1st full spring day shopping yard sales! Bought a real treasure for $10! Never know what we'll find!

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i want to get this for five i want to come back well i think i'm going to go try to see if i can find a yard sale i don't know if it's going to happen though yeah guard sales anymore they suck i owe you five on uh the hook though well looks like a yard sale i have a bunch of cool things cow water this is a nice early piece of metal hey how are you uh how much you getting on this thing right here you got a nice piece that of fair and what are you getting on the cast iron wheel oh it is i can kind of see it awfully heavy would you take 40 for the brake wheel 45. [Music] all right i'll do that [Music] not a problem any other hardware i see everything not a problem actually the railroad tracks are right down there so definitely an old oldie i don't know why i like all hand forged metal so much but i'm at 55 what's there all right i think that might be it though fun little uh galvanized bucket let's see what he wants on that i like the little clamshell handles [Applause] got a bunch of scraps actually a second one of those waters both handles in there [Music] all right let's see we're at we're at 15 45 that's 60 right and they're cool you know what i think this was for a farm this would just be they would have just nailed this to a post then you could come along and like clip a cow onto it i was thinking for a latch for a fence oh yeah you can do anything you want with it obviously that is the cool thing about old farm hardware they just did whatever they needed to you're right i mean it could have held anything together yeah it could even be part of um some hardware for trailers all right off wooden trail i'm gonna get these two then so what are we at on with the wire okay so um so 30 and what is that then 40 and 85 and 90. wait i thought you said these are 15 for the pair oh i think 15 a piece okay i'll get the one then it's got a lot of concrete on it i like the base of that one yeah i don't know you know like that one's sort of cleaned out and this one like had some oil on it which is why it sort of stayed like this this is you know that i mean this will clean up with a little uh acid and take this right off that's the way i clean up how about both of them for 25. uh how about 20. sure all right thank you that sounds fair i'm happy well thank you very much for everything i'm gonna come back and get that wheel okay i'll carry it for [Applause] where did you find it at you know i don't know probably in a barn where i've worked on farms and stuff taking apart old farms my whole life well thank you very much enjoy it good luck today another yard sale definitely a nice day for yard sales princess duct tape good morning hello is there another sail down this yeah and the plate nice little spoon dish no i love that you grab the princess i have a princess at home so she's gonna love it and this guy i know they're my old ones yeah this is a nice one with the sheep england good luck thank you oh you got a piece the lucite 57 let's go 75 so that way we're at three bucks thank you no i'm happy thank you oh what are you getting on the ratchet set you're not going to believe it a dollar all right we'll get that always like the little metal boxes so four dollars we're actually going fishing today so i know the golf course has a couple big crappie in the back there right yeah yeah i think the biggest one i ever caught was out of that pond oh really it had to have been uh it was definitely as big maybe a little bit bigger than this toolbox i think it was huge all right so i'm at four bucks yes you are thank you have a good day it's gorgeous thank you so much thank you i just saw something are are these older the yeah what do you get on the bowl set how much there's four bowls in four plates matching spoons all right i'll do that i do like the rainbow colors pretty good what do you get on the watch man i don't know what to wear they get a couple bucks i guess maybe it's two dollars everything looks like two dollars but we'll find out what do you want for your watch band ruthanne the watchman a couple bucks all right make sure it wasn't anything else three dollars on dvds lots of box sets [Music] uh oh you have the two dollars on that okay thank you thank you thank you thank you good one you too i don't know no good luck today though do you know if there's one more sale or is there one more sail or is it yeah [Music] okay thank you no problem yeah this one has a good sign hopefully uh it looks like a bunch of old stuff too tax three bucks i always like bees with the world what do you get on the tiki glass and the cattail base do you know who made that or no i cannot be 100 all right well let me see got some more stuff over here what do you get on the roseville that's 15. 15. is this one older is it one of the re-pups yeah we kind of looked at with that white uh that's i think i'm gonna take the cat tails i was making sure i didn't see anything else it's actually a big one you don't see those too often look at this size of that soldering iron but that would stay warm for a while really good machinist hammer i don't know hammers with names that we seem to do fairly well online that's what looks like billings [Music] tackle box also birds are happy [Applause] question could you do a five on this i have five in tools make it 10. yep thank you do you like that blue bowl it is nice and it and it's quite possible that it's blanco but it's not marked i had a blanco dealer tell me that he believed it was blanco but it looks like it could be yeah definitely cool yeah thank you thank you have a very good i day know if you guys think it's blinko leave me a message definitely looks like it could be one more sale a little let's find something you could use what do you get on the thread looks like a good garden thread i think i just bought a spool though thank you thank you have a very good day oh one more sale what do you get on this big necklace can't believe how chunky it is yeah it's a nice piece i think i'll take it for 10. what do you get on the depends on three two four there's a couple good ones in there yeah i think those are the good ones [Music] i think they're a sign some of them were signed good morning oh by the way good morning sorry about that i can't believe how big that is i'm pretty sure it's sterling too for ten dollars it's all amber just saw another box of costume jewelry what do you get on the doorknobs oh those ones yeah the small i don't know about the pins a huge pyrex flower it's clean too what do you get on this guy 35. it's a nice pyrex dish big bertha is the name i i believe it it's like 10 o'clock i'm impressedly found anything that's there's some fun glass beads i guess that's i guess that's it so how much is the green necklace oh boy um i love that necklace looks like it's vintage too it is vintage um you can see the class yep um it was my mother's that's why i'm have a hard time with the price how much do you want to pay for um is five okay yes thank you it's a very nice necklace yes yes it's definitely a beautiful day we uh saw a sign for yard sales this way but nothing yet well one more sale definitely seem to be finding a bunch of stuff 30. that's pretty cool with the anything on that tarp the lease work in the center there's more clothes back here tv work what do you get on the old test truck this is a nice early one can i look in this box i thought these were the it's just the enamel it's kind of cool though yeah they're yeah sterling yeah i just got a huge amber and sterling necklace at the last sale but i don't know if it's actually sterling it's not marked so i'm gonna go have my friend test it how much is the stuff on the blanket what do you get on the stuff in the blanket all right what do you get on this nail all right i'll do that and everything here is a dollar anything on there's a dollar yeah like um the two things that are like a set obviously that's a dollar for the set yep oh you have a fun sale i got a lot of stuff here i have a comic book mystery packs here i don't know what's in them i just went through a box of comics and put ten in each bag well do you know what the denomination was on them or they oh god were they dollar 25 what do you get on a pack of comics but some of them you said were 35 cents some of them were um i'm trying to even remember the names of some of them i think x-men were in there um oh god i'm not a comic book person so i don't even know um i think there was one called um a monster is that a comic book it's a um like i said i just randomly just took 10 at a time and put them in each bag so makes it like 50 cents a comic with five dollars each bag you take 40 for the box just because i don't know what they are but it'll be fun to open up um about 45 an extra five wow 45 with the snail okay all right i'll try it 35 centers make it maybe yeah like i said i really don't know what's in there i just there was a box of comics and i figured easiest thing to do was i went to a yard so once that they did a mystery box of trinkets and it was really fun to kind of buy it i think it'll be fun to open them up yeah yeah i appreciate it okay thank you youtube yeah if there's monsters in here maybe we lucked out but you never know definitely a fun little sail i like their little banner it says sail today how do you get on the snoopy flags by the way what do you get on the snoopy flags all the flags all right i'll take one two three four five i got six snoopy flags you have any other snoopy stuff i think they'll do good what's nice is they're easy to ship all right so i got six of them thank you i brought the necklace to the market hopefully uh it is sterling brian's here so have him test that real fast hey brian hey what's up see if that's sterling it has no marks it doesn't have that uh that smell yeah but it's got big pieces of amber it looks like it should be marked someplace right but i didn't see any mark all the things are soldered so it was my flea mark or yard sale find of the day oh you bought this yeah the two of them i got to repair the legs is it sterling cased or no i think it's only pink um did it scratch right well we put it here and now we're going to look for uh just the 18 characters let's see if we have comes up a nice blue that's what you want right yeah i figured it'd be maybe a little initial i i thought i don't see it just seems like a really nice necklace so i mean i don't think it's russian i think it's like it looks mexican more yeah right how much does it weigh connor oh yeah look at that robin egg blew it turned your 200 would be 10 ounces so with this it's almost like nine and a half 10 ounce with the amber and stuff in it that's pretty good but now you talk above the silver you know scrap value oh yeah i know but something like that could go on the internet might like for a collector maybe like 650 dollars i think so but so it's definitely silver though yeah all right thank you for testing it any jewelry today i'd have to check a couple bags if i have i think i'm gonna go back in yard sale some more got that lucky yeah lucky day all right i got pair of scissors and i wanted to see what was in these uh question comic book packs there's 12 of them she was selling them five dollars each i bought bought them all just because she said she had some good older stuff we'll see if it was worth it or if it was so that's first pack yeah 25 cent i guess there's some newer and some older here's a good 20 cent jungle action you got another one yep tape oh you just cut the tape and it comes right out well one real decent one now because see it's i guess maybe it'll come up i'm hoping there's a bunch of monsters in here she said monsters we already got lucky once with that necklace i like how she put the piece of cardboard in to keep it from bending it another jungle action i'm gonna put all the vintage ones separate a bunch more x-men what do you think each one has one old one gub that's like a rare this is peck number three i can't get it simbad that's a 25 center x factor that's what else was in there is any you'd read i thought you're talking about the show it might be what the show is based on i'm not sure no no i doubt it these are all newer all right let's see it's like open up packs of baseball cards there's no older ones in here these are in good condition oh power man no no one's here for the show darwin thank you kid did you like your princess duct tape are you gonna use it crafts or whatever i can always get you a wallet uh i don't know if that wait there's a monster maybe world's unknown oh we got six older ones i think we're pack number four see spider-man the thing this one's actually not in bad shape either hey dar there's a 30 center space odyssey this one's older 1976 man i really would have lucked out if this was all uh 30 or 20 cents x-man world's unknown there's definitely a lot of x-men though could always sell these for a dollar to two dollars at the flea market and uh get close to four or five bucks a piece on the other ones maybe that spider-man one was a little bit better oops breeze but in all it was a actually successful yard sale day really didn't expect to find as many as we did good doctor strange it's actually number seven doctor strange um i think we uh found a little bit of everything really thought the first sale we stopped at was going to be the only one we actually went to i've never had a one of the railroad break things before i kind of thought it was interesting that's why we gave him 40 bucks but wolverine i got three more i haven't found the monster yet maybe this is it there we go oh it's kind of cool let's see if we get one more monster i'll feel like it was a win i have two more packs probably took her longer to pack them than it did for me to go through them there we go one more well hopefully you enjoyed the video we will catch you next time i will uh here's a 15 center fantastic four that's pretty cool that might be one of the better ones it's got hulk a little bit of everybody if you guys haven't yet please give somebody a call who might be alone please be safe out there and thank you again for watching hopefully uh doesn't rain tomorrow in the morning but they're calling for rain all day so it doesn't look like we'll get to the flea market but i was happy we got a little bit of yard sale and done see everybody later peace if you haven't yet um thank you for all the people who have checked out the blue bus dave ebay um but if you haven't yet take a look we have a lot of stuff listed i think we're gonna keep that amber necklace for a while but i'll probably list the good glass necklace that i got today all right peace
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 20,165
Rating: 4.9563761 out of 5
Keywords: Picking, flea market, selling, storage unit, pickers, antiques, treasure, jewelry, dumpster diving, vintage
Id: E3Cnh1-3eZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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