1985 week 10 Jets at Dolphins

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extremely happy with what his jets have been able to do in the first half of the season but doesn't want what happened to the last half of the season to happen to them again this year they only won one game in the last half of 1984 the Jets will get the ball first wide release will kick with the wind New York won the first game in the at Giants Stadium 23 to 7 it comes down to Bobby Humphrey and he 20 who's Alex Moyer a rookie from Northwestern ken O'Brien brings the Jets on the field Freeman McNeill the NFL's number-one rusher just shy of a thousand Tony Paige the big fullback veteran Wesley Walker altoon is starting today Curt stone is ill and we may see him but he was very ill prior to the game the tight end Schuler their leading receiver Billy shields is starting at left tackle for the injured Reggie McElroy Sweeney fields Alexander and Powell on that front line for the New York Jets that's McNeil and motion O'Brien comes out throwing as a gain of about seven or eight is rocky cleaver cleaver from Montana the second tight end as the Jets open with a double tight end the white jersey miami dolphins have a front three of duck betters playing a solid season again a Pro Bowler Mike Charles on the nose questionable Kimbo campers been injured the linebackers Brzezinski ship Brown the leading tackler and you green from Tampa Bay we'll give you the back for after this play McNeal first aerial photo and O'Brien was able to pounce on it at the 25 O'Brien after the handoff to McNeil was the right man in the right spot able to bounce on that loose ball as Doug betters made the hip McNeil still wearing that heavy pad for his ribs he's injured in the ribs he gets that football it looked like he just didn't get it tucked away the ball falling free as you see it they're better scooting his arm in there and an alert play by Ken O'Brien to save that fumble from the 25 it's third and four turn motion Brian going long to shoulder and interference will be called against 47 Glenn Blackwood contact before the ball arrived you can see Schuler Merlin getting set to leap up but he had a man right on his heels couldn't get in the air Blackwood alertly I think stepping on the heels and hoping to get away with that move 47 people and with it the first down at the 42 looking at it from behind the quarterback the throw out to the left and watch right as this ball is approaching Blackwood will step on his shoes right oh there's the push there's a step on him actually pushed him it looked like Schuler went up early I think he may have missed timed that catch ended up with a penalty and a first down at the 42 great block by Dan Alexander to pick up the linebacker in that last pass and O'Brien [Applause] [Music] the defense running out of time and the New York Jets spend one of those precious time outs no score a minute and a half has been played there's got to be [Music] concentrate [Music] [Applause] it's not enough to do many things well you want to do one thing the best that takes determination concentration purpose your confidence everything for one thing female in the bar at EF Hutton we understand the importance of purpose we concentrate in on purpose serving the investor and that's why it is why it's been for 80 years when EF Hutton talks people listen it's a Radio Shack Merry Christmas this year I needed to give a real family pleaser honey please help me with this budget game dad please and I found it Radio Shack's color computer 2 on sale for just $88 it entertains educates manages it's expandable and affordable now that really pleases me the color computer to say bright for Christmas only at RadioShack sunsetting in the southern Florida sky could be a factor for the team's looking back at a passer into that Sun Merlin thick as they tossed the coin this is one of the few days you might have wanted to lose that toss because that guarantees you the ball in the second half and right now the team to lost the toss Miami has forced the receiver of the Jets to look back into that Sun and also Miami has the wind at its back here early in the game and it tends to die as Sun Falls O'Brien wide open Schuler Schuler who came into the game with 38 catches to lead the Jets gets an easy one there in a six yard game no one there for Miami's secondary and you see the names there of Langford Judson at the corners Blackwood and but Brown Schuler featured more and more as the Jets have gotten into the season he's playing with a sore thumb dislocated his thumb two weeks ago against the Seahawks but he doesn't seem to be bothered by that so far back from the 48 [Applause] huh Brian [Applause] leading the sack parade came into the game with four and a half you saw Jim Sweeney loses helmet trying to protect O'Brien and then O'Brien lost the yards in the sequence of activities for the quarterback O'Brien is comfortable in calling the plays he's comfortable getting to the line calling the audibles but when you lose it actually went when he loses his way when he doesn't find an open receiver he has real problems you saw right there he seems to break down at that point about 15 Freeman McNeil and at me laugh to the 46-yard line and Sweeney lost his helmet again downfield he better buckle that thing on short of the first down as Mark Brown made the tackle they lost on the previous sacks the Jets love to run in those obvious passing situations and that's a real concern for Chuck studly in his defense but they have gotten off well so far in this game veteran Dave Jennings from st. Lawrence there are his numbers on the year 42 yard average as long as 66 in deep to return Tommy bigger Ito from the University of Virginia he's inside the 15 just activated injured the first half of the year [Applause] [Music] Tony page is the up fat [Applause] Diggory no no fair catch 20 [Applause] it appears the Jets recovered at the 37 yard line a 36-yard punt 20 yard return and New York has the football [Applause] just as Don Shula had to believe that his Miami Dolphins are off to a fast start here's vigor ito breaking outside an excellent return gets good blocking on the outside looks like he's going to have a big gain and it looked like Bingham 64 that reached in and stripped that ball away rocky cleaver number 89 alertly pounced on it and the JIT offense has a second opportunity only with much better field position that's three plays early that have gone the way of the Jets the fumble that O'Brien fell on then the interference call and now cigarillo stumble jets begin at the 37 Oh Brian the McNeil [Applause] at the 23 make it the 22 freamon McNeil a 14 yard pass play Brzezinski made the tackle it's just a long hand off to McNeil he of course the outlet receiver for O'Brien who's having trouble finding open receivers downfield but only earth McNeil just accelerated through that hole blew his way down to a first down on the 20 to gets in Miami territory with a O'Brien going for six [Applause] he clapped that football can you believe the athletic talent eval tuned on that play bounced it and caught it but he was out of the endzone - trying to go over the top of william Jetson there's the number-one draft pick of the University of Wisconsin isolation on William Jetson number 49 watch tuned he waits until the last second he'll tap that ball in the air and then goes after it a second time he gets the football but he's out of the endzone that's amazing concentration acrobatic try by tuned for not bringing up second and ten [Music] and they're still scrambling Joe field seemed to have a chance of recovery in fields of veterans center does get it so that's three fumbles and we played less than four minutes and the Jets have recovered all three and that's exactly the same kind of situation when O'Brien can't find the receiver he looks like he's lost air and he gets hooked from behind a good play by the defense it looked like Dan Alexander had the first shot but Fields is the man who saved it rookie George little number 99 had a great chance at a fumble recovery couldn't pick it off thirteen Hector [Applause] is it allowed they say it was on the ground Miami was trying to call timeout to Miami Dolphin defenders trying to call timeout I don't know the reason for that Joe Walton his team has been fortunate to hang on to the pumpkin and Don Shula you know he has his club fired up five and four coming in pathway he will try a field goal out of the hold of backup quarterback Pat Ryan it'll be a 41 yard attempt blaze had a good year he's made 12 of the last 13 make that 13 of the last 14 into the wind no God [Applause] so the Jets fail from 41 [Applause] this is what a BMW computer says to attention [Music] and this is what a BMW engine does with that information [Music] you could choose Heineken solely because it's far and away Europe's favorite and Europeans know their beer or you could choose Heineken because it's far away America's number one imported beer Americans know their beer - or you can open it in port and choose it for the best of all possible reasons Heineken is the best beer in the world come to think of it I'll have a Heineken who has expanded your TV picture by new corners its RCA introducing RCA's picture window TVs sleek slender screens with full corner-to-corner picture VAR CA ingenuity and is pretty off his own new picture window TVs and new larger screen sizes from RCA technology that excites the senses [Music] America's favorite pastime returns to NBC as the nation's tough rollers battle it out for folder of the Year honors join Jay Randolph and bowler of the decade Earl Anthony for the fee be a vault or next Saturday on NBC Pat Leahy on a 13 of 14 successful straight missing from 41 yards and Miami has the football offensively for the first time ten minutes remaining first quarter [Applause] Ron Davenport drilled no game Bobby Jackson up from the corner to make the head Marino at quarterback here's the rest of the Gulf fence for the Miami Dolphins Tony Nathan the reliable all-purpose back and Woody Bennett at fullback Matt Moore the veteran all-time receiver in Miami history Mark Clayton only one touchdown catch this year Bruce Hardy is the tight end Easler had an operation on his knee arthroscopic two weeks ago he's in the starting lineup Foster all-pro center at the white Stephenson Jeff chase and the offensive line in front Lorenzo Hansen [Applause] to kilvo with plenty of health a gain of two it's third down and eight the defense of the New York Jets second only to the Giants Gastineau Klecko and Benedict of Jackson Clifton mell the leading tackler in Guilbeau made the first hit on the last play Bobby Jackson and rookie Cary Glenn at the corner is Glenn for the injured Russell Carter Kirk Springs and Johnny Leonard safety marc dopher is him for the first time as only four catches this year [Applause] forty get this one and it just say they have it but it's a huge pile at the midfield stripe Nathan just ran right out of his own grass to say that both of these teams offensively are tight is an understatement that ball bouncing around on the field as if this were a tennis match it's a 24 yard game if Miami recovers it that's a fourth fumble and we've played only six and a half minutes and they're still fighting for that ball under that pile of bodies the officials trying to go in there and nobody wants to turn loose of that ball it's a case of who has the leverage is they on file sometimes try to get back in there for the outsiders possession [Music] just a quick look at the end of that play in the fumble you see the ball bouncing on the ground several players having a chance at it Mark Clayton 83 is the man now look at he was able to dive under the pile and he came up with a ball flaky so the first fumble recovered by Miami is a very important one as they maintain possession after the long gainer 24 yards first down at their own 49 [Applause] straight ahead goes Ron Davenport the rookie from Louisville Kyle Clifton made the tackle let's run down all the scores for you the early action in this the ten the week of the season Cincinnati at least Teixeira first place in the AFC Central of 2710 win there Pittsburgh tie then with Cincinnati with its win at Kansas City the Giants have defeated the Rams only the second loss for Los Angeles two Giants Elise Teixeira first the Bears remain unbeaten 24 3 at home against the Lions 27 3 Seattle big at New Orleans 16 nothing Tampa Bay celebrates its first win of the year over the Cardinals Jetts next week Tampa Bay marita summation debts at the 44-yard line Kurt Springs made of this is here I think Springs may have hurt himself on that shot [Applause] great the trainer out quick just already playing with that Russell Carter they're normal starting right cornerback watched the hit right here Springs hot but he hit high on the body there and I think I may have pinched a nerve it's hard to tell from that shot what he did but he is not moving around very well on the ground there's a timeout with 7 minutes 17 seconds left in a scoreless first quarter [Music] direct from the future our team hits the air MFL 85 shielded from our view Kirk Springs he did not appear to be seriously or Donnie elder number 37 a rookie from Memphis State has replaced him while we have a moment let's clean up the scoreboard here the other finals New England putting pressure on the Jets Miami win a New England has to share first place Green Bay wins at Minnesota by 10 buffalo a shutout over Houston 20 to nothing and it's Philadelphia 23 Atlanta 17 to win in overtime for the Eagles [Music] at the 44 for Miami [Music] gun Moreno [Music] and so the dolphins will have to bring on the punting team Miami a team that has been tough to beat at home therefore no this year for their five wins and have lost only twice in the last twenty three two losses by the way to the Raiders last year into Buffalo earlier but Shula knows that his dolphins really are backed up against the wall you saw his quote earlier about how important this game is to them the game sensibly being played by these these two teams offensively seemed to be so tight today that ball bouncing around a lot of fumbles so far in this game neither offensive team able to get anything going so far regi Robi averaging nearly 45 a kick and Jojo towns out at the other end huge kit Bearcats at the a Robi did his job from inside their 10-yard line on a 36-yard punt Robi no score 641 left in the quarter when you're dealing with higher volumes of information and need answers fast you search everywhere for solution but finds it hard to get on top of things that's why IBM created the personal computer 18 with the power to push high performance even higher with the 80 past becomes faster and the capacity to have data becomes greater all to help put your business on solid ground the IBM personal computer 84 advanced technology [Music] until Big Brother stop Patty's Birds on his hand I was congratulating them on getting their Metropolitan Life wings metropolitan watt newbie wants to make sure that met claim checks get delivered promptly so he in developing his own squadron you expect me to believe that [Music] [Music] the affordable German road car the Volkswagen Jetta the NFL plays here when the Chargers battle Morocco's before your team takes the field our team hits the air NFL 85 Kurt Springs leaving the field bruised thigh and bruised arm and that collision earlier in this first period New York Jets start from just outside their 8 yard line they had driven deep after the fumble recovery on punt return but miss on a 41-yard Wesley walked under the right shoulder and motion I am two-tone and the rookies open at 2:30 [Applause] altoon all the way I am e47 big Jets play [Music] dropping down to look at that play from behind the quarterback O'Brien O'Brien gets a good fake here it holds the defense in place gives him extra time to look for the open receiver does a good job of delivering that ball but watch toon he just ducks underneath right there and breaks back outside actually the tackle of mark brown straightened tuned up and sent him the other way first down at the miami 47 a 44 yard play [Music] Walker Wesley Walker own in the near flat that's so frustrating for Walker I'm sure but that's a path he's trying to do something with before he got it in his hands and on the sidelines you know there were a lot of angry coaches you can't afford to drop the easy catch [Music] O'Brien finding Walker all alone in the Dolphins corners respecting Walker's great speed were playing off that wide receiver you see how late it was before Blackwood came into the picture [Music] going for six - tune and a lot of bumping and shoving and tune had gone out of bounds so even had he caught the ball that would not have been allowed [Music] San Diego at home and boy they've been really buzzing down in Southern California in that match up to San Diego leading seven nothing in that defense is much improved for the Chargers [Music] third and ten and chill descends in for new defensive faces O'Brien throwing the ball a lot more than expected much higher percent [Applause] completely tuned their pants however that should have been [Music] realizing that their great success against these dolphins and that Monday night victory was on the ground one has to wonder why they're putting it in the air so much here in the first quarter the punt by Dave Jennings and it will look like this tatami vigor Ito stance at the 10-yard line he has to look toward that kick the Sun will be off to his left but nevertheless this time lifts his eyes up to try and check that Sun - it has to be murder some out there to try and catch that ball out of that bright light yeah we'll just leave you in vigor it was position this is how he will see this fun [Music] and the fair catch inside the sand you think that's an easy job with all that hemas bright flash of light as that ball dropped down through the Sun a good job by sami vicar ito good solid hands as he just took it inside the 8 put it down here he is looking at that ball following it all away concentration well I'll tell you there there's a great example of it and a good kick by Jennings 39 yards no return and just as the jet started at the 8 so on this sequence will Miami begin at it's eight yard line second quarter Cowboys and Redskins in that battle a renewal of quite a rivalry no score first place at stake there Dallas needs a win to stay with the Giants duper an [Music] why girlfriend and dipper welcome back says Miami it might be against the Jets Johnny Lynn for holding up duper [Music] dan Marino has missed the speed in the hands of Marc duper when he and Clayton are running in tandem they can stretch the defense till it breaks holding number 35 defense [Music] rookie carry plans and trying to drag him down it still goes for a 44-yard advance here's that last play for you plenty of time for Dan Marino and that is dangerous you've got to get pressure on him the Jets playing aggressive man-to-man defense and you see what dooper had done to his man simply left him behind Johnny Lin did a good job of saving a touchdown 44-yard play justice altoon had a 44-yard reception for the Jets Lorenzo Hampton warmer Florida stars Shia the 45 Joe Klecko number 73 let's take a look at him what a great matchup between Clemens white Stephenson clecos sliding inside that's Jeff Caves blocking down on him Lorenzo Hampton number 27 actually running behind that block cutting back against the grain but I think this is a matchup of two Bulls down there and then down there in the pits Klecko got the best of the earlier matchup in that Monday night game Stephenson was wired when I talked to him yesterday he wants another feat that Klecko today did a good job on that effort second and seven [Music] Barry Bennett 78 from Concordia of Minnesota [Music] a loss of five it'll bring up third down and about twelve he but Kirsten over there on the sidelines sending it usually he'll send in the the defense's with a substitute although he can signal them in the just actually use two signals one for the defense and one for who is going to be substituted on the field out of the shotgun Cooper laughs blatant to the top of your stream but Clayton way too long he had to hurry it away as the Jets work putting on plenty of pressure on number 13 we should remind you that Dan Marino playing with a badly bruised thigh was able to move around quite well yesterday you see a score for Dallas in that game against Washington but still it's not very healthy out there and he'll get rid of that ball early he always does but in particular he will today because of that injury Raphael Sept the end a 39 yard field goal to get the Cowboys on the board first in Washington line of scrimmage is the 50 Lyle Blackwood 42 just down the field for the Dolphins some confusion there that will makes sure were happy either Jojo towns L stands back of the Jets 10 [Music] usual style of Ravi one of his poor kicks aim for the sidelines a flag is down and the kick by Roby slicing sharply at an angle would be a very short kick unless that Jets were guilty of the foul that would be a costly well depending on when it was when the foul took place look at Reggie Roby's drop after we have a chance to listen to the official holding and that's an automatic covers down that's just like a turnover dick box the air by the Jets it gives Miami the football puts their offense back on the field after the kick post-production to the cats after the king they say the ball was go over to the Jets and here comes Shula to argue the fact but it depends on the timing of the foul they said it was after possession of change which means it's after the ball had been kicked so the Jets maintain possession they mark off the five-yard sound of the 15-yard line and in this scoreless first quarter we have nearly four minutes remaining and or that ball has really been bouncing around for fumbles Raiders have come back to tie the chargers in San Diego in the first quarter [Music] Jen O'Brien part of that 1983 quarterback draft was 24 [Music] McNiel gained a couple Brzezinski made the hip that's more what we expected to see in this game from the Jets they've been throwing repeatedly that play they're attacking the outside Miami's defense has been porous up the middle they've really had trouble on the nose and with the young linebackers inside it's an understatement to say they've had trouble against the run devoured the last four weeks by the opponents running game Jacquie ship [Music] [Applause] one of the big things that Miami had to do is to play the running game aggressively let's look at four running backs who've had field days the last four weeks against this team McNeil gained a hundred and seventy three then Wilder of Tampa Bay 98 yards Jones of the Lions 114 last week Creek James of the Patriots 119 yards a dick a good defensive team is embarrassing [Applause] [Music] some freamon McNeil good catch i'ma feel in a first down out of the 29 let's final him out of the offensive system know that their eyes are focused on this man in the running game but here he is the little swing out to the outside on the path William Justin 49 that's the respect right there to put a put a corner back on the running back but that ball perfectly thrown and thrown in an area where it could not be intercepted McNeil went down and picked it up a dozen yards in the first down now McNeil running doesn't gain an inch his duck better 75 in bronze in ski 59 with her helmets right there to stop him on the sideline a man who coordinates this defense and boy I'd say he's been hearing some howls from this crowd Chuck steadily in the black shirt that's Mike Kowalski an injured player giving the signals standing right next to him I'm sure he's had a lot of sleepless nights but his defense claim right now [Applause] Hector here [Applause] 51 spearhead of that charge so McNeil has had the ball five straight times against the vice squad vis II Game three no game caught the pass for 12 no game and just picked up to that time Mike Kozlowski is the man was signaling in the defenses for Miami he's on the injured list Bukowski the fine safety man they miss him [Applause] midfield for the Jets O'Brien coming up with a big throw again that's a very nice pass that's a stop pattern and boy that is about as tough as anything when you're trying to cover those receivers tight and all of a sudden they just stop and the ball is there left some good zip on that ball Hector handling the ball well and getting out of bounds with it for the first down he had that broken hand and now the rap is off and that's really added another dimension of the Jets offense now that he can situation Brian to tune for short yardage wrestled down by Judson number 49 no score less than a minute remaining first quarter let's go to NFL 85 all right dick at San Diego the Chargers take a seven nothing lead on a Faust to West Chandler pass and then back come the Raiders Mark Wilson 35 yards to the rookie Jessie Hester so they've exchanged first quarter touchdowns even up at seven back to dick and Merlin all right Bob net site at seconds final seconds ticking away 13 12 11 and apparently we have seen the last play of this initial period those two goose eggs are certainly misleading we've had plenty of action but nothing to show on the board as they'll change ends no score if the Orange Bowl in Miami the first place Jets leading by two over Miami and a first place at risk as New England has won [Music] from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli we fight our country's battles in the air on land and sea today the United States Marine Corps celebrates 210 proud years of history history that will be remembered for that elite corps of men who made it the Marines we're looking for a few good men he's Don Shula the winningest coach in the NFL admired and respected by millions sure winning is important on the field but winning is also important in the home in a community the National Football League is concerned not only about professional football but they're also concerned about you and I in the community contrary to what people believe a lot of good things do happen in Miami it's a it's a city where people have come they've migrated there and they've been able to establish a new life families that have been broken have been able to get it back together there have been community services such as United Way that have been able to help these people get back on track and to make it and to start a new life and to realize that dream that they had when they came to Miami that's why I have such faith in the United Way it gives to all different types of families regardless of race creed or color it's there to help to needy and that's what's important to me this message furnished of the National Football League no score after the first quarter deck have a question for you what do Marino's arm Reggie Roby's Blake and mark duper's body have in common has it been anatomical all insured by Lloyds of London marina wouldn't tell us how much he's insured his arm for but duper's insured his body for 1.4 million in Roby his lake for a quarter of a million with Lloyds of London that was a second and the foreplay do you ever think about insuring part now I won't even ask you that question it's her insurer this body lay there the first quarter numbers no yards rushing for the Dolphins only 15 from McNeil and the Jets who had the ball nine and a half minutes the five and a half but really didn't do much whether they had the 41 yard field goal that was a attempt that was the closest that any team came to scoring [Music] they play third and four defensive back in from [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Alex Moyer recovers for the Dolphins Hector the man is going to carry that fall into the end of the line watch the block hereby shields as it looks out of there to try and make room a little delay on the play here and Hector will come back against the grain here he is back against the grain let's see we can see what happened to the football right there stripped out Kimbo camper 58 pulled that ball right out of his arms and Alex Moyer 54 alertly hopped on it that's five humbles the second recovered by Miami changing his play at the line of scrimmage from the 43 [Applause] hands of Mark Clayton down at the 42 of the Jets now it's a remarkable story yours Clayton and Mark duper last year between them Clayton set an NFL record 18 touchdowns duper added eight that's 26 touchdowns Kurt's own wedding caught a pass in his NFL career has three for the Jets he has one more than the marks boys together this year now that's a little bit her - let's talk about duper that way big odd for a long time but Clayton has not had much of a year either I'll tell you Moreno has to be thrilled to have the two of them back in tandem late in 46 catches to leave the club but only one for a touchdown Tony Nathan what a hole up the middle let's go to NFL 85 in Bob Costas dick over time at the vet in Philly from their own one-yard line the Eagles go to the air Mike quick makes the catch the two defenders play Keystone Cops there's nobody there to stop him he will wave goodbye 99 yards from Jaworski in overtime the Eagles win it 2317 back to Roman talk about big plays 99 yards and the Eagles win in OT against Atlanta first down on the by Tony Nathan of 10 yards [Applause] 33 in front a chance to watch the Jets try to stunt to get in there and take some time watch click Oh looping to the outside and coming in you'll get Gaston coming inside but neither one of them can get any pressure on Marino here as Marino just makes a little fake and then zips the ball over to Mark Clayton on the outside and that's the kind of thing that that's duper on the outside not Clayton the kind of thing that he's been waiting to do to the park duper all day his marked again first down at the 35 slashing to the 31 a gain of nearly five Moors landsem Mel number 56 in the middle of that Jets defense veteran from Penn State made the tackle and Don Shula yesterday said oh what a job Mel has done and just the focal point of that entire defense he's always on the ball such a thinking quarterback and I think that's the best way to describe the man does not have the overpowering physical skills of some linebackers in the league but it's so smart that he has a tremendous leader that is Jesse [Music] quarterback Marino and their chess game intercepted by Charles Jackson the Jets outside linebacker had drifted back and the ball was right in his myth but drilled by Moreno and he just couldn't bring it home a couple of things to watch on this play watch the battle between the nose tackle Klecko and Stephenson and then as we turn it loose watch the swing motion of Moreno looks like a dancer in there as he waits for the snap areas now Klecko just getting locked up by Murray our by Stevenson Stevenson so far I think in looking at that battle in the trenches is winning the war in this first quarter and we'll track that through the course of the afternoon [Music] first half [Applause] third and six Marino rear sack is down at the 43 and look who's got him Joe Klecko number 73 you think Coleco heard me - here's also a flag down field the penalty downfield but Coleco collecting Moreno as he went in there and we mentioned the injury now the penalty will go against Miami unusual offensive interference I think against dooper holding number 85 offense and Leah's decline fourth down that'll bring up fourth down only the ninth time that Marino's been sacked this year Joe Klecko coming off the left side on Foster and he just drove around Roy Foster Moreno with nowhere to go up inside and you see them moving kind of sluggishly we mentioned that thigh bruise deep thigh bruise it's going to hurt his mobility Moreno practiced only twice this week didn't work out till Friday with a club so Reggie Roby in to punt for the third time in this first half Townsel back at the 10 it goes into the end zone and the Jets will play it from the 20 pounds out through a good block on one of these early Miami Dolphins oh well he put him on the ground very well timeouts well 35 left in the half behind this wall research in behavior modification has been completed the result escort GT a startling transformation of the world best-selling car prison by a new multi-port fuel injected engine and built to perform no matter power of road turns Ford Escort GT the power behavior modification get 8.8 financing on 4 & 5 speed manual transmission Ford escorts now you're not just another face along the way to another where you headed today private Zaleski oh oh it's one of our most popular destination you're the bride of united's Brenda [Music] we want [Music] you must have been starving running great mess hall here don't worry son we'll grow back [Music] how did the life [Music] you're fine today's game is brought to you by Ford and your local Ford dealer have you driven a Ford lately by Budweiser beechwood aged for that crisp clean taste this Bud's for you and by Apple computer makers of the McIntosh and Apple two families of personal computers on the touchback as we see the last signs of daylight the entire field covered in shadows now the Jets from there 20 no scorch wall 35 left first half [Music] [Applause] nice piece of running there by McKeon let's go back to the punt by Roby in the block by towns L give you a chance to see it and as we watch it come down the field you're going to have a chance to watch La here just hang out right there there is the shot now that's that's so well looking up at the ball and look at Townsel just leveling him as he had his head turned around what he's trying to do is keep him from downing that ball that's a smart play on special teams by Joe Joe down south [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] another catch Annie's out of bounds at the 34 so tune the rookie from Wisconsin who did not sign until the season had begun he's in there for Kurt's own who is ill and tune has three catches in 57 yards we talked about the holdouts for Miami the two starting tackles Paulo Mackel where I held out for the Jets and they were devastated as you remember in their first game tune and McIlroy and Powell came into camp his fortunes of a different foot that time first down at the 30 for McNeal [Music] [Applause] he has almost eight on first down and that's the kind of yardage that McNeil was chewing up in the first meeting a month ago on first hand giving them just always a good position on second and short you see the big pad bulging there at the sides of his mid-drift very heavy a large pads to try and protect those ribs it's the 12th rib that's injured for McNeil but he has played extremely well with that injury the so-called floating rib late smallest bottom rib McNeil has the first down at the 45 yard line as he picks up four more he started today with 945 yards there's that tandem of gasuto and Clicquot last time we saw them Merlin was at home against Seattle when they were blowing kisses to the screen the television screen in the stadium I'm sure Mark Gastineau o'clock oneth they've been watching all the publicity the refrigerators been getting it maybe they'd love to have their chance insiders say that they've been practicing on a plane have them both in the backfield seven yards on first down so three first down plays with Neal slow getting up however he gained seven in the first first down carry then eight and now seven on this first down very often the way to judge a great back is by the kind of yardage he makes after he has stopped the first time runs right into a pile but doesn't give up just looks like a cue ball in there bounce bounce bounce all the way down eight yards on what looked like a nothing plays well about a twenty games over a hundred Hector replaces him it's Hector who fumble the last time he carried not this time he has a first down at the Miami 41 meanwhile in San Diego Bob Thomas's kicked the 34 yard field goal and the Chargers in the middle of the second quarter have a three point lead over the Raiders Chargers were anxious to play against the Raiders knowing how angry they were about being embarrassed last week in Seattle but eight they're holding their own McNeal being worked on by Bob brief the trainer with Joe Klecko standing on two check Reggie McElroy there as well on first down O'Brien [Applause] altoon was open at the 30 the pass was short I think my feels alright and this Miami deal defense has been hurt not only by the running game but also by the play of their corners their corners have been chewed on the last few weeks and the Jets have gone after those corner backs repeatedly here early in this game yeah I like about McNeal is that he has a fondness for young people he really identifies well with young children and old things - he loves old cars and old movies his favorite actor is Gary Cooper his favorite movie is shame it's an interesting combination second and 10 Makia [Applause] [Music] gain of only one dog fetters around the ankles for the tackle I think O'Brien may have been confused on that play and onea McNeil is doing something with his helmet saying he couldn't hear the audible or something it looked like the play was broken they just flipped it back to McNeil not much there [Music] a past situation third and nine the orphans bring in an extra defensive back the Jets counter with three wide receivers [Applause] here's his second time out of hair once he's saying something about the football I don't know Oh Miami that's interesting the Dolphins call time you won't see that often maybe they didn't have the right people on the field Chuck suddenly there was Don Shula motioning for a couple of men to come to the sidelines we wondered why they had called a timeout earlier apparently they only had 10 defensive players on the field earlier when they call the timeout but one of the complicated things there are so many substitutions going on and off the field now that several teams including the Jets are signaling with one person to the huddle to say here's the here's the situation you know you're supposed to come out or you're supposed to stay in and someone else is signaling the play or the defense Don Shula late for the blue streaks of John Carroll University in the 1951 joined the Cleveland Browns and still credits Paul Brown as the man who influenced him early said that's when I learned you brought your helmet and your notebook to practice Paul Brown a teacher and Shula is that consummate leader I mean it can be tough when he has to be tough there's more and more oh sensitive side to him don't you think where he seemed to be almost 2,000 times in the past there certainly isn't the only other thing I like about him tremendous loyalty for example that's John Sandusky the offensive line coach he's talking with the dark glasses 22 years in the NFL Sandusky and a lot of that has been with Shula and Baltimore and also here how about Kyle tacit Asif the backfield coach has been with the Shula back to his college days at John Carroll they played at Leyland together and the NFL and TAS is still on his dad and we've got a couple of other great beards on their most Gary's been around 20 years in the NFL and Tom keen 22 years in the NFL this maybe with exception of Dallas and I don't know how it work out the most experienced coaching staff in the NFL and you saw that graphic earlier Landry Shula just knows and knows as they battle atop the old time of winning list and that figures keep your team together 39 [Applause] Jojo town town [Music] what a beautifully time throw by O'Brien and towns out with a tough catch we're seeing sounds L because Kurt stone has been sick with he fell sick just before the game and look at that great protection everyone stacked on the line of scrimmage time cell just using his speed to get in between those two safeties finally knocked down by number 43 but Brown but they put it down just outside of the four yard line first and goal deepest penetration by either team [Music] but the ball with whistle dead no fumble the ball had been whistle dead [Music] nearly the sixth fumble of his first half robinson line had pounced on that ball in the endzone then that would have been a touch back out to the 20 and and dolphins ball they get a reprieve on that one it will go back almost to the original line of scrimmage it appeared that McNeil was down they twisted it out of his grand I think the wiffle is blown he was not yet on the ground but I think they've blown the whistle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dolphin defense tuft inside it'll be third and goal and here comes the refrigerator here comes wait a minute gasps - no and click Oh both coming onto the field we're going to have double freezer our referral what would you call the two of them in the backfield ick well we'll see how they do first so gasps - no he'll lineup as a wingman click oh that's enough back there you see gas in our line with Lego and three [Applause] and work [Applause] look like let's go back and look at Klecko and Gaston Gaston in motion they're both going to block inside but great penetration on the inside said line 52 the man who got in there first 53 Brophy also in on the top of that stack Lahey has come into the ballgame to try a field goal his second of the day it'll be from outside the 10 so this one not much more than an extra point for the first points of the game yard attempt and the Jets have three but the Dolphins with a moral daiquiri and stopping the Jets first and goal at the floor and it was fourth and goal from the four jewel had been victimized last week by a similar situation up in New England a flea-flicker off this kind of formation Gastineau coming in motion cleco trying to block inside Gastineau actually hits Schuler his old man that's why that's why Schuler was grabbing his hand out of it all the Jets late at three nothing [Music] they're coming and they're tough to beat the 86 Ford Rangers even tougher defeat this year it's beast extension is the most powerful of any small pickup and there's Rangers new super cab that carries up to five people are extra cargo new electric drive that lets you shift from two-wheel to four-wheel drive on the fly see that's up to the 86 Ford Rangers now get 8.8 financing on 86 Ford Ranger now [Music] you [Music] here's to you be to an age for that clean crisp taste that makes Budweiser the king of beers [Music] six minutes and four seconds remaining first half three nothing Lahey and the Jets on a 21-yard field goal [Music] Lorenzo Hampton speedy rookie from the University of Florida in the end zone [Applause] right yeah as a rookie is one to do a bit of a hesitation he'll take the touchback let's go back to what the Dolphins thought was a fumble prior to the field goal you see Bob Brzezinski right here on the left-hand side Brzezinski the man's going to be employed in the play and right in here in the middle of this stack is freamon McNeil now McNeil is going to twist out of there maybe we can stop it at the critical moment now oh stop it right there stop it right there now there's no way he can give his knees on the ground because his back is to the ground and watched the football pop out of his hands here and he tries to twist for the goal line now unless the whistle had been blown I think that's a fumble that on a screen 20 yard game hurt marc dopher and looks like a screen and then he threw long over that screen - duper I think he has the option on that play Marino has great vision and even though the timing on this play is a little awkward he is able to get that ball downfield and of course that's the kind of play that these two teamed up so off and on last year duper by the way is not playing at a hundred percent he is still injured he's coming back off that injury even before he wanted to in a sense he's not running full speed twenty yards for Marc duper who's now of course officially a mark superduper had his name changed and duper junior has marked superduper as his tag as well anchored the NCAA champion 100-meter relay at Joe Delaney the great style with Kansas City was on that same Northwest Louisiana State team both football and crack the label [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] perhaps the most of the game of football is that we live in a seven-day lifecycle and be born an ex that long bomb might well have helped to ignite this Miami team that have been playing so poorly over the past few weeks certainly Cooper's return has brought back life to the body they's to try the extra point [Music] [Applause] seven to three super auspicious return 36 yards in a touchdown in the first half and Miami enjoys the lead can help your business for us at American Express building one worldwide nerve center was a dream come true finding the communications and information systems that could grow with us might have been a nightmare we chose a TMT you don't trust your dream to just anyone whether it's telephones information systems long distance services or computers in the past you saw a big Ford 4x4 pickup Terry a Chevy pickup up this monster mountain of boulders but now we're going to top ourselves by carrying a chevy and towing a Dodge pickup up the same Mountain because this year Ford has the most powerful lineup of v8 engines gas and diesel of any pickup and only Ford has independent front suspension for ground grabbing traction no wonder they're America's best-selling full-size pickups the best built American trucks are built I thought this demonstration was just advertising but denorex tingles tells me it's doing more regular head and shoulders no tingle both have dandruff medicine but dinner acts adds an extra anti itch medicine and conditioner to go by head and shoulders hello denorex now you can relieve inflamed hemorrhoidal tissue with the oxygen action of preparation-h it accelerates absorption of pure oxygen to help shrink swelling of inflamed hemorrhoidal tissue as it often relieves pain an itch for hours preparation-h with oxygen action gameday the NFL 85 locker room meet Ahmad Rashad his feed is the glamour side of the street you'll get exclusive interviews from a man who really knows his football I gotta get him his own dressing room Ahmad Rashad he's been drafted but the team who's putting the fun back in football you Betty's don't mr. haire and he stirred the pot that's all with duper back-to-back catches 20 yards than 60 yards to go the full 80 and the lead 7 to 3 vase kids it down to Humphrey Bobbie Humphrey at the 15 [Applause] stop short of the 20 supply [Music] Ron Davenport with a tackle for Miami and Kim Jensen was there as well well let the officials sort it out and then we'll go back and let's go back right now and watch that great play tight coverage on the outside but look at the good protection here for Marino and how quickly he unloads that football way out in front and Moreno simply runs out there and catches up with it Bobby Jackson we said it early bump-and-run jackson did not play last week with a leg injury and it's obvious here does not have full speed Johnny Lin 29 gets there as he crosses the goal line but it was too late [Applause] [Music] illegal use of the hands the Jets will start at 212 [Applause] 5:27 lesson [Applause] Pixlr and a tietennis out of bounds at the 25 with a first down 13 yards for Schuler who now has 40 catches on the year he started today second in the tied em Derby to Todd Christensen of the Raiders he's had a big season you could see that tape on his finger I talked to him about that injury it's been the upper joint of that thumb and he said that the bone jumped right out of the joint and popped through the skin he said it was the blood that scared him when he got that thing hurt I didn't miss II didn't miss more than a couple play amazing Raymond McNeil slamming forward for close to five yards Glenn Blackwood and Mark Brown a couple of the killer bees and that Miami defense with the tackle and one thing that that big play from duper does is ignites this crowd the decibel level jumped instantly that could become a problem for these Jets later on this is traditionally a noisy crowd anyway they've been kind of hushed the last few weeks because of the often perform the first second [Applause] [Music] it's going to be sort of a first down 33 yard line Jackie ship and Glen Blackwood would the stop [Music] Kimbo camper flying in there we're keeping an eye on him has had a neck injury a painful pinched nerve that has kept him sidelined also a rib injury earlier in the year but they'd like to have him in that lineup that means they can keep Charles on the nose look like they've got four defensive linemen in there right now to put pressure on O'Brien [Applause] ow sounds arrow made that sensational catch down to the line that set up the field-goal very nearly picking off another but was off the sidelines out of play Kirk's own unable to go in this game we mentioned because of his sickness has given Townsel a chance he has not been seen much of in the last few weeks great acrobatic catch here but did not get both feet down in bounds the official right there we can't see it from the sideline look awfully close for what we could see it did it must have been the first foot down must have hit the sideline so Jennings to punt in Miami will get the ball with plenty of time remaining in this first half Diggory toe at the 22 they like a putter you could catch that one day guy thing on the snapper Jennings the 21 42 yard line good return by vigor Ito Billy Griggs made the tackle 46-yard punt 21 yard return for vigor ito they missed his talents on special teams let's run down all the stores for you in case you're just joining us Cincinnati as Sheriff first place twenty one twenty seven ten win against Cleveland while Pittsburgh beat Kansas City 36:28 it's the Steelers and Bengals tied for first in the central Giants beat the Rams only the second loss for Los Angeles the Bears remain unbeaten 24 three again two lions 27 3 Seattle a winner at the Orleans [Music] [Applause] Ron Davenport Lance Mel and Kyle Clifton with a tackle for yard game the rest of the finals [Music] Tampa Bay's first went a shutout over the Cardinals New England with a chance for first place should the Jets lose here in Miami today Green Bay wins at Minnesota Buffalo shuts out Houston 20 nothing and in overtime on a 99-yard play philadelphia beats atlanta 2317 [Applause] look what Oh a smart quarterback knows how to use the snap count Joe Klecko is traditionally like to try and jump on the snap count and they got right here you see him right in the center there angled off and that crab-like position he he's disgusted with himself on that place pushed Dwight Stevenson to the ground the late games today Dallas leading three nothing near halftime at Washington 1310 the Raiders have taken the lead at San Diego and here at seven to three Miami leading the New York chance and Miami with a five-yard penalty second and two at the 50 [Applause] Davenport and he's written out of bounds I of the 50-yard line Davlin Mullen land smell excellent defensive pursuit from the Jets on that play one thing that's what Carson has these Jets doing is he has them scrambling and kicking and biting watch how many green jerseys end up out in front of Ron Davenport you see them coming right here that smell inside Bobby Jackson 40 Devlin Mullen 20 and 94 Guilbeau three men on the tackle and another one or two right behind but Carson who didn't work out at Kansas City John mackovic let him go he's a strong-minded defensive coach but obviously a very good one and a groan from most of the 70,000 plus here in Miami is it just missed connections well you've got to believe that they figure they're going to come back and test Jackson again they outran him once with duper now they try it with Clayton he was barely able to get out in front of that one and Dan Marino under pressure just fired that ball out quickly almost set it out there for the receiver so not much time spent by Miami in that possession so it's the Jets with two timeouts left who will have adequate time to try to generate a drive 227 showing on the clock in towns L at the pen [Music] [Applause] run into Robi [Music] Malaysia dolphins yes sir roughing the kicker that's this yard penalty and they could call it either way the roughing were they running into they gave a personal foul suppose no foul then they'll give us a big one running into the kicker number 84 defense [Music] five yards one of the things creating havoc for the special team of knew of the New York Jets as they've lost their three three of their top special teams players and it really is making the job much more difficult for Larry Pasquale and his special teams that's Pasquale right there with a hat on walking along and he's boy he's dejected you make you try and make the big play there defensively and what you end up doing is handing an opportunity right back to these dolphins they're the tackles by barber monger and and Brecker bunker and Bruckner and that they have 34 between them the rest of the team has less than the net the net that's amazing and Barbara is an injured reserve a tractor with jock equation now they are short [Applause] two veteran more his first catch of the afternoon and it's a first down at the 34 dozen yards for more and almost as much as anything we've seen this day that's an indication that some of the confidence and some of the timing is oozing back into this dolphin team perfect timing pattern on the sidelines great delivery before this on the sidelines by Paul was in the air and perfectly delivered approaching the two-minute timeout there's 206 left in this first half [Music] Tony Nathan short yardage to the 31 and the two-minute timeout two minutes remaining in the first half here at Miami's Orange Bowl and the Dolphins lead the Jets seven to three [Music] hamburger places serve billions of burgers and ah yes they also serve chicken like chicken nugget but it's hard to do chicken right time and Kentucky Fried Chicken power- pet our secret blend of 11 herbs and spices so they taste great in fact people who said they'd ever tried Kentucky Nuggets and McDonald's chicken nuggets radiant hours higher on tape so get your nuggets from the chicken expert anything else using an Apple 2 is very easy the only hard part is getting your kid away from it you see apples are the leading computers in schools so even though you bought it to help you work at home your kid will want to use it for his own hallmark course if all else fails there's one last thing you can try get him an apple of his own five catch Bob Costas on NFL 85 Sunday [Music] as they break huddle watch number 79 John geese Larry's gone the entire first half he had a knee operation well it'd be two weeks tomorrow and he's back in there twelve days ago operated on that set orthoscopic surgery avoids changed the way we think about surgery today [Applause] laughs Dolphins leading seven to three [Music] play-action [Applause] and jenny lind picking off Clayton incomplete it'll be third down and seven when we return first let's go to NFL 85 I think the Raiders lead the chargers 1310 but watch this play Foust tries to hit Chandler West can't catch it Otis McKinney sends his regards make it charlie Joyner not West Chandler and then rod Martin who just happened to be walking by kick Charlie in the face for good measure a typical active sportsmanship back to dick and Merlin yeah Raiders seem to have that one well in their grasp that award each year to tie it in and a good receiver in there on third and seven 1:54 remaining [Music] wide open Nathan he's had a first down at the Train Lance mell with a tackle but too late the dolphins at clock running have a big first down down in the trenches Marino's troops are giving him time to throw the football they're holding that jut rush at bay and Marino's taking advantage of it with passes like that Nathan knew where that first down was he was diving for it Nathan from Alabama party Lions also Alabama the defensive lineman for the Jets as they Godfather of Nathan's daughter Moreno and he had a man close enough woody Bennett that that is not grounding as Gastineau thought there should be a penalty against my no flying off the ball well ahead go back to the line of scrimmage look how quickly Gastineau is off the line Cleveland Green doesn't get a hand on him Gastineau misses the first grab and Moreno is unloading I don't blame him Gastineau saying it's intentional grounding the official not agreeing with his case ball at the 20 at the second and 10 Gastineau 88 and a half sacks and 98 games he has eight this year in the first nine [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know down the middle dan Johnson the tight end and he had a step but the pass a little too tall third and ten that's one of those that the touch just hasn't quite returned to Marina last year along with these dolphins had such a fantastic run it seemed like every time they threw the ball whether it was into coverage or or into a receiver who who didn't have a chance at the ball they found a way to catch it found a way to get it into the end zone member Chet Franklin the Raiders defensive coach said he's so hot that if a receiver was running downfield with his trousers loose that marina would just throw it up and have dropped right in there for a completion yeah that kind of success hasn't been that way today but they appear to be getting it together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] accepted in the end zone by Devlin Mullen and a big play for the Jets Joe Rose was the intended receiver and I think Moreno was guessing rose going inside Rose broke outside well and just as things seemed to be getting comfortable Marino drops the ball to one of the guys in the green shirts and right now from celebration going on on the Jets sideline as they've got the football back in their hands and they've managed to avoid some points here that could have been very costly exactly a minute left in the half is there any more difficult words to digest for a quarterback then I've been intercepted in the end zone that close to scoring only to have the other team get the ball out on the 20 let's see what the Jets do in the final 60 seconds so 7 3 Miami [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pass intended for town Zell and we may have holding against the Jets duck better is working on Marvin Powell over on that side that'll take it back to the 10-yard line Doug better is motioning from the sidelines you want us to accept the penalty and Shula say you've been holding number 79 offense still first and Marvin Powell called but we've been keeping an eye on the pressures on the quarterback and so far that the Jets have been pressured four times on the quarterback they've been knocked down zero times have been sacked two times Miami's been pressured seven times knocked down twice that's after the ball was thrown in fact one [Music] [Applause] the Dolphins always well they least penalized for a decade Bremen appeal [Applause] after the 19 yard line that'll leave the jet 11 yard short of a first down the clock running 43 yes we'll go without the huddle there quickly to the line [Music] McNiel again he's had clothes go first and then he's hit right at the 30 in defense where they market I think he's got the first down the ball appeared to be over at the 30-yard line and with that yardage McNeal becomes the first running back in the NFL to hit the 1,000 yard mark this year 21 seconds left timeout [Music] you begin with Ross Steele with fire muscle and sweat polishing took razor-sharp reflection we're looking for a few good men the medal to be Marines it is amazing that Freeman McNeil on a second in 20 he goes to runs and gets the first down he's been doing that all year long what a weapon well you have to look at the clock though and realized that Chuck steadily is thinking I've got a lot of field to protect here and he's thinking past he'll sacrifice some yards on the run here to eat that clock up [Music] 67 yards rushing for Muirfield again over the 1,000 yard mark O'Brien he runs and a flag is down in the Miami secondary blocks topped with a penalty 13 seconds we might have a hold against the Dolphins Marc Brown the man who was blitzing on that play O'Brien able to avoid him there is the holding call against the the Dolphins tickets one thing that Brian seems to do well once he decides to run he runs pretty well but it's that indecision do I run how do I find the opening place here 49 defend and forced from the end of the run five yards first then let's take a quick look at O'Brien Brian's gonna be pressured from the right side of your screen there he is Mark Brown and once he decided to go up through there he pulled that ball down and took off he's got good speed and pretty good athletic ability going up through there but it's that indecision time that has been critical for him two timeouts left for the Jets but from their own he'll get the good block out of bounds at the miami 43 great block by number 65 joe fields the general himself McNeal again slow getting up on the far sideline Joe feels of course one of the center's one of the fine centers in the NFL he let that screen to the outside and just buried one of those defensive backs Pat Leahy would benefit from a following wind but with the ball at the miami 43 that's so considerably out of his range over 60 yards at the moment and with only 5 seconds left Melinda not certainly the Jets even on the quick out can get that clock stopped in time for him to get in we've got them doing watch five seconds on let's do it again [Applause] as O'Brien could not find a man open the first half has a 60-yard we know - duper leading 7 to 3 [Music] [Applause] two teams coming into the day really going opposite directions and more or less living up to their nicknames before today's game the Jets were flying high the Dolphins were in a deep dive but as they started this game you can feel the intensity the level of the Miami Dolphins both teams excited they struggled offense away not much happening happening early but duper mark Cooper's really been the difference for Miami so far this game mark superduper and here is that touchdown play as he beats Bobby Jackson at the line of scrimmage and with his great speed gets the step in a perfect throw by Marino this is one of the things that burrito has not been able to do was only one of those speed receivers in the ballgame they have not been able to stretch defenses well duper is back that's the good news the bad news is that Marino later throws an interception in the end zone where Miami might have gone in front 14 to 3 another look at the catch by duper another great look at that plan you're absolutely right dick it's been a mixed review on that basis but if you look on the scoreboard right now the Dolphins do have the lead 7 to 3 they've got to feel very good about what they did in this first half and dooper has been missed sorely for catches whole year with his injury he has four in the first half today and that big touchstone hairless son I'm proud of the orange ball now the Dolphins in a must-win situation leading 7 to 3 as we switch to NFL 85 I get everybody Bob Costas back at our Studios in New York along with Pete axtell Ahmad Rashad at the Orange Bowl in Miami where the Dolphins lead the Jets seven to three at halftime today on the Marino touchdown pass to the reactivated mark duper it covered sixty yards here is an interesting note last year duper and clayton caught 26 touchdown passes between them from Marino now partly because of the Dolphins troubles and in duper's case because of his injury the two have caught just three Marino touchdown passes this year that partly explains why the Dolphins are battling for their lives today they're already two games back of the Jets in the AFC East as they lead 73 at halftime at the Orange Bowl Dallas and Washington at RFK wrap Yosef DN a 40-yard field goal in the first quarter and that's it they've come to halftime the score three to nothing the Raiders and the Chargers 1310 in favor of the Raiders at halftime in that one the Raiders are 6 and 3 they'd like to get a half game jump on Denver in the AFC West Denver plays at home tomorrow night against San Francisco Fouts to West Chandler had been doubtful with a heel injury for a touchdown early for San Diego Mark Wilson 35 yards to the rookie Jessi Hester for one of the Raider touchdowns they missed the point after following their second TD and that could become a factor in the game as the Raider lead is three instead of four Cincinnati and Cleveland today and for the fourth consecutive time the Bengals have won the Battle of Ohio 27 to 10 was the final score in that one and the Browns go to four and six the Bengals go to five and five Pittsburgh wins at Kansas City 36 28 and the Chiefs after a very promising start have now lost six in a row Chuck Noel's team did it today with David Woodley at quarterback in place of the injured Mark Malone it started badly for Woodley under pressure he throws this one right to Duran sherry he's picked off six this year he brings this one back for a touchdown 47 yards and it's 7 nothing Chiefs but Woodley quickly atones on this 13 yarder to John Stallworth who makes a fine catch and the game is tied up at 7 in the first quarter and John mackovic seems to sense that worse things are to come and here it is John just as you feared a 71 yard punt return for a touchdown by the electrifying Louis Lips his second punt return for a TD this year 10 touchdowns all in ten weeks of play in this NFL season this last play is worth looking at even though it didn't really have an effect on the outcome Woodley avoids the rush throws the bomb for Stallworth watch this catch the ball is batted up twice and flat on his back the great veteran is able to make the catch and it's part of the Steelers 36 to 28 victory today over the Chiefs the Giants came from behind and beat the Rams 24 to 19 the Rams were winning in this game 13 nothing late in the second quarter and at that point well Jeff Kemp was at quarterback because dieter Brock had surgery this week because of kidney stones so Brock was out and Kemp was in at quarterback for the Rams and he had them in front thirteen nothing with time running out as you see in the half when Phil Simms scrambled through back across the field to Bobby Johnson and then Johnson turns in a nifty run a 36 yard TD and they closed it to 13 7 at halftime Joe Morris had another good day here he goes over from the one in the third quarter the Giants have the leads 1716 they led 24 16 in the fourth quarter when a crucial play occurred Kemp will throw for Bobby Duckworth he is hit one foot comes down out of bounds John Robinson felt that he was shoved out of bounds but the ruling is no catch and you see how Robinson feels about that they had to settle for a field goal later a crucial play a Kemp pass for Tony hunter that was catchable was dropped that could have led to a Rams score instead the Rams lose for the second time this year and the Giants go to 7 and 3 and if Washington should be Dallas today then the Giants would be alone in first place in the NFC East the Bears won again today 24 3 is the final score in that ballgame so Chicago goes to 10 and OH refrigerator Perry didn't catch one or run with one today although he did record a sack from his defensive tackle spot Walter Payton for the fifth consecutive week and Matsui each over a hundred yards rushing in the game for the Bears Seattle defeats New Orleans 27 to 3 it was just seven three after three quarters then the Seahawks exploded in the final period and this was part of it as the Dave Wilson pass and this is ruled the pass he's hit pops out of his hands into the arms of Jacob green you recall he scored a touchdown on a fumble recovery against the Jets a couple of weeks ago his second touchdown in his last three games of the Seahawks very much alive in the AFC West now at six and for win 27 to three Tampa Bay is a winner today over say louis xvi nothing after a no.9 start tampa bay as predicted on the pregame show by pete axe film finally records a victory New England has won five in a row and they stay right behind the Jets in the AFC East 34:15 a win over Indianapolis big play Irving fryer 77 yard punt return for a TD Green Bay rallies and defeats Minnesota 27:17 the score their buffalo wins their second of the year and snaps Houston's winning streak at 320 to nothing the score in the rain at Buffalo and Philadelphia on a 99 yard pass from Ron Jaworski to Mike quick in overtime beats Atlanta 23 17 after almost blowing a 17 nothing lead and we closed with a tragic note from the National Hockey League Pelle Lindbergh the goalie for the Philadelphia Flyers who won the Besner trophy a year ago as the Flyers went to the finals against Edmonton was involved in an automobile accident early this morning and right now doctors say he is essentially brain-dead and is being kept alive by a respirator his family and some of his teammates are now conducting a bedside vigil they will not decide until tomorrow at the earliest whether or not that life-support equipment will be disconnected NFL 85 halftime activities will continue after this from your local stations no I know amazing story we're actually watching TV from outer space they're coming here and on Alfred Hitchcock an actor's greatest part becomes a real kill and then they murdered his family on the streets now he's fighting back streets of justice tonight nobody puts you in the middle of football action like the people at NFL Films and nobody's hungrier to help addresses throwing companies like theirs than Midlantic NFL Films teamed up with the hungry bankers right at the start when they're signaled call for a major expansion the Midlantic team provided the funding and whatever financial play they run next round will help tie the ball if you're playing to win all hungry bankers at Midlantic we're throw hi I'm Steve Wynn and this is one of the beautiful suites in the Golden Nugget of Las Vegas which as everybody knows is downtown nevertheless you'd be amazed if you knew how many people think that this is uptown hi mr. Sinatra I'm Steve when I run this place you see I get enough cows now Golden Nugget Las Vegas Atlantic City a politics of cancer a special report Tuesday at 6:00 if you followed football in the 60s there's no doubt you remember Joe Don Looney incredible talents notorious rebel and there are those who will tell you that there has never been an athlete with a more appropriate name than Joe Don Looney is Bill maggoty serving the Big Bend country since 1947 this is KD LF a lion voice of the last frontier I was looking through my eyes through this face mask with this helmet on with these solar pads on and I remember boy it was really hidden and I thought wow I had to go sit down what am I doing here I felt real alone and everything felt real strange to me Joe Don Looney perhaps the most enigmatic counterculture figure ever to play pro football has come here to a far corner of West Texas to live out his vision of happiness one of the most naturally gifted athletes to play the game Looney short explosive career was checkered by erratic behavior and an inability to conform [Music] an all-conference pullback at Oklahoma he was thrown off the team after a fight with a coach then five NFL teams in five years to the mid-60s as teams like Baltimore and Washington clamored for his talents but wouldn't tolerate his free spirit an example the time Detroit coach Harry Gilmer asked Looney to bring in a play from the sideline the deal was when I was in the game I was to stay in the game not to run messages so I said you know with a lot of deep insight and a lot of thought I said listen Harry if you want a messenger Phyllis had to send over Western Union Devane doing it [Music] did it ever bother you that a lot of people didn't understand you yeah for a while you know it's because look I just didn't know who the hell I was it took somebody who knew who I was know who he was to know who I was and he showed me that man Lulu D met in 1975 was Swami Muktananda the Looney's house is hardly furnished he has placed on each of his walls photographs of a spiritual mentor who died in 1982 after leaving pro football in 1969 loonies Odyssey of self-discovery took him around the world from Southeast Asia to the drug world of South America now in isolation loonie lives the introspective life of a mystic meditating most of the day in the house he is built Luna is 60 pounds lighter and philosophically light-years away from his days in the NFL it's me Joe Don doesn't own a football we threw mine back and forth and as we talked it became clear that the player no one seemed to understand but now seems finally to understand himself guy said I'm sorry apologize for my football career what people wanted to be and not what I want to be and that was the kind of problem for long but what can you do there a lot of people would say that Joe Don Looney had a lot of talent if you would have conformed just a little bit run the place with the other 10 guys things would have been a lot better what could be better than this hey man is it so bad for a guy who blew it all Joe Don Looney apparently at peace with himself in West Texas NFL 85 halftime activities will continue please stay with us if there is one movie to see this season it is an early Frost TV Guide calls it a searing personal drama this film triumphs this is not an ordinary movie and early Frost tells you more about AIDS than many news stories or hysterical gossip cans as People magazine you can't afford to miss an early Frost Monday who says America has run out of opportunity there are plenty out there if you look for them the people who built this country were doers not doubters risk-taker seeking opportunities not guaranteed today I still see vast opportunities and hundreds of small to mid-sized company whose entrepreneurial spirit and energy will continue to build America at first Jersey security we specialized in discovering such emerging drug companies for today's investors with vision first Jersey security come grow with us a politics of cancer a special report Tuesday at six and we welcome you back to the orange ball ready for the second half Miami leading 7 to 3 you talked about confidence at the start well at mark duper they pushed him into the lineup but he gave them plenty in the hurry there's no question about it Marino loves to have the options available to him when dooper is in the game you've got to respect his feet when you put speed on both of those outside receiver positions you put a defense in a real bind and you see the result of that today they're able to get to duper deep running away from Bobby Jackson ready for the second half pat leahy to kick it off Lorenzo Hampton deep at the low line drive and Hampton will bring out [Applause] and he does not make it back to the 20-yard line hammered at about the 19 Johnson star of Miami Vice I know he's had a busy week he's not only acting but directing an episode they're shooting here in Miami this week moments ago feels like he's wearing five hat he said you feel like the Marx Brothers all for something five well head coach in quarterback in currently that's a big statistic and of course the Jets have been one of the better teams in the league counting the first half when they were two to one plus the Jets are a plus nine on the year Miami that's not like them a minus six in that turnover table an interception in the end zone the first half woody Bennett rare carry gets a couple his first carry in fact of the game let's look at the first half statistics well it's down on the bottom the Jets had the ball almost twice as much time but got only three points out of it after virtually no rushing yardage in that first quarter that Jets have bounced back in that department but they have not been running consistently passing pretty even in that area you'd mentioned the turnovers dick time of possession heavily in favor of the Jets second and nine for Dan Marino [Applause] Nathan Nathan short of the first down he was down on a knee couldn't get up in time and Lance mal secured him two yards shy of a first down Barry Bennett in on Marino quickly but Marino showing you on that play that flip action with that arm and we talked about quick release and it gets to be almost a cliche but believe me Marino has it the bad news for the Jets Kirk Springs injured very early in this game will not return they had both his shoulder and a thigh bruise and with Russell Carter at home injured as well that Jets deep secondary is really thin and that stuff when you're facing a man of Marino's talent arena very upset here the play very slow coming in from Shula he's going to have 30-second clock is already at two seconds so Moreno spends the time out rather than taking the five-yard penalty some might question that why not take the five yards and save the time out it might be much more important later if you've got your mind all made up about small cars then you're watching the wrong commercial but if you'd like to learn about something special this new mazda3 for a short term for Moreno play-action [Applause] is that 15 yards for hearty I'll let them made the tackle for the Jets [Music] back in the third week of the season the Dolphins shut out the Kansas City Chiefs at that time the highest-scoring team in the NFL in the last six game since that time they've been averaging giving up 26 points per game well good news here for dolphin fans with only three points on the board for the Jets in the first half that defense of Miami really been under some heat ladies seven to three first time Miami Bobbo [Music] and the Jets have recovered at the 34 yard line Joe Klecko falls on the loose ball [Music] they got Perino from The Blind Side The Blind Side Zach and how many times we've seen it this year Moreno stepping forward had his arm behind him Yoshiko in the middle of your screen number 90 73 Gaston goes in Klecko goes all the way back around the strip right there and that's 55 Charles Jackson that stripped the ball and Klecko alertly jumped on that football and the jet have not only stopped the dolphins but they have excellent field position [Applause] [Music] Brian going for it all and throws it away Rocky cleaver was deep downfield the second tight end duck betters applying pressure on quarterback O'Brien I don't know whether O'Brien was throwing that one away or whether that blow to the leg just misdirected that pass they've been trying to get him to know when to just throw that football away rather than take the sack last week he threw one up in the second deck in Indianapolis that one may have been directed toward the sideline sar at the University of california-davis he followed Mike Morosky Morosky also graduated to the NFL [Applause] [Music] the official to call that time so both quarterbacks use a timeout early in this third quarter 7 3 Miami a video camera recorder that season his every move just point and shoot and catch all the fun it's so tiny it fits in one hand the new Sony Handycam where will it pop up next [Music] nobody is better prepared to help you manage the new health care than an old friend but you can find some peace you [Music] again Blue Cross and Blue Shield card if you think there's no room for improvement small trucks today and go let the dog out because you wouldn't want to know about Mazdas new cab plus a small truck that's really big inside introducing Mazdas all-new B 2000 cab plus one of the rainiest cabs in its class includes room back here for two adults plus unusual levels of quietness ride and handling it's also the lowest priced extended cab truck by hundreds you wouldn't know anybody who would want something this special widget what aids hits home age is that diseases what does a family do a world movie premiere you can't miss an early Frost Monday well that graphic is a product of our own wondering why the Jets aren't running more but actually it's almost 50/50 it seems as if they passed a lot more than they had second in 10 [Music] wide open at the tight-end chiller and he fights his way through to dolphins to a first down at the 23 twelve yards tremendous second effort by Mickey Schuler on that play Bobby Hammond is signaling in the formation on that play he's telling people who should come out and who should stay in on the other side of the coach Walton was decrypt Kowski who's the quarterback coach he was signaling in areas with a headset on he would be signaling in the play it's already got in from Brett Kowski to O'Brien the quarterback [Music] chargers tied early was the first man there along with both camper but a flag is down we'll see what that penalty is but first an update let's go to Bob Costas NFL 85 all right thank at San Diego Dan Fouts looks for Lionel little train James the play covers 37 yards the Train doesn't quite make it to the depot derailed at the 7th and they settle for a field goal that ties it up at 13 in the third now the San Diego Chargers the top offensive team in the NFL in a tie now with the Raiders it was offside against Miami Mike Charles number 71 offside right in the thinner they're just getting an extra jump but if negated a sack by Mark Brown 60-seconds first my present for [Applause] a quickie incomplete cocoon working on Judson that falls tips by Kimbo camper number 58 that's that quick pass to the outside and boat camper just showing some good reaction jumped up got a finger on it that's a just a little stop pattern to tune and he has been very effective running with the football after he's caught up today and juts in that corner flying in with plenty of room and you could just see that when setting up as Justin was about 10 yards off the line of scrimmage second and five [Music] dolphins late 73 [Applause] camper [Applause] little in the sack of O'Brien at the 20 or this dolphin defense is playing perhaps its top game of the year it's the 38th time this season that Jets quarterbacks have been dumped the third time today that they've gotten to him there's steadily in the center of your screen with Kozlowski we showed you signals from the Jets side and now from the Dolphins side as they try to match with the Jets looking to get some place on the board and to Val tune in complete and on fourth down incomes pat leahy and the field goal team you could sense the rise in the noise level here in this stadium had to be extremely difficult for them to hear the signals on the line of scrimmage Oh Brian I think feeling the pressure of the moment really threw that football with a lot of velocity it just ricocheted out of the hands of tune this will be a 37 or 38 yard at Tim ley he is 1 for 2 today missed from 41 connected from 21 it'll be a 37-yard at them [Applause] after missing wide right early marino fumble is not a costly one the Jets cannot capitalize rise and shine casterline catch the lily I'm talking it good time in hair strokes fire brute for smooth consistent taste [Music] how good it's a Radio Shack Merry Christmas I have to take advantage of my travel time and Radio Shack's portable computers with built-in programs help me do just that and they make this year's best Christmas gifts because they're on sale right now at RadioShack you can give one to your young scholar and to your busy wife and of course they're perfect for everyone who travels sale price portable computers for Christmas only at RadioShack now selsun blue the number one doctor recommended dandruff shampoo introduces a new extra conditioning formula at least my hair looking so soft and manageable it has five conditioners including aloe that leaves here in beautiful condition and Stilton blue extra conditioning formula contains the anti dandruff ingredient doctors recommend most no leading brand gets rid of dandruff flaking or itching better new selsun blue extra conditioning formula controls dandruff and leaves hair in beautiful condition [Music] America's favorite pastime returns to NBC as the nation's tough rollers battle it out for fuller of the Year honors join Jay Randolph and bowler of the decade Earl Anthony for the Phoebe a fault or Knicks Saturday on NBC like all kickers you walk alone valleys well that's shaking going on Lari Pasquale I know that top of our firmware that the naked position [Applause] first down Miami [Applause] intercepted by the Jets as they had a crowd around intended receiver mark Clayton rich Miano one of the backup defenders in to help out number 36 and another jet injury that would be costly we've mentioned the Jets backs have been hurt be coming into this game stand it Bobby Jackson I think number 14 it's on the ground and again I think he's hurt by one of his own teammates Moreno took a licking just as he released the football this is the part that he said where I get all those welts when you wake up on Monday morning Mark Gastineau a rogue elbow the linebacker blitzing from the right side and there's Jackson heading to the sidelines with Bob barista trainer I tell you they Jets have got a wonder when this defensive backfield of theirs is going to get a rest from injuries looks like he may have a stinger just a little pinched nerve he's shaking out that left arm let's pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network this is w NBC TV New York so the deep for now for the Jets Kerry Glen rich Miano two rookies Davlin Mullen and healthy players left at the corner and safety position mark Dilbert with a first down at the 31 or do they say was that about now it's a first down at the 32 yard line you can't cover the pattern any better than Lance Mill covered it number 56 the linebacker coming from the inside but it's a perfect throw there's Mel he knew where the ball was going he knew where dooper was but he could not beat that hard throw into the corner that's not Bobby Jackson goes Jackson number 40 is back in the game that must be Kirk spring [Music] woody Bennett to the 37 38 yard line on first down ten minutes remaining in the third quarter in Miami what's up there at NFL 85 take third quarter at San Diego with a score tied at 13 the rookie out of Ole Miss Tim Moffett is open and Mark Wilson doesn't miss muffet 34 yard gain that sets up a one-yard scoring run by Marcus Allen and the Raiders are back in front 20 to 13 [Music] Raiders next week we'll be meeting the Cincinnati Bengals here on NBC could be a battle of two first-place teams [Applause] close to a first down it looks as if he's a pant yard short rusty Guilbeau in on the play number 94 just a little delay the fake first to Woody Bennett and then they handed the ball back to Nathan officials are going to ask for the may German today bring out the yardstick either third and short or a first down for Miami outside the dolphin 40 and it is a half yard short again for those of you who might be joining us late the New York Jets at seven and two two full games in front of Miami so a Jets win would drop the Dolphins three back with six remaining well a Miami victory would put them right back in the thick of the AFC East New England has won so a Miami victory would force a first-place tie between the Jets and the Patriots and of course would bring them to within a game of those two first place team and inches [Applause] got enough for the first down at the 44 would like to thank NBC's Miami affiliate WSVN that's channel 7 here in southern Florida the blackout of today's game was lifted locally because our sister station bought up the remaining tickets and donated them to the United Way and so for super kids who are seated in the grandstands in their official United Way super super kids t-shirts oh thanks channel 7 they made a lot of folks happy that our home today watching this telecast folks here in the stands were happy to see the Dolphins get a first down Marino has still got his troops on the field at the 44 leading seven to three eight minutes remaining third quarter the 44-yard line mark bounces him out of bounds but not until duper adds well more to his total and a first down at the 44 of the Jets watch mark duper right here on the inside just could have drift inside and then nail it to the sidelines he's going to find the opening they're running out behind right there they nail him on the sideline breaks down nobody out there to get ahold of him well I'd say that I think one of the things that's happening this secondary for the Jets just got to be shell-shocked with all those injuries six catches for duper [Music] - cranky and Clayton did a good job of breaking up what appeared to be a good chance of the Jackson interception Clayton had to knock it away and that was an awkward throwing motion from Dan Marino I don't know whether that's because of that bad sigh it might be that he is not able to finish that long throwing motion when he's got the ball way downfield let's take a look at it looks like he's kind of flipping his body as he finishes the throw here remember it's his it's his right or it's it's the left thigh he may not be able to there it is you see him kind of awkwardly putting his weight down but look how he just has to kind of throw that over the top looks like he's a little apprehensive about settling down on that left thigh of his [Music] from the Jets 44 at the 30 Miami tackled a jet and that will cost him ten he'll are trying to undress Joe Klecko down there they had his jersey almost 3/4 of the way to the crown that's the bare facts of that penalty call and Dallas now after a three nothing lead at halftime is open to 13 nothing advantage in the third quarter at Washington the penalty against Jeff caves number 16 and instead of another Miami first down marina will look at second down and 20 well we'll look at mark duper who has six catches you know as high as a dolphin is eight so he's going after a career-high and his best yardage as a dolphin is 202 yards that was against Buffalo a couple of seasons ago he already has a hundred and sixty-one yards today another thing that I can bet you right now is that he is one exhausted fellow by with that injury you aren't able to work out you aren't able to build up your endurance and I'm sure knowing he was going to play he's burned off a lot of emotional energy he's gonna be one tired young man is he get looking pass disappoint flag down complete that cranky [Music] light was thrown from deep downfield where you might expect something wrong with a tight end well exactly the same pattern that they defeated the boys on the last play it's the other way it's a the Jets [Music] Doni elder reacting angrily to what was said by the officials [Music] not a bad situation for the Dolphins they can either take the penalty or take the reception 14 yards on the Clayton catch his jokes like Oh what again one of the nice stories and they're many about him a couple of years ago it was Christmastime he's with his mother and mother was complaining about the refrigerator on Christmas Eve he and his brother went down to the local appliance store and said we want to buy a new refrigerator when you wanted to want it right now they took it right off James of mine picked carrying all we're going to take they although it's shorter yardage five but it carries the first down and on second and twenty would have been third down and six had they taken the pass play so they'll take the four new downs the decision puts them on the 49 yard line basically [Music] eight seconds clock running third quarter a tight defensive game seven to three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] was wide open at the 14 and he caught that one on a full steam he at ten yards or more downfield not a good throw for Marino the ball thrown behind Bennett then it has to swing all the way around and you know one of the things we've been married about Marino is his ability to see the open receiver he missed one on that last play here he is he punched two though hey can I have a shot at that ball nobody out there with him they're working hard on 99 Mark Gastineau inside that's green with some help from Stephenson and they pin number 99 well it's help from foster 61 who came over from his guard position Gastineau has not been heard of in the second half another time burrito that leaves the dolphins with only one remaining in this second half [Music] there's some special things in this world that only a handful of people can appreciate maybe you're not one of these people but if you are spend some time getting to know Mazdas new rx-7 but I'll warn you it'll flat spoil you for anything else introducing Mazdas new generation rx-7 its engine has the smoothest draw power in the world no one has a more advanced suspension system and no one offers all this at this price it's pretty special like you and me it's a big step Tom I'm still gonna go to college die but after the army I thought you wanted to be an electrical engineer I'll be learning about electronics and I can qualify for the new GI Bill a new army college fund if you qualify the new GI Bill a new army college fund can help you save over $25,000 for tuition so you're gonna be a soldier [Music] teamwork people working together that's what it takes to achieve a difficult goal for the people at Manville the goal is this to be America's very best supplier of quality products simple yes easy no achievable rather 21,000 people of Manville think so and they're working together so you'll have the products you need when and where you need them yes man villas 21,000 people with one goal to make Manville America's very best supplier this fall NBC fourth has a November to remember with the network premiere of the kapalua international one of the world's richest tournaments has drawn they always unpredictable Lee Trevino and an international field of golfers through the beautiful shores of Maui that kapalua international makes it a November to remember on NBC fortunately for the Jets it is not a high humidity day and night in Miami 78 degrees in the humidity low but the way Joe Klecko has been working in the middle plenty warm for him his horses are working hard on the line second and 10 Miami [Music] it's a good cat today in Johnson the tidy and first down at the chips 29 yard line as we go to NFL 85 all right dick stretching this metaphor to the breaking point the Chargers opted to travel by rail again and hear as little train James at this time all the way to the station 33 yards for the touchdown the game is tied at 20 in the third has foul to celebrate dick that Bob Costas he's ready to yell all aboard the way little trains got him working train got him back in the game that's an exciting ball game going on in San Diego a 22-yard burrito pass to Johnson Bruce Hardy wrapped up immediately by rich Miano rookie from Hawaii and we'll check the flag it's on the near sidelines offside Jets one thing we'd have to say at this point in a ball game the Dolphin offensive line has really done a fine job of negating the rush the Jets have been putting on a great deal of pressure over the past few weeks but the Dolphins who have been suffering from a lot of marine who have been sacked number 55 defense Moreno has not been sacked that much but last week Shula said if it hadn't been for Marino's experience and his ability to get rid of the football he probably would have been sacked in time you can tell and of course one of the reasons they've been able to play well today John Giesler with that knee injury has stayed in the ball game has played well but allowed Cleveland Green to go play his normal position instead of fighting him out of [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the magic markers mark clayton and marc dopher thirteen two three [Music] hyperplane bhairav A's and the rookie the youngest field goal kicker in the NFL reveille from Tennessee at 14 to 3 the crossing pattern to Clayton for the score caches are made across the middle platon streaking inside off of that pass by moreno you'll see it again the good protection they closed Klecko out they've got Gastineau closed out and Clayton not to be outdone by his Marx brother who had a touchdown earlier breaks across the middle and into the end zone let's look at Stephenson and Klecko Klecko trying to open the way for Mark Gastineau from the other side and you'll see one of the Jets knocked down here that was a fine shot Bobby Jackson going to the ground with an excellent block by one of the other wide receivers of course that sprung it into the end zone Mark Clayton who has his own Kids Corner down there in that end zone and they're delighted to see their guy and there he says that's number two for you second touchdown of the season as the long time coming ADR drive-in 10 plays for Miami to take the lead 14 to 3 and the kickfire of a is very high Jojo town Sal at the 8th and he's back to the 30-yard line tackled by Don McNeil veteran from Alabama the cornerback though has returned from the injured list for the dolphin here comes Kennel Bryan for the first time today he's in the hole down 14 to 3 [Music] now's the time you begin to examine the character of football teams they've been in this game very comfortably all they needed to do with score a touchdown to jump out in front but suddenly Miami's offensive exploded get themselves into the [Applause] he's down at the 38 and apply have gotten his facemask boy that tune really with quick feet you can see why he was Wisconsin's most valuable player both as a junior and as a senior here a triple jumped 53 feet plus actually once a to jump almost 55 [Music] [Music] added yardage across the 40 as Mark Clayton from Louisville his sister is a freshman at the University of Miami on the basketball team she's taller than he is G six feet tall now if you read lips you hear mark thing I'll be home next week maybe he's gonna go home and watch the basketball game so Walker whoa this is at the 10-yard terrific throw by O'Brien was right on the money - Wesley Walker who has had some of his biggest games against Miami but shutout today what a pretty pass beautifully timed by O'Brien and right at the end of this play looked like Walker's legs kind of give out on him watch him take the ball directly over his head I think this is the toughest catch in football wide open boy I'd say that ball is perfectly thrown and he has it you'll see the strip they're trying to knock it out of his hands there but I think what knocked the ball loose was his contact with the ground Wesley Walker using his 9-3 speed to get open Freeman appeal to the 48-yard line a gain of five and will bring up third down and five for the Jets again the Jets trying to cross up that Miami defense running in an obvious passing situation McNeal we haven't seen a great deal of him in the second half 18 rushes for 71 they sneaks up on you he's 71 yards on the day good backs do that don't they doc better is the star defensive lineman limping off for Miami in his place [Music] [Applause] Miami 31 good throw again by O'Brien and we've seen him several times now this year but what a difference remember back to the opener against the Raiders O'Brien and comparing him to today he has really matured in one seasons time he is making progress there's Townsel if two years in the USFL and he's playing today as we mentioned again because sonís it's been sick came down with the flu just before the game that have made his presence Alvin certainly did a little big play there he is screaming McNeal straight ahead power again a four maybe five mark Brown from Purdue in the middle of the Miami defense with a tackle in the clock running to the four-minute mark third quarter looking down to the middle of that Miami defense Jackie's ship has been in that ball game they're ready to see the score of our ball game Jackie ship has been in the middle of that defense and they've been unhappy with the play of that youngster they were going to take him out put Brophy in but Brophy came down with the flu earlier in the week there's Jackie number 50 the hospital got his job back second and six McNeil at the 24-yard line gain of three so he has 79 yards on the afternoon this telecast presented by authority of the National Football League is intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the Miami Dolphins and the National Football League is prohibited elsewhere in the fourth quarter now Dallas with a lead and the Raiders and San Diego are tied at 20 light substitutions on for the Miami defense rich Co tight following the plays down from the Prescott [Applause] the Fuhrer [Applause] that was a touchdown that lawyers saved Bob Brzezinski held out Alex Moyer was the man that Shula felt would step in and take his place he got hurt he's been on injured reserve they've brought him back and activated him and look at the way he docked schiller right at the last second reached out got a hand on that football and knocked it away prize till another field goal this one 42 yards he's won today [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's missed again to the right [Music] you've got to believe that on this when his teammates even though they want to help him keep this the emotional level up have got to be frustrated not a bad man I think that's the kind of thing where a kicker is trying to adjust he missed it right then he's adjusted and kick to the left and Walton who's watched three of those go awry today the only makeable the only 20 made was a an extra point the chip job really his missus from 37 41 and 42 yards as you see now Marino with a 14 to 3 lead [Applause] [Music] for the second time [Music] the best of merino and we playing they dolphin made the mistakes today as well as the big plays Clifton comes up with a football the Jets have another opportunity and Merlin that's not the only bad news for Miami at the moment the interception we hear from the sidelines that Doug bettors has entered a knee and will not return to the dolphin lineup today perhaps their best downline [Music] perhaps on that one the Jets after missing the field goal get it right back at the 37 yard line O'Brien and his Walker and what a recovery by Paul Langford number 44 Walker had to slow up just a bit and Langford world-class intermediate hurdler caught the ball caught up to the ball you call that a cushion look at the acceleration there and how much room he has and the cushion disappears as the ball is slightly late in arriving Langford able to close that distance and get a hand on it to knock it away the ball of little light in being thrown Lag down as well Langford an outstanding 400-meter intermediate hurdler I said you ever run against Edwin Moses he said twice I said what did you learn by running against that Olympic champion eat I learned that well he was looking at Walker from behind but he closed the distance like a real friend [Applause] holding [Music] first 1020 threw it away sooner was the closest jet Mike Charles pressuring O'Brien 2:15 left third quarter as we thought about Cosby's all right they can San Diego the Raiders take the lead again mark Wilson throws for Jesse hester when Danny Walters misses the tackle watch Marcus Allen he picks two defenders and allows Jesse hester to break free the play covers 54 yards in the Raiders lead 27 20 real pitcher's battle in San Diego 27 20 Raiders here at 14 second we mimic here at the 43 catch the Dolphins looking pass but Mithila on the game three or four Mike Charles made the tackle replacing duck betters there's trowels a second-year man third year man from Syracuse Charles actually on the nose dick and it's back more at the one you see out there 91 Mac more that's on the left end the two of them built much alike at the knees II things to make Washington has scored in the fourth quarter précisément McGarry - with 13 minutes left the meadow too soon [Applause] rookie would time big jet first [Music] breaking across the Brian finds him close to the sideline but it's what tune does after he catches the ball that is most impressive here watch him after gets his hands on that football and get away from Ernest Rome 55 right there explodes keeps his balance tiptoes down that sideline and finally pushed out by Glenn Blackwood 47 that's a big pickup all the way down to the fourth first down [Music] right up and cream in this meal [Applause] the end zone is shaken [Music] finding McNeil all alone in the left flat but in his desire to reach the end zone well appears to be okay now I don't know what it was but that's frightening for trainers and coaches alike Bremen McNeil is a meal ticket not only has a runner but you see the little first pattern outside O'Brien seed isn't him open out there we'll watch the kickin in take you back to see the last part of that play we didn't hit that one too plainly barely skidded it inside the left upright flag down I believe Miami was offside while a he just almost point so they'll assess the 5-yard penalty on the ensuing kickoff and Lahey will kick off from the 40 it's now a 14 to 10 game Kyle Clifton's interception and then an O'Brien de Freeman McNeal touchdown here it is Raymond McNeal right hand side of your picture just disappeared he'll come back again and he's all alone watch what he does as he works past Glen Blackwood right there just stopped a little shot right there on Blackwood shoulder and he may have strained it may have strange something is he turns inside a watch the control of speed here look at him it just stops right there and just kind of gives him a limb flipping it over the top into the end zone [Music] without injury he said he was not much of a high school player until a senior in fact as a sophomore he said I was a a why always and what's that he said when the coach yelled out all you others I went with them but boy he became a star as a senior and then an all-american at UCLA and over a thousand yards here in 1985 and Gerald Briggs also for the 1000 yard mark the Atlanta Falcons runner [Music] [Applause] Lorenzo Hampton that the pen and the 18 with the flag Denis blige only running back from st. John's made the tackle the Jets are right back in this game with a minute and five seconds left in the third quarter oh how you might be agonizing isn't the difference in this game ended up being four points realizing that you have missed so many field goals on the day I got to believe that Lahey is praying for another Jets touchdown well there's a signal you don't see very often anymore a clipping poll actually blocking below the waist routing the force in the back I'm gonna take the week off in New York would really be fun wanted to be in the studio live I'm they going to use the David Letterman studio I mean no pun intended there anyway Pete Rozelle is going to be there the Commissioner of the NFL and they'll actually be live questioning of the football commissioner on NFL 85 so don't miss that to start our coverage next Sunday we can guaranteed some action I think and some good answer at this big time but the Commissioner is pretty pretty light on his feet from inside to ten it's Tony Nathan [Applause] [Music] Joe Klecko took himself out of that play from his nose tackle position 73 watch him just jumped through the gap there Stevenson just helps him on his way it opened up inside for Nathan who made a fine gain on the play and again that battle on the nose as we mentioned it the first game you'd have to give the nod to Klecko and that battle was Stephenson here tonight even though they both had big plays I think Stephenson is winning the overall content it was a unanimous decision in New York for Fleck off a mile baby split decision for Stevenson today recover it appeared to be Jeff caves yes caves number 60 and that ball for grabs at the Miami 21 the ball stripped away by Kyle Clifton number 59 the linebacker and that is the end of the third quarter Miami 14 the Jets 10 we'll be back after these messages from your local station stories we're actually watching TV from outer space and they're coming here amazing tonight in Washington the nation's capital the word around town is German back the number one imported German beer in Washington got a problem need a friend called United Way of Essex in West Hudson first call for help is a free confidential service that can put you in touch with problem solvers I haven't got the time to go to the track so old TV is the next best thing that should be you get a free program it's all condensed on a small sheet it tells you the horses the races scratches the jockeys the odds I can run out here in two or three minutes I'm online and they've taken me in those two minutes they're more they used to be we need to do the last call right here the party you here your artistry come on come on come on New York City OTB changing for the better Oh TV is really New York there's something special on the horizon American Airlines ultimate Super Sabres incredible low fares to over 90 cities throughout the continental US and Canada discounts up to 70% fares from $44 to 151 dollars American Airlines for an ultimate Super Saver the another day passes you by [Music] in San Francisco the city where people leave their hearts to work around town its term affects banks the number one importer German beer in San Francisco New Jersey says that Bill Bradley on strictly business tonight 11:45 we interrupt this program for a special report from news for New York hundreds of people are being evacuated from their homes in Cliffside Park New Jersey two small aircraft collided in midair over the Hudson River around 5:15 then crashed into that Bergen County town fire officials there tell us at least three people are dead an unknown number of injured are being taken to five different hospitals an entire block of homes is on fire on foot Street in Cliffside Park the crash and fire have disrupted power and gas lines there are scattered blackouts we'll have more on this story as it becomes available and a complete report on use for New York at 11 o'clock we now return to the football game both teams with high yardage in passing and not a great deal in running total ERT to 341 to 296 very close time of possession still in favor of the Jets but on the clock it's still the Dolphins who prevail 14 to 12 and score three makeable field goals the difference the Jets of that possession and field position but Pat Leahy is only one for four today Nathan [Applause] he's able to drag Gastineau across the 30 and a first down that's a funny play it's a it's a play that's that's designed to give to the second back you fake to the first back and kind of lay it in to the second back with a little delay Gastineau all the way past the play watch him now is they'll fake to Bennett and Tony Nathan just comes in there and hides behind that play and then slides in underneath Gastineau coming from behind you see him trying to take that ball away he got his hands on the football but Nathan put the clamps on it and kept a hold of it first down at the 31 looking for Clayton yes at all [Applause] because Moreno he may be a half yard your speed from Mark Gastineau four six five four the big man at over 285 pounds he comes inside he's double-teamed on the play and he bounces off gets in behind Moreno but watch him just used his speed to get out and get a piece of Marino's heels and knock him to the ground gain of a half yard it's second down and a long 9c Gastineau with his head down a little bit even though it's cooled down these players have been going at it fast and furious on the line of scrimmage Terry Glenn platon out about 38-yard line and like tenth ground drastic working from Minnesota who sent a salad job he has a couple of interceptions and one for a touchdown got the game ball last week against Indianapolis who made seven tackles recovered two fumbles and an interception playing in place the Russell Carter who's got back spasms in fact in traction there about his self but Carrie Glenn's certainly filling in admirably and that's one thing that the Jets have been blessed with a lot of speed they're fortunate in that regard [Music] [Applause] deeper duper and go forever so close to pulling off another long gainer just off his fingertips and Moreno actually threw that ball while falling backwards just that quick flick of the wrist and so very close to being on target the man that was very nearly beaten on the plate carrée gland right there coming in behind [Music] stretching out that ball should have been caught you can't throw it any better than that and that might just be a testimony that it rusts yep there's some rust there the timing not quite there but duper in spite of that play has had a big big day our faintness duper in the duper's had a big day Brobee hammers one toward town Zell and down by Bruce Hardy at about the 21 yard line maybe the 22 is where he touched it first the timeout 12 minutes and 21 seconds remaining in the fourth quarter bigger engines were easy on oil but today's smaller higher revving engines are tougher they can break down an oil viscosity within 1,500 miles that's why there's Castro tests show Castro suffers no significant breakdown of viscosity even after 5,000 miles so use Castro because if you make things too hard on your engine your engine could make things hard on you Castro engineered for smaller cars Trail Boss on the cattle drive you put in long days and when the works over ya head for the mountains boy get for the beer that goes down smooth is a mountain stream brewed the natural way so it's always as smooth as its name for the average hunter the fight of mercury links at plenty of gold and it's only twenty nine ninety five a day at Burgess by budgeted America one not mom I sell the Lincoln town car look at his head room and even earth big shop like budget small price only 3995 a day get the economy of luxury or the luxury of economy go to budget and say the guy on the car today's game is brought to you by Honda all-terrain vehicles inventors of the ATC three wheeler and four tracks or wheeler why Kestrel the motor-oil engineered for smaller cars and by IBM and the growing family of IBM personal computer [Music] the Orange Bowl in Miami [Applause] a football at their own plane to the quickie on the outside to Walker and he drops another been a long afternoon for veteran Wesley Walker that's at least the third ball that was more than catchable that's gone through his fingertips important to get those opportunities when you have them you're out there all by yourself that's a long walk back to the huddle when you've dropped an easy one like that there's a comparison the two quarterbacks on the day both over the 50% mark the artis very nearly the same no interception that for O'Brien has shined all year has been able to avoid the intersections throughout the scene intercepted only five times that slow in the AFC I'm second in ten O'Brien right back to the sideline to flag down and out of bounds goes Bobby Humphrey short of the first down check that Jonny Hector 34 with a catch Hector may have been ticketed for using his shoulders now now they're holding call against Miami that'll carry an automatic first down since they gained the Jets less than 10 they'll take the five yards in the first down out of the 27 Don Shula defang live yards automatic first there will be a little upset they didn't announce who but he likes to know you get those cold those cold eyes when you come to the sidelines that is not an ordinary statistic for the Dolphins eight penalties in 69-yard Shula said we never let an error go unchallenged or run corrected because they multiplied so and says well five yards is a small flaw he says every mistake is big and he really teaches not to commit the penalty so he won't be happy with that number la that penalty let the jet off the hook McNiel the second effort was able to get a couple after he had been stopped cold it's short of the first down 12 minutes left here as we go to NFL 85 [Music] dick you thought these references were over with but the charges are driving again in a little train James is at it once more makes the catch from Dan Fouts football fans haven't seen this kind of locomotion since the days of Charlie shoots you justice back to dick woo he's big on North Carolina's history too I think I can I think I can I think I can I'm gonna Lionel little train James he can [Applause] he can - and it's a first down at the 48 yard line Wesley Walker will savor that reception Walker with that drop moments ago goes inside and tell you again those are the top catches for the wide receivers they've got to go in there knowing that there are a lot of bodies come in their direction that ball thrown low that's one thing I like about O'Brien when you're coming in front of those deep back seat he'll put that ball down low if you can't get it those extra bb's don't get it either the Jets have big deal 14 to 10 the 1049 left in the game [Applause] Miami has recovered they forced him to fumble for the second time Mark Brown wound up with a football and Mike Charles was the man who made the hit at the 50-yard line the Dolphins get it back Mack more in the thick of that and you see the frustration from Joe Walter running right at 91 Mack more on this play work out to the outside pop Rosinski 59 if there's a stop from the inside and there it is Charles coming out from his nose tackle position knocks it away and Jackie ship Marc Brown take it back 51 Marc Brown pumps on that football sole 1814 210 turned over its marina at the 50 woody Bennett in the Joe Klecko and a lot of other green jerseys for a gain of two and apparently little train at whether he got the touch or not maybe it was the caboose so it was Gary Anderson Faust Anderson a 21-yard past the former Arkansas star who played so brilliantly in the USFL and is really coming into his own very quickly with the Chargers what a game in San Diego it's nice to see the Chargers back and charging and it's nice to see the Raiders bounce back from that defeat they took up the hand with the second and nine [Applause] complain at the 43 [Music] Gastineau picks up six more it will be third down and four when we return let's go to bow all right pick as you mentioned it's not the train this time but rather Gary Anderson the USFL signee who has helped the Chargers so much in recent weeks 21 yard touchdown on the pass from Foust spouses thrown for three TDs and the game is tied at 27 now thanks five and we'll look forward of that very special NFL 85 Edition at 12:30 next Sunday Eastern Time it will kick off our day's coverage doubleheader day on NBC with the Commissioner of football Pete Rozelle live in your NFL 85 studios big call here third down and three [Music] almost a sensational one-handed catch by Bruce Hardy as Marino with a jet flying in I believe was been Rudolph untouched and Hardy almost came up with a great catch could have been now we see another injured jet limping off and it's at the position where they're hurt [Music] popping on that one leg and further depleting the defensive backs Donny elder 37 standing in the foreground but it was bent Rudolph shooting inside and Moreno knowing that he was going to have party down the middle tried to get the ball to Hardy and look at him fight for that football whoo that hurts to have that big horse come down on you do the Jets after losing the ball on the McNeill fumble we'll get it back apparently as Roby to punt sounds L back at the 10-yard line 856 left fourth quarter miami 14 the New York Jets 10 [Applause] over the stadium by Joe so the Jets will start 98 yards away on a 41-yard punt by row in a recent independent test new car shoppers compared Renault Alliance to Toyota Corolla in riding comfort Renault one driving ease for no.1 in styling comfort and convenience Renault one in fact Renault one / Toyota in 29 out of 30 categories Renault Alliance with 550 Plus America's best small car protection get 8.8% factory financing on any 86 alliance or encore when you're dealing with higher volumes of information and need answers fast you search everywhere for solution but find it hard to get on top of things that's why IBM created the personal computer 18 with the power to push high performance even higher with the 80 fast becomes faster and the capacity to handle data becomes greater all to help put your business on solid ground the IBM personal computer 84 advanced technology come along we're gonna try to find a banker to be called a banker you know you've had to have had very special training in the management of people's money don't see any bankers here bankers have hundreds of years of banking tradition to back them up no bankers here and bankers offer the newest ideas to help your money grow there is one catch the only place you'll find a banker is a message from America's full-service banks the NFL plays here when the I'm a rapist before your team takes the field our team hits the air NFL 85 back at the Orange Bowl in Miami with all the talk about the refrigerator they called you the mule but you ever had a hankering to carry the football dick I always wanted to carry the football I didn't get by the chances that College once they gave it to me and I went 21 yards [Music] what a man the end zone over deep to tune in [Music] and the Jets throwing from the New York endzone trying to hit against Miami Chile's jaw becomes even more iron see'em turn to chuck studly and said hey come on let's go density receivers these quarterbacks working under a lot of heat tonight the Jets been pressured ten times by this Miami defense that's a lot they have not been getting that much heat on it past weeks he's been knocked down a bridesman knock down three time first down [Applause] depends zeroing in number 24 Freeman McNeil McNiel who's an artist at making yards where there are no yards available he couldn't even do anything with that mess killer bees have really played up to their reputation of past years that's not been the case as we showed you earlier they've been good there's a lot of points they have been tough [Music] I think J Brophy is in there in fact three to replace Jackie chef [Music] feel like you're going to get some of this action for yourself shot right there Mac more the right end who's got it in place of betters he gets the first piece there's the second piece by Mark Brown Ryan thinking about throwing that ball away I think it's good he didn't 39 sack of the year he and Warren Moon down 35 cops in the NFL starting to [Applause] to the grounding [Music] [Applause] signal safety so apparently he was just across the goal we'll look at it from the end line back more again streak again for me I think he's in the end zone and I think they blew that Krawczyk [Music] number seven after distance critical the line he may have got all over the goal line before I released it [Music] that close to a two-point play for the Dolphins it's a loss of down penalty so it's fourth down and Jennings will have to get his heels right on that back line Yard distance between the one-yard line where the ball will be snapped and where Jennings will have to receive the ball Maria's kick is stepped up an ass Tony page I think the move Mukunda ticket at the 45 in jets territory good high kick they Garrido their cats [Music] mr. me [Music] bump and shove which happens so often on the special teams for a three buck brown in the middle of that one under the circumstances of good 39-yard life l return by Jennings deck the clock that has seemed to be abundant one time Dudley is closing down a little bit on let's go back and look at that play by O'Brien's remember if that ball breaks the plane of the goal line coming out then the ball is considered to be out of the end zone I believe O'Brien is able to lunge over that goal line and saved the Jets two points that may turn out to be a big play actually the ruling on the play it's a sack a one-yard sack and a one yard penalty and the loss of the down he didn't have much real estate to work with there to take away but he did save the two that's the time where you're glad to have an experienced kicker Jennings did a good job of getting that ball away under pressure got pretty good distance on the Jets now turned the responsibility over though defense they know that it's getting critical first down away from field goal territory with a 14 to 10 lead seven minutes remaining [Applause] get back Nathan clever running man back Nathan those skipped out of several grasses st. play I believe we've seen a number of times today as they just shield Nathan with what he Bennett going inside and in the football 37 yards on seven rushes on the day he he complained about not getting enough work last week well he certainly has had a an armload of of carries this evening that lay still contemplating the three field goals that were within dreams that he missed he's 1 for 4 for the day second and for Miami [Applause] get them out of bounds at the 23 first down my we pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network this is w NBC TV New York dan Marino with that last completion over the 300 yard mark on the afternoon and Miami for the first down and six minutes 16 seconds left ball at the Jets went the 2 yard line [Applause] Tony Curtis Nathan for two more named after the actor Joe Klecko with the stop well I say you look down and you look at through the mud collecting the dirt collecting on those jerseys then you get a feeling for how harsh that battle has been in the pits tonight bodies smashing back and forth and I think my head off to that Miami offensive line John Keeler save dr. Stevenson five guys on second and eight let go was offside and Nathan we'll get four or five yards but you saw cleco gets wrong and was trying to stay out of that neutral zone could not get back it can't do everything at the same time and you can't do too much you got to do your job first let go so anxious to make the big play wants to get something happening down there trying to gets with that number 73 he were talking with Dwight Stevenson yesterday and quickness was on his mind and last week he tried to be too quick against New England there were a couple of fumbled snaps now you won't slump the ball if you stay right with us on the peacock tonight punky brewster silver spoon steven spielberg's amazing stories Alfred Hitchcock Presents and then our NBC Sunday night movie of nine o'clock streets of justice stay right where you are five minutes and 15 seconds left second and after the five-yard penalty intercepted by the Jets the second time today [Music] interception on today to the second in the end zone by Jackson David a little bit earlier but Jackson time to perfectly and fights for that football he's the man that comes down with it taking her away from Barclay now look as Jackson who was injured earlier in the game returning to steal it from Clayton in the Jets habit at their own 20 small to play high school football was a drummer in the back they grow up [Applause] it's a first out Freeman McGee [Applause] yards for freamon McNeil with 4 minutes and 50 seconds left here at the Orange Bowl check elsewhere with Bob Costas dick what a while the ferret has been in San Diego less than two minutes remaining Wilson finds Todd Christensen for the go-ahead touchdown it's 34 27 in favor of the Raiders less than two minutes remaining and Christensen after a job well done takes a seat the Jets trail 14 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] win or lose the Jets are going to have a difficult time keeping Altoona on the bench he is shown why he was the number one pick - [Music] Brian there's no way he could see what was happening behind him that's not a penalty that's not a mistake by the quarterback one of those offensive acts definitely blew the play and bus 20 yards to the Jets offense so instead of a first down out near midfield and there's the final Dallas holds on at Washington 13 to 7 the Cowboys win it Dick Enberg with Merlin Olsen at the Orange Bowl in Miami the Jets one for today or - huh the Jets would be in front [Applause] without the 33 in that was the last dolphin as Tony paves through a key block but Brown number 43 there to make the tackle on McNeil McNeil who's been held in check here in this second half able to break free on this play starts it over watch him cut against the grain here Billy shields trying to help with a block but there it is the saving tackle by number 43 but Brown and McNeil over the 1000 yard mark on the season over 100 yards again today that 13 times [Applause] another first down at the 45 before Paul Langford can yank him down first down Jets first down Costas all right dick the Cowboys and Giants remain tied atop the NFC East at seven and three the Redskins fall to five and five desperation throw by Theismann in the closing seconds comes down in the arms of Everson walls it's 13 7 Dallas [Music] [Applause] Altoona has five catches today O'Brien [Applause] [Music] covering Johnny Hester Hector and that shovel pass by O'Brien saved a sack but I look for a moment is going to go right to the dolphin linebacker just going to jump in behind O'Brien and watch the heat on O'Brien he'll get away from the shot right there you green you agreed but try to throw that ball up you green in behind him quickly two minutes 49 seconds left Miami for Tina jet Ken it appeared that Miami was offside a free incomplete through the hands of Freeman 'mobile he was hit early by Mark Brown it appeared that Charles in the middle of the defense had jumped too soon we seen click go off twice today and I think that's the second for Charles he was off earlier and that is exactly right you don't want to stop on a play like that you keep going and obviously that's the kind of time that you could number 71 defense when you can take a risk offensively do you know that penalty is on the defense Doug betters for those of you who have joined us late Doug fetters leaf star defensive and for the Miami Dolphins left here in the second half with a bruised knee and will not return first rains of the jet returned early that returned [Applause] down in five double-reverse this is Bobby Humphrey and a flag down first down yardage but we may have a against the Jets we had an illegal block hue green and gotten himself in good position and one of the Jets it is anxiousness just came down on the back of his legs illegal block above the waist number 65 offense ten yards still second then the general go fields the Veterans Center and each side has been ticketed ten times and for Miami it's unusual to see them with more penalty yards than their opponents very unusual in critical situation approaching here for the Jets time on the clock ticking down to 31 to 38 and 15 yards to go by the penalty of this situation [Music] [Applause] second and 15 O'Brien completes the Wesley Walker's shorter the first down at the 49 that'll probably take it up to the two minutes consume out gently not greedy on that play content to get part of it I'm sure they're in four down territory to down Fleming to pick up the first down it'll be third down six for the Jetson two minutes left down by 40 and the defensive strategy you could be working for yards here but the dolphin defense knows that Jets have to put it in the end zone that gives them a little edge as they approach this last two minutes of play let's check the timeouts for you Miami has one remaining that's not so critical for them they have the lead at least at the moment it is not the Jets had to spend one earlier themselves so they have two remaining with the two-minute mark and undoubtedly coach Joe Walton pride and joy of Beaver Falls Pennsylvania will go if he does not make it here on third down we'll go for it on fourth down a bit field how about that San Diego Dan Fouts to Charley Joyner a 14 yard touchdown pass the Chargers tighter later what veteran shackle I think what happened is that that was a call made on the first sound howl must've thought he heard it and he bounces out of there that's where the crowd helped Miami and more and more the sophisticated crowds around the NFL are making it very difficult for the visiting teams and I really believe if not this year next year there's gonna have to be a toughening of the rules they'll have to find a way to keep the crowd from taking advantage of the visiting team that way advantages big enough the flag here they can't do that gather conversation while start the puppet [Music] upset at what he thought was such a clear-cut call that the officials would all gather together but in a way you can't blame them they don't want to make a mistake here momentum of a game one of with a 300-yard gave a touchdown No [Applause] [Music] walk her to the right those down in the middle please cocoon he said two and a half yards short and they'll go for it on fourth down soon working all the way across the field to pick it up they'll go for it with Durer guys they get it down at the boarding line now tune who caught only nine in the first nine games this year has seven today in over 100 yards well you earn your football Spurs a piece at a time and Ken O'Brien with that play under tremendous heat able to step forward and deliver that ball now the drama continues in Miami was one minute 30 seconds left one of the size today for the Jets altoon wide to the left first down O'Brien it's tuna and this brilliant rookie from Wisconsin has his eighth catch today and the Jets are 20 yards away from taking the lead [Music] the matter open is closed down rookie cleaver [Applause] tired deep and Vic second tight-end al number fifty-four has not had that much experience he got behind rocky cleaver and ken O'Brien put it right in the big tight end pants he had to make a great catch to hang on to it flavor second touchdown of the season only is eight catch of the year and now Lahey was made place-kicking a dramatic affair and he just does put that one inside the pole so that's how he's been kicking almost missed two extra points he's missed three field goals but that's the negative top dick up day one thing he is the most relieved man in this ballpark the game is no longer on his shoulders and you see Shula saying to his troops we still have some time look at this pass by O'Brien cleaver up in the air put that ball with one hand and control it what a fine catch that was a marvelous ADR drive by the Jets and O'Brien and the Jets well should celebrate remember they had to save that touchdown on a 4th and 3 O'Brien hitting tune under pressure and that's where all of the preparation for your two-minute drill pays giant dividends they deserve to celebrate on a play like that now the cards are dealt to Miami and Don Shula one minute and six seconds left he has one timeout remaining he does not need a touchdown he needs to get at least into field goal range Quadra vase his outstanding rookie kicker has not tried a field goal today but we should remind you he has missed only twice all year and both of those were over 50 yards so if they can get close as that score is in overtime in San Diego mas a chance to send this and overtime Lorenzo Hampton at the seven is that the right [Applause] seconds left and great field position eighty-five dick what great games to close the day on NBC you mentioned that the Chargers and Raiders are in overtime that's because of this play Dan Fouts fourth touchdown throw of the afternoon 14 yarder to Charlie Joyner in the closing minute Raiders couldn't move in the last few seconds they go to Ooty there's Quadro Bay's the rookie place kicker from Tennessee one timeout remaining for Miami the ball is at the dolphin 44 with 58 seconds left dick that long return we mentioned earlier the three top tacklers where the special teams of the Jets all out of this game barber bunker brechler all gone for this game that may have helped Miami to set great field position for this play Moreno out of the shotgun [Applause] they're coming with a linebackers and a Fire's Clayton lately plan to get out of nothing yes what an effort by Clayton being shirttail down the wide receiver saved the final timeout by struggling out of bounds and stopping the clock with 49 seconds left again preparation training Clayton knows he's got to get that football out about rich Miano trying to force him out gets a hand on him right here dragging on that shirttail and Clayton just lunges and holds that football over the line to the 50-yard line the six yard game not as important as stopping the clock and at the moment that is the Jets here all along with beckoning for [Applause] but open cuts down [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] if you ever wonder how quick you can go from the height of esta sea to the depths of despair you've just seen it here Andy and on the other side from the depths of despair into ecstasy [Applause] extra point try the biggest report is 2017 2117 it took only 17 seconds the capper 50 yards Moreno to do for his second long touchdown when you cover tight bump-and-run man-to-man you've got to get pressure on that quarterback Bobby Jackson a lab duper to get out Duke chuckling that football but comes up with the ball and a touchdown put Miami back on top here it is again the best day yardage wise and duper's Miami career look at the juggling at 1 2 and then he just hooks it with a right hand 217 yards today two touchdowns on eight catches Moreno says oh what a different game this is when I have both Clayton and duper we talked to Don Shula at his office yesterday he said I keep waiting for things to turn around [Applause] [Music] there's the catalyst that the Jets can muster their I'll return this way [Applause] [Music] and 31 seconds on NBC the night Punky Brewster and the amazing stories of Steven Spielberg and Alfred Hitchcock [Music] special movia the wait streaks of justice Miami drives in the [Music] in 60-yard passes the duper [Music] 50 yards soon [Applause] what a gay man is having a field day of his own not only picking up yardage he gets out of a great game for tone and there's not much time on the clock and this has got to be a game in which [Music] ran out of altoon nine catches nine games catches today / and returned with a tan 200 the difference that's the hook-and-ladder play the Jets get it again it was a fumble alive fall and downfield Tony Hector got to it for the Jets and stop the clock at the 49 of my design play they want to get the lateral here off the pass and here it is comes to Freeman McNeill their best runner he never got his dance on it watch Hector coming up from the backside he'll just reach down and swap that ball out of bounds two seconds left [Applause] poor [Applause] got me guess much anyway he'll green wire from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers great all-american in Pittsburgh was there to cover [Music] fifteen seconds left [Music] how lonely it is New England with a win earlier should the Jets lose would move into a first-place tie and Miami then would climb within a game of the lead should the Jets pull it out that knocks the Dolphins down three games off the lane a walker [Applause] at the 37 36 yard line now the Jets face a final play [Music] Walton might as well spend the time out here [Music] obviously you've got to get it into the end zone [Applause] receivers to the right 21:17
Channel: Maurence Shipley
Views: 25,795
Rating: 4.9191918 out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Miami Dolphins, New York Jets, 1985
Id: G_Sm_cdnblo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 55sec (11935 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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