1983 week 16 Jets at Dolphins

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[Music] welcome to the Orange Bowl in Miami Florida a sold-out crowd 75,000 plus a fitting tribute to the AFC Division champion Miami Dolphins and tonight they go against the New York Jets the Jets seven and eight they're trying to finish their season at 500 and sometimes that's a pretty tough team to go up against the Dolphins are looking for home-field advantage they can clinch a home-field advantage tonight for the first playoff game if they can win tonight and should they win tonight and the Chargers beat the Raiders on Sunday well they can have it throughout the entire playoffs I'm Frank gift along with Howard Cosell and OJ Simpson but the Dolphins go without the young rookie tonight Howard they certainly do and there he is Dan Marino elated because he's made pro football history he will be the starting quarterback for the AFC in the forthcoming Pro Bowl game elected by the other players in the lake but tonight the man who filled in so handily against Atlanta a week ago Jon struck will be working tonight is uncommon effectiveness against the Jets historically Frank now ready for the play-by-play on the opening kickoff the Gipper handily and understate that stock last week 18 of 22 to 29 a couple of touchdowns first action really of the year and the Dolphins do want that home-field advantage because over the last 14 years they have won over 80 percent of their games that they have played here we're looking deep to Colton Walker at the Dolphins will receive Walker shaken up last week but nevertheless he leads the NFL and kick he was questioned though he's gonna this is Walker he brings it out and he did not hurt his average with that return he spotted a real opening and just erupted out over the 30-yard line with the dolphin for the first down in 10 and here comes Don Strock I mention those numbers he was sensational last week against a bland a so cool that was a 3124 win over the Atlanta Falcons stockin turn around for a long time he's in his tenth year he's sort of the fireman for these dolphins but his provided sensational game remember the 81 playoff game against San Diego he came off the bench in the second quarter he was 29 of 43 four touchdowns over 400 yards he's medium it and again tonight down at 10 Tony Nathan single set back wearing number 22 into two tied and parametrize leads up quickly and go to hardy Artie who had a big game against Iran a week ago held to a couple of yard pickup it'll be second down and eight let's take a look at the defensive unit and of course by Mark Gastineau at the nineteen sacks he's the best in the NFL through 15 weeks Bob Craven has really come on a middle linebacker for these debts and there is the second area the man who roams the middle Darrel ray one of the finest in the game second down and eight 34 yard line for the Dolphins Aundre Franklin comes in to join Tony Nathan over the past 24 hours at time I believe the field covered it up to the 43 yard line and OJ Nathan does so many things so well for this team yes he's one of the more underrated backs in the league but he runs well and he you see his average four point five that they gave him the ball a little muy he whatever serious a chance of leading the league in rushing way maybe not leading the league but he would get that thousand yards also into the night nathan has 51 receptions do not have a rusher or receiver in the top ten and that more down to the 40-yard line of the Jets extract reading the defense well had to put that a little bit behind that more and that more who really had a comeback season was right there take a look at the end zone replay here you see Grable over there hustling over there and he just got the ball in there a little behind him but a rule nice pitch as Bobby Jackson covering and cut Hetty moved by that more he saw him hesitate because he did not want to get in front of that linebackers rock red and clipping first antenna dolphin near the 40 yard line duper the PT wide receiver just rocks right met more up at the top of the screen this is Dan Johnson second-year man out of Iowa State and he's up close to another first down just a little bit short Frank mentioned that was raining arolea this is the way it was at 7:15 Eastern Time tonight but one difference this time unlike before the playoffs a year ago between these two teams a talk covered the field so the Jets without excuses and already struck struck is picking them apart the way he usually does his three for three last week in the first half against Atlanta he went 11 for sucking down at about - this is Andrew Franklin this time he stacked up and breaks loose and he's going to have the yardage for the first down just on second effort he was hit by the line of scrimmage and he'll pick up the first round and booth Franklin now in his third year coming in tonight with a little over 700 yards rushing in and it stinks that on Franklin Shula uses his people to their best of their ability Franklin has not had one reception this season let's say something about his ability to catch the ball but he gets the most out of them but agree Ola does as John Madden wants butter he makes the hole better than the parts that's the story of school [Music] bill Arne start moving on to LSU after the season they have been some team [Applause] great timing effort underthrown however i began its in that more who had broken out in front of kin Fry's stock under a little bit of a pressure had to release that actually before Moore made his final out boo it's the only way they're gonna stop that man struck his bike getting to him series record tied at 17 apiece put that one tie they tied here they're tied in New York the Jets had a planning on them for a couple of years while Walt Michaels was the coach they've won seven of eight and tied the other way and last year the Dolphins beat the Jets three times exam having a great year came in tonight leading 68-yard to reach the thousand yards on the season he got a bunch of it there only needed 65 yards to become the all-time leading ly savior of the dolphins and he's getting close already they made it look so easy the whole Drive like playing a high school team didn't notice why they did you see super catch the ball in it did a great job of throwing the quick passes forcing the linebackers a rush out there and get on the man played short guys tight and they got the wide receivers downfield and planning those zones those open areas and bon-chama for the conversion - Drock will place it down we have fries and the Dolphins the first possession the link to the field miami touchdown today there's a new power on the road 300 X 3 liters of fuel injected turbo trusted B 6 motion 200 horses strong the all-new Nissan 300zx it'll snap you from 0 to [Music] bet your Datsun dealer sharp introduces our revolutionary change for the copy center the compact affordable sharp SF 900 it has three different reduction modes 40 copies per minute as an optional sorter and automatic document feeder in short does all the work of a copy center without taking up all the room a compact affordable sharp SF 900 from sharp lines products the Cowboys tangle with the 49ers on ABC's Monday Night Football [Music] it's a festive occasion here in the Orange Bowl tonight it is sold out staying televised locally football fever is settling here in Miami Orange Bowl coming up with Miami University and Nebraska there the Jeffrey turned men Kristen Brown one of the real finds for the Jets this year they got him from New England he's up there with about a 24 yard average return and who's bon-chama with a sore leg to develop this is going to kickoff we were told that perhaps the putter would Robbie you got to feel bad for Preston Brown you know he was coming into the game hoping he can pop one and possibly maybe lead the league and kickoff returns but that certainly heard his outage in any chance he may have had of catching Walker mr. Richard Todd the quarterback had a tough year 60% 17 touchdowns but he's got 24 interceptions and in the last three meetings against the Dolphins he's been intercepted 12 times he's had a tough season Scott Berkun single setback the warrant motion inside his back on his first offensive play fired that is complete it's a Tudor King working out of the backfield for a gain of about eight will be second down a to hit their buyer near own and no one plays this game better I don't think then Miami defensively they move around a great deal but it is organized chaos if you will choreographed by Bill orange Parker as preps no defense I've ever watched has been choreographed I have a couple of pro ballers back they have six all together we'll talk about that during the course of the evening but one of them is bomb hour and Doug betters betters with 16 sex [Music] the Blackwood brothers debt Schuler just as he collected the ball and Schuler did not hold on it'll be third down and two where both teams seem to have the same idea they come out and try to get the quick pass relatively short pass to force those linebackers to the hustle out of there and then sometimes try to pop a run up the middle get those line back at the tension three is Scott 1325 Freeman McNeill 24 the Todd is back looks wide to the receiver a good defensive wide receiver Wesley Walker and that was 12 Bowser this show some mighty big shoes is past year when the Dolphins lost Larry Gordon's lead to a heart attack last spring there's a team that had second and two they're in their own territory at that 28 you want to get upfield at the very least Bradley get the other team good field position the signal ball in this case is the coach elected not to so they there is Mark Clayton Chef Ramsay on a park plate coming back from a broken rib some three weeks ago he was busted about as what folding Walker tonight and the Dolphins who scored in their very first possession have good field position they will be out at the 38 yard line 34 yard punt by Ramsey we'll be back [Music] this Christmas card was sent to you by the people at Miller High Line Merry Christmas it was a non-title bout and after Muniz one now they meet again at Jeff Chandler's crown as at stake the world rhythmic gymnastics championships ABC's Wide World of Sports Saturday for all of you were being received by what is thorns that is sweeping the country welcome back to the Orange Bowl of Miami typically under 70s we've had some rain but certainly it it looks better than what many of you are experiencing first down intended off of leading said nothing from their own 38 yard money Nathan stacked up Gastineau was there we got a little help from Kenny Neal coming in from the right side there will be a loss of a couple of yards one of the papers down here Steve gasps annuities they've been picking on him for the last couple of weeks running the ball but the god have made that play with Blekko I mean he came in inside forced to runner to go outside where Gastineau was waiting for that's exactly right in fact Gastineau many contend is physically the finest athlete nollie but he's been giving ground to the run and not playing it well and he's not been developed in that regard and that's why he's been the starter in the Pro Bowl this year jumped offsides you two will be in the Provo the Jets have Pro Bowlers on their left side of therefore 3y gets down that game will be general the 29 and you'll see it right here on ABC here's the call from Jean Bart come back from that ruptured patella tendon and his right knee early a year ago you know he's done a super job Clicquot of keeping the trapped off Gatson though I noticed the last week game up against Pittsburgh they were able or able to hook him a lot and get outside of him and I was a little surprised at that you know he's led the league in sacks when you would think that a defensive lineman who leads the league in fact would about her the pole we are the Pro Bowls the edge atop the wind and the cleaners around the league know that the penalty is 2nd down and 7 the ball before once again the speech their duper saying that he was pumped by Bobby Jackson there is no flying that great speed 100 meters anchorman for the NCAA 400 meteor champion chip team back in 1980 oh you got bump a little bit but did you see how he ran by Jackson his early speed and that's what he can do and that's really what Frank was talking about you talking about a world-class speed runner where they can do that well imagine if he would have played the first five games he didn't play much until Darryl Harris got into the doghouse with Don Shula and he's had quite a season he's an all-pro voted by the other players this will be short by about a foot I think it was right in front of us so it appears looks as though it will be short Bob Grable there defensively for the Jets same problem that always plagues if you've heard him talk about it if you're going to receive a badge you've got to make first down territory no way you're right yeah well Rose was running a little turn in Adelaide across the middle look turn in think was a good play by the defense cuz he at the Quran is right route the way they wanted them to the defense god Phoebe thinks of garbage is only what Kurt Springs dropped for the Jets he leaves the NFL and punt returns he won the New Orleans four weeks ago with a 76 yard scamper and Reggie Roby rookie out of Iowa six round draft picks he's having a tremendous year averaging just under 43 yards but he puts that up unbelievably hot they have a flag down and I think that Miami's going to have to settle for a five-yard delay for some reason the sooner didn't even line up over the ball they won the chime well let's do that they couldn't have even been trying to do on the offside you know there's a lot of games within the game and possibly you know Roby as an opportunity to break the record here for putts he's averaging forty two point nine yards a punt and he can break the season record dope a guy named George Roberts he looked at the officials that I didn't do anything at the 12-yard line he got as much out of that as he could hit the sidelines 46-yard punt so the rookie from Iowa Reggie Roby continues apace tonight fond memories of poetry in a football uniform its allspice aftershave and Cologne presents NFL classics you put the ribbon on this Christmas people all over America are giving the men in their lives the classic scent of Old Spice a clean fresh masculine scent so many women love for a Christmas gift to you reading love giving the classic scent of Old Spice from those first tense moments in the huddle but the graceful Tom field strives with a ball in his hands san Diego's Lance Alworth was the most feared deep receiver of his league and his time who flew through the air leaping and fighting for the ball making cat chapter catch setting new standards and breaking all records as Bambi the first AFL player in the Hall of Fame the Pope and his favicon don't miss this highly acclaimed ABC News special Sunday much of the country well you're gonna be here quite a while our yes quite an anniversary for the juice as we noted at the top of the telephone which he would not be with Julieta's entire offensive line we ran over Danny Lewin got terribly upset down to ten and tries to get it into the tide in your own Park of nothing doing there good defensive coverage interesting stand on the Jets Frank they are the poorest team in the AFC in completing passes for twenty yards and more the current offense peaches in the main the dump-off pass and the kind of short thing you just saw to the tight in Jerome ball and they are paying the piper Vicki Schuler Jerome barking - tight end offense now and out of the I formation Freeman appeal he's hit the line of scrimmage he maybe sweep the yard out of it will bring up third down long yardage for the Jets and Richard Todd Bowser again defensively Freeman McNeil across missed seven weeks to that Childress separation at the outset of the season came in in an ad with a little over six hundred yards rushing only played strongly against no aliens and his coming back down but since then they've been stopping now that's the sign that says maybe see better news but we started it with Miami as the our news but Buffalo as the Jews there today in quickly on tada flag goes down deep downfield Todd was trying to get the ball to lamb Jones and is saying that mouse key was interfering he forced one of the six packs in there for the Miami Dolphins so that'll get the Jets a first down out over the 30-yard line that was the past poem downfield as we wait the call here [Music] successful as you know Frank in recent games there was the penalty you saw it right there clean filler day as you said I would that's one of the bright spots for the Jets this year has been laying Jones he's really come on and appending with you Todd 1st down and 10 the ball out over the 32 yard line but the Jet Set trails travel nothing eight minutes remaining in the first quarter steps out of the pocket and hits lamb Jones and lamb dump will have a first down at the 43 yard line of the Miami Dolphin working in front of Williams Judson and a good move by Richie Todd to get out of trouble an excellent move by dud who this year had difficult times with the interceptions that Frank noted earlier as you look at lamb Jones and who's been a maligned quarterback one who was good enough to take the Jets to one game short of the Super Bowl a year ago he doesn't deserve the wrap sees tape first down inside the 43 yard line the finally suction Jets on the road God even appeal a collision 35 yard line against the field one that definitely as you get another first down for the Deaf feel very close to it to see a measurement on this we mention Lam Jones in the last seven games he's had 20 interceptions coming into tonight there's a man bill Hampton who missed his first Jets game tonight in years he's equipment manager he was the man to called Lam Jones aside a few weeks ago and he said look great receivers work hard lamb and lamb comes to the reading distance so he starts staying out after practice working on catching the ball working on the patterns position see just a little bit short but Bill Hampton who they call no problem the equipment manager got this young man aside and said look you never look back on it someday and you're gonna regret you didn't put every effort into it and I don't think really thought he was not but ever since that little chap and the extra work after practice Lam Jones is playing ups to the oil flow potential that many people have felt that he's had and if he continues to do so that will inevitably as you look at coach Walton who was once done Shula's roommate with the Washington Redskins a little detailed back land owns more ultimately free Wesley Walker second down we saw how much jerking in motion mrs. Kenney look yeah steps out of bounds ship the first down that was skinny Louis's second attempt to the season of course the Jets are playing without my mic augustiniak injured reserve with the me and a very celebrated release of a Blaine Crutchfield a few weeks ago so they're down to Kenny Lewis boom bein had back in 1981 they waved he originally was with the Oakland Kenny Lewis I'm speaking of that was his second attempt thus far of the season first down at 10:31 the Oregon Shuler in motion their countrymen appeal the brakes to the outside and was looking for the endzone and held there by Gerald as you look at this game coming into tonight I watched William Andrews last week of Atlanta ago 461 yards rushing against the Dolphins that was the problem a year ago bill arm sparker has him down defensively against the rush to this year from 24th last year to 6 but William Andrews really ripped them in and while appeal does not run wraps with the strength that William Andrews does nevertheless he's got a lot of power and a lot of quickness and they attack big dolphins inside which is what we really have to do if you're gonna be successful running on him daddy gets the call again he'll have the first down he's inside the 20 yard line as the Jets are on a drive well there's a flag down here flag down far across the field illegal motion it could have been in motion man they were bringing a tide in the back with a block inside and he did look like it was moving towards the line of scrimmage well I mentioned that with the dolphins you normally have more success running inside rather than outside and let's see other call I mentioned in an earlier telecast do kind of juice I don't think you with us dude that's a rather good name for you that the finesse teams on Miami now the strength teams are the Redskins and the Raiders I agree the playoffs directed the Super Bowl I guess the drive they do do way of us their boat camper was there do a deflected that passed they made it but I'll tell you I noticed one thing last week against the Pittsburgh still is that Todd through the short pass as you can see do we coming around I don't think that bought well he may have forced him to throw the ball sooner than he would have liked do and I think there was better as maybe but he hasn't thrown the ball speaking of Todd he hasn't thrown the ball downfield to effectively throws that short pass and you mention Howard E they've been throwing the ball short more than any other team in football but he does not throw the ball downfield who well this year single digits on the 30-second clock and inside the 24 Jeff first down out of Virginia Tech that was delayed draw players work for him I mentioned earlier that Miami is a tough team to run outside on because they they teach two peoples of Lyman not to penetrate there get the hands on the offensive linemen they slide to the ball and they stay in position and they're probably probably the best pursuing team in football so if you're gonna beat him running the ball you got to pop them in there quick Nikki Schuler you saw got the play from Joe Walton brains of then the battle since lamb Jones has been playing so well the Jets are not using their wide receivers with the plays they use the finance Park on the tour first down and 10 single setback is screaming McHale the ball just inside the 20 they activated to time he's in trouble but McNeil is wide open easy touchdown Jets was wide open the Dolphins in Eclipse they were sending linebacker AJ Dewey very good cool effort by Richard Todd and poor Glen Blackwood he didn't have a chance to give it back like the meal you know that wide open where they got watching McNeal is gonna swing right out of the backfield actually I think somebody missed their assignment there obviously I think Ernie will roam was supposed to pick him up and he he thought McNeal was coming up the block him and he didn't look at that loved Blackwood no chance in the world these are the movie and 447 remain in the first quarter here's Dean Barth again [Music] McNiel could have could have gone by a black wood flying forward give a guy like him that much room he is quick he works well out of that back deal [Music] laney puts the trim we've got a tie football game here in the first quarter in a game at the Dolphins they feel is so necessary they want the home field in the playoffs they're playing business you've got to give it your best and that means personal computers from digital for extensive business software graphics communications plus a revolutionary customer support plan not even the world's largest computer company gives you so much but the second largest does Digital Equipment Corporation so you're considering my life insurance uh-huh intact the Northwestern Mutual agent showed us this industry rating you've talked to the quiet company Northwestern Mutual was rated number one for low-cost home life insurance this superior life insurance performance is another leadership benefit available only from agents with Northwestern Mutual Life the quiet company well they're a tough act to follow I know I know Richard on a successful drive it's the Jets on the scoreboard Jets of course would be to go eight made on the season disappointing one many people thought they'd be in the Super Bowl at the end of this year that such as certainly not the case and of course the people that could be there once again the Miami Dolphins these are some of their fans they sold out the Orange Bowl 75 thousand plus for tonight's encounter golden Walker is dropping leaving the NFL and kickoff through kickoffs through 15 weeks that play he's set to this time with the deep kick of way he was panty endzone alright Dan Marino will be the first rookie to Staton the Pro Bowl game I asked him just before game time how he learned about it Howard in a meeting coach Shula named all the starters and all the guys that made in the Pro Bowl must have been a moment of my elation ploy most good feeling when he announced it I felt very honored and it was the type of feeling that it felt good to me because of the fact that some other guys on our team made the team also Dan Marino we saw him an exhibition power to know J up against the Washington Redskins we knew right away that they had a good one and they had a very cool one first and 10 alpha the dolphin stock leads the attack Marino very sorely missed last week's game they will be ready for the playoffs that's Tony Nathan on he mentioned a very cool one he is that in something boy he says all the right things always giving credit to his teammates but his self confidence is not an undercurrent self confidence it manifests itself it borders on big sake that's how good he knows he is he'll control it on this Schuler you can get that right all night second down less than a yard for the Dolphins mark Clayton and motion he gets it on sharing a good pursuit by the jet defense number 93 Marty Lyons something over from the right tackle position and a good read by the judge defense especially by Mark Gastineau cos he evidently is playing his position first before he takes off after the quarterback and he was ago this is what he did now although he was written out on a great block by Stevenson he still delayed the run along enough so that the defense could get up there and dwell the plate so give Gastineau credit or good job on that third down and nine duper is right and Uriel Harris how goes with the top of your screen and a little bit of pressure [Music] and it's a pass that could have been picked off by last mile and if he had thought that ball and smell with tied an NFL record for interception by linebackers as struck now he's shaken up he was hit and hit hard but Mel was perfectly positioned as a case of a line back of a perfect lead position look at it she does a good job he tries on but right there in the sternum there that's and I've got a feeling that stock has got the wind knocked out of em and hopefully it's not something worse because pleco at 265 pounds not only hit him he drilled him right into the turf stock is not one of your more mobile quarterbacks around this of bruges three but Woodley opened the season to the starter was a starter in the Super Bowl a year ago the starter for the Dolf of the last couple of years didn't get things happening in the early going and Moreno stepped in the fourth game of the season and as they've been unable to get him out of there other than because of a knee injury Baco get a chance to breathe because it's fourth down and Reggie Roby is on the Kirk Springs his back in the Jets should have good field position barring a mishap with 350 remain in the first quarter we're tied at 7 Springs another guy was trying to lead the league in kickoff returns one of the games within this game and a lot of guys around the league especially great school to see the Jets cover this turnover for Roby and it takes a bit of a jet bouncing the Jets will have good field position here on 43 yard line and their own special bath right stock beers to be okay on the sidelines we'll get a report of weekend we'll be back in a moment Nissan trucks are can this $59.99 Nissan all 1,400 pounds in a double wall steel bed with the most powerful standard engine in its class yep anyone else give you all this for us to cry so $59.99 notes only [Music] at your Datsun dealer 11:05 p.m. the Hospital for Special Surgery New York and where are the surgeons watching television not just any television a Sony with the remarkable Trinitron system for a picture that's critically focused critically lifelike maybe that's why Sony won an Emmy for its picture something no other TV could have done not if their life depended on it [Music] that was quite a performers to count is to put on ear hours that was some game that was when Sheila Gong Li intentional safe data preserved the big dre and we were right on top of it yes another week or two with the Andersons he is a great skier first down and ten 43 yard line God hands off this time to Mary and betters collection after a gain of a yard a yard and a half gotta give the Jets credit Miami made it looked like they were playing a high school team in scoring in three minutes and 18 seconds draught carrying them down field with ridiculous ease but the Jets have fought back and boobity best to McNeil Vijaya 787 suckin down long yardage good foots down to the dolphin still aren't spargle likes to send them is the other black with loud black hood that unloads on Schuler and tor is unable to hold on and chiller is slow getting up yeah they're trying to make this whole extra long offseason to Schuler that's twice here and up basically the same pattern and twice they were waiting for him walk them coming over until you throw some balls deep downfield ladies like that aren't gonna open up to you for you too much gotta throw down for to get those safeties worried about getting beat beep and then those shorter patterns will open up for you killer take a nap he's on the replay he took that blow on the shoulder which is quite fortunate because one thing the Blackwood's will do they were really popular third down this will be an interesting play card funny thing about this game I'm stupid just had a tough time getting up during the weekend when they start beating on you new series team to get up and ready to play they've only worked out two days they came down to work out last night and the field was covered it is raining so they couldn't the time and against it often he doesn't hold well this is turning into batting practice for the Dolphins secondary that was William Jensen they put the hammer on stop jerking out of the backfield jets must throw the ball deep open up those medium fancy that's remember Hannah 3030 to the 14 loss earlier in the season to the Dolphins Judson picked off three etad passes in one quarter Chuck Ramsey back to punt plate is back with little over a 10 yard average had a 60-yard touchdown earlier in the season dangerous man a frown looking pick out a little beautiful part by Ramsey bottles at the 15 and upended and instantly there though the Dolphins started their 15-yard line we want to remind you coming up tomorrow college football at its finest today play some of the finest Division one double-a C Western Carolina they have an 11 and 2 record they go against southern Illinois 11:01 from Houston South Carolina right here on ABC 1:30 Eastern Time rock is back just the wind knocked out of it as we thought have you ever had the wind knocked out of him I know juice says you feel like this terminal Newsday's arthritis just over the 15 Nathan and Nathan his file that the Jets of course play the classical 4-3 defense over the few team is remaining the play the 4-3 defense helped Mark Gastineau and I'll take nothing away from Gastineau he is one of the finest athletes I've ever seen at 65 and 265 but we have a Joe Klecko inside we've just on us throughout the course of the year Gastineau working with but pleco but we do a lot of things that for instance but better is who plays in the 3-4 cannot do with miami that's the time remaining for the first quarter and a second down actually on the previous play it was David Overstreet in the game and if Overstreet ever comes and played a ball that they they expect him to play the ball that he's capable of playing this golfing team that's the point Frank and that again okay with that thought that's the point really the way Shula brings people along the way he brought Marino along now he's bringing Overstreet along just the right way trying to rebuild his confidence after a mediocre period because he had failed even in the Canadian league with the Alouettes last game 12 carries 83 yards for the street he could give them in their running game with Cooper's done for the passing game hedonic their to 12 times in the previous six games but Shula said he was want to give it to him and he did it the best production of any miami running back a week ago for the entire year that's Andrew Franklin struggling and the Dolphins have got themselves I think into a fight tonight as Franklin works his way back up to they could just inside the original line of scrimmage games early yet 120 and counting down the first quarter now market up close to the 18 so it'll put stock into a third down in eight situation Nathan comes back in three wide receivers now for the Dolphins doriel Harris 82 dooper 85 that boy 89 and Joe Rose it was almost like wide receiver so they're from the shotgun sir Denis trying to get to roll they're away was running side to side Darryl ray look turn around a little more quickly would have intercepted that move the dolphin's up to a first down over their own 40-yard line [Music] Johnny Lynn has been a big play ball player for the Jets but who goes next Gibbs to the LA Express interesting lay the Jets have been very hurt by the USFL and Leon Hess is reported the owner of the Jets to have said he's had enough he's opening up the pocketbook and the Jets will lose no more players mr. Hess says Oh somebody's looking for a fight number 28 in particular Gooper super came into the night meeting 68-yard for a thousand and he's collected a few already the Jets would be well advised to stop with the attempted fisticuffs and pay attention to the game well I like to say at least they're fired up you know it's pretty tough to get a team motivated it was out of the playoff run in this last game I've been in his situation a number of times and normally the only thing that can keep it going his pride and the coach can get a pretty good gauge of the guys who really want to play some guys I've seen him just quit I mean literally only way to the airport you know I know in the middle of the game these guys came to play tonight now it's best to know whether the Dolphins will get another playoff before time expires here in the first quarter they won't they're going to watch the seconds tick off so the Dolphins have a first down and ten at the 38 yard line of the Jets will be back with second quarter action at the moment Devlin biggest game of the year and you couldn't get tickets welcome time [Music] welcome to the rich smooth taste of Miller highlight this kid that's got a video game for Christmas he can look forward to years of fun trying to reach a deep this kid just got a Commodore home computer he can look forward to learning basic computer language doing his own programs playing some games along the way and maybe even inventing his own games Oh a final argument for the Commodore 64 or big 20 someday both kids will be looking for a job [Music] listen to these stuffy noses does it have it drift and doesn't have it only sinx has it all that quick feeling of relief from instantly penetrating Vicks vapors plus a powerful decongestant that opens nasal passages and allows you to breathe freely ah complete relief for hours and hours sign X gives you both instant relief oh and complete relief big sign X in regular strength and 12-hour extra string [Music] I'll be back he could Dan Fouts has an unbelievable day against the Raiders on Sunday that won't be easy he could need the AFC impassive reason he's the leader as of tonight through 15 games but he's not playing of course bounced off remains on first down exam as we begin the second quarter 38 yard line of the Jets the Dolphins on the move but I think that homes mid got his left arm on duper's shoulder when he went up for the ball but we'll take I'm sure we'll see it in replay no close eye I agree with Meredith he went into a long dissertation on this [Music] they laid that out of the contest the duper really had homes people hung up a little bit I agree with that but look at that enough to arm don't hit him about two strides before the ball got there he did yeah that left arm is a reverse angle look we'll see if we can see it better to be pretty tough to beat the shot we just had I'd go back to letting the defensive backs I got all over the field you watch watch the left arm on the head is right all's not there just left arm pivot just leveled on me it changed now the left arm came over his head this Doman is the right arm that went for the ball okay first down goal to go drags him down just inside the 2-yard line and Bill irons partners birthday today it was Jill Walters birthday yesterday Joe cheating 48 years old resigns Parvati moving on to LSU I love their football down there it's a hotbed but there's some great people there I spent 10 days of his flesh in Olympics international games they turned out 65,000 people for the opening ceremonies they had over 2,500 poor bill will be going to LSU after this loser sucking down goal to go good play-acting buy stock easy touchdown too long throws to interfere installs touchdown David Overstreet handle well by Don Shula Howard touched on it lit up a couple of years ago to Montreal fumbled the ball 16 times up there started out the season fumbled again four times at the beginning of the year they put him on injured reserve sent him home he had been the jump Dolph was number one draft pick of three years ago Don Shula brought him back eased him back into the lineup he had a super game week ago lalana is scored tonight once again and he's fired up and primed for the playoffs Livan shaman for the conversion I was leading 14:07 visions of home field advantage dancing in their heads we'll be back MasterCard find me of bargain [Music] a MasterCard you're so chic give us your special cargo Nissan technology can handle it the central a ghen over 60 cubic feet of hauling sprawling space harnessed to a high mileage hemi-head power the Sentra is a wagon wander from Nissan it his major emotion [Music] at your Dutson dealer the Cowboys tangled with the 49ers on pdz army Night Football [Music] to the second quarter and the Dolphins get it instead of gas stop the Overstreet and the Jets now have dropped Creek Springs and Preston brown on shaman remains the kicker mentioned earlier that he had a slight muscle poll earlier in the week and they rested even they were prepared to go with Reggie Roby but Kristen Brown and he'll bring it up the 20 yard Frank mentioned that villains vodka will be the head coach of LSU next year I asked him and build the waist loved here why he's leaving it's something I thought a lot about and it was just something I guess you might save the challenge I wanted with LSU and the university I've been on the other side line down at Tiger Stadium and I guess I kind of wanted to be on the on the right sideline because they have great fans and they have a great great tradition and I just want to be a part of that and I want to be involved in it and true I could have probably stayed here for the next 10 years the defensing working with Don and I've enjoyed it my children have grown up here and we've enjoyed it but we're looking forward to LSU and we're looking forward to the challenges at LSU present that was Scott Dirk he out of the backfield bill arns fogger talking about his going on to become head coach at LSU that noise in the background was an equipment machine they're working over the outside of the field out beyond the sidelines the giant gets that bottle of field dry main thought had been covered as we noted by a talk thus the background noise their game got seven second down and three he does get it off and I think they'll Park it as a sack because he was in the grasp of Papa Mauer another Pro Bowler Todd said he was able to get it loose and he did indeed get it on the hands of jerking but put that one he had a few years ago to try and save quarterbacks first quarter stats first downs almost even passing yards Miami the edge Scoville yards Miami the edge but not overwhelming lead time of possession two-minute edge for Miami 14-7 Miami to score loss of about 11 yards on that will bring up third down of 13 and there's no question mom our was certainly adding in the grasp and that is the rule and the whistle had blown [Applause] god glad to get it an three Miami Dolphins in there covering Jerome Barkham very tightly Quinn Blackwood down and Ramsay Tata once again and now Clayton drops back in an area that should give the Dolphins good field position what a difference in the coverages by the respective second day even though that was the ball that could have been caught I know there's a lot of players around the league that's glad arns burgers leaving I wish yes LSU would have offered him that job when I was playing he was particularly tough on me ten years under Shula here he has either been first or second in points scored against the Dolphins that brother remarkable respawn eight times when the lead in the fewest points scored he had to hustle that went off Burkett's call for by Kozlowski near midfield outfits allowed the ball at the 49 yard line and they lead 14 to 7 were in the early going of the second quarter 32 yard punt by Ramsey hey what'd I tell you Bobbi Alison's favorite gentlemen start your engines [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the rich smooth taste of Miller highlight pet Topsy a world leader in technology presents quality backed by the most aggressive research program in our history you can hear the quality of Hitachi's compact disc player a technological breakthrough an audio reproduction laser and discs come together for one of the pure sounds ever its computerized program ability it's a work of magic that's quality Hitachi a world leader in technology there's an undeniable power master Muniz won now they meet again and Jeff Chandler's crown at at stake the world rhythmic gymnastics championships ABC's Wide World of Sports Saturday the Orange Bowl it sounds like a college gathering tonight they're shouting defense they were leading tears while we were away short kicked by Ramsey he was under pressure and the Dolphins at the ball - 49 yard line struck on the night 7 of 10 84 yards already he's thrown two touchdowns he's Matt's put he did last week against Atlanta play action tip the screen to do Bernie somehow stays on his feet and gets yardage down to the 42 yard line a game at 7 it'll be second down and three tripped up by Bobby Jackson then duper drawing ever closer to that magical 1000 yard marker which strangely enough with the great receivers the Dolphins have had no one has ever cracked here everything was in herre it was not of course fleshly vodka but super-duper-duper now he's 14 yards for his thousand yard season and lacA widow Jay said think what would happen up there - you see much of the first five games I would look for the Dolphins that do some exotics here real soon to give their playoff opponents something to work against and think about good point they're down seven under zone that four intended receiver we're gonna pause five seconds and allowing stations to identify themselves panel 10 WPLG ETV Miami they're down long three now for the Dolphins the ball at the 44 yard line are inside the 44 yard line of the Jets dolphins took their first possession got on the scoreboard quickly it was dawn strike to mark duper from 29 yards out but you Todd came back hit three McNeil for 20 yards to tie it up at 7 and Don struck a few moments ago hit David Overstreet and the end zone to make it 14-7 miami-fort 11 xlviii remaining in the half bird down long threes astrak-- will work from the shotgun it's it to Joe rose and Joe Broz trying to get the ball up there for first down to the arms of Lance Mel ray moving it back they're going to market let's say they're gonna market it looks as though he's gonna get the Arnage you mentioned earlier about them running that pattern short I think if struck would have waited a tad longer he would have had the necessary distance first time 38-yard monologist well you saw the protection struck is getting nobody near him the jets offensive line has kept the Jets quarterback and kicker under pressure all evening people pouring through them he's only been sacked three times in the last eight game so they've been doing a heck of a job up front David Overstreet and this time he turned the corner and over stream running with much more confidence than authority then we saw earlier the year and he just exploded around that right side and he gives you the fill and he may go all the way every time he gets the ball and and you ever back like that you see what three McNeil has been able to do for the Jets offensive Leeson last year you know before he got hurt this year frankly what Sheila's not had in years I mean he's had to play a different kind of offensive game he's always been looking for a David Overstreet we just picked up six yards it'll bring up second down and four Vall just short of the Jets 32 yard line voting right through a hole in the middle is Franklin [Applause] and not the or not the overeater what Overstreet is doing but when you got a back that can get outside like that the defense has to spread a little bit and you can pop these these tight plays our little job Stephenson he was going to the Pro Bowl by the way number 57 did and couch did a pretty decent job coming around that but he's been doing that for decade or two Bob Guttenberg will be an alternate to the Pro Bowl first down and 10 20 secured line we'll be talking with Don Shula Terry Blair did an in-depth interview with him earlier in the week you'll hear that and halftime will run down the possibilities for playoffs and picked off down the sidelines and Darrel ray roaming centerfield came up with a Scott pass that he just left up there a little too long and so the Jets go get the ball back let's take a look at Darrel ray with literally plans senator Phil and this is the play that he did often last year well it was very effective all last year and just this vain and once he gets the football he has been eventually a great runner he ran one back for a TD while pulling a hamstring in the playoffs against the Bengals actually ray was over there double coverage with duper and Ray who can really cover a lot of yardage if you don't put a lot of something on it this block dip he hung it up both receivers lined up on the same side of the field you see Matt Moore went down the middle but Ray playing center field came right across made a nice catch and a nice run on it he not had a bad year this year you just have not made the big play that he made for them last year by his standards and his abilities he's not had a good year he came from some 20 yards and they all right hits the ball back for the Jets they trail 14 to 7 they have it at their own 43 televideo personal computers equip the professional for success because two videos innovative design produces powerful sensibly priced computers [Music] televideo personal computers mr. post need some help I'm your bail Yellowpages representative here to help you Mineola Vegas look at all those trees ten acres we specialize in to our fruit trees say that in the Yellow Pages we're four out of five people let their fingers do the walking that is helpful right there's a new suppose I'm interested in all your fruit trees oh you have a big backyard get the yellow pages talking trees let your fingers do the walking the Playboy mystique it's been around for 30 years now we'll look at its impact on Nightline tonight I guess he would be calling Bob's he came up a free agent from Notre Dame 14 years ago he's been to the fur ball about six times we both a guard to tackle Bob Gutenberg the Jets have it first down to ten their own 43 yard line Freeman McNeill and McHale dances out over the 45 yard line for a gain of about three it'll be second down and seven did good sellers mention yet I heard that he did I don't know yeah but he made a nice profit on it he never fails to ball power and he hasn't even discussed retirement is again an alternate in the Pro Bowl we're told by our real-estate agent he did not sell his mansion [Music] i'ma reiterate something Howard this guy has not thrown the ball sweet enough todd has not thrown the ball well downfield in a couple of weeks I have not seen him throw I watch the entire game against Pittsburgh last week and this game he is not in one football town you can't borrow with that when he had time the noticing Hinrich man 3 he has a severely bruised thigh that he had to leave the Jets game against the that could be active at night third quarter last week and it was beauty did not know whether he was going to be able to go give me Lewis just inside but short of the first down it'll bring up first down that will produce Chuck Ramsay once again jet seven and eight on the ear the dolphins 11 and four and the team to win tonight to guarantee they'll get at least a divisional playoff advantage here right up in a tie with the Raiders that lose that one on a head to head because the Raiders beat them earlier in the year Ramzi hi but it doesn't turn over Bearcats called for by Kozlowski for 16 yard line good kick though he wasn't rushed for a change thus under eight minutes remaining in the second quarter the Dolphins have it over the Jets 14 [Music] were you scared [Music] No [Music] it's year the first Nissan 300zx a technological marvel computerized digitalized civilized the new 300 ZX powered by a new turbocharged v6 this sports car is awesome [Music] at your Datsun dealer Thank You Burt Howard Cosell OJ Simpson where the Orange Bowl in Miami we hope you're enjoying wherever you are we know a lot of you are experiencing really bad weather throughout the country just put your toes up a little closer to the fire enjoy the Jets that the Dolphins are gonna get on the Dolphins have the lead 14 to 7 and they have a first and 10 of her own 16 yard line for 749 remaining in the first half [Music] over the 25-yard line close to another dolphin first down Oh Jesse can Dan Johnson does a good job on being Randolph turning them around and you see Stevenson now look at this this is a sinner out there this last time you saw a sinner out in front of the ball carry on a sweep yeah they do it John that's why he's in the Pro Bowl and that's why when Nova straight and when Stevenson Road Gastineau out but gasps no was a Brooke give him enough of a battle so that the defense could read it the prevent ineffective g30 argued over the person beauty work and he gets the first down up close to the 30-yard line we sent out a few headaches coming in there you know Dwight Stevenson had to be in the middle of that and of course another fine offensive lineman at Newman he's going to the Pro Bowl he works right to the right of Dwight Stevenson all in all the Dolphins will have six going headed by Dan Marino mark Cooper ed Newman watch Stevenson on defense the fetters of iron where's down intend to fall right at the 30-yard line good coverage out there by the Jets woodring was underneath the coverage and they had Bobby Jackson right behind the antenna receiver mark duper we have second down the town bounced rock has had 19 career starts and he's won some big ones passing it a little over 54% over those 10 years of those 19 starts a man games in relief final game the break the season a year ago came in replaced Woodley threw seven of eight got the Jets in Oh dolphins in field goals relation to win that game been doing it for a long time for in motion smartly you can tell gas running uphill rushing to pass on that he came across the line looked for the run and hit an excellent play on it he's been Leslie well he's been run on prep Dean is watching we're going to see him Monday night we have the 49ers San Francisco 49ers Gastineau has the lead in the league is 19 sacks with Brett Dean as 17 and a half and betters is one behind that at 16 they're down long we'll see the dolphin shotgun Gastineau is there quickly forces drop the throw quickly to that more incomplete now that was my sac but that was the same thing as paying the sack and again drop is pounded that'll bring up fourth down and Roby comes back out for the Dolphins Gastineau and every time his name is mentioned on the PA system he gets a round of boos they've been writing a lot about how much that better plays as a team person and Gaston I question that Gastineau vitally important in his death defense and a great athlete a great player no matter what you feel about the dancing routine that he puts on after the sack I would say he and Lance nails all season long I've been to one bright spot place Prem's in fact there went back from the 25 to the 10 to take it and he's covered in silly good defensive play getting down there was Eddie Hill the red 0b unloads on a 58-yard effort back in the Orange Bowl in the moment one computer company has been shaping the way business does business for 99 years NCR today NCR high technology puts computer power where business needs it most from the powerful NCR personal computer decision made five to the awesome power of the 9300 world's first full 32-bit VLSI mainframe for business NCR shaping the way business the Hilton's right across the street one let's meet back at the Hilton at 8:00 we shoot they help in the half I'm over with to help you come over five minutes to get to the Hilton I'm at the Hilton let's walk over to the hill I'll meet you later at the hell you know the Hilton's got the best taken job see you bail [Music] when American business hits the road American business stops and healthy America's business address [Music] 5:53 men in the first half with alkanes over the Jets 14 to 7 first I'll attend attend thrown 17-yard line in chhattisgarh it's good protection gets it to land it's a free bar [Applause] Ernie rone didn't know what was going on looking at the ball he looked like you Flynn soccer there for a little while that on Josh I don't think it's a bear make that girl in throw by Todd the little tickle they have that dome freamon McNeil is slow getting up for the Jets it's been that kind of year for the Jets in fairness to all concerned take a look at lamb Jones as we said he's been playing excellent ball here runs a turn in there the ball is right on the money trying to adjust it to put it away now watch wrong plan a little soccer that's Freeman they go old boy tried to get in on it I don't think anyone hit Freeman McNeil has the twisted his leg he appears to be alright but the Dolphins have the ball back inside the 42 yard line of the Jets you can't keep giving the Dolphins opportunity you won't get many of them back they're in the top three in the league once they get down very frequently and there they least penalized team in football and they score looking at a yummy bone fires it out to Dan Johnson the tide in the game ahead about three yards on the play it'll be a second down and seven I mentioned and Monday bands will be out in San Francisco will be watching the 49ers and Dallas get it on Earth and should the Giants knock off the Washington Redskins tomorrow in the nation's capital what's that did the Giants not the Washington Redskins in the nation's capital that's what I judge is there well you think a navajo the dallas cowboys can win that division with the win over the 49ers all kinds of things can happen good for the 49ers second down and seven 26 but it's another dolphin first down take a look at it from the ground level dan just ran a a simple out from the side in position hun someone didn't get out there to cover him and he's been playing some good ball form he's been noted as a blocker and skips in a ball quite a bit this year Johnson we spotted him frank and i in the miami 38 washington 7 preseason victory for the dolphins Johnson is a good receiver and that's why Don model amendment the first down for the dolphins the doors down more in motion almost stays on his feet yeah there's Kenny showing up there for strong safety the trip team up for these falls forward for a gain of almost three to bring up second down and seven Frank you called Gastineau a team player just a couple of minutes ago he was all the way across the field in pursuit on that play I tell you mark is probably one of the better down linemen four against the run pursuing the ball if he has a problem he has a problem when they run the ball at right and I would venture to say he could outrun 50% of the running backs ollie at 6'5 or 265 second down we'll call it seven Overstreet case in point for the 20 yard line they hook team easily case in point about Gastineau they hooked him very easily on that play and if they were fortunate that Overstreet didn't get more yards out of that and they'll market just inside the 20 yard line it'll bring up the third down and three [Music] damn pack Orange Bowl a tribute to this day well Robbie the owner started the season with I think 20 unsigned players he's down to one now that is only David Woodley playing out his option or at least is in his option year he got the players signed a to the clown for strike and he goes to Joe rose the first down yardage to the 15-yard line with movement I believe Kenny meals odd you're right so reception and the penalty will add up to about the same thing and then the event will be first down at 10:00 about the 15-yard line fully got here give him the catch that's what we used to do in Buffalo you paid for it let him have it Oh move it by Neil Martillo they didn't give him the kids hey walk it off first down and ten dolphin's fifteen oh there's a lot of guys out there they're thinking about trying fried time and when you go in there for your contract it's the stats that you have to put in front of them and you need to see those receptions taken away from a guy that would have been gel roses 30th of the season alfe and of course played three tight ends Hardy got a big game against the line a week ago Rose and Johnson yeah if the receptions are right up there with big tight ends in the league here comes all the street again and again they will a number on Gaston and simply it's not like they have to double teaming they're really not having much trouble getting outside of uh gas to know and I I really don't understand a guy with his ability he gets hooked uh somewhat easily and Overstreet is inside the 10-yard line down around the 8 yard line he'll get about 8 yards out of that gotta teach him got to keep working them every day in practice from the very beginning of the preseason training danping it's a matter of discipline it's really a matter that is that's the time remaining there in the first half a dolphin 314 to 700 to get it you duper incompleted to bring up third down to three Bobby Jackson back there playing it very well he was inside position struck at this pulled over the outstretched hands of duper who only stands five nine it's funny you have an athlete on the field as good as a mark and I don't want to pick him out normally the only guys you can really leave along are running backs everybody else have to work on that technique over and over and over and it's I don't think it's more important anywhere on the field and in the offensive and defensive lines they played out with the Jets they get inside the 20 that is jeiza and also a golf ball stop things down all the way back at the 23-yard line that'll bring out the field goal unit there are no flags you probably saw movement but no flags were thrown he struck at that time thought he was a thought he was a Phi's Minar ago Montana tried a little reverse on him he just didn't have the feet board twice and this is unusual for the dolphins there in touchdown position once raid picked the pass off and now they're thrown back and the best they can get as a field goal the two-minute warning before they'll have an opportunity is entrainment into the Pro Football Hall of Fame mr. Sonny Jurgensen Barty I never thought I would be here but to to be here and the Pro Football Hall of Fame it's like coming home together a dream when you've come from North Carolina and a little school down there and then you play a booth University team that really didn't slow the ball very much very fortunate to get in professional football as an NFL quarterback Sonny threw for over 30,000 yards he still ranked as the number one lifetime passer in the NFC Vince Lombardi said of Sonny the thing about jergensen is he always wanted to win so fiercely all the great ones have that a great place I'm sure that some young kid could come in here and look at these things and make a decision whether or not he would like to be a professional football player this is where all those dreams come through in the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton Ohio don't miss it preceding announcement brought to you by one of the best to ever played this game Sonny Jurgensen in the National Football League Hall of Famer deservedly so but on the field and off 39-yard field goal attempt these alphas leading 14 to 7 domina I told you about the sore leg it kept him for practicing during the week down stock will place it down Gutenberg is a snapper the Jets we'll get it back when I looked like the top is my goat for cleanup that's gonna back up 155 and a half was one of the more casual blocked field goal attempts you'll ever see what Gerry Holmes out casually is about didn't get the ball up lay he did not even start that ball he kicked white Stephenson where was smart brother koukin burg I think he hit the Center for Vaughn shaman usually that's it's the EPI I want get it in Newman here right and the fact we'll see a little late placement again a weak effort first down a tent out of fact Jenny Lewis I've heerd it out over the 35 yard line Jetson coming up from the corner back but there's a pickup of seven I'm amazed that the Jets are only seven down because my enemy usually as I noted earlier very opportunistic getting the ball in hey they better not take that's kind of a tactic with the Raiders a little more finesse with Burt a little better 147 remaining in the game Jets have three timeouts the Dolphins have three timeouts by a little time or his second sack of the night just might be doing I'm thinking too much about Doug fetters and they've got to worry about Bob Bob our houses 7th actor of the year probably the best move of those defensive linemen in the lead and the same size 46 5 they really great short of the first down 37 where it'll be fourth down I know it's it thinking our did you're right because the array he didn't run a slant pattern here a no hook pattern so he did run the pattern short you run a slant pattern there's no way that but his Frank noted and his call he moved back is Ramsey after catching the ball is dropped to the dolphin turn man this rookie from Louisville who had such a great career there as a past receiver inside one minute remaining depending upon where this ball winds up they probably determine what the Dolphins plan to do they have three timeouts remaining plates all four it makes the fair kept at the 20-yard line with 36 seconds remaining in the half a 43-yard punt by Tuck Ramsey the sports you see the five o'clock four o'clock Central Time WBA world bantamweight championship Sam against Cunha is live from Atlantic City New Jersey they fought once before in a non-title bout a giant challenger won a general ounce put decision giving Chandler's there's only professional awesome you'll see that rematch again right here on ABC they meet for the bantamweight championship of the world and of course the beauty in the grace of the world rhythmic gymnastics championships from France wide world sports tomorrow right here on ABC [Music] cooler and look at the possibilities in the dopplers near their own 20-yard line you know about six yards what's to call timeout with 26 seconds remaining here in the first half it will give us an opportunity to tell you how we do some of the fancy things we do I don't really understand it but I know some of the names of it you know when we see all those little numbers and names come on the bottom screen well this is the computer room guys are given the names and numbers they type it into the computer then it goes into what we call a character generator or our character generators and that comes up on the screen meanwhile in my truck where our director and producer are sitting our technical director is there these are still the names and numbers being typed into the character generator now here's a truck now our TV tonight Joe Shabo just reaches forward pushes one button when our producer Bob Goodrich or our director Jim Jeannette tells him to do so and cool you get it on the air like that comes up wrong you've got to blame Goodrich or the director Jim Jana telling Joey to push the wrong but that is faster Danny is a member they have to roll the tape backwards all the time and they had to edit the magnifying glass technology and you'll see so much of it in new use in the Olympics coming up the Winter Olympics in February and of course to Summer Olympics just unbelievable what's transpired in this business I'm covering up the Joey Shabo who's never made a mistake in his life once he thought he did but he was wrong well then we can talk about we've got a second down and four for the Dolphins are down to two timeouts 26 seconds remaining in the half and they lead to just 14 to 7 over three the first down estoppel you go to timeout Marv Gastineau slept off and defensive left hand to make the stop the Dolphins got down to one timeout funny I was picking on the previous play with so little time left before the half why they didn't get a ball to a game breaker like Overstreet but they just tried a little inside trap there and a volver Streep could have got by the linebackers it would have been interesting thank you for thinking in terms of putting more points on the board maybe they would be throw anything like the big been trying to get the defensive penalty of close to half for the game gimmick play let's use the old forward lateral episodes San Diego in the playoffs in he required an active receiver he made the latter lock I forgot who it was exactly Tony Nathan run that play real well used to throw it the Preston Pearson all the time stop hit that a little turn in right before the half he flipped it out Tony Nathan funny we saw AJ do he a second ago he's been curious to be quiet Jets have had no offense in all West Philly now we got mark Cooper he's the speed for the Dolphins he split two stocks left copyist beard is [Applause] an interception he might have got six points out of the boy is not meant for greatness that's twice he could have broken down tied or broken in a record if you get a tie the end of the ball you're tied to Rick he could have tied it and broke it tonight by linebacker he's not happy about it and I feel badly for him because this is the quality player yeah what the coaches in this league linebackers for the Blitz usually get the most attention a good example Lawrence de loire a truly great player but but Lance Mill but no a lot of coaches look for a man's maintenance of position as the ability to be around the football Mel is one of those who can do it on second and ten draw play Overstreet right post your old coach John Mackay he says this is what makes you green a truly great linebacker he said if I want a line back in a blitz I don't know I'll use him as a down lineman that's not what I want long back well now that's just the Kaysville well McKay in the Jets could use a linebacker to do something of it think you could do it third down and three seven seconds remaining Amanda point it over state you look on the ground and that's it for the first time and the Dolphins could have had much more but they don't need the Jets only by seven we'll be back with our halftime all right these nine trucks are there's new for by Boris proof of Nissan know how to cut the most powerful standard engine in its class and independent front suspension came the worst terrain it's one tough huh pull by for Nissan style is major emotion at your Datsun dealer in producing one of the most amazing VCRs ever observe the detachable remote no perfect special-effects VCR with stereo and [Music] these days everyone's got some kind of telephone deal for you but how can I beat a deal like the AT&T phone right here in my home works great rings true not a lick of trouble I called AT&T toll-free number and found out I don't have to do anything to keep old reliable right here I can keep on leasing it I'll buy you know you may already have your hands on the best telephone deal in town AT&T we sent the standards sunday is a coyote tries to outfox a desert rat I just want to catch the guy out with die torn and Mark a ceramic bond James Bond Sean Connery's back on top is the best bond ever [Music] the new NEC portable computer so powerful it's a portable office mr. Wilson they just brought me the forecast financial planning is showing an increase in March and and when we're processing is amending the report Tuesday my secretary says fine we got your account the NEC professional portable desktop power for the man on the move Marines that are home from Beirut are getting a past they'll be home for the holidays and of course it's the last game of the season the Dolphins in the Jets were go in the clubhouse for right after the game on Eyewitness News channel 10 WPLG TV Miami they met earlier this year the undefeated Jeff Chandler suffered them personally did this professional career unknowns and tender Oscar Mooney scored a sensational upset victory of non-title bouts now they meet again Jeff Chandler takes on tough Oscar Muniz with a WBA world bantamweight championship but forget the past now crown is a state and was a sporting precision and artistry and the World Championships in rhythmic gymnastics on ABC's Wide World of Sports Saturday [Music] we're back live in the Orange Bowl the score here in Miami at halftime 14 the seven dolphins over the Jets tonight's halftime features of being brought to you by Merrill Lynch a firm whose wide range of integrated financial services and commitment to the highest quality in each indeed makes them a breed apart we will be back in just a moment at which time we'll be picking up with Terri Blair's talk with Miami coach Don Shula to sum the breakup of AT&T is a shuttering event Merrill Lynch know how can make it your lucky break our top-ranked research team studied AT&T from top to bottom we can help you make the right move manage eight stops keep some so some or move into our special AT&T stock fund now that opportunity is knocking take advantage of a real thing for Merrill Lynch breed apart the look of a winner Don Shula has it and he says the secret to his success is a head coach is being totally aware of what's happening on and off the field that's helped him reach five Super Bowls including one magic undefeated season of seventeen and OH Don Shula is more than just a good football coach in fact he is one of the elite coaches in the National Football League his record is well known and it certainly is proven all over the walls of his office here in Miami with all these plaques but what is not well-known is that Don Shula wanted to be a winner since he was a kid Don what were you like as a child as a hard loser a tough loser it started in card games around the house the grandparents and the parents and it went from there to pickup games in the playground and I never like to be on the losing end and I was a sore loser or a tough loser and I think that that's helped me become a winner hating defeat hating failure by the same token I've been exposed to failure as a player and as a coach and I don't dwell on failure when it's over with when I've cried by him my eyes out I'd somehow then try to go back and pick up some things that happened in a negative experience and hope that they'll help me the next time I have the opportunity to compete one failure that's remained with Shula the Super Bowl lost to the Jets in 1969 Shula's Baltimore Colts were heavily favored but were upset 16 to 7 by Joe Namath and the Jets it was a shock that eventually forced Schuler to leave Baltimore for Miami at the time when the game was over it was just getting beat but as things built up over a period of a week or two weeks or a month after the first team in the National Football League to lose to a team in the new league that became tougher and tougher to live with and it eventually came to the end of a relationship between Carroll rosenbloom who was the owner of the team at that time and myself life in the NFL began for Shula in 1951 with the Cleveland Browns a defensive back number 96 Shula wasn't physically overpowering but he was smart an intense worker and had that enormous desire to win those are qualities that trademark Shula coached teams to this day traded to Baltimore and finally Washington Shula never stopped working on the mental side of the game I think as a player I always wanted to know what was happening around me I wanted to be aware of what other people were doing and what the overall philosophy of the offense I used to drive the coaches nuts why are you doing this why are you doing that how is it gonna work here and they they just appease me and answer me and try to get me out of there and go about their business but I was always trying to be aware of the entire situation and I think that that has helped me going from a player to a coach because as a coach now you're responsible for the entire situation you've got to know why you're doing it you have to know the underlying philosophy Jule understands his players and how to use their talents and they understand him for anyone who leads him comes away with the same feeling that what you see is what you get he's an honest totally straightforward man and his players trust him because of that the important thing is credibility and communication I think in coaching if I had to pick out the two most important things in coaching and leadership I would take out credibility you have to have credibility with the people that you're responsible for the minute that they doubt what you stand for what you're saying you lose credibility you're not gonna be able to lead if you lose credibility and then communication is the next most important thing or maybe just as important you always have to have dialogue you have to have communication you have to listen you have to be able to pick up new ideas and death you always leave the door open my door is open so the players are walk-in here at any time and they can sit down here and discuss things they might not like what I what I say to them but they always are gonna have the opportunity to walk in that door and face me and and find out what I'm thinking and why I'm thinking that my first company picnic wasn't much two bags of chips and a six-pack but things change as we give our customers a good job for a good price call it good business like this Meister Brau sure I can pick any beer now but Meister Brau taste every bit as good as Budweiser and it doesn't cost as much so there's no contest hey any of you overpaid under work people want a beer introducing Meister Brau tastes as good as Budweiser at a better price Saturday on TJ Hooker the baby breaks their hearts a drug ring could break them then on The Love Boat an inspector with the nose for murder as suspects from stem to stern [Music] Perry Como comes home to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year with special guest Michelle Lee together they sweeten up the Big Apple Perry Como's Christmas in New York tomorrow we're back live in the Orange Bowl halftime score Miami dominating thus far 14 the Jets 7 now what we promised you a look team by team in both conferences on playoff possibilities beginning in the NFC with the Niners 90s can make the playoffs if either the Packers the Rams are the Lions lose or the Niners defeat the Cowboys in our game Monday night Detroit the Lions will win the NFC Central if the Bears defeat the pack this Sunday or the Lions defeat the Tampa Bay Bucs but the Lions cannot be a wild-card team soon you'll need a psychiatrist couch to keep up with this the Saints will be a wild-card team if they defeat the ranch the Saints cannot win the NFC West the Rams will make the playoffs if the Rams defeat the Saints and the Packers Lions are 9 is loose and the Packers will make the playoffs this is the last NFC team if they can defeat the Bears on Sunday and the Bucs defeat the Lions or the Rams defeat the Saints now in the AFC we begin with Seattle the Seahawks will be the wild-card if they can defeat the Patriots this weekend but the Pats can be the wild-card if the Pats defeat the Seahawks and the Steelers defeat the Browns Pats might also clinch of Patriots Browns and bills all win at the same time Browns could be the wild-card team if the Browns defeat the Steelers and the Pats defeat the Seahawks and the Falcons defeat the bills Browns fight also clinched if the Pats Browns and builds all win and if the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise the bills can be the wild-card if the bills defeat the Falcons and the Steelers defeat the Browns and the Patriots died the Seahawks lots of luck Buffalo the playoff possibilities for all of you to be utterly confound we'll be right back Thursday Automan turns on Las Vegas where the key to a kidnapping is in a casino computer get him house hoping you try something like this then he's willing to serve our country average Americans are off to Amsterdam where a master spy wants a million in diamonds upset the balance of power nice kraid Thursday all starting at age 70 central amount [Music] time winding down the rains have stayed away tonight the feel relatively dry very dry as a matter of fact considering the rain that we've had over the past 24 hours as you can see Miami is on top of the Jets 14 to 7 the Dolphins looking for that home-field advantage I'll remind you once again 14 years they have won over 80 percent of their games on this field will be going for Mitchell Todd in the first half the numbers for Don stock really are not that much better non-stock eleven of twenty one hundred and ten yards a couple of touchdowns however interception for soccer there at Dan Marino unable to play damage that knee a couple of weeks ago but he's moving around and he should be available for the playoff activities you know Howard listening to you discuss the playoff possibilities that couldn't help but wonder who's on third they need somebody to tie their Springs is deep along with Preston brown as we begin the second half 14 to 7 the Dolphins over the jet so this will be Preston brown from the five to get outside but he's hammered at the 21-yard line let's take a look at the numbers the first quarter and then we'll we know that earlier in the first quarter stats were relatively equal to minute possession edge from my MA and a close ballgame but by halftime an impressive edge from Miami and first downs in rushing yards in total yards turnovers equal but an impressive edge for Miami and possession time to Frank we opened with the same personnel as we did the game Todd a quarterback McNeal and jerking are the setbacks God fires up Schuler gets a gain of five out over the 25 to the 26 yard line loud Blackwood takes him out of bounds gonna be second down and five we have yet to see a ball even thrown - Wesley Walker tonight I was just thinking Wesley must feel a little like I felt when I first came into the league running clear out pattern so that the Titans can run underneath him that's what he just did it [Applause] to the left the two tight ends are in walkers been out of the game much of the first half as a gesture gone but the two tight end offense where is mcniel the end of a couple it'll bring up third down and three [Applause] tried to snake his way in his fashion but no place to snake well I mentioned when the Jets played New Orleans the Jets seen this year seem to be on all Finch that they really don't have a personality you know their bread and butter play some teams say well we're gonna run off tackle that's what we do best in that's what we're gonna go to and then when time to get tough and they they seem to be a team that that's gonna look this array off into the philosophy while three Wichita [Music] we'll be forced upon Kenny Lewis was thinking first down before he had his hands on it and that will bring out Chuck Ramsey for the punt [Applause] and we'll watch mark plate and drop for the Dolphins for they depressingly for Todd and depressing season through this man former teammate of mine Joe Walton go by everybody was going to go to the Super Bowl this year he's trying to be 500 tonight cramsey just wanted to turn over its hi and Clayton does not make his fair catch call at the 30 yard line and he's hit hard by Gavilan Mullen a 41-yard punt by Chuck Ramsay but nevertheless the Dolphins have the ball at their own 30 yard line for their first possession here in the second half and we'll see Don stock coming out with told his numbers he was 11 of 20 MB from 10 yards a couple of touchdowns and an interception he calls his own plays by the way and I mention that earlier Don Shula says he's the most knowledgeable quarterback he's ever had and either not exclude Bob Griese professor are you serious I'm serious first and ten the dolphin the 30-yard on stocke it back dr. through the pattern Bob cradle defensively there in the crowd thought they were a little aggressive but the crowd is really stoked up tonight nice photo right over the middle he had all the way to looking up to right Mel is limping they're gonna send in a replacement but no and Ron Crosby ready but now stays in the lineup got the first down at the 41 Franklin laughing all this time fended off the block and forced Franklin very wide and Franklin just did get to the line of scrimmage yeah we get the SPECIAL beach a couple of extra defensive back for the Jets we'll see some often see changes but the Dolphins will see woody finish I think to the first time tonight of the 34 is in there with Tony Nathan that's an interesting graphic dolphins winning every game this year much they've led it yes go down a gentle Nathan Nathan had he been able to do that when he saw it that he doesn't only gets three it'll be third down and seven dandy Don pointed out a few weeks ago he where the tapes loss really applies for the running back and he hesitated a little that time and still he's fun away from a been rudolph for an extra two or three yards neither team though though they have another shot six ball at their own 44 yard line so we'll stop the work from the shotgun - what they don't throw it down goes up behind him and that's also had a lot of heat on it gotta bring up fourth down so the Dolphins will have to fight played really last year was a holdout there all during training camp signed the day the season began this year and came in last week and did such a marvelous job against Atlanta they troubles with the Jets defense tonight they've always had one like a Muro Muro did the job for him off the bench and for them but if this crowd loves it this time it carries into the edge I do believe that was higher than 55-yard but nevertheless is the touchback of the Jets we'll have another I do believe I'll tell you trying to get cultured isn't easy we just went to the Opera and we didn't understand the word yeah but that big guy in those tights sure could sing well at least we still drink a very civilized beer Light beer from Miller Lite tastes great but us impresarios drink it because it's less filling we can't afford to get fill up tomorrow night we're going to the ballet yeah sure hope they do it in English me too like beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless RadioShack believes a computer for your family is an important investment that's why you owe it to them to see the sale price color computer two widely used in schools and homes it's expandable with quality peripherals and supported by a vast library of software for education home management communications and games the color computer 2 at $80 off is backed by our national service and training only at RadioShack your electronic store for over 60 years the Cowboys tangled with the 49ers on ABC's Monday Night Football [Music] laughs smell the linebackers oh just lipping a while ago and now he's having a little ice applied to his right ankle the number one curse of a player was not going to the playoff as to get hurt from the last game of the season first down of timid Jets a trail 14 to 7 the Miami Dolphins [Applause] breakfast running out of the 25-yard line gain of 6 he ran the ball on that play unlike the Jets have been claimed they played like that well the Jetson Hans parka has totally choked off the Jets offense he did it my first game lytia he did it in the playoff game last year and they just it's as if ponds Baga knows what the Jets are going to do before they even do it well aren't burgers done there so a lot of team goes it sounds a real problem now Bingham who have been in for Joe feels their five centers been out for four weeks God Bing he is out Pellegrini comes in familiar with that spot second for Turkey under came expertise up close to a first-time 9:30 they finally got one a first down no fields was missed the last two games were also missing tonight for the sprained foot and they had been using guy thing in there Roy had looped a left card so they've had to do some shuffling in the lineup now with Bing I'm going to decide lies Sanatana jets she Todd akin to Walker more in a little bin six lien Judson was there we saw a throw to Walker Hudson apparently tipping didn't you think break Vicki - Richard had to hurry it for one thing he was under pressure as he'd been all night that was a good deep throw under terrible pressure and was a fine play action pass judgment yeah superb you could see back in the night with six interceptions picked off three in the Jets first game and that was when he really came to the fore regular starters been out for the season Donna Neil over that left corner back there he is we got a second down at Sam Freeman bar tried to hurt her by Glenn Blackwood agents not do so that will bring up third down we're gonna pause five seconds would allow our stations to identify themselves channel 10 WPLG ETV miami hope you're enjoying tonight's game the Miami Dolphins what the home-field advantage they won over eighty percent of the games that they have played over fourteen years here they'd like to play all of them they could do so if they win tonight and should the Raiders we used to the Chargers on Sunday they with the home-field throughout the entire playoffs that they can guarantee themselves at least the divisional playoffs with a win tonight we're down a for Kenny Lewis this time Lewis holds on and gets the first down lowers his head wounds up to the 44 yard first down jets well I tell you someone must have given this jet off it's a pep talk on the sidelines because they are playing pretty prior to ball right now it's showing a little affairs downs which is Budnick consecutively which is one they were able are doing the entire second quarter but if you watch some play day look what they're there for the first time tonight they're just going after people and 44 yard Catrina Mikhail kozlovskiy is angry with himself drag comes down now Becca who got there they have a word rather than thick Marvin Pawel Kozlowski the Todd sort of looked up there that was the ball is sitting have been thrown at least to this person as you can see plenty of time [Music] don't grass defenses against kozlovsky let's take a look yeah darling all over him go jets get another first down at the 48 yard line their own 48 richard again went to the man with the double coverage downhill [Applause] [Applause] action sooner his fingertips [Applause] normally when you run that pattern they want you to run about a yard or two from the sideline in chula with a little more on the field and Todd hung it up a father yard from the sideline so it's tough to tell from here shooter Anna ran the proper pattern or the ball was just too far outside juice this is what we were talking about before in his last three games against Miami look at Wesley Walker two receptions for nine [Applause] Freeman McNeil the 45-yard line he gets 18 out of that will bring up third down and three they've been sleepwalking around here and someone must have said hey look we've done nothing up to now and we're in the game these guys are fired lawyer I'm just looking at my cow's neck and next to him Joe field his last tooth Pro Bowl Center they've lost him now for four weeks and we understand the thing up with a sprained knee will not be back tonight the center Knicks have not been game for you well as one son will find on the TV [Applause] Ethan Kenny Lewis holds on Ben Lewis down at the 22 yard line in the arms of wild Blackwood Jets started at the 20 downs in a row one on a penalty the best sustained offense by the Jets tonight 755 I tell you in the third quarter [Applause] see Morrissey MOOCs over the middle move delay wide open from the ballin look at pretty good move there I'll tell you McNeil's running has been a very important first astray in his lab Jones rusty walk us to the right back of the same oh yeah concerned with the ovens they've had at centers and Richard Todd gets back on it lucky to recover Pellegrini in that it was overdue a little earlier you might have noticed as I didn't get a chance to mention it but Pellegrini was late on its nap stuff on the offensive line when but you can understand it let's take a look is really difficult to tell whose fault it is you never never did that control I have control of the ball it's not too tough to break in center when they're playing an odd-man line even appear from hall second down and 11 others loss of one body [Music] and it is cooler once again and cooler down to the five go [Applause] the tips have come out fired up here in the second half it's the best drive they've engineered against Miami in their last three games which includes this point there's a tough guy Schuler he got hit a couple of shots in the first half we didn't think he was going to be back and he's gonna spark on this Drive [Applause] first thing going [Applause] now lamb Jones and mugen in the slot up at the top of your screen the appeal was to pass touchdown goes to Marion Barber that's what they did in the playoffs last year Marion Barber coming out of the backfill as though he were going to lead the sweep for McNeill stepped in behind the defensive unit that was coming up to turn the sweep inside he was wide open so suddenly from nowhere the Jets have come alive very nice pass there's past for Freeman and a regular-season game but as noted they pull the same play for a TD in the playoffs last year pila greeny he was forced to stamp I misled you and I said things out of it on a punt or place kick and who brother obvious as he put it up high Ryan knew that he couldn't get it down who had been a block and a super effort by Pat Ryan so we got a ball game yes we do ryan surprised me is this much be tight and opportunity to watch him play last week he wanted to throw it that there was no people down field they were all blocking Brian gets his first NFL point and it ties the game at 14 644 remaining in the third quarter if you're just looking for a small car your choice is very large but if you're looking for a small car with advanced front-wheel drive engineering your choice is more limited and if you're looking for a small car that's also very sporty and maneuverable you'll find it reassuring to look at this one Skyhawk the first car has succeeded being both small and Buick at the same time in the army you learned about helicopters from the ground up [Music] take the gyros fry I'm on it sir [Music] but you don't really learn a skill until you've learned to use it under pressure [Music] did you say something Pellegrini OJ's a primary course is snappy ask Jim ringo to teach in he taught The Electric Company I want to congratulate all those guys has been 10 years and we're still hanging in there fellas my booms it away golden Walker is deep we'll keep it in the end zone for the touchdown the Dolphins will work from the 20-yard line you go to the backfield and got the touchdown bringing the deal over given a choice between learning computing and playing video games which do you think a kid with Jews exactly that's why sore tech a new learning game was created exclusively for coming to home computers as kids plays or tech they're really fighting the way around the computer keyboard and mastering basic computer programming so before you buy a computer for your kids to learn on make sure it's one they'll want to learn on women that plays or tech and other famous learning games a Commodore home computer I crashed a lot of quarterbacks in my day I'm real sorry dear quite a bad I apologize for the way I've treated you please let me buy your light beer from Miller writes my beer because it tastes great I'm sure it's yours too cuz you little guys can't afford to get filled up see you soon sincerely Elsie Greenwood familiar everything you always wanted in a beer unless Perry Como's Christmas in New York with guest star Matt Hailey's Saturday [Music] just everything they say about for it is true is sucking up the oranges and the grapefruit here at the jam-packed Orange Bowl live action with alphys now tied at 14 637 remaining the third quarter first and 10 from their own 20 David Overstreet running a good pattern he's the right in-between two jet defender to the final second for overstreet to uncover when he had the protection let's see from the end zone is a play-action pass over street just ran out of the backfield outran the linebacker and he's serving notice I'm telling you if this kid continues can play throughout the playoffs the way he's played tonight the Dolphins will be told here right between wondering and Jackson but what beautiful protection was struck down was at the 40 yard almost at his 20th set a tough night tonight against the run but he's been putting a lot of pressure on them on the passes even here he goes again slack so good blocker just not strong enough lack show on that play bring up second down in ten stock down 13 to 20 441 yards one interception of para touchdowns something they drop out of God [Applause] about an 8 yard pickup great effed up to the 48 gently slow getting up [Applause] Rory I believe defensively and his so getting up right in front of the bench though Overstreet gives you that impression that he can go all the way every time he has the ball he was floating there he was looking for a place to go I always take the train because I'm afraid of flying I think the Train because it's the best way to enjoy light beer from Miller rolling through the Rockies are all across the Midwest my sled spilling and it tastes break coaster coat that's why I take the train because I'm the battle between the chef's and the Baker has been going on for centuries until the shot carousels and vection microwave oven brought them together as a microwave it's better efficient casseroles as a convection oven it's better the cakes and pies and the sharp carousel terms of food so you don't have to perfect even every time the sharp carousel convection microwave oven from sharp Minds come sharp colics Muniz one now they meet again at Jeff Chandler's crown as at stake a world rhythmic gymnastics championships ABC's Wide World of Sports Saturday continue to work on Kenny SROI on the sidelines we're going to give him a little extra tape of course all the players required to tape their ankles before each game they're going to get can destroy a little extra effort now crook Springs has come in from Troy and the jet defense is looking at the Dolphins facing a third down two partying Nathan good strong ready push down just inside jet territory [Applause] johner would ring defensively there for the Jets he made the execution but prey both slowed up Nathan did a good job on they needed to and they got it it was a successful play yeah that's a good combination they have going now Tony Nathan Don Shula knows full well what he can do he had that great year in 81 injured much of last year's had a great season this year over 50 receptions over 650 yards rushing and now they have over Street to go with that into the playoffs first rock will go down that will be a sack we go to morning by myself [Applause] whistle it blown even s truck tried to deliver the ball Jetts playing the dolphin stuff tonight the Jets play for nothing the personal pride and as I said this is the beginning of next year and also trying to have an eight-page season the Dolphins is much more important home-field advantage they can assure themselves of the division of playoff game at home tonight with an upset by the Chargers over the Raiders on Sunday they could have the home-field advantage with a win tonight right through the playoffs down 16 Nathan go good running by the Jets 40 yards short of the first down but only by about a foot 15 yard pickup Kirk Springs great to say the jacket yes and the super duper would have went after someone he had a chance of breaking that when he went to cut back but Cooper was in his way and the corner was right behind duper no winter on the winter hide and then the flip to Nathan the ball appeared to be unsure Leigh handled I was the interesting part of the play I think it was a snap from center you didn't have it even have control of the ball I mentioned that any one season of Nathan when he had nearly eight hundred yards rushing in fifty receptions he's up close to that again this year when you average four and a half yards a carry we've got a deal one would he won't get it good defensive surge there in our decision time for Don Shula I would think you'd go for it most cases not criticized I hear guys saying square though where their soul is to the line of scrimmage nut but that was a case what Bennett's had turned the shoulders upfield and tried to go you know up filled and lit the birds down he's going towards the sidelines when he was hit and on 4th down less than a yard you saw our referee Jane Barth indicating out much about a foot maybe a little more the Dolphins will go any sroi back for the deaths the strong safety so forth downplays turn to totter that Dallas game Dallas Washington game last week woody Bennett stays in he's the big man formation to apprise that short garbage [Applause] Nathan first down through the 37-yard line first down dolphin make many mistakes [Applause] so one of the reasons that Newman is going to the Pro Bowl on that play he does get out there doesn't he at one point I thought he was all sides it was really coming out of it looked like he moved him well you didn't look as if he moved early he's he's had a jump out there he's flying Nathan and 41 yards tough yards they've been on eight carries over straight now into the lineup with him once again [Applause] that ball batted away by Woodring bring out the second down at ten in a way lucky on that would ring was in an intercept position since he was struck is at three of now that could have been picked off to by Mel and the world one thereby would ring shut linebackers ml and would ring and Treville playing good games tonight the I know mil I hope he gets an opportunity at another intersection because we're gonna spin the whole offseason about the to eat it and get the rest of it broken an NFL record brand new sexy by linebacker had his hands on two of them blitz first rock he reads it fire to Johnson - against about six Troy made the stop just for in a full-glitz early mistake [Applause] as a gain of about six so the penalty will keep the down a first down they look at what's coming your way tomorrow college football I'm sure they'll take the penalty Western Carolina's eleven and to Southern Illinois 1101 the Division one double a championship you see it right here 1:30 tomorrow afternoon line up in the neutral zone don't suck it down this game appears to becoming a game that is a personal you know nobody's going anywhere Miami had the chance maybe to get the home-field advantage but I don't think anybody out there now is thinking about the playoff the whole drill advantage of going home this is become personal they're going after each other I'm just a chance they can get it with a win tonight at least through the divisional playoffs I think it's important to him oj second and five and this time in fact is by number 78 that's Barry Bennett Calma biking and the Orleans st. who came last year to the Jets we saw a nice thing there as I said I didn't I didn't mean to intimate that it wasn't important to Miami it's just that the Jets seem to be taking this game seriously now these guys out here playing with spirit and a fire during much of the season correctly they've been embarrassed I really have everybody told him how good they were at the beginning of the year that everybody said they have her going to the Super Bowl and maybe they just weren't that good but in whatever event way they could just been embarrassed by the season we're down to 14 anything gets a bunch of it back inside the 35 yard line Eliseo vivan shaman who is kicking with a very sore leg and he showed it the last time he tried a field goal certainly did he didn't get it more than two or three feet off the ground that was a 39-yard effort and this will be about a 49-yard efforts when the Dolphins won 32 to 14 Marino wasn't in there was he Frank yes he was that was a big game point now was that the difference then [Applause] 49-yard attempt disco party Ron Salomon comes I picked the Dolphins on top 17 to 14 a 49-yard field goal they love and here in dolphin land will be back at a motor in television presents you make the call great Morten throws a lateral pass to wide receiver Ricky Upchurch who tries to pass downfield but is hit in the head while in the act of passing is this [Music] [Music] [Music] it's got the most go for it what Paul did you make anytime any player is hit in the head it is considered unnecessary roughness so roughing here's the correct call I deal with Dan Marino leaving the AFC into the night in passing election to the Pro Bowl as the starting quarterback the old rookie has ever been in that position since the Pro Bowl began since 1950 [Applause] it could mean a Super Bowl for this team one minute 12 seconds remaining the third quarter Vaughn shaman punches one it's a lot of distance carries Preston Brown deep into the end zone where Brown takes the touch back before the game in my chocolates villains bogger I noted his success against the Jets I asked him about that very thing it's about time but there's a few years before that did we didn't we weren't that successful I remember one game we went down and the last play the game and they were able to beat our coverage in the wind so it's about time it's turned around and I hope it continues to turn around on but I always enjoy playing against the Jets because they give you a lot of problems I think coach Walton has done a good job in conceding their offense they've had some problems but they still give you a lot of problems when you look at it like I do defensively in attacking the net offense partners AJ do a attack another well he makes the stop loss of about three yards on Criminal Appeal one of the few times we heard from AJ tonight interesting observation Jews yes he has not been the factor in this ball game he was in the playoff game last year anything like it not up to this point I'll be adding line up in the inside back here and he's a man on coverage did a good job came up as a rookie a first round draft pick was cold work every year at the defensive end then aren't far they moving people around we've been the line back for a couple years ago took him down 14 again a lot of trouble but since key defensive man this is good bow camper in bow camper making a stop now the dolphins appear to be the ones getting fired up this is a big series because they can wind up again with field position but down to 35 seconds remaining and this the third quarter well many in the past many of the dolphins big offensive explosions have come off the defense plan inspired ball so when the army started form we're down long yardage for Richard Todd quick snap keep it on the ground Kenny Lewis the top it's pasted at the very height of his hurdle that was the back jumping not thinking about running he didn't think he'd come down running he's leaning back when he jumped final seconds ticking off here in the third quarter and the Dolphins 717 to 14 we will be back at the Orange Bowl after discussing from our station Wednesday tonight to remember holiday spirit takes a new turns to st. Gregory I'm gonna pray when greed takes control Hotel Wednesday this is a news brief from channel 10 Eyewitness News hello I'm Mike Schneider in the news tonight four Marines back from Lebanon they're heading home to South Florida for the holidays right at this hour when they get here the loved ones will finally get their long-awaited reunion and will have a knife beep report a shaky ceasefire is holding in the Mideast tonight we'll tell you about that some excellent news about our economy this could be the best news about wholesale prices in 20 years but no good news in Dallas the weather is miserable there a big snowstorm we'll tell you all about it after the ballgame [Music] the clean fresh taste of the Rockies 12 at a time from Korres fragrance for them Jordache fragrant old because love is all you need for Christmas channel 10 WPLG TV Miami [Music] [Applause] if you're Todd's numbers their second or third downs meanwhile the Jetson face for the 4th down Rams is on mark plate has dropped for the Dolphins they could get good field position out of that weightless position himself at his own 38 yard line Ramsey puts it up high Dirk gets called for an executed of the 39 by Clayton while Blackwood has taken from the field by the way the safety for the Dolphins he is going to have an ankle x-rayed would like to remind you once again Monday night city by the bay Dallas in San Francisco Dallas of course to be watching the Giants of the Redskins tomorrow taking it to the Redskins of the nation's capital hey Howard anything can happen in that game I recall when the Redskins went to the Super Bowl and 72 the bills at one three game the last game was season we went into Washington and we beat him how many yards rushing you have 300 the dog not quite that many first attend the dolphins they lead by three as we begin the fourth quarter I'm listening the pressure that he gets into Johnson which I did gain of seven out of the 45 to the 47 I was interested in the Jets last call on third down before the punt inside their own twenty seven and eight season and in a couple of hours they'll be winging homework the season over and they were playing to keep the game close I agree to our I think I would've thrown it but hey we're up here sucking down and three Franklin a little opening knew what he needed for the first time he gets it a good deal the Franco Harris run late got back alright let's look at the stats beginning with halftime that's when the Dolphins had taken a pronounced edge as you can readily witness and had the ball about twice the time the Jets had had the ball and in the third quarter when the Jets began to put things together total the Audigy narrowed measurably passing yardage the edge went to the Jets Miami's still much better on the ground and eight minutes more possession time or thereabouts first attend the dolphins at the 49 yard line of the Jets which who died into the night 24 interceptions O'Neill in Dickey the Packers had more through 15 games [Music] Franklin Bell was there first you know how it is that citta didn't think about that last call you know the last time the Jets at the ball hey the coaches playing like it's a regular game and he's not playing like that going home so maybe he did do the right thing that score 17 to 14 so no not as I think about it maybe you know it seriously maybe playing like it's a regular game I'll tell you those are meaningful discussions a lot of it in football college and throwin kind of show business but not with Bill irons Barca this is a very serious man and those folks pay attention to him second down long yardage almost ten thanks I got maybe a half a yard goes over a thousand yards for the dolphin all right first time they've ever had a lease over very homes and Cooper is just plain yeah I don't do it now no this one over thousand one I saw Jerry Holmes was the miss grant and just plain unnecessary and beauty parks that's what the officials see Cooper to through the parts I just hope they don't let the kids stay in the quite a nice warm and not too much to get kicked out of a game the night FB braver ended at the previous play they almost squared off in the previous play and throw a punch at a Hillman alright I got in one fight against they got any mail Lunsford I jumped up threw a punch at him and the punches every Patriots yeah the purse was already thrown when I realized he was 260 pounds yeah I was about to say if we smell Lunsford with the Patriots a little late before [Applause] [Music] just reversed it yes it was 85 for reception 72 yards he's over a thousand for the season the new dolphin record and watch for yourself who was the instigator I'd say it's a credit to the players in the league they go to this kid to the pro ball at so many big-name receivers around the league and people like rod Martin and Cooper the new guys they get a change madam cowboy first down and 10 of the Dolphins they're at the 33 yard line of the Jets [Applause] Franklin spinning and twisting and getting additional yardage yep they've got amazing yardage out of that hasn't had the year he had last year he's women woman he's been running he says the shoulders hasn't he has had a couple of shoulder injuries and they haven't really bothered them that much of the thought of them of the injuries that's been holding him back [Applause] surprise they've got it they're sucking around out of the brass - a couple years ago and he was basically a boxing back there he's had two now three great years second down at seven whistle it blown Cooper and Troy facing each other once again saw dooper drop the ball at funny I recall back those 10 years ago right a five-yard penalty for delay now against my any right after right after I broke the wreck at the neck scary I fumbled the ball you can see and Cooper dropped that ball reminded [Applause] he's got to tuck away now mark Cooper all the great receivers have had here he's produced the most started single season more than Paul Warfield saying something flag flying look like they might come up with a late hit on it it certainly looked it ed Newman again with a big block out in front of this disc watch number six for if we think he might come around is discipline team the Jets little bag Dunston penalties all year long great anticipation by Overstreet and complete look at that complete confidence in his offensive line cuz he turned up assuming the block would be made the block was made and anticipation really got him the yards by the state now up to 63 yards I think they're gonna call that on Darryl ray [Applause] [Music] with the penalty that the first time bill to go at the 9 yard line go 1152 go here in the fourth quarter and the Dolphins leading 17 to 14 and threatening Creek Springs has come in now replacing Darrell right Bill Walton said that he went to super extremes at the safety position a couple of people this year ruling over there with strawed played that very well if there are any interference there would have been on offense coming up second down and goal to go the Jerry Holmes they're given a few signs to the fans Jerry Holmes on the coverage I'll correct myself yes it was very Holmes is also somebody that is one of the Jets going to the USFL lee side of the pittsburgh goal to go [Applause] all the states and it breaks loose from laughs mal who does manage the trippy mob but again good running by overstate he's to just about the six yard line what are the third down goal to go Don would ring was over together to make sure but you're right Beverly pull attack well you know yeah I like that Overstreet I like the way you run know when you're great runners run like jet pilots how they fly they gotta fly miles ahead and he's not dealing with the guy right in front of him looking at the guy downfield a guy in front of his handle he's looking at both safety even guys by the defense rate but differentiate sometimes they're good running and that Taco Bell yep some guys like girl Campbell create for Kathleen flag is down the judge removing Sparkle ever freely really hammered there another key jet mistake oh boy hit a guy when he's out of bounds [Applause] Piko is arguing other vehemently with the official I don't know why probably totally me lined up all sides I think when they hit the guy out of Bounce it could be a little frustration you know frustration over the whole scene a little closer third down goal to go there's a three yard line Gastineau is irrelevant they played very hot team golf is the one the last four oh seven of their last eight the Jets are down by three and we're in the fourth quarter on the just who they are going no place but home these guys played their hearts out [Applause] once again and a flag design intended for Jo rose against the Jets and it's going to work against the dog Oh offensive pass interference [Applause] got it in there I think was roasting off mell the other man said he pushed all nicely Grable adding covers pretty well so the Dolphins are going to have to settle for three points and we look down the field for dolphin fans while black with a spotted back to the Miami Dolphins bit so apparently his ankle is alright whether we're seeing again right I don't on Java the 21-yard field goal attempt [Applause] Gutenberg will snap it back stop who put it down put it out the bleed [Applause] [Music] the essentially makes very generous use of the latest technology to offer a front-wheel drive automobile that's beautiful and aerodynamic smooth and quiet and the factory also utilizes a sophisticated computer system to monitor many functions but what really makes the century of Buick is that it not only comes with a computer it's also available with an impressive amount of software very impressive over the years us guys unlike beer from Miller Pamela laughs but this time we like to share some personal sentiments have a very Merry Christmas yeah yeah this holiday may there be bass under all your lily pad may all your pockets be full but leave Navidad peace and wish you everything you always wanted into Christmas and more you know I'm glad they asked me to do this commercial Merry Christmas the Cowboys tangled with the 49ers on ABC News Monday Night Football [Music] dogs barking what is a golf professional I think over throughout their offseason plus he is been came off the bench a week ago in this sensational just around a week ago is having trouble however when they get down close against the Jets tonight move the ball well up and down the middle of the field however 1044 remaining in the game and they have but a six-point lead over the Jets long times one stopped by a Darrel ray interception another they oughtta go for a field goal that was blocked or kicked by a bunch um - settlements the field so it's a Baldy custom brown this combined shaman will have to kick again back you know five yards he'll kick from the thirty Frank Jews hearts a heavy in the football world today because of terribly gallant young man of the New York Football Giants Doug Cota passed away most of you are familiar with the story a malignant brain tumor and I used the word gallant that's just what he was they fought with everything he had before finally succumbing and then to John Merrick the head coach of Tennessee State marvelous man marvelous coach died last night heart seizure he's the man of coach such as head too tall Jones the great defensive back limbani of the Lions and speedy Duncan our hearts are heavy too here in the booth are those two great [Music] never forget Doug quarter running that sweep against Buffalo that Monday night game upset the Buffalo Bills put little running back very often we'll kick again from the 30 Brown is deep along with Springs 10:38 remaining in the game in a game where neither offense has sent elated [Applause] Browns on the 5-yard line at the 22 and gets followed at the 23 yard line special teams Miami's have plates perfectly well on kickoffs throughout the night as we suspected the X rays on Lyle block woods ankle were negative but he will not be back this evening gotta feel sorry for Preston Brown he came into the game you'd be right pork and in the NFL and kickoff returns if he could have busted one the night he possibly could have won that title they've done a good job on in the night first down at 10 the Jets at their own 23 yard line Freeman McNeil single step back you try the right side but since be one of the toughest linebackers around against the run number 59 really upset down here about him not making the Pro Bowl he's had a great year however that's like Lance mail that just so many good linebackers in this league I certainly agree with the choice of chip banks of all yeah had a remarkable year dead end Rick's is going back in Ted Ted will be playing at least 45 it might be already in play tonight going Gastineau with Todd exit control think we should get in lastly takes attendance there was a mixup on that boat I don't know he had a vampire Kozlowski try and loop it over them it was a poorly thrown ball legit the polyfoam bollywood kicked off and this game is turning means who are Hetson spun out away from the center as if there's some kind of confusion he had a guard with him that's what leads me to believe that it was a design play let's take a look at it the end zone here oh yeah see he had a guard coming out there with them so the play was designed and just she tried to loop it over his head it just didn't get enough on the ball you see the pony now he's shutting that thrown it because he was almost triple covered at the intended receiver on shaman for the conversion [Applause] now the crowd loves it hey we the collective sigh of relief the drop-down 2714 the problem now command the powers of professional keyboard and all in one package my launch Soave Bolla is more than wide who should know better than Franco bola [Music] makes people happy Soave Bolla crisp dry and something more [Music] most positive thing you can say is that he's a pretty good company that's the doubtful on let's go forget on New Orleans a few weeks ago we're in a similar situation and the Jets came back from being two touchdowns down and one football game a bedskirt spring running a 76 yard punt back for a touchdown Howard falling right off the stool bon-chama to kick off spring semester as there were a few moments ago our deep and press oh and a fumble for the 24 yard line the balls loose [Applause] love the way they immediately on each side point the finger yeah everybody wants to be Mindy Rudolph as you can see pulls out their nice fake and he just didn't quite have the touch he he would like to have it with the ball over Kozlovsky [Applause] first and ten the Jets okay 27:14 over more than nine minutes remaining in the game I'm receiving for the test turkey five out of that in Miami will give you that short pass all day long great crowd that they are really having themselves a ball a got a little tied up a while ago we're a little quiet when the Dolphins had to settle for the three-pointer when they came back with the intersection for the touchdown they've loosened up once again you would think this would be a good time they get some of those backup quarterbacks a look-see so that Pat Ryan play last week his stats weren't impressive but they dropped a lot of his passes [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] really you don't think he's got to reach to celebrate pull the third playoff game for these dolphins we did that two weeks ago for Atlanta can't call a man that's really sad 43 yard touchdown return I know this man he's very sensitive that's to hurt a treat to have playing quarterback in the NFL it's hard to tell it was a mixup with his receiver their ties an NFL record for touchdowns on interceptions in one game all right how would it be time [Applause] Meredith [Applause] unsummon that turn off the lights they're exhausting on shaman air in the fourth quarter incidentally if I knew retied I would tell you all that fancy equipment there down there just humming away trying to come up with a right so he just playing a phrase drunk and they're reading Richards eyes drop back ten yards and what do you know move over nice catch you think he can bring back [Applause] they did what Lance mill had an opportunity to do tonight picked off 211 in the Orange Bowl this whole place is 46 years old and it's rocking the night of Christmas coop from Radio Shack we get the keeper terrific gifts at Radio Shack for exciting safe battery-powered toys a sturdy fire chiefs helmet with flashing light and siren we have been a great style vehicle easily program for six different driving maneuvers including straight big square those toys sure caught their attention they still have more packages turn around exciting battery-powered toys $6.99 and $7.99 each only at RadioShack Chevy is taking charge are you tough enough to make it with the US Army Chevy trucks are the army contracted for 53 thousand ton full-size Chevy pickups and Blazers these rugged four-wheel drives our regular production vehicles powered by the proven 6.2 liter diesel v8 need a truck as tough as the US Army's just sign up at your Chevy dealers today now take delivery of any new full-size pickup and make no monthly payments till March 1st at the 1976 Olympic silver medalist at 1982 overall World Cup champion Bill Koch has only one challenge left Olympic gold tough weight [Music] asking has tied 13 other players knew this thinners up to two balls and take that back the tough job they did with the rundown [Applause] Preston Brown doesn't want to throw him in when he hasn't had any work the table does all the work during the week but what I mean first round Drive took out of cow Davis was a holdout in training camp that didn't get to work there Freeman McNeil one got ahead and given up the swimming McGill we're running the ball hard you ever think they would have given this chance Gaia I mean a chance to throw the ball a few times there he is in O'Brien great numbers coming out of Cal Davis the fed of a shock to fans but that's anyone who followed this game he was sensational out there not only is a quarterback throwing the ball he ran the ball wells rambled off as some on second down and five McNeil once again [Applause] you might have got a yard out of it it'll be third down of three and we'll tell you our telecast is presented by authority of a National Football League is intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast whether you saw this telecast without the express written consent of the National Football League is prohibited I'll tell you the Jets are lucky runs bug is going to LSU two runs in a row is throwing the towel of power beside you one other 13 guys and your friend Frank and that Monday night game when he had the four intercepts returned to become Oh God lost the pulling away from the center and you talk about a great safety talk about dig Anderson now to bring up fourth down tagged me a few times ah that was some defensive backfield 25 Foley 45 Curtis Johnson 13 was who and number four Curtis Thompson dick canvas otk mr. Liu 25 I'm sorry I'm blue tit come on a Howard name the 13 guys up to an assistant don't ask me man I owe everything what you don't ask I add a bit of brawn also you know fourth-down rounder punch transy had to hurry that but off the side of his foot Burke in its call for an will run in Italy by Gwyn Blackwood when the Dolphins in good field position once again the 640 on the clock and they are looking at other looking possibilities for home field at least through the divisional playoffs began back in July for the Jets hot summer day is winding up in Miami tonight yep and it began auspiciously in the regular season with a 41:29 victory over San Diego first down over street steps inside of one tackler gets a couple of yards stops o'clock for 6:30 for remaining in the game and at the Jets 47 yard line and immediately after that losses - it's been basically downhill all year and what you saying tonight is the disintegration of a team that last year there's one game away from the Super Bowl and is still not an old seat they should have been peeking in that front he's dead this second down and eight Franklin and Overstreet dolphins Oh the thing about the jets if you think about it all season long no one seemed pleased to have an answer as to what's wrong with the team and I don't know if they expect to find in the offseason if they can't figure it out now somebody's got to come up with some answers one would think they're down in four players seem to be confused about the problems with the team members stocke from the shotgun [Applause] no flag that just got back this is Tony Nathan Nathan will be short of the first down as he gets to the Jets 41 yard line that'll be fourth down to the Guilbeau made the stop for the Jets we're going to pause five seconds for station identification channel 10 WPLG TV Miami fourth down for the Miami Dolphins they lead the Jets 34 to 14 gets how to close until the Dolphins Kozlowski picked off to Richard Todd passes in the matter of minutes and ran them in four touchdowns and the season will be over for the Jets and the Dolphins will have on home-field advantage we're looking at Roby you'd like to get this ball in the end zone as we cities after team record here beautiful punt hey guess it's so high [Laughter] we had a spectacular night Reggie will be a 6th round draft pick out of Iowa that was only a 36-yard punt that the Jets will be right of a shot at the goal post better yet mixed emotions about that because as we said he's trying well with that average for the night the old continue yeah he will have the Jets I mean the dolphin record for Stephen punt average I'll tell you this ABC Sports exclusive has been brought to you by Buick so comfort reliability innovation and a real commitment to quality see the 84 Buicks now by light beer for Miller everything you've always wanted in a beer unless put your Tod stays on the lineup for his 26 interception of the season big pileup over on the left side gain of a couple of yards or Scott their king well it's apparent that Jets are trying to run on the clock too along season form I don't need this offseason to sort out whatever problems they tell fine Wesley Walker do not have a reception tonight he didn't have one last week either [Applause] second down and eight well Walker Vicky urchin we got that straightened out and Walker gets out of bounds with the first down out over the 15 yard line Wesley's had a good you that's the sixty-first perception that was lame Walker is a great football player they've got to be something wrong when you're within five minutes of the termination of the game and he has one reception by the time two games [Applause] first down Jeff movement on the flag is down rich 11 Freeland gets it to Scott Durkin and they're gainin low to the ground because that's where he's built bah bah I are in the middle of a dolphin line and into the neutral zone all right we've got all the wires show you the record of Kozlowski tide a little bunch of it goes back a long way touchdown interceptions röszke kitty Johnson of Atlanta did it about three weeks ago that right look at Kim Youth and they're almost identical to this return on the other side of the field there's okay we'll turn him out juice will sing it on second down Freeman McNeil out of the backfield think he surprising him a little bit he ran around it look like you can fly ran away from Kozlowski and Mark Brown the rookie from Purdue once again was he lined up he saw that he lined up behind the quarterback and just did a little swing out of the backfield and of what made mention that they they've thrown a lot of these basses throughout the year I'm surprised at this point of the game if they're gonna throw why they're not well they are dropping off about 25 and 30 yards out vo they are I mean defense now they are pranks right about that yes but it's been the Train of the whole game you throw it's true 60 50 lakhs are in there now you can't do it good hours of complete those two Gaffney Jerry cafe will have another jet first down around the 35 yard line a lot of new folks in there defensively now but Derek he's not no he's the sticky-fingered receiver I said there are no defensive player there for the Dolphins Oh correction well let's see what do you think Miami is gonna have to get ready for Doni hectare single setback now for the Jets on first down at Miami's 36 yard line [Music] that Miami will have to play the wild card team whoever wins the wild card game because all three wild-card teams will be from the Western Conference and the Ravens can't play one of those guys however it winds up they'll be playing the Raiders in my opinion and we had that game in the Coliseum and the Raiders have historically not had much problems problems with the dolphin especially when Stabler waffled a ball - Clarence Davis that beat jewel in the final seconds chefs have a second out of 10 [Applause] it's a god trying to get it to their gap they once again is in the complete win Blackwood I was looking for the interception port path anyway I don't know if it is that fighting me or what but he has not thrown the ball well down til the last few which last few weeks that I've watched I think he made [Applause] the labor a few points [Music] [Applause] [Music] twice tonight lamb Jones have made good reception Tony the coffin up Paul Langford got it out of there for the Dolphins a twin Blackwood covered it fortunately the game wasn't on the line here because lamb Jones had an excellent year he should have a good offseason nice catch there did this earlier in the game you just seen a little problem putting the ball away but must have something to do with the gloves he's wearing it's not cold out here I can't imagine why he's wearing gloves I've got a first down in ten now for the Dolphins they can work on the ticker which shows three minutes and three seconds good grant would have had those gloves off a bit now for the wind at 12 and four on the season why would he wear gloves 65 70 degree for the Jets third round pick from a couple of years ago Rudolph at a Long Beach State the dance truck is going to record another victory and it's going to be interesting to see what dolphins consider and with Marino's be apparently going to be okay for the playoffs which should begin for them in a couple of weeks second down and eight over straight he's got a big man he put some more yardage over the chart court as he gets another first down killing the clock at 216 at the 40-yard line you know if he to cut back that time you look like you've had a real big run and I'm surprised he wasn't thinking about cutting back because with the game on first down Todd is back off the fingertips of Turkey I'll be sucking down on ten bad thing to say way it ended for this team Lander once again Monday night boobie in San Francisco Dallas Cowboys hopefully bouncing back from what happened to them against the Redskins they were thumped they go against the 49ers all kinds of possibilities for the 49ers Howard interpreted all that for you at halftime [Applause] God got it in there Schuler developer and we'll get the two-minute warning once again well I call the Dolphins of finesse team which basically they have been but have you noticed how much harder they've been hitting in this game and against Atlanta than usual they are coming up to these playoffs and fine form maybe they are coming into it in great shape and they have two weeks to prepare they've got that great plus to having a Dom struck that could come in relieving AFC's leading passer young Dan Marino and performing in bursts and Richard Todd when Blackwood made a diving attempt for the interception at the 32 yard line fourth down coming up for the Jets that could have a solo Japanese butt up to the top of the screen along with the rookie conservatives what he called his limitation dance he says whenever he gets a sec he's gonna rise we picked the corner but rise up but a levitation move of his frustration of the season it's just a sad way for a professional football team man to see no other way to put it because of his teammates doing his dance who wanted just to get upset watch 71 he'll do his levitation dance the Tatars emotionally believe this he gets pushed to the Bott back hit with the ball they should go talk to their defensive player gaps to know their if they came out with another themed well it's more than that it's I know what it is I was but it still hey you reap what you sow all right I like that turnabout's Fair Play really deep in the late hours [Applause] professional football team so they're gonna be so embarrassed and ashamed of the result I mean 17 yards of penalties on the gypos the levitation dammit stop hey you gotta be able to take it you know you go to season watching your guy do it crude Bobby main would have been somebody would have levitated danced over to the ball at the back of his heel but he did turned around and got in the front of it you're right about that second and eight seconds ticking off now the final minute stock will watch the 30-second clock tick down and escape once again not the best tackling but hey the Dolphins why they went to the Super Bowl last year in the display you know loss of personnel on defense I think they're a better team especially when Moreno is in there this appear to be much more solid team yeah Howard touched on it earlier they have been really known around the league is more of a finesse team although they have some pretty heavy hitters when you think of radzinsky [Applause] the Raiders and they're down the line but the Dolphins are thinking a Super Bowl once again this year final seconds ticking away the Dolphins would go 12 for their home field advantage for these two divisional playoffs they'll wait for the Chargers on Sunday as Loski two touchdown interceptions once again our final score 34 14 Miami over the Jets tonight on Nightline with Ted Koppel the Playboy mystique has been around now for 30 years because what kind of impact has it made on American values a look at tonight's u.s. Soviet hockey game that's all tonight on Nightline right after your late local news on most of these ABC station
Channel: Maurence Shipley
Views: 10,117
Rating: 4.8550725 out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Miami Dolphins, New York Jets, 1983
Id: z3Sj3U_ZFeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 9sec (11169 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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