1992 week 2 Dolphins at Browns

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[Music] two of the leeks finest matchup tonight Dan Marino is gone touchdown passes a quarterback in the league today who ended at 66 I had a lot of success throwing deep over the years it makes it feel good when you throw a touchdown especially if it's a deep football is it's basically a year-round thing and it basically dominates my life for Dan Marino there's a gaping hole and a brilliant nine-year career Super Bowl ring would be a dream come true for me I mean it's something that would fulfill my career and I would be extremely extremely excited to get one well I think Dan Marino is one of the top quarterbacks has probably ever played the game Cleveland Stadium how the fans really make it tough because they're so into the game they call it the dog pound it's a tough place to play but you have to be able to handle it come by any golfer pizza cleaver Brown on ABC's Monday Night Football [Music] football booty for you [Music] football and his time to play a beautiful shot of Cleveland Ohio on a great night for football a wonderful Midwestern evening Cleveland Stadium over 70,000 expected tonight as the Cleveland Browns take on the Miami Dolphins on Monday Night Football [Music] hello again everyone I'm Frank Gifford long vowel Michaels and Dan Dierdorf welcome to Cleveland where tonight the Cleveland Browns will help the Miami Dolphins finally kick off their 1992 season the Browns of course opened a week ago yesterday and they had an embarrassing loss to the Indianapolis Colts 14 to 3 the Miami Dolphins were scheduled to open on opening day also against New England but because of the tragic aftermath of Hurricane Andrew that game is postponed until October the 18th as many that often players and management got involved in that major relief their effort down in South Florida if that game has been rescheduled and the original buy date for both New England and Miami October the 18th and one of the things that was a fallout of this al michaels is a packet you know coaches like to have time off after pre-season for their opening game but 18 days none chilly is concerned about it maybes too much two and a half weeks and even a coach like Don Shula doesn't know whether it will make them sharper or whether it will make them duller but one thing about the Dolphins one thing is going to determine their fate this year defense it's as simple as that sure they have Dan Marino great receivers Bobby Humphreys banana to the running game they're going to score a lot of points but this team with its proud tradition has missed the playoffs five of the last six years when they went to 1990 their defense got them in last year their defense kept them out 1992 will be no different for Miami they'll be in the playoffs if their defense plays well they'll be watching on television in January if their defense doesn't Dan as far as Cleveland is concerned there are losses and then there are losses and last week I think even lon Cheney was too pretty to have played a part in that loss he would have left at halftime to all 11 sacks the Browns gave up and other than that Bernie Kosar was knocked down hard another half a dozen times now Jay Hilgendorf airs the all-pro center has had another full week of practice and he'll be a steadying influence for the Browns here tonight a boy do they need it but here's what they need even more than their offensive line regrouping in the passing game they need to run the football they rushed it for only 42 yards last week against the Colts and James Brooks the great one did not touch the ball at all so tonight James Brooks Eric Metcalf and Tommy Bardell all must be a rushing factor for the Browns up there Tabata and they will have to wait to get the football because Miami to receive Matt Stover to put it in the air this big crowd and an electric when watching a short kick that is might Williams skittering through one of the up men and Williams brings it back out to the 36 yard line so here comes Dan Marino in his tenth year in the National Football League 266 touchdown passes and behind him to start the game mark Higgs will see Bobby Humphrey a lot as well Paige the full-back dooper and Martin the wideout Edmonds the tight end they're very good on the left side and a little shaky on the right side you take is the center on first down from the 36 piers pigs picking up about three he's tackled by James Jones one man missing mark Clayton is on injured reserve for Miami defensively they are missing Michael Dean Perry the great defensive tackle so it's Burnett Jones the rookie Bill Johnson and pleasant they have Brandon with Mike Johnson in the middle and the great veteran Clay Matthews outside Taylor and Hilliard are the corners Turner is an up-and-comer he's going to be a beauty and Newsom Minnifield is on injured reserve so he's a second and seven Tony Paige makes the catch they love to throw to him he's a great blocker and a good receiver and he takes it out to the 45 yard line he's tackled there by David Brandon and it will be third down in a short two on the Dolphins opening drive Shula in his 23rd season as the head man at Miami and had seven more at Baltimore in his 30th year as a head coach trailing only George Howard the record reflected their regular season wins holy third down and at the 45-yard line to the outside picks up the first down the two runs in a short little swing pass to the dolphin stake in the midfield mark Higgs of course in there because Don Shula has a philosophy about his started you do not lose your job at through to an injury markings in turn at the end of last season Bobbie Humphrey came in the two-time thousand yard rusher for Denver and there are his numbers he came in on a trade even up for Sammy Smith that we will see a lot of Bobbie Humphrey I think tonight first down 50-yard line opening their season and they'll find it a little soft in the middle certainly a lot softer than normal in the absence of Michael Dean Perry yeah the great Michael Dean still nursing a sore knee and he is probably 50/50 at best for next week's game and three-time Pro Bowl are one of the most dominating defensive linemen in the game and and really the only real star player on the Browns defensive line a lot of youth a lot of potential star type players but Michael Dean is all alone on the Cleveland Brown front wall second and six that come up on a one back set this time and give it to that one back who's Higgs and Higgs moves forward down to the 42 so again Miami faces a third and short Bill Johnson the rookie out of Michigan State makes the tackle we talked about Miami being weak against the run they were 27th in the league a year ago Cleveland wasn't all that strong themselves they were 21st against the rush and we've already pointed out Michael Dean Perry is not in there Frank stands and acquisition from the Rams that would have helped build Belichick and his defensive efforts and linebacker is on the injured reserve so they are not all that strong against the run themselves third and two and we see making his debut standing next to [Applause] - and he picks up about seven on a catch made by Robert Clark the former lion picked up on playing beef to supplement their receiving forwards as we mentioned before is a little short tonight because of Mark Clayton on IR and I saw Dan shake his head again it seems like every time he watched a Marino in Miami that's what we see it is nice to know it never changes the release of Dan Marino the tight spiral the pants right on the numbers in its ever-changing world it's nice to know we start another NFL season with this guy throwing the football thirty-five foni page gets hit by two Browns after he picks up four Eric Turner number 29 their top choice last year out of UCLA in on the hit and here's a guy who makes the tackle on page Eric Turner who they think will be all-pro in another year or two 6:1 207 pounds the all-america from UCLA and you're right al he has Pro Bowl seconds later taking the entire craft news page he's alone that little area all by himself marina looks live with the coverage of his man is an open boom boom he fires the page 57 receptors last year propane pretty nimble for a guy 245 second in six years hey finding room he takes the ball to the 27 yard line to the Dolphins who have now converted two consecutive third and short will attempt to make it a hat-trick here five minutes into the game on a time-consuming opening drive ball control passing for Don Shula's offense effective running goes to the right and to the left although they really seem to be concentrating running the guard good-looking offense verse 10 69 [Applause] hey pull back [Applause] to be the first down you can see the stick on the far side this will be close his forward progress the DA Pinto takes him across the 25 yard line now line it up and it is a first down our referee tonight is Johnny Weir Bill Belichick the former giant assistant now in his second year is the head man with a brown again they go to the left side though we may be seeing a trend for the Dolphins early working behind what is the strength of their offensive line Richmond Webb Siddons Beulah naked Center [Applause] should be technique 50 remaining first boy and marina well if we were wondering whether they would be sharp or rusty after an 18 day layoff that's a pretty emphatic answer offensively anyway Mandy Hilliard got tied up man for man with mark duper duper on a little bit of a fly with a little Duke right in the middle of look at the top of your screen as duper takes it down gives it a little hesitation pins off from Hilliard and Murray know what can you say is so perfectly thrown football not that bad of coverage when you're down that close when you're working in the red zone but Marino was right on the money each throw out of it the whole that drives six minutes 15 seconds that's the 49th touchdown catch for duper from Marino and the 53rd overall in his career quickly seven to nothing Miami frame it and hang it on the wall Marino to duper pretty as a picture [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's cold for dinner a genuine draft the worlds of very cool place [Applause] wanna break a European side let him test drive a Buick Park Avenue ultra for two weeks then take it away you see the ultra with its supercharged engine luxury appointments and Buick quality is neutral such limited quantities it's just not available in European wanna break of Europeans heart let him drive in ultra then take it away your doors off verbal hammer there's never been a radio-controlled monster truck with this kind of speed rechargeable 9.60 turbo power kick in the turbo world's fastest 9.60 turbo monster truck this truck really is a monster [Music] Franco read-back required sold separately with precision the dolphins gamma filled in 6 minutes and 15 seconds they soften them up they soften them up and then it's marino - duper beating hillier to the 25 yard touchdown pass how strange it had to be for the Dolphins looking at the standings in today's paper seeing everyone being - and oo one on one or oh and - and goose eggs behind the Miami Dolphins everybody else has played - before you even play one beats Toyama one of the best in the league to put it in the air this is Hilliard a Randy and Baldwin brings it back out too close to the 20-yard line so Cleveland will take over offensively for the first time with eat minutes and 36 seconds remaining in the first quarter at Cleveland Stadium [Applause] [Music] Kosar came out of college early but not only they come out early athletically but academically he graduated after three years during the Browns in 85 he has James Brooks the X bangle and Tommy Bardell the rookie from Stanford in the backfield you saw the receivers there's the offensive line and they will in school tonight clearly first down to the 20 and this is vodka over with running back kicked in the draft played his college ball Stanford became known as touchdown Tommy there he gets three here is the dolphin defense and as we mentioned this is going to be the key to their seasons a base three for Turner fling ball starts in the middle we'll see a lot of Oglesby Jeff cross has led them in sacks the last three years marco Coleman's the guy to watch rookie at a Georgia Tech Grimsley inoperable healthy this year Cox had a good year last year green and brown of the corners probably and Oliver are the safeties this is Leroy hoard now the tailback on second down and seven from the 23 they get it to the up package for Dell Spock's tail and pull back and he gets to the 27 where he's tackled by Oliver will be third and three Miami has a good chance to play back to their a year of 1990 defensively they have Don Grimsley back he missed the wall of last year for John Oliver dot-eu defensive coordinator Jennifer doll only played five games they had the left side for pastors now they have the number one graphic marco coleman they think he is going to be a great football there player there he is out of Georgia Tech but if they can say healthy which was the problem a year ago they have a pretty big offensive game and if they play half as good as that guy did they'll be alright Joe Greene 33 Cordell is the single setback where's the blood and the catch is made by the tithing Plan B pickup he's been around played with several theme game overs from Kansas City and Plan B and it's a first down for the Browns ABC's Monday Night Football is being brought to you by Buick and your local Buick dealers remember Buick the new symbol for quality in America by cold filtered Miller Genuine Draft get out of the cold and into the cold by Valvoline people who know use Valvoline and buy McDonald's what you want is what you get at McDonald's today and you cannot underestimate the importance of the Browns feeding the dolphin blitz on that last third down from the 33 first and 10 Cleveland Miami up seven of us Wardell again I mean for years and years Frank and you've been coming here for a long time but you've seen that play run the Cleveland cross for about 40 years now well that's Willie but that bill balichek wants to go to and that's kind of a power offense whether or not he has the people to be very successful with it it's hard to tell but one of the players he is going to count heavily on is gentleman you just saw carry the ball Tommy Bardell the number one pick big power runner out of Stanford weighs about 240 and when you stand next to him then he is a horse and a half he is that but al you hit it nothing unusual about great fullback play on the shores of Lake Erie and he just run out of bounds by lippert haughtily bored came over from Michigan out of the University of Michigan last year and developed as quite a receiver for the Browns and and a good receiver is but that time I think Leroy would be the first to admit he kind of started to put a move on a little early the dolphin coroner was a good five yards away when Leroy started to do a little shakin bacon that doesn't impress anybody when they're that far away Goodyear blimp looking down into Cleveland Stadium on the lake on a gorgeous night third down and six at the 37 520 to go opening quarter 7 nothing Miami that's next half in the slot and now in [Applause] I'm blocking setting up a bore drops the ball forth them you pray to get a blitz coming to the side of the screen don't you Frank it's it it's the perfect set oh and I think that may be poor it just took his eyes off the football just as it came in there he knew yet major yardage ahead number 33 here comes your blitz that's David Griggs it's just exactly what you want because it no one in this green area and it's going to be big yardage and doesn't handle it's the man who's responsible is blitzing the quarterback when you called the screen to the blitzing side it normally goes for big yardage Brian Hanson was about their only bright spot 20 yard line by Scott Miller who comes to the short side of the field and returns it to the 31 so the Browns get one first down and then half the punt and Moreno will lead the offensive unit back at Terminal Tower in Cleveland 504 to go in the opening quarter in Miami up seven of it [Music] you probably think the best American car value with some little econo box you have to settle for right the luxurious Buick Park and that's according to the complete car cost guide they calculated the five-year cost of depreciation financing insurance fuel maintenance and repairs and found that Park Avenue is the best American car value for a free reprint from the complete car cost guide call 1-800 for a Buick the world is in transition the defining challenge of the 90s is to win the economic competition to win the peace we must be a military superpower an economic superpower and an export superpower in this election you'll hear two versions of how to do this theirs is to look inward ours is to look forward prepare our people to compete to save and invest so we can win here's what I'm fighting for open markets for American products lower government spending tax relief opportunities for small business it helps reform the job training induced fees bill fun competition ready for the 20% [Music] Jim blows his chance for romance what did you want me to say the kids are gone I'm home alone come and take me Big Daddy that I understand the season premiere of home improvement Wednesday Cleveland's best offensive lineman in civvies tonight Michael Dean Perry will see his brother next week the fridge looked pretty good yesterday despite Chicago's loss it we have the Bears in the Giants next Monday first out of Miami that first sound coming very close very close to a 10 yard pickup in first by Eric Turner and then Corral that between 41 yard line and Johnny Greer says first down Miami Nick Markakis the guy that really kind of got lost in this Sammy Smith Bobbie Humphrey trade you know who the assuming that Humphrey is going to become the main man for the Miami Dolphins but remember that Higgs headed 905 yards rushing last year that's not just an average year that's an excellent year for a running back in the NFL especially for a guy five feet seven inches tall playing for the dogs they had running back since 1978 from the 41 yard line here's his cousin Andres play Matthews if he can stay healthy this year and play again next year he will have played in more games than any linebacker in the history of the National Football League meanwhile back to the Miami rushing game frank mentioning since 78 they keep trying to get that thousand yard barrier there was Sammy Smith 831 two years ago and then last year pigs 905 how high is that tower for Simpsons 2003 close up Bell Riley neither think we need a bigger screen that's huh [Applause] 3:37 to go on the quarter done nothing I'm faking under pressure now - fine [Music] [Applause] 48 yard line by David Brandon and rain the Hilliard it'll be third about for that time the Browns came with their own blitz the Dolphins were able to pick it up and Moreno had a lot of time it was just good coverage down field he has plenty of time the Blitz is picked up and he has to check off to Edmonds and with the yardage to go ahead but just even was whistle speed he has and he's very fast with high dam he couldn't get the first down that's good coverage on the part of the Browns down field the jovial one he's a lot more jovial and Belichick right now turn down and for next to Marino [Applause] it is Clarke making the catch and Clarke takes it inside the 10-yard line he feats Stephen Moore the former Miami Dolphin Zevon Moore was way inside the coverage and he could have been picked off on a crossing pattern out there because he was nowhere near to it watch the two top receivers they do a little crossing pattern number 27 Steve on Moore he got caught up he picked by his own man if you will and Robert Clarke who is not a familiar name to Dolphin fans but he had a great couple of years with Detroit that's what happens when you get picked off this man-to-man coverage in a crossing pattern and Moore is dead and I think the important thing to stress her that's not an illegal pick mark Cooper just stopped and he really was cleaned first and goal mark [Applause] for the last couple of years Bella checks team is already in immediate trouble down 14 to nothing with 205 to go in the first quarter let's open the right side Dan just good zone blocking nothing no finesse involved in it they just beat the defensive line of the ground blew him out of there just off the line page gets a good black we talked so many times about how Paige is a good receiver and he is that but he is a fine blocker out of the backfield that didn't even seem to be a all that well executed in the bathroom looked like Marino had to struggle to get the ball to Higgs but here tells us that already it's 14 to nothing defense has shown no inclination that they're going to stop Miami [Music] not having to travel very far anchoring about the 4050 miles down the interstate providing the aerials tonight on a spectacular night we're quite a job by Goodyear sending their blimp down to South Florida broadcasting messages off the side of the 111 that was a nice gesture absolutely her work salinities dolphins here tonight were involved in as relief effort down there Dan Marino's delivering a lot of clothes of NFL properties thousand garment yeah well I don't think their charity is extending to the Cleveland Brown no sir Mississippi he brings it back out to the 17 corralled by a quartet of dolphins led by Mike Williams and the Nick Saban the defensive coordinator and his gang well they look pretty good last week at Indianapolis but they've been shredded tonight in the first two series he was talking to Stephen Moore trying to explain them how you do not get picked off by your own man on a crossing pattern they had to have seen that in the film's the video that they have looked up Martin Miami doesn't a great deal they do but they're tied and they do it with the two wide receivers well give Miami good hop of the to Frank they use super as the set up guy that had that confuse Cleveland normally you think he'd be the guy that would be on the fly pattern from the 17-yard bastard James Brooks it the first time he touches the ball is a brown and he can forget about that one as John opera Doyle read the play and knocks him down James Brooks of course many seasons at Cincinnati the star there started his career in San Diego kind of in the Twilight right now they want him to add a little bit to the offense he played last week but didn't run with it and didn't catch it one would suspect when you Dan his twilight is pretty good sunshine because he stays in incredible shape he works out the entire year all the way around and he is one of the toughest little man I've ever what play I agree a one-yard per completion average yeah meanwhile Bernie Kosar Moreno is six for section closing in on 100 those are second and 15 [Applause] line the booze begin to cascade early and then if you go in the first quarter that's been dominated by the dolphins Frank I just want to follow up on your starting to talk about James Brookside I think you feel this way too few players have I admired in the last 20 years in the National Football League the way I have admired James Brooks I mean this guy weighs 180 pounds and at times when he took on ball carriers you would swear that he weighed 220 or 225 high some players play big nobody plays bigger than James Brooke wonderful play chicks running receiving over $13,000 [Music] those are avoid they set then close Kosar with escaping from a sack he doesn't look all that pretty he's six five baki when he comes out of there but he can get away from a lot of people and he does not lose his presence Katy Turner had a real TJ Turner had a real good shot at him watch now those arts big and he's strong and he just moves out of the tackle of TJ turned his fine to the receiver keeps his cool and gets the completion of the first down and so the corner ends on an up though for the brown dolphins lead it by a score of 14 to nothing continues after this message and a word for ABC station [Music] we are [Music] back in Cleveland start the second quarter Al Michaels Frank Gifford Dan Dierdorf Monday Night Football back here for the first time in two years Miami leads 14 to nothing the Browns have it converting third and 11 is now first and Ted soon as we brought the second quarter double time set up including mark Bavaro number 83 for three and they keep it on the ground Brooks finds enough room to picked up about four let's take a look at the number through the first 15 minutes of play it's been all of course Miami especially in the core is the passing yardage is concerned Moreno is absolutely perfect six for six and a mistake free quarter no turnovers no penalties that's about as fast as you can away a quarter to that's how you do it in their hurry the clock doesn't run while you're picking an extra point second and six Cleveland at the 37 yard line Bardell remains in the bathroom [Applause] he makes the catch at the 41 yard short of the first down ABC's Monday Night Football is being brought to you by all the team members at Saturn a different kind of company a different kind of car [Applause] third down yard yard and a half upcoming [Applause] are we looking for a shot I think we are Chris green looking for something in the grass there good luck yeah pinky lost the contact lens well Chris green is the guy who's playing in a spot right now that the Dolphins want to see occupied eventually and we'll see occupied by Troy vention one of their number one draft choices mrs. Green's first start ever second year in the lake there is Troy Vincent on the Miami sideline he's got a bad hamstring course he was late coming in a contract problem and as often happens gets a nick not too long after he's in camp and finds himself at this juncture way behind the dolphin stepped up defensively they had two number-one draft picks they went for Troy Vincent esra number-one draft pick the first one and then they went for Marco Coleman the linebacker with their second number-one draft pick third the short to Betsy Jackson replaces Green those are hashed to scramble and then he throws it away he was under pressure and they cannot convert on third down and two he wasn't within 8 yards of that fast one of the reasons uh the grounds have got to be having a problem with their passing game they are missing Webster slaughter he has not signed of course and Reggie Langhorne is with Indianapolis Brian Brennan has moved on he went to Cincinnati Kevin Mack is not here he's a high AR and those four individuals represent 174 reception for Kosar last year and these receivers that Kosar has now he's just not that familiar and they're not great receivers Brian Hanson to kick this is a high kick but a short one will need a good bounce get it they down into the 27 yard line zone Anson who picked well last week not so well thus far tonight Brian pitching made the touch 1331 to go on the half can laugh at the doubleheader Notre Dame against Michigan State call your cable operator by the way the early games were available in other regions on a pay-per-view basis then in touch with minds right on all right that's right and then we'll be at Soldier Field next week the Giants come in against the Chicago Bears great the renewal of it next Monday here's pigs on her staff gives the crowd something to cheer about [Applause] [Music] and of course it's early in the game but it's at this point critical for Cleveland to stop Miami here somebody has to do something or have a collective effort a three down punting situation for Miami would be ideal if you're a Browns fan or a member of the Browns organization but this has been a very efficient Miami offense to this point second and 12 at the 25-yard line in motion sets up in the pocket then close to the 32 mark pigs out of the backfield he makes the catch he's tackled by David Brandon and it's going to be third and six I know taking the play he changes the play at the line of scrimmage a lot of times he has total autonomy when he comes up there to do whatever he wants to do whenever he wants to do it whomever he wants to do it against it doesn't [Applause] Bobbie Humphrey is the go-to guy here out of the backfield 36 of and using Humphrey enter three receivers set to the left [Music] yes they do as everyone knows in this game is very difficult to set that time credit that sack to the coverage downfield he had four wide receivers maneuvering downfield none of them can come open he senses the pocket collapsing from the middle loose to the outside and here comes Barnett they know where for marina to put the football Reggie roving Pro Bowl hunter pools one but that's Metcalfe and he is able to run it back to the 39 yard line and you hear that boy gob is hurt remember last year he ended the season with an Achilles tear host left non kicking leg and that's an injury to his left leg ow and the frustration that he's showing might indicate that he might have read damaged it he didn't do it on the kick and now it's time for a regular feature on what's new in the world of sports science and technology I left behind the scenes as sports and science converged brought to you by AT&T the same daily workout routine can become tedious too many exercises now adapting NASA's antigravity simulator technology the orbit Ron offers a full body workout that is far from boring the orbit Ron provides an isometric non-repetitive workout the gravitational forces created by the exerciser zone power make the workout intense but fun in our universe there was always the unknown the unpredictable all we can do is prepare for it AT&T is now installing fast start it can detect a cable cut instantly so 800 calls can get back in minutes instead of hours we can send flowers for an occasion anywhere but only if our 800 services up and running our 800 service isn't just an online it's a lifeline [Music] AT&T has most reliable 800 service period AT&T calls I'm paid to buy the high-volume copies I don't want to have to worry about the corporate line from Canada our copiers our work here people our work reliable high-volume copiers you don't have to think about the corporate line from Kent the new power and coppy [Music] [Applause] it's a losing battle between classic rivals the New York Giants invade Soldier Field to tackle the Chicago bear next week on ABC's Monday Night Football looking at the knee of Reggie Roby and he just dodged a tackle coming down and hate to put it this way with us that's pretty good news and looking at the knee instead of that left ankle where he had the ruptured Achilles tendon at the end of last year first down Browns at the 38 yard line 11:27 to go in the half Tommy Clark till it's wrapped up as he crosses the 40-yard line stop by Oxford oil and it'll be second down and eight that's a slow developing play tough play to get it around the corner even though it had a great lead blocked by Leroy hoard still plenty of time for the Dolphins to react and get over to that that's that is going to be a hard play the run with a great against the NFL defenses up today with the great team speed they have the little up the mini until you Dan looks like the Giants a few years ago with Hill Morris back there second and seven at the 41-yard line [Applause] those are swings it to mark Pfeffer and the former giant great the first time tonight [Applause] whether you're a Browns fan or not you don't like this human interest story you really have got a hard heart when mark Bavaro is able to make a comeback surgery in 89 a bone graft 91 and Frank the people who loved the Giants this is I guess bittersweet the people borrow playing a lot of guitar also hoping that he'll be alright playing is his decision the diet stood by their medical decision that that he should not be playing football first down and Kosar under a lot of pressure just throws it away Leroy hoard closest to it but the pressure was put on that time by TJ Turner the left end coming in the Haitian morons delivery you might say more on Bavaro he came into camp in has bited in to really train as he saw fit and he took a time eased into it of working one a day very quiet hard worker great talent with the Giants over 260 receptions over 28 touchdowns 28 touchdowns to the exact but his more than that witty lines up on a football field he brings the whole thing and a great locker [Applause] I ever saw [Applause] second and 10 Tommy Barnett [Applause] room and Bardo takes into the 38 nice little move there was right that time to set up a third and short bill belichick recall he was the mastermind of the giant defense and the last time you saw him on the New York sideline was the Super Bowl against Buffalo a lot of people thought if parcels would have quit at that point he might have gotten the job and of course Parcells waited until May Belichick took the job here and of course it was Ray Hanley who subsequently got the head coaching position in New York third down three Leroy hoard had limped off Kosar Hichborn Dale underneath pick up the first down touchdown Tommy meets the bagel Meister touchdown Tommy and a good move by those are to get out of the pocket that watch out for Donna he's coming back from knee surgery laid back in the past he fence and he just takes forehead on five-time Pro Bowler offer doll but he's back at Foreman he questioned about his knee there isn't he now first Africa one that the 30-yard line 838 wolf baby Phoenix will repeat expect but laugher doll home keeps customers not only provides passed coverage when he can blitz as well and down goes goes are at the 40-yard line getting those two linebackers back in the middle it was Grimsley who missed the entire season and Kozar is limping now he decides he'll stay on the field and there is opera doll number 56 he doesn't blitz that mutton to only his night sack of his career not a missed assignment he just went on the outside on Reena and then came back to the inside and rinsed her not able to make the block and cannot overstate what it means to the Dolphins that John olfe offered all back in the lino word is back in for Cleveland out of the shotgun second in 20 Kosar hi Bryan back-to-back stacks now after that massacre last week at the Hoosier dome murmur by the crowd of course probably all of them were watching that massacre you're talking about where those are was sacked eleven times but it was the hits who hit 18 times third down and 20 nut yes it's not funny it's ironic last week he gets sack 11 times a few years back remember Dan Marino went 19 games in a row over two seasons without getting sacked you're almost assured of leaving your quarterback that this continues they just could not take that founded third and 29 and he's trying to pick up some you are they don't even inside handle [Applause] meanwhile as far as the dolphins are concerned we understand it's a twisted left knee for Reggie Roby he is done for the night I believe peach Diana vyx would have to do the punting as well as the place-kicking he sitting next to him right now but Roby with his knee wrapped is finished Brian Hansen ready to punt for the third time now for Cleveland in it takes a good bounce for Cleveland because they're able to down at feet as long wooly makes the touch at the seven to the dominant deep in their own territory 6:40 to go in the half and it remains 14 to nothing Miami [Music] 640 remaining in the first half and Cleveland Stadium the Dolphins took the ball in on each of their first two drives and they lead 14 to nothing they start this drive from the wrong 7 yard line we know the fake to head that by sometimes it has Saturday that was a smart move made Sims to at least touch it actually when he should have Lennox tried to spike it but the he got the job done nonetheless you journey Logan was the guy who got his hand on [Applause] good coverage down field for Marino he had plenty of time in the pocket and he just drilled the ball it was Bill Johnson get a hand on it I got his helmet on second boy that's Perino's first incomplete pass second account James Saxon making this James Jones is there to stop him Van Jones appears he'll turn it up a notch he's a guy trying to provide a spark in there for the brownies if the Browns could hold here they would get the ball in decent field position and maybe Kosar any offense can do something third and ten and keep in mind that Woodrow the kick grounds the disbandment Miami is not hesitating to let Marino put it in the air we've got a problem with this personnel crack trying to jam the signal a clock is down to three key to get the play off Marino has one tip but it's caught at the 13 yard line by Bobbie Humphrey there's a that was not enough of the first down Johnny Greer is the referee that goal goes against Miami if it was holding in the end zone of course it would be a safety that's Rob Byrne man who tipped the ball they'll decline the penalty and force Diana bench to punt what a spot to come in when you haven't hunted but twice in your NFL career will be on the bench three out of it will be kicking off maybe [Applause] mega guy Keith Sims working against Anthony Pleasant and that was close to being in the endzone so Scott ISOs to punch team last year when Roby got hurt in the last game in the season against the Jets I'll kick his arse calling around with it though and he probably has kicked a lot in practice takes the snap Metcalfe is back to receive it it's not a bad ticket a little short but has a lot of height it takes a one and rolls to the 39 yard line that was nicely done by stoy Annabeth's the snap was high and hard and he handled it and got away a beauty 48 yards big lineup as always on Tuesday tomorrow at ABC Full House Family Matters gets it started and find out at Becky elopes on the season premiere of Roseanne followed by Delta Burke starring in Delta and the seasons first big new hit going to extreme to all tomorrow night here on ABC Cleveland with a first and 10 from the 39 yard line and Tommy Barr fixa five up to the 44 [Applause] a lot of news around the league of course as always on a Monday and today can unsigned veteran players among them Keith Jackson to Philadelphia Webster slaughter of Cleveland suing the league in federal court seeking immediate free agency and there's the list and there's some pretty good players on that list some big names hearing a scheduled for Wednesday Dan's going to talk to Gene Upshaw at the half ranks come fullback Louisville we'll have him live we'll also be talking to David Shula to a know as the Bengals new coach a lot coming up at the half second and five from the 44 and James Brooks goes nowhere Jeff cross right there [Applause] Brown staying with their two tight ends on first down and not getting much production out of it trying to run the football against Miami and not being successful lavarro comes out and will be a shotgun motor receiver off and see a third down and eight Metcalfe and Jackson go to the left sport stays in the backfield Jamie Holland switched to the right [Applause] five man rush Michael Jackson makes the caption has the first down Chris green made the tackle kriem had pretty good coverage now he just slipped Michael Jackson they think is going to become a fine receiver he's tall six four there he is number one on the outside now watch number 42 and he tries to keep Jackson from getting to the outside had his arm in there a little bit made a good effort to get back and get into the play the reason Green fell down is because he'd been hanging on Jackson for the previous five yards finally lost his grip and fell to the crown first and ten at the 4714 nothing Miami three tend to go in the half Leroy hoard not by Jeff for pals at the 46-yard line that was an exciting play again the two tight ends this power football that bill Bella Tech would like to bring to the Cleveland Browns and again perhaps lacking the personnel to do so at this point the Browns have all three timeouts remaining we're approaching two and a half minutes left in the first half I think they should begin about at this point to demonstrate a little more intensity and a little more urgency offensively and trying to run some plays they don't [Applause] and how they even set up here is close our moon for Dover there's the play clock down to two second and tan the pass is high and incomplete when you're down 14 to nothing at this stage of the half I'm not sure that you use 43 seconds to execute a play and that was a poorly conceived play also you have your wide receiver inside about six or seven yards you got to entire defense bunched up then you try to slip it in there without any real play play well you go back almost three years Cardinals Patriots and then Cleveland with the third worst record what the significance of that is two of those three teams are not perennial playoff team the Browns are Phoenix in New England haven't been there [Applause] ctrl-x those are estates those are in projection too far good coverage staying right back with him has been dejected Granta get Jackson the six-four in a mismatch with St Jackson and Jackson with good coverage the former Chicago Bear in good position but again it was Bernie Kosar just hoping that Jackson could go up with his height and take it away in law's st jackson and lost in the long pass there was the fact that co-stars protection broke down and he had to evade attacks / to get outside to throw it almost on every pathway that yeah Brian Hanson catches 404 and you couldn't make a fair catch at your six yard line that's what Scott Miller does might as go take your chance and let it bounce for the corrals it and the clock stopped with 201 remaining in the half and that in effect gives Miami an extra play here because they're going to get a play then the two-minute warning well that's society center that beautiful new 75 storey skyscraper the old terminal tower they really done quite a job here in Cleveland with new construction downtown they're going to build a new ballpark some beautiful new hotels in the city and how about that mall terminal mall spectacular just to come in but the new baseball stadium as I understand it being designed to built by the same people as at Camden Yards in Baltimore yeah it looks anything like that it will be a jewel Indians will be for first out from the sick and gives some breathing room takes it to the 13 we have the two-minute warning which officially comes at 1:55 remaining the Miami Dolphins on what is opening night for them beat Cleveland 40 living a great man once said waiting gentlemen isn't everything it's the only thing I [Music] for mission 34 sweep on to got it just give the ball to Matt tell me run towards death got it [Music] it starts every September with teams like the turkey creek hawk Bronks Eagles new port richey Giles [Music] on fields where dads aren't only coaches and oak trees marked the end zones and a good day isn't determined by if you win or lose but where you go after the game so McDonald's would like to salute the players the coaches the families everyone will help make this season and a perfect season [Music] we know to McDonalds our coach after the game Lenny this is only halftime and go sit down old friend of mine Doug deacon who's doing the radio broadcasting for the Browns as he has for I think the last eight years and he was I think the part sick at what happened last week watching this Browns offensive lineman he wondered to me before the game can you imagine giving up 11 sack six quarterback knock downs and you were called for holding once the entire game tackle the guy before you let him get your quarterback second and floor from the 13 here's Pig take squirts up too close to the 15 it's going to be third down and 2 and the Dolphins have all of their timeouts left this is one of those interesting situations here where the clock continues to run defensively Cleveland would love to be able to stop it but you really can't on 3rd and 2 and Miami doesn't want to necessarily stop it because they want to see if they can pick up the first down and then they'll use their timeouts and deep in their own territory even those Toyota had a good punt on his first effort you don't necessarily want to see him handling the ball down there inside the 10th possibility of a black fumble and Moreno will get this snapped at about two seconds left on the play fun smart way to play - from the 15-yard line little shovel this is Humphrey and he takes it to the 20 but there's a flag down only the second one of the game Finch Newsome made the stock that was enough for a first down but but but Johnny Greer who has had almost no air time tonight [Applause] no one's complaining he tells us illegal hands to the face number ninety david sdcard first there that dropper net that's a first down and now they've got all of their timeouts remaining and from Marino that's an eternity 102 on the clock but I still wouldn't look for Miami to push the ball down in the field with a 14-nothing lead inside their own 20 they might but they're so confident is Dan Marino they have really high percentage passing he'll look downfield nothing's there he'll dump it off to one of his packs I've seen him throw interceptions before that happen first and ten from [Applause] and we'll see if Miami's gonna stop the clock it's a 34 still rollin and now they decide yes sir well we saw John Offerdahl deliver a hit for the Miami Dolphins Clay Matthews has just answered in kind for the Cleveland Browns this is a colossal hit watch this Higgs trying to stay in bounds he turns it back into the inside and really pays for it booth period that is but watch this at regular speed when you send a guy who's running with a football and you send him airborne and the first thing that hits the ground are his shoulder blades as rapidly you have coming known as the noblest Rhodes in the ball you have put a big time or other guy look at this again they're doing this dance watch Higgs he's gonna be proud he held on to the football that's a good way to lose it he's the oldest defensive player in the league at 36 the only older players in the league period to quarterback Steve to Burke and Phil Simms and two offensive tackles Jackie Slater and Mike Ken and what if he plays all 16 games this year he ties Bros to resurrect for the most games played ready Cleveland Brown and sets the record for most games ever played by any linebacker ever Moreno is going to get adventuresome after the after the timeout the pass is incomplete as Mark Cooper got surrounded and the Browns congratulate themselves unlocking it loose sherry Taylor and this is you know I don't want to denigrate Lou Groza when I say this but when you talk about longevity records and games played for teams I really think kickers should be excluded the last agency tackles calling us but but his 200 plus ball games a lot of them came as a kicker and I just don't think they clay matthews 200 plus games can equate to kickers around the league who've accumulated that many games as well just punting or kicking extra point to people I don't think they're the same second and 10 and here goes King and he gets by and takes it up to the 37 yard line 32 seconds and now the Browns are going to take a timeout some real interesting strategy here it looks like Miami's going to move up the field see what happens they took the timeout and Cleveland stops him so the Browns now take the timeout with 3rd and 7 upcoming well they have a very dangerous return man in Metcalfe if they could force Miami into a fun situation they might be able to make something happen and they could use something happening it'll be third and 7 when play resumes meanwhile as far as yesterday's news was concerned in that wild one at Candlestick Park Buffalo in San Francisco that was the first game in the history of the NFL regular season or post season without a punt Kelly and young each over 400 yards meanwhile they were 13 returns yesterday four touchdowns four interceptions for fumble returns to punt returns a kickoff return a blocked punt and a blocked field goal and Deion Sanders the first player since Bobby Mitchell to run back a kick for a touchdown four consecutive years Deon's only four years yeah and Bobby Mitchell was probably there to watch it the assistant GM of the Redskins third and 731 Tech's left for man Cleveland rushes Molina roles and looks and guides and fires and the catch is made and that is enough for a first down up at the 46 yard line coming out of that pile was Tony Martin with 23 seconds first down you lived in the San Francisco area for a while how is it the Candlestick Park came to get its name I learned something yesterday I it came to get its name because it's not a peninsula known as Candlestick point okay okay I was confused [Applause] I am a little bit of strategy going for them they have a a placekicker that has kicked the 58 yard field goal in his career first down from the 46 yard line and the catch is made by Bobby Humphrey only to the 15 Miami's got to take a timeout here and clearly they're not in field goal range right now and they have one timeout remaining aristoi on of its 80% field goal kicker but he can stretch it out there he's a 58 yard he has a 59 yarder but that's off they an artificial surface and this is natural I'll tell you one thing you're looking at Don Shula he's going to eventually catch George Halas for most wins unless his son beats him to the mark you're looking at David Shula to an hour's the Bengals head coach great win yesterday an OT against the Los Angeles Raiders David is in Cincinnati we're going to visit with him live at that time I'm started his career very young he was in his 30s when he took over his head coach for Baltimore same ages David 33 and David we can tell you when we visited with your dad yesterday he was most pleased that you're too uh no start he says you have a better vertical leap than he has you have a proud papa he will continue to root for you until you begin to present a wildcard problem for him then you're on your own second down and five at the courted four-man rush Moreno has time he goes to the 43 Robert Florrick makes the catch they take a timeout but you're still looking at close to a 60 yard attempt here with five seconds and they take a timeout now number three Moreno complaining that he was had lost some seconds off the rock and I think he did he was screaming and yelling in the clock continued to roll three ticks [Applause] there is no wind to speak of blowing here at Cleveland Stadium which is kind of unusual because the wind has been blowing for the last couple of days that we've been here on the lake and just a gentle swirl down on the field pointed out the store yana has a 59-yard field goal but that would be just about what it would be except this is a natural surface and it's much more difficult to get it off a natural surface they grasp that it is off the artificial so I would expect we're going to see something thrown deep hoping for some sort of a Hail Mary or it's not a defensive foul notice how this game has been played to the right side we've barely been on the dirt the entire game yeah in the Indians infield look how clean everybody's uniforms [Applause] penalty at the last moment Cooper was there and Terry Taylor got a hand on it burning books and did he rifle that thought that was no Hill here they put some smoke on that and it came close look at that nail tailored for Cleveland he falls asleep it's 21 nothing sailor with a good play Normandy Fred lion well the Dolphins scoring their first two drives meanwhile David Shula live from Cincinnati at the half Dan talks to Gene Upshaw and Paul Tagliabue alive as we discussed all of the doings around we'll return activities after this message from the authority work from our NBC station [Music] beautiful night in Cleveland temperature and the low 70s upper 60s right about now clear skies just perfect big crowd Cleveland stadium their Browns down by a score of 14 to nothing Frank is going to talk to Commissioner Paul Tagliabue in just a moment a speech Diana Mitch kicks off Eric Metcalf for Cleveland actually there let's go to Frank thank you very much a land Commissioner Paul Tagliabue with us in our booth today and Commission I know you begin your third year now full year's commissioner you've been covering a lot of games this has been an exciting start for it every weekend if I could possibly do it's been great football for two weeks okay that has been busy I think perhaps we should touch on just now where where is the case we heard from team at Shaw while ago but where is the case now as far as you're concerned well it's really where I wish it weren't namely in the courts you know we had a verdict last week and it's really a split verdict and each side sort of is claiming that it's a victory for them but I think in in this type of situation that are on the winners there are no losers we should be out of court and get a deal with the players okay Bernie Kosar ID you can see a little confused with what's going on at the moment the wrong personnel all right we'll get things pulled together out on the field and we'll be back at Cleveland Stadium in just a moment also back with the commissioner [Music] if you want a beer that know where it is as far as your could say what impact does does the filing of the ten players their suit in Minneapolis today what impact does that have on well I don't think that really have a big impact Frank it's it's a real small part of a big picture the big picture is that the jury said last week you know that the owners could have rules but that the current rules are too restrictive so I think what we need to do with the league level is is talk about the 1600 players in the league for the next decade where do we go with that part of it or not you know a handful of players and where we are 92 turning around the corner big pickup first down yardage binary's Metcalf as far as the futures you see it where does it go from here you said something very profound I think earlier when you said it keeps escalating every time somebody appears to have the victory will then then they escalate their side of it then then the other side has seems to have a victory and it just seems to keep compounding itself well that's been the history of the last five years you know every year that someone else is claiming victory and then then the positions hardened and I just hope we can work with the players and get it back to the bargaining table where it should be and try and develop a partnership such as they've done in the NBA and and a big game for him after they'd taken the time out Metcalf a first down and Waddell trying to get the Browns right back into the game Tommy Bardell the number-one draft pick and all of a sudden the Browns looking awfully good offensively and we'll continue to talk to the commission for just a moment commissioner what is the next step now from the side of the NFL well the next step I hope is that we can focus a lot of our attention on the Tommy Parnell's of the league and the Desmond Howard's you know the great young players coming into the league and see if we can set up a structure where players like that for the rest of the decade can have a good system that we work out together with a players so we can focus on football and and get out of the courts frankly that's my that's my target there was a time and of course people were talking about it throughout the entire though as though there would be an agreement - did it ever come to a point where it was so close she thought it was done well there were points like that and I think that probably was true on both sides where we've made a lot of progress on some ideas working with Gene Upshaw and his people and I think it was you know some of the players over the weekend Ron Rivera and the Bears and others talked about some of the good concepts out there so we need to pick up with those ideas and push it closer to the point where we can shake hands and get something done otherwise as I say things are gonna harden and this will go on for five six seven more years in the courts which makes nobody a winner and the League meeting will be coming up win and Thursday we have a league meeting on Thursday which we scheduled just to you know see what the alternatives are frankly a lot of the owners feel that the jury's verdict gives them a number of alternatives my my view is that the preferred alternative is the work of the players and listening to Gene Upshaw a while ago it seems as if he would favor that also let's hope we could sit down and get it all together I was a charter member of this Union I would like to see something settled and get back to playing the game on the field and I'm out of the business pages not on the legal side of it I'm sure you would that is my fondest hope and Gina and I have had a lot of conversations hopefully they'll bring about a deal and we do thank you for joining us let's go back now to Al Michaels and more action okay Frank Sam let's get caught up here as the Browns opened up confused then they go to a three back set with motion and they've been moving the ball down the field thanks to Metcalfe and bar del but they were set back by a penalty there I think they had multiple holding calls on two separate players and that brought about a first and 20 situation and the best way out of that is to be effective on first down that's what the Browns have done they picked up 12 yards bringing up a second and eight that was a critical 12 yard pickup now it is second down and eight at the 33 yard line [Applause] first down at the 15 yard so after a very glorious beginning they come out the with a new offensive look they have now put things very much in sync and what they have done also Alan Frank is to overcome some adversity they had a good drive going the big mistake that brought about a first and 20 and now the Browns have overcome it they get it down towards the 15-yard line and to win the Browns have to get the ball in the hands of their young talent like Metcalf and Bardell but there's a problem Bernie Kosar is limping I know he's normally gimpy anyway but he has at the state whip at the 16 yard line here's Bardell picking up a hard yard stop by across and Oliver and Kosar has been shaken up and that lymph goes all the way back al to the second quarter when he was sacked and he almost called a timeout at that point went back into the huddle B he has been limping ever since there's Todd Phil Cox the backup quarterback and he's next in line but I have seen Bernie Kosar walk like that before and stay in a ball game I'm he's going to have to be hurt worse than he is now to even second dad sanika 50 11:15 remaining in the third round to the best Drive of the night dolphins on top 14 nothing thus drive of the season yeah those are to the short side appeal that's Michael Jackson he's out of bounds that goes to the 10 yard line a little bit short of the first work by about three let's go back and and take a look at the genesis of the cozaar injury the left this said back in the second quarter that's when he's dragged to the ground by John hopper doll and you can see how that leg is caught up underneath him in a very awkward in precarious position offered all landing right on top of him it could have been a lot worse than it obviously is third and fullest five as they spotted at the 10 a short five the double slot to the right and the Browns are forced to take another timeout so here we are in the second half and the Browns in the whole game have one timeout remaining that will see if it matters at this point first things first they need to touch down [Music] asking Art Modell longtime owner president a real mover and shaker in the NFL very unhappy clearly after last week but looking on now quite anxiously his team with a big play here third and five at the 10 early third quarter 14 nothing Miami those are out of the gun Leroy bored dolphin pose arthritic struck the perfect opportunity to get back into the game as Jamie Holland drops it in the back of the endzone Plan B pick up from the Raiders and in a way he's a guy who's really picked up for his special team skills his runback skills and all that but forced to play more tonight because of the release of Brennan the loss of Langhorne to Plan B and the fact they could not sign Webster slaughter when you look at the Browns receiving those I'll touched on three of them factor in Patrick row their number two draft choice he said a bad knee he's on injured reserve lawyer Tillman a high draft choice from a couple of years ago is on injured reserve has never been a contributor here in Cleveland receiving loads of plenty here on Lake Erie he lost over kicks a 28 yard field goal so they do get three trail by 11 [Applause] introducing Levi's loose fitting jeans a loose interpretation of the original [Music] [Music] a new job a new apartment and the new escort GT let's freeze this moment in time introducing the new 93 quality lineup Ford escorts my dreams came with a kid in the dog lucky for me I got a new escort wagon [Music] new bad no wonder escorts the best-selling small car in America don't you think it's time you discovered why [Music] take my clothes off for men this cop's job is to keep her alive without getting too close Nicollette Sheridan somebody's daughters Sunday back to Cleveland now Michaels Frank Gifford Dan Dierdorf it's 14-3 Miami and Matt Stover to kick-off and he pulls that one toward the door pound for a touchback spirit of Akron the Goodyear blimp from the tone base coming up from Akron just south of Cleveland providing the aerial views stadium is at least in most homes the big story in town was all of the pirating that the bars planned to do to bring the game in tonight whether brazen about it they were calling our local station we were trying to find out what satellite it was on yeah sooner fall down first to the 25 [Applause] picks up five up to the 25 we start with Telstar 301 second and five can I get it on my watch another three or four years you'll about right the way things are then going well the Browns need to go to their secret decoder ring and intercept Dan Marino's plays second and five a little deflating probe hadith drop touchdown pass in the brown defense make a big boy Remo fires over the middle and he really threads it in there but the to at least stop the receiver short of the first down he jammed it in there the tight end Farrell Edmonds and his forward progress does not get him to the stripe they have to get to the 30-yard line right on it as you can see there are a few inches short Edmonds coming back from a very troubled year coming up short on the first down Mike Johnson the middle assisting Eric Turner who's been all over the field comes to beep for the dolphin Burt whitener has more number 60 as an eligible receiver quick count give it to his enough somehow someway the Browns of course are clearly going to come up and say no he didn't but he only had a squirt for a few inches again it's real simple if the nose of the ball is on the chalk he's got it [Applause] no it's he's got it you should have it well you know this is an interesting thing because the nose of the ball after a touchback should be right on the 20-yard line but in reality you go by the chains yeah not the strike well you need a surveying kid here because uh you know if the yard blinds or let's say a couple of inches off that could make this should be a first down by all rights and it is boy am I glad it was it's real simple you put the ball after a touch back the nose of it touches the 20-yard line the inside edge of it so if the nose of the balls on the inside edge of the thirty first time but you might be you must meet the chain requirement not the chalk requirement the lines could be not exactly accurate right that's the reason for the change that would be one way to find that chain could be a little strong if there's a missing link Moreno going 23 yards when a great gesture because he had to maintain concentration and he did just that 20 Martin the speedster of these receivers he had his man beaten convincingly and Moreno in a lot of trouble he was working on Randy Hilliard once again he had to slow up he was beyond Hillier but Marino had his troubles in the backfield had to roll out before he could make the delivery good concentration by Tony Martin and Hilliard had his troubles trying to spin back around and run with Martin lost his balance [Applause] 47-yard game softens up by 11 they tend to go third catch is made inside the 20-yard line that James Saxon picked him up from Kansas City Plan B to to help on special teams and to also spell Tony Paige from time to time he's gonna be a good acquisition for them solid pocket by the dolphin offensive line where veterans they've logged a lot of time together they were able to play together all the way through training camp you lanique's the only one that's been having a problem he's got a broken finger but they just formed the perfect cup that time for Dan Marino second and five Bobby Humphries in the back [Applause] Baixas of the 16 clearly Humphries going to get more diversity this year they had their running game built around Sammy Smith for a couple of seasons and then last year it was Higgs coming in and asserting himself and now they've got Higgs back and Humphrey back along with Paige and Saxon and they can do a lot more things and most people think I'm being one of them that the Dolphins got the better of that trade Bobbie Humphrey is has been a more productive player in the National Football League and do more things certainly more valuable as a third down back out of the back a very good trade for the dolphin third down and three inside give here's Humphrey picking up the first down and takes it to the six yard line will be first and goal Miami an excellent call because if you were to study the frequency of Miami and a third down long three in most of those situations you're going to see a Marino pass they go heavily to the past in that situation so they come with the draw play and Cleveland they're thinking past they come at the pass rush huge hole as Matthew's has turned to the outside and Humphrey just in the short yardage area in the red zone he puts the head down and he has a lot of power we're going to be in a nickel somebody has to have the middle respond can go at the 7-yard line [Applause] and they can really mix it up now and you've got two guys like Humphrey and Higgs back and forth you go under six minutes to play in the third of a second and goal [Applause] Mike Johnson and Harry Galbreath are going at it Mike Johnson displeased actually took a slap at Galbreath when they were down on the ground and the frustration of this Cleveland Brown team is apparent and why not these are prideful men that have tried to do everything they can do watch the conclusion of this play thought about kicking golf grip and wisely didn't go from the five there's nothing there [Applause] back hits the hole and then breaks away from the hole and the blocker feels the pressure releasing from his man and he just has a natural tendency to grab and you see it so often holding keep sense there is sims to the left of your screen he's moving to the outside he gets a push from inside you can see that right hand he's got the Jersey and that's a full-scale takedown pretty of the rodeo arena that some calls are somewhat marginal that's not included in that guy the first penalty assessed against the [Applause] [Music] the fan 20 yards for [Music] close to a sack burrito actually came the minimal yardage but the Matthews did exactly what the Browns have to do right now good effort to hang on to the football Matthews trying to strip it out cagey veteran of 15 years knows he's got the tackle now he's going to try to get the football what really saved Dan was the fact that you could see Matthews grabbed him by the jersey in the middle of the back that alerted Marino that he was about to be dragged down and you could see him pull that ball with his right hand into his chest goal of the 15 the ageless one Karina throws and the catch one official the backhoe looks at the field judge the guy who was looking for somebody else to make the call might all be academic anyway we've got flags down Robert Clark is the guy who made the catch I think Cleveland was off so while Cleveland was in the neutral zone whether they were drawn off or not will sleep so you've got a penalty at the line of scrimmage and an on call on the receiving end Greer says offside Cleveland for starters at worst Miami hazard at the 10 were third and goal right at best they've got a touchdown as if none of you know there's no replay this year and in case you've been out of the country [Applause] still third down but we have replay here okay there is the offsides you can see it that's Anthony Pleasant now Marino on the move the foot is right on the line the right foot was dragged down but the left foot as it comes down then you can see the chart beautiful look at the shock being kicked up by the toe of the left foot well they got it right even though they never made the call third and goal with the pan Thanks tended fortuity more Hilliard jumped up in the big play they've worked on him all night and this time just a little fade passe and Randy Hilliard with good position we know looking to hang it right over Hilliard [Applause] Hilliard with good position all the way on Martin now of coming is a 27 yard field goal attempt so at least the Browns remain alive right now twenty-seven yarder and slow Jana is perfect but there's a flag and it was fourth and goal so even if it's against Cleveland here they're not going to take the points off the board it is woo an automatic first down I was going to say unless it's a defensive holding well it depends oppose after if it's before the kick that's going to be defensive holding and an automatic first - okay get the call from Greer here le gusta high-end defense number 75 a pulling suit [Applause] Miami watch the point first down I know the old rule is you don't take points off the board what you do when you get a first down and that rule might not apply to Miami Hyosung the pool of telly is the guy who was holding he's on the left side number 75 you see him grab heat Simms and pull him out of the way so that his old man to get through I mean that you're taught to do that [Applause] the two yardline the second goal that was the 12th play of this Drive I mean that's the type of a move Sanga Pula telly did their that that you'll work on every team in the league works on getting that guy out of the way so you can sneak a guy through the crease you just have to be more subtle about it good I mean that's needless to say a catastrophic penalty for Cleveland giving the Dolphins a first down a first and goal inside the five but it's that's his fault to a degree it's not his fault to a degree [Applause] this mail the end [Applause] by Rob you know what I take that whole thing back yeah I don't have any idea what I was talking I can't repeat it I think you're older than your later years I take it all back you're not using your hands without then you're full of Zen oh I'll try to get better that was a major vertical the deflection third and goal 3:14 remaining in the search here goes pigs before so the Browns of [Music] this side of Samoa this piace mccoullough teller I think you can even take that across the Dateline and he's the happiest man big effort by the Browns defense could give them quite a lift pigs trying to get to the outside lots of pressure there from the inside Rob Burnett once again in on the black so from here we're second base would be the kick the 22-yard he's good boy out of it Goods it through this time it is ol official to the early seventh ago on the third seventeen three [Music] pretty interesting as circumstances developing of course with the drop touchdown pass by Holland and the Dolphins barely pick up a first down at their own 30 meanwhile Marino is just a little heated on the sidelines he's upset about something getting in an argument heated discussion let's call it on this time it's an emotional game takes off could be that plate going down at the goal line the second time around down sit in the endzone warming a couple of runs that could be it as the Browns take over at their 22 21 to go in the third Aparna potent turn time this Saturday and then Monday night Soldier Field always a wild scene on the Monday night the Bears came home to take on the first and ten Cleveland at the 20 to go in the third 17 to 3 [Applause] just run into straight-ahead play on first down at second and ten the Browns keep in mind the Browns are still looking for their first touchdown of the season the grounds right back to the two tight end offense and they're going to make it work even if it doesn't fit this one stacked up now they bring out Brian Kenton one of the tight ends and income the to wide receiver Center [Applause] trouble here they've already taken two timeouts those are very relaxed he had enough time to change it [Music] [Applause] almost the same set there at the same defense we got the same result well they can't blame Bill Belichick for that Bernie audible to that play was apparent to everyone in the stadium I'm not sure what he saw up Miami was really just sitting in their base 3-4 defense they are not a very fancy and very move oriented defensive team bird and town for the that Leroy hoard next food clothes are [Applause] Burnie stick with us master get to the thirty only gets to the 28 we short by two taken down by David Griggs and Marco Coleman we haven't called his name very much tonight you know you go back to the beginning of the game talking about the Dolphins defensively there it is the key thing there of course is you look at that in 1990 their defense took them into the playoffs took them to a 12 and 4 record took them to a wild card win over Kansas City every other year they've been down near the bottom of the league and they've sat at home there's the kick by Hansen it's a short kick and it's fair caught at the 30 second line Scott Miller and their DS been good tonight that's true but they had such critical injuries to them last year they were on their way in 1990 and they feel very good about last year remember they had a lot of holdouts they had a lot of problems and then they lost Grimsley their inside linebacker they had traded gave up a third round draft pick to Houston to get good run defender they lost John opera doll they were in deep trouble injury wise to at least offensively and they've got him back in there they're playing well well tonight defensively well Coleman and we talked about Troy Vincent who's Kirk he's not playing tonight but sooner or later they expect him to really develop and they really big bar their first round pick out of Georgia Tech [Applause] in the waning seconds of the third quarter Moreno incomplete at the 49 yard line Warren SuperDuper I'm not super enough for that one-handed grab always made a few of those over 450 receptions over the years for duper's playing without his sidekick mark weight news on injured reserve but he almost pulled this down with one hand almost got it and we thought all night long about marine on his quick release look at this is a little flick a little too much of a lead for duper who almost was able to haul it in but he couldn't second intent complete 17 fire [Music] makes the catch makes it to the 50-yard line and that's where the fourth quarter will begin end of three at Cleveland stadium dolphins lead 17 the three will return with Sunday Night Football after this word for EBC safe [Music] the suburb [Music] there is Dwight Stevenson in his first year as an assistant offensive line coach with the dolphins those of you that love offensive line pant line play will remember Dwight he is the finest Center and I ever saw [Applause] looking for a flag is Tony Martin Evon more with a little bump rather an innocuous bump that was no play and I can't look at white Stevenson without thinking that night his season ended down in his career ended down in Miami 1987 there's a mad ship topping your screen Martin at the great speed and Moreno just a little behind Martin on this Martin does have tremendous amount of speed and Moreno under throwing it incompletion more pumped him before the ball got there Steve on more coming from the middle in his safety position actually put a bump on junk before the ball got there but [Applause] there's the fake that hangs [Applause] looking throwing finds the open man Cooper gets clear at the 34 and is knocked out of bounds by Eric Turner pond dolphin what a move by duper and what a read by Marino to work with him and Marino came all the way up field to congratulate duper they they've got to work on this a lot because watch this now he'll stop here now he starts down field again and Taylor has no chance you know one of the things guys I think that people think of Dan Marino and only think of him as a pocket quarterback he is much more agile and much more comfortable on a roll than I think a lot of people consider when they think of Dan Marino I mean that was an excellent example I mean comfortably rolling out to his mic growing on the move and throwing a strike he's more into a nibble than people think duper makes the catch you're right so many people talk about so many of his other attributes you forget about that part of his game and duper is sending Terry Taylor to school that time Taylor thinking duper was going too deep going deep and he just breaks it to the side line wide open another part of all this is that the Browns are not mounting anything near an effective pass rush the Dolphins offensive line is forming a perfect pocket for Dan Marino more often than not oh no the result you have to get in Marino's from your two defensive tackles or some type of a blitz up the middle yeah Martin emotion [Applause] - those thing from Miami we talked about it defensively it's going to make a big difference for them this year also the beginning of this season tonight Cleveland next week they go home with the RAM week three at Seattle it's real important for Miami to get off to a good start that's the soft part of their schedule and the bye they had coming up in what the fifth week is no longer buy because their game was canceled because of Hurricane Andrew and New England and Miami will meet on the 18th of October and when you look within their division things have improved the Jets even though they're off to a nolan to start i think we know a good football team and the colts are better here takes picks up to guess one of the two teams attempt Miami out of the playoffs a year ago that final game of the season the Justice defeating Miami is overtime dolphins losing the next-to-last game to San Diego and a win on either one of those games and they have been in the playoffs and they don't play the Colts for the first time until October 25th and Jeff George should be back and healthy and have a few games under his belt by that time look at Tony page Brown Jersey to knock down last year first time in history they walk to games [Applause] second and eight catches first down Tony Martin makes the connection see 15 you look at that graphic guys and you think well somebody somebody had to do it or it happens to anybody but the key to that icky that that happens so infrequently to the Miami Dolphins I think are because of two things one Don Shula's teams are always so highly disciplined and the other side of it is they are always in fantastic shape he has always fielded slim trim highly energized and beautifully condition football team and they seldom lose the lead in the fourth quarter because more often than that their opponent is more tired than they are and mistake-free through their Jewish penalty Moreno throws an S incomplete on a Miss time pass Tony page is there and looked around a little bit too late and miss timing and miscommunication there between Moreno and page setting up a field goal attempt on fourth down I think mr. Page is going to be lectured by mr. Moreno about being a little more prepared anticipating that quick pass on the blitz page felt we was picked up so quickly by Brandon the linebacker that that ball was not going to come his way dan told a Tony to get on the same page one of the monitor [Applause] 33 yards field goal attempt splits them 11:53 remaining in the fourth quarter and the Dolphins have extended their advantage 2:17 go stand in the corner [Music] to leveland on a sparkling night we're just weather but the atmosphere in Cleveland stadium right now does not mention because if Browns are down 22 3 and Cleveland has yet to score a touchdown in over seven quarters this season 20 to 3 is the score so anammox to kick off four of the dolphin zurich met can standing at the goal line [Applause] whatever is the well whatever is panting for a breeze right and actually it has picked up blowing the ball off the tee [Applause] you really pick the wind blew that off the tee see the breeze there [Applause] takes more than that the Leonov occurs check is a touchback guys we'd like to cover the world of sports here at ABC now in case you boys missed it on Friday in the feature race at Bill Maher in California as a horse by the name of Barack bred in France owned by Marcia Lee owned by the guy in on the left side of the picture I remember you you boys asking me about this force is that weird Chicago is that James Caan I just want you to know who won the feature race at Del Mar on just ask you in the 8th remember asking how much it costs to feed that thing well I want you guys are you guys interested in any breathing rights he wouldn't want if I was in the saddle congratulations while you're just trying to raise that [Applause] first half in the 20-yard line as close are looks for Michael Jackson who gets out in front [Applause] 60 yards the Jamestown Southern Mississippi is a big play receiver of the future of Barnesville Belichick is concerned that time he's put the coverage Bernie Kosar shows you what he can do when he gets a little protection there is JB brown he's got outside coverage he's anticipating help from the inside and he's anticipating Lewis Oliver getting there a little more quickly than he did there's Oliver number 25 well thrown football perfectly timed out to who they think is going to be a star of the future Michael Jackson first at Cleveland at the 20-yard line as James Brooks goes in motion [Music] tightropes down the sideline behind a board ly I know we have said it before but every time Eric Metcalf takes off is such a remarkable resemblance to his father Terry Metcalf in those great years with you Dan the st. Louis Cardinals they are look-alikes it's the same number the same moves Erika's a little bigger than Terry not nearly as successful though at this point in his career Terry Metcalf was a hit the minute he got to the National Football League but when you talk to people in the browns organization they tell you that Eric Metcalf is maturing whistlin second and four and there is Brooks going to the 11 yard line he loses the football but they sit down they sit down at the 11 yard line and of course there with no replay there's no review here leave one maintain position and we all know the dirt can't cause a public and very close to a first down [Applause] the thing you wonder about Derrick Metcalfe will he fit into Bill Belichick's take back power outfits well let's put it this way Frank this is a football team and you can see that he was down before the ball comes out this is a football team in need of anybody who's capable of making a big play and of course for Metcalf that can come in the shape of returns whether it be kickoff return punt returns but I don't see where this Browns team can give up on anybody who can score touchdown for more than three yards away he and Eric Metcalfe can certainly do that and certainly not this tough the team was but only 18 graphics on the football team in the average in the league is 26 to 27 a team that has reached out to plan B rage and reagent mine to put together the package with all team that bow he reflected the Bill Belichick thinking just outside the pens certain inches and the first down commies are jealous he is the one man that Bill Belichick wanted out of the draft he got him in the first round the big strong fullback out on the biggest strong he's a good receiver as wolf backs off to Stanford he's an academic all-american and all the qualifications and when in doubt if you're a fullback cut back go against the grain and Bardell took it back one hole and 5.7 yards per carry Jim Brown Tommy Bardell here first and goal [Applause] Mendes run by Bardell Barry Sanders look at this a 240 pounder those kinds of acrobatics us brother remarkable this guy should have been a first round draft choice [Applause] that was a nifty spin by Bardell and frankly I thought he was in when it happened what the official must have seen something touch the ground let's watch it been keeping his balance and his or he looked off the Gustin second goal and board cannot break the play somebody came over the top for the Dolphins might have been Brian we got to check this on replay I think it's Kenny Wolf our producers it's one of the linebackers Kenny thinks it's offered all we've got to take a look at it to us because whoever comes over the top and makes that hit keeps the Browns from getting in the end zone and what timing to there's Grimsley offered oh it's offered all coming from the backside big-time play Hey remaining in the fourth quarter on a furlough that her head King off the guard [Applause] that's a false start [Applause] false start 66 often till Thursday our will he he's saying Tony Jones but that's that's 68 in there that's right that said King the right guard and that certainly changes the complexion of this third down call they were obviously and pink family now ladies you saw King with that block the Browns don't get in the significance of bar down [Applause] [Music] those are throws and that's incomplete another flag not a guy in the dance pounds of the two that he caught it sigh judge makes the call [Applause] against Cleveland oh boy pushing off on a screen I don't think there was first and goal at the one foot one says the six-inch line and now the Browns have managed to put themselves a long way from home dolphins have the option here it was third and goal [Applause] and they can make it fourth and goal well past an appearance number one offense push them back in the no no no that's right I'm for what down at one you don't give them another down you bring out a fourth with Michael Jackson going against Davey Brown and that's a pretty delicate call there JB Brown had a handful of birds you know it appeared not sure Michael urban would have been black going forth until 751 [Applause] reception that sparked the brown from Chris green not only fast he's very quick and Bernie hobbles to the sidelines Bart Modell's just watched his team score its first touchdown of the season it took them seven and a half quarters to do it Stover for the point after [Applause] Bernie Kosar throws a touchdown pass to Michael Jackson obviously the Browns inspired by owls horse [Music] that was the Michael Jackson tour that last drive sixth round draft pick last year the 16 yard average of 70% is a year ago and he is obviously the man with all the receivers we've talked about all night no longer here nine yards into the end zone down to by the Dolphins will take over at the 20 well if the if the Browns get back into the game it's a big F of course because of their their offense also keep in mind too they had to waste those two timeouts early in the third quarter and they only have one remaining [Applause] Bernie Kosar as his offensive unit huddled around him he is limping very noticeably now one thing about Bernie Kosar though in this town in this team [Applause] that's a nice move and a beautiful run after the 29 yard line making something out of nothing pickup of nine Sivan Moore comes up to stopping Paige is playing back to the early part of a year ago making some nifty moves tonight he's not big 5/7 but very low center of gravity hundred ninety-five pounder we've turned into five drugs tonight 22 carries is was a good day at the office for an NFL running back stick to the Bobbie Humphrey on the sideline yeah you brought your lunch pail and settled in for a long day [Applause] on the far side of 20 in Italy [Applause] for the first time [Applause] [Music] so often happens the back trying to make a second a third effort it is concentration on the ball was for headaches Frank a sensational effort kake's results in a Cleveland touchdown look at the ball being stripped out I think Mike Johnson the middle linebacker got a hand on the ball and ripped it out of mark Giggs and Brandon picked it up and ran it in go over for the point after Brandon me was a guy [Applause] over time last year ran back a block punt and 87 as the third touchdown of his career and Cleveland is very much back in it strips it out of Brandon just happened to be in the area football game as an inch bill I recommend for long-range and life change you all between two and three thousand miles second thing make sure you spins all because pins are well protect I feel like changing oil and keeping good and clean all Indy cars probably the most important things on the vehicles today I use it for myself I used for all my family cars I definitely recommend it for anybody that use pens or yes pencil performance protection quality that says it all nippon chiba show us what the RCA home theater with srs sound looks like now they show us what it feels like [Music] looks like looks like feels like [Music] any questions Chrysler has found a new way to develop cars instead of designers engineers manufacturers and path suppliers working separately they now work as one in something called a platform team the result a totally new automotive architecture called cab forward it'll influence how cars are designed into the next century introducing the Chrysler Concorde the Dodge Intrepid and the Eagle vision in the car business you need [Music] Wednesday Haydn pops the question what do you say we fly out to Las Vegas tomorrow and and get married honey it's the season premiere of coach on a special night Wednesday well it's been Mike Jackson and Mike Johnson who made the two big plays flea wonders it's 22:17 Dover's kick comes down to yards and down to by Mike Williams who follows the directions of Aaron frame dolphins again 6:33 left in regulation and again we point out Cleveland has just one timeout remaining Don Shula conferring with Gary Stevens his quarterback coach a few minutes ago they would certainly election 173 yards so far in the second half perfect defensive effort by Brandon and Johnson doesn't figure into that offensive total but the seven points sure do [Applause] bacon eggs Marino with a pump fake Marino going deep into coverage whoo Terry Taylor number 24 the pass intended for Cooper and some about eight yards short well that's a setup play all away Moreno on the fake was coordinated with Cooper making a break as if he was going to hook for the pass but the Cleveland secondary just did invited it all and Dan threw the ball way into the middle of the field that's uh that's the type of pass where you're assuming [Applause] I don't think Cooper's going to see single coverage the rest of this game after the he had double their second down and ten [Applause] to the 29-yard line one of the Browns came in late Mike Johnson makes the tackle there's no late hit and is a very vital play coming up here third down and one as Moreno is going to take as much time off this clock as he can with 606 remaining in regulation [Applause] they're sliding in late and pace was instantly lobbying for the call well there's a hand on pages facemasks cuz he's going down Johnson 59 and there's Newsome sliding in now under Paige was upset he got a face mask and a semi late hit diving tremendous effort ramps up instead of just going for the Terminator shot they get Higgs Shore to the first town but Eric Turner went 43 and tried to put Higgs out and didn't wrap up and Turner has taken a lot of backs down in his time with that kind of a shot yeah but he has ition he had to Biggs's they're watching bounce off Turner right there boom to the inside only a few moments ago he lost the ball with that second effort this time he gets a critical first down Miami under five minutes to play master taking the clock down the pudding and the brown to have it mounted a serious pass-rush and at least two quarters of football with Dan Marino down in a single effort they just pour it all over him they came over the tough left side of the Dolphins the line stunts inside the loop around by Logan and the dolphin offensive line didn't pick up the stunt second and 20 play clock down to two to the nearside catchers made at the 35 by Tony Martin he is about 6 yards short of the first down and a good call to you don't go for all of it Randy Hilliard was playing deep and Martin takes it up field gets three-quarters of it and puts Dan Marino in great shape to go for the first down with the conservative pass on third down now again in the final five minutes of the fourth quarter the clock stops and we started on the meta for ten and again the Browns seem to be caught short with Dan Marino in his rollouts he's been rolling to his right and the Browns are getting no upfield contain whatsoever third they have to get it to the 41 the catch is made but he rocks it at the 40-yard line Bobbie Humphrey had it for an instant dropped it they'll put and they'll punt wish boy an event because Roby whispered earlier that's a tough catch for Bobbie Humphrey duck kiss been Rio had it right there oh he did but that balls got a little sizzle on it it's pretty high over the outside shoulder I mean that would have been a sensational catch and it was good coverage by Richard Brown the linebacker if you joined this late romi was hurt so an immense kick the last time was 48 yards but about 17 of those came on the bounce and who would have thought the Browns are going to get the ball with a chance to win the ballgame wobbly kick fair catch cold war and made is this a great game or one race fourth-quarter I'm just talking about the game of football this this was snooze city the Browns were doing nothing I mean nothing and here we are with less than four minutes left to play in the ball game and the Browns have a chance either tie or take the lead you look around at this stadium and a lot of stadium that it would have been three-quarters empty grounds were that far out of it not an empty seat here it doesn't appear or at the very least Franken now there would have been a lot of junk thrown on the field he was an unhappy crew 359 left the Browns have one timeout plus the two-minute warning five three and we'll see if Michael Jackson to make it a victory tool the 22-yard one [Applause] [Music] he throws brooks can't make the catch backside pressure that time by Brian Cox ooh and that's a kind of a hit that really hurts when they had the man that they wanted on Brooks out wherever linebacker Ofra doll and that was the past a brick should have gone some sacks are takedown and some are thud sex this is a thud set that's the bone jarring 4ax hurting yet no question Brooke should have but and deep down the field this was the kind of action it was Oliver upsetting Michael Jackson almost knocked his gloves off contented to 23 only one of them [Applause] somehow holding on and first match of the night up to the 32 yard line big wake up but is supporting the Johnny Grier he marks it as the first down I'll tell you something I thought that was close enough to definitely measure or me to here took a look I'm not sure he really got it too late now a generous spot yes first and 10 of the 33 yard line [Applause] do how the Browns wasted some time outs in the third quarter that hurt Shula Nefertari with the block to pick up hot Jackson makes the catch at the 48-yard line stop the clock in doing so Jackson getting a lot of respect now and playing way off his number 42 Chris Greene Jackson takes it well across midfield acute angles it back to the sideline gets the first down of stops o'clock this cash for Jackson tonight that was the Jackson 5 right down at the 48-yard line to see the exhalation he's his ABC [Applause] miss mattoliver lined up on Metcalf he gave him a lot of room and it was Metcalfe just pulling up with about a four or five yard hitch Oliver playing way off of Metcalf well it's one of the things you can do with a weapon like med campus line him up wide as a wide receiver and the guy that's going to come out and take him because he's not a burner is a guy like Lewis Oliver and Lewis Oliver is a hitter he's a big strong aggressive safety in the open field I'm not sure he's a match for a guy like Metcalfe that's the man you want man for man on Metcalfe after a glimpse of Stover is [Applause] first down was not the team that we watched in the first half no we watched against Indianapolis but we had what we have seen on this driver one two catches by Mark lavarro go with the brown must stay mistakes that critical time they cannot [Applause] [Music] 23 yard line the aqua stop with the two-minute warning and then they have one timeout left dolphins were in a blip so they were able to get outside of our dough picked up a baked four yards out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the world's most comfortable mattress would be one you couldn't feel at all that's the idea behind Sealy Posturepedic sleep system designed to support everyone differently to conform to every curve distribute your weight evenly all of you Sealy Posturepedic as it and for a more comfortable night's sleep no matter which side of the abortion issue you're on we've got news for you it may already be decided why roe versus wade is moved if it's important to you you'll find it in time I hadn't been on vacation in so long I couldn't wait to grab my luggage to get to the beach I had to get the dollar rent-a-car fast I knew they were right on the airport with low right [Music] welcome to dollar well I have a car rental reservation no problem I'll just punch it up on the computer dollar rent-a-car is right on the airport right on the money with unlimited mileage and locations worldwide call your travel consultant or dollar at 1-800-843-9166 [Music] [Applause] if you go no farther than they do right now you're looking at a 40-yarder by Stover has 255 yarder in his career but he has been very erratic and inconsistent second and five by the 23 yard line two minutes to play Miami up by three [Applause] and now the Browns are a situation where they're in no hurry to run a play we have the Dolphins berries there easily taking a timeout very wisely Don Shula is conceding the fact that at the very least is going to be a tie game maybe he'll be trailing and if he's going to have to have a chance to win this game he wants some time on the clock he went time for one of the best quarterbacks that ever played this game and moving the ball with little time on the clock or no time Dan Marino I'm not sure that's a timeout that a lot of coaches in the National Football League would have taken guys I'm not sure that's fun that a lot of people would have just automatically jumped on the way Shula dish and that is a perfect observation you're exactly right thirty years as a head coach and the whole thing yep yep but he understands his personnel the way you go back to the years he won with the ground game he won with the pass game he won with David Woodley he can win with Dan Marino the coach is according to personnel it isn't Don Shula football he's not locked into it he gets the people and he gets the most out of them the understand strategy as well as any Wester first and goal inside the core there's Bartel behind war [Applause] it's a three yard line these inches clean bottle is there to wrap them up as well walk down a 125 now there they go again yeah a timeout [Applause] Johnny Greer signalling timeout Miami again you're committed to it down wet you're right there you're exactly right I can't think if I want say no other coach was doing it but I mean Shula is just a mess yes he is not to mention the fact that that I think another thing to consider is that the Browns have been reeling off yardage and some pretty big chunk and these timeouts if one of those two teams out on the field right now need opportunities to regroup and collect themselves it's a Miami defense and a good look at to the talk that John sends up he is line coach they're talking about what happens if they get the ball back in the air trailing what are they gonna do his former team name for the Cleveland Browns has been with him so many years it's a it's a fascinating use of the clock I mean it's almost the reverse of what you'd expect but he's given his team the best chance to win second down goal at the three each team now with one timeout remaining that cap in motion those are two throw he was hit real to deeply religious men in mark Bavaro and Bernie Kosar boy they're what fans love mark Bavaro the decision made by the Giants who could no longer play a medical in the state still stand by he's doing this on his own and that is one tough football player one great football player holding on to the football oh he hits the upright over missed it but they still have a three-point lead they would have forced my arrow to score a touchdown to kick a field goal [Applause] [Music] for the moment mark of all the wonderful story look at the shot that Bavaro takes on his name we need to get a good look at that here is the extra point on the upright and it just bounces away and boy what a difference between four points and three points with a minute a Heat team left in the ballgame here's Mark lavarro first of all look how nippy that is but watch the shot right there on the knee look at the hole holding on to the football an unbelievable effort now the downside as you look again of my [Applause] the [Applause] your attack is in there dan Marino this is one of the wackiest comebacks ever I mean this is crazy so out of it by the way as 6/1 from 59 and 58 in his career both off artificial surface and again it's much more difficult to kick it off the grass Japan Strip this Cleveland showing nothing out of the game crowd ready to leave get back in it and then of all people Bavaro whose career is apparently done a year and a half ago scores the touchdown Oh a nachos timeout same score they 10-15 seconds left on the clock so burtnik braver and braver from the [Music] all over the field special teams wise for the brown and he is just continued what he's been doing since last week in Indianapolis he was all over the place and he has been tonight as well unbelievable football game silk'n burg the chicago peril is it unlikely wanted to be out Lidia Browns proud [Applause] doing what [Applause] no that's caught by dooper he is gang tackled at the 34 yard line and that'll quiet things down for a moment against the auto fix with good range Vienna vet Chism has hit several over 50 and not that far from killzone he gets loose on the sidelines and the Browns only rush three and underneath it's Humphrey he's to the 45 of my watch ticking down Barry Wilburn makes the tackle babe realistically you only need 20 more yards before play on Yvette's can reach it they need to rush Marino lease this three-man rush dropping eight get it rush three again just the one sign that wide open at the 40-yard line Freddie banks I think this rustic Dan Marino though yep Johnny Greer says roughing the passer wall I cannot I cannot agree with rushing three guys against Dan Marino roughing the passer is the qualia and we are now deep in the Browns territory 29 seconds left on the clock you're allowed two steps and considerably more than that that's Anthony Pleasant number 98 no foul [Music] my 98 decent back it on so clearly enjoy an eviction rains now now they thinking touchdown deed they are they just have to control your emotions Anthony pleasant one to Marge and oh maybe but they're going to call it this year particularly alright one timeout left twenty nine ticks left don't start until the snap I think almost as they have to gamble [Applause] has to force a pathway wait for Marino to make a bath Matthews lined up the Russian here he comes so it's a four-man rush they pick him up the throw to the one-yard line it is hard at the one-yard line by banks continues to run they want to throw the ball kill the clock with Moreno with Moreno should spike it and does he has kencho-ji flag you've got one timeout left you got everything in the world more watch out baby wonder if they're going to call motion on the Dolphins was anybody moving no again boy what a big penalty that would have been and clothes 175 defense I hope a lot of people stuck around to watch this an unbelievable finish yes you can say that [Applause] Mike Johnson down he's the guy his goal line defense in he's the guy that got that comeback started by stripping the ball from eggs well they can stop the clock they've got a timeout remaining first and goal [Applause] they come up he's the fallback tailback pigs died [Applause] dan Marino is just turned what 36 31 years older one like almost right now Tuesday morning his birthday and the clock has just struck midnight and more what a hall-of-fame drive that was when a hall-of-fame drive it was indeed guys but you really have to question the Browns only coming with a three-man pass rushing even down in the red zone only coming with four which is not a blitz how many times have you seen that prevent deepest picked apart and particularly by like somebody like Marino unbelievably accurate willing to throw underneath perfect control of the time in the clock on the drive he's four for four throws for 68 yards banks who didn't catch a pass all night makes back-to-back receptions pigs takes it in unreal 27:23 Miami banks has been back and forth on this Famy roster now the 1987 great hands great talent they've always expected him to develop into a great receiver never quite reaching that fulfillment but he made a superb play there that was not an easy catch [Applause] you know it's funny on the normal circumstances a team like Cleveland would be devastated with a loss like this you fight from behind you take the lead you pop it up with seven seconds to go and but on the other side of the coin guys I got to think All Things Considered it's a lot better than that had they been blown out of this one which so on their way to becoming early in the fourth quarter we showed a lot of heart for coming back here why our way back into a ballgame but we also we also had an opportunity the study at the feet of the master two masters one Don Shula and his use of the clock the other Dan Marino in his use of the football lethal combination earthy with John Sandusky his offensive line did a tremendous job giving Marino time on that drive touchdown it out of a master strategist that ever walked the sidelines of a football field it was not that it overtly paid off with those timeouts but just to watch him do his thing and to think about what he does the whole process is fascinating and how quickly he reacted a global Julianna Victor's kick to the 7 Box Tops out of one play in any 76 yards those are limping noticeably well I'll tell you what this has been some weekend before the family Shula it's been a great weekend of football to some of the games yesterday that the Commissioner was talking about they is a great game I agreed in a poodle winds yesterday and ot Don tonight [Applause] [Music] I could go away [Music] the penalty flag [Applause] Bernie Kosar another flag is an equi cross the line of scrimmage so this is the way it's going to end [Applause] the illegal forward pass on the offense let's play a game the game is over a heroic effort by Bernie Kosar he crossed the line of scrimmage came back and then threw the pass but still I'm limping since the second quarter heads off the burning great scene at Dan Marino coming across the field you have a visit to Bernie Kosar two of the great quarterbacks in the game today not many fourth quarters like that gang so this weekend at Bernie's proved to be fun yep some good stories on the commuter trains tomorrow they stayed awake for it and everybody who switched off the shed a lot of celebs around the New York area we had a chance to watch one of their legends [Music] the wild one from Cleveland Dolphins win at 27 to 23 Al Michaels Frank Gifford stay in theater say good night from Cleveland we'll talk to you next Monday from Chicago Bears [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Maurence Shipley
Views: 17,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Miami Dolphins, Cleveland Browns, 1992, Dan Marino
Id: DoUlBbu4qkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 51sec (8871 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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