Good day picking the flea market! Found some antiques and things to resell.

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well we're at columbus flea market hopefully uh it looks like there's a few people set up i'd say 70 or 80 vendors hopefully we get as lucky as i did at uh lambertville yesterday i don't know see you guys at the first stop we'll find out purple vase is kind of cool how much is that purple vase 15. broken news i always like the spinners see what he gets on that that took a while to find all that sea glass what do you get on this thing uh six bucks i'll give you the six jesus don't ask i don't know why question can you do 20 bucks with this and that purple days yeah i appreciate it i was looking at it from the other side it does have that right look it might be new though but that but i just said he has some jewelry what do you want on the box i wanted 25 on that on the jewelry box or the wood box the jewelry box uh i'll do 40 for it all right this is the wood box it's actually kind of cool i don't think there's 40 in here okay i think it's a cigarette rollers there's a box of jewelry right there cool little copper tin this seems kind of cool it's a v's i see it now scary bunny with red eyes see that car this one here yeah thank you what do you get on the little candy jars i was wanting to keep them all together i wanted 50 bucks for them i guess that was a planet how you been dick everything good good how are you doing i can't recognize anybody with the masks anymore especially if i haven't seen him for six months yeah how you did dude i'm pretty good i'm happy happy to be back at the market i know i know all february but yeah really lucky what are you doing hey kurt hey how you been lots of steel always like cheese boxes big cowboy all right fun little push tractor that's kind of funny looks like the early one how you been yep any uh any good that's actually not a bad ship with a bottle needs to be clean see what he wants on that it's actually a decent ryan what do you get on that ten bucks how you been yeah good first time out in a while yeah how about you this is my first time too what's that yeah it's your first time in the world yeah yeah soon the season starts oh yeah it's very starting really for uh people putting stuff out yeah not people calling me to sell me stuff you know i was thinking for a bowl pick up pickups and trash yeah they're gonna start up um the next week you know that's a good base yeah what is it that's what he's trying to figure out it's probably stable isn't it the way it's got a threaded top just has a weird base or weird what do you get on the doll trunks trying to think if i have anything i could put in it that would yeah it's a nice little size i guess yeah all right so it's 10 with the purse all right i'll do want this for five that yeah i'll take the ship for five okay so 15. yeah what do you get on the pogs five bucks oh slammers this one all right owe him 15 bucks i've done well with the cassette tapes in the past but that's a good one too it's metal positioning it might be a 15 cassette tape may be more used this is a good one here too i sold one like this uh the last uh last fall i got good money for it see if it has the sleeve out yeah sure i think actually maybe that's the case for this one positioning type five yep are you going to collingswood tomorrow yeah i'll go out there all right i guess i'll see you there yeah all right i picked out uh three used cassette tapes oh what is it three of them yeah yeah a dollar is good you know all right thank you pretty sure it's a hat pin holder and not a not a salt and pepper shaker i mean it is with all a lot of the little dresser stuff a little match safe let's see what he wants for that what do you want for i just have one right yeah just take it man thank you i bought that other stuff for 16. but i still think it's a pin holder all right let's see what else we find good set of workbench legs i'll do probably uh three or four laps around today and see what we find tony tiger the little vases all right well i definitely got two i think it's going to be a nice day that was a nice day yesterday too really cold 50 bucks and go party he's got almost a good blanket underneath here too all beaded yeah everyone should buy that but i wouldn't sell it all right i got three bucks thank you nice little hand rot i guess i gotta give you a dollar for this hook yeah that's good i'm pretty sure it's colonial yeah it's pretty lot of super old stuff is this you two or no no i'm gonna all right four bucks i just just found one when i was leaving that green uh enamel butterfly well from the new load yeah this one's pretty cool listen howard let's go hey kurt sounds good thank you spawn number one simpsons man all right throw in two bucks do you know what you get on these yeah that one there's five and this one with this little uh the holder all right i'll do that that's actually pretty cool both victorian all right let's get him let's see are we lucky that is a box of jewelry good coke there you go hey you have more belt buckles that's the better and it is i see something good see two good things very nice cameo this might be the winner what are you getting on uh on the good stuff john yeah gold filled i don't look like gold right fulfilled watches always sell really well kinda like that watch what's old well waiting to see what he wants on that there's this bag of jewelry this is a traffic frog wonder woman watch is kind of fun so out of this bag i pulled the frog in the wonder woman right what do you want on the stuff up here um i think that's more 18k right but the top's filled where did you see the 18k on on this and then when you pop it open there and then on inside of this that's weird backwards k18 i did but when you look it up there's like different uh i don't know the name of the actual watch but if you look up 18k there's different i've seen that a couple of times you know i mean yeah well so what what do you want on the belt for all this i'll do 250. how about 220. all right done and there's plenty of room there for you yeah if this is gold then i'll i'm taking you to oh i'm gonna take you to lunch if that's cold we haven't done that in a minute so what do you get on the cigarette cards mostly movie stars looks like pretty good for two bucks each you can get it if you want how much is it she wants 100 bucks all right so how many do we have over on that side i got one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 15. this one's white i have 13 here right around 60 right what do you get on the beads you want the whole thing what is this just like a little yeah i'll throw it in if you buy the thing yep let me see that again here is this a blue one or a green one i think a green that's pretty close all right so it'd be one with with this what was it 29 29 do you want this one make it 30 okay 30 times 2 is 60 right so 160 yeah so 160 with that you throw this into yeah all right i want to try the license plate topper yeah it's pretty cool it seems to be pretty clean all right good shape thank you brian's here i figured i had to see how much that one's worth it has a double key why would it have two keys well one's for changing the time ones to wind up okay i was thinking maybe so it's before like the lever set ones and things so let's take a look there's little markings on the inside of the case yeah it has like uh what's it called uh hallmark hallmark yeah and then it says backwards it goes k 18. yeah it's like 18 carats all right so let's get an estimate there so we have a three bar movement one two three that shows like the quality of the movement sometimes if it's fancy or engraved in here it could be a little more here it's a little over an ounce there's a common formula and there's usually like about 25 is the gold and then the metal movements are higher so if we take power but just a common formula 23 takes point 25 times yeah about 330 dollars so if you think you can get more i as a piece i'm gonna go just show it to one other person yeah yeah and uh i'll i'll call you because i i spent more than i i should have on uh on a couple other things so i'm gonna sell it today okay but figure like 350 but try to try to get four fifty something right if not it's yours yes all right hey brian so i ended up selling it for 400. all right i i appreciate you looking at it all right have a good good afternoon let's see what else what do you get on the chess pieces how much was the box of chess pieces over here i'll take it thank you well i owe you some money john came in good uh i sold it as a watch not uh not not not for gold huh what was the watch i i just there's one guy who buys uh pocket watches i mean it was good for gold too but what do you get on the pickle what were these do you know how much are they all right i'm gonna get both of those so twenty i'll give you extra 30 on the watch and that should cover lunch just because i don't think we're going to lunch anytime soon i'm still doing that obviously building the channel youtube channel i just started back up to the flea market so thank you for the jars what do you get on the pixie 10 bucks arms arms a little angle and what do you get on the pirates one smash right here well i'm going to take the pixie she's nice well made it back to the warehouse um there is i've got a bunch of stuff i was happy that uh we were able to sell the one watch and get back most of the money that we had spent um i know this isn't really uh the best there's ones that are pretty minty that sell for like 80 to 100 bucks but i was very happy to get all the i think i got 30 blue mason jars for um two dollars a piece this she threw in at the end it was a spiderweb jar i thought that was pretty cool very deco um what else did we get that was the cassettes that i got i believe are pretty good we'll see how they sell online got him or her i don't know what that is boy or girl but uh i got that and the two bottles at the end for 30 bucks the bottles are made by kim x i believe they're for chemistry but uh i'm pretty sure that's a good uh pyrex jar k-i-m-a-x uh i'll have to look those up later i don't see a measurement on them but my guess is this is probably four or five gallons and this is three gallons uh i did get this for a dollar it's just a nice little hand blown vase and a couple other little pieces of jewelry when i was looking over there i did like this little hook the east lake uh door handle and plant hanger oh this was the other stuff we had gotten for the two i guess i ended up giving them 250 for this with the came back and gave him a bottom lunch of course i had it open and i just shut it so in here this uh native american belt buckle sterling it's pretty pretty great i really like the coral cardinal and the inlaid turquoise leaves i always do well with uh sterling cameos the fun trefari frog i forget wasn't here there actually might be even gold in here i didn't even look too hard i know uh you know this is gold filled that's sterling and i didn't really this might actually be gold this uh little shell this is gold filled as well let's pull that out the chain might actually be gold though if it is it'd be an extra 20 30 bucks you know gold's been dropping recently well the chain on here is 14 karat so with that cross so that's that's a good thing i have a bunch of these uh little plated pocket watches to go on my gold plate pile and uh i'll probably do the same thing with this locket i did buy this ship for five bucks in the bottle and uh what else did we get oh this uh modernist bottle the reason i gave him the 15 on that was the bottom was a little different than the new ones that they make see i don't know if you guys can see the rings on that so it just had a really cool modern look i know that they reproduce these all the time but this one just felt felt like it was a good bottle so that was everything we picked up i'm gonna try to put a bunch of this on on the blue bus dave ebay this week and thank you very much for watching hopefully uh you had fun i'll see everybody next time if you haven't yet please give somebody a call who might be alone please be safe out there and until next video peace i think i have some jars to add to this so we'll have a full set but these are always good he gave me that for five bucks [Music] probably my favorite thing of the day
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 17,916
Rating: 4.9572401 out of 5
Keywords: Picking, flea market, selling, storage unit, pickers, antiques, treasure, jewelry, dumpster diving, vintage
Id: URvHWBqbb2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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