1989 review + pregnancy cravings

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hello welcome to the Vlog we've got an exciting Vlog for you guys this time hey guys I don't know how to intro a vlog apparently um but what's up we do have an exciting Vlog I guess we are going to the baby list showroom right now to get some stuff for the baby and also I'm working with them and so I'm gonna make a Tik Tok dabbling and Tik Tok these days I wanted to mention that I love watching Tik toks and like Vlog Tik toks and stuff and so I thought it'd be fun to like make some of those as well would you be interested in watching those Cody's coming with me but he's taking a separate car cuz he has to go somewhere else after we're going to go to lunch and then he's going to go somewhere else after so we're going to San Francisco tomorrow because you guys know I've mentioned this a million times but my best friend Elizabeth she was pregnant and she had her baby so we're going to meet her baby and then also another one of my best friends Jenna lives in San Francisco also and she also had her baby and they both told me that they were pregnant at my wedding it was very exciting I'm really really excited about that and Cody's DJing some party tomorrow night not tomorrow night Friday night like a little costume party so we're going to get dressed up it's just going to be a fun ass Vlog fun ass Vlog [ __ ] fav we're together again and I'm always happy to be with you guys I'm wearing a full-on crop top to the baby showroom belly just hanging out and I really wouldn't have it any other way we left like an hour ahead of time and it's going to take like an hour 40 minutes to get there so yeah that's really all I have for you I am a bit starving didn't have too much to eat this morning I had a string cheese and one of these fruit sauce Crushers from Trader Joe's I love these so much but this this is my first time trying the mango one and I didn't love the texture this one was like too pasty baby's moving around as soon as I started vlogging so he is also excited for the Vlog and it's just all around an exciting time 1 2 3 good morning morning we went to the baby list showroom yesterday and I'm going to make a whole Tik Tok about it so you'll see what it was actually like inside um but it was great I feel like we learned a lot right definitely we learned like about car seats and strollers and all of these things that we definitely need to know about yeah there's so much [ __ ] that you can buy it's crazy yeah I mean it was a little overwhelming cuz sometimes like I would just see like things like there's like a bouncer for the car it's like do you need that what I also saw like a a bottle sterilizer for the car what kidding oh I was like what car section were you in the Pimp My Ride section of [ __ ] baby L now we're on our way to the airport like I said we're going to San Francisco for like a day and a half so there was the the one thing where she was like talking about the car seat and she was like infants have to face away from you have to face the back of the car yeah and you're like is there a mirror that we can attach to the seat she like yes we have plenty of those and she points over her Section I'm like how do how like I didn't even think of that like that is such such a random Niche thing like I want to see my baby in the reflection cuz they're turned away so we need a mirror for the it's actually head the back seat it makes sense total sense but there was one of those mirrors with a bottle sterilizer in it stop we'll figure it all out don't don't worry it's going to be fine I'm actually like really excited to start like getting the nursery ready and like really setting up because like time is a ticking I am 29 weeks so and my sister just had her baby yeah Cody's sister just had her baby yesterday we are officially Auntie and Uncle yep okay let's go to San Francisco [Music] hi that was like nails on a chalkboard wasn't it we got back from San Francisco a couple days ago I just went and recorded a podcast with Ally Colbert I was on her podcast a long time ago she came on Circle time now she has a new podcast and I just went on it and it was so fun she is like so [ __ ] funny and easy to talk to I don't want to to my own horn but I was on time now I just went and picked up a smoothie and I ordered some groceries last night and timed it perfectly to when I'd be able to pick them up today and so they're ready to be picked up and I'm right by Whole Foods the first thing I get is a chunk makes me actually want to cry see this that's a chunk we're just going to power through swallowed I need to sack up and I needed to learn how to drink a chunk also when I got here there was just a swarm of bees like just a huge swarm of bees flying around and I thought it was flies either way like didn't need to walk through it but like I was like oh it's just like little fruit flies or something they were bees and I fully wed walked through an entire swarm of bees and I made it out the other side there were bees everywhere there were bees in the smoothie place and then there were bees I had to walk through them again when I was leaving I went around a little bit but they were still everywhere I didn't really get many groceries I just got like a couple things for dinner tonight going to have BLTs cuz we got some really good teas at the farmers M they were selling ht's heirloom tomatoes I like two fixation pregnant meals right now are cottage cheese on toast and apple dip so like it could be worse oh my God we're home here's a little grocery haul bump date by the way here's what we got this is the cottage cheese I like delish a little milk some cheese good snack my favorite yogurt for my apple dip some iceberg lettuce for sandwiches tonight bacon my got like whole grain bread for like my toast but I got some white bread for the sandwiches tonight apples to dip in my apple dip that's [Music] it hi I'm trying to talk very calmly because chili is laying on the couch and I don't want to alarm him with the camera and the vlogging cuz we know that he tends to get scared and leave the room but hello back in the kitchen um I recorded my podcast this morning at had a guest on Sophie Ansari came on she's a host on the Pod crushed podcast and she was so fun to talk to she's also So Pregnant and it was a very fun episode so had a great time um and now I'm going to have lunch cuz I'm starving we didn't end up having BLTs last night that's why you never saw them but I'm going to have my cottage cheese toast multigrain bread oh oh he's exiting the [Music] room why does he ha remember when I was like trying out cottage cheese and I wasn't sure if I liked it I was very desperate for food one day and I just like needed something and the only thing we had in the fridge was cottage cheese and I was like [ __ ] it I'm trying this again so I just like made toast with cottage cheese on it and like put some spices on it and loved it I usually do a little salt pepper onion powder and garlic powder I'm going to do a little bit of this drizzling drizzling the drizzle version of the graza olive oil it be 30 weeks in a few days and probably by the time you're watching this I'll be like 3132 this is what I do to um this what I do to cool off the toast after it gets out of the toaster because I don't like putting the cold cottage cheese on the hot toast let's [Music] Assemble [Music] there's the final product it's not the most glamorous looking meal but it hits the spot and you know what else hits the spot [ __ ] Gilmore Girls that's what I'm watching right now and I'm loving it I mean I've watched the whole thing before but like not enough to like I still get surprised by things like I only watched it one other time like all the way through so I'm just loving it so let's go watch you're on the RO [Music] dinner time eating dinner and it just looks like I'm sitting by myself housing a Domino's Pizza which is not wrong I guess that is kind of what's Happening Here Cody did also eat and he finished he got cheesy bread well we got cheesy bread and pizza but then I was like more like leaning towards the pizza and he was like really enjoying the cheesy bread so he kind of just ate all the cheesy bread or whatever he wanted of it and I'm eating the pizza and Domino's it's just been something I've been really craving lately which is so funny because for like majority of my pregnancy pizza made me want to throw up a lot sounded so gross but I really honestly think it's Ranch Domino's specific Ranch that I've been craving more than anything and I swear Domino's Ranch is different than regular Ranch I think I'm going to have some apple dip for dessert this water bottle is everything to me iron flask is the brand half a gallon and this is really just my life now I'm trying to schedule a million podcast episodes so that I can batch record for my maternity leave that I am taking and so that's what I've been doing like all day and it is kind of stressing me out because I just like reaching out to people makes me so uncomfortable cuz I'm like hey don't worry if you don't want to totally fine but like I just get so awkward but I think like the reaching out and the scheduling part is the most stressful but then like once I have it all organized and like I know what's going on I'll feel better I've like done what I could now I'm waiting to hear back from people so I've decided to make myself a treat and that treat is my apple dip this is all that goes into my apple dip This Yogurt Skippy mini semisweet chocolate chips they have to be the mini ones because I I liked only like little bites of it and pumpkin pie spice and I have my apples so let's make this oh and honey honey there is no Rhyme or Reason to anything that I use here like you could literally do whatever you want I see people put granola in it oh my God that was so much honey that was a lot apple dip apple dip you have the apples then you have the dip and then you just dip the apples in the apple dip and it's so delicious and the beauty of it is that like it's really just like a little treat and you don't need to eat it with the apples so if you run out of apples but you still have dip you can just shovel it into your mouth with a spoon oh yeah that's apple dip that is Apple dick I'm going to go eat all this now hi guess where we are say with me in the car we are driving to a Chargers game we're going to watch the Chargers charge through the Bears through the field towards the Bears demolishing them in their path we have a little bit of a drive so we have some uh road trip snacks these are Cody got these from a place called fatty Mart in um Culver City in Los Angeles and there're these really good sweet potato chips I want to show you guys this Nelly's protein bars I'm loving this into my choose Taylor Swift just released 1989 Taylor's version couple few days ago I have been waiting to listen I have not listened to any of it and I've been waiting to listen with Cody because I listen to the red Taylor's version with him speak now and now 1989 and we're going to get his reactions I really am excited for him to listen to 1989 all the way through I think he's going to absolutely love it here is Cody's review of 1989 Taylor's version oh I'm so excited to hear this do you know anything about 1989 I know it's got you got that James look is true do you know what that song's called uh style mhm and I just saw someone on Tik Tok like ripping on it because she didn't sing it very hard or something apparently people are not liking this version here we go the first one Welcome to New York Welcome to New York we just finished Welcome to New York what do you rate it really an eight love it it's a great song I think it's such a great song I think it's such a great song I'm happy you liked it super solid okay next up you're going to recognize this one all right just finished Blank Space Cody eight another eight solid I loved it got a little emotional there for a second started tearing up as as I was listening to it the bridge that song hits only want love if it's t that was good thank you okay next up is style let's see what all of you guys are being unkind about is this about hairy style that's the singular of Harry Styles by the way yes if he's just alone it's Harry Style think he's ever alone [Music] down never out all right 10 I mean I'm going to come out and say I think this version is better the Tik Tok I saw that was someone like making fun of it because she just like went in the studio and was just like really I didn't hear that at all though neither it just like fits the mood of the song like okay what's next Out of the Woods Out of the Woods one out of 10 probably another seven honestly I didn't have much appreciation for Out of the Woods actually until later in life um it's a good one I really like it now I don't know if anyone remembers this but do you guys did does anyone remember when the guy I think his name is Ryan Adams he covered the whole album like 1989 like he did all Co like he covered every single song on it I always really liked his version of Out of the Woods better cuz it was like kind of depressing that made me appreciate the lyrics but now I appreciate the whole of the song all you had to do is stay o this is a good one oh you you had to do was Stay N nine nine nine yeah this album [ __ ] rocks like is this her best album I'm like so genuinely excited there's no skips let's see what's next oh Shake It Off take it off it's going to have to be another nine oh my goodness I think I think Scooter Braun would like that one [Music] that's how good that was I think scooter listen to that be like this is pretty far all right next up I wish you would I wish you would as a seven I like the I wish you were right here right now that a bad part I like the bridge of that song a lot next up is bad blood she also Kendrick Lamar also re-recorded his verse no way that's sick oh my God I know all right BB eight Bad Blood gets an eight from Cody next up is Wildest Dream okay I don't know how you're going to feel about this one could be the first skip on the whole thing let's run it wow this [Music] streams 9 and a half oh my God you're not lying no I'm not cuz and like normally like I don't like slow songs yeah that's why I was concerned I think slow songs typically is Girl music and boy music is more like you know what I mean like girl dinner sure like he got Shivers oh my God he got Shivers next up is how you get the girl which is actually personally one of my favorite songs on 1989 that song is so [ __ ] good so good that's that's a d you know I was listening to that song the other day and I was like that might be the song that I play to my belly this next one is a slow is a slow jam oh no he it's this love uh five five that's okay it wasn't bad though I mean it wasn't like horrible as far as slow songs slow songs go like I I probably would skip it okay I wouldn't listen to that again by choice ever again no who I like that part yeah okay next is I Know Places [Music] six six okay I don't like open my phone and turn it on but if it comes on I'll listen to it no good next is clean I really really love this song okay this is one of my favorites C I think that's like a 6.8 yeah 6.8 that was really good you can hear like I like the production a lot little like all right so we finished up to clean now we're going to go to the game and then we'll listen to the rest on the way home this album [Music] rules charge [Music] on all right we're back in the car the Chargers believe it or not charged I totally see why they call them the Chargers y bolt up I'm still a little charged up from the game I'm hungry do you want to stop it McDonald's would you eat something no I'm not hungry but see it's like so not fun for me to like sit and just eat McDonald's while you like stare at me we were both hungry so we've gone through the original 1989 because it ended with clean I remember and then they came out with the deluxe Verge and that's the songs we're going to get into now along with From the Vault tracks next up Wonderland Wonderland wait Wonderland 6 and A2 6 and 1 half not a big Wonderland guy no what that's good next up we got you are in love oh jeez this one's a little bit of a slow it's good though I love this song okay I love that song I think it's a five a five it's a it's a beautiful song but slow slow yeah all right the next one I think is new Romantics here we go all right let's get into it R 5 and a half oh my God see okay this is the thing I think he's tired now no not really I mean I'm I had like a full rock star so I'm kind of like turned up right now I like the ones that I know it sound it sounded the most unlike her usual style I will say that okay now we might be getting into the Vault tracks so for the vault tracks I've never heard these either okay this one's [ __ ] it's called [ __ ] [ __ ] okay sorry the lighting is getting worse and worse but um we just finished [ __ ] I'm kind of a [ __ ] for that song I kind of am it pretty good I think it was a 5.9 I actually really liked it I think I'm going like eight on that really yeah obviously she wrote These like back in the day and like like the line that's like if they call me a [ __ ] it might be worth it for once that's clever I like that and also like if we're going to be drunk or if I'm going to be drunk I might as well be drunk in love if I'm all dressed up they might be they might as well be looking at us that's that all right I'll bump it up to a six okay for the lyrics next Vault track say don't go go 6.4 I'm going seven these are some good Vault tracks so far the next is now that we don't talk now eight nine yeah that was a fantastic song now that we don't talk also short no bridge I I liked this the style of it same that was a cool song and the melody was [ __ ] awesome and the like whole like the lyrics and everything that was really good I'm very impressed okay next Suburban Legends Suburban Legend uh four I would say five no six it didn't stick out but next is is it over now uh I don't know is it oh nice got me I'm kind of freaking really you liked it that much I really liked that one I thought it was like a six oh my God I'm going like 95 wow like that and my toes are like curled up in my shoe right now like that is like those I mean the lyrics it's so like quintessential Taylor Swift like it's so good yeah what she's saying wow I really liked that one I love when like one song like alludes to another almost she said like uh when you lost control red blood white snow it's like the same car accent that she's talking about and Out of the Woods oh and like it I I just I just love that a lot of the Vault tracks don't bring that out of me okay so we're going to listen to Bad Blood with Kendrick Lamar those Vault tracks were probably my favorite Vault tracks that is it we just listened to Kendrick's version I love it love the fact that he re-recorded it I'm going to give it 10 out of 10 what did I give the original I think you gave like an eight then an eight and a half um that was great that was whole album 7.9 7.9 yeah 8.2 that was really fun thank you for doing that with me no problem let us know what you think yeah let us know your thoughts um on our thoughts I'm excited for this when we do this for reputation all right well thank you for watching this Taylor Swift [Music] review
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 255,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kelsey kreppel, cody ko, comedy, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen
Id: 863MLt4Mtbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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