1993 Patrick Swayze interview (Jay Leno- Tonight Show)

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that's amazing show you play it yes just how macho this guy is he shaved not an hour ago that's amazing in less than an hour that testosterone just coming out of your face it's amazing actually III weird I'm wearing this on my face cuz I have nothing on my chest Oh apparently we have a large view from Chippendales just came by now your wife Lisa was here the other Lance we know I was supposed to ask you this she said when you come on ask you about what you were wearing when you guys first met I said what was he wearing she said I'm not gonna tell you why is arable everybody's on my case about this no but she did one more no yeah no I did she always loved to hassle me about where my head was back when we got together I used to wear Tom Jones kind of stuff with shirts open to hear you know bladezz's across the chili leather and rawhide like yeah I don't think I'm doing the stitching uh-huh and then when you wash it they do this I think I called I called him Ponderosa shirts but that was cooler than then the ones over I mean I wore hip hugger bill bottom with me where I have a big major player bill bottle big time that you know and that barely would pull up over you you know with these giant belts and belt buckles and platform boots you know with the goldfish go fish in the platform booth Dave you see those the platform heels or the goldfish oh I have seen those I think those things are so stupid looking there yeah yeah yeah I don't hardly at all anymore yeah that's not what I read on bathroom walls I used to have them with the head puppies in them issue you must be doing well on this show I saw your your your vintage jag out there it's a $54 your car guys it's like it's gorgeous even at I'm driving a 40-year old car look at it one way they get a hot date tonight no no yeah I have a hot date tonight get my wife is pretty well didn't you like me you've been married a long time right you guys 18 years wow that's pretty I'm real proud so what did you guys make you guys had 18 years ago no longer than that actually now see Lisa and I were talking about this this is something else that's both at home she said ask him how long it took before we were intimate I think that's what she said you talking about the human that's what she said before we were close how long it took boy was sure hot to try um uh well we lived together first so it did like a year yeah so a year before anything oh you got that Club well not to me okay so she helped you out for a year that's pretty good huh it was like I was a bull you know bull moose in heat yeah that'd be better that's an attractive image now it's a hot now she's in room she's on Broadway right doing what's she doing out there yeah but you're here Larry Gatlin yeah oh he's gonna buy any yeah yeah we're like a bull moose and eat it yeah what is the bull mutiny honestly it's sorry Janice I'm kidding there dude so you're here how often do you see it now you don't get this I'm flying back and forth constantly you know you're trying to just you know it's it's sort of feels like there's like my turn to you know be supportive and I've been doing everything I can but just it's strange to be around people in in a performance energy and I normally live in that energy and I'm not required to so I keep falling into that and realize no I don't have to I can just kick back and watch everybody else living as yeah you know but uh so while she's doing the show like when you I know when when why you still do the movies obviously but I mean I know she was very supportive so now that she's in the play you go back and you what I actually doing every I key I've been playing assistants you know since irises we have to Rosie our sister has to stay in the California so I've been playing assistant and making phone calls for and by an eyelash glue and today sponges eyelash and stuff like that you know yeah I again that's not my area you I read it is the most embarrassing thing in the world to walk into the drugstore handsome for debate today's sponges you know yeah there's my wife yeah sure dude say using to polish the car or something anyway yeah yeah I'm not good at that I just I get a lady that you go buy these for me on your channel that's alright welcome back welcome Swasey right after this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but no easy I got these incredible Egyptian Arabians and you put it that's mr. edge son Larry it's about it we're talking during the break now you talking about your cars you get me a birthday brand / oh yeah what appreciated thanks Thank You leo Virgo Peugeot Virgil I'm over you oh really oh yeah birthday okay thanks man when the moon is in the seventh house are you Italian you'd about driving now do you get many tickets to get recognized is that a problem like cops the other cha have you had that happen oh let me hear ya sometimes I was shooting ghosts and my brother-in-law Alex who's my driver right always driving me the senton we were having to you know hook it because I was late on one of those rare occasions I'm always late actually the first time I got to your show and had any time to talk to you but usually you come in like it we tape at 5:30 you come in about 529 yeah it's true so we were looking at - we were hooking it to the the set and this cop pulled us over you know and and and so I got out you know to tell the guy that look you know don't give the chick he's my driver and don't give the ticket to him cuz he doesn't need it and and so could you I asked him if he could give me the ticket and he goes whoa you're you know it yeah like a guy I love your stuff man you're great and I would say hey thanks man hey don't worry about it just you know slow it down slow it down I'm in no you got to go I mean you wanna please escort and so on I said all we know what that's okay thanks cool slow it down move you know we'll go and so I'm walking back to the car and he goes man I've got to tell you I just love you so you know what I thought you were wonderful as Elvis oh I didn't I didn't choose to say at that moment that he had the wrong guy that occur all right thanks you know I got one wants almost the exact opposite I got stopped I got recognized on the comedian oh yeah that's fine I guess I enjoy you said yeah that joke you told about Daryl gates that was like this no laws in a while you run into people perhaps don't understand that you were making a joke yeah it's not nice to know god the rezidentura yeah the LA Police Department now speaking of guide the president that way please who are your heroes your Brian how many idols like movie hero superheroes that were not didn't have superpowers like daredevil and spider-man right yeah sort of it's not really super Tarzan Tarzan I think would have to be the biggest you know cuz I I live to play Tarzan he's my little brother I make no I made him be bomba give me the cheddar or cheetah whichever day I decide yeah and we cut out we head out these little silk speed suits and we'd cut the crotch out you know so they'd flap like loincloths and we're one day I'm myth you know I was diving off the second-story roof and to ride this limb down and blame wasn't there and you fell yeah broke my leg in the hand but we have this network of binds all the way through jungle Whoopi's a big Tarzan freak actually oh yeah she likes Tarzan yeah I'd say I would not eat us what we got along maybe we should play Tarzan I should play - I'd love to play for her huh have you ever heard the Ray Stevens remember what's the Ray Stevens song guitars an guitars an baby baby Branson you know get set up babe I'm trying to say you know home a few bars he's free of the breeze it's always a tea what is that he swings through the trees in his BBD to say I gotta get you that I have to get you the Ray Stevens video which is on CNN every five minutes oh that's right that place MA then they do get Tarzan on that lease and I've always used that before either one of us walks on stage it's you know we've always said a your time boy thing one monkey that's like break a lot of the song I say okay or don't move up now what do you know now what's the latest thing it's this beard for a this I hate this beard I want to cut my head off uh I'm doing uh oh I just finished bought you know fatherhood is coming in right now and I seem to be stuck on yeah I gonna be stuck on kid movies right now you know I mean the jumpy there's enough junk out there in the world like you know I sort of feel like I want to do movies that have you know some kind of redeeming value right so I'm doing a film called it's all okay we got a film called tall tale where I'm playing Pecos Bill remember him by a legendary character yeah yeah tornado wrangling this fastest shooting cowboy that ever lived you know can shoot off 125 trigger fingers with one shot and they never killed anybody on Sunday and it's always Sunday just uh so I write a tornado off at the end so I've got this big stallion out in my place so we don't make her I was gonna use my stallion but then I cast the horse you know so I've got this giant horse there's no cool way to get on this horse standing beside him you know so I'm have to carry around a a springboard to get on you I'm not always gonna have to be jumping off another horse or a horse trough or something to mount him because it's up here ya know to try to get on it so oh yeah okay we did you start with this start the Disney knows [Applause] wait a minute wait a minute I didn't me make me the butter they don't just come parade yeah I did I did the Princeton Snow White and Sleeping Beauty right for Disney I'm pretty worn as famous as Kurt Russell but yeah listen uh mr. Carson I'm out of here Hey [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Bhawgwild
Views: 130,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Patrick Swayze, Jay Leno, Tonight Show
Id: oKqbLujrna8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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