5 SIMPLE & FREE ways to get your first ETSY SALE | How To Get My FIRST SALE on ETSY |

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so you finally opened your etsy shop and now you're waiting for your very first sale so you started your etsy shop for free with 40 free listings you updated that about me page you came up with shop policies you added listings you added photos you added item descriptions you've done all the things to get your shop up and going and then you went through and created an instagram account a pinterest for business page and a facebook page but now you're waiting and waiting and still waiting now what do you do and you've already done all the things everyone says to do like share the shop on social media share your listings on social media or do a giveaway or find influencers and you should really start an email list and on and on and on of all the things that will take way too long and just aren't going to simply get you started perhaps you're even thinking about doing etsy ads and my guess is that unless you're watching this on a computer at a public library you could probably scrounge up a dollar a day and perhaps you don't want to try etsy ads because you're afraid of losing but you can't lose if you don't play but if you combine etsy ads with a sale that ends at midnight now you're talking about some serious motivation for your customers but one dollar a day on etsy ads still might not get you your first sale very quickly and i wouldn't start thinking about driving outside traffic to your etsy shop with paid ads such as instagram pinterest or facebook unless your product cost is very low so for example if you're selling photos or perhaps lightroom presets so while all of those things can work what are some things you can do right away to start to get your first sale with very minimal cost so here are five things you can start to do today to get that first sale as soon as possible and of course you know me there's a bonus at the end so as we go through these five different strategies you need to keep in mind that your job as an etsy seller is to differentiate your shop and your listing from other shops and other listings now to stand out from your competition what are some of those things that are going to make your listing look different from another shops so our job as etsy sellers is to do something a little bit different and unique from our neighbors listings so whether that's offering something at a different price perhaps a different color or even a different size so i was just super lucky with my first listing i had been wanting to sell on etsy for a while and i was trying to think of something that would be a little bit different or unique so i did have some shirts that were about aperol spritzes and i thought they were funny and clever and there were a few people searching for that on etsy at the time so that actually was how i got my first sale on etsy then my second sale happened to be from a friend and i think i might have had one other sale from a friend but really no more than two do you need to have your listing stand out from the crowd you need to offer everything or at least something that your competition doesn't have and this is especially true if your price isn't absolutely bargain basement prices on etsy so my first strategy for you is to add more products within one listing maybe you can have a greater variety of sizes maybe you can add extra small maybe you can add 4xl or maybe your photo has an unusual shirt color that nobody else on etsy has if the main listing photo is for t-shirts in that listing you could also offer for the same design to be purchased on a mug or perhaps a tote bag or a baby bodysuit once you've already got the customer there you want to sell so if if you get one customer to purchase a red t-shirt in xl now your listing will rank much higher and now you will have the possibility to sell it all the other sizes but it took that one purchase to now get that listing some momentum and for it to be in etsy's good books and that's it just have a unique selling point and by the way welcome to teacher in the tesla where i help you to grow your etsy shop from the ground up to success now my second tip for you is to build a few backlinks to your etsy shop now you're probably saying wait but this is supposed to be easy well if you have a pinterest account and you pin some of the photos from your etsy shop this is already going to create a couple backlinks and this is why pinterest can be so powerful for your etsy shop because not only is it actually just another search engine where potential buyers can actually buy your items but it actually also gives your listing a backlink now of course you could also create backlinks using a blog or also using tumblr both of which are very powerful as well especially if you're using that same image from your etsy shop now this isn't because your customer might actually buy from seeing your item on tumblr or on pinterest or from a blog although sure they might but i'm super sure that etsy loves backlinks and outside visits to your shop because it's really good for the etsy site as a whole have you ever searched on google for something related to your niche chances are very very good that etsy ranks number one why well of course it's probably because there are thousands of individual pages with similar text and many many keywords on etsy but also because there are many backlinks pointing to each of these individual pages and this ultimately helps etsy out and gets all the customers coming to etsy i can't guarantee that etsy will give you a sale because you gave etsy some backlinks to your listing or to your shop but i'd say it definitely doesn't hurt and perhaps it sometimes seems like a coincidence that my shop suddenly takes off and skyrockets a whole bunch more when i notice that i have gone out of my way to create backlinks on pinterest or on tumblr or what have you my third tip for you is to make a product or to make a design for a product in a very small niche and then make five to ten listings within this niche what i tend to see when i look at other sellers shops that are just starting out are very general shirts with very generic keywords and buyers go on etsy to purchase something unique and to purchase something special that they can't get anywhere else so if they could go buy it at the local store across the street they can just go buy it there so for example if you already had a shark shirt in your shop yes a lot of people really love sharks but if most of the keywords you put were shirts with sayings graphic tee shirts with shirts with sharks it's going to be really tough to get that first sale because there's a lot of shark shirts out there there's over 50 000 listings on etsy for shark according to the website erank.com there's over 50 000 listings on etsy with the word shark [Music] that's a lot however if you were to create a design or a shirt or a mug or a sweatshirt for a hammerhead shark now that is very detailed and very specific then if you were to combine a hammerhead shark with something else that people really like but is perhaps more generic like hammerhead shark mom or hammerhead shark mama or hammerhead shark boy or something that's not trademarked so when your buyer sees this product they can't help but think geez that's me i have to have this right now oh and look this shop has another shirt just like it oh and then they'll give me free shipping and there's this discount that ends tonight hurry i have to have this right now my fourth strategy that really helped to propel my shop into success is to create a custom product that has a photo with different design selections so you're going to pick a product and then you're going to make a photo with perhaps eight to ten different designs or fonts that the customer can choose from now this sounds like it'll be a lot of work once you start selling it and yes it might be but 80 to 90 percent of your customers will order what's in the main listing photo which is what they see first so you won't actually be customizing the design very often but that first sale might be that that propels it to success but you just need to get a sale so you want to sell whatever the customer wants you don't have to keep this listing forever but you need to get some sales and you will start to see what customers want because customers will start to have other requests and you can make those into other individual listings later on once you learn more about what customers actually want so i was super lucky because there really were no bathing suits being sold on etsy when i started and i thought it would be clever where customers could choose the font for the design that they wanted on their bathing suit so i had created a bride bathing suit now i knew this couldn't last forever because it's a bathing suit how can you buy a bathing suit without trying it on but then i really started to see what types of designs customers preferred and what kinds of things they wanted it to say so i offered my customers eight different font choices and then using and then using the personalization box they could put the text that they wanted and again most people purchased exactly what was in the main photo so the fifth thing that you can do is to jump on a trend but with a unique selling point so if you already see a design or idea that's trending on etsy you can make an unusual product combo or combination that nobody else has yet so for example you could sell an adult t-shirt pictured with a toddler shirt and it doesn't mean that you have to sell both simultaneously but the customer can add one to their cart and then add the other one afterwards but again all it takes is for one person to purchase anything from that listing and your listing now ranks higher because you're selling okay so here on etsy i've searched up mama rainbow shirt and as you can see there's lots of really cute but very similar designs and perhaps what is going to differentiate one shirt from another is the main listing photo this one has looks like a teal shirt this one has a white shirt and up here there's mauve and looks like mint but as we scroll down now we see mama and minnie so imagine if you were the first person or first person here that sold this mama and mini idea and if your shop was the first one to have this idea your shop could potentially really stand out all right it's time for the bonus and it's the ultimate easy tip spend some time in your shop and update anything anything at all algorithms want feedback from buyers or people on things you've updated so that means if you've updated anything etsy has to show your listing to people yes you could simply add another photo you could add more text to your description you could add another tag to your listing if you realize you didn't add all of them which you should you could also update the quantity of items that you have in a listing you can literally do this from your phone and just add five or ten additional items in that listing at a time and perhaps it's just a coincidence but i used to do this all the time and i swear it worked so if you're looking for ideas that you could add to your shop for additional photos perhaps you could put something about your instagram account and add that to every single listing it doesn't always have to be a picture of the item especially if you're starting out you're not going to have 10 photos of every item from 10 angles once you also start to see what common customer questions are you can add that to your photos as well all right well thank you so much for stopping by and i wish you the very best of success in building your etsy shop for today tomorrow and for well into the future see you later superstar and if you're still looking to get sales now then you should check out this video to supercharge your etsy sales in just one day
Channel: The Teacher and Beyond
Views: 11,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get my first sale on etsy, how to make your first sale on etsy, how to make first sale on etsy, how i got my first etsy sale, how to make my first sale on etsy, tips to get first etsy sale, GET FIRST ETSY SALE & etsy sell every day, how to get etsy sales, getting first sale on etsy, how to get your first sale on etsy 2021, simple and easy ways to make your first etsy sale, first sale tips, making first sale on etsy, first time selling on etsy, sell on etsy 2022, crypto, nft
Id: qnTC0IowBnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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