1988 Week 8 Washington Redskins at Green Bay Packers

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and Damphousse what is it like for a quarterback to be out for four weeks and then come back well it's not going to be an easy situation for Doug the one thing I'm interested in seeing is how well he does in ad-lib situations he had two good days of practice early this week and the biggest boost that he has going for himself is that Kelvin Brian is now added to that first down offense now one of the realistic chances for the Packers just bringing upset this afternoon well Lindy and Fani told us yesterday that he needs to get big plays out of his offense and out of his defense he knows it's going to be very tough to run against that giant skin line and then he's going to have to rely upon Don Makowski throwing the ball down the field the weather conditions are not good it is raining the temperature is 46 degrees we have wind and the field is not in ideal condition as the Packers win the talk will receive tip low Miller kicking off and going back to receive it as Brent bull would at the five yard line and four fumbles it out-of-bounds it still Packer ball as we start the game Don Makowski starting his third game he has a winning record as a starter will face a defense one of the best in the league Charles man gave bucks Carol grant and Dexter Manley upfront you won't find any better Wilbur marshal Niel oka wits and Monty Coleman are the linebackers secondary Brian Davis and Darryl Greene a cornerback almond Walton and Todd Bowles two outstanding safety Don Makowski second-year out of the University of Virginia go against the Redskins on the 29 first down teeth which side gets maybe a yard and Neal oka with speaks the tackle for Washington the rest of the offense for the Packers Woodside starts with Brent Fullwood who's not a hundred percent Philip Epps and Sterling Sharpe of the wide receivers they've lost Walter Stanley for the season head west the tight end up front Ken Rutgers rich Moran mark cannon Ron hallström and Hubert second down and nine in the 20 yard line the Packers will shoveling plays with their wide receivers and Perry pimp number 81 in there now [Music] sigh tenant s that bunny Colvin was defending to bring a third of all and at night one of the things that skins have to do early today dick is to take the emotion out of this crowd and break the spirit of the Packers the Packers feel that they've got things on going on the right track they've got their fans all excited here Milwaukee the whole state's alive with the Packers this is the series last time they met two years ago but this is the first time since 1952 that the Redskins have played here in Milwaukee third down and nine at the 30 the shotgun and he prefers the shotgun we can run doesn't get far back to the line of scrimmage where Dexter Manley puts a stop on and that'll bring up fourth down and Don Bracken will come in and kick as badly is slow getting up good pressure on Makowski for the second play in a row he wanted to go deep to the left side here as you can see and the pressure comes from man this is great for the skins they finally have their two great pass rushers healthy and a hundred percent Charles Mann and Dexter Manley Don frackin will kick and Derek Shepherd goes back Joe Gibbs says that he's the closest thing to Mike Nelms the great returner he has seen Shepherd at the 39 [Applause] we'll be seeing a lot of him the former who tight in makes the stop so duck Williams returns to the starting lineup for the Redskins and he'll look at this offense this defense for Green Bay Alfonso character plays winter and Robert Brown upfront most of the action will come from the linebackers Anderson Holland Noble and Harris and the secondary first and ten at the 41 helmet Brian is the lone running back and ryan gets the ball finds an opening in brian in the Packer territory inside the 40 and hot cata bounds at the 34 yard line by Tim Harris and that's why the Redskins have used Brian on all down we're gonna see a lot of this today because the Redskins feel their size up front is so much bigger than the Packer front line this is a great hole Rowley Mackenzie pulled up in there and then the great speed and decision-making of Kelvin Bryant to cut to the outside and pick up extra yardage a 24 yard game by Kelvin Brian and the Redskins have a first down on the Packer 34 they go to Brian again picked up about three on the play John Anderson was there on the stop the rest of the offense besides Bryan and Williams art monk and Gary Clark the wideouts Craig McEwan the HVAC and Anwar in the tight end great offensive line Joe Jacoby been banged up or Ollie McKenzie Jeff Boston bark bay and totally shea the right tackle second down and eight at the 32 updating the Dallas Philadelphia score the Eagles who were way behind now trail by only 23 to 17 in the fourth quarter [Music] Ilyn emotion the first down yardage plan he may be short by about a yard and a half Tim Harrison Johnny Holland on the stop so they're giving Brian a lot of work here well he wanted it earlier in the year he says hey I want to be in every down back I can carry the ball 30 times the game what he's found out is that those 30 carries are quite painful and he may be happier carrying it less than that Daniel Lorentz containing a chance at using a Brian a lot on running down the risking the fact that he has been fragile in the past to run him 25 30 times Joe Gibbs calls it laying on the ragged edge so we me say a lot of Timmy Smith who's in there right now with Terry or blocking in front Smith we needed two yards for the first down gets more than enough inside the 25 Johnny Holland again on the stop so Smith goes out and Bryant comes in and now the Giants have scored still in the fourth quarter they were down at one point sixteen to six they've come from behind a lead Atlanta 23 to 16 that's not good news for fan it looked like they were headed to overtime it must have been a turnover or something on the ensuing kickoff after they scored first down for the Redskins on the 22 yard line and that's what happened Carl banks intership intercepted a faster attempt turned it for a touchdown 216 yards to give the Giants the lead [Music] our first penalty of the day and Brian picked up the huge bag it'll be a holding call against Washington and this is what Lindy and Fani talked about as far as big plays this is a big play early in the game although it's just a penalty it moves the skins back and out of automatic field goal position our referee and Raleigh McKenzie was holding on the penet plays so that will move the Redskins back they were driving the big play had been a 24 yard run by Kelvin Bryant so it'll be first in 20 for the Redskins on the Green Bay 32 and we'll see how Doug Williams is feeling it for this is obvious pass situation the next couple of downs [Music] exclusively [Music] [Applause] hold [Applause] and we'll bring up second down and 20 month Orton caught two touchdown passes last week when Mark Griffin was the quarterback if he had gotten a lot of attention for a while and I think Doug Williams wants to go back to Buffalo he's such a big play receiver in fact the Redskins are blessed with three big play wide receivers and then you had Kelvin Bryant you got four guys that can catch the ball anywhere on the field and turning into a big play even a touchdown the 11 minutes and 20 seconds remaining in the first quarter Redskins second down and 20 on the 32 dog legs breathe they tight water side of the 15-yard line will be short of a first Ironman by about three yards for maybe two Mark Murphy and Tiger green on the stop one thing you've got to do if you're going to throw the ball is you're going to have to be effective running the delay in obvious past situations the Redskins ran a little trap there on the draw play great blocking up front and Kelvin Bryant has got the ability to just stick it right up right down the field the Giants beat Atlanta 23 to 16 so they will retain at least to share a first place NMC third down and four [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up the middle [Applause] I think that's just a case of being rusty you know you can practice all you want and feel good about how you do in practice but there's nothing like getting out on the field two passes now Williams has thrown to art monk and he's missed him on both times going in a little bit short so the Redskins will try to settle for a field goal and a chip low Miller who is 8 for 13 this year will attempt a 33 yard field goal his longest has been from 46 yards [Music] [Applause] in doing holes and the kick is good the kids on the Redskins get something on the board ship low fillers 33 yard field goal it's three to nothing Washington back here in Milwaukee where the Redskins leave the Packers three to nothing on chip lo Millers field goal key play was a Bryant 25-yard running he gained 49 yards and four carries off to a great start off to a great start especially that first play so limp low Miller won't be kicking off on the left and Brent pull wood and Keith Woodside on the right keep in mind the Packers miss Walter Stanley who not only was their best wide receiver but a great return managed [Music] what side of the wall [Music] it's a difficult situation for the Packers with the injuries to their special teams especially their kick returners they have their both their starting running backs Woodside and full wood back there returning kickoffs not the best situation for our special teams a Kowski who went to the University of Virginia said that he has a lot of friends who'll be watching this game in the DC area but he grew up in Buffalo New York he said I was a Bills fan on a fan growing up he's going to be tested today this is the best offensive line he is seen in his life and if he plays long enough it'll be go down as one of the best ever he hopes to play long enough that's for sure first and 10 on the 18 which side goes in motion makowsky gets a rush is overthrown intended for Woodside who claimed he was pushed by outlet walk but no Flags down [Music] Redskins feel very happy about the fact that Dexter Manley is back and playing well he's really the key to the past rush along with Charles Mann here you seem lined up on the left side something a little bit of a changeup something to give the Packers more to think about is if they don't have enough already this is the first time in essence that the Redskins have been able to start man buts grand and manly that played for one game can one play against the Redskins against the Pittsburgh before an injury but they're intact really for the first time second and 10 on the 18 breather nothing Washington [Music] [Applause] overthrows Woodside again he was covered downfield by Wilbur Marshall yes I missed undisclosed three passes and Dallas leading Philadelphia in the fourth quarter 23 to 17 one thing mikowski will see today is a lot of different types of coverages he's a young quarterback who does not have a lot of experience and when Richie Pettibone the defensive coach for the Redskins comes up against a quarterback like this he's going to test him not only physically but mentally and he says the best thing to do with a quarterback like that is put him on his body as often and as early as possible third down and ten for the as the rain comes down a bit harder now at County Stadium and the quarterback draw Bukowski jogging for the first down gets it gain of 18 he adds a lot of spark in the fans lovin a gain of 18 first town Green Bay coaching staff and the skins didn't fear a lot coming into today's game but they did fear Bukowski's running ability he's a type of quarterback like Oh Randall Cunningham or John Elway that can give you a lot of problems not what you can do in the pocket so much but what you do with your legs running the ball that was a fantastic run by Mackowski and you can see how the Packers have been a lot better under Mackowski as opposed to Randy Wright who is inactive for the third straight game with a groin injury first intent Packers on the 36 yard line I need team to go first for plenty of time a house key is looking for [Applause] sterile Green was [Music] take a look at the blocking on Dexter Manley here he is of course going to get a lot of attention today Heath huger does a super job of keeping him away but the Packers have got to make that catch this is the type of play that Lindy and funny is telling us about before the game the big play not always a touchdown but you've got to make a play to break the back of the skins defense to make them think hey listen these guys are good enough to beat us and he doesn't want to fall behind by ten or more points because the Redskins will then keep the ball on the ground all day second new tail [Music] which mr. May [Music] [Applause] people would side with downfield covered by the free safety table old guy ass Makowski yesterday when he gets out of the pocket he is on the run what is he looking to do is he looking to run for the first down or is he looking for a receiver and he said well it depends on the down and distance situation if its third and long or second long I'm gonna look to throw it but that time I felt that he could have probably packed it under his arm and taken off and got the 10 yards he saw a wood side deep but you've got so much adrenaline going your heart pumping so fast that's a very difficult road to try to complete he's yet to complete one day an old for five thus far and now faces in third and ten on the Packer 36 greening up in Hamilton and Hamel have come in as tackle for pass brushing Marcus book also there he is sketch that was Charles made they had a stun on the Redskins and Charles man picks up the second sack of the visa for the red suit that'll bring up fourth down Derek Shepherd Charles Mann has only got two sacks because of that injury to his hip but told us earlier in the year that his goal is to get as many or Morris as Reggie White well the injury sent him back aways but he's least he's back on track headed in the right direction there's Derek Shepherd [Music] and Don Franken getting sent to punt for the second time in this first quarter high kick not a far kick and a Bearcats call for and fielded at the 35 by Steve game for the Redskins who got three points the first time they had the ball have good field position the second time they have it will be back Milwaukee where the Packers played three of their games get a look at the wind looked at the left light tower and how it goes back and forth that's kind of scary but so they say it's a 17 mile an hour wind but up there it's got to be blowing about 20 or 30 but down on the field you don't see a lot of papers blowing around I believe that the grandstand to the left side of the field here really protects the playing surface here Redskins with a three to nothing lead and 836 to go [Music] first down and ten on their 35 going with two wide receivers to tied into Kelvin [Music] [Applause] mark so far this game brings it out to the 42 where Brian Milton makes the stop when the real matchups today will be Tim Harris number 97 going against number 66 there Joe Jacoby Harris is a big play man for the the Packers and the skins treat him and want to treat him today very much the same way that they treat Lawrence Taylor or Carl banks he is a dominant outside linebacker they've had a lot of tough ones that have come their way you know the last two games for the guy set them free at the 43 [Music] [Applause] see where they spot the doll jinx the tackler on Kelvin who in the early going here is effort to tame yards of carrot you see him on this sloppy field like this he reminds me a little bit of the other great running backs that the skins have had George Rogers and and John Reagan's at least recently and you've got to feel that this is a type of offensive joke gived wants to run today a very patient ground ball control type of offense especially with the fact that Doug Williams is coming back after being offered 440 told us that he wasn't so sure he was happy about the kind of pass offensive they've shown the big play they've made a lot of big plays is a little nervous about that how long did it last first down at the 46 [Music] Yards is having phenomenal first quarter 71 yards and seven carries already for Brian you talked about the big play of the Redskins well look how it affects the secondary they're thinking pass right now they're thinking play-action pass Ken stills is late coming up and Mark Murphy has to come up to make the tackle also so the safeties are thinking deep and the skins once they break that line of scrimmage Gelman tried to make it vidyard there in Pachter territory at the 43 with 625 to go into the first quarter Williams with his third pass of the afternoon finally and pump makes the catch at the 34 yard line Barclay on the stop so of the 11 plays thus far runoff by the Redskins eight of them have been on the ground and oh the three passes that was the most important for Doug Williams because it was a completion and now he's got the monkey off his back he's gonna start to get oil relaxed more comfortable in the office you noticed that mark Lee was limping slightly he was inactive last week because of a growing pull against the Vikings and Ron Pitts played there so the Packers who are second to the Vikings with 14 interceptions the NFL the bring out the sticks right now are pretty much banged up in the secondary and without a great pass rush that could spell trouble well it's amazing though to me that their defensive front has only made 12 sacks all year they've got six of those 12 sacks from their linebacker Tim Harris nobody on that defensive line has more than one but yet they've made so many turnovers they've gotten 14 interceptions and 10 fumble recoveries so that they're doing something right maybe they're doing it with mirrors and they've won two in a row but this is their toughest foe short of the first down second in one for the Redskins on the 34 tinnie spent the running back Smith will get the first down how do you stop dr. dirty Brian Noble and John Anderson on the tackle on the stop Green Bay Packers the last two games have played their best against the run this year in their last two games they have allowed 76 last week 67 yards already Calvin Bryan is smashed at home heading to war I got a field here sophistry Redskins with their fifth first out of the game wall on the ground on the 30 [Music] Williams has a lot of time and wide-open [Applause] they'll get nine yards on that reception Johnny Holland on the tackle is big you could have built a fire he was so wide opening all alone out well he showed us an inexperience with the his running ability after he made the catch what you want to do when you catch that hook pattern outside like that is turned back out to the outside to the sidelines because there ain't nothing no help coming to block for any more yardage all you got is a lot of green jerseys coming at you and the best place to go is outside Williams have kept the ball on the ground [Music] in the first quarter there's Brian nothing this time the Packers exalts as well they should they finally stopped Kelvin Bryant that was Robert Brown and Johnny Anderson that when the team's running the ball down your throat what you've got to do is you've got to bring your linebackers up and you got to blitz them you've got to fill every gap along that offensive line the packers did at that time and they were very successful [Music] that's what the Redskins have done go now it's kind of football on the ground at the 21-yard line wide receivers [Music] [Applause] Williams touchdown [Music] William break the needle and a touchdown pass to art bone and the Redskins lead at 9 to nothing and for both that is his for the touchdown reception of the year if there was ever any doubt about the condition of Doug Williams and his throwing motion or anything else to do with his health and with all the questions were answered on that throw he backed out of some trouble threw the ball off balance with a flick of the wrist found monk on the goal line bump stepped in for the 6/3 TD for Bunco looks like he's hurting a bit he's wincing on the sideline third touchdown reception into game two now chip globular will try to add the tenth point Antigua 409 to go where's our bunk being tempted to put a bonus but the Redskins are sitting pretty depended up should replay Rowley Mackenzie's going to get an outstanding block here on Robert Brown and Williams will sidestep and we'll see monk come into the picture right down the gut safeties are nowhere williams backing away throws it sidearm great touch right in the end zone great combination two quarterbacks the Redskins have rip it number one rated in the NFC and now Williams to depend up believe blow Miller kicks off into the end zone [Music] thought about running it out and then decided to take it back there and down at for a touchback we're at County Stadium is Milwaukee overcast and rainy afternoon with the lights turned on the Redskins with 10 points in the first quarter lead 10 to nothing that was a 65 yard drive capped by Williams 21 yard pass to Hart monk so already the Green Bay Packers with any hopes they have of an upset they better start getting it together and Lindy and Bonnie knows what it'd be like to fall way behind have to earn it today don't want to get behind the Redskins early Don Makowski the quarterback first down at the 20 there is full wood and he said immediately by diagram here very little about playing put rain and putz who the both of the work is stopped in opposing runners which is one of the reasons why the Redskins enjoy that success defensible bulk of the work is a good way to put it 275 pounds for granted of course who knows how much big day but sweat Redskins have gained 118 yards to 8 for the Green Bay Packers 13 they lost three yards on that play and it's second down 3:25 remaining in the first quarter Larry Mason number 34 [Music] in the backfield Woodside whose slowed up Kurt Gouveia slow demand money Coleman made the stop forbidding Woodside from getting a good game he brought brought it out to the 21 it'll be third in law against the defense and I think Bukowski is going to be seeing the Redskins defense in their nickel situation now no defense no team in the NFL will situation substitute better than the Washington Redskins they've probably invented it a few years back Richard Pettibone that's really his signature on his football team third down and nine at the 21-yard line Bukowski [Music] [Applause] that'll be a packer first I'll [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they called it on Dennis Woodberry number 46 I'm not sure they got the right spelling it looks like Darryl Greene to me on Phillip Epson Bukowski through a Canadian honker out there Epps had green beat and I'm surprised at the referee here you see he was about to waive it incomplete changed his mind at the last second threw the flag very obvious called up from here poor Dennis Woodbury it wasn't on the field at the time it was Darryl green all the way Canadian hunter huh I like that first down at the 48 Packers in their own territory hitting the ball Woodside and he gets into Renton territory barely at the 49 yard line good ad libbing by the rookie from Texas A&M Walton and Coleman on the stop and a pickup of about four Woodside is starting at running back he is a third-round choice out of Texas A&M and he led the Packers in rushing last week Kenneth Davis who normally starts in that position is on Indian reserve with a sprained ankle he was the second leading rusher but they like Woodside as a minute second and seven at the 49 [Music] Boulder boots outside as a receiver [Applause] race everybody and he does touchdown Packer a 49-yard play Heath footside and the Packers get back in the game this is the big play that Lindy says he has to have today to win this ballgame Mackowski does a nice job of sidestepping in the pocket keeping his wits about himself the man good burning Woodside fell down this is just great open field running ability now his website smells that endzone he's not going to be denied as he changes the ball and gets in so he would side with his first TD reception and Mackowski couldn't pick a better time to complete his first pass of the game now that Sunday Haas who spent nine games with the Redskins two years ago it births the extra point so a big 49-yard play puts the packers back in this game with a minute and a half presenters and that may be a first down for the Redskins looking scene John Anderson making the tackle and good pressure by Tim Harris who got to Williams as he let go of the ball gain of 11 nurse is going to give him a shot in the back just to say hi there another fine throw by Williams showing really the strength of that right arm here's Harris coming all the way around Jo Jacoby never gives up just fights his way through there and leaves his calling card Peris the NFC Defensive Player of the Week and is it body said winning brings recognition and that's what happened they have the first down by just a couple of inches Sam the Redskins with less than a minute to go in the first quarter at leading 10 to 7 have the ball at the 40 yard line call at the 41 in their own zone the game for Harris last week first NFL points with the safety of the Walkman [Music] go inside [Music] is upsetting the crying noble nobles faculty we've had a couple of skirmishes mild ones thus far well you know what that 49-yard touchdown did for the Packers it gave them the belief that hey work we're on the same field with these guys we can play the defending champs and now their defense is getting fired up they made a good hit on Williams there they stopped Bryant on this play just now so they're feeling better about themselves if we come to the end of the first quarter well the Redskins took attend nothing lead and look good for Washington and then the big plays brought the Packers back and that is the end of the first quarter 10 to 7 our score Bo Miller with a 33 yard field goal and then Doug Williams back in the lineup he missed four weeks with an appendectomy and Mark Ripon suffered a rib injury and Williams responded hit Park bump 21 yards for a touchdown it was 10 to nothing before the Packers came back on a pass Mackowski to Woodside 49 yards and that's where we are as the Redskins start the second quarter second down and [Music] Kelvin Brian James 74 yards average for a yards and re in that first war [Music] [Applause] the Packer territory as the first Tiger green makes the tackle and Kelvin Bryant with 15 more yards to his total and he's getting near 100 over Redskins go back to the very first play of the game this little delay to Bryant with the big guard pulling up through there Mackenzie you don't see many packs get into the second area like that like we're seeing here today Brian is having a fantastic day but the Hogs up front are really rooting them out the Kobe McKenzie plastic-made will say anything on the first down at the 42 [Music] [Applause] and he has stopped at the 35-yard line short of the first down by about three Noble and Murphy on the stop and the Philadelphia Eagles rallied from way behind to beat the Dallas Cowboys and a big grudge match at veteran's stadium 24 23 the Giants rallied with two scores in the last minute to beat Atlanta in their game so the Eagles are now 500 on the year and the Giants go to five and three second down and three at the first five two tight ends and Ricky Sanders out left for15 receipt here's Brian again [Applause] [Music] as a first down inside than 30 again Brian Nobel on the stop with help from Tim Harris this will be a hold against the Redskins their second holding penalty of the game Williams trying to give the referee a little lesson on how you call holding sorry Doug that's not going to work so the two guards Rowley Mackenzie at mark may each have been guilty of holding in this game tell him about it mark you know just grab them a little bit there's mark me right here check him out as he comes out the oh that's that's not holding that's it that's a takedown that's a grab around the atoms app but you squeeze real hard the guy falls down that's not all there that was just the right round was played three positions already a punt for the Redskins this year second and 13 Washington [Applause] [Music] flips it off to Brian he's got me blocking brian is down at the 36 yard line by John Anderson he has been a workhorse and wanted me to talk the thing about Brian is he has been kind of fragile up until this season he has carried the ball a good deal and now on the receiving end we should see a great deal of Timmy Smith if the game progresses as it is right now the skins want to run the ball they want to be patient with the ball on the ground I doubt that Kelvin Bryant could carry it 30 times or have a combined a day of 30 carries of 30 catches [Music] for the Redskins there on the Packer 35 here in the second quarter [Applause] [Music] [Applause] his ballin progress would be enough for first down at the 31 and a half Chuck Cecil and Johnny and Holland make the stop so first Williams got all he really needed are pump that tough well arts one of the best at finding that hole in that zone defense the Packers will play a lot of zone today interesting we talked with Doug Williams yesterday and he said that you know he knows that the Green Bay Packers are going to play a lot of zone but he would prefer that they come up and blitz him and give his receivers the one-on-one opportunities the opportunities for the big plays down the field first time today Timmy Smith is in on first down as Bryant gets a breather on the 31 of the Packer Smith picks up a couple Almanzo character John Anderson their character is not a hundred percent these Hannity in Torino hear much about that front three character Twitter and brown Boyarsky top nature preserve you don't hear anything about the front line the back well one way you get recognition this true sax character does not have a sack get this year blaze winner has one sack at the nose tackle then you write at Robert wrap this it has only been credited with a half a sec so to get a name in the NFL you got to knock that quarterback down Jim Harris learned that second minute at the 29 Williams gets rushed at his past / McEwen is incomplete Bart barfi put the hit on on the safety blitz that time so that'll bring up a third down and eight thank you an intended receiver I guess that's how the Packers have gotten so many interceptions they they have been able to get pressure on the quarterback and because they sit back in their zone defenses so much sometimes the quarterback will throw on high and they'll get picked off there's the extra back in the secondary Tiger green coming in along with Shawn Patterson where they go with a Nickelback now and reinforcements in linebacker Shawn Patterson doesn't have a sax either dick Bryan in there on third down and eight for the Redskins [Applause] Williams tip incomplete pass was intended for Kelvin Bryant and it was stopped Stephen who just entered the game in that nickel package you got a hand on the ball and it'll be fourth down this is a big play because it sets up a very long field goal try for Lowe Miller there you see Stephens just getting his left hand up to knock the ball down this is going to be about a 46 yarder and he's also on a part of the field that has recited it's a very difficult warm to plant here 46 yards it is and that has been the distance of his longest field goal [Music] the kick no good it's off to the right the look on the face of Joe Gibbs as a drive goes for naught and the Packers will take over when we return to County Stadium while these numbers as we look at our game summary could spell bad news for the Packers with Bryan already with 89 yards and a great advantage in total offense for the Redskins but the score is only 10 to 7 in favor of Washington 10 38 to go in the second quarter Lindy and Pawnee said he needed the big play today and that's kept him in the game he's got two big plays on one drive the pass interference call against Joe green and then the long touchdown pass to Keith Woodside that's what he needed that's what he got he's in a ball game now Hobie warmed the doughnuts that he brought to his team on this rainy chilly day first down at the 29 for the Packers [Music] would side and Alvin Walt and Wilbur Marcille combined to make to stop at the Dalton omni's you top tackle have prevented Woodside from getting more picked up a yard it'll be second down and nine really outstanding pursuit by the Redskins that time it looked like Woodside had a little bit of room but Walton comes up makes the play probably the best tackling strong safety in NFL right now leads the skins as you can see with tackles playing with some bad ribs as it is ten minutes remain in the first half of a ten to seven game second and nine [Music] mikowski wide open is West penalty marker down and it as a first down but appears to be a penalty against the Packers and they'll nullify a 22-yard pass play that would have brought the Packers into territory Redskins have been hit with two holding calls earlier you showed how Keith euchre kept manly out and you're not going to do that all day done I think he was working against Charles Mann this time and man that's already tasted his first bit of quarterback blood with a sack early in the first quarter here is euchre on the right side he's going to be holding it against Charles Mann let's see his technique for holding it now they call that the armbar now you're supposed to let it go but the problem is is the referee is standing right there you can if the defensive end comes into the offensive tackle rips up it's alright to put that arm bar out there but once he reaches a certain point you got to bring it back Richey paddleball the defensive coordinator defensive head coach really for the Redskins second down 19 Bukowski quick release and through the hands of Woodside incomplete that was the first penalty by the way on the part of Green Bay now you see Marcus cook coming in up front Kevin Williams comes in for extra defensive backs Clarence Vaughn had replaced Neil Ultimates on second and passing down would speed in the secondary and there's Marcus cook in there who has started virtually up every game in one defensive and position or the other third and 19 Mycoskie one four seven the spawn hardly magic that's his nickname [Music] under pressure Mackowski has Fairy temp another penalty marker down and temp is down at the 39 but I think the Packers were holding again Wilber Marshall made the stop on Kemper and they're going to bring that one back to well this is an interesting situation though they could if they refused the penalty will bring up fourth down in about one but if they take the penalty and now it'll bring up about a 14 and about 25 or 20 they're going to take the penalty and push them back hope to create a situation where they may get ten rutger is the left tackle they might they want this type of situation now where they can turn those guys loose up front and maybe sacked Bukowski for a safety [Applause] these guys can really bring it and it's very easy to call holding one you can see it as clearly as that it says euchre just reached out with his right hand or rector's rather reached out with his right hand and keep Manley off the quarterback but you can also see in that situation where that sequence Macau skis mobility in that pocket sooner or later he's going to make a big play well the week ago Raymond Caldwell stormed in and mail Lomax for a safety pukowski has a bit of breathing room he's on his 10-yard line but third and 29 looks like the Redskins are coming and the handoff and I could call the wood side as he beat the pursuit it brought it out to the 18 yard line and we'll give Bracken breathing room Walton made to stop and a good call there at fourth down comes up oh they have so much difficulty protecting the password so far in the game that that is a good call because they picked up enough yards to give the fun or a little bit of a better position to come from the other thing on the field is there at the end zones are extremely wet the tarp was trained into both men zones so this gives Bracken at least the running position where he's not standing in a pool of water he's inside his five and Derek Shepherd is back for the Redskins crime to give the Redskins good field position [Music] we'll bounce in Packer territory and we'll die there as it is down let's see they spotted at the 49 of Green Bay by chlamydia the kick won only 31 yards and the Redskins will have the ball in great position teen 81 it happened a Linda Infante this season Lindy's Packers have won two and Joe Gibbs knows that once the club starts to believe in itself they can be tough to stop witness the Redskins now the Packers may not have the same talent as the Ritz envelope back then they weren't as good as they are now but Lindy may be on his way while the Packer players really believe in Lynne diamante [Music] he backed them when they were losing and that stays with them first and ten Redskins on the Green Bay 49 [Music] it's up five yards dry at noble on the stop Brian Davis has a strained quad and he is questionable Davis of course playing in place of the injured Barry Wilbur so the Redskins will be going deeper into the bench and Dennis Woodbury will be the cornerback in that spot this type of sloppy field there may be more full muscles today the footing is absolutely atrocious even though they had the field covered with a tarp earlier second down five Redskins on the 44 [Music] once again Blaise winner it was a good play by winner lost on the play of about a yard will bring up third down in any event Brian has gone over a hundred total yards for the third straight game Kelvin had 200 yards rushing and receiving against Dallas 141 against Phoenix and he's gone over a hundred here although winter got off that last play [Music] third down and six with just under seven minutes to go in the first half Redskins on the Packer 45 [Music] [Music] the tight end position off his hand John Anderson was covering on the play and that will bring up fourth down good defensive sequence for the Packers a tough field with his three and out is what you want as a defensive football team the Packers have been given up a huge amount of yards all day today they gave up a lot of yards on the very first carry to Bryant they stuffed him on the second and then they make the make enough pressure on Doug Williams on third down and now they got a punting situation outstanding job by the Packers that sequence there's rookie sterling SAR from South Carolina he was the number one pick for the Packers in Greg Coleman the former Viking kicker picking for the Redskins [Music] Bearcats called for by sharp at the 15-yard line they'll probably mark it at the 14 of Punda 31 yards for Greg Coleman who told the Redskins that coming into County Stadium was like playing an RMP that of the fans especially in the closed end really get into the game it can be tough they very loud stadium and these Packer fans haven't had a whole lot to cheer about last few years win a couple of games in a row of a big sellout crowd like this they can't be a factor but the field is really going to become a factor in this sequence a place because now they're right operating at about the shortstop position and that is a resided area whose only resided two weeks ago [Music] [Applause] so it's not in great shape and you can almost see where the infielders first down at the 14 pukowski which side in Woodside Paris 23 Wilber Marcin making the stop for the Redskins one thing all the coaches talked about when you asked him about Keith Woodside they say well he's made for this offense well what does that mean well he's the type of guy that in Lindy needs to be a wide receiver and also be a ball carrier you saw him that time where he against Darrell Green and picked up a nice game [Music] second and two at the 22 Larry Mason in the backfield with Woodside you go to Woodside [Applause] [Music] Todd Bowles the free safety on the stop and the Packers were successful the last two weeks they did it mostly with plays on the ground and trailing ten seven and settling down now into the second quarter Lindy and bonny would like nothing more than to establish that kind of the game and he's doing it in the handicap situation Fullwood is a little dinged up with an ankle and of course Kenneth Davis is out would sides really gonna have to carry the load [Music] Larry bison is the long back and Mackowski apparently calling inaudible look alive sharp held onto it after 29 gain of only three Denis would ferry was right there to make sure he didn't get up I don't know if I didn't see a penalty marker thrown [Applause] Dexter Manley is right in the middle of that conference with the officials I still don't see if like that's the Phantom flag down there somewhere [Music] well it was badly but I still don't know where they drop the yellow market now we can see them lined up but from this angle it's hard to tell we'll just take the refs word for it the Packers get a gift there and that'll be a first down for the Packers first and five at the 31 [Music] Epson sharp for the wide receivers there was definitely that time as charles van stops woodside gave hugs my to jump on that occasion and the Patras may pick up a first down just on a virtue of a couple of penalties this is the one thing that Mackowski did very well last week [Applause] against the Vikings last week the Mackowski used his cadence really to his advantage by drawing the defensive line off off sighs he won't see butts go offsides very often he's lined up close to that ball and he could he'll be the first to tell you that that's a terrible mistake he can see the ball movement and that's when he should move shouldn't be paying any attention to the quarterbacks cadence so four and a half minutes remain in the first half Packers with a first down on their 36 trailing the Redskins 10 to 7 here's Larry Mason with his first carry [Applause] the first down rides Walton out of bounds close to midfield the gate is 13 for Mason picking up the slack with nameless out of action in full would not a hundred percent today good job by the offensive line as they get the corner right now Manley is pinned inside and Mason just uses his speed to elude them to the outside now Mason's going to reach into his book of moves and put them all if he gets the first down seem like it would take him forever to get to that not about book has only nine pages first down at the Packer 49 [Applause] Mackowski gone up top the Woodside and again the overthrows Woodside incomplete Wilbur Marshall downfield covering and add that pass but on the mark which side would have been long gone he got a young quarterback by the name of mikowski just signed a big fat new contract the other day he's pumped up he's playing against the world champs and all that is is just being a little bit too fired up a little bit too much adrenaline I'll tell you one thing though despite the incompletion ban and human industry I'm sure his confidence level is rising as the team stays close he made the good read that he saw that Woodside was I should be isolated against Marshall that's where he wants to go with the ball a little bit shorter we had six points second and ten at the 29 bar so the charge on Mackowski in the past of Woodside is incomplete so despite the fact that wood side doesn't have pretty numbers he's 2 for 10 57 yards although he does have a touchdown pass the Packers are very much in this trailing 10 to 7 Marshall showed us why he's such a great linebacker he can drop back and cover running backs out of the backfield but he would prefer to put pressure on that quarterback that time he pours McCaskey to throw the ball sooner than he wanted to and therefore he was off the mark third down and 10 was the one man that Richie Penniman was worried about was Phil Yvette's the wide receiver they've gone to him once and he's interfered with by Daryl green and shadows [Music] the Kowski will run and will slide on the grass and bowls is there any way and will be stopped at the 45 yard line and that will bring up fourth down so the defense holds and Don Bracken will come in to kick really got a question that call third and 10 on the quarterback draw not many quarterbacks are gonna find 10 yards for you especially after you've run the play earlier in the game the skins were burned by Bukowski's long run earlier and now they're not going to be fooled twice Bracken will kick he saw Derek Shepherd go back for the they want to kick it away from Shepard but Shepard has it at the 8th the official fell down Shepard didn't and he is Brooke run down in shelf at the 21 yard line by Ron Pitts officials of the Redskins who scored the first 10 points leave by 3 we'll have it when we come back to Milwaukee so in the first half Doug Williams as Gary Clark Clark is hit immediately by David Brown and Tim Harris also in on the play next Sunday CBS Sports kicks off the second half of the NFL season with doubleheader action game 1 peaches in inter conference matchup between the Chicago Bears the New England Patriots see Phoenix against Dallas Rams against New Orleans to the big NFC West battle these Packers go against Buffalo second game of the doubleheader Minnesota against San Francisco it all begins with the NFL today next Sunday on CBS 43 stern 2nd down free again Williams again Clark and he held on for the first down at the 35 so far catches two passes in a row on identical calls and the Redskins keep it going with three minutes to go part of the patience of the Redskins attack today is to just take the short things Packers will play a very soft zone Dave Brown has been around for about 14 years has a whole bunch of interceptions but he's not the type of guy that's gonna play man-to-man he's gonna sit back in that zone read the quarterback and break on the ball realistically the Redskins didn't expect that many big plays against the Packers own today like they've been getting first down on the Washington 35 Williams whoo sky for that one but couldn't hold on to it he was he was open when we talked earlier about the ad lift situation at the quarterback will face well Williams is looking to his left now wants to throw the screen and now he has to come to his secondary receiver and that just the lack of practice that's a lack of playing time throwing the ball just a little bit behind but this is something that Williams's has has to overcome and the only way to overcome it despite just playing the game there's the quarterback to Harrison Williams with a big edge that the scoreboard shows the Redskins with only a three point lead second down of Washington Williams overthrew everybody and Mark Lee tried to die for the interception that wasn't near anyone and that'll bring up third down well Doug saw the zone and he wanted his receiver to sit out a little bit wider and I think he threw the ball away seeing that the receiver had come in too far on his curl pattern and wasn't open why the Packers picked up so many balls this year because people are trying to challenge that zone well yeah I mean the one thing you get impatient sometimes on offense you think that hey listen we haven't thrown the ball deep for a while we got to get the ball down the field but they're not going to give it to you you're going to have to be patient against them take what they give you the you know it's the old zone defense concept the Redskins are patient and they have been today third and ten [Applause] [Music] drills it come on [Applause] Marc Murphy Marc Lee defending on the play as well and that was as good a combination coverage as you'll see well this is why you can't throw deep against zones here Utley is underneath short murphy comes over to help out Lee gets that right hand on the ball very difficult to throw up all this far down the field against anybody zone defense and especially against a team that's as good at playing zone as the Packers are it was Lee who tipped the ball Aarthi made the hit in any event it's fourth down and Greg Coleman will be kicking Sterling Sharpe goes back for the Packers with 220 remaining in the hand and again it's three and out for the Packers there for the skins and factors gonna get the ball with their best field position [Applause] sharp and the would be wide recievers gives the packers exactly that good field position at the 43 yard line following the 36 yard kick Coleman got hit but no flag was thrown Shawn red cash and just told the crowd that he got blocked in he was blocked the man right there Tim Harrison's blocked into him look like Harris was also trying to avoid the hit smart play by Harris could have gone either way though maybe Terry or plucked Parrish into him so with 210 to go in the Packers as well as the Redskins have all three of their timeouts remaining we'll try to get at least a tie here before intermission they got the wind at their backs they need about 35 yards to be a field goal position towards advance their best starting spot and they opened with four wide receivers on first down at the 43 [Music] but Kowski completes the pass to fill events just short of a first down Oh - it's on this fashion and now we'll have our two-minute warning so this should be a pleasant conversation with Lindy and Fadi second in short it is a light rain here in Milwaukee it's our two-minute warning with the Redskins leading the Packers 10 to 7 we want to remind you that next Saturday on CBS Sports Joe Paterno's Penn State Nittany Lions make the short run down to Morgantown to face the West Virginia Mountaineers 6th ranked West Virginia is unbeaten at 7 and oh and Saturday cooks for the Mountaineers on to their first ever perfect season in a possible major bowl bid it's Penn State and West Virginia next Saturday at 2:30 Eastern on cbs4 [Music] [Applause] second down and two with two minutes to go in the first half for the Packers on the 49 again four wideouts and Mason is stopped at midfield at lost the yard that will bring absurd and three for the Packers is Wilbur Marshall at Alvin Walt just close the hole now the packers call a timeout there well the thinking behind the running play there is to get the first down and now move to change down the field but what happens here I would rather throw the ball in that situation the only you know a short pass to pick up that first half plus if it's incomplete you're still sitting in third and short and you haven't used a timeout the packers now have used two timeouts they want to save that last timeout for a possible field goal tried so they've only used actually just one timeout the two-minute warning was it the other stoppage of the clock but you're right they get third down and now we're third down and you know three yards to go they may not be able to run the ball want to remind you coming up at halftime Grint herb and Dick Butkus with all the scores and highlights there's the timeout story the Packers have two left than Washington three and Lesley Visser visited with Walter Payton this week and found even without football he's still a man in motion that's coming up at half-time third and two the Packers I've converted only one of five third down conversions thus far it looked awfully good for them when they started this drive at stalled and it's a long tube Bukowski getting pressure that'll bring up fourth down Dexter Manley put a great rush on Mackowski Sterling Sharpe was the intended receiver Dennis Woodbury covering so now the Redskins with 148 they have all three of their timeouts remaining as they get the ball back Bracken will kick it you got to feel it the Redskins dodged a bullet there the short punt the good field position by the Packers they were only able to move the ball seven yards when it looked like they had momentum going for themselves and we're going to be able to get down at least into field goal position Krakens punt to be very important for it right here if he can pin the Redskins in Shepard at the nine marker down and Shepherd is brought down with a hard tackle at the 31-yard line but there's a flag down at around the 10 mark Murphy made the stop Brett Caston will explain the flag and it's what you might expect illegal block against Washington that was a good punt by Bracken and a excellent return by Shepherd [Music] Kurt Gouveia spoiled a decent run back by Shepard so with half the distance marked out there it is number 54 on the left side of the screen here is going to push this man right in the back and that allows Shepard the whole John Dorsey is the guy that got punched in the back there Kurt Gouveia the guilty party so now the Redskins will start from there seven yard line and you can see the Packer players on the defense trying to get this crowd involved Doug Williams difficult I'm calling the cadence the Redskins got away from their rushing game they rushed it 11 times in the first quarter only four runs in the second as they went to the air ball let's see what happens they have really hit a flat spot with their offense Kelvin Bryant chased by Murphy and run out about [Applause] pickup of about three yards that time [Music] with 131 to go you wonder the the wisdom of Brian going out of bounds if he had a choice but that's it I don't think he had the choice but what it does it really does favor the Packers the Redskins buy that golf kind of told me that they don't really want to throw the ball they don't want to chance the intercepts in this part of the field they're looking to run the clock out especially since Williams does not appeared sharp passing wise the last couple of series second and 7 on the 10 we'll put it up here in the short pass and hit hard out of the backfield is Brian Brian Noble making the stop and that was a hard hit on Kelvin and now the Packers sensing an opportunity to get the ball back have called their second timeout they have one left and the Redskins and Doug Williams will be facing a third and three and look how far Doug Williams has to go right now to speak with his coaches this ball park here at County Stadium is the only stadium in the NFL that has the benches on both sides of the field and will draw it up for you the Packers are way the Packers and Redskins are will hey down here Williams is talking to his coaches right here he's got you know there's a whole bunch of steps he's got to take there here's Doug Williams right here coming back to the to the huddle and that's about a 50-yard little jog for him I know his condition is fine that this is no big deal but the one thing he doesn't want to have to do it too many more times and and that could be a problem with teams when the clock is going when that 40-second clock is moving and you're sending in plays as Lindy and Bonnie does with the Packers all the way across the field 1:23 remaining in the first half it'll be third down and three Trenor band dick butkus with scores and highlights look at Walter Payton the retired Walter Payton coming up all on the 14 of washing Williams has time as the ball bounced off of month the Packers defense all over him and that will bring up fourth down with 117 on the clock Tim Harris has got to be terribly disappointed himself he'll never get a better opportunity to intercept the pass in this one here you see mark art monk trying to make a move there the ball is well thrown he just takes his eyes off it the ball pops up Harris is right there but I got to believe that maybe art monk must have reached in and grabbed his hand to prevent the interception and Harris had helped from Bryan Noble who was right around LA so Williams completing only one of his last five the Patras and Sterling Sharpe back and home from inside his 5-yard line [Music] Bay has one timeout left we got a delay again fall [Applause] and the question would be why and how well this is just a mix up calling the signals is a personal protector he's got to be able to see where that 45 second clock is you cannot allow this to happen on 4th down deep in your own field Joe Gibbs 1 in a 5 and 3 record after the second loss to the Giants he got two of those wins needs a win over the Packers to reach five and three and would tie the Giants for the lead in the division Phoenix is playing in the game underway now Coleman will pick from the end zone sharp trying to give the Packers a good starting point Coleman and the penalty marker down and they this call may go against Green Bay and Coleman is limping now eros Tiger cream and that is one of the don't penalties are good one of the worst time penalties I've seen in years well there was a miserable punt by Coleman too but Green comes from the left side there there's no doubt about that he roughed them and that's why some teams are - in behind when other teams are winning team you know thank you on the penalty on the play before Green came in free and was in tremendous position to block the punt he'd probably felt they listen I'm gonna get the next one and he was just a little bit overzealous question is now is it alive yard penalty or is it a 15-yard penalty if it's a five-yard penalty it's not an automatic first down the skins will still have to find but still it was an unfortunate penalty because if you're coming in like Tiger green you don't know whether it's going to be running in or roughing well you got to wonder why they refused the penalty maybe it's because Coleman's ankle is sore from from getting roughed like that he came up gripping and now I see Coleman's out there arguing with the referee that they they don't want to reduce it they want to fund it again [Music] or maybe he's argue hey listen pal that was really a 15-yard penalty instead of a five-yard and if that had been the case it would have been an obvious first down well the Packers have the first down with 108 to go that was a 34 yard punt helped by the roll and the Packers and I still don't understand why the skins didn't accept the penalty to bring up fourth down and then pick it again this is great field position for the pack they're on the 44 wide receivers Mason the running back Kapowski going t frets and the pass is incomplete no interception is Darryl Greene caught the ball but he was out of bounds when he made the catch on it was a great catch too looked a lot like art monk last week for the when he caught that great touchdown pass but look at that full extension okay that's that's an interception he was in bounds when he came down the only thing I can figure is that the ball must have touched the out-of-bounds line of course the referee standing right there had a great view of it [Music] take one more look at it Bukowski going deep to Epps and Breen is there yeah oh that's off the post he must have come right down on the out of bounds line now we may be taking another look at it they're going to review it upstairs Rover clemmer is the replay official today Joe Sullivan the communicator so you may have a point well one thing they're going to do up here is with their tape machines they'll slow this picture down frame by frame and see exactly what hits first if it's the ball on the line then it's an incompletion but if they think that maybe his knees come down first then it's an interception there's one knee there's I got to believe that's an interception it would appear that way and we'll wait for the replay and keep in mind the key thing here is it conclusive to reverse the call [Music] it was inconclusive so I just like to see great catches you know I don't care if it's a conclusive or not I thought that was a great catch and but that the ruling is that the ball was out of bounds office did you like to see great catches by the defensive backs with you beautiful I bend up second and ten in the 44 it doesn't matter anymore all octoroo thena line up for the first time Bukowski passes incomplete was Patrick Scott Patrick stop Burrell Toller was right there and he did not have possession so Scott is upset here's the play again oh that's the ruling and we're gonna get another look at it there's possession there's his feet are inbounds look to the guy like I'm gonna be home for two here today I think that's the catch I don't know if he did the one thing this replay won't show you is if he did have the ball or whether he was still juggling going out of it well especially in slow motion because you can't see the actual jostling of the ball in the receivers hands Lindy and Fani is beside himself beside us coaching staff as well I've had it so he'll be third and 10 at the 44 of Washington with 56 seconds remaining 10:00 to 7:00 in the low snap that time a cow ski in trouble [Applause] he throws it away and intentional grounding will be the call and a is shaken up see if that's manly no yes Dexter Manley slow getting up [Applause] that was lost sit down I don't think that pass was aimed at throwing to a receiver I don't if he completes this then I believe that his nickname is really mad who's he kidding anyway it really hurts though in this situation this isn't a ten yard or a five yard or a 15 yard penalty the penalty is marked at the point of the foul so now this becomes almost a 25 yard penalty and a loss about loss of 19 yards so Don practice will kick it for the sixth time today and Derek Shepherd going back for the Redskins 48 seconds to go in the first half this has been a heck of a two-minute drill yeah weird two-minute drill penalty marker down naturally Tumbo another flag down he must've and the Packers recovered but now let's see what the flags are all about Derek Shepherd buffed the ball not a fumble since he never had possession and Chuck Cecil recovered it now the penalty there were two flags for all one might have been an offside or an ineligible receiver he'll sort it out I don't have to sort it out I've been over to the last couple you'll get back into it or I don't really care about the referees right now they're they're in complete control and I know that what one situation here is we may have offsetting palpable [Music] Joe Gibbs anxious this could be a big call coming up here before the Packers recovered we're not going to worry about the signals although Bukowski's coming on so I think Green Bay will have it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Chuck Cecil recovered here it is boy he just took his eyes off it at the last second and the Packers were right on it there's that ball Hawker Chuck Cecil he got up too and was thinking about getting in that end zone big mistake there for Derek Shepherd it's just a case of a guy trying very very hard but you got to concentrate make that catch first before you try to run with the ball that's the first turnover of the game and that's a pretty good number considering the bad weather we've had with the light rain with the win turf being wet there's the time remaining first down Packers on the Reds get 19 [Applause] [Music] Green Bay has one timeout left Bukowski as sharp sharp was down at the 16th picked up three yards Alban Walden on the stop the clock continues to run less than a half a minute [Applause] they're already in field goal range for max and de Haas we could be an India possibility in field goal attempt Bukowski overthrows basin that might have been tough with Woodbury coming up that might have been a nightmare situation but it's incomplete third and seventh for the Mac now mikowski is really struggling right now he's showing his inexperience going up against an outstanding defense like the Redskins it's very important for him at this point of the game not to throw an interception like you said they are in field goal position and fonti wants timeout he'll get it and that is the third timeout fall by the packages they are out of timeouts with 14 seconds to go with third and seven so this is important down and Linde didn't want to take any more time well that's the main thing he wants to be sure of this call maybe he wants to go for the field goal right now I see send a house coming out Infante is really not that confident at this point in macao skis ability to complete this pass for a first down interesting story with max in dejas he spent nine games with the Redskins two years ago he missed two field goals and a point after in a tough loss to Denver and a lot of the players weren't exactly on his side at the time fit well the one thing it's not easy being a field goal kicker because you're really not a football player you are the specialist that's all you do is kick field goals and sometimes the guys that are in there getting muddy and bloody out there on the field resent the fact that they may come down to a guy that is a non-contact type of player and if he doesn't make good on his try then they're going to resent it of course they said that they accused him of fallen asleep in the locker room and a lot of things in max in dejas said I want to kick the winning field goal against them he's got a chance to tie it with a 34 yard attempt here bracken holding and the kick is up it's good so a measure of revenge at least right now for Max and a Hans his 34 yard field goal has tied the game 1010 with 10 seconds remaining in the first half in a game in which the Redskins led ten to nothing early in the first quarter you know Infante would have been second-guessed if this field goal is missed going forward on third down and not fourth down he's got to be the second happiest man out on the field second behind Zende Hass well they're doing it with mirrors and maybe some pretty strong defense you can't take anything away from what Green Bay has done to thwart Washington's attack the last three times they've had the ball and it's really hard to imagine that that they could stop them especially with the way that Bryant has been cracking that off that line of scrimmage of getting into the secondary he's had an outstanding first half but the last two possessions for the Redskins they've gone absolutely nowhere that in fact they've gone away from the run they've been stuffed on first and second down and been forced to throw throw the ball and the Packers secondary isn't that bad I mean they have 14 pass interceptions this year they're showing that they can play his own defense sailing but they uh cycle wanted to get zone obviously and separate on the goal line is stopped with four seconds on the clock so the Redskins have time for one more play Ron Pitts made the stop you really feel that momentum is swung all the way over to the Packer side of the field this is this was Gibbs worst nightmare coming into this game is giving the Packers of feeling that they can play with the skins and beat them right now that you've got to feel awful good if you're a Packer fan you've shown that for at least 30 minutes of the game you could play the world champs even for seconds to go the Redskins have gained only 25 yards on their last four possessions and they're not going to take any chances they'll go into the dressing room with a tie so the Packer crowd in the game they've come from 10 nothing down to tie it up and the Redskins have a tough 30 minutes ahead of them that's the end of the first half with the score the Redskins 10 in the Packers 10 while he's trying to force the ball in areas where you just can't do it against the Packers own d-10 de Haas with a short kick and those pass keep ripping and Derek Shepherd inside the 5 doesn't get to the 15th [Music] [Applause] Tyger Queen on the stop [Music] shows you how the Redskins were effective particularly on the ground early and in the last four possessions they haven't gained anything the one thing it tells me is that the Packers they were getting ripped up front we talked about nobody knows who their front three are or their linebackers and they've only got one big play player but it shows me that the backers say we're NFL ball players too you may be the champs but you got to be this year today of a walk three wide receivers and Kelvin Bryant on the 13 yard line first down [Music] [Applause] for free arts Robert Brown making the stop very important for the skins to get out and get a first down to get back into the rhythm of their their offense the way they started the game of course they started and fantastically they can't expect that type of result but it's very important that they get at least a first down get into better field position Brian's first 100-yard effort was against the Cowboys 118 he's reached the century mark again second nine and seven of the sixteenth let's see whether Tim Lachey drew the Packers offsides and apparently he did [Music] this is very easy call to make watch Jim Lachey he'll just lose his balance in his stance fall forward and that's enough to draw the offsides penalty so we'll place the ball back on the 11 yard line second down and 12 that was the eighth penalty of the game for the Red Steel that's really uncharacteristic for the skids to have eight penalties at this point it again [Applause] [Music] what is inside is five has Don Warren dropped by Johnny Holland a fumble loose ball and the Packers they ever covered inside the 10 the Packers recover as Don Warren fumbles it Brian Noble made the recovery after Johnny Holland made the hit well they doing it with mirrors or with hard hits Johnny Holland just rips Donnie Warren as he comes across the middle causing this fumble and then they're very opportunistic they got their heads up they see where that ball is and they're going to get after it this is like at the county fair the greased pig contest I like the Canadian honker better but this is the second second-place thing and an injured player Don Warren is shaken up he's one of the most important man in the entire offensive scheme for the Redskins they can't afford to lose him [Applause] difference that I've seen so far this year with the Redskins is the turnover ratio they are now at minus five on the on the season and here it is the midpoint first and goal at the eight for the Packers their last three possessions have started in Washington territory makovski incomplete head west pass was just too low and that'll bring up second down and mikowski looks like he felt the Redskins dirty well Richie Pettibone said he wanted knock the young quarterback down as often as possible and what the more times you're knocked down as a quarterback it really affects your touch on the ball that time he had head west wide open across the middle and he tried to guide the ball into West instead of just firing the ball Ezra tee Pettibone who knows what to do with young quarterbacks Marcus cook was the guy who stormed in it will be second down and goal on the eight yard line act is trying to take advantage of a big turnover opportunity early here in the third quarter and the house key doesn't like what he sees and we'll call a timeout [Music] and he'll have a chat with Keith Woodside some type of mix-up as far as where Bukowski wanted Woodside to line up at the last minute what said realize hey I'm supposed to be outside he went in motion and smart play by Mackowski he's got good field position now he doesn't want to have anything go wrong to maybe create a turnover or a loss that would take them out of the field goal position the Redskins are using Marcus cook instead of Dexter Manley at right defensive end there you're looking at Green Bay's first half possessions they kick most of the time but that field goal by Zende Hass a 34 yard earned them a tie they apong in and their field position wasn't that good until the end their last three possessions accident in the first half you know the MVP of this ballgame for the Packers if the pack wins we'll get the use of a Cadillac for a whole year right now I'd have to give it to a don bracket at the bunner at least he's playing more than anybody second and goal on the eighth it's not a good sign when you're punished MVP [Music] [Applause] sharp goes emotion Fullwood is the lone running back Bukowski fires touchdown his second score of the game [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it all started with the fumble recovery now this all of magic and this is really a little bit of Voodoo here how does he get out of this trap in the backfield great ability to escape and a fine throat drilling it in the end zone to Woodside send a Haas on the kick the point after bracket holding kick is good and the Packers lead for the first time today 17 to 10 at one time they trailed tendon up first time the Packers have taken the lead against the Redskins 17 to 10 and they have taken advantage of two turnovers a muff pump and a fumble by Don whare they got their last 10 points as a result of that and at 17 two tendons and a house the Derek Shepherd [Music] has trouble with it and Keith Griffin looking for room finally steps his way out to the 23 yard line let's take a look at that touchdown again this is Sterling Sharpe going in motion and here's Woodside outside here he's going to get a pick from Phillip Epps and then he's going to run his route find his way through traffic and then make the catch but cows keep eyes a little bit of time rolls out to the right and this is just a beautiful throw six points for the pack and for Woodside his second touchdown reception of the game just a rookie at a Texas A&M but Lindy Infante's behind the fullback first and ten on the 23 [Applause] [Music] two tight ends with Ricky Sanders and now most goes in motion at bump the past was behind it David Brown coverage start to feel a little frustration now starting to build on the Redskins side of the ball Williams has been off the mark a little bit three or four passes now that he hasn't thrown like we're used to seeing him complete and the said no that the Packers are feeling awful good about themselves and they're in front up afternoon the rest of the day Don Warren has a mild concussion the word is he may not be second down and ten at the 23 [Music] [Applause] Oh and a pass bought by Kelvin Bryant Noble makes the stop [Music] and its first down yardage for the Redskins this is what's happened to the Redskins today couple of holding penalties hurt them early they've had several drop passes low Miller missed the field goal from 46 yards out after giving the skin to three nothing lead and post damaging the to turnover first down for Washington on the 34 with 12:40 remaining in the third dick Stockton's and Dan Fouts here at County Stadium [Music] protecting me thirty Seconds profit [Music] veteran referee rape passion see that 30-second clock is all part of the home-field advantage [Music] [Applause] yellow sweaters working I guarantee [Music] Williams Gary Clark another first down for the Redskins just over mid field in the Packer territory and that's the 16-yard pickup to Gary Clark this was close to going for a lot more yardage because mark Lee slips down on this ball and Gary Clark slipped by and almost got down the field there goes lay down just gets up in time to push Clark out of bounds where that would have been disastrous Sanders came in as the leading receiver on the year for the residence but he hasn't watched his one pass today Redskins have been successful in moving the ball around to a lot of receivers they have a first down on the Packer 49 [Applause] Nahum lost the yard Alfonso character plug the hole and that'll bring up second down with Don Warren on the sidelines Joe caravello has replaced have been tight in and in that position the Redskins have only to their today because Anthony Jones was one of the two inactive players and caravello is the blocking tight end very much like Donnie Warren is the skins uses a number of tight ends bring queuing and Terry or are the downfield typing Titans second down 11 if it feel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Gary Clark to find first down yardage they have it just inside the 40 Brian noble on the stop that may be very close to the first town Cleveland is leading Phoenix 17 to 14 remember the Cardinals Giants and Redskins were all locked in the first place tie ash NFC East coming Mitchell game the Giants rallied to beat Atlanta this is really the great thing about having a veteran quarterback out there Doug Williams he can sense the feeling directed that's going on out there he knows that his team is struggling a little bit the real thing though that he's doing now is he's getting his rhythm he's taking what the Packers give him the short passes on the perimeter he went to his money man Kelvin Bryant over the middle on first down earlier he's doing the things you have to do to get the rhythm going back for your offense and one thing is evident Dan just what ed Simmons that Simmons is in a tight end now at the short yardage situation that's because the Redskins had only two in that position with Jones out [Applause] to say they don't have the big play today because rely on the shortstop then here is Timmy Smith he's got the first down with Johnny Muller snip first down to the Packer 37 yard line Redskins with Timmy Smith who had lost his starting role of Kevin Kelvin Bryant and of course trying to get it back with the ball control attack and the Redskins are marching he's going to be a good third down runner for them he's a very determined runner he runs well in the small holes very strong good lake drive and he makes that short yardage play there on the 36 of the Packers Bryant back in there [Applause] there's Brian Brian hipster deserty Holland drops him there so now duck Williams in rhythm right now and Williams said says I'm not going to have the numbers that mark Griffin did ripping through 12 touchdown passes in the four wins and really had a tremendous performance he says but the idea is to win games you'll always see Ripon with the better numbers than Williams but Williams may get to see a bigger he's a great competitor what a great show he put on in San Diego and the Super Bowl I'll never forget a classic second down and three at the Packer 29 [Applause] he's got the audits and another first now this is joke it's kind of offense John Anderson on the stop they're using up the clock did you trying to drive for a time school this is just man-on-man blocking as you see this slip blocks they just kind of come out and reach for the defensive end the defensive tackle the advantage that the skins have is the size of their offensive lineman they're so much bigger than the front seventh of the [Music] nine minutes to go in the third quarter first down 2317 210 hacker [Music] [Applause] [Music] they go to Brian again and Brian dives inside the 20 Brian Noble that time Kelvin Bryant with a hundred and nine yards in 17 carries today [Music] that'll bring up second down Minnesota comes back with a vengeance against Tampa Bay second down six for the Redskins they've used up just about five minutes on this drive [Music] [Applause] MacEwan cradles the ball the pretend let's see if he has the first down and he does another first down for the Redskins Mark Murphy on the stop as we get close to eight minutes to go and the Redskins trailing 17 to 10 going back to what is really the basic football they started the game now they've been challenged by the Packers so far in this third quarter the Packers got the lead what they're doing now is they're reaching down in the old gut bucket coming up with with the right calls [Music] and coming into the ball number 68 blaze winner that nose tackle [Music] Williams has hit his last five passes first down on the and it looked as though Tim Harris is trying to strip the ball from Kelvin Bryant who gets inside the ten Gulman Brian has really changed the look of this offense for the for the skins they are no longer a stereotype team more than very unpredictable now unpredictable now on first down he gives him a tremendous run pass option and he's got the talent to really break a big line second and goal at the six second and six that is at the 8-yard line stand corrected there and a whistle and a penalty marker down false start number 66 on the offense [Applause] that's Joe Jacoby who has played the whole way with a sore knee he had to come out of last week's game replaced by Simmons who then went out and then may OSE Joe is second one in here on the left there's a little flinch that's all it takes for Robert Brown to come across the line but again this is what the Packers have seen too you know they're blessed with Lady Luck here skins just moving right on down the field now they get a penalty doesn't seem like a big one but it changes the personality of the Packers this drive has gone over six and a half minutes [Music] this is the 12th play second and 11 of the 13 sceptic by Tiger green or make it mark Li Li nearly picked it off and basically the Packers did one whale of a job and covering the receiver they really did they didn't get any pressure though on Williams he had all day to find a receiver unfortunately for the skins he picked out the wrong guy Marc Lieb makes a great break on this ball and really should have picked it off the one good thing that Williams did there though is he cool low ball very tough for the defender to make that grab if he is in position to make it Tim Harris wants that crowd to be louder third and 11 Williams Brian touchdown with a sensational catch Kelvin Bryant with Mark Murphy on his back and the Redskins are within a point of tying this game 13 yard touchdown pass to Kelvin Bryan on a hard throw at a great truly great catch couldn't say it better myself tick this is an outstanding draft watch how he reaches behind grabs the ball with his hands pulls it away from Murphy and falls into the end zone for the six get it just wonderful what a joke if say is I don't know if I've seen anyone better than Kelvin Bryant with all the things he can do well that's further evidence right there low Miller ties the game six minutes in 26 seconds remain in the third quarter a classic drive by the Redskins calf Ida's touchdown pass Duff Williams to Kelvin Bryant [Music] when 13 plays Kelvin Bryant who accounted for 44 yards of those 77 with a touchdown reception now Jim Lowe Miller kicking off Woodside and Fullwood are back and it's going to be Woodside at the 10 [Applause] with side turns the corner which side with a great return on by Jamie Morris a 27-yard returned by Keith Woodside next Saturday the college football season continues on CBS Sports undefeated West Virginia plays host to the Nittany Lions of Penn State Mountaineers have beaten Penn State only two times since 1955 oh it's a long drought coverage begins at 2:30 Eastern next Saturday on CBS sports in the Mountaineers 7 and oh they really outscored that opposition what's the number 304 297 that's out scoring your opposition you knew that off the top of your head first down for the Packers on the 36 yard line 1717 time penalty marker down wood saw Bob Dole and Alvin Walden hit open and the penalty will be against the Packers illegal procedure there is a an injury on the sidelines and I don't know whether it was one of the officials with the chains but apparently that's the case in is a whole lot of moat around there too we've had a steady but light rain all day long and it took quite a hit I hope he's okay you've heard of ocean - bats moving in the offense five yards it'll still be first down now you've heard of adding insult to injury well this is adding a little mud to his injury that's a tough one first down in 15 and we hope he's all right as he is getting up backer trainer looking at him right now and these fellas along the sidelines they're not used to getting hit obviously and it can be very dangerous down there you got to be alert at all times we had one game weather photographer really got hit pretty hard and that'll happen especially you know you're a photographer looking through the lens and someone comes right at you that that can affect your face in your eyes well this man obviously he was working the chains he probably didn't see it coming they say they never never saw what hit him Dexter Manley we understand has a bruised hip and it's probable that he'll return Marcus cook has taken his place there is Dexter who has one of the two sacks today by the Redskins Charles fan Dave butts and Darryl grant of the others up front Coleman Marshall and oka wits of the linebackers Brian Davis went out of action was replaced by Dennis Woodbury at one cornerback green barrel dream despite a sore knee and foot has been in there all the way for the Redskins and Walton and Bob Bowles have been the safety [Music] people are wondering why we have to stop it to play but this injury happened too close to the field for the officials to have play continues so they're going to take this man off the field on a stretcher and then we'll get back under way but he's only about five yards from the playing field and they want to protect him from further injury and while that all happens we're going to tell you about next week on CBS as we move into the second half of the year and leisurely tell you that the CBS Sports kickoff of the second half of the season starts with the NFL today at 12:30 the Bears against the New England Patriots they've been a jekyll-hyde team the Patriots Phoenix and Dallas Dallas licking their chops that looked like they had that Game one today against Philadelphia yeah and the Rams are really having an outstanding afternoon today against Seattle they'll be in New Orleans that's a big game New Orleans says one the beateth beat the Raiders earlier and these Packers will hope that things end up alright for them today will go against Buffalo it's a big doubleheader weekend and in the second half of our doubleheader it'll be the Minnesota Vikings against the San Francisco 49ers replay of last year's of NFC divisional play boy and you know the 49ers will be looking for Anthony [Applause] well Carter of course there I had receiver for the Vikings yeah I knew where I knew his name I just couldn't come in Roger Craig well you know Roger crate may be the best running back on right now in football well he's got the best statistics going right now he's over a thousand yards and both receiving and rushing and if anybody saw that game that he played last week against the Rams you'll never see a better effort from one man that Roger Craig provided last week maybe you were thinking of Anthony Munoz he played a big role today as the Bengals took a big lead against the Houston Oilers and held their lead in one later scores the Rams as you mentioned boy Seattle Seattle's not having any luck with the NFC West they lost last week to the Saints and now the Rams they look to get it seem like they've got it back together the Jets look terrible Monday night against Buffalo look what they're doing to Miami they have been red-hot with four wins in a row Indianapolis over San Diego nine nothing your old club well I tell you you leave them and a lot of goose eggs up there offensive like lot of pitchers tools what happened what's happening in your old division the AFC West does anyone want to share this Denver loses today well yeah with Elway out Denver isn't obviously a whole new team Seattle is not playing well at all there they've got to go with the new quarterback Kelly stop or Dave Craig has been out and you know Kansas City and San Diego they're about three three years awake the opponent gets fired up and Detroit snaps a six-game losing streak they beat Kansas City 7 to 6 Buffalo over New England they're a good team the bill so we have run down all the scores for you you're up to date now this delay I'm sure has to affect somebody because they're out there in the rain and chill it's hard to tell who's it going to affect more I would think that it might affect the Packers board just because his kids have gone down and got the tying touchdown first down at 15 on the 31 for Green Bay they're in their own territory [Music] Kowski as which side out of the backfield and which side is about three yards shy of a first down Todd Bowles making the stop he's been the offensive hero today has keep Woodside with two touchdown receptions including one from 49 yards there you see his versatility we talked about Kelvin Bryant being a very versatile back but you won't see Kelvin Bryant lined up out wide like you will keep Woodside Woodside that time was going against Todd Bulls the Packers feel that that's a mismatch in their favor Paulette second down and two the Green Bay 44 [Music] swings it out folded in [Applause] we'll bring up a third down and two [Music] this is not an easy catch for anybody but it's a catch that you've got to make and running back sometimes they think it more about running with the ball than catching the ball that's their frame of reference and you can see that Fullwood lost his concentration didn't make the grab third and two full wood goes out of the game and the Redskins bring in Hamilton and Hamel [Applause] [Music] and it's nearly intercepted by Philip Epps was the intended receiver and that's been Greene's assignment all day just shadow Philip Epson basically he's done a good job I said an outstanding job is only the - mark would be that pass interference in the second quarter but this is a drop pass this is a dropped interception if Green makes his catch we may have a seven-point lead by the Redskins the Don raccoon will be in the kick and Derek Shepherd goes back with just under six minutes remaining in the third quarter 1717 the school [Applause] and Shepard is going to let it let's see if the had touched the ball because if popul went after [Applause] Washington's balls so it did not deflect off of a player which would have been a free ball and we'll take a break right now [Music] [Applause] he thought that it did hit a player well this is Woodbury here and he's pushed into the ball by Ron Pitts and the ball will hit him right on the leg and then what really tells you what happened is the reaction of the ball players watch how they see that ball down on the ground they know it hit what buried now they're going after it Raven call well picked up the recovery ball takes funny bounces there you see it hit him in the left ankle and it's a live ball [Applause] first down on 64 the Redskins in a tie game crying is stopped by Jim Harris Tim Harris doesn't have any sacs today for the Packers they have none but the he has been all around the ball this afternoon well he's what they call the rover back he's gonna play anywhere along that defensive front he's their emotional leader you can see he's trying to get the crowd involved a game he's trying to do everything possible to win this football game he's their big play guy and doesn't take it down off according to Angola now look at the time of possession Emily favoring the Washington Redskins in this tie game second and nine at the 17 five minutes to go in this third quarter [Applause] [Music] that's Brian and he's down at the 21 will bring up third and about five or six for the Redskins Johnny holic was on the stop that Packers are very content to give Washington the short pass we've seen Brian catch a number of those little option routes over the middle so far but what you also see is that scoreboard says 1717 regardless of the stats for ball on the 22 [Applause] 22 [Applause] he's got the first down of the 30-yard line David Brown makes the stop wasn't an easy pass for Williams he had a hand in his face from a packer defender now this is poor coverage by Dave Brown number 32 he really this is his area of responsibility on the field and Bryant makes the grab [Music] there's Brian having a tremendous game first down at the 30 yard line [Music] he's gone over a hundred yards rushing for the second time this season gets a chance to to uh poreotics humble and it appears that Brian discovered his own fumble at the 38 yard line and got about eight yards in the process Tim Harris again he did fumble but the nice thing about playing on a grass field that's a little bit damp the ball is not gonna go anywhere when it hits the ground he gets right down on top of this ball got a good bounce he got that right hand on it this was a good stick Brian is going out of the game this might have been a shot to the stomach that might have knocked the wind out up a little bit Jenny Smith will replace him in the backfield on second and two for Washington [Music] first down at the 45 to stop by Brian Noble Bob Conrad was the name of the injury member of the chain gang here has been a longtime worker here at Packer games [Music] they've taken them to the hospital for x-rays [Music] left leg it's really hope he's alright there's the time remaining first down Redskins on their own for it's face of the game well against the rush fine in the backfield and Mark Murphy making the tackle it's another first down for the Redskins and they're in the Packer territory at the 44 yard line close to the 45 getting the feeling dick that this ball game could come down to a field goal by one team or the other to decide it and field goals have been very interesting and very adventuresome for both ball clubs this year that's what accent a house wanted he says I want to kick the winning field goal Bonnie Coleman says I hope he tries and I want to be there to block it we got a long way to go no love lost between said late husband the skins first down at the 45 Williams with a sidearm to Ricki Sanders that he can't hold on Sanders has not had much attention this afternoon he came into the game as the leading receiver and five touchdown receptions on the year for Washington who saw a picture of Joe Gibbs there shaking his head in frustration the frustration comes from the fact that here you've called the right play for the right defense you've got the time to throw the quarterbacks thrown a good pass receivers open any props the worst possible thing that could happen back in the skins with 135 to go in the third quarter second down a 45 [Music] [Applause] [Music] Williams hard pass good catch Brian that's his night perception of the game that is tackled by Johnny Holland at the Green Bay 41 picked up only four yards that time you look at this quarter you never know that each team has scored seven points checking the time of possession of course the turnover was a big play for the Packers they capitalized on the fumble recovery after Donnie horn fumble that they went into their sport the time of possession means absolutely nothing I would think with a score tied big third down for Redskins in this quarter anyway [Music] William busy and the pass is caught by Gary Clark maybe the best pass that double yems has thrown all day and a first down to the 18 of 23 yard pickup - Clark Barkley on the stop the weak part of any zone defense is usually over the middle and Williams is going to - Gary Clark all the way on this ball and he just throws a strike first down you're moving your now your down into what they call the red area Doug Williams can't wait for the next play he has completed 11 of his last 13 passes been very patient reading the defense well he's got his rhythm everything's going well for Doug Williams at this point and they're going to let the clock run down and the Redskins poised to take a lead again and that is the end of the third quarter with the score 1717 between now pause for Oh fourth quarter here in Milwaukee dick Stockton and Dan Fouts all tied at 17 but the Redskins are threatening they have a first down on the Packer 19 big 23 yard pass to Gary Clark for the militia position Doug Williams the quarterback [Music] bill Brian never in the 15 Johnny Johnny Holland missed three games with a leg injury Brian Noble who started his first game last week against Minnesota after being a holdout and Hank bullet told us he says I think you're going to see him leave play from our inside backers and it looked like they played better today at least for the last from two quarters say how that first quarter was a disaster second and six Redskins on the Packer 15 [Applause] brian has tripped up Brian about the 12 yard line to bring up third down still as we tackle ten stills with help from Holland making the stop again it really seemed like the Packers knew exactly what the skins were going to do that time the noble read the play blitzed up inside almost disrupted the handoff between Williamson Brian Diplo Miller who for three made a 33 yard field goal with the Redskins in front of the start of the game and then missed the 46 yard or later on getting ready and make the first down here on third and three well [Applause] the past to the cure please short of a person [Applause] good play by ken silk who said he hit by Ken stills tough catch by for McEwan of trying to make and then get up the field for the first half one sometimes what you want in this situation is for the ball and the receiver to make the catcher make the connection where he doesn't have to run through the first down where he can just fall down and make it whether that was you can sign on that play or not it really doesn't matter they're short of the first down so tip low Miller will come in and the Redskins will call a timeout Doug Williams signal over to Joe Gibbs that they were short by maybe less than er and with fourth down they call the timeout and it's a 40 second timeout why would they call a timeout if they feel that there it won't necessarily be a feel well I think there's some indecision right now I don't think Williams wants to go for the vehicle he feels that they're big enough and powerful enough up front to get the first down on fourth down they only need a yard to go they haven't been stopped yet in that type of situation so they're talking about it right now on the sidelines we'll just see who the strongest personality is [Music] the old brain trust they're there they're going after it now they're thinking well we're going to go for it what type of play do you want to run they've had a lot of success giving the ball to Timmy Smith and just going straight ahead against the backers but now do you want those three points boards it's really the decision that all coaches have to make and it looks like we know what this one is solo Miller comes off the field and the Redskins will go for it on fourth and less than er so coming in the ball game the linebackers John Anderson but they bring Bob Nelson in it's Simmons a tackle is an eligible receiver as a third tight end for the Redskins there it is fourth to less than one at about the 10 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for Timmy Smith Redskins are three or four on four here is Smith you'll have a [Music] [Applause] Jimmy Smith behind the wall of lockers they have yet to signal officially but the Redskins appear confident that they have first down yardage they really went after it with a lot of force Terry or is about 2:30 and McEwen was out in front also on force they're running behind the huge offensive tackle Dave but now the Redskins are not so sure and now we'll have a major business anyway [Music] so the question is to the Redskins keep this drive going or do they turn it over on downs to Green Bay and they have the first down by the length of a football this is just a straight handoff to Timmy Smith deep in the I formation he lowers his head it appeared that he had it right away but this was a lot closer than we thought at first good block by 17 turns out good followed by a spin following war up into the hole and we've got a first and goal situation at the 9 yard line for the Redskins they led 10 nothing at one time Braille 1710 now looking to take the lead [Applause] [Music] down to the five John Anderson tenzen made the tech hole for the Redskins they led 10 to nothing they scored their 10 points to get first 11 minutes of the game on a low Miller field goal and a 21-yard pass from Doug Williams starred monk and then the Packers came back Woodside 49 yard catch and run made a 10-7 and then in the second quarter send a HAases field goal in the final minute tied it up Green Bay took the lead and the Redskins answered that for the school [Music] right again gets down to about the two and will be third and goal Harrison character that time that defensive the Packers they've got to be exhausted they've been on the field for the better part of this second half and it's much more physically demanding to play defense than it is to play often you might say well that you know the skins have been out there a long time too but they're shootin players on each offensive play that can rest during that play when you play defense you can't rest at any time look at that eight to half minutes the Redskins have had the ball when they scored their last touchdown they held for seven minutes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Williams defensive play by Holland he was going for Kelvin Bryant who was a yard in the end zone and it's fourth down I was an outstanding play by Johnny Holland he had Kelvin Bryant out of the backfield man-on-man here's Bryant he's going to come out and run a little option route and Johnny Holland is going to pick him up and then make the play Williams has all day to throw but he's going to one man only and that's Kelvin Bryant and there is Holland with the big play so the Redskins don't get the touchdown even though they had first and goal of the nine now Lowe Miller will attempt the 20 yard field goal he's won 14 this afternoon [Applause] and the cake is good drive kick giving the Redskins to leave 22:17 with just under 11 minutes remaining in the fourth quarter a ball control for the Washington Redskins as they lead 20 to 7 with 10 59 to go in the game where are we hi everybody mr. fountain I will welcome you the county stadium in Milwaukee we want to tell you that this shade has been up most of this game I think you notice it's on dick side of the booth I believe you could see it clear low Miller will kickoff for the Redskins who lead by 3 he's 2 for 3 in field goal range today Woodside and Homewood the back then it's going to be Brent Fullmer the guard in the endzone and he's down at the 20 yard line by Dean well tonight on CBS 60 minutes we'll bring you three brand new stories and Andy Rooney that's followed by the season premiere of Murder She Wrote and then it's part two of the CBS miniseries Jack the Ripper starring Michael Caine and Jane Seymour that's tonight on CBS that will be after this game the Packer game except on the west coast watch [Music] first and ten at the nineteen Bukowski going teeth fresh arm and cover downfield by Dennis blueberry who has been shin there and places Brian Davis who was shaken up in the first half well we going back to what the Packer said they wanted to do starting this game and one of the things they've mentioned to us is trying to go deep against the bump and run coverage of of the Redskins every team wants to do that when you play the skids you're going to throw for a low percentage as far as the passers concerned that time Mackowski didn't put enough air on the ball he did our chin above down the field to give his receiver a chance off pat the catch [Music] second and ten they sent full wood outside as a receiver the cow those two which side out of bounds close to the first down and a penalty marker is now on the far side of the field Wilber Marshall made the stop on Woodside that appears to be against Green Bay [Music] mikowski has depleted just 29% of his passes today at a team trailed by only three points check it out that's an unfortunate play for the Packers they had picked up nine yards with that fast and Woodside but they were illegally in motion that time and again if they have any chance of winning this ballgame they can't afford that type of the stage second in 15 if nothing else they put a scare into the Redskins with 17 unanswered points after they trail 10 to nothing but the Redskins have tied it and have gone ahead with ten unanswered points of their own and now Don Makowski will call a timeout so the Packers have used already two timeouts in the second half twin redskins trying to keep ahold of a share of first place in the NFC Eastern Division lead the Patras 20 to 1750 1039 remaining in the fourth quarter second out 15 for Don Makowski and the Packers 14-yard one [Music] [Applause] cows team sterling sharp had his hands on the ball and dropped it when he said a thought would vary depending on the play that happens when you play the Redskins as a quarterback you know that on Monday morning you're going to be sore physically but you're also going to be sore mentally they do so many things to disrupt your timing to disrupt your concentration out there as a quarterback then you just feel terrible come Monday and Bukowski has been struggling all day now he's in a situation that is a very low percentage percentage situation for him to get out of this hole four wide receivers for the Packers on third and 15 [Music] Bukowski gets by man fires and it's all the hands of shark again and a whole bunch of Redskins were going after the loose ball but once again the Sharpe was there and the ball bounced off of it but you know Makowski shown me a lot today he's shown me the ability to get away from the pass rush this is Charles Mann and this is just an outstanding move to get away from him then he throws a good ball to sharpen but sharp doesn't make the catch for the second play in a row it's fourth down and Don Bracken will kick from the end zone Packers have only eight plays run off this half they have all been passed Shepard is back for the Redskins big kick by practice Shepard backed up slipped penalty marker down and so is Shepard his own 40-yard line now we got an illegal block against the Packers by the Redskins and this will take this ball back great punt though by Bracken coming from deep in its own part of the field but erm I do 60 minutes follows the game except on the west coast and mountain time zone [Music] only one [Music] Kevin Williams [Applause] you know at this stage of the game and with the score that it is right now anything can happen but what really is more important is field position and this is a penalty that happens at about the 40 yard line that pushes it back to the to the 30 so there's only 10 yards been 10 yards and very important in this stage first down with 1017 remaining in the fourth quarter Doug Williams has a wide open arm up incomplete hold on Barker P defending on the play I seen the rent gloves that art monk is wearing all the receivers are doing this now these days ever since they outlawed stick oh those gloves are as tacky as as pine tar or the stickum that they use and I don't see why they don't outlaw the gloves maybe it's because if sometimes it's cold out or maybe it's that type of deal but I don't see the difference between the two stick them in the gloves I'm sure that you've just gone in favor with all angles wide receivers in the NFL with that company but you're right basically down law somehow I played with a guy by the name of Charlie joiner that didn't use anything and he was a pretty fair receiver second and ten Williams incomplete Ricky Sanders the intended receiver and that will bring up third down this half Williams has completed 13 of 20 passes [Music] and again he's really showing a little bit of his rustiness the last two balls have just been a little bit too far a little too high to Sanders on that one third down 10:06 to go in the fourth corner plenty of time Redskins lead 2217 [Applause] [Music] Williams and it's intercepted picked off by ten stills still still gone inside the 35 and another big turnover for the Packers it was intended for Gary Clark this is why you play a lot of zone defense to get these times of deflections this ball should have been caught but it goes right through Gary Clark instills his heads up to make the ground ten still with the interception again it's a Clark working over the middle and in his own defense he is open Williams throws him a perfect pass how did he miss it I don't know Grey's safe to you has not played most of the game Chuck Cecil the rookie ass but that was a big pick off for the Packers first down on the 34 there's Woodside which side with a cut inside gets nine yards to the 26 Gilbert Marshall on the stop [Applause] well they get a turnover and it just changes their entire personality all of a sudden now the Packers are threatening the score to take the lead that just shows you that they really believe in what they're doing they love playing for Lindsey and funny they have such a positive attitude going into this ball game but here they are they're about to score on the world champs maybe beat them they download a one timeout left so they better not rely on too much of those second and one at the 25 [Applause] [Music] and they go to Mason who has stopped in his tracks for no gain Barca skunk was there so they tried to cross up the Redskins by giving it to the full-back Mason but Marcus cook was alert and that'll bring up Curtin short cook has really done an outstanding job for the skins this year you'd mentioned how he's played in all five games has played a lot he really gives him an added dimension of being able to play inside or outside very very valuable should be a great player for a lot of years and without man and family he has started a lot of those positions left and right and as you look at final scores and games this afternoon the one at the 25 [Applause] [Music] which side is stopped and Charles Mann came in that time and another loss on the play back to the 27 yard line and the defense has come up peak when they have to at its fourth down that's why the world champs they can answer any challenge the Packers got in the turnover great field position got a good gain on first down but uh Charles Mann says you're not going to get that first down we're gonna make you try to kick that field goal to tie this one up so here the drama for backs in de hops to earlier kick the 34 yarder this one from 46 yards his longest has been 15 he wanted to beat the Redskins he can tie the game here zendaya HAases kick is up and it is little good it is off to the right so max and a haas does not tie the score and the Redskins keep their lead with 737 to go it'll be Redskins ball and they're in front 22700 vimax and a Hoss there was the reaction by Lindy and funny he saw it had enough distance whether it was going to go through or not [Music] they house 1 for 2 on the day first antenna Delvin crying for money back [Applause] [Music] update I think we've got a couple of finals now the Rams roll over Seattle 31 to 10 Jim Everett throws three touchdown passes for the winners Seattle turns it over five times Charles White rushes for 83 yards in the wind by Los Angeles Indianapolis shuts out San Diego the final in that one's 16 oh and boy do they miss Dan Fouts back to day you can say that again they sure missed and second and four at the 34 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we have a stoppage of play no flag was thrown nope [Music] Bonnie Warren just kind of flinched in his stance and that threw the Packers across but there was a lot of confusion whether it should have been a penalty or not by the officials even good call though a good no-call under seven minutes to go Joe Gibbs looking for that five and three midpoint record and a share of the lead in the division as a second and four off the 34 yard line Kelvin but said gets the first down Tim Harris on the stop and the Packers are going to have to stop the running game otherwise the Redskins may use up the rest of that clock on the ground this is exactly what Joe Gibbs wants to do he wants to take time off this clock move his team down the field he needs to get in the end zone though for a touchdown and he cannot afford to settle for the three-pointer Kelvin Bryant has gained a hundred and forty six yards today best game of the season for him the clock is down to 11 seconds Doug Williams was heading over toward the sidelines as if he were calling a timeout now what's the problem well he's waiting until that clock goes all the way down to one second before he calls that timeout he knew he wanted to call timeout but because of the situation in the game we want to take more time off the game clock so he waited all the way down to one second before use that time again let's run down the slate of exciting games we have next Sunday for you on CBS it all begins with the NFL today at 12:30 Eastern the Bears traveled to England for an inter conference battle the Cardinals and the Cowboys go at it in Dallas it'll be the Rams and the seats in New Orleans in a big one both teams winning today the Packers against Buffalo in upstate New York and the second half of all doubleheader Minnesota and San Francisco Anthony Carter is going to be playing against the 49ers you know that game he had last year in the playoffs I don't think anybody will ever forget the great big plays that he made in that game and in the preceding playoff game against the Orleans Saints 49ers look like they've got it all back going together Roger Craig could really give them a live and Joe Montana just continues to amaze me he gets hurt every week he plays tough every week he makes the big plays at 93 yard drive last week against was outstanding what do you think of Bill Walsh's tendency to keep bringing in young I think he would like to get more production out of Steve Young quite that the way he wants it yet his real ace in the hole those Joe Barton first and ten following the time out Brian yard luck runs five forty five remaining into the fourth quarter Robert Brown made the stop this is really where the 45 second clock comes into effect now we'll see Williams he'll just milk the clock down right to about five seconds each time before he snaps the ball so with five and a half minutes to go in the game right now and it's only second down he can take some time off the clock before they're in a situation where they either make the first down or half the punt the ball away second and nine [Music] [Applause] Williams waited until there were four seconds left on the clock Bryan go is stuck for a loss by John Anderson and that will bring up third and long for the Redskins one of the risk you run by doing that is you take your offense out of their own natural rhythm you've got your offense alignment down in their stance for four or five at that time they were in their stance for about 15 seconds usually you just want them up there get down in your stance hike the ball and get off and hit somebody but the Redskins offensive line really sat around there for a long time waiting for the Williams to snap the ball that's the risk you run by trying to milk the clock loss of five yards on the play you saw the Browns leading the Cardinals who came in tied with the Redskins and Giants for the lead in the NFC East they go down now the one second on the clock before Williams got it off [Music] [Applause] [Music] it'll be fourth down and the Redskins will have to kick it away lays winter and Berkeley on the stomping they now have under four minutes to go this shows you the confidence that Joe Gibbs has in to aspects of his football team number one his special teams he feels good that they'll get good coverage down there but number two he doesn't believe that the Packers can drive 80 or so yards for the winning touchdown Greg Coleman will be kicking and you saw Sterling Sharpe back for the Packers and they're going to use a lot of time here as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] and on the game clock 325 with me [Applause] [Music] Coleman gets it off Sharpe gets hit he had called for the fair catch and short was so they'll mark some yardage off in the packers favor it was Kevin Williams who ran into him this will give the Packers 15 yards here and this really gives him great field position take a look at it he's signaled for the fair catch but whether he signals for the fair catch or not he has a right to make the catch Joe Gibbs hates those kind of penalties well there's just no way you could give a team 15 free yards like that you've got him backed up in a tremendous situation they would have had to drive the ball 82 yards for a touchdown and now they get a of 315 yards remember the Packers have only one timeout left [Applause] redskins have been penalized eleven times for over a hundred yards today so with 3:17 on the clock first down for the Packers [Applause] [Music] 36 yard line didn't get many yards that time money Coleman on the stop there's the time remaining well they're not going to their hurry up offense either which they think might be a mistake they don't have those extra timeouts like you mentioned ich they only have one to use and now they're they're taking a lot of time off the puck unnecessarily coming into this Drive they had the ball for less than four minutes in this half Washington with great ball control now second and six on their own thirty-six Michalski runs right in the devil [Music] [Applause] and a loss on the play that will bring up third down cows keys really shaken up there he really took a lick there from Darryl grant grant was just playing back for that specific reason to spy on mckowski [Music] Acosta's trying to cut back inside runs into his own center thorough old left burns rich Moran there and grants it in there to make the big stick loss of three [Music] [Applause] the 33 [Applause] Bukowski [Applause] sterling sharp down the sideline Todd Bowles trips him up and the Packers may be in business here it is sterling sharp to drop this same passion to go on a previous possession here he makes a gift wrap and then he turns outside where he gets some help from Larry mud basin to spring him down the sideline this is why Sterling Sharpe was the number one pick of the Packers earlier this year he's a big play guy and the two-minute warning with 154 remaining our two-minute warning in effect with 154 to go a 40-yard pass play for Mackowski to sharp and now the Packers with only one timeout left are threatening they have a first down on the 26 with a minute 54 to go Dan they want to get Cindy Haas at least in a little bit better field goal position he missed from about this range earlier but they're also thinking touchdown [Applause] [Music] first town Makowski runs it inside the 20 and inside the 15 Kurt Gouveia on the stop and a 14-yard pickup clock is running this is what the Redskins feared more than anything coming into the game a running mobile quarterback Randall Cunningham has absolutely killed his skins in the past with this type of move mckowski looked like he was trapped again but he made the play he used great speed to run away from the tacklers and now they're in excellent position pukowski has gained 38 yards on three carries today he's got everybody in this stadium believing that the Packers can win this game first and ten on the 12 sharpen motion which side dives inside the tent under a minute to play the Packers have one timeout left the Redskins are trying to protect their share of the lead in the NFC East they know that the Giants have won but the Cardinals are losing [Music] what do you call here your Libyan funny well I'm going to throw the ball twice now in a row I'm going to try to get that ball in the endzone we can't afford we don't have enough time to run the ball too many more time de Haas just in case is getting ready perry kept is the wide receiver now coming in motion second and seventh Woodside and they went into the five now the Packers have used up their last timeout with 17 seconds left and third down coming there is max and a Haas now here are two things to know in this fourth quarter first of all the Redskins had a first and goal at the nine early in the period and had to settle for a field goal instead of getting the touchdown then following a skills interception by Green Bay Zhen de Haas there missed a 46-yard field goal to tie the game he may have another opportunity but you gotta think Lindy's time for six well I thought that but now he's used his last timeout he cannot afford to run the ball again to tried for the touchdown he's got to throw the ball on this play and hope that obviously they get this war but if he doesn't throw the incompletion don't take the sack if he takes the sack then they have to hustle the field goal team on the field in a very chaotic situation [Applause] now Green Bay and overtime I would think would not necessarily be hatred him I would favor the Redskins at almost any situation against anybody in this league and especially in overtime but the emotions right now are riding so high on the Packers side of the field that they believe they can get this one in for the touch and the worst thing that can happen is they'll get a field wall to tie it up to send it into that overtime one other factor to think about now if they have to kick a field goal it'll be from the resided hope portion of the field here it is third and three from the five [Music] Bukowski Tetreault Woodside incomplete at its fourth town [Applause] tremendous rush put on Mackowski todd Foles was defending Woodside that time but he had to get rid of the ball in a hurry and here is Zen de Haas to try to tie the game and send it into overtime so he gets another opportunity against the Redskins his former team so the race is trying to get time out - I sent a hospice the players they're just thinking about the block 24 yard attempt the Redskins wanted a timeout they didn't see hips and here's that day houses Kent gets no good it's off to the left send a Hoss has missed two field goals including a 24 yarder and the Redskins will hold on [Music] what can you say back said Davis who wanted revenge so badly against the Redskins today you'll never get a better chance this ball is just wide to the left I'm not sure anybody got a hand if anybody did it was Dave butts and here's the reaction from both coaches Joe can't believe it either can Lindy the 11 seconds remain you just hook this one wide to the left something of a problem that he had his hat throughout his career as hit the ball to the left last week he missed the conversion when he hit the left upright he missed two field goals in the fourth quarter and as a result the Washington Redskins talked about dodging bullets dots one today as Lindy and Bonnie's two game winning streak comes to an end the packers battled the Redskins Doug Williams comes back a winner and Joe Gibbs Redskins are indeed five and three still tied for first place we'll be back [Music] why to the left and the Redskins hold on and win on the road in Milwaukee so for Dan Fouts I'm dick Stockton's saying so long from Milwaukee final score the Redskins 20 the Packers 17 you've been watching CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League you
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Length: 154min 3sec (9243 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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