1980 11 27 Thanksgiving Bears at Lions

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[Music] the NFL today is sponsored by the 1981 Volkswagen diesel rabbit and sporty new Scirocco Volkswagen does it again now from the CBS Sports Control in New York there's Brent Musburger happy Thanksgiving everyone pull up a chair now get real comfortable sit back and relax enjoy an afternoon of football here on CBS happy Thanksgiving Jimmy a same to all of you I'm very happy at 62 I'm still here with a wonderful family and and I love all of you - thank you for speaking of family this is a special day for families I'm just glad mine is healthy and well and I think let's remember something on this Thanksgiving date the hostages let's all say a little prayer for them and most importantly their families who were going through Thanksgiving Day without them thank you very much you know this week did not start off on a happy note for Walter Payton and the Chicago Bears I know that all the fans in Chicago are very familiar with the controversy but some of you may not have seen this angle on the play I believe it was the first down for the Bears against Atlanta watch Payton just short of the goal the ball goes down and he goes back to the huddle when suddenly the official says it belongs to the Atlanta Falcons now watch Payton's reaction he suddenly realizes the ball is going over and that's an automatic ejection as soon as he touches the official in slow motion watch how Payton handles the ball there is very little question from this angle but he thought the play was finished and he simply set it down rolling Lawrence pounced on it and then when he grabs the officials arm it is an automatic ejection and he is kicked out of the game you ever see a play like that they were hit by three points at the time so not only do they lose a possible touchdown they lose the football they lose 15 yards and they've got their best player kicked out to the game now cross has been in Detroit and her of you have visited Wolff Walter Payton and check time how's he feeling about this situation right now where he Richard Wright you know I spent a lot of time with Walter last night and I asked him about the controversial play and simply asked him why did you fumble the ball and this is his response very uh I didn't fumble and the films that I've seen and indicate that I didn't I you know that's my whole argument then I think that s4 is touching the official you know I don't deny that and one of the reasons that I did approach him that way it wasn't an anger it wasn't more less in a state where you lose the concentration at old control I knew what I was doing I was just trying to get to him to see what happened let's go back to the play itself what happened in the pile up normally when I'm carrying the ball in a crowd it's in front of me with both hands on it and they want to make contact or get close to making contact the ball is tucked and as I was pushing towards the goal and I was going back this hand came down but normally I care the ball would you know when I'm out one hand anyway and I guess from the side view that he was looking at it looked like the ball was free but my hand was still around the ball whereas it might have appeared to be that way I don't know I don't know what his thinking was and what his angle was do you know normally the Commissioner would have made some kind of a reaction and response in the form of a fine to Walter Payton for being ejected from the football game so far there's been no word from the league office let's go to Pat Summerall care thank you I'm here of course with Tom Brookshire and you look back over this series this Thanksgiving day the traditional game that it is and the names that have been involved go back to Nagurski water-filled Sid Luckman oh my gosh think of the great games in this series it just went terrific and vivir 53 Bobby Lane threw three touchdown passes Jack Christiansen ran back a couple of kicks in ploys box I think had a great day that's a your honor then in 62 was the grudge match remember that remember the grudge match that was the game and which Darris mccard Alex Karras put Bart Starr on the turf a lot of times doesnít was in there too you know and this game I see this is the 41st time this game has been broadcast from Detroit not always from here obviously there were those first broadcast to broadcasters and broadcasters came on radio force where Graham McNamee and Don Wilson Don Wilson who was on the Jack Benny well for chauffeur had years after that well you know the same thing boils down to today though really last year it was Detroit Detroit was the team that was going nowhere and they beat the team from Chicago 20 to nothing right right so we're looking for so that's kind of thing today you know again it's never disappointed us now let's go back to New York hey iPad thank you very much there's another former sportscaster from the Midwest I don't know that he ever did that game his name is Ronald Reagan and you're gonna see a very interesting interview with Reagan that Vin Scully did out on the west coast a couple days ago that's coming up at half-time and the NFL today continues on CBS in just a moment [Music] Tuesday night there was a controversy in boxing that is still causing major stories to be written and talked about throughout the sports world Sugar Ray Leonard on the right matched against the champion Roberto Duran two minutes and 44 seconds into the eighth round Duran quits walks away and Sugar Ray Leonard is the new champion of the world now Jack Whittaker was here a short time ago and he had some comments not only on this controversy but on boxing in general in the most stunning walk out since Rhett Butler left Scarlett O'Hara Roberto Duran walked out of a championship fight Tuesday night and left behind anger disbelief and speculation it is difficult to imagine Duran quitting he always has been the textbook macho man with the indomitable will to win the will Tuesday night was domina Bowl based on his distinguished record Duran's reasons for walking away must be valid ones at least to himself whether it was indeed severe stomach cramps as he says or severe frustration over the way the fight was going or finally after all these years a severe malaise towards boxing we may never know what we do know is that a first-rate boxing career has ended on a not very high note leaving several embarrassing questions to be answered boxing will recover it always has but today the sport is called box scam and of course it is disgraceful especially in light of the Ollie Holmes non fight and the affair Tuesday night but we Americans are estranged people at times we love the smell of the carnival and the sound of the Barkers voice and we have an unshakeable belief in the theory that big is good and the more things cost the better they are Duran and Leonard fought for fifteen million dollars in the fight was not a very good one but that doesn't matter it's the millions of dollars that stops the mind and maybe it stopped Iran's the other night the affair hurts the good people in the sport and the youngsters who dream of being the next Leonard or Duran with their own multi-million dollar payoffs but they should be a stout heart there will always be an audience for them can't you hear the shuffling feet now running down the Midway hearing the Barkers voice telling them of the wonders of another Muhammad Ali exhibition and a third Duran Leonard fight this time for thirty million dollars look at all those people just trying to give their money away Jimmy of all the athletes in the world I didn't think would ever quit Roberto Duran would head that list that's for sure you'd about a thousand to one against that but I can't believe that something was not wrong with this man this man could not have fought 70 fights or more like he has and to have quit on this one I say that he was ill well I think we should be careful before we condemn him because it wasn't long ago Phyllis that jr. Richard was complaining and no one wanted to believe him and suddenly he suffered a stroke down in Houston yeah I I'm you know I was shocked and a little embarrassed at the moment when he quit but at the same time maybe he's right maybe something was wrong yet there are those that say as Jack said that he was frustrated by the way Leonard was fighting him okay you know if it's true that Billy Sims and Walter Payton are two of the NFL's top thoroughbreds then the NFC Central is nothing but a marvelous horse race with only four furlongs to go and Irv cross was at the starting gate welcome racing fans to the NFC Central Division Derby featuring the chicago bear the tampa bay buccaneers the Minnesota Viking the Green Bay Packers and the Detroit lion they're entering the starting gate [Music] [Applause] at the start the 1980 NFC central race found a longshot leading the pack the doormat Detroit Lions operating on a fast track at the Silverdome at a brand-new thoroughbred running back Billy Sims with the QuickStart the Lions appeared to be on their way to the winner's circle meanwhile the rest of the central seemed capable of neither win place or show [Music] [Applause] [Music] the pack fell back while fishes and favorites Chicago and Tampa Bay drop furlongs behind [Music] several coaches tried going to the whip yet their horses continually fell far off the face [Music] but just when matter seemed salted away Detroit curled up into a deep midseason slumber suddenly from back in the pack to also-rans shot to the forefront first it was Minnesota making a run for the roses coming from behind was longshot Green Bay back in the thick of the chase all the while pacesetter Detroit went steadily backwards losing their once sizeable lead there would be no runaway in the NFC Central this was a horse race [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the winner so far NFC Central fans seen no clear answer to that question whoa no copying out big fella I can't you handicap a race that doesn't involve the Philadelphia Eagles who's gonna win this thing you know wait a minute I have a truck trying to run me over here who's gonna win I guess I'd have to call it a toss-up Oh her crush makes no enemies on Thanksgiving Day or any other day all today continues on CBS in just a moment [Music] Phylis you have a very special story on this holiday that's right bran it's a sad story with a happy ending two years ago Detroit's Jessie Thompson didn't have much to be thankful for he began the 1978 season is an outstanding rookie past receiver but just two days before Thanksgiving he was suddenly struck down with a rare arthritic condition a condition that left him without a career and without a paycheck without everything but hope in 1978 about a week before Thanksgiving I was inflicted with a rider's syndrome which is a inflammation of the body joints and it mainly affected my lower extremely I had a weight loss of about 40 to 50 pounds at first I just simply tried to stand and I put pressure on my ankle and I felt a sharp pain in the ankle was there a certain specialist that assisted you during your illness well they said the pain that I was in originally when I first was inflicted with the sickness that I would recover from that to some degree to what degree they weren't sure Jesse Thompson came in here with a very very painful illness he walked in on crutches was obviously totally disabled despite his great pain Jesse impressed me as being an individual highly motivated and determined to recover throughout my participation in sports I've always had I did and that I wanted to never have to say if I would have and that was very important to me I didn't want to have to say if I would have tried and if I were to work I could be back in the NFL I made that effort and I put forth the effort and now the answer is evident you never realize it but when people see a sick person they want to reach out and be good to you and touch you but for some how is something about that that scares them away and I felt like the players were afraid to come up and talk to me and that really bothered me there for a while I think that Jessie Thompson is a tremendously courageous person but the thing that impresses me the most about it is not the fact that he's courageous but how he went about it he didn't ask people to feel sorry for him he came back from this if you will injury but the way he did it just show such tremendous class the first game that I was coming back in it was a Lana game and it was I think of a simple curl pattern which you know most receivers can run with their eyes closed but when I caught that one pass for that one moment I could think of nothing else for me I was so happy and it was just the accumulation of all the time and effort and work I have put in and I don't think anybody could blame me that one moment your story makes me want to just stand up and cheers it's a great story what advice do you have for the young people of America it would be that you can have your health taken from me you can have your wealth taken from you but as long as you have hope I believe you have everything and now Jesse Thompson is preparing to take on the Chicago Bears on this Thanksgiving a remarkable young man who should be an inspiration to all people indeed in the NFL today we'll continue on CBS with Jimmy the Greek taking a look at the Bears and the Lions in just a moment [Music] Dimmie I am left wondering about motivation for Chicago one tough loss after another almost out of it any surrender on their part you know the Bears have lost played their last 10 games you know against the league leaders and have played marvelous football in every game especially the last two when they should have won both beat Houston and absolutely should have beaten won the game last week you've got the big check on the underdog then you think they're gonna really play an inspired game today and hey Hartenstein Hampton and Osborne have just been super defensive ball players and I think their defense will definitely hold up again all right well one other thing though about the Lions last week when Billy Sims turned the corner on that 21 yard touchdown against Tampa Bay couldn't that spark the Lions now that they got their big play man back into the end zone no question about it but somehow or other everybody still knows when he's going to carry the ball and I think the Bears do too all right Jimmy there is a second game today and it matches Seattle down in Dallas that was the Dallas middle linebacker they're ducking out of your picture I think they're at the moment no question about who Jimmy favors today team speed linebackers defensive front and the running game the whole thing about it is when you have a quarterback and a good wide receiver you can always be in the ball game and Zorn can never be counted out but Dallas has just too much Seattle has been a disappointment this year they may play just to prove something he ffensive LY defensively they've been a disappointment and I'm sure that when the draft is coming may that don't go for all defensive players in fact practically every team will Jimmy I forgot to congratulate you on telling us beforehand that joey faust was gonna be the new coach at Notre Dame we're gonna come back with that story and more as the NFL today continues in just a moment [Music] earlier this week the University of Notre Dame named a high school coach as a successor to the retiring Dan Devine his name is Gerry Faust and here's some of what he said while accepting college football's toughest job ever since I've been in the fifth grade please see why the football riding my bike back and forth from practices to sing this 413 fight song never had the opportunity to go to school here because I wasn't good enough to play but I always follow the Notre Dame and always have and always will just to think that I have an opportunity to be part of this great University is this the thrill itself now it was just last weekend that Foust coached his final high school game his team molar high was going after its fifth ohio state championship in six years the opponent was another national power nestled in high school more than 27,000 enthusiasts jammed in the Cincinnati's Nippert Stadium for the showdown I drive anywhere in Ohio see the masculine Tigers because they are number one [Applause] you can't find things anywhere like this this is probably the greatest high school football game in the United States today this is high stakes high school football this is masculine versus molar for the state crown of Ohio NASA loan with a 40-year football tradition including coaches like Paul Brown and Earle Bruce against molar the new kid on the block but this new kid is ranked number one in the nation now number one meets the legend for the first showdown ever between the two schools this means in Masson this is all there is it's a big biggest game of my career and it just might be the biggest game of Jerry fastest career - this is really exciting [Music] but the excitement is not whoops past kickoff the molar Crusaders moved the ball downfield and didn't they turn it over to senior fullback of the market Brooks [Applause] and stores and scores some more nothing at the half and everything Mechelen tries to do to get back in the game come on guys we can't give up in the closing minutes the Tigers do score but the game is well more 30 Massillon south [Applause] you know we're from Maslin and we got a lot of pride and you know win or lose you know we a lot of fans still think we're number one [Applause] [Music] and coming up now it is the Lions and the Bears don't forget at halftime Vince Kelly with the president-elect Ronald Reagan for Phyllis and Jimmy the Greek I'm Brent Musburger Soloff from New York [Music] the NFL today will continue after this word from your local station [Music] if you're on in Pontiac it's snowing outside they're talking about somewhere between 6 to 11 inches but it doesn't matter in the Silverdome it's nice and comfortable inside for this Thanksgiving Day Classic Chicago Bears against the Detroit Lions a sellout crowd which is late arriving by necessity a lot of people still out in the parking lot trying to get in because the snowstorm really swept in this morning let's go now on Thanksgiving Day and listen to our national anthem it's giving day and express our support of the hostages being held in Iran please rise and sing along with Detroit's own fat Bob Taylor as Harold arnoldii conducts our national anthem [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] games in the history of football we'll find out what they had to think about one another I suppose so we'll go down I think first though and check on what happens this coin is tossed to see who receives the first kickoff let's go down there and check on that Detroit captains are the near sideline the Lions it's callicut number 31 for the Lions he's a camicazi man on the special teams Lions of course in 1st place in the NFC Central Division and the Bears who have had a very tough year with a record of four and eight but still a very fine football team Rolen Harper Philadelphia Cleveland in Houston very good teams beat the Bears Plateau captain boy fair play tough Parsons lifted Harper and Smith captains the coin heads tails Parris heads tails who's going to in the air please tails is called the ball so Detroit won the first victory of the day already they won the coin toss you mentioned Walter Payton and Billy Sims certainly to the finest running backs in professional football perhaps ever certainly in Payton's case that might apply yeah we talked to them before the game and last night we got Walter Payton and I think these are pretty good comments about one another they analyze each other they analyze and talk about the other person here they are well I guess if I had to really pinpoint style for Billy Sims that would have to be maybe a smaller Campbell or too big Walter Payton oh one of those things no to be realistic and to get serious about it Billy Sims is a heck of a running back he has the size the speed the durability and the determination when you blend those things together what a team that wants to win and has a winning attitude he can't go win anywhere but to the top it was a great person I have a lot of respect for his dollars running building on foot boy yeah or type of individual guy here the team put it all the way and I just respect him totally [Music] of course tonight you actually probably have more maneuverability that's the way some people would say it some of the scouts and all that but do you think he doesn't mostly on strength I think so most mental strength and Jeff saw that knowledge he has to go run with the ball and maneuver tacklers and readers block the world and everything and I'm still you know learning I'm young now but hopefully 20 days I could be just as good as he'll pretty well says it for each other doesn't it to class the young men Bob Thomas set to kickoff for the Bears Rick Cain and Ray Williams back deep for the Detroit Lions that is ray william with some room Williams outside the 25 to about 228 where the Lions will operate stop by al Harris number 94 Chicago and this is the NFC leading rushing team 176 yards a game most Wyler's the only player to be there all of the games this year for mommy Clarke Burton lawless the X cowboy Fowler Bollinger Dieterich and big day of Hill across seven balls last week Danielson is the quarterback Billy Sims and extra the runners pretty Scott Dan Thompson the wide receiver around it give you a million different set for that 51 deeper right now it's a four-man front release in barrels for about five the line of scrimmage then was the 28th muckin Sturm stopped in let's look at the rest of the defense Hampton who maybe 270 right now Alfred page partner skies all hitters they play at the 5 a lot they'll go from a 5 to a 3 into a 4 the linebackers buqun Sternwood just made that tackle Hickson campbell secondary top all hitters Smith Alice defense they conduct play Billy Sims got 6 yards on his first carry so it's second and 4 [Music] quarterback [Music] in motion and Danielson's thought in that direction blockers front about a yard shy of a first down Gary Campbell Tom Hicks run him down the short passing game is clattering honey Clark would like to make sure Danielson stays with you can throw on the Bears a little bit but they're pretty tough part gary Danielson really came into his own three years ago a rather familiar name to Chicago people he was a backup quarterback in 1975 in the world football league in Chicago I start for Detroit Hall last year so he's bought him a long way back this is 31 fussy maybe Sim Sim we'll have it with the extra effort with help from Osborne boy is he smooth at the line of scrimmage he never rushes anything Sam's just glides waits for the blocks and then takes off he has great lateral movement though coming off full speed he's an incredible ball carrier 200 210 pounds it looks like it weighs about 170 and quick and I think one of the things that surprised everybody including the Lions is what a good pass receiver is soft hands he has a bad left hand that might be one the reasons he does fumble a little [Music] you carry it that many times you have to Caray Williams and a good throw from Danielson a quick slant and they had the right read on it they gave the fake to the dive back going through liens alternating wide receivers Williams who just caught that fast at Thompson and now Rick Cain checks and here's the bullet ball is thrown well it's a good call and they caught the linebackers and the Bears right on the line of scrimmage good call first and 10 Detroit at the 46 yard line of Chicago Rick Cain and Dexter bussy behind Danielson looks like an automatic work like course automatics let's see by Tom Hicks the linebacker penetration and they will gamble on defense but they always make contact here this now watch the left part of your screen you'll see Hicks making his move like Sims fight amidst the block should have picked him up that's the hardest thing to learn for a rookie bat 3-yard loss vacant second and 13 the 49 yard line off Chicago first possesion for Detroit Chicago hasn't had it yet Billy Sims and extra now the runningback tandem [Applause] and soon with good time throws [Applause] [Music] complete carry snip the Chicago Defender and what a good throw from daniel-san if thought he had the good angle on the deep sideline this ball is really well thrown by Danielson he's a straight drop back passer he's not much of a scrambler gets a rush from Osburn and Hampton on that cider to this throw right on both feet down that's an excellent play Daniel here's the catch again the last part of that Danielson like Bradshaw and so many others with his index finger over the end of the football as he throws 34 is the line of scrimmage Detroit on the move early dexter bussy bussy another lion first down I believe that time they ran a false trap they pull the left guard they full flawless like he's going watch the left guard now right the left part of your screen people pull like he's gonna go wide they run right back in there the center just turns Osburn out of there and Hicks never had a chance good block by the tackle going through on and that's bowling ger right watch number 73 coming to the picture and throw that key block pull a guard that'll keep Allan page out of there he doesn't waste the time to line of scrimmage says they're about an inch short of it first down is the referee friend Silva just indicated plus he's the third leading ground gainer in Detroit history and he moved from the tailback spot when Billy Sims came in and said I'll play wherever you want me to play but I do want to play russy's had some injury problems in recent years but this year has been a vintage here as you can see averaging almost 5 yards of carry [Applause] [Music] they still meet inches that's going to be close again as the line of scrimmage is at 25 and needing to get about to the 24 and a half he might have lost yardage on that play short yardage now and the Bears act like that they belong on the other side of the line of scrimmage look at the penetration Hamptons over there there's Hicks again the whole group came home from another view same result white on blue good play by Hicks the end of the backfield quickly and it's still third but this time exploring this Billy Sam found about the 22 to stop by muckin stern and that will be be George forth first down in this drive good block on the outside by Dietrich the rookie from North Carolina state he was having to work on Hampton he held that block a long time for Simms really reads blocking well then he he had seven 200 yard rushing days in college at Oklahoma seven 200 that was of course from that wishbone and this is a little bit different in the way he's been able to accommodate his style this [Music] this is nothing for Billy Gary fencing is the first fan up Mike Martin Stein healthy [Music] very physical player from Penn State good pass rusher this telecast is presented by authority the National Football League it's intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast early use of this telecast without the express written consent by Detroit Lions and the National Football League is prohibited daniel says thinking pass lunch second and 11 Thanksgiving Day Classic at the Silverdome in Detroit looking still looking there's really not much place to look as everybody was covered al Harris who they used on passing situation except the one safety man then he got double coverage from the underside that's the play a lot like that the one that Danielson got his knee hurt on a year ago in pre-season against Baltimore they don't like to see him run with Sibley play number 12 coming up in this Drive for Detroit RS King and Billy Sims now the tube will operate behind Danielson Jesse Thompson is one of the wide receivers Clark [Music] Britt's got his foot out to the left Jessie Thompson out to the right Billy pass this able to handle team archers everywhere get it for the tight end Hill nothing doing penalty markers down however they started from the 22 yard line 7:58 left in the first quarter just Silverdome let's see what happened Detroit gets another offensive play it's against the Bears for lining up offsides we're getting as close to number 16 is possible to close [Applause] offside third 51 is Bruce Haran dan in the event you joined us late it is snowing outside it has been since early morning here in Pontiac the dome is a dome then here it's quite question and overthrows and cheerfully soon pressure by Hampton on the outside the big number one draft choice out of Arkansas and that one was unloaded early Sims was open we will look at the liens fine rookie kicker Edie Marie from Tulane Eric Hipple is the holder and that's what he's done so far from this distance he's been very effective tight he has a very live kick to this like some soccer star this ball was really exhausting carries and gets up very good it'll be from 34 yards out try to get the lines on the school board first they've had the ball and kept it since the opening kickoff [Music] [Applause] Marty Clark that's electric and transpired in that crime and Walter Payton 21 yard he hasn't been on the field yet [Music] happy Thanksgiving from all of us at CBS Sports the Bears and the Lions he doesn't get the kickoff to Dean Young Murray sometimes hangs it around the 10-yard line he's 5 to 170 we kick this one this woman's gonna stay up there while that's Dave Williams at the three for Chicago Williams breaks one tackle outside the 22 about to 22 where they take over by Horace King [Music] and Walter Payton and his team comes on the field right don't forget Vince Evans the quarterback he is fast with the offensive line the tackles are number one draft choices albrecht and lick sorry in Jackson two of the biggest guards in the league and they're good in neelix Center Robin Earl is the tight end and bash Nagle and Scott open at wide receiver Evans Harper and Walter Payton who should go over a thousand yards with this carry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] last week if he had not been evicted from the game - go Devon's going to throw on John Mendenhall the ex New York giant made that tackle annex Green Bay Packer he's found a new home here and they're playing the 4:04 he's also a former Green Bay Packer gay who used to be a tide in it in college days and it's now a defensive tackle Mendenhall and of course Bubba Baker number 60 the linebackers Weaver and Teddy in the middle who stand white maxi bond brought him in as soon as he was given the deepest alert over the secondary shipping hunter and the rest it'll be second and 15 has been sevens tried to throw on first down and couldn't get rid of it our first Walter Payton and here's Peyton we got two or three as they knock him back left by William Jay [Music] but that should be enough for Chicago first down I think apart now the first down should be enough for Peyton to go over that thousand yard mark area they even took his shoe off that time very aggressive and good pursuit what's the right part of your screen now let's see gay gets hit very hard by Noah Jackson rolls back out Floyd Peters keeps the teaching young day and because he had no bad habits as a defensive lineman he says the young man's pick it up very quickly Teddy Hoover at the defensive charge twentieth third and 12 and take these over a thousand [Applause] [Music] Wayne Smith was the first to arrive the thirty-fifth back of the year for the Lions and Bubba comes off of the galata hand touch it here comes the Blitz they fake it with the safety man but the outside corner from the right did come picked up by Walter Payton but he came around the edge maker was there as well [Applause] [Music] back deep for Detroit Bob Parsons book bunker Chicago hi hanging good kick all the way back to the 41 Williams circling left still trying to circle there we mark it down yard right Fisher is number 85 down on the coverage and he's the one who violated that rule what happens it's been averaging ten yards a punt return Fisher plays the blocker pretty well but in this he slips inside of it now tries to make it and grab him right by the horn and there is that violation no question about that woman here's Fred Silva makes a good putt return out of it definitely good kick by Parsons but that violation puts Detroit in Chicago territory and again let's listen to Fred silver on the run back number 85 personal foul face mask first down the Bears are not the most penalized team in football they had a dozen last week Danielson is three out of four so far the Lions lead it 3 nothing - cribbage the Chicago 42 549 left in the first quarter Detroit 3 [Applause] Silverdome in Pontiac that summer all the town Brookshire side of the Super Bowl CBS will bring it to you after year after this what a great facility Danielson gives - Dexter struggles for couple Tom Hicks the beer Jacqueline Lyons went nine quarters without scoring a touchdown they finally took care of that last week but they have had some problems after that early start when they just blew the Rams out and went on to win three more second and eight this time he doing such a superb job as the middle linebacker for the Bears as to get a lot of recognition but deserves [Music] at the 40 put the ball like an angel the scripts got in motion and he dropped dan Hampton takes him down from behind Danielson has over 200 yards rushing most unscrambles like this but I think money Clarke's heart jumps up every time he sees this has to happen notice everybody waiting Allan page didn't even penetrate waiting for the break ie gets cut off and here comes Hanson from behind that'll make it third and five as Hampton goes out and Harris comes in the two number ones of a year ago for the Bears alternating and defensive left in Walter Scheib the tackler Aras Kingman receiver that's enough for a lion first down bears came with a late play that time from the offside that time Detroit looked like they were darn near in the right play for the defense of his call first well handled by Dieterich on the right side ball got there it wasn't a smooth pass but it was rather effective Detroit three out of four on first down conversions on third down conversions for first downs - groaning - 29 already through nothing [Applause] [Music] have another first down another excellent throw by Daniel course Scott came in with 40 catches is averaging over 16 yards of reception one of the great pickup was getting Freddie Scott the good doctor they call him Otis a good looking pattern he knows where the sideline is or the footwork we got one foot down foot replay sandy Grossman picked it up and he only got one of them down worth another check you're right the ball is thrown right on good coverage there there's one foot down [Applause] yeah that's good call to the half sees out of bounds second down at the 29 Danielson again drops bears on a flips way down the middle it's hard to tell who that was intended for purdue boilermakers huh / - that's turned out quarterbacks through the years oh you think back to know Bob Griese on us they're now mark Hermann Dale Samuels how many more no I was on there highlight fella mostly lynnie Dawson [Applause] third down 337 left first quarter at the Silverdome three wide receivers and the blitzes are from Dan Hampton who this time came from the right side instead of his customary left side Allan page was also in on that the ted sack for the big raiser met let's see what happens Allan page made a lot of penetration quickly to came right across the middle that's Paige's first sack in three games this is gone two days without a sack which is unusual the man who scored the only point so far is back to try it again Murray this time and this is gonna be 54 yards out there's one of three from over 50 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gonna get there at the straight just barely mess pretty gut 6 round draft choice out of joy in there leading the NFC and scoring coming in and at every chance and just barely was shy so the store remains the Detroit Lions 3 Chicago Bears nothing [Music] the great Jim Brown makes my leg ache a little bit he's gonna be jacking Whitaker's guests at half-time in Jack's feature on the legends of the NFL he left a lot of guys in his wake yours truly a few times I got a few of those bruises still to seven the Bears quarterback our friend taken Harbor rolls out to about the 38 yard line stop by a Ken fan Cuddy Evans is a tremendous athlete he in his 10 starts as a bear quarterback young Evans has faced nine division leaders that's an awfully hard way to get experience but he's beginning to try to set up in the pocket and I'm not so sure I don't like him better when he's running around making your defense adjust Ricky Watts comes out wide to the right to the lab deep in the eye and Walter nobody does it better Charley Weaver stopped him who has those quick feet and strong legs and some of the Eagles and they prepare for him like a 250-pound running back he does squats with the weights 500 pounds plus the bench press is over 300 and he's only probably two four or five at his top weight he is a remarkable running back you saw that traffic a minute ago there are only two other people [Applause] Jim Taylor and OJ Simpson Franco Harris has the record Oh tears over a thousand per second he doesn't make a big play by William gay the left tackle number 79 or he really reacts in there he's another one of those that beefed himself up gaze to the top now what's the charge he gets straightens up Noah Jackson and gets it on a tackle that is some kind of a defensive line let's play their fan Teddy gets into it to give some credit to Mendenhall - who is it a Neath all that come on you he's strong and quick gay beefed himself up from 235 to 252 now so he could play defense the Rockies later Parsons his second part of the game [Applause] Ray Williams back at about the 15 yard line for Detroit that had a great year putty [Music] bears will down it after two [Applause] that was in the playbook 53-yard kick [Music] [Applause] Oh Detroit will take over again with 47 seconds left in the first quarter and [Music] there's some by Parsons it came down teflon-coated that's what the plastic balloon is up here a five-second hang time you said it had a speaker on it when it came down that's Chris Haines who's down there two down it well that defense will jump on Danielson now they'll really try to squeeze him [Music] [Applause] Billy seems looking for some place to go and play operated in the beginning from the 7 yard line where Haynes touched it Higgs makes me Cola has been here on five tackles already now he's going to arbitrate a little bit now the lawyer gets discussing with the attorney Alan page what it is we ought to do here the prosecution says what a veteran Alan page has been the contribution he's made to the bears and before that in Minnesota Gilligan Olson pinky second down second down from the seven either let all the backs go out and get into the pass flow or keep everybody in there's Allen at six seventh and make it seven sacks now with the one he got earlier [Applause] they're so too strong against Atlanta last week for a cut up inside and then in one move Sims jumped two yards laterally and accepted the good block by lawless and made his way into the end zone he has got tremendous cutting ability but right now the Bears are stringing it out to where there's nowhere for him to cut to they didn't play it well mutter down buckets turn made that stuff third and three perhaps [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Paris this time and hurled back into the endzone and lions will have to find it going to be a safety but they sure did deposit sins into their problem Osborne also makes the big play on this I was born in Harris and Osbourne limps off just a little bit he had an injury problem last week split Damian cutter carried about a million dollars with a goods there they got to be careful with that Walter Scheib back teeth standing at Smithfield for the bears living here with his back to you [Applause] and that'll do it the wind direction doesn't make any difference inside but that's the end of the first quarter if you go by Murray and Detroit leaves the beers freed up CBS Danny will kick or Detroit Walter Scheib back deep for Chicago back at midfield kick her out of the Ohio State he didn't have one block for a touchdown earlier in the year see if they put heat on or try to get a good return looks like they have heat in mind [Music] heed they do [Applause] from the 45 is Walter shied and affairs will have to auto shot down inside the 25 to the 20 to 39 yard kick and a rip-off return by walter shine - three yards offensively in that first quarter a big special place like this can put them right back in the ball game keep in mind that of the 208 points scored against Detroit 42 of those when the offensive peoples on the field are kicking it or fumble run in and those kind of things so you've got a few other ways maybe to get on the board against Detroit walfish I just got a look at him it'll be first down for the Bears at the Detroit 22 yard line everybody's still alive and the NFC Central Division as far as playoff a concern or considerations at least and there'll be some consideration right now the Bears jumped Evans has been sacked twice [Applause] by the way we made a mistake a little bit earlier which I'll tell you about after we get to want over 65 all started first up that's remarkable staffers running back first we told you that Jim Brown would be featured on Jack Whitaker's legends feature but he's been replaced by another excellent ballplayer the President of the United States elect mr. Reagan who used to be a sports announcer Jim Brown will be with us later [Applause] seven still looking for some place to go and Evan says time said a minute ago as a fine aunt Leigh has to tuck it under and run Mendenhall again the tackler Javed Hall is all over the place he's found new life with a team that's perhaps going to win this division Minnesota plays New Orleans on Sunday that's gonna have a lot to say about it oh he puts it away fast 205 pounder 6-2 and he can run he scored five touchdowns rushing already this year [Applause] the ranks third as you saw among the NFL quarterbacks in rushing and he didn't start for a long time [Applause] Jennifer Scott penalty marker down Scott was in the end zone Walter Payton was having a problem with the linebacker number 52 they're staying white and the flag is sort of formed between them maybe Walter was pushing off but it might have been white holding on facemask that's Walter Payton crab stand White's face mask that's unusual Walter says what do you have to do right give me a break talking with him last night asking about that controversial play against Atlanta last week he just left says I didn't fumble and as you look at the tapes it certainly doesn't look like he did either I think the wrong official made the call I know Eddie Marion personally and I would trusted with my wallet but he did not originally make the call office unsportsmanlike conduct dan Neil it offensive center is call for the penalty that's the fourth penalty 40 yards on the Bears riki watched checks in tells heavens neil armstrong's charset plays he goes right James Scott come play [Applause] [Music] such faith the Blitz again mounted to stock Evan [Applause] the hard pass for the young quarterback we know he can throw it 65 70 yards without much effort you have to take a little bit off on the shorter patterns but he's learning this ball is right in there the court gets a strike let's throw the ball with a great deal of velocity I guess that's the same as throwing it hard huh three-wide racing over [Applause] put on the pressure evans throw catch on top of everything on defense so far ray Oldham knocked him out of bounds what a catch by Williams he had six catches last week good rush good study in there by Detroit you really had to throw it in a hurry and sort of through a side arm a little bit didn't he Bob Thomas is not being used at the moment Bob Parsons is Ray Williams goes back deeper Detroit try to make a corner again I guess inside the ten if possible when she did so well the last time Parsons punting and looking for that corner this one might have slipped by although that's going to be close touchback they'll bring it back to the 20 we're in Detroit we'll take over very impressive defensive performance and exhibition by the Lions they've been tough they are trying to get to the playoffs and they want it badly [Music] the NFC Central Division standings Detroit on top seven and five Minnesota six and six Green Bay a remarkable turnaround for them five six and one Tampa Bay for seven and one and the Chicago Bears four and eight but everybody is still alive with a chance for the chance for the playoff and the Bears have played everybody played the best teams in football he does fly quickly let me never hurries that either he waits for the blocks waits for the linemen to help he's never in a hurry but he has that sudden burst of speed again a 210 pass he waits for the block on the outside linebacker there smoking stir the block the tackle by Terry Schmidt this is beautiful to watch talk about fluidity first and ten for Detroit at the 31-yard line they lead three nothing [Applause] in motion Danielson looking finding no place and finally he does find extra parking muckin Sturm was the defender closest to her danielson under heat again plus he's a good receiver he has 31 catches at this stage that was a great scramble by Danielson a couple of the big bears we're looking in the pocket for him and came up into the games you'll see on CBS on Sunday st. Louis New York Washington at Atlanta Minnesota New Orleans Tampa Bay Green Bay a big Central Division matchup in Philadelphia at San Diego oh pretty good matchup second and ten else against Joyce Kia through the best Danielson to Sam to about the 35 Alan page took him down good inside runners he doesn't try to break every play but he can't break a play like that one missed tackle somebody hits me for the fingernail instead of a shoulder pad he can break him all the way is that 570 something gets the Rams on opening day then it'll be third and six Sims 9 carries 25 yards they've shut him down pretty well so far he is back in the backfield now with harness team as comes out King was the intended receiver couldn't find a handle and Spadina comes back to do his act again when the swing was open between the outside man and the inside linebacker Danielson must wonder what he's going to do to get a catch Bears played good defense and have all year it's been a frustrating year for them Walter shine magazine the Danny will find [Applause] like they're gonna send some bears Wabash I [Applause] 35-yard punt [Applause] Calicut ken who is always a leader on the special teams for Detroit Sun tackle I was there in a hurry this game was to sell out but you would have figured with the weather conditions like they were earlier this morning a lot of people might have stayed home left the sliding 40-thousand looked like everybody always showing up people absent [Applause] operating with the football still don't have a first down [Applause] Robin are all in Detroit territory to the 45 Jimmy Alameda tackler good throw by Evans 25-yard pick up the 12th catch of the year for the converted fullback remember he worked all spring trying to convert they totally forgot a play for us retired spot which has been a problem for Chicago and he's carrying about 240 and it's made the adjustment very well they tell me he blocks to like an extra tackle who can also catch it to run with it first completion to the first first down for the Bears at the 45 this is patron Walter down about the 41 stop by William Jay again who helps them make the game plan up they've allowed on the 8 T DS rushing and only King against the pass and except for Philadelphia a couple of other people that's about as good as you can play the defensive it'll be second and seven they have done an excellent job on defense Bosch Nagle checked in with the play [Applause] our sims carry the ball that they might break it Weaver make sure he doesn't break this one fine Weaver averaged 94 yards a game for those first five seasons Walter Payton and he's still averaging right at that well they really are reacting on defense that's good tackling call it third and six at 275 yards in one game [Applause] the three bear wide receivers all in the game Bosch Nagel join those all Baker and the sack is going to count the official and this is going to gate up slow but Bubba Baker had he is the third sack of the day for Detroit watch Baker number 60 bottom of your screen is the young man that came from Colorado State goes right over our Breton right into the quarterback now right now the whistle has been blown and it is a dead ball [Music] in the grass and the man who's down is Albrecht that may be why baker was able to get so free stay pretty afraid to he and Dennis lick again that's a very hard surface down there Patrick hiyo like a rock Detroit three Ricardo nothing second quarter 959 left Pyrrhus Baker against all bring six six and 250 and Bubba Baker gets his 12 SEC watch all bricks me come right down in that heart [Applause] he probably did it because it is very firm down there's some play by big Albrecht encouragingly dick get up and walk off under his own power Murray Williams back at the 10-yard line for Detroit Bob Parsons for Chicago he's had a good game so far [Music] this one somewhat of a shank it takes a bear bounce detroit defense that now has three stocks for a - 28 yards that's almost an offense at the half again then Scully will visit with the president elect Ronald Reagan Vinson the president our neighbors are were right before I even fixed abode of the White House [Music] that's a very interesting things to say I understand about his days as a sports announcer back in Iowa Marty Clark to find offensive tackle during his playing days were Don shooter Dexter fussing after the 30 yard very offensive finally made the tackle but fussy for about 15 and as you saw earlier he's averaging right at five yards a shot he's not big probably about 197 pounds a seven-year veteran but he breaks a couple of tackles here to get the good block downfield it was Scott or somebody that made up the outside Sims I believe that made the good block and cut down the corner back they said that's the hardest thing that seems his had to adjust to his pick him up the blitzes and blocking because he didn't have to do that at oklahoma 18 yard pickup by fussy on that last play and a loss this time for sims on this play dan Hampton and Tom Hicks led the bear defense sims never made it back to the line of scrimmage 176 yards rushing his team averages number one in the NFC pushing that football huh Chet Albrecht it was his ankle that was injured obviously two players trying to come back they're strapping it up julissa again the Bears shut it down let by mucket stern and strung it out everybody stayed on their feet grab that blockers and got them under control and Sims just ends up on the side of his shoes lawless pulling number 68 it is from behind the quarterback he's out in front notice how the light shirts not get everything under control stay up if you can the defense so it'll be third down now and nine for Detroit still three nothing seven and a half minutes left to play in the first half Billy sin and Aris came this time [Applause] across midfield try convincing him playing back on the tackle but a good throw from Daniels time but the move they sent the big kite in they've Hill out of the left formation he cleared out a little bit he's under this thing really opens up the linebackers would have to take the short receivers and there was pretty good area for the young man William to work in plank the first tackler the 30 of course Ray Williams very fancy I'm also involved at the 47-yard line Oh he's looking for flags but there are great block by Amos Fowler the offensive Center set up the whole thing his third touchdown receiving the football he will not with a run [Applause] watch he was on a motorcycle under control they say these people only come along about every five or six years the OJ Simpson's the Jim Browns and Jim Taylors Earl Campbell's the ones that can turn a franchise around with plays like this look they've used the blocking and now he decides you'll go right for the tape you'll never get and that was Fowler the office at Center who threw that last bar there are a lot of good ones Billy Sims did a lot on his own 65 is Fowler watch the last part of this play some good blocks well here's a good block takes advantage of everything and he's moving he's about a four or five man the 40 under control [Applause] and stepping hi and crossing over that's a hard way [Applause] like the one of the rock gets belly said review get him in Radio City with that step [Applause] Marie for the extra point with nipple holding right smelling playoffs playing good defense [Applause] flaming heels of Billy sin they leave chin up there's Billy Sims who just made that spectacular run he had some eel boots on and they were just out of sight wish you could see me nice hat to the violation on the extra point means that Murray is kicking off in the forty instead of the 35 this part it won't bring that one out the Bears have 20 yards of total offense Detroit now has 100 offensive unit quarterback events heavens with Walter Payton and Roland Harper have not been able to get on track at all 629 in the first half in his Detroit ten [Applause] in Thanksgiving Day game conception around the country that the Lions have always dominated on Thanksgiving Day but the overall record since his series began [Music] damn jiggets is it at left tackle so ugly [Applause] tenet for James Scott Wayne Smith was the defender he's the rookie out of Purdue an 11th round draft choice looked like he made a pretty good play but you can't touch him anymore we even talk harshly to a receiver you might get the flag here's the throw it's Hyde's number 44 first down might even get thrown out pretty good defensive playing very there's prey a little more he could have done on this play was to go as high as the receiver and try to get it at the height he's a good-looking young quarterback though there's a rookie you got to be instinctive and just react [Applause] against Detroit [Applause] automatic first down [Music] that's barely done boy Detroit but not to me [Applause] making it a hard long Thanksgiving day for Vince evident John Mendenhall just jumped up and came right up the middle let's see what happens they we had an over defense gay number 79 was over the center they came from all sides everybody was in there that's frightening why did everybody go where did they come from maybe sorry Purifoy was that too right purified was the man around the outside at all Baker Division championship perhaps nothing Detroit fake of lips what's out for James [Music] cutter the corner back on that site while that side watch him here it comes Jimmy Allen used to be with the Steelers he gets handled but he put the heat on that he wanted to do it it'll be third and 10 Baker who's had an excellent game so far lips off to the sideline [Applause] place by let's see the second that's six defensive back said there I think what appears to be a three-man rush number 79 [Music] the liars again Evans goes up top at a receiver no flags this time Ricky watched the intended [Music] like this sign quarterback is going to stay there for a minute that time Ricky Watts tried to fall down to draw the interference call but there wasn't he interfering to watch this there were six defensive backs in the game but they sent two of them there's one of them sorry old on the safety man who came they hit upon that hip to me as you pointed out before playing surface very hard : with his arm still in the air Watson I snuggle down deep for the Bears he can get an after card with that one pretty good acting job Walt Williams was the defender back there with him good athlete remember he recovered last year he almost lost his life with the stuff a caucus infection he forth and kin for the Bears at their own 38 there's the rush just look like the surf at Maui [Applause] [Music] contact Bob Parsons back team for the Bears new offensive we haven't been able to get anything of track great Williams standing back about the 18 for Detroit troit ten good kick this time by Carson chases him all the way back to the seven yard line and right back in their territory ray William what a rookie draft choice that is Wow and he broke the taco coming out with it again some of the better ones that do this Jimmy Jones the Dallas mall they run straight up somebody increase it stavisky finally knocked him out of bounds a 48 yard punt return by Ray Williams in Detroit right back in business again [Applause] Elson asking for a little quiet his tea party on [Music] swings rap we market down as Simms goes for about seven Gary Penn stick on the tackle Monty Clark looking on what a job he's done in turning this thing around poor on the Florida v out of the seat does he plied Billy Sims is never in a hurry there's the coach from Tesla Maine to Oklahoma Neil Armstrong was the great player officials by the way you're doing an outstanding job aren't they Brett super offensive holding 81 first up eighty-one is the tight end David Hill there's Samsa Watson displayed he's in no hurry because he could turn on the juice miss him with nothing with the tackle huh I think that's one of the things [Music] he doesn't look like he's in a hurry but he is there is Dexter fussing their midfield not kind of bounds by Hampton in fencing Freddie Hoagland in this offensive line they've had 11 different starting offensive lines they've had four different centers they've had rookies playing tackle like Dieterich is right now and somehow Marty and Fred Hogan have themselves a good offensive unit when you think about all those changes and the fact that they are still and happen from the beginning of the year the leading rushing team in the NFL with all those injuries that is some tribute to money party wallet gone home [Applause] Danielson this duck plank in the back that attempted pass through Fred Scott so nothing doing there again the Bears trying to intimidate people that come into the secondary sometimes they're so busy hitting people that they don't look for the ball they don't have any interceptions back there Allen Ellis was the other defenders areas Baker not sure whether he's going to be able to return or not today as a strained knee Hey look check [Applause] to have 535 left in the first half 407 yards and the touchdown staying and Billy Sims both come out of the backfield Danielson Hill spinning backwards stopped by Bruce errand number 34 Hill and notice how the offensive block spent this time Danielson stayed right in the pocket Wow about two feet shy of a first down Clark in furs fans saying let's go for it that's what they're gonna do fourth about two feet [Applause] backs are fussy and Sam [Applause] one here [Applause] Gary fencing the safety man made the tackle straight ahead a carton stein right off the line of scrimmage cheer right if you can pop through against short yardage that's pretty thin line there in front of you everybody spread out rising over the top he thinks I'm all still on my feet I might as well go ahead and get some more pen sex good tackler if he doesn't make it they'd be kicking the extra point right now first and ten at the 31 almost complete it is the place where a lot of people have been throwing the football but he came in is one of the better defenders he's really worked on it almost has the interception has the play completely covered he's got to get up to see where the ball is now manages to put a hand up [Applause] Donna went right on through didn't it Ray Williams got up a little slowly and limped back to the Detroit bench been replaced by Jesse Thompson visit with the president hallway that's buzzy [Applause] Walter Scheib made the tackle but actually got sick from running a talent page a little bit in Hutton Stein over there page again always plays at somewhere around 220 or so and while he's extremely quick you run straight at him at least you know where he is some of the time Thompson comes out Horace King goes in with Ray Williams who evident he wasn't seriously we third down [Applause] - finish the beer 26 danielson drops [Applause] pencak paid the tackle and Danielson strand that's what nobody says he can do put it away really got a shot for you why past rush this time of the bears and they are loaded up there but get the latest and hit / the 1x Osbourne 68 the bears chasing Daniel says learning from Sims safe with the first down two and a half minutes left to the first half Lyons we turn up [Applause] mr. Bussie behind a good offensive Serge gets down to about the 15 picks on the tackle Danielson with ten touchdown passes he's cut down the interception ratio he only has eight [Applause] or it is strolling over to the sideline for the two minute notification which would be given to Neil Armstrong and Marty Clark you know this team only won two games a year ago and one of them was beating the Bears right here on Thanksgiving Day they leave him nothing right now destruction you wouldn't think those two like each other would you cover the bike area a watch and a shaver for Christmas why would you buy him a watch well it looks like a quarterback should know what 30 second clock is doing all the time that's true the offensive back to the coaches is Joe pruner and of course his son Scott is the quarterback for the New York Giants right runs in the family [Music] detroit with two minutes to go on the first half leaves Chicago chin to nothing there have been no turnovers in this game so far and few penalties what a thrill to see Billy since for the first time it'll be second at 6:00 at the 15 lions on the move and they have controlled the first half Danielson backpedals penalty markers go down Hill has the touchdown pass but the whole thing will be brought back pears came all sides that they were in such a hurry to get it Danielson no illegal procedure against each right they came on the move by the offense look like that was a Total Wipeout lift that time offense 65 ball star second down Amos Fowler the center try to get the Bears off the ball so he could snap it bears had a blitz coming they had Walter Scheib the extra defensive back in there now it's the regular defensive setup for Chicago this is that surprise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] cherry shrimp the defender laid the corner padded extremely well and of course the blitz situation you're out there all by yourself Ray Williams a minute 49 remaining in the first half 10 nothing Detroit they have all three of their timeouts remaining so do the Bears really good offensive game plan to looks like Danielson is very comfortable with what he's trying to execute no matter what this bunch of characters [Music] - one has a little bit of an unusual throwing motion a little bit like Sonny Jurgensen he's doing the game by the way for CBS Radio that's good yeah that Stan Hampton had tripped him up wallet by harris census 10 and a half sacks that he's had this year he is some kind of a loan I was talking to the Detroit players before the game and Paige makes the big move that chases him out of the pocket they say Hampton might be weighing about 280 instead of that 260 that's on the roster but I can't believe the Bears would fool around with the weights would you no but I know he gets two seats on the bus the driver Murray with nipple holding this will be 41 yards out he has hit one already and barely missed a 50 somehow yatta Walter Scheib had a chance at it piccolo has it and down he goes fourth down doesn't matter the Bears will take over Alan page blocked the field goal attempt by Murray and Jonathan Hulk number 47 was also in their pages blocked two field goals already this year see if he comes right up the slot I don't know how Alan page does it but he has made a living out of blocking people's kicks watch this stuff from behind the Bears watch 82 it's tiny have some other hands up in there too there's some athletic endeavor in it lawyer most ntp once in the league is a lineman shot blocker Dave Williams and Walter Payton miss Evans back 1/4 man [Applause] [Music] for james-scott not done at the last second by James hunter good defensive play there Jimmy hunter is the number one draft pick a few years to go out of gramley he makes a pass on this ball and he would have gone right down the sidelines I don't think there's anybody out there clapped his hands together like boy another half step and I had one Danielson over on the sidelines Evans by the way is two out of seven for 28 yards for the beer completion one of the two went to Robert Earl jorts defense has controlled the situation so far Baker is back in the game by the way this is Dave Williams looking and not finding any place to go Crayola beginning of attack a little defense by Detroit that time both packs were out this was sort of a trailer but one back out the left Latin and came with the other one looks to me like Detroit's ready for almost anything the Bears control out there still have three timeouts remaining third down and call one yet you ask the room is heaven it's enough for a first down and now [Applause] they'll burn a timeout he didn't want to run though you can see that number eight was trying to find somebody to give it to he had to leave the game limping after one of those sacks earlier Neil Armstrong over on the sidelines we're in the headset discussing things with his coaches upstairs since I think to the left there isn't river to be right he's been helping his replacement a lot so as Bob a Bellini the third their quarterback there's Mike Fitz started the game a year ago here got a broken nose and I'd gained a Bellini replaced him but that's the last time a Bellinis play there's competition but no animosity in sevens is very high on everything that pips does with him and for him seven is a Bellini and really impressed with the organization on the Detroit team both ways offensive defense they really look like they're prepared [Applause] I guess if you work for Don Shula his money market [Music] organize great Super Bowl teams when the dolphins were blowing everybody out Ryan bash Nagel [Music] Ricky watts all in the game for Chicago takes away not a face Evans fires down the middle - Scott give me a loan the tackler it'll be enough for another Chicago first down son throw Evan stayed in the pocket that time and there was a lot of the pocket they came around the edges they were stunning they got the nickel defense extra backs are in there now and they're dropping comes gay up the middle watch this throw that is a strike eleven yards first down the Bears call another timeout so they have one left and they're sneaking up on field goal range for Bob Thomas Vince is now four of nine for 44 he has to work for every one of them I'm actually bought on the headset right standing in the shadow of big Monty who is quite a moose and it's over I did they say [Music] there's have one more time out by the way you'll be seeing back in our New York studio brim Phyllis Jimmy degree at half time and again that feature we talk to you about several times before the interview in Scully and president-elect Ronald Reagan well if the president's watching today you're suppose he is imagine [Applause] stop the puck to the Bears Evans fires got a man open James Scott Scott out of bounds wisely at about the 7 yard line stop turn Jimmy hunter all the way around now the flag came early I thought I saw a couple I hate slaps by defensive lineman these officials are more trained for things certainly than my old eyes a 29-yard pickup will give the Bears another first down at about the six yard line and time for a field goal if that's what they choose to do Bubba Baker is in some kind of a wrestling match with jiggetts tell you Scott was so up but it was hard to believe it comes hunter just not getting in the frame Scot struggling to get out of bounds stop that clock with three seconds to go Bob Thomas does come on Brian bash niggle is to hold her for Thomas who's five for five from this distance in it's gonna be 24 yards out and should be not too much of a problem for Bob Thomas got it they're the Bears in the closing seconds in fact no time left in the first half now get on the scoreboard and Alliance ten the Bears three red McSpadden up there huh zeroing in on by the way that was some Drive the Bears just came up with they had absolutely no offense for most of the first half till at last you look back at the way Detroit really has dominated this first half but yet the Bears are still very much in the contest it's the Detroit Lions Tim the Bears three big money's got Sims going for him and I'm strong as the phone named Peyton who is waiting to explode and you know that's gonna happen at some time before this game is over so that's the halftime score ten three Detroit all of us here at the NFL today certainly hope you're enjoying this Thanksgiving Day watching Detroit plays Chicago and Jimmy and Phyllis and Irv and I would like to pass along our best wishes to the president of the Pittsburgh Steelers Danny Rooney Danny was involved in unfortunate automobile accident yesterday he underwent hip and knee surgery we understand he is doing well at Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh and so again have a nice holiday and enjoy the rest of the day now president-elect Ronald Reagan once played Notre Dame's legendary running back Jorge gift now he won the chance to play the part mainly due to his athletic background in college and his four-year career as a sportscaster and earlier this week president-elect Reagan's California neighbor Vin Scully chatted with him about his days behind the microphone I guess you could label this a conversation with the president elect Ronald Reagan on of all things sports announcing governor how long were you a professional sports announcer from 1932 to 37 how many sports did you cover well I broadcast made Major League Baseball in those days you the team's didn't have an announcer there may be these many seven or eight stations broadcast in the same game and you didn't follow the team on the road it was depression so we did the Cubs games out of Chicago and then when they left town we switched over to Comiskey Park into this White Sox I did Big Ten football usually following Iowa but managed to get in a few Notre Dame games during the season I did track the Drake Relays yes sure what events did you do in track all of them you cover the whole thing yes the Drake Relays you know is that that and the Penn Relays two very famous annual events indeed I was broadcasting the day that LHS Owen broke three American records on the Drake Relays track I guess a lot of people didn't realize you did track is there anything about doing the Drake Relays it stays in your mind yes I think I did the first instant replay wait wait radio yes how did they come we are all day I've been talking about the quarter-mile at 4:40 this is a good the biggest event the two schools pan and Drake used to compete to see who could get the biggest stars their meats were always held on the same day and all day long I had been telling the audience that this quarter-mile was going to be the greatest event and just between events public relations man brought the president of Drake University into the broadcasting booth to say a few words to the audience and I sat there and listened to him speak into our microphone while I watched the quarter-mile event had been talking about all day go by and when he signed off and I thanked him for coming in and so forth him the press box door closed on him I just couldn't tell the audience it was all over so I said we're just in time for that event I've been telling you about and of course I got my watch I knew that it had to take about 48 seconds and I took them off and around the track and brought them in one two three no problem at all in about the required time but there was no roar from the crowd so I explained that that was because they were stunned by the sheer drama of the audience they didn't applaud at the Gettysburg Address right well anybody who could do that could certainly recreate baseball and of course you did the Cubs of when they played very well oh yes in the in fact it's in the record book I was broadcasting the season that the Cubs to win the pennant had to win the last 21 games of the season that was the only mathematical chance and their rival for that was when they had to beat out with the Cardinals and that was the final team they played they won the 21 games and in the final beat the the other team that would have won the Cardinals those last four games what about as an announcer of football game I'm sure you did a lot of good ones back there is there one that sticks out in your mind you're gonna think that all that ever happened to me were great adventures remember in the five years we're talking about a few incidental sure in those Depression days there were some teams some schools that wouldn't permit broadcasting Iowa was playing Michigan Michigan had a center for the name of Gerald Ford the time I didn't particularly pay much attention to that then I have since we've talked about it a lot but in this particular game very close came two great teams out there Michigan refused to allow us to broadcast from the field they thought in the Depression days it hurt the box office but they would allow us to do it by telegraphic report and that was the first time I'd ever done a football game by telegraphic report and late in the game it was about a 13 to 7 affair ever artists of Michigan went around right and broke loose was going down into the clear got past the first men on the secondary and I was broadcasting it going past the a40 in the 30 and the wire said that ray Fisher of Iowa brought him down from behind well ray Fisher was the in the secondary on the opposite side of the field named what used to be in the news days the diamond defense to half that way over here and I figured that maybe I could liven up the game a little bit so I had Fisher coming across the field ever hurt us in the clear touchdown bound and then I had Fisher desperately dived from behind and catch him by the seat of the pants and bring him down and described how fantastic a play at was and later then went out on the street and the paper was out on the street and so forth and the lead line was Fisher's great defensive play and the Notre Dame coach had been scouting that game and he called it one of the greatest defensive plays he'd ever seen and I was scared to death I thought and then I said wait a minute they couldn't have gotten that four they weren't listening to my broad the paper was the competition and that week in the theater in the newsreels you didn't see it on television there was no such thing in those days they'd play the big games and highlights of them and I saw that what I had described and invented actually happened Garrett it was it kind of curbed my appetite for making things up for a while anybody who ever recreated baseball or football welcome to the club that's scary feeling belongs if I played word association with you and if I said sports announcer what would you think of what would come to mind well I'll get away from my own broadcasting now I will remember a football game I won't name the announcer but he called a man let's say called man named Brown running for a touchdown and he had him he's crossed the 40 the 30 on his way and the fellow who was helping him identify players was desperately waggling a finger in front of him and he realized that a man named Smith was actually carrying the ball and without any pause as about.they was crossing the 20 he said Brown laterals off to Smith was meant to exit in for the touchdown but in the spring of that same year broadcasting the Preakness the famous Clem McCarthy called the wrong horse the winner of the Preakness you can imagine the people with the tickets and who tore up the wrong ticket and so forth but later someone on the street asked Clem McCarthy he said to him how could you have called the wrong horse in the Preakness Clem said well because you can't lateral a horse even though I've made me suddenly think now if President Truman I understand had a little sign on his desk that said the buck stops here mm-hmm it could very well be will see a sign in Washington that says you can't lateral a horse we deeply appreciate you taking time out to visit with us on this Thanksgiving Day well I listen this has been a lot of fun for me to reminisce and talk about I love the game that job in those days I think I like doing it radio better than television because the audience had to depend on you for the picture of all of us on this Thanksgiving Day have a lot of thoughts and I'm sure you have your own I think all of us have much to be thankful for living in this country and I certainly have much to be thankful for and I am thankful on this day thank you sir Thank You VIN what do you think fellas we can get Vinny a job as Secretary of speech so well did it obviously our president-elect who's worn many hats through the years loved his forecasting days I mean he remembered everything in detail didn't it Jimmy always a sportscaster overs lateral door all right the NFL today will continue on CBS after these messages from your local stations [Music] ask her across his favorite spot in all the oil he won't pick a saloon he'll pick a sideline of any football field in America it looks like Detroit's playing with some intensity how is it there on the sidelines upon yet white a breath they are playing with a great deal of anticipating the course of the first half at your very significant big al Bubba Baker went out with a twisted left knee was on the bench for about five or six plays at the same time the starting right tackle for the Bears Ted all-brick without with an Indian so they had a kind of a standoff there but the Lions plan to put the ball here I believe a great deal they did it on first down of course a screen pass to Billy Sam's was terrific expect to Tim ball the second half to pick up writer thank you very much the best catch I've seen all day was that dog right behind her cross the Bears how to sign it up let's take a look out gary Danielson he's had a fine year for the Lions and now you're watching him go to the rookie from Washington State or Ray Williams this is a 16-yard gain and in Eddie Murray rookie from Tulane best young kicker in the NFL right 34 yards on the field goal 300 Lions Vince Evans had this kind of an afternoon that lion defense has just bore in on him and Walter Payton has been stopped he's only gained at 13 yards in the first half and finally it was Danielson pulling out again I watched that young man Ray Williams and this is a 23 yarder how about Billy Sims he's only rushed for 32 he's caught a couple of passes and this is the big one turn it loose Billy here he goes big play of the first half for the touchdown nice little bad stuff you learned down there in Norman Oklahoma huh and the Lions are all hide the man who no doubt it's gonna be the Rookie of the Year in the NFC what weren't they coming she's had to jump back in time and heaven says where's my favorite deep target there he is how's James Scott always so wide open when he wants it down the middle and Bob Thomas kicked the field goal 24 yarder that got the Bears on the board ten three Detroit leading Phyllis what are your thoughts on the second half the big Chicago comeback Billy Sands looked a little bit like Billy white shoes Jessica that's what I think I don't know Payton only 13 yards let's see if he can do a little bit better in the second half at but I think Detroit's gonna be the big winner Jimmy you're on the spot big fella you went with the big checking on the Bears they played so poorly and yet are only losing 10 to 3 I think they're gonna come back the second half time that's going in overtime I can count on it ok the NFL today continues on CBS ingestible Monni Clark and his Detroit Lions back on the field saw the Bears Detroit has managed to shut down Walter Payton now they have just about totally denominated dominated the first half but yet they're only a touchdown behind well they have under 20 yards rushing which is even over their high average the thing that makes me think with Simms is that the offensive linemen love to go downfield now and block we saw you must Fowler 30 yards down the field a great running back that uses those people and makes them look good there's a great thing they want to come out and do it again I think that Chicago there with a last Drive those show they can move the ball over well let's get back and see if they can okay find out what's going on in the second half that was some interview with the president what enjoyed that Murray will kick off and back deep for Chicago well yes Dave Williams Williams looking for some place to go outside at 25 to about 228 [Applause] stop by any cult a halftime stats we touched on him briefly the plays detroit 45 to 27 they had 10 more minutes plus they had the football three sacks Detroit had two SEC's Evans was 5 of 10 for 73 most in that final drive Daniel Sigma 7 of 15 for and of course the one touchdown lion player down on the opening kickoff of the half number 2 on Thanksgiving Day I Detroit we hope it's been a great day for you [Music] it is 10 3 he the Bears will be back Ken Calicut the third year man from Clemson is the injured lion looked like he took the blow in his back from one of his own men his job is to go down and force the return man not to come straight up behind a Ledge you'll see maybe the left part of your screen watch ride offs sort of hit him and one of his own men seemed to flop in behind him there - left foot of your screen [Applause] Dave Williams the bear returner there's Calafat this job is penetration on the kickoffs and that is about the most dangerous thing in football I think is going down under a kickoff and he does it as well as anybody in football evans 510 73 yards first half Danielson 7 out of 15 120 year on 21 yards 1st half Albrecht by the way has not come back jiggets has been at left tackle since he sprained that ankle her foot will try to find out what classical goes into the motion there's Walter Payton for the first time with a little bit of operating room he gets to that age this fifth carry of the day he bounced up rather quickly not worrying about a fumble I guess Jimmy hunter made the tackle a hundred and ninety some odd 10-yard runs and over in five points not my seasons we've got our own turkey here Noah Jackson one of those fine offensive guards for Chicago is the injured bear Bill Bergey told me that he and Rebbie sorry were the darndest book in guards that they constantly stay on their feet keep battling it no it's gonna leave for a while he'll be back he'll be replaced by Rocco more that's callicut over on the sideline they're checking him out his right knee seems to be the problem Noah Jackson goes to 65 as replacement more goes to 76 and in 66 that offensive guard Harper first down in Chicago Chicago's made a few adjustments one of them with their intensity looks like they're banging on the offensive line now John Mendenhall made the tackle Harper straight ahead Tom Lowe who did such an outstanding job last year after Danielson was hurt talking with gary Danielson over on the sidelines that's also a closed for Turnitin at the quarterbacks kickers defensive backs they all hang together I guess or hang separately as the same - left Payton right Walter Payton around the corner Walter bangs into Detroit territory before Jimmy Allen knocked him out of bounds notice how he carries the ball he actually likes to grab the ball from the quarterback in both of those strong hands he doesn't take put the elbow up and take it in normal fashion watch him grab that thing now he's got it and he's holding it calming it in that hand he has huge hands he is strong six Russia's 32 yards for Walter Payton he's moving up on the all-time career rushing list and a remarkably short time the manual passed after he gets 100-plus yards he'll be Larry Csonka Kevin swings it out rookie Watts comes up with a catch that looked like it was going to be out of bounds at one time I believe either Bob are are gay got their hand up and deflected that and somehow Ricky Watts played with it and got it under control like a yo-yo see if at 16 that gets across big Bubba Baker jumps what's this he hits the ball to flex it and Ricky Watts reacted oh man pure instinct talk about your quick adjustments jacocks gives him a good block from that left tackle spot it's presence of mine ray Oldham he's second or two [Applause] they ship harper's with penalty marker down they go straight ahead to Peyton Walter got enough for the first down but the penalty would serve the same purpose [Applause] linebackers that maxi Vaughn has for Detroit Stan white Weaver's been around a long time good experience there and of course fan Kenny the wild man from Wyoming in the middle uh that's gonna be one of the real good linebacking forests for their throat [Music] [Applause] offside first up with him games number 79 series Thanksgiving Day that began in 1934 [Applause] the University of Detroit stadium in the tiger City brick stadium it was known at first then Tiger Stadium and finally here to the Silverdome Scot wide to the left heavens look out with rock by Peyton but the Lions arrived nevertheless Baba Baker thinks he was held by jiggets Bubba's been using the hand slap a lot but it looks to me like it's going to be offensive holding it is or they came from everywhere north south east and west here they come the Blue Wave by the way calico has a sprained knee may not return but the sprains part sounds pretty good doesn't it keep in mind that those two fellas on the left side of the Chicago centered are not the two that they started with Noah Jackson replaced by more and Albrecht replaced by jiggetts there's a built their team Jimmy Pinkston company really through the draft they got some real quality and now Jackson is back second down at 17 - the Bears Dave Williams swings out of the backfield Evans with time this time hits William bounces right off those pads and nothing doing staying wife was close he really fired that one Williams can catch it he's got great hands but that young man really came over the top with that one staying right by the way he's a Phi Beta Kappa out of Ohio State it's nice to be able to tell people across the country that we're not all cro-magnon you know [Applause] Matsui now joins Payton in the backfield three wide receivers or if you want dandelions put on Annie Baker mama baker's third side the fifth for Detroit we went right by jiggets they'll be the left ear screen [Applause] we just came right on around the horn the whistle was being blown to protect the quarterback that is Baker's 13th sack this year Parsons goes in Ray Williams goes back deep for Detroit back at his own 10 large play the Bears had something going stop it Parsons punt will be handled it to 12 yard line Maury Williams looking for some place to go about the 18-yard line and a penalty marker goes down Bryan Bosch Nagel the first of the bears down to make that tackle [Applause] flipping [Applause] it makes you start pretty close to inside your 10-yard line it's about the last thing I think money Clark wanted it this juncture [Applause] 11:54 left in the third quarter for the 25 slipping first down Tim three the Lions lead the Bears in the third quarter it's nice to be proud of where you're working and that's on the back of one of our ace cameraman George Rottweiler and you saw him on cbs4 told me that they here I broke into pro ball who was being born that is a person on a Lions fan somebody wanted out of the snow maybe dressed up like a gorilla asking for Super Bowl tickets year after this and will be here the broadcast from the silver dome Dexter bussy [Applause] the Bears may have had a tougher schedule sometime but I can't believe when they played they played first they played the Lions then it was the Eagles the Cleveland Browns the Redskins the Oilers and the Atlanta Falcons and could have won most of those games they even came back and made the Cleveland game close after falling behind second and nine for Detroit last year they had to win seven out of their last eight to make it to the playoffs which they did then lost in Philadelphia second of nine at the 11:00 for Detroit [Applause] hero emotion Danielson chased by Paige throws remarkable effort to get rid of it even forecasts are supposed to be able move in the pocket he's he's making some pretty pretty drastic quick ones page page really forces this early pet ball should probably not have been thrown but it's tough down there to decide page so very quick still can be by you as an offensive guard before you know what's happening that's what happen in 11:05 left third quarter still ten three Detroit Billy Sims comes out to be extra fussy and Horace King I guess the Lions have fumbled a lot this year not going to do something right now fumble with either one they would only one setback three wide receivers an extra bus Edie by Scott coming across the middle Walter Scheib to tackle firing catch by riff Scott from Amherst he's cutting to be a doctor while he's playing professional football you're right this was son catch because it wasn't a pure pass he had to stop go up and take it knowing he was going to get hit that's a great catch Fred Scott's first catch of the day not James Scott [Applause] I guess those are the Bears disguised bears [Applause] after 23 first down Detroit he'll look at in motion angels again face [Applause] just as he makes the catch and he steps right back up 175 pounds and he comes across with maybe a few plays in a row against the second area that has a reputation for knocking it cold watch this thick make the contact and Scott jumped up very quickly and she said I'm alright but i got the catch and i got the ball fast blocking and Danielson sets he's moving around pretty well in that pocket cuz pay just getting some penetration on every play at some reception and he got up just as quickly as he went down first down Detroit at the 46 they give two bussy Dexter ducks Jerry Monken Sturm after a couple of yards takes him backwards wait Billy Sims has carried a ball in this half yet has it you know sitting on a time bomb now might be the time 2nd and 8th at the 48th it's also a good time on Thanksgiving for the people that are maybe not feeling too well are in hospitals or what have you and are sort of trapped in the television it's may be their only recreation but sort of like to send some good greens along to them and I hope it is a Happy Thanksgiving Musti again fussy close to a first down down to the beer 45 about a yard shy paulus wireless having a pretty good blocking day against Hartstein in the Penn Stater place you awfully tough for that line of scrimmage and let's see if they took Alan page down inside page took the inside and heartens tiny got straightened up and busted gallop through he blocked by Billy Sims leading bussy fencing busty now 50 yards and 11 carries third about a half yard my hands on the move leading ten three Oh Robinson what let's texture bussy for a first down fantastic again the trackball the smiler again doing a good job blocking on the line of scrimmage he's the only guy that Hogan's had for every game this year left tackle I kind of think Tim Rooney on the Rooney family that's up here sort of in charge of executive things has really helped Manny Clarke and rushed Thomas put together this team this year in particular those Rooney's involved in football all seem to do good job Danielson saw that he had nothing and just fired high and into the bear bench over everybody's head just making sure that the other folks didn't get it on page having a disagreement with a couple of lions on the line of scrimmage and shook out very learn it finger at him like that's not in the rulebook it'll be second intent 243 crowd rather quiet at the moment settled back to enjoy another handful football [Applause] [Music] and Jennifer Horace king but Danielson was really running for his life get away from Hardy Stein all right Stein really came that time and he had company better realize that hartenstein is one of the most muscled up athletes you'll ever see at about 250 what's the right part he looked to the inside and flawless while I didn't even get that glove on him it's a good idea dump the problem to somebody else the screen did not take place he had Brock blockers out in front in good shape things just didn't plan out so it'll be third of ten now [Applause] that's untied in and as Billy Sims and Horace King in the backfield [Applause] for Scott and over his head carry shrimp back there with him well he is a good man to man coverage he's running stride for stride what's the cornerback get everything under control makes the cut you can see the safety van slides inside don't need me help under this time welcome to the ball the day me back for Detroit number 15 Lenny Walter Scheib back at the 10th cog Oh which has happened in a third quarter [Music] NASA's complete - the truck first down that put some life into this crown well Jamie is one for water pastors coming in they worked on this yesterday a long time fake field goals passes and fake person passes the good spiral and a 19-yard pick up enough for Lion first and Dave bicker I didn't think Ohio State is could throw the ball what they need through this but pretty well could play well that'll pick a team up in a hurry and fussy gifts enough pull the lion first down now it's Billy Sims behind Dexter buses Sims first carry second [Applause] Bayesian Hartman Stein helped out watch six fall is 54 us right there he's a good talker Sam's just walk right through it first down Detroit just inside the 15-yard line six and a half minutes left to play third corner person ten the 13th play in this drive coming up for Detroit and that's what Sims is done today Oh touchdown run five Russy Osbourne bus he carried the ball [Applause] stop my page king gary Danielson sort of stay within himself he went for the long one figuring that it might be time to catch somebody in a total glitz situation and score but he's been pretty controlled Billy Sims comes out on second and six Eric Kane I think replaces him yes the past reciprocated duck point made the tackle here's the call in they put cane in you think well Billy Sims is out [Applause] see what happened inside Amos Fowler goes to the on side well they did a good job on that offensive right side Dirac did a good job too on Hampton third and 1 plus e 14 carry 61 yards Billy Sims is now back in the game with Dexter bussy it'll be first and goal Detroit on the left side folks watch it come off the ball rock stars comes over to make sure charge-off that ball all this while I was doing some job at left tackle stories Burton Wallace at left guard first and goal Rick Cain and Horace King now the running back tandem for Detroit [Applause] Jane looked like it was inevitable that he would score and the beer still knock him back I think they ran into his own manner probably got straight gun by the blocker what's the right pot here and see if his own man doesn't sort of screen him and grow up the imaginary painted glass we're always talking about that's exactly what happened Russ palinka in there [Applause] now you're playing in the secondary for the Chicago Bears and bodies are flying Nutkins turn gets there well that was close the Lions call a timeout now Danielson comes over digging his head at wondering what's going on the moment what's 2 1 1 at the moment the Lions are apt to go further ahead they lead 10 3 right now Pat Summerall with town Brookshire the Silverdome in Pontiac where but they sold all the tickets 80,000 638 snowed snowed hard this morning and still 75397 in attendance you ever seen better pictures in your life and his second goal of the one Sims and bussy and the struggle continues trying to score a touchdown and there's going to be a problem there's still two people engaged in miner warfare the second touchdown rushing or gary Danielson he's gonna have to get a new valet he doesn't care a 90-yard touchdown drive they used up 17 play are there to make sure [Applause] wasn't over to the final out was not sure it's over yet Brad Shearer is the one doing the clothing adjustment call for emergency one [Applause] piffle holding Murray kicking gained three Detroit another look at the touchdown the safe way because there's no handoff but you can see there are dangers involved [Music] Hawaiian's more comfortable now at 17 to 3 was 3:30 left in the third quarter [Applause] Murray kicks off Dave Williams bhakti the girl well Eddie Lewis the first man down callicut was helped off he's one of the guys that goes down on the other side to force that runner before he gets behind the wedge what a job [Applause] so it would be first down in Chicago now at their own 14 yard line with 321 left third quarter Detroit 17 Chicago Bears 3 Chicago has only run 28 [Applause] games like that this Peyton games like that Payton about nine yards stop by Jimmy Allen two or three different theories to how to stop Walter Payton one up is to string it out but then he can duck back into a hole and still blasted on you the other is to go meet it right away and try to take all the block in front of it but the hardest thing of all is finally tackling him when you get him cornered and you better have help look at Allen holding on [Applause] almost gets it out the only sure way is not to play [Applause] [Music] Harper rolls for another first down Jimmy Allen again on the tackle like Detroit got the Bears attention with that last touchdown that got to get on the board was seven and try to get back even powerplay man-on-man blocking rolling Harper when he came back Walter began to feel better [Applause] and if you block for me I block for you and Peyton got a great block on that play leading ruin Harper taking 42 yards and seven carries [Applause] [Music] behind greevey sori and Harper at about 5'4 kin fan Teddy the first Detroit clear to make contact when you finally hit him in he becomes rather strong and large doesn't he picked up about 5 yards [Applause] [Music] second five at the forty that's correct [Applause] get lost and quoting all the statistics by the Waterpik [Applause] soon he watched wings in motion pipe again Baker mendenhall that's the best way to get it done if you can have three players meet him Roger Moore even was in college was Ricky young was the full-back Robert Montgomery went there as a freshman and said I'd like to start you but I've got a junior fullback named Ricky yarn it's in there with Walter right now so Wilbert montgomery went elsewhere to that bowling Trish some kind of a ball carrier third down now for Chicago they need three four first there's taken half the 30-plus across the 50 stop finally by mendenhall but another bear first down some of the great running backs have been able to turn back into traffic and make it work for them Walter this time swings around has a chance to maybe try to get back to the sidelines once he gets it here watch this duck out now he says where is everybody let's go back inside and I'll take them on right here and that's that's the good term to use about his running style is I'll take him on here comes Mendenhall out [Applause] Thanksgiving Day in Detroit the host the Lions lead 17 to 3 over the Chicago Bear the awesome Jim Brown will be featured in December here on CBS at the half one of our games Jack Whitaker and water runner he was 230 and Ray red for him and Bobby Mitchell had trouble beating him in 30 and 40 yard dash as he was some runner that's gonna be an interesting piece maybe the best afraid I may be in some of those old shots at him going 70 yards or so [Applause] in those days the Lin's weren't quite as wide and you could at least get out of the picture try to dive under a blocker if you get desperate [Applause] it's like Walter wants to turn this fourth quarter into a duel that him against the Lions speaking of features you're gonna be on the CBS News Sunday morning Cholly Caracciola right featuring mr. butch are scary Walter Payton again and breaks into the fair the Lions secondary another first down still going still fighting inside the 30 to the 28 Mike McCoy finally gets him down but this is [Music] just your talent I guess and you know his wife Connie they're expecting their first baby momentarily she's walking rowing tonight this is a nineteen yarder almost goes down uses the hand for balance and I can't describe this and I would hate to try to tackle it big block by Noah Jackson in front of him 78 yards that 11 carries and the motor is running he's hot just become a seventh player in NFL history to reach 8,000 yards - Nagel swings in motion rollin Harper gets a try and he spins down to about the 25 they're both inspired at the moment then Teddy made the tackle offensive line has got a love to block for Walter to give him one good block and he'll make you look awful having a Pro Bowl all this Drive by a Chicago has been done on the ground [Applause] second and six Harper got four they're at the lion 25 with 13 35 by the time they get operating left on the game clock at 17 three ladies Ricardo what [Music] - the 20 ball comes flying out but that doesn't matter shy of a first down I believe but that by much you know handy but the line of scrimmage the first thing you know you're working on a five yard game if you're lucky they over defense mendenhall they just brushed by him the story just takes him out of the play Mike McCoy replaces Mendenhall paetynn after that run took time to help Mendenhall to his feet hustle back to his position in the huddle there's McCoy I'll paint you sweetness our friend takes the running back gonna go for the bus Robert Fischer there's close the gap 86 yard drive in nine plays this time in Evans who is doing for throwing the ball hard really lays this one up nicely beautifully short yardage and he does he just gets it over the outstretched hands at the safety man in there I believe that was Wayne Smith the young quarterback and I wonder if but grant is pulling just a little bit for Chicago for the first time [Music] good call in a beautiful job [Music] and the touchdown to Robert Fisher number 85 Bob Thomas makes it 17:10 we'll return to the Silverdome after this word from your local station [Music] Rick Cain Ray Williams acting [Music] on the kickoff return struggling outside the 22 about the 24 before the Bears take him down [Music] you might want to push the turkey off the burner a little bit just wait well a half minutes left Detroit needs a long drive and they need at least tack on that three-pointer [Applause] they'll offer it from their own 23 yard line first inch and enjoy twelve and a half minutes left to play Mike Hartman Stein [Music] [Applause] ball comes loose Tom Hicks made the tackle but Sims had already picked up about five yards in the huddle I must have said Billy the other guys get it hot we need some help white sails put it down when the cut is made plus he's out in front of him gets a good block tell you he doesn't waste the time getting through the hole doesn't sort of glides but glides a hurry second and three seven yards for police in if I see near a first down keep in mind this is a very young offensive line they've been awfully good job bunch of the Bears have been beating on them now for three quarters you can get tired the dieter is number 73 last year he was playing against tangle of Chicago Bears Chuck Sims comes out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bussy bussy will not get the first down the Bears hit him about three times and Alan Ellis finally took him down what a good tackle by Ellis clean right at the knees and emphatic watch this bounce out Hartstein gets doubled it cut off in there here's the move by bussing hold them let's see who that is that the safety man in there they've got a shot Levine he will have to kick Walter Scheib hands back to receive this one damn it but formation with a knee through a pass to fussy and keep the drive alive [Music] Walter Scheib fair catch signal 32 yard line the Bears will take over first and 10 from the air with 10 minutes and 28 seconds left to play in the contest 35 yard kick by Parsons and the Chicago Bears who ran it well the last time they had it we'll have another chance it's nice to be working on Thanksgiving Day you know this the way we work we stand up for it I can't wait to get home and get the turkey right I can't wait to see this contest continue our new boss I am Gordon Saunders there it's nice to have a boss that cares and is coming up to see what we really have it surely is he's on the phone I think with the studio in New York right now or midis checking the airport I don't know Bears have Harper and take and fifth sevens a quarterback and Bosch niggle goes in motion [Applause] all bangs that straight ahead again for about four or five again I think that Floyd Peters the defensive line coach of the Lions he's also worked with young people Doug English a Pro Bowler we went off to the North Atlantic drill for oil and Woodcock went somewhere so he's had young people and if you do a lot of study with young people sometimes you can be cut off in the middle late in the game and really get burned and they got to be careful with Walter second and four Payton got six they looked like two [Applause] their offensive line really going about their job very effectively now here's Payton again he had to slip down that might have been all over it's another Chicago for Stannis Jimmy Allen had to make the tackle Robin Earle was out in position to make a block Payton just slips number 34 goes to the sideline this time he was throwing out a lot of people in his wake as you'd say he left the trail if either gone right outside there that would have been some kind of a race to the flag [Applause] lock running and the Bears moving 97 yards on 14 carries another one of those 100-yard days for Walter Payton the orany is over a thousand for this year he did that on his first carry of the day he'll try again to the outside first down Chicago good block by robbing her all this time 100 plus for Payton he's got a great runner to the left that's what they say he tips it and sets it up and fight guys she gets the outside good block by Noah taxing on the outside and by robbing her all you guys deliver when you try to make contact he delivers as much it takes almost 12 yard pickup he's not a good runner to his left you said well some people think he likes to run to his right door but pretty good little tote right there Noah Jackson and really soaring to offensive guard [Music] bear center [Applause] about five [Applause] John mendenhall number 64 made the tackle on this one what sorry to the left and me we'll get together eel goes on through and takes fan Teddy on but I could play by John Mendenhall and I please stand white gets into the play [Applause] they get together and the center will slip on through now after he sets Mendenhall up well Jackson just goes ahead to six huh now has become the 40th time in his career Walter Payton as jarred that's the comparison between the two great runners today this is rolling Harper just about the 35 Dave Purifoy statistic of how many games he started in a row what was it 76 paetynn yes I'm really not sure but he said something about durability but remarkable for a running back yes not like he goes out and play safety or something he's having people chasing and banging on most of the players Dave Williams has entered the game with roll just arrest faster Scott left heavens to throw does Scott get me Alan back there with him some football played by Jimmy Alan he and hunter and Bubba have a song out called another one bites the dust at talking about wins in the column hidden for a playoff maybe this is some defensive play the ball is almost accepted and he runs it right out of bounds and the ball goes to Bob Parsons comes in to punt for the Bears [Applause] [Applause] they was the one that put the heat on that made partial thought here's a former quarterback from Penn State he gets the flea-flicker out of a punt formation and Willie throws a true shot it's a good pastor so folks LaDainian parson have passed today [Applause] 17 for 64 [Music] [Applause] these skates were about a brat sure was the bear tackler Sims behind good blocking dave hill got a heck of a block number 81 took Hampton and just ran him off the line histories and then cutting [Applause] right part of your screen [Applause] good block by hill a big big tide in excellent how about busing well they got outside in a hurry soon as they got that key block the point of attack they made a move lock still going with that much time left this less than five second and two Sims and fussy and it's Dexter's turn dive a first down as muckin Sturm shuts it off there's the pink call of the game now no matter who you're rooting for with 439 on the clock and ticking down here's your third down conversion you really need on offense and you don't need on defense Dexter pussy's had a good day as well as Billy Sims Simpsons 18 carry 71 yards Plessy 17 times 464 yards of course at the long touchdown run to the screen pass Falls on third down Sims gets the call he's close Brad Shearer again ready to tackle no fur guy it looks like he runs upright he gets pretty low and he's just going for short short yardage on first down watch how low number 20 gets you're right behind him from the eye you just puts it down and digs it Walter Scheib was the first bear to make contact there measuring it's short of a first down but Danny started out so how much they made dangerous short yardage defense you can see - tremors waterside penetrate it look like he was being gored by a bull now the decision has been made for a moment it appeared that they might try to go for it and then Bonnie Clark decided it's time for stood a knee Walter Scheib back deep now to receive this fine at 13 inside the 20-yard line he ever nailed one inside the 20 this would be a good time [Music] [Applause] I can't it's superb but Danny aiming to his left gets it out of bounds at about the five and a half yard line a 37 yard punt but that doesn't tell the story under extreme pressure you know kickers are alright aren't everybody says they want to be a kicker until Sunday well I'm glad to hear you say that 1710 Detroit over Chicago 3:37 left wave a Purifoy over on the sideline Big Mike McCoy is in there you know Mike was with the Giants the last time we saw her to play with greenberg four years so did Purefoy they better dig in it's going to be some three and a half minutes out in action and the Bears will operate from their own just outside the 5-yard line taco with all three timeouts just over three and a half hours left and Detroit leading 1710 I'm going to throw the option pack and uh for batch illegal and complain Jimmy hunter was right there paetynn through twice last week miss Atlanta and he didn't get to see the end of the game so you can pump it up running to the left or if that's a little hard for you've got great athlete like Walter hazing thing about him not only can he throw it you know he's a great runner he's also their backup punter and backup place kicker didn't do anything huh right it's also a very wealthy person I would imagine he's the highest-paid player in football right now wouldn't either he'd be close to it clock stopped at 3:30 17 heavens this time what time Scott gets him out of the hole with that pass completion from Vince Evans Bob a baker to knock the quarterback down you've got to give Evans a lot of credit the pocket and I mean the pocket in this case was the endzone he'll back right into it and set up he throws it in Bubba takes him down after the throw and Evans did not see the very fine catch 15 yard pickup game was also close [Applause] that's courage - like that imagine Satan has really cut down this time following the block by Harper he's a gay or fan teddy in the middle man teddy and gay both involved two and a half minutes left in Teddy's 57 comes out of Wyoming they say he's going to be like Joe Schmidt Mike Lucci at all of great linebackers that have played New City just a couple not carry by Payton there's half three timeouts left and they'll get the clock stopped for two minutes start thinking about the possibility of overtime drops on second down perfection adequate this time again it's complete the James Scott another bear first down and they Evans again got hit by Baker but hung in there Jimmy hunter was there but late is it a turn in it's a deep deep hook pattern you stand right in there tell you Evans has been down a lot and he's completing the passage but he's taking some beating right now that's the fourth catch for Scott the two-minute notification will be given to both coaches now the Bears with all three of their timeouts eleven trailing by seven [Applause] [Music] Saturday 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time here on CBS the world aerobatics championship on the sports spectacular that's beautiful photography huh I hear it's spectacular and a battle of the NFL cheerleaders in kayak racing from Atlantic City right in the ocean today like all days except you were there right I certainly was at the 41-yard line five defensive backs in for Detroit three wide receivers in for Chicago they fake a blitz Evans hanging in the pocket going complete Jimmy Allen make some play you know how easy it is to get a flag playing a secondary here comes the rice they're stunning up front gable twisted with Mendenhall picked up pretty well this ball is thrown well this is just great defensive play stripped Evans down 9 of 17 pluck stock 154 1710 Detroit in first place in the NFC Central the Bears a lot of tough losses 4 & 8 but not out of it yeah draw let's Walter Payton it's not a bad thought Dave Williams is back there with him there's the draw of Walter Payton and that's Walter Payton just shy of the first down by about a yard clock still running Peyton almost broke another one Jimmy hunter had to make a heck of a tackle watch the moves here watch this move and this move good tackle desperation third the yard they need Cochran as he gets out of bounds and gets the beer first down hunter took him out of bounds and three timeouts are still in that Chicago playbook I understand why the clock didn't stop him you should have asked for measurement I guess but it was by too much of a margin gotta pounds he where but they know what the clock should still be running now they stop the clock and I'm not sure why they ran off a lot of time they have to take the proper to a minute and five [Applause] because field goals don't mean much now the conference is over whatever it was about and how they say start it again peyt 123 yards and 18 carries now 50 seconds left on the clock a touchdown Scott again is open stop struggling to get out of bounds but a bear first down at the 32 yard line James Hunter the tackler burns won a timeout this is a a deep hook pattern the good speed drive you off gets past the linebacker no longer in play White's never there moves to the inside play works against Atlanta to that's worked well today strata struck five passes what stretches all of them bear first down they have two timeouts left 17:10 detroit leads Chicago the Bears were the first down and the detroit 33-yard line two timeouts left trailing by a touchdown and the young lions are stunning on every play right now they're twisting and grab [Applause] [Music] in the backfield with Peyton Evans decision made as to what he wants to do drops lion splits evans throws for Scott at the last second ray Oldham cut the hand up Scott was loose he's in for the nickel defense the undercover but what a great play Peyton picked up the Blitz helped on the blocky ball is thrown perfectly all of us playing with Baltimore with Pittsburgh and experience paid off what a great play [Applause] ball is on target except that 23 was there with that one hand up just at the perfect time 34 seconds remaining 1710 Matsui comes in before the Bears taking the remains Scott comes right this time Diggle with Ricky watts Evan fire mascot another first down Chicago inside the 15 and they'll have to call another timeout and they do with 27 seconds remaining right same pattern you've seen to the left this one to the right again good blocking they brought in Stewie from Penn State just a double up make sure Bubba Baker did he get in they double did the job before the ball was thrown hot and a great catch that's what Williams I think making the play on it got the Detroit team stunning and glitzy but they're picking it up and their hand on them right now this ball is thrown hard and hot Scott has caught six passes picked up 106 yards and every one of those passes just about have been tough catches bears now have one timeout left Bacon's greedy sorry out on the field on their knees sort of collecting thoughts matta-clark maybe he liked to be on his knee that's why I keep on slide Peters the big fella with the headset on this behind maxi bought in Monte Clark for their concern to turn around not only this game but in their whole lives last year they went to this year they're seven and five and trying to get number eight ball just inside the 15-yard line in their possession 27 seconds left to play that have affairs with one timeout left is that Evan some tough cookie boy he's East Samantha don't forget James Scott catches he has made where the effort is also for Walter Payton there's one more time out first down just inside the 15 Evans drops Hammond's will take off Kevin's inside the fire - about the 317 seconds clock still running with 16 seconds left to play and Chicago uses their last timeout and Evans might be shaken he's trying to get back but he's a little over 200 pounds and doesn't look it in a three-piece suit he looks like he's 165 what a run and what a scramble once he saw they had Walter Payton covered over the middle he puts it away Walter had so low coverage he looks for him alright it's done time to move traveling music [Applause] it'll be first and goal at the for the Bears as Evans limps over to the sidelines with 16 seconds remaining no timeouts remaining if we do go into overtime it's the Bears to score and make the extra point there'll be a three minute break they'll flip the coin and it's just like starting another game over again you like to have six round draft choices like Vince Evans playing for you out of SC [Applause] tonight on CBS The Waltons Knots Landing and Linda in Wonderland that of course is our Alice Linda right linda lavin okay I'm gonna get somewhere in time to see that that's a good idea even if I have to dig out of the snow else Sunday's games here on CBS st. Louis against the Giants in New York Meadowlands Washington Atlanta Minnesota against New Orleans very important game for the Vikings dick tentacles a good coach down there and you may haven't turned in for a big all those games looking good together on CBS first and goal from the four sixteen seconds left to play no time ash left for the bear they trail by seven Walter Payton and Roland Harper the two running backs heaven looking for some place to go firing [Applause] Devin's again took a shot this time from Mike McCoy James Hunter was the lion defender as Scott might have been open if Evans had had time other has six interceptions already a sidearm shot I think thrown away but hunter almost got a hand on it ramadhir brought that play in the big tide in wonder what George Halas is doing right now watching this game pop up a route that Julia's walking around they started this game from the six yard line and his play coming up will be the 13th in this drive 11 seconds left to play second and goal from the four thanks heaven pressure on it looks ball up in the air deflected looking for fast England it'll be third down with six seconds left I believe Gayle was the one that Spicer converted tying into defensive linemen here he comes right the middle of your screen saris working on it picked up now by Noah Jackson still got a hand on it hips Ori in the head that's what deflected the ball watch 69 right there and blundering you wouldn't run Walter Payton when you head to time can't stop the clock again [Applause] with six seconds left to go Evans will drop again I wouldn't be surprised to see him go heaven we'll go and we'll store 17:16 get a later flight if Bob Thomas is accurate with this extra point he didn't drop too far Denia cities that like you said he put it away and put it right down into the inside he's been up and down about 25 times like Howdy Doody he scored with no time left on a clock pin sevens course the last play continues but this is some last play of regular time he doesn't fool around too much looking for buddy does okay now fasten eagle holding Bob Thomas Picard extra point is good and we will go to overtime it is just like starting a new game as we swing into overtime at the Silverdome they'll take a three minute break they'll flip the coin fake you're limping off another injured lying on the play they loot the coin and we'll start another contest see the study by the Detroit team on the offensive line on the defensive line of scrimmage I don't think there was much doubt somebody had to carry it into the end zone [Applause] I guess that's a cramp or a pulled hamstring one of the to Chicago's to scoring drives in the fourth quarter one of them was 86 yards and the other one was 94 yards and it's 17 all Danielson and Scott stand white Parsons and Harper Schmidt the captains come out they'll flip the coin three minutes from now we'll start to play again we'll go watch reporters the coin toss called heads or tails please fails us ball you got the toss [Applause] the Bears will get it that's Wayne Smith who is the injured lion on that extra point that tied [Applause] there have been five over times in the NFL this year but this makes number six and this is the first one that there is ever been in this Stadium each team will have two timeouts and you're sort of playing for a field goal by the way Peyton is 123 on 18 and Sims is 72 yards on 19 welter had 13 yards at halftime then sevens was the touchdown that tied it with no time left on the clock Murray's kick fielded by Williams at the v Williams breaks out of the pack Dave Williams to the 30 touchdown Chicago they win it the kickoff after overtime the first here at a 9600 once but that is a darkness bunch of bears that you'll see this side of Yellowstone Park he comes out of that alive he'll be lucky mladic finish want a kickoff return right up the middle and cut it out of there [Applause] 95 yards by Dave Williams on the overtime kickoff you say he used to be a sprinter he still is look at this about 210 pounds a good past receiver he's been averaging over 22 yards a kickoff return but this one's got a rank yes all timer that ball will probably go on a man will be somewhere his average is a little bit better now the Bears get two touchdowns in the fourth quarter of regulation time they slow that touchdown with no time left on the clock they win the coin toss that might have been might have been just as big as the kickoff return oh what a play but you can't pick out a star is it Peyton is it Vince Evans is it Sims for his great screen earlier how about Scott how about the spoiler roll there's nothing like it right you come in you're not supposed to be able to play anybody but they've played everybody tough it is unreal the Bears they improve their record it's a great shot and they are not out of that playoff picture yeah and horse and easier this neither is Detroit stop to cross herb cross has the guy who's become an instant celebrity in Chicago herb it's yours got him I've got him right here the demand of the hour Dave Williams does feature out of Colorado and over time you go coast to coast in the kickoff Dave what's your reaction we do for a win we just had a good break on return guys just run just running all the way closed the feeling of the ballclub lyric entering the last couple of minutes of regular regular play we knew we had to win it we had to win it somehow but in the past we've been down and everything's been going against us and finally got the breaks we needed a break indeed they here hold the pay and overtime the opening kickoff goes coast to coast Dave Williams pulls it out for the Chicago Bears well thank you he did sound like he might have been a little bit out of breath but what a finish Thanksgiving Day game you know that's terrific here again is Dave Williams as you look at the people who are responsible for our broadcast other than us Chuck built in bops dinner our producer sandy Grossman and what great pictures as you said before we've had all day and the rest of our crew we're about the most dedicated people that you'll ever ever deal with so nice to bring people something on this holiday time a very thoughtful time that means something you know I really don't know but I can't remember that that has ever happened before when the opening kickoff and overtime is return for a touchdown I'm worn out I'll be I'll be ready for some turkey I think okay let's talk you have a good Thanksgiving you're to Patrick now
Channel: Classic NFL
Views: 22,733
Rating: 4.8125 out of 5
Id: 5ehHvdnbM0k
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Length: 178min 3sec (10683 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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