit of heaviness to reach me where i'm standing and to touch me you're here like that this evening just lift up your hands the bible says even the hairs on your head they are numbered there's a high priest who is touched with how you feel there may be none to pity an unto comfort but he said that he will never leave you nor forsake you i see your hands father behold from heaven these hands that are lifted up to you i break the spirit of heaviness in the name of jesus i come against the spirit of depression and i drive it out i pray o god that the joy of the lord will be ushered into their lives i pray that every form of darkness suicidal thoughts anything that's not of you despair hopelessness i speak to you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i ask you to leave and i pray that the sweet presence of the holy spirit shall come that the joy of the lord will come into your life and be your strength in jesus name amen i'll
Channel: Lady Rev. Adelaide Heward-Mills Official Videos
Views: 587
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: He4U7MdBuio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 0sec (3720 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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