POINT BREAK (1991) | Behind the Scenes of Patrick Swayze Cult Movie #2

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[Music] catherine is uh she's almost like a female utah sense of motivated and willful and wants it to happen women oftentimes do macho guy movies a lot better than guys do because they have the ability to stand back and when they don't pass judgment and bring a deeper level of truth to it wonderful things can happen they're better with details women are they just have that over men that's just the way it is oh it's too much testosterone here it was really thrilling working with catherine who's this really dynamic very individuated woman who had a vision of what she wanted the film to be she did a fabulous job and she's you know the movie is all to her credit her vision really came true people think that it's softer because of catherine because she's a female and that that's not the truth at all she was so in love with the action when there was a scene with me and keanu we were just supposed to be kissing on the beach she's like oh god whatever just get over it get on with it you know she's a wonderful director but it was funny she loves action a lot more than just being you know still the fact that catherine directed it makes it infinitely more interesting i mean she made a foot chase as exciting as a car chase the beauty of that sequence really is its simplicity it's not complicated but you get the sort of visceral part of it because you got somebody running around with a camera right behind them we used you know a pogo cam which just a basic camera you know on a pole which gives you a much more live feeling it's not so smooth then you can put the camera through windows and throw it over walls and you can do things with it because it's not really attached to you i would run behind with the camera i'd run looking back at piano i'd run in front of them and see both of them running i'd run behind him and see him running the foot chase fortunately for me patrick was in europe promo and ghost while we did it he was a amazing athlete so to to be able to perform to his level i had to have it together patrick wanted to do everything himself and then when he saw the film afterwards he um went that was great i'm glad i didn't do it rock and roll you know the stuff where we're wearing masks and running around it was hot you know remember this mask you can't see i'm like can you even see who's doing this you know i think somebody was telling me and i'd be like you you look just like me in that suit and mask man do you want to do that they're like yeah because they love it they're like give it to me bring it on work i'm like go for it sorry johnny looks like you don't get to be president i doubled the town of where uh he tackled one of the punk rockers out of window glenn had picked a location where he had a window and no tree in front of the window so we thought we'd do it you know right in front of this great window so you see our bodies come out and then the director had different thought let's do it where you can't see the window and there's a tree there it's just a unique way of shooting a fight sequence that no i wasn't used to usually go wide and then you'd go tight this seemed to be tight tight tight and it looked really intense and really violent catherine said is it possible for the actors to do their own fights so i set up weekends where i had everybody that was supposed to be involved in including gary busey and everybody to come to a location and we worked out and i taught him how to do fights from the ground up how to move why you're doing it what's happening was a camera but i said if you don't come and practice i can't use you and they all pitched in and worked very hard except for one anthony of the red hot chili peppers that would be a waste of time i guess he was singing around and everything else so of course the first punch he was out and he didn't like that at all but from then on i had no trouble with it and he was out there working with us all the time this was a fun movie to make because everything we did hadn't been done before get a jumper jerk off that's my man we came up with a skydiving rig with these kind of telescoping arm cranes and they built a body thing with a post coming out of the center where you laid in that and strapped yourself in and then put your clothes on over it so like by putting everyone on their own crane allowing people to move independently of each other go out a friend come down it makes you feel like you're actually there but the secret was to also float the camera have it on a unit and float it and we had it so we could turn and oscillate that it worked out very well you're doing good you can't talk in free fall you've got 120 to 200 mile an hour winds which is nothing but a giant roar so there is a little bit of a poetic license taken with us having a conversation you pull it no you pull it you're gonna die man pull it do it you're gonna die johnny six seconds we're gonna beat me patrick started jumping on his own and he used to come in and say oh look peter look what i did this weekend and i would say no you can't do that you know insurance anyway ultimately we agreed that if he would stop jumping while we were filming he could actually jump out of the plane after everything was done which is what he did and it's one of the great shots in the movie because he falls out of the plane and you're waiting for the cut and it never happens amazing [ __ ] amazing it's very funny because i had to battle insurance companies to get to do the skydiving in the movie and i never came close to dying once but they never said one word about me getting my brains pounded in by the biggest surf on this planet and i almost died six to ten times i thought i was out of here i had this bone on my sternum that i injured uh being on much bigger waves than i than i had any business being on so we had to groove out my surfboards build up my wetsuits to try to get me off that bone but of course it's not possible every time you turtle through a wave it just slams you all i cared about was getting good enough to where when they cut from me to my big wave devil that i wouldn't look like bobby darren on the sound stage in a 50s beach bunny movie technologically you can now have a surfing double and remove the devil's face and put in your actor's face because of computers we couldn't do that 15 years ago we couldn't even create the rain that occurs in the final sequence look at it the once in a lifetime opportunity man just let me go out there let me get one wave before you take me one wave we had hired derrick dorner who's a very famous longboard surfer and as a lifeguard at sunset beach to double patrick in case wyoming ever broke why may at that time had the largest break in the world we were very fortunate to be there the two days that yma had broke which is very rare waimea hadn't broken in almost two years it was a pretty tall wave and i don't think anybody ever fallen off a wave like that on purpose derek would say i want the fourth wave in this set coming up and then our guys would block these people from all over the world who were obviously not particularly happy about being told they couldn't get on a wave finally get your waves it's totally closed out well it was hard for him because he spent his whole life surfing these big waves trying to stay on his board and we were paying him to fall off these waves which are massive and very dangerous i'm sure he got banged up pretty good i'm sure he was sore put it that way we re-shot the end of the movie not him falling off the wave but the scene preceding it we did a big re-shoot up in oregon six months later piano had gone off and done i think bill and ted in between and had grown his hair and patrick in the meantime had gone off to do a movie in india and cut his hair do something but it works for the story in the sense that the bodhi character is trying to hide so he's sort of changed his look and keanu has gotten disillusioned with the fbi so he's becoming a little bit more of a rebel [Music] i think this movie changed everyone involved with it in some way for the better i had a blast from the beginning to the end of the movie we had so much fun doing that stuff skydiving and robbing banks and surfing surfing so much fun i think the film holds up really well because the surfing phenomenon has become just that it's just exploded was a real party adrenaline cultural phenomenon at that time and it seems to be timeless point break it still is in my heart it still is in my heart [Music] it still is a wonderful experience when it comes out i watch it and laugh at places that i know what happened that nobody does because i was there for me and busy and keanu and lori and all my guys in the gang something special happens you know and he just jumps off the screen and i live for that [Music] hey guys it's lisa with your daily dose of action trivia did you know that john wick was originally titled scorn and the only reason the title was changed at all was because keanu reeves kept remembering it wrong personally i think i preferred john wick what about you now remember to click here below to subscribe or on the side for more great content
Channel: FilmIsNow Movie Bloopers & Extras
Views: 97,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Behind the Scenes of Point Break, Making Of Point Break, Point Break, Point Break 1991, making of, on-set, B-Roll, Behind the Scenes, green screen, Making of Documentary, 1991 movie, Action movie, Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves, Gary Busey, John C. McGinley, Lori Petty, gang of surfers, bank robbers, FBI, undercover, heist, extreme sports, cult film, FilmIsNow Extra
Id: 3CuFPurGYDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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