We're Back to Cabin Life!

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welcome back to Eamon and Bec's Channel we  are completely unedited and raw now we were   going to do a cool intro but we're doing  this one instead we're going to the cabin [Music] [Music] 3our ride with a teething baby at bedtime  this should be fun a budy the whole kid thing when   you're packing up not to be underestimated I have  a super serious question for you why do we ever   have a kid no did you brush your teeth today I  feel like as a mom I literally it'll be like 10:   p.m. I'm like well didn't brush my teeth  this morning or last night I don't think   I did Rush exactly hi bud you ready to go to your  favorite place in the whole world you're all good [Music] rolling just to catch you up aan and I bought a  cabin back in 2020 and spent a couple of years   renovating it and living there fulltime but when  we found out we were pregnant we decided to move   back to the city where we're from and live in a  Triplex with my brother his partner and their baby   girl and Aman's dad Bob so it's it's a really  fun situation we have we have a beautiful home   in Toronto where we can be with community and our  baby and then we've got nature on the other side   of a 3-hour drive 3 and 1/2 3 and 1/2 climing  we finally got an electric car and this is our   first trip going to the cabin so hopefully we  got the range it's saying we'll arrive with 63k   remaining which is not a great window we should  have more than that oh and I weigh a ton [Music] we just stopped at the gas station not  to get gas but to uh change some gassy   diapers also update on the Range things  are doing well I guess nobody cares we're   good a loves his new car but hour and 20  yeah house forgot about you guys [Music] oh my god look how long the grasses  oh my God we can't even get into   the house have to catch you guys in the  morning and show you around good night morning good boy good morning what a  peaceful sleep up here feels so good   to be home but I woke up with my mind  like ah we used to live here fulltime   and it felt like a full-time job to just keep  the place running and things not broken and so   I think we should make a daddy do list for Daddy  aan today he'll love it don't worry he loves Daddy   do list these lists used to take us like half a  day to complete I think I'll give him four days   four full days it's okay Bubba good job does  anybody else kid need a full-on bath after breakfast oh no oh no every morning Starts  with Food scream bath reset okay monkey   let's put on a new outfit oh my gosh  we need help okay where's your binky   all right I'm going to cut that  for you all right super mom's on   duty it's time to do a little bit of lawn  maintenance by a little bit I mean a lot of it leave it no hey all done let me see like Al all [Music] [Applause] done like let me see like [Music]  [Applause] [Music] like Hello   darling we could call this episode from  City Slickers to Hillbillies honestly   look at you you completely change your  personality when we get here I little [Music] yeah all right now we'll head  up to the top you know when it comes to   lawn care a lot of dads or moms out there  got a system I don't have a system never   really been taught so don't judge me on my  on my pattern just going to go for [Music] it might as well get a drone [Music] shot might need to mow this thing twice  this morning aan was like we got to get up   I have so much work to do but honestly find me a  happier version of aan this work is to play loves it meanwhile Frankie and I are on watering  the garden Duty for those of you who have   been here for a while do you remember the  lee tree she is booming all my other plants   are like in need of some work and help  and water and life Lee is just so feisty   it's amazing we're all happy to be back but  nobody is happier than this guy [Applause]   I'm sure all parents can relate but I can't  even remember a time when just watering the   garden wasn't the crowning achievement of a  day that is a productive day who's my happy girl did you already have lunch oh where's your dad aan oh it looks amazing  I'm going to put this down okay I would hate   to give anyone a false impression  of Parenthood for us this is what   it looks like in our house right now yeah  I'm supposed to put that away this has to   go away just is what it is how it goes need  to smoke tofu oh and the camera's on an angle I miss the old a and be I know life is way  better with you Frankie smoked tofu spinach   cucumber on like a super healthy  wrap that has no gluten no Dairy no flavor mama knows how to make a rrap  Frankie I miss this view I know it was   crazy cuz we haven't seen this view since  last summer like this delicious wow hold on last year was the first year I did the  plumbing myself oh so hopefully I did   it right I took that apart that's good  there we go you know you're supposed   to blow it the lines didn't have a  compressor didn't do that probably   going to be a disaster hopefully not  okay one two now let's check outside so now that all the valves are off  as long as we don't hear any other water yes did someone say boat ride  family boat ride props the boat ride   is actually a boat rescue mission our docks  disappeared then we're going to put these   ones on top of these ones and anchor it  out there [ __ ] go wrong it's good or enough oh yeah Frankie's first  boat ride oh no here [Music] [Music] mama let me just check the gas cuz that   would be a disaster oh my God this is  so much fun some gas yeah I don't know [Music] like why is she so [Music] upset maybe we'll  go see if we can find the dog first and then   drop us off okay we didn't find the docks  just turns out it's going to be a really   big mission and the kid doesn't really want  that's what they call mission fail part one   you're going to go back out right yeah I'm  bringing the boys are going to go do it all   right give us some credit some love for trying  also come on buddy we're going for a mish that's   definitely one but that's not the one with the  SEO docks that are supposed to be floating on   top but we'll come back for that one hey you  haven't seen any docks floating around have   you no okay yeah baby that's a wow they look  super sunken huge shout out to whoever grabbed   them for me someone must have tied them up  here just wonder how well they're going to tow very hard to steer it's going  to be a long night buddy Buckle [Applause] in yeah just spent the last 20  minutes redoing all the lines it wouldn't   pull straight so I ended up going with a  v found a carabiner so that should slide   based on where I want to turn and then I  connected it right to the corner of the   dock all those years of sailing finally  going to pay off we just unlocked the   ability to turn we're still going slow  but slow and steady wins the [Music] race made it home it is is 3: in the afternoon and we've  accomplished not a whole lot Frankie was up   at 4:00 it's just been one of those days but it's  all good this afternoon we're going to move our   sauna up to a usable patcha land explain it's the  Habit Hut yeah yeah so we use this for events for   habit make sure you follow us here to find an  event near you um but in the summer we don't do   as many events with the H sauna obviously so we  stole it at the cottage and I don't think we've   told you yet but we have some visitors coming up  tomorrow so it'll be fun to have it like ready   to go and we can coold Plunge in the lake and  oh shh I got you she seems so big oh Fri this   beauty used to max out the Bronco but this guy  can do 11,000 lb it would have been good to have back can you call Rebecca [ __ ] sorry  I couldn't tell what contact you wanted   to call you can add this contact in the Alexa  app on your phone when it's safe to do so call   my sweet sweet love Rebecca [ __ ] sorry  I couldn't tell which contact you wanted   to call you can add this contact in the Alexa  app on your phone when it's safe to do so hey Siri hey Siri [Music] I think that's good for now feel  like it's difficult to capture how   cool a kid is in video especially  when you see just tiny Snippets of   her but Frankie is just so cool she  loves being outside she's gigg she's exploring and she just teaches me so much every  single day let me show them how good you are in   tummy time my favorite part about being a mom  is just being reminded that the biggest gift   you can give someone is your presents all she  wants is for me to hang out with her look her   in the eyes and and be there hi so that's what I  do she's also newly in love with Oso which is so   cute you have another good day up here big boy oh  yeah did you ever catch yourself in one of those   moments where you've dreamed of the moment and  then you realize you're living it when we built   this grass patch last summer I just felt like  it was for kids and then now here we are what   do you think of it we built it for you you're  [Music] sleepy where morning everyone I don't   know we weren't even planning on filming but  it's just too cute to see my daughter and my   partner Sitting on the Dock of the Bay good  morning Bubba good morning uh-oh I dropped   my toe this is the uhoh song uh-oh Frankie  there's no Jolly jumping on the edge of the Box she loves the water Where's My Girl [Music] this is everything right here my whole world so today you're coming to me it feels so  good to be home for so many reasons but one of   them is just this connection with nature and how  easy it feels to be healthy when living at the   cabin we don't have access to Uber Eats even  though I love that in the city and just being   outside all day makes me feel great I keep up  with my daily habit of ag1 so big thanks to ag1   for sponsoring today's video you guys have heard  me talk about them for the last I think 4 years   now and there's good reasons why ag1 is backed by  science for example in a recent research study it   was shown that ag1 doubles the amount of healthy  bacteria in your gut and we all know by now   that our gut health is a predictor of our full  body Health we can cheers to that ag1 has also   inspired me to cut caffeine out of my life this  is a whole other subject we could talk about but   I'm on day nine now and I just start my day with  ag1 and I'm feeling fantastic improved energy if   anything which seems crazy but it's the truth so  I invite you to join me on a healthy habit of ag1   you can head to the link in the description box  or scan this QR code that is on screen now that   is going to get you five free travel packs as  well as a gear supply of their vitamin D3 K2   all with your first subscription welcome back it  is nearly 5 p.m. this time I really don't want   this Vlog or this episode at least to be like we  can't do anything we're parents now but it's kind   of turning into that buddy Frankie is trying to  eat everything she was trying to eat her foot I   have a clip of it Frankie you can't eat your  foot Frankie stop it Oho is this girl crazy we got our boat we're going to  take Frankie and Oso on a boat   ride Frankie's first proper boat ride I'm  bringing snacks a diaper bag and a positive [Music] attitude well the plan was to come  to the beach be but I kind of forgot   that in the spring now the water is  much higher so there is no beach okay   oh there's kind of a beach it's  a tiny Beach let's go check it out oh there goes your brother we get it  o there goes your brother we'll get it   you remember good boy so what's your favorite  part about being a dad I think just having her   smile at you yeah it's just like a feeling you  can't really describe you know but I was just   saying to Beck like it's really surreal cuz  the last video we filmed here obviously you   were pregnant and we said you know next  time we're here we're going to have a baby and the next time we're at  this beach there will be a human   child with us she'll be here hey she'll be here today this morning I woke up and in my meditation  I had this thought how can I let in even more   happiness today and I feel like I've really  achieved it I just had such a happy boat ride just   by being more aware of of of being just by letting  in more happiness I had read this thing that said   we all have this Baseline of happiness that we're  willing to accept if that makes sense and then we   choose a thought that brings us back to like that  more neutral happiness level but you can go past   that there's always more happiness there's always  more love there's always more greatness there's   always more abundance you know I don't know I  just I just wanted to feel more happiness today   Beck has been spitting knowledge and this is all  going to be super exciting for our podcast that's   coming back very very shortly when you're up  against death and you're like I used to scroll on   that app for hours I was afraid of not having any  money I was afraid of not losing you I was afraid   of not having a Comm Community I was afraid of not  having purpose I do not want to Vlog anymore I do   not want to take shots of this anymore and there  he is the comments were where's Beck why aren't   you guys being more honest it's all out there stop  speculating you've changed you know you've changed   your mind you've changed the way you think this  freaking question card game is so intense maybe   like a month from when this goes out and uh so  yeah subscribe reroot basically everywhere you   get your podcast and yeah this is just blowing  my mind every single day so excited to share   it with you I'm just learning baby I'm just  blooming I don't know yeah you're just warming up it's just been one of those perfect  days here and Frankie was easy to get to   bed which was great and we're just  enjoying the sunset barbecuing and   waiting on our guests they also have a kid  so it just takes a while to travel to us   pause the video guess who is on their way to us  anyone who's correct gets my love just kidding my   love's Not conditional you can have it all of  you can have it back to playing [Music] music   yeah this house is so cute are you joining  us for dinner I am okay we missed it we were   supposed to get a shot of our guests arriving  but they just kind of appeared on our deck stay down stay down down stay down let me do this he loves you oh no are you okay oh my God Oho Oho  that is not okay that is not okay I'm   sorry I totally stole this but hello guys  hello Rya Louie Neo anybody doesn't know   who these Legends are and we've got a whole  week together I know so happy I just turned   on the camera just cuz I thought Neo was on  the table but he wants to be on the table yeah this is a great test  for you guys to know what   you need to Baby proof yeah we'll learn quickly exactly all right we'll see you tomorrow good morning everyone we are the early morning  crew Frankie Oso and I we just gonna go for a   morning walk so we don't disturb the rest of the  cabin it's been a few days since we picked up the   camera we've had an awesome time just kind of  puttering around showing Ryan Louie around and   we had an amazing pizza night last night ooh  the last pizza of course is perfect and it's   been great to have some beautiful energy in the  home home we realized that we've never spent alone   time with Ry and Lou while we've hung out a couple  of times and really enjoyed each other's company   it's been really nice just to have the four of  us and our children together but you and Lou   the energy you bring to the exact same interest  is so cute and special we were saying you guys   are like six-year-old boys it feels like we're  just watching you on the playground just like   oh check out my toys it's so cute this morning  I am working on letting go of fear something   that's come up a lot for me lately and I guess  I wanted to ask you guys what's something that   you have some fear around you might not even  recognize it because it's so subconscious and   can you do something today to just let go  of that a little bit more that's what we're   working on we're working on it we're working on  it oh oh we're working on it we working on it oh oh sit wait can you wave ey okay you ready for your nap okay nap time for  one time to get up for the other cheers Mama's   out there oh my God I'm so sorry I didn't  know I was filming the whole time I've put   her down for a nap my my gosh good morning  Neo hi you guys have to teach me how you get   a kid to sleep in till 9 a.m. get them to  go to bed at 1 a that'll work huh morning   everyone just a slow morning coffees chai is  being made what are you up to dad hi hi uh I   just woke up so I don't know all right  here's the breakfast setup courtesy of   Beck today and we've got a little friend here  special visitor little friend wait why is she   small and we're big is that normal having  to oh there we go that was weird [Music] y all the time this Vlog is  going to be super random I guess quick add way to start the day well uh great  ending to the Vlog here friends it's the third   year in a row our buddy Oso and Mr Porky have  met and embraced come on man third year in a row Oso oh so you know the drill huh this guy he  knows we're leaving now Oho we're heading to   Kingston we got Oso in the back he's  being a good boy and hopefully we'll   grab some food down we're about an hour away  this qus are crazy you're going to be okay I know is this in K light weight 50ft 49.1 you're  sharp thanks have a good one 1 hour later Lou and   I just went for a nice little mandate downtown  we're going to go grab the boy he's going to   be like you stumbling out of the bar at 19 yeah  oh we probably would have been friends back then   too yeah yeah hi buddy you been good boy come here  oh it's okay buddy you happy now he looks so much   happy it's good boy Lou getting new subscribers  I'm get I'm getting you some as well bro   at least four today and this is this is them oh  thank you very much ladies have a great day no   problem no more eating also come here come on  it's okay also also wait wait wait wait okay   come on come on oh it's okay I can try I can  try it's okay no no should we lower it let's   hit lower we're going to lower the car for  oo Isn't that cool interesting how it does   it like in stages come on come on come on  come on yeah good boy oh what an adventure   right success Tummy Time Tummy Time tummy  [Music] time we've had an awesome few days   with Rya and Lou just showing them around it's  amazing because Louie is literally aiming so   they get on so well and Ry and I have so many  similarities and just love them the same things   but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging  I feel like the dock project is what we've   been about you all back to normal since your  incident buddy he's scared of the stick but or   is it a snake and I should be scared well  like half of these barrels are definitely flooded I guess maybe snow weight  pushed the barrels down even more   filled up with water and now these  guys are totally full of water all done I'm just going to uh try and get the water  out of these things oh [ __ ] that was on is that bad light's still on do I use it definitely not going to be able to reuse  this see full of water really going electrocute myself I see it wanting to [Applause] lift it is pouring rain Ry and Lou have packed up  and they are headed back to New York they're on   their way it has been just the most amazing few  days together we've accomplished nothing I think   I'll give them 4 days but the most important  thing which is just being parent so it's been   great to banter with each other and learn from  each other and see Neo only a few stages ahead   of where Frankie is going to be so soon and  just beautiful to have friends all around the   world miss you already thanks so much for hosting  and oh it's going so special see you later a love   you R okay see you later go bye bye guys we love  you we've probably forgotten something definitely
Channel: Eamon & Bec
Views: 794,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eamon and bec, emon and bec, bec and eamon, eamon and bec cabin, cabin in the woods, cabin life, eamon and bec living situation, eamon and bec life update, raya and louis, eamon and bec raya and louis, eamon and bec and frankie, eamon and bec baby
Id: N8eanZsd9o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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