1v1 Arabia | Turks vs Goths | vs MbL

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all right arabia let's go random zip loss go i'll do one two more games guys and then we're probably gonna head off mb mbl [Music] show yourself match my overlay is not working the one that shows the match oh there it is you know the challenge 30 minutes win for 10 bucks i cannot win that fast man he's got well actually maybe let's see let's see that's your food oh my god it's your food three houses because wheels were so far apart she's like why didn't you why oh you didn't finish your food as she's looking at her own plate i would love to have a cup of coffee after eating come on because it's mbl and he's going to lay him everything feels mbl man what is he doing is he going to take my boar well he's going to wall it in and kill my boar oh it's actually killing my dear wait what map is this it's arabia right why is there a lake there it looks like four legs it feels like four legs but it isn't oh he's gonna die right i think yeah he's gonna die he doesn't know he doesn't know he doesn't know [Music] he's gonna probably go back and kill it with the scout because it's only one hit i think it's a radio right yes it's probably just like an oasis a little oasis i lost the villager though i mean he did as well though so it's fine also his scout has less hp and this scout is so weak [Music] what about 20 bucks for 30 minutes we'll see what happens i'm gonna try and win see how fast it goes or doesn't go thanks gdp man i appreciate the motivational efforts let's finish i didn't know the bill would die there well because he thought probably he thought that the boar couldn't cross the deer the dead corpse of the deer but it could and i knew that so i assumed that's why i kind of jumped to conclusion that he will lose his villager it was he was pretty close to actually killing it though to be fair barracks all right incoming forever rush potentially i'm gonna build my mail there so i can have more bills on the left side closer to town center in case he comes with his militia coffee i only had coffee uh do i just fast castle here is that safe it might not be safe but it's tempting very very very tempting actually how can i support you more tier three sub or 25 donation i mean if you stay a tier three sub for for five months obviously that is more support but at the same time there that's one way to do it life or death sentence death always though isn't good enough to fast cast all so it's gonna be something like in between which will not be great can he break out well if he destroys the gate of course let's make more sense to build new palestine walls and keep repairing this honestly i'm looking at the wood how fast it goes down that does not seem like it's worth it for me patch note thanks for the two months please win i try i try yeah marqua thanks for prime as well santiago star with the 12 months thank you for the whole year applies for coughing guys i don't know let's show what's up [Music] he went inside to check out the party oh boy brave guy brave guy what are you making show me buildings see forwarding this is weird oh what's happening here what is he doing i see a spearman prepare that i don't know what he's actually doing it's a bit awkward range blacksmiths so i'll try to go for genisterius risky but fun foreign i'm being attacked from multiple angles be careful we don't want to open the gate oh my god archer i assume he's gonna go skirms and or crossbow and just counter my genistries like with that but they're still scary to play against no matter what can you remove all g please don't think i have all g this is it at the moment don't see any further upgrades for the time being scout without any upgrades as well it's probably just booming for time being soon that's the lumber camper actually no this should be a town center [Music] i better get this building fast up actually because there's a magnet on the way oh boy that's actually scary oh it's there it's there it's coming it's coming hurry hurry hurry [Music] harry potter harry potter it would actually didn't lose a single village there august that could definitely have gone worse jenny series actually one of the unions i find really fun to play with because they're very inaccurate by the looks of it they're really cool to play with in general they don't hit anything though what man they're so inaccurate are we not seriously not going to hit that once all i need is one hit it skirms ow i didn't get to mangano stop having so many units i need a blacksmith to build a build a sealed workshop i'm going to stay too tc here and just be active non-stop with gennissaria's manganese and so on he can't really fight until he has ballistics and it's pretty a pretty sweet deal for us we can constantly snipe units from distance actually actually very close so a second castle soon is not unlikely if i start mining stone more i think he's going there because he doesn't want to get to his eco i want to get to zika though man did you see that shot it went straight down what so bad so inaccurate you guys see that shot go straight down probably has ballistics now is when i need to group up with my uh it's where i need my manganals as well to make my army efficient now against skirms okay let's go [Music] nice i'm just gonna just keep these units here because i think he's trying to trap me i think it misses me just wait until i can catch up with manganos he's probably running around looking for where he can hit me we cannot dodge these forever i don't have armor upgrade either that's pretty pretty rough he lost some more in the meantime so we're fine you start working with ranges this hill there looks very nice for a castle certainly something to consider oh not like this oh he knows my my secret master plan let's get the last armor upgrade manganos should be out it looks like he wants to fight i'm gonna he's gonna force the fight when i try to place the castle i think oh knights as well that's not very nice oh that's a really good fight for him there goes my dream and all my conchs let's just do that castle i'm gonna just keep making genistries and try to apply the pressure still kongs oh genister is sorry sorry apologies i can make such a great mistake that's calling a unit their other unit yeah i will keep applying the pressure and maybe even the third castle going forward gonna come from behind i think he's actually gonna send some units to try and counter it a little bit we need to build a truck castle here oh there comes the pincer that we can fight just a few skirms we have still such a powerful army for castle genesis are insane okay how do we do the next castle here that one has to go in his face cannot do anything else that's a little bit too i don't i don't find the right space that's gonna be risky he should go up right there's no way he can combat this when we're walled in like that should go up and now we're on top of his uh townsend as well i i really enjoy playing these types of games where it's just like one bad move loses you the game which is always intense [Music] survive okay they both lift i was starting to take take really good trades now we think about where do we place our next castle even it's just a ridiculous reductalist army for castlage eight range nester is manganese it's probably gonna oh he's a castle there oh if he's on the way to him you should have way better equinox right there's a chance he's on the way to imperial [Music] tower [Music] me [Music] i didn't do the for the minute why not collect relics my friend i did collect one but then i stopped he's gonna trap one of my castles but after that what does he do it's a big scary bird bird fly let's make it even more forward foreign so many mangoes yeah you don't want to lose all of those in one go could get ugly yeah we are expected to lose that castle so we should just evacuate that right away did i make two ramps just the second one oh mr mbl has some eco spread around [Music] good thing for me is i get i'll start for free no ballistics so let's take that out uh chemistries let's take that out looks pretty solid still i got surprise coming your way oh run okay there's golden stone there elite man we can afford everything but just enter my home like this without the limitation the disrespect you can almost afford another castle even he has very low upgrades actually only still mostly for skirms make outposts to make mbl rage i don't want to make him rage what do i have to gain from making him rage he has equal there as well all right heard from doubt lately doubt has been sick but he's feeling better he's getting better looks like zack six years later is still right turks is the best civilization in the game they get janus free [Music] foreign thanks hyuna for five you are right he has to be so corny right now he wants to make some farms fair enough it finish it for artillery good call sir i need that range target fire a bit with if he comes around [Music] that got covered all i know he's been sick if he wants to share anything else and how he's been sick then that's completely up to him right gotta wait for okay i have her till right now maybe i can get it [Music] hello seven thanks for the sub there appreciate that coruscant think about 25 months t-row 22 thanks for nine omar garcia thanks for sub why isn't even trying at this point well i mean he's probably still has a healthy population healthy-ish population but obviously his position in the game is quite bad i will probably resign in his shoes but he still like i said he still probably has a very good population or healthy population rather that's the issue though he has skirms i'll send i have house i have all the gold in the world a full map control relics there should be no way back for him obviously but never seen never without being in reach of the castle looks like we can get them both get them both get them what i don't have bloodlines or any upgrades what can i send you there do i have to get upgrades he has his way of getting resources though [Music] preparing both castles fully [Music] alex thank you for the 5 4 27 we made ucl poggers uh oh no no do you think x secret numbers will remain together or would you like to split up uh we will vary like it's very likely we'll stay together so i don't have to worry about that bam yes very very very likely that we stayed together oh man i've been waiting for this the moment where i can use my mangonels [Music] i have four relics there i not sure if he has actually taken a relic there's a chance that he also has a relic but i haven't scouted everything yet so could be wrong about that as well did i not get the last armor he actually killed quite a few wheels for me to be fair but this is an army he cannot beat that's the issue for him oh split it's gonna he probably feels like he has to fight for the last two minutes now it's like okay this time i have to take the fight i have to take the fight now this is the last chance but i'm such a big army this is actually very similar to mine and tattles game in the uh in the clown cup where he might have a slightly better eco but realize what civ has see john inger and what's it does not and what's if don't have onger see you soon on my d e bat that has to be i can't believe it took for me took only from burmese right insane but it's dissimilar in the case of i have an army that i have he probably has better eco than me all things considered at multiple points in this game he probably had a better equal than me but he just cannot fight my army ever and i can always fall back to like manganos too there's the last relic okay to manganose to bomberkins to castles and that was like exactly how the arena game was with me that was sort of it's the squeeze we are performing the squeeze it's a very lovely technique where it includes me enjoying what i'm doing right now a lot and mbl fighting enough to battle that he can never win and i enjoy that but did my genesis go there [Music] i'm just gonna take out his buildings honestly make him house he will have to make so many more houses surprised to see he hasn't added alberta yet which would make a lot of sense for him [Music] yeah i have five mangano still from castle age that just what no that's not cool man not cool man i'll just continue what i'm doing here every house every house you have will be mine let's change that ib gnappy thanks for prime hey when i think it's 100 bits skill zone thanks for the four months feels like yesterday thanks man stark aka hawna thanks for the five again one the loamer thanks for two months for the entertainment while i'm moving some numbers on excel sheet not my bank mails and now we're actually exposed to us uh to skirms all of a sudden oh wow boy my population my my my eco is actually not great i gotta find the right spot now guys boom okay we have a nice little hill there to work with and we have a lot of range [Music] so uh we're staying in the corner forever now [Music] what didn't hit anyone we are now staying in this corner forever rexla tyron thank you very much for the 638 thanks for entertainment while i'm moving some numbers and exercises you're welcome dude glad to enjoy it he doesn't give up he does not give up i'm enjoying ah two relics there that i do not enjoy this i will not enjoy either oh that's fine with me that i will enjoy still feel like we are in control like this is his whole base everything we see down here he should not have the equal to keep things up okay he's adding help uh pikeman now so is a gold should be drying up i'm just taking houses i feel a little bit evil but at the same time it's time to get out of the game dude ah [ __ ] i said as i lose my whole army actually i might still win this fight [Music] yeah i'll win that fight actually yeah that's going to be gg it's time mochten mbl it's time for the magic words did i miss anyone if i missed anyone i'm very sorry for that fear nor 3009 thank you for the prime hall double zen thanks again there we go eddie actually really enjoy playing with jenny service i wish i could do it more often but i'd be all wrong here i have some problems with hankins or genuine rush well goth is an awkward sieve in the mid game against turks once their chinese star is out i think he did the kind of the right thing going for pike's skirms and knights and yeah but the issue was when i get the train of castles when this castle goes up wherever it was i think it was somewhere here that's when it suddenly it's infiltrating its economy a lot and that's when it becomes a big problem of course he has to invest a lot in to pay the skirms he's making he's making a lot of them obviously my geniuses will trade really well most of the time so uh genesis with manganese is just a really strong composition it's the same as conquistadors plus mangonels around by plus manganals it's just really hard to do that hera called your low elo legend all right maddie boo thanks for two months he got on good things with 26. that's [ __ ] norwegian 82 right there none of them panzers walling off playing safe for broom and in [ __ ] men pukeman poop on yard men delivered their newborn baby on the map damn right thank you god i'm good i enjoyed this game it was a strange one with the first opening lame for example goth as well it was a strange one but i enjoyed it yeah i mean we're never over 130 bills i think he had one fight that was pretty good for him but still it's just the snowball is just so strong with with jennifer's manganos
Channel: TheViper
Views: 97,520
Rating: 4.924964 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 11sec (2591 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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