#3 Haftarah Lech-Lecha from Isaiah 40:27-41:16 - Parallels between Abraham, Israel and Messiah!

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[Music] good morning we'd like to welcome all of our listeners around the world and all of our watchers on Facebook live and on YouTube and invite you into our study this morning of Lake Lake ha and the haftorah that goes along with it in Isaiah chapter 40 verse 27 through Isaiah 41 verse 16 lake lake ha is God's Commission to Abraham to go to go forth from the land of ur this land of idolatry and to go to the promise that he has waiting for him in the land of israel the land that he would give to him and his descendants and we're gonna see in this morning's haftorah in Isaiah that God parallels Abraham and the story of all that Abraham went through in this tour portion with different aspects of Israel and some of them are going to be obvious where he actually mentions Abraham's name other ones are gonna have hidden references that we're gonna have to kind of pick out and find so we'll have fun seeing what God is saying to the whole house of Israel through Isaiah as they are discouraged and they're leaving the land of Israel and they think that their ways were not seen by God but we know that they followed after the pagan practices and idol worship of the surrounding nations just like Abraham was surrounded by paganism and idolatry Israel not only was surrounded but they ended up following those ways and God's promises that in the last days that Israel would do away with her idol worship and that she'd be able to be restored to her covenant with God and restored to the land and to the inheritance that God has for her there so you can watch if you have not seen it the study on Lake Lake ah on our Facebook I mean on our YouTube channel and it was found in Genesis 12 1 through 17 27 and in the ha I mean in the tour portion we see basically five different chapters relating to Abraham chapter 12 relates to Abraham when he's about 75 years old and he's called out of the idolatry of herb chapter 13 Abraham shows faith in God by trusting God's wisdom in allowing lot to choose what land lot would like for himself so we're gonna see a reference to the younger and to the older and how God sustains the older when the older is in wisdom with God's ways in the haftorah this morning in chapter 14 we see the war of the four kings and how Abraham went against these kings with his 318 men when even the five kings of Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding areas could not beat them Abraham was given power over kings and nations and we're gonna see a reference to this in the haftorah this morning about how God promises Israel that if she will return to his Torah they will rule over kings and nation's as well so there's a parallel there in chapter 15 of Genesis we see the promise to Abraham due to his righteousness by faith that works obedience and in the last part of our haftorah this morning we're gonna look at the parallel with Israel and the importance for Israel to not only have faith but to have a faith that works righteousness through obedience to God's law and we're gonna look at the aspect of the nation of Israel being the tree the branches of the tree that Messiah is the root of and how Abraham Isaac and Jacob our forefathers are like the trunk of that tree and how the nations have an opportunity to be grafted in to Israel into this tree and the covenant that God is waiting for them if they will but it's always through a faith that works there's no faith that does not work because without works is dead chapter 16 this talks about the birth of Ishmael and chapter 17 is focusing on Abraham's name change and whatever it character changes there's always a name change because the name is indicative of a character just like Jacobs name was changed to Israel Israel means upright one of Elohim and Yahshua L Israel is indicative of all of Israel's descendants that will be overcomers that will be upright and that will be righteousness that will have a faith that works righteousness and so we can relate that to us today so if you have your Bibles turn with me to Isaiah 40 verse 27 and we'll go through that the last three verses of that chapter and then into Isaiah 41 the haftorah for this week discusses Abraham's journey from Earth to the land of Canaan at God's behest and touches upon Abraham's miraculous battle against the four kings both of which are described in this week's tour reading the Prophet in Isaiah 40 4727 addresses Israel's complaint in our very first opening verses Israel is saying my way of serving God has been ignored by the Lord she created additions to the way God said to observe his feast in the way to make sacrifices she added things and incorporated things from the nation's and we have to ask ourselves as the descendants of Israel in what way have we added to our religious spiritual experience that God has not told us to add front to his word remember Deuteronomy 4 says do not add to or subtract from my word so just like ancient Israel the reason we're reading these hoth torez relating to Israel and paralleling with the tour portion is because it shows how tour can be applied to not only ancient Israel but to our lives today Israel went on to say and my way of serving God has been ignored because God wasn't interested in their way of serving him he had already told them how to serve Him and from my God my judgment passes unrewarded they wondered why they had lost the blessings Isaiah reminds Israel of the creator's greatness the time will come when he will give the tired strength and to him who has no strength he will increase strength youth shall become tired and weary and young men shall stumble but those who put their hope in the Lord they shall renew their vigor they show rise with wings as Eagles and they shall run and not become weary and they shall walk and not tire just like Abraham we're gonna look at some of the oral passages that are passed down to us about how invigorates a brunette an old age so with Sarah really amazing how we can see that when we walk with God's ways this scripture is fulfilled nevertheless there is no comprehension of God's wisdom and as such at times we cannot understand why he chooses to delay the reward of the righteous we know it is said that the wicked have their reward here on this earth sometimes wicked men apply with certain eternal principles and they become successful by applying those principles even though they don't give any credit to God and they receive their reward in their life today but we have an eternal reward that's waiting for us so we shouldn't worry about if we don't see the immediate benefits of serving God here and now we know this is a practice of self-denial that is developing our characters for receiving that eternal reward other people who will receive their reward right now but we should be focused on the kingdom c-chief first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you so everything your heart desires I has not seen nor ear heard all that God has planned for you but we have to have the faith God is gonna give it to us in his perfect timing and our reward is an eternal one it's one that we can enjoy for eternity not just temporary in the current realm the haftorah then turns its attention to the idolatrous nations of the world paralleling it with abraham's surroundings in her and their idolatry Isaiah reminds them of Abraham's greatness also how after arriving in Canaan he pursued and defeated four mighty kings the island saw and feared Isaiah says the ends of the earth quaked nevertheless the nations who witnesses these miracles did not abandon their ways the idle craftsmen strengthened the smith and the one who smooths the idol with the hammer strengthens the one who wields the sledgehammer and the one who glues its coating says it's good speaking of the idol and he strengthens it with nails that it should not move God promises Israel to reward them for their loyalty to God do not fear he says for I am with you be not discouraged for I am your God behold all those who are angry against you shall be ashamed and confounded and this is a little hidden glimpse of prophecy at in our day when all the enemies of Israel will align according to Psalms 83 with one mind against Israel but what does God say he will be with us and all those who hate us will be ashamed and confounded in the end those who quarrel with that you shall be as naught and be lost very strong words but they're encouraging to Israel because Israel wonders sometimes is God still with me and so this is giving Israel hope during the Diaspora God gave Abraham the mission of bringing his will to fruition and his message to the nations in the same way the haftorah encourages Israel to maintain its optimistic spirit even in the face of its own failure and exile and stubborn resistance on the part of the nations so we are to be optimistic in our joy and realizing that God has a work for us in whatever nation that were born into to be a light to the nation's and there's a reason why he's waking you up to Tora so that you can rightly divide the world word to the nation's this is the true meaning of being a judge it is said that Israel will judge the nations and the ancient judges did not point the finger at each other but rightly divided the word opened up Torah and taught the Torah and this is the way we're supposed to be amongst the nations so let's look at chapter 40 verse 27 and we see this opening phrase why do you complain Yaakov why do you say Israel that my way is hidden from Adonai sometimes we think that when we are in sin or when we are seemingly not hearing from the Lord my rights are ignored by my god haven't you known haven't you heard that the everlasting God Adonai the creator of the ends of the earth does not grow tired or weary so his promise that he made 2800 years ago through Isaiah he hasn't tired from that he hasn't we read from that the promises that he made 4,500 years ago through Moses at Sinai and through Abraham he has not tired or wearied from his understanding cannot be fathomed some people might wonder why is he allowed so much time to take place before he restores all things he invigorates the exhausted and he gives strength to the powerless think about Israel having been powerless for the last two thousand seven hundred and thirty years for all intents and purposes Israel seemed wiped off the face of the earth it seemed like dry bones but after their punishment was complete which ended in 2008-2009 if you count two thousand seven hundred and thirty years from 721 BC when Assyria captured them it seemed like they were dry bones but these dry bones are Awakening and they're being reinvigorated and it says he invigorates the exhausted he gives strength to the powerless and this is being fulfilled in our day young men may grow tired and weary you know you could draw a parallel here between a lot a young man and between Abraham an old man even the fittest may stumble and fall remember it was through Lots own wisdom that he chose the land that he chose and that ended up causing him to stumble and he ended up losing his wife and some of his children due to it but those who hope in out and I will renew their strength they will soar aloft as with eagle's wings we know that Abraham and Moses were walking so closely with God that it was as if they were young men when they died they just went to sleep it wasn't because they were diseased or decrepit and this is a fulfillment of what God is saying here God will be with those who renew their strength in him and they will soar aloft as with eagle's wings when they are running they won't grow weary when they are walking they won't go grow tired you know old age is sometimes portrayed as a time of youthful activity for Abraham and Sarah throughout the Scriptures we know that Pharaoh even when Sarah was 90 years old she was thought to be very beautiful like a young woman and Abraham had said the same thing in the Jewish publications commentary on Genesis Nahum Sarna describes the expression oldest and ContentID relating to Abraham later in Genesis 25 a as unique in the Bible in the entire Bible as it's only used in context to Abraham such a summation of a life is found with no other person in the biblical literature the phrase describes not only his longevity which is otherwise mentioned but the quality of his earthly existence so not only are you living a long life but it's a life of quality every test and we talked about this in the Torah portion he had endured ten different tests and he endured them with positivity and without speaking a negative word and overcame in every way Abraham the Talmud says besieged God for mercy so that he would actually have physical signs of old age that's how youthful he was he was like I've seen a lot of pain I've gone through a lot of trials please just let me age like everybody else so that I can die in peace it's really interesting that that's been passed down orally to us from Sanhedrin 107 B proverbs three seven and eight Solomon tells us don't be impressed with your own wisdom this is the way lott was he was impressed with his own wisdom thinking that he was gonna choose the fat of the land the greenish Valley around the Jordan instead like Abraham fear the Lord and turn away from evil when Abraham left he left everything he knew he left his family and of course his father and his brother came with him but he was going somewhere that was unknown at that point God had not explained what the future held for Abraham he just said go go lick it ha and that's sometimes what we hear God's calling us to go or to do something but he doesn't completely reveal it and we have to kind of step out in faith and then let him reveal it some of you are taking that to heart you can thank you that each of us can take that to heart we've had different experiences like that where we know God is calling us to do something or to go somewhere but we don't know how he's gonna work it out and we just have to take that first baby step in faith Solomon says if instead of being impressed with your own wisdom you fear the Lord and turn away from evil then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones so while the world is looking for the secret of success and longevity we have a secret right here in serving the Lord and the fear of the Lord is what it's a holy awe it's a reverence it's such an awe that you are captivated like a bride is captivated by your bridegroom we're like a child is captivated by his father and it says teach me daddy I want to learn your ways I want to emulate everything that you do I am so admiring of you this is that holy ah the fear of the Lord this is what naturally motivates us in love to study his ways in his Torah God gives strength to the weary Isaiah proclaims those who trust him this is the key thing those who trust him will find new strength and ultimately prevail rather than focus on the shortcomings of people including Jews and Gentiles we should look to the obvious manifestations of God's sovereignty and recognize that despite what transitory events may sometimes indicate the only intelligent course is to serve God and we do this through obedience to God's Word and God's righteousness in chapter 41 we see it open up saying keep silent before me coastlands let the people replenish their strength let them approach then let them speak so how do they approach they would have to approach the Lord by coming to a knowledge of his ways and that he's placed his name on Jerusalem and then coming to Jerusalem and in the Millennial Kingdom there will be a hierarchy from Jerusalem under God set up by a mushy ox kingdom and under mashiac will be his 12 apostles and under those 12 apostles they will be judging Israel and remember judging means they will be rightly dividing the word in the context of how Yeshua has revealed it this is why they will sit on twelve Thrones with him and then Israel will be judging the nation's so there's a hierarchy of knowledge in truth that's going out to the coastlands to the nations who are coming up and approaching it says let us assemble for judgment who has raised the one from the east who is just and called him to be in his service you know you could relate this to Abraham who was called from the east from Earth but you could also relate it to Isaiah 63 when it says that Messiah comes from the east and he is just so there's a dual prophecy here between heir Abraham but more so even Messiah it says he hands nations over to him and he subjects Kings to him sure enough he called Abraham from the east and brought him to the land of Canaan and then he subjected the most powerful kings of the world to Abraham but now think forward to mashach and how he's raised up from death and he comes back as one comes from the east just like the rising of the Sun and God has called him to be in his service and he hands nations over to him you see the dual prophecy there between Abraham and Messiah and he subjects Kings to him his sword reduces them to dust and that's exactly what Isaiah 63 1 says his bow to driven straw who raised up the righteous man from the east and called him to his foot and gave nations before him and made him rule over kings he gave them as dust to his sword and as driven stubble to his bow he pursued them and passed safely even by the way that he had not gone with his feet this is very parallel to Abraham's experience in Genesis 14 9 where it talks about Caddo Lamar the king of Elam and title who was called king of Nations and amrum fell king of shinar and arioch king of ellasar four kings and they took up lot Abraham's brother's son and in verse 14 it says when Abraham heard that his brother was taken captive he armed his trained servants born in his own house 318 and the sages tell us that these 318 that were born in his own house because of the way he treated his servants as family they were like his own children they loved him so if Abraham had an issue they all rose up and had an issue and even though they weren't necessarily soldiers they took whatever they had and chased these kings all the way back up to Damascus and he pursued them unto dam and he divided himself against them he and his servants by night and smote them and pursued them on to hold bow oh-hoh bomb which is on the left hand of Damascus so here we see God gave nations and the Kings over to the one he brought from the east and the same thing in a similar fashion is going to happen with mashiac first for says whose work is this who has brought it about he who called the generations from the beginning God's doing it through them God did it through Abraham and God's gonna do it through mushy och aye yo devolve am the first and I am the same with those who are the last you know it's interesting he says I am the first and in we know that you shew us as I am The Aleph in the top the first in the last the beginning in the end but here it's slightly different he says I yo Dave Ave in the first and I am the same with those who are the last this means his love that he showed for Israel is going to be shown to the descendants of Israel who are the last generation do you see the correlation with he's in the previous sentence he says I am he who calls the generations from the beginning he knew you while you're in your mother's womb he saw how the final generation would be able to overcome sin where even our forefathers did not and while he is the first his love and his character is going to be the same with those who are the last [Music] you could think of the firstborn son in this context you sure the word made flesh he's brother with Israel and her descendants who are going to be the last and he comes back to save them in their time of trouble the coastlands have seen and become afraid the ends of the earth have trembled they have approached and now they have come everyone helps his fellow workmen everyone says to his brother be strong the wood worker encourages the goldsmith the polisher encourages the hammer he says to the solder yes that's good and then he puts nails in the idol to keep it from moving and we see this parallels with Israel leaving idolatry and Israel our forefathers haven't gone into idolatry and that's what caused them to be spewed out of the land and now it's time for us to do away with all idolatry in our religious practice no matter what religious systems we've assimilated into we have to ask ourselves does it fit with Torah does it fit with God's Way of serving him because we don't want to serve him our own way and then have the same statement that Israel was saying complaining why is my way hidden from Adonai why are my why is justice and my rights ignored by my god we want to walk with God and to see all of his promises fulfilled in our day that he promised ancient Israel he says in verse 8 but you Israel are my servant Yaakov whom I have chosen descendants of Abraham my friend here he spells out Abraham and we see the parallel very clearly where other times it's been kind of subtle I have taken you from the ends of the earth and summons you from the most distant parts and said to you you are my servant I have chosen you and I haven't rejected you so if anybody tells you that all God divorced Israel he rejected Israel when a woman is betrothed to a bridegroom she can be given a get released from that covenant for a time and then and when the bridegroom dies she can be remarried and in that you see that God has chosen us and he never completely rejected us because he's been working to renew that covenant that he made with ancient Israel with her descendants who would be overcomers of sin don't be afraid for I am with you he says but you Israel my servant the seed of Abraham my friend you whom I've taken from the ends of the earth and called thee did we read verse nine verse 9 says I've taken you from the ends of the earth and summoned you from its most distance parts and said to you you are my servant yes verse 10 says don't be afraid for I am with you don't be distressed for I am your God I give you strength I give you help I support you with my righteous right hand in our tour portion God promises Abraham I will bless you and I will bless those who bless you but there will be a curse on those who curse you and you could parallel this with our statement in Isaiah where God says I am with you don't be dismayed I will strengthen you yes I will protect you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand these are all different symbolic language of his blessings even all those who are angry against you shall be disgraced and put to shame those that strove with the shall be as nothing and Shall Perish and that's exactly what God says in showing his great love and devotion to his bride Israel still in Abraham's loins he says I will bless you and bless those who bless you but I will curse those who curse you verse 11 says even those who fight against you will be brought to nothing and we know that in Psalms 83 it talks about the enemies of Israel in the last days and we've talked about the descendants of Esau and the descendants of Ishmael along with agar which is Egypt and Phyllis do which is Gaza all making a pact together against Israel but if you look in Psalms 83 look at what happens to these nations that come against Israel in the last days a total fulfillment of what God says they will bring a curse on themselves if you look at verse 10 it says do to them as you did to Midian and Sisera and Yavin at the voddy kishan they were destroyed at ain door and became manure for the ground make their leaders like or Evans EV all their princes like zavok and Zalman Oona who said let's take possession of God's meadows for our self that's what Palestine is saying today let's take possession of God's meadows for ourselves my god David says make them like whirling dust like chaff driven by the wind like fire burning up the forest like a flame that sets the mountains ablaze drive them away with your storm terrify them with your tempest fill their faces with shame so that they will seek your name out and I let them be ashamed and fearful for ever how long does it say here that they will be put to shame so behold all they that were angry against thee shall be disgraced and put to shame those that strove against you shall be as nothing and Shall Perish here David is saying the same thing let them be ashamed and fearful for ever yes let them perish in disgrace let them know that you alone whose name is Jehovah are the most high over all the earth this is the promise that all the prophets are talking about anyone who comes against Israel in the last days will be put to shame and disgraced it says here at the end of verse 12 you will seek them but not find them those who contended and fought again with you yes those who made war with you will be brought to nothing nothing at all for I Adonai your God say to you as I hold your right hand have no fear I will help you remember these words in the days to come have no fear Yaakov you worm you men of Israel now have you ever heard somebody be called a worm before and you would think that that might be a insult right oh if you think about the characteristics of a worm it's very indicative of God's character of all the Hebrew letters which letter did God choose for his holy name to start his holy name the smallest of all the Hebrew letters it looks like a little curled worm a little Yoda right and it's small it can't defend itself just like a worm you can step on it and it doesn't even defend itself this is God's character that we see in Yeshua and if you look at Psalms 22 there's a prophecy pertaining to Messiah a lot of times you see dual prophecy pertaining to Israel that also pertains to the coming Messiah and we know in his first coming he came as a suffering servant he was walked all over just like a worm and he didn't defend himself Isaiah 53 says he was led like a lamb to the slaughter yet he openeth not his mouth he didn't even defend himself verbally when he was falsely accused verse 22 Psalms 22 verse 10 sorry verse 7 says but I am a worm not a man I'm scoring by everybody despised by the people all who see me jeer at me they sneer and shake their head now everybody that knows the prophecies of Psalms 22 knows that this is a messianic prophecy pertaining to Messiah on the cross the chapter even starts off my God my God why have you forsaken me this is Psalms 22 it's focused right there on the cross imagine he's hanging on the cross and he's saying I don't even feel like a man I feel like a worm look at how everyone has stepped on me and despised me and scorned me and everybody who sees me and jeers at me this is the way Israel has felt through the last two thousand seven hundred and thirty years she's been like nothing amongst the nations and people have abused her and used her and persecuted her if you think of the pogroms and the Holocaust this is why God can parallel mashiac with Israel Israel is called to be a suffering servant as well that's to be a light to the nation's Messiah is called to be a suffering servant in his first coming and a light to the nation's so the two places that refers to somebody being a worm is Israel and Messiah and we have to realize that our high calling is to live out the humble character of God's love in ways that man can't even conceive because the wisdom of God is foolish man somebody might say why do you want to be like a worm that's horrible why do you want to be legislated occator he will uphold me with his righteous right hand I don't have to vindicate myself I don't have to defend myself I don't have to become defensive or reactionary if I truly trust him I can be like a worm and just show the selfless love of God and let somebody walk on me Yeshua said if somebody hits you on the right cheek turn to him your left cheek also this is what he's talking about this humbleness that doesn't make sense to men Israel was called to be a light to the nation's he says have no fear Yaakov you worm you men of Israel I will help you he's the one that's gonna defend you and vindicate you your Redeemer the other worm in Psalms 22 is the Holy One of Israel now but you'll never hear a preacher or have high talk like that talking about Messiah in this context but it's beautiful when you understand it's talking about the humble characteristics of God and it's our Redeemer that God is going to vindicate us through the Holy One of Israel he says I'm gonna make you Israel like a threshing floor so now you who are walked on remember you're the worm you become the threshing floor and in the threshing floor you stomp out the grain and you break the chaff from the good kernels of grain whether it's barley or whether it's wheat so now he's turning the tables he says I'm gonna restore to you the years the locust has eaten right he's gonna make us the head and not the tail now you who were trampled on in times past are gonna do the trampoline and they says you're gonna be like a threshing sledge with new sharp pointed teeth to Thresh the mountains and crush them to dust to reduce the hills to chaff as you fan them the wind will carry them off remember the parable of the wheat and the tares you have to let them grow together until they both bear fruit and you can tell them apart and once you can see the chaff and the tares you let the wind carry them away and you burn the the rest of them and that's what happens here as you found them the wind will carry them off and the world wind will scatter them then you will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel when you realize that you're called to vindicate God's character just like the Redeemer was it's not just him who's to be a light to the nation's you're to be a light to the nation's it's not just him who is to be a living Torah you're called to be a living Torah it's not just him who is called to be humble it's you who is called to be humble and God will end up redeeming you and saving you and delivering you and defending you and this is the beautiful difference between us trying to defend ourselves and being reactionary when we die daily as Paul said in the flesh and we let the Spirit of God live within us we won't have any need to defend the physical vessel the Spirit will we know is eternal and it is going to have an eternal existence we want to feed the spirit and we don't want to focus on the flesh because that's not our true identity every time we focus on the flesh that's what when we feel like defending ourselves and that's when we come reactionary and that's when we end up not showing that love of God yes bill very good Romans 16:20 says the God of peace notice how Paul presses it with he's a God of peace he's not a God of violence he will soon crush the adversary hasatan under your feet and that's by you vindicating his character very good point very applicable so I want to move now that we've finished this haftorah into a little understanding paralleling Abraham with Israel also in the tree this is what we call our family tree okay and the beautiful blessing of Israel being scattered amongst all the nations is so that all the Gentile nations can see her light and be grafted into the family tree of Israel and receive the Covenant and promises that God desired for not just Israel but for the whole world remember what God said through rabbi Showell when he in first Corinthians he says I that God was reconciling the whole world to himself through Yeshua HaMashiach so God is in the business of saving and he's desiring to save all of the world and he does it through Israel Israel is the tree there can't be any separate family tree just like there can't be any separate bride so if you look at this we know that Yeshua is referred to as the root of the tree he says I am the vine you are the branches so down here in the roots and see if I can get this to work think of the root system that is often unrecognized part of a tree just like your shoe is not recognized yet by most of our Jewish brothers he's hidden and right now he's hidden in the heavenly realm as our high priest and intercessor but he's the root because he is the word and the word is the root of all creation and all existence Abraham Isaac and Jacob forefathers of promise that he made covenant with and he says your descendants will be many like the sands of the sea so Israel the twelve tribes Ephraim and Judah are the branches and then you think about the nations being grafted in but they have to bear fruit just like Israel has to bear fruit and what are the fruits of the spirit love peace patience kindness gentleness faithfulness self-control this is the fruits of the word if you are truly grafted in there's a scripture that says any tree who does not bear fruit will be cut off or cut down and the ancient world and the Essenes always understood man like a tree where our roots have to be firmly planted in the principles of the physical realm that we're living in but also our hands are always reaching up aspiring to understand the spiritual principles that is the source of our spirit and so the tree is an apt analogy of not only us individually but also the whole house of Israel in Isaiah 11 verse 10 it says and in that day there shall be a root from Jesse standing as a banner of the people and the nations shall seek it so here's a root who is this root that comes from Jesse's lineage Jesse was from the tribe of Judah he had a son named David he was a shepherd just like Yeshua's first coming here first to himself as the Good Shepherd who will then become king just like that young shepherd David became king so there's a beautiful analogy coming from the root of Jesse and he's gonna be a banner a banner is something that's waving everybody sees it and is attracted to it and that's kind of like the message of yeshua taken to the lost house of israel who was assimilated into christianity in all the lands of their dispersion and they've kept the message of yeshua alive it's like a banners been waving even though they haven't held on to torah and the jews have held on to torah but not been quick to recognize this christian jesus which is kind of counterfeited the true yeshua who upheld torah when christians promote that yeshua is in the place of god and he does away with the laws of god then what happens they say we're told not to worship any image or anything in heavens above or the earth beneath and we better make sure that nobody does away with torah because that would be a false prophet we know from the torah that it says that anyone who does not speak my words is a false prophet do not listen to him so they're right in not listening to this false image but what's sad is they're missing the true yeshua they're throwing the baby out with the bathwater and this route from jesse he's standing as a banner now once Israel's punishment was over which ended in 2008-2009 she started awakening while holding this banner of yeshua she started wakening to torah and returning to torah and many jews started awakening to yeshua and we have this messianic movement that is combining like what john saw and vision here is the perseverance of the saints those that keep the commandments of god and have their testimony in yeshua so we know that the root is Yeshua and it says that not only is he like a banner for the people the nations shall seek it also where did Israel hold on to the knowledge of Yeshua in all the lands of her dispersion commingled with nations so inadvertently nations end up coming to a knowledge of Messiah and how God is seeking to reconcile them that's what the true good news message is all about the bass aura and it says his resting place and we talk about the word for rest in Hebrew is Shabbat and there's a millennial Shabbat where he's gonna reign as king and his resting place this Millennial Kingdom shall be glorious Isaiah 11:10 says look at what Paul says in Colossians 2 7 and 9 plant your roots in Yeshua and let him be the foundation of your life this is so key for the family tree be strong in your faith just as you were taught now what is faith faith it's and substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen but faith without works is dead we know so if we're gonna be strong in our faith that means that we need to be obedient to Torah this is what faith in Yeshua is all about it's not doing away with Torah it's being strong in obedience to Torah just as you were taught he says this is common knowledge this is before the church ever arose is 300 years later that the the so called church arose Yeshua was not creating any separate religion from Judaism he was Jewish he's a Jewish Messiah his apostles were Jewish and he's saying let your faith that works obedience be strong just as you were taught and be grateful don't let anyone fool you by using senseless arguments like things are done away with these arguments may sound wise but they are only human teachings they come from the powers of this world and not from Yeshua God lives fully in the root which is Yeshua what does it mean to be strong in your faith a faith wrought with works Yeshua said in John 14:15 if you love me keep my Commandments so the root very clearly here even more than thinking about it as Yeshua think about it as the word because it was the word that was made flesh and dwelt among us it was the word that created all things into existence so really our root is in the Word of God and we have no foundation if we separate ourselves from the Word of God this is what was accounted to Abraham as righteousness remember it says that Abraham his faith because he was obedient to the Word of God it was accounted to him as righteousness this is how the trunk can be built upon the foundation which is the word Abraham and the Covenant made with him was due to Abraham's obedience in fact in Genesis it says that Abraham kept all of the Torah and the myths vote this is amazing because this is even before they were codified or written down they were still only oral at that time speaking of Abraham an Isaiah 41 8 in our HOF tour this morning he says but thou Israel are my servant Jacob whom I have chosen you're the seed of Abraham who was obedient who had a faith that worked righteousness he was my friend if you want to be God's friend return to the Torah be like Abraham have a faith that works righteousness Isaiah 51 2 says look unto Abraham your father this means used to be our example and to Sarah that bear you so this means that there's two examples whenever somebody converts to Judaism and let's say they don't have a Hebrew background or their parents didn't have Hebrew names one of the first things you get to do is choose your Hebrew name and when you're called up to make a nollie yacht to the Torah to the Bema the blessing that said over you by the rabbi is blessing you as the son of Abraham and Sarah you're grafted in to the trunk and they still preserve that to this day and both Abraham and Sarah we're obedient this is the beautiful thing when Isaiah tells us to look to Abraham and to Sarah it's because both were obedient it's saying women you have a role to play men you have a role to play Abraham obeyed God Sarah obeyed Abraham and if somebody has their Bibles open bill would you read really loud first Peter 3:6 yeah it talks about Sarah and Paul is referring to this exact same thing a lot of times people don't correlate the haftorah with the Torah and also the Brit hadashah or Paul's writings they think Paul is too difficult to understand and maybe he's doing away with the law and all of these things but he's upholding obedience and this is what he's speaking about Lord his daughters PR as long as even as Sarah called Abe obeyed Abraham and called him Lord Wow as men we are to obey God and we call him Lord Sarah obeyed Abraham and called him Lord and it says which you will be wise you'd do well to follow her example basically right yeah beautiful so Abraham and Sarah are examples for the men and women who would be grafted into the tree of Israel James 2 21 and 23 says was not Abraham our Father justified by works o people only like to talk about Abraham being justified by faith and it being counted to him as righteousness but here Yeshua's own brother is clarifying the importance of obedience it says when he offered Isaac his son on the altar God's Word came to him and said Abraham I want you to sacrifice your only son Isaac this was a test of course God would never ask for human sacrifice but Abraham knew the word of the Lord and he obeyed even though human reasoning could not understand it it totally defied all logic and that's the way we have to be following the Word of God even when we don't understand his laws like the whole the whole team is the laws that we can't understand that darn obviously moral or have natural cause-and-effect like the red heifer purifying the temple artifacts why does it do it Messiah will reveal it to us in the kingdom but right now we don't know but we do it by faith and our Jewish brothers are preparing the red heifer for the temple to be rededicated Abraham lived a life of obedience by faith to God's Word Paul says see thou how faith wrought with his works they were intertwined and by works was his faith made perfect this is the model for Israel today and the scripture was fulfilled which said abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness because true belief is a belief that causes you to live out Torah in your life it's not just a head knowledge of belief because remember even the demons believe but they're not obedient this is the difference so belief means nothing faith means nothing without works even the demons believe and they triple the scriptures say abraham believed God and it was imputed to him for righteousness and he was called the friend of God may we be called the friend of God through our faith that works obedience so we see the Word of God which is the root is made manifest in our forefathers and because of that it drew them close to God and God was able to make covenant with them and promised that they would have descendants who would also align themselves with his word so closely that they could be a righteous bride and that's what the betrothal with Israel at Sinai was all about the branches are Israel now some branches have been broken off for a while so that wild olives can be grafted in parts of the nations can be grafted in who when they have faith will return to Torah obedience and enter in the Covenant which includes Shabbat and all of these things this is why God says in Ezekiel 31 verse 13 this is my sign between I'm sorry exodus 31:13 and ezekiel chapter 20 verse 12 he says this is my sign between me and my people those that keep my Shabazz this is the sign of his covenant without working that faith in righteousness and observing his holy days our belief means nothing and many will say to me in that day Lord Lord didn't we prophesy in your name didn't we cast out demons and you'll say depart from me ye workers of tor lessness I never knew you there was no intimacy there because you did not even believe enough to obey and that's why we cannot believe the deceptions that are being perpetrated around the world today that the law was nailed to the cross it was done away with let's look at some things that Paul says about Israel and about the grafting in four of the nations to the tree the family tree for if the casting away of them he's speaking about the lost house of Israel who was scattered another term for you know the sower and the seed remember the parable he goes around scattering the seed what is the seed the Word of God Israel was scattered amongst the nations so that they could scatter the seed it's a really beautiful analogy if we don't understand this this is why Paul people can read right through Paul and not even understand that he's talking to about the lost house of Israel and the beautiful promise that God has made through them to be a light to the nation's and to graft in the nation's he says for if the casting away of them speaking of Israel be the reconciliation of the world so the very purpose of sending Israel out is to bring in all those who are not part of the family what shall be the receiving of them but life from the dead for if the firstfruits be holy the lump is also holy if the root which we've defined as the word is holy so are the branches as long as they're connected to the root if you cut off a branch from its source of life it dies and if some of the branches be broken off and you being a wild olive tree remember he's speaking to you omens of all things they had a means of the Jews so if you bean and all of a wild olive were grafted in among them and with them partakers of the root which is the Word of God he's saying don't bring your paganism into Israel if you want to be grafted in be partakers of the word of the Torah and the fatness which is the promises that come from Tour obedience of the olive tree don't boast against the branches that's like people that come in and say oh we're better than Israel or we're better than the Jews or we have a better promise or our understanding is better all of these things that's very boastful Paul admonishes everyone don't be boastful if you boast thou barest not the root that's not being attached to the Word of God remember in first Corinthians 13 it says love does not boast love is not prideful when you're grafted in to the word you're grafted into selfless love that doesn't boast it says if you boast you're not burying the root but the root thee you will say then the branches were broken off that I might be grafted in well because of unbelief they were broken off and you standest by faith be not high-minded but fear for if God spared not the natural branches take heed lest he will also not spare you what he's saying is if you claim to be a part of Israel you better be obedient to the Word of God because if God cast out israel who was part of the natural tree because of their disobedience how much more will you who never was a part of the original family tree through your disobedience be cast aside and this will be like in the last days when there is the wheat and they're ripe which means they're ripened tor obedience but there's also tares and they're gonna the tares are gonna be piled up for burning just like they used to do in the threshing floor anyone who's disobedient messiah is said to come back and his reward is with them to recompense everyone according to their what is it faith or is it their works it says according to their works amazing why isn't this being taught well because of unbelief they were broken off and you standest by faith but don't be high-minded but fear for if God spared not the natural branches take heed lest he also spare not thee behold therefore the goodness and severity of God because God's justice he cannot break his own word on them which fell severity but toward thee goodness if you continue in his goodness otherwise you will also be cut off so there's a beautiful opportunity for anyone to be grafted in but they have to be obedient otherwise they will be cast off as well [Music] Oh interesting yeah and bring everything back to this common source right the truck resources ashes yes [Applause] [Music] and what the common denominator here in this analogy is the connector that is the word anyone who will be connected to the trunk or the branches or the leaves or the root is going to make manifest that they're connected through goods fruits anyone who doesn't bear good fruits will be cut off the good fruits are a byproduct of Torah observance and they manifest in selfless love and joy and peace and patience and all these great things and it's so simple they're the fruits of the Spirit the Spirit of God from which the word comes is one God one source and so it's natural that you would manifest that if you're connected to the source it's like a plug when your plug is plugged in it lights up it's a light when you pull the plug from the source it gets dark and this is what it's saying in a different analogy and they also they were going on in verse 23 if they abide not still in unbelief speaking of Israel and Jews anyone who belief is not being lived out in works of righteousness it says if they abide still in that unbelief if they don't continue in that walk basically they'll be grafted back in for God is able to graft them in again so no one should ever say that Israel is lost or the Jews are lost for if you were cut out of the olive tree but which is wild by nature and were grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree how much more shall these which the natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree for I would not brethren that you would be ignorant of this mystery this is the mystery that's people haven't understood lest you should be wise in your own conceits in your own estimation that blindness in part happened to Israel all until the mellow gleam that prophecy that Jacob said over Ephraim that you would become a multitude of nations that they have to scatter amongst all the nations and that through their awakening not only have they held on to the testimony of Yeshua but there has to be time after the punishment is over which is from 2008-2009 enough time for them to reimburse Torah and be a true light to the nations this is what the mellow the fullness of the Gentiles is all about and so Israel's shall all be saved as it is written there shall come out of Zion the deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob for this is my covenant unto them when I shall take away their Torah lessness now do you see how it makes sense what Paul is saying because the definition of sin in first John 3:4 is the transgression of the Torah if his covenant is grafting them back in during the Mellow game the fullness of the Gentiles where they have both the testimony of Yeshua and Torah is helping them do away with their sin this is how God takes away their sins by returning them to tour lessness before they had faith without works now they have enough faith that works righteousness so what are you grafted into are you grafted into a tree that bears bad fruit or do you want to be grafted into the one family who is betrothed to God as his sons Bride and who is promised he wants to pour out all the storehouse of heaven upon the blessings that come through our obedience Galatians 3:26 says for you are all children of God by faith in Yeshua for as many of you have been baptized into Yeshua the word have put on the word there's neither Jew nor Greek neither bond nor free when you think about anyone who's in the word together if we're living out selfless love together Jew Gentile doesn't matter black or white rich or poor free or bond we're all gonna be one we're gonna be equal it doesn't mean that there's no longer Israel or there's no longer Jews or you know two houses what it means is you're totally unified together and this is why Jonathan Paul talk says there's neither Jew nor Gentile he's not saying that that's been done away with he's saying that when you're truly in the word when you're baptized in the word you're totally unified in the character of God there's neither even female or no male see he hasn't done away with the sexes he's just talking about total unification up here and in here at the character you're all won in the word and if you be won in the word then you are Abraham's seed see how it comes back around to our haftorah if you really want to be considered children of Abraham he was your obedient father be like him who was the greatest example of obedience Yeshua the Word of God made flesh this is why when you're baptized in the word made flesh you're going to be unified in obedience and selfless love together and heirs according to the promise so let's be doers of the word sometimes we forget that we're grafted into a tree that took about four thousand years to grow this is a big family tree but we are the privileged generation that our forefathers look forward to you know Abraham longed to see our day Enoch had visions of the final generation and of the coming of Messiah but there had to be a period of time where Israel could be reunified in the word and do away with sin be overcomers be victorious and this is what we're called to do and we have a high work we're not there yet any element of self try to let go of it just give it to God try to be vessels of selfless love this is what it means to be a living sacrifice Paul says I died daily he wasn't committing suicide he was dying to the fleshy desires - that the flesh have we want to be doers of the word and we want to be reunified Israel and Judah right now they're like two branches two separate branches that have been separated God says bring them together I will make them one in your hand it's all about unity in his word so let's be unified in his word together with that let's stand and we'll close in prayer Abba Father we thank you for revealing these things that have been hidden from times past to us as the descendants of Israel we love you and we long for the restoration of the whole house of Israel may Messiah come speedily and in our day and return the Exile of Israel back to your land where we can observe your holy Torah even more fully but right now in all the lands of our dispersion father may your spirit live in us and through us to bear good fruits of your selfless love and joy and peace that the nations would see it and longed to have what we are tapped into may they desire to be grafted in to the family tree because of the great example that we are giving and if we're not giving that example through our own selfishness father we ask for forgiveness we ask for your cleansing power we ask for restoration of mind body and spirit so that we can be vessels for your service and lights to the nation's we love you and we thank you for revealing the main beauty of paralleling your people Israel with our father Abraham who had a faith that worked righteousness through his OBD word made this be our example as his children in your holy name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 6,425
Rating: 4.9019608 out of 5
Keywords: Haftarah, Lech Lecha, Lech-Lecha, Abraham, Called Out, Promises, Israel, Messiah, Children of Abraham, Children of Promise, Moshiach, grafted in, Olive tree
Id: QL9vytGCUZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 12sec (3792 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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