2 Feminine Texts Men Crave From Women

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hello hello hello everyone my name is Matthew Coast and today I'm going to be talking about two feminine texts that men absolutely crave and so there's this concept that I really want to talk about we had we had a woman that was asking about you know why men commit do men commit do men just want to have sex you know what happened to the old days when men wanted real relationships and all that kind of thing and and you know there's kind of a thing to be said on both sides there's a lot of complaints about the same exact same thing immense dating side and there's this old concept that a lot of women used to talk about people used to talk about it became kind of a phrase and it's you know men moving mountains right a man would move mountains to be with you right he'd move mountains or he travel to the other end you know to the ends of the earth to be with you type of thing and in one sense this idea of men moving mountains you know traveling to the end of the earth in one sense it's a description of how a man feels like how he acts towards a woman that he wants and in another sense it's it's about you know what a man would is willing to give to a woman so women tend to inspire men right men it throughout history have been inspired by women it's they've men have been inspired by women to create to build you know civilization in itself wasn't built for men right it was built for women it was built by men who wanted to protect their women and their children and give them good lives where they could be protected and feel safe and men you know and so men have felt very inspired by women throughout and when a man feels kind of this inspiration from a woman which usually especially in the beginning men will feel inspired by a woman like the idea of a woman right and so I know I know we're talking about texting secrets here just stay with me and we'll get to the texting secrets and so men stay with men sorry just joining the live stream here men you know men feel inspired by women to to do great things to be great people to great create great things in the world and so why is this important right because if you want a man to feel like you are someone that he wants to be with for a long-term committed relationship he needs to feel inspired to invest in you and so the main concept that we're going to be talking about before we get to the texting there's actually three main concepts that I want to talk about the first kind of overarching main concept is this concept of investment right men invest in you and you know through this investment they feel like they want to commit right and it works on it works both ways there's a woman in our community who was asking the other day and I mentioned this in our last live stream that a guy said that he likes it when women chase him should I chase him and the answer's no you know the reason why you want him to pursue you and invest in you is because if you're the one that's pursuing him and investing in him you're going to feel like you want to commit to him and he's not going to feel like he necessarily wants to commit to you and and since women in general you know just generally speaking tend to kind of connect with men and feel like they want to get into committed relationships with men more often than men just want to commit to and get into relationships with women especially in this day and age where we're kind of living in this world of the hook-up culture and men and women are just running around freely having sex with each other without any kind of idea of you know are we in a relationship are we trying to be in a relationship there's a lot of just free sex going on out there which there's a really interesting thing that's going on I don't think they're it's necessarily a bad thing but I think that it has kind of created this culture where both men and women initially when they look at each other aren't thinking about commitment they're just thinking about having fun and enjoying whatever kind of thing comes from that and a lot of times what ends up coming from that is women want to end up getting committed and the men do not and so are you if you want him to feel like he wants to commit to you he needs to get this inspiration this feeling of he wants to move mountains he sees kind of this concept of you and he want he's inspired by it and he's willing to do anything for you and you know go to the ends of the earth and so how do we create that and that's what these feminine texts are about right how to create kind of this inspiration in a man and just to throw this out there this is coming from the five text feminine texting secrets men crave from our inner circle program if you want to check that out there's a link in the description below so what are the two concepts the two main concepts that you need to know about in order to in order for a man to feel kind of this inspiration to pursue you to invest in you to want to be with you there's the two main concepts are number one showing interest and so this is a huge misconception in the dating space and the women's dating space there's kind of this thing where a lot of people out there kind of have this myth where they're like oh don't show interest or show disinterest and there can be some value to putting up obstacles or creating kind of a challenge for men because then he might work more but showing disinterest or showing or not showing interest at all doesn't do that right the only kind of man that's going to pursue you when he when you're not showing any interest at all or you're showing disinterest is a guy that's incredibly aggressive and that's not that's not most men right most men aren't going to do that most men are actually scared to death of being put into the friendzone because most men out there have experienced a ton of it have spent a lot of time experiencing being in the friendzone and so if he's scared if he thinks that he's gonna end up in the friend zone with you there's a really high probability that he's not going to take it very far and so if you want him to continue to pursue you to continue to chase you to continue to invest in you he has to know that you have a romantic interest in him and so we're gonna talk about how to show him that through text messages and so the second concept that we're going to talk about here I'm and so hello everybody in the chat hello hello hello hello Tracy hello Kay hello lighthouse if you're if you're with us right now we've got a bunch of people with us if you're with us make sure you say hi in the chat I love it when you say hi in the chat it's really cool and so the second concept is what I call the invitation so the first one is showing interest so he knows that you have a romantic interest in you and the second one is the invitation so your invite him to do something right you're inviting him to pursue you you're inviting him to chase you you're inviting him to do something hello everybody hello Rachel hello Rebecca hello Cindy hello hello hello hello melody hello Wendy hello Lauren thanks for being here with us today hello Kendra awesome so so those are the two concepts right and this works in text messages it works outside of text messages and you want him to you want to show interest you want to show romantic interest this doesn't mean like you know pouring yourself out to him it doesn't mean confessing your love to him if you know there's kind of these extremes that people go on right there's like the extreme of showing no interest or showing disinterest and there's like this extreme of like you know jumping on a man and being too desperate and you want to be in the middle somewhere right which is kind of like this think of it as like the immediate thought that I come up with is I used to do these I used to run a lot and I used to do these like running games where they would they had these they had a bunny and they called it a bunny and it was this person that would go running and they'd drop like flour on the road and you'd have to go and find the flour and chase after the bunny and if you caught the bunny than you win but nobody ever caught the bunny because they're way fast they had like a 10-minute head start on you but it was like this you know all these people are going to run after it and it's it's kind of like that you're like leaving little a trail you know you're showing that you want him to follow you you know and if there's no trail he's not gonna follow you and so you want to make sure that he knows that you're interested and he knows where to go and so that's that's the analogy I've got for this does that make sense to you does that make sense to everybody Wow we have so many people here so hi princess cherry blossom hi Cathy Mimi Rebecca Debbie Michelle hello from Norway hello hello glad you love listening glad you love listening and so these texts that I'm about to tell you I've got two texts here that I'm two types of texts that I'm gonna tell you about and these are both a part of my five feminine texting secrets that you get for free if you join our free trial of the goddess Club which there's a link in the description below if you want to join the free trial and so the first text is something that I call leading him off that's the name of the text right you want to lead him on you've probably heard that before like are you leading him on right if somebody if some guys interested in you and you're like oh this guy's you know stalking me or whatever and the person's like well are you leading him on right because what it is is is he's interested and maybe you keep giving him indications that you you you know you're talking to him or you like him or something like that right and so what you're doing is you're leading him on you're showing him that you're interested in him in some way and so I've got two of these these are two of the five ones in the actual document that I have and the first one is this one where basically what you're telling him in this text is that you're thinking about him and that you like him without being creepy or being too much or you know desperate or anything like that and what you say is I got to thinking about our conversation the other night you came up with the weirdest conversation in conversations and craziest jokes I was laughing out loud thinking about you right and so you know that's a very specific example but you can kind of mold that into whatever is going on in your conversation with this guy right so if you let's say you you know met a guy at a bar and you had a conversation with him you can use something like this if you had a conversation with you know a guy at work that you really like you can use something like that if you're just messaging with a guy over like a dating app or online dating or something like that you can still use this even if it's not necessarily a text you can still send him this right if he sends you something and he's trying to be funny um you know showing that you think it's funny show him that you like him you know lead him on right um so everybody is everybody catching that does everybody get this hello from Texas hello from Scotland nice nice to see you guys here I'm so happy you're here so that's the first one that's the first one and the second one is kind of this it's this thing where you're kind of like basically it's a joke right you're basically telling him a joke where you're talking about you know being attractive and showing him that you think that he thinks that you're attractive and and this is how it goes what you say is I heard you were talking to some hot girl yesterday and this is you know based on you talking him talking to you yesterday and kept her up into the wee hours of the night I'm jealous right and so basically what you're saying is is that you um you know the the part where you're saying I'm jealous is the joke right it's a joke you're not actually telling him you're jealous it's it's kind of a play on this idea that you know he was talking to you yesterday and he talked to you into the wee hours of the night and you're jealous about that and so this is one specific example but you can use it for other things like say that you went on a date with him and he took you to a concert or something like that you could say you know I heard you're you know went to a concert with some hot girl yesterday right and it's kind of this like there's a little bit of like cockiness to it and there's also kind of this idea where it's like hey you did this and it was fun and you know I'm jealous of it like you know I like I like you which is what saying I'm jealous is and it's a joke because you're obviously not jealous and he's not going to think you're jealous so that's that so those those are the first two examples for the leading him on texts and like I said I have a bunch of other examples in the texting document in the inner circle program click on the description if you want to get that for free with our free trial of the goddess Club um is everybody getting that does everybody understand that is there any questions about that you know Wendy says that does work I have done that yeah exactly it doesn't hurt kids it's great it's funny it's flood it's flirtatious you're leading him on right you're showing him that you're interested in him you're giving him an indication that you like him right if a guy goes on a date right and it works both ways I get women all the time they're like oh I went on this date with this guy and he didn't end up texting me you know does he like me you know and guys think the same thing right they go on a date with a woman and they're like you know we went on this date and I you know tried to impress her and I tried to do all these things and I was trying to be funny you know and maybe he was awkward maybe he didn't do a great job and he's you know concerned that maybe you like him and it's always a great thing to show him a little bit of interest and lead him on right show him that you're you're interested in him so that he doesn't feel like he's gonna end up getting put into the friendzone or that he's gonna be messaging you and you don't like that or you don't like him or do you feel like he's creepy you don't want him to feel that way you want him to feel inspired you want him to feel like he's doing a good job like he's winning with you like he wants to continue to move forward to chase to pursue you to try to show you how amazing he is so that you know you want to get into a relationship with him and are into a romantic relationship with it all right so that's number one right that's the showing interest leading him on text and so text number two is something that I call the seductive tease text and was there any questions just not just not the right guy yeah it happens yeah so so the seductive tease test text is is basically that has the text where you're creating an invitation right and and you're doing it in a very kind of subtle way where you're showing him some kind of indication that you want to hang out with him again right and so the the first one that I'm going to give you is that this one only works this particular way that you say this only works if he's actually like been around your apartment or your house or something like that but I'm gonna give you another way to use it so if he hasn't like visited your place or whatever yet you can still do that right and so um here's what the text says it says my cat really misses you you should come and pet her right which is kind of like a you know it's basically a not horribly subtle but it there's there's a little bit of subtlety there where you're inviting him to come and hang out with you again right and so if he hasn't been to your place and you haven't done this yet you can do it with other things right like what have you guys talked about before you know you could you could mention something that you want and just to go over the text message again um you know what what you're doing here is you're saying my cat really misses you right in reality what you're saying is like I really miss you but not like really really miss you it's it's a play on words you're saying my cat really misses you um you know like I kind of like you and I want to see you again you should come and pet her right and and actually you can even do this if you don't have a cat and it can be pretty funny if you do this and he's hung out with you and he's you know come to your place and you don't have a cat and you say this to him and he's like wait what I don't remember you having a cat and you're like oh that must have been a dream of mine or something you know I mean like you can play on it and have fun with it and turn it into something something fun as long as you're you know you keep things in good humor and you keep things kind of flirty does that make sense i D says that's naughty yeah it can be naughty it can be naughty you know depending on what kind of a relationship you have with them it definitely can be naughty yeah and so you know the other way to do this is to talk about things that you know other things that maybe you've done with him that you'd want to do some more right so let's say that um you know you guys went on a hike or something like that you you could say something around like you know we need to you know go back on - you know I'm I'm you know just sitting around my house you know eating you know whatever you know and I feel like I'm getting fat we need to go back on you know another one of those trails or something like that um basically what you're doing is creating a conversation around saying like hey we should go and do this before you know I've seen women do this to guys back when I was in the men's dating space women used to do this the guys sometimes when they'd say things like you know that they they talk about things that they like right and you know the guy would be like oh yeah you know I'm interested in that and she's like oh yeah you should take me there you know you should you should really take me a you know to do that basically they're giving him an invitation for him to do that and it can be you know for some women this can feel little to Ford but it's not necessarily something that's Ford right it's it's something that is an invitation and if you say it the right way and you say it kind of in a way where you're not like you know trying to make him do something or having an expectation around him doing it it can come off really really well and he can be like okay she does want me to do that and sometimes guys will will actually do this where they'll you know talk about different things and try to gauge what your interest is in them right because they want to figure out how to you know where they can take you on a date you know where they think you would have a lot of fun right because if he wants to take you on a date he wants to make sure that you have a good time and so if he starts talking about things he doesn't want to take you somewhere where you'll hate it he wants to take you somewhere where you will enjoy it and so if if he you're in a conversation with a guy and this is kind of going away from text messages but if you're in a conversation and sometimes it could be in text messages if you're in a conversation with a guy and he's talking about you know different things that he likes to do like snowboarding or let's say you know he goes on hikes or let's say he you know does whatever you know whatever it is that he's into you can talk about how much fun you think it would be for you to do that or you know do you think you do you think that I could go and do something like that right just it kind of like a it's kind of like an innocent way of you know giving him that there's this woman that used to her name's leo loans and she does like a lot of communication stuff and she calls it like cherry picking right it's like giving him a giving him something to to grab ahold of right you're you're like you know like offering him a you know an opportunity to grab on to something and run with it and so that can be a real powerful way sometimes duck guys don't pick up on those things and sometimes they do and so it really kind of depends on the guy that you're hanging out with and it also depends on his interest right and um you know whether he thinks that he's going to get into some kind of romantic kind of situation with you and so does everybody is there are there any questions about that been watching youtube all morning hello from Beirut Beirut alright yeah does anybody have any other questions about how to do this no questions doesn't look like yeah you're giving him little hints and you know the the hints about the birthday thing you know sometimes those can backfire but yeah I mean you could say something like that it depends you know a lot of women try to give hints about what they want for their birthday and they aren't very good at giving those hints and so the guy has no idea that that's what you're saying and so you want to make sure that he understands what you're saying to him um in a way that you know makes him spark the idea and the more the less of it being like this subtle hint that he doesn't really under and more of it being like this thing where he can grab it and run with it the more likely he is to do it the more likely he is to catch on and create an invitation to actually take the lead and invest his time energy and effort into you so yeah that's it for today if you wanted to get the rest of the text messages that we have for it there's a link in the description below you can join our 30 day free trial for the inner the goddess club inner circle and it comes with a ton of different things you'll see everything that it comes with in the link in the description below it's free free for 30 days so sign up for the program it's awesome you can go check it out thank you so much for being here with me and I will speak with you again soon
Channel: Matthew Coast
Views: 82,320
Rating: 4.616827 out of 5
Keywords: how to talk to men, how to flirt, how to text a guy, how to text a guy you like, how to text a guy to keep him interested, how to text a guy to make him like you, how to text a guy first, how to text a guy you like without being annoying, how to text a guy you just met, how to text a guy you like for the first time
Id: 0-ZpnaYb4rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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