2 Creepy TRUE Stalker Stories from Reddit

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many years ago now I lived in Florida with my then fiancee Claire she was my high school sweetheart and the love of my life a small petite little thing who couldn't scare a mouse even if she wanted to not that she would she's got a heart of gold money was tight for us back then and I work night shifts at a gas station to help ease our financial woes it goes without saying that I hated the hours but it paid decently and at a time when I'd have sold my left nut to eat a nice meal at a restaurant rather than have another microwave meal who was I to complain it was while working there that I met Angela her customer who I became friendly with over the course of a couple of weeks she was a decently attractive girl a few years my senior and a bit overweight but she appeared to be a normal funny person that's the thing with people who plan on screwing up your life they don't come to you as a mindless crazy those people you know not to interact with but because of how ordinary Angela appeared to be I started chatting with her every time she came into the store he in hindsight it was a little strange that this woman would come to the store every night and spend a good long while just chatting with me most times not even buying anything but the night shifts were dull and I guess I welcome the company she had always come in at those weird hours because of her insomnia she refused to take sleeping pills or anything like that because she hated the idea of taking drugs funny the more and more she came into the store the more I started to realize that she probably wasn't taking some other types of drugs that she should be after a while RAK started to appear I don't know whether she felt comfortable enough around me to let out her real self or she just couldn't contain that level of crazy any longer it was the way she acted and the strange thing she said like how she had bet that my blood smelled really nice like a perfume she had dropped these lines into casual conversation at some point I must have made it obvious that I wasn't single because she asked me what my girl's name was I didn't want to give her a real name so I just made one up on the spot Phoebe I guess I'd been watching friends that week he had became apparent that Angela was obsessed with me that's not my ego talking she literally confessed that she was in love with me and wanted to have my babies um sorry I just told you about my fiancee her face didn't change like that wasn't even an issue so who can do how serious can it be I don't even see an engagement ring she replied well money's tight we haven't even set a date for the wedding yet so without hesitation she blurts out I'll give you $200 to [ __ ] me double if you get me pregnant anything you want if you dump your [ __ ] of a fiance shell shocked I muttered get out please with that she left the store she didn't come in the following night or the night after that well I guess she got the message I thought to myself a couple more days pass and it's a Saturday afternoon I'd been out by myself walking our dog Albert and was on my way back home since my parents were coming over to our place for a late lunch when I arrived back home Claire fills me in on something apparently some woman had come to the door and was asking to talk to me said that she was one of my co-workers she also greeted my fiance as Phoebe [ __ ] Angela's found where I live I explained to Claire who this nutjob was and that she was obsessed with me thankfully she knew me well enough to know that I wasn't having an affair behind her back being the trusting person she was Claire invited Angela in telling her I'd be back soon she followed her inside to wait for me thankfully my parents and a couple of family friends were already there at one point whilst waiting for me to get back Claire went to use the bathroom when she came back down Angela had gone just walked out without saying a word according to the others I hated the fact that Angela knew where I lived and that she had been stalking me I considered calling the police but stupidly I decided to think it over instead the rest of the afternoon was uneventful and went by far too quickly my shift was starting soon and I was dreading the inevitable return of Angela back with a vengeance Claire was already in bed when it came time for me to leave just as I was getting ready to head out I noticed Albert was sniffing at one of the small closet doors scratching at it and whimpering great we've got rats I assumed come on Albert let's take a look then I opened the closet and there was Angela crouched down in the small space under the stairs her eyes were wild one of her hands was clasped over her mouth to hush her breathing in the other she held a small knife you bet your ass that didn't hesitate to call the police now thankfully she dropped the knife pretty much instantly and didn't put up much resistance just bad-mouthing my fiancee calling her an ugly [ __ ] and begging me to give her a shot instead as if saying all this would make the situation better for her in some way the cops arrived and took her away with little trouble Claire in tears at the whole situation me shaking due to a mixture of rage fear and confusion Angela admitted to everything according to her confession she knew that I was out of the house when she knocked on the door that was her plan all along she hadn't come to talk to me she came to murder my fiance she had brought that concealed knife with her to do so in her mind with Claire out of the picture I'd be all hers and we had run away together what she didn't know was that my parents and our family friends were there too she followed me in her car to make sure I'd be gone long enough during which time our guests arrived when she saw them inside she knew that she had have to wait when Claire went to the bathroom Angela left the room with my parents in but she didn't walk out the front door as everyone assumed he instead she quietly stowed herself away in that small closet waiting for the others to leave she knew my shifts like the back of her hand so when I returned to the house she figured she had wait until I went to work that way the house would be nice and empty and at that point she'd be able to murder my fiance along with the blade she had brought a whole bunch of pictures of me taken without my knowledge they were of me inside the store taken from outside of me in the car of me just walking around town this woman had literally been chronicling my everyday life since I met her why she brought the photos along with her I have no idea it's extremely creepy to think that she was in that house with us the entire day especially when you consider what she was planning we moved out of state not long after this not because we thought Angela might escape and come after us again but because Claire didn't feel at home in that house anymore as if it was tainted by Angelus actions as I said this all took place many years ago and I can now happily say that Claire and I did eventually get married we now have two beautiful children and the whole Angela incident is far behind us though I still lay awake at night sometimes thinking about how everything you hold dear in this world can be taken away from you by some lunatic it's only pure dumb luck that I noticed Albert's whining and just before I left as well what would have happened had I actually left for work doesn't bear thinking about before I start here's a little backstory on me and the town I live in I'm a 24 year old girl who at the time worked at a local gas station it's one of those Americans small type towns the ones where you have multiple regulars and all of the attendees call everyone a pet name you get your fair share of creepos and drunks the gas station itself is located on the strip a long highway that runs the length of the town I didn't have a car at the time so why would frequently walk to and from work I live right behind the gas station in a small subdivision full of elderly couples and retired doctors these events took place on December 31st 2014 around 11:00 p.m. I was home alone for the night my boyfriend at the time who I lived with work nights so this wasn't anything new to me his job switched shifts around from month to month he'd go from working days one month two nights the next he called to tell me goodnight and I am my cat peanut were heading off to bed I checked all of the doors in the house and turned off the lights freshened up in the bathroom and then headed towards my bedroom I always hated the hallway that separated my bedroom from the rest of the house it's a long and dark and has three doors at the very end of it two spare bedrooms and mine my bed was close to the door in a small nook that should have been a closet I was taking pictures and laughing at my cat when all of a sudden I get this strange cold chill run down my arms I shrugged it off because it was winter after all and went back to taking pictures swen peanut stop playing and started looking intently at the open doorway I thought maybe she was hearing a mouse or something or maybe one of the ornaments on the tree had fallen off and she was just reacting to it when I went to get her attention again I heard something a faint sighing coming from the kitchen i sat there quietly on my bed with my cat who was now climbing on my lap and starting to fluff up it was maybe two minutes of us just sitting there before she started to hiss and growl I'd never heard or seen her act this way before and it was really starting to freak me out and then from the darkness of the hallway I heard it the unmistakable sound of someone breathing loudly and walking slowly as if to try and not make any noise whoever it was was moving closer towards my door I leaped up and slam the door shut and put all of my weight on it as I locked it I immediately grabbed my cell and dialed 9-1-1 when the operator was getting my information I started screaming my doorknob was jiggling as if someone was trying to open the door the operator told me to find something to defend myself with and to stay on the line and tell him everything that was going on I could hear someone pressing against my door and what sounded like someone else walking around the house I heard stuff moving in the kitchen like drawers opening and closing and pots being moved I was in a state of pure panic at this point were they getting a knife my doorknob started moving again this time with more force he had moved left to right and then the door was pushed against its frame to the point where you could see it was starting to bow the entire time my cat was hissing and spitting at the door she had dug her claws into my leg and wouldn't let go of me then everything stopped I told the operator that I didn't hear anything anymore he said that the cops were very close to my house now and that I should be able to hear their sirens he wasn't wrong I could loud shouting build my house and my operator told me that they had given him the all-clear and that I needed to unlock the bedroom door and go to where they were I held the knife I found under the bed close to me as I walked down the dark hallway when I got outside the cops told me that when they pulled up the front door was open and so was the back door they searched the house in the yard for anyone who could be hiding that didn't find anyone the thing is absolutely nothing was stolen things were moved and out of place but nothing was actually taken this caused my heart to drop if this was a simple break-in wouldn't they steal something the person or persons had to walk past our living room full of electronics and an impressive flat-screen TV that we got for Christmas gifts from our family were sitting on the kitchen table all of them had been ignored but here's what bothers me the most as I mentioned before nothing in the house was stolen whoever it was came directly to my bedroom door and was adamant about getting in and this happened on a night when my boyfriend was at work was it really a random break-in or was there something leading up to that day that I didn't notice like someone following me home from work or acting strange I can't help but feel like someone's been keeping an eye on me working out when I'd be at my most vulnerable I have a hard time sleeping alone now the one good thing I can say that came from all of this is now my neighbors who look after my house they leave their porch lights on at night whenever my boyfriend's at work and frequently check up on me hey guys so lazy here and thank you very much for listening stalker stories getting back in touch with my roots with this one sorry there's only a couple of stories here but they're both pretty long and I think pretty good as well so hopefully you enjoyed the video anyway special thanks to Anthony sallowness for the thumbnail for this video and pretty much every other video I've ever done as well make sure to check them out in the description below and hey while you're down there why not do some naughty things with that like button to let that whole so I'm holding a fan art competition if you haven't heard already and there's a few prizes to give away you haven't got to be the most skilled artist in the world to join in so if you want to see what the rules are and everything go on over to my Facebook or Twitter page everything you need to know is there somewhere I'll also be releasing another video this Friday yeah multiple videos in a week wow that's not like me nowadays but yeah make sure to keep an eye out for that until then my lazy Legion stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the doll
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 431,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, disturbing, lazy masquerade, horror, scary 2016 movies, horror movies, deep web exploration, real, true, reddit, 4chan, 2chan, love, romance, Halloween, top 5, top 10, blood, dead, death, caught on tape, ghost, ghosts, stalker stories, experiences, stalkers, corpse husband, mr nightmare, lets not meet, audiobook, new, best, most, long video, scariest video ever, on youtube, 911 calls, creepypasta, search and rescue, Obama, Trump, 2016, meme, maskarade, study music, relaxing
Id: MQMM8VyL9z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2016
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