1992 Rams @ Cowboys

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Stadium in Irving just outside downtown Dallas filled with rafters again today as the Dallas Cowboys Americas team once again take on the Los Angeles Rams after some dismal years the fun has returned to North Texas good afternoon everybody I'm ver Lundqvist along with Dan Fouts just three years ago the Dallas Cowboys finished the season 1 and 15 they come in today Dan with the best record in the NFL Aiden won what in your mind has been the reason for the turnaround but I think we look at number 22 Emmitt Smith as the best back in the NFL according to a lot of coaches including RAM coach Chuck Knox this man here has been the big difference in becoming in outstanding running back and improving that entire offense going against the worst defensive team against the rush in the NFL the LA Rams big challenge for the RAM defense Los Angeles Rams are getting a 145 yards per game on the ground they come in under Chuck Knox with a three and six record now they have been competitive in almost every game this year but they've got some big concerns today well one of the concerns is the head of Cleveland Gary fumbled three times last week against Phoenix will he put it on the carpet today but the big players have to come through for the Rams that Jim effort at quarterback two wide receivers Aaron Cox for flipper Anderson and Henry Ehlert they all have to have big days los angeles rams have won the toss and they will receive to open the game today by the way is a cheerleader reunion at Texas Stadium along one of the signature elements of the Dallas Cowboys going back to the mid day days of the mid-70s Lynn Elliott will kick off for Dallas they come in 8 and 1 and the Los Angeles Rams 3 & 6 but they have lost most recently by the narrowest of margins last week Los Angeles losing at home to Phoenix by 6 they lost him prior to that to Atlanta by two they last won against the New York Giants Vernon Turner is one of the defect the other is David lang David lang will grab this at the 8 yard line gets by Clayton homes by darren Woodson who has become a big star on the special teams for the Cowboys Jim Everett leads the Los Angeles Rams up now in his seventh season and upfront he'll have Perry and Newberry along with Boston Melin chick Jackie Slater and Pat Carter Cleveland Gary David Lange the wide receivers Aaron Cox four-footer Anderson and Henry Ehlert to the 25 a nice one on the left tackle on first down Russell Marilyn makes the stop Jimmy Johnson said yesterday Tony Casillas is really the heart and soul of this defensive line and he is joined by Tolbert marilyn and jim Jeffcoat who starts for an injured charles Haley we might see Haley on third downs today Smith Jones and open up the linebackers and secondary it's Holden Brown James Washington and Preston two interceptions last week Thomas every second down and four leaving Gary test and he comes up short at the third and almost immediately we see the cowboy defense where it shines in the best and that is on third down they are extraordinary on their third down defense well the numbers they're putting up on third down are precedent-setting numbers is 22% if it holds up for the entire year would be at an all-time NFL record but in the last five games they've only allowed one first down in 25 tries on third down its third and three right now and for the season teams are 50% on 3rd and 3 against Dallas that's the first down at the 30 yard line this is a real good start for LA three carries in a row for Cleveland Gary and it's a good call by Ernie Zambezi Cowboys were expecting a pass play you see there are no linebackers in the middle norton comes up late to make the tackle but a good play selection by offensive coordinator ernest and easy going with the draw there on third for the first down and ten at the 31 yard line opening drive of the ballgame the Rams had scored only one touchdown in the first quarter this year play action on first down Everett deep left side Aaron Cox with a crossing pattern that's a gain of 15 and a first down at the 45 yard line Isak Holt with the get share with the attacker and Aaron Cox eating some action for the injured flipper Anderson knocks told us last night that he's finally healthy and that's been the biggest difference in his career but bothered by hamstring problems throughout and now he is healthy and playing well Bernice and PC refers to him as the smartest receiver on our team he knows the offense as well as quarterbacks a member first and ten Jim prices in as an extra tight end that's price emotional [Applause] right and shovels it out to the 49 yard line they are moving the ball quite well early on when you can pick up first down or on first out about five yards with the carry this one will go over right tackle jackets later this sets up your offense in real good position you see the hands hurt it on the first third down possession so they're doing things that a lot of teams have been able to do against Dallas when you look at the fact that they've only scored one touchdown the entire year in the first quarter that's an offense that has been struggling second down and four [Applause] dartz to the outside by vincent Smith breaks the tackle breaks another the longest gain against Dallas succumbing into the ball game had been 17 yards that is the longest running play against the Dallas Cowboys in 1992 you know this man Cleveland Gary wants to prove a couple of things today number one he doesn't want to fumble the ball he's going to work against Benson Smith here watch the block on the linebacker nice job by Perry that's Smith just whiffs in the backfield or would have been a couple yard loss but Gary played for Jimmy Johnson at the University of Miami he wants to shove it off Larry Brown also first down at the the truth Gary and dance everyone out said he had those fumble problems last week had the much-publicised pumping problems in 1990 last year didn't play that much he's only fumbled five times this year and I say only because he had three of those last week last week the Rams were absolutely pitiful in the first half running the ball Gary only had seven yards rushing [Applause] dropped it three times second and seven no score ram's dry let's he simply had to deep web side and it would be third down the important thing here now forever does he knows that he is with bins and a hostage range for a field goal and if you suffer a sack in that case right there you might push that day off beyond good job at getting rid of it under pressure it'll be third down and 7 en route to posting this 22 percent yield on third downs the average need on every third down play for the season has been third and 7.7 so this is right at the mark left side Anderson they have converted to first downs in this drive that's a gain of 14 well the key to this play is good pass protection the Cowboys are going to play a zone but there's just no pressure on effort and when he has the time to throw and it's an out route there's no quarterback that throws it any better he's a tall guy six foot five sees the field well and if you keep people two or three yards away from him he'll kill them and to that 14-yard pickup first down at the 13 tenth play of the drive they toss it to carry heat [Applause] downtown bubble but the ball rolled down by contact well you know one thing as the Cowboys we'll be digging and pulling on his arm scratching trying to break these fingers trying to pry that ball notice another thing they'll try to do all day is remind him hey he dropped it three times against the Cardinals last week how bout giving us a couple the Cox told us last night he wants to give Gary positive reinforcement all week long dwell on the bumbling park talk about how to prevent it keeping your hand over the point of the ball kicking it in when you feel contact second down and seven Brussels Maryland you see him number 67 was Gary's teammate said he wasn't a follower of Miami in fact looking away it is Clark but I exited when Gary and he got the first down all the way to the one-yard line as he just outran Benson Smith number 57 to the coroner Everett with a quick read whose wide receiver then to his outlet receiver Gary and the speed and strength to shake off that tackle and take it to the 1 the Los Angeles Rams losers four of the last five weeks are on the verge of scoring only their second touchdown of the season in the [Applause] he's going to be stopped about two feet short and that's not the touchdown signal by Everett that Joe's coach Knox and coach Zambezi upstairs just exactly how much the Rams need for a score 475 is Tony Casillas and he's going to get the good penetration against [Applause] so they no way to get into the end zone second and goal to the one Gary [Applause] Los Angeles [Applause] what an impressive drive to open this ballgame for the Los Angeles Rams very determined drive by the entire offense T and a very determined run that time by Cleveland Gary you really have to give him a lot of credit for that drive handle the ball and almost every play [Applause] we're concerned about his head coming into this game I think it's Ted is fine and the rest of him it's going pretty good too and seem okay Tony's n Tejas at a hike bagels home and the Los Angeles Rams to have 81 yards to open the ballgame they two of seven minutes and 10 seconds and Dickens 7-nothing lead the key block on this is going to be Joe Mellon chick number 71 he's going to kick out here and give Gary a little seam nice job at getting around all that traffic and taking the legs of the linebacker away and Gary's in for repair - touchdown for the Rams [Music] that was a 13 play drive in Cleveland Gary touched the ball on 10 to the 13 nine runs and a catch the LA Rams take a 7-nothing lead over a suddenly very quiet Texas Stadium crowd the Rams was finished Chuck Knox a couple of passes were mixed in there but it really had the trademark of the Chuck Knox hard-nosed type of football team and Cleveland Gary's got to be feeling awfully good about himself and what he does with that type of performance is Jesus the minds of all his teammates hey we can give him the ball all the time now he's not going to fumble the ball and that was a drive against the number one defensive team and the National Football League earlier in the season the Dallas Cowboys gave up 68 yards in total offense to Seattle that's for the game they just gave up 81 in the first drive here was afternoon Martin in clayton homes by the deep axis to be Martin at the for football today [Applause] so an inauspicious beginning for the Cowboys special fans and Troy Aikman will come out to take a snap from center for the first time this afternoon was 741 remaining to the first quarter Lakeland having a very consistent season and up trot to Ma and Newton step musky John jisuk Eric Williams and Jay Novacek in the backfield Emmitt Smith Darrell Johnston and the white outs of Michael Irvin [Applause] 23 catches it no drops it incomplete pass [Applause] Kevin green with 8 sacks as the leader of this Los Angeles Ram defense Robinson bootay and Gilbert Mike peel replaces the injured bill Hawkins at right end it's green Kelman Pfeiffer at the linebacker spots and cough like Daryl helipad welcome those of you who have been watching the Washington Kansas City game we have the Cowboys training the Los Angeles Rams 7-nothing here at Texas Stadium on Secretariat than goes deep Michael Irvin has Henry had slipped years 4:30 that's a 48-yard pick up akin to urban the keypoint burn as as you mentioned Henley slips and falls down and when urban catches his ball there's nobody around him and this guy just won't settle for anything lives in a big play likes to call himself the playmaker averaging over 20 yards a reception which is tops in the league by a long way the LA Rams JoVE 81 yards with their opening possession got a one-yard touchdown from Cleveland Gary that's the seventh they have it up boys trying to tie it up about the 29 years and pretty good defensive effort by the interior of that Los Angeles rambling led by Mark booty number 96 we talked about chess matches all the time between coaches this is going to be a real unique chess match between offensive coordinators the cowboy offense coordinators Norv Turner he used to work for the RAM offensive coordinator Ernie and mpz zambezi of course worked with me in San Diego and Don Coryell the greatest offensive coach of all time so we should hit quite a few fireworks today and I'm kind of excited about that second and eight from the 25 there's a pin back to throw Jay Novacek is tied in makes the grab shuo to the first down after 20 it'll be the dative system brings up a third down as Larry kiln makes the title now the Cowboys have have so much that they can bring to the game offensively about this 12 touchdowns Raymond Smith is a ties for a cowboy record in one season he's got seven more games to go then you go to eight men and Ervin and Novacek all among the leaders in the NFL and George Dyer has to figure out some way of stopping all these weapons third and two brought the RAM 20 Smith comes left with Dale Johnson walkin and he is here close to the first down don't know if he got it or not Larry kill makes the tackle one time Texas A&M player number 25 is Chris grooms a Nickelback coming in and fighting off the block of Jay Novacek I'm then getting help from Kalman Terrell good shot by the young rookie who's playing here in Texas for the first time after playing at am that was a key and Aggie and here comes the chain from across the field seven nothing ballgame ramsley and they need that parts are gonna be short of the first down [Applause] for Jimmy Johnson he's sending out his kicker the crowd doesn't like it I'm surprised they are four or five on fourth down conversions they are meeting the team that has dead last in the league against the run and they have the best runner in the National Football and he's going to settle for three it's a little bit surprising maybe he's gonna step up three well with this special teams outfit coached by Joe homicide well you never know they're one of the top special teams unit in the entire league but this is off to early in the game to be gone with the faith Lynn Elliott has hit his last five begin succession 37 yards out to put the Cowboys on the board Eliot has now made it six in a row the Cowboys pass on the option of running for the first down and they settled for three to narrow the margin to four Dallas Cowboys came in leading the division of course and they're getting a lot of help from other people around the league Washington looses the big in Kansas City Philadelphia Herschel Walker fumbles with less than 30 seconds to go in the game Chris Jacqui's field goal from 41 gives Green Bay a victory over Philadelphia the Giants play in Denver tonight [Music] [Applause] and now the Cowboys will kick it off to the Los Angeles Rams you wonder about Jimmie Johnson and whether he knows about those upsets as far as the Packers beating the Eagles I don't think we're going to call the Lawson upset but the fact is two NFC East teams lost today he doesn't want to be the third be wonderful have a three-game lead in this division especially when you look forward to what the Cowboys have to do on the road coming up [Applause] Vernon Turner and David Lange or deep again for Lynne Elliot skip [Applause] and will not be able to bring that one out and really got his foot into that [Applause] and look at the start for Kluber Gary on the alchemy possession of the ball game of the LA Rams 46 yards and he'd also caught a past scored the touchdown one yard out and then talking to Ernie's fpz earlier in the week the bat believer Gary says he's the real free spirit he's not real interested in a lot of practice he said Canada one of those guys and if you were on a Sandlot team you'd pick him first he'd say great let's go and play and he's gonna love the big day Los Angeles daily 7/3 [Applause] the x.25 tortured to see us 20 talker credit for a pressure he altered Jim Everett's rug well he's got six sacks on the year on the left side of the screen is Tolbert 92 and he's really enjoying a great year Jimmy Johnson calls him his most consistent defensive player both against the pass and against in a run that was a big loss for the Cowboys pitted it on the Rams took the inside route against Jackie Slater - seven Casilla searches the crowd take second and 17 brings it back out to the 20 the original line of scrimmage and it will be third down we talked a lot about those third down conversion stats Verne with acne might still be there right on third down as you mentioned the average is over seven yards every time so that means they're playing pretty good defense on first and second down this latest possession for the Rams the big loss on first down now we'll set up a real tough third and 10 conversion attempt for LA for the season the count [Applause] that touches the ranch there goes short of the first down he gained six [Applause] well he gained six but it didn't get anywhere near the first down sometimes when you break that pocket you've got to hang around behind the line of scrimmage and hope somebody will come looses very rarely will a quarterback pick up ten yards unless his name is Randall Cunningham or Steve Young certainly Jim Everett that's not the strong part of his game Calvin Martin has warm return for a touchdown this year cowboy said they might come after Bracken today here they come in his way picks it up the 43-yard line boy has a butter you know when you're going up the team that has had success blocking crunch and a t-shirt certainly look that time like Bracken took his eye off the ball and forced a bad pun Texas Stadium opened in October of 1971 and was filled the capacity for almost all the games in the 70s there was a stretch in the mid eighties when things went awry but the fun is back at this place now [Applause] Thomas scored the first touchdown here 47 yard run here's epic Smith [Applause] to the 50-yard line and Emmett Smith is going to break all of Duane Thomas's records if he has any left Tony Dorsett Herschel Walker's this guy just his third year has really been a pleasant surprise to the Cowboys the thing that Johnson liked about him and the way he likes to evaluate talent is does he produce is he a big banker regardless of all the statistics size speed height and weight does he make plays well Emmitt Smith has made of all three years second down 3 October study group Texas Day here - second - three Los Angeles lead with just about two minutes remaining in the first quarter Gerald Robinson makes that tackle on Emmitt Smith Los Angeles just to bring you up to speed scored on the opening possession they went 81 yards Cleveland Gary during that most of it that Gary got the touchdown from the yard out and then on the ensuing possession by the Dallas Cowboys a 48 yard pass from Aikman to Michael Irvin set up what ultimately became a 37-yard field goal by the devil and now the stretch at the chain and the cowboy as it appears have a fresh set of downs see the Cowboys their ducks went down they started their first drive with a couple of passes got the big plate and Michael Irvin but the last two players on this possession they've gone right back to Emmitt Smith the good field position helps out with the play selection from north turner Cowboys have won 11 in a row at Texas Stadium victories have got the full House's first [Applause] coverage sector five [Applause] I am sure that they've been decided to throw the ball it was in double coverage three of them down there who didn't buy the fake run into the line well when you look at Alvin Harper though you say he's six foot five and these RAM defensive backs Darrel Henley is five foot nine Terrell is a six footer so what he's doing is he's giving her for a chance to make a play my question is is this an interception the ground cannot cause the fumble but then you have to come down with possession and as he hits the ground the ball comes loose so Emily does not get credit for the pitch and it's second down and ten [Applause] there's a [Applause] red passion is our referee today obviously guess it's going to be on Mike getting a 50 number 88 holding the legal use of the hands against the Cowboys bring up a second and 20 the Rams decided to take it come to the back to the point damn that you make it your head cashing illegal block during the run number 88 of the offense ten yards from the spot of the foul you mentioned the heights of the defensive backs of the Rams you were telling me that that's the first thing you would check when you've got a scouting report on the opposing team well I always wanted to figure out some type of edge in San Diego I had six foot five Kellen Winslow and if I saw that one of the defensive backs fir by a motor with five eight I said well coach we got it for the ball you count on this guy just one of those edges and I'm sure that's what what's going through a confined second and 17 [Applause] Oh Justin he picks up about eight but this one may come back it looked like I got Sean Gilbert with the hard count I got a feel for Daryl Johnson he doesn't get that many chances to get his hands on the ball about a nice eight yard game there but we'll see whether the Cowboys take the penalty which they should because that would save them a down bring up a second down instead of third Darrel's few plays will be erased Daryl Johnson he doesn't run the ball much as a matter of fact 12 times in nine games but he was really excited yesterday because he said hey they got three plays in for me offsides number 90 on the D fans bodyguards yeah they had a couple of belly place and a trap and an outside and when I asked coach Turner about it coach Jared said ah he's dreaming we're not gonna run those plays until the fourth quarter when we're up by 20 points so of all things stand as they showed Josh the book as usual one carry football game second down and 12 top light almost had the interception it'll be third and 12 this is one of the trademarks of the Dallas offense is the five-step drop and throwing the slant pattern or the skinny post to some coaches liked to call it that ball was probably one inch thrown too far but urban should have made that grab that ball wasn't that poorly thrown the third down and 12 with 27 seconds remaining in the first quarter 7 2 3 la it's tough as a quarterback to be one inch off he's got the first day first down Dallas after a gain of 16 we talked a lot about the similarities and the to pass offenses but what Turner has done with his cowboy team is he has recognized that players like Martin and Irvin and Harper have been running abilities similar to what the 49ers do with the short crossing Rossi give the guys the ball and let them run for that first half first down that time that was wide open for Martin and he converted on third a lot of folks call Matlack yardage rac1 after the catch rack it up first down that is the end of the first quarter with our score the Los Angeles Rams on top of the Dallas Cowboys by a count of 7 to 3 Cleveland Gary got the RAM touchdown Glen Elliott a 37-yard field goal with the Cowboys [Music] Castrol GTX engineered for today's smaller cars Texas Stadium and Irving we begin quarter number two with the Los Angeles Rams under Chuck Knox in his second time around as the head go to the Rams leading 7 to 3 in their last four losses they've had some tough ones at San Francisco they lose by three at New Orleans Atlanta they lose last week the Phoenix at home big difference between this year and last year last year dental record the player said yeah but we were never in those games we were getting blown out different story this year Emmitt Smith gets a pretty good block from mocha chip breaks a tackle flies down the sidelines well Jay Novacek isn't known for his blocking but let's check him out here number 84 it's going to be the key one on fire but Pfeiffer is expecting a pass play he was dropping back into coverage and no matches Novacek just took him on down to feel strange played by Roman Pfeiffer dropping back in pass coverage when the plays coming right at him on the ground 28 yards for Emmitt Smith he needed [Applause] only 30 seconds of over a thousand he's done it if it's Death Comes right this could break touchdown 1877 20 Dorsett scored 12 on the in 1986 Herschel Walker scored 12 on the number 13 for the season on the ground for Emmitt Smith and he still has six and a half games to cut oh how do you like it the guys who got even the fantasy football leagues I'd like to try to make a trade for him when Elliot out of Steve Beuerlein sold attack on the extra pack [Applause] when you run the ball tough in the middle the defense has to respect that especially down this part of the field bounce to the outside is what sets Emmitt Smith apart hey guys CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League is sponsored by the new dodge a division of the Chrysler Corporation Levi's Dockers nobody does colors like Dockers and by UPS or reliable on-time delivery throughout Europe and around the world trust ups 14:26 to go first half lead Cowboys on Emmitt Smith touchdown have gone on top here's the kickoff Eliot says it three yards [Applause] he'll play by Chad Hennings the one time Air Force pilot gets a big congratulatory hug from Joe Abbas on own social team's coach just thanked a year and a half ago he was flying missions in Kuwait he came out an ass to the plate you are watching the National Football League on CBS Sports 14:17 remaining first half Chad Hemmings who during Desert Storm was flying missions for the airforce supplying the curve is Cowboys Cleveland Gary breaks the tackle and he moves it out to the 23 yard line as the Rams take over once again Thomas Everett makes the tackle number 31 they see a big smile from Gary running backs love to acknowledge a good hit especially after they pick up five or six for seven yards [Music] [Applause] let's take a look at Jackie Slater number 78 coming out on the linebacker it's Ken Norton number 51 and pushes in ten yards down the field and look where Gary finds the hole right where Norton left second down and Jim price in the lineup [Applause] this time nothing doing good penetration and it came to Russell Merrill and his former teammate at the University of Miami Nica [Applause] rustle maryland unwanted by most collegians out of the Chicago area Jimmy Johnson said we'll take a chance on him all he did later was become the number one draft choice in the National Football League and he really fits in well with this mix now that the Cowboys use on defense they'd like to use 18 19 players they take up the little Russell Marilyn and bring in the big [Applause] you're super stylin right side Jeff chat went about it had it in his hands it'll be fourth down New Orleans jumping on the 49ers early and Tampa Bay jumping on Chicago a lot of people jumping around his bell for today here's Kelvin Martin back Joe Amazon Oh said his special teams cut all the way because of field position there's Don Bracken [Applause] field coverage by the Rams that's a 48 yard punt and only three on the return for Kelvin Martin 12:36 remaining first half Cowboys up by three there's [Music] there's a flag at the 40-yard line and red caching indicates that is against Alice [Applause] here's the coffee cash holding by the receivers have to ball was kicked those possessions ten yards from where I was caught first down to ten I think Jimmy Johnson understands though it doesn't seem to satisfy 1236 to go 12:36 remaining first half on a glorious November Sunday afternoon temperature expected to reach a high of 74 today and the Los Angeles Rams trail the Dallas Cowboys 10 7 Dallas has the ball first down 10 at the 20 that's Novacek in motion out of the backfield Nathan deep right side 4.11 and he is double-teamed and knocked backwards by Todd light and Anthony Newman and it's gonna be a little slow getting up talking Eggman earlier in the week he said the most amazing thing about this year for him so far is he has not gotten up on Monday morning and felt sore and Dan he's the guy that's been sacked 104 times in his career and so far this year they're doing a great job of protecting him no sacks last week oh maybe 14 for the season and he's also been injury prone in his first three years he's been absolutely the picture help this year near the 35-yard line that was made by Kevin green number 91 in overtime the Patriots win their first jani yesterday with Darryl Johnston about his former college coach dick McPherson of the New England Patriots and all of us wish dick well and : surgery living this week and we hope he has a speedy recovery Daryl Johnston telling some great stories about coach Mac yesterday and you know seeing that score that's got to make coach Mac feel better - Darrell Justin with the tech hole but the Cowboys do retain possession with the first down out of the 43 by getting back to Aikman and his injury problems it's probably his own worst enemy because he's so tough and he's so willing to hang in the pocket you see the Facebook though the chinstrap be worse that's one of those evil Knievel crash jobs that chinstrap stitches that he has suffered in his career from hits to that chin we might call Troy Aikman a chin first quarterback one of the toughest in the league first and 10 Dallas they lead five ten 7k play-action some kind of bloated assignment then defensively that is a game of 32 to go with another gain earlier 48 for Michael urban it's a similar route to the one where Eggman threw it down the field to Harper into that triple coverage he had her van open that time this time it's going to be from the left side of the screen and it's a play-action pass there you see Ervin and he gets into the zone that number 58 Roman Pfeiffer should be covering but when you run the ball well as the Cowboys do with them at Smith you got to think run first that's why Evan was so wide open on that one over the course of the last 14 games Michael Irvin is averaging 109 yard David Guetta's stop [Applause] was almost too easy firm and that's two drops on the day for him did I see a kid wearing a freebie Jersey down there it looks like the name on the back of his jersey said freebie there's the second catch of the day that urban has dropped right off the fingertips and light just a step behind there's your buy your guide freebie wearing number 17 on Meredith perfect for it might be Meredith he hasn't been seen in recent years [Applause] bleh was down to five so the cowboy is moving again and they have a three-point lead well Don Meredith dandy as we all know him and loved him played only nine seasons for the Cowboys he retired at 31 and now lives in Santa Fe with his wife Susan and there's the guy wearing his jersey I can tell you that guy the the name is appropriate because he's on the first roll in the 11th yard why not a great seat [Applause] inside the 20 near the 17 Emmitt Smith yeah and just a real very quiet five got in the middle of that big pile and all those guys Newton key six Devdas key to and a and Williams it was almost like a flying wedge they just keep pushing forward and Smith gets right in behind them nice safe place to be even Johnston's in the mix there pushing kiln out of the way great block by Johnston as he puts Kelm on his back third down and five at the 19 the Cowboys leading 10 7 over the LA Rams [Applause] settle short at the 17 short of the first down Calvin Martin with the grab and a flag is down that's got to be holding against the Cowboys Rams came with some heat that time on the Blitz good defensive call by George Dyer their defensive coordinators and the option resting it will be forth them if the Rams decline the penalty and take the play and here's read caching holding number 61 on the offense ten-yard still third down Nate Newton and the penalty will be accepted red cash in might it must have a chest cold or something he's really not into this one today means he chooses a guy that gives you the first is a home game for red he lives down in Bryan only 90 miles or so sadly here you didn't have to tell me he was from Texas I didn't think top what was your first clue first down third and 15 [Applause] Nathan settles for Emmett Smith [Applause] Anthony Newman Robert Bailey it's Robert Bailey number 28 who makes the time Panetta bring on Elliott after a five yard game that was a real important defensive sequence for the Rams like the Cowboys were rolling there got the big pass play to Michael Irvin again but again they're gonna have to settle for a field goal Elliott now 12 of 20 for the season but at a kind of a shaky start he has hit his last six and this will be from 42 yards out Beuerlein will hold [Applause] gonna be good nailed it seven in a row for the young man from Texas Tech University Cowboys trails and seven midway through the first quarter but they've scored the last 13 it has been a ground game thus far Emmitt Smith has passed a thousand-yard part mark for the season leading Gary rushed for a touchdown as the Rams went 81 yards in the opening drive but they've now yield that 13 consecutive points in Dallas leads it by six [Applause] and this will be as he went right that was made by Kevin Cowboys came in with an 81 record they lead it by six midway through quarter number two beautiful Scotland at downtown Dallas and we're at Texas Stadium some 15 miles away the inside the hole thirteen to seven Rams first down in town [Applause] is in the lineup here's the basket and he's got a first down out of there that daughter who's 15 catch of the season there's Charles Danny he injured a groin muscle in practice on Wednesday and we weren't certain how much we would see of him no in what the Cowboys have done as they moved him over to the left side replacing Tony Tolbert and have Jim Jeffcoat they think the Cowboys have so unique because they have so many defensive linemen that they can plug in different spots here purposes down and ten Rams Jim price [Applause] after the 41 Ken Norton jr. thanks to stop Ken Daurio was very interested in that fight the other night said it was one of the greatest fights he's ever seen since you know who beat you know who dad and Holly yeah [Applause] Ken Norton jr. Steve Young has scored for the 49ers and Eddie Murray has kicked a field goal for Tampa Bay as former cowboy kicker Ken Willis was waived by the Buccaneers earlier this [Applause] and tripped and fell before the rush got there see if Jim Jeffcoat gets credit for a sack here but yeah the first guy to of the touches him will get credit for it I think you're right it was but this is just a trip he just falls down over his own feet his left foot hooked behind his right ankle there's Jeffcoat we'll go in there and dive on him and pick up the east he's a sack of his career and number six and a half on the year Jim jeff code who is a number one draft choice in 1983 and along with Mark 2na and Bill Bates have seen both the best and the worst now they must be enjoying Stata says make more Jim Everett nice catch flipper Anderson in front of Larry Brown that's a first down at the 49 and a gain of 19 yards we talked about how the Cowboys liked that slant pass well Norv Turner learned it from Ernie's amp easy when he was an assistant under Sam PC with the Rams and Evert and the cow and the the Rams throwed every bit as good as eight men in the Cowboys it's five steps and just try to hit it right in the seam between the defensive backs and that's a big first down for LA Jim Everett six of eight for 59 yards he's a streaky quarterback if he gets on a roll tough to stop first down in ten down the 22 yard line who turned Kevin Smith the rookie around [Applause] it was a huge hole over the right side but the big cut north and south cut down the field is what watch the block by Pat Carter on the pit got up here on Tolbert and then as Gary gets into the second there that's a nice block by the tight end he makes a great move heading straight up field and there goes Smith down to the ground first out in ten Rams they trail by six play-action looks at the end zone it's Kevin Smith who just got burned on a plane knocking it away from Henry Ehlert now we saw Aikman earlier of his receiver a chance to make a grab in the endzone that time ever it's real lucky that Smith doesn't pick this one off this is a heck of a recovery by Smith and then he gets his right hand on it can't quite pull it in but he does the most important thing he keeps Ellard for making the grab Kevin Smith the Cowboys number one draft choice and 19 minutes Texas A&M right on second attempt seven dollars Jim Jacob loss of 4 and you know playing back at right end is his natural position and he just jumps right inside the block excited impact Carter but it's a good slant move there that time I was a predetermined slam by the entire line and Carter was not ready for the quickness of Jeffco you talked to Dave Wannstedt that the defensive coordinator about how Jeffcoat is adapted he said Haley came in he starts with Jeffcoat has just been terrific books this time he jumps off three play incomplete for Anderson and a real bonehead play thereby stopping that was a free play he noticed the flag but he stopped on his route that's the time you wanna go believe in heart or watch this ball is going to be really well thrown by Everett and now Anderson for some reason just stops on the play he had Brownback on his heels and that could have been a potential touchdown for the Rams that's that old free play where you just know you've got the defense offsides Everett knew it he went through with the play Anderson's got to do the same thing didn't and it's now third down third and nine after the five yard penalty against Jeffcoat four receivers three of whom go to the white side and Jim Merritt will operate out of the shotgun full man rush ever pulls up fires has a man up at 1st and goal Los Angeles at the 8th it's Jeff Chadwick with the ball [Applause] this is a nice job of effort buying that time we talked about earlier here's Chadwick he's going to work down and across the middle and find a hole in this seam it's a nice rub there by Erin Cox and ever does a great job of finding him wide open over the middle this has been the second impressive drive by Los Angeles in the ball game cuts it back to the left but good secrecy denies him again he is knocked down at the 9 yard line by James Washington and Larry Brown [Applause] Washington a former RAM who was a plan B acquisition by Dallas a few years back this is just great team defensive fast start by Casillas takes politico the play and now it's just pursuit and more pursuit as Brown and Washington throw Gary for 1 yard loss those James Washington Darrell Henley was a college classmate of his said they called him the dream because of the facial resemblance to team Olajuwon [Applause] the Wyatt touchdown Jeff Chadwick his second TD catch of the year [Applause] Larry Brown victimized [Applause] and Tony's end day Haas on to tack on the go ahead point [Applause] Chadwicks holding his ribs Ayers said they host like bagel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ramsley tit 1413 we talked about the RAM see how well they throw the slant pattern good job of Chadwick fighting his way inside against Larry Brown protection there and it's a strength remember [Music] Los Angeles Rams playing on the road where they haven't won this season but they have a one-point edge after Jeff Chadwick makes the catch from Jim Everett Everett now eight of 11 for 80 yards and we've got 215 before halftime 14 to 13 Los Angeles [Music] Zen Bay Haas Calvin Martin has it bounce a little go into the end zone or he'll drop the 1 million that's bad guy always bring that money our Lord I really was a heck of a drive led by Jim Everett remember he had to overcome the embarrassing point when he tripped over his own feet for a sack 1413 Los Angeles with 207 remaining in the first half Cowboys have two timeouts left and 80 yards to go for a touchdown they would aren't you or be more than pleased to give Len Elliott a chance for a field goal that first and ten they had to use one timeout early Troy Aikman a 7-eleven [Applause] - Emmitt Smith and the block will stop with me two-minute warning now after a very modest gain by Smith and a tackle by Mike PTO two minutes remaining in the first half of play Rams lead by one [Music] [Applause] 14:13 Los Angeles leads with two minutes ago in the first half the Rams played here in 1989 injury penalties remembering before the game how the Cowboys had a lead of 10 points and the ball at the 50 with 2 minutes and 50 seconds to go and they 35:31 that would bring one in 15 season and it was that game that convinced Jimmie Johnson he needed to change his offense and he went out and got the quarterback coach of the Rams normal Turner to come down here to be his offensive coordinator and things have kind of turned around since then [Applause] left side Delos 432 they'll hurry up and try and save a timeout now they pick up ten yards on that play 145 to go makin looks out of the album Parker for manless by the rams they go behind my Cologne [Applause] 1:32 to go before after they've been really as thinking I need to get 40 yards to put Elliot in position for a field goal less than 50 yards so that's what's on his mind right now you sure you'd like to go down to get a touchdown but the important thing is to get the lead before halftime second down and 10 1:32 to go and again the Cowboys with two timeouts left [Applause] Kevin green was coming on a pass trust that time and Robert Bailey was defending from the play that ball thrown a little bit higher Bailey picks it off and goes in for six the other way good pressure by Green but Eggman had a lot of time to find somebody settled on his outlet receiver and it's real lucky wasn't picked off New Orleans at halftime leading the 49ers by three we're a minute 27 away from the half and it's third and 10 [Applause] or Seattle may not score again in 92 six points [Applause] getting green again and he knocks the ball free as Inc contrived to flip Eric Williams was blocking a load on Kevin green and green won that battle he's one of the very best in rushing the passer in the ramps put them in the down stance on nickel situations and this is why watch him from the right side of the screen here working against big Eric Williams Williams having a heck of a year in his second year but it's the experience of knowing when you're beat to jump up in the air try and knock the ball down Green did just that Los Angeles has 15 pass deflections among the members of its front four and in this instance I think you could count Kevin Green as one of them because he was in a down position here's Mike Saxon on to punt Vernon Turner fair catch at the 21 yard line so the Rams will have a chance to add to their total they have all three timeouts left next weekend CBS Sports presents the Franklin Fox 2 sharp shootout hosted by Greg Norman other players completing competing not complete in competing include couples Daly Arnold Palmer Tom kite and Davis Love the third defense next weekend on CBS Sports that wasn't me playing the drums the shark left side and completely Willie Anderson and Jim Everett were not on the same page and matter of fact Thomas Everett was closer to the ball Willie Anderson talked about Everett being a streaky player earlier this season he had 12 in a row against the 49ers and he had 11 in a row against the Giants 14 in a row against Atlanta and 13 versus Phoenix boy if he gets in a groove it's up to these big guys up front to get him in that groove [Applause] he's only had one sack and that's when he tripped over second in ten and it off to Cleveland Gary the lamps use one of their timeouts here they will they call time its Dallas that calls time so the Cowboys stop the clock they have one left they stop the clock with 62 seconds to go first half 14:13 Los Angeles they have a touchdown toss Jim ever - Jeff Chadwick - compliment a one-yard touchdown run by Cleveland Gary and now they have a third down and seven from their own 25 with a minute two to go first half with Sam three and drop eight across the middle caught first down at the 33 merlion and it's Chadwick again with a grab and it's over the middle again for Chadwick something the Rams haven't been getting this year from any other receiver but he's so dependable over the middle that's why he's on this ballclub so Los Angeles uses one of its three having acquired the first down but watch Chadwick just worked down across the middle but they're just dropping back into real soft zones here by the Cowboys it's a smart football by Dallas and a heck of a grab by Chadwick in traffic got it in front of Kenneth Ganz made the catch and then they'll a call timeout to stop the clock with 55 seconds to go we talked earlier about egg been wanting to get 40 yards well 35 yards now we'll put send a Hoss within his range for a field goal first and 10 Rams they lead by one 1413 and that's another Los Angeles first down and it stops the clock at the 47 yard line coming up on the NFL today halftime report Greg and Terry with all the scores highlights and the latest information from around the league Aaron Cox who grew up near the Los Angeles Coliseum and then elected to play football at Arizona State University there's the guru looks like he's hiding behind the desk first and ten pulls up and fires deep - flipper Anderson and it's incomplete as Isaac Holt was among those covering Thomas Everett was also down there Kansas City knocked off Washington after they jumped up 28 to nothing in that game Green Bay got a 41-yard field goal with no time left to defeat Philadelphia Houston outlasted Minnesota 1713 Pittsburgh defeats Detroit by three San Diego and Cleveland now both five and five and the Jets won for the third time this year second and ten the 47:14 Everitt shorten that time the pressure was there no sack but he had to hurry his throat Tony Casillas Jim Everett [Applause] Leon Lett and Tony tober interesting we start talking about good acoustics for a defensive lineman a few years back 20 or so they said that - well when you tackle the quarterback will give you a sack and that'll be an official statistic for defensive linemen I got a feeling though that him in the not-too-distant future we're going to be talking about pressures and Casillas got one there that's a pretty good definition of a pressure making it quarterback throw the ball before it's ready Rams have been excellent on third [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a corner been on a pump lake and a 45-yard pass we call that a chess match with the Rams did that time as they faked that skinny post that slang matter right here to Anderson he's going to come down and then jump over the top but watch Isaac Holt gamble right there that's two steps to the inside and you can forget it perfect throw by Everett puts that ball inside the 10 yard line Isaac Holt victimized 45 yard first and goal [Applause] and is down at the three Tony Casillas makes the tackle and the Rams used their second timeout now you go back to the decision the Dallas made to call a timeout on second and five where the Rams look like they were going to run the clock out the Cowboys used a timeout on defense in effect that gave the Rams four timeouts to work with and now they've got 21 seconds remaining in the first half and on the verge of extending their lead sometimes you'd kind of get into the thing where you're you do too much scouting where you know a team to well you know their tendency is to throw that slant pattern and we've seen the efforts hit Chadwick on it for a touchdown earlier today Isaac Holt boys has had the reputation as being unpredictable he's been a gambler I had been a great player for many many years and he's having a heck of a year so far but he'd been on the fake by Anderson the good pump moved by effort and it's a big play for LA 21 seconds to go 1st half second and goal 14:13 faxes quick Los Angeles [Applause] Sam PZ gets a player down mentally as he did Isaac Holt goes right back after him that was split right slot scat right 364 flat and he Everett went to the flat pattern wait a minute whoa it was what over town yeah right 364 thousand times as a charger solving it zambezi's good orders and it's another touchdown for the guru Cleveland Gary has two one on the ground and the other in the air watch the quick drop and this has been a kiefer effort all day it's five steps read them defense get rid of it and Gary beets Holt to the corner of the end zone with the pass protection is excellent job by Bostick prospect there and melenik and Newberry just bottling up the middle - touchdown for LA [Applause] Gary 90 yards rushing the ball and nine receiving he has scored twice now we talked about Los Angeles and the importance of the Rams keeping in the ball game early they got a touchdown on their opening drive they had been outscored 62 to 7 65 to 7 in the first quarter this year but they had outscored the opposition in every other quarter for the season and this is how they do it here now it's going to be 364 there's the but first of all here's the stray here's the six and here's the four and it's f flat I understand that sure I know what you're talking about and of course so much for me calling the place I'm hurting that's why I got out of the game a couldn't figure him out myself [Music] [Applause] down to the 25 and the Cowboys David lang made the tackle now Troy Aikman a 21-13 Dallas trailing by 8 and the Cowboys you wonder about trends in the lake to other NFC teams lose today Washington to Kansas City Philadelphia to Green Bay and now the Cowboys find themselves down by 8 does never know about the may these things happen in threes sometime late September last year they defeated the giant here 21 16 they haven't been too at home since then Angelus has not trips but they do lead at the half on a superb offensive performance engineered by Jim Everett that's the end of the first half with our score the Los Angeles Rams 21 thirteen [Music] CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League is sponsored by your Toyota dealer who invites you to see the big new 2100 pickup the wines of Ernest and Giulio gallo and by HP LaserJet printers if it isn't a laser jet it's only a laser printer the NFL today dockers halftime report is sponsored by Levi's Dockers nobody does color like Dockers and those have you been watching the Rams and the Dallas Cowboys welcome back to our Studios here in New York Greg Gumbel along with Terry Bradshaw and the Rams leading Dallas by a score of 21 to 13 Cleveland Gary having an awful good day for the Rams 89 yards rushing and one rushing touchdown he's also caught a touchdown pass from Jim Everett at Candlestick Park in San Francisco the 49ers and the Saints in a battle for the top spot in the NFC West Bobby a bear throwing quick post route Greg figuring to throw this you gotta have great timing and you got an over that free safety it's excellent job by Bobby a bear 49er Steve Young can throw it he can run with it as well scrambles to his right finds no one Oakland and decides to take it in himself Saints lead it by a field goal 10 to 7 is the score winner gets first place in the NFC West in Tampa there at halftime and bear fans are not gonna be pleased if it continues this way the Bucs leading should call with 22 nothing Vinny Testaverde he's back Greg as the play-action to the lake off screen to Ron Hall and beautiful job good execution yeah I don't know you Vinny get him back you traded cut him I don't know what but he he does play well at times yeah the Bears with 55 yards of total offense in the first half and the Los Angeles Raiders time in LA they are leading Seattle's 13 to nothing stand elbow out with a knee injury in this game Kelly Stouffer in for the Seahawks now scores and highlights from the earlier action today will begin at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City where the Chiefs no month the Washington Redskins 35 to 16 mark Ripon tough day all the way around Neil Smith didn't help any here bringing him down near the goal line David Craig on the other hand had a great day great day got some help from Harvey Williams who ran the ball for over 80 are good play action if you're gonna throw play-action throw it deep you're going to throw a deep throw crossing routes and there's Tim Barnett and look at this 35 to 16 in Milwaukee the Eagles and the Packers Randall Cunningham back in a starting job at quarterback and it's off a nice little screen Heath Sherman here high but ever I had lousy games Greg I love the little short passes and prayed they'd go a long way this is a little two yard screen and look at this 75 yards this did a world of good for Cunningham's confidence this game was tied at 24 all with less than a minute to play Herschel Walker loses the handle in his own territory fumbles Johnny Holland recovers for Green Bay and that set up Chris Jackie with time running out 40 yards out Green Bay is a winner 27 to 24 the Eagles fall to 6 and 4 on the year at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh will snow to deal with early on but that melted away and the Steelers robbed Woodson causes the fumble by Earth Cramer here don't hit me from my blindside I can't see you there's a blitz by Woodson Kramer doesn't see it good job by Cornell Lake takes it down sets up a great job by bubby Brister comes in for an injured Neal Donald play-action as you touch down to Tim Jordan and the Lions still have never won at Three Rivers Stadium 1714 Steelers in Minnesota warren moon tough day like carlos jenkins and here comes anthony parker oh man what a nice job look at this big hit by the pressure defense two and a half sacks today by Chris Dolman again that puts them all the way down now you're gonna see what happens to moon look at this effort Greg spins out scrabbles doing everything he can to stay alive and then bang there it is broken bone in his left shoulder he's out three to six weeks on came Cody Carlson and Lorenzo white from a yard out the touchdown Houston wins at 1713 in Cleveland Stan Humphries dad Humphries where is he from Louisiana they have a strong line love it Greg 1413 chargers over the Cleveland Browns at the Meadowlands a New York Jets little reverse action for Terrence Memphis a little pitch one way little reverse going the other you do use this play against teams that like to over-pursue with their defense Bengals turn the ball over three times Jets win it by a field goal 17 to 14 in Atlanta Deion Sanders praying for a little help earlier in the game Andre Rison burned Robert Massey for a touchdown Massey gets a little revenge here played it perfectly a little out pattern and a lot of times you see young quarterbacks throw interceptions in the flat this is just a late throw by Billy Joe Tolliver then on the sidelines Billy Joel Tolliver and Jerry Glanville getting into a more than just a heated discussion Glanville going after him and Deion Sanders the peacemaker motive razor ruddock and norm Johnson with a minute left in the game 35 yards out Falcons win it 20 to 17 and an Indianapolis Batman Scott zoic looking to get the Patriots their first win of the year 65 yarder to Greg McMurtry big on this kids got a big arm you talk about Miami University of Miami quarterbacks in the NFL but this guys out of Maryland there's four or five of them starting in the NFL big kid strong arm that's his dad applauding in the stands gods all axes that was for you it's tied at 34 in overtime Charlie Bauman from 18 yards out and there's a 37 34 win for the Patriots they are now 1 and 9 on the year as they get their first victory at the expense of the Indianapolis Colts now let's take you back to for the game between the 49ers and the New Orleans Saints the Saints have added morten andersen field goal and they have extended their lead now with a 42 yard field goal to 13 to 7 in the third quarter at Candlestick and the NFL continues on CBS after this word from your local station CBS sports covering to the National Football League is sponsored by Chevy trucks the most dependable longest lasting trucks on the road Miller Lite an official sponsor in the NFL and Super Bowl 27 and by McDonald's what you want is what you get guaranteed at McDonald's today sellout crowd on hand at Texas Stadium on a gorgeous November afternoon but they are very quiet right now because the Dallas Cowboys had fallen behind 2113 you never get the two touchdown passes yeah that's really been the key it's been the play of effort they've got solid ground game from Gary so far but it's been the big play that 45 yarder to Anderson at the end of the first half I really sent the ransom lock room feeling great about them dan I go back to the top of the of the day and you said you thought if Los Angeles was going to win this game that Jim ever had to come up big and his wide receivers had to go well and it's been that offensive line there's only been one sack on Everett and that's the one time he fell down but you got to give a lot of credit to the guys up front Cowboys aren't out of this by any means they've got a great football team and you know they've from their head coach at halftime Tony's and a Hoss will kick it off Dallas as Kelvin Martin is the deep man Clayton hauls his back to help in casein comes his way [Music] Santee's there's Calvin Martin at the 6:00 almost broken gets to the 29 at the half first downs Los Angeles with a big lead they also have the lead on the ground and in the air and how about this third down conversions Dallas had given up one of its previous 25 and the Rams six of eight in on the year that Cowboys had given up just 22% the Rams are winning that battle as well as all the other numbers in the first 1:13 that's Michael Irvin in motion qualify him Emmitt Smith and he is tackled by Henley as he gets out near the 33 yard line another tackle for Daryl Henning who came into the game as the number two tackler for the Rams very unusual for a cornerback to be making all those tackles but in talking to him last night he said he doesn't want to make a whole lot today just really cherish that role this is unusual for a football team but when you look at their record three and six it's kind of an indication when your secondary is leading you in tackles that's not a good sign for a defense second down to the right side drops the ball concentration he has to take an official grinning at him as he comes up there's one man that's not grinning bitten one of Johnson's biggest fears is how his team will concentrate and we've seen in a lack of concentration by Michael Irvin today this is his third drop of the day and this was the easiest of the three hit him right in the breadbasket looking to make the spin move there try to get away for extra yardage Texas took his eye off the ball third and seven that chance is made by Calvin Martin good for the first down at the 41 yard line well Jimmy Johnson has been increasingly concerned about a growing number of distractions as the city in the country gets caught up in Dallas as matter of fact Nate Newton and the offensive line had had contracted to do a video of sorts and Jimmy Johnson told Nate I just assume you not do that so that's been put on hold it's a little bit too early in the year to be making your Super Bowl shuffle videos not that that was going to be of that type but the distractions are something that have been on Johnson's mine first down and ten Dallas their drill thirteen [Applause] and tried to get the block from a Newton Newton said he certainly understood that he was at practice about a week or so ago and they were stretching Johnson walked over and stood above him and they looked up and said coach how you doing said fine late coach you got something on your mind yeah they to do why don't you not do the video and Nate Newton was coming and he agreed right away okay coach whatever you say but they really don't need those type of distractions yet this season has got a lot of football left in it down in six from the 46 yard line any movement then is out-of-bounds a flag we might get face masks all here well Emmett jumped up we might go also get unnecessary roughness from Anthony Newman the Smith was well out of bounds when Newman slammed him to the turf it's gonna be a five-yard he would appear face mask penalty against Anthony Newman face mask five yards before the ball spin five yards first down their hearing goes x-pac there's the left hand by Newman [Applause] Anthony Newman who leaves us Ram team with four interceptions this year that that miss qe2 gives Dallas a first down they will pay sans was 45 Aikman that is almost a 10-yard game Todd light with the tackle Saints continue to leave the 49ers in Tampa Bay rolling over the Raiders lead Seattle for a first down Michael Irvin has gone over a hundred Muppets again that's for for a hundred and three he's averaging twenty point three yards per catch this season but the drops have been important but you know one thing the take but it's not going to give up on him no matter how many balls he drops but the Cowboys are gonna have to call a timeout here some confusion in the huddle and that could be very costly at the end of the ball game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the New York Giants check your local listings for the game in your area and remember it all gets sent away with Greg Gumbel and Terry Bradshaw on the NFL today there is bill Bates yeah one of the all-time great Cowboys [Applause] first down in 10 [Applause] then looks for Irvan of the crossing paths first down 416 a gain of 18 the key on any crossing route fern is a real sharp cut it's got to be one of those right-angled jobs and watch up urban plant that right foot there comes straight across the middle does not let Todd Lite get underneath to make the deflection then that sets up the cowboy offense in the red area inside the 20 Dallas trails 2113 just under 11 there are just incomes over drone that Terrell picked it off but he was out of bounds that was eight men throwing the ball away and almost not throwing it far enough away as Terrell made the grab but about two yards beyond the end line good read by Aikman saw that the double move was not there that time an interesting it's again back to the chess match between Turner and zambezi that BZ got the long play to Anderson at the end of the first half on a double move similar to that one there so Turner decides I'm gonna try one second down and ten 21:13 Los Angeles leads [Applause] that nasty and Johnston were shoved back into Emmitt Smith it looked like the big right hand of shot Gilbert though discouraged Emmitt Smith from trying to go to the left side it was in a still still mate there was Devdas key periods per 90 watch as he gets in here and sticks his big right hand out it keeps Emmitt Smith from going to the outside right hand got Ruffin and shoulder and Evans I can't go that way third down and 12 from the 18 to wide receivers to the left kill Novacek who's been kind of quiet today [Applause] and Aikman threw that one into double coverage and he had Novacek wide open over to the left-hand side well there are a lot of people in the secondary when you get down to this part of the field and the quarterback has got to throw almost over a forest of hands the Rams do this as well as any team they get their hands up in the secondary there's Pfeiffer and Terrell showing that he's got bad hands dropping a sure interception in the end zone Todd white was saying yesterday and then Anthony Newman that Aitken sometimes tracks a receiver but he keeps focused on one here's Lynn Elliot with the field goal and it is good so Elliot is now hitting last ate that one from 36 he's got three today and it cuts the margin to five points [Music] we talked about the tracking watch Eggman follow Martin down the middle but Michael Irvin is wide open in the back of the endzone Eggman zeroed in on one receiver and may have cost his team a touchdown here's what Elliot's kick it's a dandy and it will not be returned and the Rams will get it to 12 let's go back to our New York studios checking the crate come here all right burn at San Francisco the battle for the top in the NFC West Bobby hey Barry eleven yards to Dalton Hilliard out of the backfield 22 seven New Orleans over San Francisco in the third burn [Music] Candlestick Park the Saints they took for the 49ers to against that defense I don't care where you play 21:16 here Jim ever and - touchdown tosses so far here's a pitch to Cleveland Gary Vincent sniff up to make the tackle somewhat surprising when you look up and find that the Dallas Cowboys have the number one defensive unit in the National and we talked to James Washington and Thomas F defensive team in the NF and they said well I think we are aren't we they weren't quite sure that shows you their focus is not on statistics but on their performance coordinator it's oil in complete [Applause] Robert Jones and what has become an increasingly vocal crowd over the last couple as a revived interest in this ball game [Applause] the entire league even with the whole they're 6 of 8 this is 3rd and 12 rush three drop eight settle for the short man Cleveland Gary one man misses the tackle but two more come up to knock him out of balance Larry Brown and Ken Norton jr. the Cowboys dropped eight in the second area they had 65,000 yelling at the quarterback got a really give a big hand to the crowd for coming to life here at the start of the third quarter that brings up a fourth down bracken with putter my dad in the season coming this time but the kick is away it is short and it will bounce and take a cowboy role before it stopped flare boys thought just in case just in case you get such a nice big bounce he's probably been 20 years or so since he's been able to get a ball on the run wide neck 8:35 remaining in the third quarter Dallas trails by five Dallas defense talk things over on the sidelines while they're off inmates have a first down in ten Emmitt Smith calling for quiet 21:16 46 yard line young makes the tackle they went over the block with a late Newton that time came here as a free agent that made Luton and has earned a niche in cowboy Laura extremely likeable and more than talented players he's a legend I asked him tough question that asked him who the best player that ever came out of floor Florida A&M was he said well there's Willie Gallimore there's Bob Hayes he said I got a shot at that list second down Novacek at the 49-yard line store to the first down it would be third and about four as Kevin Green makes a tackle Nate Newton is an aspiring broadcaster and he's working for KRLD radio here in Dallas doing color on high school football game and he said you guys got it easy doing the network stuff we asked him what what game he did this Friday night it was a game between the Burleson Elks and the Louisville farmers there's still one day and here's a small note to accompany that among those who graduated from Louisville high school Walt garrison put on for the very cowboy for was he an elk or a farmer he was definitely a farm [Applause] today and it's a first down Dallas in the RAM 45 but one segment and the cowboy offense starts to feel more comfortable in Harper and have two outstanding threats as wide receivers Harper's made a few big plays this year but still is not as consistent in his route running as a quarterback would like to have especially in this type of offense meant is so important first down at the 45 625 remaining third quarter d [Applause] that is his 16th carry of the afternoon and he's closing in on 100 yards [Applause] now with 82 [Applause] now the Parker hurries filled until the Martin takes his place second down at five to pull back this cowboy outfits [Applause] like peel number 95 [Applause] makes the tackle [Applause] well peel has started today for Bill Hawkins he's to the right of the screen he's going to take he tightened up we know Roberts out of the play and then get into the backfield tough assignment for a tight end to block a down linemen feel is normally a inside defensive linemen to tackle so he [Music] Dallas at the Los Angeles 23 5 minutes to go in the third quarter and the Cowboys will have to bring on Mike Saxon Roman Pfeiffer with the defensive job that time that was a big defensive stop for the Rams because this will force a cowboy punt and after getting excellent field position the Cowboys don't do anything with it Vernon Turner waits for it at the 10th Saxon will trying to get out of bounds inside the 20 [Applause] and Saxon becomes the nearside it'll come out to the 20 [Applause] so the ramp defense holds the RAM offense gets the ball back with 405 remaining third fourth [Music] you are watching the National Football League on CBS Sports this is real good balance here spreading the ball equally among the different parts of the field but a lot of success on the right side when ten at their own 20 now with a lead of five 23 yard line the Rams can't afford to get conservative at this point and knowing zambezi what he's looking for now with that run is some breathing room for his quarterback this crowd was all hopped up the last time the Rams had the ball in a similar place on the field a good run on first down and you take the crowd out of it Tritan to get right back into it Ernie Zambezi upstairs the offense second down Everitt back patrol comes people inside where makes the catch in front of Larry Brown that's a ram first down at the 38 yard line a gain of 15 yards good decision-making quick decision-making by effort has kept him upright and kept that pass rush away from throws that out pattern as well as anybody but what you never see is after the ball is gone watch Jim Jeffcoat number 77 on Gerald Perry you have ever something to think about flipping journalist a bit there's a mixup Cleveland Gary he does get Bobby Jen across the 40 near the 43 and Russell Maryland number 67 makes the tackle it looks like everyone to hand that ball underneath instead of over the top watch as he stumbles coming out from Center amazing thing is that with Newberry nice block there it's still a nice hole and a gain of six and the ball at the 43 yard line Goehring with 20 carries for the day and 96 yards he's been over this season it's second down here's Cleveland Gary coming left searching and Toby [Applause] the Dallas Cowboys meant by Russell Maryland and got three miles Russell Maryland who has a senior at the University of Miami worked out in the weight room with Tom Newberry the starting guard of the Rams Tom lives in Miami in the Miami area in the offseason and maybe came to pointed them we asked Tom yesterday of course in terms of some day up against him Leacock was down to three seconds so Jim Everett will come over and talk with Chuck Knox the Rams have stopped the clock leading by five [Applause] verne I'm sure you remember your old broadcast partner when you were the voice of the Cowboys ratchet ha ha ha ha he's low your hands to snap no blitz this time Rogers up in the pocket and fires deep way downfield for Butch Johnson double coverage [Applause] what's Johnson putz that doesn't date it much does it's a cowboy rookie I like that hair deal you had going there Virgil sharp Brad's lost a beard might gain 30 pounds here's Everett flag is down they threw it right burn rustic daran Woodson was defending holding Los Angeles and if it's against prospect holding number 61 on the other hand it is a penalty is declined it's fourth down he's only in his third year the University of Washington but he already has a reputation as being a holder of Islay and that's a terrible reputation to have as well brings on Don Bracken with 1:26 to go third quarter weights go to 15 21:16 [Applause] that's a short putt Martin on the run room to return it one man to beat no flags second of the year for Calvin Martin it was officially 74 yards tack on 35 more for his run up the exit ramp [Applause] doing a little boat Jackson on us they're going up the ramp but the key was that short putt not only was it just 31 yards it was very low Joe Amazon oh the special teams coach Jimmy Johnson told us yesterday we will win the special teams battle earlier this season season Kelvin Martin toned in one back 79 yards and now his 74 yard punt return for a touchdown has put the Cowboys on top he catches it moving forward takes two steps to the left and then straight up the field and now the non-athletic punter Don Bracken slips and falls down and Martin's looking for an exit ramp what a helpless feeling for a punter I've been on this situation as a quarterback trying to stop guys making interceptions just see got to give it to the better athlete here that it was a short punt and the low cut by Bracken that set up the great return for the Cowboys [Music] Kelvin Martin the second touchstone on a book return this season Joe Amazon oh the special teams coach and it's 23 twenty-one cowboy and talking to Johnson about how the year is gone form this year said we started out the beginning of the year with our special teams playing very well then our offense kind of took over and carried us then it was our defense and now it's back to the special teams that's a pretty good mix to have and that's one reason why you're considered the best team in the NFL we'll kick it off boy that is a dagger in the the Los Angeles Rams now we'll see how well they can root down they've not been out of any game they played this year they feel other than Buffalo week one and now Jim Everett will bring his offense back long the veal as a quarterback he hoped for some wonderful words of wisdom from a coach after a play like that and usually the only thing that ever tell you is go get him kid 1:06 to go making it very difficult to get his signals calm deflects are incomplete he hid clipper Anderson but Anderson was not good on the field [Applause] we're talking to Jack snow at halftime Jack of course now the radio broadcaster for the Rams one of them and longtime great receiver for Los Angeles he says Jim Everett is playing much much better this season than last and he gives a lot of credit didn't Ted told her who is Josie Bissett said has told Jim not to worry about all the negative things that happen around you focus on your job and don't [Applause] now second and ten the thing that Shem would do is after a bad play such as that punt return he would think that I've got to make it all back on the very next possession well-done thing that told her said is it can't go back and correct mistakes that have already happened whether they're yours or somebody else's the only thing you can think about is the next play the next series of downs and this man here has really helped turn Jim Mavericks career shotgun formation for the Rams Everett has been sacked just once and that was a trip more than a sack flagged is it this one will come back or be declined now since it is incomplete the illegal use of the hands to the face read caching hey amigo use of the hands hands to the face number 61 on the off [Applause] take a look at it right in the middle this is the big cat Leon let and there's the hand by bra stick right into the face of wet and again bra sticks called for a penalty on a key third down situation Martin is back to return Don Bracken's put again they should come out with terrific field position return is on all the way short punt again Martin at the a flag is down as well this time he goes left in his spilled as he gets up near the 47 but check the infraction yellow hanky isn't yard line [Applause] fifty-one defense holding in the bow is not yet kicked and this will be a first down for the Rams so Ken doll for holding before the ball was punted the lip-reading lesson there before the ball was kicked holding by the defense number 51 five yards first I've known red for many years and he would always come into our locker room in San Diego to get his ankles taped before the game so I would take advantage of that situation and kind of sidle up to him on the old training table and say how's it going today red together take care of me huh buddy you know I'll keep those big guys away from me and Jimmy's saying hey the ball was already punted but the officials were all over it and it's easy to read lips from a guy from Texas they kind of do it a little bit slower than the rest of us I have no idea what you're talking about not to the 29 that is the 23rd carry for Cleveland Gary and he's got an even the 100 yards for the day that's also the end of the third quarter 23 21 Dallas our coverage continues after this message from your local station you're watching the NFL on CBS let's take a look at that holding call Norton is 51 53 is Strickland and they're going to call Norton for holding there and that's a real picky call that is if he ever Gary and a little bit behind cleveland Gary boy Gary had miles and miles of room in front of him that ball thrown at his feet watch Everett just kind of dropped this one too low to Gary looking for his outlet receiver here and if Kerry catch this just nobody around him the closest thing appears to be the 45-second flyer that's down behind the end eight into the flat for Gary first and another conversion for the Los Angeles Rams right now let's see what's happening with the Saints and the 49ers who's Greg Gumbel all right Vern at Candlestick the battle for first place just got a little cider Steve Young over the middle of Brent Jones 14 yards in the touchdown it's now a 22 14 Saints lead eight and a half minutes to play in the fourth burn by Greg 1442 go here 23 21 Dallas they've gone back on top on the strength of Kelvin Martin's 74 yard punt return but the Rams just converted and Jim Everett his 16 and 27 [Applause] and flies down the sidelines out of bounds at the Kabul wood 45 yard line that's a gain of 16 yards and is slow getting up Rams can't afford to lose Cleveland Gary he's been about 80% of their offense today that's his seventh reception on the afternoon scored a touchdown Russians got a hundred yards rushing he scored one touchdown receiving and at least for the moment he'll have to sit out and you know he could have avoided that hip and stepped out of bounds but he was going for extra yardage and he paid for it but you've got to love the effort Anthony Thompson is in now he hasn't carried since he joined the RAM [Applause] and he comes into the backfield and carries for the first time with his team down 23:21 the Thompson is no slouch bird he was a number one pick of the Phoenix Cardinals a couple of years back but it is kind of scary for you to come in and take your first carry of the year for a new ballclub in a very close game David Lang is also in the lineup including Gary will try and walk off the knick it's second down second date 23:21 here comes the Blitz hi receiver is Jim price and picks up more yardage as Thomas Everett went for the grab and Misty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's the team of 10 and the first down ever one of the better tacklers in the league but you could just see price setting him up after he made that catch stop sharp and ever couldn't stop in time watch this moose on the cross after the catch talk about breaking sharp well this is one thing where the you have an advantage on this artificial turf he plants that right foot breaks attack Olympics Cleveland Gehry back in the lineup on first down intent from the 34 suppressor lets it go incomplete the pressure came from Russell Maryland who got by Tom Newberry and was right at the feet of Jim Everett that's almost a case of a quarterback dropping back too far in the pocket and getting beyond where he the offensive line expects him to be his boys been a rap against Jim as his fundamentals and his drops have been inconsistent he's seen today when he's been most effective it's when he's been back five steps and getting rid of the ball that time he drifted in the pocket well he has thrown 30 that's usually an indicated occasion that you are the Rams have been second and ten he gets to the 28th perhaps the 27 yard line Godfrey miles makes the diary you gotta love this effort that Gary has given the ramps today especially when you look back into the rough afternoon he had last week against Phoenix when he fumbled three times in the second half and lost two of them and that brought up all those ghosts of seasons past when he had the terrible year in 1990 fumbling 12 times 24 carries now seven receptions any the ball so that is not out of the shotgun every the catch is made at the 20 that's another Los Angeles first down Jeff Chadwick makes the grab and after failing to convert on any third down plays in the second half the Rams now have done it twice in a row well we don't know how this Drive is going to end but keep in mind that it was sustained on a punt when a call was made for defensive holding on Ken Norton before the ball was kicked and the Rams got the ball back that is hard to tell first where the hole and second if the holding was before the ball was in fact kicked first and ten days in Reverse it's given off to Vernon Turner and he is spilled by Isaac Holt he does get it to the 17 yard line maybe the 16 that is his second run of the season Wow this is a job of just playing your responsibilities by Isaac Holt here is the corner right here and he doesn't follow any of the fake as it comes over here and the reverse comes around watch number 30 he's just going to sit there look in the backfield and then come up and make the great open field tackle second down from the 15 play fake [Applause] please pass almost picked off Isaac hold had the first hit and it was huge it's a bootleg and again Isaac colt just playing his responsibilities on the field he drills Travis McGee and Ken Norton cannot come up with the interception a good job of the veteran Holt doing what he's supposed to do the ball bounced off his backside and Norton can't quite pick it up Travis McNeil as the injured player in time has been cold it'll be third down when we come back [Applause] this game summary is sponsored by Budweiser Calvin Martin's 74 yard punt return has put the Cowboys on top and look at the Rams third down conversions they've got a third down right now at the 15 maximum blitz past outside incomplete as Dave Wannstedt brought his defensive troops in masse that time and good coverage by Thomas Everett Jim Everett just threw that ball over the top and out of play so that he ensures that his team would at least get a chance to take the lead on his in dejas field goal Tony Zendaya's has not kicked that many this year he's only 7 of 11 Mike pengal will hold and this could give Los Angeles the lead 33 yard field goal attempt [Applause] Rams lead [Applause] the sixteenth play of the drive that was renewed on a defensive holding call on Ken Norton jr. on a punt [Applause] but send a hoss is kicked it through for the eighth time in 92 and the Rams lead by one [Music] CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League is sponsored by mercedes-benz filter a fine automobiles since 1886 norelco patented lift & cut shavers and by enterprise rent-a-car the special debris company 33 yard field goal by Tony Zen de Haas at the end of a 65 yard drive is put the Los Angeles Rams back on top 24:23 they led last week in home by I wonder Phoenix in roundup hosing 20 here's Javed Martin down at the 21-yard line regional action of the NFL next week on CBS most WS C Philadelphia the New York Giants check the local listings for the game in your area and remember that it all gets underway with Greg Gumbel and Terry Bradshaw on the NFL today Giants have a chance to move into a tie with Washington and Philly this evening against Denver won't be easy though in mile-high first down and 10 from the 21 yard line Troy been a rather modest 14 of 24 [Applause] eighty-four [Applause] and is kept in bound to the 33-yard line but he does get a first down [Applause] it's amazing that Irvan catches so many balls he's really the the only threat as a wide receiver the Cowboys have and yet teams continue to leave him single cover his uh having another big day in receiving averaging over 20 yards a catch again today 6 for 134 for Michael Irvin this afternoon first down 10 Dallas at the 33 a shortened seeker that's Daryl Johnston number 48 we talked about Johnston and the fact that his maximum amount of carries in a game was going to be about two he's average in one carry game and he says he's still looking for that magical 100 yard season he might find it at the end of a bungee cord he's he's been bungee jumping three times last time was on Saint Patrick's Day that much fits yes doesn't it second down and six [Applause] as Emmitt Smith gets the 49-yard line see big part to tackle mark to an a there and Johnston's having trouble convincing him that bungee jumping is safe enough even for a guy that weighs 300 pounds in fact he went to showing him the commercial that where they pushed the Jeep off footbridge on the bungee cord to uh Stinson said babe maybe you can sit in the Jeep third and three Cowboys trailing by one and the clock becoming important now 8 minutes and 17 seconds to go in the ballgame [Applause] a short set up into the fire turkleton on the open field by Steve Israel and the Cowboys will have to punt back on the Cowboys opening drive of the ballgame when they had fourth in the yard inside the 25 they opted to go for a few go well no chance to come in the flat and Harper supposed to come down here and cause some traffic problems that doesn't happen here as the cornerback comes off the double team tackled Terrell and Steve Israel great play on defense for the Rams Mike Saxon punts it away by his best effort it does going to cowboy Vernon Turner comes Roy he triple-teamed and down clayton homes and gone three miles and Daryl Johnston and add-in Derek Woodson [Music] the only point I was trying to make about that decision to go for the first down is it seems like such an insignificant thing at the time and yet you look back now less than a yard on fourth down jimmie johnson said no we're not going to try for the first down we'll settle for a very short uncharacteristic for a coach with johnson's reputation to take the conservative call the labs have done on offense even more important no turnovers 25 no turnovers and an astounding conversion rate on third downs a ton third reading it's been a short passing game for the Rams that is related work for them Vern it's a short drop by Evert as we saw in that play and only one completion over 45 yards that was the key play to Anderson at the end of the first half but it's been a good job of game-planning by ernie zambezi an excellent execution by the offensive line protecting every second down and two that's close from the first down at the 30 yard line Robert Jones the middle linebacker the rookie makes the that you can just see the Rams concentrating and getting their communication set up on the sidelines feeling very confident right now talking to Ed early last night he said that this is a different situation now we're not building for the futures a lot of people might think we want to win now and that's the type of attitude the Chuck box gives the ballclub and that's why he's been so successful in turning around programs under six minutes to go first in camp Los Angeles down to keep the clock running did here was he forced out of balance out he got out he went out of Bounce his feet slipped and went all the way to the white marker you can see Cleveland Gary trying to get down in bounds and keep that clock unraveling but it stops at 5:42 this is what you're talking about fern as he gets outside of the numbers he's only got 12 yards to go to the sidelines and he goes into his hook slide here and he can't get down before his feet around about an excellent call by the second and 13 first down at the 41 catch is made by Pat Carter the tight end and another characteristic Massey plays Sam PZ coached offenses get tied in on the down and out route Kellen Winslow caught a thousand of them when he played with me as a charger Sam PC loves that pass because it's just water pass to your tight end and one if the quarterback has time very easily [Applause] those [Applause] and he shot to the 43-yard line as we approach the four-minute mark now you guys start thinking about the Cowboys on offense and what they need the only need three points that's a plus in their favor button they only have two timeouts to work with and they'll probably have to spend those two on defense second down and eight right now and Tim Lester comes into the backfield Cleveland Gary will rest for a play one more chance Clark is under 4 minutes 24:23 second down behind David lang and he makes the catch what is down that give the Rams a first down Lange was tackled at the 50 but there's going to be a face mask all it was a great catch by Lange and it's definitely a face mask out the question is is it a 15-yard violation or is it just five yards [Applause] Facemash just irska [Applause] Ken Norton jr. guilty this is a fantastic one-handed catch Laing and that's an inadvertent penalty against Norton but he's got to let it go he held on to the facemask an instant too long and that's why the extra 10 was added to the penalty [Applause] first down [Applause] by Tony Casillas at the 35 3:31 remaining in the ball game Steve young just hit Brent Jones in 46 seconds to go and the 49ers lead the Saints by one I was talking to coach zambezi about these two ball clubs and how they compared to the Cowboys you say well Cowboys are better team than both the San Francisco and New Orleans because they have a better defense in San Francisco and they have a better offense than New Orleans deuk-gu 57 remaining in the game [Applause] set up the pack that is really a flag is down [Applause] offside Dallas [Applause] you you there coach obviously saw something that he felt had been called in his favor his read caching [Applause] FAFSA details from the until now the biggest play in this game was a defensive holding call made on Ken Norton jr. on what was a punt that gave the Rams new life here's the offside call [Applause] the call Cleveland Gary and don't you know the Cowboys aware of his problems in pumping last week are going to the football path you've got to start thinking about calling a timeout before there's two-minute warning so they could get in effect three timeouts instead of just four - they have left but they got to start thinking about how we're going to stop this team the Rams on third down something we came into the game doing better than anybody in the history of the game had done 15 seconds on the shot clock so the Cowboys apparently will not stop the clock before the Rams call the play it's third and two incomplete Thomas Everett defending Jim Price the intended receiver [Applause] one in 59 remaining the Rams lead by one at Tony's end de Haas is coming on the field [Music] Cowboys came in with the best record of the National Football League and they may be squandering an opportunity to move well out in front of Washington and Philadelphia both those teams lost today mouths and de Haas is going to try and increase the RAM lead on fourth [Applause] Tony's in de Haas is two for two in the fourth quarter the Rams lead by four the Cowboys will get the ball back when we return [Music] [Applause] back in Texas Stadium in Irving we welcome those of you who were watching that thrilling San Francisco New Orleans game where the 49ers wanted buy one on the Brent Jones catch we have a 27 23 game the Rams having fallen behind 23 21 I killed the Barton park return for a touchdown have gotten the back to the back field goals from Tony's in dejas the the Cowboys will get it back and they have two timeouts left here's Kelvin Martin at the town down he'll kick off coverage provided by Scott Steven and white [Applause] with that field-goal button sende Osen what's the lead up to four points so that means Eggman has to go the entire distance for a touchdown he'll be working with just two timeouts but watch for Michael Irvin he's been the big playmaker for the Cowboys all year long and know he's going to be the focus of the Rams attention again today six catches for 134 yards for Michael Irvin no shotgun [Applause] by Michael Irvin his scent he came so close to go bounce to stopping the clock but he didn't get it done nice job of like jumping on top of over 40 [Applause] before the game we talked about the weapons this offense has you've got a tight end that's leading the NFC and receptions in Novacek you've got a guy at wide receiver an Earthman who's averaging twenty yards a catch but you cannot forget about Emmitt Smith in this situation as well very dangerous out of the backfield the first time he played against the Rams he cut passes totaling over a hundred yards receiving second down and four David Martin first down at the ramp 49 yard the Cowboys will have to use one of their timeouts now so they will have one remaining 1:14 left in regulation the Los Angeles Rams have come in to Texas Stadium and they are trying to stop the cowboy winning streak at home at 11 1:14 remaining this game presented by authority of the National Football League and the CBS telecast is intended to the private use of our audience and he rebroadcast whether used to the stealth Kent consented CBS the Rams the Cowboys [Applause] Alvin Harper the intended receiver it'll be second and ten well with half a field to go Aikman wants all of it in this very first play after the timeout it's that post pattern and again it's just about two inches too far Harper can't make the grab but who can blame him with number 41 Todd light all over his back earlier today the Redskins lost Philadelphia lost the Cowboys coulda gone up by three or could it they're picked up by marks and he advances the ball to the 47 yard line Kevin green Palala the fumble [Applause] the important thing now is that the clock continues to run and step not skis advance the ball has to go back to where Eggman fumbled it final two minutes and easily anew the man who fumbles has to pick it up [Applause] they've been accustomed in Clark at the 33 - it's got to get up and just drill this ball on the ground to stop the clock doesn't want to use that last timeout just yet he sure is he's not going to drop it in the ground he's gonna go for regular play [Applause] well I think that's a big mistake by Eggman about 14 seconds elapsed yeah [Applause] you like his style going for a regular play but that just took too much time the important thing is this 20 seconds here and as you said fern about 14 seconds went off the play clock he could have saved perhaps half of that it'll be second down and ten and the Cowboys do have the one timeout left [Applause] as he lets it go it comes to the near side for Novacek and it would be third or damn ten now that pocket was collapsing around him good job by Robert Young that time like he was right in the face of Aikman as he steps up in the pocket Young is 76 working against Newton and he's right on top of a demon and causes the incompletion [Applause] and tents in the 33 [Applause] 27:23 Rand's lead [Applause] and immediately signal for time with 8 second they might ask more time be put back on the clock because he as soon as he hits the ground secures the pass he's calling timeout what a fantastic catch by Michael Irvin and heads up to get the clock stopped and we'll have to see if the officials get him the Cowboys one or two or maybe even three seconds [Music] so I Jimmy Johnson asked for eight seconds and that's when I noticed that he signaled her ass for the time out he requested it at the eight second mark but they apparently are not going to put the two seconds back on it's great when a player lives up to his nickname Michael Irvin likes to call himself and other people starting to call him the playmaker as well when you need a big play [Applause] come up with it and that's where everybody is this inner can they run to in six seconds I tell you what this has got to be it awful tough to get to quality pass plays in just six seconds [Applause] for those of you expecting to see 60 minutes here a second away you're watching the NFL on CBS and the game between the Los Angeles Rams in the Dallas Cowboys I've heard Lundqvist along with Dan Fouts our score 27-23 60 minutes will be seen in its entirety immediately following this game West Coast and the mountains [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and among other things the Dallas Cowboys lead the field with a in their pocket and the third NFC failed to lose today following Washington and Philadelphia they had a chance to go up three on those two teams it's lost on the road the Eagles lost on the road the Cowboys lose at home
Channel: Bart Simpson
Views: 28,750
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Id: unK2UR4Xdkw
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Length: 143min 32sec (8612 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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