1986 Week 15 Cardinals at Giants

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[Music] for most people 1963 was a long time ago a bulletin from CBS News President Kennedy has been shot by a would-be assassin in Dallas Texas for the New York Giants 23 years between division championships has seemed like a lifetime [Music] somehow the two teams do not seem to be that different why a tittle to Phil Simms and the trademark defense has endured the passing of time in the words of Lawrence Taylor we believe in fate we seem predestined to do something great [Music] there are size of relief in New York today the Giants are once again champions and host the st. Louis Cardinals [Music] well good afternoon everyone sunny and cold in New York the st. Louis Cardinals and the Giants and a sellout crowd at Giants Stadium [Music] there are the standings and there's no catching them now the Redskins lost yesterday the Giants clinched it and now they'll be battling for their home-field advantage I'm Jack buck and Joe Theismann and I certainly congratulate the Giants they're terrific football team of quality team and they deserve to win but let me be the bad guy some people are already talking about Pasadena in the Super Bowl a little early Joe well if you check your watch it is a little bit earlier there's two games left in the season the Giants want to win this football game today for those two reasons number one they want to prove that they earned it not necess not necessarily that it was given to him secondly they have to win these last two games to secure a home-field advantage through the playoffs very important to the team going to a Super Bowl positive it really is will McDonough on the pregame show talked about some coaching changes here and they are in the NFL in st. Louis though they've won only three games they're happy with their coach and these Cardinals can be very tough they can be very tough and they've come very close in the last few ballgames they gave Washington a real tough game they played to a 10-10 tie last week against Philadelphia they played these Giants very tough the last timeout they may be a Down football team but they're not out and to pivot being a very good ballclub the Giants have won the toss they'll receive temperature 27 it's a good thing the sun is shining and we have a bit of a wind and we'll talk about the effects of that wind here at Giants Stadium as at sherbert the water giant [Applause] [Music] conky watches it go to the young zone it wasn't touched it'll come out to the 20-yard line and we'll go from there bill Simms the quarterback they gave him a rousing ovation when he came in who the heck out of him give him another hand now as he starts his offense here's the d-pad to be up against Bob plays beat David Galloway now Baker up front linebackers for the Cardinals ready John and Charlie Baker on the outside AJ junior and Mako Noga inside Lionel Washington is starting at left corner and separate back on the other with Leonard Smith and Lonnie on those emotion receiver Stacy Robinson they certainly knew what they wanted to do on the first play that's a big first down out to the 38 yard line here's the remainder of the giant offense besides Sims and Robinson we have Joe Morris Maurice carthon Bobby Johnson and Stacey Robinson are the wide receivers the offensive line they're so proud of Brad Benson billiard Bart Oates Chris Godfrey Carl Nelson and Mark Weber oh that was a 19 yard game McConkey is in on first down from the 30 [Applause] [Music] begain I said these Cardinals the ball came loose the ball came loose but the Giants got it that's a big game by Joe Morris what are they going to try to do against the Cardinals Joe I think the Giants want to try and establish their running game their passing game is carrying to carry them to their last two victories but they feel like with the weather the way it is the type of Stadium and the area they play in here in New York they want to be able to establish that running game knowing that the weather may not favour the passing game as the season progresses on into the playoffs the ball is out to the 44 and it is [Applause] [Music] Carthon he plows out the midfield for a first down the tackle made by Lana young and one of the Cardinals have to do to stop this New York running game well I think the Cardinals are going to have to commit their linebackers to try and blitz you may get blitz for two reasons to put pressure on the quarterback and to stop the running game it's going to be important that their corners play well and their linebackers get up to stop the running game I don't believe they can do with the front three they have two first downs for the Giants [Music] [Applause] Oh Morris drafted its second intent of the crown that's the type of a pass that a quarterback wants to just take and hand to the receiver Joe Morris is wide open you'll see them going down the left side of your screen right there in the corner he'll start down the field now the safety bikes over Simms just tries to give it to him just lay it where he can get to it and let them a little bit too far inside there we saw one of the weaknesses of the Cardinals their linebackers do not drop back well into past coverage you know they're more run type linebackers than they are pass type cover people so yeah it does present a problem [Applause] emotion and Morris has posted on the Blitz that's what you talked about Joe blitzing to stop the run well they're going to have to I just don't feel like that the three people up front with Galloway Baker and Class B that they have the ability to go in and just stop the running game of the Giants it's going to require Freddie Joan on Blitzen and Charles and Charles Baker from the outside they'll have to try and funnel Morris back into the help that he has from the inside linebackers and the defensive lineman so a drop pass a loss of five and it's third down and 16 completed 36% of their third downplays [Applause] Wayne Slytherin those defensively it's incomplete very good coverage by Lionel Washington he got in front of Bobby Johnson and it's time for the Giants to punt [Music] the number-one punter in the NFC and the number-two kicker in the National Football League is Sean landeta and he is kicking with the wind here in the first quarter there's a rookie back here for the Cardinals inside the 15 bicycie Hema who might make the problem [Music] SiC the hammer let's advance these tackle it about this 17 yard line and we have played two and a half minutes the first the tackle downfield was made by Robbie Jones the defensive line of the Giants a three-man front George Martin the rookie Erik Howard at a Leonard Marshall and the terrific linebackers Carl banks Garry reasons Harry Carson and Lawrence Taylor have a change at the left corner with Elvis Patterson regaining his old spot Perry Williams on the other corner and Kenny Hill and herb Welch are the safety men with Terry Cunard out of the lineup and there is number 56 and there is Neal Lomax and he is running against a very very tough defense [Applause] 17:40 [Applause] and bar says on the lane he's the tight end [Applause] shut down by the [Applause] [Music] you'll see with all the movement in the pre lineup for the Cardinals what they want to do is you see the titan marche going in motion they don't want lawrence taylor on the weak side they feel like the best way to attack the giant defense is to put somebody on lawrence taylor and not let him run around and catch people but to go right at him because they just feel like if there's any weakness in them that might be it so looks for them to run outside behind the tight ends blocks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] trying to cut it back and he gets only a couple it'll be third down here's the rest of the offense for the Cardinals Lomax has been hot lately as Stumpf Mitchell and RL Farrell in the backfield Roy green and JT Smith the wide receivers and a patchwork offensive line Louise sharps the only one who's played all the way ray brown a rookie team children a rookie Lance Smith back at the guard to to Robinson Doug marsh neat idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was banks who got in for the sack yeah six and a half this year for the Giants their 50th sack of the year and it's time for the Cardinals to punt well you see they have them backed up now what they want to do is they're bringing both those linebackers from the right side and you just don't have enough people to block everybody banks gets in and makes the tackle on Lowe Mac now he was sacked seven times the last time the Cardinals and Giants played and it's a tough way to start to put your team in a hole like that [Applause] to go to kick into the wind and they let it bounce [Applause] 37 yard line we played a little bit more than four minutes there's no score and the balls at the Cardinal 37 we have won seven in a row but it hasn't been easy it certainly hasn't you know the Redskins by seven you see the Cowboys by three and if you look down the line they have not really been blown out of a game they haven't really dominated anybody either so this is the type of football team that is building character as they continue to win a 23 yard punt in the balls at the Cardinal 37 the Blitz is huh slips and goes down and gets up in games a few more yards there were the clever little run by Joe Morris and there are scores of other games Morris got five Cleveland trying to clinch it leads at Cincinnati 7 nothing first quarter and New England at home leads the 49ers 7 to nothing and could assure themselves of at least a wild card with the victory and the Eagles are playing tough at Dallas in the first quarter no score and Atlanta's still hanging on and they're scoreless in the first quarter [Music] [Applause] mystic peach the 32nd down by Al Baker and it's incomplete that time the st. Louis Cardinal started to blitz you heard Phil Simms say red 78 which was an audible then he changed it back and he said no stay with it it was that movement in the secondary by the entire Cardinal defense there you see him now he'll go back they've run everybody down the field in straight lines Morris outside McConkey down the middle he just doesn't know where to go with the football excellent play by Al Baker to take away Carthon on the dump route past so it's still a long five and it's third down Ennis Thurman and Wayne Smith check in for the Cardinals or without [Applause] a full-fledged blitz Racing up with Lana young the safety man number 43 and one thing I admire about the Cardinals Joe and they blitz a lot they go for the tackle they don't try to knock anybody's head off they go for the hit you're right they're smart Blitzers they don't want to go in and just take somebody and hurt them they want to just take them down and make sure they stop the play right from the right of your screen there you see Leonard young just take off now he gets a hold of Simms he's not gonna let him escape and make a completion worst thing you can have happen is have the right blitz on have the quarterback get away and try and let your guys cover people down the field 101 this call one thing I'm trying to figure out here Joe the Giants got the opening kickoff and they're operating with the wind here in the first quarter well what happens because they just the wind is not that bad if you look at this stadium the flags are blowing one way but the flags on the goalpost which tells you what's going on on the field are basically still so the decision for the wind is not that great effect and that's why I'm sure that Giants said hey look we'll take the football that's a very misleading picture because that's at the top of the stadium [Music] and that's down on the field bars at the 40-yard line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] across the Metro they got a block [Applause] well the thing is you just cannot run away from Lawrence Taylor played in the ball game with him I beat him on a bootleg I went around him five yards later somebody hit me so hard from the buzzer it was Lawrence Taylor the same guy had run around Roy greens gonna have to make the cutoff on Taylor or else they're not just going to be able to run outside or inside that's really his strength he's a pursued type of linebacker a pursue and a pass rush in Andheri reasons out we have pepper johnson in there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tackle Elise sharp probably is the one who drew the flag you know the way they line up Joe [Music] every way they line up I don't know whether Lawrence Taylor's a linebacker or a defensive end no he's a linebacker you can tell that because he wears number 56 that's the way easiest way to tell but he's treated like a defensive lineman course he's got 19 and a half sacks Marshall has 11 so between the two of them you're looking at over 36 just from that but right side of the defense of course Louie sharps going to try and get up and get a little bit of an advantage [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 35 left in the first quarter [Music] [Applause] ii sang Harry Carson gutter max wishes now he had thrown it away and that one instant where he had the chance to do so he lost and this is the second time to say afternoon that Lomax has held on to the ball there you see Marsh let them know now throw it away get rid of it get rid of it somewhere [Applause] how good the courage is downfield you see everybody's running large is being covered Green's being covered you still got to throw it in the direction of where your guy is and make sure you just gonna take that big sound this is how the Giants the same fashion [Applause] Johnson couldn't get there Lomax could have taken any more time but now the Giants going to get good field position once again Elvis Patterson was covering Troy Jones that's a long run from that end zone I want to tell you coming to the bench [Applause] your sword in a box now this becomes very tricky the best thing he could do is take a shot deep and just get rid of the football the Cardinals need a good snap from center [Applause] after they should go after it and look [Applause] and pre fair kick put no coverage down field hockey dives to the 25-yard line for the third time we played seven minutes [Music] [Applause] 751 remaining in the quarter the Giants in possession for the third time [Applause] they really pursued Morris and if Bubba Baker was the first one on his back look at that gang tackling by the Cardinals Joe an old scuffle breaks on there goes a flag this is not going to be a passive engagement no it never has been a passive engagement these two teams have built up sort of a dislike for one another as the season as the games have gone on because the Cardinals have played the Giants so tough one of the heavyweights was mark Bavaro who was punching it out with Charlie Baker the linebacker is there going to be a penalty I think we'll be offsetting [Music] 8950 too deep [Music] and Charlie Baker fought to a draw down counts and it's second down antibody [Applause] since 1963 although the Giants have the overall edge it has been dead [Applause] the tackle is made immediately with that blitzing on Lana Young had one-on-one coverage on mark Bavaro and he didn't miss him did it no and that time Phil Simms did the right thing he read the Blitz and got rid of the football to the man who's made fifty nine catches that's his 60th catch this year there you'll see the secondary the linebackers come up the middle there goes Leonard Smith down to fill a hole that's just a nice throw Phil Simms has really matured in the area of standing in and picking out blitz as he defies people to come after me no Parcells talking about Lana young called him underrated yesterday he's about four three safety third along for [Applause] breath is in the lineup Tony's out in a way for a big loss on the play and make oh no go is the st. Louis Cardinals have got the Giants and particularly Phil Simms confused that's the type of a pass you will run when you think they're going to be in man-to-man coverage so the linebackers can pick one another they were in a zone coverage that then they had the right defense to stop the play but again the mistakes that have continually hurt defensive holding first time this is so typical of what has happened to this 310 and one Cardinal team I don't know whether they're talking about Noga or junior but one of them was caught for holding and it's a first down at the 15 you stop somebody from getting a first down your defense does a great job and then they make a mistake in the secondary to hurt the ball [Music] Stasi Robinson the wide receivers Morris [Applause] strong for a little guy Charlie Baker Nico Noga made the tackle and good blocking up front well if you're gonna have there you see right in the middle of your screen if you're going to have a good running game you need a good blocking tie down now watch before I'll get locked up you see him he just positions the linebacker right out Freddie Joan is just being ridden and now with Joe Morris's quickness who runs exceptionally well on astroturf he cuts back up inside thank God free handled EJ Junior [Music] it's a first and goal by Joe Morris tackle by Leonard Smith Morris of the little packages we'll all know it 5/7 but he weighs 195 and he's gained more than 1200 yards well you know he missed training camp this year he didn't really perform that well in the beginning of the year and as as usually happens you get a little bit hurt he's now starting to get into that groove he had 181 yards against the Redskins and he he just continues to improve as the week's go on very doable for a little guy this is what the exchange first and goal at the food [Applause] but almost intercepted by the linebacker Freddie John none there's a play-action pass intended intended for mark Bavaro if you talk to the Cardinal secondary people they say that Sims is going to look for Bavaro first for anybody else you see carthon out in the flat you see Freddie Jonah and just staying right next to Bavaro now that's not Freddie strong point is catching the ball but that time he knocks it down prevents the touchdown on the past [Applause] he is out of bounds before he got to the goal line who sign the second year man out of Colorado is a pig back at 222 pounds and Freddie's young nun and EJ junior took care of him oh that would have been the first pass he would have been thrown would have thrown they tried a little pitch sweep the i-formation tells the Cardinals that it's basically a run formation now what happens in good football teams like the Giants they know that you're scouting them that way and so they wanted to try and run the past at that time the Cardinals dropped back and covered it well if they can stop the Giants from scoring here it'll be a big shot in the arm for the party talk about a touchdown [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they brag about the offensive line of the Giants in Chryst Godfrey the right guard number 61 cleared the path Joe Morris scores his 11th touchdown running this year as 12th overall has 1,000 222 yards hat coming into this ballgame and he is the man that the Giants will build their running attack Oren wasn't that penalty murder for the Cardinals it's happened every time you make a big mistake and somebody else capitalized on it's like missing an extra point [Applause] 439 left in the first quarter you can tell from the pace of this one they're going to mix it encroachment defense I will be assessed on the kickoff referee is ears like I do stick out like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] on the third possession the Giants moving on in with Morris blasting over behind gut free they see Godfrey kick out EJ Junior evokes a quarterback's most dreaded nightmare the Packers beat Lawrence Taylor on the Giants next Saturday on CBS Sports seven plays 25 yards helped out by a penalty the Giants went in kept the ball for three minutes and 12 seconds Joe Morris a 2 yard run and the kickoff by Sean Mandela or excuse me by Raul Alegre and the deepen our vai Sikahema and Eric Swanson both good returned he's out to the 25-yard line December 15 1963 let's look back as the Giants won the division Yankee Stadium ally Sherman was the head coach and why any tittle was the quarterback and del Shofner got loose on this one in New York they still talk about this catch by Frank Gifford a one-handed grab that set up a winning score and Joe Morrison got the winning touchdown pass now the Cardinals are at their 25 marsh in motion block by Marsh on Lawrence Taylor and we have a gain by Farrell of six yards look at Cleveland trying to nail it down leading at Cincinnati seven to three San Francisco has tied New England in the first quarter okay five-yard facemask foul and that might give the Cardinals a first down Randy Marsh did a very good job of hooking Lawrence Taylor well Doug Marsh comes across like I mentioned before if you're going to run against the Giants you want to try and be halfway effective you've got to run at Lawrence Taylor is he's such a great pursuing [Music] [Music] in motion and a bass out here the JT's block by green and a five yard game and the tackle made by Harry Carson very good rhythm on that play by the Cardinal that's right I think that's what they have to do you know run a little bit throw a little quick stuff you know you can't stand back against the Giants and hope to try and move the football you come up third down in 17 third down in 23 the almost better off punting and just sitting back there we're doing the right thing now they're mixing up a little bit on first and ten [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well as he ran at a Carson again that's why they're so darn tough against the run they've averaged giving up seventy seven point two rushing yards per game number one in the NFL nobody runs against the Giants and that's Bill Parcells philosophy he said I want I want to be able to run the football and I don't want to allow people to run the football against us that is the way we're gonna build our football team Cardinal 42 third and three 250 left in the first quarter 7 nothing Giants [Applause] [Music] that's the forward sack of Neil crawling in there Johnson the rookie linebacker right in the middle of your screen you're going to see pepper Johnson he doesn't buy the fake to Faro he just runs right around failed nice move goes down low on Lomax and he's got to pull the ball down dr. thrower they're hanging on your ankle you just can't you can't step anywhere Neil did the right thing again it was a third down sack forced him to punt hater is punted for 23 yards in 20 [Music] this is a little bit better and the Giants got it back McConkey fell on his own fumbly as a bad right hand and a bandage right hand and the Giants get the ball for the fourth time that was a 32 yard punt Green Bay Packers come to the Big Apple next Saturday final week of the regular season it starts at 12 o'clock with the NFL today and the game will still be meaningful as the Giants fire for the home field or next Saturday [Applause] don't say Anderson those other line fuel against his former mates OJ had a lot of fun here visiting with his teammates at the hotel over the weekend he said it's going to be strange running against them and Leonard Smith and the others said it's gonna be strange tackling him he said we used to play brother-in-law during training camp we never really hurt each other they're not playing brother and while out there this afternoon I'll tell you that they may they may not try and really hurt one another but guarantee they want to pop [Music] [Applause] and a short of a first down across town and let's pay the toll cross the bridge and visit with Brent alright the toll is accepted mr. Buchan here's an update on the Niners and the Patriot joke cribs scored from three yards out but New England came back and kicked a field goal in the Patriots lead the 49ers from 10 7 first quarter back to Jack and Joe it's a fight for a survival over there with New England leading the 49ers it's third down and one here Oh Jay Andersen stays on the line up with a good party [Applause] [Music] Oh Jay did not get it its fourth down he was met by David Galloway and the ball came loose and a flag is down that flag came in from way out in the middle of nowhere if there's no wait to see what happens this will be a surprise Christmas so Christmas surprise right holding against st. Louis murder in every time they do something good to do something bad that's the second time on third down that they've stopped the Giants in the second time that a penalty has a lot of [Applause] Orleans leading Atlanta cream day in Tampa Bay or scoreless buffalo ahead and Indianapolis you know in all honesty if a guy doesn't do it intentionally and I mean you know you're like you got a tight end coming off the ball from below you if you bring your hands up to try and block him and ward him off it's gonna be hard not to hit him somewhere around the head I mean [Music] seconds left in the first quarter new saunas covered on the car by Cedric similar the good long ball thrower joke that's his strength I think the long well there you see Robinson looking back now Cedric Mack does the right thing he heads for an angle to cut him off and looks back for the ball if he hadn't looked back there would have been interference it would have been interfering that's a rule that they put in that says if the receiver and the defender are both looking back for the ball there can be incidental contact as you see there was incidental contact 32 seconds left first quarter 7 nothing Giants sings two out of seven a couple ducks is dropped by a Bavaro with Lana young on the cover the Cardinals are forcing the issue on defense they're putting pressure on Simms making him throw the ball quickly and making tough Texas [Applause] reaction by the paid [Applause] [Music] doesn't take much for this crowd to react to anything I've played a lot of games in this Stadium one of the toughest places to be is on a visiting bench because the fans behind you are very close [Applause] three wide receivers makatea motion [Applause] [Music] Mack back there covering on Stacey Robinson and the Giants whoop on the Cardinals secondary and the Cardinal defense is continuing to confuse Phil Simms and the pen as well as the wide receivers wanting the guys opposed to running up he runs a post when he's supposed to run his own stuff they run man demands them they are really confusing the giant offense they can't seem to figure out the Cardinal defense that is punting again this is his third he's kicked for 45 and 37 [Applause] Thomas Johnson two down the ball hey hola max it's been hot into the last few games six touchdowns two interceptions he had been benched earlier in favor of cliff Stout that's right he's come back and he said standing on the sidelines gave him a chance to look at the game a little bit differently he wasn't out long enough to get too much of a change in perspective but he managed to heal a lot of the small injuries that were bothering the early part of the year he's got bad [Applause] [Music] [Applause] drops it off short - ferrule is a good pass receiver for a fullback and that'll mark the end of the first quarter and a flag is down back upfield holding sailors they were the Cardinals were going to go back they kept both their backs in they were going to try and go for one that's the best place to do it it's been that kind of a year for Gene Stallings I mean it's driving it great really is I mean it's not the kind of thing you can coach either what happens out in between those white lines is what's up to do with the players the coach get on the get him ready [Applause] we start the second quarter seven [Applause] sports coverage of the National Football League is sponsored by Bud Light everything else is just a life Subaru and the super oxt the Sport magazine Super Bowl MVP award and by minolta creator of the incredible maxim autofocus SLRs system only from a mind of Minolta [Music] look at the big town and we're at Giants Stadium FASTA crowd 76,000 temperatures Joe Morris were the only score of the game too sack three times - seven total [Applause] first down [Applause] surest Jose shaking his head here I just you know as I look I've been in that situation where you're backed up in your own endzone and you're staring at those 11 faces that really don't like you at all I mean the thing is if you want to get it to somebody at least give him a chance that time the Giants dropped back into his own and just said throw it to somebody short will knock the heck reasons did just was a story yesterday [Applause] [Music] at our shirt to Mitchell get the first down JP Smith was clearing out and it is third down coming up in Harry Carson made that tackle and the Cardinals are being killed in the punting game and field position you know we've had our conversations with Gene Stallings the last couple weeks not just in this ballgame he talks about field possession being very important the Cardinals had four possessions they've started average on their own 49 the Giants four possessions an average on their own 1400 sweet back backed up that far it's you can't you can't expect the team to go 80 yards every time they get the football to stand down [Applause] pepper Johnson with [Applause] you see Neil Lomax get up looks like he might have been being just a little bit pepra Johnson comes right up the middle Ray Brown just doesn't block anybody [Applause] it's hard enough to throw when people are in the way of people but if nobody blocks anybody very difficult to operate what usually follows his sack is a punk [Music] ticking where the wind it's a little better and McConkey takes it far as for [Applause] shy of the 40 1315 left and a half 7 nothing Giants cross away is Bill Parcells he his wife Judy have three kids he tells me I'm a plain old New Jersey kid he said I like to fish and hang around diners and rented a room in a boarding he loves to go fish don't you sure yeah he goes after Mako he's not just a guy who goes out and fishes for Guppies or anything the man goes out after big time sharks that tells you that nature the days after the big time Super Bowl he said I want to do it one time just to prove [Music] this is the first down at the Cardinal 41 Pearson is in there with [Music] [Applause] [Music] Parcells the last couple of weeks has seen his team defeat Washington they fell away behind the 49ers and came back and won that people talk about those being very important wins but he talks about the 11th game of the year when they were trailing against Minnesota at the Metrodome and they at 4th down and long 4th and 17 that Marcel says this was the most important play of the season now we're back to live action tackled by klasby and he got some help and it'll be third down the st. Louis Cardinal defense has played very very well this first half the thing that they have done is they've kept the Giants out of the end zone on their previous four possessions so going back to that Minnesota game it's tough to complete a pass and fourth and 17 oh it sure is and when you you know and that led that gave them the opportunity to go on and win that football game the Giants are a team that has never quit and what's scary is they're really young [Applause] [Music] [Music] hands of Bobby Johnson who by the way is from st. Louis he went to Kansas in its fourth down and this Cardinal defense is holding forth it unless the penalties get him again that's right that's the first time I think in the last three drives that a penalty hasn't helped the Giants get a first down so Lonnie young walking over to congratulate Bobby Johnson for missing our like I really appreciate it thanks a lot once again the Cardinals it's into the what a bad break for the giant putter and it bounced the other way would have gone out on the one-yard line 12 10 left in the half 7 nothing Giants I stay in New York [Music] the Cardinals golf from their 20 we see the Giants have clinched the Bears have clinched the Rams lead the West but they haven't clinched it yet the rest of the contenders Washington will be a wild-card home team 49ers Minnesota Dallas still alive in Atlanta incredible combination again [Music] Oh to turn the corner and run against the Giants and parry Williams up from the corner ran him out what is that motion doing to the Giants if anything the motions not doing anything to the Giants what they're trying to do with the motion either with Roy green or with Doug Marsh is put somebody in front of Lawrence Taylor so that he cannot pursue freely and run the ball carrier down from behind Cardinal tight end March number 80 at home you're looking is caught only three in the last six football games widening their lead 14 to 3 and New England hanging a second [Music] [Music] behind and Haida Roy green green green wanted to anchor there in the middle over here in New York more so than in st. Louis and other cities there's talk about Roy green and the possibility that he'll be traded at the end of the year but I hadn't heard anything if I hadn't either I would find it very unlikely he's one of their most valuable offensive players he's been heard a lot this year and there's been a lot said about making assessments of his injury but still he's the type of a player been to a lot of Pro Bowls you have to have on your ballclub Phil Simms asked maybe he's going to be traded we traded our bodies sorry Johnson the third wide receiver skur isn't there defensively for the Germans [Applause] max got a first down before he went out of bounds he can run when he wants to or when he has to at that time he had to sew another first down for the Cardinals and that is their second of the day first four times the Cardinals had the ball today look what happened punt punt punt but now they get a first down we have the ball at their 31 who said you can't the only problem is if if it's the quarterback running you're in trouble [Music] [Applause] and a strong tackle was made by Elvis Patterson Patterson has reclaimed the job on the corner number 34 the rookie Mark Collins had been there we have an injured player that was a six yard game Patterson who made the hit is down so we'll get mark Collins the rookie back in there Mike Collins playing with a bad hand he broke a bunch of bones in his hand and he still got a cast on it but you know Parcells didn't necessarily want to play Collins wants to give him a chance to another weak arrest feel a little bit there's something that happens to you well watch the end of the play you're in the playoffs and in the Giants case they've clinched the division and then you get players injured and you wonder when you're going to get him back well there you see stump Mitchell straight armor and you see Patterson's head hit the ground now it could be a matter of his fingers sort of getting right up underneath that facemask and going in he jogged off the field so hopefully it's nothing serious and Collins comes in even though he has a broken hand number 25 he's a rookie from Cal State Fullerton and that was a six-yard gain by Mitchell on the pass play you know as a quarterback when you see a defensive secondary man come in you want to try and look [Music] Mitchell couldn't flower out of they and it's third down now in place of Terry Canard who has had a knee operation herb Welch out of UCLA is playing the free safety spot you know and he is a good football player but the thing about the the Giants is all their secondary people are good Welsh is in his second year Williams in his third but he's not a Terry Canard Terry Canard he's the quarterback and controls all that secondary movement so they lose a little bit there when it comes to control of the defense [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh it's nice to see the full bank in that classic style put the ball away with both hands he's a good fullback you know he he likes to run he likes to catch the football of course the Cardinals like to run him on the football but he's the kind of guy he just loves to be involved in the game whether it's blocking for stump Mitchell or carrying the ball up the middle he realizes that he's going to have to continue to pound in town pound to the 47 there's Patterson who returned very quickly ten and a half left and they have seven nothing Giants much to Nana [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Cardinals have it for a further game to the 32 heads-up play by JT Smith he recovered the fumble by Roy green here it is a quick set Lomax gonna sit one-two-three and fire Green right there makes a nice catch now he says oh geez I'm open head down the field ball comes in there's JT Smith right on top of it great hustle the Cardinals just have not gotten enough breaks like that two weeks ago the ball would have been recovered by the Giants Luck is changing and they moved the sideline marker and the official calls a timeout with 954 remaining in the half that was a 16-yard pickup with the pass fumble and recovery Kenny Hill going off so we do have a official time out on the field [Music] premier teams of fighting illini of illinois take on the North Carolina Tarheels next Saturday on CBS sport we're at the Meadowlands and New Jersey and we have 948 left and a half let's weigh Joe Theismann talks from joy that's right I'm from Jersey not Joisey just down the road a little bit South River there's another New Jersey I head coach Bill Parcells commencement wife's named Judy they have three daughters he's happy about winning the division he was happy about the way this game is going first down for the Cardinals at the child 32 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the 20 that Farrow can really help you out and Lomax did a little dancing and that helped him he's shaking his head they're saying my goodness what's going on that time he did an excellent job avoiding the rush you'll see lawrence taylor putting the pressure on he fakes the ferrule now for the right side of your screen there's Taylor again Lomax does a fine job Farrell makes a nice catch get upfield get the first down that play Greg Lasker had been in there for Kenan Hill now Hill is back in there at the strong safety spot for New York [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] scream pass over the middle affair [Applause] and he got about four or five yards on that one before Carl banks tackled him a six yard game let's check some scores of other games now let's ask to win to stay alive McFadden two field goals for the Eagles Green Bay in Tampa bass slugging it out no score Cleveland trying to nail down their division winning 14 to 3 at Cincinnati in the second quarter go ahead 7 nothing in Indianapolis [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I was looking for stuff to cut it back a little more quickly Elvis Patterson tackled him and it'll be third down he lost three Patterson can force the run on the corner right just down the bottom of your screen you'll see the toss by Lomax outside the Mitchell now it comes up and forces everything back you know stays on his feet continues to hold that corner you just can't let that running back circle the dentally off the defense on you to try and get upfield an excellent job making that play [Applause] [Music] it's 30 so and Jackson [Applause] Johnson allowed him to get loose but he caught the ball and stepped out of bounds with Patterson covering incidental contact he pushed off well it's incidental contact both him are going for the ball that time he gets the one foot down and the other one just comes in at about you see right at the right of your screen there you go see that left foots going to come down right there's one in left South gotta have both of them in this game right Troy Johnson somebody the Cardinals are very high he has the best speed of all their wide receivers 14 caches this will be my guru thirst and [Music] Eric Schubert the former giant kicker he was a big hero here my official the incompletion is confirmed placed a [Applause] 35 yards by sugar I talked to Schubert about coming back to Giants day and he says they proved me when [Music] [Applause] Shubert [Applause] like to buy Christmas presents for all these people these are the kicker's these two teams have had in the last two years O'Donoghue Atkinson boy avec Li and Schubert some of the names are repeats as he chic Atkinson Schubert and Cooper and Thomas and now the Giants have solved their problem with Allegra they're 20 [Applause] the Cardinal 26 and fans love it a 54-yard rock there you see it's the old green bay sweet for lack of a better description they string out that defense in Lowell Joe Morris cut-up inside talking to the giant players the other day they said he runs so much better on astroturf than he does on grass Bobby Johnson a wide receiver made a good block form [Applause] [Music] Sam and he goes five yards while we have an opportunity how's that 49er game coming along Brent Musburger Jax the Niners have gone ahead roger cragars having a big day goes in but the Niners have boxed up the snap on the extra point it fails they're up 5-3 that will come back to haunt let's go back to jack yeah those missed kicks really hurt you know the Giants took over mr. Schubert got the thing [Music] first down to the 15 and the ball came loose but it's whistled dead at the 50 we want to go back and have another look at that run of 54 by Joe Morris there's Bardot it's right in the middle of your screen phil simms going to take the snap now watch what he does to galloway just takes him and buries it are there goes Joe is here to win go buy as it cuts up [Music] the 16 first [Music] into become yoga no go [Applause] Baker is it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't think so much I don't think so much it was the down by Noga as much as the subsequent activity well I think it actually started before that grant Benson's blocking on al Baker and he just didn't like the way he was handled when he came up as soon as the pileup was over he just put a hand in his face you just can't do it out in front of the referees and for the whole world to see [Music] that's only those penalties that just just hurt you there you see he'll throw the fist right in the face the officials see that he throws another one trying to get through you know you just can't punch a guy you got to try and poke him in the eye which doesn't make a lot of sense but they do it anyway [Applause] before Lonnie young came up and tackled him for 20 left in the half clock running Bill Parcells watching his team cut down Leonard Smith which allowed Joe Morris to turn the turn the corner now this is the one thing the car ajayan to do an answer let's mark down at the three yard line [Music] maker comes off the field [Music] [Applause] the day for Morris two yards three yards no parse house has to like this job because his running game has and that good and a consistent base no it has it you're right and going against the the Cardinal ballclub which is ranked 24th in the National Football League against the rush he felt like it was a good day to try and get his running game back as I mentioned he's going to need it in this kind of climate let's see if a Laker has been affected or infected by all of this bad kicking that's been going [Music] [Applause] and score in the first quarter they have one here in the second quarter 14 nothing [Music] right in the circle and right behind the goalposts is Chris Godfrey who's going to make a key block for Joe Morris on this touchdown run I don't EJ jr. just kicks him out Little Joe scoots in we're talking about Godfrey frequently today last week was Benson who is the big barrel and there's God [Music] [Applause] three and a half left in the half 14 nothing Giants next Saturday a special edition of the NFL today followed by the Green Bay Packers coming here to the Meadowlands to be Taylor and sins and Godfrey and the other Giants the champions of the NFC East and after that collegiate basketball Illinois number six against North Carolina number five it's an early season date for two ranked teams people great to see Doug Alford coming back after a bad [Music] minutes [Music] and stuff goes out of bounds at the 25 he got for looking at Carl face when he stepped over the sideline it was like a very similar philosophy the Giants will use and that's that basic zone defense that Lawrence Taylor get into the pass rush play a zone defense and forced the quarterback to dump it off to the backs the same thing they did against the Washington Redskins in their last football game can you throw deep against the Giants on occasion very seldom you have to pick your spots maybe once or twice [Music] it's very close to a first down after the hit by Elvis Patterson Bill Parcells sitting on [Music] right in the middle you'll see herb Welsh in there is as the safety man the deepest of the deep he's just going to make sure that nobody gets behind him you see him get back to the middle of the field and you see all those linebackers down underneath they say look go ahead throw the five six seven yard pass that's the reason why you can't throw [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of Missouri and Lomax whacked his head on the hard they not only he not only whacked his head on the hard turf you see right at the bottom of your screen is pepper johnson he's coming in to meet feral now Lomax steps up in and Sally's going to chase him grab him by the arm and swing him around and waiting for him on the other side is pepper Johnson back at the 27 three minutes left in the half you get that big pass rush and you get that solo stop drop that beep when you can't put your backs out into the pattern to complete but he was not looking to throw the pass instead of taking off for the room he's not a word [Music] [Applause] Lawrence Taylor Jerome Sallie got in there this is the problem that Neil Lomax faces you see the ball is snapped he's just got nowhere to go with the football the Giants are playing man the man underneath with help backed up and there's just nowhere to go everybody is covered he has no time and no place to go with the football other than down into either [Music] in great shape again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the offensive line whoosh [Music] just a mole on your screen with two defensive linemen and more and still of course that's like five people rushing people back in coverage for three receivers Lomax has nowhere to go with the football that time he should have unloaded the football Lawrence Taylor just pushed him here this is the fifth by the Cossacks he should have gotten rid of the football he just can't hold the football against this type of a defense this is the sort of play that got Lomax benched previously this season I don't know I I don't quite understand what's happening to him in the became back he started to make quick decisions and throw the ball away that's one thing a quarterback has to be willing to do don't worry about your passing percentage make decisions and get rid of the football two minutes left in the half the Cardinals will be punting when we come back there are others leading the way [Music] [Applause] with two minutes left in there sustained [Applause] getting the steam here's cater pudding DiBernardo snap the ball [Applause] all of this answers a question this is what dictator it's not easy to catch the ball in this stadium the balls back at the 47 for the Giants who have a minute 53 to add to their 14-nothing lead at the 45 yard kick Dick Vermeil former outstanding coach and Greg broadcaster now is in the studio with Brent and herb scores and highlights musical cue bees in shy town who will wind up quarterbacking the Chicago Bears the remainder of the season and on it my guess is they're gonna go with Doug Flutie you know Andy was just saying the name of the city of Chicago who wants to go there and try to win a championship [Music] [Applause] and he gained eight before Jung finally stopped it there's two Jo Morris's the one that plays on astroturf and the one that plays on grass and all you have to do is look at the rushing yardage of the New York Giants when the team plays on grass like they did in Washington and in San Francisco and when they get home here or play on the turf he's an entirely different back on on astroturf a better one [Music] he sleeps are really rustle down by Freddie Joan none none none is his second year is the number one draft pick out of Mississippi's the Giants have called timeout and he's been a disappointing high draft well why 8:10 is a name that all giant fans remember and we talked it over with him well it has been a long time I didn't know it was 23 years obviously when the Giants win the title this weekend I think they will I'm gonna be very proud it has been a long struggle and now I don't know why I took so long but John have a great football team this year and there's a good chance they go all the way the team is more mature the offensive line last year were young and they were good this year they are a little older not too old but they are better I think Phil Simms is uh has matured again also seems like last year he made more mistakes at crucial times than he had made this year and I think that's helped his team a lot and and of course the continuing so the good running of the running backs this year has really helped his passing game we did have to throw so much around [Music] don't have to throw be nice [Music] [Applause] I kind of think tomorrow is going to spend a little time in half you should just to the right of your screen he you see him Bach block Bob glass be Leonard Smith was supposed to cover him and Bavaro just gets down the middle of the field I had a great day got on the cover of Sports Illustrated beat the Washington really helped beat the Washington Redskins last week had a big big day first three catches in the game were to the tight end and they could go over a thousand yards and receiving if Sam was at home here looking can't continue to get the ball to it first and goal at the nine and fifty-eight seconds left Varro's had a tough year he had a broken jaw and he was playing with his jaw wired and he's had other injuries Cleveland still leading 14 to 3 second quarter at Cincinnati and the giants the giants and 49ers leading at new england by 6 in the second quarter you know as quiet as pivara was i don't think his teammates knew his jaw was wired for 3 or 2 or 3 weeks they've done the same one doesn't say much at all before he lets his performance on a field speak for I don't know all those passes against carpet he's a good run blocker he's a complete tight end you know you talk to Bill Parcells you say what do you need in it what do you need in a tight end you need him to be an effective blocker and a guy who runs precise routes also can catch the football cardinal before the games that we start we have to stop morris number 1 and Bavaro number 2 and center number 3 they've stopped Simms but not the other two guys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the head of Stacy Robbins Robinson has really helped out with lino Manuel absent from the giant Lana hopefully they expect to get Lionel Manuel back next week he practiced a little bit latter part of last week a little bit more this week in talking to him yesterday he said his knee is feeling much better and he hopes to be back he wants to he gives him that speed and that experience of the wide receiver position [Music] [Applause] [Music] our slides down now the clock is going to run they'll have ample time but the Giants had better get with it because they have only one timeout remaining they lead 14 to nothing and they are going to let the clock tick on down well in this situation you've almost got to call a pass and let the quarterback make the decision for you try and put the ball in the endzone for the touchdown if not you throw the incompletion and come in and kick the field goal two running touchdowns but Joe Morris Galbraith is in there [Applause] blitzing [Applause] he tried to get it to McConkey in the end zone as he and Bobby Johnson were crossing and its fourth down Varro was blocking on that place we talked about Bavaro ability to be a pass catcher but watch this he jumps on inside to pick up Lonnie young doesn't really do a great job but at least broke his stride so he couldn't have a clean run at Phil Simms and the crossing pattern was missed now they have to try for the field goal Alegre is 20 out of 28 and has solved the problem for the Giants in the kicking department this year they've used Jill Cooper and Bob Thomas before a Laker [Music] holding sixteen it's a 26-yard try [Music] good at 17 to nothing and a plane goes down offsides against the Cardinals declined by the Giants bill goes should stand my referee is Joe Theismann offside against the Cardinals declined the field goal stands and it's 17 to nothing with 12 seconds left in the half I imagine Parcells Joe if he can nail this game down early we'll put in some additional people we might get some playing time perhaps to rutledge their backup quarterback I don't think so maybe not no I don't think so coaches don't necessarily like to do that they want to keep their number one people out there as much as they can so that they can get comfortable and Gene Stallings just is not happy there's Rutledge on the sidelines Solly's is hot he's yelling at the officials again he's been bending their ear most of the afternoon he is not a calm person well next Sunday after Green Bay comes here and plays the Giants on Saturday we have a doubleheader game Washington against Philadelphia at Philadelphia or Tampa Bay against st. Louis it all starts at 12:30 Eastern Time Redskins are looking to get back on the winning track they've lost two tough football games to the Giants and to the Broncos and after that the Bears against Dallas and that will be meaningful because both the Giants and the Bears will be buying for the home field I agree we'll kick it off Sikahema history [Applause] we have two seconds left one more snap of the ball and the Giants will take a 17 nothing lead into the dressing room speaking of the dress you know the way the Cardinals are moving now that is the direction is the poor direction in which to be moving in this stadium the best way is toward their backs st. Louis will receive the second half kickoff by the way the other problem with the way they're moving is they've got to move 82 yards if they expect to get any kind of points in two seconds which they won't the first time they met they sacked Lomax seven times and they've already done that in the first half today and it's 17 nothing for the division champion Giants these fans on a cold two rushing touchdowns [Music] three yards secured [Music] [Music] anything George Young has an enormous ego well I think general managers tend to get too much credit when a guy does a great job like Bill Parcells has oh yeah I want the coach to get the coach Bill Parcells is on the sideline helps to have a guy like Joe Bors folks I mean what a weapon he's turned it remember when he was drafted a lot of people said it's too small can't get the job done he's just the right size perfect size low center of gravity tough to get jump with 17 ogives with the lead there Philadelphia Dallas want to show you the prettiest run of the day and really perhaps the best of the sea look who's drafting the Cowboys folks Benny Testaverde since I want to go down there and see if there's a way they'll trade form but her Herschel Walker their Herschel Walker starts a little off tackle play to the left changes his mind and his direction breaks of too sloppy tackles now it's a footrace to the end zone then Roy Neil Young is not going to catch you goodbye you know he does five hundred sit-ups Indian what if he did it's been sit-ups today watching television Green Bay and Tampa Bay notice please the games that Vinny Testaverde is not at Packers lead the Bucks by seven points Cleveland Cincinnati big game here 14 three in the AFC Central Bernie Kosar 47 yards to Webster slaughter but the brown defense has shut down all those weapons of the Bengals at least so far 40 no Buffalo with the lead they go into the second half of that game Jim Kelly out he is complaining of dizziness New Orleans over Atlanta and at a 7 ohm the Saints leading the fading Falcons there at the half of that game now here's the other big one 49ers over the Patriots it is 1610 right now as we check in on a chilly day up there for Coach Walsh and we can watch the Patriots off the play fake Tony Eason the Greg batty eight yards score and dick from they were ahead and then Joe Krebs and the Niners came back nice little off tackle play here really well designed very seldom do you see a running back run in from inside the 5-yard line standing upright you know a little later looked like an instant replay these two plays yeah well Joe Montana and a quarterback sneak there from inside the one doesn't make it but they come right back again Montana again over the top this time he goes in with Roger Craig you know dick we should point out they've missed an extra point 49ers now wishing's had kind of an erratic season for him and I'll tell you that can really affect the team in a game oh yeah the Redskins yeah the Redskins but that was really not the kickers fault that was a bad snap remember he didn't really even get a chance to kick the ball okay so we will not hold that's one time we can't blame the kicker I'd take a look at the bear quarterback situation will do that with dick right after these messages from your local school 17 to nothing in favor of the janitors and ugly for you huh sometimes ugly can be beautiful eight sacks in a game and they'll be going to tie or break that record euro will get a pretty good early indication about this Cardinal team they've only won three they really haven't quit in any of their games and I'm wondering what's going to happen in the second half well I just think that Gene Stallings had had to tell his ball club at halftime go out relax and just play don't worry about anything great texture Eric Swanson [Applause] Swanson thought the ball was going to bounce into the end zone but it took a bad bounce as far as he was concerned and the ball is at the 10 and that's been a problem for the Cardinals starting very much in their own territory what happens is you have to take a ball like that in the air you just can't you just can't wait for it to bounce I think he lost sight of where he was on the football field you used to run back then he used to run back punch not kick lost are too many people get going too fast on kickboxing a really good thing [Music] man Oh so had to struggle to get about three here's what happened in the first half statistically there you talk about being pounded and overwhelmed that's what happened three guards passing and Mitchell just got three yards on that run out to the 13 running back comparisons one big run of 54 yards for Morris and he's had two touchdowns two yards three yards [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was Mitchell getting the first down a ball was hanging precariously but he latched on for a 10-yard run I don't know how he finds this ball you'll see and they run the similar sweep that the Giants run and let's dump Mitchell cut up behind the block there you go and here's it whoa hold it there it is well isn't that the Cardinals aren't getting the ball up bounce in their direction they've just run it into a real good defensive unit yeah they've had a couple of good breaks today one earlier on a Roy green covered those have to find places in this game where they can build on this Drive is one they can build on now they've gotten the first down they've got to continue [Music] [Applause] [Music] and Roy green was trying to block for him and he couldn't get much done Barry Williams how good is he at supporting the run on the corner he's very good you know none of their corners Elvis Patterson and parry Williams they're not real as far as nifty backs go you know you get you can make moves on it but when it comes to supporting the run and when it comes to straight-line speed both these guys are very talented [Music] our yard this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good defensive play by Paterson Joe Theismann was just talking about him and Perry Williams the other corner he read it and he killed it well what happens there is that the Giants are playing what is basically a double zone and a double zone means that you're going to double cover the two outside receivers but somebody up on their nose and back them up with somebody it's very difficult to run a screen pass when the quarterback knows he has health behind him he just stays right in greens pocket as soon as the ball was thrown Bank hit was [Applause] the flag is down and the left guard Ray Brown the rookie number 62 beat the snap count go further you might wonder why the left guard is going to have that type of a movement it's very simple number 56 instead of lining up on the outside of marshal lawrence taylor moves on the inside right over Ray Brown just his presence alone just Lawrence Taylor's presence alone creates problems for offensive linemen he just created a third and twenty safety Smith and Roy train to the left Johnson blaster is the fifth pack for the child [Applause] [Music] he threw it away under the Flitz of a Lawrence Taylor you know you really can't call it a blitz because he lined up as part of a four-man front he just up right and he takes off he's not a blister you see him move to inside just throw right here screen number 56 Ray Brown tries to block him and that wasn't much of a block and you know it takes three people to block them anyway that bring Marshall around inside and Taylor makes the play a stirring not kneeled down he picked him up ere is the least he could do the sixth they just got it away [Music] for a fair catch and the Giants will go from there 43 yard line that was only a 31 yard kick and it was darn near blocked offensive line of the Giants is still intact Brad Benson bill yard Bart Oates Chris Godfrey Carl Nelson last week Benson at whom you're looking number 60 does the NFC Offensive Player of the Week the first time they've ever selected an interior lineman today Chris Godfrey number 61 has been all over the place with some great runs [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very strongly good tackle is Lonnie young number 43 what happened there Joe Theismann well first of all I see Phil Simms going to hand off with you run the sweep to Joe Morris he carries a ball most of the time look at the reaction of that st. Louis defense you get him going in one direction now you come back with Bobby Johnson out of here is Phil Simms gonna lead safe he's a quarterback he's up wait hold it no shucks gosh I wouldn't he would have got the guy you know you turn around you say he just made that one guy this one guy [Music] [Applause] blockers and came very close to a first down that reversed served two purposes number one it let the Cardinals know that the Giants are willing to go back the other way and they cannot continue to pursue as quickly towards Morris secondly it makes him stay home so that the offensive lineman can block and take them head-on it's a first down at the Cardinal 33 and there you see the Cardinals have been buried most of the afternoon there and the Giants at their own 47 we played the first five minutes of this third quarter [Music] wide receivers [Applause] dropped by Stacey Robinson I think Mac got a hand up if he did he sure did distract watch this offensive line block Phil Simms not having a great day completion why he's only completed three but you'll see no pressure everybody talks about why have the Cardinals not been able to get any interceptions simply because there's nobody putting any pressure on the quarterback and if he's got time to throw at least he's going to throw it away there you saw a nice play by Cedric back their second [Music] and sins leading 17 to nothing is inclined to take his second sack of the day in this one by Al Baker who at nine and a half before the day now we have a cardinal player down Al Baker playing that right defensive in position the top of your screen there is him up against bill art goes out fence and he just gets on the inside now Simms had plenty of time to make a decision and Baker just trips him up and one of the best Cardinal players David Galloway is on the deck the clock stopped 937 left in the third quarter [Music] we have and check the AFC playoff picture a big win by Denver yesterday and they've clinched their division nobody else has clinched their division with Cleveland's on their way today at Cincinnati in New England's having a tussle with the 49ers those into division leaders now the others who could get into the playoffs the Jets even though they've lost four nor all and still have the best record of any of the other contenders and then Cincinnati and the Raiders Seattle Kansas City and while of those teams play later today and the set of playoff picture will become much clearer this evening David Galloway is still down you know Joe you and I were talking about Pro Bowlers in the NFC we don't know that much about the AFC we don't play them play watch them play that often see how Galloway right in the middle of your screen number 65 and they I think what's going to happen is he gets himself just out of whack and gets pushed hit that turf very hard before nothing blowout but now the Cowboys have a shot at revenge Chicago collides with Dallas next Sunday on CBS Sports David Galloway walked off cradling his left arm we'll get a report mark doo-dah who played at Maryland is the new nose guard for the Cardinals third down and 19 for New York Galbraith is in there [Applause] flangers down against the Giants no-good out-of-bounds and a penalty in addition Bobby Johnson caught it but flopped out of bounds before he get his feet in the receiver was illegally in motion he started to move and then stopped reset himself and then continued to go so it's almost like a double clutch what should he have done should you stop illegal formation [Music] or that's why the penalty is declined it is fourth John fourth down Bobby Johnson is the one who brought the flag well what happened is he was lined up in the backfield by taking that step forward he turned himself into it into the tight end position and the outside receiver had him covered and you can't have that guy covered this will be the fifth punt by Lind Edda and sick ahem awaits at his 10th and all the Cardinals trails 17 to nothing [Music] [Applause] there goes Sikahema down inside the 15 running into the kicker yeah that's not running into the kicker I didn't think so either I don't understand this I really don't you know I don't I half thought that the kicker went into him what happened is the guy tries to go in he puts his arm up in the air and he's being blocked and he tries to hold his balance does he right there right up the middle he puts his hands up he doesn't try he's running into the kicker five yards and a first down Broderick Sargent you see he hangs his foot up in the air Broderick Sargent just bumps into him I think that the if the league is going to have meetings they ought to have meetings and take a look at that penalty they've got to be more stringent with warriors constituted welcome so the Giants continued the ground 37 with Bertha I give to the pole I'm known more for his blocking carried the ball for about seven yards let's check that New England game with brent musburger Jack that botched extra point still may hunt the 49ers New England goes ahead Tony Collins they convert and they're up by one 1716 over the Niners let's go back to Jack and here's our score 17 to nothing second down and four and Morris makes it third and one with that run it spun down by Leonard Smith let's check Cincinnati are they doing Cleveland widening their lead and a victory would clinch the division for Cleveland in Dallas staying alive by a point in the third quarter at home against Philadelphia Atalanta going down if they lose they are out in Green Bay is ahead at Tampa Bay come on give myself a chance to get ahead here a little bit Buffalo leads in Indianapolis and as they measure we see that David Galloway is back in the car he had not been right all year I think they made it Lloris runs for a first down to the Cardinal 26 we showed you that Indianapolis score in their training at home against Buffalo and that's an important score because of the Testaverde sweepstakes with a million dollars added they have the worst record and they might get the best quarterback [Applause] [Music] by numerous Cardinals led by Anthony Bell now Bell was the number one pick this year out of Michigan State he didn't turn out too good well yeah I wouldn't I don't agree with you on that I don't it isn't a question him not turning out to but there's an awful lot to learn at the linebacker position if you want to compare positions the quarterback position on offense and the linebacker position on defense are to the most difficult to learn he's very gifted he's very talented he's playing on the outside left linebacker position behind Freddie Joe Nunn pitch is going to take a little while for him to get more comfortable [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] magnificent incomplete is the call I know Washington thought he had an interception but he put it away while out of bounds and speaking of interceptions the Cardinals this year have had only eight that's exactly right Lima Washington had two of them their sins again getting great protection now he tries to make the throw Washington great effort it's a great effort now watch the right foot just they caught him he tried to sneak it back in didn't go up in the air good job by the officials all day long here at Giants Stadium he's brought the brick New Jersey Sims is only 3 out of 17 and still his club leads 17 to nothing that's what happens when you play great defense you just don't have to put the ball in the air they wanted to work on their running game I'm sure Sims wanted a few more passes completed as well third wide receiver is McConkey it's third and 10 [Applause] he goes in motion he ran it a lot of young the 14 yard scamper the slate the air I'm sure the Giants holder ever since starts to run we see Bill Parcells speaking to make sure if Wilson gets up it's not the nicest thing for coach to see his quarterback take off and Phil Simms was maligned a lot earlier in the year they booed him he got one of the loudest ovations during introduction here today and he's starting to play the kind of football that the Giants are going to need from the quarterback position to propel morning this is the second time today that a penalty has sustained New York Drive and it's a first time [Applause] Johnson is in there to the Stasi Robinson to slam it up the middle he was slowed down and knocked down EJ jr. was their number fifty-four as far in this game horse two touchdowns two yards three yards both rushing Cardinals of total only 45 yards and the quarterback Lomax has been sacked in seven times one less than the giant record second in town [Applause] the blitzes let's face off against the rock well it's been the only way that the Cardinals have been able to stop the giant running game what it means is that if the Giants want to take advantage of this Sims is going to have to start completing passes and they're gonna try and put the ball up in the air they're not going to be able to run the ball effectively against linebackers that keep shooting inside those gaps and it's third down galbart checks in dope ourselves trying to add to his 17th of nothing lead [Music] [Applause] Varro's in the past is a car yes it is in his first and goal on a diving catch by Phil McConkey McConkey ended up right back in the right spot it is fourth down you did catch it cleanly McConkey went to Green Bay we've been put on waivers and the giant said we made a mistake and they got him back that's right talking to Phil McConkey said you know it shows a lot of character and a lot of guts by the Giants to say we made a mistake they not only wanted him back they trade for him to get him back for that experience [Music] - 23-yard trying Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] juanita nothing with three and a half left in the third quarter the nation's premier teams the Fighting Illini of Illinois take on the North Carolina Tarheels next Saturday on CBS sport and before that basketball game North Carolina and Illinois it'll be a short work week for the Giants they entertain Green Bay here next Saturday it starts at 12 o'clock with the NFL today Eastern Time and the 12:30 kickoff here at Giants Stadium Alegre putting the ball to the Carlos sukkah Hammond Swanson her teeth [Music] stumbles and goes down across the 20-yard line damn field covering was LaRussa playing on the home field has been a big advantage for all of those teams in the last five years Joe I've had the opportunity of playing two Super Bowls and we did win the NFC Division title and happen to play at home but when you've had a stadium like the Redskins have in Washington or like the Giants have here in New Jersey when you come out on the football field you get those fans going behind you the noise itself creates problems for the offensive team and gives you an advantage [Applause] Giants record for Giants [Music] [Applause] while run across the 25 before Andy Hedden brought him down number 54 these Giants have some linebackers who are reserve linebackers would be starters and a lot of other teams talking about Andy hidden Byron hunt Pepper Johnson they are stacked at that position talk about Byron Hunt I have I have two false front teeth compliments of Byron Hunt he came on a free blitz back in 1982 when we did my two uppers pay for them [Applause] Mitchell got to the 30 and its third and one coming up as he cut away from orange seller we ought to save that piece of tape because that doesn't happen very often not only does that happen very often watch what happens at the end of this play he see Taylor at the top of the screen they try and run a pitch and Taylor just cuts him back now he's going to run right in to let Lawrence boom Lance Lance Smith on the tackle knocks them right back into the back here see how good the giant defenses here [Applause] welcome Mitchell [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we are off the bench lost yards [Applause] that's how good they are there was going to be a fake as the ball was given to we was blocking for [Applause] Megan it's fourth down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] run against if you can't run in Denver second if you can't run against somebody you're going to have a heck of a tough time throwing the football the running part of football game and good defense are the two keys that get you into the playoffs and give you a chance at Super Bowl [Applause] [Music] giant bouncing is down by the Cardinals we have 119 left in the third quarter that was to [Music] well two NFL teams are gonna boogie out to Pasadena in the Rose Bowl for the January 25th game and these Giants of course might very well be there CBS gonna cover the playoffs and also CBS has the Super Bowl this year and so you'll hear Pat Summerall and John Madden Earth Cross and the whole gang from out there please back wonderful memories for me that's a Super Bowl 17 at the Washington Redskins one it's a lovely ring you're wearing the ball is at the giant 48 more's they're playing everybody all the way got 5 or 6 he's not hurting his rushing average Bob klasby an interesting kid number 79 made that tackle class B's father played at Harvard and he was a captain of the Harvard football team plans be played at Notre Dame he's not he's not a premier defensive end but he's a worker a plugger he is he's one of these he's one of those guys it just gives you a good day's work I think there are certain areas that the Cardinals want to look to improve their football team and in the defensive line is probably one of those areas [Music] [Music] [Music] without getting a first down while they sort this Alex tell you that Joe Morris has gone over the 100 mark he's hiding there he's hard to find sometimes 19 carries 105 yards two touchdowns now the big day for the little guy you know he looks a little out there in the football field you sit and talk to him you know he's not that anybody talked about little guy I was a considered a little guy he's a little guy talking to smaller targets to hit that's all that's right they and you know baseball they talk about little Pete Rose weighs about 200 pounds in football they called Joe Morris little cuz he's 195 balls at midfield well Indianapolis has changed their score against Buffalo they have the worst record in football and they'd have the rights to Testaverde but they're tied with Buffalo forty no this is second down nice play by the linebacker on Bavaro that was Freddie Joan none staying with the tight end this guy's had a tough season his second year in the NFL he's still learning he's a lot like Anthony Bell and if those two linebackers can progress would make the Cardinals better at that play takes us to 11 seconds left in the third quarter and its third Nate coming up Freddie Jones played a lot better the last few weeks he's been involved more in the pass rush to become a better run type of a defender and now you see the type of pass go remember judai checks in for the Cardinals [Applause] comebacker and that is caught for a first down by Bobby Johnson that's a first down at the Cardinal there's no protest from the Cardinal sideline marks the end of the quarter the end of the third quarter the score 20 nothing Giants a word from your local station and we are across the Hudson here at the Meadowlands in New Jersey the Giants have scored in each quarter and they lead 20 to nothing with 15 minutes remaining to play there at the Cardinal 35 look first down and Joe Mars stealing it [Applause] cédric came away with a Joe Mars fumble the Cardinals have had a couple of good bounces today they have Leonard Smith's gonna hit make this hit Joe Morris cuts up inside see the blocking on Noga Freddy Jones none EJ Junior try now from behind Leonard Smith's gonna hit the ball and just pop it up in the air Cedric Mac catches it on the short hop makes the fumble recovery and the Cardinals haven't had many good breaks recovered can of 36 fumbles figure the norm in the National Football League this hand and they've intercepted only eight passes [Applause] pass inside a JT's Smith and a first down catch [Applause] now the game is either gonna go one way or the other the Giants going to pile up more than 20 points of the Cardinals are going to open up here are going to make a run at them now Cleveland is going to win apparently their division the central of the AFC and all of these other teams Kansas City the Raiders in Seattle and the Miami team Cleveland wins [Applause] you see Cleveland had the best record going in of those two so that's going to hurt Cincinnati if they Luke do lose in Green Bay coming here next Saturday's ahead of Tampa Bay you see the pack next Saturday on CBS Buffalo and Indianapolis are tied in the fourth quarter and here we have almost 15 minutes left in this game which surpasses they haven't gotten people [Applause] forty-two [Music] [Applause] right into the arms of Eric Howard and you know what oppai ourselves told us about him he's only a rookie out of Washington State he's going to be one of the best players in football there's holding penalty against the Cardinals again absolutely Bill Parcells feels like Eric Alex that's the second holding call on the big rookie Center out of Texas gene Chilton as I mentioned Eric Howard is six foot four 268 pounds of Parcells you know he says it's not necessarily a size or his speed but he's a guy who just gets so pumped up and so ready to play and how about when you can't play Jim Burt at the nose and you get this kid [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're on by Mitchell boy can he use that blocking he stayed right there very patiently and finally was hauled down by Kenny Hill we've talked a lot about Joe Morris and his ability to just wring out a sweep or spring out a long play and then cut it up it's a very similar play that the Giants run there you see Marsh out in front on banks and he seemed cut up inside stump Mitchell actually runs better to his left because he's got the bad right foot and he can't play cut upfield he's had some of his biggest gains cutting back on the left side [Music] [Applause] the giant 37 now that's the most the Giants have sacked Atwater stalking got that sack rookie versus rookie Howard on children the giant record for sex in one game is he love today they have a the only thing I can figure if Lawrence's heard a little bit he might have gotten too close to some kryptonite because that's the only way Superman can be Nick I think somebody must have hung around it there you see him try and make the play even stumbling he still makes the tackle eight sacks of low Mars [Applause] is out here to Farrell and was faded by the linebacker pepper Johnson the rookie out of Ohio State this looks like a track meet with Lawrence Taylor Laura party your screw you I see what how quick Lawrence Taylor isn't the problem he presents he's way away from the play now he starts in and drops back and there Farrell makes the catch you see the tackle being made but right at the top of your screen Lawrence Tay let's just put coming in that's how close he is he told me once you know Jerry you can run but you can't hide from me out here receiver for st. Louis on third sixteen [Applause] [Music] hurry and off the hands of JT Smith I think the Cardinals would love to see the Giants blitz that way they'd have at least a quick opportunity to get rid of the football [Music] all by himself defense the play zone standing ovation for the giant defensive unit and this is the eighth Phil McConkey [Applause] [Music] the play by the Cardinals to cover it at about the three there are no flags and we have 11:25 left in the game Freddie John none downfield to down the ball brother Jamie up at Michigan would be proud of his older brother Joe 20 rushes over 100 yards today and look what that does for his career Joe Wright he breaks his own Club record 13:45 12 TDs of course his touchdown performance was up last year quite a bit but this year is rushing record is only 5 out of 20 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they were keying on the other back that's another thing that Morris does for you he opens the way for Carthon and Lonnie young had to come up to make the tackle that's why they ran the reverse earlier because the defense reacts to where Joe Morris goes now you run the pull back up the middle trying to pull the linebackers out over there the 49ers on a field goal by Wersching have gone back on top [Applause] right now who wrapped him up very quickly to check the forward progress he made it to do it later okay it was pretty chill none David Galloway and on the hit Bill Parcells along the sideline he said we look at Gene Stallings Starling is going to have a different sort of winner than Parcells is going to have Parcells said I want to do it one time just to be able to say I did it I did it we of course tried his football team he wants to take that ballclub all the way [Music] she seems to walk up and say seek seek move over on the other side each other [Applause] oh and others pound them into the turf 23 years ago let's check the offense of this New York giant II offensive lineup 23 years ago the wide receivers del Shofner Joel Walden and Aaron Thomas and that brings some memory bills for you back field Phil King Frank Gifford Alex Webster ye tittle the offensive line pokeball and Daryl des Greg Larson the center rosy Brown and Jax Stroud the offensive line back in 1963 when the Giants last wanted second down [Applause] you know it may sound funny to say the Cardinals are doing a pretty good job on defense a trail 20 to nothing boris has more than a hundred yards but they're still plugging away with Charlie Baker making that tackle it's not funny at all they've done a great job on defense they really have they're just been no field position for their offense whatsoever I mean it started right from the opening gun the Cardinal offenses has been a problem their defense is played very very well no they've they've held seems to only five completions and Bavaro they're on the side to see looks like he either sprained an ankle or you can bend Marcel's won't ignore that they app depth of course an Zeke mo lot to play the tight end it's third down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] inside together [Applause] the Giants keep the ball Tanna left in the game it's obscured in each quarter they lead 20 to nothing the whole insane hand of the famous Dallas Cowboys play well you know the Dallas Cowboys really pressed in person they were pretty much responsible for the shotgun formation now a lot of teams have found a lot of success with it because of the amount of blitzing that's happening on defenses the quarterback has a chance to get the ball off New York [Music] arresting anybody still planned [Music] Cardinals had the wall with 727 left in the game plays B tore the ball away and pretty jounin came up with the ball and the Giants have their shutout in jeopardy use a second turnover by New York you see Joe Morris run up inside again now he cuts it back Bob blasts me does a fine job of staying home strips the ball away lands right under Freddy Jonah the Cardinal defense has played very well today like I said it's been field position that's really killed him the whole first quarter they were backed up at their backs against the wall and only gave up seven points second fumble by Morris both of which were recovered by the Cardinals this one at the New York 26 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the sinners got back to the line of code and he was buried and with a Leonard Marshall first there number 70 well instead of just right there you see instead of just rushing the front three people with Lawrence Taylor they bring the linebackers and from the right of your screen there you see Elvis Patterson come in with a corner blitz that forces Lomax up inside to where a lot of people were waiting for him that's not a very nice position to get yourself into [Music] respond very reasons a linebacker is out max [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he is out of bounds at the 15 and that's a first down he really pushed the linebacker Carl banks off of him 11 yards oh this is part of New York's philosophy to as they said look we're just gonna we're just going to jam up your wide receivers there's Roy green now the only place to really go with the football you've got JT Smith inside Roy green outside the corners have run off and you see the help from them there's nobody left to throw to but the tight end the Lomax does a good job in just finding both mark [Music] [Applause] to try to make [Music] [Applause] that's a touchdown who is downfield that's a touchdown touchdown to Roy green and it's incredible that none of the linemen were downfield and I don't think that that was a call playing I don't think that one was called Mitchell throws to green for six I think the offensive linemen were so busy they were so busy trying to help stumble that they never got downfield Leonard Marshall had a hold of Mitchell and he broke out of it Harry Carson's got a shot at him headings got shot out now he just says I'll throw it and green cotton that's a six touchdown pass reception of the year [Applause] a play that could be [Music] [Applause] [Music] drive by Schubert is good we have a 22:7 game with 637 remaining in the context so I've never met anybody who didn't admire stuff Mitchell you're absolutely right when I used to play against them I was a I always used to worry when he got his hands on the football all year long for this for the Cardinals this year he's been the man that's never stayed out of the lineup and never complained and more than that around st. Louis when they want something done on the community level not get to the 20-yard line next Sunday here on CBS the final weekend of the regular season Redskins trying to get back on the winning track play at Philadelphia and Tampa Bay plays at st. Louis it's a doubleheader day on CBS television next Sunday the Bears against the Dallas Cowboys before the Bears go into the playoffs even if Dallas doesn't have us still alive at this moment the Redskins made a change few weeks back to get max and de Haas in as a kicker and traded mark Mosley to Cleveland and it still doesn't look like the Redskins have solved that kicking problem [Music] Horace Morris is taken down after getting a couple 620 left in the game we're checking out for mark Bavaro the tight end who limped off earlier and he had not in their Mowatt Zeke Mowat is playing we'll get a report on Bavaro for you the Giants really need him the Cardinals continue to get Leonard Smith involved their strong safety and trying to turn Joe Morris back inside Atlanta continues to muddle the playoff picture by staying ahead in their game [Applause] [Music] again go back inside and Noga help make the tackle you want to take a look at a tough-looking guy not only tough looking but he is tough that no-good is something he is from American Samoa mean-looking dude he's a football player for the University of Hawaii you know he wears t-shirts around with bombs going off and bullet holes that happy you know to get ready you know some people they watch different games on a Saturday night before ballgame he watches commando movies like that just to get him in a right frame of mind coming up on the 5-minute mark and it's third down and six for the [Applause] [Music] rid of it and threw it low and incomplete fourth down he was trying to get it out to Stacey Robinson and pressured on the receiver by Cedric Mack and David Galloway was chasing Sims again David Galloway it seems like we always call his name either making a tackle or chasing her chasing the quarterback down really played well up front for the Cardinals the Cardinals are just scored force New York to punt for the fifth time today so just said at the outset of the telecast here they are working talking about civility absolutely they're not giving anything [Applause] [Music] [Applause] across supporting sicka Hallett outstanding rookie for the Cardinals good special teams Claire Byron hunt made that tackle [Music] joke cribs is scored to put the 49ers on top by 12 points 49ers trying to win their ninth game of the year and that would really hurt Minnesota if the 49ers win this game because Washington is already one of the wild-card teams at Minnesota plays Houston later today at 4 o'clock and [Applause] next week we have Washington and Philadelphia and the 49ers have to play the Rams Minnesota will have a tough opponent in New Orleans Dallas is still in the picture and they place Chicago so the legal upsets as we go right down to the note well you know why she'd know they're in they've got to travel to Philadelphia the Philadelphia Eagles are an improving football team and the Redskins are having trouble playing on the road the 49ers are playing good football now back with Joe Montana they could not only win the division but get their wild add some drama to this one running back with it as well [Applause] here's the ball at their own 48 and that really changes things instead of the Cardinals being inside the New York 40 the Giants are outside their 45 and it is Kenny Hill who is shaken up on the play role Mac's going back in the pocket now JT Smith just comes around makes a nice throw it's it right over the linebackers head now you see that shot that Kenny Hill gave him hurt himself he hit him so hard it was picked up by Walsh Kenny Hill walks off the field and JT Smith is the one who coughed it up now we have a discussion in the middle of the field I don't know what this is all about but the Giants are going to keep the ball I didn't say any plank go down on the far side of the field kneel Lomax is right in the middle of that looking for an explanation I can't see what they're talking about the ball was clearly free if it had to do with the reception before JT ever hit the ground JT caught it ran with it that's a sign of a good veteran quarterback see Phil Simms get in there he says look Lomax is in there with the officials I got to get in here and find out what's going on and put my two cents in just in case four and a half left in the game the ball does belong to the Giants and I think any chance of a dramatic finish faded on that one I want to see some sagging shoulders they belong to JT Smith he walked off the field that could have really changed this game Joe well it would have got him down in better field position of course the Giants were real tough throughout the entire ballgame but it would have made it a little closer good news for the Giants Mark Bavaro [Music] no go as the Giants try to run this buck down well I think they well I don't think you'll see the Giants put the ball in the air even if they get into a third and long situation you probably look for a draw every time you run a play you're going to run about 45 seconds off the clock and I've got a 13 point lead they feel very comfortable that one of the best kickers if not the best kicker in football a lot of things going for them to win this one Wallace to the Cardinal 48 and it's second down and six they keep Carthon in there along with Morris four minutes left I was a shot at Carl Carter who's got a banged up shoulder [Music] really came off first the Cardinals can afford to do that now when they know that the Giants are going to run the ball well not only that even even early in the ball game we saw the Cardinals stay back a little bit and the Giants pick up a lot of yardage as soon as the Cardinals commit to the Blitz to try and stop the run they've been very effective that pummel a moment ago up by JT Smith apparently is nailed down another loss which will be the 11th of the year for st. Louis trailing by 13 you know the giant fans sit here and they wait in hopefully not seeing one of those fumbles where the Eagles pick one up and ran it in that a few years ago [Music] it's the first time out expended here in the second half by either club we have 3 minutes and 8 seconds remaining in the game and the SAMS will go to the sidelines to talk it over with the offensive coordinator a while ago we showed you the offensive unit of the Giants in 1963 about those people on the other side of the ball the defensive line Jim cat cabbage Andy robe Esteli dick modulus key and John love tear Bulova tear the linebacker is where hillebrand Scott Inhofe and the defensive backs dick Lynch Eirik Barnes dick pennon and Jim Patton it was 23 years ago at the Giants last one the division that's a very comfortable seat the Giants are sitting on that those are heated benches and as cool as it is outside it's cooler inside we have three minutes and eight seconds left in this game say didn't anybody know that a 25 year old psychotic armed with a rifle might go berserk at any moment go on a killing spree her mother knew it tried to warn the authorities but no one would listen 60 minutes tonight on CBS and following 60 minutes Murder She Wrote starring Angela Lansbury and then the Hallmark Hall of Fame promise starring James Garner a story of two brothers James Wood co-stars with him all of that is tonight on CBS and Joel I would really look forward to watching that movie on CBS promise they say it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] timorous [Applause] [Music] [Music] one of these officials [Music] has no flair for the dramatic he said it's down at the one foot line I don't think he's a six-yard rod loulou's well here you see Carthon go in motion now watch the block on Leonard Smith he kicks him out and allows Joe Morris to cut up inside as I talked about the Cardinals over pursued and Joe Morris is exceptionally tough on astroturf he just puts them pedal to the metal and Lionel Washington comes a long way to make the tackle the offensive linemen for the Giants are signaled in touchdown why do you have to [Music] nice to give it to him we have come to the two-minute warning official wants a postseason game he not gonna call it a touchdown here's another good let's go mr. Mehra pill [Applause] [Music] to but not oriya did he get over I haven't seen anybody signal a touchdown I haven't seen it yet did you go everybody in the stands did yep that's the third of the day for Joel Morris and it adds to the giant lead 26 to 7 you can talk about Joe Morris's running ability but Carthon has done a tremendous job leave blocking before of course you don't want to downplay the fact that Morris is too had such a great afternoon Maurice carbide has really made Joe Moore's pick up a lot of yards today [Music] [Music] 27 to 7 with 157 remaining in the game the fumble by JD Smith set that one up going back the other way and penalties helped the Giants on to a couple of scores earlier [Music] next Saturday the Green Bay Packers come to town while these Giants have been working out taking two days off and working out Holly on Wednesday Thursday Friday but they'll have to get ready for a Saturday game it starts at 12 Eastern with the NFL today on CBS and then on Sunday and a full schedule of games for you on Sunday but later on Saturday we have collegiate basketball Illinois number six North Carolina number five and that's bound to be a good one now the Sunday football games on CBS it's a double-header day [Music] one of the games is Chicago and now it's the doubleheader game Washington in Philadelphia [Music] [Applause] [Music] 35 yard line good return man sick a heaven here those Sunday games the Redskins have put it off here Joe Theismann and I will be there or Tampa Bay at st. Louis the Chicago Bears play the Cowboys in the second game of the doubleheader look at their Philadelphia is going to eliminate Dallas perhaps today leading 16 to 14 and Green Bay ahead of Tampa Bay but 14 and Cleveland's going to win the Central Division of the AFC and Indianapolis is winning a game by three they got to be careful [Music] [Applause] got about seven yards tackle by Gary recent this is the only time in the football game that Neal Lomax can feel like he can get back in a pocket and have a little bit of time to look over the secondary [Music] Barnes tellers mark always this hard football player he could have tackle Lomax but he figured I said I'd do that he's got the first down I'll tackle them out of bounds get a flag let them go it's a difference in a football player that takes cheap shots and one that understands how to play the game when you're as good as Lawrence Taylor you don't ever have to hit anybody late unnecessarily hey Joe your own buddy mark Mosley has a couple of field goals for Cleveland they're way ahead thirty four to three mark knew he had a lot of kick and left in them and he has an opportunity now to move on into the playoffs 127 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh mags with it as gary reasons and that's his second of the year turn over today is the second with 119 left [Applause] looks like Bill Parcells they're going to get a cold shower out there in the field before much longer which one of those buckets will go over his head that's going to be the question I think the Giants have to feel real good about what happened here this afternoon they didn't want to just get into the division title they wanted to feel like they earned their way there you know some people complain that it was ridiculous to dump that ice on Parcells he said I don't mind man it's a little party so let's have a little fun it was it's not only fun but it's childish but you got to remember there's nothing but a bunch of kids out here playing football really I'm gonna run the clock down and apparently 27-7 will be our final they whistle blows and the Cardinals used one of their timeouts the Giants really wanted to win today and of course again next Saturday because they're really seeking that home-field advantage they want Chicago if they get that far to have to come here like they had to go there last year and of course they might get some help from Detroit that's the game with Chicago at Detroit someone is getting ready over there with that bucket to dump on their coach Parcells parsall says close to these guys we're friends he said they never crossed the line they don't know they know what the line is he did a little bit wary you think he's looking over his shoulder and rid of some of the ammunition but they'll come up with he'll find something they'll find something over there to dump over man marcelles has had it done enough to him that he realizes something's going on Joe lets you and I and all of us associate with CBS congratulate the Giants on winning their division they're a heck of a football team they're a good football team and I'd have to say I've gone favorite right now they're the ones that look like they had the best chance to go all away [Applause] and a lot here comes look out coach look out coach might as well relax and enjoy it bill you're going to get it big boy [Music] [Music] I think it was Shawn lend Etta's job to keep Bill Parcells occupied while Harry went around and got the bucket so that Dallas went back ahead of Philadelphia striving to stay alive in the playoff picture Indianapolis is going to win [Music] over here self-abuse wins they post game show coming up scores [Music] sort out the [Applause] have an update on the Dallas game [Applause] uses another time about Java's patterson who started back at the left corner back today girl back ahead of Dallas on a pass from Cavanaugh Kenny jets and a Jackson [Music] you got to give a lot of credit this st. Louis Cardinal defensive football team - they have gone out and played really really tough they started out with bad field position all day long and they hung right in and it really hasn't been their fault that the scores the way they say hello to Gene Stallings son back home John I know you've come to be a good buddy of his he was a special kid he sure is he's a special young man I know he's feeling it for his dad today and wishes his father could win but I guarantee he'll be out there next Saturday at practice and you're not going to play for Gene Stallings and not call timeouts at the end of the game to try to get a hold of the ball no matter what the score he though term give up does not fit into his vocabulary nor will it fit into his football team's vocabulary I think the Cardinals are a team that have suffered through a tough season but they're on the rise and they're building [Music] [Applause] yes over the six of the [Music] [Applause] the whistle because of the contact on the line you think for ourselves cold that he's freezing right now he's rigid together they call it against the Cardinals of course Lawrence Taylor down on the bottom as you see kneeling down if I were that coach I'd take good care of number 56 because he's going to take good care of his coach that's exactly right you keep him close while Atlanta is out of the playoff picture it would have taken a fantastic combination of events to keep the men but they were dumped that must further to talk about how a postgame show [Music] Game of the [Music] [Applause] well the Cardinals have it for the final 55 seconds of the football afternoon [Applause] which downfield to make that tackle the Giants trying to get the home-field advantage have played their frontline players all afternoon and very likely will do so again next Saturday against Green Bay here however if the Bears lose to Detroit that would make a difference it would make a difference it also is a thing where you don't want to give your players too much time off having the having won the division title they're going to have two weeks to rest anyway I want to keep you guys playing football [Music] Oh max grills it out here to Roy green 46 seconds left in the game that's the third catch for Roy and the tackle by Byron Hunt there's Godfrey who played a good game at the break guard position and there is the Ricky nose tackle Erik Howard out of Washington State engine stalling stalling this Tomeo story the other days that a westward movement they hooked up the wagons and after that they built a railroad and some people rode the railroad he said I want the guy who hooks up goes right [Music] there's a screen with 40 seconds left here's some noise down there don't we [Music] there was Johnson who popped him out of bounds now let's look at this NFC playoff picture Dianne's have won their division Bears have won theirs the Rams are leading theirs for the record of 10 and 4 grams play later today and the Bears play on Monday at Detroit Washington is in the playoff the 49ers winning today the Soto plays as a loser [Music] Cardinals have no more timeouts remaining so they have a hurry-up offense and you can check the clock the 13th win for the [Music] Musburger will be busy sorting out the playoff picture for that stops the clock with 19 seconds left mister Theismann i shall see you in philly next week yes we shall be there should be a good football game the Redskins and they've got to get their act together they really go anywhere in the playoffs course they have the home game and they also have a great punter Steve boxes they've got a workout with a combination of Jeff Foss tickets Center Jay Slater the holder and Max and - something there hasn't been right for him all year and they've got to solve that problem they want to move on into the playoffs England trailing if they lose they'll have the same record as the Jets [Music] [Music] first down but they can't stop the clock and 2077 [Applause] our selves heads 14 Stein's these two choose these two teams will meet a couple of times next year Darling said you know I like all these coaches but I wish they'd do away with that handshake after the game [Music] and congratulations again to the winning Giants again over in the Meadowlands and wherever you and I were talking we think the Giants are the best team in pro football doesn't matter much I got a play on the field well they're playing a lot of confidence because everybody knows they have a great defense but you know how about the biggest little giant of them all oh here's something Joe Virology the urban Jimmy we've got everybody synched up with us now so let's take you through the scores and get you up to date I know this is redundant for some of you but bear with us here and then we'll have some highlights momentarily but the Giants with an impressive win now over the Cardinals 27 to 7 was the final score and for those of you who did not see the giant game let's take you through some of the key moments our mentioned Joe Morris well he had a two-touchdown afternoon and almost scored a third time and he is so tough to bring down watch how he darts for his daylight cuts sometimes runs to the corner and Gene Stallings had very good reason to be upset over there on the Cardinal sidelines and his offense didn't have any timer look here's the problem when Morris isn't carrying the ball you had these guys knocking your quarterback down Eric Carr gets a sack here now watching Joe Morris on this runner right there you're like great cutback of building everybody knows he has that doesn't have great speed but he gets down inside the one yard line this is what the guy ran for over 1400 yards this year all right he went down there on the 1 and the Giants pounded in 27 7 giant fans know and the rest of you should know that a win over the Green Bay Packers next Saturday here on CBS Giants would have the home-field for as far as they go in the playoffs the last five championships in the NFC have all been won by the team that had the home-field advantage so Jimmy the Greek it's an enormous edge not to go to Chicago in that George Halas I remember how he blocked that punt or missed the punt Palace came down and did it Brent I'm telling you Llandaff and on that punt when the wind was blowing and Soldier Field we should point out for land era last time I checked he's a leading punter in the NFC so he has certainly come back and overcome that problem of a year ago in Soldier Field now down in Dallas the Herschel Walker show but folks it wasn't good enough the Eagles leading the Cowboys 23 to 21 Cowboys are already knocked out because of the performance today by the 49ers and watch here Walker on a beautiful hesitation cutback and in the speed does the rest well I tell you know he runs so easily and so smoothly everybody knows is the world-class sprinter run our young giving her than he has can't get them until he gets to the end zone too late now Eagles were able to get ahead or Matt Cavanaugh and then they came back again and they chucked that one to Herschel Walker and here it went on his 84 yard touchdown reception that on the pass from polar and Walker put two long touchdowns on the board but it wasn't good enough because the Eagles kept coming back yeah Mick Cavanaugh comes back here with a pretty good pass to Kenny Jackson makes a great catch on it well covered but he comes down with it and the Eagles right back in this ballgame alright nerves so as the result of that action with those two games now final let's check the standings there are the Giants at 13 and 2 now the Redskins sitting at at Lebanon 4 but they will have the home-field advantage for the NFC wild-card game the Dallas Cowboys at 7 and 7 that games still up in the air now we can tell you the story of the AFC Central what an explosion by the Cleveland Browns we'll have that when the NFL today postgame show sponsored by Miller Lite continues in just a moment the development of any Testaverde sweepstakes at the scoreboard and it'll tell you the story and guess who won again today that's right Ron Meyer maybe we should make him the coach of the year two in a row the Colts come from behind they beat the bills Jim Kelly was knocked out ever he complained of dizziness now Tampa Bay as the result of their loss today at the Packers they move into a tie but if those two teams are deadlocked at the end of the year Tampa Bay has played the weaker schedule they would get the first round draft choice Cleveland and Cincinnati here's a story that unfolded down in Cincinnati hard to believe that the Bengals with all those weapons could not score a single touchdown against the Browns Bernie Kosar almost immediately went deep to Langhorne it was a 66 yard gain and this set up the Browns first touchdown of the afternoon Marty Schottenheimer a former defensive assistant you knew his defense was gonna play well but the questions surrounded Kosar could he win the big game he showed again just like he did down at my that he's tough in a big game this one to slaughter and it was 14 3 and the slaughter continued watch him go here to Webster slaughter for another touchdown and they made it look very easy the fumble was recovered for a score 34 to 3 was the final and so the Browns wrap-up the AFC central 11 for speaking of Coach of the Year there's a man who deserves a lot of credit he's a coach of the Giants let's go live to the Meadowlands where Bill Parcells is congratulations coach 27 to 7 was the final score and our congratulations to Bill Parcells for winning the division and today Bill winning your 13th game of the year well thank you jack I tell you it was a struggle and you know I could we kind of start a little bit slow he had a chance early in the game to hit a big play we didn't get it done and didn't take care of the ball real well there for a while today but our guys got a lot of pride and they fought hard well before we go any further thanks for being so very nice to us whenever we have visited with you before a game oh well you know Jack you got to keep all the friends you can you know you're not smiling very much I know you have another game and a short work week with Green Bay coming into your next Saturday well that's right we've got a lot more to do and you know we've been kind of staying pretty steady most of the year and that's what we're gonna try to keep doing and if we can I think you know we can continue to play well if we don't know in football you either get better you get worse what else do you have to do coach pardon me Jay what else do you have to do to get your team prime for where you're going well I like to try and get a little bit more balance in our offense you know we got the running going a little bit today but we weren't consistent you know we hit a couple big plays on the running game but we didn't know we didn't establish a lot of consistency in it not too many 5 & 6 yard games so I think we got to keep doing that because we're gonna need it in the cold weather up here and you held your breath when a couple of your players came off hurt like Patterson and Bavaro meanwhile how did this feel coach with it I get a water on that Carson I tell you I'm gonna get him one of these days for that you can't tell me it didn't make you colder than your work no it's cold it's cold that's for sure jack good luck along the way and the very best to you coach thanks to Bill Parcells and his Giants one at 7 to 7 their 13th victory and back to Brent hijack thank you very much he'll take those showers as long as they're offered Jimmy the Greek I know you think Parcells has done a great job he would think in a fire that was what about three years ago and then he finally turned it around defensive assistant he replaced ray Perkins and what a job that he has gone all right final seconds moments ago down in Dallas Cowboys trailing the Philadelphia Eagles they had time for one last desperate play and here's how it unfolded from the shotgun Hilaire going deep and across start the celebration and the cowboy finally won a division Dave and for a long tough year for that man Tom Landry first time in 20 years they have had a losing season to me NFL today postgame show brought to you by Billa life continues in just a moment well we welcome those of you who watch the Philadelphia Eagles upset the Dallas Cowboys to our postgame show let's take everybody up to the top of the scoreboard and again run through what has happened this afternoon the Giants with this win our position to have the home-field advantage throughout the remainder of the playoffs if they can beat the Packers in the Meadowlands next Saturday you'll see that action here on CBS here is the upset down in Dallas and now the Cowboys are not going to have a winning season for the first time in 20 years and they are not completely out of the playoff picture by the Eagles Buddy Ryan's first NFC East Division team victory with his Eagles this year another upset Indianapolis you can see is now losing that first-round pick because the Tampa Bay Buccaneers have lost again to the Green Bay Packers and you could see what that does with the Cleveland Browns having wrapped up a division title today 34 3 over the Cincinnati Bengals it was a terribly impressive win by the Browns they kept the Bengals out of the end zone and Bernie Kosar again improved in the clutch now I was ahead of myself here's the story on the Indianapolis Colts 24 to 14 the Colts are in danger of dropping out of the Vinny Testaverde sweepstakes meanwhile New Orleans and Atlanta the Falcons had a chance to score in the closing seconds could not and the saints come away with the win 40 9 the final their San Francisco continues to drive toward the playoffs 29:24 over the Patriots they came from behind in this game and let's take a look at this and originally well a 49ers were stopped on fourth and goal they went back down a Roger Craig got in and they were up by 3 1310 now they had some extra point problems here because of a bad snap but was not handled by the holder so Wersching never even got an opportunity to kick it and everybody thought oh boy that is the point that is going to keep them out then later tony collins zipped in and New England moved ahead 1716 Butterbean fire was helped off with an injury and a very big injury as far as the Patriots are concerned Eason had Collins there missed him Tina Turner picked it off for the 49ers and Joe Krebs took the handoff around left in and went on in and how good are these 49ers Jimmy thinks they're one of the best in the league well they are one of the best in the league when they're healthy and they're gotten to the point now with us starting to get some of their players off that injury list and going through playoffs I get the picture they're pretty good football team San Francisco way to go now here are the active scores that are still going on now Miami and the Rams and let me put this one a focus for a moment if the Rams win they wrap up the NFC West title and a loss keeps the 49ers in the running for a division championship Rams and 49ers will close out next Friday night Vikings are hoping the Rams can beat the Niners and thus have a chance meanwhile the Raiders tailspin continues Marcus Allen fumbled moments ago and it was recovered and now the Chiefs are up by 10 and Jimmy I'll tell you it looks as though Kansas City might close them out today I'm afraid so Brent I'll tell you their offense is not doing well and their defense are you know missing Hayes in that corner cost them a touchdown just not - alright so Kansas City yeah it's up 10 nothing in there in the first quarter now Seattle and San Diego and the Seahawks with an outside shot they still need a combination but they're not out of a chip they lead the Chargers three oh they are in the first quarter now the minute so the Houston game cherry burns has done a great job of coaching this team and they can get into the playoffs if they beat Houston and if they beat New Orleans and that won't be easy next week by the way beating the New Orleans Saints that's pretty tough football team but they need the 49ers to lose in that situation so I guess Jimmy the Greek would have to make the Niners a favor to get the Walker well they're a slight favorite I would say about two and a half to one all right well herb and Jimmy you stick around we've got more our postgame activities for those of you who watch the Philadelphia Eagles upset the Dallas Cowboys for the rest of you we say goodbye for the time being we'll see you next Saturday when it's the Green Bay Packers in the New York Giants on CBS [Music]
Channel: Ken Gelman
Views: 45,705
Rating: 4.7979798 out of 5
Id: HJBbg4cCvDI
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Length: 159min 42sec (9582 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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